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Apply Astrology on Stock Market 18/10

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Dear PKTT,


well there is more sound than light on KP and it its benefits with the original

concepts of KP itself being given more branches when KP claimed it was good eunf

TO REPLACE THE time tested models laid by our rishies.


and part of this is Guru/Jupt ias dhanakaraka, so too ravi in any classic u will

find these have a role


sukra and rahu do rule the material world all the attraction that we can

atrrribute and chase in our modern lives in the past yugas it was considered sin

to chase anything esp wealth, women, if these were done they had some exceptions

now it is almost becoing a norm


there was a set model to wait for the outcome patiently and not be avaricious.

guru that gives wisdom driven earning.is always slow to give than sukra or rahu


so asking for authority on Jupt as real money and Merc as paper money is a valid



and he has finally got the seqence saying Guru+budha to be considered not just

one of them as finally Guru rules dhana anytime




sukra, rah or 8th and 11th lord denote gains of a diff nature unless guru has a

role in ownership or aspect etc.


Best wishes



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Pk Tripathy <pktripathy89


Cc: pktripathy89

Sun, October 18, 2009 7:11:07 PM

Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market



Dear Gentlemen,


Interesting topic.Lot many things have been stored which could be seen if we

really move on unravelling ancient records. For first instance, take out any

companies DOR and feed it correctly with the cusp-bhava analysis as narrated in

KP and again feed it into transit-natal planetary influence carefully, then you

are getting astro-trend of ready sharevalue of that particular commodity. You

all agree, what we generally lack within us the adequate deep-going attitude in

perceiving ancient vision and blame the sacred rishis, what ever they have found

out only due to their meditation power, these so-called modern techies will take

another thousands of years to unravell.


To Mr. Suresh Babu: I doubt if any where is mentioned jupitar is for real money?

Plsease verify the records and kindly confirm me in which text it is mentioned.


Reg. Dharma-adharma topic, as narrated by Mr. Prashant and countered by Suresh

Babu,I would like to say that this is not today, this is perhaps since the

creation of universe, and that is perhaps, the play of almighty with his

greedy,conservative amd most loving human creature. If you go back to any yugas,

you will find there is huge gap of material instinct and spiritual instinct of

human being and to make down the apex material instinct individual , God himself

has to take step with giving birth to an apex spiritual instinct individual and

through Him, He make the balance of spiritual and material instinct and then

make the peace to be flown down to the earth. So, this is a cycle and this is

not our burden and this is the creator's burden.

What we do, is that, to carry out our assignment with most sacred desire.


With best wishes,

P K Tripathy.




____________ _________ _________ __

Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

@ . .com

Sun, October 18, 2009 3:33:58 PM

Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market



Dear Prashant ji & others,


If you look at the economic breakdown scenario, Economics has been taught from

school to postgraduation & P.Hd levels and its is those who graduated from high

levels that caused the present break down. All that they taught & practiced so

far resulted in failure. Can we undermine the responcibilities of these

institutions to have taught worthless information & churned out equally useless

MBA's & phd's?


did the present example change the curiculam of these institutions. Perhaps it

changed the value of such degrees without real maket exposure and many companies

are vewing them with sceptism.


We can go on & on talking about economics & economies and how the companies &

politicians cheat the public and lament about our helplessness in the matter.


But will it help in any way?


My point is very simple & direct.


Given that there are many dynamics that govern the stock market ranging from

international to local, calamities to poli-tricks,


We are living in todays world and we have to look at our options in the

prespectiveness. But the assumptioms that sages would not have known about about

adharmic practices or black / white / red money is nothing but unrealistic.

Otherwise how could they write so much about adharma unless they had known about

it? You have to know about it to have written something. All our scriptures

differentiate dharma & adharma at various levels.


So instead of the above it would be better if we can focus on


What can Astrology provide them by way of guidence?


And encourage those who are doing intensive work on the subject


It is a fact that one can make enough profits from share market and it is always

tempting and the kind of trading depends on the capacity to take risks depending

on temperament and well as financial capacity.


Those who have very weak 2nd house & 9th house should stay away from risky

trading practices. So also if Venus is afflicted by Saturn.


Trading is also an attribute of 7th house.


So 2nd- financial strength, backing from family etc, 7th Trading, 9th-Bhagya &

long term investments, 10th (main activity) , 11nth - profits or 12th losses.


I am adding the contents of a mail sent personaly to a question regarding Shares

& lotteries.


------------ -------

Share is a share in firm / company. It is not a lottery. When you purchase a

share however small it is, you are becoming a partner of the company.


However, it is also wealth in the form of a paper / aggreement / document and is

not real money or wealth. Every related to paper /documents/aggreeme nts etc are

related to mercury, while real money is related to Jupiter.


Hence, we can say that share trading is also trading of paper money, which means

mercury is the significator here.


There are two type of trading. One is pure trading and other is investment.


But the Main Karaka for trading is Venus. while investments again is the perview

of Jupiter.


So all these three Jupiter (Investments) , Venus (Trading) & mercury (Paper

money-shares) are indicators.


So pure trading in shares can be attributed to Venus & Mercury

Investements is share could be attributed to Jupiter & Mercury


But it is no way connected to lotteries.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


The above also may help in some way.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy




____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Sun, October 18, 2009 1:52:54 PM

Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market



Dear Krishna ji


I thinkl the black and whiote currences can be reflected in the dharmic or

adharmic earning streams ina individual, organisation, nations charts isnt it


and as said earlier also if a person gains there is also a person or few who do

lose fromthe same script by selling isnt it


it can be a gain in value to tbe buyer or fall in value to th seller that can

tilt the actual gainers here.


the value systems [yoga dharma] is governed by the pouplace in gen as now

governances is by the masses, than the soverign authorities. we get the leaders

we deserve


corrupt ppl elect corrupt leaders. so the currenices are equally corrupt and

trhey dictate the course of the business climate, market trends witht e

fundementals quiteoften having no role


if the govt is on a shaky wicket that period so is the mkkt no fundamentals of

the TOP 30 companies can resuce it. and as the old adage goes if America has

cold rest of the world has pnuemonia is still valied in USD pegged global

ecconomy its debts its deficit, interest rate trends dictate the global piicture



so we need to study US chart like the rasi chart and any other country's chart

as complimentorychart to get good direction in this


the closing of US mkt will give the trends to EAST ASIAN ECCONOMIES NEXT DAY and

they appear to run almost close to heels and throws its weight on Our markets as





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____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Sun, October 18, 2009 12:22:46 PM

Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


Dear Friends

Our subha muhurta chintamani that give details about Amritadi Ananda yogas and

tara bala that form part of " This is a basic knowledge that Astrology in its

most practical form can do. " can be taken advatage for stock market All these

are general guidelines and their relevance to stock markets specifically to

share market is neither required nor appropriate in any way.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)


--- On Sun, 10/18/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


Sunday, October 18, 2009, 2:35 AM


Dear Vinay jha,


//It is futile to waste one's time over argumentation over physical versus

non-physical planets. Test of the pudding lies in tasting it..//


perfectly said.


What could be tasted should also be palatable.


You have a taken a different road than others. Only furture & reality shall

reveal which one is more correct and easy.


An ordinary person sitting at his home trading will never be able to assess the

kind of data(s) you are talking about and with your " arguments " of " physical &

non-physcal planets " . This is the basic point you are missing in your logic.


So let us forget about your conviction on PNP planets, if you don't mind, for

the time being. Consider every one here as fools & ignorent. They have only a

calender and basic Rasi & Navamsa chart with them. Can your model provide any

pointers to them that they shall loose money on this particular day or they

shall gain even after a few days, if they invest on those days..? This is a

basic knowledge that Astrology in its most practical form can do.


It is only commonsense that if any model require non-available data to work

correctly, it will not make any sense or is practical. Hence, it is better to

gather the available data and try to find a working model from those data.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.


____________ _________ _________ __

VJha <vinayjhaa16@ >


Sun, October 18, 2009 7:23:53 AM

Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


To Shenoy Ji and others :


It is good to know that Shenoy Ji has some (or more) experience in Day

Trading. He knows that earning 5-10% profit per day in stock trading

cannot be a norm, but is only the theoretical limit. All stock experts

and interested astrologers seek to find out means to realize this limit.

Shenoy Ji rightly says : " I don't think it is correct to say that

economics does not have a firm base in astrology " . Two years ago, I

finished work on 55 years of India national income growth rate data

provoded by Finance Minister's Economic Surveys, and found it to be

PERFECTLY in tune with astrology. Later, I started working on stock

markets. But till now, I am not able to assert that stock markets work

100% according to astrological precepts, because I lack data about

horoscopes of companies and their owners. It is not a shortcoming of

astrology. But 90% of all significant ups and downs in daily movement of

stocks of all major companies taken as a whole works in harmony with

astrology : it is a conclusion of research and not merely a passing

observation. I disagree with Shenoy Ji's remark : " it is not very easy

and needs huge efforts to bring out a working model. .......the work so

far done has not even touched the base of this subject. "


I possess the working model. But unfortunately, instead of testing this

model practically, many astrologers are rejecting its n0n-physical

planets. Instead of wasting time over arguments, is it not good to test

a thing? But even one day's stock movement needs 25-33 horoscopes to be

discussed, and my past experience with rain research shows that all my

works in these fora will be unheeded. Rohiniranjan Ji was right in

saying that internet is not fit for serious research : he has more

experience of internet than me.


Let me explain my model here.


If one planet moves from one bhaava to another, a new horoscope is

produced. During 6 hours of BSE workday, there are 24-25 such

horoscopes. Between any two successive horoscopes, only one planet

differs in its position. Hence, any up or down movement of SENSEX has to

be judged from one planet at a time, and only 2nd Bhaava needs to be

judged because market capitalization of all SENSEX companies is not a

perfect but a good indicator of national wealth . Between any two

successive horoscopes, sometimes other planets also change their their

properties, such as friendiness towards and aspect on 2nd bhaava, house

ownerships, relations & c. But such complexities are rare. Thus, the

method is simple. Draw horoscopes for the meridians of Bombay and

compare the combined movement of stock prices of topmost companies with

astrological charts : one will find startling correspondences. Such

correspondences will be more visible if the changes in combined index

are large.


25 horoscopes will produce only 25 cusps and troughs in the curve during

10 am and 4 pm, but in reality there are many more variations, which are

mostly minor and are due to horoscopes to individual companies and their



If 2nd bhaava is not under effective control of its lord, then impact of

other planets becomes significant, and aspects of all planets on 2nd

bhaava according to their friendliness or unfriendliness must be

considered in detail.


A few days' or a few weeks' exercize in comparing stock indices with

astrological charts will make one expert in judging the QUANTITY of

impact a planet makes on a given bhaava. This experience will help in

other fields of astrology as well. Analysis of continuous graph of

SENSEX will be useful in gaining a quantitative astrological intuition

otherwise almost impossible.


Comparison of two entirely different horoscopes does not help in this

regard, because the differences are too many and it is often difficult

to guess which factor led to the overall result. But analysis of

continuous Time Series (eg, SENSEX index) provides an opportunity to

analyse impacts of individual changes in horoscopes. It is the easiest

way to learn practical astrology (not only stock-astrology but all

astrology). Please reread this last para seriously.


Here, I am discussing only Day Trading. Long term economic-astology has

been discussed by me in earlier threads few months ago, explained in

some Hindi articles on web.


All schools of astrology have their plus points, but it is not because

all of them are equally perfect. The reason is that all of them

originated directly or indirectly from same archaic source which was

religious, intuitive and holistic, unlike the empirical-logical mathod

of moderners.


It is futile to waste one's time over argumentation over physical versus

non-physical planets. Test of the pudding lies in tasting it.



============ ========= =====

, " Suresh Babu.A.G "

<sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Vinay Jha & others


> Thank you very much for further inputs from yourside.


> I started on a research on the subject as I was also a very active

participant in the daily stock trading and still holds DP accounts. So I

have a first hand experience & knowledge of practical issues of trading

for a common person.


> Unfortunately could not do much on the astrogical part due to heavy

distractions, either from my own business or people comming to see me

with their problems. Ultimately I was forced to set is aside the work

since as you know finding answers to those in distress & helping them is

more important than this activity.


> Unlike in other countries, where the market is driven by strong

fundamentals, Indian market conditions varies if a politician just

smiles on the tv screen.. Till a few years back trading activity was

based on personal contacts. But new internet technologies has made it

easier to trade online due to which a lot of persons many having little

knowledge of the business came into the arena. Most of the companies

(Major Brokers) focused on trading volume than the participants profits

and hence issues many unrealistic trading tips, which evetually ended in

heavy loss to the commonor.


> This practicaly made trading in India a gamble than a prudent

investment or business activity. The sad part is that the Major brokers

knew what happens even when their clients are loosing money. They have

far more advanced softwares than what they provide their customers.


> However, atleast some of those companies has realised the mistake and

trying to regain the confidence of the small traders by providing more

realistic tips and infos and focusing on the profits made by these

ordinary members.


> Regarding the success rate on each day:


> In this regard I would like those who are either trading or doing

research watch the movement of Moon through 2 set of signs - Upachaya &

Anupachaya signs either from native moon / 2nd house / 11nth house /

their lords / venus / mercury / Jupiter for starters. Signs thus

involved and aspected by transiting jupiter or the above lords just

might hold the key for days profits or loss in trading.


> The above concepts (which is pure traditional astrological concept)

may have to watched over a few days trading and logged carefully. The

results may be much helpfull in real trading than theoritical works.


> I also would request Shree Vinay Jha to refrain from starting all over

again on " Physical " & His concept of astronomy, which does not help

practically any body. It would make sense to produce what the common

person shall understand and can use.


> regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





____________ _________ _________ __

> VJha vinayjhaa16@ ...


> Sat, October 17, 2009 9:33:05 PM

> Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market



> To All,


> I was away for 3 months from all fora and had not read this thread


> now. Many astrologers have put in good ideas, and Shenoy Ji has done a

> good job to organize the discussion properly by classifying the

> sub-topics to some extent.


> Shenoy Ji writes :

> <<< In practical trading daily movement of sensex is of little help

> unless the movement changes sharply on the mid-day, which takes any


> by surprise and chances of loss is high.>>>


> This view is the majority view, ie, the view of those who have little


> no practical experience in real time Day Trading. Day Traders in all

> stock exchanges of the world employ myriads of stochastic and other

> techniques to make small profits at almost each up and down.


> day traders prosper even in a recessing market, because the main

> principle of Day Trading is based not on overall loss or gain of index

> in a day or more, but on making profits at each small plus or minus

> change by means of selling when high and buying when low. There are 25

> such chances per working day, and 15-20 of them may witness more than

> 0.25% difference in stock prices. Add them, and it makes 4-5% profit


> day, even if there is no major bullish or bearish activity. If there


> major changes, profits may be much more than 5%.


> Non-astrologers do not know why there are 25 ups plus downs per 6


> of working day. This strange phenomenon can be explained ONLY

> astrologically : there are about 25 distinct horoscopes during 6 hours

> due to nearly 25 transits of planets into various bhaavas.


> Thus, there are 25 distinct charts per working day for a given place,

> and each of them should be analyzed strictly according to standard


> of phalita jyotisha.

> This technique is time-consuming, but it is ACCURATE, provided both

> Ganita and Phalita are based on original precepts of sages.


> This technique will give graph of ALL companies registered at a

> particular stock exchange, but can be roughly used to predict


> of most effective companies, as grouped under Sensex or Nifty. One can

> use this technique to buy/sell shares of ALL 30 companies of Sensex

> simultaneously, because individual companies may differ from the

> combined graph and may cheat the investor due to different


> fate as ensuing from the horoscope of that company or of its chief

> owners.


> For mid-term and long-term investments, this technique is of no use :

> one must use national horoscopes of three types : annual chart of


> Samkraanti, Nakshatra charts which work for about 14 days, and

> Shashtyamsha charts which work for about 12 hours.


> Now, market capitalization of topmost 30 or 50 companies account for a

> good part of national wealth in India, hence 2nd bhaava in national

> horoscope can be used to predict behaviour of Sensex or Nifty.


> I have tested above ideas successfully. But if the investor's personal

> fate is not good, planetary propitiation must be performed before


> anything in this field.


> Shenoy ji puts forth a good question : " How do we find the days on


> he is likely to make profits or loss? "


> The answer depends upon the accuracy of analysis of stocks as well as


> one'e own charts. In personal charts, most influential factors are

> Vimshottsri plus Varshaphala+ Maasaphala. If the praana-dahsaa of a


> planet lasts for many days, exact timing of its chief effect can be

> determined from the ratio of its degrees (foorgetting the raashi) to


> degrees and getting the same ratio in the duration of that

> praana-dashaa. . Gochara helps further in exact timing of events.


> All astrologers in this thread already know the rudimentary concepts

> outlined above, but the problem arises from application of PHYSICAL

> astronomy which can never be cured on internet.


> -Vinay Jha

> ============ === ===

> , " Suresh Babu.A.G "

> <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vijay Rajput & Vinay Jha,

> >

> > I have to thank both of you posting the info regarding work on stock

> movements

> >

> > I aware that the research on the subject is time consuming and


> job.

> >

> > However, I think there are 2 basic issues that need to addressed.

> >

> > 1) daily movemnt of sensex along with sectoral indices.

> > 2) Individual compatability with trading prospects in general

> > 3) individuals daily rate of success or failure (profit /loss).

> >

> > In practical trading daily movement of sensex is of little help


> the movement changes sharply on the mid-day, which takes any one by

> surprise and chances of loss is high.

> >

> > How de we determine with certainity that an individual shall be

> successfull in trading business? this does not involve long term

> investments, but pure trading activity.

> >

> > Even if an individual is so compatable, he need make profit every


> How do we find the days on which he is likely to make profits or loss?

> >

> > If we can find a resonable answer with atleast 60 to 70% of success

> rate, it would be helpfull to many ordinary citizens who venture into

> stock market expecting to make quick bucks.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Vijay Rajput vijayrajput13@ ...

> >

> > Sat, October 17, 2009 3:50:11 PM

> > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> >

> >

> > Dear Prashantji,Krishnan ji and Sureshji,Namste,

> > Happy Diwali to you and you family members.

> >

> > As Jupiter is in direct motion Bank Nifty,Reality, and


> are moving as predicted in the earlier post.Today Sun is moved in to

> tula rasi and you will see some fall in the market and this may


> for one or two trading sessions.As sun gives it's results at entry of

> the sign.Further move in the Bank stocks/BankNifty is likely in the


> week of Nov 2009.Particapation in the market will also impove in this

> week.Inester' s sentiments is going to improve in next moon as ketu


> move out of Karka rasi..Ketu in karka harmed the market sentimentaly.

> > All the best

> > Take Care

> > Vijay

> >

> > --- On Sat, 10/3/09, Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 > wrote:

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 >

> > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> >

> > Saturday, October 3, 2009, 2:56 PM

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Friends,

> >

> > The Sensex touching 17000 can not be considered as a guide for the

> improvement of trading..

> >

> > Mars into a water sign ruled by Moon is bound to give jitters..being


> festival season,with fears of famine.due to short fall of rains are

> bound to have impact on sentiments.

> >

> > Globallly finances in stocks has not chnaged much.mainly mutual


> happened to be main attaractions has still not raised hopes for

> investor.Realty sector yet waiting for bank incentives.Even banks too

> starved for advances.Private sector except communications. chemiclas


> where Govt holds major stakes is giving hopes.Thanx to our strong

> economic base that is sparing the Govt tradings.

> >

> > At this point of time till jupiter moves direct a cautious approach

> need to be exercised.

> >

> > One exception:For those daily tarding is their stuff they can be

> relentless as profits and losses go hand in hand.Beware speculation


> guided by one's strength of 8th house aknown malefic house.

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> >

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> >

> > (For all counseling services)

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Sat, 10/3/09, Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar > wrote:

> >

> > Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar >

> >

> > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> >

> >

> >

> > Saturday, October 3, 2009, 10:18 AM

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Vijay

> >

> > it is a good post but will like u to apply this for a week coming


> monday or the week after on the said principles and make ur forecast


> ideal is to do it for the entire month week wise and this will cover


> sun entry into Libra also so 2 weeks in Librta can also be studied a

> practical series of 3-4 weeks is a welcome one

> >

> > as it is a known fact that Mkts can't be really predicted by even


> best of expeets else why will we have the crisis that engulfed the


> in this magnitude at least a indication knowing it will happen this


> was not said leave alone the %age

> >

> > u can see in some groups a few members r trying to predict the same

> with the Sankranti yr model or sankranti Purusha, the aditipatis for

> diff sectors and not much has happened to that on the 1st occassion


> one is mixed.

> >

> > orashant

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> >

> > Vijay Rajput <vijayrajput13@ >

> >

> >

> >

> > Sat, October 3, 2009 4:14:40 PM

> >

> > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> >

> > Dear Satya Ji,Namaste,

> >

> > Past 2-3 years I am tracking the stock market by using the basic

> principle of Vedic Astrology.My guru is helping me much in this

> regard.In the month of April On 9th April 2009 while answering a query


> have predicted the short term bull run in the stock market after the

> transit of Jupiter.

> >

> > Again in the month of June I have predicted the consolidation of

> market and good rise in market is likely after 15th Oct 2009.

> >

> > Now how to use astrology is important.The boss of speculation is

> Saturn so closely watch the movement of Sat.

> >

> > Jupiter is dhanad it's movement and good position always indicates


> liquidity in the market and you may be knowing at present only


> and speculation is driving the market.Monthly movement is to be seen


> the move ment of Sun and sun gives the results at its entry.For day to

> day movement the move ment of Moon is very Important.And to track the

> intra day movement,the movement of Moon in D-60 is very Important and


> can ve used for the movement of market.The navamsa position of planets

> gives the sector wise movement.

> >

> > In the coming period Jupiter and Mars will be sitting opposite to


> other during this period you will see the sharp move in

> Banking,Realityand Infrastructure sectors.Watch the Bank Nifty.

> >

> > You can draw the Nifty Future's chart and use the daily transit on

> this chart.

> >

> > Even you can cast the individual chart of stocks.

> >

> > All the best

> >

> > Take care

> >

> > Vijay

> >

> > --- On Mon, 9/28/09, Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 > wrote:

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 >

> >

> > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> >

> > @ . . com

> >

> > Monday, September 28, 2009, 10:09 AM

> >

> > Hello Sathya Ji,

> >

> > Financial Astrology and particulalrly Stock trading is an emerging

> concept.A couple of seminars have been held here there and some


> have also contributes articles in express Star teller.

> >

> > After economic rforms when privatisation on large scale with PPPs


> and Venture Capital coming into existence the trade and economics was

> undergoing sea change.

> >

> > And to upset the calculations, the war like situatins,monopoly of


> producing contries have taken away sheen in the trade market.

> >

> > with huge success in Indian trade of mutual funds in India


> basing financial Institutions performance and with blue chips of


> & Tubro,Tata, Relinace and Birla etc the speculation gianed lot of

> importance as the risk has increased.These major industries suddenly

> went behind screen with realty sector and DLF coming into picture.

> >

> > It is now certain,value of shares continue to hover around 5-6 major

> secctors like land,Reality, Pharma,steel, cement and other


> industries.

> >

> > Apart from,Jupiter, venus,and Mercury,mars to has it's role in share

> market.

> >

> > we hear about Bulls and bears.Bearish tency is always when


> get combust mainly during amvasya days.

> >

> > Nodes too have role in sudden spurts in share values.The moon waxing

> is an indication for once investment to give return.

> >

> > But short term and long term invest definetely has to be based on


> traditional view of slow moving palnets(Saturn, Jupiter and Vneus) and

> short term the main trade is based on moon,mars and mercury.

> >

> > when mercury conjunct,combust one has to be careful in putchasing

> stocks.Buying is investment and the trading has to be done on day to


> basis looking into moons brightness other wise.the timing too has to


> decided when sun is almost free from any malefic aspects.

> >

> > Sudden gains are always based on 8th house including horses

> races,lotteries and windfalls..8th t0 8th that is 3rd also

> trade,commerce and communication for disposals.

> >

> > 5th known to be house of intution has a major role intrading of

> stcocks. 11th bhava income house and 2nd for wealth when afflicted in

> natal chart one has to be very cautious in netering stcok markets.

> >

> > In traidng of stcoks losses are inherent,role of 12th house can


> be discounted .malefics in 12th always represent heavy losses.Benifics

> may help in minimising losses.Thes fundamentals of Astrology cannever


> ignored.

> >

> > Commodity specifics lke ketu for pharmas,venus for building.saturn


> steel,Sun for Gold,mercury for chemicals and mars for land etc


> their importance.

> >

> > Mind dual houses represented by pisces9watery sign) gemini(airy


> virgo (earthy sign) and finally sagittarus(fiery sign) throw light on

> the nature of commodities also.Precious metals and stomes are always

> looked from 1,7and9 and buildings.2, 6 & 10,chemicals/ pahrma3,7 and

> 11.Allwatery signs for cold sotages,beverages and thermal equipment


> >

> > Some studies and guidance cane be obatained from pranavasramam. .

> org.Some books written on the subject have yet to gain currency.Visit


> Bhavan's university Book Store in Delhi and sagar publications may


> as titles can be seen.writer who have brought out publications both in

> Hindia and English may not be established writers.

> >

> > Last but not the least natives have 2-3 retrograde planets require

> caution in vest ments.however scripts for immediate gains can be

> traded.Having good jupiter karak for wealth can take risks and like


> venus dasa and exalted venus in pisces can go in for any type of

> trading.dasa of rahu ,Sade sati,trading in limited way may be done if

> moon is not debilitated or weak.

> >

> > EXpress Star Teller has brought out some articles written by JUB

> Sastry and other whcich are of help.

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> >

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> >

> > (For all counseling services)

> >

> > --- On Sat, 9/26/09, sathya <rainbow_in> wrote:

> >

> > sathya <rainbow_in>

> >

> > can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> >

> >

> >

> > Cc: bursar_99

> >

> > Saturday, September 26, 2009, 2:55 AM

> >

> > hello.,

> >

> > Can the most learned seniors & experts show some way

> >

> > to apply astrology on Stock market.

> >

> > what are the reasons and how the planetary position will take the

> Stock Market up and what combination' s will make the Stock market


> down.

> >

> > what are the sectors which can rise and as of now till what time can

> be upside bull market can sustain,

> >

> > Pls advice me some good books on using Astrology in Stock market,

> >

> > thanks

> >

> > sathya

> >

> >

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Dear Prashant ji,


You must be well aware by now that I rarely write without solid foundations. I

have already posted the reply and proof of why Jupiter represents money as why

he dhana karaka as well.


There are hundreds of proof to indicate Jupiter is the dhana karaka. These are

fundamentals of astrology.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.







Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar


Sun, October 18, 2009 7:31:58 PM

Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market 18/10



Dear PKTT,


well there is more sound than light on KP and it its benefits with the original

concepts of KP itself being given more branches when KP claimed it was good eunf

TO REPLACE THE time tested models laid by our rishies.


and part of this is Guru/Jupt ias dhanakaraka, so too ravi in any classic u will

find these have a role


sukra and rahu do rule the material world all the attraction that we can

atrrribute and chase in our modern lives in the past yugas it was considered sin

to chase anything esp wealth, women, if these were done they had some exceptions

now it is almost becoing a norm


there was a set model to wait for the outcome patiently and not be avaricious.

guru that gives wisdom driven earning.is always slow to give than sukra or rahu


so asking for authority on Jupt as real money and Merc as paper money is a valid



and he has finally got the seqence saying Guru+budha to be considered not just

one of them as finally Guru rules dhana anytime




sukra, rah or 8th and 11th lord denote gains of a diff nature unless guru has a

role in ownership or aspect etc.


Best wishes



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____________ _________ _________ __

Pk Tripathy <pktripathy89@ >


Cc: pktripathy89@

Sun, October 18, 2009 7:11:07 PM

Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


Dear Gentlemen,


Interesting topic.Lot many things have been stored which could be seen if we

really move on unravelling ancient records. For first instance, take out any

companies DOR and feed it correctly with the cusp-bhava analysis as narrated in

KP and again feed it into transit-natal planetary influence carefully, then you

are getting astro-trend of ready sharevalue of that particular commodity. You

all agree, what we generally lack within us the adequate deep-going attitude in

perceiving ancient vision and blame the sacred rishis, what ever they have found

out only due to their meditation power, these so-called modern techies will take

another thousands of years to unravell.


To Mr. Suresh Babu: I doubt if any where is mentioned jupitar is for real money?

Plsease verify the records and kindly confirm me in which text it is mentioned.


Reg. Dharma-adharma topic, as narrated by Mr. Prashant and countered by Suresh

Babu,I would like to say that this is not today, this is perhaps since the

creation of universe, and that is perhaps, the play of almighty with his

greedy,conservative amd most loving human creature. If you go back to any yugas,

you will find there is huge gap of material instinct and spiritual instinct of

human being and to make down the apex material instinct individual , God himself

has to take step with giving birth to an apex spiritual instinct individual and

through Him, He make the balance of spiritual and material instinct and then

make the peace to be flown down to the earth. So, this is a cycle and this is

not our burden and this is the creator's burden.

What we do, is that, to carry out our assignment with most sacred desire.


With best wishes,

P K Tripathy.


____________ _________ _________ __

Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

@ . .com

Sun, October 18, 2009 3:33:58 PM

Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


Dear Prashant ji & others,


If you look at the economic breakdown scenario, Economics has been taught from

school to postgraduation & P.Hd levels and its is those who graduated from high

levels that caused the present break down. All that they taught & practiced so

far resulted in failure. Can we undermine the responcibilities of these

institutions to have taught worthless information & churned out equally useless

MBA's & phd's?


did the present example change the curiculam of these institutions. Perhaps it

changed the value of such degrees without real maket exposure and many companies

are vewing them with sceptism.


We can go on & on talking about economics & economies and how the companies &

politicians cheat the public and lament about our helplessness in the matter.


But will it help in any way?


My point is very simple & direct.


Given that there are many dynamics that govern the stock market ranging from

international to local, calamities to poli-tricks,


We are living in todays world and we have to look at our options in the

prespectiveness. But the assumptioms that sages would not have known about about

adharmic practices or black / white / red money is nothing but unrealistic.

Otherwise how could they write so much about adharma unless they had known about

it? You have to know about it to have written something. All our scriptures

differentiate dharma & adharma at various levels.


So instead of the above it would be better if we can focus on


What can Astrology provide them by way of guidence?


And encourage those who are doing intensive work on the subject


It is a fact that one can make enough profits from share market and it is always

tempting and the kind of trading depends on the capacity to take risks depending

on temperament and well as financial capacity.


Those who have very weak 2nd house & 9th house should stay away from risky

trading practices. So also if Venus is afflicted by Saturn.


Trading is also an attribute of 7th house.


So 2nd- financial strength, backing from family etc, 7th Trading, 9th-Bhagya &

long term investments, 10th (main activity) , 11nth - profits or 12th losses.


I am adding the contents of a mail sent personaly to a question regarding Shares

& lotteries.


------------ -------

Share is a share in firm / company. It is not a lottery. When you purchase a

share however small it is, you are becoming a partner of the company.


However, it is also wealth in the form of a paper / aggreement / document and is

not real money or wealth. Every related to paper /documents/aggreeme nts etc are

related to mercury, while real money is related to Jupiter.


Hence, we can say that share trading is also trading of paper money, which means

mercury is the significator here.


There are two type of trading. One is pure trading and other is investment.


But the Main Karaka for trading is Venus. while investments again is the perview

of Jupiter.


So all these three Jupiter (Investments) , Venus (Trading) & mercury (Paper

money-shares) are indicators.


So pure trading in shares can be attributed to Venus & Mercury

Investements is share could be attributed to Jupiter & Mercury


But it is no way connected to lotteries.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


The above also may help in some way.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Sun, October 18, 2009 1:52:54 PM

Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


Dear Krishna ji


I thinkl the black and whiote currences can be reflected in the dharmic or

adharmic earning streams ina individual, organisation, nations charts isnt it


and as said earlier also if a person gains there is also a person or few who do

lose fromthe same script by selling isnt it


it can be a gain in value to tbe buyer or fall in value to th seller that can

tilt the actual gainers here.


the value systems [yoga dharma] is governed by the pouplace in gen as now

governances is by the masses, than the soverign authorities. we get the leaders

we deserve


corrupt ppl elect corrupt leaders. so the currenices are equally corrupt and

trhey dictate the course of the business climate, market trends witht e

fundementals quiteoften having no role


if the govt is on a shaky wicket that period so is the mkkt no fundamentals of

the TOP 30 companies can resuce it. and as the old adage goes if America has

cold rest of the world has pnuemonia is still valied in USD pegged global

ecconomy its debts its deficit, interest rate trends dictate the global piicture



so we need to study US chart like the rasi chart and any other country's chart

as complimentorychart to get good direction in this


the closing of US mkt will give the trends to EAST ASIAN ECCONOMIES NEXT DAY and

they appear to run almost close to heels and throws its weight on Our markets as





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____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Sun, October 18, 2009 12:22:46 PM

Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


Dear Friends

Our subha muhurta chintamani that give details about Amritadi Ananda yogas and

tara bala that form part of " This is a basic knowledge that Astrology in its

most practical form can do. " can be taken advatage for stock market All these

are general guidelines and their relevance to stock markets specifically to

share market is neither required nor appropriate in any way.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)


--- On Sun, 10/18/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


Sunday, October 18, 2009, 2:35 AM


Dear Vinay jha,


//It is futile to waste one's time over argumentation over physical versus

non-physical planets. Test of the pudding lies in tasting it..//


perfectly said.


What could be tasted should also be palatable.


You have a taken a different road than others. Only furture & reality shall

reveal which one is more correct and easy.


An ordinary person sitting at his home trading will never be able to assess the

kind of data(s) you are talking about and with your " arguments " of " physical &

non-physcal planets " . This is the basic point you are missing in your logic.


So let us forget about your conviction on PNP planets, if you don't mind, for

the time being. Consider every one here as fools & ignorent. They have only a

calender and basic Rasi & Navamsa chart with them. Can your model provide any

pointers to them that they shall loose money on this particular day or they

shall gain even after a few days, if they invest on those days..? This is a

basic knowledge that Astrology in its most practical form can do.


It is only commonsense that if any model require non-available data to work

correctly, it will not make any sense or is practical. Hence, it is better to

gather the available data and try to find a working model from those data.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.


____________ _________ _________ __

VJha <vinayjhaa16@ >


Sun, October 18, 2009 7:23:53 AM

Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


To Shenoy Ji and others :


It is good to know that Shenoy Ji has some (or more) experience in Day

Trading. He knows that earning 5-10% profit per day in stock trading

cannot be a norm, but is only the theoretical limit. All stock experts

and interested astrologers seek to find out means to realize this limit.

Shenoy Ji rightly says : " I don't think it is correct to say that

economics does not have a firm base in astrology " . Two years ago, I

finished work on 55 years of India national income growth rate data

provoded by Finance Minister's Economic Surveys, and found it to be

PERFECTLY in tune with astrology. Later, I started working on stock

markets. But till now, I am not able to assert that stock markets work

100% according to astrological precepts, because I lack data about

horoscopes of companies and their owners. It is not a shortcoming of

astrology. But 90% of all significant ups and downs in daily movement of

stocks of all major companies taken as a whole works in harmony with

astrology : it is a conclusion of research and not merely a passing

observation. I disagree with Shenoy Ji's remark : " it is not very easy

and needs huge efforts to bring out a working model. .......the work so

far done has not even touched the base of this subject. "


I possess the working model. But unfortunately, instead of testing this

model practically, many astrologers are rejecting its n0n-physical

planets. Instead of wasting time over arguments, is it not good to test

a thing? But even one day's stock movement needs 25-33 horoscopes to be

discussed, and my past experience with rain research shows that all my

works in these fora will be unheeded. Rohiniranjan Ji was right in

saying that internet is not fit for serious research : he has more

experience of internet than me.


Let me explain my model here.


If one planet moves from one bhaava to another, a new horoscope is

produced. During 6 hours of BSE workday, there are 24-25 such

horoscopes. Between any two successive horoscopes, only one planet

differs in its position. Hence, any up or down movement of SENSEX has to

be judged from one planet at a time, and only 2nd Bhaava needs to be

judged because market capitalization of all SENSEX companies is not a

perfect but a good indicator of national wealth . Between any two

successive horoscopes, sometimes other planets also change their their

properties, such as friendiness towards and aspect on 2nd bhaava, house

ownerships, relations & c. But such complexities are rare. Thus, the

method is simple. Draw horoscopes for the meridians of Bombay and

compare the combined movement of stock prices of topmost companies with

astrological charts : one will find startling correspondences. Such

correspondences will be more visible if the changes in combined index

are large.


25 horoscopes will produce only 25 cusps and troughs in the curve during

10 am and 4 pm, but in reality there are many more variations, which are

mostly minor and are due to horoscopes to individual companies and their



If 2nd bhaava is not under effective control of its lord, then impact of

other planets becomes significant, and aspects of all planets on 2nd

bhaava according to their friendliness or unfriendliness must be

considered in detail.


A few days' or a few weeks' exercize in comparing stock indices with

astrological charts will make one expert in judging the QUANTITY of

impact a planet makes on a given bhaava. This experience will help in

other fields of astrology as well. Analysis of continuous graph of

SENSEX will be useful in gaining a quantitative astrological intuition

otherwise almost impossible.


Comparison of two entirely different horoscopes does not help in this

regard, because the differences are too many and it is often difficult

to guess which factor led to the overall result. But analysis of

continuous Time Series (eg, SENSEX index) provides an opportunity to

analyse impacts of individual changes in horoscopes. It is the easiest

way to learn practical astrology (not only stock-astrology but all

astrology). Please reread this last para seriously.


Here, I am discussing only Day Trading. Long term economic-astology has

been discussed by me in earlier threads few months ago, explained in

some Hindi articles on web.


All schools of astrology have their plus points, but it is not because

all of them are equally perfect. The reason is that all of them

originated directly or indirectly from same archaic source which was

religious, intuitive and holistic, unlike the empirical-logical mathod

of moderners.


It is futile to waste one's time over argumentation over physical versus

non-physical planets. Test of the pudding lies in tasting it.



============ ========= =====

, " Suresh Babu.A.G "

<sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Vinay Jha & others


> Thank you very much for further inputs from yourside.


> I started on a research on the subject as I was also a very active

participant in the daily stock trading and still holds DP accounts. So I

have a first hand experience & knowledge of practical issues of trading

for a common person.


> Unfortunately could not do much on the astrogical part due to heavy

distractions, either from my own business or people comming to see me

with their problems. Ultimately I was forced to set is aside the work

since as you know finding answers to those in distress & helping them is

more important than this activity.


> Unlike in other countries, where the market is driven by strong

fundamentals, Indian market conditions varies if a politician just

smiles on the tv screen.. Till a few years back trading activity was

based on personal contacts. But new internet technologies has made it

easier to trade online due to which a lot of persons many having little

knowledge of the business came into the arena. Most of the companies

(Major Brokers) focused on trading volume than the participants profits

and hence issues many unrealistic trading tips, which evetually ended in

heavy loss to the commonor.


> This practicaly made trading in India a gamble than a prudent

investment or business activity. The sad part is that the Major brokers

knew what happens even when their clients are loosing money. They have

far more advanced softwares than what they provide their customers.


> However, atleast some of those companies has realised the mistake and

trying to regain the confidence of the small traders by providing more

realistic tips and infos and focusing on the profits made by these

ordinary members.


> Regarding the success rate on each day:


> In this regard I would like those who are either trading or doing

research watch the movement of Moon through 2 set of signs - Upachaya &

Anupachaya signs either from native moon / 2nd house / 11nth house /

their lords / venus / mercury / Jupiter for starters. Signs thus

involved and aspected by transiting jupiter or the above lords just

might hold the key for days profits or loss in trading.


> The above concepts (which is pure traditional astrological concept)

may have to watched over a few days trading and logged carefully. The

results may be much helpfull in real trading than theoritical works.


> I also would request Shree Vinay Jha to refrain from starting all over

again on " Physical " & His concept of astronomy, which does not help

practically any body. It would make sense to produce what the common

person shall understand and can use.


> regards

> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





____________ _________ _________ __

> VJha vinayjhaa16@ ...


> Sat, October 17, 2009 9:33:05 PM

> Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market



> To All,


> I was away for 3 months from all fora and had not read this thread


> now. Many astrologers have put in good ideas, and Shenoy Ji has done a

> good job to organize the discussion properly by classifying the

> sub-topics to some extent.


> Shenoy Ji writes :

> <<< In practical trading daily movement of sensex is of little help

> unless the movement changes sharply on the mid-day, which takes any


> by surprise and chances of loss is high.>>>


> This view is the majority view, ie, the view of those who have little


> no practical experience in real time Day Trading. Day Traders in all

> stock exchanges of the world employ myriads of stochastic and other

> techniques to make small profits at almost each up and down.


> day traders prosper even in a recessing market, because the main

> principle of Day Trading is based not on overall loss or gain of index

> in a day or more, but on making profits at each small plus or minus

> change by means of selling when high and buying when low. There are 25

> such chances per working day, and 15-20 of them may witness more than

> 0.25% difference in stock prices. Add them, and it makes 4-5% profit


> day, even if there is no major bullish or bearish activity. If there


> major changes, profits may be much more than 5%.


> Non-astrologers do not know why there are 25 ups plus downs per 6


> of working day. This strange phenomenon can be explained ONLY

> astrologically : there are about 25 distinct horoscopes during 6 hours

> due to nearly 25 transits of planets into various bhaavas.


> Thus, there are 25 distinct charts per working day for a given place,

> and each of them should be analyzed strictly according to standard


> of phalita jyotisha.

> This technique is time-consuming, but it is ACCURATE, provided both

> Ganita and Phalita are based on original precepts of sages.


> This technique will give graph of ALL companies registered at a

> particular stock exchange, but can be roughly used to predict


> of most effective companies, as grouped under Sensex or Nifty. One can

> use this technique to buy/sell shares of ALL 30 companies of Sensex

> simultaneously, because individual companies may differ from the

> combined graph and may cheat the investor due to different


> fate as ensuing from the horoscope of that company or of its chief

> owners.


> For mid-term and long-term investments, this technique is of no use :

> one must use national horoscopes of three types : annual chart of


> Samkraanti, Nakshatra charts which work for about 14 days, and

> Shashtyamsha charts which work for about 12 hours.


> Now, market capitalization of topmost 30 or 50 companies account for a

> good part of national wealth in India, hence 2nd bhaava in national

> horoscope can be used to predict behaviour of Sensex or Nifty.


> I have tested above ideas successfully. But if the investor's personal

> fate is not good, planetary propitiation must be performed before


> anything in this field.


> Shenoy ji puts forth a good question : " How do we find the days on


> he is likely to make profits or loss? "


> The answer depends upon the accuracy of analysis of stocks as well as


> one'e own charts. In personal charts, most influential factors are

> Vimshottsri plus Varshaphala+ Maasaphala. If the praana-dahsaa of a


> planet lasts for many days, exact timing of its chief effect can be

> determined from the ratio of its degrees (foorgetting the raashi) to


> degrees and getting the same ratio in the duration of that

> praana-dashaa. . Gochara helps further in exact timing of events.


> All astrologers in this thread already know the rudimentary concepts

> outlined above, but the problem arises from application of PHYSICAL

> astronomy which can never be cured on internet.


> -Vinay Jha

> ============ === ===

> , " Suresh Babu.A.G "

> <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vijay Rajput & Vinay Jha,

> >

> > I have to thank both of you posting the info regarding work on stock

> movements

> >

> > I aware that the research on the subject is time consuming and


> job.

> >

> > However, I think there are 2 basic issues that need to addressed.

> >

> > 1) daily movemnt of sensex along with sectoral indices.

> > 2) Individual compatability with trading prospects in general

> > 3) individuals daily rate of success or failure (profit /loss).

> >

> > In practical trading daily movement of sensex is of little help


> the movement changes sharply on the mid-day, which takes any one by

> surprise and chances of loss is high.

> >

> > How de we determine with certainity that an individual shall be

> successfull in trading business? this does not involve long term

> investments, but pure trading activity.

> >

> > Even if an individual is so compatable, he need make profit every


> How do we find the days on which he is likely to make profits or loss?

> >

> > If we can find a resonable answer with atleast 60 to 70% of success

> rate, it would be helpfull to many ordinary citizens who venture into

> stock market expecting to make quick bucks.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Vijay Rajput vijayrajput13@ ...

> >

> > Sat, October 17, 2009 3:50:11 PM

> > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> >

> >

> > Dear Prashantji,Krishnan ji and Sureshji,Namste,

> > Happy Diwali to you and you family members.

> >

> > As Jupiter is in direct motion Bank Nifty,Reality, and


> are moving as predicted in the earlier post.Today Sun is moved in to

> tula rasi and you will see some fall in the market and this may


> for one or two trading sessions.As sun gives it's results at entry of

> the sign.Further move in the Bank stocks/BankNifty is likely in the


> week of Nov 2009.Particapation in the market will also impove in this

> week.Inester' s sentiments is going to improve in next moon as ketu


> move out of Karka rasi..Ketu in karka harmed the market sentimentaly.

> > All the best

> > Take Care

> > Vijay

> >

> > --- On Sat, 10/3/09, Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 > wrote:

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 >

> > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> >

> > Saturday, October 3, 2009, 2:56 PM

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Friends,

> >

> > The Sensex touching 17000 can not be considered as a guide for the

> improvement of trading..

> >

> > Mars into a water sign ruled by Moon is bound to give jitters..being


> festival season,with fears of famine.due to short fall of rains are

> bound to have impact on sentiments.

> >

> > Globallly finances in stocks has not chnaged much.mainly mutual


> happened to be main attaractions has still not raised hopes for

> investor.Realty sector yet waiting for bank incentives.Even banks too

> starved for advances.Private sector except communications. chemiclas


> where Govt holds major stakes is giving hopes.Thanx to our strong

> economic base that is sparing the Govt tradings.

> >

> > At this point of time till jupiter moves direct a cautious approach

> need to be exercised.

> >

> > One exception:For those daily tarding is their stuff they can be

> relentless as profits and losses go hand in hand.Beware speculation


> guided by one's strength of 8th house aknown malefic house.

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> >

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> >

> > (For all counseling services)

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Sat, 10/3/09, Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar > wrote:

> >

> > Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar >

> >

> > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> >

> >

> >

> > Saturday, October 3, 2009, 10:18 AM

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Vijay

> >

> > it is a good post but will like u to apply this for a week coming


> monday or the week after on the said principles and make ur forecast


> ideal is to do it for the entire month week wise and this will cover


> sun entry into Libra also so 2 weeks in Librta can also be studied a

> practical series of 3-4 weeks is a welcome one

> >

> > as it is a known fact that Mkts can't be really predicted by even


> best of expeets else why will we have the crisis that engulfed the


> in this magnitude at least a indication knowing it will happen this


> was not said leave alone the %age

> >

> > u can see in some groups a few members r trying to predict the same

> with the Sankranti yr model or sankranti Purusha, the aditipatis for

> diff sectors and not much has happened to that on the 1st occassion


> one is mixed.

> >

> > orashant

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> >

> > Vijay Rajput <vijayrajput13@ >

> >

> >

> >

> > Sat, October 3, 2009 4:14:40 PM

> >

> > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> >

> > Dear Satya Ji,Namaste,

> >

> > Past 2-3 years I am tracking the stock market by using the basic

> principle of Vedic Astrology.My guru is helping me much in this

> regard.In the month of April On 9th April 2009 while answering a query


> have predicted the short term bull run in the stock market after the

> transit of Jupiter.

> >

> > Again in the month of June I have predicted the consolidation of

> market and good rise in market is likely after 15th Oct 2009.

> >

> > Now how to use astrology is important.The boss of speculation is

> Saturn so closely watch the movement of Sat.

> >

> > Jupiter is dhanad it's movement and good position always indicates


> liquidity in the market and you may be knowing at present only


> and speculation is driving the market.Monthly movement is to be seen


> the move ment of Sun and sun gives the results at its entry.For day to

> day movement the move ment of Moon is very Important.And to track the

> intra day movement,the movement of Moon in D-60 is very Important and


> can ve used for the movement of market.The navamsa position of planets

> gives the sector wise movement.

> >

> > In the coming period Jupiter and Mars will be sitting opposite to


> other during this period you will see the sharp move in

> Banking,Realityand Infrastructure sectors.Watch the Bank Nifty.

> >

> > You can draw the Nifty Future's chart and use the daily transit on

> this chart.

> >

> > Even you can cast the individual chart of stocks.

> >

> > All the best

> >

> > Take care

> >

> > Vijay

> >

> > --- On Mon, 9/28/09, Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 > wrote:

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 >

> >

> > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> >

> > @ . . com

> >

> > Monday, September 28, 2009, 10:09 AM

> >

> > Hello Sathya Ji,

> >

> > Financial Astrology and particulalrly Stock trading is an emerging

> concept.A couple of seminars have been held here there and some


> have also contributes articles in express Star teller.

> >

> > After economic rforms when privatisation on large scale with PPPs


> and Venture Capital coming into existence the trade and economics was

> undergoing sea change.

> >

> > And to upset the calculations, the war like situatins,monopoly of


> producing contries have taken away sheen in the trade market.

> >

> > with huge success in Indian trade of mutual funds in India


> basing financial Institutions performance and with blue chips of


> & Tubro,Tata, Relinace and Birla etc the speculation gianed lot of

> importance as the risk has increased.These major industries suddenly

> went behind screen with realty sector and DLF coming into picture.

> >

> > It is now certain,value of shares continue to hover around 5-6 major

> secctors like land,Reality, Pharma,steel, cement and other


> industries.

> >

> > Apart from,Jupiter, venus,and Mercury,mars to has it's role in share

> market.

> >

> > we hear about Bulls and bears.Bearish tency is always when


> get combust mainly during amvasya days.

> >

> > Nodes too have role in sudden spurts in share values.The moon waxing

> is an indication for once investment to give return.

> >

> > But short term and long term invest definetely has to be based on


> traditional view of slow moving palnets(Saturn, Jupiter and Vneus) and

> short term the main trade is based on moon,mars and mercury.

> >

> > when mercury conjunct,combust one has to be careful in putchasing

> stocks.Buying is investment and the trading has to be done on day to


> basis looking into moons brightness other wise.the timing too has to


> decided when sun is almost free from any malefic aspects.

> >

> > Sudden gains are always based on 8th house including horses

> races,lotteries and windfalls..8th t0 8th that is 3rd also

> trade,commerce and communication for disposals.

> >

> > 5th known to be house of intution has a major role intrading of

> stcocks. 11th bhava income house and 2nd for wealth when afflicted in

> natal chart one has to be very cautious in netering stcok markets.

> >

> > In traidng of stcoks losses are inherent,role of 12th house can


> be discounted .malefics in 12th always represent heavy losses.Benifics

> may help in minimising losses.Thes fundamentals of Astrology cannever


> ignored.

> >

> > Commodity specifics lke ketu for pharmas,venus for building.saturn


> steel,Sun for Gold,mercury for chemicals and mars for land etc


> their importance.

> >

> > Mind dual houses represented by pisces9watery sign) gemini(airy


> virgo (earthy sign) and finally sagittarus(fiery sign) throw light on

> the nature of commodities also.Precious metals and stomes are always

> looked from 1,7and9 and buildings.2, 6 & 10,chemicals/ pahrma3,7 and

> 11.Allwatery signs for cold sotages,beverages and thermal equipment


> >

> > Some studies and guidance cane be obatained from pranavasramam. .

> org.Some books written on the subject have yet to gain currency.Visit


> Bhavan's university Book Store in Delhi and sagar publications may


> as titles can be seen.writer who have brought out publications both in

> Hindia and English may not be established writers.

> >

> > Last but not the least natives have 2-3 retrograde planets require

> caution in vest ments.however scripts for immediate gains can be

> traded.Having good jupiter karak for wealth can take risks and like


> venus dasa and exalted venus in pisces can go in for any type of

> trading.dasa of rahu ,Sade sati,trading in limited way may be done if

> moon is not debilitated or weak.

> >

> > EXpress Star Teller has brought out some articles written by JUB

> Sastry and other whcich are of help.

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> >

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> >

> > (For all counseling services)

> >

> > --- On Sat, 9/26/09, sathya <rainbow_in> wrote:

> >

> > sathya <rainbow_in>

> >

> > can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> >

> >

> >

> > Cc: bursar_99

> >

> > Saturday, September 26, 2009, 2:55 AM

> >

> > hello.,

> >

> > Can the most learned seniors & experts show some way

> >

> > to apply astrology on Stock market.

> >

> > what are the reasons and how the planetary position will take the

> Stock Market up and what combination' s will make the Stock market


> down.

> >

> > what are the sectors which can rise and as of now till what time can

> be upside bull market can sustain,

> >

> > Pls advice me some good books on using Astrology in Stock market,

> >

> > thanks

> >

> > sathya

> >

> >

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Accodring to BPHS (Kaarakaadhyaaya,34) Jupiter is Kaaraka of 2, 11, 5,

9 bhaavas.


While 2, 11, 9th bhaavas are directly related to wealth, income and

fortune respectively, 5th bhaava is indirectly related to income by

dint of being the cause of income, ie knowledge, intelligence & c.


Hence, Jupiter is the prime significator of Dhana.



==================== ====

, " Suresh Babu.A.G "

<sureshbabuag wrote:


> Dear Prashant ji,


> You must be well aware by now that I rarely write without solid

foundations. I have already posted the reply and proof of why Jupiter

represents money as why he dhana karaka as well.


> There are hundreds of proof to indicate Jupiter is the dhana karaka.

These are fundamentals of astrology.


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.






> ________________________________

> Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar


> Sun, October 18, 2009 7:31:58 PM

> Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market 18/10



> Dear PKTT,


> well there is more sound than light on KP and it its benefits with the

original concepts of KP itself being given more branches when KP claimed

it was good eunf TO REPLACE THE time tested models laid by our rishies.


> and part of this is Guru/Jupt ias dhanakaraka, so too ravi in any

classic u will find these have a role


> sukra and rahu do rule the material world all the attraction that we

can atrrribute and chase in our modern lives in the past yugas it was

considered sin to chase anything esp wealth, women, if these were done

they had some exceptions now it is almost becoing a norm


> there was a set model to wait for the outcome patiently and not be

avaricious. guru that gives wisdom driven earning.is always slow to give

than sukra or rahu


> so asking for authority on Jupt as real money and Merc as paper money

is a valid line


> and he has finally got the seqence saying Guru+budha to be considered

not just one of them as finally Guru rules dhana anytime





> sukra, rah or 8th and 11th lord denote gains of a diff nature unless

guru has a role in ownership or aspect etc.


> Best wishes



> http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Pk Tripathy <pktripathy89@ >


> Cc: pktripathy89@

> Sun, October 18, 2009 7:11:07 PM

> Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


> Dear Gentlemen,


> Interesting topic.Lot many things have been stored which could be seen

if we really move on unravelling ancient records. For first instance,

take out any companies DOR and feed it correctly with the cusp-bhava

analysis as narrated in KP and again feed it into transit-natal

planetary influence carefully, then you are getting astro-trend of ready

sharevalue of that particular commodity. You all agree, what we

generally lack within us the adequate deep-going attitude in perceiving

ancient vision and blame the sacred rishis, what ever they have found

out only due to their meditation power, these so-called modern techies

will take another thousands of years to unravell.


> To Mr. Suresh Babu: I doubt if any where is mentioned jupitar is for

real money? Plsease verify the records and kindly confirm me in which

text it is mentioned.


> Reg. Dharma-adharma topic, as narrated by Mr. Prashant and countered

by Suresh Babu,I would like to say that this is not today, this is

perhaps since the creation of universe, and that is perhaps, the play of

almighty with his greedy,conservative amd most loving human creature. If

you go back to any yugas, you will find there is huge gap of material

instinct and spiritual instinct of human being and to make down the apex

material instinct individual , God himself has to take step with giving

birth to an apex spiritual instinct individual and through Him, He make

the balance of spiritual and material instinct and then make the peace

to be flown down to the earth. So, this is a cycle and this is not our

burden and this is the creator's burden.

> What we do, is that, to carry out our assignment with most sacred



> With best wishes,

> P K Tripathy.


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

> @ . .com

> Sun, October 18, 2009 3:33:58 PM

> Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


> Dear Prashant ji & others,


> If you look at the economic breakdown scenario, Economics has been

taught from school to postgraduation & P.Hd levels and its is those who

graduated from high levels that caused the present break down. All that

they taught & practiced so far resulted in failure. Can we undermine the

responcibilities of these institutions to have taught worthless

information & churned out equally useless MBA's & phd's?


> did the present example change the curiculam of these institutions.

Perhaps it changed the value of such degrees without real maket exposure

and many companies are vewing them with sceptism.


> We can go on & on talking about economics & economies and how the

companies & politicians cheat the public and lament about our

helplessness in the matter.


> But will it help in any way?


> My point is very simple & direct.


> Given that there are many dynamics that govern the stock market

ranging from international to local, calamities to poli-tricks,


> We are living in todays world and we have to look at our options in

the prespectiveness. But the assumptioms that sages would not have known

about about adharmic practices or black / white / red money is nothing

but unrealistic. Otherwise how could they write so much about adharma

unless they had known about it? You have to know about it to have

written something. All our scriptures differentiate dharma & adharma at

various levels.


> So instead of the above it would be better if we can focus on


> What can Astrology provide them by way of guidence?


> And encourage those who are doing intensive work on the subject


> It is a fact that one can make enough profits from share market and it

is always tempting and the kind of trading depends on the capacity to

take risks depending on temperament and well as financial capacity.


> Those who have very weak 2nd house & 9th house should stay away from

risky trading practices. So also if Venus is afflicted by Saturn.


> Trading is also an attribute of 7th house.


> So 2nd- financial strength, backing from family etc, 7th Trading,

9th-Bhagya & long term investments, 10th (main activity) , 11nth -

profits or 12th losses.


> I am adding the contents of a mail sent personaly to a question

regarding Shares & lotteries.


> ------------ -------

> Share is a share in firm / company. It is not a lottery. When you

purchase a share however small it is, you are becoming a partner of the



> However, it is also wealth in the form of a paper / aggreement /

document and is not real money or wealth. Every related to paper

/documents/aggreeme nts etc are related to mercury, while real money is

related to Jupiter.


> Hence, we can say that share trading is also trading of paper money,

which means mercury is the significator here.


> There are two type of trading. One is pure trading and other is



> But the Main Karaka for trading is Venus. while investments again is

the perview of Jupiter.


> So all these three Jupiter (Investments) , Venus (Trading) & mercury

(Paper money-shares) are indicators.


> So pure trading in shares can be attributed to Venus & Mercury

> Investements is share could be attributed to Jupiter & Mercury


> But it is no way connected to lotteries.

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> The above also may help in some way.


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar >


> Sun, October 18, 2009 1:52:54 PM

> Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


> Dear Krishna ji


> I thinkl the black and whiote currences can be reflected in the

dharmic or adharmic earning streams ina individual, organisation,

nations charts isnt it


> and as said earlier also if a person gains there is also a person or

few who do lose fromthe same script by selling isnt it


> it can be a gain in value to tbe buyer or fall in value to th seller

that can tilt the actual gainers here.


> the value systems [yoga dharma] is governed by the pouplace in gen as

now governances is by the masses, than the soverign authorities. we get

the leaders we deserve


> corrupt ppl elect corrupt leaders. so the currenices are equally

corrupt and trhey dictate the course of the business climate, market

trends witht e fundementals quiteoften having no role


> if the govt is on a shaky wicket that period so is the mkkt no

fundamentals of the TOP 30 companies can resuce it. and as the old adage

goes if America has cold rest of the world has pnuemonia is still valied

in USD pegged global ecconomy its debts its deficit, interest rate

trends dictate the global piicture still


> so we need to study US chart like the rasi chart and any other

country's chart as complimentorychart to get good direction in this


> the closing of US mkt will give the trends to EAST ASIAN ECCONOMIES

NEXT DAY and they appear to run almost close to heels and throws its

weight on Our markets as well.


> prashant


> http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 >


> Sun, October 18, 2009 12:22:46 PM

> Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


> Dear Friends

> Our subha muhurta chintamani that give details about Amritadi Ananda

yogas and tara bala that form part of " This is a basic knowledge that

Astrology in its most practical form can do. " can be taken advatage for

stock market All these are general guidelines and their relevance to

stock markets specifically to share market is neither required nor

appropriate in any way.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)


> --- On Sun, 10/18/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


> Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

> Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


> Sunday, October 18, 2009, 2:35 AM


> Dear Vinay jha,


> //It is futile to waste one's time over argumentation over physical


> non-physical planets. Test of the pudding lies in tasting it..//


> perfectly said.


> What could be tasted should also be palatable.


> You have a taken a different road than others. Only furture & reality

shall reveal which one is more correct and easy.


> An ordinary person sitting at his home trading will never be able to

assess the kind of data(s) you are talking about and with your

" arguments " of " physical & non-physcal planets " . This is the basic point

you are missing in your logic.


> So let us forget about your conviction on PNP planets, if you don't

mind, for the time being. Consider every one here as fools & ignorent.

They have only a calender and basic Rasi & Navamsa chart with them. Can

your model provide any pointers to them that they shall loose money on

this particular day or they shall gain even after a few days, if they

invest on those days..? This is a basic knowledge that Astrology in its

most practical form can do.


> It is only commonsense that if any model require non-available data to

work correctly, it will not make any sense or is practical. Hence, it is

better to gather the available data and try to find a working model from

those data.


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> VJha <vinayjhaa16@ >


> Sun, October 18, 2009 7:23:53 AM

> Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market


> To Shenoy Ji and others :


> It is good to know that Shenoy Ji has some (or more) experience in Day

> Trading. He knows that earning 5-10% profit per day in stock trading

> cannot be a norm, but is only the theoretical limit. All stock experts

> and interested astrologers seek to find out means to realize this


> Shenoy Ji rightly says : " I don't think it is correct to say that

> economics does not have a firm base in astrology " . Two years ago, I

> finished work on 55 years of India national income growth rate data

> provoded by Finance Minister's Economic Surveys, and found it to be

> PERFECTLY in tune with astrology. Later, I started working on stock

> markets. But till now, I am not able to assert that stock markets work

> 100% according to astrological precepts, because I lack data about

> horoscopes of companies and their owners. It is not a shortcoming of

> astrology. But 90% of all significant ups and downs in daily movement


> stocks of all major companies taken as a whole works in harmony with

> astrology : it is a conclusion of research and not merely a passing

> observation. I disagree with Shenoy Ji's remark : " it is not very easy

> and needs huge efforts to bring out a working model. .......the work


> far done has not even touched the base of this subject. "


> I possess the working model. But unfortunately, instead of testing


> model practically, many astrologers are rejecting its n0n-physical

> planets. Instead of wasting time over arguments, is it not good to


> a thing? But even one day's stock movement needs 25-33 horoscopes to


> discussed, and my past experience with rain research shows that all my

> works in these fora will be unheeded. Rohiniranjan Ji was right


> saying that internet is not fit for serious research : he has more

> experience of internet than me.


> Let me explain my model here.


> If one planet moves from one bhaava to another, a new horoscope is

> produced. During 6 hours of BSE workday, there are 24-25 such

> horoscopes. Between any two successive horoscopes, only one planet

> differs in its position. Hence, any up or down movement of SENSEX has


> be judged from one planet at a time, and only 2nd Bhaava needs to be

> judged because market capitalization of all SENSEX companies is not a

> perfect but a good indicator of national wealth . Between any two

> successive horoscopes, sometimes other planets also change their their

> properties, such as friendiness towards and aspect on 2nd bhaava,


> ownerships, relations & c. But such complexities are rare. Thus, the

> method is simple. Draw horoscopes for the meridians of Bombay and

> compare the combined movement of stock prices of topmost companies


> astrological charts : one will find startling correspondences. Such

> correspondences will be more visible if the changes in combined index

> are large.


> 25 horoscopes will produce only 25 cusps and troughs in the curve


> 10 am and 4 pm, but in reality there are many more variations, which


> mostly minor and are due to horoscopes to individual companies and


> owners.


> If 2nd bhaava is not under effective control of its lord, then impact


> other planets becomes significant, and aspects of all planets on 2nd

> bhaava according to their friendliness or unfriendliness must be

> considered in detail.


> A few days' or a few weeks' exercize in comparing stock indices with

> astrological charts will make one expert in judging the QUANTITY of

> impact a planet makes on a given bhaava. This experience will help in

> other fields of astrology as well. Analysis of continuous graph of

> SENSEX will be useful in gaining a quantitative astrological intuition

> otherwise almost impossible.


> Comparison of two entirely different horoscopes does not help in this

> regard, because the differences are too many and it is often difficult

> to guess which factor led to the overall result. But analysis of

> continuous Time Series (eg, SENSEX index) provides an opportunity to

> analyse impacts of individual changes in horoscopes. It is the easiest

> way to learn practical astrology (not only stock-astrology but all

> astrology). Please reread this last para seriously.


> Here, I am discussing only Day Trading. Long term economic-astology


> been discussed by me in earlier threads few months ago, explained in

> some Hindi articles on web.


> All schools of astrology have their plus points, but it is not because

> all of them are equally perfect. The reason is that all of them

> originated directly or indirectly from same archaic source which was

> religious, intuitive and holistic, unlike the empirical-logical mathod

> of moderners.


> It is futile to waste one's time over argumentation over physical


> non-physical planets. Test of the pudding lies in tasting it.


> -VJ

> ============ ========= =====

> , " Suresh Babu.A.G "

> <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vinay Jha & others

> >

> > Thank you very much for further inputs from yourside.

> >

> > I started on a research on the subject as I was also a very active

> participant in the daily stock trading and still holds DP accounts. So


> have a first hand experience & knowledge of practical issues of


> for a common person.

> >

> > Unfortunately could not do much on the astrogical part due to heavy

> distractions, either from my own business or people comming to see me

> with their problems. Ultimately I was forced to set is aside the work

> since as you know finding answers to those in distress & helping them


> more important than this activity.

> >

> > Unlike in other countries, where the market is driven by strong

> fundamentals, Indian market conditions varies if a politician just

> smiles on the tv screen.. Till a few years back trading activity was

> based on personal contacts. But new internet technologies has made it

> easier to trade online due to which a lot of persons many having


> knowledge of the business came into the arena. Most of the companies

> (Major Brokers) focused on trading volume than the participants


> and hence issues many unrealistic trading tips, which evetually ended


> heavy loss to the commonor.

> >

> > This practicaly made trading in India a gamble than a prudent

> investment or business activity. The sad part is that the Major


> knew what happens even when their clients are loosing money. They have

> far more advanced softwares than what they provide their customers.

> >

> > However, atleast some of those companies has realised the mistake


> trying to regain the confidence of the small traders by providing more

> realistic tips and infos and focusing on the profits made by these

> ordinary members.

> >

> > Regarding the success rate on each day:

> >

> > In this regard I would like those who are either trading or doing

> research watch the movement of Moon through 2 set of signs - Upachaya


> Anupachaya signs either from native moon / 2nd house / 11nth house /

> their lords / venus / mercury / Jupiter for starters. Signs thus

> involved and aspected by transiting jupiter or the above lords just

> might hold the key for days profits or loss in trading.

> >

> > The above concepts (which is pure traditional astrological concept)

> may have to watched over a few days trading and logged carefully. The

> results may be much helpfull in real trading than theoritical works.

> >

> > I also would request Shree Vinay Jha to refrain from starting all


> again on " Physical " & His concept of astronomy, which does not help

> practically any body. It would make sense to produce what the common

> person shall understand and can use.

> >

> > regards

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > VJha vinayjhaa16@ ...

> >

> > Sat, October 17, 2009 9:33:05 PM

> > Re: Apply Astrology on Stock Market

> >

> >

> > To All,

> >

> > I was away for 3 months from all fora and had not read this thread

> till

> > now. Many astrologers have put in good ideas, and Shenoy Ji has done


> > good job to organize the discussion properly by classifying the

> > sub-topics to some extent.

> >

> > Shenoy Ji writes :

> > <<< In practical trading daily movement of sensex is of little help

> > unless the movement changes sharply on the mid-day, which takes any

> one

> > by surprise and chances of loss is high.>>>

> >

> > This view is the majority view, ie, the view of those who have


> or

> > no practical experience in real time Day Trading. Day Traders in all

> > stock exchanges of the world employ myriads of stochastic and other

> > techniques to make small profits at almost each up and down.

> Experienced

> > day traders prosper even in a recessing market, because the main

> > principle of Day Trading is based not on overall loss or gain of


> > in a day or more, but on making profits at each small plus or minus

> > change by means of selling when high and buying when low. There are


> > such chances per working day, and 15-20 of them may witness more


> > 0.25% difference in stock prices. Add them, and it makes 4-5% profit

> per

> > day, even if there is no major bullish or bearish activity. If there

> are

> > major changes, profits may be much more than 5%.

> >

> > Non-astrologers do not know why there are 25 ups plus downs per 6

> hours

> > of working day. This strange phenomenon can be explained ONLY

> > astrologically : there are about 25 distinct horoscopes during 6


> > due to nearly 25 transits of planets into various bhaavas.

> >

> > Thus, there are 25 distinct charts per working day for a given


> > and each of them should be analyzed strictly according to standard

> rules

> > of phalita jyotisha.

> > This technique is time-consuming, but it is ACCURATE, provided both

> > Ganita and Phalita are based on original precepts of sages.

> >

> > This technique will give graph of ALL companies registered at a

> > particular stock exchange, but can be roughly used to predict

> behaviour

> > of most effective companies, as grouped under Sensex or Nifty. One


> > use this technique to buy/sell shares of ALL 30 companies of Sensex

> > simultaneously, because individual companies may differ from the

> > combined graph and may cheat the investor due to different

> astrological

> > fate as ensuing from the horoscope of that company or of its chief

> > owners.

> >

> > For mid-term and long-term investments, this technique is of no use


> > one must use national horoscopes of three types : annual chart of

> Mesha

> > Samkraanti, Nakshatra charts which work for about 14 days, and

> > Shashtyamsha charts which work for about 12 hours.

> >

> > Now, market capitalization of topmost 30 or 50 companies account for


> > good part of national wealth in India, hence 2nd bhaava in national

> > horoscope can be used to predict behaviour of Sensex or Nifty.

> >

> > I have tested above ideas successfully. But if the investor's


> > fate is not good, planetary propitiation must be performed before

> doing

> > anything in this field.

> >

> > Shenoy ji puts forth a good question : " How do we find the days on

> which

> > he is likely to make profits or loss? "

> >

> > The answer depends upon the accuracy of analysis of stocks as well


> of

> > one'e own charts. In personal charts, most influential factors are

> > Vimshottsri plus Varshaphala+ Maasaphala. If the praana-dahsaa of a

> given

> > planet lasts for many days, exact timing of its chief effect can be

> > determined from the ratio of its degrees (foorgetting the raashi) to

> 30

> > degrees and getting the same ratio in the duration of that

> > praana-dashaa. . Gochara helps further in exact timing of events.

> >

> > All astrologers in this thread already know the rudimentary concepts

> > outlined above, but the problem arises from application of PHYSICAL

> > astronomy which can never be cured on internet.

> >

> > -Vinay Jha

> > ============ === ===

> > , " Suresh Babu.A.G "

> > <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Vijay Rajput & Vinay Jha,

> > >

> > > I have to thank both of you posting the info regarding work on


> > movements

> > >

> > > I aware that the research on the subject is time consuming and

> tedious

> > job.

> > >

> > > However, I think there are 2 basic issues that need to addressed.

> > >

> > > 1) daily movemnt of sensex along with sectoral indices.

> > > 2) Individual compatability with trading prospects in general

> > > 3) individuals daily rate of success or failure (profit /loss).

> > >

> > > In practical trading daily movement of sensex is of little help

> unless

> > the movement changes sharply on the mid-day, which takes any one by

> > surprise and chances of loss is high.

> > >

> > > How de we determine with certainity that an individual shall be

> > successfull in trading business? this does not involve long term

> > investments, but pure trading activity.

> > >

> > > Even if an individual is so compatable, he need make profit every

> day.

> > How do we find the days on which he is likely to make profits or


> > >

> > > If we can find a resonable answer with atleast 60 to 70% of


> > rate, it would be helpfull to many ordinary citizens who venture


> > stock market expecting to make quick bucks.

> > >

> > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Vijay Rajput vijayrajput13@ ...

> > >

> > > Sat, October 17, 2009 3:50:11 PM

> > > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Prashantji,Krishnan ji and Sureshji,Namste,

> > > Happy Diwali to you and you family members.

> > >

> > > As Jupiter is in direct motion Bank Nifty,Reality, and

> infrastructures

> > are moving as predicted in the earlier post.Today Sun is moved in to

> > tula rasi and you will see some fall in the market and this may

> continue

> > for one or two trading sessions.As sun gives it's results at entry


> > the sign.Further move in the Bank stocks/BankNifty is likely in the

> 1st

> > week of Nov 2009.Particapation in the market will also impove in


> > week.Inester' s sentiments is going to improve in next moon as ketu

> will

> > move out of Karka rasi..Ketu in karka harmed the market


> > > All the best

> > > Take Care

> > > Vijay

> > >

> > > --- On Sat, 10/3/09, Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 > wrote:

> > >

> > > Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 >

> > > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> > >

> > > Saturday, October 3, 2009, 2:56 PM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Friends,

> > >

> > > The Sensex touching 17000 can not be considered as a guide for the

> > improvement of trading..

> > >

> > > Mars into a water sign ruled by Moon is bound to give


> a

> > festival season,with fears of famine.due to short fall of rains are

> > bound to have impact on sentiments.

> > >

> > > Globallly finances in stocks has not chnaged much.mainly mutual

> funds

> > happened to be main attaractions has still not raised hopes for

> > investor.Realty sector yet waiting for bank incentives.Even banks


> > starved for advances.Private sector except communications. chemiclas

> and

> > where Govt holds major stakes is giving hopes.Thanx to our strong

> > economic base that is sparing the Govt tradings.

> > >

> > > At this point of time till jupiter moves direct a cautious


> > need to be exercised.

> > >

> > > One exception:For those daily tarding is their stuff they can be

> > relentless as profits and losses go hand in hand.Beware speculation

> are

> > guided by one's strength of 8th house aknown malefic house.

> > >

> > > Vattem Krishnan

> > >

> > > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > >

> > > (For all counseling services)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On Sat, 10/3/09, Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar >


> > >

> > > Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar >

> > >

> > > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Saturday, October 3, 2009, 10:18 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Vijay

> > >

> > > it is a good post but will like u to apply this for a week coming

> Next

> > monday or the week after on the said principles and make ur forecast

> and

> > ideal is to do it for the entire month week wise and this will cover

> the

> > sun entry into Libra also so 2 weeks in Librta can also be studied a

> > practical series of 3-4 weeks is a welcome one

> > >

> > > as it is a known fact that Mkts can't be really predicted by even

> the

> > best of expeets else why will we have the crisis that engulfed the

> world

> > in this magnitude at least a indication knowing it will happen this

> bad

> > was not said leave alone the %age

> > >

> > > u can see in some groups a few members r trying to predict the


> > with the Sankranti yr model or sankranti Purusha, the aditipatis for

> > diff sectors and not much has happened to that on the 1st occassion

> 2nd

> > one is mixed.

> > >

> > > orashant

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > >

> > > Vijay Rajput <vijayrajput13@ >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sat, October 3, 2009 4:14:40 PM

> > >

> > > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> > >

> > > Dear Satya Ji,Namaste,

> > >

> > > Past 2-3 years I am tracking the stock market by using the basic

> > principle of Vedic Astrology.My guru is helping me much in this

> > regard.In the month of April On 9th April 2009 while answering a


> I

> > have predicted the short term bull run in the stock market after the

> > transit of Jupiter.

> > >

> > > Again in the month of June I have predicted the consolidation of

> > market and good rise in market is likely after 15th Oct 2009.

> > >

> > > Now how to use astrology is important.The boss of speculation is

> > Saturn so closely watch the movement of Sat.

> > >

> > > Jupiter is dhanad it's movement and good position always indicates

> the

> > liquidity in the market and you may be knowing at present only

> liquidity

> > and speculation is driving the market.Monthly movement is to be seen

> by

> > the move ment of Sun and sun gives the results at its entry.For day


> > day movement the move ment of Moon is very Important.And to track


> > intra day movement,the movement of Moon in D-60 is very Important


> it

> > can ve used for the movement of market.The navamsa position of


> > gives the sector wise movement.

> > >

> > > In the coming period Jupiter and Mars will be sitting opposite to

> each

> > other during this period you will see the sharp move in

> > Banking,Realityand Infrastructure sectors.Watch the Bank Nifty.

> > >

> > > You can draw the Nifty Future's chart and use the daily transit on

> > this chart.

> > >

> > > Even you can cast the individual chart of stocks.

> > >

> > > All the best

> > >

> > > Take care

> > >

> > > Vijay

> > >

> > > --- On Mon, 9/28/09, Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 > wrote:

> > >

> > > Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 >

> > >

> > > Re: can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> > >

> > > @ . . com

> > >

> > > Monday, September 28, 2009, 10:09 AM

> > >

> > > Hello Sathya Ji,

> > >

> > > Financial Astrology and particulalrly Stock trading is an emerging

> > concept.A couple of seminars have been held here there and some

> writers

> > have also contributes articles in express Star teller.

> > >

> > > After economic rforms when privatisation on large scale with PPPs

> ,JVs

> > and Venture Capital coming into existence the trade and economics


> > undergoing sea change.

> > >

> > > And to upset the calculations, the war like situatins,monopoly of

> oil

> > producing contries have taken away sheen in the trade market.

> > >

> > > with huge success in Indian trade of mutual funds in India

> Astrologers

> > basing financial Institutions performance and with blue chips of

> Larsen

> > & Tubro,Tata, Relinace and Birla etc the speculation gianed lot of

> > importance as the risk has increased.These major industries suddenly

> > went behind screen with realty sector and DLF coming into picture.

> > >

> > > It is now certain,value of shares continue to hover around 5-6


> > secctors like land,Reality, Pharma,steel, cement and other

> constructions

> > industries.

> > >

> > > Apart from,Jupiter, venus,and Mercury,mars to has it's role in


> > market.

> > >

> > > we hear about Bulls and bears.Bearish tency is always when

> visionaries

> > get combust mainly during amvasya days.

> > >

> > > Nodes too have role in sudden spurts in share values.The moon


> > is an indication for once investment to give return.

> > >

> > > But short term and long term invest definetely has to be based on

> the

> > traditional view of slow moving palnets(Saturn, Jupiter and Vneus)


> > short term the main trade is based on moon,mars and mercury.

> > >

> > > when mercury conjunct,combust one has to be careful in putchasing

> > stocks.Buying is investment and the trading has to be done on day to

> day

> > basis looking into moons brightness other wise.the timing too has to

> be

> > decided when sun is almost free from any malefic aspects.

> > >

> > > Sudden gains are always based on 8th house including horses

> > races,lotteries and windfalls..8th t0 8th that is 3rd also

> > trade,commerce and communication for disposals.

> > >

> > > 5th known to be house of intution has a major role intrading of

> > stcocks. 11th bhava income house and 2nd for wealth when afflicted


> > natal chart one has to be very cautious in netering stcok markets.

> > >

> > > In traidng of stcoks losses are inherent,role of 12th house can

> never

> > be discounted .malefics in 12th always represent heavy


> > may help in minimising losses.Thes fundamentals of Astrology


> be

> > ignored.

> > >

> > > Commodity specifics lke ketu for pharmas,venus for building.saturn

> for

> > steel,Sun for Gold,mercury for chemicals and mars for land etc

> indicate

> > their importance.

> > >

> > > Mind dual houses represented by pisces9watery sign) gemini(airy

> sign)

> > virgo (earthy sign) and finally sagittarus(fiery sign) throw light


> > the nature of commodities also.Precious metals and stomes are always

> > looked from 1,7and9 and buildings.2, 6 & 10,chemicals/ pahrma3,7 and

> > 11.Allwatery signs for cold sotages,beverages and thermal equipment

> etc.

> > >

> > > Some studies and guidance cane be obatained from pranavasramam. .

> > org.Some books written on the subject have yet to gain


> to

> > Bhavan's university Book Store in Delhi and sagar publications may

> help

> > as titles can be seen.writer who have brought out publications both


> > Hindia and English may not be established writers.

> > >

> > > Last but not the least natives have 2-3 retrograde planets require

> > caution in vest ments.however scripts for immediate gains can be

> > traded.Having good jupiter karak for wealth can take risks and like

> wise

> > venus dasa and exalted venus in pisces can go in for any type of

> > trading.dasa of rahu ,Sade sati,trading in limited way may be done


> > moon is not debilitated or weak.

> > >

> > > EXpress Star Teller has brought out some articles written by JUB

> > Sastry and other whcich are of help.

> > >

> > > Vattem Krishnan

> > >

> > > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > >

> > > (For all counseling services)

> > >

> > > --- On Sat, 9/26/09, sathya <rainbow_in> wrote:

> > >

> > > sathya <rainbow_in>

> > >

> > > can i apply Astrology on Stock market

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Cc: bursar_99

> > >

> > > Saturday, September 26, 2009, 2:55 AM

> > >

> > > hello.,

> > >

> > > Can the most learned seniors & experts show some way

> > >

> > > to apply astrology on Stock market.

> > >

> > > what are the reasons and how the planetary position will take the

> > Stock Market up and what combination' s will make the Stock market

> come

> > down.

> > >

> > > what are the sectors which can rise and as of now till what time


> > be upside bull market can sustain,

> > >

> > > Pls advice me some good books on using Astrology in Stock market,

> > >

> > > thanks

> > >

> > > sathya

> > >

> > >

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