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Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90

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Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my  self  one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra






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Dear Misra Ji,




Jupiter is significator for pancreas glands.




Jupiter (as signficator of liver & pancreas glands), venus (as significator of

kidney), Sun (as significator for food digestion), fifth house & leo sign are

factors to be considered in such cases.




You may opt for below remedies (please consult Doctor as well) -





Take tulsi leaves,neem leaves and belpatras (all around 10 in numbers) with a

glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.




Half cup Karela juice daily.




Eat chappatis made of chana dal and Jau (till problem is resolved).




Drink half cup of water mashed with 3-4 leaves of jamun tree. Take it for 5-10

days. Chew 3-4 leaves of jamun morning and evening in the early stages.



Warm Regards,


Deepak Sharma






Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:29:04 -0800

Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90






Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra



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Misra ji


pl post ur brth data and from when u have noticed his sugar levels, BP etc, it

is possible that this is inherited from either of ur parents side

look for kuja, sukra asociation, aspect exchange etc or afliction to sukra's

houses u canfind these disorders









Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra


Wed, November 18, 2009 8:59:04 AM

Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90



Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra



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Dear Misra


Your fifth house should be weak in your chart.








Dhirendra Nath Misra

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 8:59 AM

Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


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Dear friend,


Blood Sugar is due to non-utilisation of excess sugar in blood.


This can be due to:


(i) low level of insulin production (weak pancreas gland represented by jupiter

and 6th house)


(ii) low glycogen restoring capability of liver represented by jupiter and 5th

house( affliction to jupiter/5th lord/5th houses by natural malefic/functional



(iii) weak sugar conversion mechanism of body ( unfavourable disposition of

venus from lagna or jupiter)


(iv)as a result of sedantary life-style ( 3rd and 10th house significations by

natural benefic or planet more than 10 degree away from a house cusp


(v)as a form of urinary problem ...slowness in excreation of surplus elements

from impure blood in the form of stool or urine( strong affliction to 2/8 axis).



Hope this helps.




Mrutyunjay Tripathy

(Consultancy out of group is not free)


, Dhirendra Nath Misra

<dhirendranathmisra wrote:


> Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my  self  one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

> With thanks & regards, 

> Dhirendra Nath Misra






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Dear Dhirendra Nath Ji

Jaya Siyaa Raam

Sorry to know about your such a high blood sugar lever. Are you sure that it is

525.90. Ideally it should not be more than 140 in any case. 525 is indeed too

high. Make sure that if it is so.


You may start eating Chanaa flour roti (either mixed with Jau flour or with

whole wheat flour). When you are not eating this roti, you may eat Chana Daal.

Karela juice is really a big task, as Deepak Sharma has suggested, but ther

simple things are easy to do.


You may try Daalcheenee powder 1/4 teaspoon, two times a day. Just swallow it

like a Chooran. But make sure of your number is 525.

Take care,

With regards



, Dhirendra Nath Misra

<dhirendranathmisra wrote:


> Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my  self  one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

> With thanks & regards, 

> Dhirendra Nath Misra






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Respected Sushma Ji and members,Thanks for your guidance.The BS level is

increased to 525.90 unit which is indeed very high .But I did not stop going to

my Court duty. I hope it will be o.k in few months/days.In my opinion it is the

role of debiliated and Marak Jupiter for me .Rahu and Jupiter are both posited

in my 9th house and Sookshma Dasa of Jupiter-Saturn-Jupiter-Ketu-Rahu was

running till 17.11.2009 and Rahu could damage till 17.11.2009 and on 17.11.2009

I got BS level checked and could know its level was increased to 525.9

unit.Today Rahu left the 9th house and today is the day of sookshma Dasa of

Jupiter.It is marak and debiliated.Jupiter is again offering its adverse effect

against the Liver and Pancreas.Tomorrow sookshma dasa of Saturn begins and I

hope to recover since tomorrow yet Jupiter is debiliated till 20.12.2009 and for

me period of Antar Dasa of Jupiter is running since 22.09.2009 to

23.01.2010. There is no genetic problem.Fifth

house is not weak.Lagna is not weak.I feel level of my soul is higher than that

of BS level i.e 525.9 unit.So I don't have any fear in my mind.I will try my

best to offer my sincere service towards querists

With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra







Sushma <bhagvatjee


Wed, November 18, 2009 9:21:10 PM

Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90



Dear Dhirendra Nath Ji

Jaya Siyaa Raam

Sorry to know about your such a high blood sugar lever. Are you sure that it is

525.90. Ideally it should not be more than 140 in any case. 525 is indeed too

high. Make sure that if it is so.


You may start eating Chanaa flour roti (either mixed with Jau flour or with

whole wheat flour). When you are not eating this roti, you may eat Chana Daal.

Karela juice is really a big task, as Deepak Sharma has suggested, but ther

simple things are easy to do.


You may try Daalcheenee powder 1/4 teaspoon, two times a day. Just swallow it

like a Chooran. But make sure of your number is 525.

Take care,

With regards



, Dhirendra Nath Misra

<dhirendranathmisra wrote:


> Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently  I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my  self  one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

> With thanks & regards, 

> Dhirendra Nath Misra






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Dear Sudhir ,My ascendant is Taurus.Fifth house lord Mercury is posited in 11th

house and it is debiliated but Jupiter is posited in Scorpio sign and Moon is

posited in fourth house.Is there cancellation of NBRY exist for Mercury i.e

lord of 5th house?Rahu is posited in 5th house in Virgo sign and Mars in the 2nd

house.Does 5th house seem weak? Jupiter is not weak in birth chart which is

indicator of Pancreas and Liver.Venus is posited in Lagna,Saturn in 8th,Ketu in

11th,Sun in 12th house.Jupiter-Saturn-Jupiter Dasa is going on since 22.09.2009

to 23.01.2010.

With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra







Sudhir <taurus.sudhir


Wed, November 18, 2009 10:49:12 AM

Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90



Dear Misra


Your fifth house should be weak in your chart.





------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -



Dhirendra Nath Misra


Wednesday, November 18, 2009 8:59 AM

Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice daily.By

which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra



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Dear Misra,


Yes, your natal chart has 5th house problems due to debilitation of its lord and

Rahu in 5th house. Nodes have transited to your 8th and 2nd house would give

further problems in 2010.

If you have strengthened your debilitated Mercury would be very helpful.

Saturn's transit to your debilitated 5th house can give some health concerns.

Position of Jupiter is good but transit of nodes would give problems.









Dhirendra Nath Misra

Thursday, November 19, 2009 8:03 PM

Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




Dear Sudhir ,My ascendant is Taurus.Fifth house lord Mercury is posited in

11th house and it is debiliated but Jupiter is posited in Scorpio sign and Moon

is posited in fourth house.Is there cancellation of NBRY exist for Mercury i.e

lord of 5th house?Rahu is posited in 5th house in Virgo sign and Mars in the 2nd

house.Does 5th house seem weak? Jupiter is not weak in birth chart which is

indicator of Pancreas and Liver.Venus is posited in Lagna,Saturn in 8th,Ketu in

11th,Sun in 12th house.Jupiter-Saturn-Jupiter Dasa is going on since 22.09.2009

to 23.01.2010.

With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra




Sudhir <taurus.sudhir

Wed, November 18, 2009 10:49:12 AM

Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90



Dear Misra


Your fifth house should be weak in your chart.





------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -



Dhirendra Nath Misra

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 8:59 AM

Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice daily.By

which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & members,You have sent your reply that Pancreas is

indicated by Jupiter and in another reply ( regarding Cancer )you have mentioned

5th house responsible for Pancreas .But no authentic source is mentioned by

you.Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-



Dear Friends,


As an experienced Physician and as well as  a well versed Astrologer,Dr Rath ji

has already given some facts on the matter.

I too wish to add some more detail on this topic for the benefits of members.


Hyperglycaemia is connected to,

1.Pancreas ( 6th House)

2.Insufficient secretion of Insulin ( Venus)

3. Sugar in the Blood ( Mars and Moon)

4. Liver and Glycogen ( Jupiter)


When the disease is grown up to highest level, following effects could be seen.

1. Thirsty ( Jupiter )

2. Hunger every now and then ( Jupiter )

3. Emaciation ( Jupiter )

4. Dry Mouth ( Jupiter )

5. Loss of weight ( Jupiter )

6. Micturition ( Mercury = 8th cusp )

4. Boiling of the body ( Mars)


As a chronic and lingering disease Saturn is playing a great role.


One should take all these planets into account, in studying this ailment.






Besides this moderator Sri Punit Ji has referred page No. 119 of III rd

Reader,1992 edition in which Venus and Moon are shown responsible for Diabetes.

                   Till date in my knowledge Hyperglycaemia is reported during

DBAS of Debiliated Jupiter/Jupiter afflicted or conjunct with malefic planet /

weak Jupiter but in those chart wherein  Venus is also either weak / afflicted

with malefic planet / debiliated.

                   From the above it appears that Jupiter can not cause Diabetes

alone and 5th house has no concern in this regard. I have seen in few charts

where 5th house has no concern rather 5th house was found strong in all respect.

                   I am trying to establish rules regarding this with the help

of other members for which more charts of persons suffering from hyperglycaemia

are required with the correct report of date/month/year when first time

hyperglycaemia was reported .

                   With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra







deepak sharma <deepak_17a


Wed, November 18, 2009 10:24:13 AM

RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90



Dear Misra Ji,




Jupiter is significator for pancreas glands.




Jupiter (as signficator of liver & pancreas glands), venus (as significator of

kidney), Sun (as significator for food digestion), fifth house & leo sign are

factors to be considered in such cases.




You may opt for below remedies (please consult Doctor as well) -





Take tulsi leaves,neem leaves and belpatras (all around 10 in numbers) with a

glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.




Half cup Karela juice daily.




Eat chappatis made of chana dal and Jau (till problem is resolved).




Drink half cup of water mashed with 3-4 leaves of jamun tree. Take it for 5-10

days. Chew 3-4 leaves of jamun morning and evening in the early stages.



Warm Regards,


Deepak Sharma






Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:29:04 -0800

Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90






Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my  self  one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra



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Respected Misra Ji,

You raised the same questions in a different group also and I've already


Repeating below my humble opinion again -

You have sent your reply that Pancreas is indicated by Jupiter and in another

reply (regarding Cancer) you have mentioned 5th house responsible for Pancreas .

I related Pancreas with Jupiter as well as fifth house in both the mails.

So there's no inconsistency about my opinion in both the mails.

But no authentic source is mentioned by you.

Source is one of the books written by Prof VK Chowdhry.(I dnt remember

the name of book / page no. etc). You may find various authentic weblinks for

Pancreas being represented by fifth house in google search also.

Presenting the analysis again (based on which you raised the


Medical Reasoning for Diabetes : We eat food that is converted as digestible

glucose in liver. Insulin released by pancreas is the main factor for conversion

of glucose into the energy for whole of our body. If the discharge of insulin is

not normal as per the requirement or less or suppressed due to any defects or

reason, the glucose is not converted into energy and the person suffers from

Hyperglycaemia. And the glucose level in blood increases. Further, if the

filters in kidneys do not function properly the glucose starts passing through

the urine.

Astro Perspective : So the weakness to following planets / houses is responsible

for diabetes in a native -

1.) Jupiter as significator of liver & pancreas

2.) Venus as significator of kidney

3.) Fifth house (pancreas, liver, stomach) & leo sign

4.) Sun as significator for food digestion


Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of K.P


Just a question to think about -

When is the blood glucose level (Mars / Moon) not normal?

Firstly, there must be something wrong with Liver, Pancreas, food digestion etc

Hence, only the primary factors that are actually responsible should be


In such cases-


If Moon & Mars are also weak, then the native is vulnerable to blood infections


other blood related problems also.


If 4th house is additionally weak, BP / Cardiac problems are more observed.

For pancreas, insufficient secretion of insulin, Liver etc, Please go through

the reasoning

given above " Medical Reasoning for Diabetes " .

Hope this may be helpful. Thank you.Best Regards,

Deepak Sharma





Sat, 28 Nov 2009 21:19:57 -0800

Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90






Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & members,You have sent your reply that Pancreas is

indicated by Jupiter and in another reply ( regarding Cancer )you have mentioned

5th house responsible for Pancreas .But no authentic source is mentioned by

you.Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-


Dear Friends,


As an experienced Physician and as well as a well versed Astrologer,Dr Rath ji

has already given some facts on the matter.

I too wish to add some more detail on this topic for the benefits of members.


Hyperglycaemia is connected to,

1.Pancreas ( 6th House)

2.Insufficient secretion of Insulin ( Venus)

3. Sugar in the Blood ( Mars and Moon)

4. Liver and Glycogen ( Jupiter)


When the disease is grown up to highest level, following effects could be seen.

1. Thirsty ( Jupiter )

2. Hunger every now and then ( Jupiter )

3. Emaciation ( Jupiter )

4. Dry Mouth ( Jupiter )

5. Loss of weight ( Jupiter )

6. Micturition ( Mercury = 8th cusp )

4. Boiling of the body ( Mars)


As a chronic and lingering disease Saturn is playing a great role.


One should take all these planets into account, in studying this ailment.






Besides this moderator Sri Punit Ji has referred page No. 119 of III rd

Reader,1992 edition in which Venus and Moon are shown responsible for Diabetes.

Till date in my knowledge Hyperglycaemia is reported during

DBAS of Debiliated Jupiter/Jupiter afflicted or conjunct with malefic planet /

weak Jupiter but in those chart wherein Venus is also either weak / afflicted

with malefic planet / debiliated.

From the above it appears that Jupiter can not cause Diabetes

alone and 5th house has no concern in this regard. I have seen in few charts

where 5th house has no concern rather 5th house was found strong in all respect.

I am trying to establish rules regarding this with the help

of other members for which more charts of persons suffering from hyperglycaemia

are required with the correct report of date/month/year when first time

hyperglycaemia was reported .

With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra




deepak sharma <deepak_17a


Wed, November 18, 2009 10:24:13 AM

RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


Dear Misra Ji,


Jupiter is significator for pancreas glands.


Jupiter (as signficator of liver & pancreas glands), venus (as significator of

kidney), Sun (as significator for food digestion), fifth house & leo sign are

factors to be considered in such cases.


You may opt for below remedies (please consult Doctor as well) -


Take tulsi leaves,neem leaves and belpatras (all around 10 in numbers) with a

glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.


Half cup Karela juice daily.


Eat chappatis made of chana dal and Jau (till problem is resolved).


Drink half cup of water mashed with 3-4 leaves of jamun tree. Take it for 5-10

days. Chew 3-4 leaves of jamun morning and evening in the early stages.


Warm Regards,


Deepak Sharma




Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:29:04 -0800

Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra



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Dear Deepak sharma Ji, You should think to amend your reply.Take a example of

native who has been reported first time suffering from hyperglycaemia during

DBAS of Jupiter-Venus-Moon and his birth details are thus-DOB-2.09.1961,Reported

TOB-9:18AM(Rectified time

for K.P system is 09:16:30AM,POB-Cochin,Kerala.His above DBAS was running w.e.f

24.09.1998 to 14.12.1998 and since then the native is suffering from the

hyperglycaemia.Please go through the following K.P rules revealed by Kalyan Ji ,

Lajmi Ji,Punit Ji:-


                            According to KP system, if the Sub Lord of the 6th

cusp is either Ve, Ju or Mo, and connected to house 1 & 6 and also the sign

Libra, and watery sign Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, one will be attacked by this

disease of " Diabetes "

    - Medical Astrologt for all-2005 Edition- Pg.191


I have some notes of a senior KP Astrologer of Sri Lanka, written in 1978, which

looks similar to that of above.


" Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).

Carbohydrate is converted into Grape Sugar in the Intestine(Moon) , and carried

to Liver(Jupiter) for conversion in to Glycogen. "


By these two expressions, I am in the opinion of Ve, as the governor of Pancreas

and as in my previous mail, one should deeply study the behavior of

VENUS,JUPITER, MARS, MOON to make any decision of Diabetes.

                                             In the present example Venus is

significator of 1st and 8th cusp,sub sub lord of 6th cusp and posited in cancer

sign.Moon is sub lord of 6th cusp and sub sub lord of 1st cusp.Jupiter is

constellation lord of 6th cusp also. Hence in the light of above rule the native

is reported about hyperglycaemia during DBAS of Jupiter-Venus-Moon w.e.f 9/ 1998

to 12/1998 when Jupiter had been retrograde 

with malefic Ketu and Venus had been debiliated also.Thus the person fell ill

during Bhukti of Venus and antardasa of Moon.This shows that

Jupiter alone can't cause hyperglycaemia and role of Venus and Moon is also

important.The role of Jupiter can not be denied and its debiliation /

retrogression / affliction is also important factor.It is reported above that

Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).It means Pancreas is not indicated by Jupiter as you have

suggested earlier and role of Venus is more important than that of Jupiter.

With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra







deepak sharma <deepak_17a


Mon, November 30, 2009 10:38:47 AM

RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90



Respected Misra Ji,

You raised the same questions in a different group also and I've already


Repeating below my humble opinion again -

You have sent your reply that Pancreas is indicated by Jupiter and in another

reply (regarding Cancer) you have mentioned 5th house responsible for Pancreas .

I related Pancreas with Jupiter as well as fifth house in both the mails.

So there's no inconsistency about my opinion in both the mails.

But no authentic source is mentioned by you.

Source is one of the books written by Prof VK Chowdhry.(I dnt remember

the name of book / page no. etc). You may find various authentic weblinks for

Pancreas being represented by fifth house in google search also.

Presenting the analysis again (based on which you raised the


Medical Reasoning for Diabetes : We eat food that is converted as digestible

glucose in liver. Insulin released by pancreas is the main factor for conversion

of glucose into the energy for whole of our body. If the discharge of insulin is

not normal as per the requirement or less or suppressed due to any defects or

reason, the glucose is not converted into energy and the person suffers from

Hyperglycaemia. And the glucose level in blood increases. Further, if the

filters in kidneys do not function properly the glucose starts passing through

the urine.

Astro Perspective : So the weakness to following planets / houses is responsible

for diabetes in a native -

1.) Jupiter as significator of liver & pancreas

2.) Venus as significator of kidney

3.) Fifth house (pancreas, liver, stomach) & leo sign

4.) Sun as significator for food digestion


Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of K.P


Just a question to think about -

When is the blood glucose level (Mars / Moon) not normal?

Firstly, there must be something wrong with Liver, Pancreas, food digestion etc

Hence, only the primary factors that are actually responsible should be


In such cases-


If Moon & Mars are also weak, then the native is vulnerable to blood infections


other blood related problems also.


If 4th house is additionally weak, BP / Cardiac problems are more observed.

For pancreas, insufficient secretion of insulin, Liver etc, Please go through

the reasoning

given above " Medical Reasoning for Diabetes " .

Hope this may be helpful. Thank you.Best Regards,

Deepak Sharma





Sat, 28 Nov 2009 21:19:57 -0800

Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90






Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & members,You have sent your reply that Pancreas is

indicated by Jupiter and in another reply ( regarding Cancer )you have mentioned

5th house responsible for Pancreas .But no authentic source is mentioned by

you.Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-



Dear Friends,


As an experienced Physician and as well as  a well versed Astrologer,Dr Rath ji

has already given some facts on the matter.

I too wish to add some more detail on this topic for the benefits of members.


Hyperglycaemia is connected to,

1.Pancreas ( 6th House)

2.Insufficient secretion of Insulin ( Venus)

3. Sugar in the Blood ( Mars and Moon)

4. Liver and Glycogen ( Jupiter)


When the disease is grown up to highest level, following effects could be seen.

1. Thirsty ( Jupiter )

2. Hunger every now and then ( Jupiter )

3. Emaciation ( Jupiter )

4. Dry Mouth ( Jupiter )

5. Loss of weight ( Jupiter )

6. Micturition ( Mercury = 8th cusp )

4. Boiling of the body ( Mars)


As a chronic and lingering disease Saturn is playing a great role.


One should take all these planets into account, in studying this ailment.






Besides this moderator Sri Punit Ji has referred page No. 119 of III rd

Reader,1992 edition in which Venus and Moon are shown responsible for Diabetes.

                  Till date in my knowledge Hyperglycaemia is reported during

DBAS of Debiliated Jupiter/Jupiter afflicted or conjunct with malefic planet /

weak Jupiter but in those chart wherein  Venus is also either weak / afflicted

with malefic planet / debiliated.

                  From the above it appears that Jupiter can not cause Diabetes

alone and 5th house has no concern in this regard. I have seen in few charts

where 5th house has no concern rather 5th house was found strong in all respect.

                  I am trying to establish rules regarding this with the help of

other members for which more charts of persons suffering from hyperglycaemia are

required with the correct report of date/month/year when first time

hyperglycaemia was reported .

                  With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra




deepak sharma <deepak_17a


Wed, November 18, 2009 10:24:13 AM

RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


Dear Misra Ji,


Jupiter is significator for pancreas glands.


Jupiter (as signficator of liver & pancreas glands), venus (as significator of

kidney), Sun (as significator for food digestion), fifth house & leo sign are

factors to be considered in such cases.


You may opt for below remedies (please consult Doctor as well) -


Take tulsi leaves,neem leaves and belpatras (all around 10 in numbers) with a

glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.


Half cup Karela juice daily.


Eat chappatis made of chana dal and Jau (till problem is resolved).


Drink half cup of water mashed with 3-4 leaves of jamun tree. Take it for 5-10

days. Chew 3-4 leaves of jamun morning and evening in the early stages.


Warm Regards,


Deepak Sharma




Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:29:04 -0800

Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my  self  one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra



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Respected Misra Ji,

If I am suffering with severe headache because of High Blood Pressure.

I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on regular


Observing this astrologically, I'll check the combintions related to High Blood

Pressure in my Chart and not the combinations for headache.

I'll perform astral remedies for the planets accountable for BP only.

Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.

We should go to the root cause.

Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -

I'll prefer to check the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the combinations

of " After effects " .

and the Root cause for diabetes is related to Pancreas, Liver, Kidney & food



(Jupiter, Venus, Sun & Fifth House)

I've already given my view about the role of Moon & Mars. These may be taken as


Secondary combinations the primary ones being Ju, Ve, Su & V House only.

There may be different opinions of other Senior & Learned Members and I've



for all the opinions.

I've applied the mentioned rules in dozen of horoscopes (mostly data taken from

groups) and checked the accuracy.

But already mentioned, I'm not proficient in KP. So can't give you any further


opinion regarding KP Rules.


Sincerely wishing you the Best for your study on this subject. Thank you.


Best Regards,

Deepak Sharma





Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:36:25 -0800

Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90







Dear Deepak sharma Ji, You should think to amend your reply.Take a example of

native who has been reported first time suffering from hyperglycaemia during

DBAS of Jupiter-Venus-Moon and his birth details are thus-DOB-2.09.1961,Reported

TOB-9:18AM(Rectified time

for K.P system is 09:16:30AM,POB-Cochin,Kerala.His above DBAS was running w.e.f

24.09.1998 to 14.12.1998 and since then the native is suffering from the

hyperglycaemia.Please go through the following K.P rules revealed by Kalyan Ji ,

Lajmi Ji,Punit Ji:-

According to KP system, if the Sub Lord of the 6th cusp is either Ve, Ju or Mo,

and connected to house 1 & 6 and also the sign Libra, and watery sign Cancer,

Scorpio and Pisces, one will be attacked by this disease of " Diabetes "

- Medical Astrologt for all-2005 Edition- Pg.191


I have some notes of a senior KP Astrologer of Sri Lanka, written in 1978, which

looks similar to that of above.


" Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).

Carbohydrate is converted into Grape Sugar in the Intestine(Moon) , and carried

to Liver(Jupiter) for conversion in to Glycogen. "


By these two expressions, I am in the opinion of Ve, as the governor of Pancreas

and as in my previous mail, one should deeply study the behavior of

VENUS,JUPITER, MARS, MOON to make any decision of Diabetes.

In the present example Venus is

significator of 1st and 8th cusp,sub sub lord of 6th cusp and posited in cancer

sign.Moon is sub lord of 6th cusp and sub sub lord of 1st cusp.Jupiter is

constellation lord of 6th cusp also. Hence in the light of above rule the native

is reported about hyperglycaemia during DBAS of Jupiter-Venus-Moon w.e.f 9/ 1998

to 12/1998 when Jupiter had been retrograde

with malefic Ketu and Venus had been debiliated also.Thus the person fell ill

during Bhukti of Venus and antardasa of Moon.This shows that

Jupiter alone can't cause hyperglycaemia and role of Venus and Moon is also

important.The role of Jupiter can not be denied and its debiliation /

retrogression / affliction is also important factor.It is reported above that

Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).It means Pancreas is not indicated by Jupiter as you have

suggested earlier and role of Venus is more important than that of Jupiter.

With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra




deepak sharma <deepak_17a


Mon, November 30, 2009 10:38:47 AM

RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


Respected Misra Ji,

You raised the same questions in a different group also and I've already


Repeating below my humble opinion again -

You have sent your reply that Pancreas is indicated by Jupiter and in another

reply (regarding Cancer) you have mentioned 5th house responsible for Pancreas .

I related Pancreas with Jupiter as well as fifth house in both the mails.

So there's no inconsistency about my opinion in both the mails.

But no authentic source is mentioned by you.

Source is one of the books written by Prof VK Chowdhry.(I dnt remember

the name of book / page no. etc). You may find various authentic weblinks for

Pancreas being represented by fifth house in google search also.

Presenting the analysis again (based on which you raised the


Medical Reasoning for Diabetes : We eat food that is converted as digestible

glucose in liver. Insulin released by pancreas is the main factor for conversion

of glucose into the energy for whole of our body. If the discharge of insulin is

not normal as per the requirement or less or suppressed due to any defects or

reason, the glucose is not converted into energy and the person suffers from

Hyperglycaemia. And the glucose level in blood increases. Further, if the

filters in kidneys do not function properly the glucose starts passing through

the urine.

Astro Perspective : So the weakness to following planets / houses is responsible

for diabetes in a native -

1.) Jupiter as significator of liver & pancreas

2.) Venus as significator of kidney

3.) Fifth house (pancreas, liver, stomach) & leo sign

4.) Sun as significator for food digestion


Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of K.P


Just a question to think about -

When is the blood glucose level (Mars / Moon) not normal?

Firstly, there must be something wrong with Liver, Pancreas, food digestion etc

Hence, only the primary factors that are actually responsible should be


In such cases-


If Moon & Mars are also weak, then the native is vulnerable to blood infections


other blood related problems also.


If 4th house is additionally weak, BP / Cardiac problems are more observed.

For pancreas, insufficient secretion of insulin, Liver etc, Please go through

the reasoning

given above " Medical Reasoning for Diabetes " .

Hope this may be helpful. Thank you.Best Regards,

Deepak Sharma




Sat, 28 Nov 2009 21:19:57 -0800

Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & members,You have sent your reply that Pancreas is

indicated by Jupiter and in another reply ( regarding Cancer )you have mentioned

5th house responsible for Pancreas .But no authentic source is mentioned by

you.Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-


Dear Friends,


As an experienced Physician and as well as a well versed Astrologer,Dr Rath ji

has already given some facts on the matter.

I too wish to add some more detail on this topic for the benefits of members.


Hyperglycaemia is connected to,

1.Pancreas ( 6th House)

2.Insufficient secretion of Insulin ( Venus)

3. Sugar in the Blood ( Mars and Moon)

4. Liver and Glycogen ( Jupiter)


When the disease is grown up to highest level, following effects could be seen.

1. Thirsty ( Jupiter )

2. Hunger every now and then ( Jupiter )

3. Emaciation ( Jupiter )

4. Dry Mouth ( Jupiter )

5. Loss of weight ( Jupiter )

6. Micturition ( Mercury = 8th cusp )

4. Boiling of the body ( Mars)


As a chronic and lingering disease Saturn is playing a great role.


One should take all these planets into account, in studying this ailment.






Besides this moderator Sri Punit Ji has referred page No. 119 of III rd

Reader,1992 edition in which Venus and Moon are shown responsible for Diabetes.

Till date in my knowledge Hyperglycaemia is reported during

DBAS of Debiliated Jupiter/Jupiter afflicted or conjunct with malefic planet /

weak Jupiter but in those chart wherein Venus is also either weak / afflicted

with malefic planet / debiliated.

From the above it appears that Jupiter can not cause Diabetes

alone and 5th house has no concern in this regard. I have seen in few charts

where 5th house has no concern rather 5th house was found strong in all respect.

I am trying to establish rules regarding this with the help of

other members for which more charts of persons suffering from hyperglycaemia are

required with the correct report of date/month/year when first time

hyperglycaemia was reported .

With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra



deepak sharma <deepak_17a


Wed, November 18, 2009 10:24:13 AM

RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


Dear Misra Ji,


Jupiter is significator for pancreas glands.


Jupiter (as signficator of liver & pancreas glands), venus (as significator of

kidney), Sun (as significator for food digestion), fifth house & leo sign are

factors to be considered in such cases.


You may opt for below remedies (please consult Doctor as well) -


Take tulsi leaves,neem leaves and belpatras (all around 10 in numbers) with a

glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.


Half cup Karela juice daily.


Eat chappatis made of chana dal and Jau (till problem is resolved).


Drink half cup of water mashed with 3-4 leaves of jamun tree. Take it for 5-10

days. Chew 3-4 leaves of jamun morning and evening in the early stages.


Warm Regards,


Deepak Sharma




Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:29:04 -0800

Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra



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Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.

We should go to the root cause.

Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -



absolutely correct


For those who argue that pancreas is related to 6th house, I have uploaded two

images of panchreas and related body organs. They can take a look at those and

decide for themselves.


just one more point.


Panchreas is a factory that produces a " something " . That " something " cannot be

same as the object that produces it - Object will always be distinguished from

its products.




A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.





, deepak sharma <deepak_17a wrote:



> Respected Misra Ji,

> If I am suffering with severe headache because of High Blood Pressure.

> I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on regular


> Observing this astrologically, I'll check the combintions related to High


> Pressure in my Chart and not the combinations for headache.

> I'll perform astral remedies for the planets accountable for BP only.

> Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.

> We should go to the root cause.

> Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -

> I'll prefer to check the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the


> of " After effects " .

> and the Root cause for diabetes is related to Pancreas, Liver, Kidney & food



> (Jupiter, Venus, Sun & Fifth House)

> I've already given my view about the role of Moon & Mars. These may be taken



> Secondary combinations the primary ones being Ju, Ve, Su & V House only.

> There may be different opinions of other Senior & Learned Members and I've



> for all the opinions.

> I've applied the mentioned rules in dozen of horoscopes (mostly data taken


> groups) and checked the accuracy.

> But already mentioned, I'm not proficient in KP. So can't give you any further


> opinion regarding KP Rules.


> Sincerely wishing you the Best for your study on this subject. Thank you.


> Best Regards,

> Deepak Sharma




> dhirendranathmisra

> Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:36:25 -0800

> Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90

Dear Deepak sharma Ji, You should think to amend your reply.Take a example of

native who has been reported first time suffering from hyperglycaemia during

DBAS of Jupiter-Venus-Moon and his birth details are thus-DOB-2.09.1961,Reported

TOB-9:18AM(Rectified time

> for K.P system is 09:16:30AM,POB-Cochin,Kerala.His above DBAS was running

w.e.f 24.09.1998 to 14.12.1998 and since then the native is suffering from the

hyperglycaemia.Please go through the following K.P rules revealed by Kalyan Ji ,

Lajmi Ji,Punit Ji:-


According to KP system, if the Sub Lord of the 6th cusp is either Ve, Ju or Mo,

and connected to house 1 & 6 and also the sign Libra, and watery sign Cancer,

Scorpio and Pisces, one will be attacked by this disease of " Diabetes "

> - Medical Astrologt for all-2005 Edition- Pg.191


> I have some notes of a senior KP Astrologer of Sri Lanka, written in 1978,

which looks similar to that of above.


> " Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).

> Carbohydrate is converted into Grape Sugar in the Intestine(Moon) , and

carried to Liver(Jupiter) for conversion in to Glycogen. "


> By these two expressions, I am in the opinion of Ve, as the governor of

Pancreas and as in my previous mail, one should deeply study the behavior of

> VENUS,JUPITER, MARS, MOON to make any decision of Diabetes.

> In the present example Venus is

significator of 1st and 8th cusp,sub sub lord of 6th cusp and posited in cancer

sign.Moon is sub lord of 6th cusp and sub sub lord of 1st cusp.Jupiter is

constellation lord of 6th cusp also. Hence in the light of above rule the native

is reported about hyperglycaemia during DBAS of Jupiter-Venus-Moon w.e.f 9/ 1998

to 12/1998 when Jupiter had been retrograde

> with malefic Ketu and Venus had been debiliated also.Thus the person fell ill

during Bhukti of Venus and antardasa of Moon.This shows that

> Jupiter alone can't cause hyperglycaemia and role of Venus and Moon is also

important.The role of Jupiter can not be denied and its debiliation /

retrogression / affliction is also important factor.It is reported above that

Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).It means Pancreas is not indicated by Jupiter as you have

suggested earlier and role of Venus is more important than that of Jupiter.

> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra



> ________________________________

> deepak sharma <deepak_17a


> Mon, November 30, 2009 10:38:47 AM

> RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> Respected Misra Ji,

> You raised the same questions in a different group also and I've already


> Repeating below my humble opinion again -

> You have sent your reply that Pancreas is indicated by Jupiter and in another

> reply (regarding Cancer) you have mentioned 5th house responsible for Pancreas


> I related Pancreas with Jupiter as well as fifth house in both the mails.

> So there's no inconsistency about my opinion in both the mails.

> But no authentic source is mentioned by you.

> Source is one of the books written by Prof VK Chowdhry.(I dnt remember

> the name of book / page no. etc). You may find various authentic weblinks for

> Pancreas being represented by fifth house in google search also.

> Presenting the analysis again (based on which you raised the


> Medical Reasoning for Diabetes : We eat food that is converted as digestible

glucose in liver. Insulin released by pancreas is the main factor for conversion

of glucose into the energy for whole of our body. If the discharge of insulin is

not normal as per the requirement or less or suppressed due to any defects or

reason, the glucose is not converted into energy and the person suffers from

Hyperglycaemia. And the glucose level in blood increases. Further, if the

filters in kidneys do not function properly the glucose starts passing through

the urine.

> Astro Perspective : So the weakness to following planets / houses is

responsible for diabetes in a native -

> 1.) Jupiter as significator of liver & pancreas

> 2.) Venus as significator of kidney

> 3.) Fifth house (pancreas, liver, stomach) & leo sign

> 4.) Sun as significator for food digestion

> ________

> Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of K.P


> Just a question to think about -

> When is the blood glucose level (Mars / Moon) not normal?

> Firstly, there must be something wrong with Liver, Pancreas, food digestion


> Hence, only the primary factors that are actually responsible should be


> In such cases-


> If Moon & Mars are also weak, then the native is vulnerable to blood

infections /

> other blood related problems also.


> If 4th house is additionally weak, BP / Cardiac problems are more observed.

> For pancreas, insufficient secretion of insulin, Liver etc, Please go through

the reasoning

> given above " Medical Reasoning for Diabetes " .

> Hope this may be helpful. Thank you.Best Regards,

> Deepak Sharma



> dhirendranathmisra

> Sat, 28 Nov 2009 21:19:57 -0800

> Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & members,You have sent your reply that Pancreas is

indicated by Jupiter and in another reply ( regarding Cancer )you have mentioned

5th house responsible for Pancreas .But no authentic source is mentioned by

you.Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-


> Dear Friends,


> As an experienced Physician and as well as a well versed Astrologer,Dr Rath

ji has already given some facts on the matter.

> I too wish to add some more detail on this topic for the benefits of members.


> Hyperglycaemia is connected to,

> 1.Pancreas ( 6th House)

> 2.Insufficient secretion of Insulin ( Venus)

> 3. Sugar in the Blood ( Mars and Moon)

> 4. Liver and Glycogen ( Jupiter)


> When the disease is grown up to highest level, following effects could be


> 1. Thirsty ( Jupiter )

> 2. Hunger every now and then ( Jupiter )

> 3. Emaciation ( Jupiter )

> 4. Dry Mouth ( Jupiter )

> 5. Loss of weight ( Jupiter )

> 6. Micturition ( Mercury = 8th cusp )

> 4. Boiling of the body ( Mars)


> As a chronic and lingering disease Saturn is playing a great role.


> One should take all these planets into account, in studying this ailment.


> Regards


> Kalyan


> Besides this moderator Sri Punit Ji has referred page No. 119 of III rd

Reader,1992 edition in which Venus and Moon are shown responsible for Diabetes.

> Till date in my knowledge Hyperglycaemia is reported during

DBAS of Debiliated Jupiter/Jupiter afflicted or conjunct with malefic planet /

weak Jupiter but in those chart wherein Venus is also either weak / afflicted

with malefic planet / debiliated.

> From the above it appears that Jupiter can not cause

Diabetes alone and 5th house has no concern in this regard. I have seen in few

charts where 5th house has no concern rather 5th house was found strong in all


> I am trying to establish rules regarding this with the help

of other members for which more charts of persons suffering from hyperglycaemia

are required with the correct report of date/month/year when first time

hyperglycaemia was reported .

> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra


> ________________________________

> deepak sharma <deepak_17a


> Wed, November 18, 2009 10:24:13 AM

> RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> Dear Misra Ji,


> Jupiter is significator for pancreas glands.


> Jupiter (as signficator of liver & pancreas glands), venus (as significator of

kidney), Sun (as significator for food digestion), fifth house & leo sign are

factors to be considered in such cases.


> You may opt for below remedies (please consult Doctor as well) -


> Take tulsi leaves,neem leaves and belpatras (all around 10 in numbers) with a

glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.


> Half cup Karela juice daily.


> Eat chappatis made of chana dal and Jau (till problem is resolved).


> Drink half cup of water mashed with 3-4 leaves of jamun tree. Take it for 5-10

days. Chew 3-4 leaves of jamun morning and evening in the early stages.


> Warm Regards,


> Deepak Sharma



> dhirendranathmisra

> Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:29:04 -0800

> Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra



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There are many parameters,  which can give long term decease to one.

For tumors  and  cancer shani &   jupiter is the major factors.


if one have  a dasa of,  saptmesha or 7th , 6th or 12th house,   than can

face any typical problem. if antardasa of 7th from mahadasa, another bad



I have found, if the lord of lagna or 1st is good or both is good, than there is

a less chance to come in this any long term or long lasting decease.


I have found,  even budha give very -ve results. If we talk instant accident,

than major planets are shani,mangal and rahu/ketu.  Shani is the major karka of

long term decease. 


 I have found 2  factors mainly in most of the cases.


1- the vipreet dasa of any planet should be there,  1st, or 8th house or both

should be effective in natal chart.


2- from gochar,   it will give effect to 1st, 8th house or kendras.  


In almost all typical decease,  shani is the main factor, with any other weak

planet or  dasa.  



Mr.  Dhirendra Nath Misra


I am sending this query at 8:52AM on 18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,


this time scorpion lagna is there,  surya + chandra + budha are in lagna.

shani is in ur 11th house.


Neech rahu is ur 2nd house.


budha dasa is there.


So, As I have stated earlier,  shani is the main karka of long term

decease.   From gochar, shani from11th house, is giving effect to ur lagna and

8th house.  Lagnesh is itself a weak but in uuch neech rajbhang yoga. Direct

aspect of jupiter. This is a good thing.


the dasa of 8th huse is going on.  --  weak dasa - major tensions and illness


lagna, and 8th house are effected with shani. -  illness


rahu is in 2nd house. give exalted vision to 8th house. Rahu doing 2 works - 


wastages and give support to ur 8th house. even from 5th aspect give -ve aspect

to ur 6th house. but life is safe. So rahu is here +ve for u for ur life.


therefore u will get  illness.   Deliberate aspect of both planet ie mangal

and guru is also a + point for u. in which mangal  is ur lagna, lagnesh and

navam sthan is good, make a dhan karak yoga, direct exalted aspect of guru  to

9th house is making this house more powerful. ur fate or luck house. if luck is

good at particular time, than problem get solve easily.


the main greh for ur condition are budha and shani.



Barkot, Tan



















--- On Mon, 11/30/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra wrote:


Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra

Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


Monday, November 30, 2009, 12:36 PM


















Dear Deepak sharma Ji, You should think to amend your reply.Take a example

of native who has been reported first time suffering from hyperglycaemia during

DBAS of Jupiter-Venus- Moon and his birth details are thus-DOB-2.09.

1961,Reported TOB-9:18AM(Rectifie d time


for K.P system is 09:16:30AM,POB- Cochin,Kerala. His above DBAS was running

w.e.f 24.09.1998 to 14.12.1998 and since then the native is suffering from the

hyperglycaemia. Please go through the following K.P rules revealed by Kalyan

Ji , Lajmi Ji,Punit Ji:-




                            According to KP system,

if the Sub Lord of the 6th cusp is either Ve, Ju or Mo, and connected to house 1

& 6 and also the sign Libra, and watery sign Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, one

will be attacked by this disease of " Diabetes "


    - Medical Astrologt for all-2005 Edition- Pg.191




I have some notes of a senior KP Astrologer of Sri Lanka, written in 1978, which

looks similar to that of above.




" Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).


Carbohydrate is converted into Grape Sugar in the Intestine(Moon) , and carried

to Liver(Jupiter) for conversion in to Glycogen. "




By these two expressions, I am in the opinion of Ve, as the governor of Pancreas

and as in my previous mail, one should deeply study the behavior of


VENUS,JUPITER, MARS, MOON to make any decision of Diabetes.



     In the present example Venus is significator of 1st and 8th cusp,sub

sub lord of 6th cusp and posited in cancer sign.Moon is sub lord of 6th cusp

and sub sub lord of 1st cusp.Jupiter is constellation lord of 6th cusp also.

Hence in the light of above rule the native is reported about hyperglycaemia

during DBAS of Jupiter-Venus- Moon w.e.f 9/ 1998 to 12/1998 when Jupiter had

been retrograde 


with malefic Ketu and Venus had been debiliated also.Thus the person fell ill

during Bhukti of Venus and antardasa of Moon.This shows that


Jupiter alone can't cause hyperglycaemia and role of Venus and Moon is also

important.The role of Jupiter can not be denied and its debiliation /

retrogression / affliction is also important factor.It is reported above that

Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).It means Pancreas is not indicated by Jupiter as you have

suggested earlier and role of Venus is more important than that of Jupiter.


With thanks & regards, 


Dhirendra Nath Misra






____________ _________ _________ __


deepak sharma <deepak_17a (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>




Mon, November 30, 2009 10:38:47 AM


RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




Respected Misra Ji,


You raised the same questions in a different group also and I've already



Repeating below my humble opinion again -


You have sent your reply that Pancreas is indicated by Jupiter and in another


reply (regarding Cancer) you have mentioned 5th house responsible for Pancreas .


I related Pancreas with Jupiter as well as fifth house in both the mails.


So there's no inconsistency about my opinion in both the mails.


But no authentic source is mentioned by you.


Source is one of the books written by Prof VK Chowdhry.(I dnt remember


the name of book / page no. etc). You may find various authentic weblinks for


Pancreas being represented by fifth house in google search also.


Presenting the analysis again (based on which you raised the questions)-_

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___


Medical Reasoning for Diabetes : We eat food that is converted as digestible

glucose in liver. Insulin released by pancreas is the main factor for conversion

of glucose into the energy for whole of our body. If the discharge of insulin is

not normal as per the requirement or less or suppressed due to any defects or

reason, the glucose is not converted into energy and the person suffers from

Hyperglycaemia. And the glucose level in blood increases. Further, if the

filters in kidneys do not function properly the glucose starts passing through

the urine.


Astro Perspective : So the weakness to following planets / houses is responsible

for diabetes in a native -


1.) Jupiter as significator of liver & pancreas


2.) Venus as significator of kidney


3.) Fifth house (pancreas, liver, stomach) & leo sign


4.) Sun as significator for food digestion


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _


Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of K.P



Just a question to think about -


When is the blood glucose level (Mars / Moon) not normal?


Firstly, there must be something wrong with Liver, Pancreas, food digestion etc


Hence, only the primary factors that are actually responsible should be



In such cases-




If Moon & Mars are also weak, then the native is vulnerable to blood infections



other blood related problems also.




If 4th house is additionally weak, BP / Cardiac problems are more observed.


For pancreas, insufficient secretion of insulin, Liver etc, Please go through

the reasoning


given above " Medical Reasoning for Diabetes " .


Hope this may be helpful. Thank you.Best Regards,


Deepak Sharma






dhirendranathmisra@ ymail.com


Sat, 28 Nov 2009 21:19:57 -0800


Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90








Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & members,You have sent your reply that Pancreas is

indicated by Jupiter and in another reply ( regarding Cancer )you have mentioned

5th house responsible for Pancreas .But no authentic source is mentioned by

you.Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-





Dear Friends,




As an experienced Physician and as well as  a well versed Astrologer,Dr Rath ji

has already given some facts on the matter.


I too wish to add some more detail on this topic for the benefits of members.




Hyperglycaemia is connected to,


1.Pancreas ( 6th House)


2.Insufficient secretion of Insulin ( Venus)


3. Sugar in the Blood ( Mars and Moon)


4. Liver and Glycogen ( Jupiter)




When the disease is grown up to highest level, following effects could be seen.


1. Thirsty ( Jupiter )


2. Hunger every now and then ( Jupiter )


3. Emaciation ( Jupiter )


4. Dry Mouth ( Jupiter )


5. Loss of weight ( Jupiter )


6. Micturition ( Mercury = 8th cusp )


4. Boiling of the body ( Mars)




As a chronic and lingering disease Saturn is playing a great role.




One should take all these planets into account, in studying this ailment.












Besides this moderator Sri Punit Ji has referred page No. 119 of III rd

Reader,1992 edition in which Venus and Moon are shown responsible for Diabetes.


                  Till date in my knowledge Hyperglycaemia is reported

during DBAS of Debiliated Jupiter/Jupiter afflicted or conjunct with malefic

planet / weak Jupiter but in those chart wherein  Venus is also either weak /

afflicted with malefic planet / debiliated.


                  From the above it appears that Jupiter can not cause

Diabetes alone and 5th house has no concern in this regard. I have seen in few

charts where 5th house has no concern rather 5th house was found strong in all



                  I am trying to establish rules regarding this with

the help of other members for which more charts of persons suffering from

hyperglycaemia are required with the correct report of date/month/year when

first time hyperglycaemia was reported .


                  With thanks & regards,


Dhirendra Nath Misra




____________ _________ _________ __


deepak sharma <deepak_17a (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>




Wed, November 18, 2009 10:24:13 AM


RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




Dear Misra Ji,




Jupiter is significator for pancreas glands.




Jupiter (as signficator of liver & pancreas glands), venus (as significator of

kidney), Sun (as significator for food digestion), fifth house & leo sign are

factors to be considered in such cases.




You may opt for below remedies (please consult Doctor as well) -




Take tulsi leaves,neem leaves and belpatras (all around 10 in numbers) with a

glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.




Half cup Karela juice daily.




Eat chappatis made of chana dal and Jau (till problem is resolved).




Drink half cup of water mashed with 3-4 leaves of jamun tree. Take it for 5-10

days. Chew 3-4 leaves of jamun morning and evening in the early stages.




Warm Regards,




Deepak Sharma






dhirendranathmisra@ ymail.com


Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:29:04 -0800


Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90








Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my  self  one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,


With thanks & regards,


Dhirendra Nath Misra





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Before we begin to lobby Kumar jee and Tanvir jee to rename this forum as

Health_Remedies Forum, please allow me to thank Sushma_jee for alerting us to

this new <<BS>> unit! I presume by BS, this thread meant BLOOD SUGAR and not

some derogatory reference to Nandi jee's Prasaad?


Sugar in the blood was measured, according to the sources I questioned, in two

units alone!


mg/decilitre that gave the values like 120, 180 etc


or millimoles per litre of glucose that gave values like 5 (normal) or so!


Unless some NEW standard for <<BS>> has been established that talks about levels

in the 500s, may I timidly suggest that we, collectively, get our facts straight

before we spread this wonderful information about BS?




, " Sushma " <bhagvatjee wrote:


> Dear Dhirendra Nath Ji

> Jaya Siyaa Raam

> Sorry to know about your such a high blood sugar lever. Are you sure that it

is 525.90. Ideally it should not be more than 140 in any case. 525 is indeed too

high. Make sure that if it is so.


> You may start eating Chanaa flour roti (either mixed with Jau flour or with

whole wheat flour). When you are not eating this roti, you may eat Chana Daal.

Karela juice is really a big task, as Deepak Sharma has suggested, but ther

simple things are easy to do.


> You may try Daalcheenee powder 1/4 teaspoon, two times a day. Just swallow it

like a Chooran. But make sure of your number is 525.

> Take care,

> With regards

> Sushma


> , Dhirendra Nath Misra

<dhirendranathmisra@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my  self  one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

> > With thanks & regards, 

> > Dhirendra Nath Misra

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Sir,

            It is known to all that amount of  Sugar in the

blood is generally  measured in mg / decilitre unit .You may suggest any new

information regarding this ,if it is known to you.Respected Sushama Ji or any

other member has not revealed any new unit for you to which you are giving air.

With thanks and regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra







rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani


Fri, December 4, 2009 8:54:48 AM

Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90



Before we begin to lobby Kumar jee and Tanvir jee to rename this forum as

Health_Remedies Forum, please allow me to thank Sushma_jee for alerting us to

this new <<BS>> unit! I presume by BS, this thread meant BLOOD SUGAR and not

some derogatory reference to Nandi jee's Prasaad?


Sugar in the blood was measured, according to the sources I questioned, in two

units alone!


mg/decilitre that gave the values like 120, 180 etc


or millimoles per litre of glucose that gave values like 5 (normal) or so!


Unless some NEW standard for <<BS>> has been established that talks about levels

in the 500s, may I timidly suggest that we, collectively, get our facts straight

before we spread this wonderful information about BS?


, " Sushma " <bhagvatjee@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Dhirendra Nath Ji

> Jaya Siyaa Raam

> Sorry to know about your such a high blood sugar lever. Are you sure that it

is 525.90. Ideally it should not be more than 140 in any case. 525 is indeed too

high. Make sure that if it is so.


> You may start eating Chanaa flour roti (either mixed with Jau flour or with

whole wheat flour). When you are not eating this roti, you may eat Chana Daal.

Karela juice is really a big task, as Deepak Sharma has suggested, but ther

simple things are easy to do.


> You may try Daalcheenee powder 1/4 teaspoon, two times a day. Just swallow it

like a Chooran. But make sure of your number is 525.

> Take care,

> With regards

> Sushma


> , Dhirendra Nath Misra

<dhirendranathmisra @> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently  I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my  self  one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

> > With thanks & regards, 

> > Dhirendra Nath Misra

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dhirendra Babu,


Please use Wikipedia to educate yourself about how many decades ago mg/dL was

replaced by mM units :-)

Or ask your personal physician, if you have one!


It is not something critical, don't take things so personally, particularly

since it would not enable anyone to appreciate the astrology behind all that!

And who knows -- perhaps the astrological perspectives of the diseases may be

very different from the modern-medicine understanding of the process! Afterall,

ayurveda deals with diseases in a different manner just as homeopathy views

health and disease in a very different way than modern medicine! Does it not?






, Dhirendra Nath Misra

<dhirendranathmisra wrote:


> Dear Sir,

>             It is known to all that amount of  Sugar in the

blood is generally  measured in mg / decilitre unit .You may suggest any new

information regarding this ,if it is known to you.Respected Sushama Ji or any

other member has not revealed any new unit for you to which you are giving air.

> With thanks and regards, 

> Dhirendra Nath Misra






> ________________________________

> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani


> Fri, December 4, 2009 8:54:48 AM

> Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90



> Before we begin to lobby Kumar jee and Tanvir jee to rename this forum as

Health_Remedies Forum, please allow me to thank Sushma_jee for alerting us to

this new <<BS>> unit! I presume by BS, this thread meant BLOOD SUGAR and not

some derogatory reference to Nandi jee's Prasaad?


> Sugar in the blood was measured, according to the sources I questioned, in two

units alone!


> mg/decilitre that gave the values like 120, 180 etc


> or millimoles per litre of glucose that gave values like 5 (normal) or so!


> Unless some NEW standard for <<BS>> has been established that talks about

levels in the 500s, may I timidly suggest that we, collectively, get our facts

straight before we spread this wonderful information about BS?


> , " Sushma " <bhagvatjee@ ...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Dhirendra Nath Ji

> > Jaya Siyaa Raam

> > Sorry to know about your such a high blood sugar lever. Are you sure that it

is 525.90. Ideally it should not be more than 140 in any case. 525 is indeed too

high. Make sure that if it is so.

> >

> > You may start eating Chanaa flour roti (either mixed with Jau flour or with

whole wheat flour). When you are not eating this roti, you may eat Chana Daal.

Karela juice is really a big task, as Deepak Sharma has suggested, but ther

simple things are easy to do.

> >

> > You may try Daalcheenee powder 1/4 teaspoon, two times a day. Just swallow

it like a Chooran. But make sure of your number is 525.

> > Take care,

> > With regards

> > Sushma

> >

> > , Dhirendra Nath Misra

<dhirendranathmisra @> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently  I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my  self  one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

> > > With thanks & regards, 

> > > Dhirendra Nath Misra

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Dear Mrityunjay ji,


Very nice summary of many aspects of this rather interesting and intriguing

disease which essentially remains incurable, though in most cases with good

compliance and strong self-discipline can be managed and treated for many years.


One aspect of the disease, which generally is seen in individuals who get the

disease in their 40s and 50s is not so much inadequate secretion of insulin but

inadequate functioning of the hormone. It is not uncommon to find in such

individuals an excess of insulin which for a variety of reasons cannot do what

it is supposed to do (bring sugar inside the cell so that it can be utilized to

produced energy etc). These are the people who are treated with tablets and

capsules and often do not need injections. If I recall correctly, these groups

of diabetics (maturiy-onset, type II, and other designations) form the majority

of diabetics that exist. Hence it is significant to consider this aspect of the



To astrologers who are looking for biological correlates, perhaps this must be

kept in mind that there might be different astrological groups if indeed there

are astrobiological correlates. It must also be kept in mind that insulin is not

like a typical 'secretion' for instance like the digestive juices that pancreas

itself makes or like bile or milk etc.




, " jyotish " <astrologer_mrutyunjay



> Dear friend,


> Blood Sugar is due to non-utilisation of excess sugar in blood.


> This can be due to:


> (i) low level of insulin production (weak pancreas gland represented by

jupiter and 6th house)


> (ii) low glycogen restoring capability of liver represented by jupiter and 5th

house( affliction to jupiter/5th lord/5th houses by natural malefic/functional



> (iii) weak sugar conversion mechanism of body ( unfavourable disposition of

venus from lagna or jupiter)


> (iv)as a result of sedantary life-style ( 3rd and 10th house significations by

natural benefic or planet more than 10 degree away from a house cusp


> (v)as a form of urinary problem ...slowness in excreation of surplus elements

from impure blood in the form of stool or urine( strong affliction to 2/8 axis).



> Hope this helps.


> Regards,


> Mrutyunjay Tripathy

> (Consultancy out of group is not free)


> , Dhirendra Nath Misra

<dhirendranathmisra@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my  self  one tablet of Gemer P2 twice

daily.By which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

> > With thanks & regards, 

> > Dhirendra Nath Misra

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Mishra Ji,


If we apply basics correctly, For Taurus lagna, Venus is lagna lord as well as

6'th lord, 6'th lord's placement in lagna has to give it's results - both

fitness liking and bout of sickness, where is doubt ?



Your's 8'th lord (Jup) dasa is running and 8'th lord aspects Lagna, Lagna Lord

and Venus in natal horoscope.


In yr 2009, Venus remained afflicted for most of the part, currently Venus on

Scorpio which is an inimical sign, Why you will not experience rise in blood

sugar like chronic disease, not only you many other like you will be

experiencing same.


What's your profession, Have you ever remained associated with some life

insurence business ?




Utkal Pangrahi.




, " Sudhir " <taurus.sudhir wrote:


> Dear Misra,


> Yes, your natal chart has 5th house problems due to debilitation of its lord

and Rahu in 5th house. Nodes have transited to your 8th and 2nd house would give

further problems in 2010.

> If you have strengthened your debilitated Mercury would be very helpful.

Saturn's transit to your debilitated 5th house can give some health concerns.

> Position of Jupiter is good but transit of nodes would give problems.


> Regards

> Sudhir






> -

> Dhirendra Nath Misra


> Thursday, November 19, 2009 8:03 PM

> Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> Dear Sudhir ,My ascendant is Taurus.Fifth house lord Mercury is posited in

11th house and it is debiliated but Jupiter is posited in Scorpio sign and Moon

is posited in fourth house.Is there cancellation of NBRY exist for Mercury i.e

lord of 5th house?Rahu is posited in 5th house in Virgo sign and Mars in the 2nd

house.Does 5th house seem weak? Jupiter is not weak in birth chart which is

indicator of Pancreas and Liver.Venus is posited in Lagna,Saturn in 8th,Ketu in

11th,Sun in 12th house.Jupiter-Saturn-Jupiter Dasa is going on since 22.09.2009

to 23.01.2010.

> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra



> ________________________________

> Sudhir <taurus.sudhir


> Wed, November 18, 2009 10:49:12 AM

> Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90



> Dear Misra


> Your fifth house should be weak in your chart.


> Regards

> Sudhir


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> -

> Dhirendra Nath Misra


> Wednesday, November 18, 2009 8:59 AM

> Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice daily.By

which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra



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Dear Utkal Ji,Thanks very much that you made effort.It is matter of

investigation that // disease, not only you many other like you will be

experiencing same. // It is very silent disease and no one can notice as to in

which DBAS of planets the hyperglycaemia developed.Only DBA can be checked and

after all it is incurable disease and patient has to endure it.In my own case it

is very strange matter that Jupiter is not the significator of 1st and 6th

cusp and as a K.P rule it can't cause any disease at all.Besides this K.P

followers say that Venus is indicator of Pancreas and secretion of insulin which

DBA is not running.According to Kalyan Ji- " Generally speaking the occupant of

the house, the planet in the star of the occupant or owner of the house and the

palnet in conjunction or in aspect with the significator of that house, come

under the catagory of the significators of that house and the significators are

termed as connected* with that house "


    - Nakshatra Chintamani - By Chandrakant R Bhatt, page 22


In the given chart, Ju aspects 1 & Ve, by his 7th aspect.(Vedic)


2. As per the attached chart, erected with JD, Ju is placed in the 6th Bhawa and

comes as a B grade significator of 6th..


Hence according to me Ju is a significator for 1 and 6(By Kalyan Ji)

During DBA of Jupiter-Saturn-Jupiter the disease may develop,If I agree with the

above observation.But as a strict rule Jupiter is not shown significator of 1st

and 6th cusp.No software displays Jupiter as significator of 1st and 6th cusp.

It is also doubtful as to which planet is indicator of Pancreas and secretion of

insulin.I am not related with insurence.For your satisfaction I am telling you

that I am employed in Judicial department.

Healthy comments of learned astrologers are invited also.

With thanks and regards. 

Dhirendra Nath Misra







utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi


Mon, December 7, 2009 12:09:32 AM

Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90



Dear Mishra Ji,


If we apply basics correctly, For Taurus lagna, Venus is lagna lord as well as

6'th lord, 6'th lord's placement in lagna has to give it's results - both

fitness liking and bout of sickness, where is doubt ?


Your's 8'th lord (Jup) dasa is running and 8'th lord aspects Lagna, Lagna Lord

and Venus in natal horoscope.


In yr 2009, Venus remained afflicted for most of the part, currently Venus on

Scorpio which is an inimical sign, Why you will not experience rise in blood

sugar like chronic disease, not only you many other like you will be

experiencing same.


What's your profession, Have you ever remained associated with some life

insurence business ?



Utkal Pangrahi.


, " Sudhir " <taurus.sudhir@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Misra,


> Yes, your natal chart has 5th house problems due to debilitation of its lord

and Rahu in 5th house. Nodes have transited to your 8th and 2nd house would give

further problems in 2010.

> If you have strengthened your debilitated Mercury would be very helpful.

Saturn's transit to your debilitated 5th house can give some health concerns.

> Position of Jupiter is good but transit of nodes would give problems.


> Regards

> Sudhir

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -




> -

> Dhirendra Nath Misra


> Thursday, November 19, 2009 8:03 PM

> Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> Dear Sudhir ,My ascendant is Taurus.Fifth house lord Mercury is posited in

11th house and it is debiliated but Jupiter is posited in Scorpio sign and Moon

is posited in fourth house.Is there cancellation of NBRY exist for Mercury i.e

lord of 5th house?Rahu is posited in 5th house in Virgo sign and Mars in the 2nd

house.Does 5th house seem weak? Jupiter is not weak in birth chart which is

indicator of Pancreas and Liver.Venus is posited in Lagna,Saturn in 8th,Ketu in

11th,Sun in 12th house.Jupiter- Saturn-Jupiter Dasa is going on since 22.09.2009

to 23.01.2010.

> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Sudhir <taurus.sudhir@ ...>


> Wed, November 18, 2009 10:49:12 AM

> Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90



> Dear Misra


> Your fifth house should be weak in your chart.


> Regards

> Sudhir


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> -

> Dhirendra Nath Misra


> Wednesday, November 18, 2009 8:59 AM

> Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice daily.By

which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra



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