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Postmortem report-What did happen on 29.12.2008 with V.N

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Respected Members,      Thanks to Suresh Sir For producing details.Here is

 Postmortem Report in Short

Name-V.N                   [Not Disclosed Full Name as It may Hurt Parents

,grand father and grand mother]

Date of Birth-14.06.1988

Time of Birth -06:05AM{Rectified Time By me 05:54:40AM as ss of Lagna is Rahu

and Sub of Moon is   


Place of Birth -                    Meerut(U.P) India.

Disease-Leukemia+Throat Cancer-If 4,8,12 house,Moon and Jupiter are afflicted by


                                             Besides this Ascendant lord is

Retrograde Mercury-No resistance power

                                             since birth.Always got infected if

care was not taken by mother.All above       

                                              conditions are fulfilled in chart

for Leukemia+ Throat Cancer.

Place of Death Hospital-    [1]As per K.P Rule Sub lord of 8th cusp is Rahu and

it is significator of 8th cusp

                                            Hence death took place in

Hospital.Rahu is significator of 10th cusp also.Hence

                                            he was really all the time

considered to be dead in his own house also as he was

                                            well known that he was suffering

from Leukemia and he may survive if he 

                                            could have covered the whole Rahu

Dasa Any how! 

                                            [2] Lord of 8th cusp is Jupiter

posited in constellation of sun which is

                                             posited in 12th cusp .Hence death

took place in far off place in Sir Ganga Ram

                                             Hospital,Delhi .It is far off place

From Kashipur and Meerut.

                                             [3] On the date of death in

decanate 3rd house is occupied by lord of 8th i.e

                                                   saturn .Hence death took

place in Pran Dasa of Saturn.On the date of death


Pran Dasa was going on.  

                                             [4] As per K.P rule On the Date of

death Venus is 22nd Decanate lord of Lagna

                                             Hence death took place in conjoined

period of Venus though venus is not sub lord

                                             of any cusp and that is why it

happened in pran Dasa of Saturn.

                                             [5]Death in Pran Dasa of

Rahu-Venus-Ketu-Rahu-Saturn took place.Actually

                                             Saturn is posited in Mool Nakshtra

lord of which is Ketu.Hence besides Leukemia

                                             some thing like abscess and blocked

occurred in third organ that is Throat 

                                             cancer also developed.Ketu is karak

of abscess and boils.I have seen with 

                                             my own eyes that he was suffering

from so many abscess and boils all over

                                             his body before few days of

death.At that time I had decided that V.N

                                             Can't escape from death now .But I

kept silent and did not tell any thing

                                              to his parents and they went to

Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Again and

                                             returned after a week with dead

body of V.N and we were shocked.

                                             It was Monday Evening Time when V.N

Died with deadly weapon

                                             of Throat cancer associated with

Leukemia where as there is no genetic

                                              problem. Monday stands for Moon

which is afflicted with Mars+Rahu and

                                              it fulfills the condition for

death and due to cancer.His mother had at once

                                              had informed me at about 9PM  from

Delhi that V.N is no more. 

See Cusp position,Sub lords 

and significators where as

every planet is significator

of 8th cusp except sun who 

is significator of 12 also:-

     Cusps          Sub Lords                    Significators

1st cusp               Rahu                          7,8,10,11th cusp

2nd cusp              sun                             4,6,9,12th cusp

3rd cusp               Mars                          6,7,8,9,11 th cusp

4th cusp               Jupiter                       4,7,8,11,12th Cusp

5th Cusp              Rahu                          7,8,10,11th Cusp    

6th Cusp              Rahu                          7,8,10,11th Cusp 

7th Cusp              Rahu                          7,8,10,11th Cusp 

8th Cusp              Rahu                          7,8,10,11th Cusp  

9th Cusp              Mars                           6,7,8,9th cusp

10th Cusp            Jupiter                         4,7,8,11,12th cusp

11th Cusp            Rahu                           7,8,10,11 th Cusp

12th cusp             Jupiter                         4,7,8,11,12th Cusp

                      Thus you see that except Sun Every Planet i.e Rahu

,Mars,Jupiter are significator of 8th cusp.Moon,Mercury,Venus,Saturn and ketu

are not significator of 8th or any cusp and that is why he survived

till 29.12.2008 other wise he would have died before hand yet Venus is found

22nd decanet  lord of Lagna .

Rest Mercury is also Karak of disease as Mercury is significator of 1and 6th

cusp also and it is retrograde .

It had to cause disease as it is weak and significator of 1and 6 cusp also.Rest

Moon is posited in Mrigsira lord of which is Mars itself significator of 8th

again.Saturn is posited in Mool lord of which is Ketu which is agent of

Mars.Lastly Ketu is posited in poorvaphalguni lord of which is Venus.On the

whole there is no life after 29.12.2008.All the planets had been malafic for

V.N.His parrents had spent money more than 60 lacs and all types of prayers ,Dan

Punay ,Jap were also performed but in vain. Death is predestined before the time

when the baby leaves the womb of his/her mother.

With thanks and regards,                      


Dhirendra Nath Misra






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