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Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all

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Dear Members,

I thought to share the following with the members;

with greetings,

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- -------

People are living in their own world though in global village ; in unit system (

prveiously in a joint family system- collective way ) a very individualistic

style ( foolish selfish style rather than intelligent way). In fact, following

two  mentioned steps in yoga( out of eight ) , need thorough understanding and

real life practice. If we can follow these steps, I feel, we have done the major

part of the Yoga.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Patanjali Yoga


Often called the " father of yoga, " Patanjali  codified his thoughts and

knowledge of yoga in The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. In this work, Patanjali

compiled 195 sutras or concise aphorisms that are essentially an ethical

blueprint for living a moral life and incorporating the science of yoga into

your life.  

In a world where we reduce nearly everything to quick tips and sound bites,

Patanjali seems to fit right in with his brief 195 guidelines to


The Yoga Sutra is considered the fundamental text on the system of yoga, and yet

you wont find the description of a single posture or asana in it. This is a

guide for living the right life. Essentially, Patanjali says, you can't practice

asanas in yoga class, feel the stretch, and then go home to play with your kids,

cook a meal, yell at your employees, and cheat on your taxes. There is more to

yoga than that — yoga can help youcultivate body, mind, and spiritual


The heart of Patanjali's teachings is the eightfold path of yoga. It is also

called the eight limbs of Patanjali, because they intertwine like the branches

of a tree in the forest. These aren't commandments (although they sometimes

sound like them), laws, or hard and fast rules. These are Patanjali's

suggestions for living a better life through yoga. Here are the eight limbs of


1. Yama

Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around you. (

Empathy is the most important aspect ) .These are moral principles. Sometimes

they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt nots. There are five yamas:

* Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or deed. In his

book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks Mahatma Gandhi the

definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, " The avoidance of harm to any living creature

in thought or deed. " Yogananda asked if one could kill a cobra to protect a

child. Gandhi maintained he would still hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, " I

must confess that I could not serenely carry on this conversation were I faced

by a cobra. "  

* Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income taxes falls

into this category.  

* Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car) orintangibles

such as the center of attention or your child's chance to learn responsibility

or independence by doing something on his own.

* Nonlust (brahmacharya). Don't worry; this is not a call to celibacy. Many

yogis of old were married and had families of their own. The person who

practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual encounters and, as the

well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, " sees divinity in all. "

* Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha). Free yourself from greed, hoarding, and

collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog the

conversation every time you see your friends?Make your life as simple as


2. Niyama

Niyama isinner discipline and responsibility, how we treat ourselves. These are

sometimes called observances, the do's, or the thou shalts. There are five


* Purity (shauca). Purity is achieved through the practice of the five yamas,

which help clear away the negative physical and mental states of being. Keep

yourself, your clothing, and your surroundings clean. Eat fresh and healthy

food. The next time you joke about treating your body like a temple, think of

this niyama. 

* Contentment (santosha). Cultivate contentment and tranquility by finding

happiness with what you have and who you are. Seek happiness in the moment, take

responsibility for where you are, and choose to grow from there. 

* Austerity (tapas). Show discipline in body, speech, and mind. The purpose of

developing self-discipline is not to become ascetic, but to control and direct

the mind and body for higher spiritual aims or purposes.

* Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Study sacred texts, which are whatever

books are relevant to you and inspire and teach you. Education changes a

person's outlook on life. As Iyengar says, a person starts " to realize that all

creation is meant for bhakti (adoration) rather than for bhoga (enjoyment), that

all creation is divine, that there is divinity within himself and that the

energy which moves him is the same that moves the entire universe. "

* Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana). Be devoted to

God, Buddha, or whatever you consider divine.

* The above mentioned  Yama and Niyama are necessary for all.I am sharing

this message with you by the courtesy of Shadbhawana group/Davendra Ji.You may

also Join this group for your spritual upliftment.

* With thanks & regards,

        Dhirendra Nath Misra







Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra


Sat, December 12, 2009 2:22:49 PM

Att.Vattem Sir and learned members: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart



Dear Bharat Ji,[1]In any case your Correct time of birth can't be 06:18AM

because it is not in accordance with rules regarding rectification of birth

time.I took Lahiri,K.P,Raman etc ayanamsas and 6:18AM time to calculate

S/L ,SS/L of ascendant and Star lord ,Sub lord of Moon.I found that S/L ,SS/

L of ascendant are not equal to Star lord,Sub lord of Moon.Besides this

rectification of birth time rule is applicable with in only 30 minutes.Hence

there is no sense to addopt 6:18AM time as your correct birth time.

But the Correct birth time for Lahiri ayanamsa will be 05:48:27AM,for K.P

ayanamsa birth time will be 5:47:59AM and for Raman ayanamsa

correct birth time will be 5:43:07AM.Because at that rectified Sub Lord,SS Lord

of ascendant is equal to Sub Lord of Moon and Star Lord of Moon.This rectified

time for each system is in accordance with rule.

You are not manglic in any case and there is no Mars Dosh in your Kundali.

If you don't believe even in correct rectificatio n of birth time,you should

take up your own reported birth time 5:45AM as Correct birth time.

But it is wrong to accept 6:18AM in any case.

The latest definition of Mars Dosha,as per K.P.,that I have, goes like this

....      Mars Dosha is said to be present only if : " Mars in Sun's star,or

it's own star,if posited in the Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII counted from Moon

or Venus is said to cause Mars Dosha... "

                                   One may ask

as to,why should Mars be considered evil only when it signifies the Houses

I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII from Lagna,Moon or Venus ?


Lagna denotes health and longevity and personal characteristics. As Lagna will

become a Maraka House to the VIIth, i.e., partner or wife...


The IInd house denotes the happiness of the Family,and domestic life,increase/

decrease in the number of the Family by marriage and birth of children and death

of children...

Further the IInd house is the VIIIth to the VIIth,showing danger to the



The IVth house denotes domestic environments. ..Our Sages have declared that

evil planets occupying the IVth or VIIIth from a Bhava spoils the Bhava...hence

Mars on IV is eil to the Ascendant,i. e., to the health and belongings of the



The VIIth house shows the legal bondage,and the wife/husband of the native,in

other words, the longevity of the native or his/her wife/husband. ..Hence the

positioning of Mars in VII is not conducive to the health,longevity  etc.,


  5)  The VIIIth house shows the difficultiesof the native and the finance

and fortune of his/her partner...as well as their longevity...


The VIIIth is also known as the Mangalyasthana, i.e., the duration of the

married life...again, therefore Mars in the VIIIth is evil...


        7)  The XIIth house stands for the real pleasure the partners

derove,,the deception,loss etc...

                                   The above

explains the rationale of the houses being considered for the occupation by

Mars,as evil...or MARS DOSHA... !

With thanks and regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Sat, December 12, 2009 6:47:25 AM

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart



Dear Bharat Ji,

U will be considered fortunate if you happen to be virgo,as Manglik effcet

effect will be nullifies.,For simha born people how ever sun as a ruler of the

sign will not impact manglik dosha effects.

The problems of relationships with spouse and other have to be faced by leo

rooted people as they tend to be dominating,exercise their desires and seek

fulfilment.leos ar think and act like rulers and spend time away from others in

a indolent fashion.so in a way mangal during dasa may not act adversely as

relation between mangal and surya is very in timate.

2.Your other issues if any can be looked into through chalit chart,divisional

chart based on your original timing of birth not the corrected one.Let your

purohit;s conviction be used for his own advices for tarabalam,fixing of good

time for panchangam purpose.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Fri, 12/11/09, bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Friday, December 11, 2009, 1:23 PM






Thanks to everyone for the response and their valuable suggestions.


I posted this question on the forum to know weather i am Manglik or not. On

going through the Astrology software's (Parashara's, kundli-Pro) it has put me

in doubt that which horoscope to consider.


I inquired with the PanditJee again and he said that at the given time

(24-sep-1982 05:45 AM) of birth the Lagna (Virgo) in Hissar(Haryana) was at zero



It affects the persons born at that time. Its because of that my Lagna has

become 'Virgo' and not the 'Leo'.


I will be very thankful if some one can guide me weather i am manglik or not and

when are the chances for me of getting married.


Thanks In Advance,



, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>



> so sir,

> " software " and " bush " r hand in hand

> he one is for the other.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)



> --- On Thu, 12/10/09, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:



> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>

> Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


> Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:59 PM







> Agreed! And this *bush* does not even have the initials 'G.W' and hence any

'battery' or aggression would constitute as cruelty towards innocent Software!



> RR_,


> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>


> >

> > If the soft ware person( as one asking) can not explain,Pandit ji who change

timing can never be able to explain.

> > we r beating the bush

> >

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > (For all counseling services)

> >  

> >

> > --- On Thu, 12/10/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...>

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Thursday, December 10, 2009, 4:16 AM

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Prashant ji,

> >

> > Here the question is regarding the correct TOB and " Zero crossing over " and

HENCE the TOB should be 6:18 instead of 5:45AM. a difference of 33mnts.

> >

> > What is this zero crossing over? Is it planets at the edge of signs?

> > I have given below the planetory positions for both the times as per lahiri

& raman ayanamsa.

> >

> > As per Lahiri it is impossible for the planet positions to have changed as

he had stated within 33 mnts except that of lagna.

> >

> > However as per Raman Ayanamsa, Saturn has crossed to Thula sign but not on

that day.

> >

> > The point is even if the planets has crossed to other sign, assuming that

software is wrong, how does it alter the TOB?.

> >

> > Lahiri Ayanamsa.

> > 5:45AM


> > Asc-- 149.21-  29.21- Simh

> > Sun-- 157.01-  7.01-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43-  22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.22-  26.22- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.07-  9.07-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36-  16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.35-  28.35- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.22-  24.22- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29--  15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29-  15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16-  25.16- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 156.37-  6.37-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 157.03-  7.03-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43-  22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.24-  26.24- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.08-  9.08-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36-  16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.36-  28.36- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.39-  24.39- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29--  15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29-  15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16-  25.16- Karkat

> > Raman Ayanama

> > 5:45AM

> > Asc-- 150.48-  0.48-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.28- 8.28-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1--  24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.49-  27.49- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.34-  10.34- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.02-  18.02- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02-  0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 235.49-  25.49- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55--  16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55-  16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02-  28.02- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 158.04-  8.04-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.29-  8.29-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1--  24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.5--  27.5-- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.35-  10.35- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.03-  18.03- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02-  0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 236.05-  26.05- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55--  16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55-  16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02-  28.02- Karkat

> >

> >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 1:41:22 PM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> >  

> > Dear Suresh ji,, Krishna ji,

> >

> > true we cant find such comments based one a particular fancy or leaning and

with no mention if the sw is a standad product I've seen some s/w give errors on

slow moving grahas sani, Kuja even JHora has some diff with respect to Parashara

Light, Visual jyotish and what we r using with ICAS, IAS and my team have worked


> >

> > IAS was 1st started by K ashwattappa Indian astrological studies, is still

functioning in chennai and later its members were part of the INITIAL team of

ICAS co-founded by B V RAMAN ji iad joined it just at that time

> >

> > i did my classical works training under ashwatappa and c a padnabham in IAS


> > B5 ICAS came up with its sylabus.

> >

> > on the s/w I have read sri KN RAO ji saw for Indian bron use s/w developed

in India and for American ones sue the american developed ones this is max I can

understand, may be as more of local cordinates database is available in

respective developed countries for good calculations, else can't find logic here


> >

> > but PL has over 15 laks places all over the world and uses a good atlas.

> >


> >

> > I use B V Raman's Ayanamsa only so Dasa, Vargas, Dates will differ from non

Raman's. Pl provide important dates in ur life while posting to verify ur birth

data and to help Lagna verification provide a picture in the Pictures folder in

the group either in the Lagna/rasi one or unknown folder. Consultations outside

the group or to my personal ID are chargeable. see Database section in the group

for more.- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 11:49:25 AM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Dear Bharat,

> >

> > This is weirdest case I have come across about tob correction and

allegations against computerised horoscopes by local astrologers.

> >

> > what zero degree chane is he talking about?

> >

> > If your recorded time 5:45AM make the chart for that time only. Let him

believe whatever he wants.

> >

> > Your time will not chage to 6:18AM.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 12:44:59 AM

> > Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I am Bharat and working as a software professional in bangalore.

> >

> > My date of Birth is 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > If my Lagan chart is prepared using the date mentioned above it comes as

> > shown below:

> >

> > Lagna Chart acc. to [ 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM ] Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > Ist House - No.5 -- ven

> > 2nd House - No.6 -- sun, mer, sat

> > 3rd House - No.7 -- jup

> > 4th House - No.8 -- mar, moon

> > 5th House - No.9 -- ketu

> > 6th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 11th House - No.3 -- rah

> > 12th House - No.4 -- ---

> >

> > According to our pandit jee for the above given date of birth there

> > was some Zero degree change occured which we need to consider.

> >

> > He said computer can not make accurate kundli as it don't consider the

> > above fact.

> > According to him computer will give the below chart if the time is

> > changed to 06:18 Am

> > and my date of birth will become then 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM

> > Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > My Lagna Chart acc to [ 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM ] Hissar(Harayana) as

> > follows:

> >

> > Ist House - No.6 -- Sun, Mer, Sat

> > 2nd House - No.7 -- Jup

> > 3rd House - No.8 -- Mar, Mon

> > 4th House - No.9 -- Ket

> > 5th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 6th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.3 -- Rah

> > 11th House - No.4 -- ---

> > 12th House - No.5 -- Ven

> >

> > Please guide me which lagan chart should i consider.

> >

> > Thanks and Regards,

> > Bharat

> >

> >

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Dear Shri Dhirendra ji and other members

1.Like we have different views and approaches in vedic Jyotish,we have also felt

difference in every walk of life for modesty,simplicity and yogabhyas.The school

of thought continues to be different.But their guidnace certainly useful like

our jyotish if one wants to avail.

These centers/units have been helping the mankind.Their reach for guidnce to

common man was made feasible through media.Metros and cities aware of the

ancient Indianised yoga are now have recognition over the universe.Earlier in

1060 it was only Iyyengar who was prominent but in reach of people out side


2.We have been associated with the Patanjali Yoga, as established and advocated

under the astute guidance of Baba Ram Dev for almost a decade.He has extensivelt

toured the country and elsewhere. we were fortunate enough to have his blessinga

and guidance.He has also established centers which are in the reach of almost

60% of common man.

Before that we had fortune enough to have the renownened Yoga Kendra from Munger

of Bihar.

3.There are people believing in the ying yang ,aerobic and anaerobic and other

forms practised for improving the quality of living.

we only advocate and express and never be in imposing manner to say what is good

or bad for any body.

4.when v thought as vedic Astrology to guide about unknown things it is only we

base on some data.we have varied ways to interpret and convey our view.So let us

continue to serve in our own humble sense for the good of one and and with out

any prejudice.

The objective of this forum are clear ,unambiguouse as jyotish rmedies but not

for the sake of a particular way,method,idealogy and school of thought.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Sat, 12/12/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra wrote:



Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra

Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Saturday, December 12, 2009, 1:36 PM







Dear Members,

I thought to share the following with the members;

with greetings,

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- -------

People are living in their own world though in global village ; in unit system (

prveiously in a joint family system- collective way ) a very individualistic

style ( foolish selfish style rather than intelligent way). In fact, following

two  mentioned steps in yoga( out of eight ) , need thorough understanding and

real life practice. If we can follow these steps, I feel, we have done the major

part of the Yoga.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Patanjali Yoga


Often called the " father of yoga, " Patanjali  codified his thoughts and

knowledge of yoga in The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. In this work, Patanjali

compiled 195 sutras or concise aphorisms that are essentially an ethical

blueprint for living a moral life and incorporating the science of yoga into

your life.  

In a world where we reduce nearly everything to quick tips and sound bites,

Patanjali seems to fit right in with his brief 195 guidelines to


The Yoga Sutra is considered the fundamental text on the system of yoga, and yet

you wont find the description of a single posture or asana in it. This is a

guide for living the right life. Essentially, Patanjali says, you can't practice

asanas in yoga class, feel the stretch, and then go home to play with your kids,

cook a meal, yell at your employees, and cheat on your taxes. There is more to

yoga than that — yoga can help youcultivate body, mind, and spiritual


The heart of Patanjali's teachings is the eightfold path of yoga. It is also

called the eight limbs of Patanjali, because they intertwine like the branches

of a tree in the forest. These aren't commandments (although they sometimes

sound like them), laws, or hard and fast rules. These are Patanjali's

suggestions for living a better life through yoga. Here are the eight limbs of


1. Yama

Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around you. (

Empathy is the most important aspect ) .These are moral principles. Sometimes

they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt nots. There are five yamas:

* Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or deed. In his

book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks Mahatma Gandhi the

definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, " The avoidance of harm to any living creature

in thought or deed. " Yogananda asked if one could kill a cobra to protect a

child. Gandhi maintained he would still hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, " I

must confess that I could not serenely carry on this conversation were I faced

by a cobra. "  

* Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income taxes falls

into this category.  

* Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car) orintangibles such

as the center of attention or your child's chance to learn responsibility or

independence by doing something on his own.

* Nonlust (brahmacharya) . Don't worry; this is not a call to celibacy. Many

yogis of old were married and had families of their own. The person who

practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual encounters and, as the

well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, " sees divinity in all. "

* Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha) . Free yourself from greed, hoarding, and

collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog the

conversation every time you see your friends?Make your life as simple as


2. Niyama

Niyama isinner discipline and responsibility, how we treat ourselves. These are

sometimes called observances, the do's, or the thou shalts. There are five


* Purity (shauca). Purity is achieved through the practice of the five yamas,

which help clear away the negative physical and mental states of being. Keep

yourself, your clothing, and your surroundings clean. Eat fresh and healthy

food. The next time you joke about treating your body like a temple, think of

this niyama. 

* Contentment (santosha). Cultivate contentment and tranquility by finding

happiness with what you have and who you are. Seek happiness in the moment, take

responsibility for where you are, and choose to grow from there. 

* Austerity (tapas). Show discipline in body, speech, and mind. The purpose of

developing self-discipline is not to become ascetic, but to control and direct

the mind and body for higher spiritual aims or purposes.

* Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Study sacred texts, which are whatever

books are relevant to you and inspire and teach you. Education changes a

person's outlook on life. As Iyengar says, a person starts " to realize that all

creation is meant for bhakti (adoration) rather than for bhoga (enjoyment), that

all creation is divine, that there is divinity within himself and that the

energy which moves him is the same that moves the entire universe. "

* Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana ). Be devoted to

God, Buddha, or whatever you consider divine.

* The above mentioned  Yama and Niyama are necessary for all.I am sharing this

message with you by the courtesy of Shadbhawana group/Davendra Ji.You may also

Join this group for your spritual upliftment.

* With thanks & regards,

        Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra@ ymail.com>


Sat, December 12, 2009 2:22:49 PM

Att.Vattem Sir and learned members: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart



Dear Bharat Ji,[1]In any case your Correct time of birth can't be 06:18AM

because it is not in accordance with rules regarding rectification of birth

time.I took Lahiri,K.P,Raman etc ayanamsas and 6:18AM time to calculate

S/L ,SS/L of ascendant and Star lord ,Sub lord of Moon.I found that S/L ,SS/

L of ascendant are not equal to Star lord,Sub lord of Moon.Besides this

rectification of birth time rule is applicable with in only 30 minutes.Hence

there is no sense to addopt 6:18AM time as your correct birth time.

But the Correct birth time for Lahiri ayanamsa will be 05:48:27AM,for K.P

ayanamsa birth time will be 5:47:59AM and for Raman ayanamsa

correct birth time will be 5:43:07AM.Because at that rectified Sub Lord,SS Lord

of ascendant is equal to Sub Lord of Moon and Star Lord of Moon.This rectified

time for each system is in accordance with rule.

You are not manglic in any case and there is no Mars Dosh in your Kundali.

If you don't believe even in correct rectificatio n of birth time,you should

take up your own reported birth time 5:45AM as Correct birth time.

But it is wrong to accept 6:18AM in any case.

The latest definition of Mars Dosha,as per K.P.,that I have, goes like this

....      Mars Dosha is said to be present only if : " Mars in Sun's star,or

it's own star,if posited in the Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII counted from Moon

or Venus is said to cause Mars Dosha... "

                                   One may ask

as to,why should Mars be considered evil only when it signifies the Houses

I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII from Lagna,Moon or Venus ?


Lagna denotes health and longevity and personal characteristics. As Lagna will

become a Maraka House to the VIIth, i.e., partner or wife...


The IInd house denotes the happiness of the Family,and domestic life,increase/

decrease in the number of the Family by marriage and birth of children and death

of children...

Further the IInd house is the VIIIth to the VIIth,showing danger to the



The IVth house denotes domestic environments. ..Our Sages have declared that

evil planets occupying the IVth or VIIIth from a Bhava spoils the Bhava...hence

Mars on IV is eil to the Ascendant,i. e., to the health and belongings of the



The VIIth house shows the legal bondage,and the wife/husband of the native,in

other words, the longevity of the native or his/her wife/husband. ..Hence the

positioning of Mars in VII is not conducive to the health,longevity  etc.,


  5)  The VIIIth house shows the difficultiesof the native and the finance

and fortune of his/her partner...as well as their longevity...


The VIIIth is also known as the Mangalyasthana, i.e., the duration of the

married life...again, therefore Mars in the VIIIth is evil...


        7)  The XIIth house stands for the real pleasure the partners

derove,,the deception,loss etc...

                                   The above

explains the rationale of the houses being considered for the occupation by

Mars,as evil...or MARS DOSHA... !

With thanks and regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Sat, December 12, 2009 6:47:25 AM

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart



Dear Bharat Ji,

U will be considered fortunate if you happen to be virgo,as Manglik effcet

effect will be nullifies.,For simha born people how ever sun as a ruler of the

sign will not impact manglik dosha effects.

The problems of relationships with spouse and other have to be faced by leo

rooted people as they tend to be dominating,exercise their desires and seek

fulfilment.leos ar think and act like rulers and spend time away from others in

a indolent fashion.so in a way mangal during dasa may not act adversely as

relation between mangal and surya is very in timate.

2.Your other issues if any can be looked into through chalit chart,divisional

chart based on your original timing of birth not the corrected one.Let your

purohit;s conviction be used for his own advices for tarabalam,fixing of good

time for panchangam purpose.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Fri, 12/11/09, bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Friday, December 11, 2009, 1:23 PM






Thanks to everyone for the response and their valuable suggestions.


I posted this question on the forum to know weather i am Manglik or not. On

going through the Astrology software's (Parashara's, kundli-Pro) it has put me

in doubt that which horoscope to consider.


I inquired with the PanditJee again and he said that at the given time

(24-sep-1982 05:45 AM) of birth the Lagna (Virgo) in Hissar(Haryana) was at zero



It affects the persons born at that time. Its because of that my Lagna has

become 'Virgo' and not the 'Leo'.


I will be very thankful if some one can guide me weather i am manglik or not and

when are the chances for me of getting married.


Thanks In Advance,



, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>



> so sir,

> " software " and " bush " r hand in hand

> he one is for the other.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)



> --- On Thu, 12/10/09, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:



> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>

> Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


> Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:59 PM







> Agreed! And this *bush* does not even have the initials 'G.W' and hence any

'battery' or aggression would constitute as cruelty towards innocent Software!



> RR_,


> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>


> >

> > If the soft ware person( as one asking) can not explain,Pandit ji who change

timing can never be able to explain.

> > we r beating the bush

> >

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > (For all counseling services)

> >  

> >

> > --- On Thu, 12/10/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...>

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Thursday, December 10, 2009, 4:16 AM

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Prashant ji,

> >

> > Here the question is regarding the correct TOB and " Zero crossing over " and

HENCE the TOB should be 6:18 instead of 5:45AM. a difference of 33mnts.

> >

> > What is this zero crossing over? Is it planets at the edge of signs?

> > I have given below the planetory positions for both the times as per lahiri

& raman ayanamsa.

> >

> > As per Lahiri it is impossible for the planet positions to have changed as

he had stated within 33 mnts except that of lagna.

> >

> > However as per Raman Ayanamsa, Saturn has crossed to Thula sign but not on

that day.

> >

> > The point is even if the planets has crossed to other sign, assuming that

software is wrong, how does it alter the TOB?.

> >

> > Lahiri Ayanamsa.

> > 5:45AM


> > Asc-- 149.21-  29.21- Simh

> > Sun-- 157.01-  7.01-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43-  22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.22-  26.22- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.07-  9.07-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36-  16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.35-  28.35- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.22-  24.22- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29--  15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29-  15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16-  25.16- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 156.37-  6.37-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 157.03-  7.03-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43-  22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.24-  26.24- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.08-  9.08-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36-  16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.36-  28.36- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.39-  24.39- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29--  15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29-  15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16-  25.16- Karkat

> > Raman Ayanama

> > 5:45AM

> > Asc-- 150.48-  0.48-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.28- 8.28-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1--  24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.49-  27.49- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.34-  10.34- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.02-  18.02- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02-  0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 235.49-  25.49- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55--  16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55-  16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02-  28.02- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 158.04-  8.04-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.29-  8.29-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1--  24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.5--  27.5-- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.35-  10.35- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.03-  18.03- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02-  0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 236.05-  26.05- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55--  16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55-  16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02-  28.02- Karkat

> >

> >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 1:41:22 PM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> >  

> > Dear Suresh ji,, Krishna ji,

> >

> > true we cant find such comments based one a particular fancy or leaning and

with no mention if the sw is a standad product I've seen some s/w give errors on

slow moving grahas sani, Kuja even JHora has some diff with respect to Parashara

Light, Visual jyotish and what we r using with ICAS, IAS and my team have worked


> >

> > IAS was 1st started by K ashwattappa Indian astrological studies, is still

functioning in chennai and later its members were part of the INITIAL team of

ICAS co-founded by B V RAMAN ji iad joined it just at that time

> >

> > i did my classical works training under ashwatappa and c a padnabham in IAS


> > B5 ICAS came up with its sylabus.

> >

> > on the s/w I have read sri KN RAO ji saw for Indian bron use s/w developed

in India and for American ones sue the american developed ones this is max I can

understand, may be as more of local cordinates database is available in

respective developed countries for good calculations, else can't find logic here


> >

> > but PL has over 15 laks places all over the world and uses a good atlas.

> >


> >

> > I use B V Raman's Ayanamsa only so Dasa, Vargas, Dates will differ from non

Raman's. Pl provide important dates in ur life while posting to verify ur birth

data and to help Lagna verification provide a picture in the Pictures folder in

the group either in the Lagna/rasi one or unknown folder. Consultations outside

the group or to my personal ID are chargeable. see Database section in the group

for more.- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 11:49:25 AM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Dear Bharat,

> >

> > This is weirdest case I have come across about tob correction and

allegations against computerised horoscopes by local astrologers.

> >

> > what zero degree chane is he talking about?

> >

> > If your recorded time 5:45AM make the chart for that time only. Let him

believe whatever he wants.

> >

> > Your time will not chage to 6:18AM.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 12:44:59 AM

> > Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I am Bharat and working as a software professional in bangalore.

> >

> > My date of Birth is 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > If my Lagan chart is prepared using the date mentioned above it comes as

> > shown below:

> >

> > Lagna Chart acc. to [ 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM ] Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > Ist House - No.5 -- ven

> > 2nd House - No.6 -- sun, mer, sat

> > 3rd House - No.7 -- jup

> > 4th House - No.8 -- mar, moon

> > 5th House - No.9 -- ketu

> > 6th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 11th House - No.3 -- rah

> > 12th House - No.4 -- ---

> >

> > According to our pandit jee for the above given date of birth there

> > was some Zero degree change occured which we need to consider.

> >

> > He said computer can not make accurate kundli as it don't consider the

> > above fact.

> > According to him computer will give the below chart if the time is

> > changed to 06:18 Am

> > and my date of birth will become then 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM

> > Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > My Lagna Chart acc to [ 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM ] Hissar(Harayana) as

> > follows:

> >

> > Ist House - No.6 -- Sun, Mer, Sat

> > 2nd House - No.7 -- Jup

> > 3rd House - No.8 -- Mar, Mon

> > 4th House - No.9 -- Ket

> > 5th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 6th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.3 -- Rah

> > 11th House - No.4 -- ---

> > 12th House - No.5 -- Ven

> >

> > Please guide me which lagan chart should i consider.

> >

> > Thanks and Regards,

> > Bharat

> >

> >

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Misra ji


a timely post more often HEALTH IS WEALTH and prevention beter than cure here

even under stress, sickness or disorders like BP, sugar, hear disirders, back

aches, asthma, etc can be set in order with good yoga, pranayama mix at least a

few of what ramdev sha shwon us so often on TV some of the tips go a long way


time for ppl to value, practice or rich traditional model of life as part of

they regular daily routine


.- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

/database?method=reportRows & tbl=6







Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra


Sun, December 13, 2009 12:06:00 AM

Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Dear Members,

I thought to share the following with the members;

with greetings,

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- -------

People are living in their own world though in global village ; in unit system (

prveiously in a joint family system- collective way ) a very individualistic

style ( foolish selfish style rather than intelligent way). In fact, following

two mentioned steps in yoga( out of eight ) , need thorough understanding and

real life practice. If we can follow these steps, I feel, we have done the major

part of the Yoga.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Patanjali Yoga


Often called the " father of yoga, " Patanjali codified his thoughts and

knowledge of yoga in The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. In this work, Patanjali

compiled 195 sutras or concise aphorisms that are essentially an ethical

blueprint for living a moral life and incorporating the science of yoga into

your life.

In a world where we reduce nearly everything to quick tips and sound bites,

Patanjali seems to fit right in with his brief 195 guidelines to enlightenment.

The Yoga Sutra is considered the fundamental text on the system of yoga, and yet

you wont find the description of a single posture or asana in it. This is a

guide for living the right life. Essentially, Patanjali says, you can't practice

asanas in yoga class, feel the stretch, and then go home to play with your kids,

cook a meal, yell at your employees, and cheat on your taxes. There is more to

yoga than that — yoga can help youcultivate body, mind, and spiritual


The heart of Patanjali's teachings is the eightfold path of yoga. It is also

called the eight limbs of Patanjali, because they intertwine like the branches

of a tree in the forest. These aren't commandments (although they sometimes

sound like them), laws, or hard and fast rules. These are Patanjali's

suggestions for living a better life through yoga. Here are the eight limbs of


1. Yama

Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around you. (

Empathy is the most important aspect ) .These are moral principles. Sometimes

they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt nots. There are five yamas:

* Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or deed. In his

book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks Mahatma Gandhi the

definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, " The avoidance of harm to any living creature

in thought or deed. " Yogananda asked if one could kill a cobra to protect a

child. Gandhi maintained he would still hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, " I

must confess that I could not serenely carry on this conversation were I faced

by a cobra. "

* Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income taxes falls

into this category.

* Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car) orintangibles such

as the center of attention or your child's chance to learn responsibility or

independence by doing something on his own.

* Nonlust (brahmacharya) . Don't worry; this is not a call to celibacy. Many

yogis of old were married and had families of their own. The person who

practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual encounters and, as the

well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, " sees divinity in all. "

* Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha) . Free yourself from greed, hoarding, and

collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog the

conversation every time you see your friends?Make your life as simple as


2. Niyama

Niyama isinner discipline and responsibility, how we treat ourselves. These are

sometimes called observances, the do's, or the thou shalts. There are five


* Purity (shauca). Purity is achieved through the practice of the five yamas,

which help clear away the negative physical and mental states of being. Keep

yourself, your clothing, and your surroundings clean. Eat fresh and healthy

food. The next time you joke about treating your body like a temple, think of

this niyama.

* Contentment (santosha). Cultivate contentment and tranquility by finding

happiness with what you have and who you are. Seek happiness in the moment, take

responsibility for where you are, and choose to grow from there.

* Austerity (tapas). Show discipline in body, speech, and mind. The purpose of

developing self-discipline is not to become ascetic, but to control and direct

the mind and body for higher spiritual aims or purposes.

* Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Study sacred texts, which are whatever

books are relevant to you and inspire and teach you. Education changes a

person's outlook on life. As Iyengar says, a person starts " to realize that all

creation is meant for bhakti (adoration) rather than for bhoga (enjoyment), that

all creation is divine, that there is divinity within himself and that the

energy which moves him is the same that moves the entire universe. "

* Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana ). Be devoted to

God, Buddha, or whatever you consider divine.

* The above mentioned Yama and Niyama are necessary for all.I am sharing this

message with you by the courtesy of Shadbhawana group/Davendra Ji.You may also

Join this group for your spritual upliftment.

* With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra@ ymail.com>


Sat, December 12, 2009 2:22:49 PM

Att.Vattem Sir and learned members: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart



Dear Bharat Ji,[1]In any case your Correct time of birth can't be 06:18AM

because it is not in accordance with rules regarding rectification of birth

time.I took Lahiri,K.P,Raman etc ayanamsas and 6:18AM time to calculate S/L

,SS/L of ascendant and Star lord ,Sub lord of Moon.I found that S/L ,SS/ L of

ascendant are not equal to Star lord,Sub lord of Moon.Besides this rectification

of birth time rule is applicable with in only 30 minutes.Hence there is no sense

to addopt 6:18AM time as your correct birth time.

But the Correct birth time for Lahiri ayanamsa will be 05:48:27AM,for K.P

ayanamsa birth time will be 5:47:59AM and for Raman ayanamsa

correct birth time will be 5:43:07AM.Because at that rectified Sub Lord,SS Lord

of ascendant is equal to Sub Lord of Moon and Star Lord of Moon.This rectified

time for each system is in accordance with rule.

You are not manglic in any case and there is no Mars Dosh in your Kundali.

If you don't believe even in correct rectificatio n of birth time,you should

take up your own reported birth time 5:45AM as Correct birth time.

But it is wrong to accept 6:18AM in any case.

The latest definition of Mars Dosha,as per K.P.,that I have, goes like this ...

Mars Dosha is said to be present only if : " Mars in Sun's star,or it's own

star,if posited in the Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII counted from Moon or Venus

is said to cause Mars Dosha... "

One may ask as to,why should Mars be

considered evil only when it signifies the Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII from

Lagna,Moon or Venus ?

1) Lagna denotes health and longevity and

personal characteristics. As Lagna will become a Maraka House to the VIIth,

i.e., partner or wife...

2) The IInd house denotes the happiness

of the Family,and domestic life,increase/ decrease in the number of the Family

by marriage and birth of children and death of children...

Further the IInd house is the VIIIth to the VIIth,showing danger to the


3) The IVth house denotes domestic

environments. ..Our Sages have declared that evil planets occupying the IVth or

VIIIth from a Bhava spoils the Bhava...hence Mars on IV is eil to the

Ascendant,i. e., to the health and belongings of the native...

4) The VIIth house shows the legal

bondage,and the wife/husband of the native,in other words, the longevity of the

native or his/her wife/husband. ..Hence the positioning of Mars in VII is not

conducive to the health,longevity etc.,

5) The VIIIth house shows the

difficultiesof the native and the finance and fortune of his/her partner...as

well as their longevity...

6) The VIIIth is also known as the

Mangalyasthana, i.e., the duration of the married life...again, therefore Mars

in the VIIIth is evil...

7) The XIIth house stands for the real

pleasure the partners derove,,the deception,loss etc...

The above explains the rationale of the

houses being considered for the occupation by Mars,as evil...or MARS DOSHA... !

With thanks and regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Sat, December 12, 2009 6:47:25 AM

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart



Dear Bharat Ji,

U will be considered fortunate if you happen to be virgo,as Manglik effcet

effect will be nullifies.,For simha born people how ever sun as a ruler of the

sign will not impact manglik dosha effects.

The problems of relationships with spouse and other have to be faced by leo

rooted people as they tend to be dominating,exercise their desires and seek

fulfilment.leos ar think and act like rulers and spend time away from others in

a indolent fashion.so in a way mangal during dasa may not act adversely as

relation between mangal and surya is very in timate.

2.Your other issues if any can be looked into through chalit chart,divisional

chart based on your original timing of birth not the corrected one.Let your

purohit;s conviction be used for his own advices for tarabalam,fixing of good

time for panchangam purpose.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Fri, 12/11/09, bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Friday, December 11, 2009, 1:23 PM






Thanks to everyone for the response and their valuable suggestions.


I posted this question on the forum to know weather i am Manglik or not. On

going through the Astrology software's (Parashara's, kundli-Pro) it has put me

in doubt that which horoscope to consider.


I inquired with the PanditJee again and he said that at the given time

(24-sep-1982 05:45 AM) of birth the Lagna (Virgo) in Hissar(Haryana) was at zero



It affects the persons born at that time. Its because of that my Lagna has

become 'Virgo' and not the 'Leo'.


I will be very thankful if some one can guide me weather i am manglik or not and

when are the chances for me of getting married.


Thanks In Advance,



, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>



> so sir,

> " software " and " bush " r hand in hand

> he one is for the other.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)

> Â


> --- On Thu, 12/10/09, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:



> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>

> Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


> Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:59 PM



> Â




> Agreed! And this *bush* does not even have the initials 'G.W' and hence any

'battery' or aggression would constitute as cruelty towards innocent Software!



> RR_,


> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>


> >

> > If the soft ware person( as one asking) can not explain,Pandit ji who change

timing can never be able to explain.

> > we r beating the bush

> >

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > (For all counseling services)

> > ÂÂ

> >

> > --- On Thu, 12/10/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...>

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Thursday, December 10, 2009, 4:16 AM

> >

> >

> > ÂÂ

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Prashant ji,

> >

> > Here the question is regarding the correct TOB and " Zero crossing over " and

HENCE the TOB should be 6:18 instead of 5:45AM. a difference of 33mnts.

> >

> > What is this zero crossing over? Is it planets at the edge of signs?

> > I have given below the planetory positions for both the times as per lahiri

& raman ayanamsa.

> >

> > As per Lahiri it is impossible for the planet positions to have changed as

he had stated within 33 mnts except that of lagna.

> >

> > However as per Raman Ayanamsa, Saturn has crossed to Thula sign but not on

that day.

> >

> > The point is even if the planets has crossed to other sign, assuming that

software is wrong, how does it alter the TOB?.

> >

> > Lahiri Ayanamsa.

> > 5:45AM


> > Asc-- 149.21- 29.21- Simh

> > Sun-- 157.01- 7.01-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.22- 26.22- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.07- 9.07-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.35- 28.35- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.22- 24.22- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 156.37- 6.37-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 157.03- 7.03-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.24- 26.24- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.08- 9.08-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.36- 28.36- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.39- 24.39- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > Raman Ayanama

> > 5:45AM

> > Asc-- 150.48- 0.48-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.28- 8.28-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.49- 27.49- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.34- 10.34- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.02- 18.02- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 235.49- 25.49- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 158.04- 8.04-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.29- 8.29-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.5-- 27.5-- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.35- 10.35- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.03- 18.03- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 236.05- 26.05- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> >

> >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 1:41:22 PM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > ÂÂ

> > Dear Suresh ji,, Krishna ji,

> >

> > true we cant find such comments based one a particular fancy or leaning and

with no mention if the sw is a standad product I've seen some s/w give errors on

slow moving grahas sani, Kuja even JHora has some diff with respect to Parashara

Light, Visual jyotish and what we r using with ICAS, IAS and my team have worked


> >

> > IAS was 1st started by K ashwattappa Indian astrological studies, is still

functioning in chennai and later its members were part of the INITIAL team of

ICAS co-founded by B V RAMAN ji iad joined it just at that time

> >

> > i did my classical works training under ashwatappa and c a padnabham in IAS


> > B5 ICAS came up with its sylabus.

> >

> > on the s/w I have read sri KN RAO ji saw for Indian bron use s/w developed

in India and for American ones sue the american developed ones this is max I can

understand, may be as more of local cordinates database is available in

respective developed countries for good calculations, else can't find logic here


> >

> > but PL has over 15 laks places all over the world and uses a good atlas.

> >


> >

> > I use B V Raman's Ayanamsa only so Dasa, Vargas, Dates will differ from non

Raman's. Pl provide important dates in ur life while posting to verify ur birth

data and to help Lagna verification provide a picture in the Pictures folder in

the group either in the Lagna/rasi one or unknown folder. Consultations outside

the group or to my personal ID are chargeable. see Database section in the group

for more.- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 11:49:25 AM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Dear Bharat,

> >

> > This is weirdest case I have come across about tob correction and

allegations against computerised horoscopes by local astrologers.

> >

> > what zero degree chane is he talking about?

> >

> > If your recorded time 5:45AM make the chart for that time only. Let him

believe whatever he wants.

> >

> > Your time will not chage to 6:18AM.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 12:44:59 AM

> > Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I am Bharat and working as a software professional in bangalore.

> >

> > My date of Birth is 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > If my Lagan chart is prepared using the date mentioned above it comes as

> > shown below:

> >

> > Lagna Chart acc. to [ 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM ] Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > Ist House - No.5 -- ven

> > 2nd House - No.6 -- sun, mer, sat

> > 3rd House - No.7 -- jup

> > 4th House - No.8 -- mar, moon

> > 5th House - No.9 -- ketu

> > 6th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 11th House - No.3 -- rah

> > 12th House - No.4 -- ---

> >

> > According to our pandit jee for the above given date of birth there

> > was some Zero degree change occured which we need to consider.

> >

> > He said computer can not make accurate kundli as it don't consider the

> > above fact.

> > According to him computer will give the below chart if the time is

> > changed to 06:18 Am

> > and my date of birth will become then 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM

> > Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > My Lagna Chart acc to [ 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM ] Hissar(Harayana) as

> > follows:

> >

> > Ist House - No.6 -- Sun, Mer, Sat

> > 2nd House - No.7 -- Jup

> > 3rd House - No.8 -- Mar, Mon

> > 4th House - No.9 -- Ket

> > 5th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 6th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.3 -- Rah

> > 11th House - No.4 -- ---

> > 12th House - No.5 -- Ven

> >

> > Please guide me which lagan chart should i consider.

> >

> > Thanks and Regards,

> > Bharat

> >

> >

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Dhirendra ji,


Thank you for this posting; I am also a member of Sadhbhavana6 Group.

The main idea of the message is to follow the two steps out of the eight

steps of yoga.If we can do first two steps which are related to MORAL

and DISCIPLINE aspects, most of the yoga is done. with out these two

steps, simply doing other steps like ASANAS ( Physical exercise ,

prayanam or meditation etc. ) may not be very useful or effective,

especially if one is looking for total health ( Physical, mental/

intellectual and spiritual health ).

with greetings to all,




, Dhirendra Nath Misra

<dhirendranathmisra wrote:


> Dear Members,

> I thought to share the following with the members;

> with greetings,

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- --------- -------

> People are living in their own world though in global village ; in

unit system ( prveiously in a joint family system- collective way ) a

very individualistic style ( foolish selfish style rather than

intelligent way). In fact, following two mentioned steps in yoga(

out of eight ) , need thorough understanding and real life practice. If

we can follow these steps, I feel, we have done the major part of the


> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

> Patanjali Yoga


> Often called the " father of yoga, " Patanjali codified his

thoughts and knowledge of yoga in The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. In this

work, Patanjali compiled 195 sutras or concise aphorisms that are

essentially an ethical blueprint for living a moral life and

incorporating the science of yoga into your life. Â

> In a world where we reduce nearly everything to quick tips and sound

bites, Patanjali seems to fit right in with his brief 195 guidelines to

enlightenment. Â

> The Yoga Sutra is considered the fundamental text on the system of

yoga, and yet you wont find the description of a single posture or asana

in it. This is a guide for living the right life. Essentially, Patanjali

says, you can't practice asanas in yoga class, feel the stretch, and

then go home to play with your kids, cook a meal, yell at your

employees, and cheat on your taxes. There is more to yoga than that

†" yoga can help youcultivate body, mind, and spiritual


> The heart of Patanjali's teachings is the eightfold path of yoga. It

is also called the eight limbs of Patanjali, because they intertwine

like the branches of a tree in the forest. These aren't commandments

(although they sometimes sound like them), laws, or hard and fast rules.

These are Patanjali's suggestions for living a better life through yoga.

Here are the eight limbs of Patanjali.

> 1. Yama

> Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around

you. ( Empathy is the most important aspect ) .These are moral

principles. Sometimes they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt nots.

There are five yamas:

> * Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or

deed. In his book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks

Mahatma Gandhi the definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, " The avoidance of

harm to any living creature in thought or deed. " Yogananda asked if one

could kill a cobra to protect a child. Gandhi maintained he would still

hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, " I must confess that I could not

serenely carry on this conversation were I faced by a cobra. " Â

> * Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income

taxes falls into this category. Â

> * Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car)

orintangibles such as the center of attention or your child's chance to

learn responsibility or independence by doing something on his own.

> * Nonlust (brahmacharya). Don't worry; this is not a call to

celibacy. Many yogis of old were married and had families of their own.

The person who practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual

encounters and, as the well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, " sees

divinity in all. "

> * Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha). Free yourself from greed, hoarding,

and collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog

the conversation every time you see your friends?Make your life as

simple as possible.

> 2. Niyama

> Niyama isinner discipline and responsibility, how we treat ourselves.

These are sometimes called observances, the do's, or the thou shalts.

There are five niyamas:

> * Purity (shauca). Purity is achieved through the practice of the

five yamas, which help clear away the negative physical and mental

states of being. Keep yourself, your clothing, and your surroundings

clean. Eat fresh and healthy food. The next time you joke about treating

your body like a temple, think of this niyama.Â

> * Contentment (santosha). Cultivate contentment and tranquility by

finding happiness with what you have and who you are. Seek happiness in

the moment, take responsibility for where you are, and choose to grow

from there.Â

> * Austerity (tapas). Show discipline in body, speech, and mind. The

purpose of developing self-discipline is not to become ascetic, but to

control and direct the mind and body for higher spiritual aims or


> * Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Study sacred texts, which are

whatever books are relevant to you and inspire and teach you. Education

changes a person's outlook on life. As Iyengar says, a person starts " to

realize that all creation is meant for bhakti (adoration) rather than

for bhoga (enjoyment), that all creation is divine, that there is

divinity within himself and that the energy which moves him is the same

that moves the entire universe. "

> * Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana). Be

devoted to God, Buddha, or whatever you consider divine.

> * The above mentioned Yama and Niyama are necessary for

all.I am sharing this message with you by the courtesy of Shadbhawana

group/Davendra Ji.You may also Join this group for your spritual


> * With thanks & regards,

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Dhirendra Nath Misra

> Â





> ________________________________

> Dhirendra Nath Misra dhirendranathmisra


> Sat, December 12, 2009 2:22:49 PM

> Att.Vattem Sir and learned members: Need Guidance in

Lagan Chart


> Â

> Dear Bharat Ji,[1]In any case your Correct time of birth can't be

06:18AM because it is not in accordance with rules regarding

rectification of birth time.I took Lahiri,K.P,Raman etc ayanamsas

and 6:18AM time to calculate S/L ,SS/L of ascendant and Star

lord ,Sub lord of Moon.I found that S/L ,SS/ L of ascendant are not

equal to Star lord,Sub lord of Moon.Besides this rectification of birth

time rule is applicable with in only 30 minutes.Hence there is no sense

to addopt 6:18AM time as your correct birth time.

> But the Correct birth time for Lahiri ayanamsa will be 05:48:27AM,for

K.P ayanamsa birth time will be 5:47:59AM and for Raman ayanamsa

> correct birth time will be 5:43:07AM.Because at that rectified Sub

Lord,SS Lord of ascendant is equal to Sub Lord of Moon and Star Lord of

Moon.This rectified time for each system is in accordance with rule.

> You are not manglic in any case and there is no Mars Dosh in your


> If you don't believe even in correct rectificatio n of birth

time,you should take up your own reported birth time 5:45AM as Correct

birth time.

> But it is wrong to accept 6:18AM in any case.

> The latest definition of Mars Dosha,as per K.P.,that I have, goes like

this ...     Mars Dosha is said to be present only

if : " Mars in Sun's star,or it's own star,if posited in the Houses

I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII counted from Moon or Venus is said to cause Mars

Dosha... "

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â


      One may ask as to,why should Mars be

considered evil only when it signifies the Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII &

XII from Lagna,Moon or Venus ?

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â


         1) Lagna denotes health

and longevity and personal characteristics. As Lagna will become a

Maraka House to the VIIth, i.e., partner or wife...

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â


         2) The IInd house denotes

the happiness of the Family,and domestic life,increase/ decrease in the

number of the Family by marriage and birth of children and death of


> Further the IInd house is the VIIIth to the VIIth,showing danger to

the partner...

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â


         3) The IVth house

denotes domestic environments. ..Our Sages have declared that evil

planets occupying the IVth or VIIIth from a Bhava spoils the

Bhava...hence Mars on IV is eil to the Ascendant,i. e., to the health

and belongings of the native...

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â


         4) The VIIth house

shows the legal bondage,and the wife/husband of the native,in other

words, the longevity of the native or his/her wife/husband. ..Hence the

positioning of Mars in VII is not conducive to the health,longevityÂ


> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â


          5) The VIIIth

house shows the difficultiesof the native and the finance and fortune of

his/her partner...as well as their longevity...

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â


         6) The VIIIth is

also known as the Mangalyasthana, i.e., the duration of the married

life...again, therefore Mars in the VIIIth is evil...

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â


          7) The XIIth

house stands for the real pleasure the partners derove,,the

deception,loss etc...

> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â


      The above explains the rationale of the

houses being considered for the occupation by Mars,as evil...or MARS

DOSHA... !

> With thanks and regards,Â

> Dhirendra Nath Misra

> Â


> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Vattem Krishnan bursar_99 >


> Sat, December 12, 2009 6:47:25 AM

> Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


> Â

> Dear Bharat Ji,

> U will be considered fortunate if you happen to be virgo,as Manglik

effcet effect will be nullifies.,For simha born people how ever sun as a

ruler of the sign will not impact manglik dosha effects.

> The problems of relationships with spouse and other have to be faced

by leo rooted people as they tend to be dominating,exercise their

desires and seek fulfilment.leos ar think and act like rulers and spend

time away from others in a indolent fashion.so in a way mangal during

dasa may not act adversely as relation between mangal and surya is very

in timate.

> 2.Your other issues if any can be looked into through chalit

chart,divisional chart based on your original timing of birth not the

corrected one.Let your purohit;s conviction be used for his own advices

for tarabalam,fixing of good time for panchangam purpose.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)

> Â


> --- On Fri, 12/11/09, bharat bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


> bharat bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


> Friday, December 11, 2009, 1:23 PM


> Â


> Hi,


> Thanks to everyone for the response and their valuable suggestions.


> I posted this question on the forum to know weather i am Manglik or

not. On going through the Astrology software's (Parashara's, kundli-Pro)

it has put me in doubt that which horoscope to consider.


> I inquired with the PanditJee again and he said that at the given time

(24-sep-1982 05:45 AM) of birth the Lagna (Virgo) in Hissar(Haryana) was

at zero degree.


> It affects the persons born at that time. Its because of that my Lagna

has become 'Virgo' and not the 'Leo'.


> I will be very thankful if some one can guide me weather i am manglik

or not and when are the chances for me of getting married.


> Thanks In Advance,

> Bharat


> , Vattem Krishnan bursar_99@

...> wrote:

> >

> > so sir,

> > " software " and " bush " r hand in hand

> > he one is for the other.

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > (For all counseling services)

> > ÂÂ

> >

> > --- On Thu, 12/10/09, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:59 PM

> >

> >

> > ÂÂ

> >

> >

> >

> > Agreed! And this *bush* does not even have the initials 'G.W' and

hence any 'battery' or aggression would constitute as cruelty towards

innocent Software! ;-)

> >

> > RR_,

> >

> > , Vattem Krishnan

<bursar_99@ ..> wrote:

> > >

> > > If the soft ware person( as one asking) can not explain,Pandit ji

who change timing can never be able to explain.

> > > we r beating the bush

> > >

> > >

> > > Vattem Krishnan

> > > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > > (For all counseling services)

> > > ÂÂÂ

> > >

> > > --- On Thu, 12/10/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...>

> > > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> > >

> > > Thursday, December 10, 2009, 4:16 AM

> > >

> > >

> > > ÂÂÂ

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Prashant ji,

> > >

> > > Here the question is regarding the correct TOB and " Zero crossing

over " and HENCE the TOB should be 6:18 instead of 5:45AM. a difference

of 33mnts.

> > >

> > > What is this zero crossing over? Is it planets at the edge of


> > > I have given below the planetory positions for both the times as

per lahiri & raman ayanamsa.

> > >

> > > As per Lahiri it is impossible for the planet positions to have

changed as he had stated within 33 mnts except that of lagna.

> > >

> > > However as per Raman Ayanamsa, Saturn has crossed to Thula sign

but not on that day.

> > >

> > > The point is even if the planets has crossed to other sign,

assuming that software is wrong, how does it alter the TOB?.

> > >

> > > Lahiri Ayanamsa.

> > > 5:45AM


> > > Asc-- 149.21- 29.21-ÂÂÂ


> > > Sun-- 157.01- 7.01--ÂÂÂ


> > > Merc- 172.43- 22.43-ÂÂÂ


> > > Ven-- 146.22- 26.22-ÂÂÂ


> > > Mar-- 219.07- 9.07--ÂÂÂ


> > > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36-ÂÂÂ


> > > Sat-- 178.35- 28.35-ÂÂÂ


> > > Moo-- 234.22- 24.22-ÂÂÂ


> > > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29-ÂÂÂ


> > > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29-ÂÂÂ


> > > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16-ÂÂÂ


> > > 6:18AM

> > > Asc-- 156.37- 6.37--ÂÂÂ


> > > Sun-- 157.03- 7.03--ÂÂÂ


> > > Merc- 172.43- 22.43-ÂÂÂ


> > > Ven-- 146.24- 26.24-ÂÂÂ


> > > Mar-- 219.08- 9.08--ÂÂÂ


> > > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36-ÂÂÂ


> > > Sat-- 178.36- 28.36-ÂÂÂ


> > > Moo-- 234.39- 24.39-ÂÂÂ


> > > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29-ÂÂÂ


> > > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29-ÂÂÂ


> > > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16-ÂÂÂ


> > > Raman Ayanama

> > > 5:45AM

> > > Asc-- 150.48- 0.48--ÂÂÂ


> > > Sun-- 158.28- 8.28-- Kanya

> > > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1--ÂÂÂ


> > > Ven-- 147.49- 27.49-ÂÂÂ


> > > Mar-- 220.34- 10.34-ÂÂÂ


> > > Jup-- 198.02- 18.02-ÂÂÂ


> > > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02--ÂÂÂ


> > > Moo-- 235.49- 25.49-ÂÂÂ


> > > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55-ÂÂÂ


> > > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55-ÂÂÂ


> > > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02-ÂÂÂ


> > > 6:18AM

> > > Asc-- 158.04- 8.04--ÂÂÂ


> > > Sun-- 158.29- 8.29--ÂÂÂ


> > > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1--ÂÂÂ


> > > Ven-- 147.5-- 27.5--ÂÂÂ


> > > Mar-- 220.35- 10.35-ÂÂÂ


> > > Jup-- 198.03- 18.03-ÂÂÂ


> > > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02--ÂÂÂ


> > > Moo-- 236.05- 26.05-ÂÂÂ


> > > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55-ÂÂÂ


> > > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55-ÂÂÂ


> > > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02-ÂÂÂ


> > >

> > >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Prashant Kumar G B gbp_kumar >

> > >

> > > Thu, December 10, 2009 1:41:22 PM

> > > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> > >

> > > ÂÂÂ

> > > Dear Suresh ji,, Krishna ji,

> > >

> > > true we cant find such comments based one a particular fancy or

leaning and with no mention if the sw is a standad product I've seen

some s/w give errors on slow moving grahas sani, Kuja even JHora has

some diff with respect to Parashara Light, Visual jyotish and what we r

using with ICAS, IAS and my team have worked with

> > >

> > > IAS was 1st started by K ashwattappa Indian astrological studies,

is still functioning in chennai and later its members were part of the

INITIAL team of ICAS co-founded by B V RAMAN ji iad joined it just at

that time

> > >

> > > i did my classical works training under ashwatappa and c a

padnabham in IAS only.

> > > B5 ICAS came up with its sylabus.

> > >

> > > on the s/w I have read sri KN RAO ji saw for Indian bron use s/w

developed in India and for American ones sue the american developed ones

this is max I can understand, may be as more of local cordinates

database is available in respective developed countries for good

calculations, else can't find logic here too

> > >

> > > but PL has over 15 laks places all over the world and uses a good


> > >


> > >

> > > I use B V Raman's Ayanamsa only so Dasa, Vargas, Dates will differ

from non Raman's. Pl provide important dates in ur life while posting to

verify ur birth data and to help Lagna verification provide a picture in

the Pictures folder in the group either in the Lagna/rasi one or unknown

folder. Consultations outside the group or to my personal ID are

chargeable. see Database section in the group for more.- G B Prashant

Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> > > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

> > >

> > > Thu, December 10, 2009 11:49:25 AM

> > > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> > >

> > > Dear Bharat,

> > >

> > > This is weirdest case I have come across about tob correction and

allegations against computerised horoscopes by local astrologers.

> > >

> > > what zero degree chane is he talking about?

> > >

> > > If your recorded time 5:45AM make the chart for that time only.

Let him believe whatever he wants.

> > >

> > > Your time will not chage to 6:18AM.

> > >

> > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > > bharat bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> > >

> > > Thu, December 10, 2009 12:44:59 AM

> > > Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> > >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > I am Bharat and working as a software professional in bangalore.

> > >

> > > My date of Birth is 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM Hissar(Harayana)

> > >

> > > If my Lagan chart is prepared using the date mentioned above it

comes as

> > > shown below:

> > >

> > > Lagna Chart acc. to [ 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM ] Hissar(Harayana)

> > >

> > > Ist House - No.5 -- ven

> > > 2nd House - No.6 -- sun, mer, sat

> > > 3rd House - No.7 -- jup

> > > 4th House - No.8 -- mar, moon

> > > 5th House - No.9 -- ketu

> > > 6th House - No.10 -- ---

> > > 7th House - No.11 -- ---

> > > 8th House - No.12 -- ---

> > > 9th House - No.1 -- ---

> > > 10th House - No.2 -- ---

> > > 11th House - No.3 -- rah

> > > 12th House - No.4 -- ---

> > >

> > > According to our pandit jee for the above given date of birth


> > > was some Zero degree change occured which we need to consider.

> > >

> > > He said computer can not make accurate kundli as it don't consider


> > > above fact.

> > > According to him computer will give the below chart if the time is

> > > changed to 06:18 Am

> > > and my date of birth will become then 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM

> > > Hissar(Harayana)

> > >

> > > My Lagna Chart acc to [ 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM ] Hissar(Harayana) as

> > > follows:

> > >

> > > Ist House - No.6 -- Sun, Mer, Sat

> > > 2nd House - No.7 -- Jup

> > > 3rd House - No.8 -- Mar, Mon

> > > 4th House - No.9 -- Ket

> > > 5th House - No.10 -- ---

> > > 6th House - No.11 -- ---

> > > 7th House - No.12 -- ---

> > > 8th House - No.1 -- ---

> > > 9th House - No.2 -- ---

> > > 10th House - No.3 -- Rah

> > > 11th House - No.4 -- ---

> > > 12th House - No.5 -- Ven

> > >

> > > Please guide me which lagan chart should i consider.

> > >

> > > Thanks and Regards,

> > > Bharat

> > >

> > >

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Dear Prashant Sir & members,It is very good to follow the teachings of Swami Ram

Deo Ji to keep the body fit.Yet Yam and Niyam are very necessary for every

aspirant who desires for his / her spiritual upliftment or who is chanting

mantra for his /her betterment in any respect.Every effort made with regard to

spiritual upliftment or chanting of mantra/recitation of stotra etc will be

proved of no avail, if Yam and Niyam are not followed on first hand.In this

Jyotish Remedies forum querists are suggested to perform Specific Pooja,chant

mantra,recite stotram to minimise the adverse effect of malefic planets and

after some times some querists say that they could not get relief.Many people

perform Pooja or chant mantra,recite stotram etc but on other hand they do not

follow Yam and Niyam to any extent and waste their time and finally they say

that these suggested remedies could not help them.Although behind this failure

their 'Karm' is also relevant

factor.But no one can deny the importance of Yam and Niyam. Anulom -Vilom

Pranayam,Kapalbhati Pranayam which are shown on T.V can only keep the body fit

to some extent only.A wrestler who is deemed to be Physically fit and need not

Anulom-Vilom Pranayam or Kapalbhati Pranayam may not be a spirutual man if he

does not follow Yam and Niyam.A wrestler who need not Anulom-Vilom or

Kapalbhati Pranayam will have to follow Yam and Niyam,if he has been advised to

perform any specific pooja/ or to chant mantra /or to recite stotram for

betterment and spiritual upliftment of his life.Mantra,stotram or performance of

any specific pooja are supposed to be cartridges to hit the desired target which

has to be fired with the efficient gun and by the competent shooter otherwise

cartridge will be wasted.In spiritual perspective the capacity to hit the

desired target with the mantra which has been supposed to be cartridge depends

upon the efficiency and category of

aspirant who transform his life with Yam and Niyam and not by Kapalbhati

Pranayam.Yogis and Siddha Purush who had paranormal powers beyond any doubt has

expressed much emphasis on Yam and Niyam rather than that of Kapalbhati.

Anuloam-Vilom and Kapalbhati pranayam are part of Kriya-yoga to keep the body

fit to some extent only.In the present time both physical and mental

fitness are required for every person and complete mental fitness comes only by

following at least Yam and Niyam as propounded by Yogi Patanjali.Hence the

teachings of Yogi Patanjali was sent in earlier message for the betterment of

aspirants and not for Siddha yogis who have already attained paranormal

powers.You may correct me if I am wrong.

With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra







Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar


Sun, December 13, 2009 4:08:38 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Misra ji


a timely post more often HEALTH IS WEALTH and prevention beter than cure here

even under stress, sickness or disorders like BP, sugar, hear disirders, back

aches, asthma, etc can be set in order with good yoga, pranayama mix at least a

few of what ramdev sha shwon us so often on TV some of the tips go a long way


time for ppl to value, practice or rich traditional model of life as part of

they regular daily routine


..- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6


____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra@ ymail.com>


Sun, December 13, 2009 12:06:00 AM

Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Dear Members,

I thought to share the following with the members;

with greetings,

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- -------

People are living in their own world though in global village ; in unit system (

prveiously in a joint family system- collective way ) a very individualistic

style ( foolish selfish style rather than intelligent way). In fact, following

two mentioned steps in yoga( out of eight ) , need thorough understanding and

real life practice. If we can follow these steps, I feel, we have done the major

part of the Yoga.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Patanjali Yoga


Often called the " father of yoga, " Patanjali codified his thoughts and knowledge

of yoga in The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. In this work, Patanjali compiled 195

sutras or concise aphorisms that are essentially an ethical blueprint for living

a moral life and incorporating the science of yoga into your life.

In a world where we reduce nearly everything to quick tips and sound bites,

Patanjali seems to fit right in with his brief 195 guidelines to enlightenment.

The Yoga Sutra is considered the fundamental text on the system of yoga, and yet

you wont find the description of a single posture or asana in it. This is a

guide for living the right life. Essentially, Patanjali says, you can't practice

asanas in yoga class, feel the stretch, and then go home to play with your kids,

cook a meal, yell at your employees, and cheat on your taxes. There is more to

yoga than that — yoga can help youcultivate body, mind, and spiritual


The heart of Patanjali's teachings is the eightfold path of yoga. It is also

called the eight limbs of Patanjali, because they intertwine like the branches

of a tree in the forest. These aren't commandments (although they sometimes

sound like them), laws, or hard and fast rules. These are Patanjali's

suggestions for living a better life through yoga. Here are the eight limbs of


1. Yama

Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around you. (

Empathy is the most important aspect ) .These are moral principles. Sometimes

they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt nots. There are five yamas:

* Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or deed. In his

book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks Mahatma Gandhi the

definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, " The avoidance of harm to any living creature

in thought or deed. " Yogananda asked if one could kill a cobra to protect a

child. Gandhi maintained he would still hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, " I

must confess that I could not serenely carry on this conversation were I faced

by a cobra. "

* Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income taxes falls

into this category.

* Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car) orintangibles such

as the center of attention or your child's chance to learn responsibility or

independence by doing something on his own.

* Nonlust (brahmacharya) . Don't worry; this is not a call to celibacy. Many

yogis of old were married and had families of their own. The person who

practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual encounters and, as the

well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, " sees divinity in all. "

* Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha) . Free yourself from greed, hoarding, and

collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog the

conversation every time you see your friends?Make your life as simple as


2. Niyama

Niyama isinner discipline and responsibility, how we treat ourselves. These are

sometimes called observances, the do's, or the thou shalts. There are five


* Purity (shauca). Purity is achieved through the practice of the five yamas,

which help clear away the negative physical and mental states of being. Keep

yourself, your clothing, and your surroundings clean. Eat fresh and healthy

food. The next time you joke about treating your body like a temple, think of

this niyama.

* Contentment (santosha). Cultivate contentment and tranquility by finding

happiness with what you have and who you are. Seek happiness in the moment, take

responsibility for where you are, and choose to grow from there.

* Austerity (tapas). Show discipline in body, speech, and mind. The purpose of

developing self-discipline is not to become ascetic, but to control and direct

the mind and body for higher spiritual aims or purposes.

* Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Study sacred texts, which are whatever

books are relevant to you and inspire and teach you. Education changes a

person's outlook on life. As Iyengar says, a person starts " to realize that all

creation is meant for bhakti (adoration) rather than for bhoga (enjoyment), that

all creation is divine, that there is divinity within himself and that the

energy which moves him is the same that moves the entire universe. "

* Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana ). Be devoted to

God, Buddha, or whatever you consider divine.

* The above mentioned Yama and Niyama are necessary for all.I am sharing this

message with you by the courtesy of Shadbhawana group/Davendra Ji.You may also

Join this group for your spritual upliftment.

* With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>


Sat, December 12, 2009 2:22:49 PM

Att.Vattem Sir and learned members: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,[1]In any case your Correct time of birth can't be 06:18AM

because it is not in accordance with rules regarding rectification of birth

time.I took Lahiri,K.P,Raman etc ayanamsas and 6:18AM time to calculate S/L

,SS/L of ascendant and Star lord ,Sub lord of Moon.I found that S/L ,SS/ L of

ascendant are not equal to Star lord,Sub lord of Moon.Besides this rectification

of birth time rule is applicable with in only 30 minutes.Hence there is no sense

to addopt 6:18AM time as your correct birth time.

But the Correct birth time for Lahiri ayanamsa will be 05:48:27AM,for K.P

ayanamsa birth time will be 5:47:59AM and for Raman ayanamsa

correct birth time will be 5:43:07AM.Because at that rectified Sub Lord,SS Lord

of ascendant is equal to Sub Lord of Moon and Star Lord of Moon.This rectified

time for each system is in accordance with rule.

You are not manglic in any case and there is no Mars Dosh in your Kundali.

If you don't believe even in correct rectificatio n of birth time,you should

take up your own reported birth time 5:45AM as Correct birth time.

But it is wrong to accept 6:18AM in any case.

The latest definition of Mars Dosha,as per K.P.,that I have, goes like this ...

Mars Dosha is said to be present only if : " Mars in Sun's star,or it's own

star,if posited in the Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII counted from Moon or Venus

is said to cause Mars Dosha... "

One may ask as to,why should Mars be considered evil only when it signifies the

Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII from Lagna,Moon or Venus ?

1) Lagna denotes health and longevity and personal characteristics. As Lagna

will become a Maraka House to the VIIth, i.e., partner or wife...

2) The IInd house denotes the happiness of the Family,and domestic

life,increase/ decrease in the number of the Family by marriage and birth of

children and death of children...

Further the IInd house is the VIIIth to the VIIth,showing danger to the


3) The IVth house denotes domestic environments. ..Our Sages have declared that

evil planets occupying the IVth or VIIIth from a Bhava spoils the Bhava...hence

Mars on IV is eil to the Ascendant,i. e., to the health and belongings of the


4) The VIIth house shows the legal bondage,and the wife/husband of the native,in

other words, the longevity of the native or his/her wife/husband. ..Hence the

positioning of Mars in VII is not conducive to the health,longevity etc.,

5) The VIIIth house shows the difficultiesof the native and the finance and

fortune of his/her partner...as well as their longevity...

6) The VIIIth is also known as the Mangalyasthana, i.e., the duration of the

married life...again, therefore Mars in the VIIIth is evil...

7) The XIIth house stands for the real pleasure the partners derove,,the

deception,loss etc...

The above explains the rationale of the houses being considered for the

occupation by Mars,as evil...or MARS DOSHA... !

With thanks and regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Sat, December 12, 2009 6:47:25 AM

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,

U will be considered fortunate if you happen to be virgo,as Manglik effcet

effect will be nullifies.,For simha born people how ever sun as a ruler of the

sign will not impact manglik dosha effects.

The problems of relationships with spouse and other have to be faced by leo

rooted people as they tend to be dominating,exercise their desires and seek

fulfilment.leos ar think and act like rulers and spend time away from others in

a indolent fashion.so in a way mangal during dasa may not act adversely as

relation between mangal and surya is very in timate.

2.Your other issues if any can be looked into through chalit chart,divisional

chart based on your original timing of birth not the corrected one.Let your

purohit;s conviction be used for his own advices for tarabalam,fixing of good

time for panchangam purpose.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Fri, 12/11/09, bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Friday, December 11, 2009, 1:23 PM




Thanks to everyone for the response and their valuable suggestions.


I posted this question on the forum to know weather i am Manglik or not. On

going through the Astrology software's (Parashara's, kundli-Pro) it has put me

in doubt that which horoscope to consider.


I inquired with the PanditJee again and he said that at the given time

(24-sep-1982 05:45 AM) of birth the Lagna (Virgo) in Hissar(Haryana) was at zero



It affects the persons born at that time. Its because of that my Lagna has

become 'Virgo' and not the 'Leo'.


I will be very thankful if some one can guide me weather i am manglik or not and

when are the chances for me of getting married.


Thanks In Advance,



, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>



> so sir,

> " software " and " bush " r hand in hand

> he one is for the other.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)

> Â


> --- On Thu, 12/10/09, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:



> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>

> Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


> Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:59 PM



> Â




> Agreed! And this *bush* does not even have the initials 'G.W' and hence any

'battery' or aggression would constitute as cruelty towards innocent Software!



> RR_,


> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>


> >

> > If the soft ware person( as one asking) can not explain,Pandit ji who change

timing can never be able to explain.

> > we r beating the bush

> >

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > (For all counseling services)

> > ÂÂ

> >

> > --- On Thu, 12/10/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...>

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Thursday, December 10, 2009, 4:16 AM

> >

> >

> > ÂÂ

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Prashant ji,

> >

> > Here the question is regarding the correct TOB and " Zero crossing over " and

HENCE the TOB should be 6:18 instead of 5:45AM. a difference of 33mnts.

> >

> > What is this zero crossing over? Is it planets at the edge of signs?

> > I have given below the planetory positions for both the times as per lahiri

& raman ayanamsa.

> >

> > As per Lahiri it is impossible for the planet positions to have changed as

he had stated within 33 mnts except that of lagna.

> >

> > However as per Raman Ayanamsa, Saturn has crossed to Thula sign but not on

that day.

> >

> > The point is even if the planets has crossed to other sign, assuming that

software is wrong, how does it alter the TOB?.

> >

> > Lahiri Ayanamsa.

> > 5:45AM


> > Asc-- 149.21- 29.21- Simh

> > Sun-- 157.01- 7.01-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.22- 26.22- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.07- 9.07-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.35- 28.35- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.22- 24.22- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 156.37- 6.37-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 157.03- 7.03-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.24- 26.24- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.08- 9.08-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.36- 28.36- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.39- 24.39- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > Raman Ayanama

> > 5:45AM

> > Asc-- 150.48- 0.48-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.28- 8.28-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.49- 27.49- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.34- 10.34- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.02- 18.02- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 235.49- 25.49- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 158.04- 8.04-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.29- 8.29-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.5-- 27.5-- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.35- 10.35- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.03- 18.03- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 236.05- 26.05- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> >

> >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 1:41:22 PM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > ÂÂ

> > Dear Suresh ji,, Krishna ji,

> >

> > true we cant find such comments based one a particular fancy or leaning and

with no mention if the sw is a standad product I've seen some s/w give errors on

slow moving grahas sani, Kuja even JHora has some diff with respect to Parashara

Light, Visual jyotish and what we r using with ICAS, IAS and my team have worked


> >

> > IAS was 1st started by K ashwattappa Indian astrological studies, is still

functioning in chennai and later its members were part of the INITIAL team of

ICAS co-founded by B V RAMAN ji iad joined it just at that time

> >

> > i did my classical works training under ashwatappa and c a padnabham in IAS


> > B5 ICAS came up with its sylabus.

> >

> > on the s/w I have read sri KN RAO ji saw for Indian bron use s/w developed

in India and for American ones sue the american developed ones this is max I can

understand, may be as more of local cordinates database is available in

respective developed countries for good calculations, else can't find logic here


> >

> > but PL has over 15 laks places all over the world and uses a good atlas.

> >


> >

> > I use B V Raman's Ayanamsa only so Dasa, Vargas, Dates will differ from non

Raman's. Pl provide important dates in ur life while posting to verify ur birth

data and to help Lagna verification provide a picture in the Pictures folder in

the group either in the Lagna/rasi one or unknown folder. Consultations outside

the group or to my personal ID are chargeable. see Database section in the group

for more.- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 11:49:25 AM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Dear Bharat,

> >

> > This is weirdest case I have come across about tob correction and

allegations against computerised horoscopes by local astrologers.

> >

> > what zero degree chane is he talking about?

> >

> > If your recorded time 5:45AM make the chart for that time only. Let him

believe whatever he wants.

> >

> > Your time will not chage to 6:18AM.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 12:44:59 AM

> > Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I am Bharat and working as a software professional in bangalore.

> >

> > My date of Birth is 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > If my Lagan chart is prepared using the date mentioned above it comes as

> > shown below:

> >

> > Lagna Chart acc. to [ 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM ] Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > Ist House - No.5 -- ven

> > 2nd House - No.6 -- sun, mer, sat

> > 3rd House - No.7 -- jup

> > 4th House - No.8 -- mar, moon

> > 5th House - No.9 -- ketu

> > 6th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 11th House - No.3 -- rah

> > 12th House - No.4 -- ---

> >

> > According to our pandit jee for the above given date of birth there

> > was some Zero degree change occured which we need to consider.

> >

> > He said computer can not make accurate kundli as it don't consider the

> > above fact.

> > According to him computer will give the below chart if the time is

> > changed to 06:18 Am

> > and my date of birth will become then 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM

> > Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > My Lagna Chart acc to [ 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM ] Hissar(Harayana) as

> > follows:

> >

> > Ist House - No.6 -- Sun, Mer, Sat

> > 2nd House - No.7 -- Jup

> > 3rd House - No.8 -- Mar, Mon

> > 4th House - No.9 -- Ket

> > 5th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 6th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.3 -- Rah

> > 11th House - No.4 -- ---

> > 12th House - No.5 -- Ven

> >

> > Please guide me which lagan chart should i consider.

> >

> > Thanks and Regards,

> > Bharat

> >

> >

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Dear Sapnaji,Dhirendra ji and others,

Swamini Satyavrtananda sarswati ji's effort to make Yoga a way of life,is

lauadable as the ancients,seers out of their experiences practised and followed

to get real values in life.

Patanjali Maharishi ji,ha given 10 commandments with a purpose and there can be

no short cut as nevisaged by her time and again.

For me it is all directionless as v r caught in a web of various

pursuits,lacking consistency..As given to understand Niyamas r disciplines to be

followed si that v r safeguarded in evry aspect to fell the pleasure in human


Questions howver how far they are practicable and how much effort one needs to

put in town them and implement them



Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Sun, 12/13/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra wrote:



Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Sunday, December 13, 2009, 11:25 AM







Dear Prashant Sir & members,It is very good to follow the teachings of Swami Ram

Deo Ji to keep the body fit.Yet Yam and Niyam are very necessary for every

aspirant who desires for his / her spiritual upliftment or who is chanting

mantra for his /her betterment in any respect.Every effort made with regard to

spiritual upliftment or chanting of mantra/recitation of stotra etc will be

proved of no avail, if Yam and Niyam are not followed on first hand.In this

Jyotish Remedies forum querists are suggested to perform Specific Pooja,chant

mantra,recite stotram to minimise the adverse effect of malefic planets and

after some times some querists say that they could not get relief.Many people

perform Pooja or chant mantra,recite stotram etc but on other hand they do not

follow Yam and Niyam to any extent and waste their time and finally they say

that these suggested remedies could not help them.Although behind this failure

their 'Karm' is also relevant

factor.But no one can deny the importance of Yam and Niyam. Anulom -Vilom

Pranayam,Kapalbhati Pranayam which are shown on T.V can only keep the body fit

to some extent only.A wrestler who is deemed to be Physically fit and need not

Anulom-Vilom Pranayam or Kapalbhati Pranayam may not be a spirutual man if he

does not follow Yam and Niyam.A wrestler who need not Anulom-Vilom or

Kapalbhati Pranayam will have to follow Yam and Niyam,if he has been advised to

perform any specific pooja/ or to chant mantra /or to recite stotram for

betterment and spiritual upliftment of his life.Mantra, stotram or performance

of any specific pooja are supposed to be cartridges to hit the desired target

which has to be fired with the efficient gun and by the competent shooter

otherwise cartridge will be wasted.In spiritual perspective the capacity to hit

the desired target with the mantra which has been supposed to be cartridge

depends upon the efficiency and category of

aspirant who transform his life with Yam and Niyam and not by Kapalbhati

Pranayam.Yogis and Siddha Purush who had paranormal powers beyond any doubt has

expressed much emphasis on Yam and Niyam rather than that of Kapalbhati.

Anuloam-Vilom  and Kapalbhati pranayam are part of Kriya-yoga to keep the body

fit to some extent only.In the present time both physical and mental

fitness are required for every person and complete mental fitness comes only by

following at least Yam and Niyam as propounded by Yogi Patanjali.Hence the

teachings of Yogi Patanjali was sent in earlier message for the betterment of

aspirants and not for Siddha yogis who have already attained paranormal

powers.You may correct me if I am wrong.

With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Sun, December 13, 2009 4:08:38 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Misra ji


a timely post more often HEALTH IS WEALTH and prevention beter than cure here

even under stress, sickness or disorders like BP, sugar, hear disirders, back

aches, asthma, etc can be set in order with good yoga, pranayama mix at least a

few of what ramdev sha shwon us so often on TV some of the tips go a long way


time for ppl to value, practice or rich traditional model of life as part of

they regular daily routine


..- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6


____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>


Sun, December 13, 2009 12:06:00 AM

Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Dear Members,

I thought to share the following with the members;

with greetings,

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- -------

People are living in their own world though in global village ; in unit system (

prveiously in a joint family system- collective way ) a very individualistic

style ( foolish selfish style rather than intelligent way). In fact, following

two mentioned steps in yoga( out of eight ) , need thorough understanding and

real life practice. If we can follow these steps, I feel, we have done the major

part of the Yoga.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Patanjali Yoga


Often called the " father of yoga, " Patanjali codified his thoughts and knowledge

of yoga in The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. In this work, Patanjali compiled 195

sutras or concise aphorisms that are essentially an ethical blueprint for living

a moral life and incorporating the science of yoga into your life.

In a world where we reduce nearly everything to quick tips and sound bites,

Patanjali seems to fit right in with his brief 195 guidelines to enlightenment.

The Yoga Sutra is considered the fundamental text on the system of yoga, and yet

you wont find the description of a single posture or asana in it. This is a

guide for living the right life. Essentially, Patanjali says, you can't practice

asanas in yoga class, feel the stretch, and then go home to play with your kids,

cook a meal, yell at your employees, and cheat on your taxes. There is more to

yoga than that — yoga can help youcultivate body, mind, and spiritual


The heart of Patanjali's teachings is the eightfold path of yoga. It is also

called the eight limbs of Patanjali, because they intertwine like the branches

of a tree in the forest. These aren't commandments (although they sometimes

sound like them), laws, or hard and fast rules. These are Patanjali's

suggestions for living a better life through yoga. Here are the eight limbs of


1. Yama

Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around you. (

Empathy is the most important aspect ) .These are moral principles. Sometimes

they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt nots. There are five yamas:

* Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or deed. In his

book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks Mahatma Gandhi the

definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, " The avoidance of harm to any living creature

in thought or deed. " Yogananda asked if one could kill a cobra to protect a

child. Gandhi maintained he would still hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, " I

must confess that I could not serenely carry on this conversation were I faced

by a cobra. "

* Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income taxes falls

into this category.

* Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car) orintangibles such

as the center of attention or your child's chance to learn responsibility or

independence by doing something on his own.

* Nonlust (brahmacharya) . Don't worry; this is not a call to celibacy. Many

yogis of old were married and had families of their own. The person who

practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual encounters and, as the

well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, " sees divinity in all. "

* Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha) . Free yourself from greed, hoarding, and

collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog the

conversation every time you see your friends?Make your life as simple as


2. Niyama

Niyama isinner discipline and responsibility, how we treat ourselves. These are

sometimes called observances, the do's, or the thou shalts. There are five


* Purity (shauca). Purity is achieved through the practice of the five yamas,

which help clear away the negative physical and mental states of being. Keep

yourself, your clothing, and your surroundings clean. Eat fresh and healthy

food. The next time you joke about treating your body like a temple, think of

this niyama.

* Contentment (santosha). Cultivate contentment and tranquility by finding

happiness with what you have and who you are. Seek happiness in the moment, take

responsibility for where you are, and choose to grow from there.

* Austerity (tapas). Show discipline in body, speech, and mind. The purpose of

developing self-discipline is not to become ascetic, but to control and direct

the mind and body for higher spiritual aims or purposes.

* Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Study sacred texts, which are whatever

books are relevant to you and inspire and teach you. Education changes a

person's outlook on life. As Iyengar says, a person starts " to realize that all

creation is meant for bhakti (adoration) rather than for bhoga (enjoyment), that

all creation is divine, that there is divinity within himself and that the

energy which moves him is the same that moves the entire universe. "

* Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana ). Be devoted to

God, Buddha, or whatever you consider divine.

* The above mentioned Yama and Niyama are necessary for all.I am sharing this

message with you by the courtesy of Shadbhawana group/Davendra Ji.You may also

Join this group for your spritual upliftment.

* With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>


Sat, December 12, 2009 2:22:49 PM

Att.Vattem Sir and learned members: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,[1]In any case your Correct time of birth can't be 06:18AM

because it is not in accordance with rules regarding rectification of birth

time.I took Lahiri,K.P,Raman etc ayanamsas and 6:18AM time to calculate S/L

,SS/L of ascendant and Star lord ,Sub lord of Moon.I found that S/L ,SS/ L of

ascendant are not equal to Star lord,Sub lord of Moon.Besides this rectification

of birth time rule is applicable with in only 30 minutes.Hence there is no sense

to addopt 6:18AM time as your correct birth time.

But the Correct birth time for Lahiri ayanamsa will be 05:48:27AM,for K.P

ayanamsa birth time will be 5:47:59AM and for Raman ayanamsa

correct birth time will be 5:43:07AM.Because at that rectified Sub Lord,SS Lord

of ascendant is equal to Sub Lord of Moon and Star Lord of Moon.This rectified

time for each system is in accordance with rule.

You are not manglic in any case and there is no Mars Dosh in your Kundali.

If you don't believe even in correct rectificatio n of birth time,you should

take up your own reported birth time 5:45AM as Correct birth time.

But it is wrong to accept 6:18AM in any case.

The latest definition of Mars Dosha,as per K.P.,that I have, goes like this ...

Mars Dosha is said to be present only if : " Mars in Sun's star,or it's own

star,if posited in the Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII counted from Moon or Venus

is said to cause Mars Dosha... "

One may ask as to,why should Mars be considered evil only when it signifies the

Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII from Lagna,Moon or Venus ?

1) Lagna denotes health and longevity and personal characteristics. As Lagna

will become a Maraka House to the VIIth, i.e., partner or wife...

2) The IInd house denotes the happiness of the Family,and domestic

life,increase/ decrease in the number of the Family by marriage and birth of

children and death of children...

Further the IInd house is the VIIIth to the VIIth,showing danger to the


3) The IVth house denotes domestic environments. ..Our Sages have declared that

evil planets occupying the IVth or VIIIth from a Bhava spoils the Bhava...hence

Mars on IV is eil to the Ascendant,i. e., to the health and belongings of the


4) The VIIth house shows the legal bondage,and the wife/husband of the native,in

other words, the longevity of the native or his/her wife/husband. ..Hence the

positioning of Mars in VII is not conducive to the health,longevity etc.,

5) The VIIIth house shows the difficultiesof the native and the finance and

fortune of his/her partner...as well as their longevity...

6) The VIIIth is also known as the Mangalyasthana, i.e., the duration of the

married life...again, therefore Mars in the VIIIth is evil...

7) The XIIth house stands for the real pleasure the partners derove,,the

deception,loss etc...

The above explains the rationale of the houses being considered for the

occupation by Mars,as evil...or MARS DOSHA... !

With thanks and regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Sat, December 12, 2009 6:47:25 AM

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,

U will be considered fortunate if you happen to be virgo,as Manglik effcet

effect will be nullifies.,For simha born people how ever sun as a ruler of the

sign will not impact manglik dosha effects.

The problems of relationships with spouse and other have to be faced by leo

rooted people as they tend to be dominating,exercise their desires and seek

fulfilment.leos ar think and act like rulers and spend time away from others in

a indolent fashion.so in a way mangal during dasa may not act adversely as

relation between mangal and surya is very in timate.

2.Your other issues if any can be looked into through chalit chart,divisional

chart based on your original timing of birth not the corrected one.Let your

purohit;s conviction be used for his own advices for tarabalam,fixing of good

time for panchangam purpose.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)


--- On Fri, 12/11/09, bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Friday, December 11, 2009, 1:23 PM




Thanks to everyone for the response and their valuable suggestions.


I posted this question on the forum to know weather i am Manglik or not. On

going through the Astrology software's (Parashara's, kundli-Pro) it has put me

in doubt that which horoscope to consider.


I inquired with the PanditJee again and he said that at the given time

(24-sep-1982 05:45 AM) of birth the Lagna (Virgo) in Hissar(Haryana) was at zero



It affects the persons born at that time. Its because of that my Lagna has

become 'Virgo' and not the 'Leo'.


I will be very thankful if some one can guide me weather i am manglik or not and

when are the chances for me of getting married.


Thanks In Advance,



, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>



> so sir,

> " software " and " bush " r hand in hand

> he one is for the other.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)

> Â


> --- On Thu, 12/10/09, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:



> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>

> Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


> Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:59 PM



> Â




> Agreed! And this *bush* does not even have the initials 'G.W' and hence any

'battery' or aggression would constitute as cruelty towards innocent Software!



> RR_,


> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>


> >

> > If the soft ware person( as one asking) can not explain,Pandit ji who change

timing can never be able to explain.

> > we r beating the bush

> >

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > (For all counseling services)

> > ÂÂ

> >

> > --- On Thu, 12/10/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...>

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Thursday, December 10, 2009, 4:16 AM

> >

> >

> > ÂÂ

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Prashant ji,

> >

> > Here the question is regarding the correct TOB and " Zero crossing over " and

HENCE the TOB should be 6:18 instead of 5:45AM. a difference of 33mnts.

> >

> > What is this zero crossing over? Is it planets at the edge of signs?

> > I have given below the planetory positions for both the times as per lahiri

& raman ayanamsa.

> >

> > As per Lahiri it is impossible for the planet positions to have changed as

he had stated within 33 mnts except that of lagna.

> >

> > However as per Raman Ayanamsa, Saturn has crossed to Thula sign but not on

that day.

> >

> > The point is even if the planets has crossed to other sign, assuming that

software is wrong, how does it alter the TOB?.

> >

> > Lahiri Ayanamsa.

> > 5:45AM


> > Asc-- 149.21- 29.21- Simh

> > Sun-- 157.01- 7.01-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.22- 26.22- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.07- 9.07-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.35- 28.35- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.22- 24.22- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 156.37- 6.37-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 157.03- 7.03-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.24- 26.24- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.08- 9.08-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.36- 28.36- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.39- 24.39- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > Raman Ayanama

> > 5:45AM

> > Asc-- 150.48- 0.48-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.28- 8.28-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.49- 27.49- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.34- 10.34- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.02- 18.02- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 235.49- 25.49- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 158.04- 8.04-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.29- 8.29-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.5-- 27.5-- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.35- 10.35- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.03- 18.03- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 236.05- 26.05- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> >

> >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 1:41:22 PM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > ÂÂ

> > Dear Suresh ji,, Krishna ji,

> >

> > true we cant find such comments based one a particular fancy or leaning and

with no mention if the sw is a standad product I've seen some s/w give errors on

slow moving grahas sani, Kuja even JHora has some diff with respect to Parashara

Light, Visual jyotish and what we r using with ICAS, IAS and my team have worked


> >

> > IAS was 1st started by K ashwattappa Indian astrological studies, is still

functioning in chennai and later its members were part of the INITIAL team of

ICAS co-founded by B V RAMAN ji iad joined it just at that time

> >

> > i did my classical works training under ashwatappa and c a padnabham in IAS


> > B5 ICAS came up with its sylabus.

> >

> > on the s/w I have read sri KN RAO ji saw for Indian bron use s/w developed

in India and for American ones sue the american developed ones this is max I can

understand, may be as more of local cordinates database is available in

respective developed countries for good calculations, else can't find logic here


> >

> > but PL has over 15 laks places all over the world and uses a good atlas.

> >


> >

> > I use B V Raman's Ayanamsa only so Dasa, Vargas, Dates will differ from non

Raman's. Pl provide important dates in ur life while posting to verify ur birth

data and to help Lagna verification provide a picture in the Pictures folder in

the group either in the Lagna/rasi one or unknown folder. Consultations outside

the group or to my personal ID are chargeable. see Database section in the group

for more.- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 11:49:25 AM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Dear Bharat,

> >

> > This is weirdest case I have come across about tob correction and

allegations against computerised horoscopes by local astrologers.

> >

> > what zero degree chane is he talking about?

> >

> > If your recorded time 5:45AM make the chart for that time only. Let him

believe whatever he wants.

> >

> > Your time will not chage to 6:18AM.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 12:44:59 AM

> > Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I am Bharat and working as a software professional in bangalore.

> >

> > My date of Birth is 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > If my Lagan chart is prepared using the date mentioned above it comes as

> > shown below:

> >

> > Lagna Chart acc. to [ 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM ] Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > Ist House - No.5 -- ven

> > 2nd House - No.6 -- sun, mer, sat

> > 3rd House - No.7 -- jup

> > 4th House - No.8 -- mar, moon

> > 5th House - No.9 -- ketu

> > 6th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 11th House - No.3 -- rah

> > 12th House - No.4 -- ---

> >

> > According to our pandit jee for the above given date of birth there

> > was some Zero degree change occured which we need to consider.

> >

> > He said computer can not make accurate kundli as it don't consider the

> > above fact.

> > According to him computer will give the below chart if the time is

> > changed to 06:18 Am

> > and my date of birth will become then 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM

> > Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > My Lagna Chart acc to [ 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM ] Hissar(Harayana) as

> > follows:

> >

> > Ist House - No.6 -- Sun, Mer, Sat

> > 2nd House - No.7 -- Jup

> > 3rd House - No.8 -- Mar, Mon

> > 4th House - No.9 -- Ket

> > 5th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 6th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.3 -- Rah

> > 11th House - No.4 -- ---

> > 12th House - No.5 -- Ven

> >

> > Please guide me which lagan chart should i consider.

> >

> > Thanks and Regards,

> > Bharat

> >

> >

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Dear krishna ji & Others


//Questions howver how far they are practicable and how much effort one needs to

put in town them and implement them//


Truely speaking it is not that difficult.


But the real question is Are we willing ?


Man like any other animal believes that muscel power, money power, shouting at

others, cunningness, even cheating to get what one wishes is the way of life

and to establish one self to prominence in the society 


The main reason is fear :


The difference is like between Karate & Taichi, while one displays &

uses muscel power and offcource mental power, the later uses only the internal

power and harmony.


The former tries to concentrate in speed and own power, the later centers

on harmonicing the movements with others as well.


I know the above may be greek, the key is harmony with the self than others.

Know thy well.


If you remove as much as " fear "  from yourself, you become more surefooted in


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy






Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99


Mon, December 14, 2009 12:23:45 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Dear Sapnaji,Dhirendra ji and others,

Swamini Satyavrtananda sarswati ji's effort to make Yoga a way of life,is

lauadable as the ancients,seers out of their experiences practised and followed

to get real values in life.

Patanjali Maharishi ji,ha given 10 commandments with a purpose and there can be

no short cut as nevisaged by her time and again.

For me it is all directionless as v r caught in a web of various

pursuits,lacking consistency. .As given to understand Niyamas r disciplines to

be followed si that v r safeguarded in evry aspect to fell the pleasure in human


Questions howver how far they are practicable and how much effort one needs to

put in town them and implement them


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Sun, 12/13/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra@ ymail.com>



Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra@ ymail.com>

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Sunday, December 13, 2009, 11:25 AM




Dear Prashant Sir & members,It is very good to follow the teachings of Swami Ram

Deo Ji to keep the body fit.Yet Yam and Niyam are very necessary for every

aspirant who desires for his / her spiritual upliftment or who is chanting

mantra for his /her betterment in any respect.Every effort made with regard to

spiritual upliftment or chanting of mantra/recitation of stotra etc will be

proved of no avail, if Yam and Niyam are not followed on first hand.In this

Jyotish Remedies forum querists are suggested to perform Specific Pooja,chant

mantra,recite stotram to minimise the adverse effect of malefic planets and

after some times some querists say that they could not get relief.Many people

perform Pooja or chant mantra,recite stotram etc but on other hand they do not

follow Yam and Niyam to any extent and waste their time and finally they say

that these suggested remedies could not help them.Although behind this failure

their 'Karm' is also relevant

factor.But no one can deny the importance of Yam and Niyam. Anulom -Vilom

Pranayam,Kapalbhati Pranayam which are shown on T.V can only keep the body fit

to some extent only.A wrestler who is deemed to be Physically fit and need not

Anulom-Vilom Pranayam or Kapalbhati Pranayam may not be a spirutual man if he

does not follow Yam and Niyam.A wrestler who need not Anulom-Vilom or

Kapalbhati Pranayam will have to follow Yam and Niyam,if he has been advised to

perform any specific pooja/ or to chant mantra /or to recite stotram for

betterment and spiritual upliftment of his life.Mantra, stotram or performance

of any specific pooja are supposed to be cartridges to hit the desired target

which has to be fired with the efficient gun and by the competent shooter

otherwise cartridge will be wasted.In spiritual perspective the capacity to hit

the desired target with the mantra which has been supposed to be cartridge

depends upon the efficiency and category of

aspirant who transform his life with Yam and Niyam and not by Kapalbhati

Pranayam.Yogis and Siddha Purush who had paranormal powers beyond any doubt has

expressed much emphasis on Yam and Niyam rather than that of Kapalbhati.

Anuloam-Vilom  and Kapalbhati pranayam are part of Kriya-yoga to keep the body

fit to some extent only.In the present time both physical and mental

fitness are required for every person and complete mental fitness comes only by

following at least Yam and Niyam as propounded by Yogi Patanjali.Hence the

teachings of Yogi Patanjali was sent in earlier message for the betterment of

aspirants and not for Siddha yogis who have already attained paranormal

powers.You may correct me if I am wrong.

With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Sun, December 13, 2009 4:08:38 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Misra ji


a timely post more often HEALTH IS WEALTH and prevention beter than cure here

even under stress, sickness or disorders like BP, sugar, hear disirders, back

aches, asthma, etc can be set in order with good yoga, pranayama mix at least a

few of what ramdev sha shwon us so often on TV some of the tips go a long way


time for ppl to value, practice or rich traditional model of life as part of

they regular daily routine


..- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6


____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>


Sun, December 13, 2009 12:06:00 AM

Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Dear Members,

I thought to share the following with the members;

with greetings,

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- -------

People are living in their own world though in global village ; in unit system (

prveiously in a joint family system- collective way ) a very individualistic

style ( foolish selfish style rather than intelligent way). In fact, following

two mentioned steps in yoga( out of eight ) , need thorough understanding and

real life practice. If we can follow these steps, I feel, we have done the major

part of the Yoga.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Patanjali Yoga


Often called the " father of yoga, " Patanjali codified his thoughts and knowledge

of yoga in The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. In this work, Patanjali compiled 195

sutras or concise aphorisms that are essentially an ethical blueprint for living

a moral life and incorporating the science of yoga into your life.

In a world where we reduce nearly everything to quick tips and sound bites,

Patanjali seems to fit right in with his brief 195 guidelines to enlightenment.

The Yoga Sutra is considered the fundamental text on the system of yoga, and yet

you wont find the description of a single posture or asana in it. This is a

guide for living the right life. Essentially, Patanjali says, you can't practice

asanas in yoga class, feel the stretch, and then go home to play with your kids,

cook a meal, yell at your employees, and cheat on your taxes. There is more to

yoga than that — yoga can help youcultivate body, mind, and spiritual


The heart of Patanjali's teachings is the eightfold path of yoga. It is also

called the eight limbs of Patanjali, because they intertwine like the branches

of a tree in the forest. These aren't commandments (although they sometimes

sound like them), laws, or hard and fast rules. These are Patanjali's

suggestions for living a better life through yoga. Here are the eight limbs of


1. Yama

Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around you. (

Empathy is the most important aspect ) .These are moral principles. Sometimes

they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt nots. There are five yamas:

* Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or deed. In his

book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks Mahatma Gandhi the

definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, " The avoidance of harm to any living creature

in thought or deed. " Yogananda asked if one could kill a cobra to protect a

child. Gandhi maintained he would still hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, " I

must confess that I could not serenely carry on this conversation were I faced

by a cobra. "

* Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income taxes falls

into this category.

* Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car) orintangibles such

as the center of attention or your child's chance to learn responsibility or

independence by doing something on his own.

* Nonlust (brahmacharya) . Don't worry; this is not a call to celibacy. Many

yogis of old were married and had families of their own. The person who

practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual encounters and, as the

well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, " sees divinity in all. "

* Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha) . Free yourself from greed, hoarding, and

collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog the

conversation every time you see your friends?Make your life as simple as


2. Niyama

Niyama isinner discipline and responsibility, how we treat ourselves. These are

sometimes called observances, the do's, or the thou shalts. There are five


* Purity (shauca). Purity is achieved through the practice of the five yamas,

which help clear away the negative physical and mental states of being. Keep

yourself, your clothing, and your surroundings clean. Eat fresh and healthy

food. The next time you joke about treating your body like a temple, think of

this niyama.

* Contentment (santosha). Cultivate contentment and tranquility by finding

happiness with what you have and who you are. Seek happiness in the moment, take

responsibility for where you are, and choose to grow from there.

* Austerity (tapas). Show discipline in body, speech, and mind. The purpose of

developing self-discipline is not to become ascetic, but to control and direct

the mind and body for higher spiritual aims or purposes.

* Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Study sacred texts, which are whatever

books are relevant to you and inspire and teach you. Education changes a

person's outlook on life. As Iyengar says, a person starts " to realize that all

creation is meant for bhakti (adoration) rather than for bhoga (enjoyment), that

all creation is divine, that there is divinity within himself and that the

energy which moves him is the same that moves the entire universe. "

* Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana ). Be devoted to

God, Buddha, or whatever you consider divine.

* The above mentioned Yama and Niyama are necessary for all.I am sharing this

message with you by the courtesy of Shadbhawana group/Davendra Ji.You may also

Join this group for your spritual upliftment.

* With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>


Sat, December 12, 2009 2:22:49 PM

Att.Vattem Sir and learned members: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,[1]In any case your Correct time of birth can't be 06:18AM

because it is not in accordance with rules regarding rectification of birth

time.I took Lahiri,K.P,Raman etc ayanamsas and 6:18AM time to calculate S/L

,SS/L of ascendant and Star lord ,Sub lord of Moon.I found that S/L ,SS/ L of

ascendant are not equal to Star lord,Sub lord of Moon.Besides this rectification

of birth time rule is applicable with in only 30 minutes.Hence there is no sense

to addopt 6:18AM time as your correct birth time.

But the Correct birth time for Lahiri ayanamsa will be 05:48:27AM,for K.P

ayanamsa birth time will be 5:47:59AM and for Raman ayanamsa

correct birth time will be 5:43:07AM.Because at that rectified Sub Lord,SS Lord

of ascendant is equal to Sub Lord of Moon and Star Lord of Moon.This rectified

time for each system is in accordance with rule.

You are not manglic in any case and there is no Mars Dosh in your Kundali.

If you don't believe even in correct rectificatio n of birth time,you should

take up your own reported birth time 5:45AM as Correct birth time.

But it is wrong to accept 6:18AM in any case.

The latest definition of Mars Dosha,as per K.P.,that I have, goes like this ...

Mars Dosha is said to be present only if : " Mars in Sun's star,or it's own

star,if posited in the Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII counted from Moon or Venus

is said to cause Mars Dosha... "

One may ask as to,why should Mars be considered evil only when it signifies the

Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII from Lagna,Moon or Venus ?

1) Lagna denotes health and longevity and personal characteristics. As Lagna

will become a Maraka House to the VIIth, i.e., partner or wife...

2) The IInd house denotes the happiness of the Family,and domestic

life,increase/ decrease in the number of the Family by marriage and birth of

children and death of children...

Further the IInd house is the VIIIth to the VIIth,showing danger to the


3) The IVth house denotes domestic environments. ..Our Sages have declared that

evil planets occupying the IVth or VIIIth from a Bhava spoils the Bhava...hence

Mars on IV is eil to the Ascendant,i. e., to the health and belongings of the


4) The VIIth house shows the legal bondage,and the wife/husband of the native,in

other words, the longevity of the native or his/her wife/husband. ..Hence the

positioning of Mars in VII is not conducive to the health,longevity etc.,

5) The VIIIth house shows the difficultiesof the native and the finance and

fortune of his/her partner...as well as their longevity...

6) The VIIIth is also known as the Mangalyasthana, i.e., the duration of the

married life...again, therefore Mars in the VIIIth is evil...

7) The XIIth house stands for the real pleasure the partners derove,,the

deception,loss etc...

The above explains the rationale of the houses being considered for the

occupation by Mars,as evil...or MARS DOSHA... !

With thanks and regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Sat, December 12, 2009 6:47:25 AM

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,

U will be considered fortunate if you happen to be virgo,as Manglik effcet

effect will be nullifies.,For simha born people how ever sun as a ruler of the

sign will not impact manglik dosha effects.

The problems of relationships with spouse and other have to be faced by leo

rooted people as they tend to be dominating,exercise their desires and seek

fulfilment.leos ar think and act like rulers and spend time away from others in

a indolent fashion.so in a way mangal during dasa may not act adversely as

relation between mangal and surya is very in timate.

2.Your other issues if any can be looked into through chalit chart,divisional

chart based on your original timing of birth not the corrected one.Let your

purohit;s conviction be used for his own advices for tarabalam,fixing of good

time for panchangam purpose.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)


--- On Fri, 12/11/09, bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Friday, December 11, 2009, 1:23 PM




Thanks to everyone for the response and their valuable suggestions.


I posted this question on the forum to know weather i am Manglik or not. On

going through the Astrology software's (Parashara's, kundli-Pro) it has put me

in doubt that which horoscope to consider.


I inquired with the PanditJee again and he said that at the given time

(24-sep-1982 05:45 AM) of birth the Lagna (Virgo) in Hissar(Haryana) was at zero



It affects the persons born at that time. Its because of that my Lagna has

become 'Virgo' and not the 'Leo'.


I will be very thankful if some one can guide me weather i am manglik or not and

when are the chances for me of getting married.


Thanks In Advance,



, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>



> so sir,

> " software " and " bush " r hand in hand

> he one is for the other.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)

> Â


> --- On Thu, 12/10/09, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:



> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>

> Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


> Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:59 PM



> Â




> Agreed! And this *bush* does not even have the initials 'G.W' and hence any

'battery' or aggression would constitute as cruelty towards innocent Software!



> RR_,


> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>


> >

> > If the soft ware person( as one asking) can not explain,Pandit ji who change

timing can never be able to explain.

> > we r beating the bush

> >

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > (For all counseling services)

> > ÂÂ

> >

> > --- On Thu, 12/10/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...>

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Thursday, December 10, 2009, 4:16 AM

> >

> >

> > ÂÂ

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Prashant ji,

> >

> > Here the question is regarding the correct TOB and " Zero crossing over " and

HENCE the TOB should be 6:18 instead of 5:45AM. a difference of 33mnts.

> >

> > What is this zero crossing over? Is it planets at the edge of signs?

> > I have given below the planetory positions for both the times as per lahiri

& raman ayanamsa.

> >

> > As per Lahiri it is impossible for the planet positions to have changed as

he had stated within 33 mnts except that of lagna.

> >

> > However as per Raman Ayanamsa, Saturn has crossed to Thula sign but not on

that day.

> >

> > The point is even if the planets has crossed to other sign, assuming that

software is wrong, how does it alter the TOB?.

> >

> > Lahiri Ayanamsa.

> > 5:45AM


> > Asc-- 149.21- 29.21- Simh

> > Sun-- 157.01- 7.01-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.22- 26.22- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.07- 9.07-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.35- 28.35- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.22- 24.22- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 156.37- 6.37-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 157.03- 7.03-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.24- 26.24- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.08- 9.08-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.36- 28.36- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.39- 24.39- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > Raman Ayanama

> > 5:45AM

> > Asc-- 150.48- 0.48-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.28- 8.28-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.49- 27.49- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.34- 10.34- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.02- 18.02- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 235.49- 25.49- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 158.04- 8.04-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.29- 8.29-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.5-- 27.5-- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.35- 10.35- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.03- 18.03- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 236.05- 26.05- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> >

> >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 1:41:22 PM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > ÂÂ

> > Dear Suresh ji,, Krishna ji,

> >

> > true we cant find such comments based one a particular fancy or leaning and

with no mention if the sw is a standad product I've seen some s/w give errors on

slow moving grahas sani, Kuja even JHora has some diff with respect to Parashara

Light, Visual jyotish and what we r using with ICAS, IAS and my team have worked


> >

> > IAS was 1st started by K ashwattappa Indian astrological studies, is still

functioning in chennai and later its members were part of the INITIAL team of

ICAS co-founded by B V RAMAN ji iad joined it just at that time

> >

> > i did my classical works training under ashwatappa and c a padnabham in IAS


> > B5 ICAS came up with its sylabus.

> >

> > on the s/w I have read sri KN RAO ji saw for Indian bron use s/w developed

in India and for American ones sue the american developed ones this is max I can

understand, may be as more of local cordinates database is available in

respective developed countries for good calculations, else can't find logic here


> >

> > but PL has over 15 laks places all over the world and uses a good atlas.

> >


> >

> > I use B V Raman's Ayanamsa only so Dasa, Vargas, Dates will differ from non

Raman's. Pl provide important dates in ur life while posting to verify ur birth

data and to help Lagna verification provide a picture in the Pictures folder in

the group either in the Lagna/rasi one or unknown folder. Consultations outside

the group or to my personal ID are chargeable. see Database section in the group

for more.- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 11:49:25 AM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Dear Bharat,

> >

> > This is weirdest case I have come across about tob correction and

allegations against computerised horoscopes by local astrologers.

> >

> > what zero degree chane is he talking about?

> >

> > If your recorded time 5:45AM make the chart for that time only. Let him

believe whatever he wants.

> >

> > Your time will not chage to 6:18AM.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 12:44:59 AM

> > Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I am Bharat and working as a software professional in bangalore.

> >

> > My date of Birth is 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > If my Lagan chart is prepared using the date mentioned above it comes as

> > shown below:

> >

> > Lagna Chart acc. to [ 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM ] Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > Ist House - No.5 -- ven

> > 2nd House - No.6 -- sun, mer, sat

> > 3rd House - No.7 -- jup

> > 4th House - No.8 -- mar, moon

> > 5th House - No.9 -- ketu

> > 6th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 11th House - No.3 -- rah

> > 12th House - No.4 -- ---

> >

> > According to our pandit jee for the above given date of birth there

> > was some Zero degree change occured which we need to consider.

> >

> > He said computer can not make accurate kundli as it don't consider the

> > above fact.

> > According to him computer will give the below chart if the time is

> > changed to 06:18 Am

> > and my date of birth will become then 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM

> > Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > My Lagna Chart acc to [ 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM ] Hissar(Harayana) as

> > follows:

> >

> > Ist House - No.6 -- Sun, Mer, Sat

> > 2nd House - No.7 -- Jup

> > 3rd House - No.8 -- Mar, Mon

> > 4th House - No.9 -- Ket

> > 5th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 6th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.3 -- Rah

> > 11th House - No.4 -- ---

> > 12th House - No.5 -- Ven

> >

> > Please guide me which lagan chart should i consider.

> >

> > Thanks and Regards,

> > Bharat

> >

> >

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Dear Shri Suresh Ji and Members,

A little more eloborartion of cardinal principles of Niyamas will be to

appreciate,the Swamini,Sarswati Yoganand Ji efforts:


Today our indulgence in sense pleasures we r no caring soucha.It is therefore

problems are encounterd as we get attached to these pleasure..

what actually difficult is with reference to livelihood that becomes part to

maintain internal cleaning.Socucha covers internal and external aspects

We have fully understanding about snatosh it is better v get into further


3rd aspect Taps covers wilful denial ,self denial of pleasures(body AND MIND)

sWADHYAYANA COvers study of scriptures of one;s own religion.

Finally total surrender to the lors.

According to patanjali Mahraj there are no short cuts as both niyama and yama

are equally to be observed



Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Mon, 12/14/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag wrote:



Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Monday, December 14, 2009, 2:34 AM







Dear krishna ji & Others


//Questions howver how far they are practicable and how much effort one needs to

put in town them and implement them//


Truely speaking it is not that difficult.


But the real question is Are we willing ?


Man like any other animal believes that muscel power, money power, shouting at

others, cunningness,  even cheating to get what one wishes is the way of life

and to establish one self to prominence in the society 


The main reason is fear :


The difference is like between Karate & Taichi, while one displays &

uses muscel power and offcource mental power, the later uses only the internal

power and harmony.


The former tries to concentrate in speed and own power, the later centers

on harmonicing the movements with others as well.


I know the above may be greek, the key is harmony with the self than others.

Know thy well.


If you remove as much as " fear "  from yourself, you become more surefooted in


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Mon, December 14, 2009 12:23:45 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Dear Sapnaji,Dhirendra ji and others,

Swamini Satyavrtananda sarswati ji's effort to make Yoga a way of life,is

lauadable as the ancients,seers out of their experiences practised and followed

to get real values in life.

Patanjali Maharishi ji,ha given 10 commandments with a purpose and there can be

no short cut as nevisaged by her time and again.

For me it is all directionless as v r caught in a web of various

pursuits,lacking consistency. .As given to understand Niyamas r disciplines to

be followed si that v r safeguarded in evry aspect to fell the pleasure in human


Questions howver how far they are practicable and how much effort one needs to

put in town them and implement them


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Sun, 12/13/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>



Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Sunday, December 13, 2009, 11:25 AM




Dear Prashant Sir & members,It is very good to follow the teachings of Swami Ram

Deo Ji to keep the body fit.Yet Yam and Niyam are very necessary for every

aspirant who desires for his / her spiritual upliftment or who is chanting

mantra for his /her betterment in any respect.Every effort made with regard to

spiritual upliftment or chanting of mantra/recitation of stotra etc will be

proved of no avail, if Yam and Niyam are not followed on first hand.In this

Jyotish Remedies forum querists are suggested to perform Specific Pooja,chant

mantra,recite stotram to minimise the adverse effect of malefic planets and

after some times some querists say that they could not get relief.Many people

perform Pooja or chant mantra,recite stotram etc but on other hand they do not

follow Yam and Niyam to any extent and waste their time and finally they say

that these suggested remedies could not help them.Although behind this failure

their 'Karm' is also relevant

factor.But no one can deny the importance of Yam and Niyam. Anulom -Vilom

Pranayam,Kapalbhati Pranayam which are shown on T.V can only keep the body fit

to some extent only.A wrestler who is deemed to be Physically fit and need not

Anulom-Vilom Pranayam or Kapalbhati Pranayam may not be a spirutual man if he

does not follow Yam and Niyam.A wrestler who need not Anulom-Vilom or

Kapalbhati Pranayam will have to follow Yam and Niyam,if he has been advised to

perform any specific pooja/ or to chant mantra /or to recite stotram for

betterment and spiritual upliftment of his life.Mantra, stotram or performance

of any specific pooja are supposed to be cartridges to hit the desired target

which has to be fired with the efficient gun and by the competent shooter

otherwise cartridge will be wasted.In spiritual perspective the capacity to hit

the desired target with the mantra which has been supposed to be cartridge

depends upon the efficiency and category of

aspirant who transform his life with Yam and Niyam and not by Kapalbhati

Pranayam.Yogis and Siddha Purush who had paranormal powers beyond any doubt has

expressed much emphasis on Yam and Niyam rather than that of Kapalbhati.

Anuloam-Vilom  and Kapalbhati pranayam are part of Kriya-yoga to keep the body

fit to some extent only.In the present time both physical and mental

fitness are required for every person and complete mental fitness comes only by

following at least Yam and Niyam as propounded by Yogi Patanjali.Hence the

teachings of Yogi Patanjali was sent in earlier message for the betterment of

aspirants and not for Siddha yogis who have already attained paranormal

powers.You may correct me if I am wrong.

With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Sun, December 13, 2009 4:08:38 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Misra ji


a timely post more often HEALTH IS WEALTH and prevention beter than cure here

even under stress, sickness or disorders like BP, sugar, hear disirders, back

aches, asthma, etc can be set in order with good yoga, pranayama mix at least a

few of what ramdev sha shwon us so often on TV some of the tips go a long way


time for ppl to value, practice or rich traditional model of life as part of

they regular daily routine


..- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6


____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>


Sun, December 13, 2009 12:06:00 AM

Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Dear Members,

I thought to share the following with the members;

with greetings,

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- -------

People are living in their own world though in global village ; in unit system (

prveiously in a joint family system- collective way ) a very individualistic

style ( foolish selfish style rather than intelligent way). In fact, following

two mentioned steps in yoga( out of eight ) , need thorough understanding and

real life practice. If we can follow these steps, I feel, we have done the major

part of the Yoga.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Patanjali Yoga


Often called the " father of yoga, " Patanjali codified his thoughts and knowledge

of yoga in The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. In this work, Patanjali compiled 195

sutras or concise aphorisms that are essentially an ethical blueprint for living

a moral life and incorporating the science of yoga into your life.

In a world where we reduce nearly everything to quick tips and sound bites,

Patanjali seems to fit right in with his brief 195 guidelines to enlightenment.

The Yoga Sutra is considered the fundamental text on the system of yoga, and yet

you wont find the description of a single posture or asana in it. This is a

guide for living the right life. Essentially, Patanjali says, you can't practice

asanas in yoga class, feel the stretch, and then go home to play with your kids,

cook a meal, yell at your employees, and cheat on your taxes. There is more to

yoga than that — yoga can help youcultivate body, mind, and spiritual


The heart of Patanjali's teachings is the eightfold path of yoga. It is also

called the eight limbs of Patanjali, because they intertwine like the branches

of a tree in the forest. These aren't commandments (although they sometimes

sound like them), laws, or hard and fast rules. These are Patanjali's

suggestions for living a better life through yoga. Here are the eight limbs of


1. Yama

Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around you. (

Empathy is the most important aspect ) .These are moral principles. Sometimes

they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt nots. There are five yamas:

* Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or deed. In his

book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks Mahatma Gandhi the

definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, " The avoidance of harm to any living creature

in thought or deed. " Yogananda asked if one could kill a cobra to protect a

child. Gandhi maintained he would still hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, " I

must confess that I could not serenely carry on this conversation were I faced

by a cobra. "

* Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income taxes falls

into this category.

* Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car) orintangibles such

as the center of attention or your child's chance to learn responsibility or

independence by doing something on his own.

* Nonlust (brahmacharya) . Don't worry; this is not a call to celibacy. Many

yogis of old were married and had families of their own. The person who

practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual encounters and, as the

well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, " sees divinity in all. "

* Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha) . Free yourself from greed, hoarding, and

collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog the

conversation every time you see your friends?Make your life as simple as


2. Niyama

Niyama isinner discipline and responsibility, how we treat ourselves. These are

sometimes called observances, the do's, or the thou shalts. There are five


* Purity (shauca). Purity is achieved through the practice of the five yamas,

which help clear away the negative physical and mental states of being. Keep

yourself, your clothing, and your surroundings clean. Eat fresh and healthy

food. The next time you joke about treating your body like a temple, think of

this niyama.

* Contentment (santosha). Cultivate contentment and tranquility by finding

happiness with what you have and who you are. Seek happiness in the moment, take

responsibility for where you are, and choose to grow from there.

* Austerity (tapas). Show discipline in body, speech, and mind. The purpose of

developing self-discipline is not to become ascetic, but to control and direct

the mind and body for higher spiritual aims or purposes.

* Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Study sacred texts, which are whatever

books are relevant to you and inspire and teach you. Education changes a

person's outlook on life. As Iyengar says, a person starts " to realize that all

creation is meant for bhakti (adoration) rather than for bhoga (enjoyment), that

all creation is divine, that there is divinity within himself and that the

energy which moves him is the same that moves the entire universe. "

* Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana ). Be devoted to

God, Buddha, or whatever you consider divine.

* The above mentioned Yama and Niyama are necessary for all.I am sharing this

message with you by the courtesy of Shadbhawana group/Davendra Ji.You may also

Join this group for your spritual upliftment.

* With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>


Sat, December 12, 2009 2:22:49 PM

Att.Vattem Sir and learned members: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,[1]In any case your Correct time of birth can't be 06:18AM

because it is not in accordance with rules regarding rectification of birth

time.I took Lahiri,K.P,Raman etc ayanamsas and 6:18AM time to calculate S/L

,SS/L of ascendant and Star lord ,Sub lord of Moon.I found that S/L ,SS/ L of

ascendant are not equal to Star lord,Sub lord of Moon.Besides this rectification

of birth time rule is applicable with in only 30 minutes.Hence there is no sense

to addopt 6:18AM time as your correct birth time.

But the Correct birth time for Lahiri ayanamsa will be 05:48:27AM,for K.P

ayanamsa birth time will be 5:47:59AM and for Raman ayanamsa

correct birth time will be 5:43:07AM.Because at that rectified Sub Lord,SS Lord

of ascendant is equal to Sub Lord of Moon and Star Lord of Moon.This rectified

time for each system is in accordance with rule.

You are not manglic in any case and there is no Mars Dosh in your Kundali.

If you don't believe even in correct rectificatio n of birth time,you should

take up your own reported birth time 5:45AM as Correct birth time.

But it is wrong to accept 6:18AM in any case.

The latest definition of Mars Dosha,as per K.P.,that I have, goes like this ...

Mars Dosha is said to be present only if : " Mars in Sun's star,or it's own

star,if posited in the Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII counted from Moon or Venus

is said to cause Mars Dosha... "

One may ask as to,why should Mars be considered evil only when it signifies the

Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII from Lagna,Moon or Venus ?

1) Lagna denotes health and longevity and personal characteristics. As Lagna

will become a Maraka House to the VIIth, i.e., partner or wife...

2) The IInd house denotes the happiness of the Family,and domestic

life,increase/ decrease in the number of the Family by marriage and birth of

children and death of children...

Further the IInd house is the VIIIth to the VIIth,showing danger to the


3) The IVth house denotes domestic environments. ..Our Sages have declared that

evil planets occupying the IVth or VIIIth from a Bhava spoils the Bhava...hence

Mars on IV is eil to the Ascendant,i. e., to the health and belongings of the


4) The VIIth house shows the legal bondage,and the wife/husband of the native,in

other words, the longevity of the native or his/her wife/husband. ..Hence the

positioning of Mars in VII is not conducive to the health,longevity etc.,

5) The VIIIth house shows the difficultiesof the native and the finance and

fortune of his/her partner...as well as their longevity...

6) The VIIIth is also known as the Mangalyasthana, i.e., the duration of the

married life...again, therefore Mars in the VIIIth is evil...

7) The XIIth house stands for the real pleasure the partners derove,,the

deception,loss etc...

The above explains the rationale of the houses being considered for the

occupation by Mars,as evil...or MARS DOSHA... !

With thanks and regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Sat, December 12, 2009 6:47:25 AM

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,

U will be considered fortunate if you happen to be virgo,as Manglik effcet

effect will be nullifies.,For simha born people how ever sun as a ruler of the

sign will not impact manglik dosha effects.

The problems of relationships with spouse and other have to be faced by leo

rooted people as they tend to be dominating,exercise their desires and seek

fulfilment.leos ar think and act like rulers and spend time away from others in

a indolent fashion.so in a way mangal during dasa may not act adversely as

relation between mangal and surya is very in timate.

2.Your other issues if any can be looked into through chalit chart,divisional

chart based on your original timing of birth not the corrected one.Let your

purohit;s conviction be used for his own advices for tarabalam,fixing of good

time for panchangam purpose.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)


--- On Fri, 12/11/09, bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Friday, December 11, 2009, 1:23 PM




Thanks to everyone for the response and their valuable suggestions.


I posted this question on the forum to know weather i am Manglik or not. On

going through the Astrology software's (Parashara's, kundli-Pro) it has put me

in doubt that which horoscope to consider.


I inquired with the PanditJee again and he said that at the given time

(24-sep-1982 05:45 AM) of birth the Lagna (Virgo) in Hissar(Haryana) was at zero



It affects the persons born at that time. Its because of that my Lagna has

become 'Virgo' and not the 'Leo'.


I will be very thankful if some one can guide me weather i am manglik or not and

when are the chances for me of getting married.


Thanks In Advance,



, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>



> so sir,

> " software " and " bush " r hand in hand

> he one is for the other.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)

> Â


> --- On Thu, 12/10/09, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:



> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>

> Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


> Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:59 PM



> Â




> Agreed! And this *bush* does not even have the initials 'G.W' and hence any

'battery' or aggression would constitute as cruelty towards innocent Software!



> RR_,


> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>


> >

> > If the soft ware person( as one asking) can not explain,Pandit ji who change

timing can never be able to explain.

> > we r beating the bush

> >

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > (For all counseling services)

> > ÂÂ

> >

> > --- On Thu, 12/10/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...>

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Thursday, December 10, 2009, 4:16 AM

> >

> >

> > ÂÂ

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Prashant ji,

> >

> > Here the question is regarding the correct TOB and " Zero crossing over " and

HENCE the TOB should be 6:18 instead of 5:45AM. a difference of 33mnts.

> >

> > What is this zero crossing over? Is it planets at the edge of signs?

> > I have given below the planetory positions for both the times as per lahiri

& raman ayanamsa.

> >

> > As per Lahiri it is impossible for the planet positions to have changed as

he had stated within 33 mnts except that of lagna.

> >

> > However as per Raman Ayanamsa, Saturn has crossed to Thula sign but not on

that day.

> >

> > The point is even if the planets has crossed to other sign, assuming that

software is wrong, how does it alter the TOB?.

> >

> > Lahiri Ayanamsa.

> > 5:45AM


> > Asc-- 149.21- 29.21- Simh

> > Sun-- 157.01- 7.01-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.22- 26.22- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.07- 9.07-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.35- 28.35- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.22- 24.22- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 156.37- 6.37-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 157.03- 7.03-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.24- 26.24- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.08- 9.08-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.36- 28.36- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.39- 24.39- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > Raman Ayanama

> > 5:45AM

> > Asc-- 150.48- 0.48-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.28- 8.28-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.49- 27.49- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.34- 10.34- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.02- 18.02- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 235.49- 25.49- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 158.04- 8.04-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.29- 8.29-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.5-- 27.5-- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.35- 10.35- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.03- 18.03- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 236.05- 26.05- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> >

> >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 1:41:22 PM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > ÂÂ

> > Dear Suresh ji,, Krishna ji,

> >

> > true we cant find such comments based one a particular fancy or leaning and

with no mention if the sw is a standad product I've seen some s/w give errors on

slow moving grahas sani, Kuja even JHora has some diff with respect to Parashara

Light, Visual jyotish and what we r using with ICAS, IAS and my team have worked


> >

> > IAS was 1st started by K ashwattappa Indian astrological studies, is still

functioning in chennai and later its members were part of the INITIAL team of

ICAS co-founded by B V RAMAN ji iad joined it just at that time

> >

> > i did my classical works training under ashwatappa and c a padnabham in IAS


> > B5 ICAS came up with its sylabus.

> >

> > on the s/w I have read sri KN RAO ji saw for Indian bron use s/w developed

in India and for American ones sue the american developed ones this is max I can

understand, may be as more of local cordinates database is available in

respective developed countries for good calculations, else can't find logic here


> >

> > but PL has over 15 laks places all over the world and uses a good atlas.

> >


> >

> > I use B V Raman's Ayanamsa only so Dasa, Vargas, Dates will differ from non

Raman's. Pl provide important dates in ur life while posting to verify ur birth

data and to help Lagna verification provide a picture in the Pictures folder in

the group either in the Lagna/rasi one or unknown folder. Consultations outside

the group or to my personal ID are chargeable. see Database section in the group

for more.- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 11:49:25 AM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Dear Bharat,

> >

> > This is weirdest case I have come across about tob correction and

allegations against computerised horoscopes by local astrologers.

> >

> > what zero degree chane is he talking about?

> >

> > If your recorded time 5:45AM make the chart for that time only. Let him

believe whatever he wants.

> >

> > Your time will not chage to 6:18AM.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 12:44:59 AM

> > Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I am Bharat and working as a software professional in bangalore.

> >

> > My date of Birth is 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > If my Lagan chart is prepared using the date mentioned above it comes as

> > shown below:

> >

> > Lagna Chart acc. to [ 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM ] Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > Ist House - No.5 -- ven

> > 2nd House - No.6 -- sun, mer, sat

> > 3rd House - No.7 -- jup

> > 4th House - No.8 -- mar, moon

> > 5th House - No.9 -- ketu

> > 6th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 11th House - No.3 -- rah

> > 12th House - No.4 -- ---

> >

> > According to our pandit jee for the above given date of birth there

> > was some Zero degree change occured which we need to consider.

> >

> > He said computer can not make accurate kundli as it don't consider the

> > above fact.

> > According to him computer will give the below chart if the time is

> > changed to 06:18 Am

> > and my date of birth will become then 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM

> > Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > My Lagna Chart acc to [ 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM ] Hissar(Harayana) as

> > follows:

> >

> > Ist House - No.6 -- Sun, Mer, Sat

> > 2nd House - No.7 -- Jup

> > 3rd House - No.8 -- Mar, Mon

> > 4th House - No.9 -- Ket

> > 5th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 6th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.3 -- Rah

> > 11th House - No.4 -- ---

> > 12th House - No.5 -- Ven

> >

> > Please guide me which lagan chart should i consider.

> >

> > Thanks and Regards,

> > Bharat

> >

> >

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Dear Krishna Ji,


You have provided a very good description about the concept and truely need to



However, the irony most of the people shall run away when some talks about

these and considers them a jargons and not fit for a modern world.


instead try this



Try admitting ones mistake  : " Yes, Its my mistake "

Try saying sorry if others are hurt by self action : " I am sorry "

Try repaying debts even a little at a time, if not all at one : " Say I have

only this much now, I shall repay the balance at the earliest. please bear

with me " .


A step in the right direction is better than none at all.


Try them next time and feel the difference in your innerself.

  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy






Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99


Mon, December 14, 2009 1:27:40 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Dear Shri Suresh Ji and Members,

A little more eloborartion of cardinal principles of Niyamas will be to

appreciate,the Swamini,Sarswati Yoganand Ji efforts:

1.Souch2.Santosha3. Tapas.4.Swadhyay a5.Iswarapranidh na.

Today our indulgence in sense pleasures we r no caring soucha.It is therefore

problems are encounterd as we get attached to these pleasure..

what actually difficult is with reference to livelihood that becomes part to

maintain internal cleaning.Socucha covers internal and external aspects

We have fully understanding about snatosh it is better v get into further


3rd aspect Taps covers wilful denial ,self denial of pleasures(body AND MIND)

sWADHYAYANA COvers study of scriptures of one;s own religion.

Finally total surrender to the lors.

According to patanjali Mahraj there are no short cuts as both niyama and yama

are equally to be observed


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Mon, 12/14/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Monday, December 14, 2009, 2:34 AM




Dear krishna ji & Others


//Questions howver how far they are practicable and how much effort one needs to

put in town them and implement them//


Truely speaking it is not that difficult.


But the real question is Are we willing ?


Man like any other animal believes that muscel power, money power, shouting at

others, cunningness,  even cheating to get what one wishes is the way of life

and to establish one self to prominence in the society 


The main reason is fear :


The difference is like between Karate & Taichi, while one displays &

uses muscel power and offcource mental power, the later uses only the internal

power and harmony.


The former tries to concentrate in speed and own power, the later centers

on harmonicing the movements with others as well.


I know the above may be greek, the key is harmony with the self than others.

Know thy well.


If you remove as much as " fear "  from yourself, you become more surefooted in


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Mon, December 14, 2009 12:23:45 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Dear Sapnaji,Dhirendra ji and others,

Swamini Satyavrtananda sarswati ji's effort to make Yoga a way of life,is

lauadable as the ancients,seers out of their experiences practised and followed

to get real values in life.

Patanjali Maharishi ji,ha given 10 commandments with a purpose and there can be

no short cut as nevisaged by her time and again.

For me it is all directionless as v r caught in a web of various

pursuits,lacking consistency. .As given to understand Niyamas r disciplines to

be followed si that v r safeguarded in evry aspect to fell the pleasure in human


Questions howver how far they are practicable and how much effort one needs to

put in town them and implement them


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Sun, 12/13/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>



Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Sunday, December 13, 2009, 11:25 AM




Dear Prashant Sir & members,It is very good to follow the teachings of Swami Ram

Deo Ji to keep the body fit.Yet Yam and Niyam are very necessary for every

aspirant who desires for his / her spiritual upliftment or who is chanting

mantra for his /her betterment in any respect.Every effort made with regard to

spiritual upliftment or chanting of mantra/recitation of stotra etc will be

proved of no avail, if Yam and Niyam are not followed on first hand.In this

Jyotish Remedies forum querists are suggested to perform Specific Pooja,chant

mantra,recite stotram to minimise the adverse effect of malefic planets and

after some times some querists say that they could not get relief.Many people

perform Pooja or chant mantra,recite stotram etc but on other hand they do not

follow Yam and Niyam to any extent and waste their time and finally they say

that these suggested remedies could not help them.Although behind this failure

their 'Karm' is also relevant

factor.But no one can deny the importance of Yam and Niyam. Anulom -Vilom

Pranayam,Kapalbhati Pranayam which are shown on T.V can only keep the body fit

to some extent only.A wrestler who is deemed to be Physically fit and need not

Anulom-Vilom Pranayam or Kapalbhati Pranayam may not be a spirutual man if he

does not follow Yam and Niyam.A wrestler who need not Anulom-Vilom or

Kapalbhati Pranayam will have to follow Yam and Niyam,if he has been advised to

perform any specific pooja/ or to chant mantra /or to recite stotram for

betterment and spiritual upliftment of his life.Mantra, stotram or performance

of any specific pooja are supposed to be cartridges to hit the desired target

which has to be fired with the efficient gun and by the competent shooter

otherwise cartridge will be wasted.In spiritual perspective the capacity to hit

the desired target with the mantra which has been supposed to be cartridge

depends upon the efficiency and category of

aspirant who transform his life with Yam and Niyam and not by Kapalbhati

Pranayam.Yogis and Siddha Purush who had paranormal powers beyond any doubt has

expressed much emphasis on Yam and Niyam rather than that of Kapalbhati.

Anuloam-Vilom  and Kapalbhati pranayam are part of Kriya-yoga to keep the body

fit to some extent only.In the present time both physical and mental

fitness are required for every person and complete mental fitness comes only by

following at least Yam and Niyam as propounded by Yogi Patanjali.Hence the

teachings of Yogi Patanjali was sent in earlier message for the betterment of

aspirants and not for Siddha yogis who have already attained paranormal

powers.You may correct me if I am wrong.

With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Sun, December 13, 2009 4:08:38 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Misra ji


a timely post more often HEALTH IS WEALTH and prevention beter than cure here

even under stress, sickness or disorders like BP, sugar, hear disirders, back

aches, asthma, etc can be set in order with good yoga, pranayama mix at least a

few of what ramdev sha shwon us so often on TV some of the tips go a long way


time for ppl to value, practice or rich traditional model of life as part of

they regular daily routine


..- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6


____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>


Sun, December 13, 2009 12:06:00 AM

Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Dear Members,

I thought to share the following with the members;

with greetings,

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- -------

People are living in their own world though in global village ; in unit system (

prveiously in a joint family system- collective way ) a very individualistic

style ( foolish selfish style rather than intelligent way). In fact, following

two mentioned steps in yoga( out of eight ) , need thorough understanding and

real life practice. If we can follow these steps, I feel, we have done the major

part of the Yoga.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Patanjali Yoga


Often called the " father of yoga, " Patanjali codified his thoughts and knowledge

of yoga in The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. In this work, Patanjali compiled 195

sutras or concise aphorisms that are essentially an ethical blueprint for living

a moral life and incorporating the science of yoga into your life.

In a world where we reduce nearly everything to quick tips and sound bites,

Patanjali seems to fit right in with his brief 195 guidelines to enlightenment.

The Yoga Sutra is considered the fundamental text on the system of yoga, and yet

you wont find the description of a single posture or asana in it. This is a

guide for living the right life. Essentially, Patanjali says, you can't practice

asanas in yoga class, feel the stretch, and then go home to play with your kids,

cook a meal, yell at your employees, and cheat on your taxes. There is more to

yoga than that — yoga can help youcultivate body, mind, and spiritual


The heart of Patanjali's teachings is the eightfold path of yoga. It is also

called the eight limbs of Patanjali, because they intertwine like the branches

of a tree in the forest. These aren't commandments (although they sometimes

sound like them), laws, or hard and fast rules. These are Patanjali's

suggestions for living a better life through yoga. Here are the eight limbs of


1. Yama

Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around you. (

Empathy is the most important aspect ) .These are moral principles. Sometimes

they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt nots. There are five yamas:

* Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or deed. In his

book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks Mahatma Gandhi the

definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, " The avoidance of harm to any living creature

in thought or deed. " Yogananda asked if one could kill a cobra to protect a

child. Gandhi maintained he would still hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, " I

must confess that I could not serenely carry on this conversation were I faced

by a cobra. "

* Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income taxes falls

into this category.

* Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car) orintangibles such

as the center of attention or your child's chance to learn responsibility or

independence by doing something on his own.

* Nonlust (brahmacharya) . Don't worry; this is not a call to celibacy. Many

yogis of old were married and had families of their own. The person who

practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual encounters and, as the

well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, " sees divinity in all. "

* Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha) . Free yourself from greed, hoarding, and

collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog the

conversation every time you see your friends?Make your life as simple as


2. Niyama

Niyama isinner discipline and responsibility, how we treat ourselves. These are

sometimes called observances, the do's, or the thou shalts. There are five


* Purity (shauca). Purity is achieved through the practice of the five yamas,

which help clear away the negative physical and mental states of being. Keep

yourself, your clothing, and your surroundings clean. Eat fresh and healthy

food. The next time you joke about treating your body like a temple, think of

this niyama.

* Contentment (santosha). Cultivate contentment and tranquility by finding

happiness with what you have and who you are. Seek happiness in the moment, take

responsibility for where you are, and choose to grow from there.

* Austerity (tapas). Show discipline in body, speech, and mind. The purpose of

developing self-discipline is not to become ascetic, but to control and direct

the mind and body for higher spiritual aims or purposes.

* Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Study sacred texts, which are whatever

books are relevant to you and inspire and teach you. Education changes a

person's outlook on life. As Iyengar says, a person starts " to realize that all

creation is meant for bhakti (adoration) rather than for bhoga (enjoyment), that

all creation is divine, that there is divinity within himself and that the

energy which moves him is the same that moves the entire universe. "

* Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana ). Be devoted to

God, Buddha, or whatever you consider divine.

* The above mentioned Yama and Niyama are necessary for all.I am sharing this

message with you by the courtesy of Shadbhawana group/Davendra Ji.You may also

Join this group for your spritual upliftment.

* With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>


Sat, December 12, 2009 2:22:49 PM

Att.Vattem Sir and learned members: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,[1]In any case your Correct time of birth can't be 06:18AM

because it is not in accordance with rules regarding rectification of birth

time.I took Lahiri,K.P,Raman etc ayanamsas and 6:18AM time to calculate S/L

,SS/L of ascendant and Star lord ,Sub lord of Moon.I found that S/L ,SS/ L of

ascendant are not equal to Star lord,Sub lord of Moon.Besides this rectification

of birth time rule is applicable with in only 30 minutes.Hence there is no sense

to addopt 6:18AM time as your correct birth time.

But the Correct birth time for Lahiri ayanamsa will be 05:48:27AM,for K.P

ayanamsa birth time will be 5:47:59AM and for Raman ayanamsa

correct birth time will be 5:43:07AM.Because at that rectified Sub Lord,SS Lord

of ascendant is equal to Sub Lord of Moon and Star Lord of Moon.This rectified

time for each system is in accordance with rule.

You are not manglic in any case and there is no Mars Dosh in your Kundali.

If you don't believe even in correct rectificatio n of birth time,you should

take up your own reported birth time 5:45AM as Correct birth time.

But it is wrong to accept 6:18AM in any case.

The latest definition of Mars Dosha,as per K.P.,that I have, goes like this ...

Mars Dosha is said to be present only if : " Mars in Sun's star,or it's own

star,if posited in the Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII counted from Moon or Venus

is said to cause Mars Dosha... "

One may ask as to,why should Mars be considered evil only when it signifies the

Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII from Lagna,Moon or Venus ?

1) Lagna denotes health and longevity and personal characteristics. As Lagna

will become a Maraka House to the VIIth, i.e., partner or wife...

2) The IInd house denotes the happiness of the Family,and domestic

life,increase/ decrease in the number of the Family by marriage and birth of

children and death of children...

Further the IInd house is the VIIIth to the VIIth,showing danger to the


3) The IVth house denotes domestic environments. ..Our Sages have declared that

evil planets occupying the IVth or VIIIth from a Bhava spoils the Bhava...hence

Mars on IV is eil to the Ascendant,i. e., to the health and belongings of the


4) The VIIth house shows the legal bondage,and the wife/husband of the native,in

other words, the longevity of the native or his/her wife/husband. ..Hence the

positioning of Mars in VII is not conducive to the health,longevity etc.,

5) The VIIIth house shows the difficultiesof the native and the finance and

fortune of his/her partner...as well as their longevity...

6) The VIIIth is also known as the Mangalyasthana, i.e., the duration of the

married life...again, therefore Mars in the VIIIth is evil...

7) The XIIth house stands for the real pleasure the partners derove,,the

deception,loss etc...

The above explains the rationale of the houses being considered for the

occupation by Mars,as evil...or MARS DOSHA... !

With thanks and regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Sat, December 12, 2009 6:47:25 AM

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,

U will be considered fortunate if you happen to be virgo,as Manglik effcet

effect will be nullifies.,For simha born people how ever sun as a ruler of the

sign will not impact manglik dosha effects.

The problems of relationships with spouse and other have to be faced by leo

rooted people as they tend to be dominating,exercise their desires and seek

fulfilment.leos ar think and act like rulers and spend time away from others in

a indolent fashion.so in a way mangal during dasa may not act adversely as

relation between mangal and surya is very in timate.

2.Your other issues if any can be looked into through chalit chart,divisional

chart based on your original timing of birth not the corrected one.Let your

purohit;s conviction be used for his own advices for tarabalam,fixing of good

time for panchangam purpose.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)


--- On Fri, 12/11/09, bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Friday, December 11, 2009, 1:23 PM




Thanks to everyone for the response and their valuable suggestions.


I posted this question on the forum to know weather i am Manglik or not. On

going through the Astrology software's (Parashara's, kundli-Pro) it has put me

in doubt that which horoscope to consider.


I inquired with the PanditJee again and he said that at the given time

(24-sep-1982 05:45 AM) of birth the Lagna (Virgo) in Hissar(Haryana) was at zero



It affects the persons born at that time. Its because of that my Lagna has

become 'Virgo' and not the 'Leo'.


I will be very thankful if some one can guide me weather i am manglik or not and

when are the chances for me of getting married.


Thanks In Advance,



, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>



> so sir,

> " software " and " bush " r hand in hand

> he one is for the other.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)

> Â


> --- On Thu, 12/10/09, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:



> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>

> Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


> Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:59 PM



> Â




> Agreed! And this *bush* does not even have the initials 'G.W' and hence any

'battery' or aggression would constitute as cruelty towards innocent Software!



> RR_,


> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>


> >

> > If the soft ware person( as one asking) can not explain,Pandit ji who change

timing can never be able to explain.

> > we r beating the bush

> >

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > (For all counseling services)

> > ÂÂ

> >

> > --- On Thu, 12/10/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...>

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Thursday, December 10, 2009, 4:16 AM

> >

> >

> > ÂÂ

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Prashant ji,

> >

> > Here the question is regarding the correct TOB and " Zero crossing over " and

HENCE the TOB should be 6:18 instead of 5:45AM. a difference of 33mnts.

> >

> > What is this zero crossing over? Is it planets at the edge of signs?

> > I have given below the planetory positions for both the times as per lahiri

& raman ayanamsa.

> >

> > As per Lahiri it is impossible for the planet positions to have changed as

he had stated within 33 mnts except that of lagna.

> >

> > However as per Raman Ayanamsa, Saturn has crossed to Thula sign but not on

that day.

> >

> > The point is even if the planets has crossed to other sign, assuming that

software is wrong, how does it alter the TOB?.

> >

> > Lahiri Ayanamsa.

> > 5:45AM


> > Asc-- 149.21- 29.21- Simh

> > Sun-- 157.01- 7.01-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.22- 26.22- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.07- 9.07-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.35- 28.35- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.22- 24.22- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 156.37- 6.37-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 157.03- 7.03-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.24- 26.24- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.08- 9.08-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.36- 28.36- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.39- 24.39- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > Raman Ayanama

> > 5:45AM

> > Asc-- 150.48- 0.48-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.28- 8.28-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.49- 27.49- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.34- 10.34- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.02- 18.02- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 235.49- 25.49- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 158.04- 8.04-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.29- 8.29-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.5-- 27.5-- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.35- 10.35- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.03- 18.03- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 236.05- 26.05- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> >

> >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 1:41:22 PM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > ÂÂ

> > Dear Suresh ji,, Krishna ji,

> >

> > true we cant find such comments based one a particular fancy or leaning and

with no mention if the sw is a standad product I've seen some s/w give errors on

slow moving grahas sani, Kuja even JHora has some diff with respect to Parashara

Light, Visual jyotish and what we r using with ICAS, IAS and my team have worked


> >

> > IAS was 1st started by K ashwattappa Indian astrological studies, is still

functioning in chennai and later its members were part of the INITIAL team of

ICAS co-founded by B V RAMAN ji iad joined it just at that time

> >

> > i did my classical works training under ashwatappa and c a padnabham in IAS


> > B5 ICAS came up with its sylabus.

> >

> > on the s/w I have read sri KN RAO ji saw for Indian bron use s/w developed

in India and for American ones sue the american developed ones this is max I can

understand, may be as more of local cordinates database is available in

respective developed countries for good calculations, else can't find logic here


> >

> > but PL has over 15 laks places all over the world and uses a good atlas.

> >


> >

> > I use B V Raman's Ayanamsa only so Dasa, Vargas, Dates will differ from non

Raman's. Pl provide important dates in ur life while posting to verify ur birth

data and to help Lagna verification provide a picture in the Pictures folder in

the group either in the Lagna/rasi one or unknown folder. Consultations outside

the group or to my personal ID are chargeable. see Database section in the group

for more.- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 11:49:25 AM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Dear Bharat,

> >

> > This is weirdest case I have come across about tob correction and

allegations against computerised horoscopes by local astrologers.

> >

> > what zero degree chane is he talking about?

> >

> > If your recorded time 5:45AM make the chart for that time only. Let him

believe whatever he wants.

> >

> > Your time will not chage to 6:18AM.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 12:44:59 AM

> > Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I am Bharat and working as a software professional in bangalore.

> >

> > My date of Birth is 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > If my Lagan chart is prepared using the date mentioned above it comes as

> > shown below:

> >

> > Lagna Chart acc. to [ 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM ] Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > Ist House - No.5 -- ven

> > 2nd House - No.6 -- sun, mer, sat

> > 3rd House - No.7 -- jup

> > 4th House - No.8 -- mar, moon

> > 5th House - No.9 -- ketu

> > 6th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 11th House - No.3 -- rah

> > 12th House - No.4 -- ---

> >

> > According to our pandit jee for the above given date of birth there

> > was some Zero degree change occured which we need to consider.

> >

> > He said computer can not make accurate kundli as it don't consider the

> > above fact.

> > According to him computer will give the below chart if the time is

> > changed to 06:18 Am

> > and my date of birth will become then 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM

> > Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > My Lagna Chart acc to [ 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM ] Hissar(Harayana) as

> > follows:

> >

> > Ist House - No.6 -- Sun, Mer, Sat

> > 2nd House - No.7 -- Jup

> > 3rd House - No.8 -- Mar, Mon

> > 4th House - No.9 -- Ket

> > 5th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 6th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.3 -- Rah

> > 11th House - No.4 -- ---

> > 12th House - No.5 -- Ven

> >

> > Please guide me which lagan chart should i consider.

> >

> > Thanks and Regards,

> > Bharat

> >

> >

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Shri Suresh Ji and other members

Better we also convey to those and suggest simple ways.Once I met Mata

Amritaanadamayee.Her simple smile and hug look to be the best remedy to lead

life without problems,anxities.we are very simple people,believe in what we do

and  do n't harm any body talk and action.

If we realise health comes out of our perceptions and remedies are look




Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Mon, 12/14/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag wrote:



Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Monday, December 14, 2009, 4:55 AM







Dear Krishna Ji,


You have provided a very good description about the concept and truely need to



However, the irony most of the people shall run away when some talks about

these and considers them a jargons and not fit for a modern world.


instead try this


Try admitting ones mistake  : " Yes, Its my mistake "

Try saying sorry if others are hurt by self action : " I am sorry "

Try repaying debts even a little at a time, if not all at one : " Say I have

only this much now, I shall repay the balance at the earliest. please bear

with me " .


A step in the right direction is better than none at all.


Try them next time and feel the difference in your innerself.

  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Mon, December 14, 2009 1:27:40 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Dear Shri Suresh Ji and Members,

A little more eloborartion of cardinal principles of Niyamas will be to

appreciate,the Swamini,Sarswati Yoganand Ji efforts:

1.Souch2.Santosha3. Tapas.4.Swadhyay a5.Iswarapranidh na.

Today our indulgence in sense pleasures we r no caring soucha.It is therefore

problems are encounterd as we get attached to these pleasure..

what actually difficult is with reference to livelihood that becomes part to

maintain internal cleaning.Socucha covers internal and external aspects

We have fully understanding about snatosh it is better v get into further


3rd aspect Taps covers wilful denial ,self denial of pleasures(body AND MIND)

sWADHYAYANA COvers study of scriptures of one;s own religion.

Finally total surrender to the lors.

According to patanjali Mahraj there are no short cuts as both niyama and yama

are equally to be observed


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Mon, 12/14/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Monday, December 14, 2009, 2:34 AM




Dear krishna ji & Others


//Questions howver how far they are practicable and how much effort one needs to

put in town them and implement them//


Truely speaking it is not that difficult.


But the real question is Are we willing ?


Man like any other animal believes that muscel power, money power, shouting at

others, cunningness,  even cheating to get what one wishes is the way of life

and to establish one self to prominence in the society 


The main reason is fear :


The difference is like between Karate & Taichi, while one displays &

uses muscel power and offcource mental power, the later uses only the internal

power and harmony.


The former tries to concentrate in speed and own power, the later centers

on harmonicing the movements with others as well.


I know the above may be greek, the key is harmony with the self than others.

Know thy well.


If you remove as much as " fear "  from yourself, you become more surefooted in


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Mon, December 14, 2009 12:23:45 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Dear Sapnaji,Dhirendra ji and others,

Swamini Satyavrtananda sarswati ji's effort to make Yoga a way of life,is

lauadable as the ancients,seers out of their experiences practised and followed

to get real values in life.

Patanjali Maharishi ji,ha given 10 commandments with a purpose and there can be

no short cut as nevisaged by her time and again.

For me it is all directionless as v r caught in a web of various

pursuits,lacking consistency. .As given to understand Niyamas r disciplines to

be followed si that v r safeguarded in evry aspect to fell the pleasure in human


Questions howver how far they are practicable and how much effort one needs to

put in town them and implement them


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Sun, 12/13/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>



Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Sunday, December 13, 2009, 11:25 AM




Dear Prashant Sir & members,It is very good to follow the teachings of Swami Ram

Deo Ji to keep the body fit.Yet Yam and Niyam are very necessary for every

aspirant who desires for his / her spiritual upliftment or who is chanting

mantra for his /her betterment in any respect.Every effort made with regard to

spiritual upliftment or chanting of mantra/recitation of stotra etc will be

proved of no avail, if Yam and Niyam are not followed on first hand.In this

Jyotish Remedies forum querists are suggested to perform Specific Pooja,chant

mantra,recite stotram to minimise the adverse effect of malefic planets and

after some times some querists say that they could not get relief.Many people

perform Pooja or chant mantra,recite stotram etc but on other hand they do not

follow Yam and Niyam to any extent and waste their time and finally they say

that these suggested remedies could not help them.Although behind this failure

their 'Karm' is also relevant

factor.But no one can deny the importance of Yam and Niyam. Anulom -Vilom

Pranayam,Kapalbhati Pranayam which are shown on T.V can only keep the body fit

to some extent only.A wrestler who is deemed to be Physically fit and need not

Anulom-Vilom Pranayam or Kapalbhati Pranayam may not be a spirutual man if he

does not follow Yam and Niyam.A wrestler who need not Anulom-Vilom or

Kapalbhati Pranayam will have to follow Yam and Niyam,if he has been advised to

perform any specific pooja/ or to chant mantra /or to recite stotram for

betterment and spiritual upliftment of his life.Mantra, stotram or performance

of any specific pooja are supposed to be cartridges to hit the desired target

which has to be fired with the efficient gun and by the competent shooter

otherwise cartridge will be wasted.In spiritual perspective the capacity to hit

the desired target with the mantra which has been supposed to be cartridge

depends upon the efficiency and category of

aspirant who transform his life with Yam and Niyam and not by Kapalbhati

Pranayam.Yogis and Siddha Purush who had paranormal powers beyond any doubt has

expressed much emphasis on Yam and Niyam rather than that of Kapalbhati.

Anuloam-Vilom  and Kapalbhati pranayam are part of Kriya-yoga to keep the body

fit to some extent only.In the present time both physical and mental

fitness are required for every person and complete mental fitness comes only by

following at least Yam and Niyam as propounded by Yogi Patanjali.Hence the

teachings of Yogi Patanjali was sent in earlier message for the betterment of

aspirants and not for Siddha yogis who have already attained paranormal

powers.You may correct me if I am wrong.

With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Sun, December 13, 2009 4:08:38 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Misra ji


a timely post more often HEALTH IS WEALTH and prevention beter than cure here

even under stress, sickness or disorders like BP, sugar, hear disirders, back

aches, asthma, etc can be set in order with good yoga, pranayama mix at least a

few of what ramdev sha shwon us so often on TV some of the tips go a long way


time for ppl to value, practice or rich traditional model of life as part of

they regular daily routine


..- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6


____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>


Sun, December 13, 2009 12:06:00 AM

Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Dear Members,

I thought to share the following with the members;

with greetings,

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- -------

People are living in their own world though in global village ; in unit system (

prveiously in a joint family system- collective way ) a very individualistic

style ( foolish selfish style rather than intelligent way). In fact, following

two mentioned steps in yoga( out of eight ) , need thorough understanding and

real life practice. If we can follow these steps, I feel, we have done the major

part of the Yoga.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Patanjali Yoga


Often called the " father of yoga, " Patanjali codified his thoughts and knowledge

of yoga in The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. In this work, Patanjali compiled 195

sutras or concise aphorisms that are essentially an ethical blueprint for living

a moral life and incorporating the science of yoga into your life.

In a world where we reduce nearly everything to quick tips and sound bites,

Patanjali seems to fit right in with his brief 195 guidelines to enlightenment.

The Yoga Sutra is considered the fundamental text on the system of yoga, and yet

you wont find the description of a single posture or asana in it. This is a

guide for living the right life. Essentially, Patanjali says, you can't practice

asanas in yoga class, feel the stretch, and then go home to play with your kids,

cook a meal, yell at your employees, and cheat on your taxes. There is more to

yoga than that — yoga can help youcultivate body, mind, and spiritual


The heart of Patanjali's teachings is the eightfold path of yoga. It is also

called the eight limbs of Patanjali, because they intertwine like the branches

of a tree in the forest. These aren't commandments (although they sometimes

sound like them), laws, or hard and fast rules. These are Patanjali's

suggestions for living a better life through yoga. Here are the eight limbs of


1. Yama

Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around you. (

Empathy is the most important aspect ) .These are moral principles. Sometimes

they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt nots. There are five yamas:

* Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or deed. In his

book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks Mahatma Gandhi the

definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, " The avoidance of harm to any living creature

in thought or deed. " Yogananda asked if one could kill a cobra to protect a

child. Gandhi maintained he would still hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, " I

must confess that I could not serenely carry on this conversation were I faced

by a cobra. "

* Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income taxes falls

into this category.

* Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car) orintangibles such

as the center of attention or your child's chance to learn responsibility or

independence by doing something on his own.

* Nonlust (brahmacharya) . Don't worry; this is not a call to celibacy. Many

yogis of old were married and had families of their own. The person who

practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual encounters and, as the

well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, " sees divinity in all. "

* Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha) . Free yourself from greed, hoarding, and

collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog the

conversation every time you see your friends?Make your life as simple as


2. Niyama

Niyama isinner discipline and responsibility, how we treat ourselves. These are

sometimes called observances, the do's, or the thou shalts. There are five


* Purity (shauca). Purity is achieved through the practice of the five yamas,

which help clear away the negative physical and mental states of being. Keep

yourself, your clothing, and your surroundings clean. Eat fresh and healthy

food. The next time you joke about treating your body like a temple, think of

this niyama.

* Contentment (santosha). Cultivate contentment and tranquility by finding

happiness with what you have and who you are. Seek happiness in the moment, take

responsibility for where you are, and choose to grow from there.

* Austerity (tapas). Show discipline in body, speech, and mind. The purpose of

developing self-discipline is not to become ascetic, but to control and direct

the mind and body for higher spiritual aims or purposes.

* Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Study sacred texts, which are whatever

books are relevant to you and inspire and teach you. Education changes a

person's outlook on life. As Iyengar says, a person starts " to realize that all

creation is meant for bhakti (adoration) rather than for bhoga (enjoyment), that

all creation is divine, that there is divinity within himself and that the

energy which moves him is the same that moves the entire universe. "

* Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana ). Be devoted to

God, Buddha, or whatever you consider divine.

* The above mentioned Yama and Niyama are necessary for all.I am sharing this

message with you by the courtesy of Shadbhawana group/Davendra Ji.You may also

Join this group for your spritual upliftment.

* With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>


Sat, December 12, 2009 2:22:49 PM

Att.Vattem Sir and learned members: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,[1]In any case your Correct time of birth can't be 06:18AM

because it is not in accordance with rules regarding rectification of birth

time.I took Lahiri,K.P,Raman etc ayanamsas and 6:18AM time to calculate S/L

,SS/L of ascendant and Star lord ,Sub lord of Moon.I found that S/L ,SS/ L of

ascendant are not equal to Star lord,Sub lord of Moon.Besides this rectification

of birth time rule is applicable with in only 30 minutes.Hence there is no sense

to addopt 6:18AM time as your correct birth time.

But the Correct birth time for Lahiri ayanamsa will be 05:48:27AM,for K.P

ayanamsa birth time will be 5:47:59AM and for Raman ayanamsa

correct birth time will be 5:43:07AM.Because at that rectified Sub Lord,SS Lord

of ascendant is equal to Sub Lord of Moon and Star Lord of Moon.This rectified

time for each system is in accordance with rule.

You are not manglic in any case and there is no Mars Dosh in your Kundali.

If you don't believe even in correct rectificatio n of birth time,you should

take up your own reported birth time 5:45AM as Correct birth time.

But it is wrong to accept 6:18AM in any case.

The latest definition of Mars Dosha,as per K.P.,that I have, goes like this ...

Mars Dosha is said to be present only if : " Mars in Sun's star,or it's own

star,if posited in the Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII counted from Moon or Venus

is said to cause Mars Dosha... "

One may ask as to,why should Mars be considered evil only when it signifies the

Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII from Lagna,Moon or Venus ?

1) Lagna denotes health and longevity and personal characteristics. As Lagna

will become a Maraka House to the VIIth, i.e., partner or wife...

2) The IInd house denotes the happiness of the Family,and domestic

life,increase/ decrease in the number of the Family by marriage and birth of

children and death of children...

Further the IInd house is the VIIIth to the VIIth,showing danger to the


3) The IVth house denotes domestic environments. ..Our Sages have declared that

evil planets occupying the IVth or VIIIth from a Bhava spoils the Bhava...hence

Mars on IV is eil to the Ascendant,i. e., to the health and belongings of the


4) The VIIth house shows the legal bondage,and the wife/husband of the native,in

other words, the longevity of the native or his/her wife/husband. ..Hence the

positioning of Mars in VII is not conducive to the health,longevity etc.,

5) The VIIIth house shows the difficultiesof the native and the finance and

fortune of his/her partner...as well as their longevity...

6) The VIIIth is also known as the Mangalyasthana, i.e., the duration of the

married life...again, therefore Mars in the VIIIth is evil...

7) The XIIth house stands for the real pleasure the partners derove,,the

deception,loss etc...

The above explains the rationale of the houses being considered for the

occupation by Mars,as evil...or MARS DOSHA... !

With thanks and regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Sat, December 12, 2009 6:47:25 AM

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,

U will be considered fortunate if you happen to be virgo,as Manglik effcet

effect will be nullifies.,For simha born people how ever sun as a ruler of the

sign will not impact manglik dosha effects.

The problems of relationships with spouse and other have to be faced by leo

rooted people as they tend to be dominating,exercise their desires and seek

fulfilment.leos ar think and act like rulers and spend time away from others in

a indolent fashion.so in a way mangal during dasa may not act adversely as

relation between mangal and surya is very in timate.

2.Your other issues if any can be looked into through chalit chart,divisional

chart based on your original timing of birth not the corrected one.Let your

purohit;s conviction be used for his own advices for tarabalam,fixing of good

time for panchangam purpose.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)


--- On Fri, 12/11/09, bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Friday, December 11, 2009, 1:23 PM




Thanks to everyone for the response and their valuable suggestions.


I posted this question on the forum to know weather i am Manglik or not. On

going through the Astrology software's (Parashara's, kundli-Pro) it has put me

in doubt that which horoscope to consider.


I inquired with the PanditJee again and he said that at the given time

(24-sep-1982 05:45 AM) of birth the Lagna (Virgo) in Hissar(Haryana) was at zero



It affects the persons born at that time. Its because of that my Lagna has

become 'Virgo' and not the 'Leo'.


I will be very thankful if some one can guide me weather i am manglik or not and

when are the chances for me of getting married.


Thanks In Advance,



, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>



> so sir,

> " software " and " bush " r hand in hand

> he one is for the other.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)

> Â


> --- On Thu, 12/10/09, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:



> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>

> Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


> Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:59 PM



> Â




> Agreed! And this *bush* does not even have the initials 'G.W' and hence any

'battery' or aggression would constitute as cruelty towards innocent Software!



> RR_,


> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>


> >

> > If the soft ware person( as one asking) can not explain,Pandit ji who change

timing can never be able to explain.

> > we r beating the bush

> >

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > (For all counseling services)

> > ÂÂ

> >

> > --- On Thu, 12/10/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...>

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Thursday, December 10, 2009, 4:16 AM

> >

> >

> > ÂÂ

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Prashant ji,

> >

> > Here the question is regarding the correct TOB and " Zero crossing over " and

HENCE the TOB should be 6:18 instead of 5:45AM. a difference of 33mnts.

> >

> > What is this zero crossing over? Is it planets at the edge of signs?

> > I have given below the planetory positions for both the times as per lahiri

& raman ayanamsa.

> >

> > As per Lahiri it is impossible for the planet positions to have changed as

he had stated within 33 mnts except that of lagna.

> >

> > However as per Raman Ayanamsa, Saturn has crossed to Thula sign but not on

that day.

> >

> > The point is even if the planets has crossed to other sign, assuming that

software is wrong, how does it alter the TOB?.

> >

> > Lahiri Ayanamsa.

> > 5:45AM


> > Asc-- 149.21- 29.21- Simh

> > Sun-- 157.01- 7.01-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.22- 26.22- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.07- 9.07-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.35- 28.35- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.22- 24.22- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 156.37- 6.37-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 157.03- 7.03-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.24- 26.24- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.08- 9.08-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.36- 28.36- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.39- 24.39- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > Raman Ayanama

> > 5:45AM

> > Asc-- 150.48- 0.48-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.28- 8.28-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.49- 27.49- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.34- 10.34- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.02- 18.02- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 235.49- 25.49- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 158.04- 8.04-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.29- 8.29-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.5-- 27.5-- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.35- 10.35- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.03- 18.03- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 236.05- 26.05- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> >

> >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 1:41:22 PM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > ÂÂ

> > Dear Suresh ji,, Krishna ji,

> >

> > true we cant find such comments based one a particular fancy or leaning and

with no mention if the sw is a standad product I've seen some s/w give errors on

slow moving grahas sani, Kuja even JHora has some diff with respect to Parashara

Light, Visual jyotish and what we r using with ICAS, IAS and my team have worked


> >

> > IAS was 1st started by K ashwattappa Indian astrological studies, is still

functioning in chennai and later its members were part of the INITIAL team of

ICAS co-founded by B V RAMAN ji iad joined it just at that time

> >

> > i did my classical works training under ashwatappa and c a padnabham in IAS


> > B5 ICAS came up with its sylabus.

> >

> > on the s/w I have read sri KN RAO ji saw for Indian bron use s/w developed

in India and for American ones sue the american developed ones this is max I can

understand, may be as more of local cordinates database is available in

respective developed countries for good calculations, else can't find logic here


> >

> > but PL has over 15 laks places all over the world and uses a good atlas.

> >


> >

> > I use B V Raman's Ayanamsa only so Dasa, Vargas, Dates will differ from non

Raman's. Pl provide important dates in ur life while posting to verify ur birth

data and to help Lagna verification provide a picture in the Pictures folder in

the group either in the Lagna/rasi one or unknown folder. Consultations outside

the group or to my personal ID are chargeable. see Database section in the group

for more.- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 11:49:25 AM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Dear Bharat,

> >

> > This is weirdest case I have come across about tob correction and

allegations against computerised horoscopes by local astrologers.

> >

> > what zero degree chane is he talking about?

> >

> > If your recorded time 5:45AM make the chart for that time only. Let him

believe whatever he wants.

> >

> > Your time will not chage to 6:18AM.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 12:44:59 AM

> > Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I am Bharat and working as a software professional in bangalore.

> >

> > My date of Birth is 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > If my Lagan chart is prepared using the date mentioned above it comes as

> > shown below:

> >

> > Lagna Chart acc. to [ 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM ] Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > Ist House - No.5 -- ven

> > 2nd House - No.6 -- sun, mer, sat

> > 3rd House - No.7 -- jup

> > 4th House - No.8 -- mar, moon

> > 5th House - No.9 -- ketu

> > 6th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 11th House - No.3 -- rah

> > 12th House - No.4 -- ---

> >

> > According to our pandit jee for the above given date of birth there

> > was some Zero degree change occured which we need to consider.

> >

> > He said computer can not make accurate kundli as it don't consider the

> > above fact.

> > According to him computer will give the below chart if the time is

> > changed to 06:18 Am

> > and my date of birth will become then 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM

> > Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > My Lagna Chart acc to [ 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM ] Hissar(Harayana) as

> > follows:

> >

> > Ist House - No.6 -- Sun, Mer, Sat

> > 2nd House - No.7 -- Jup

> > 3rd House - No.8 -- Mar, Mon

> > 4th House - No.9 -- Ket

> > 5th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 6th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.3 -- Rah

> > 11th House - No.4 -- ---

> > 12th House - No.5 -- Ven

> >

> > Please guide me which lagan chart should i consider.

> >

> > Thanks and Regards,

> > Bharat

> >

> >

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Dear Krishna ji,


You have put it nicely


//we are very simple people,believe in what we do and  do n't harm any body

talk and action. //


//If we realise health comes out of our perceptions and remedies are look

positive //


Simple way of life, Simple thoughts, Simple needs. It is not that difficult to

follow. The rest will fall in place automatically.


regardsA.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy






Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99


Mon, December 14, 2009 8:39:12 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all




Shri Suresh Ji and other members

Better we also convey to those and suggest simple ways.Once I met Mata

Amritaanadamayee. Her simple smile and hug look to be the best remedy to lead

life without problems,anxities. we are very simple people,believe in what we do

and  do n't harm any body talk and action.

If we realise health comes out of our perceptions and remedies are look



Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Mon, 12/14/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Monday, December 14, 2009, 4:55 AM




Dear Krishna Ji,


You have provided a very good description about the concept and truely need to



However, the irony most of the people shall run away when some talks about

these and considers them a jargons and not fit for a modern world.


instead try this


Try admitting ones mistake  : " Yes, Its my mistake "

Try saying sorry if others are hurt by self action : " I am sorry "

Try repaying debts even a little at a time, if not all at one : " Say I have

only this much now, I shall repay the balance at the earliest. please bear

with me " .


A step in the right direction is better than none at all.


Try them next time and feel the difference in your innerself.

  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Mon, December 14, 2009 1:27:40 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Dear Shri Suresh Ji and Members,

A little more eloborartion of cardinal principles of Niyamas will be to

appreciate,the Swamini,Sarswati Yoganand Ji efforts:

1.Souch2.Santosha3. Tapas.4.Swadhyay a5.Iswarapranidh na.

Today our indulgence in sense pleasures we r no caring soucha.It is therefore

problems are encounterd as we get attached to these pleasure..

what actually difficult is with reference to livelihood that becomes part to

maintain internal cleaning.Socucha covers internal and external aspects

We have fully understanding about snatosh it is better v get into further


3rd aspect Taps covers wilful denial ,self denial of pleasures(body AND MIND)

sWADHYAYANA COvers study of scriptures of one;s own religion.

Finally total surrender to the lors.

According to patanjali Mahraj there are no short cuts as both niyama and yama

are equally to be observed


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Mon, 12/14/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Monday, December 14, 2009, 2:34 AM




Dear krishna ji & Others


//Questions howver how far they are practicable and how much effort one needs to

put in town them and implement them//


Truely speaking it is not that difficult.


But the real question is Are we willing ?


Man like any other animal believes that muscel power, money power, shouting at

others, cunningness,  even cheating to get what one wishes is the way of life

and to establish one self to prominence in the society 


The main reason is fear :


The difference is like between Karate & Taichi, while one displays &

uses muscel power and offcource mental power, the later uses only the internal

power and harmony.


The former tries to concentrate in speed and own power, the later centers

on harmonicing the movements with others as well.


I know the above may be greek, the key is harmony with the self than others.

Know thy well.


If you remove as much as " fear "  from yourself, you become more surefooted in


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Mon, December 14, 2009 12:23:45 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Dear Sapnaji,Dhirendra ji and others,

Swamini Satyavrtananda sarswati ji's effort to make Yoga a way of life,is

lauadable as the ancients,seers out of their experiences practised and followed

to get real values in life.

Patanjali Maharishi ji,ha given 10 commandments with a purpose and there can be

no short cut as nevisaged by her time and again.

For me it is all directionless as v r caught in a web of various

pursuits,lacking consistency. .As given to understand Niyamas r disciplines to

be followed si that v r safeguarded in evry aspect to fell the pleasure in human


Questions howver how far they are practicable and how much effort one needs to

put in town them and implement them


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)



--- On Sun, 12/13/09, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>



Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Sunday, December 13, 2009, 11:25 AM




Dear Prashant Sir & members,It is very good to follow the teachings of Swami Ram

Deo Ji to keep the body fit.Yet Yam and Niyam are very necessary for every

aspirant who desires for his / her spiritual upliftment or who is chanting

mantra for his /her betterment in any respect.Every effort made with regard to

spiritual upliftment or chanting of mantra/recitation of stotra etc will be

proved of no avail, if Yam and Niyam are not followed on first hand.In this

Jyotish Remedies forum querists are suggested to perform Specific Pooja,chant

mantra,recite stotram to minimise the adverse effect of malefic planets and

after some times some querists say that they could not get relief.Many people

perform Pooja or chant mantra,recite stotram etc but on other hand they do not

follow Yam and Niyam to any extent and waste their time and finally they say

that these suggested remedies could not help them.Although behind this failure

their 'Karm' is also relevant

factor.But no one can deny the importance of Yam and Niyam. Anulom -Vilom

Pranayam,Kapalbhati Pranayam which are shown on T.V can only keep the body fit

to some extent only.A wrestler who is deemed to be Physically fit and need not

Anulom-Vilom Pranayam or Kapalbhati Pranayam may not be a spirutual man if he

does not follow Yam and Niyam.A wrestler who need not Anulom-Vilom or

Kapalbhati Pranayam will have to follow Yam and Niyam,if he has been advised to

perform any specific pooja/ or to chant mantra /or to recite stotram for

betterment and spiritual upliftment of his life.Mantra, stotram or performance

of any specific pooja are supposed to be cartridges to hit the desired target

which has to be fired with the efficient gun and by the competent shooter

otherwise cartridge will be wasted.In spiritual perspective the capacity to hit

the desired target with the mantra which has been supposed to be cartridge

depends upon the efficiency and category of

aspirant who transform his life with Yam and Niyam and not by Kapalbhati

Pranayam.Yogis and Siddha Purush who had paranormal powers beyond any doubt has

expressed much emphasis on Yam and Niyam rather than that of Kapalbhati.

Anuloam-Vilom  and Kapalbhati pranayam are part of Kriya-yoga to keep the body

fit to some extent only.In the present time both physical and mental

fitness are required for every person and complete mental fitness comes only by

following at least Yam and Niyam as propounded by Yogi Patanjali.Hence the

teachings of Yogi Patanjali was sent in earlier message for the betterment of

aspirants and not for Siddha yogis who have already attained paranormal

powers.You may correct me if I am wrong.

With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra



____________ _________ _________ __

Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >


Sun, December 13, 2009 4:08:38 PM

Re: Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all



Misra ji


a timely post more often HEALTH IS WEALTH and prevention beter than cure here

even under stress, sickness or disorders like BP, sugar, hear disirders, back

aches, asthma, etc can be set in order with good yoga, pranayama mix at least a

few of what ramdev sha shwon us so often on TV some of the tips go a long way


time for ppl to value, practice or rich traditional model of life as part of

they regular daily routine


..- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6


____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>


Sun, December 13, 2009 12:06:00 AM

Patanjali Yoga is necessary for all


Dear Members,

I thought to share the following with the members;

with greetings,

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

--------- -------

People are living in their own world though in global village ; in unit system (

prveiously in a joint family system- collective way ) a very individualistic

style ( foolish selfish style rather than intelligent way). In fact, following

two mentioned steps in yoga( out of eight ) , need thorough understanding and

real life practice. If we can follow these steps, I feel, we have done the major

part of the Yoga.

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------

Patanjali Yoga


Often called the " father of yoga, " Patanjali codified his thoughts and knowledge

of yoga in The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. In this work, Patanjali compiled 195

sutras or concise aphorisms that are essentially an ethical blueprint for living

a moral life and incorporating the science of yoga into your life.

In a world where we reduce nearly everything to quick tips and sound bites,

Patanjali seems to fit right in with his brief 195 guidelines to enlightenment.

The Yoga Sutra is considered the fundamental text on the system of yoga, and yet

you wont find the description of a single posture or asana in it. This is a

guide for living the right life. Essentially, Patanjali says, you can't practice

asanas in yoga class, feel the stretch, and then go home to play with your kids,

cook a meal, yell at your employees, and cheat on your taxes. There is more to

yoga than that — yoga can help youcultivate body, mind, and spiritual


The heart of Patanjali's teachings is the eightfold path of yoga. It is also

called the eight limbs of Patanjali, because they intertwine like the branches

of a tree in the forest. These aren't commandments (although they sometimes

sound like them), laws, or hard and fast rules. These are Patanjali's

suggestions for living a better life through yoga. Here are the eight limbs of


1. Yama

Yama is social behavior, how you treat others and the world around you. (

Empathy is the most important aspect ) .These are moral principles. Sometimes

they are called the don'ts or the thou shalt nots. There are five yamas:

* Nonviolence (ahimsa). Do no harm to any creature in thought or deed. In his

book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda asks Mahatma Gandhi the

definition of ahimsa. Gandhi said, " The avoidance of harm to any living creature

in thought or deed. " Yogananda asked if one could kill a cobra to protect a

child. Gandhi maintained he would still hold to his vow of ahimsa, but added, " I

must confess that I could not serenely carry on this conversation were I faced

by a cobra. "

* Truth and honesty (satya). Tell no lies. Cheating on your income taxes falls

into this category.

* Nonstealing (asteya). Do not steal material objects (a car) orintangibles such

as the center of attention or your child's chance to learn responsibility or

independence by doing something on his own.

* Nonlust (brahmacharya) . Don't worry; this is not a call to celibacy. Many

yogis of old were married and had families of their own. The person who

practices brahmacharya avoids meaningless sexual encounters and, as the

well-known teacher B.K.S. Iyengar puts it, " sees divinity in all. "

* Nonpossessiveness (aparigraha) . Free yourself from greed, hoarding, and

collecting. Do you really need more shoes, another car, or to hog the

conversation every time you see your friends?Make your life as simple as


2. Niyama

Niyama isinner discipline and responsibility, how we treat ourselves. These are

sometimes called observances, the do's, or the thou shalts. There are five


* Purity (shauca). Purity is achieved through the practice of the five yamas,

which help clear away the negative physical and mental states of being. Keep

yourself, your clothing, and your surroundings clean. Eat fresh and healthy

food. The next time you joke about treating your body like a temple, think of

this niyama.

* Contentment (santosha). Cultivate contentment and tranquility by finding

happiness with what you have and who you are. Seek happiness in the moment, take

responsibility for where you are, and choose to grow from there.

* Austerity (tapas). Show discipline in body, speech, and mind. The purpose of

developing self-discipline is not to become ascetic, but to control and direct

the mind and body for higher spiritual aims or purposes.

* Study of the sacred text (svadhyaya). Study sacred texts, which are whatever

books are relevant to you and inspire and teach you. Education changes a

person's outlook on life. As Iyengar says, a person starts " to realize that all

creation is meant for bhakti (adoration) rather than for bhoga (enjoyment), that

all creation is divine, that there is divinity within himself and that the

energy which moves him is the same that moves the entire universe. "

* Living with an awareness of the Divine (ishvara-pranidhana ). Be devoted to

God, Buddha, or whatever you consider divine.

* The above mentioned Yama and Niyama are necessary for all.I am sharing this

message with you by the courtesy of Shadbhawana group/Davendra Ji.You may also

Join this group for your spritual upliftment.

* With thanks & regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


____________ _________ _________ __

Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra @ ymail.com>


Sat, December 12, 2009 2:22:49 PM

Att.Vattem Sir and learned members: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,[1]In any case your Correct time of birth can't be 06:18AM

because it is not in accordance with rules regarding rectification of birth

time.I took Lahiri,K.P,Raman etc ayanamsas and 6:18AM time to calculate S/L

,SS/L of ascendant and Star lord ,Sub lord of Moon.I found that S/L ,SS/ L of

ascendant are not equal to Star lord,Sub lord of Moon.Besides this rectification

of birth time rule is applicable with in only 30 minutes.Hence there is no sense

to addopt 6:18AM time as your correct birth time.

But the Correct birth time for Lahiri ayanamsa will be 05:48:27AM,for K.P

ayanamsa birth time will be 5:47:59AM and for Raman ayanamsa

correct birth time will be 5:43:07AM.Because at that rectified Sub Lord,SS Lord

of ascendant is equal to Sub Lord of Moon and Star Lord of Moon.This rectified

time for each system is in accordance with rule.

You are not manglic in any case and there is no Mars Dosh in your Kundali.

If you don't believe even in correct rectificatio n of birth time,you should

take up your own reported birth time 5:45AM as Correct birth time.

But it is wrong to accept 6:18AM in any case.

The latest definition of Mars Dosha,as per K.P.,that I have, goes like this ...

Mars Dosha is said to be present only if : " Mars in Sun's star,or it's own

star,if posited in the Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII counted from Moon or Venus

is said to cause Mars Dosha... "

One may ask as to,why should Mars be considered evil only when it signifies the

Houses I,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII from Lagna,Moon or Venus ?

1) Lagna denotes health and longevity and personal characteristics. As Lagna

will become a Maraka House to the VIIth, i.e., partner or wife...

2) The IInd house denotes the happiness of the Family,and domestic

life,increase/ decrease in the number of the Family by marriage and birth of

children and death of children...

Further the IInd house is the VIIIth to the VIIth,showing danger to the


3) The IVth house denotes domestic environments. ..Our Sages have declared that

evil planets occupying the IVth or VIIIth from a Bhava spoils the Bhava...hence

Mars on IV is eil to the Ascendant,i. e., to the health and belongings of the


4) The VIIth house shows the legal bondage,and the wife/husband of the native,in

other words, the longevity of the native or his/her wife/husband. ..Hence the

positioning of Mars in VII is not conducive to the health,longevity etc.,

5) The VIIIth house shows the difficultiesof the native and the finance and

fortune of his/her partner...as well as their longevity...

6) The VIIIth is also known as the Mangalyasthana, i.e., the duration of the

married life...again, therefore Mars in the VIIIth is evil...

7) The XIIth house stands for the real pleasure the partners derove,,the

deception,loss etc...

The above explains the rationale of the houses being considered for the

occupation by Mars,as evil...or MARS DOSHA... !

With thanks and regards,

Dhirendra Nath Misra


____________ _________ _________ __

Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >


Sat, December 12, 2009 6:47:25 AM

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Dear Bharat Ji,

U will be considered fortunate if you happen to be virgo,as Manglik effcet

effect will be nullifies.,For simha born people how ever sun as a ruler of the

sign will not impact manglik dosha effects.

The problems of relationships with spouse and other have to be faced by leo

rooted people as they tend to be dominating,exercise their desires and seek

fulfilment.leos ar think and act like rulers and spend time away from others in

a indolent fashion.so in a way mangal during dasa may not act adversely as

relation between mangal and surya is very in timate.

2.Your other issues if any can be looked into through chalit chart,divisional

chart based on your original timing of birth not the corrected one.Let your

purohit;s conviction be used for his own advices for tarabalam,fixing of good

time for panchangam purpose.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)


--- On Fri, 12/11/09, bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:


bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


Friday, December 11, 2009, 1:23 PM




Thanks to everyone for the response and their valuable suggestions.


I posted this question on the forum to know weather i am Manglik or not. On

going through the Astrology software's (Parashara's, kundli-Pro) it has put me

in doubt that which horoscope to consider.


I inquired with the PanditJee again and he said that at the given time

(24-sep-1982 05:45 AM) of birth the Lagna (Virgo) in Hissar(Haryana) was at zero



It affects the persons born at that time. Its because of that my Lagna has

become 'Virgo' and not the 'Leo'.


I will be very thankful if some one can guide me weather i am manglik or not and

when are the chances for me of getting married.


Thanks In Advance,



, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>



> so sir,

> " software " and " bush " r hand in hand

> he one is for the other.


> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)

> Â


> --- On Thu, 12/10/09, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:



> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>

> Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart


> Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:59 PM



> Â




> Agreed! And this *bush* does not even have the initials 'G.W' and hence any

'battery' or aggression would constitute as cruelty towards innocent Software!



> RR_,


> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>


> >

> > If the soft ware person( as one asking) can not explain,Pandit ji who change

timing can never be able to explain.

> > we r beating the bush

> >

> >

> > Vattem Krishnan

> > Cyber Jyotish Services

> > (For all counseling services)

> > ÂÂ

> >

> > --- On Thu, 12/10/09, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ ...>

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Thursday, December 10, 2009, 4:16 AM

> >

> >

> > ÂÂ

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Prashant ji,

> >

> > Here the question is regarding the correct TOB and " Zero crossing over " and

HENCE the TOB should be 6:18 instead of 5:45AM. a difference of 33mnts.

> >

> > What is this zero crossing over? Is it planets at the edge of signs?

> > I have given below the planetory positions for both the times as per lahiri

& raman ayanamsa.

> >

> > As per Lahiri it is impossible for the planet positions to have changed as

he had stated within 33 mnts except that of lagna.

> >

> > However as per Raman Ayanamsa, Saturn has crossed to Thula sign but not on

that day.

> >

> > The point is even if the planets has crossed to other sign, assuming that

software is wrong, how does it alter the TOB?.

> >

> > Lahiri Ayanamsa.

> > 5:45AM


> > Asc-- 149.21- 29.21- Simh

> > Sun-- 157.01- 7.01-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.22- 26.22- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.07- 9.07-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.35- 28.35- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.22- 24.22- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 156.37- 6.37-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 157.03- 7.03-- Kanya

> > Merc- 172.43- 22.43- Kanya

> > Ven-- 146.24- 26.24- Simh

> > Mar-- 219.08- 9.08-- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 196.36- 16.36- Thula

> > Sat-- 178.36- 28.36- Kanya

> > Moo-- 234.39- 24.39- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 75.29-- 15.29- Mithun

> > Ket-- 255.29- 15.29- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 115.16- 25.16- Karkat

> > Raman Ayanama

> > 5:45AM

> > Asc-- 150.48- 0.48-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.28- 8.28-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.49- 27.49- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.34- 10.34- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.02- 18.02- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 235.49- 25.49- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> > 6:18AM

> > Asc-- 158.04- 8.04-- Kanya

> > Sun-- 158.29- 8.29-- Kanya

> > Merc- 174.1-- 24.1-- Kanya

> > Ven-- 147.5-- 27.5-- Simh

> > Mar-- 220.35- 10.35- Vrischik

> > Jup-- 198.03- 18.03- Thula

> > Sat-- 180.02- 0.02-- Thula

> > Moo-- 236.05- 26.05- Vrischik

> > Rah-- 76.55-- 16.55- Mithun

> > Ket-- 256.55- 16.55- Dhanu

> > Gul-- 118.02- 28.02- Karkat

> >

> >  A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 1:41:22 PM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > ÂÂ

> > Dear Suresh ji,, Krishna ji,

> >

> > true we cant find such comments based one a particular fancy or leaning and

with no mention if the sw is a standad product I've seen some s/w give errors on

slow moving grahas sani, Kuja even JHora has some diff with respect to Parashara

Light, Visual jyotish and what we r using with ICAS, IAS and my team have worked


> >

> > IAS was 1st started by K ashwattappa Indian astrological studies, is still

functioning in chennai and later its members were part of the INITIAL team of

ICAS co-founded by B V RAMAN ji iad joined it just at that time

> >

> > i did my classical works training under ashwatappa and c a padnabham in IAS


> > B5 ICAS came up with its sylabus.

> >

> > on the s/w I have read sri KN RAO ji saw for Indian bron use s/w developed

in India and for American ones sue the american developed ones this is max I can

understand, may be as more of local cordinates database is available in

respective developed countries for good calculations, else can't find logic here


> >

> > but PL has over 15 laks places all over the world and uses a good atlas.

> >


> >

> > I use B V Raman's Ayanamsa only so Dasa, Vargas, Dates will differ from non

Raman's. Pl provide important dates in ur life while posting to verify ur birth

data and to help Lagna verification provide a picture in the Pictures folder in

the group either in the Lagna/rasi one or unknown folder. Consultations outside

the group or to my personal ID are chargeable. see Database section in the group

for more.- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 11:49:25 AM

> > Re: Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Dear Bharat,

> >

> > This is weirdest case I have come across about tob correction and

allegations against computerised horoscopes by local astrologers.

> >

> > what zero degree chane is he talking about?

> >

> > If your recorded time 5:45AM make the chart for that time only. Let him

believe whatever he wants.

> >

> > Your time will not chage to 6:18AM.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > bharat <bharat_9m (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> >

> > Thu, December 10, 2009 12:44:59 AM

> > Need Guidance in Lagan Chart

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I am Bharat and working as a software professional in bangalore.

> >

> > My date of Birth is 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > If my Lagan chart is prepared using the date mentioned above it comes as

> > shown below:

> >

> > Lagna Chart acc. to [ 24 sep 1982 05:45 AM ] Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > Ist House - No.5 -- ven

> > 2nd House - No.6 -- sun, mer, sat

> > 3rd House - No.7 -- jup

> > 4th House - No.8 -- mar, moon

> > 5th House - No.9 -- ketu

> > 6th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 11th House - No.3 -- rah

> > 12th House - No.4 -- ---

> >

> > According to our pandit jee for the above given date of birth there

> > was some Zero degree change occured which we need to consider.

> >

> > He said computer can not make accurate kundli as it don't consider the

> > above fact.

> > According to him computer will give the below chart if the time is

> > changed to 06:18 Am

> > and my date of birth will become then 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM

> > Hissar(Harayana)

> >

> > My Lagna Chart acc to [ 24 sep 1982 06:18 AM ] Hissar(Harayana) as

> > follows:

> >

> > Ist House - No.6 -- Sun, Mer, Sat

> > 2nd House - No.7 -- Jup

> > 3rd House - No.8 -- Mar, Mon

> > 4th House - No.9 -- Ket

> > 5th House - No.10 -- ---

> > 6th House - No.11 -- ---

> > 7th House - No.12 -- ---

> > 8th House - No.1 -- ---

> > 9th House - No.2 -- ---

> > 10th House - No.3 -- Rah

> > 11th House - No.4 -- ---

> > 12th House - No.5 -- Ven

> >

> > Please guide me which lagan chart should i consider.

> >

> > Thanks and Regards,

> > Bharat

> >

> >

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