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Att.Deepak Sharma Ji & members: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90

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Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & Senior members, Deepak ji has focused on root cause of

Diabetes and he further says that  ''Root cause for diabetes is related to

Pancreas, Liver, Kidney & food digestion.If I am suffering with severe headache

because of High Blood Pressure.

> I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on regular


                    I am of the opinion that no physician

prescribes medicin for Kidney and digestive system if he has to control


                    I am not a medical Doctor but have seen

that physicians prescribe freely IIIrd & IVth generation medicine to cause

Pancreas for secretion of Insulin.Freely prescribed medicins are-

[(Voglibose-0.2mg three times)+( Glimepiride USP 1 or 2mg+Piozlitazone

Hydrochloride 15 mg + Metformin Hydrochloride IP 500mg) once a day or two times

a day as it is required for particular patient ].These medicins do not work on

Kidney or digestive system but Causes Pancreas to produce Insulin in

required amount.Please note it that urinary tract infection gets cured suo

moto when high blood sugar level gets down to normal range.Use of antibiotics in

such cases have shown no satisfactory response

till the BS level gets down to normal range.

                    Hence kidney and digestive system are not

root cause of hyperglycaemia.

                    Example of hedache and High BP is not

applicable here.Headache and High BP is the after effect of hyperglycaemia. 

                    A senior member has focussed on -





High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.


                                   We should

go to the root cause.



in the case of Diabetes -



correct   //

                    I am not convinced with this view.Because

root causes of hyperglycaemia are not hedache,High blood pressure,function of

Kidneys and digestion.Physicians prescribe freely IIIrd & IVth generation

medicine to cause Pancreas for secretion of Insulin.Freely prescribed medicins

are- [(Voglibose-0.2mg three times)+( Glimepiride USP 1 or 2mg+Piozlitazone

Hydrochloride 15 mg + Metformin Hydrochloride IP 500mg) once a day or two times

a day as it is required for particular patient ].These medicins do not work on

Kidney or digestive system but Causes Pancreas to produce Insulin in

required amount.Please note it that urinary tract infection gets cured suo

moto when high blood sugar level gets down to normal range.

                    In the long run of life

heart,kidneys,eyes,body cells, & other vital parts are badly affected ,If a

person is suffering from hyperglycaemia for long time and BS level could not be

controlled all the time.So the phycian firstly controlls blood sugar level to

avoid any furthe complications. 

                               You have mentioned

that- // I'll prefer to check the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the



                                 of " After

effects " . //

                               That is why I take

DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia is noticed first time at the

earliest stage and not when any further adverse effect has taken place.You can

trace the root cause by that DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia was

noticed first time at the earliest stage.

                   A learned astrologer Sri Vijay Anand Patil

Ji has also questioned as to which DBAS should be taken because Hyperglycaemia

is noticed at later stage when weight loss,Urinary problem or any other after

effects are noticed. I have also replied him in K.P forum that one should take

DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia is noticed first time at the

earliest stage and not when any further adverse effect has taken place.You can

trace the root cause by that DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia was

noticed first time at the earliest stage.

                   Rules regarding hyperglycaemia which is

revealed till date does not apply in toto in all the cases.So we should study

more and more charts of the patients who are able to tell that his/her

hyperglycaemia was diagnosed at the earliest stage during which DBAS of

particular  planets was running and that DBAS can solve the purpose only.

                   I hope that DBAS of Jupiter /Venus/ Moon /

Mars/ Rahu/ Ketu / Saturn may be common in many charts and state of Jupiter and

venus should be weak in any manner when native is attacked by such disease.But

any one of the above planets must be significator of 1st and 6th cusp or 1st &

8th cusp which causes disease.

                   With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra







Suresh Babu <sureshbabuag


Tue, December 1, 2009 1:25:48 PM

Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90





Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.

We should go to the root cause.

Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -



absolutely correct


For those who argue that pancreas is related to 6th house, I have uploaded two

images of panchreas and related body organs. They can take a look at those and

decide for themselves.


just one more point.


Panchreas is a factory that produces a " something " . That " something " cannot be

same as the object that produces it - Object will always be distinguished from

its products.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.


, deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>




> Respected Misra Ji,

> If I am suffering with severe headache because of High Blood Pressure.

> I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on regular


> Observing this astrologically, I'll check the combintions related to High


> Pressure in my Chart and not the combinations for headache.

> I'll perform astral remedies for the planets accountable for BP only.

> Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.

> We should go to the root cause.

> Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -

> I'll prefer to check the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the


> of " After effects " .

> and the Root cause for diabetes is related to Pancreas, Liver, Kidney & food



> (Jupiter, Venus, Sun & Fifth House)

> I've already given my view about the role of Moon & Mars. These may be taken



> Secondary combinations the primary ones being Ju, Ve, Su & V House only.

> There may be different opinions of other Senior & Learned Members and I've



> for all the opinions.

> I've applied the mentioned rules in dozen of horoscopes (mostly data taken


> groups) and checked the accuracy.

> But already mentioned, I'm not proficient in KP. So can't give you any further


> opinion regarding KP Rules.


> Sincerely wishing you the Best for your study on this subject. Thank you.


> Best Regards,

> Deepak Sharma




> dhirendranathmisra@ ...

> Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:36:25 -0800

> Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90

Dear Deepak sharma Ji, You should think to amend your reply.Take a example of

native who has been reported first time suffering from hyperglycaemia during

DBAS of Jupiter-Venus- Moon and his birth details are thus-DOB-2.09.

1961,Reported TOB-9:18AM(Rectifie d time

> for K.P system is 09:16:30AM,POB- Cochin,Kerala. His above DBAS was running

w.e.f 24.09.1998 to 14.12.1998 and since then the native is suffering from the

hyperglycaemia. Please go through the following K.P rules revealed by Kalyan Ji

, Lajmi Ji,Punit Ji:-

> According to KP system, if the Sub Lord of the 6th cusp is either Ve, Ju or

Mo, and connected to house 1 & 6 and also the sign Libra, and watery sign

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, one will be attacked by this disease of " Diabetes "

> - Medical Astrologt for all-2005 Edition- Pg.191


> I have some notes of a senior KP Astrologer of Sri Lanka, written in 1978,

which looks similar to that of above.


> " Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).

> Carbohydrate is converted into Grape Sugar in the Intestine(Moon) , and

carried to Liver(Jupiter) for conversion in to Glycogen. "


> By these two expressions, I am in the opinion of Ve, as the governor of

Pancreas and as in my previous mail, one should deeply study the behavior of

> VENUS,JUPITER, MARS, MOON to make any decision of Diabetes.

> In the present example Venus is significator of 1st and 8th cusp,sub sub lord

of 6th cusp and posited in cancer sign.Moon is sub lord of 6th cusp and sub sub

lord of 1st cusp.Jupiter is constellation lord of 6th cusp also. Hence in the

light of above rule the native is reported about hyperglycaemia during DBAS of

Jupiter-Venus- Moon w.e.f 9/ 1998 to 12/1998 when Jupiter had been retrograde

> with malefic Ketu and Venus had been debiliated also.Thus the person fell ill

during Bhukti of Venus and antardasa of Moon.This shows that

> Jupiter alone can't cause hyperglycaemia and role of Venus and Moon is also

important.The role of Jupiter can not be denied and its debiliation /

retrogression / affliction is also important factor.It is reported above that

Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).It means Pancreas is not indicated by Jupiter as you have

suggested earlier and role of Venus is more important than that of Jupiter.

> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>


> Mon, November 30, 2009 10:38:47 AM

> RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> Respected Misra Ji,

> You raised the same questions in a different group also and I've already


> Repeating below my humble opinion again -

> You have sent your reply that Pancreas is indicated by Jupiter and in another

> reply (regarding Cancer) you have mentioned 5th house responsible for Pancreas


> I related Pancreas with Jupiter as well as fifth house in both the mails.

> So there's no inconsistency about my opinion in both the mails.

> But no authentic source is mentioned by you.

> Source is one of the books written by Prof VK Chowdhry.(I dnt remember

> the name of book / page no. etc). You may find various authentic weblinks for

> Pancreas being represented by fifth house in google search also.

> Presenting the analysis again (based on which you raised the questions)-_

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___

> Medical Reasoning for Diabetes : We eat food that is converted as digestible

glucose in liver. Insulin released by pancreas is the main factor for conversion

of glucose into the energy for whole of our body. If the discharge of insulin is

not normal as per the requirement or less or suppressed due to any defects or

reason, the glucose is not converted into energy and the person suffers from

Hyperglycaemia. And the glucose level in blood increases. Further, if the

filters in kidneys do not function properly the glucose starts passing through

the urine.

> Astro Perspective : So the weakness to following planets / houses is

responsible for diabetes in a native -

> 1.) Jupiter as significator of liver & pancreas

> 2.) Venus as significator of kidney

> 3.) Fifth house (pancreas, liver, stomach) & leo sign

> 4.) Sun as significator for food digestion

> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of K.P


> Just a question to think about -

> When is the blood glucose level (Mars / Moon) not normal?

> Firstly, there must be something wrong with Liver, Pancreas, food digestion


> Hence, only the primary factors that are actually responsible should be


> In such cases-


> If Moon & Mars are also weak, then the native is vulnerable to blood

infections /

> other blood related problems also.


> If 4th house is additionally weak, BP / Cardiac problems are more observed.

> For pancreas, insufficient secretion of insulin, Liver etc, Please go through

the reasoning

> given above " Medical Reasoning for Diabetes " .

> Hope this may be helpful. Thank you.Best Regards,

> Deepak Sharma



> dhirendranathmisra@ ...

> Sat, 28 Nov 2009 21:19:57 -0800

> Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & members,You have sent your reply that Pancreas is

indicated by Jupiter and in another reply ( regarding Cancer )you have mentioned

5th house responsible for Pancreas .But no authentic source is mentioned by

you.Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-


> Dear Friends,


> As an experienced Physician and as well as a well versed Astrologer,Dr Rath ji

has already given some facts on the matter.

> I too wish to add some more detail on this topic for the benefits of members.


> Hyperglycaemia is connected to,

> 1.Pancreas ( 6th House)

> 2.Insufficient secretion of Insulin ( Venus)

> 3. Sugar in the Blood ( Mars and Moon)

> 4. Liver and Glycogen ( Jupiter)


> When the disease is grown up to highest level, following effects could be


> 1. Thirsty ( Jupiter )

> 2. Hunger every now and then ( Jupiter )

> 3. Emaciation ( Jupiter )

> 4. Dry Mouth ( Jupiter )

> 5. Loss of weight ( Jupiter )

> 6. Micturition ( Mercury = 8th cusp )

> 4. Boiling of the body ( Mars)


> As a chronic and lingering disease Saturn is playing a great role.


> One should take all these planets into account, in studying this ailment.


> Regards


> Kalyan


> Besides this moderator Sri Punit Ji has referred page No. 119 of III rd

Reader,1992 edition in which Venus and Moon are shown responsible for Diabetes.

> Till date in my knowledge Hyperglycaemia is reported during DBAS of Debiliated

Jupiter/Jupiter afflicted or conjunct with malefic planet / weak Jupiter but in

those chart wherein Venus is also either weak / afflicted with malefic planet /


> From the above it appears that Jupiter can not cause Diabetes alone and 5th

house has no concern in this regard. I have seen in few charts where 5th house

has no concern rather 5th house was found strong in all respect.

> I am trying to establish rules regarding this with the help of other members

for which more charts of persons suffering from hyperglycaemia are required with

the correct report of date/month/year when first time hyperglycaemia was

reported .

> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>


> Wed, November 18, 2009 10:24:13 AM

> RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> Dear Misra Ji,


> Jupiter is significator for pancreas glands.


> Jupiter (as signficator of liver & pancreas glands), venus (as significator of

kidney), Sun (as significator for food digestion), fifth house & leo sign are

factors to be considered in such cases.


> You may opt for below remedies (please consult Doctor as well) -


> Take tulsi leaves,neem leaves and belpatras (all around 10 in numbers) with a

glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.


> Half cup Karela juice daily.


> Eat chappatis made of chana dal and Jau (till problem is resolved).


> Drink half cup of water mashed with 3-4 leaves of jamun tree. Take it for 5-10

days. Chew 3-4 leaves of jamun morning and evening in the early stages.


> Warm Regards,


> Deepak Sharma



> dhirendranathmisra@ ...

> Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:29:04 -0800

> Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice daily.By

which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,

> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra



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Dear Misra Ji,

There are differences of opinion among many members.

However there are a few common points like consideration of

Jupiter, Venus (for whatever reason :-) etc.

So Please proceed ahead with your study based on your experience

and the inputs you've collected so far.

As you'll go further, all of us might come to a common opinion :-)

I'd like to share with you just one thing if it may be of any help to

you. Normally when I do such study, I take into account the database

of serious patients only. For example, In the case of diabetes, patients

who have been suffering for more than 6-7 years should only be taken

into the list initially. Otherwise there's always a possibility of wrong


And when you'll go through the database of such serious patients, many a

concepts might become more clear in terms of astrology.

Best Regards,

Deepak Sharma




Tue, 1 Dec 2009 07:03:50 -0800

Att.Deepak Sharma Ji & members: Suffering from high Blood Sugar

i.e 525.90





























Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & Senior members, Deepak ji has focused on root

cause of Diabetes and he further says that ''Root cause for diabetes is related

to Pancreas, Liver, Kidney & food digestion.If I am suffering with severe

headache because of High Blood Pressure.


> I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on regular



I am of the opinion that no physician prescribes medicin for

Kidney and digestive system if he has to control hyperglycaemia.


I am not a medical Doctor but have seen that physicians

prescribe freely IIIrd & IVth generation medicine to cause Pancreas for

secretion of Insulin.Freely prescribed medicins are- [(Voglibose-0.2mg three

times)+( Glimepiride USP 1 or 2mg+Piozlitazone Hydrochloride 15 mg + Metformin

Hydrochloride IP 500mg) once a day or two times a day as it is required for

particular patient ].These medicins do not work on Kidney or digestive system

but Causes Pancreas to produce Insulin in required amount.Please note it that

urinary tract infection gets cured suo moto when high blood sugar level gets

down to normal range.Use of antibiotics in such cases have shown no satisfactory



till the BS level gets down to normal range.


Hence kidney and digestive system are not root cause of



Example of hedache and High BP is not applicable

here.Headache and High BP is the after effect of hyperglycaemia.


A senior member has focussed on -




Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.



should go to the root cause.


Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -


absolutely correct //


I am not convinced with this view.Because root causes of

hyperglycaemia are not hedache,High blood pressure,function of Kidneys and

digestion.Physicians prescribe freely IIIrd & IVth generation medicine to cause

Pancreas for secretion of Insulin.Freely prescribed medicins are-

[(Voglibose-0.2mg three times)+( Glimepiride USP 1 or 2mg+Piozlitazone

Hydrochloride 15 mg + Metformin Hydrochloride IP 500mg) once a day or two times

a day as it is required for particular patient ].These medicins do not work on

Kidney or digestive system but Causes Pancreas to produce Insulin in required

amount.Please note it that urinary tract infection gets cured suo moto when high

blood sugar level gets down to normal range.


In the long run of life heart,kidneys,eyes,body cells, &

other vital parts are badly affected ,If a person is suffering from

hyperglycaemia for long time and BS level could not be controlled all the

time.So the phycian firstly controlls blood sugar level to avoid any furthe



You have mentioned that- // I'll prefer to check

the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the combinations



" After effects " . //


That is why I take DBAS of planets during which

hyperglycaemia is noticed first time at the earliest stage and not when any

further adverse effect has taken place.You can trace the root cause by that DBAS

of planets during which hyperglycaemia was noticed first time at the earliest



A learned astrologer Sri Vijay Anand Patil Ji has also

questioned as to which DBAS should be taken because Hyperglycaemia


is noticed at later stage when weight loss,Urinary problem or any other after

effects are noticed. I have also replied him in K.P forum that one should take

DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia is noticed first time at the

earliest stage and not when any further adverse effect has taken place.You can

trace the root cause by that DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia was

noticed first time at the earliest stage.


Rules regarding hyperglycaemia which is revealed till date

does not apply in toto in all the cases.So we should study more and more charts

of the patients who are able to tell that his/her hyperglycaemia was diagnosed

at the earliest stage during which DBAS of particular planets was running and

that DBAS can solve the purpose only.


I hope that DBAS of Jupiter /Venus/ Moon / Mars/ Rahu/ Ketu /

Saturn may be common in many charts and state of Jupiter and venus should be

weak in any manner when native is attacked by such disease.But any one of the

above planets must be significator of 1st and 6th cusp or 1st & 8th cusp which

causes disease.


With thanks & regards,


Dhirendra Nath Misra








Suresh Babu <sureshbabuag




Tue, December 1, 2009 1:25:48 PM


Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90










Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.


We should go to the root cause.


Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -






absolutely correct




For those who argue that pancreas is related to 6th house, I have uploaded two

images of panchreas and related body organs. They can take a look at those and

decide for themselves.




just one more point.




Panchreas is a factory that produces a " something " . That " something " cannot be

same as the object that produces it - Object will always be distinguished from

its products.




A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.




, deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>







> Respected Misra Ji,


> If I am suffering with severe headache because of High Blood Pressure.


> I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on regular



> Observing this astrologically, I'll check the combintions related to High



> Pressure in my Chart and not the combinations for headache.


> I'll perform astral remedies for the planets accountable for BP only.


> Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.


> We should go to the root cause.


> Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -


> I'll prefer to check the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the



> of " After effects " .


> and the Root cause for diabetes is related to Pancreas, Liver, Kidney & food





> (Jupiter, Venus, Sun & Fifth House)


> I've already given my view about the role of Moon & Mars. These may be taken





> Secondary combinations the primary ones being Ju, Ve, Su & V House only.


> There may be different opinions of other Senior & Learned Members and I've





> for all the opinions.


> I've applied the mentioned rules in dozen of horoscopes (mostly data taken



> groups) and checked the accuracy.


> But already mentioned, I'm not proficient in KP. So can't give you any further




> opinion regarding KP Rules.




> Sincerely wishing you the Best for your study on this subject. Thank you.




> Best Regards,


> Deepak Sharma








> dhirendranathmisra@ ...


> Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:36:25 -0800


> Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90














> Dear Deepak sharma Ji, You should think to amend your reply.Take a example of

native who has been reported first time suffering from hyperglycaemia during

DBAS of Jupiter-Venus- Moon and his birth details are thus-DOB-2.09.

1961,Reported TOB-9:18AM(Rectifie d time


> for K.P system is 09:16:30AM,POB- Cochin,Kerala. His above DBAS was running

w.e.f 24.09.1998 to 14.12.1998 and since then the native is suffering from the

hyperglycaemia. Please go through the following K.P rules revealed by Kalyan Ji

, Lajmi Ji,Punit Ji:-


> According to KP system, if the Sub Lord of the 6th cusp is either Ve, Ju or

Mo, and connected to house 1 & 6 and also the sign Libra, and watery sign

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, one will be attacked by this disease of " Diabetes "


> - Medical Astrologt for all-2005 Edition- Pg.191




> I have some notes of a senior KP Astrologer of Sri Lanka, written in 1978,

which looks similar to that of above.




> " Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).


> Carbohydrate is converted into Grape Sugar in the Intestine(Moon) , and

carried to Liver(Jupiter) for conversion in to Glycogen. "




> By these two expressions, I am in the opinion of Ve, as the governor of

Pancreas and as in my previous mail, one should deeply study the behavior of


> VENUS,JUPITER, MARS, MOON to make any decision of Diabetes.


> In the present example Venus is significator of 1st and 8th cusp,sub sub lord

of 6th cusp and posited in cancer sign.Moon is sub lord of 6th cusp and sub sub

lord of 1st cusp.Jupiter is constellation lord of 6th cusp also. Hence in the

light of above rule the native is reported about hyperglycaemia during DBAS of

Jupiter-Venus- Moon w.e.f 9/ 1998 to 12/1998 when Jupiter had been retrograde


> with malefic Ketu and Venus had been debiliated also.Thus the person fell ill

during Bhukti of Venus and antardasa of Moon.This shows that


> Jupiter alone can't cause hyperglycaemia and role of Venus and Moon is also

important.The role of Jupiter can not be denied and its debiliation /

retrogression / affliction is also important factor.It is reported above that

Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).It means Pancreas is not indicated by Jupiter as you have

suggested earlier and role of Venus is more important than that of Jupiter.


> With thanks & regards,


> Dhirendra Nath Misra






> ____________ _________ _________ __


> deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>




> Mon, November 30, 2009 10:38:47 AM


> RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> Respected Misra Ji,


> You raised the same questions in a different group also and I've already



> Repeating below my humble opinion again -


> You have sent your reply that Pancreas is indicated by Jupiter and in another


> reply (regarding Cancer) you have mentioned 5th house responsible for Pancreas



> I related Pancreas with Jupiter as well as fifth house in both the mails.


> So there's no inconsistency about my opinion in both the mails.


> But no authentic source is mentioned by you.


> Source is one of the books written by Prof VK Chowdhry.(I dnt remember


> the name of book / page no. etc). You may find various authentic weblinks for


> Pancreas being represented by fifth house in google search also.


> Presenting the analysis again (based on which you raised the questions)-_

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___


> Medical Reasoning for Diabetes : We eat food that is converted as digestible

glucose in liver. Insulin released by pancreas is the main factor for conversion

of glucose into the energy for whole of our body. If the discharge of insulin is

not normal as per the requirement or less or suppressed due to any defects or

reason, the glucose is not converted into energy and the person suffers from

Hyperglycaemia. And the glucose level in blood increases. Further, if the

filters in kidneys do not function properly the glucose starts passing through

the urine.


> Astro Perspective : So the weakness to following planets / houses is

responsible for diabetes in a native -


> 1.) Jupiter as significator of liver & pancreas


> 2.) Venus as significator of kidney


> 3.) Fifth house (pancreas, liver, stomach) & leo sign


> 4.) Sun as significator for food digestion


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _


> Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of K.P



> Just a question to think about -


> When is the blood glucose level (Mars / Moon) not normal?


> Firstly, there must be something wrong with Liver, Pancreas, food digestion



> Hence, only the primary factors that are actually responsible should be



> In such cases-




> If Moon & Mars are also weak, then the native is vulnerable to blood

infections /


> other blood related problems also.




> If 4th house is additionally weak, BP / Cardiac problems are more observed.


> For pancreas, insufficient secretion of insulin, Liver etc, Please go through

the reasoning


> given above " Medical Reasoning for Diabetes " .


> Hope this may be helpful. Thank you.Best Regards,


> Deepak Sharma






> dhirendranathmisra@ ...


> Sat, 28 Nov 2009 21:19:57 -0800


> Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90








> Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & members,You have sent your reply that Pancreas is

indicated by Jupiter and in another reply ( regarding Cancer )you have mentioned

5th house responsible for Pancreas .But no authentic source is mentioned by

you.Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-




> Dear Friends,




> As an experienced Physician and as well as a well versed Astrologer,Dr Rath ji

has already given some facts on the matter.


> I too wish to add some more detail on this topic for the benefits of members.




> Hyperglycaemia is connected to,


> 1.Pancreas ( 6th House)


> 2.Insufficient secretion of Insulin ( Venus)


> 3. Sugar in the Blood ( Mars and Moon)


> 4. Liver and Glycogen ( Jupiter)




> When the disease is grown up to highest level, following effects could be



> 1. Thirsty ( Jupiter )


> 2. Hunger every now and then ( Jupiter )


> 3. Emaciation ( Jupiter )


> 4. Dry Mouth ( Jupiter )


> 5. Loss of weight ( Jupiter )


> 6. Micturition ( Mercury = 8th cusp )


> 4. Boiling of the body ( Mars)




> As a chronic and lingering disease Saturn is playing a great role.




> One should take all these planets into account, in studying this ailment.




> Regards




> Kalyan




> Besides this moderator Sri Punit Ji has referred page No. 119 of III rd

Reader,1992 edition in which Venus and Moon are shown responsible for Diabetes.


> Till date in my knowledge Hyperglycaemia is reported during DBAS of Debiliated

Jupiter/Jupiter afflicted or conjunct with malefic planet / weak Jupiter but in

those chart wherein Venus is also either weak / afflicted with malefic planet /



> From the above it appears that Jupiter can not cause Diabetes alone and 5th

house has no concern in this regard. I have seen in few charts where 5th house

has no concern rather 5th house was found strong in all respect.


> I am trying to establish rules regarding this with the help of other members

for which more charts of persons suffering from hyperglycaemia are required with

the correct report of date/month/year when first time hyperglycaemia was

reported .


> With thanks & regards,


> Dhirendra Nath Misra




> ____________ _________ _________ __


> deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>




> Wed, November 18, 2009 10:24:13 AM


> RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> Dear Misra Ji,




> Jupiter is significator for pancreas glands.




> Jupiter (as signficator of liver & pancreas glands), venus (as significator of

kidney), Sun (as significator for food digestion), fifth house & leo sign are

factors to be considered in such cases.




> You may opt for below remedies (please consult Doctor as well) -




> Take tulsi leaves,neem leaves and belpatras (all around 10 in numbers) with a

glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.




> Half cup Karela juice daily.




> Eat chappatis made of chana dal and Jau (till problem is resolved).




> Drink half cup of water mashed with 3-4 leaves of jamun tree. Take it for 5-10

days. Chew 3-4 leaves of jamun morning and evening in the early stages.




> Warm Regards,




> Deepak Sharma






> dhirendranathmisra@ ...


> Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:29:04 -0800


> Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90








> Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice daily.By

which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,


> With thanks & regards,


> Dhirendra Nath Misra





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Dear Deepak Jee,


In all fairness, and I sincerely urge you to verify this for your personal



There is a reason why Essential Hypertension and Diabetes are called " Silent

Killers " !


There is usually no symptom or warning and often the diseases are

caught/diagnosed following some complication of the disease! The diseases may

have existed 'silently, for 10-20 years before they were caught or made themself



The main reason for such an unfortunate state of affairs has been because many

individuals in all cultures and countries do not go to the doctor for an annual

visit, even after they turn 40! They forget the simple phrase:


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!


Particularly, when you are not even looking for evidence (of disease)!


A very brilliant astrologer that I knew was putting on weight for years, was

eating a lot for a couple of decades but it was the early morning sudden

blindness that really got his attention! He had been diabetic for nearly 20

years and thank god that he did not lose his vision permanently!


Just an 'example' from reality! Blood pressure, diabetes, cancer -- the list



Given the general callousness and this false sense of INVINCIBILITY, that may be

understandable in a teenager, but shows up regularily in mature and otherwise

WISE human beings (including astrologers!), it makes SERIOUS sense for research

in astrology for detecting combinations for such DEADLY DISEASES like Diabetes,

Hypertension, Cancer, which may be treated and controlled if not cured,

particularly in most individuals who would rather not look after their health or

visit their doctors, just for a simple once a year checkup that will save them

and their family a lot of agony, anguish and REAL PROBLEM!


TO ALL: Either find an astrological prognosticator or promise to visit your

doctor each year, perhaps on your birthday? :-)




, deepak sharma <deepak_17a wrote:



> Dear Misra Ji,

> There are differences of opinion among many members.

> However there are a few common points like consideration of

> Jupiter, Venus (for whatever reason :-) etc.

> So Please proceed ahead with your study based on your experience

> and the inputs you've collected so far.

> As you'll go further, all of us might come to a common opinion :-)

> I'd like to share with you just one thing if it may be of any help to

> you. Normally when I do such study, I take into account the database

> of serious patients only. For example, In the case of diabetes, patients

> who have been suffering for more than 6-7 years should only be taken

> into the list initially. Otherwise there's always a possibility of wrong


> And when you'll go through the database of such serious patients, many a

> concepts might become more clear in terms of astrology.

> Best Regards,

> Deepak Sharma



> dhirendranathmisra

> Tue, 1 Dec 2009 07:03:50 -0800

> Att.Deepak Sharma Ji & members: Suffering from high Blood Sugar

i.e 525.90























Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & Senior members, Deepak ji has focused on root

cause of Diabetes and he further says that ''Root cause for diabetes is related

to Pancreas, Liver, Kidney & food digestion.If I am suffering with severe

headache because of High Blood Pressure.


> > I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on regular



> I am of the opinion that no physician prescribes medicin

for Kidney and digestive system if he has to control hyperglycaemia.


> I am not a medical Doctor but have seen that physicians

prescribe freely IIIrd & IVth generation medicine to cause Pancreas for

secretion of Insulin.Freely prescribed medicins are- [(Voglibose-0.2mg three

times)+( Glimepiride USP 1 or 2mg+Piozlitazone Hydrochloride 15 mg + Metformin

Hydrochloride IP 500mg) once a day or two times a day as it is required for

particular patient ].These medicins do not work on Kidney or digestive system

but Causes Pancreas to produce Insulin in required amount.Please note it that

urinary tract infection gets cured suo moto when high blood sugar level gets

down to normal range.Use of antibiotics in such cases have shown no satisfactory



> till the BS level gets down to normal range.


> Hence kidney and digestive system are not root cause of



> Example of hedache and High BP is not applicable

here.Headache and High BP is the after effect of hyperglycaemia.


> A senior member has focussed on -


> //



Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.


> We

should go to the root cause.



Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -



absolutely correct //


> I am not convinced with this view.Because root causes of

hyperglycaemia are not hedache,High blood pressure,function of Kidneys and

digestion.Physicians prescribe freely IIIrd & IVth generation medicine to cause

Pancreas for secretion of Insulin.Freely prescribed medicins are-

[(Voglibose-0.2mg three times)+( Glimepiride USP 1 or 2mg+Piozlitazone

Hydrochloride 15 mg + Metformin Hydrochloride IP 500mg) once a day or two times

a day as it is required for particular patient ].These medicins do not work on

Kidney or digestive system but Causes Pancreas to produce Insulin in required

amount.Please note it that urinary tract infection gets cured suo moto when high

blood sugar level gets down to normal range.


> In the long run of life heart,kidneys,eyes,body cells, &

other vital parts are badly affected ,If a person is suffering from

hyperglycaemia for long time and BS level could not be controlled all the

time.So the phycian firstly controlls blood sugar level to avoid any furthe



> You have mentioned that- // I'll prefer to

check the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the combinations


> of

" After effects " . //


> That is why I take DBAS of planets during which

hyperglycaemia is noticed first time at the earliest stage and not when any

further adverse effect has taken place.You can trace the root cause by that DBAS

of planets during which hyperglycaemia was noticed first time at the earliest



> A learned astrologer Sri Vijay Anand Patil Ji has also

questioned as to which DBAS should be taken because Hyperglycaemia


> is noticed at later stage when weight loss,Urinary problem or any other after

effects are noticed. I have also replied him in K.P forum that one should take

DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia is noticed first time at the

earliest stage and not when any further adverse effect has taken place.You can

trace the root cause by that DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia was

noticed first time at the earliest stage.


> Rules regarding hyperglycaemia which is revealed till date

does not apply in toto in all the cases.So we should study more and more charts

of the patients who are able to tell that his/her hyperglycaemia was diagnosed

at the earliest stage during which DBAS of particular planets was running and

that DBAS can solve the purpose only.


> I hope that DBAS of Jupiter /Venus/ Moon / Mars/ Rahu/ Ketu

/ Saturn may be common in many charts and state of Jupiter and venus should be

weak in any manner when native is attacked by such disease.But any one of the

above planets must be significator of 1st and 6th cusp or 1st & 8th cusp which

causes disease.


> With thanks & regards,


> Dhirendra Nath Misra






> ________________________________


> Suresh Babu <sureshbabuag




> Tue, December 1, 2009 1:25:48 PM


> Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.


> We should go to the root cause.


> Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -


> //




> absolutely correct




> For those who argue that pancreas is related to 6th house, I have uploaded two

images of panchreas and related body organs. They can take a look at those and

decide for themselves.




> just one more point.




> Panchreas is a factory that produces a " something " . That " something " cannot be

same as the object that produces it - Object will always be distinguished from

its products.




> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.




> , deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>



> >


> >


> > Respected Misra Ji,


> > If I am suffering with severe headache because of High Blood Pressure.


> > I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on regular



> > Observing this astrologically, I'll check the combintions related to High



> > Pressure in my Chart and not the combinations for headache.


> > I'll perform astral remedies for the planets accountable for BP only.


> > Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.


> > We should go to the root cause.


> > Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -


> > I'll prefer to check the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the



> > of " After effects " .


> > and the Root cause for diabetes is related to Pancreas, Liver, Kidney & food



> >


> > (Jupiter, Venus, Sun & Fifth House)


> > I've already given my view about the role of Moon & Mars. These may be taken



> >


> > Secondary combinations the primary ones being Ju, Ve, Su & V House only.


> > There may be different opinions of other Senior & Learned Members and I've



> >


> > for all the opinions.


> > I've applied the mentioned rules in dozen of horoscopes (mostly data taken



> > groups) and checked the accuracy.


> > But already mentioned, I'm not proficient in KP. So can't give you any



> >


> > opinion regarding KP Rules.


> >


> > Sincerely wishing you the Best for your study on this subject. Thank you.


> >


> > Best Regards,


> > Deepak Sharma


> >


> >


> >


> > dhirendranathmisra@ ...


> > Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:36:25 -0800


> > Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Dear Deepak sharma Ji, You should think to amend your reply.Take a example

of native who has been reported first time suffering from hyperglycaemia during

DBAS of Jupiter-Venus- Moon and his birth details are thus-DOB-2.09.

1961,Reported TOB-9:18AM(Rectifie d time


> > for K.P system is 09:16:30AM,POB- Cochin,Kerala. His above DBAS was running

w.e.f 24.09.1998 to 14.12.1998 and since then the native is suffering from the

hyperglycaemia. Please go through the following K.P rules revealed by Kalyan Ji

, Lajmi Ji,Punit Ji:-


> > According to KP system, if the Sub Lord of the 6th cusp is either Ve, Ju or

Mo, and connected to house 1 & 6 and also the sign Libra, and watery sign

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, one will be attacked by this disease of " Diabetes "


> > - Medical Astrologt for all-2005 Edition- Pg.191


> >


> > I have some notes of a senior KP Astrologer of Sri Lanka, written in 1978,

which looks similar to that of above.


> >


> > " Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by

Langerhans, which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the

Blood to rise(Moon) and Mars).


> > Carbohydrate is converted into Grape Sugar in the Intestine(Moon) , and

carried to Liver(Jupiter) for conversion in to Glycogen. "


> >


> > By these two expressions, I am in the opinion of Ve, as the governor of

Pancreas and as in my previous mail, one should deeply study the behavior of


> > VENUS,JUPITER, MARS, MOON to make any decision of Diabetes.


> > In the present example Venus is significator of 1st and 8th cusp,sub sub

lord of 6th cusp and posited in cancer sign.Moon is sub lord of 6th cusp and sub

sub lord of 1st cusp.Jupiter is constellation lord of 6th cusp also. Hence in

the light of above rule the native is reported about hyperglycaemia during DBAS

of Jupiter-Venus- Moon w.e.f 9/ 1998 to 12/1998 when Jupiter had been retrograde


> > with malefic Ketu and Venus had been debiliated also.Thus the person fell

ill during Bhukti of Venus and antardasa of Moon.This shows that


> > Jupiter alone can't cause hyperglycaemia and role of Venus and Moon is also

important.The role of Jupiter can not be denied and its debiliation /

retrogression / affliction is also important factor.It is reported above that

Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).It means Pancreas is not indicated by Jupiter as you have

suggested earlier and role of Venus is more important than that of Jupiter.


> > With thanks & regards,


> > Dhirendra Nath Misra


> >


> >


> > ____________ _________ _________ __


> > deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>


> >


> > Mon, November 30, 2009 10:38:47 AM


> > RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> >


> > Respected Misra Ji,


> > You raised the same questions in a different group also and I've already



> > Repeating below my humble opinion again -


> > You have sent your reply that Pancreas is indicated by Jupiter and in



> > reply (regarding Cancer) you have mentioned 5th house responsible for

Pancreas .


> > I related Pancreas with Jupiter as well as fifth house in both the mails.


> > So there's no inconsistency about my opinion in both the mails.


> > But no authentic source is mentioned by you.


> > Source is one of the books written by Prof VK Chowdhry.(I dnt remember


> > the name of book / page no. etc). You may find various authentic weblinks



> > Pancreas being represented by fifth house in google search also.


> > Presenting the analysis again (based on which you raised the questions)-_

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___


> > Medical Reasoning for Diabetes : We eat food that is converted as digestible

glucose in liver. Insulin released by pancreas is the main factor for conversion

of glucose into the energy for whole of our body. If the discharge of insulin is

not normal as per the requirement or less or suppressed due to any defects or

reason, the glucose is not converted into energy and the person suffers from

Hyperglycaemia. And the glucose level in blood increases. Further, if the

filters in kidneys do not function properly the glucose starts passing through

the urine.


> > Astro Perspective : So the weakness to following planets / houses is

responsible for diabetes in a native -


> > 1.) Jupiter as significator of liver & pancreas


> > 2.) Venus as significator of kidney


> > 3.) Fifth house (pancreas, liver, stomach) & leo sign


> > 4.) Sun as significator for food digestion


> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _


> > Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-


> > Just a question to think about -


> > When is the blood glucose level (Mars / Moon) not normal?


> > Firstly, there must be something wrong with Liver, Pancreas, food digestion



> > Hence, only the primary factors that are actually responsible should be



> > In such cases-


> >


> > If Moon & Mars are also weak, then the native is vulnerable to blood

infections /


> > other blood related problems also.


> >


> > If 4th house is additionally weak, BP / Cardiac problems are more observed.


> > For pancreas, insufficient secretion of insulin, Liver etc, Please go

through the reasoning


> > given above " Medical Reasoning for Diabetes " .


> > Hope this may be helpful. Thank you.Best Regards,


> > Deepak Sharma


> >


> >


> > dhirendranathmisra@ ...


> > Sat, 28 Nov 2009 21:19:57 -0800


> > Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> >


> >


> >


> > Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & members,You have sent your reply that Pancreas is

indicated by Jupiter and in another reply ( regarding Cancer )you have mentioned

5th house responsible for Pancreas .But no authentic source is mentioned by

you.Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-


> >


> > Dear Friends,


> >


> > As an experienced Physician and as well as a well versed Astrologer,Dr Rath

ji has already given some facts on the matter.


> > I too wish to add some more detail on this topic for the benefits of



> >


> > Hyperglycaemia is connected to,


> > 1.Pancreas ( 6th House)


> > 2.Insufficient secretion of Insulin ( Venus)


> > 3. Sugar in the Blood ( Mars and Moon)


> > 4. Liver and Glycogen ( Jupiter)


> >


> > When the disease is grown up to highest level, following effects could be



> > 1. Thirsty ( Jupiter )


> > 2. Hunger every now and then ( Jupiter )


> > 3. Emaciation ( Jupiter )


> > 4. Dry Mouth ( Jupiter )


> > 5. Loss of weight ( Jupiter )


> > 6. Micturition ( Mercury = 8th cusp )


> > 4. Boiling of the body ( Mars)


> >


> > As a chronic and lingering disease Saturn is playing a great role.


> >


> > One should take all these planets into account, in studying this ailment.


> >


> > Regards


> >


> > Kalyan


> >


> > Besides this moderator Sri Punit Ji has referred page No. 119 of III rd

Reader,1992 edition in which Venus and Moon are shown responsible for Diabetes.


> > Till date in my knowledge Hyperglycaemia is reported during DBAS of

Debiliated Jupiter/Jupiter afflicted or conjunct with malefic planet / weak

Jupiter but in those chart wherein Venus is also either weak / afflicted with

malefic planet / debiliated.


> > From the above it appears that Jupiter can not cause Diabetes alone and 5th

house has no concern in this regard. I have seen in few charts where 5th house

has no concern rather 5th house was found strong in all respect.


> > I am trying to establish rules regarding this with the help of other members

for which more charts of persons suffering from hyperglycaemia are required with

the correct report of date/month/year when first time hyperglycaemia was

reported .


> > With thanks & regards,


> > Dhirendra Nath Misra


> >


> > ____________ _________ _________ __


> > deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>


> >


> > Wed, November 18, 2009 10:24:13 AM


> > RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> >


> > Dear Misra Ji,


> >


> > Jupiter is significator for pancreas glands.


> >


> > Jupiter (as signficator of liver & pancreas glands), venus (as significator

of kidney), Sun (as significator for food digestion), fifth house & leo sign are

factors to be considered in such cases.


> >


> > You may opt for below remedies (please consult Doctor as well) -


> >


> > Take tulsi leaves,neem leaves and belpatras (all around 10 in numbers) with

a glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.


> >


> > Half cup Karela juice daily.


> >


> > Eat chappatis made of chana dal and Jau (till problem is resolved).


> >


> > Drink half cup of water mashed with 3-4 leaves of jamun tree. Take it for

5-10 days. Chew 3-4 leaves of jamun morning and evening in the early stages.


> >


> > Warm Regards,


> >


> > Deepak Sharma


> >


> >


> > dhirendranathmisra@ ...


> > Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:29:04 -0800


> > Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> >


> >


> >


> > Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice daily.By

which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,


> > With thanks & regards,


> > Dhirendra Nath Misra


> >


> >

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Dear RR Ji,

Thank you so much for your valued opinion about the subject.

I checked my opinion in many horoscopes and found the combinations

are correct.

A point about Kidneys (Venus) - Damage to Kidney may also be

taken as " after effect " of diabetes.High levels of blood sugar make

the kidneys filter too much blood. All this extra work is hard on the

filters. After many years, they start to leak and useful protein is lost

in the urine.

However, if there is kidney failure due to factors other than

diabetes (like BP etc), then also it is not good for diabetes patients.

As the filters in it would not function properly and the glucose will

start passing through urine.


Further on this subject, I feel it is easy to analyze a horoscope when

it is known that native is suffering from Diabetes / BP / Cancer

or any other disease. Once such details are known, Many of us

(astrologers) will connect the reasons of disease to A, B

and C planets. This is not incorrect also.

However, the more important point is that an Astrologer

should be able to point out whether the given

chart is vulnerable to X, Y or Z diseases or not.

And Preventive astrological or medical remedies may be

advised to perform.

In this area we can say that Astrology is more helpful than

Medical Science provided we (astrologers) are competent

enough. An Astrologer should be able to identify the symptoms

of " Silent Killings " much before than a Doctor :-)

Best Regards,

Deepak Sharma



Thu, 3 Dec 2009 01:59:25 +0000

Re: Att.Deepak Sharma Ji & members: Suffering from high Blood

Sugar i.e 525.90





























Dear Deepak Jee,




In all fairness, and I sincerely urge you to verify this for your personal





There is a reason why Essential Hypertension and Diabetes are called " Silent

Killers " !




There is usually no symptom or warning and often the diseases are

caught/diagnosed following some complication of the disease! The diseases may

have existed 'silently, for 10-20 years before they were caught or made themself





The main reason for such an unfortunate state of affairs has been because many

individuals in all cultures and countries do not go to the doctor for an annual

visit, even after they turn 40! They forget the simple phrase:




Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!




Particularly, when you are not even looking for evidence (of disease)!




A very brilliant astrologer that I knew was putting on weight for years, was

eating a lot for a couple of decades but it was the early morning sudden

blindness that really got his attention! He had been diabetic for nearly 20

years and thank god that he did not lose his vision permanently!




Just an 'example' from reality! Blood pressure, diabetes, cancer -- the list





Given the general callousness and this false sense of INVINCIBILITY, that may be

understandable in a teenager, but shows up regularily in mature and otherwise

WISE human beings (including astrologers!), it makes SERIOUS sense for research

in astrology for detecting combinations for such DEADLY DISEASES like Diabetes,

Hypertension, Cancer, which may be treated and controlled if not cured,

particularly in most individuals who would rather not look after their health or

visit their doctors, just for a simple once a year checkup that will save them

and their family a lot of agony, anguish and REAL PROBLEM!




TO ALL: Either find an astrological prognosticator or promise to visit your

doctor each year, perhaps on your birthday? :-)








, deepak sharma <deepak_17a wrote:






> Dear Misra Ji,


> There are differences of opinion among many members.


> However there are a few common points like consideration of


> Jupiter, Venus (for whatever reason :-) etc.


> So Please proceed ahead with your study based on your experience


> and the inputs you've collected so far.


> As you'll go further, all of us might come to a common opinion :-)


> I'd like to share with you just one thing if it may be of any help to


> you. Normally when I do such study, I take into account the database


> of serious patients only. For example, In the case of diabetes, patients


> who have been suffering for more than 6-7 years should only be taken


> into the list initially. Otherwise there's always a possibility of wrong



> And when you'll go through the database of such serious patients, many a


> concepts might become more clear in terms of astrology.


> Best Regards,


> Deepak Sharma






> dhirendranathmisra


> Tue, 1 Dec 2009 07:03:50 -0800


> Att.Deepak Sharma Ji & members: Suffering from high Blood Sugar

i.e 525.90


























































> Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & Senior members, Deepak ji has focused on root

cause of Diabetes and he further says that ''Root cause for diabetes is related

to Pancreas, Liver, Kidney & food digestion.If I am suffering with severe

headache because of High Blood Pressure.




> > I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on regular





> I am of the opinion that no physician prescribes medicin

for Kidney and digestive system if he has to control hyperglycaemia.




> I am not a medical Doctor but have seen that physicians

prescribe freely IIIrd & IVth generation medicine to cause Pancreas for

secretion of Insulin.Freely prescribed medicins are- [(Voglibose-0.2mg three

times)+( Glimepiride USP 1 or 2mg+Piozlitazone Hydrochloride 15 mg + Metformin

Hydrochloride IP 500mg) once a day or two times a day as it is required for

particular patient ].These medicins do not work on Kidney or digestive system

but Causes Pancreas to produce Insulin in required amount.Please note it that

urinary tract infection gets cured suo moto when high blood sugar level gets

down to normal range.Use of antibiotics in such cases have shown no satisfactory





> till the BS level gets down to normal range.




> Hence kidney and digestive system are not root cause of





> Example of hedache and High BP is not applicable

here.Headache and High BP is the after effect of hyperglycaemia.




> A senior member has focussed on -




> //





Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.




> We

should go to the root cause.





Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -





absolutely correct //




> I am not convinced with this view.Because root causes of

hyperglycaemia are not hedache,High blood pressure,function of Kidneys and

digestion.Physicians prescribe freely IIIrd & IVth generation medicine to cause

Pancreas for secretion of Insulin.Freely prescribed medicins are-

[(Voglibose-0.2mg three times)+( Glimepiride USP 1 or 2mg+Piozlitazone

Hydrochloride 15 mg + Metformin Hydrochloride IP 500mg) once a day or two times

a day as it is required for particular patient ].These medicins do not work on

Kidney or digestive system but Causes Pancreas to produce Insulin in required

amount.Please note it that urinary tract infection gets cured suo moto when high

blood sugar level gets down to normal range.




> In the long run of life heart,kidneys,eyes,body cells, &

other vital parts are badly affected ,If a person is suffering from

hyperglycaemia for long time and BS level could not be controlled all the

time.So the phycian firstly controlls blood sugar level to avoid any furthe





> You have mentioned that- // I'll prefer to

check the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the combinations




> of

" After effects " . //




> That is why I take DBAS of planets during which

hyperglycaemia is noticed first time at the earliest stage and not when any

further adverse effect has taken place.You can trace the root cause by that DBAS

of planets during which hyperglycaemia was noticed first time at the earliest





> A learned astrologer Sri Vijay Anand Patil Ji has also

questioned as to which DBAS should be taken because Hyperglycaemia




> is noticed at later stage when weight loss,Urinary problem or any other after

effects are noticed. I have also replied him in K.P forum that one should take

DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia is noticed first time at the

earliest stage and not when any further adverse effect has taken place.You can

trace the root cause by that DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia was

noticed first time at the earliest stage.




> Rules regarding hyperglycaemia which is revealed till date

does not apply in toto in all the cases.So we should study more and more charts

of the patients who are able to tell that his/her hyperglycaemia was diagnosed

at the earliest stage during which DBAS of particular planets was running and

that DBAS can solve the purpose only.




> I hope that DBAS of Jupiter /Venus/ Moon / Mars/ Rahu/ Ketu

/ Saturn may be common in many charts and state of Jupiter and venus should be

weak in any manner when native is attacked by such disease.But any one of the

above planets must be significator of 1st and 6th cusp or 1st & 8th cusp which

causes disease.




> With thanks & regards,




> Dhirendra Nath Misra












> ________________________________




> Suresh Babu <sureshbabuag








> Tue, December 1, 2009 1:25:48 PM




> Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90
















> //




> Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.




> We should go to the root cause.




> Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -




> //








> absolutely correct








> For those who argue that pancreas is related to 6th house, I have uploaded two

images of panchreas and related body organs. They can take a look at those and

decide for themselves.








> just one more point.








> Panchreas is a factory that produces a " something " . That " something " cannot be

same as the object that produces it - Object will always be distinguished from

its products.








> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.








> , deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>





> >




> >




> > Respected Misra Ji,




> > If I am suffering with severe headache because of High Blood Pressure.




> > I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on regular





> > Observing this astrologically, I'll check the combintions related to High





> > Pressure in my Chart and not the combinations for headache.




> > I'll perform astral remedies for the planets accountable for BP only.




> > Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.




> > We should go to the root cause.




> > Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -




> > I'll prefer to check the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the





> > of " After effects " .




> > and the Root cause for diabetes is related to Pancreas, Liver, Kidney & food





> >




> > (Jupiter, Venus, Sun & Fifth House)




> > I've already given my view about the role of Moon & Mars. These may be taken





> >




> > Secondary combinations the primary ones being Ju, Ve, Su & V House only.




> > There may be different opinions of other Senior & Learned Members and I've





> >




> > for all the opinions.




> > I've applied the mentioned rules in dozen of horoscopes (mostly data taken





> > groups) and checked the accuracy.




> > But already mentioned, I'm not proficient in KP. So can't give you any





> >




> > opinion regarding KP Rules.




> >




> > Sincerely wishing you the Best for your study on this subject. Thank you.




> >




> > Best Regards,




> > Deepak Sharma




> >




> >




> >




> > dhirendranathmisra@ ...




> > Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:36:25 -0800




> > Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> > Dear Deepak sharma Ji, You should think to amend your reply.Take a example

of native who has been reported first time suffering from hyperglycaemia during

DBAS of Jupiter-Venus- Moon and his birth details are thus-DOB-2.09.

1961,Reported TOB-9:18AM(Rectifie d time




> > for K.P system is 09:16:30AM,POB- Cochin,Kerala. His above DBAS was running

w.e.f 24.09.1998 to 14.12.1998 and since then the native is suffering from the

hyperglycaemia. Please go through the following K.P rules revealed by Kalyan Ji

, Lajmi Ji,Punit Ji:-




> > According to KP system, if the Sub Lord of the 6th cusp is either Ve, Ju or

Mo, and connected to house 1 & 6 and also the sign Libra, and watery sign

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, one will be attacked by this disease of " Diabetes "




> > - Medical Astrologt for all-2005 Edition- Pg.191




> >




> > I have some notes of a senior KP Astrologer of Sri Lanka, written in 1978,

which looks similar to that of above.




> >




> > " Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by

Langerhans, which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the

Blood to rise(Moon) and Mars).




> > Carbohydrate is converted into Grape Sugar in the Intestine(Moon) , and

carried to Liver(Jupiter) for conversion in to Glycogen. "




> >




> > By these two expressions, I am in the opinion of Ve, as the governor of

Pancreas and as in my previous mail, one should deeply study the behavior of




> > VENUS,JUPITER, MARS, MOON to make any decision of Diabetes.




> > In the present example Venus is significator of 1st and 8th cusp,sub sub

lord of 6th cusp and posited in cancer sign.Moon is sub lord of 6th cusp and sub

sub lord of 1st cusp.Jupiter is constellation lord of 6th cusp also. Hence in

the light of above rule the native is reported about hyperglycaemia during DBAS

of Jupiter-Venus- Moon w.e.f 9/ 1998 to 12/1998 when Jupiter had been retrograde




> > with malefic Ketu and Venus had been debiliated also.Thus the person fell

ill during Bhukti of Venus and antardasa of Moon.This shows that




> > Jupiter alone can't cause hyperglycaemia and role of Venus and Moon is also

important.The role of Jupiter can not be denied and its debiliation /

retrogression / affliction is also important factor.It is reported above that

Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).It means Pancreas is not indicated by Jupiter as you have

suggested earlier and role of Venus is more important than that of Jupiter.




> > With thanks & regards,




> > Dhirendra Nath Misra




> >




> >




> > ____________ _________ _________ __




> > deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>




> >




> > Mon, November 30, 2009 10:38:47 AM




> > RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> >




> > Respected Misra Ji,




> > You raised the same questions in a different group also and I've already





> > Repeating below my humble opinion again -




> > You have sent your reply that Pancreas is indicated by Jupiter and in





> > reply (regarding Cancer) you have mentioned 5th house responsible for

Pancreas .




> > I related Pancreas with Jupiter as well as fifth house in both the mails.




> > So there's no inconsistency about my opinion in both the mails.




> > But no authentic source is mentioned by you.




> > Source is one of the books written by Prof VK Chowdhry.(I dnt remember




> > the name of book / page no. etc). You may find various authentic weblinks





> > Pancreas being represented by fifth house in google search also.




> > Presenting the analysis again (based on which you raised the questions)-_

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___




> > Medical Reasoning for Diabetes : We eat food that is converted as digestible

glucose in liver. Insulin released by pancreas is the main factor for conversion

of glucose into the energy for whole of our body. If the discharge of insulin is

not normal as per the requirement or less or suppressed due to any defects or

reason, the glucose is not converted into energy and the person suffers from

Hyperglycaemia. And the glucose level in blood increases. Further, if the

filters in kidneys do not function properly the glucose starts passing through

the urine.




> > Astro Perspective : So the weakness to following planets / houses is

responsible for diabetes in a native -




> > 1.) Jupiter as significator of liver & pancreas




> > 2.) Venus as significator of kidney




> > 3.) Fifth house (pancreas, liver, stomach) & leo sign




> > 4.) Sun as significator for food digestion




> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _




> > Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-




> > Just a question to think about -




> > When is the blood glucose level (Mars / Moon) not normal?




> > Firstly, there must be something wrong with Liver, Pancreas, food digestion





> > Hence, only the primary factors that are actually responsible should be





> > In such cases-




> >




> > If Moon & Mars are also weak, then the native is vulnerable to blood

infections /




> > other blood related problems also.




> >




> > If 4th house is additionally weak, BP / Cardiac problems are more observed.




> > For pancreas, insufficient secretion of insulin, Liver etc, Please go

through the reasoning




> > given above " Medical Reasoning for Diabetes " .




> > Hope this may be helpful. Thank you.Best Regards,




> > Deepak Sharma




> >




> >




> > dhirendranathmisra@ ...




> > Sat, 28 Nov 2009 21:19:57 -0800




> > Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> >




> >




> >




> > Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & members,You have sent your reply that Pancreas is

indicated by Jupiter and in another reply ( regarding Cancer )you have mentioned

5th house responsible for Pancreas .But no authentic source is mentioned by

you.Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-




> >




> > Dear Friends,




> >




> > As an experienced Physician and as well as a well versed Astrologer,Dr Rath

ji has already given some facts on the matter.




> > I too wish to add some more detail on this topic for the benefits of





> >




> > Hyperglycaemia is connected to,




> > 1.Pancreas ( 6th House)




> > 2.Insufficient secretion of Insulin ( Venus)




> > 3. Sugar in the Blood ( Mars and Moon)




> > 4. Liver and Glycogen ( Jupiter)




> >




> > When the disease is grown up to highest level, following effects could be





> > 1. Thirsty ( Jupiter )




> > 2. Hunger every now and then ( Jupiter )




> > 3. Emaciation ( Jupiter )




> > 4. Dry Mouth ( Jupiter )




> > 5. Loss of weight ( Jupiter )




> > 6. Micturition ( Mercury = 8th cusp )




> > 4. Boiling of the body ( Mars)




> >




> > As a chronic and lingering disease Saturn is playing a great role.




> >




> > One should take all these planets into account, in studying this ailment.




> >




> > Regards




> >




> > Kalyan




> >




> > Besides this moderator Sri Punit Ji has referred page No. 119 of III rd

Reader,1992 edition in which Venus and Moon are shown responsible for Diabetes.




> > Till date in my knowledge Hyperglycaemia is reported during DBAS of

Debiliated Jupiter/Jupiter afflicted or conjunct with malefic planet / weak

Jupiter but in those chart wherein Venus is also either weak / afflicted with

malefic planet / debiliated.




> > From the above it appears that Jupiter can not cause Diabetes alone and 5th

house has no concern in this regard. I have seen in few charts where 5th house

has no concern rather 5th house was found strong in all respect.




> > I am trying to establish rules regarding this with the help of other members

for which more charts of persons suffering from hyperglycaemia are required with

the correct report of date/month/year when first time hyperglycaemia was

reported .




> > With thanks & regards,




> > Dhirendra Nath Misra




> >




> > ____________ _________ _________ __




> > deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>




> >




> > Wed, November 18, 2009 10:24:13 AM




> > RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> >




> > Dear Misra Ji,




> >




> > Jupiter is significator for pancreas glands.




> >




> > Jupiter (as signficator of liver & pancreas glands), venus (as significator

of kidney), Sun (as significator for food digestion), fifth house & leo sign are

factors to be considered in such cases.




> >




> > You may opt for below remedies (please consult Doctor as well) -




> >




> > Take tulsi leaves,neem leaves and belpatras (all around 10 in numbers) with

a glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.




> >




> > Half cup Karela juice daily.




> >




> > Eat chappatis made of chana dal and Jau (till problem is resolved).




> >




> > Drink half cup of water mashed with 3-4 leaves of jamun tree. Take it for

5-10 days. Chew 3-4 leaves of jamun morning and evening in the early stages.




> >




> > Warm Regards,




> >




> > Deepak Sharma




> >




> >




> > dhirendranathmisra@ ...




> > Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:29:04 -0800




> > Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> >




> >




> >




> > Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice daily.By

which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,




> > With thanks & regards,




> > Dhirendra Nath Misra




> >




> >

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In that case congratulations! Hopefully you would publish your research soon so

that all jyotishis can benefit from it :-)




, deepak sharma <deepak_17a wrote:



> Dear RR Ji,

> Thank you so much for your valued opinion about the subject.

> I checked my opinion in many horoscopes and found the combinations

> are correct.

> A point about Kidneys (Venus) - Damage to Kidney may also be

> taken as " after effect " of diabetes.High levels of blood sugar make

> the kidneys filter too much blood. All this extra work is hard on the

> filters. After many years, they start to leak and useful protein is lost

> in the urine.

> However, if there is kidney failure due to factors other than

> diabetes (like BP etc), then also it is not good for diabetes patients.

> As the filters in it would not function properly and the glucose will

> start passing through urine.


> Further on this subject, I feel it is easy to analyze a horoscope when

> it is known that native is suffering from Diabetes / BP / Cancer

> or any other disease. Once such details are known, Many of us

> (astrologers) will connect the reasons of disease to A, B

> and C planets. This is not incorrect also.

> However, the more important point is that an Astrologer

> should be able to point out whether the given

> chart is vulnerable to X, Y or Z diseases or not.

> And Preventive astrological or medical remedies may be

> advised to perform.

> In this area we can say that Astrology is more helpful than

> Medical Science provided we (astrologers) are competent

> enough. An Astrologer should be able to identify the symptoms

> of " Silent Killings " much before than a Doctor :-)

> Best Regards,

> Deepak Sharma


> jyotish_vani

> Thu, 3 Dec 2009 01:59:25 +0000

> Re: Att.Deepak Sharma Ji & members: Suffering from high Blood

Sugar i.e 525.90























Dear Deepak Jee,




> In all fairness, and I sincerely urge you to verify this for your personal





> There is a reason why Essential Hypertension and Diabetes are called " Silent

Killers " !




> There is usually no symptom or warning and often the diseases are

caught/diagnosed following some complication of the disease! The diseases may

have existed 'silently, for 10-20 years before they were caught or made themself





> The main reason for such an unfortunate state of affairs has been because many

individuals in all cultures and countries do not go to the doctor for an annual

visit, even after they turn 40! They forget the simple phrase:




> Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!




> Particularly, when you are not even looking for evidence (of disease)!




> A very brilliant astrologer that I knew was putting on weight for years, was

eating a lot for a couple of decades but it was the early morning sudden

blindness that really got his attention! He had been diabetic for nearly 20

years and thank god that he did not lose his vision permanently!




> Just an 'example' from reality! Blood pressure, diabetes, cancer -- the list





> Given the general callousness and this false sense of INVINCIBILITY, that may

be understandable in a teenager, but shows up regularily in mature and otherwise

WISE human beings (including astrologers!), it makes SERIOUS sense for research

in astrology for detecting combinations for such DEADLY DISEASES like Diabetes,

Hypertension, Cancer, which may be treated and controlled if not cured,

particularly in most individuals who would rather not look after their health or

visit their doctors, just for a simple once a year checkup that will save them

and their family a lot of agony, anguish and REAL PROBLEM!




> TO ALL: Either find an astrological prognosticator or promise to visit your

doctor each year, perhaps on your birthday? :-)




> RR_,




> , deepak sharma <deepak_17a@> wrote:


> >


> >


> > Dear Misra Ji,


> > There are differences of opinion among many members.


> > However there are a few common points like consideration of


> > Jupiter, Venus (for whatever reason :-) etc.


> > So Please proceed ahead with your study based on your experience


> > and the inputs you've collected so far.


> > As you'll go further, all of us might come to a common opinion :-)


> > I'd like to share with you just one thing if it may be of any help to


> > you. Normally when I do such study, I take into account the database


> > of serious patients only. For example, In the case of diabetes, patients


> > who have been suffering for more than 6-7 years should only be taken


> > into the list initially. Otherwise there's always a possibility of wrong



> > And when you'll go through the database of such serious patients, many a


> > concepts might become more clear in terms of astrology.


> > Best Regards,


> > Deepak Sharma


> >


> >


> > dhirendranathmisra@


> > Tue, 1 Dec 2009 07:03:50 -0800


> > Att.Deepak Sharma Ji & members: Suffering from high Blood

Sugar i.e 525.90


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & Senior members, Deepak ji has focused on root

cause of Diabetes and he further says that ''Root cause for diabetes is related

to Pancreas, Liver, Kidney & food digestion.If I am suffering with severe

headache because of High Blood Pressure.


> >


> > > I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on

regular basis).''


> >


> > I am of the opinion that no physician prescribes medicin

for Kidney and digestive system if he has to control hyperglycaemia.


> >


> > I am not a medical Doctor but have seen that physicians

prescribe freely IIIrd & IVth generation medicine to cause Pancreas for

secretion of Insulin.Freely prescribed medicins are- [(Voglibose-0.2mg three

times)+( Glimepiride USP 1 or 2mg+Piozlitazone Hydrochloride 15 mg + Metformin

Hydrochloride IP 500mg) once a day or two times a day as it is required for

particular patient ].These medicins do not work on Kidney or digestive system

but Causes Pancreas to produce Insulin in required amount.Please note it that

urinary tract infection gets cured suo moto when high blood sugar level gets

down to normal range.Use of antibiotics in such cases have shown no satisfactory



> >


> > till the BS level gets down to normal range.


> >


> > Hence kidney and digestive system are not root cause of



> >


> > Example of hedache and High BP is not applicable

here.Headache and High BP is the after effect of hyperglycaemia.


> >


> > A senior member has focussed on -


> >


> > //


> >


> >

Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.


> >


> >

We should go to the root cause.


> >


> >

Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -


> >


> >

absolutely correct //


> >


> > I am not convinced with this view.Because root causes of

hyperglycaemia are not hedache,High blood pressure,function of Kidneys and

digestion.Physicians prescribe freely IIIrd & IVth generation medicine to cause

Pancreas for secretion of Insulin.Freely prescribed medicins are-

[(Voglibose-0.2mg three times)+( Glimepiride USP 1 or 2mg+Piozlitazone

Hydrochloride 15 mg + Metformin Hydrochloride IP 500mg) once a day or two times

a day as it is required for particular patient ].These medicins do not work on

Kidney or digestive system but Causes Pancreas to produce Insulin in required

amount.Please note it that urinary tract infection gets cured suo moto when high

blood sugar level gets down to normal range.


> >


> > In the long run of life heart,kidneys,eyes,body cells, &

other vital parts are badly affected ,If a person is suffering from

hyperglycaemia for long time and BS level could not be controlled all the

time.So the phycian firstly controlls blood sugar level to avoid any furthe



> >


> > You have mentioned that- // I'll prefer to

check the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the combinations


> >


> > of

" After effects " . //


> >


> > That is why I take DBAS of planets during

which hyperglycaemia is noticed first time at the earliest stage and not when

any further adverse effect has taken place.You can trace the root cause by that

DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia was noticed first time at the

earliest stage.


> >


> > A learned astrologer Sri Vijay Anand Patil Ji has also

questioned as to which DBAS should be taken because Hyperglycaemia


> >


> > is noticed at later stage when weight loss,Urinary problem or any other

after effects are noticed. I have also replied him in K.P forum that one should

take DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia is noticed first time at the

earliest stage and not when any further adverse effect has taken place.You can

trace the root cause by that DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia was

noticed first time at the earliest stage.


> >


> > Rules regarding hyperglycaemia which is revealed till

date does not apply in toto in all the cases.So we should study more and more

charts of the patients who are able to tell that his/her hyperglycaemia was

diagnosed at the earliest stage during which DBAS of particular planets was

running and that DBAS can solve the purpose only.


> >


> > I hope that DBAS of Jupiter /Venus/ Moon / Mars/ Rahu/

Ketu / Saturn may be common in many charts and state of Jupiter and venus should

be weak in any manner when native is attacked by such disease.But any one of the

above planets must be significator of 1st and 6th cusp or 1st & 8th cusp which

causes disease.


> >


> > With thanks & regards,


> >


> > Dhirendra Nath Misra


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > ________________________________


> >


> > Suresh Babu <sureshbabuag@>


> >


> >


> >


> > Tue, December 1, 2009 1:25:48 PM


> >


> > Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > //


> >


> > Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.


> >


> > We should go to the root cause.


> >


> > Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -


> >


> > //


> >


> >


> >


> > absolutely correct


> >


> >


> >


> > For those who argue that pancreas is related to 6th house, I have uploaded

two images of panchreas and related body organs. They can take a look at those

and decide for themselves.


> >


> >


> >


> > just one more point.


> >


> >


> >


> > Panchreas is a factory that produces a " something " . That " something " cannot

be same as the object that produces it - Object will always be distinguished

from its products.


> >


> >


> >


> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.


> >


> >


> >


> > , deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>



> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Respected Misra Ji,


> >


> > > If I am suffering with severe headache because of High Blood Pressure.


> >


> > > I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on

regular basis).


> >


> > > Observing this astrologically, I'll check the combintions related to High



> >


> > > Pressure in my Chart and not the combinations for headache.


> >


> > > I'll perform astral remedies for the planets accountable for BP only.


> >


> > > Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.


> >


> > > We should go to the root cause.


> >


> > > Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -


> >


> > > I'll prefer to check the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the



> >


> > > of " After effects " .


> >


> > > and the Root cause for diabetes is related to Pancreas, Liver, Kidney &

food digestion


> >


> > >


> >


> > > (Jupiter, Venus, Sun & Fifth House)


> >


> > > I've already given my view about the role of Moon & Mars. These may be

taken as


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Secondary combinations the primary ones being Ju, Ve, Su & V House only.


> >


> > > There may be different opinions of other Senior & Learned Members and I've



> >


> > >


> >


> > > for all the opinions.


> >


> > > I've applied the mentioned rules in dozen of horoscopes (mostly data taken



> >


> > > groups) and checked the accuracy.


> >


> > > But already mentioned, I'm not proficient in KP. So can't give you any



> >


> > >


> >


> > > opinion regarding KP Rules.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Sincerely wishing you the Best for your study on this subject. Thank you.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Best Regards,


> >


> > > Deepak Sharma


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > dhirendranathmisra@ ...


> >


> > > Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:36:25 -0800


> >


> > > Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Dear Deepak sharma Ji, You should think to amend your reply.Take a example

of native who has been reported first time suffering from hyperglycaemia during

DBAS of Jupiter-Venus- Moon and his birth details are thus-DOB-2.09.

1961,Reported TOB-9:18AM(Rectifie d time


> >


> > > for K.P system is 09:16:30AM,POB- Cochin,Kerala. His above DBAS was

running w.e.f 24.09.1998 to 14.12.1998 and since then the native is suffering

from the hyperglycaemia. Please go through the following K.P rules revealed by

Kalyan Ji , Lajmi Ji,Punit Ji:-


> >


> > > According to KP system, if the Sub Lord of the 6th cusp is either Ve, Ju

or Mo, and connected to house 1 & 6 and also the sign Libra, and watery sign

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, one will be attacked by this disease of " Diabetes "


> >


> > > - Medical Astrologt for all-2005 Edition- Pg.191


> >


> > >


> >


> > > I have some notes of a senior KP Astrologer of Sri Lanka, written in 1978,

which looks similar to that of above.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > " Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by

Langerhans, which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the

Blood to rise(Moon) and Mars).


> >


> > > Carbohydrate is converted into Grape Sugar in the Intestine(Moon) , and

carried to Liver(Jupiter) for conversion in to Glycogen. "


> >


> > >


> >


> > > By these two expressions, I am in the opinion of Ve, as the governor of

Pancreas and as in my previous mail, one should deeply study the behavior of


> >


> > > VENUS,JUPITER, MARS, MOON to make any decision of Diabetes.


> >


> > > In the present example Venus is significator of 1st and 8th cusp,sub sub

lord of 6th cusp and posited in cancer sign.Moon is sub lord of 6th cusp and sub

sub lord of 1st cusp.Jupiter is constellation lord of 6th cusp also. Hence in

the light of above rule the native is reported about hyperglycaemia during DBAS

of Jupiter-Venus- Moon w.e.f 9/ 1998 to 12/1998 when Jupiter had been retrograde


> >


> > > with malefic Ketu and Venus had been debiliated also.Thus the person fell

ill during Bhukti of Venus and antardasa of Moon.This shows that


> >


> > > Jupiter alone can't cause hyperglycaemia and role of Venus and Moon is

also important.The role of Jupiter can not be denied and its debiliation /

retrogression / affliction is also important factor.It is reported above that

Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).It means Pancreas is not indicated by Jupiter as you have

suggested earlier and role of Venus is more important than that of Jupiter.


> >


> > > With thanks & regards,


> >


> > > Dhirendra Nath Misra


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > ____________ _________ _________ __


> >


> > > deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Mon, November 30, 2009 10:38:47 AM


> >


> > > RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Respected Misra Ji,


> >


> > > You raised the same questions in a different group also and I've already



> >


> > > Repeating below my humble opinion again -


> >


> > > You have sent your reply that Pancreas is indicated by Jupiter and in



> >


> > > reply (regarding Cancer) you have mentioned 5th house responsible for

Pancreas .


> >


> > > I related Pancreas with Jupiter as well as fifth house in both the mails.


> >


> > > So there's no inconsistency about my opinion in both the mails.


> >


> > > But no authentic source is mentioned by you.


> >


> > > Source is one of the books written by Prof VK Chowdhry.(I dnt remember


> >


> > > the name of book / page no. etc). You may find various authentic weblinks



> >


> > > Pancreas being represented by fifth house in google search also.


> >


> > > Presenting the analysis again (based on which you raised the questions)-_

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___


> >


> > > Medical Reasoning for Diabetes : We eat food that is converted as

digestible glucose in liver. Insulin released by pancreas is the main factor for

conversion of glucose into the energy for whole of our body. If the discharge of

insulin is not normal as per the requirement or less or suppressed due to any

defects or reason, the glucose is not converted into energy and the person

suffers from Hyperglycaemia. And the glucose level in blood increases. Further,

if the filters in kidneys do not function properly the glucose starts passing

through the urine.


> >


> > > Astro Perspective : So the weakness to following planets / houses is

responsible for diabetes in a native -


> >


> > > 1.) Jupiter as significator of liver & pancreas


> >


> > > 2.) Venus as significator of kidney


> >


> > > 3.) Fifth house (pancreas, liver, stomach) & leo sign


> >


> > > 4.) Sun as significator for food digestion


> >


> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _


> >


> > > Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-


> >


> > > Just a question to think about -


> >


> > > When is the blood glucose level (Mars / Moon) not normal?


> >


> > > Firstly, there must be something wrong with Liver, Pancreas, food

digestion etc


> >


> > > Hence, only the primary factors that are actually responsible should be



> >


> > > In such cases-


> >


> > >


> >


> > > If Moon & Mars are also weak, then the native is vulnerable to blood

infections /


> >


> > > other blood related problems also.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > If 4th house is additionally weak, BP / Cardiac problems are more



> >


> > > For pancreas, insufficient secretion of insulin, Liver etc, Please go

through the reasoning


> >


> > > given above " Medical Reasoning for Diabetes " .


> >


> > > Hope this may be helpful. Thank you.Best Regards,


> >


> > > Deepak Sharma


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > dhirendranathmisra@ ...


> >


> > > Sat, 28 Nov 2009 21:19:57 -0800


> >


> > > Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & members,You have sent your reply that Pancreas is

indicated by Jupiter and in another reply ( regarding Cancer )you have mentioned

5th house responsible for Pancreas .But no authentic source is mentioned by

you.Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Dear Friends,


> >


> > >


> >


> > > As an experienced Physician and as well as a well versed Astrologer,Dr

Rath ji has already given some facts on the matter.


> >


> > > I too wish to add some more detail on this topic for the benefits of



> >


> > >


> >


> > > Hyperglycaemia is connected to,


> >


> > > 1.Pancreas ( 6th House)


> >


> > > 2.Insufficient secretion of Insulin ( Venus)


> >


> > > 3. Sugar in the Blood ( Mars and Moon)


> >


> > > 4. Liver and Glycogen ( Jupiter)


> >


> > >


> >


> > > When the disease is grown up to highest level, following effects could be



> >


> > > 1. Thirsty ( Jupiter )


> >


> > > 2. Hunger every now and then ( Jupiter )


> >


> > > 3. Emaciation ( Jupiter )


> >


> > > 4. Dry Mouth ( Jupiter )


> >


> > > 5. Loss of weight ( Jupiter )


> >


> > > 6. Micturition ( Mercury = 8th cusp )


> >


> > > 4. Boiling of the body ( Mars)


> >


> > >


> >


> > > As a chronic and lingering disease Saturn is playing a great role.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > One should take all these planets into account, in studying this ailment.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Regards


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Kalyan


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Besides this moderator Sri Punit Ji has referred page No. 119 of III rd

Reader,1992 edition in which Venus and Moon are shown responsible for Diabetes.


> >


> > > Till date in my knowledge Hyperglycaemia is reported during DBAS of

Debiliated Jupiter/Jupiter afflicted or conjunct with malefic planet / weak

Jupiter but in those chart wherein Venus is also either weak / afflicted with

malefic planet / debiliated.


> >


> > > From the above it appears that Jupiter can not cause Diabetes alone and

5th house has no concern in this regard. I have seen in few charts where 5th

house has no concern rather 5th house was found strong in all respect.


> >


> > > I am trying to establish rules regarding this with the help of other

members for which more charts of persons suffering from hyperglycaemia are

required with the correct report of date/month/year when first time

hyperglycaemia was reported .


> >


> > > With thanks & regards,


> >


> > > Dhirendra Nath Misra


> >


> > >


> >


> > > ____________ _________ _________ __


> >


> > > deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Wed, November 18, 2009 10:24:13 AM


> >


> > > RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Dear Misra Ji,


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Jupiter is significator for pancreas glands.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Jupiter (as signficator of liver & pancreas glands), venus (as

significator of kidney), Sun (as significator for food digestion), fifth house &

leo sign are factors to be considered in such cases.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > You may opt for below remedies (please consult Doctor as well) -


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Take tulsi leaves,neem leaves and belpatras (all around 10 in numbers)

with a glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Half cup Karela juice daily.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Eat chappatis made of chana dal and Jau (till problem is resolved).


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Drink half cup of water mashed with 3-4 leaves of jamun tree. Take it for

5-10 days. Chew 3-4 leaves of jamun morning and evening in the early stages.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Warm Regards,


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Deepak Sharma


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > dhirendranathmisra@ ...


> >


> > > Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:29:04 -0800


> >


> > > Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice daily.By

which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,


> >


> > > With thanks & regards,


> >


> > > Dhirendra Nath Misra


> >


> > >


> >


> > >

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Dear Sir,

You and other Senior Members of this forum are much more

experienced than me.

I just shared my views about a particular subject though astrology

is not my profession.

Infact I'm a silent observer in this group and try to learn from the

analyses / views presented by some Senior members.

I also collect data (birth details) from this forum & few other

groups to check if the astrological combinations I've learnt about a

specific situation / event is applicable to all such similar cases or not.

Best Regards,

Deepak Sharma




Thu, 3 Dec 2009 17:46:36 +0000

Re: Att.Deepak Sharma Ji & members: Suffering from high Blood

Sugar i.e 525.90





























In that case congratulations! Hopefully you would publish your research

soon so that all jyotishis can benefit from it :-)








, deepak sharma <deepak_17a wrote:






> Dear RR Ji,


> Thank you so much for your valued opinion about the subject.


> I checked my opinion in many horoscopes and found the combinations


> are correct.


> A point about Kidneys (Venus) - Damage to Kidney may also be


> taken as " after effect " of diabetes.High levels of blood sugar make


> the kidneys filter too much blood. All this extra work is hard on the


> filters. After many years, they start to leak and useful protein is lost


> in the urine.


> However, if there is kidney failure due to factors other than


> diabetes (like BP etc), then also it is not good for diabetes patients.


> As the filters in it would not function properly and the glucose will


> start passing through urine.




> Further on this subject, I feel it is easy to analyze a horoscope when


> it is known that native is suffering from Diabetes / BP / Cancer


> or any other disease. Once such details are known, Many of us


> (astrologers) will connect the reasons of disease to A, B


> and C planets. This is not incorrect also.


> However, the more important point is that an Astrologer


> should be able to point out whether the given


> chart is vulnerable to X, Y or Z diseases or not.


> And Preventive astrological or medical remedies may be


> advised to perform.


> In this area we can say that Astrology is more helpful than


> Medical Science provided we (astrologers) are competent


> enough. An Astrologer should be able to identify the symptoms


> of " Silent Killings " much before than a Doctor :-)


> Best Regards,


> Deepak Sharma




> jyotish_vani


> Thu, 3 Dec 2009 01:59:25 +0000


> Re: Att.Deepak Sharma Ji & members: Suffering from high Blood

Sugar i.e 525.90


























































> Dear Deepak Jee,








> In all fairness, and I sincerely urge you to verify this for your personal









> There is a reason why Essential Hypertension and Diabetes are called " Silent

Killers " !








> There is usually no symptom or warning and often the diseases are

caught/diagnosed following some complication of the disease! The diseases may

have existed 'silently, for 10-20 years before they were caught or made themself









> The main reason for such an unfortunate state of affairs has been because many

individuals in all cultures and countries do not go to the doctor for an annual

visit, even after they turn 40! They forget the simple phrase:








> Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!








> Particularly, when you are not even looking for evidence (of disease)!








> A very brilliant astrologer that I knew was putting on weight for years, was

eating a lot for a couple of decades but it was the early morning sudden

blindness that really got his attention! He had been diabetic for nearly 20

years and thank god that he did not lose his vision permanently!








> Just an 'example' from reality! Blood pressure, diabetes, cancer -- the list









> Given the general callousness and this false sense of INVINCIBILITY, that may

be understandable in a teenager, but shows up regularily in mature and otherwise

WISE human beings (including astrologers!), it makes SERIOUS sense for research

in astrology for detecting combinations for such DEADLY DISEASES like Diabetes,

Hypertension, Cancer, which may be treated and controlled if not cured,

particularly in most individuals who would rather not look after their health or

visit their doctors, just for a simple once a year checkup that will save them

and their family a lot of agony, anguish and REAL PROBLEM!








> TO ALL: Either find an astrological prognosticator or promise to visit your

doctor each year, perhaps on your birthday? :-)








> RR_,








> , deepak sharma <deepak_17a@> wrote:




> >




> >




> > Dear Misra Ji,




> > There are differences of opinion among many members.




> > However there are a few common points like consideration of




> > Jupiter, Venus (for whatever reason :-) etc.




> > So Please proceed ahead with your study based on your experience




> > and the inputs you've collected so far.




> > As you'll go further, all of us might come to a common opinion :-)




> > I'd like to share with you just one thing if it may be of any help to




> > you. Normally when I do such study, I take into account the database




> > of serious patients only. For example, In the case of diabetes, patients




> > who have been suffering for more than 6-7 years should only be taken




> > into the list initially. Otherwise there's always a possibility of wrong





> > And when you'll go through the database of such serious patients, many a




> > concepts might become more clear in terms of astrology.




> > Best Regards,




> > Deepak Sharma




> >




> >




> > dhirendranathmisra@




> > Tue, 1 Dec 2009 07:03:50 -0800




> > Att.Deepak Sharma Ji & members: Suffering from high Blood

Sugar i.e 525.90




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> > Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & Senior members, Deepak ji has focused on root

cause of Diabetes and he further says that ''Root cause for diabetes is related

to Pancreas, Liver, Kidney & food digestion.If I am suffering with severe

headache because of High Blood Pressure.




> >




> > > I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on

regular basis).''




> >




> > I am of the opinion that no physician prescribes medicin

for Kidney and digestive system if he has to control hyperglycaemia.




> >




> > I am not a medical Doctor but have seen that physicians

prescribe freely IIIrd & IVth generation medicine to cause Pancreas for

secretion of Insulin.Freely prescribed medicins are- [(Voglibose-0.2mg three

times)+( Glimepiride USP 1 or 2mg+Piozlitazone Hydrochloride 15 mg + Metformin

Hydrochloride IP 500mg) once a day or two times a day as it is required for

particular patient ].These medicins do not work on Kidney or digestive system

but Causes Pancreas to produce Insulin in required amount.Please note it that

urinary tract infection gets cured suo moto when high blood sugar level gets

down to normal range.Use of antibiotics in such cases have shown no satisfactory





> >




> > till the BS level gets down to normal range.




> >




> > Hence kidney and digestive system are not root cause of





> >




> > Example of hedache and High BP is not applicable

here.Headache and High BP is the after effect of hyperglycaemia.




> >




> > A senior member has focussed on -




> >




> > //




> >




> >

Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.




> >




> >

We should go to the root cause.




> >




> >

Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -




> >




> >

absolutely correct //




> >




> > I am not convinced with this view.Because root causes of

hyperglycaemia are not hedache,High blood pressure,function of Kidneys and

digestion.Physicians prescribe freely IIIrd & IVth generation medicine to cause

Pancreas for secretion of Insulin.Freely prescribed medicins are-

[(Voglibose-0.2mg three times)+( Glimepiride USP 1 or 2mg+Piozlitazone

Hydrochloride 15 mg + Metformin Hydrochloride IP 500mg) once a day or two times

a day as it is required for particular patient ].These medicins do not work on

Kidney or digestive system but Causes Pancreas to produce Insulin in required

amount.Please note it that urinary tract infection gets cured suo moto when high

blood sugar level gets down to normal range.




> >




> > In the long run of life heart,kidneys,eyes,body cells, &

other vital parts are badly affected ,If a person is suffering from

hyperglycaemia for long time and BS level could not be controlled all the

time.So the phycian firstly controlls blood sugar level to avoid any furthe





> >




> > You have mentioned that- // I'll prefer to

check the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the combinations




> >




> > of

" After effects " . //




> >




> > That is why I take DBAS of planets during

which hyperglycaemia is noticed first time at the earliest stage and not when

any further adverse effect has taken place.You can trace the root cause by that

DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia was noticed first time at the

earliest stage.




> >




> > A learned astrologer Sri Vijay Anand Patil Ji has also

questioned as to which DBAS should be taken because Hyperglycaemia




> >




> > is noticed at later stage when weight loss,Urinary problem or any other

after effects are noticed. I have also replied him in K.P forum that one should

take DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia is noticed first time at the

earliest stage and not when any further adverse effect has taken place.You can

trace the root cause by that DBAS of planets during which hyperglycaemia was

noticed first time at the earliest stage.




> >




> > Rules regarding hyperglycaemia which is revealed till

date does not apply in toto in all the cases.So we should study more and more

charts of the patients who are able to tell that his/her hyperglycaemia was

diagnosed at the earliest stage during which DBAS of particular planets was

running and that DBAS can solve the purpose only.




> >




> > I hope that DBAS of Jupiter /Venus/ Moon / Mars/ Rahu/

Ketu / Saturn may be common in many charts and state of Jupiter and venus should

be weak in any manner when native is attacked by such disease.But any one of the

above planets must be significator of 1st and 6th cusp or 1st & 8th cusp which

causes disease.




> >




> > With thanks & regards,




> >




> > Dhirendra Nath Misra




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> > ________________________________




> >




> > Suresh Babu <sureshbabuag@>




> >




> >




> >




> > Tue, December 1, 2009 1:25:48 PM




> >




> > Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> > //




> >




> > Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.




> >




> > We should go to the root cause.




> >




> > Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -




> >




> > //




> >




> >




> >




> > absolutely correct




> >




> >




> >




> > For those who argue that pancreas is related to 6th house, I have uploaded

two images of panchreas and related body organs. They can take a look at those

and decide for themselves.




> >




> >




> >




> > just one more point.




> >




> >




> >




> > Panchreas is a factory that produces a " something " . That " something " cannot

be same as the object that produces it - Object will always be distinguished

from its products.




> >




> >




> >




> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy.




> >




> >




> >




> > , deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>





> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Respected Misra Ji,




> >




> > > If I am suffering with severe headache because of High Blood Pressure.




> >




> > > I'll take medicine for High BP and not for headache (atleast not on

regular basis).




> >




> > > Observing this astrologically, I'll check the combintions related to High





> >




> > > Pressure in my Chart and not the combinations for headache.




> >




> > > I'll perform astral remedies for the planets accountable for BP only.




> >




> > > Because High Blood Pressure is the " Root Cause " of Headache.




> >




> > > We should go to the root cause.




> >




> > > Similarly, in the case of Diabetes -




> >




> > > I'll prefer to check the combinations for " Root Cause " and not the





> >




> > > of " After effects " .




> >




> > > and the Root cause for diabetes is related to Pancreas, Liver, Kidney &

food digestion




> >




> > >




> >




> > > (Jupiter, Venus, Sun & Fifth House)




> >




> > > I've already given my view about the role of Moon & Mars. These may be

taken as




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Secondary combinations the primary ones being Ju, Ve, Su & V House only.




> >




> > > There may be different opinions of other Senior & Learned Members and I've





> >




> > >




> >




> > > for all the opinions.




> >




> > > I've applied the mentioned rules in dozen of horoscopes (mostly data taken





> >




> > > groups) and checked the accuracy.




> >




> > > But already mentioned, I'm not proficient in KP. So can't give you any





> >




> > >




> >




> > > opinion regarding KP Rules.




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Sincerely wishing you the Best for your study on this subject. Thank you.




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Best Regards,




> >




> > > Deepak Sharma




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > > dhirendranathmisra@ ...




> >




> > > Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:36:25 -0800




> >




> > > Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Dear Deepak sharma Ji, You should think to amend your reply.Take a example

of native who has been reported first time suffering from hyperglycaemia during

DBAS of Jupiter-Venus- Moon and his birth details are thus-DOB-2.09.

1961,Reported TOB-9:18AM(Rectifie d time




> >




> > > for K.P system is 09:16:30AM,POB- Cochin,Kerala. His above DBAS was

running w.e.f 24.09.1998 to 14.12.1998 and since then the native is suffering

from the hyperglycaemia. Please go through the following K.P rules revealed by

Kalyan Ji , Lajmi Ji,Punit Ji:-




> >




> > > According to KP system, if the Sub Lord of the 6th cusp is either Ve, Ju

or Mo, and connected to house 1 & 6 and also the sign Libra, and watery sign

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, one will be attacked by this disease of " Diabetes "




> >




> > > - Medical Astrologt for all-2005 Edition- Pg.191




> >




> > >




> >




> > > I have some notes of a senior KP Astrologer of Sri Lanka, written in 1978,

which looks similar to that of above.




> >




> > >




> >




> > > " Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by

Langerhans, which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the

Blood to rise(Moon) and Mars).




> >




> > > Carbohydrate is converted into Grape Sugar in the Intestine(Moon) , and

carried to Liver(Jupiter) for conversion in to Glycogen. "




> >




> > >




> >




> > > By these two expressions, I am in the opinion of Ve, as the governor of

Pancreas and as in my previous mail, one should deeply study the behavior of




> >




> > > VENUS,JUPITER, MARS, MOON to make any decision of Diabetes.




> >




> > > In the present example Venus is significator of 1st and 8th cusp,sub sub

lord of 6th cusp and posited in cancer sign.Moon is sub lord of 6th cusp and sub

sub lord of 1st cusp.Jupiter is constellation lord of 6th cusp also. Hence in

the light of above rule the native is reported about hyperglycaemia during DBAS

of Jupiter-Venus- Moon w.e.f 9/ 1998 to 12/1998 when Jupiter had been retrograde




> >




> > > with malefic Ketu and Venus had been debiliated also.Thus the person fell

ill during Bhukti of Venus and antardasa of Moon.This shows that




> >




> > > Jupiter alone can't cause hyperglycaemia and role of Venus and Moon is

also important.The role of Jupiter can not be denied and its debiliation /

retrogression / affliction is also important factor.It is reported above that

Diabetes is due to insufficient Secretion (Venus) of Insulin, by Langerhans,

which are contained within Pancreas, It controls the Sugar in the Blood to

rise(Moon) and Mars).It means Pancreas is not indicated by Jupiter as you have

suggested earlier and role of Venus is more important than that of Jupiter.




> >




> > > With thanks & regards,




> >




> > > Dhirendra Nath Misra




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > > ____________ _________ _________ __




> >




> > > deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Mon, November 30, 2009 10:38:47 AM




> >




> > > RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Respected Misra Ji,




> >




> > > You raised the same questions in a different group also and I've already





> >




> > > Repeating below my humble opinion again -




> >




> > > You have sent your reply that Pancreas is indicated by Jupiter and in





> >




> > > reply (regarding Cancer) you have mentioned 5th house responsible for

Pancreas .




> >




> > > I related Pancreas with Jupiter as well as fifth house in both the mails.




> >




> > > So there's no inconsistency about my opinion in both the mails.




> >




> > > But no authentic source is mentioned by you.




> >




> > > Source is one of the books written by Prof VK Chowdhry.(I dnt remember




> >




> > > the name of book / page no. etc). You may find various authentic weblinks





> >




> > > Pancreas being represented by fifth house in google search also.




> >




> > > Presenting the analysis again (based on which you raised the questions)-_

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ___




> >




> > > Medical Reasoning for Diabetes : We eat food that is converted as

digestible glucose in liver. Insulin released by pancreas is the main factor for

conversion of glucose into the energy for whole of our body. If the discharge of

insulin is not normal as per the requirement or less or suppressed due to any

defects or reason, the glucose is not converted into energy and the person

suffers from Hyperglycaemia. And the glucose level in blood increases. Further,

if the filters in kidneys do not function properly the glucose starts passing

through the urine.




> >




> > > Astro Perspective : So the weakness to following planets / houses is

responsible for diabetes in a native -




> >




> > > 1.) Jupiter as significator of liver & pancreas




> >




> > > 2.) Venus as significator of kidney




> >




> > > 3.) Fifth house (pancreas, liver, stomach) & leo sign




> >




> > > 4.) Sun as significator for food digestion




> >




> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _




> >




> > > Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-




> >




> > > Just a question to think about -




> >




> > > When is the blood glucose level (Mars / Moon) not normal?




> >




> > > Firstly, there must be something wrong with Liver, Pancreas, food

digestion etc




> >




> > > Hence, only the primary factors that are actually responsible should be





> >




> > > In such cases-




> >




> > >




> >




> > > If Moon & Mars are also weak, then the native is vulnerable to blood

infections /




> >




> > > other blood related problems also.




> >




> > >




> >




> > > If 4th house is additionally weak, BP / Cardiac problems are more





> >




> > > For pancreas, insufficient secretion of insulin, Liver etc, Please go

through the reasoning




> >




> > > given above " Medical Reasoning for Diabetes " .




> >




> > > Hope this may be helpful. Thank you.Best Regards,




> >




> > > Deepak Sharma




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > > dhirendranathmisra@ ...




> >




> > > Sat, 28 Nov 2009 21:19:57 -0800




> >




> > > Re: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Dear Deepak Sharma Ji & members,You have sent your reply that Pancreas is

indicated by Jupiter and in another reply ( regarding Cancer )you have mentioned

5th house responsible for Pancreas .But no authentic source is mentioned by

you.Kindly refer the following reply sent by Kalyan Ji a well adept member of

K.P group-




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Dear Friends,




> >




> > >




> >




> > > As an experienced Physician and as well as a well versed Astrologer,Dr

Rath ji has already given some facts on the matter.




> >




> > > I too wish to add some more detail on this topic for the benefits of





> >




> > >




> >




> > > Hyperglycaemia is connected to,




> >




> > > 1.Pancreas ( 6th House)




> >




> > > 2.Insufficient secretion of Insulin ( Venus)




> >




> > > 3. Sugar in the Blood ( Mars and Moon)




> >




> > > 4. Liver and Glycogen ( Jupiter)




> >




> > >




> >




> > > When the disease is grown up to highest level, following effects could be





> >




> > > 1. Thirsty ( Jupiter )




> >




> > > 2. Hunger every now and then ( Jupiter )




> >




> > > 3. Emaciation ( Jupiter )




> >




> > > 4. Dry Mouth ( Jupiter )




> >




> > > 5. Loss of weight ( Jupiter )




> >




> > > 6. Micturition ( Mercury = 8th cusp )




> >




> > > 4. Boiling of the body ( Mars)




> >




> > >




> >




> > > As a chronic and lingering disease Saturn is playing a great role.




> >




> > >




> >




> > > One should take all these planets into account, in studying this ailment.




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Regards




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Kalyan




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Besides this moderator Sri Punit Ji has referred page No. 119 of III rd

Reader,1992 edition in which Venus and Moon are shown responsible for Diabetes.




> >




> > > Till date in my knowledge Hyperglycaemia is reported during DBAS of

Debiliated Jupiter/Jupiter afflicted or conjunct with malefic planet / weak

Jupiter but in those chart wherein Venus is also either weak / afflicted with

malefic planet / debiliated.




> >




> > > From the above it appears that Jupiter can not cause Diabetes alone and

5th house has no concern in this regard. I have seen in few charts where 5th

house has no concern rather 5th house was found strong in all respect.




> >




> > > I am trying to establish rules regarding this with the help of other

members for which more charts of persons suffering from hyperglycaemia are

required with the correct report of date/month/year when first time

hyperglycaemia was reported .




> >




> > > With thanks & regards,




> >




> > > Dhirendra Nath Misra




> >




> > >




> >




> > > ____________ _________ _________ __




> >




> > > deepak sharma <deepak_17a@ ...>




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Wed, November 18, 2009 10:24:13 AM




> >




> > > RE: Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Dear Misra Ji,




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Jupiter is significator for pancreas glands.




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Jupiter (as signficator of liver & pancreas glands), venus (as

significator of kidney), Sun (as significator for food digestion), fifth house &

leo sign are factors to be considered in such cases.




> >




> > >




> >




> > > You may opt for below remedies (please consult Doctor as well) -




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Take tulsi leaves,neem leaves and belpatras (all around 10 in numbers)

with a glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Half cup Karela juice daily.




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Eat chappatis made of chana dal and Jau (till problem is resolved).




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Drink half cup of water mashed with 3-4 leaves of jamun tree. Take it for

5-10 days. Chew 3-4 leaves of jamun morning and evening in the early stages.




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Warm Regards,




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Deepak Sharma




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > > dhirendranathmisra@ ...




> >




> > > Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:29:04 -0800




> >




> > > Suffering from high Blood Sugar i.e 525.90




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > > Dear Senior Astrologers & Doctors,Good Morning,Since last one month I was

feeling in day time as if I could not sleep soundly in the night and

consequently I felt laziness and buzzing sound in my right ear.Besides this I

felt urine problem also.On 17.11.2009 I got my BS checked and found that BS pp

is very high at 525.90.I am taking my self one tablet of Gemer P2 twice daily.By

which planet pancreas is indicated.I am sending this query at 8:52AM on

18.11.2009 .Please guide me in this regard,




> >




> > > With thanks & regards,




> >




> > > Dhirendra Nath Misra




> >




> > >




> >




> > >

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Deepak ji,


This is your personal choice, of course, but I would encourage you to not keep

your research to yourself but share it through one of the few cyber magazines on

jyotish or printed versions, etc. Things shared on forum messages get lost and

forgotten and sometimes misappropriated by others too, at times after

translation into a language that the original author does not know or have

access to! Seen it all!




, deepak sharma <deepak_17a wrote:



> Dear Sir,

> You and other Senior Members of this forum are much more

> experienced than me.

> I just shared my views about a particular subject though astrology

> is not my profession.

> Infact I'm a silent observer in this group and try to learn from the

> analyses / views presented by some Senior members.

> I also collect data (birth details) from this forum & few other

> groups to check if the astrological combinations I've learnt about a

> specific situation / event is applicable to all such similar cases or not.

> Best Regards,

> Deepak Sharma


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