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Dear all,


This thread was OPENED to bring the peanut gallery into action!


24 or so messages later, I must note that all other wonderful souls that make

this FORUM come alive, the peanut gallery of three or four (not counting the

silent spoons!) has not had the gumption or presence to show up!


We rest our case!


Bravo! Those who replied and participated and took chances and showed how we can

get along (Agfa Clik III or Kodak Brownie or Nikon or whatever!)!


United we stand, divided we fall! Hundreds of years ago, we Indians were

conquered by those who knew how well to Divide and Rule! So effectively!


I wonder if Gandhijee stayed in India, would he have risen to the occasion and

would India have become free of foreign rule in 1947? Regardless of what you

think of MKG??


Why, despite all those reminders and hundreds of years of history does the

Indian soul remain so readily divided?


I know I am overstepping my bounds but please THINK! And FEEL!!






, " rohinicrystal " <jyotish_vani



> This is my open challenge to Gopu, Dhirendra and I forget who the other

assailants were!


> Instead of squirming in your tight chairs, SHOW us on this forum how you would

discuss astrology so that everyone benefits! Please do not rehash already

written material (BORING!). A link would be acceptable of course for that is

good reference and does not waste bandwidth!


> If you have the gumption to criticise and attack others, you MUST show your

mettle and what you have done for Astrology or for individuals whom you have

helped through astrology!


> Or else, hold your peace! This is 2010 and not some simpler YUGA ;-)


> Rohiniranjan


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Dear Friends,

1.It is is a good idea to think(in the context of Reboot) very leisurely what

is required to focus unitedly and in what way the group can help those needy

people who approach with innumerable problems in day to day life with faith and

belief in jyostish.

It is beyond any hesitation we endorse our present state of good or bad to our

karmas.Eager to strive hard and over come the identity crisis.

2.Proved to the world that the crisis handled in the past is for self rule, we

know as a big nation with respect for every human being promote our culture and

wish evrey oneto retain  that freedom to choose carefully what he wants.No body

is under any threat

3.Challenge before us is to identify how our collective wisdom can pave the way

for the transformation of Jytish solemnised by our seers to make it compatible

for the modern life.

we know the society as existed and the concern in those times was more to defend

himself and raise his voice for what he deserves.

4.Some Kind of Common cause that awakened people (some seven) decades ago is

not really dead or silenced.For every five years our collective wisdom comes to

test and gets proved time and again that the country marches ahead.

5The Vedic Astrology as existed and as culled out and refered by many in an

doutside is a glorious exapmle by itslef how it given indication for the good

and bad state of affairs.what however needs is not that beaten path of

faith,belief and convictions but ability to une it to the modern technology

oriented times.

we are as leaders from time to time with our convictions,faith and respect to

all ancient cultures exhibiting democracy,reins supreme irrespective of all

those facotrs that find us as a society of different perception,idealogies and

dealing still with snake charmers and earning with the dance of monkeys.

we need also feel proud that 2% of men that got guidance from MKG have

demonstrated that they ability to rule 2/3 of world.

6.In our own place with rich heritage,natural resources availble beyond our

needs,equipped ourselves as a nation in divisional set up producing talents and

beating the y2k problems handling our borders,threats very effectively .

with different cultures and languages we conveyed to the world that India is not

a card of of 52 in which the super power is in a state of disgust as they fell

to forces in revolt //conquered by those who knew how well to Divide and Rule!//


7.The division is in multiplicity and the free will not very different from the

those advanced super powers who have courage to choose what they want with that

over confidence of super power and welath

The so called soul divided is not unhappy and ready to earn his two loves needed

if not all those comforts that a rich nation buys and provides.Every one based

on his cultures lives happily without feeling  hurt and having a self respect

of him//Indian soul remain so readily divided//

8.A simple soul who ventured  for the concept of non cooperation and refused to

buy products necessary for his lively outside his country.he is the one who

conveyed that India can be prosperous through handlooms and make a living

peacefully//what you think of MKG??//


8,Thia question to rest in modern time does not permit://We rest our case!

From those vedic times as the world is evolving this subcontinent is proud to

offer services of Shri Ram Dev for producing a healthy globe in a  very simple

way.Our Yoga methods and Ayurveda have crept and invaded several souls and has

been patented

what v r now loking ahead is the sipirit of national pride and to put our

thoughts collectively and promote evry activity be it science,technology or any

art for that matter.


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them "

Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma



--- On Thu, 1/14/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:



rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani



Thursday, January 14, 2010, 6:31 AM







Dear all,


This thread was OPENED to bring the peanut gallery into action!


24 or so messages later, I must note that all other wonderful souls that make

this FORUM come alive, the peanut gallery of three or four (not counting the

silent spoons!) has not had the gumption or presence to show up!


We rest our case!


Bravo! Those who replied and participated and took chances and showed how we can

get along (Agfa Clik III or Kodak Brownie or Nikon or whatever!)!


United we stand, divided we fall! Hundreds of years ago, we Indians were

conquered by those who knew how well to Divide and Rule! So effectively!


I wonder if Gandhijee stayed in India, would he have risen to the occasion and

would India have become free of foreign rule in 1947? Regardless of what you

think of MKG??


Why, despite all those reminders and hundreds of years of history does the

Indian soul remain so readily divided?


I know I am overstepping my bounds but please THINK! And FEEL!!






, " rohinicrystal " <jyotish_vani@ ....>



> This is my open challenge to Gopu, Dhirendra and I forget who the other

assailants were!


> Instead of squirming in your tight chairs, SHOW us on this forum how you would

discuss astrology so that everyone benefits! Please do not rehash already

written material (BORING!). A link would be acceptable of course for that is

good reference and does not waste bandwidth!


> If you have the gumption to criticise and attack others, you MUST show your

mettle and what you have done for Astrology or for individuals whom you have

helped through astrology!


> Or else, hold your peace! This is 2010 and not some simpler YUGA ;-)


> Rohiniranjan














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