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Worried abt my future

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Dear Sir,



I am much worried about my future and wanted to know what lies ahaead.  Pleae

guide me whether i can go for further studies or can i step into

acting....Totally frustated as i am curently hobliess. Below metnioned are my



DOB: 16/01/1979

Time: 02.41 am

Place of birth: Pitapuram ( Near Kakinada)


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Dear Friend,

1.Moon in own house and in aslesha provides a logic,analysis to think and also

chart out the coutse of life. kataka Rasi born in gandnatha nakshtra gives

results of 2nd house from moon and 10th from lagna provides good opportunities

for expansion if only you are very consistent  in your appraoches 

2.Your question that way sounds to me more inquistiveness about hobbies than

any thing.

Your chart when cast the following the areas that needs your attention;:

lagna:Too much of concentration appearence does not bring people very close to

have meaningful and development of personality.

needs concern to find ways how you can communicate and establish contacts with

people around.This is a kind of keeping yourself open for learning and

developing yourself.

3.Sun and mars in 3rd from lagna and 7th from moon and insaturn's sign of

capricorn denies practical mind.Instead makes you think over confident and

hesitates to seek guidance of elders,coborns and peers.This area of

communication if very important along with 7th house known for

relationships,contacts and to fecilitate a good and decent life.

Already you have several broken relationships and ambigities whichare not easy

to sort unless you are very much determined and willing to work for your sake

and development.

4.You will have good earnings provided you work hard.Also if you appraoch

hnestly people around will help you for having a meaningful life.it all depends

on how your attitude to others matter.

5.Venus in lagna is ideally placed to get you chance for acting and with

retrograde jupiter and in uccha aspecting lagna.But also contibutes to false

ego,which needs to be checked.You are now free from sade sati and the countless

problems you had from Aug2006 onwards have to benifit you as you take issues

seriously and apply yourself sos as to find a proper way and life of enterprise

and development.

Saturn retrograde as lord of 3rd and 4th is with rahu in 10th house.you need to

be extreemly cautiousin all your words and deeds. and never consider things as

easy to get along.Your word matters and your deed reflects your intention.

6.First and foremost get into yoga as hobby and work on pranayama.This will help

you to improve your emtions.Sun and mars together in 5th only made you to face

negative consequence.These two powerful planets can help you to be more

useful,enterprising and also fetch you ardha.

Also believe people unless they prove themselves are not reliable.Give them room

to explain about their ideas and themselves

with saturn and jupiter retrograde,you should not miss opportunity to work out

on your ideals and life obejective.

7.Every day spare 10 minutes to meditate and pray to the Almight for showing

direction and make life and enjoyable with name .fame and postive approach.Help

elders and be kind to helpless.The malefic nature of planets lend support

through remedies.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Mon, 11/23/09, krishna mohan kota <kmohankota wrote:



krishna mohan kota <kmohankota

Worried abt my future


Cc: kmohankota

Monday, November 23, 2009, 2:06 PM









Dear Sir,



I am much worried about my future and wanted to know what lies ahaead.  Pleae

guide me whether i can go for further studies or can i step into

acting....Totally frustated as i am curently hobliess. Below metnioned are my



DOB: 16/01/1979

Time: 02.41 am

Place of birth: Pitapuram ( Near Kakinada)


Request you to send this information to my personal mail id and not to the whole





Get your preferred Email name!

Now you can @ymail.com and @rocketmail. com.

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