Guest guest Posted November 14, 2009 Report Share Posted November 14, 2009 Respected Shree Suresh Babu Ji, It is always pleasure and worth reading all your analysis I am a silent follower of your knowledge sharing here and thank you for the same. You wrote: //for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are if a planet is debilated 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas.// I too have some doubts and can't able to understand with regard to NBRY in the following chart. hence would request you to kindly shed some light on this and appreciate if you could provide any predictions on this chart.. Today is the BIRTHDAY of the native:-):-) Female child DOB: 14th Nov 2005 TOB: 20:40 Hrs (Night birth) POB: Chitradugra Karnataka I find here in this chart Sun is Deblited and it's despositor Venus is in Kendra (7H) from Lagna. BUT the same Venus is in Parivartana with Jup (7L)So how do we delineate in this case? Is the NBRY is happening here? Now Lord of Sun's exaltion sign Mars is placed in Chandra Lagna itself along with Chandra.. BUT this Mars is Retro Presently the native is running Venus MD and Venus - AD. Venus MD will be there throught her major Life growth i.e. from Childhood, teen-age to adulthood.. So what would be the effect of this NBRY? Appreciate your kind response Regards Chandu2Chill (Chandrasekar) , " Suresh Babu.A.G " <sureshbabuag wrote: > >  // I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated MercuryIs it Correct?// > > Yes & No. The effect may be correct but the logic is not. > > Dispositor of the debilated planet being the kendra of Moon surely cancells the neechtwa - > However, > > Here the Mercury is the dispositor of Venus. As per classics, The Raja yoga comes into effect during the dasa / anthar dasa of the plant that causes the bhaga (here Mercury). > > So unless mercury is strong enough, the raja is not going to be effective. > > The Neecha Banga Raja yoga confers the effects of " Slumdog Millionaire " . > But if the planet is not strong enough, the slumdog may get a little fatter or reach rich mans house. consider the paksha bala of moon also. > > Here the first rule to be applyed is Exlated mercury is with debilated Venus. So mercury & Venus cancels each other. So where mercury gets strength to confer the full effect of neecha banga raja yoga? > > it retrogration creates other issues and is secondary. Being in the kendra of Moon (mana karaka) it can cause many atittude problems, illusions about various facets about life or situations. Their way of thinking, logic and outlook need not be in tune with what other might be thinking or doing in the similar situations and general perspection, and this cause real problems in life.  > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy. > > > >   > > >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > > > > ________________________________ > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra > > Fri, November 13, 2009 12:32:10 AM > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > >  > Nice Observation by Sri Suresh Sir.I had observed the rule for Venus// I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled >  // I missed while observing Jupiter. > Dhirendra Nath Misra >  > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 10:59:45 PM > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > >  > Though I don't want to interfere in your discussion, Just pointing a fundamental mistake. > > Jupiter's debilation does not get cancelled by having Saturn(its dispositor) in own house as stated under. > > //Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.// >  > for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are > if a planet is debilated > 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna > 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. > > These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas. > > In this case, either, Saturn should be in the kendra of Lagna or Moon OR moon should be in the kendra of Lagna. > > This does not happen here, hence no such raja yogas. > > The effect of Neecha Banga Raja shall be very prominent if effective. > > This is not my invention but based on pure classics. So take it or leave it. >    > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > Thu, November 12, 2009 8:11:08 PM > Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > >  > Dear Shailaja Mandre Ji,Thanks for nice comment.I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled in real sense and you see Venus is 10th lord which stands for his father and Venus is yielding its adverse result for Kamesh as parents of Kamesh have not cordial relation with him.Had the debiliation been cancelled in real sense his parents would have made cordial relation with Kamesh and Kamesh would have got his share money but he did not get it till date.No doubt shad Bal of Venus is high but what will you do for retrograde Mercury?Retrograde Mercury is posited in Kutumb Sthan+Dhan sthan and judge the role of lord of second house+ role of debiliated Venus from the lines written by Kamesh. >            For speculation I have replied as per K.P System .Even then for your satisfaction I am telling you the role of lord of 2,5,and 11th house.Lord of 2nd and 11th is retrograde and posited in its exalted sign.It means it will yield result like a debiliated planet.Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.Even then speculation seems unsafe for Kamesh . >  > Dhirendra Nath Misra >  > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > Shailaja Mandre <shailajamandre@ .co. in> > > Thu, November 12, 2009 11:48:35 AM > Re: Help needed ???? > >  > > Dear Dhirendra Nath Misraji > > I went through your delineation wherein you have mentioned that Venus is debilitated in his chart. >  > As per my observation Venus though debilitated it is conjunct with Mercury which gets exalted in Virgo even it is kendra from Moon therefore debilitation of Venus is canceled > >  Second house is aspected by Jupiter 9th aspect Jupiter placement in 6th House is bad but aspect is always good Jupiter is with Saturn 6th and 8th Lord in 6th House Viparit Rajyoga > > For speculation 2nd Lord 5th Lord & 11th Lord should be involved. In this chart 2nd and 11th Lord is Mercury 5th lord is Jupiter and Venus is with Mercury and aspected by Jupiter. > > Venus is also strong in SAV and Shadbala So I feel Venus is strong > > Only running dasha is of Ketu which is bad, but Ketu dasha though takes everything in the begining of the dasha STARTS giving in the end of the dasha. > > I am new in Astrology if I am wrong please rectify my mistake so that I can improve > Please advise > > Regards >     > Shailaja > --- On Wed, 11/11/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> wrote: > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > Re: Help needed ???? > > Wednesday, 11 November, 2009, 6:42 PM > >  > > Dear Kamesh,First of all I want to tell you that your birth has taken place between 02:00:15AM to 02:00:40AM.At this time Ascendant Sub lord is Jupiter and Star lord of Moon is also Jupiter;Sub Sub lord of Ascendant is Ketu and Sub lord of Moon is also Ketu.Thus your noted birth time is 40 seconds behind.I use Krishnamurty Ayanamsa.Every astrologer must rectify birth time before he makes any prediction in accordance with his system.Now come to your questions. > > [1]share marketing/ stock broker business-As per your chart sub lord of 10th cusp is Venus.It is debiliated and posited in 2nd house.It is significator of 2,3,10,11,12th cusp but not of 5th and 7th cusp.It means all the conditions are not fulfilled.Hence this business is not 100% suitable for you.Don't invest huge amount. > > [2] you may have your own house between 30.06.2012 to 21.08.2012. > > [3] I am of the view that you will not get property easily from your parents as 10th lord is debiliated Venus rather your parents will destroy your property. > > With good wishes, > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > >  > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > kameshkrm <kameshkrm (AT) (DOT) in> > > > > Wed, November 11, 2009 9:30:13 PM > > Help needed ???? > >  > > Dear Sir, > > Please help? > > I am new to this group. > > I have taken VRS in 2003 right now I am not doing anything. Will I be able to do any business ( which one is favorable). I am thinking of becoming a Stock broker will it be successful. > > My parents have sold 80% of the property and they are not in good terms with me so I want to know > > 1) Can I buy a House in my life if yes when? > > 2) Can I get property/Money from parents? > > My details > > DOB 30-10-1961, TOB 2 am , POB Dharwar Long 75E 01 Lat 15N 28 > > I request you to kindly help me and relieve me of the mental agony which I am under going past 4 to 5 years. Kindly advice > > Regards > > Kamesh > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2009 Report Share Posted November 14, 2009 Dear Shree Suresh Ji, Thank you so much i got your detailed reply thru pvt mail.. Appreciate your kind response and dedication towards helping every possible querist(s) With regards and respect Chandu2Chill (Chandrasekar) , " CP " <nanna_id2006 wrote: > > Respected Shree Suresh Babu Ji, > > It is always pleasure and worth reading all your analysis I am a silent follower of your knowledge sharing here and thank you for the same. > > You wrote: > > //for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are > if a planet is debilated > 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna > 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. > > These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas.// > > I too have some doubts and can't able to understand with regard to NBRY in the following chart. hence would request you to kindly shed some light on this and appreciate if you could provide any predictions on this chart.. > > Today is the BIRTHDAY of the native:-):-) > > Female child > DOB: 14th Nov 2005 > TOB: 20:40 Hrs (Night birth) > POB: Chitradugra Karnataka > > I find here in this chart Sun is Deblited and it's despositor Venus is in Kendra (7H) from Lagna. BUT the same Venus is in Parivartana with Jup (7L)So how do we delineate in this case? > > Is the NBRY is happening here? > > Now Lord of Sun's exaltion sign Mars is placed in Chandra Lagna itself along with Chandra.. BUT this Mars is Retro > > Presently the native is running Venus MD and Venus - AD. Venus MD will be there throught her major Life growth i.e. from Childhood, teen-age to adulthood.. > > So what would be the effect of this NBRY? > > Appreciate your kind response > > Regards > > Chandu2Chill > (Chandrasekar) > > , " Suresh Babu.A.G " <sureshbabuag@> wrote: > > > >  // I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated MercuryIs it Correct?// > > > > Yes & No. The effect may be correct but the logic is not. > > > > Dispositor of the debilated planet being the kendra of Moon surely cancells the neechtwa - > > However, > > > > Here the Mercury is the dispositor of Venus. As per classics, The Raja yoga comes into effect during the dasa / anthar dasa of the plant that causes the bhaga (here Mercury). > > > > So unless mercury is strong enough, the raja is not going to be effective. > > > > The Neecha Banga Raja yoga confers the effects of " Slumdog Millionaire " . > > But if the planet is not strong enough, the slumdog may get a little fatter or reach rich mans house. consider the paksha bala of moon also. > > > > Here the first rule to be applyed is Exlated mercury is with debilated Venus. So mercury & Venus cancels each other. So where mercury gets strength to confer the full effect of neecha banga raja yoga? > > > > it retrogration creates other issues and is secondary. Being in the kendra of Moon (mana karaka) it can cause many atittude problems, illusions about various facets about life or situations. Their way of thinking, logic and outlook need not be in tune with what other might be thinking or doing in the similar situations and general perspection, and this cause real problems in life.  > > > > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy. > > > > > > > >   > > > > > >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra@> > > > > Fri, November 13, 2009 12:32:10 AM > > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > >  > > Nice Observation by Sri Suresh Sir.I had observed the rule for Venus// I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled > >  // I missed while observing Jupiter. > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > >  > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 10:59:45 PM > > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > >  > > Though I don't want to interfere in your discussion, Just pointing a fundamental mistake. > > > > Jupiter's debilation does not get cancelled by having Saturn(its dispositor) in own house as stated under. > > > > //Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.// > >  > > for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are > > if a planet is debilated > > 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna > > 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. > > > > These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas. > > > > In this case, either, Saturn should be in the kendra of Lagna or Moon OR moon should be in the kendra of Lagna. > > > > This does not happen here, hence no such raja yogas. > > > > The effect of Neecha Banga Raja shall be very prominent if effective. > > > > This is not my invention but based on pure classics. So take it or leave it. > >    > > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 8:11:08 PM > > Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > >  > > Dear Shailaja Mandre Ji,Thanks for nice comment.I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled in real sense and you see Venus is 10th lord which stands for his father and Venus is yielding its adverse result for Kamesh as parents of Kamesh have not cordial relation with him.Had the debiliation been cancelled in real sense his parents would have made cordial relation with Kamesh and Kamesh would have got his share money but he did not get it till date.No doubt shad Bal of Venus is high but what will you do for retrograde Mercury?Retrograde Mercury is posited in Kutumb Sthan+Dhan sthan and judge the role of lord of second house+ role of debiliated Venus from the lines written by Kamesh. > >            For speculation I have replied as per K.P System ..Even then for your satisfaction I am telling you the role of lord of 2,5,and 11th house.Lord of 2nd and 11th is retrograde and posited in its exalted sign.It means it will yield result like a debiliated planet.Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.Even then speculation seems unsafe for Kamesh . > >  > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > >  > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Shailaja Mandre <shailajamandre@ .co. in> > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 11:48:35 AM > > Re: Help needed ???? > > > >  > > > > Dear Dhirendra Nath Misraji > > > > I went through your delineation wherein you have mentioned that Venus is debilitated in his chart. > >  > > As per my observation Venus though debilitated it is conjunct with Mercury which gets exalted in Virgo even it is kendra from Moon therefore debilitation of Venus is canceled > > > >  Second house is aspected by Jupiter 9th aspect Jupiter placement in 6th House is bad but aspect is always good Jupiter is with Saturn 6th and 8th Lord in 6th House Viparit Rajyoga > > > > For speculation 2nd Lord 5th Lord & 11th Lord should be involved. In this chart 2nd and 11th Lord is Mercury 5th lord is Jupiter and Venus is with Mercury and aspected by Jupiter. > > > > Venus is also strong in SAV and Shadbala So I feel Venus is strong > > > > Only running dasha is of Ketu which is bad, but Ketu dasha though takes everything in the begining of the dasha STARTS giving in the end of the dasha. > > > > I am new in Astrology if I am wrong please rectify my mistake so that I can improve > > Please advise > > > > Regards > >     > > Shailaja > > --- On Wed, 11/11/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> wrote: > > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > Re: Help needed ???? > > > > Wednesday, 11 November, 2009, 6:42 PM > > > >  > > > > Dear Kamesh,First of all I want to tell you that your birth has taken place between 02:00:15AM to 02:00:40AM.At this time Ascendant Sub lord is Jupiter and Star lord of Moon is also Jupiter;Sub Sub lord of Ascendant is Ketu and Sub lord of Moon is also Ketu.Thus your noted birth time is 40 seconds behind.I use Krishnamurty Ayanamsa.Every astrologer must rectify birth time before he makes any prediction in accordance with his system.Now come to your questions. > > > > [1]share marketing/ stock broker business-As per your chart sub lord of 10th cusp is Venus.It is debiliated and posited in 2nd house.It is significator of 2,3,10,11,12th cusp but not of 5th and 7th cusp.It means all the conditions are not fulfilled.Hence this business is not 100% suitable for you.Don't invest huge amount. > > > > [2] you may have your own house between 30.06.2012 to 21.08.2012. > > > > [3] I am of the view that you will not get property easily from your parents as 10th lord is debiliated Venus rather your parents will destroy your property. > > > > With good wishes, > > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > > >  > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > > > kameshkrm <kameshkrm (AT) (DOT) in> > > > > > > > > Wed, November 11, 2009 9:30:13 PM > > > > Help needed ???? > > > >  > > > > Dear Sir, > > > > Please help? > > > > I am new to this group. > > > > I have taken VRS in 2003 right now I am not doing anything. Will I be able to do any business ( which one is favorable). I am thinking of becoming a Stock broker will it be successful. > > > > My parents have sold 80% of the property and they are not in good terms with me so I want to know > > > > 1) Can I buy a House in my life if yes when? > > > > 2) Can I get property/Money from parents? > > > > My details > > > > DOB 30-10-1961, TOB 2 am , POB Dharwar Long 75E 01 Lat 15N 28 > > > > I request you to kindly help me and relieve me of the mental agony which I am under going past 4 to 5 years. Kindly advice > > > > Regards > > > > Kamesh > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 16, 2009 Report Share Posted November 16, 2009 Dear friends, Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga consists of two parts: (A) Cancellation of debilition and (B) Onset of a Raja Yoga Let us first consider the effect of a Neecha Planet. A Neecha Graha weakens the result of (1)its own sign/signs ( one sign for sun/moon, two signs/houses for other planets) in rasi and divisional charts as well as (2) the sign it occupies in rasi as well as divisional charts (especially Navamsa) Now the important question to be answered is does the planet that cancels the debilition by means of its kendra position from lagna/moon/navamsa lagna/chandra navamsa lagna/navamsa or rasi of Mahadasa lord able to provide support to the houses that suffer the weakness due to debilition ? --- The debilition cancelling planet can take care of the weak houses (a)if it is able to access the physical resources of the houses weakened (rasi drishti/ occupation) (b) if it is interested in the matter of those houses ( graha drishti, depositorship of the significator planet) © if it has ability and talent and required cooperation(Ashtakvarga) from/with all other planets in the matters of those weakened houses ( Yoga Karaktwa : refer Karaka Yoga) ---- (d) other basic weaknesses that doesnot gets cancelled but destroys good result are: if the moon or the debilited planet or the supporting planet(s) cancelling debilition are quite weak being placed in Rasi Sandhi or strongly eclipsed by Nodes or Sun acting as a malefic planet; This much is my humble experience just on cancellation of debilition. --- A GOOD UNDERSTANDING OF KARAKA YOGA ( SUPPORTING PLANETS / YOGA/RASI-AMSA DISPOSITORS) AND COOPERATION (ASHTAKAVARG) SEEMS TO FORM THE FOUNDATION OF NBRY ACCORDING TO SOME ASTROLOGERS. ---- Regards, Mrutyunjay Tripathy (Consultancy out of group is not free) , " CP " <nanna_id2006 wrote: > > Respected Shree Suresh Babu Ji, > > It is always pleasure and worth reading all your analysis I am a silent follower of your knowledge sharing here and thank you for the same. > > You wrote: > > //for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are > if a planet is debilated > 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna > 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. > > These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas.// > > I too have some doubts and can't able to understand with regard to NBRY in the following chart. hence would request you to kindly shed some light on this and appreciate if you could provide any predictions on this chart.. > > Today is the BIRTHDAY of the native:-):-) > > Female child > DOB: 14th Nov 2005 > TOB: 20:40 Hrs (Night birth) > POB: Chitradugra Karnataka > > I find here in this chart Sun is Deblited and it's despositor Venus is in Kendra (7H) from Lagna. BUT the same Venus is in Parivartana with Jup (7L)So how do we delineate in this case? > > Is the NBRY is happening here? > > Now Lord of Sun's exaltion sign Mars is placed in Chandra Lagna itself along with Chandra.. BUT this Mars is Retro > > Presently the native is running Venus MD and Venus - AD. Venus MD will be there throught her major Life growth i.e. from Childhood, teen-age to adulthood.. > > So what would be the effect of this NBRY? > > Appreciate your kind response > > Regards > > Chandu2Chill > (Chandrasekar) > > , " Suresh Babu.A.G " <sureshbabuag@> wrote: > > > >  // I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated MercuryIs it Correct?// > > > > Yes & No. The effect may be correct but the logic is not. > > > > Dispositor of the debilated planet being the kendra of Moon surely cancells the neechtwa - > > However, > > > > Here the Mercury is the dispositor of Venus. As per classics, The Raja yoga comes into effect during the dasa / anthar dasa of the plant that causes the bhaga (here Mercury). > > > > So unless mercury is strong enough, the raja is not going to be effective. > > > > The Neecha Banga Raja yoga confers the effects of " Slumdog Millionaire " . > > But if the planet is not strong enough, the slumdog may get a little fatter or reach rich mans house. consider the paksha bala of moon also. > > > > Here the first rule to be applyed is Exlated mercury is with debilated Venus. So mercury & Venus cancels each other. So where mercury gets strength to confer the full effect of neecha banga raja yoga? > > > > it retrogration creates other issues and is secondary. Being in the kendra of Moon (mana karaka) it can cause many atittude problems, illusions about various facets about life or situations. Their way of thinking, logic and outlook need not be in tune with what other might be thinking or doing in the similar situations and general perspection, and this cause real problems in life.  > > > > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy. > > > > > > > >   > > > > > >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra@> > > > > Fri, November 13, 2009 12:32:10 AM > > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > >  > > Nice Observation by Sri Suresh Sir.I had observed the rule for Venus// I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled > >  // I missed while observing Jupiter. > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > >  > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 10:59:45 PM > > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > >  > > Though I don't want to interfere in your discussion, Just pointing a fundamental mistake. > > > > Jupiter's debilation does not get cancelled by having Saturn(its dispositor) in own house as stated under. > > > > //Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.// > >  > > for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are > > if a planet is debilated > > 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna > > 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. > > > > These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas. > > > > In this case, either, Saturn should be in the kendra of Lagna or Moon OR moon should be in the kendra of Lagna. > > > > This does not happen here, hence no such raja yogas. > > > > The effect of Neecha Banga Raja shall be very prominent if effective. > > > > This is not my invention but based on pure classics. So take it or leave it. > >    > > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 8:11:08 PM > > Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > >  > > Dear Shailaja Mandre Ji,Thanks for nice comment.I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled in real sense and you see Venus is 10th lord which stands for his father and Venus is yielding its adverse result for Kamesh as parents of Kamesh have not cordial relation with him.Had the debiliation been cancelled in real sense his parents would have made cordial relation with Kamesh and Kamesh would have got his share money but he did not get it till date.No doubt shad Bal of Venus is high but what will you do for retrograde Mercury?Retrograde Mercury is posited in Kutumb Sthan+Dhan sthan and judge the role of lord of second house+ role of debiliated Venus from the lines written by Kamesh. > >            For speculation I have replied as per K.P System ..Even then for your satisfaction I am telling you the role of lord of 2,5,and 11th house.Lord of 2nd and 11th is retrograde and posited in its exalted sign.It means it will yield result like a debiliated planet.Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.Even then speculation seems unsafe for Kamesh . > >  > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > >  > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Shailaja Mandre <shailajamandre@ .co. in> > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 11:48:35 AM > > Re: Help needed ???? > > > >  > > > > Dear Dhirendra Nath Misraji > > > > I went through your delineation wherein you have mentioned that Venus is debilitated in his chart. > >  > > As per my observation Venus though debilitated it is conjunct with Mercury which gets exalted in Virgo even it is kendra from Moon therefore debilitation of Venus is canceled > > > >  Second house is aspected by Jupiter 9th aspect Jupiter placement in 6th House is bad but aspect is always good Jupiter is with Saturn 6th and 8th Lord in 6th House Viparit Rajyoga > > > > For speculation 2nd Lord 5th Lord & 11th Lord should be involved. In this chart 2nd and 11th Lord is Mercury 5th lord is Jupiter and Venus is with Mercury and aspected by Jupiter. > > > > Venus is also strong in SAV and Shadbala So I feel Venus is strong > > > > Only running dasha is of Ketu which is bad, but Ketu dasha though takes everything in the begining of the dasha STARTS giving in the end of the dasha. > > > > I am new in Astrology if I am wrong please rectify my mistake so that I can improve > > Please advise > > > > Regards > >     > > Shailaja > > --- On Wed, 11/11/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> wrote: > > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > Re: Help needed ???? > > > > Wednesday, 11 November, 2009, 6:42 PM > > > >  > > > > Dear Kamesh,First of all I want to tell you that your birth has taken place between 02:00:15AM to 02:00:40AM.At this time Ascendant Sub lord is Jupiter and Star lord of Moon is also Jupiter;Sub Sub lord of Ascendant is Ketu and Sub lord of Moon is also Ketu.Thus your noted birth time is 40 seconds behind.I use Krishnamurty Ayanamsa.Every astrologer must rectify birth time before he makes any prediction in accordance with his system.Now come to your questions. > > > > [1]share marketing/ stock broker business-As per your chart sub lord of 10th cusp is Venus.It is debiliated and posited in 2nd house.It is significator of 2,3,10,11,12th cusp but not of 5th and 7th cusp.It means all the conditions are not fulfilled.Hence this business is not 100% suitable for you.Don't invest huge amount. > > > > [2] you may have your own house between 30.06.2012 to 21.08.2012. > > > > [3] I am of the view that you will not get property easily from your parents as 10th lord is debiliated Venus rather your parents will destroy your property. > > > > With good wishes, > > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > > >  > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > > > kameshkrm <kameshkrm (AT) (DOT) in> > > > > > > > > Wed, November 11, 2009 9:30:13 PM > > > > Help needed ???? > > > >  > > > > Dear Sir, > > > > Please help? > > > > I am new to this group. > > > > I have taken VRS in 2003 right now I am not doing anything. Will I be able to do any business ( which one is favorable). I am thinking of becoming a Stock broker will it be successful. > > > > My parents have sold 80% of the property and they are not in good terms with me so I want to know > > > > 1) Can I buy a House in my life if yes when? > > > > 2) Can I get property/Money from parents? > > > > My details > > > > DOB 30-10-1961, TOB 2 am , POB Dharwar Long 75E 01 Lat 15N 28 > > > > I request you to kindly help me and relieve me of the mental agony which I am under going past 4 to 5 years. Kindly advice > > > > Regards > > > > Kamesh > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 16, 2009 Report Share Posted November 16, 2009 Dear Shri Tripathy Ji, Very well explained and deserve commendation. Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services (For all counseling services)  --- On Mon, 11/16/09, preventina <preventina wrote: preventina <preventina Re: NBRY - Kind Attn: Suresh Ji Monday, November 16, 2009, 6:03 AM Dear friends, Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga consists of two parts: (A) Cancellation of debilition and (B) Onset of a Raja Yoga Let us first consider the effect of a Neecha Planet. A Neecha Graha weakens the result of (1)its own sign/signs ( one sign for sun/moon, two signs/houses for other planets) in rasi and divisional charts as well as (2) the sign it occupies in rasi as well as divisional charts (especially Navamsa) Now the important question to be answered is does the planet that cancels the debilition by means of its kendra position from lagna/moon/navamsa lagna/chandra navamsa lagna/navamsa or rasi of Mahadasa lord able to provide support to the houses that suffer the weakness due to debilition ? --- The debilition cancelling planet can take care of the weak houses (a)if it is able to access the physical resources of the houses weakened (rasi drishti/ occupation) (b) if it is interested in the matter of those houses ( graha drishti, depositorship of the significator planet) © if it has ability and talent and required cooperation(Ashtakvarga) from/with all other planets in the matters of those weakened houses ( Yoga Karaktwa : refer Karaka Yoga) ---- (d) other basic weaknesses that doesnot gets cancelled but destroys good result are: if the moon or the debilited planet or the supporting planet(s) cancelling debilition are quite weak being placed in Rasi Sandhi or strongly eclipsed by Nodes or Sun acting as a malefic planet; This much is my humble experience just on cancellation of debilition. --- A GOOD UNDERSTANDING OF KARAKA YOGA ( SUPPORTING PLANETS / YOGA/RASI-AMSA DISPOSITORS) AND COOPERATION (ASHTAKAVARG) SEEMS TO FORM THE FOUNDATION OF NBRY ACCORDING TO SOME ASTROLOGERS. ---- Regards, Mrutyunjay Tripathy (Consultancy out of group is not free) , " CP " <nanna_id2006 wrote: > > Respected Shree Suresh Babu Ji, > > It is always pleasure and worth reading all your analysis I am a silent follower of your knowledge sharing here and thank you for the same. > > You wrote: > > //for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are > if a planet is debilated > 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna > 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. > > These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas.// > > I too have some doubts and can't able to understand with regard to NBRY in the following chart. hence would request you to kindly shed some light on this and appreciate if you could provide any predictions on this chart.. > > Today is the BIRTHDAY of the native:-):-) > > Female child > DOB: 14th Nov 2005 > TOB: 20:40 Hrs (Night birth) > POB: Chitradugra Karnataka > > I find here in this chart Sun is Deblited and it's despositor Venus is in Kendra (7H) from Lagna. BUT the same Venus is in Parivartana with Jup (7L)So how do we delineate in this case? > > Is the NBRY is happening here? > > Now Lord of Sun's exaltion sign Mars is placed in Chandra Lagna itself along with Chandra.. BUT this Mars is Retro > > Presently the native is running Venus MD and Venus - AD. Venus MD will be there throught her major Life growth i.e. from Childhood, teen-age to adulthood.. > > So what would be the effect of this NBRY? > > Appreciate your kind response > > Regards > > Chandu2Chill > (Chandrasekar) > > , " Suresh Babu.A.G " <sureshbabuag@> wrote: > > > > آ // I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated MercuryIs it Correct?// > > > > Yes & No. The effect may be correct but the logic is not. > > > > Dispositor of the debilated planet being the kendra of Moon surely cancells the neechtwa - > > However, > > > > Here the Mercury is the dispositor of Venus. As per classics, The Raja yoga comes into effectآ during the dasa / anthar dasa of the plant that causes the bhaga (here Mercury). > > > > So unless mercury is strong enough, the raja is not going to be effective. > > > > The Neecha Banga Raja yoga confers the effects of " Slumdog Millionaire " . > > But if the planet is not strong enough, the slumdog may get a little fatter or reach rich mans house. consider the paksha bala of moon also. > > > > Here the first rule to be applyed is Exlated mercury is with debilated Venus. So mercury & Venus cancels each other. So where mercury gets strength to confer the full effect of neecha banga raja yoga? > > > > it retrogration creates other issues and is secondary. Being in the kendra of Moon (mana karaka) it can cause many atittude problems, illusions about various facets about life or situations. Their way of thinking, logic and outlook need not be in tune with what other might be thinking or doing in the similar situations and general perspection, and this cause real problems in life.آ آ > > > > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy. > > > > > > > > آ آ > > > > > > آ A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra@> > > > > Fri, November 13, 2009 12:32:10 AM > > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > > آ > > Nice Observation by Sri Sureshآ Sir.I had observed the rule for Venus// I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled > > آ // I missed while observing Jupiter. > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > آ > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 10:59:45 PM > > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > > آ > > Though I don't want to interfere in your discussion, Just pointing a fundamental mistake. > > > > Jupiter's debilation does not get cancelled by having Saturn(its dispositor) in own house as stated under. > > > > //Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.// > > آ > > for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are > > if a planet is debilated > > 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna > > 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. > > > > These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas. > > > > In this case, either, Saturn should be in the kendra of Lagna or Moon OR moon should be in the kendra of Lagna. > > > > This does not happen here, hence no suchآ raja yogas. > > > > The effect of Neecha Banga Raja shall be very prominent if effective. > > > > This is not my invention but basedآ on pure classics. So take it or leave it. > > آ آ آ > > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 8:11:08 PM > > Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > > آ > > Dear Shailaja Mandre Ji,Thanks for nice comment.I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled in real sense and you see Venus is 10th lord which stands for his father and Venus is yielding its adverse result for Kamesh as parents of Kamesh have not cordial relation with him.Had the debiliation been cancelled in real sense his parents would have made cordial relation with Kamesh and Kamesh would have got his share money but he did not get it till date.No doubt shad Bal of Venus is high but what will you do for retrograde Mercury?Retrograde Mercury is posited in Kutumb Sthan+Dhan sthan and judge the role of lord of second house+ role of debiliated Venus from the lines written by Kamesh. > > آ آ آ آ آ آ آ آ آ آ آ For speculation I have replied as per K.P System .Even then for your satisfaction I am telling you the role of lord of 2,5,and 11th house.Lord of 2nd and 11th isآ retrograde and posited in its exalted sign.It means it will yield result like a debiliated planet.Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.Even then speculationآ seems unsafe for Kameshآ . > > آ > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > آ > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Shailaja Mandre <shailajamandre@ .co. in> > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 11:48:35 AM > > Re: Help needed ???? > > > > آ > > > > Dear Dhirendra Nath Misraji > > > > I went through your delineation wherein you have mentioned that Venus is debilitated in his chart. > > آ > > As perآ my observation Venus though debilitated it is conjunct with Mercury whichآ gets exalted in Virgo even it is kendra from Moon therefore debilitation of Venus is canceled > > > > آ Secondآ house is aspected byآ Jupiter 9th aspect Jupiter placement in 6th House is bad but aspect is always good Jupiter is with Saturn 6th andآ 8th Lord in 6th House Viparit Rajyoga > > > > For speculation 2nd Lord 5th Lord & 11th Lord should be involved. In thisآ chart 2nd and 11th Lord is Mercury 5th lord is Jupiter and Venus is with Mercury and aspected by Jupiter. > > > > Venus isآ also strong in SAV and Shadbalaآ So I feel Venus is strong > > > > Only running dasha is of Ketu which is bad, but Ketu dasha though takes everything in the begining of the dasha STARTSآ giving in the end of the dasha. > > > > I am new in Astrology if I am wrong please rectify my mistake so that I can improve > > Please advise > > > > Regards > > آ آ آ آ > > Shailaja > > --- On Wed, 11/11/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> wrote: > > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > Re: Help needed ???? > > > > Wednesday, 11 November, 2009, 6:42 PM > > > > آ > > > > Dear Kamesh,First of all I want to tell you that your birth has taken place between 02:00:15AM to 02:00:40AM.At this time Ascendant Sub lord is Jupiter and Star lord of Moon is also Jupiter;Sub Sub lord of Ascendant is Ketu and Sub lord of Moon is also Ketu.Thus your noted birth time is 40 seconds behind.I use Krishnamurty Ayanamsa.Every astrologer must rectify birth time before he makes any prediction in accordance with his system.Now come to your questions. > > > > [1]share marketing/ stock broker business-As per your chart sub lord of 10th cusp is Venus.It is debiliated and posited in 2nd house.It is significator of 2,3,10,11,12th cusp but not of 5th and 7th cusp.It means all the conditions are not fulfilled.Hence this business is not 100% suitable for you.Don't invest huge amount. > > > > [2] you may have your own house between 30.06.2012 to 21.08.2012. > > > > [3] I am of the view that you will not get property easily from your parents as 10th lord is debiliated Venus rather your parents will destroy your property. > > > > With good wishes,آ > > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > > > آ > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > > > kameshkrm <kameshkrm (AT) (DOT) in> > > > > > > > > Wed, November 11, 2009 9:30:13 PM > > > > Help needed ???? > > > > آ > > > > Dear Sir, > > > > Please help? > > > > I am new to this group. > > > > I have taken VRS in 2003 right now I am not doing anything. Will I be able to do any business ( which one is favorable). I am thinking of becoming a Stock broker will it be successful. > > > > My parents have sold 80% of the property and they are not in good terms with me so I want to know > > > > 1) Can I buy a House in my life if yes when? > > > > 2) Can I get property/Money from parents? > > > > My details > > > > DOB 30-10-1961, TOB 2 am , POB Dharwar Long 75E 01 Lat 15N 28 > > > > I request you to kindly help me and relieve me of the mental agony which I am under going past 4 to 5 years. Kindly advice > > > > Regards > > > > Kamesh > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 16, 2009 Report Share Posted November 16, 2009 Dear Krishna ji, Tripathi ji surely a well done post there is a special issue of Sept AM possibly in 73 or 74 DEVOTED TO THIS TOPIC BY EMINENT ASTROLGOERS in those times. one good point i can recall is the planet causing NBRY does take over the role of the yoga is a paracite kind that is is Sukra is necha and Budha cancels it Budha dasa or sub periods give v good RY times OFcourse the placement, other combinations/ influences also matter. prashant ________________________________ Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 Mon, November 16, 2009 9:49:01 PM Re: Re: NBRY - Kind Attn: Suresh Ji Dear Shri Tripathy Ji, Very well explained and deserve commendation. Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services (For all counseling services) --- On Mon, 11/16/09, preventina <preventina > wrote: preventina <preventina > Re: NBRY - Kind Attn: Suresh Ji Monday, November 16, 2009, 6:03 AM Dear friends, Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga consists of two parts: (A) Cancellation of debilition and (B) Onset of a Raja Yoga Let us first consider the effect of a Neecha Planet. A Neecha Graha weakens the result of (1)its own sign/signs ( one sign for sun/moon, two signs/houses for other planets) in rasi and divisional charts as well as (2) the sign it occupies in rasi as well as divisional charts (especially Navamsa) ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - Now the important question to be answered is does the planet that cancels the debilition by means of its kendra position from lagna/moon/navamsa lagna/chandra navamsa lagna/navamsa or rasi of Mahadasa lord able to provide support to the houses that suffer the weakness due to debilition ? ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - The debilition cancelling planet can take care of the weak houses (a)if it is able to access the physical resources of the houses weakened (rasi drishti/ occupation) (b) if it is interested in the matter of those houses ( graha drishti, depositorship of the significator planet) © if it has ability and talent and required cooperation( Ashtakvarga) from/with all other planets in the matters of those weakened houses ( Yoga Karaktwa : refer Karaka Yoga) ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - (d) other basic weaknesses that doesnot gets cancelled but destroys good result are: if the moon or the debilited planet or the supporting planet(s) cancelling debilition are quite weak being placed in Rasi Sandhi or strongly eclipsed by Nodes or Sun acting as a malefic planet; This much is my humble experience just on cancellation of debilition. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - A GOOD UNDERSTANDING OF KARAKA YOGA ( SUPPORTING PLANETS / YOGA/RASI-AMSA DISPOSITORS) AND COOPERATION (ASHTAKAVARG) SEEMS TO FORM THE FOUNDATION OF NBRY ACCORDING TO SOME ASTROLOGERS. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - Regards, Mrutyunjay Tripathy (Consultancy out of group is not free) , " CP " <nanna_id2006@ ...> wrote: > > Respected Shree Suresh Babu Ji, > > It is always pleasure and worth reading all your analysis I am a silent follower of your knowledge sharing here and thank you for the same. > > You wrote: > > //for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are > if a planet is debilated > 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna > 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. > > These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas.// > > I too have some doubts and can't able to understand with regard to NBRY in the following chart. hence would request you to kindly shed some light on this and appreciate if you could provide any predictions on this chart.. > > Today is the BIRTHDAY of the native:-):-) > > Female child > DOB: 14th Nov 2005 > TOB: 20:40 Hrs (Night birth) > POB: Chitradugra Karnataka > > I find here in this chart Sun is Deblited and it's despositor Venus is in Kendra (7H) from Lagna. BUT the same Venus is in Parivartana with Jup (7L)So how do we delineate in this case? > > Is the NBRY is happening here? > > Now Lord of Sun's exaltion sign Mars is placed in Chandra Lagna itself along with Chandra.. BUT this Mars is Retro > > Presently the native is running Venus MD and Venus - AD. Venus MD will be there throught her major Life growth i.e. from Childhood, teen-age to adulthood.. > > So what would be the effect of this NBRY? > > Appreciate your kind response > > Regards > > Chandu2Chill > (Chandrasekar) > > , " Suresh Babu.A.G " <sureshbabuag@ > wrote: > > > > Ø¢ // I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated MercuryIs it Correct?// > > > > Yes & No. The effect may be correct but the logic is not. > > > > Dispositor of the debilated planet being the kendra of Moon surely cancells the neechtwa - > > However, > > > > Here the Mercury is the dispositor of Venus. As per classics, The Raja yoga comes into effectØ¢ during the dasa / anthar dasa of the plant that causes the bhaga (here Mercury). > > > > So unless mercury is strong enough, the raja is not going to be effective. > > > > The Neecha Banga Raja yoga confers the effects of " Slumdog Millionaire " . > > But if the planet is not strong enough, the slumdog may get a little fatter or reach rich mans house. consider the paksha bala of moon also. > > > > Here the first rule to be applyed is Exlated mercury is with debilated Venus. So mercury & Venus cancels each other. So where mercury gets strength to confer the full effect of neecha banga raja yoga? > > > > it retrogration creates other issues and is secondary. Being in the kendra of Moon (mana karaka) it can cause many atittude problems, illusions about various facets about life or situations. Their way of thinking, logic and outlook need not be in tune with what other might be thinking or doing in the similar situations and general perspection, and this cause real problems in life.Ø¢ Ø¢ > > > > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy. > > > > > > > > Ø¢ Ø¢ > > > > > > Ø¢ A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > > > Fri, November 13, 2009 12:32:10 AM > > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > > Ø¢ > > Nice Observation by Sri SureshØ¢ Sir.I had observed the rule for Venus// I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled > > Ø¢ // I missed while observing Jupiter. > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > Ø¢ > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 10:59:45 PM > > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > > Ø¢ > > Though I don't want to interfere in your discussion, Just pointing a fundamental mistake. > > > > Jupiter's debilation does not get cancelled by having Saturn(its dispositor) in own house as stated under. > > > > //Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.// > > Ø¢ > > for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are > > if a planet is debilated > > 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna > > 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. > > > > These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas. > > > > In this case, either, Saturn should be in the kendra of Lagna or Moon OR moon should be in the kendra of Lagna. > > > > This does not happen here, hence no suchØ¢ raja yogas. > > > > The effect of Neecha Banga Raja shall be very prominent if effective. > > > > This is not my invention but basedØ¢ on pure classics. So take it or leave it. > > Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ > > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 8:11:08 PM > > Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > > Ø¢ > > Dear Shailaja Mandre Ji,Thanks for nice comment.I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled in real sense and you see Venus is 10th lord which stands for his father and Venus is yielding its adverse result for Kamesh as parents of Kamesh have not cordial relation with him.Had the debiliation been cancelled in real sense his parents would have made cordial relation with Kamesh and Kamesh would have got his share money but he did not get it till date.No doubt shad Bal of Venus is high but what will you do for retrograde Mercury?Retrograde Mercury is posited in Kutumb Sthan+Dhan sthan and judge the role of lord of second house+ role of debiliated Venus from the lines written by Kamesh. > > Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ For speculation I have replied as per K.P System .Even then for your satisfaction I am telling you the role of lord of 2,5,and 11th house.Lord of 2nd and 11th isØ¢ retrograde and posited in its exalted sign.It means it will yield result like a debiliated planet.Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.Even then speculationØ¢ seems unsafe for KameshØ¢ . > > Ø¢ > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > Ø¢ > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Shailaja Mandre <shailajamandre@ .co. in> > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 11:48:35 AM > > Re: Help needed ???? > > > > Ø¢ > > > > Dear Dhirendra Nath Misraji > > > > I went through your delineation wherein you have mentioned that Venus is debilitated in his chart. > > Ø¢ > > As perØ¢ my observation Venus though debilitated it is conjunct with Mercury whichØ¢ gets exalted in Virgo even it is kendra from Moon therefore debilitation of Venus is canceled > > > > Ø¢ SecondØ¢ house is aspected byØ¢ Jupiter 9th aspect Jupiter placement in 6th House is bad but aspect is always good Jupiter is with Saturn 6th andØ¢ 8th Lord in 6th House Viparit Rajyoga > > > > For speculation 2nd Lord 5th Lord & 11th Lord should be involved. In thisØ¢ chart 2nd and 11th Lord is Mercury 5th lord is Jupiter and Venus is with Mercury and aspected by Jupiter. > > > > Venus isØ¢ also strong in SAV and ShadbalaØ¢ So I feel Venus is strong > > > > Only running dasha is of Ketu which is bad, but Ketu dasha though takes everything in the begining of the dasha STARTSØ¢ giving in the end of the dasha. > > > > I am new in Astrology if I am wrong please rectify my mistake so that I can improve > > Please advise > > > > Regards > > Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ > > Shailaja > > --- On Wed, 11/11/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> wrote: > > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > Re: Help needed ???? > > > > Wednesday, 11 November, 2009, 6:42 PM > > > > Ø¢ > > > > Dear Kamesh,First of all I want to tell you that your birth has taken place between 02:00:15AM to 02:00:40AM.At this time Ascendant Sub lord is Jupiter and Star lord of Moon is also Jupiter;Sub Sub lord of Ascendant is Ketu and Sub lord of Moon is also Ketu.Thus your noted birth time is 40 seconds behind.I use Krishnamurty Ayanamsa.Every astrologer must rectify birth time before he makes any prediction in accordance with his system.Now come to your questions. > > > > [1]share marketing/ stock broker business-As per your chart sub lord of 10th cusp is Venus.It is debiliated and posited in 2nd house.It is significator of 2,3,10,11,12th cusp but not of 5th and 7th cusp.It means all the conditions are not fulfilled.Hence this business is not 100% suitable for you.Don't invest huge amount. > > > > [2] you may have your own house between 30.06.2012 to 21.08.2012. > > > > [3] I am of the view that you will not get property easily from your parents as 10th lord is debiliated Venus rather your parents will destroy your property. > > > > With good wishes,Ø¢ > > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > > > Ø¢ > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > > > kameshkrm <kameshkrm (AT) (DOT) in> > > > > > > > > Wed, November 11, 2009 9:30:13 PM > > > > Help needed ???? > > > > Ø¢ > > > > Dear Sir, > > > > Please help? > > > > I am new to this group. > > > > I have taken VRS in 2003 right now I am not doing anything. Will I be able to do any business ( which one is favorable). I am thinking of becoming a Stock broker will it be successful. > > > > My parents have sold 80% of the property and they are not in good terms with me so I want to know > > > > 1) Can I buy a House in my life if yes when? > > > > 2) Can I get property/Money from parents? > > > > My details > > > > DOB 30-10-1961, TOB 2 am , POB Dharwar Long 75E 01 Lat 15N 28 > > > > I request you to kindly help me and relieve me of the mental agony which I am under going past 4 to 5 years. Kindly advice > > > > Regards > > > > Kamesh > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 16, 2009 Report Share Posted November 16, 2009 Dear Prashant Ji, Krishna ji, Tripaty ji & others, Isn't this what I wrote about in detail about NBRY in another post?  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy ________________________________ Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar Mon, November 16, 2009 10:54:30 PM Re: Re: NBRY - Kind Attn: Suresh Ji  Dear Krishna ji, Tripathi ji surely a well done post there is a special issue of Sept AM possibly in 73 or 74 DEVOTED TO THIS TOPIC BY EMINENT ASTROLGOERS in those times. one good point i can recall is the planet causing NBRY does take over the role of the yoga is a paracite kind that is is Sukra is necha and Budha cancels it Budha dasa or sub periods give v good RY times OFcourse the placement, other combinations/ influences also matter. prashant ____________ _________ _________ __ Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 > Mon, November 16, 2009 9:49:01 PM Re: Re: NBRY - Kind Attn: Suresh Ji Dear Shri Tripathy Ji, Very well explained and deserve commendation. Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services (For all counseling services) --- On Mon, 11/16/09, preventina <preventina> wrote: preventina <preventina> Re: NBRY - Kind Attn: Suresh Ji Monday, November 16, 2009, 6:03 AM Dear friends, Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga consists of two parts: (A) Cancellation of debilition and (B) Onset of a Raja Yoga Let us first consider the effect of a Neecha Planet. A Neecha Graha weakens the result of (1)its own sign/signs ( one sign for sun/moon, two signs/houses for other planets) in rasi and divisional charts as well as (2) the sign it occupies in rasi as well as divisional charts (especially Navamsa) ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - Now the important question to be answered is does the planet that cancels the debilition by means of its kendra position from lagna/moon/navamsa lagna/chandra navamsa lagna/navamsa or rasi of Mahadasa lord able to provide support to the houses that suffer the weakness due to debilition ? ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - The debilition cancelling planet can take care of the weak houses (a)if it is able to access the physical resources of the houses weakened (rasi drishti/ occupation) (b) if it is interested in the matter of those houses ( graha drishti, depositorship of the significator planet) © if it has ability and talent and required cooperation( Ashtakvarga) from/with all other planets in the matters of those weakened houses ( Yoga Karaktwa : refer Karaka Yoga) ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - (d) other basic weaknesses that doesnot gets cancelled but destroys good result are: if the moon or the debilited planet or the supporting planet(s) cancelling debilition are quite weak being placed in Rasi Sandhi or strongly eclipsed by Nodes or Sun acting as a malefic planet; This much is my humble experience just on cancellation of debilition. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - A GOOD UNDERSTANDING OF KARAKA YOGA ( SUPPORTING PLANETS / YOGA/RASI-AMSA DISPOSITORS) AND COOPERATION (ASHTAKAVARG) SEEMS TO FORM THE FOUNDATION OF NBRY ACCORDING TO SOME ASTROLOGERS. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - Regards, Mrutyunjay Tripathy (Consultancy out of group is not free) , " CP " <nanna_id2006@ ...> wrote: > > Respected Shree Suresh Babu Ji, > > It is always pleasure and worth reading all your analysis I am a silent follower of your knowledge sharing here and thank you for the same. > > You wrote: > > //for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are > if a planet is debilated > 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna > 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. > > These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas.// > > I too have some doubts and can't able to understand with regard to NBRY in the following chart. hence would request you to kindly shed some light on this and appreciate if you could provide any predictions on this chart.. > > Today is the BIRTHDAY of the native:-):-) > > Female child > DOB: 14th Nov 2005 > TOB: 20:40 Hrs (Night birth) > POB: Chitradugra Karnataka > > I find here in this chart Sun is Deblited and it's despositor Venus is in Kendra (7H) from Lagna. BUT the same Venus is in Parivartana with Jup (7L)So how do we delineate in this case? > > Is the NBRY is happening here? > > Now Lord of Sun's exaltion sign Mars is placed in Chandra Lagna itself along with Chandra.. BUT this Mars is Retro > > Presently the native is running Venus MD and Venus - AD. Venus MD will be there throught her major Life growth i.e. from Childhood, teen-age to adulthood.. > > So what would be the effect of this NBRY? > > Appreciate your kind response > > Regards > > Chandu2Chill > (Chandrasekar) > > , " Suresh Babu.A.G " <sureshbabuag@ > wrote: > > > > Ø¢ // I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated MercuryIs it Correct?// > > > > Yes & No. The effect may be correct but the logic is not. > > > > Dispositor of the debilated planet being the kendra of Moon surely cancells the neechtwa - > > However, > > > > Here the Mercury is the dispositor of Venus. As per classics, The Raja yoga comes into effectØ¢ during the dasa / anthar dasa of the plant that causes the bhaga (here Mercury). > > > > So unless mercury is strong enough, the raja is not going to be effective. > > > > The Neecha Banga Raja yoga confers the effects of " Slumdog Millionaire " . > > But if the planet is not strong enough, the slumdog may get a little fatter or reach rich mans house. consider the paksha bala of moon also. > > > > Here the first rule to be applyed is Exlated mercury is with debilated Venus. So mercury & Venus cancels each other. So where mercury gets strength to confer the full effect of neecha banga raja yoga? > > > > it retrogration creates other issues and is secondary. Being in the kendra of Moon (mana karaka) it can cause many atittude problems, illusions about various facets about life or situations. Their way of thinking, logic and outlook need not be in tune with what other might be thinking or doing in the similar situations and general perspection, and this cause real problems in life.Ø¢ Ø¢ > > > > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy. > > > > > > > > Ø¢ Ø¢ > > > > > > Ø¢ A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > > > Fri, November 13, 2009 12:32:10 AM > > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > > Ø¢ > > Nice Observation by Sri SureshØ¢ Sir.I had observed the rule for Venus// I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled > > Ø¢ // I missed while observing Jupiter. > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > Ø¢ > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 10:59:45 PM > > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > > Ø¢ > > Though I don't want to interfere in your discussion, Just pointing a fundamental mistake. > > > > Jupiter's debilation does not get cancelled by having Saturn(its dispositor) in own house as stated under. > > > > //Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.// > > Ø¢ > > for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are > > if a planet is debilated > > 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna > > 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. > > > > These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas. > > > > In this case, either, Saturn should be in the kendra of Lagna or Moon OR moon should be in the kendra of Lagna. > > > > This does not happen here, hence no suchØ¢ raja yogas. > > > > The effect of Neecha Banga Raja shall be very prominent if effective. > > > > This is not my invention but basedØ¢ on pure classics. So take it or leave it. > > Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ > > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 8:11:08 PM > > Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > > Ø¢ > > Dear Shailaja Mandre Ji,Thanks for nice comment.I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled in real sense and you see Venus is 10th lord which stands for his father and Venus is yielding its adverse result for Kamesh as parents of Kamesh have not cordial relation with him.Had the debiliation been cancelled in real sense his parents would have made cordial relation with Kamesh and Kamesh would have got his share money but he did not get it till date.No doubt shad Bal of Venus is high but what will you do for retrograde Mercury?Retrograde Mercury is posited in Kutumb Sthan+Dhan sthan and judge the role of lord of second house+ role of debiliated Venus from the lines written by Kamesh. > > Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ For speculation I have replied as per K.P System .Even then for your satisfaction I am telling you the role of lord of 2,5,and 11th house.Lord of 2nd and 11th isØ¢ retrograde and posited in its exalted sign.It means it will yield result like a debiliated planet.Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.Even then speculationØ¢ seems unsafe for KameshØ¢ . > > Ø¢ > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > Ø¢ > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > Shailaja Mandre <shailajamandre@ .co. in> > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 11:48:35 AM > > Re: Help needed ???? > > > > Ø¢ > > > > Dear Dhirendra Nath Misraji > > > > I went through your delineation wherein you have mentioned that Venus is debilitated in his chart. > > Ø¢ > > As perØ¢ my observation Venus though debilitated it is conjunct with Mercury whichØ¢ gets exalted in Virgo even it is kendra from Moon therefore debilitation of Venus is canceled > > > > Ø¢ SecondØ¢ house is aspected byØ¢ Jupiter 9th aspect Jupiter placement in 6th House is bad but aspect is always good Jupiter is with Saturn 6th andØ¢ 8th Lord in 6th House Viparit Rajyoga > > > > For speculation 2nd Lord 5th Lord & 11th Lord should be involved. In thisØ¢ chart 2nd and 11th Lord is Mercury 5th lord is Jupiter and Venus is with Mercury and aspected by Jupiter. > > > > Venus isØ¢ also strong in SAV and ShadbalaØ¢ So I feel Venus is strong > > > > Only running dasha is of Ketu which is bad, but Ketu dasha though takes everything in the begining of the dasha STARTSØ¢ giving in the end of the dasha. > > > > I am new in Astrology if I am wrong please rectify my mistake so that I can improve > > Please advise > > > > Regards > > Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ > > Shailaja > > --- On Wed, 11/11/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> wrote: > > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > Re: Help needed ???? > > > > Wednesday, 11 November, 2009, 6:42 PM > > > > Ø¢ > > > > Dear Kamesh,First of all I want to tell you that your birth has taken place between 02:00:15AM to 02:00:40AM.At this time Ascendant Sub lord is Jupiter and Star lord of Moon is also Jupiter;Sub Sub lord of Ascendant is Ketu and Sub lord of Moon is also Ketu.Thus your noted birth time is 40 seconds behind.I use Krishnamurty Ayanamsa.Every astrologer must rectify birth time before he makes any prediction in accordance with his system.Now come to your questions. > > > > [1]share marketing/ stock broker business-As per your chart sub lord of 10th cusp is Venus.It is debiliated and posited in 2nd house.It is significator of 2,3,10,11,12th cusp but not of 5th and 7th cusp.It means all the conditions are not fulfilled.Hence this business is not 100% suitable for you.Don't invest huge amount. > > > > [2] you may have your own house between 30.06.2012 to 21.08.2012. > > > > [3] I am of the view that you will not get property easily from your parents as 10th lord is debiliated Venus rather your parents will destroy your property. > > > > With good wishes,Ø¢ > > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > > > Ø¢ > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > > > kameshkrm <kameshkrm (AT) (DOT) in> > > > > > > > > Wed, November 11, 2009 9:30:13 PM > > > > Help needed ???? > > > > Ø¢ > > > > Dear Sir, > > > > Please help? > > > > I am new to this group. > > > > I have taken VRS in 2003 right now I am not doing anything. Will I be able to do any business ( which one is favorable). I am thinking of becoming a Stock broker will it be successful. > > > > My parents have sold 80% of the property and they are not in good terms with me so I want to know > > > > 1) Can I buy a House in my life if yes when? > > > > 2) Can I get property/Money from parents? > > > > My details > > > > DOB 30-10-1961, TOB 2 am , POB Dharwar Long 75E 01 Lat 15N 28 > > > > I request you to kindly help me and relieve me of the mental agony which I am under going past 4 to 5 years. Kindly advice > > > > Regards > > > > Kamesh > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 17, 2009 Report Share Posted November 17, 2009 Dear Shree Mrutyunjay Ji, Thank you for providing Riders/Pointers to look in detail for NBRY appreciate your kind response.. Even Shri Suresh Ji has also explained it in very well. I am yet to understand some your pointers mentioned below But Wy don't you take below example (a request) and Explain your observations and possible PREDICTIONS and RESULTS? Now i find myself this is an ideal chart with respect to the NBRY since the NATIVE is running presently the Mahadasha of VENUS who is involved here in NBRY.... I will come-up with the practical life events of the native once i hear from you and ALL learned member's Views/Contributions:-):-) I am reproducing my previous mail //Female child DOB: 14th Nov 2005 TOB: 20:40 Hrs (Night birth) POB: Chitradugra Karnataka Vimsottari Dasa: Ven MD: 2007-03-26 - 2027-03-26 Antardasas in this MD: Ven: 2007-03-26 - 2010-07-28 Sun: 2010-07-28 - 2011-07-29 Moon: 2011-07-29 - 2013-03-26 Mars: 2013-03-26 - 2014-05-27 Rah: 2014-05-27 - 2017-05-26 Jup: 2017-05-26 - 2020-01-26 Sat: 2020-01-26 - 2023-03-26 Merc: 2023-03-26 - 2026-01-25 Ket: 2026-01-25 - 2027-03-26 I find here in this chart Sun is Deblited and it's despositor Venus is in Kendra (7H) from Lagna. BUT the same Venus is in Parivartana with Jup (7L)So how do we delineate in this case?// With regards and respect Chandu2Chill (Chandrasekar) , " Suresh Babu.A.G " <sureshbabuag wrote: Dear Prashant Ji, Krishna ji, Tripaty ji & others, Isn't this what I wrote about in detail about NBRY in another post?  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar > > Mon, November 16, 2009 10:54:30 PM > Re: Re: NBRY - Kind Attn: Suresh Ji > >  > Dear Krishna ji, Tripathi ji > > surely a well done post > there is a special issue of Sept AM possibly in 73 or 74 > DEVOTED TO THIS TOPIC BY EMINENT ASTROLGOERS in those times. > > one good point i can recall is the planet causing NBRY does take over the role of the yoga is a paracite kind > > that is is Sukra is necha and Budha cancels it Budha dasa or sub periods give v good RY times OFcourse the placement, other combinations/ influences also matter. > > prashant > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 > > > Mon, November 16, 2009 9:49:01 PM > Re: Re: NBRY - Kind Attn: Suresh Ji > > Dear Shri Tripathy Ji, > Very well explained and deserve commendation. > > Vattem Krishnan > Cyber Jyotish Services > (For all counseling services) > > > --- On Mon, 11/16/09, preventina <preventina> wrote: > > preventina <preventina> > Re: NBRY - Kind Attn: Suresh Ji > > Monday, November 16, 2009, 6:03 AM > > Dear friends, > > Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga > > consists of two parts: > > (A) Cancellation of debilition and > > (B) Onset of a Raja Yoga > > Let us first consider the effect of a Neecha Planet. > > A Neecha Graha weakens the > > result of > > (1)its own sign/signs ( one sign for sun/moon, two signs/houses for other planets) in rasi and divisional charts > > as well as > > (2) the sign it occupies in rasi as well as divisional charts (especially Navamsa) > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - > > Now the important question to be answered is > > does the planet that cancels the debilition by means of its > > kendra position from lagna/moon/navamsa lagna/chandra navamsa lagna/navamsa or rasi of Mahadasa lord > > able to provide support to > > the houses that suffer the weakness due to debilition ? > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - > > The debilition cancelling planet can take care of the weak houses > > (a)if it is able to access the > > physical resources of the houses weakened (rasi drishti/ occupation) > > (b) if it is interested in the matter of those houses ( graha drishti, depositorship of the significator planet) > > © if it has ability and talent and required cooperation( Ashtakvarga) from/with all other planets in the matters of those weakened houses ( Yoga Karaktwa : refer Karaka Yoga) > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - > (d) other basic weaknesses that doesnot gets cancelled but destroys > > good result are: > > if the moon or the debilited planet or the supporting planet(s) cancelling debilition are quite weak > > being placed in Rasi Sandhi or > > strongly eclipsed by Nodes or Sun acting as a malefic planet; > > This much is my humble experience just on cancellation of debilition. > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - > A GOOD UNDERSTANDING OF KARAKA YOGA ( SUPPORTING PLANETS / YOGA/RASI-AMSA DISPOSITORS) AND > > COOPERATION (ASHTAKAVARG) SEEMS TO FORM THE FOUNDATION OF NBRY ACCORDING TO SOME ASTROLOGERS. > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - > > Regards, > > Mrutyunjay Tripathy > > (Consultancy out of group is not free) > > , " CP " <nanna_id2006@ ...> wrote: > > > > Respected Shree Suresh Babu Ji, > > > > It is always pleasure and worth reading all your analysis I am a silent follower of your knowledge sharing here and thank you for the same. > > > > You wrote: > > > > //for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are > > if a planet is debilated > > 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna > > 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. > > > > These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas.// > > > > I too have some doubts and can't able to understand with regard to NBRY in the following chart. hence would request you to kindly shed some light on this and appreciate if you could provide any predictions on this chart.. > > > > Today is the BIRTHDAY of the native:-):-) > > > > Female child > > DOB: 14th Nov 2005 > > TOB: 20:40 Hrs (Night birth) > > POB: Chitradugra Karnataka > > > > I find here in this chart Sun is Deblited and it's despositor Venus is in Kendra (7H) from Lagna. BUT the same Venus is in Parivartana with Jup (7L)So how do we delineate in this case? > > > > Is the NBRY is happening here? > > > > Now Lord of Sun's exaltion sign Mars is placed in Chandra Lagna itself along with Chandra.. BUT this Mars is Retro > > > > Presently the native is running Venus MD and Venus - AD. Venus MD will be there throught her major Life growth i.e. from Childhood, teen-age to adulthood.. > > > > So what would be the effect of this NBRY? > > > > Appreciate your kind response > > > > Regards > > > > Chandu2Chill > > (Chandrasekar) > > > > , " Suresh Babu.A.G " <sureshbabuag@ > wrote: > > > > > > Ø¢ // I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated MercuryIs it Correct?// > > > > > > Yes & No. The effect may be correct but the logic is not. > > > > > > Dispositor of the debilated planet being the kendra of Moon surely cancells the neechtwa - > > > However, > > > > > > Here the Mercury is the dispositor of Venus. As per classics, The Raja yoga comes into effectØ¢ during the dasa / anthar dasa of the plant that causes the bhaga (here Mercury). > > > > > > So unless mercury is strong enough, the raja is not going to be effective. > > > > > > The Neecha Banga Raja yoga confers the effects of " Slumdog Millionaire " . > > > But if the planet is not strong enough, the slumdog may get a little fatter or reach rich mans house. consider the paksha bala of moon also. > > > > > > Here the first rule to be applyed is Exlated mercury is with debilated Venus. So mercury & Venus cancels each other. So where mercury gets strength to confer the full effect of neecha banga raja yoga? > > > > > > it retrogration creates other issues and is secondary. Being in the kendra of Moon (mana karaka) it can cause many atittude problems, illusions about various facets about life or situations. Their way of thinking, logic and outlook need not be in tune with what other might be thinking or doing in the similar situations and general perspection, and this cause real problems in life.Ø¢ Ø¢ > > > > > > > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy. > > > > > > > > > > > > Ø¢ Ø¢ > > > > > > > > > Ø¢ A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > > > > > Fri, November 13, 2009 12:32:10 AM > > > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > > > > Ø¢ > > > Nice Observation by Sri SureshØ¢ Sir.I had observed the rule for Venus// I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled > > > Ø¢ // I missed while observing Jupiter. > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > > Ø¢ > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > > > > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 10:59:45 PM > > > Re: Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > > > > Ø¢ > > > Though I don't want to interfere in your discussion, Just pointing a fundamental mistake. > > > > > > Jupiter's debilation does not get cancelled by having Saturn(its dispositor) in own house as stated under. > > > > > > //Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.// > > > Ø¢ > > > for neecha bangha raja yoga the rules are > > > if a planet is debilated > > > 1) its dispositor should be in the Kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna > > > 2) Lord of its Exaltation sign should be in the kendra of Lagna or Chandra Lagna. > > > > > > These are the two ONLY conditions that are effective, All others do not provide the desired results. Neecha Banga Raja is much more powerfull than Raja yogas. > > > > > > In this case, either, Saturn should be in the kendra of Lagna or Moon OR moon should be in the kendra of Lagna. > > > > > > This does not happen here, hence no suchØ¢ raja yogas. > > > > > > The effect of Neecha Banga Raja shall be very prominent if effective. > > > > > > This is not my invention but basedØ¢ on pure classics. So take it or leave it. > > > Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ > > > > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 8:11:08 PM > > > Att.Shailaja Mandre Ji > > > > > > Ø¢ > > > Dear Shailaja Mandre Ji,Thanks for nice comment.I had seen that the dispositer of Venus is in Kendra from Moon and dispositer of Venus is in its own Rasi but I also new it that Retrograde Mercury in its exalted Rasi will yield result like a debiliated Mercury! Is it Correct? Hence debiliation is not cancelled in real sense and you see Venus is 10th lord which stands for his father and Venus is yielding its adverse result for Kamesh as parents of Kamesh have not cordial relation with him.Had the debiliation been cancelled in real sense his parents would have made cordial relation with Kamesh and Kamesh would have got his share money but he did not get it till date.No doubt shad Bal of Venus is high but what will you do for retrograde Mercury?Retrograde Mercury is posited in Kutumb Sthan+Dhan sthan and judge the role of lord of second house+ role of debiliated Venus from the lines written by Kamesh. > > > Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ For speculation I have replied as per K.P System .Even then for your satisfaction I am telling you the role of lord of 2,5,and 11th house.Lord of 2nd and 11th isØ¢ retrograde and posited in its exalted sign.It means it will yield result like a debiliated planet.Lord of 5th is debiliated Jupiter though there is cancellation of debiliation of Jupiter also as dispositer of Jupiter is posited in its own Rasi.Even then speculationØ¢ seems unsafe for KameshØ¢ . > > > Ø¢ > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > > Ø¢ > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > > Shailaja Mandre <shailajamandre@ .co. in> > > > > > > Thu, November 12, 2009 11:48:35 AM > > > Re: Help needed ???? > > > > > > Ø¢ > > > > > > Dear Dhirendra Nath Misraji > > > > > > I went through your delineation wherein you have mentioned that Venus is debilitated in his chart. > > > Ø¢ > > > As perØ¢ my observation Venus though debilitated it is conjunct with Mercury whichØ¢ gets exalted in Virgo even it is kendra from Moon therefore debilitation of Venus is canceled > > > > > > Ø¢ SecondØ¢ house is aspected byØ¢ Jupiter 9th aspect Jupiter placement in 6th House is bad but aspect is always good Jupiter is with Saturn 6th andØ¢ 8th Lord in 6th House Viparit Rajyoga > > > > > > For speculation 2nd Lord 5th Lord & 11th Lord should be involved. In thisØ¢ chart 2nd and 11th Lord is Mercury 5th lord is Jupiter and Venus is with Mercury and aspected by Jupiter. > > > > > > Venus isØ¢ also strong in SAV and ShadbalaØ¢ So I feel Venus is strong > > > > > > Only running dasha is of Ketu which is bad, but Ketu dasha though takes everything in the begining of the dasha STARTSØ¢ giving in the end of the dasha. > > > > > > I am new in Astrology if I am wrong please rectify my mistake so that I can improve > > > Please advise > > > > > > Regards > > > Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ Ø¢ > > > Shailaja > > > --- On Wed, 11/11/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> wrote: > > > > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @> > > > Re: Help needed ???? > > > > > > Wednesday, 11 November, 2009, 6:42 PM > > > > > > Ø¢ > > > > > > Dear Kamesh,First of all I want to tell you that your birth has taken place between 02:00:15AM to 02:00:40AM.At this time Ascendant Sub lord is Jupiter and Star lord of Moon is also Jupiter;Sub Sub lord of Ascendant is Ketu and Sub lord of Moon is also Ketu.Thus your noted birth time is 40 seconds behind.I use Krishnamurty Ayanamsa.Every astrologer must rectify birth time before he makes any prediction in accordance with his system.Now come to your questions. > > > > > > [1]share marketing/ stock broker business-As per your chart sub lord of 10th cusp is Venus.It is debiliated and posited in 2nd house.It is significator of 2,3,10,11,12th cusp but not of 5th and 7th cusp.It means all the conditions are not fulfilled.Hence this business is not 100% suitable for you.Don't invest huge amount. > > > > > > [2] you may have your own house between 30.06.2012 to 21.08.2012. > > > > > > [3] I am of the view that you will not get property easily from your parents as 10th lord is debiliated Venus rather your parents will destroy your property. > > > > > > With good wishes,Ø¢ > > > > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra > > > > > > Ø¢ > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __ > > > > > > kameshkrm <kameshkrm (AT) (DOT) in> > > > > > > > > > > > > Wed, November 11, 2009 9:30:13 PM > > > > > > Help needed ???? > > > > > > Ø¢ > > > > > > Dear Sir, > > > > > > Please help? > > > > > > I am new to this group. > > > > > > I have taken VRS in 2003 right now I am not doing anything. Will I be able to do any business ( which one is favorable). I am thinking of becoming a Stock broker will it be successful. > > > > > > My parents have sold 80% of the property and they are not in good terms with me so I want to know > > > > > > 1) Can I buy a House in my life if yes when? > > > > > > 2) Can I get property/Money from parents? > > > > > > My details > > > > > > DOB 30-10-1961, TOB 2 am , POB Dharwar Long 75E 01 Lat 15N 28 > > > > > > I request you to kindly help me and relieve me of the mental agony which I am under going past 4 to 5 years. Kindly advice > > > > > > Regards > > > > > > Kamesh > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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