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I second these thoughts.

The good men will anyway know what astrology is. For the bad men, no explanation matters. For those who have to drink this evening, they will find any excuse to drink. If a person has died in their neighbourhood they will drink in sorrow. If somebody has a birthday, they will drink to enjoy.

Lets get down to astrology as it is.



, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Shankar ji,> > I was just trying to contribute to the big task in my small way and wrote> what came to my mind.> > I am also thinking aloud that this group generally has advanced discussions> on astrology. I do not know how a beginner may benefit from the group? And> those who know astrology, do not need any such introduction!> > Please do not mind, I am not trying to contradict, but voicing my> apprehension, which can make this exercise more fruitful.> > Regards> Neelam> > > > 2009/2/27 ShankaraBharadwaj Khandavalli shankarabharadwaj > > Dear Neelam ji,> >> > This was the abstract or rather the contents - the idea was to put that on> > the table and then expand it, of course in the beginner's language.> >> > Shankar> >> > ------------------------------> > ** neelam gupta neelamgupta07 > *To:* > > *Sent:* Friday, February 27, 2009 7:44:02 PM> > *Subject:* Re: Re: Astrology> >> > Dear Shankar ji,> >> > The content is fine, but if it is for the beginners, we could make it> > simpler and more understandable.> > Here's some input to make is more direct, you may include this if you find> > it suitable.> >> > What is astrology?> > Astrology, the study of starts is derived from the word astron – a star and> > logos – reason or logic. Simply put, it is the study of the correlation> > between the astronomical positions of the planets and events on earth.> > Astrologers believe that the positions of the planets at the time of a> > person's birth have a direct influence on that person's life.> >> > Indian Astrology or Jyotisha> > Indian astrology is an ancient knowledge known as Jyotisha, or Knowledge of> > Light which is the root cause of all creation. Jyotisha is a Vedanga, one of> > the six limbs of the Vedas, and is said to be the Chakshu (eye) of Veda> > Purusha - for the reason that it is through Jyotisha that one can "see".> >> > For the ease of understanding, we may divide it into following branches:> > Natal Astrology: This concerns largely with the life of human beings. A> > birth chart is made for the moment of birth and for a particular place of> > birth, and from this chart one can read all about the native as well as his> > future events.> > Horary Astrology: This includes predicting the events on the basis of> > planetary position at the time of query.> > Electional Astrology or Muhurta: This branch indicates the auspicious time> > for undertaking various activities and undertakings in life.> > Mundane Astrology: This includes predicting about weather, natural> > calamities like earthquakes, floods, famines etc, national and international> > events pertaining to leaders, governments and masses.> > Since astrology is a vast subject, one may also subdivide it into medical> > astrology, astro-meterology, judicial astrology, omens, etc.> >> > Who can learn astrology?> >> > - The learner should have a basic knowledge and interest in mathematics> > and astronomy> > - He should have a scholarly approach, i.e read, understand, think,> > interpret and apply.> > - Intuition and plays a part in correct interpretation, so one should> > have devotion to God and should do prayers regularly.> > - He should enjoy a peace of mind and have no worries in general.> >> > What could be the purpose of learning?> > One can learn astrology as a hobby and for the sake of gaining knowledge of> > the subject.> > One can also utilise the learning to become a professional astrologer and> > consultant.> >> > What should be the conduct of an astrologer: (we may add this)> >> > We can have other opinions on this.> >> > Regards> > Neelam> >> > > >>

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Dear Shankar ji,Thank you very much for the informative write up.//There are many ways man can

achieve completeness – art forms, research, social activity – in short any kind

of synthesis. Synthesis brings completeness.// There is a ray of hope for the less elevated ones....RegardsNeelam2009/2/27 ShankaraBharadwaj Khandavalli <shankarabharadwaj






Dear Gaurav ji,Jyotisha, apart from being a subject, is an approach to life. Just like Vyakarana. Vyakarana, far from merely being a subject for understanding text, is a Darsana - a window to the eternal truth, and an approach. The premise of Vyakarana is that purifying speech begets perfection in being (vak-yoga). The premise of Siksha is that purifying pronunciation begets perfection in being (nada yoga). The premise of Jyotisha is " as above so below " - as you understand stellar you understand life and universe. That is why Jyotisha is called Jyotirveda. Thus each Vedanga is a specialization, and an approach to perfection/salvation.

Regarding Jnana and Karma: 1. That jnana alone begets moksha,

is the Vedantic premise, which is one of the many darsanas. Every premise is valid in its own framework. The jnana that Vedanta speaks of, is not the understanding of the universe but the wisdom of difference between atma and non-atma, the permanent and transient. And Vedanta is not a darsana of methods to arrive at such jnana. The jnana marga, that includes sravana-manana-nididhyasana, is only one of the various methods to acquire such jnana.

2. Moreover jnana marga too is just one of the many approaches to salvation. Karma marga is about nullifying karma to attain salvation. That is through arriving at a state beyond dharma and adharma. In essence it is possible only with the realization of difference between atma and non-atma. Thus karma and jnana are only two approaches.

3. Karma and jnana as two stages in life, is basically an impression we get from ashrama dharma. However we should understand that such arrangement is because of the

primary importance given to karma and not because it is treated as secondary. It is through karma alone, that one gradates from pravritti to nivritti. And during nivritti, karma becomes more and more symbolic, and less and less literal/physical - because it is no more kamya but para.

4. Upanishad is intended for a sanyasi, and that does not mean he alone qualifies for liberation. 5. The terminology of Vedanta cannot be understood without understanding the terminology of Veda. Words like " Maaya " etc of Vedanta do not negate or dismiss the postulates of Karma. Vedanta takes for granted, that one who approaches Vedanta is through his earlier three ashramas and is well versed with Purva Mimamsa terminology. Therefore it does not labor to explain the nature of world. As Sankara says: there is a vyavaharika and a paramarthika view of the universe. For everything about vyavaharika, follow Bhatta (Kumarila) without any second thought. Vedanta

speaks about paramarthika. That is the reason why Vedanta does not labor to explain the nature of six pramanas and so on and so forth. One cannot compartmentalize Jnana and Karma and understand them - one can understand the context of Jnana ONLY through the understanding of Karma.

6. Those who think Upanishad is in a way superior to Veda/Karma portion ignore that Upanishad is not a development over Veda but a SUMMARY OF Vedic truth, an inquiry into the spiritual philosophy of Vedic truth. This also establishes the relation between them.

7. The logic is simple: if you continue as a grhastha for life, follow Karma Mimamsa. Your moksha is guaranteed if you cultivate nivritti through pravritti. If you take to sanyasa, then be sure that you have won over desires, and also have the thorough knowledge of the worldly subjects before you take to it. Then, you have no use for anything vyavaharika - physically you are alive but you are as good as

dead for the society. You have no aspirations and no attachments, no responsibilities - all you do is to acquire atma-anatma vivecana through nirantara nididhyasana. Your moksha is guaranteed in that case. About worldly and eternal knowledge:

There are many ways man can

achieve completeness – art forms, research, social activity – in short any kind

of synthesis. Synthesis brings completeness. In traditional language one

transcends annamaya, pranamaya and manomaya kosas with synthetic activity and

lives in vijnanamaya kosa. He then moves further in, to anandamaya kosa and

within that to achieve total completeness. But in this stage of transcendence

he does things that do not relate to the subject of his synthetic activity. For

instance, a scientist stops speaking about laws of science and starts dwelling

in philosophy. An artist no more thinks of skill but only expresses his deepest

experiences. A social activist no more represents his community or cause or

principle but becomes instrument in the universal cause. In this stage he does

continue to synthesize but it is entirely different both in content and quality

from what he does earlier. This is the highest form of synthesis and offers the

highest fulfillment for man’s life.

However when it comes to the pursuit of a sastra, this evolution does not outwardly reflect in a change of subject of pursuit. The word sastra cannot be subsituted with science or art or knowledge

or practice or quest. It is all this and more than this. Every sastra,

every art-form, every science-form, in Sanatana Dharma, while begetting

worldly knowledge, will take the being into the transcendental plane

eventually. One will, through the pursuit of

worldly, progressively identify himself with the higher faculties of

his consciousness. In every sastra, there is a paramarthika aspect.

Shankar <gaurav.ghosh

Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 2:38:03 PM

Re: Astrology


||Jai Ramakrishna| |Dear Shankaraji,All is fine, but personally, the end part is somewhat misleading to me & is contradictory with Vedanta/Upanishad.//What does it get to the practitioner?

Jnana Moksha//There is a small story in Mundaka Upanishad. A householder, named " Shounok " visits Sage Angira & asks, " Which is that " Vidya " (knowledge) ,knowing which one can know each & everything? " .

Sage Angira says, " Well, there are two types of Vidya for ideal knowledge " Dwe Vidye Veditavye iti " . What are those ?? " Para Chaivaaparaa cha " --Para Vidya & Apara Vidya. " Sage Angira continues " Tatraaparaa- -Rigvedo, Yajurvedah, Samavedo-atharvaved ah Shiksha Kalpo Vyakaranam Niruktam Chhando Jyotishamiti| Atha Paraa--Yayaa Tadaksharamadhigamy ate " .

Aparaa Vidya--Veda & 6 Vedangas (limbs of Veda). Veda actually represents the Karma Kanda.Paraa Vidya--One which helps 

in achieving that " Akshara " i.e. Brahma.So I doubt, whether Jyotish will help in giving one Jnana/Moksha or not.The karmakandas which the sage mentioned represent nothing but the education, which is required for daily living. In this context, it reminds of Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (Co-incidentally today is His 174th Birth Tithi!!!!) who was forced to study Sanskrit by his elder brother, who was scholar in those years. Sri Ramakrishna used to say " I will not learn that " Vidya " which will help me in getting my monthly salary(since their profession was to earn living by doing Pujas etc). The sole aim for my life is to achieve the almighty. " .

Thank you,.

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I forgot to mention about the native enquiring. Jyotish has the power to lead him to gnana and Moksha too.

When the astrologer gives certain remedies to a native, they contain mostly, Mantras, donations and such remedies.

Mantras - Will they not make a person more spiritual ?

Donations ? - Will they not make a man more good and pious ?

When the period given by the astrologer to do these remedies is over, in most of the cases it would be found, that the native gets so much accustomed to these manttras and donations, and other such remedies, that they do not wish to leave this, and keep continuing .

Need I say more on this ?

I do not believe in "kora" theoretical discussions.

I believe in laying down bare facts which is what we see practically in our Life, which i have attempted to put before the members, in my mails.



, "Bhaskar" <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:>> > Dear all,> > Without meaning to hurt anyone on the Group, let me put my views too.> > I feel Jyotish has great power to lead a astrologer/person to Gnana and> Moksha.> > Because an astrologer when he enters this Divine Science, he starts> reading astro scriptures which talk on all facets of Life, from, birth,> marriage, old age, till death. Then an astrologer also sees real Life> problems in the stories of the natives he meets in his Jyotish journey.> His study in oredictive astrology leads him to the knowledge that an> astrologer can become a good one, only if he serves mankind as a> intsrument of God in the right spirit . For this he has to lead a> austere life, free from whims and fancies, free from the bad vices,> mantra has tome done daily, including japa and protection both, for> intution powers, he has to see many charts and help people. In this> study he realises more often than not, that there is definitely a great> link between the Divine and the human forms, when the events open up> multifold in the configuration of the stars laidout before him, with> amazing co-incidences which display a fixed pattern in the mazes , he> views. There is no doubt that as his study intensifies, so does his> fascination and knowledge of the Super Power ( God and Nature) working> in human Life. he knows very well that in order to remain successful in> his art of predictions he has to remain absolute ethical and in> conformity with the laws of human behaviour..> > In this process of learning he also stumblesupon secrets of his own> Life, in his chart and his family members, leading him to expanded and> exalted knowledge, which then leads him to the futility of wrong> behaviour and unethical ways of living, and in return the rewards he> gets, is that he becomes a man of God.> > There is no doubt that Jyotish leads to enhanced Gnana and Moksha for> the right astrologer. And for the practioner, who is good, moneytoo> comes in as Fees or Dakshina.> > So Jyotish gives everything to a man, Name, fame, material wealth, a> closeness to his God, spiritual wealth, and respect from his country> men, and goodness too.> > Bhaskar.> > > > > , ShankaraBharadwaj> Khandavalli shankarabharadwaj@ wrote:> >> > Dear Gaurav ji,> >> > Jyotisha, apart from being a subject, is an approach to life. Just> like Vyakarana. Vyakarana, far from merely being a subject for> understanding text, is a Darsana - a window to the eternal truth, and an> approach. The premise of Vyakarana is that purifying speech begets> perfection in being (vak-yoga). The premise of Siksha is that purifying> pronunciation begets perfection in being (nada yoga). The premise of> Jyotisha is "as above so below" - as you understand stellar you> understand life and universe. That is why Jyotisha is called Jyotirveda.> Thus each Vedanga is a specialization, and an approach to> perfection/salvation.> >> > Regarding Jnana and Karma:> >> > 1. That jnana alone begets moksha, is the Vedantic premise, which is> one of the many darsanas. Every premise is valid in its own framework.> The jnana that Vedanta speaks of, is not the understanding of the> universe but the wisdom of difference between atma and non-atma, the> permanent and transient. And Vedanta is not a darsana of methods to> arrive at such jnana. The jnana marga, that includes> sravana-manana-nididhyasana, is only one of the various methods to> acquire such jnana.> >> > 2. Moreover jnana marga too is just one of the many approaches to> salvation. Karma marga is about nullifying karma to attain salvation.> That is through arriving at a state beyond dharma and adharma. In> essence it is possible only with the realization of difference between> atma and non-atma. Thus karma and jnana are only two approaches.> >> > 3. Karma and jnana as two stages in life, is basically an impression> we get from ashrama dharma. However we should understand that such> arrangement is because of the primary importance given to karma and not> because it is treated as secondary. It is through karma alone, that one> gradates from pravritti to nivritti. And during nivritti, karma becomes> more and more symbolic, and less and less literal/physical - because it> is no more kamya but para.> >> > 4. Upanishad is intended for a sanyasi, and that does not mean he> alone qualifies for liberation.> >> > 5. The terminology of Vedanta cannot be understood without> understanding the terminology of Veda. Words like "Maaya" etc of Vedanta> do not negate or dismiss the postulates of Karma. Vedanta takes for> granted, that one who approaches Vedanta is through his earlier three> ashramas and is well versed with Purva Mimamsa terminology. Therefore it> does not labor to explain the nature of world. As Sankara says: there is> a vyavaharika and a paramarthika view of the universe. For everything> about vyavaharika, follow Bhatta (Kumarila) without any second thought.> Vedanta speaks about paramarthika. That is the reason why Vedanta does> not labor to explain the nature of six pramanas and so on and so forth.> One cannot compartmentalize Jnana and Karma and understand them - one> can understand the context of Jnana ONLY through the understanding of> Karma.> >> > 6. Those who think Upanishad is in a way superior to Veda/Karma> portion ignore that Upanishad is not a development over Veda but a> SUMMARY OF Vedic truth, an inquiry into the spiritual philosophy of> Vedic truth. This also establishes the relation between them.> >> > 7. The logic is simple: if you continue as a grhastha for life, follow> Karma Mimamsa. Your moksha is guaranteed if you cultivate nivritti> through pravritti. If you take to sanyasa, then be sure that you have> won over desires, and also have the thorough knowledge of the worldly> subjects before you take to it. Then, you have no use for anything> vyavaharika - physically you are alive but you are as good as dead for> the society. You have no aspirations and no attachments, no> responsibilities - all you do is to acquire atma-anatma vivecana through> nirantara nididhyasana. Your moksha is guaranteed in that case.> >> > About worldly and eternal knowledge:> >> > There are many ways man can> > achieve completeness â€" art forms, research, social activity> â€" in short any kind> > of synthesis. Synthesis brings completeness. In traditional language> one> > transcends annamaya, pranamaya and manomaya kosas with synthetic> activity and> > lives in vijnanamaya kosa. He then moves further in, to anandamaya> kosa and> > within that to achieve total completeness. But in this stage of> transcendence> > he does things that do not relate to the subject of his synthetic> activity. For> > instance, a scientist stops speaking about laws of science and starts> dwelling> > in philosophy. An artist no more thinks of skill but only expresses> his deepest> > experiences. A social activist no more represents his community or> cause or> > principle but becomes instrument in the universal cause. In this stage> he does> > continue to synthesize but it is entirely different both in content> and quality> > from what he does earlier. This is the highest form of synthesis and> offers the> > highest fulfillment for man’s life.> > However when it comes to the pursuit of a sastra, this evolution does> not outwardly reflect in a change of subject of pursuit. The word sastra> cannot be subsituted with science or art or knowledge> > or practice or quest. It is all this and more than this. Every sastra,> > every art-form, every science-form, in Sanatana Dharma, while> begetting> > worldly knowledge, will take the being into the transcendental plane> > eventually. One will, through the pursuit of> > worldly, progressively identify himself with the higher faculties of> > his consciousness. In every sastra, there is a paramarthika aspect.> >> > Shankar> >> >> >> > ________________________________> > gaurav.ghosh@> > > > Friday, February 27, 2009 2:38:03 PM> > Re: Astrology> >> >> > ||Jai Ramakrishna| |> > Dear Shankaraji,> > All is fine, but personally, the end part is somewhat misleading to me> & is contradictory with Vedanta/Upanishad.> > //What does it get to the practitioner?> > Jnana> > Moksha//> > There is a small story in Mundaka Upanishad. A householder, named> "Shounok" visits Sage Angira & asks, "Which is that "Vidya"(knowledge)> ,knowing which one can know each & everything?" .> > Sage Angira says, "Well, there are two types of Vidya for ideal> knowledge "Dwe Vidye Veditavye iti". What are those ?? "Para> Chaivaaparaa cha"--Para Vidya & Apara Vidya."> > Sage Angira continues "Tatraaparaa- -Rigvedo, Yajurvedah,> Samavedo-atharvaved ah Shiksha Kalpo Vyakaranam Niruktam Chhando> Jyotishamiti| Atha Paraa--Yayaa Tadaksharamadhigamy ate".> > Aparaa Vidya--Veda & 6 Vedangas (limbs of Veda). Veda actually> represents the Karma Kanda.> > Paraa Vidya--One which helps in achieving that "Akshara" i.e. Brahma.> > So I doubt, whether Jyotish will help in giving one Jnana/Moksha or> not.The karmakandas which the sage mentioned represent nothing but the> education, which is required for daily living. In this context, it> reminds of Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (Co-incidentally today is His> 174th Birth Tithi!!!!) who was forced to study Sanskrit by his elder> brother, who was scholar in those years. Sri Ramakrishna used to say "I> will not learn that "Vidya" which will help me in getting my monthly> salary(since their profession was to earn living by doing Pujas etc).> The sole aim for my life is to achieve the almighty.".> > Thank you,> > .> >>

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Dear Bhaskar ji,//So Jyotish gives everything to a man, Name, fame, material wealth, a closeness to his God, spiritual wealth, and respect from his country men, and goodness too.//

Agreed that Jyotish empowers an individual in many ways. But needless to say that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. You may like put your comments with an asterisk mark, *jyotish is injurious to life and after-life if proper precautions are not taken. That may save many going astray after becoming familiar with (I am not saying learning) this divine science. 

If I split your sentence into two parts, most of the jyotishis are running after the first half, and completely forgo the second part. How many here do you see gaining spiritual wealth, respect and goodness?Regards


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Dear Neelamji,


I agree absolutely with your statement.


For the uninintiated, Jyotish is going to be harmful in the end phase (

Last Quarter ) of their Life and also in the " after Life '.


This is just like getting the same effects one will receive, for those

who capture spirits and make them work for the living. Such people are

getting some success in their middle age, but the end of their Life is

doomed, so are their families. In same way those who use Jyotish

indiscriminately for wrong purposes, for hoodwinking people, for gaining

money at any cost through putting fear of Jyotish in mind of native,

giving wrong advises, they are going to suffer hell in this Life, and

for a thousand years after Life too.


We have seen the instance of a Jyotish Moderator last week, who

instigated a young boy against me, and who always asks woman natives for

their photos in garb of ascertaining their ascendants etc. You will

never find him discussing Jyotish in any group, because he does not know

Jyotish. He just hoodwinks people. And as per law of averages when you

toss a coin, 5 times its going to be Heads, in same way this fellow has

managed to keep a public image, but the wise men know about his real

self. This is a example of misuse of Jyotish and misuse of the seat

of a Jyotish. Most of them do not know how to respect the " gaddi " they

are seated on.









, neelam gupta

<neelamgupta07 wrote:


> Dear Bhaskar ji,


> //So Jyotish gives everything to a man, Name, fame, material wealth, a

> closeness to his God, spiritual wealth, and respect from his country


> and goodness too.//


> Agreed that Jyotish empowers an individual in many ways. But needless

to say

> that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. You may

like put

> your comments with an asterisk mark, *jyotish is injurious to life and

> after-life if proper precautions are not taken. That may save many


> astray after becoming familiar with (I am not saying learning) this


> science.


> If I split your sentence into two parts, most of the jyotishis are


> after the first half, and completely forgo the second part. How many

here do

> you see gaining spiritual wealth, respect and goodness?


> Regards

> Neelam


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  • 7 months later...

No Prathima ji,


An astrologer will not go to "naraka" an on the contrary, the verse is that "samvastsar pathi..." will never go to naraka (hell) if that is what you mean.


But yes, the mercenaries posing as astrologers and charging hefty amounts for readings/remedies/upayas/shantis/kavachams/pariharams etc., do stand a chance to visit "naraka".


This is well explained by Guru Nanak ji, when he squeezed bread brought from the house of a rich man and a poor man. The Rich Man's bread ooozed blood (not because he was rich but because it was earned through wrong means) and Poor Man's bread oozed milk. Anyone who remembers this was avoid visiting "naraka", I do think so.




Mouji--- On Tue, 10/6/09, prathima k <prathimak07 wrote:

prathima k <prathimak07 astrology Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 8:59 AM








I have heard that astrologers will go to naraka. Can anyone comment on this?

Then why do astrologers charge so much to predict. Why cant they charge

minimal and take it up as part time job.

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If all the astrologers were qualified like CA, Doctor, surgeon, etc.

then why would they be earniong through astrology ? Most of them are not

qualified academically, so no harm if they earn through the fees they

receive. Why should they do this part time, unless they have a full time

job which goves them a salary ? there are many preachers in this world.

It does not take money to give advices for free unasked for. But how

many of these preachers will provide full time employment to the

astrologers ???


Who has forced anyone to pay hefty fees to any astrologer ? Has anybody

? is it not the choice of You? Is it not your choice to have your lunch

in your house, in your nearby lanes restaurant or the nearest 7 star

Hotel in Your city ? Who is forcing you to go to a 5 star or a 7 star

Hotel ??? is anybody doing so ? So who is forcing you to go to a

Expensive astrologer ? Dont go if you dont wish to pay his Fees. Go to

nathdwara. You will find palmists who just charge rs.20- for studying

your palm. Does anybody stop you ? Does anybody stop you from going to a

Rs.50- fees wala astrologer ? Surgical treatments in a 5 Star Hospital

will cost more than a nearby nursing home. Its your choice.


This is rubbish that astrologers will go to naraka. Did you come from

there and saw astrologers in naraka ?


Do you tell the govt. to charge less income tax, or your Doctor to

charge less and minimal ? Or Your childs school principal ? Or Your milk

man ? Or the chemist shop from whom you purchase your favourite Shampoo

or Bath soap ?


Astrologers also have their daily expenses and family to look after just

like other normal people. So dont talk rubbish.





, prathima k

<prathimak07 wrote:




> I have heard that astrologers will go to naraka. Can anyone comment on

this?Then why do astrologers charge so much to predict. Why cant they

chargeminimal and take it up as part time job.


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Astrologers charging fees, No fees, Less Fees, More fees, hefty fees,

does not qualify for one to go to naraka or swarga.


If any astrologers makes fool of people in name of Fear, Poojas,

Yantras, Tantras or whatever and then charges them fees, then he will

surely go to naraka.


But if the Pooja, Yantra, Tantra, or whatever is done with a motive to

help the native, then there is no reason for him to go to naraka.


Naraka, or swarga all depends on the intentions of the astrologer, how

he deals with his client, and what his motives primarily are.





, " Bhaskar "

<bhaskar_jyotish wrote:



> If all the astrologers were qualified like CA, Doctor, surgeon, etc.

> then why would they be earniong through astrology ? Most of them are


> qualified academically, so no harm if they earn through the fees they

> receive. Why should they do this part time, unless they have a full


> job which goves them a salary ? there are many preachers in this


> It does not take money to give advices for free unasked for. But how

> many of these preachers will provide full time employment to the

> astrologers ???


> Who has forced anyone to pay hefty fees to any astrologer ? Has


> ? is it not the choice of You? Is it not your choice to have your


> in your house, in your nearby lanes restaurant or the nearest 7 star

> Hotel in Your city ? Who is forcing you to go to a 5 star or a 7 star

> Hotel ??? is anybody doing so ? So who is forcing you to go to a

> Expensive astrologer ? Dont go if you dont wish to pay his Fees. Go to

> nathdwara. You will find palmists who just charge rs.20- for studying

> your palm. Does anybody stop you ? Does anybody stop you from going to


> Rs.50- fees wala astrologer ? Surgical treatments in a 5 Star Hospital

> will cost more than a nearby nursing home. Its your choice.


> This is rubbish that astrologers will go to naraka. Did you come from

> there and saw astrologers in naraka ?


> Do you tell the govt. to charge less income tax, or your Doctor to

> charge less and minimal ? Or Your childs school principal ? Or Your


> man ? Or the chemist shop from whom you purchase your favourite


> or Bath soap ?


> Astrologers also have their daily expenses and family to look after


> like other normal people. So dont talk rubbish.


> Bhaskar.



> , prathima k

> prathimak07@ wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > I have heard that astrologers will go to naraka. Can anyone comment


> this?Then why do astrologers charge so much to predict. Why cant they

> chargeminimal and take it up as part time job.

> >


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No More Hypothetical Versions Of " LAL KITAB " Of Pt. Roop Chand Joshi

Here comes transcriptions of " LAL KITAB " (1952 Edition) by Pt.Beni Madhav

Goswami with his Devnagri (Hindi) .The transcription has been prepared by a team

of learned scholars of Urdu, Persian, Punjabi, Hindi, Sanskrit and English . The

book now soon shall see the light of the day on 13th December 2009 at

Constitution Club Rafi Marg , New Delhi on the occasion of the 21st Punya Tithi

of DR. GOSWAMI GIRIDHARI LAL JI a learned scholar of Sanskrit , Bhartiya Jyotish

and Karmkand. The book has been described as benchmaek of transcription from

Urdu to Devnagri (Hindi) . So get Excited and a part of the Lukarpana

(Release) function of " LAL KITAB " (1952 Edition) on 13th December .Devnagri

transcriptions of other volumes of LAL KITAB are also available. For

Details: Pt. Ribhu Kant

Goswami…………………….Mob. 09716011587 Sh. B.B.Chawla………………………………Mob


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