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Dear Astrologers,


I have a son who suffers from seizures. He is on medication for the last two

years. The problem started sometime in oct-nov 2007. His details are as


DOB - 23 Dec 2000

time - 1623 hr

Place Wellington near Ooty(Tamil Nadu)

Request explain reasons for this ailment and suggest solutions


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Dear Asha,


Her Moon is weak by debilitation and afflicted. Should be strengthened by

wearing Pearl.


Mercury in 8th also should be strengthened by wearing Emerald. The gems should

be worn in suitable muhurta.








Saturday, December 05, 2009 7:08 PM





Dear Astrologers,


I have a son who suffers from seizures. He is on medication for the last two

years. The problem started sometime in oct-nov 2007. His details are as


DOB - 23 Dec 2000

time - 1623 hr

Place Wellington near Ooty(Tamil Nadu)

Request explain reasons for this ailment and suggest solutions








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Dear Asha,


I am realy sorry to know about the condition about your boy.


The main issue in his chart is Moon is weak due to Trayodasi, debilated in the

7th and most of all with Papa Madhya sthity from Sun  & Mars and aspected by

Saturn & jupiter - both retrograde. So Mars is placed in the 6th, Moon in the

7th &  8th house having Sun + Mercury+ Ketu + Gulika.


Not a good combination for a healthy person.


The issue started during Mercury Dasa, which is highly combust also and in the



One of the major indication as shown by the weakness of moon is the circulation

of blood being affected due to blocks etc, probably related with heart.


There is also a possibilty of spinal cord injury / constriction caused by Sun &

gulika on the ketu / rahu axis.


I would like to know whether you had conducted any MRI scan.


I also hope that Jupiter though retrograde & having 8th lordship, protects him

just by sheer of being a natural benefic.


I have also seen some children having this problem when they start insisting,

non-stop crying and finaly ending up in seizures. Such children are usually

hyper-active also. This is condition which I have to have been cured by

Homeopathic medicine.


In any way Homeopathy seems to be a good alternative here atleast to some level.

Hope you are not taking this issue lightly.


do regular pooja at shiva temple like abhisheka, nivedhya etc. Send a special

Coconut filled with ghee (Customery) to Sabarimala temple for him.


I also feel some ritual at a durga temple which was promised during his birth

was not fullfilled (though could be correctly accessed only through prashna),

like thulabhara etc.


If the record time is correct he may by gods grace & medical help be cured by

2014. But next two years please be extra carefull.  


Kalachakra dasa has to cross over to meena rasi and these years it is going

though kanya->thula->vrischika->meena.


May god bless him with long and healthy life.

 A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy






asha_ahlawat09 <asha_ahlawat09


Sat, December 5, 2009 7:08:06 PM




Dear Astrologers,


I have a son who suffers from seizures. He is on medication for the last two

years. The problem started sometime in oct-nov 2007. His details are as


DOB - 23 Dec 2000

time - 1623 hr

Place Wellington near Ooty(Tamil Nadu)

Request explain reasons for this ailment and suggest solutions










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Thank you very much for sharing the information with all of us. With good

clinical and medical help and medication, etc I pray that your child remains

well-managed despite this unfortunate affectation on one so young. I will try as

best as possible to reproduce my thoughts as they arose in my mind when I looked

at the chart. Please note that I use a custom-defined ayanamsha and savanmana.


When saturn is placed with a planet in lagna or near it, it often brings about a

challenge, a limitation, some sort of a confinement. In this case it is placed

close to jupiter which is the lord of 8th ( & 11th which is a positive

indication) and is opposite in nature to saturn -- the expansion and contraction

that signifies stress in the system at some level or several levels. Moreover,

the lagnesh and lord of 6th are placed in the 9th badhaksthana indicating that

both houses will experience limitations in terms of their expression. Venus also

is the atmakaraka in this chart and is placed in the pada of 6th house. Disease

expressed and yet could be managed (medically).


There is gajkeshari in this chart created by a 'strong' moon placed in kendra

from jupiter and lagna. But the strength is not helpful in this case, because

qualitatively moon is a malefic (being neecha) and hence will affect health and

alongwith another indicator, marital life. However, the latter is the least of

this child's problems or concerns right now! If this moon would have been weak

in bala, then that would have been a blessing in disguise, by simple logic and

from what I have observed and experienced in a large number of cases!


Mars being gnatikaraka has the ability to represent diseases and being in the

6th house and 8th pada, indicates a malady like seizure (uncontrollable muscular

activity of a vigorous and fatiguing nature). Mars links with venus in the V9

chart by being in trine and thus affects the very personal planet in this chart

(lagnesh, atmakaraka and dispositor for most planets except for saturn) adding

to the weight of evidence.


Now let us focus on the politics that is going on in the 8th house, an index of

obstacles and long term disease etc, something that can change the nature and

quality of life. People with diseases such as diabetes, cancer, asthma, seizures

often show negative influences in the 8th house. In this case, matri and

pitrikaraka mercury and sun are involved and both are very closely associated

with gulika which is a difficult factor. mercury involves the brain function and

seizure nearly always involves the brain and its activity. Notice that the

indicator of diseases in this chart (mars in 6th -- as indicated by Parashara in

Sudharshana nirnaya) is placed in dhanu navamsha and influences subtly mercury

(vulnerable due to association with gulika, low dignity and poor awasthas). Mars

is also placed in " vargottama " tula in drekkana (an important chart for the zone

of disease) and influences by kendra association the aries drekkana (represents

head and brain). Mars can indicate that the seizure 'surfaced' either after

excessive physical exertion or during a fever. The 6/8 house placement of sun

and mars makes me remind you to be cautious about any fevers the child has.

Treatment should be started sooner than would have been the case for other

children without seizure.


Since the birth epoch fulfils the requirements for Ashtottari, we shall use

those. Mercury-Venus-Saturn was operating during August 2007 to december 2007.

Mercury is in 8th in the star of ketu (also in 8th), venus is an especially

personal planet (lagnesh, shastesh, atmakaraka, predominant dispositor for all

planets) and placed in the star of mars which is placed in 6th and saturn as

described above is a negative influence which is placed in the star of sun

placed in the 8th. Please note that Vimshottari preferred by some for all charts

also shows involvement of mercury ketu and mars etc which also point in the same



With the upcoming dasas, it would be irresponsible of me to raise false hopes in

your mind, but due to the nature and distribution of influences, I am strongly

leaning towards the malady remaining manageable and under control with

medication, avoiding overexertion and overstimulation and keeping a peaceful

environment around the child. And try to act quickly when there are infections

and fever etc.


There is a very interesting feature in this chart that the mother and father can

play a significant participatory role. The mother will keep a fast on Tuesdays

and father will keep a fast on Wednesdays until such time when the child leaves



Also, if you are of religious nature, visiting a Hanuman Temple (or Kartikaya)

in the company of the child will be a useful practice. And above all, listen to

and follow medical advice!


Was there an instance of illness or accident or injury during 2003-2005 or so?

Just curious, not that it is important.


Good luck!








, " asha_ahlawat09 " <asha_ahlawat09



> Dear Astrologers,


> I have a son who suffers from seizures. He is on medication for the last two

years. The problem started sometime in oct-nov 2007. His details are as


> DOB - 23 Dec 2000

> time - 1623 hr

> Place Wellington near Ooty(Tamil Nadu)

> Request explain reasons for this ailment and suggest solutions

> Regards


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Asha Ji,

Your child has problem due to affliction of: Lagna lord Venus and moon in

vrischika in 7th is also afflicted.@nd and 5th lord mercury is also dasa lod in

8th in a fiery sign of jupitter.Lord of this house in lagna is with saturn

giving the native health problem mainly due to his circulation of blood.Boy

needs plenty of oxygen and accumulation of toxics in his urine and blood.he

needs medical advice.

Expectedly these problems due to antar dasa of Ketu and Venus.Gradula

improvement from jan 2010 could be expected and by middle of 2011,these problems

may be cured.

Remedies to ketu by worship of Mother Goddess.Prayers to Dattatreya and by

 giving regular water  put in a copper vessel over night with tulsi leaves 2-3

every day.Please do with faith even if you do not trust.God can be any one to

invoke to have faith.If your faith is Mary Mata,prya to mother.other wise

consult a peer for a taveez.




Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Sat, 12/5/09, asha_ahlawat09 <asha_ahlawat09 wrote:



asha_ahlawat09 <asha_ahlawat09



Saturday, December 5, 2009, 8:38 AM







Dear Astrologers,


I have a son who suffers from seizures. He is on medication for the last two

years. The problem started sometime in oct-nov 2007. His details are as


DOB - 23 Dec 2000

time - 1623 hr

Place Wellington near Ooty(Tamil Nadu)

Request explain reasons for this ailment and suggest solutions














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Besides lagna is vargotamma for this chart. Venus (Sukracharya) is the

lord of lagna and also atmakaraka. If you are religious nature the Maha

Mrityu mantra is beneficiary for the boy.Recite the manrta with the boy

always. BTW, how is the boy's health prior to Budha Dasa. I mean before

the year 2006.



rohinicrystal wrote:



> Thank you very much for sharing the information with all of us. With

> good clinical and medical help and medication, etc I pray that your

> child remains well-managed despite this unfortunate affectation on one

> so young. I will try as best as possible to reproduce my thoughts as

> they arose in my mind when I looked at the chart. Please note that I

> use a custom-defined ayanamsha and savanmana.


> When saturn is placed with a planet in lagna or near it, it often

> brings about a challenge, a limitation, some sort of a confinement. In

> this case it is placed close to jupiter which is the lord of 8th ( &

> 11th which is a positive indication) and is opposite in nature to

> saturn -- the expansion and contraction that signifies stress in the

> system at some level or several levels. Moreover, the lagnesh and lord

> of 6th are placed in the 9th badhaksthana indicating that both houses

> will experience limitations in terms of their expression. Venus also

> is the atmakaraka in this chart and is placed in the pada of 6th

> house. Disease expressed and yet could be managed (medically).


> There is gajkeshari in this chart created by a 'strong' moon placed in

> kendra from jupiter and lagna. But the strength is not helpful in this

> case, because qualitatively moon is a malefic (being neecha) and hence

> will affect health and alongwith another indicator, marital life.

> However, the latter is the least of this child's problems or concerns

> right now! If this moon would have been weak in bala, then that would

> have been a blessing in disguise, by simple logic and from what I have

> observed and experienced in a large number of cases!


> Mars being gnatikaraka has the ability to represent diseases and being

> in the 6th house and 8th pada, indicates a malady like seizure

> (uncontrollable muscular activity of a vigorous and fatiguing nature).

> Mars links with venus in the V9 chart by being in trine and thus

> affects the very personal planet in this chart (lagnesh, atmakaraka

> and dispositor for most planets except for saturn) adding to the

> weight of evidence.


> Now let us focus on the politics that is going on in the 8th house, an

> index of obstacles and long term disease etc, something that can

> change the nature and quality of life. People with diseases such as

> diabetes, cancer, asthma, seizures often show negative influences in

> the 8th house. In this case, matri and pitrikaraka mercury and sun are

> involved and both are very closely associated with gulika which is a

> difficult factor. mercury involves the brain function and seizure

> nearly always involves the brain and its activity. Notice that the

> indicator of diseases in this chart (mars in 6th -- as indicated by

> Parashara in Sudharshana nirnaya) is placed in dhanu navamsha and

> influences subtly mercury (vulnerable due to association with gulika,

> low dignity and poor awasthas). Mars is also placed in " vargottama "

> tula in drekkana (an important chart for the zone of disease) and

> influences by kendra association the aries drekkana (represents head

> and brain). Mars can indicate that the seizure 'surfaced' either after

> excessive physical exertion or during a fever. The 6/8 house placement

> of sun and mars makes me remind you to be cautious about any fevers

> the child has. Treatment should be started sooner than would have been

> the case for other children without seizure.


> Since the birth epoch fulfils the requirements for Ashtottari, we

> shall use those. Mercury-Venus-Saturn was operating during August 2007

> to december 2007. Mercury is in 8th in the star of ketu (also in 8th),

> venus is an especially personal planet (lagnesh, shastesh, atmakaraka,

> predominant dispositor for all planets) and placed in the star of mars

> which is placed in 6th and saturn as described above is a negative

> influence which is placed in the star of sun placed in the 8th. Please

> note that Vimshottari preferred by some for all charts also shows

> involvement of mercury ketu and mars etc which also point in the same

> direction!


> With the upcoming dasas, it would be irresponsible of me to raise

> false hopes in your mind, but due to the nature and distribution of

> influences, I am strongly leaning towards the malady remaining

> manageable and under control with medication, avoiding overexertion

> and overstimulation and keeping a peaceful environment around the

> child. And try to act quickly when there are infections and fever etc.


> There is a very interesting feature in this chart that the mother and

> father can play a significant participatory role. The mother will keep

> a fast on Tuesdays and father will keep a fast on Wednesdays until

> such time when the child leaves home!


> Also, if you are of religious nature, visiting a Hanuman Temple (or

> Kartikaya) in the company of the child will be a useful practice. And

> above all, listen to and follow medical advice!


> Was there an instance of illness or accident or injury during

> 2003-2005 or so? Just curious, not that it is important.


> Good luck!


> Rohiniranjan



> <%40>, " asha_ahlawat09 "

> <asha_ahlawat09 wrote:

> >

> > Dear Astrologers,

> >

> > I have a son who suffers from seizures. He is on medication for the

> last two years. The problem started sometime in oct-nov 2007. His

> details are as follows:-

> > DOB - 23 Dec 2000

> > time - 1623 hr

> > Place Wellington near Ooty(Tamil Nadu)

> > Request explain reasons for this ailment and suggest solutions

> > Regards

> >







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Mofie jee!


You forgot the important last FOUR letters when prescribing the mantra which

does 'render' a huge difference:


Between DEATH and DEATHlessNESS!







, Mofie Augustine <mofie108 wrote:


> Besides lagna is vargotamma for this chart. Venus (Sukracharya) is the

> lord of lagna and also atmakaraka. If you are religious nature the Maha

> Mrityu mantra is beneficiary for the boy.Recite the manrta with the boy

> always. BTW, how is the boy's health prior to Budha Dasa. I mean before

> the year 2006.


> Mofie

> rohinicrystal wrote:

> >

> >

> > Thank you very much for sharing the information with all of us. With

> > good clinical and medical help and medication, etc I pray that your

> > child remains well-managed despite this unfortunate affectation on one

> > so young. I will try as best as possible to reproduce my thoughts as

> > they arose in my mind when I looked at the chart. Please note that I

> > use a custom-defined ayanamsha and savanmana.

> >

> > When saturn is placed with a planet in lagna or near it, it often

> > brings about a challenge, a limitation, some sort of a confinement. In

> > this case it is placed close to jupiter which is the lord of 8th ( &

> > 11th which is a positive indication) and is opposite in nature to

> > saturn -- the expansion and contraction that signifies stress in the

> > system at some level or several levels. Moreover, the lagnesh and lord

> > of 6th are placed in the 9th badhaksthana indicating that both houses

> > will experience limitations in terms of their expression. Venus also

> > is the atmakaraka in this chart and is placed in the pada of 6th

> > house. Disease expressed and yet could be managed (medically).

> >

> > There is gajkeshari in this chart created by a 'strong' moon placed in

> > kendra from jupiter and lagna. But the strength is not helpful in this

> > case, because qualitatively moon is a malefic (being neecha) and hence

> > will affect health and alongwith another indicator, marital life.

> > However, the latter is the least of this child's problems or concerns

> > right now! If this moon would have been weak in bala, then that would

> > have been a blessing in disguise, by simple logic and from what I have

> > observed and experienced in a large number of cases!

> >

> > Mars being gnatikaraka has the ability to represent diseases and being

> > in the 6th house and 8th pada, indicates a malady like seizure

> > (uncontrollable muscular activity of a vigorous and fatiguing nature).

> > Mars links with venus in the V9 chart by being in trine and thus

> > affects the very personal planet in this chart (lagnesh, atmakaraka

> > and dispositor for most planets except for saturn) adding to the

> > weight of evidence.

> >

> > Now let us focus on the politics that is going on in the 8th house, an

> > index of obstacles and long term disease etc, something that can

> > change the nature and quality of life. People with diseases such as

> > diabetes, cancer, asthma, seizures often show negative influences in

> > the 8th house. In this case, matri and pitrikaraka mercury and sun are

> > involved and both are very closely associated with gulika which is a

> > difficult factor. mercury involves the brain function and seizure

> > nearly always involves the brain and its activity. Notice that the

> > indicator of diseases in this chart (mars in 6th -- as indicated by

> > Parashara in Sudharshana nirnaya) is placed in dhanu navamsha and

> > influences subtly mercury (vulnerable due to association with gulika,

> > low dignity and poor awasthas). Mars is also placed in " vargottama "

> > tula in drekkana (an important chart for the zone of disease) and

> > influences by kendra association the aries drekkana (represents head

> > and brain). Mars can indicate that the seizure 'surfaced' either after

> > excessive physical exertion or during a fever. The 6/8 house placement

> > of sun and mars makes me remind you to be cautious about any fevers

> > the child has. Treatment should be started sooner than would have been

> > the case for other children without seizure.

> >

> > Since the birth epoch fulfils the requirements for Ashtottari, we

> > shall use those. Mercury-Venus-Saturn was operating during August 2007

> > to december 2007. Mercury is in 8th in the star of ketu (also in 8th),

> > venus is an especially personal planet (lagnesh, shastesh, atmakaraka,

> > predominant dispositor for all planets) and placed in the star of mars

> > which is placed in 6th and saturn as described above is a negative

> > influence which is placed in the star of sun placed in the 8th. Please

> > note that Vimshottari preferred by some for all charts also shows

> > involvement of mercury ketu and mars etc which also point in the same

> > direction!

> >

> > With the upcoming dasas, it would be irresponsible of me to raise

> > false hopes in your mind, but due to the nature and distribution of

> > influences, I am strongly leaning towards the malady remaining

> > manageable and under control with medication, avoiding overexertion

> > and overstimulation and keeping a peaceful environment around the

> > child. And try to act quickly when there are infections and fever etc.

> >

> > There is a very interesting feature in this chart that the mother and

> > father can play a significant participatory role. The mother will keep

> > a fast on Tuesdays and father will keep a fast on Wednesdays until

> > such time when the child leaves home!

> >

> > Also, if you are of religious nature, visiting a Hanuman Temple (or

> > Kartikaya) in the company of the child will be a useful practice. And

> > above all, listen to and follow medical advice!

> >

> > Was there an instance of illness or accident or injury during

> > 2003-2005 or so? Just curious, not that it is important.

> >

> > Good luck!

> >

> > Rohiniranjan

> >

> >

> > <%40>, " asha_ahlawat09 "

> > <asha_ahlawat09@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Astrologers,

> > >

> > > I have a son who suffers from seizures. He is on medication for the

> > last two years. The problem started sometime in oct-nov 2007. His

> > details are as follows:-

> > > DOB - 23 Dec 2000

> > > time - 1623 hr

> > > Place Wellington near Ooty(Tamil Nadu)

> > > Request explain reasons for this ailment and suggest solutions

> > > Regards

> > >

> >

> >





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I'm Sorry Rohini Ji! Forgive me as I'm non Hindu. The mantra should be

Mrityunjaya Mantra:-


Om Tryambakkam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pustivardhanam Urvarookamiva

Bandhanaan Mrityormoksheeya Maamritaat.


Correct me if I am wrong.




P/S I'm very young Rohini Ji. Just call me Mofie.

rohinicrystal wrote:



> Mofie jee!


> You forgot the important last FOUR letters when prescribing the mantra

> which does 'render' a huge difference:


> Between DEATH and DEATHlessNESS!


> ;-)


> RR_,



> <%40>, Mofie Augustine

> <mofie108 wrote:

> >

> > Besides lagna is vargotamma for this chart. Venus (Sukracharya) is the

> > lord of lagna and also atmakaraka. If you are religious nature the Maha

> > Mrityu mantra is beneficiary for the boy.Recite the manrta with the boy

> > always. BTW, how is the boy's health prior to Budha Dasa. I mean before

> > the year 2006.

> >

> > Mofie

> > rohinicrystal wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Thank you very much for sharing the information with all of us. With

> > > good clinical and medical help and medication, etc I pray that your

> > > child remains well-managed despite this unfortunate affectation on

> one

> > > so young. I will try as best as possible to reproduce my thoughts as

> > > they arose in my mind when I looked at the chart. Please note that I

> > > use a custom-defined ayanamsha and savanmana.

> > >

> > > When saturn is placed with a planet in lagna or near it, it often

> > > brings about a challenge, a limitation, some sort of a

> confinement. In

> > > this case it is placed close to jupiter which is the lord of 8th ( &

> > > 11th which is a positive indication) and is opposite in nature to

> > > saturn -- the expansion and contraction that signifies stress in the

> > > system at some level or several levels. Moreover, the lagnesh and

> lord

> > > of 6th are placed in the 9th badhaksthana indicating that both houses

> > > will experience limitations in terms of their expression. Venus also

> > > is the atmakaraka in this chart and is placed in the pada of 6th

> > > house. Disease expressed and yet could be managed (medically).

> > >

> > > There is gajkeshari in this chart created by a 'strong' moon

> placed in

> > > kendra from jupiter and lagna. But the strength is not helpful in

> this

> > > case, because qualitatively moon is a malefic (being neecha) and

> hence

> > > will affect health and alongwith another indicator, marital life.

> > > However, the latter is the least of this child's problems or concerns

> > > right now! If this moon would have been weak in bala, then that would

> > > have been a blessing in disguise, by simple logic and from what I

> have

> > > observed and experienced in a large number of cases!

> > >

> > > Mars being gnatikaraka has the ability to represent diseases and

> being

> > > in the 6th house and 8th pada, indicates a malady like seizure

> > > (uncontrollable muscular activity of a vigorous and fatiguing

> nature).

> > > Mars links with venus in the V9 chart by being in trine and thus

> > > affects the very personal planet in this chart (lagnesh, atmakaraka

> > > and dispositor for most planets except for saturn) adding to the

> > > weight of evidence.

> > >

> > > Now let us focus on the politics that is going on in the 8th

> house, an

> > > index of obstacles and long term disease etc, something that can

> > > change the nature and quality of life. People with diseases such as

> > > diabetes, cancer, asthma, seizures often show negative influences in

> > > the 8th house. In this case, matri and pitrikaraka mercury and sun

> are

> > > involved and both are very closely associated with gulika which is a

> > > difficult factor. mercury involves the brain function and seizure

> > > nearly always involves the brain and its activity. Notice that the

> > > indicator of diseases in this chart (mars in 6th -- as indicated by

> > > Parashara in Sudharshana nirnaya) is placed in dhanu navamsha and

> > > influences subtly mercury (vulnerable due to association with gulika,

> > > low dignity and poor awasthas). Mars is also placed in " vargottama "

> > > tula in drekkana (an important chart for the zone of disease) and

> > > influences by kendra association the aries drekkana (represents head

> > > and brain). Mars can indicate that the seizure 'surfaced' either

> after

> > > excessive physical exertion or during a fever. The 6/8 house

> placement

> > > of sun and mars makes me remind you to be cautious about any fevers

> > > the child has. Treatment should be started sooner than would have

> been

> > > the case for other children without seizure.

> > >

> > > Since the birth epoch fulfils the requirements for Ashtottari, we

> > > shall use those. Mercury-Venus-Saturn was operating during August

> 2007

> > > to december 2007. Mercury is in 8th in the star of ketu (also in

> 8th),

> > > venus is an especially personal planet (lagnesh, shastesh,

> atmakaraka,

> > > predominant dispositor for all planets) and placed in the star of

> mars

> > > which is placed in 6th and saturn as described above is a negative

> > > influence which is placed in the star of sun placed in the 8th.

> Please

> > > note that Vimshottari preferred by some for all charts also shows

> > > involvement of mercury ketu and mars etc which also point in the same

> > > direction!

> > >

> > > With the upcoming dasas, it would be irresponsible of me to raise

> > > false hopes in your mind, but due to the nature and distribution of

> > > influences, I am strongly leaning towards the malady remaining

> > > manageable and under control with medication, avoiding overexertion

> > > and overstimulation and keeping a peaceful environment around the

> > > child. And try to act quickly when there are infections and fever etc.

> > >

> > > There is a very interesting feature in this chart that the mother and

> > > father can play a significant participatory role. The mother will

> keep

> > > a fast on Tuesdays and father will keep a fast on Wednesdays until

> > > such time when the child leaves home!

> > >

> > > Also, if you are of religious nature, visiting a Hanuman Temple (or

> > > Kartikaya) in the company of the child will be a useful practice. And

> > > above all, listen to and follow medical advice!

> > >

> > > Was there an instance of illness or accident or injury during

> > > 2003-2005 or so? Just curious, not that it is important.

> > >

> > > Good luck!

> > >

> > > Rohiniranjan

> > >

> > >

> <%40>

> > > <%40>, " asha_ahlawat09 "

> > > <asha_ahlawat09@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Astrologers,

> > > >

> > > > I have a son who suffers from seizures. He is on medication for the

> > > last two years. The problem started sometime in oct-nov 2007. His

> > > details are as follows:-

> > > > DOB - 23 Dec 2000

> > > > time - 1623 hr

> > > > Place Wellington near Ooty(Tamil Nadu)

> > > > Request explain reasons for this ailment and suggest solutions

> > > > Regards

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Astrologers,

Thank you all for you kind and thoughtful suggestions




, " utkal.panigrahi " <utkal.panigrahi



> Aasha Ji,


> As Rohini Ji said, The son needs to be put in proper medication,

Astrologically, the time of improvement begins from Jun 2010, In fact, better

results of mediciines will begin from Last week of Dec09 as Venus (Vaidya) sub

period has already begun but clarity will come by Jun 2010.


> Mercury (Budha) has caused this disease to your son as it's in conjunction

with Ketu, obscured by Sun, and 8'th lord jup is in lagna.


> This is 6'th - 7'th case of this sort I came across.


> I w'd request you to recall Sri Krishna's sharan, his blessings will help your

son, Get a moti (pearl) to son in sukla pakschha (when moon is visible in sky on

monday morning).


> I wish all the best.


> Utkal Panigrahi.






> , " Sudhir " <taurus.sudhir@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Asha,

> >

> > Her Moon is weak by debilitation and afflicted. Should be strengthened by

wearing Pearl.

> >

> > Mercury in 8th also should be strengthened by wearing Emerald. The gems

should be worn in suitable muhurta.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Sudhir.

> >


> >

> > -

> > asha_ahlawat09

> >

> > Saturday, December 05, 2009 7:08 PM

> > remedy

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Astrologers,

> >

> > I have a son who suffers from seizures. He is on medication for the last

two years. The problem started sometime in oct-nov 2007. His details are as


> > DOB - 23 Dec 2000

> > time - 1623 hr

> > Place Wellington near Ooty(Tamil Nadu)

> > Request explain reasons for this ailment and suggest solutions

> > Regards

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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