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Dear Suresh Ji,

I am Sameer Aggarwal and came across your mail helping and suggesting solutions

to people. I write to you hoping that I might get help from or through you. I

have been through very rough times in my life and till date the terrible times

seem endless. I have struggled throughout losing my father very early in life:

even after more than 18-20 hours of dedicated work everyday I land up losing my

hard earned and huge amounts of money to business associates : my entire family

is highly unwell, I am deprived of a child even after 4 years of marriage and

now am having massive health problems to the extent that Doctors say it might

lead to Paralysis. If you may please help / guide me it would be a great favour.


My details are : Sameer Aggarwal

DOB : 8th MArch 1965

Place of birth : Ambala Cantt (India)

Time of birth : 19:42

Employment : Self Employed ( Business of steel scrap).





--- On Fri, 16/10/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag wrote:



Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag

Re: Re: dear sir,what does 5th lord in 7th house mean?


Friday, 16 October, 2009, 4:26 PM







Dear Basant ji,


Thank you very much for the imputs. I normally point out the issues bluntly, in

an open forum  we are forced to maintain certain limits particularly regarding

women folk. That is why I just quoted pointers in Sanskrit.


Many a times it is one's atittude that hinderes their progress and success in

life than other factors. Most won't accept it but would like to hear about

afflictions created by planets, satru badha, curses and propitiation of

planets. All the while, the solution will be much simpler if they take a hard

look at themselves and how they relate themselves with the rest of the society.


As you said faminism in India is a totaly misunderstood concept. Individuality &

independence is absolutely neccessary as they are also equally human and more

but it should be within the framework of dharmic values. Today we see lot of

youngsters trying to imitate western life style and values while they don't want

to inculcate their real strong points, thus loosing on all fronts. They have

ceased to indian while they won't catch up westerners as well.    


Rahu in the seventh need not confer marriage from outside the caste always. It

may manifest in many other ways. Moon is her 7th lord and Venus , Rahu (both in

the 7th), all three have the same navamsa lord  Mercury who is also the

dispositor of Saturn, her lagna lord. So as per classics, the person she marries

has to be of same " Varna " which also means caste. The only issue is the 7th

lordship of Mars together with moon and having a different navamsa lord of sun.

in todays conditions it is becoming more and more strenuous to predict such

matters. I hope Jupiters influence on Saturn may prevail.


Guru + Dharma raja together provides a strong sense of justice. But if the

stuburness of Saturn is allowed to manifest more than the intelligence of

Jupiter, it will create more problems in practical life than good.   


Hope I have not bored you toomuch.


I wish she finds a good balance between her thoughts, atittudes And down to

earth practical life, all the while passionate in her convictions.


Wish you and your family a happy deepavali.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.


____________ _________ _________ __

Bill G <pythod (AT) gmail (DOT) com>


Fri, October 16, 2009 12:56:12 PM

Re: Re: dear sir,what does 5th lord in 7th house mean?



Dear Sureshji,


Nice to know you as well. Thank you for posting such a detailed

analysis of this chart.


I will also describe a few other characteristics of her to support

your analysis:


1. Physical characteristics: Yes, she may not be as good looking. But,

that could be due to various reasons such as overly focused in career,

not taking care of herself well etc. She's a computer engineer by



2. She is a strong feminist and takes it very seriously. Perhaps due

to this, even if a guy were to say a small thing, it may upset her,

and reject him right there.


3. She definitely is independent and lives by herself since last 2-3

years, not with her parents. In my opinion, some of today's young

generation of women have surpassed even the western perspective of

women's equality and that is harming the balance of the society. I am

very supportive of women's equality, but in India, meaning of equality

has taken a different shape here. I know that because I have lived in

the US for 8+ years and recently came back to India and was shocked to

see how equality has a different meaning here. We're trying to catch

up with western views, but unknowingly we're implementing it wrongly

and harming our own selves.


4. She is emotional as you described, but Mars + Moon also gives one a

blunt speech.


5. Even today she " sees " a lot of boys and Rahu in 7H also gives

marriage in an outside caste and perhaps the boy, may be younger to

her. Let's see what the time unfolds.


Now regarding your comment about religious sentiments: Presence of

Ketu in 1H and Guru's aspect on 1H also gives presence religious

sentiments. Even yuti of Guru+Sani also gives oneself marital

detachment or sort of 'Sannyas yoga'. I may be wrong about it. I think

eventually what's holding her from getting married is her beliefs,

perhaps too strong to a point that is detrimental to herself.


You have written quite a long analysis, and thanks again for sharing your views.


Best regards,



On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >





> Dear Basant ji,

> Namasthe,


> Nice to know you.


> I assume you have raised 2 questions here.

> 1) Whether she will have a reasonably happy married life?

> 2) Why didn't she get married till now - reasonably assuming from todays

customes & rules, she could have been married from 2000 onwards


> To answer the first question, as you already have mentioned some of the

conditions, pls consider the overall temperament of the native

> Nakshatra is Mriga : " chapalo vishaaladeho baalye shokaanvitaH "

> Tithy is Chaturdasi : (No pakshabala)

> " parastreekaMkshyag jnaH kopee lokaripu khalaH teevrakaama shaTo "


> You can get several indications as to the temperement from the above. further

> Venus in Karkata

> " dvibhaaryo arthee bheeruH prabala mada shokashcha "


> Venus in the 7th

> " bahuyuvativiShakta H streejito naShTadaarasutanusu bhagasaukhyaH kaamage

vyaMga aaDyaH "


> similarly you can get get clues from other positions.


> The native need not have all the above and it is rare too, but atleast some of

it will be present in one form or other.


> Moon in Vrishabha, a chatushpad sign in the nakshtra if Mriga with its lord

Mars also with moon. Jupiter in the Sign of Kanya. I don't think she is also

physicaly atractive. It could be one of the other reasons for rejections.


> 5th house - Pragjna sthana having moon a chara griha - chanchala chitha and

that too without paksha bala. She can't make up her mind. Mars in the kendra

indicates a very independant character with her own opinion as well. Independant

charecter is good but it should be substantiated with clear & firm thinking.


> Mars with Moon - too emotional


> Parivarthana of 5th & 7th house., Mars in the 7th (Santhana duritha?) all


> Mangalaya sthanadhipathy in the 6th aspected by Saturn (Satru).


> Now for the second question.


> As per Vimshottari

> She was going through Rahu Venus -> Sun-> Moon-> Mars from 28-Jan-1997 till

10-Jul-2003 and

> Jupiter -Jupiter till 28-Aug-2005

> Jupiter -Saturn till 10-Mar-2008

> Jupiter -Merc   till 16-Jun-2010


> Kalachakra dasa was that of Makara from 11-Sep-1999 till 27-Jun-2002 Makara

has ketu in it.

> Kumbha  till 27-Jun-2006 has navamsa of Sun

> Meena - Vrisha till 19-Jun-2010 has navamsa of Jupiter + Saturn + Ketu


> Yogini Dasa

> Ulka Saturn from 03-Feb-1999 till 03-2005

> Venus  till 03-Feb-2012


> Naisargika Dasa


> Venus - Sun from 01-Nov-1999 till 01-Mar-2003

> Venus - saturn till 30-Jun-2011

> Venus - Moon till 01-Sep-2011

> Venus - Mars till 03-Dec-2013


> In naisargika dasa, Venus is afflicted by Rahu and Sun is in the sign of

retrograde planet (mercury) and aspected by Saturn - lagna lord. I would say, it

was her choise not to get married during this period or she objected to the

aliances that came by.


> If you look at the movement of Kalachakra dasa, there were periods when she

could have got married but the fact that Jupiter' s trasit & saturns transit +

Moons lack of Paksha bala should have prevented it.


> Jupiter was transiting through 10th house onwards, practically all houses

haivng malefic influence.


> And saturn was transiting through 12th onwards.


> There is another element in this chart that is prominent. Whatever be the

external manifestation of venus & rahu, Moon + Mars in the mantra sthana with

Jupiter + Lagna lord in the 9th, there is strong influence of relegious

sentiments, perhaps little bit exagerated to the extent that is harmfull to the

normal married life. If it is already not there, it shall manifest at some point

of time. The seeds are there.


> It is quite a story.


> If she want she can get married within dec 2013, but may require some



> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy




> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Bill G <pythod (AT) gmail (DOT) com>


> Tue, October 13, 2009 11:59:39 AM

> Re: Re: dear sir,what does 5th lord in 7th house mean?



> Dear Sureshji,


> Thanks for your email. My name is Basant and I use 'Bill G' in my

> email as an alias to deal with customers out of India.


> Yes, I am very much aware of the saying 'karako nashto bhava' and I

> have also heard that story of Amrit many times. The chart has various

> elements for late marriage, and I found it difficult to arrive at a

> conclusion why the lady is still not married and what is responsible

> for her not being married till now as she belongs to a caste where

> girls are married no later than 25 years of age. This lady has

> Capricorn (Makara) rising/ascendant/ lagna. Therefore if you flip the

> chart 180 degrees, then her partner's rising sign becomes Karkata

> (Cancer). Well, it could be a subject of debate because Makara lagna

> people are also selfish and put themselves first before anything. So,

> it could be a reason why their married life could be unhappy. What I

> meant by 'unhappy marriage' is that her partner will have

> dissatisfaction with her, and when her partner is not happy with her,

> how can she be happy?! Unhappy marriage could have various meanings

> such as life full of conflicts, one dominating the other, constant

> quarrels with each other etc. However, when Rahu associates with

> Sukra, it expands the qualities of Sukra and when Rahu and Sukra are

> sitting in 7H, one can be sure that any possible match looking at her

> chart, will not associate with her as her life partner. What makes

> things even more complicated is Mars aspect on 8H of her 'saubhagya'.

> Therefore, it can be very safe to say that her married life will not

> be that great. If you wish to analyze her chart for further

> discussion, here are her birth details: 30/June/81 20:25

> Surat/Gujarat/ India.


> Thanks

> Basant



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Sameer ji,

Mail addressed 2 Shri Suresh ji and in the mean time I'm taking liberty as a

member of the JR group.Hope both of u do consider my appraoch and the initiative

appropriately on this day of Deepavali Amavasya.

Your chart analysis as per details along with  prashan indications is also given

for your guidance in the end.

Immediate response i get for your queries through prashna chart:

1.Lagna raising in makara with jupiter in nodal axis and in dahnishta nakshtra

of Mangal 

2.LLSaturn in9th in Vishnu sthana and in 2nd in mooltrikona of saturn

3.Visionaries mainly moon locked in lanetary war in bhagya and having blessings

of debilitated jupiter and sun in 10th in debilitation having aspect of

debilitated mangal.

4,Mangla as lord of11th and 4th in kendra with south node.

These are all factors that are playing with:demise of father in your childhiood

and your lack of putra yoga tilldate

Dasalord moon in with jupiter aspect gives hope for having a daughter.as venus

in navamsa is exalted in kama bhava and is aspected by jupiter from 7th.along

with aspect of Mars .

medical advice mainly  for your bolld pressure and starined back and possible

reproductive systems(hernia/.hydrocoel?)

II)(a) Chart Analysis:In your chart lagna lord is debilitated in 7th.in watery

sign.As per Kalpurusha 7th is also sexual organ and jupiter as dispositor

jupiter in fiery sign with moon in 8th.A problem house indicating how putrakarak

has denied issues to you so far.

b)Rahu as dispositor of 9th lord ,Venus is in 11th As beej Karak venus in 6th in

roga with saturn in close longitudes of satabhisha nakshtra of rahu>but lord of

5th in 6th with Sun considered as enemy  makes issue complicated

c).Surely mars in 12th aspecting beej karak requires medical advice as your

sperms lack proper motility and life for fertilisation

d) No planet in kendra in navamsa.9th lord in 9th with moon aspecting 5th and

saturn in mooltrikona also aspecting gives hope for children,mainly girl.

Also saturn in 6th aspecting mars in 12th in retrogade need remedies.Visit

Kurukshetra and have bath in brhma kund and offer pooja Naag Devata.

You might already be wearing gomedh to your middle finger and also yellow

sapphire..During dasa of jupiter/saturn/jupiter in May 2010 you can hope better

times for progeny but only after a detailed medical examination and remedies.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Fri, 10/16/09, sameer aggarwal <sam_agg888 wrote:



sameer aggarwal <sam_agg888

My Horoscope


Cc: sureshbabuag

Friday, October 16, 2009, 4:12 PM







Dear Suresh Ji,

I am Sameer Aggarwal and came across your mail helping and suggesting solutions

to people. I write to you hoping that I might get help from or through you. I

have been through very rough times in my life and till date the terrible times

seem endless. I have struggled throughout losing my father very early in life:

even after more than 18-20 hours of dedicated work everyday I land up losing my

hard earned and huge amounts of money to business associates : my entire family

is highly unwell, I am deprived of a child even after 4 years of marriage and

now am having massive health problems to the extent that Doctors say it might

lead to Paralysis. If you may please help / guide me it would be a great favour.


My details are : Sameer Aggarwal

DOB : 8th MArch 1965

Place of birth : Ambala Cantt (India)

Time of birth : 19:42

Employment : Self Employed ( Business of steel scrap).




--- On Fri, 16/10/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Re: dear sir,what does 5th lord in 7th house mean?


Friday, 16 October, 2009, 4:26 PM




Dear Basant ji,


Thank you very much for the imputs. I normally point out the issues bluntly, in

an open forum  we are forced to maintain certain limits particularly regarding

women folk. That is why I just quoted pointers in Sanskrit.


Many a times it is one's atittude that hinderes their progress and success in

life than other factors. Most won't accept it but would like to hear about

afflictions created by planets, satru badha, curses and propitiation of

planets. All the while, the solution will be much simpler if they take a hard

look at themselves and how they relate themselves with the rest of the society.


As you said faminism in India is a totaly misunderstood concept. Individuality &

independence is absolutely neccessary as they are also equally human and more

but it should be within the framework of dharmic values. Today we see lot of

youngsters trying to imitate western life style and values while they don't want

to inculcate their real strong points, thus loosing on all fronts. They have

ceased to indian while they won't catch up westerners as well.    


Rahu in the seventh need not confer marriage from outside the caste always. It

may manifest in many other ways. Moon is her 7th lord and Venus , Rahu (both in

the 7th), all three have the same navamsa lord  Mercury who is also the

dispositor of Saturn, her lagna lord. So as per classics, the person she marries

has to be of same " Varna " which also means caste. The only issue is the 7th

lordship of Mars together with moon and having a different navamsa lord of sun.

in todays conditions it is becoming more and more strenuous to predict such

matters. I hope Jupiters influence on Saturn may prevail.


Guru + Dharma raja together provides a strong sense of justice. But if the

stuburness of Saturn is allowed to manifest more than the intelligence of

Jupiter, it will create more problems in practical life than good.   


Hope I have not bored you toomuch.


I wish she finds a good balance between her thoughts, atittudes And down to

earth practical life, all the while passionate in her convictions.


Wish you and your family a happy deepavali.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.


____________ _________ _________ __

Bill G <pythod (AT) gmail (DOT) com>


Fri, October 16, 2009 12:56:12 PM

Re: Re: dear sir,what does 5th lord in 7th house mean?



Dear Sureshji,


Nice to know you as well. Thank you for posting such a detailed

analysis of this chart.


I will also describe a few other characteristics of her to support

your analysis:


1. Physical characteristics: Yes, she may not be as good looking. But,

that could be due to various reasons such as overly focused in career,

not taking care of herself well etc. She's a computer engineer by



2. She is a strong feminist and takes it very seriously. Perhaps due

to this, even if a guy were to say a small thing, it may upset her,

and reject him right there.


3. She definitely is independent and lives by herself since last 2-3

years, not with her parents. In my opinion, some of today's young

generation of women have surpassed even the western perspective of

women's equality and that is harming the balance of the society. I am

very supportive of women's equality, but in India, meaning of equality

has taken a different shape here. I know that because I have lived in

the US for 8+ years and recently came back to India and was shocked to

see how equality has a different meaning here. We're trying to catch

up with western views, but unknowingly we're implementing it wrongly

and harming our own selves.


4. She is emotional as you described, but Mars + Moon also gives one a

blunt speech.


5. Even today she " sees " a lot of boys and Rahu in 7H also gives

marriage in an outside caste and perhaps the boy, may be younger to

her. Let's see what the time unfolds.


Now regarding your comment about religious sentiments: Presence of

Ketu in 1H and Guru's aspect on 1H also gives presence religious

sentiments. Even yuti of Guru+Sani also gives oneself marital

detachment or sort of 'Sannyas yoga'. I may be wrong about it. I think

eventually what's holding her from getting married is her beliefs,

perhaps too strong to a point that is detrimental to herself.


You have written quite a long analysis, and thanks again for sharing your views.


Best regards,



On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >





> Dear Basant ji,

> Namasthe,


> Nice to know you.


> I assume you have raised 2 questions here.

> 1) Whether she will have a reasonably happy married life?

> 2) Why didn't she get married till now - reasonably assuming from todays

customes & rules, she could have been married from 2000 onwards


> To answer the first question, as you already have mentioned some of the

conditions, pls consider the overall temperament of the native

> Nakshatra is Mriga : " chapalo vishaaladeho baalye shokaanvitaH "

> Tithy is Chaturdasi : (No pakshabala)

> " parastreekaMkshyag jnaH kopee lokaripu khalaH teevrakaama shaTo "


> You can get several indications as to the temperement from the above. further

> Venus in Karkata

> " dvibhaaryo arthee bheeruH prabala mada shokashcha "


> Venus in the 7th

> " bahuyuvativiShakta H streejito naShTadaarasutanusu bhagasaukhyaH kaamage

vyaMga aaDyaH "


> similarly you can get get clues from other positions.


> The native need not have all the above and it is rare too, but atleast some of

it will be present in one form or other.


> Moon in Vrishabha, a chatushpad sign in the nakshtra if Mriga with its lord

Mars also with moon. Jupiter in the Sign of Kanya. I don't think she is also

physicaly atractive. It could be one of the other reasons for rejections.


> 5th house - Pragjna sthana having moon a chara griha - chanchala chitha and

that too without paksha bala. She can't make up her mind. Mars in the kendra

indicates a very independant character with her own opinion as well. Independant

charecter is good but it should be substantiated with clear & firm thinking.


> Mars with Moon - too emotional


> Parivarthana of 5th & 7th house., Mars in the 7th (Santhana duritha?) all


> Mangalaya sthanadhipathy in the 6th aspected by Saturn (Satru).


> Now for the second question.


> As per Vimshottari

> She was going through Rahu Venus -> Sun-> Moon-> Mars from 28-Jan-1997 till

10-Jul-2003 and

> Jupiter -Jupiter till 28-Aug-2005

> Jupiter -Saturn till 10-Mar-2008

> Jupiter -Merc   till 16-Jun-2010


> Kalachakra dasa was that of Makara from 11-Sep-1999 till 27-Jun-2002 Makara

has ketu in it.

> Kumbha  till 27-Jun-2006 has navamsa of Sun

> Meena - Vrisha till 19-Jun-2010 has navamsa of Jupiter + Saturn + Ketu


> Yogini Dasa

> Ulka Saturn from 03-Feb-1999 till 03-2005

> Venus  till 03-Feb-2012


> Naisargika Dasa


> Venus - Sun from 01-Nov-1999 till 01-Mar-2003

> Venus - saturn till 30-Jun-2011

> Venus - Moon till 01-Sep-2011

> Venus - Mars till 03-Dec-2013


> In naisargika dasa, Venus is afflicted by Rahu and Sun is in the sign of

retrograde planet (mercury) and aspected by Saturn - lagna lord. I would say, it

was her choise not to get married during this period or she objected to the

aliances that came by.


> If you look at the movement of Kalachakra dasa, there were periods when she

could have got married but the fact that Jupiter' s trasit & saturns transit +

Moons lack of Paksha bala should have prevented it.


> Jupiter was transiting through 10th house onwards, practically all houses

haivng malefic influence.


> And saturn was transiting through 12th onwards.


> There is another element in this chart that is prominent. Whatever be the

external manifestation of venus & rahu, Moon + Mars in the mantra sthana with

Jupiter + Lagna lord in the 9th, there is strong influence of relegious

sentiments, perhaps little bit exagerated to the extent that is harmfull to the

normal married life. If it is already not there, it shall manifest at some point

of time. The seeds are there.


> It is quite a story.


> If she want she can get married within dec 2013, but may require some



> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy




> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Bill G <pythod (AT) gmail (DOT) com>


> Tue, October 13, 2009 11:59:39 AM

> Re: Re: dear sir,what does 5th lord in 7th house mean?



> Dear Sureshji,


> Thanks for your email. My name is Basant and I use 'Bill G' in my

> email as an alias to deal with customers out of India.


> Yes, I am very much aware of the saying 'karako nashto bhava' and I

> have also heard that story of Amrit many times. The chart has various

> elements for late marriage, and I found it difficult to arrive at a

> conclusion why the lady is still not married and what is responsible

> for her not being married till now as she belongs to a caste where

> girls are married no later than 25 years of age. This lady has

> Capricorn (Makara) rising/ascendant/ lagna. Therefore if you flip the

> chart 180 degrees, then her partner's rising sign becomes Karkata

> (Cancer). Well, it could be a subject of debate because Makara lagna

> people are also selfish and put themselves first before anything. So,

> it could be a reason why their married life could be unhappy. What I

> meant by 'unhappy marriage' is that her partner will have

> dissatisfaction with her, and when her partner is not happy with her,

> how can she be happy?! Unhappy marriage could have various meanings

> such as life full of conflicts, one dominating the other, constant

> quarrels with each other etc. However, when Rahu associates with

> Sukra, it expands the qualities of Sukra and when Rahu and Sukra are

> sitting in 7H, one can be sure that any possible match looking at her

> chart, will not associate with her as her life partner. What makes

> things even more complicated is Mars aspect on 8H of her 'saubhagya'.

> Therefore, it can be very safe to say that her married life will not

> be that great. If you wish to analyze her chart for further

> discussion, here are her birth details: 30/June/81 20:25

> Surat/Gujarat/ India.


> Thanks

> Basant



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