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Inventions in Astrology

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Dear All,


Astrology and its principles were written thousands of years back and evolved in

course, both in its use & application. During ancient periods and even now at

some places, Indian sciences such as Vedas, smrithis, agama where taught to

disciples and astrology was only a part of bigger curriculum. But this vast

knowledge helped them to understand the core principles in a far better way and

their application.


However during the last 100 years so after independence, Astrology separated

from this wider curriculum due to many reason, including social as well as

economic and began to be taught & used as such.


With this separation, many of the core knowledge were not understood that lays

in other sciences. The problem became acute due to other reasons also such as

aversion of learn Sanskrit or the economic viability of learning the language.

Further, due to the explosion of print and other medias more and more books were

produced in English language which as we know is most inadequate in

understanding the full implication of most scientific language that Sanskrit is.

This effect caused knowledge inefficiencies as well.


Today, the system is like that of a story of gold digger. He shall toil for

years and when he finds a small nugget of gold he cries in ecstasy and announces

to the world that " I have found Gold " . However, some claim " I INVENTED the

gold " .


The irony is that, such untruthful claims may well work for sometime,

particularly if he surrounded by people who are equally illiterate about the

gold deposits. There is saying in Malayalam " Mookilla rajyathu Murimookan

Rajaavu " meaning " In the country where no one has a nose, a cut nosed person

is the King: " That is the state of affairs regarding this ancient vast knowledge

and the ignorance of the public who are virtually sitting on gold mine, not

knowing what they really have, who are being exploited or mislead by these " I

INVETED " - intentional gold diggers.


However, it is the gods grace and the grace of those ancient sages who were the

real pro-founders of this vast knowledge that such people have not survived for

long and has been exposed by some or other.


It would be better if these people have right sense before disappearing into

oblivion, to understand that, their " I Invented " story is in fact a copy right

violation in today's legal parlance.


What is more foolish than claiming all that has been taught now for thousands of

years, practiced & well accepted by those who have benefited highly and the

scholars who have put them to good use are foolish and claim the efficacy of

" Invented methods " One doesn't have to say so explicitly but it is not difficult

even for the meekest mind about the implied meaning.


Two days back one highly learned Astrologer (not from this forum) asked me a

doubt about Ayurdaya Computation. After providing the clarifications, I noticed

that 2 acharyas have not mentioned about a particular factor that I thought may

be needed for corrections logically is not mentioned. But curiosity lead me to

check further in other works and I was surprised that a third acharya had infact

had written about this a thousand years back. Can I claim that I invented it? I

leave to the readers common sense.



A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.

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To All,


Vedas and its limbs (Vedaangas) are quite different from empirical

sciences in content as well as in methodology and approach. The latter

(empirical sciences) develop on the basis of accumulation of observed

data, newer analyses of those data and ensuing theories which explain

those data in a better way than older theories.


But Veda and its limbs comprise 'Sacred Knowledge' revealed to the

enlightened sages by supernatural powers. The fundamental distinction

between Vedic and Empirical sciences can be summed up thus : empirical

sciences are subservient to external facts, while Vedic knowledge is

completely internal and is attained by means of samadhi and not

observation of external phenomena. Things-for-us are things as perceived

by sensory organs. But sense organs cannot go beneath the surface of

phenomena. It is the sixth sense which penetrates into

Things-in-themselves and reveals the Noumena to the possessor of sixth

sense. Sixth sense is not a mysterious thing. It is the natural state of

mind. When the mind is purged of worldly desires and sense organs are

retracted from their subjects which are objects-of-the-world, the mind

rises to its pristine and primordial glory and capability and does not

require the assistance of sense organs to perceive both the surface as

well as the hidden aspects of reality of things and events. It becomes

telepathic and clairvoyant, capable of knowing past, present anf future

of all worlds, making a person a real Daivajna (Jyotishi). Some people

possess miraculous capabilities by dint of some piety of past lives, but

they do not know how to channelize these capabilities into proper

spiritual direction due to spurious milieu of Kaliyuga. But a really

enlightened soul is different from an exordinary person possessing only

one or two bizarre qualities. Really pure souls are Chosen Lambs or

children of God-the-Father Dyaus-Pitr. Such pure souls received Vedic

knowledge for the benefit of rest of mankind.


The more we go into past, the more coherence and comprehensiveness we

find in Vedic knowledge. It is foolish to hope that Vedic knowledge may

be improved by filthy persons of Kaliyuga who do not even know the

meaning of mantras but pose as experts. Mr David frawley has recently

written in an article defending Vedic Jyotisha (Oct 13,2009, on

Bhaktivedanta site) that one Vedic mantra says Speech has four levels,

but only one is used by and revealed to normal humans. The rest are

divine, which are used by gods and rishis.


Vedic Jyotisha is a part and parcel of Veda. It can be only damaged by

innovators. Innovators are looking for inventions owing to two reasons :

lust for fame, and incapabilikty to predict correctly which makes them

think that the knowledge thet possess is faulty and needs further

development. Arrogance of modern evolutionists makes them blind to the

greatness of ancient wisdom. Great material progress has been made by

modern man. But ancient rishis did not fail in material progress, they

refused material progress because they knew materialism destroys



The dilemma of modern innovators in the field of Vedic Jyotisha is that

they want both worlds at the same time. Such a state of mind has been

defined as " Vikshipta " by Vyaasa Ji in his commentary on Patanjali's



In comparison to India, no country in the world has suffered so much

loss of ancient schools, temples, libraries and manuscripts due to

invasions by barbarians, but no other country has succeeded in

preserving a greater amount of ancient texts in spite of huge losses.

There are sufficient hints and explanations in myriads of texts. No

important aspect of Vedic Jyotisha has been permanently lost. For

instance, my software of stock forecasting is based on ancient Yaamala

Tantras which very few persons know contain great astrological

materials. No Hindu marriage is complete without Panch-shalaakaa Chakra,

which is taken from same Tantric sources. Same is the case with many

other well known devices such as Sapta-shalaaka Chakra, Sapta-naadi

Chakra, Sarvatobhadra Chakra, Shatapada, etc. These Tantric devices are

crucial to Vedic Jyotisha. Karna used Sarvatobhadra Chakra in



This is only one example. There are many other occult things which we

have forcibly made occult due to our lack of faith in spiritual wisdom

of our ancestors and our full faith in the materialistic sciences of

mlechchhas which they developed with the help of loot and piracy during

past five centuries.


Many scholars have quoted the 720 spokes of Dirghatamas's Kaalachakra

moving round the fixed navel (RV-I,164). But few know that this rcha

describes the most important formula of Vedic Jyotisha which is used to

predict all important events of the world. The fixed navel is Mt Meru,

and 720 spokes are 360 days and 360 nights : these are solar days and

nights according to the traditional definition of " solar " still used by

panchanga makers. In traditional panchangas, one solar day+night means

one degree of True Sun's movement. Thus, solar day begins with Sun's

entry into a new integral degree (eg, 32 or 33 degrees of longitude of

True Sun), and solar night is Sun's entry into half degree, eg 32.5 or

33.5 degree. Kundalis made at these junctures are effective for half

degree of Sun's motion. Kundalis made from Mt Meru predict the events of

whole world, while kundalis made from navels of Seven occult Dvipas

predict the fate of those dvipas.


This knowledge is sacred and should not be made public in its entirety,

because strengths and weaknesses of nations, companies and individuals

must not be predicted by terrorists and rascals.


By remaining hidden, it can never be destroyed, because its reservoir is

infinite : God. A Dvija performing sandhya and doing his/her duties

according to shaastras will receive whatever branch of Vedic Knowledge

he/she needs : the initial manta of Sandhya-vandana, taken from Rg Veda

( X-191) says that Rta (ethical order) and Satya (all that is eternally

indestructible and is always in " sattaa " , ie Self-knowledge and

Brahma-jnaana) are generated by means of Tapa. Tapa must be first

stepping stone of a Vedic Astrologer. The arrogance of becoming an

inventor of knowledge should be replaced with the humility of a true

Christian, a true Brahmin, a true Sufi.


-Vinay Jha

================= ===

, " Suresh Babu "

<sureshbabuag wrote:


> Dear All,


> Astrology and its principles were written thousands of years back and

evolved in course, both in its use & application. During ancient periods

and even now at some places, Indian sciences such as Vedas, smrithis,

agama where taught to disciples and astrology was only a part of bigger

curriculum. But this vast knowledge helped them to understand the core

principles in a far better way and their application.


> However during the last 100 years so after independence, Astrology

separated from this wider curriculum due to many reason, including

social as well as economic and began to be taught & used as such.


> With this separation, many of the core knowledge were not understood

that lays in other sciences. The problem became acute due to other

reasons also such as aversion of learn Sanskrit or the economic

viability of learning the language. Further, due to the explosion of

print and other medias more and more books were produced in English

language which as we know is most inadequate in understanding the full

implication of most scientific language that Sanskrit is. This effect

caused knowledge inefficiencies as well.


> Today, the system is like that of a story of gold digger. He shall

toil for years and when he finds a small nugget of gold he cries in

ecstasy and announces to the world that " I have found Gold " . However,

some claim " I INVENTED the gold " .


> The irony is that, such untruthful claims may well work for sometime,

particularly if he surrounded by people who are equally illiterate about

the gold deposits. There is saying in Malayalam " Mookilla rajyathu

Murimookan Rajaavu " meaning " In the country where no one has a nose, a

cut nosed person is the King: " That is the state of affairs regarding

this ancient vast knowledge and the ignorance of the public who are

virtually sitting on gold mine, not knowing what they really have, who

are being exploited or mislead by these " I INVETED " - intentional gold



> However, it is the gods grace and the grace of those ancient sages who

were the real pro-founders of this vast knowledge that such people have

not survived for long and has been exposed by some or other.


> It would be better if these people have right sense before

disappearing into oblivion, to understand that, their " I Invented " story

is in fact a copy right violation in today's legal parlance.


> What is more foolish than claiming all that has been taught now for

thousands of years, practiced & well accepted by those who have

benefited highly and the scholars who have put them to good use are

foolish and claim the efficacy of " Invented methods " One doesn't have to

say so explicitly but it is not difficult even for the meekest mind

about the implied meaning.


> Two days back one highly learned Astrologer (not from this forum)

asked me a doubt about Ayurdaya Computation. After providing the

clarifications, I noticed that 2 acharyas have not mentioned about a

particular factor that I thought may be needed for corrections logically

is not mentioned. But curiosity lead me to check further in other works

and I was surprised that a third acharya had infact had written about

this a thousand years back. Can I claim that I invented it? I leave to

the readers common sense.



> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.






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