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Strii Diirgha

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Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I am

hoping some members might find it useful!


Strii Diirgha

The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to respect

each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533;s asterism) of

the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533;s. If it is not at

least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away, but only

nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If the total

Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced to an

acceptable level.


When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533;s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.


Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well being

of the bride, and long marital bliss.

Wavelength / Ashta Kutas


The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as Ashta

Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between your

Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana Kuta,

Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which are

each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.


Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor to

consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar

& #65533;taste-buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be

fulfilled. If the points are low, you will have different needs and require

different things in order to feel comfortable and & #65533;right. & #65533;


Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay and

not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.

Excess / Nadi Kuta


The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of Kapha,

Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or vein,

through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.

Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The important

Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your Moons are in

are highlighted below:


Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada, Sravana

and Revati.


Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,


Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada


Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.


If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and you

earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will be

an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta.

Constructivism / Bha Kuta


The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.


The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each other,

the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one of the

couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533;s Moon is in Virgo,

their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would not be

compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their Moon in

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have favorable Bha



Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable positions:


If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the giver

of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.


In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.


In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.



If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple.


The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the total

points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.

Temperament / Gana Kuta



The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533;s temperaments

is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a person & #65533;s

temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races: Deva (divine),

Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.


Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and



Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.



Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.


The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:


If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.


Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.


Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.


Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.



Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.


If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no points,

and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and marriage

will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa Nakshatra is

considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or Manushya Nakshatra

is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa Nakshatra is able to

fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa Nakshatra.



According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young, happy

and increasing in love for one another.


Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta



The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as Graha

Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are friendly,

neutral or inimical towards each other:


The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral and

Venus and Saturn as enemies.


The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn as



Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as neutrals and

Mercury as an enemy.


Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as neutrals

and the Moon as an enemy.


Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus and

Mercury as enemies.


Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and the

Sun and Moon as enemies.


Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun, Moon

and Mars as enemies.


The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in respect to

their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:


Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.


One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.


Both neutral: 3 points.


One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.


One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.


Both inimical: 0 points.


If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.


Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta



The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as Yoni

Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ from

which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal, which

symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:


Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep, Rohini -

male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu - female

cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat, Purvaphalguni

- female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo, Chitra - female

tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha - female hare,

Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey, Uttaraashada -

male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion, Shatabishak -

female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada - female cow, Revati

- female elephant.




Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to each:


Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog, hare,

monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical with



Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog, elephant,

horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with rat.


Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger.


Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with lion,

mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.


Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare, horse,

mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.


Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly with

horse, lion and tiger.


Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep; unfriendly

with lion and tiger.


Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat, sheep and



Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly with

tiger; inimical with sheep.


Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.


Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.


Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.


Snake is neutral with tiger.



The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.


Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.


Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.


Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.


Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.



The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During

intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive nature as

symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they

can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis.

Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the animals




Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.


Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.


Cow- utility, overrunning.


Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.


Elephant - understanding, immobility.


Hare - fear, comfort.


Horse - power, panic.


Lion - pride, leadership, respect.


Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.


Mongoose - viciousness, speed.


Rat - trickiness or treachery.


Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.


Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.


Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.



Comfort / Tara Kuta



The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be felt as

more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara means

& #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called this

because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s

Moon to the woman & #65533;s.


The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the

woman & #65533;s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8,

in which case three points are earned.


The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said to

grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra falls

in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533;s, thereby insuring

that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good that the

male has to offer.



Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta



The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each other is

known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;


The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or Insect.


Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15 degrees of

Capricorn are Quadruped signs


Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are Human



Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.


Leo is the one wild sign.


Scorpio is the one Insect sign.


Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to the

wild sign, Leo.


Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to the

Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the food of

the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half Capricorn)

are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).


The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya signs

find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya. The

signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to, but

don & #65533;t do so as happily.


If the couple & #65533;s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good and 2

points are gained.


If one of the couple & #65533;s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is



If one of the couple & #65533;s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is itself

the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.


If neither of the couple & #65533;s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no points

are gained.



Mutation / Varna Kuta



The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards positive

improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste, & #65533;

as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain caste, which

are listed in order of highest to lowest:


Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.


Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.


Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.



One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533;s Moon signs are the

same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533;s Moon

does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a symbol

used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533;s Moons.


It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of a

lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than masculine

energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533;s Moon sign is of a higher caste

than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up more

of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to pick up more of

her higher qualities.



Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra



The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense of

purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533; and

thus reveals unity of soul purpose.


The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th,

19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533;s.


According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being; and

grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be




Obstructions / Vedha Dosha


The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & #65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.


Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are



Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.


Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.


Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.


Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.


Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.


Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.


Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.


Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.


Rohini & Svati are obstructive.


Magha & Revati are obstructive.


Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.


Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.


Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.



Misfortune / Rajju Dosha



The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & #65533; that can affect a relationship.


Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:



Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.


Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara Bhadra



Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.


Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.


Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta


The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide happiness

and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from widowhood. & #65533;

According to the ancient texts, the following are the results of the

Moon & #65533;s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body part, though these

results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:


If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.

If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.

If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.

If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.

If they both fall in the head the husband will die.


There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full Graha

Maitra (friendship), Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of purpose) are

present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these

are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still be a source of




Magnetic Attraction / Vasya


The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction. Certain

Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:


For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.


This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the other

to do almost anything for the relationship.


It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn towards the

woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it helps the

man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more strongly than

men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding attraction are not

as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards the man.


This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of the

compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest of

the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the person

being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.


Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha


The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple is

known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly feared

in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause the

death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each



Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd, 4th, 7th,

8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check should be made

in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important harmonic chart)

and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on relationships).

Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates the possibility of

Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is important that Mars is in

these positions the same amount of times in each person & #65533;s chart. If Mars

is in these positions one more time in one of the charts it is also acceptable.

If Mars is in these positions two or more times in one of the charts, the

problems begin to emerge. The more the difference between the charts, the more

severe the problems will become.



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Dear Lilly,


Thanks for sharing the long post! I am happy to note that people have stopped

paying attention only to short posts -- just because no one has time and life

must be efficient ;-) = Time to turn off cell-phones and JAMUNS (=blackberry)

when entering temples! :-)


Now the next step is really going to be difficult but easy!


What are all these factors depending upon, astrologically? Which indicators? Are

they adequate? Given the Desh, Kaal, Paristhitis worldwide?


Kind regards,



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Bharat Ki GAIYAAN-jis khooti se bandh deh us khooti se jivan bhar nibhati hain

apna dharm samaj kaar..Bandhan mein rehna pasand karti hain.

On the other hand, Vedeshi GAIYAAN swabhaw, sanskar se swatrant hoti hain, aur

khooli hawa mein saar karna pasand kerti hain..Onko bandhan teekh nehi lagta

hain, divorce dena aasan hain, aur jivan mein anek shaadiya karlethi hain..


I hope everyone gets the point as I have kept short and simple :-)






, " rohinicrystal " <jyotish_vani



> Dear Lilly,


> Thanks for sharing the long post! I am happy to note that people have stopped

paying attention only to short posts -- just because no one has time and life

must be efficient ;-) = Time to turn off cell-phones and JAMUNS (=blackberry)

when entering temples! :-)


> Now the next step is really going to be difficult but easy!


> What are all these factors depending upon, astrologically? Which indicators?

Are they adequate? Given the Desh, Kaal, Paristhitis worldwide?


> Kind regards,


> Rohiniranjan


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Stree Deergha is part of DasaVidha Poruttam carrying a vlue of more than 36

points.Important of them is Nadi having score of 8(of 36).The restof

Mahendra,stree Deergha and vedha etc are extensions.

Gyatri Vasudev in her book " the art of matching horoscopes deals ths issues in a

perspective differently.This is worth considering in the present context of

societal influnces in marraiges.



Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them "

Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma



--- On Wed, 1/20/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005 wrote:



Lilly <tigresslilly2005

Strii Diirgha


Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 11:25 PM








Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I am

hoping some members might find it useful!


Strii Diirgha

The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to respect

each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s asterism) of

the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it is not at

least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away, but only

nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If the total

Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced to an

acceptable level.


When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.


Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well being

of the bride, and long marital bliss.

Wavelength / Ashta Kutas


The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as Ashta

Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between your

Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana Kuta,

Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which are

each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.


Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor to

consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and

& #65533;right. & #65533;


Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay and

not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.

Excess / Nadi Kuta


The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of Kapha,

Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or vein,

through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.

Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The important

Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your Moons are in

are highlighted below:


Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada, Sravana

and Revati.


Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,


Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada


Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.


If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and you

earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will be

an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta..

Constructivism / Bha Kuta


The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.


The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each other,

the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one of the

couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in Virgo,

their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would not be

compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their Moon in

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have favorable Bha



Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable positions:


If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the giver

of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.


In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.


In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.


If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple..


The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the total

points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.

Temperament / Gana Kuta


The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.


Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and



Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.


Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.


The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:


If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.


Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.


Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.


Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.


Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.


If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no points,

and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and marriage

will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa Nakshatra is

considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or Manushya Nakshatra

is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa Nakshatra is able to

fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa Nakshatra.


According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young, happy

and increasing in love for one another.


Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta


The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as Graha

Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are friendly,

neutral or inimical towards each other:


The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral and

Venus and Saturn as enemies.


The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn as



Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as neutrals and

Mercury as an enemy.


Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as neutrals

and the Moon as an enemy.


Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus and

Mercury as enemies.


Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and the

Sun and Moon as enemies.


Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun, Moon

and Mars as enemies.


The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in respect to

their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:


Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.


One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.


Both neutral: 3 points.


One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.


One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.


Both inimical: 0 points.


If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.


Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta


The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as Yoni

Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ from

which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal, which

symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:


Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep, Rohini -

male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu - female

cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat, Purvaphalguni

- female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo, Chitra - female

tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha - female hare,

Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey, Uttaraashada -

male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion, Shatabishak -

female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada - female cow, Revati

- female elephant.


Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to each:


Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog, hare,

monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical with



Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog, elephant,

horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with rat.


Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger..


Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with lion,

mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.


Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare, horse,

mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.


Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly with

horse, lion and tiger.


Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep; unfriendly

with lion and tiger.


Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat, sheep and



Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly with

tiger; inimical with sheep.


Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.


Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.


Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.


Snake is neutral with tiger.


The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.


Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.


Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.


Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.


Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.


The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During

intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive nature as

symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they

can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis..

Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the animals



Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.


Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.


Cow- utility, overrunning.


Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.


Elephant - understanding, immobility.


Hare - fear, comfort.


Horse - power, panic.


Lion - pride, leadership, respect.


Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.


Mongoose - viciousness, speed.


Rat - trickiness or treachery.


Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.


Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.


Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.


Comfort / Tara Kuta


The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be felt as

more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara means

& #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called this

because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s

Moon to the woman & #65533; s.


The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the woman & #65533;

s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8, in which case

three points are earned.


The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said to

grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra falls

in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s, thereby insuring

that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good that the

male has to offer.



Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta


The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each other is

known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;


The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or Insect.


Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15 degrees of

Capricorn are Quadruped signs


Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are Human



Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.


Leo is the one wild sign.


Scorpio is the one Insect sign.


Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to the

wild sign, Leo.


Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to the

Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the food of

the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half Capricorn)

are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).


The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya signs

find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya. The

signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to, but

don & #65533;t do so as happily.


If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good and 2

points are gained.


If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is



If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is itself

the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.


If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no points

are gained.


Mutation / Varna Kuta


The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards positive

improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste, & #65533;

as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain caste, which

are listed in order of highest to lowest:


Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.


Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.


Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.


One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are the

same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s Moon

does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a symbol

used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.


It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of a

lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than masculine

energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a higher

caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up

more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to pick up

more of her higher qualities.


Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra


The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense of

purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533; and

thus reveals unity of soul purpose.


The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th,

19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.


According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being; and

grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be




Obstructions / Vedha Dosha


The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.


Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are



Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.


Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.


Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.


Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.


Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.


Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.


Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.


Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.


Rohini & Svati are obstructive.


Magha & Revati are obstructive.


Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.


Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.


Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.


Misfortune / Rajju Dosha


The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.


Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:


Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.


Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara Bhadra



Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.


Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.


Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta


The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide happiness

and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from widowhood.. & #

65533; According to the ancient texts, the following are the results of the

Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body part, though

these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:


If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.

If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.

If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.

If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.

If they both fall in the head the husband will die.


There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full Graha

Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of purpose) are

present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these

are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still be a source of



Magnetic Attraction / Vasya


The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction. Certain

Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:


For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.


This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the other

to do almost anything for the relationship.


It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn towards the

woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it helps the

man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more strongly than

men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding attraction are not

as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards the man.


This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of the

compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest of

the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the person

being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.


Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha


The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple is

known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly feared

in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause the

death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each



Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd, 4th, 7th,

8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check should be made

in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important harmonic chart)

and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on relationships) .

Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates the possibility of

Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is important that Mars is in

these positions the same amount of times in each person & #65533; s chart. If Mars

is in these positions one more time in one of the charts it is also acceptable.

If Mars is in these positions two or more times in one of the charts, the

problems begin to emerge. The more the difference between the charts, the more

severe the problems will become..















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This is a score very important from the point of genitical issues.If v consider

emotions are dominant instances,probably v have to pause a minuete and look back

to air views different from theoritical issues.we may agree not agree on some

strong grounds.

Astrology evolved as part of society jis mein  khuli khuli hawa bahut

hote hai lekin riste aur nate utna jaldi khatam karne ke liye socha nahi the "

The simplest scientific concept is certainlty the evolution that is the advent

of Man from animal.



Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them "

Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma



--- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005 wrote:



Lilly <tigresslilly2005

Re: Strii Diirgha


Thursday, January 21, 2010, 12:00 AM








Bharat Ki GAIYAAN-jis khooti se bandh deh us khooti se jivan bhar nibhati hain

apna dharm samaj kaar..Bandhan mein rehna pasand karti hain.

On the other hand, Vedeshi GAIYAAN swabhaw, sanskar se swatrant hoti hain, aur

khooli hawa mein saar karna pasand kerti hain..Onko bandhan teekh nehi lagta

hain, divorce dena aasan hain, aur jivan mein anek shaadiya karlethi hain..


I hope everyone gets the point as I have kept short and simple :-)




, " rohinicrystal " <jyotish_vani@ ....>



> Dear Lilly,


> Thanks for sharing the long post! I am happy to note that people have stopped

paying attention only to short posts -- just because no one has time and life

must be efficient ;-) = Time to turn off cell-phones and JAMUNS (=blackberry)

when entering temples! :-)


> Now the next step is really going to be difficult but easy!


> What are all these factors depending upon, astrologically? Which indicators?

Are they adequate? Given the Desh, Kaal, Paristhitis worldwide?


> Kind regards,


> Rohiniranjan














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Short? Yes!


Simple...? Not a chance! ;-)




, " Lilly " <tigresslilly2005 wrote:



> Bharat Ki GAIYAAN-jis khooti se bandh deh us khooti se jivan bhar nibhati hain

apna dharm samaj kaar..Bandhan mein rehna pasand karti hain.

> On the other hand, Vedeshi GAIYAAN swabhaw, sanskar se swatrant hoti hain, aur

khooli hawa mein saar karna pasand kerti hain..Onko bandhan teekh nehi lagta

hain, divorce dena aasan hain, aur jivan mein anek shaadiya karlethi hain..


> I hope everyone gets the point as I have kept short and simple :-)


> Lilly




> , " rohinicrystal " <jyotish_vani@>


> >

> > Dear Lilly,

> >

> > Thanks for sharing the long post! I am happy to note that people have

stopped paying attention only to short posts -- just because no one has time and

life must be efficient ;-) = Time to turn off cell-phones and JAMUNS

(=blackberry) when entering temples! :-)

> >

> > Now the next step is really going to be difficult but easy!

> >

> > What are all these factors depending upon, astrologically? Which indicators?

Are they adequate? Given the Desh, Kaal, Paristhitis worldwide?

> >

> > Kind regards,

> >

> > Rohiniranjan

> >


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Dear Lilly,

Ur mail reflects the procedure as to how to match the charts of a prospective

girl and boy.

Reg Mars it is being considered from Venus, moon and lagna. and it is seen

in natal chart and navamsa. It is not seen in Trimsamsa chart.

Trimsamsa is more focussed towards the female and why it is so  I am unable

to explain.Trimsamsa is seen for both lagna and chandra lagna in relation to

natal lagna and natal rasi.

Eg. If the native's Janma lagna or chandra rasi is in the house of mars( aires

or scorpio)

in the natal chart and in the D-30 chart (trimsamsa chart) if it happens to be


same aries or scorpio then they say that the native will be of a bad character.

Like wise it is seen for all the houses and seen for the following planets only


Mars, saturn, Jupiter, mercury and Venus. Nodes are not included.







--- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005 wrote:



Lilly <tigresslilly2005

Strii Diirgha


Thursday, January 21, 2010, 9:55 AM








Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I am

hoping some members might find it useful!


Strii Diirgha

The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to respect

each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s asterism) of

the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it is not at

least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away, but only

nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If the total

Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced to an

acceptable level.


When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.


Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well being

of the bride, and long marital bliss.

Wavelength / Ashta Kutas


The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as Ashta

Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between your

Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana Kuta,

Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which are

each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.


Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor to

consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and

& #65533;right. & #65533;


Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay and

not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.

Excess / Nadi Kuta


The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of Kapha,

Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or vein,

through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.

Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The important

Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your Moons are in

are highlighted below:


Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada, Sravana

and Revati.


Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,


Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada


Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.


If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and you

earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will be

an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta.

Constructivism / Bha Kuta


The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.


The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each other,

the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one of the

couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in Virgo,

their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would not be

compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their Moon in

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have favorable Bha



Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable positions:


If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the giver

of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.


In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.


In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.


If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple.


The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the total

points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.

Temperament / Gana Kuta


The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.


Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and



Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.


Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.


The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:


If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.


Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.


Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.


Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.


Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.


If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no points,

and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and marriage

will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa Nakshatra is

considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or Manushya Nakshatra

is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa Nakshatra is able to

fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa Nakshatra.


According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young, happy

and increasing in love for one another.


Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta


The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as Graha

Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are friendly,

neutral or inimical towards each other:


The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral and

Venus and Saturn as enemies.


The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn as



Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as neutrals and

Mercury as an enemy.


Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as neutrals

and the Moon as an enemy.


Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus and

Mercury as enemies.


Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and the

Sun and Moon as enemies.


Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun, Moon

and Mars as enemies.


The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in respect to

their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:


Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.


One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.


Both neutral: 3 points.


One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.


One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.


Both inimical: 0 points.


If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.


Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta


The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as Yoni

Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ from

which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal, which

symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:


Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep, Rohini -

male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu - female

cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat, Purvaphalguni

- female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo, Chitra - female

tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha - female hare,

Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey, Uttaraashada -

male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion, Shatabishak -

female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada - female cow, Revati

- female elephant.


Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to each:


Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog, hare,

monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical with



Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog, elephant,

horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with rat.


Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger.


Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with lion,

mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.


Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare, horse,

mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.


Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly with

horse, lion and tiger.


Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep; unfriendly

with lion and tiger.


Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat, sheep and



Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly with

tiger; inimical with sheep.


Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.


Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.


Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.


Snake is neutral with tiger.


The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.


Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.


Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.


Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.


Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.


The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During

intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive nature as

symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they

can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis.

Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the animals



Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.


Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.


Cow- utility, overrunning.


Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.


Elephant - understanding, immobility.


Hare - fear, comfort.


Horse - power, panic.


Lion - pride, leadership, respect.


Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.


Mongoose - viciousness, speed.


Rat - trickiness or treachery.


Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.


Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.


Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.


Comfort / Tara Kuta


The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be felt as

more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara means

& #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called this

because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s

Moon to the woman & #65533; s.


The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the woman & #65533;

s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8, in which case

three points are earned.


The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said to

grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra falls

in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s, thereby insuring

that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good that the

male has to offer.



Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta


The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each other is

known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;


The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or Insect.


Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15 degrees of

Capricorn are Quadruped signs


Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are Human



Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.


Leo is the one wild sign.


Scorpio is the one Insect sign.


Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to the

wild sign, Leo.


Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to the

Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the food of

the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half Capricorn)

are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).


The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya signs

find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya. The

signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to, but

don & #65533;t do so as happily.


If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good and 2

points are gained.


If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is



If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is itself

the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.


If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no points

are gained.


Mutation / Varna Kuta


The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards positive

improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste, & #65533;

as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain caste, which

are listed in order of highest to lowest:


Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.


Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.


Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.


One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are the

same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s Moon

does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a symbol

used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.


It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of a

lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than masculine

energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a higher

caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up

more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to pick up

more of her higher qualities.


Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra


The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense of

purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533; and

thus reveals unity of soul purpose.


The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th,

19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.


According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being; and

grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be




Obstructions / Vedha Dosha


The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.


Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are



Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.


Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.


Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.


Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.


Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.


Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.


Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.


Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.


Rohini & Svati are obstructive.


Magha & Revati are obstructive.


Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.


Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.


Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.


Misfortune / Rajju Dosha


The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.


Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:


Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.


Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara Bhadra



Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.


Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.


Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta


The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide happiness

and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from widowhood. & # 65533;

According to the ancient texts, the following are the results of the

Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body part, though

these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:


If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.

If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.

If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.

If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.

If they both fall in the head the husband will die.


There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full Graha

Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of purpose) are

present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these

are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still be a source of



Magnetic Attraction / Vasya


The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction. Certain

Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:


For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.


For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.


This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the other

to do almost anything for the relationship.


It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn towards the

woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it helps the

man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more strongly than

men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding attraction are not

as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards the man.


This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of the

compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest of

the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the person

being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.


Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha


The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple is

known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly feared

in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause the

death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each



Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd, 4th, 7th,

8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check should be made

in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important harmonic chart)

and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on relationships) .

Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates the possibility of

Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is important that Mars is in

these positions the same amount of times in each person & #65533; s chart. If Mars

is in these positions one more time in one of the charts it is also acceptable.

If Mars is in these positions two or more times in one of the charts, the

problems begin to emerge. The more the difference between the charts, the more

severe the problems will become.















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Thanks Guppu Ji!! It's interesting that you bring trimsamsa chart of a female

for match making as I had never even heard of that before..



, K Gopu <kgopu_24 wrote:


> Dear Lilly,

> Ur mail reflects the procedure as to how to match the charts of a prospective

> girl and boy.

> Reg Mars it is being considered from Venus, moon and lagna. and it is seen

> in natal chart and navamsa. It is not seen in Trimsamsa chart.

> Trimsamsa is more focussed towards the female and why it is so  I am unable

> to explain.Trimsamsa is seen for both lagna and chandra lagna in relation to

> natal lagna and natal rasi.

> Eg. If the native's Janma lagna or chandra rasi is in the house of mars( aires

or scorpio)

> in the natal chart and in the D-30 chart (trimsamsa chart) if it happens to be


> same aries or scorpio then they say that the native will be of a bad


> Like wise it is seen for all the houses and seen for the following planets

only ie

> Mars, saturn, Jupiter, mercury and Venus. Nodes are not included.


> regards,

> k.gopu




> --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005 wrote:



> Lilly <tigresslilly2005

> Strii Diirgha


> Thursday, January 21, 2010, 9:55 AM








> Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I am

hoping some members might find it useful!


> Strii Diirgha

> The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to respect

each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s asterism) of

the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it is not at

least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away, but only

nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If the total

Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced to an

acceptable level.


> When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.


> Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well being

of the bride, and long marital bliss.

> Wavelength / Ashta Kutas


> The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as

Ashta Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between

your Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana

Kuta, Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which

are each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.


> Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor to

consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and

> & #65533;right. & #65533;


> Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay and

not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.

> Excess / Nadi Kuta


> The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of Kapha,

Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or vein,

through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.

> Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The important

Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your Moons are in

are highlighted below:


> Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada,

Sravana and Revati.


> Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,


> Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada


> Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.


> If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and you

earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will be

an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta.

> Constructivism / Bha Kuta


> The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.


> The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each other,

the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one of the

couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in Virgo,

their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would not be

compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their Moon in

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have favorable Bha



> Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable positions:


> If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the giver

of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.


> In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.


> In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.


> If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple.


> The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the

total points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.

> Temperament / Gana Kuta


> The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.


> Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and



> Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.


> Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.


> The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:


> If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.


> Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.


> Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.


> Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.


> Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.


> If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no

points, and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and

marriage will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or

Manushya Nakshatra is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is able to fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa



> According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young, happy

and increasing in love for one another.


> Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta


> The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as Graha

Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are friendly,

neutral or inimical towards each other:


> The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral and

Venus and Saturn as enemies.


> The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn

as neutrals.


> Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as neutrals

and Mercury as an enemy.


> Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as neutrals

and the Moon as an enemy.


> Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus and

Mercury as enemies.


> Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and the

Sun and Moon as enemies.


> Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun,

Moon and Mars as enemies.


> The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in respect

to their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:


> Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.


> One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.


> Both neutral: 3 points.


> One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.


> One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.


> Both inimical: 0 points.


> If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.


> Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta


> The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as Yoni

Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ from

which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal, which

symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:


> Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep, Rohini

- male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu - female

cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat, Purvaphalguni

- female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo, Chitra - female

tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha - female hare,

Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey, Uttaraashada -

male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion, Shatabishak -

female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada - female cow, Revati

- female elephant.


> Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to each:


> Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog, hare,

monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical with



> Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog,

elephant, horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with



> Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger.


> Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with lion,

mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.


> Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare, horse,

mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.


> Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly with

horse, lion and tiger.


> Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep;

unfriendly with lion and tiger.


> Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat, sheep

and tiger.


> Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly with

tiger; inimical with sheep.


> Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.


> Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.


> Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.


> Snake is neutral with tiger.


> The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.


> Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.


> Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.


> Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.


> Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.


> The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During

intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive nature as

symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they

can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis.

> Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the animals



> Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.


> Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.


> Cow- utility, overrunning.


> Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.


> Elephant - understanding, immobility.


> Hare - fear, comfort.


> Horse - power, panic.


> Lion - pride, leadership, respect.


> Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.


> Mongoose - viciousness, speed.


> Rat - trickiness or treachery.


> Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.


> Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.


> Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.


> Comfort / Tara Kuta


> The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be felt

as more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara

means & #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called

this because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the

man & #65533;s Moon to the woman & #65533; s.


> The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the

woman & #65533; s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8,

in which case three points are earned.


> The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said to

grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra falls

in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s, thereby insuring

that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good that the

male has to offer.



> Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta


> The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each other

is known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;


> The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or Insect.


> Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15 degrees

of Capricorn are Quadruped signs


> Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are

Human signs.


> Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.


> Leo is the one wild sign.


> Scorpio is the one Insect sign.


> Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to the

wild sign, Leo.


> Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to the

Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the food

of the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half Capricorn)

are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).


> The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya

signs find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya.

The signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to,

but don & #65533;t do so as happily.


> If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good and 2

points are gained.


> If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is



> If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is itself

the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.


> If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no

points are gained.


> Mutation / Varna Kuta


> The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards

positive improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste,

& #65533; as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain

caste, which are listed in order of highest to lowest:


> Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.


> Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


> Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.


> Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.


> One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are the

same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s Moon

does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a symbol

used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.


> It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of a

lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than masculine

energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a higher

caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up

more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to pick up

more of her higher qualities.


> Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra


> The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense of

purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533; and

thus reveals unity of soul purpose.


> The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th,

16th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.


> According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being; and

grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be




> Obstructions / Vedha Dosha


> The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.


> Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are



> Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.


> Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.


> Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.


> Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.


> Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.


> Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.


> Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.


> Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.


> Rohini & Svati are obstructive.


> Magha & Revati are obstructive.


> Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.


> Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.


> Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.


> Misfortune / Rajju Dosha


> The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.


> Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:


> Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.


> Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara Bhadra



> Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.


> Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.


> Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta


> The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide

happiness and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from

widowhood. & # 65533; According to the ancient texts, the following are the

results of the Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body

part, though these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:


> If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.

> If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.

> If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.

> If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.

> If they both fall in the head the husband will die.


> There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full Graha

Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of purpose) are

present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these

are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still be a source of



> Magnetic Attraction / Vasya


> The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction. Certain

Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:


> For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.


> This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the

other to do almost anything for the relationship.


> It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn towards

the woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it helps

the man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more strongly than

men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding attraction are not

as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards the man.


> This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of the

compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest of

the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the person

being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.


> Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha


> The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple is

known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly feared

in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause the

death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each



> Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd, 4th,

7th, 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check should be

made in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important harmonic

chart) and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on

relationships) . Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates

the possibility of Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is

important that Mars is in these positions the same amount of times in each

person & #65533; s chart. If Mars is in these positions one more time in one of

the charts it is also acceptable. If Mars is in these positions two or more

times in one of the charts, the problems begin to emerge. The more the

difference between the charts, the more severe the problems will become.


> Lilly







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Modern reality allows for such an experiement, Lilly! Examine the Trishamsha in

one of the many males who have chosen to look after home (Mr. Mom!) while MA

brings home the bacon (or roti daal!). It should work because astrology should

be karma specific and not gender specific!


Aren't you glad that Kali Yuga is finally here?




, " Lilly " <tigresslilly2005 wrote:



> Thanks Guppu Ji!! It's interesting that you bring trimsamsa chart of a female

for match making as I had never even heard of that before..


> Lilly

> , K Gopu <kgopu_24@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Lilly,

> > Ur mail reflects the procedure as to how to match the charts of a


> > girl and boy.

> > Reg Mars it is being considered from Venus, moon and lagna. and it is seen

> > in natal chart and navamsa. It is not seen in Trimsamsa chart.

> > Trimsamsa is more focussed towards the female and why it is so  I am unable

> > to explain.Trimsamsa is seen for both lagna and chandra lagna in relation to

> > natal lagna and natal rasi.

> > Eg. If the native's Janma lagna or chandra rasi is in the house of mars(

aires or scorpio)

> > in the natal chart and in the D-30 chart (trimsamsa chart) if it happens to

be the

> > same aries or scorpio then they say that the native will be of a bad


> > Like wise it is seen for all the houses and seen for the following planets

only ie

> > Mars, saturn, Jupiter, mercury and Venus. Nodes are not included.

> >  

> > regards,

> > k.gopu

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Lilly <tigresslilly2005@>

> > Strii Diirgha

> >

> > Thursday, January 21, 2010, 9:55 AM

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I

am hoping some members might find it useful!

> >

> > Strii Diirgha

> > The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to respect

each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s asterism) of

the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it is not at

least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away, but only

nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If the total

Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced to an

acceptable level.

> >

> > When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.

> >

> > Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well

being of the bride, and long marital bliss.

> > Wavelength / Ashta Kutas

> >

> > The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as

Ashta Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between

your Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana

Kuta, Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which

are each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.

> >

> > Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor to

consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and

> > & #65533;right. & #65533;

> >

> > Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay

and not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.

> > Excess / Nadi Kuta

> >

> > The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of Kapha,

Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or vein,

through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.

> > Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The important

Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your Moons are in

are highlighted below:

> >

> > Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada,

Sravana and Revati.

> >

> > Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,

> >

> > Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada

> >

> > Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.

> >

> > If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and

you earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will

be an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta.

> > Constructivism / Bha Kuta

> >

> > The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.

> >

> > The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each

other, the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one

of the couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in

Virgo, their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would

not be compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their

Moon in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have

favorable Bha Kuta.

> >

> > Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable


> >

> > If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the

giver of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.

> >

> > In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.

> >

> > In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.

> >

> > If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple.

> >

> > The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the

total points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.

> > Temperament / Gana Kuta

> >

> > The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.

> >

> > Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and


> >

> > Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.

> >

> > Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.

> >

> > The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:

> >

> > If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.

> >

> > Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.

> >

> > Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.

> >

> > Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.

> >

> > Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.

> >

> > If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no

points, and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and

marriage will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or

Manushya Nakshatra is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is able to fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa


> >

> > According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young,

happy and increasing in love for one another.

> >

> > Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta

> >

> > The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as

Graha Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are

friendly, neutral or inimical towards each other:

> >

> > The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral and

Venus and Saturn as enemies.

> >

> > The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and

Saturn as neutrals.

> >

> > Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as neutrals

and Mercury as an enemy.

> >

> > Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as

neutrals and the Moon as an enemy.

> >

> > Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus

and Mercury as enemies.

> >

> > Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and

the Sun and Moon as enemies.

> >

> > Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun,

Moon and Mars as enemies.

> >

> > The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in respect

to their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:

> >

> > Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.

> >

> > One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.

> >

> > Both neutral: 3 points.

> >

> > One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.

> >

> > One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.

> >

> > Both inimical: 0 points.

> >

> > If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.

> >

> > Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta

> >

> > The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as

Yoni Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ

from which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal,

which symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:

> >

> > Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep,

Rohini - male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu -

female cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat,

Purvaphalguni - female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo,

Chitra - female tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha -

female hare, Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey,

Uttaraashada - male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion,

Shatabishak - female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada -

female cow, Revati - female elephant.

> >

> > Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to


> >

> > Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog,

hare, monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical

with horse.

> >

> > Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog,

elephant, horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with


> >

> > Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger.

> >

> > Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with lion,

mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.

> >

> > Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare, horse,

mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.

> >

> > Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly

with horse, lion and tiger.

> >

> > Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep;

unfriendly with lion and tiger.

> >

> > Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat, sheep

and tiger.

> >

> > Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly

with tiger; inimical with sheep.

> >

> > Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.

> >

> > Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.

> >

> > Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.

> >

> > Snake is neutral with tiger.

> >

> > The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.

> >

> > Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.

> >

> > Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.

> >

> > Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.

> >

> > Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.

> >

> > The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During

intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive nature as

symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they

can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis.

> > Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the animals


> >

> > Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.

> >

> > Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.

> >

> > Cow- utility, overrunning.

> >

> > Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.

> >

> > Elephant - understanding, immobility.

> >

> > Hare - fear, comfort.

> >

> > Horse - power, panic.

> >

> > Lion - pride, leadership, respect.

> >

> > Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.

> >

> > Mongoose - viciousness, speed.

> >

> > Rat - trickiness or treachery.

> >

> > Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.

> >

> > Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.

> >

> > Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.

> >

> > Comfort / Tara Kuta

> >

> > The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be felt

as more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara

means & #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called

this because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the

man & #65533;s Moon to the woman & #65533; s.

> >

> > The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the

woman & #65533; s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8,

in which case three points are earned.

> >

> > The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said to

grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra falls

in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s, thereby insuring

that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good that the

male has to offer.

> >

> >

> > Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta

> >

> > The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each other

is known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;

> >

> > The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or


> >

> > Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15 degrees

of Capricorn are Quadruped signs

> >

> > Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are

Human signs.

> >

> > Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.

> >

> > Leo is the one wild sign.

> >

> > Scorpio is the one Insect sign.

> >

> > Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to

the wild sign, Leo.

> >

> > Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to the

Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).

> >

> > Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the

food of the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).

> >

> > Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half

Capricorn) are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).

> >

> > The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya

signs find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya.

The signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to,

but don & #65533;t do so as happily.

> >

> > If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good and

2 points are gained.

> >

> > If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is


> >

> > If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is

itself the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.

> >

> > If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no

points are gained.

> >

> > Mutation / Varna Kuta

> >

> > The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards

positive improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste,

& #65533; as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain

caste, which are listed in order of highest to lowest:

> >

> > Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

> >

> > Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

> >

> > Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.

> >

> > Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

> >

> > One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are the

same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s Moon

does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a symbol

used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.

> >

> > It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of a

lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than masculine

energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a higher

caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up

more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to pick up

more of her higher qualities.

> >

> > Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra

> >

> > The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense

of purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533;

and thus reveals unity of soul purpose.

> >

> > The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th,

16th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.

> >

> > According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being;

and grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be


> >

> >

> > Obstructions / Vedha Dosha

> >

> > The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.

> >

> > Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are


> >

> > Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.

> >

> > Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.

> >

> > Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.

> >

> > Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.

> >

> > Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.

> >

> > Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.

> >

> > Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.

> >

> > Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.

> >

> > Rohini & Svati are obstructive.

> >

> > Magha & Revati are obstructive.

> >

> > Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.

> >

> > Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.

> >

> > Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.

> >

> > Misfortune / Rajju Dosha

> >

> > The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.

> >

> > Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:

> >

> > Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.

> >

> > Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara

Bhadra Pada.

> >

> > Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.

> >

> > Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.

> >

> > Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

> >

> > The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide

happiness and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from

widowhood. & # 65533; According to the ancient texts, the following are the

results of the Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body

part, though these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:

> >

> > If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.

> > If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.

> > If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.

> > If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.

> > If they both fall in the head the husband will die.

> >

> > There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full Graha

Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of purpose) are

present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these

are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still be a source of


> >

> > Magnetic Attraction / Vasya

> >

> > The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction.

Certain Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:

> >

> > For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.

> >

> > This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the

other to do almost anything for the relationship.

> >

> > It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn towards

the woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it helps

the man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more strongly than

men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding attraction are not

as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards the man.

> >

> > This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of the

compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest of

the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the person

being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.

> >

> > Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha

> >

> > The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple is

known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly feared

in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause the

death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each


> >

> > Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd, 4th,

7th, 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check should be

made in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important harmonic

chart) and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on

relationships) . Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates

the possibility of Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is

important that Mars is in these positions the same amount of times in each

person & #65533; s chart. If Mars is in these positions one more time in one of

the charts it is also acceptable. If Mars is in these positions two or more

times in one of the charts, the problems begin to emerge. The more the

difference between the charts, the more severe the problems will become.

> >

> > Lilly

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Is this something that has traditionally been given heavier weighting in South

India (just like Rahu Kalam and punarphoo etc.?).


Things I had never heard until I read in Raman['s astro magazine, way back when!




, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> Friends,

> Stree Deergha is part of DasaVidha Poruttam carrying a vlue of more than 36

points.Important of them is Nadi having score of 8(of 36).The restof

Mahendra,stree Deergha and vedha etc are extensions.

> Gyatri Vasudev in her book " the art of matching horoscopes deals ths issues in

a perspective differently.This is worth considering in the present context of

societal influnces in marraiges.



> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)

> Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them "

> Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma



> --- On Wed, 1/20/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005 wrote:



> Lilly <tigresslilly2005

> Strii Diirgha


> Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 11:25 PM








> Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I am

hoping some members might find it useful!


> Strii Diirgha

> The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to respect

each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s asterism) of

the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it is not at

least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away, but only

nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If the total

Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced to an

acceptable level.


> When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.


> Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well being

of the bride, and long marital bliss.

> Wavelength / Ashta Kutas


> The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as

Ashta Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between

your Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana

Kuta, Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which

are each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.


> Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor to

consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and

> & #65533;right. & #65533;


> Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay and

not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.

> Excess / Nadi Kuta


> The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of Kapha,

Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or vein,

through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.

> Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The important

Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your Moons are in

are highlighted below:


> Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada,

Sravana and Revati.


> Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,


> Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada


> Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.


> If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and you

earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will be

an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta..

> Constructivism / Bha Kuta


> The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.


> The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each other,

the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one of the

couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in Virgo,

their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would not be

compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their Moon in

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have favorable Bha



> Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable positions:


> If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the giver

of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.


> In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.


> In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.


> If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple..


> The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the

total points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.

> Temperament / Gana Kuta


> The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.


> Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and



> Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.


> Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.


> The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:


> If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.


> Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.


> Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.


> Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.


> Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.


> If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no

points, and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and

marriage will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or

Manushya Nakshatra is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is able to fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa



> According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young, happy

and increasing in love for one another.


> Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta


> The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as Graha

Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are friendly,

neutral or inimical towards each other:


> The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral and

Venus and Saturn as enemies.


> The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn

as neutrals.


> Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as neutrals

and Mercury as an enemy.


> Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as neutrals

and the Moon as an enemy.


> Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus and

Mercury as enemies.


> Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and the

Sun and Moon as enemies.


> Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun,

Moon and Mars as enemies.


> The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in respect

to their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:


> Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.


> One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.


> Both neutral: 3 points.


> One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.


> One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.


> Both inimical: 0 points.


> If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.


> Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta


> The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as Yoni

Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ from

which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal, which

symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:


> Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep, Rohini

- male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu - female

cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat, Purvaphalguni

- female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo, Chitra - female

tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha - female hare,

Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey, Uttaraashada -

male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion, Shatabishak -

female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada - female cow, Revati

- female elephant.


> Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to each:


> Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog, hare,

monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical with



> Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog,

elephant, horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with



> Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger..


> Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with lion,

mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.


> Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare, horse,

mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.


> Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly with

horse, lion and tiger.


> Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep;

unfriendly with lion and tiger.


> Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat, sheep

and tiger.


> Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly with

tiger; inimical with sheep.


> Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.


> Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.


> Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.


> Snake is neutral with tiger.


> The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.


> Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.


> Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.


> Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.


> Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.


> The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During

intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive nature as

symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they

can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis..

> Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the animals



> Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.


> Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.


> Cow- utility, overrunning.


> Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.


> Elephant - understanding, immobility.


> Hare - fear, comfort.


> Horse - power, panic.


> Lion - pride, leadership, respect.


> Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.


> Mongoose - viciousness, speed.


> Rat - trickiness or treachery.


> Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.


> Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.


> Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.


> Comfort / Tara Kuta


> The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be felt

as more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara

means & #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called

this because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the

man & #65533;s Moon to the woman & #65533; s.


> The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the

woman & #65533; s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8,

in which case three points are earned.


> The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said to

grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra falls

in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s, thereby insuring

that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good that the

male has to offer.



> Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta


> The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each other

is known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;


> The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or Insect.


> Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15 degrees

of Capricorn are Quadruped signs


> Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are

Human signs.


> Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.


> Leo is the one wild sign.


> Scorpio is the one Insect sign.


> Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to the

wild sign, Leo.


> Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to the

Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the food

of the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half Capricorn)

are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).


> The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya

signs find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya.

The signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to,

but don & #65533;t do so as happily.


> If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good and 2

points are gained.


> If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is



> If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is itself

the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.


> If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no

points are gained.


> Mutation / Varna Kuta


> The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards

positive improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste,

& #65533; as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain

caste, which are listed in order of highest to lowest:


> Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.


> Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


> Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.


> Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.


> One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are the

same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s Moon

does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a symbol

used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.


> It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of a

lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than masculine

energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a higher

caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up

more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to pick up

more of her higher qualities.


> Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra


> The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense of

purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533; and

thus reveals unity of soul purpose.


> The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th,

16th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.


> According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being; and

grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be




> Obstructions / Vedha Dosha


> The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.


> Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are



> Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.


> Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.


> Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.


> Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.


> Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.


> Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.


> Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.


> Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.


> Rohini & Svati are obstructive.


> Magha & Revati are obstructive.


> Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.


> Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.


> Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.


> Misfortune / Rajju Dosha


> The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.


> Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:


> Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.


> Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara Bhadra



> Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.


> Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.


> Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta


> The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide

happiness and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from

widowhood.. & # 65533; According to the ancient texts, the following are the

results of the Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body

part, though these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:


> If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.

> If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.

> If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.

> If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.

> If they both fall in the head the husband will die.


> There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full Graha

Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of purpose) are

present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these

are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still be a source of



> Magnetic Attraction / Vasya


> The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction. Certain

Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:


> For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.


> This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the

other to do almost anything for the relationship.


> It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn towards

the woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it helps

the man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more strongly than

men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding attraction are not

as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards the man.


> This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of the

compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest of

the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the person

being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.


> Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha


> The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple is

known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly feared

in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause the

death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each



> Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd, 4th,

7th, 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check should be

made in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important harmonic

chart) and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on

relationships) . Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates

the possibility of Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is

important that Mars is in these positions the same amount of times in each

person & #65533; s chart. If Mars is in these positions one more time in one of

the charts it is also acceptable. If Mars is in these positions two or more

times in one of the charts, the problems begin to emerge. The more the

difference between the charts, the more severe the problems will become..


> Lilly







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Dear Lilly,

There is a book called Stree Jataka which deals with Trimsamsa chart and

also  visha yogas, good yogas in a female. This book is written by

a female astrologer. THe author is Kadalankudi Saraswathy. this book

focusses primarily on female charts and used for matching purposes.

this is for ur information.


good wishes,






--- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005 wrote:



Lilly <tigresslilly2005

Re: Strii Diirgha


Thursday, January 21, 2010, 11:18 AM








Thanks Guppu Ji!! It's interesting that you bring trimsamsa chart of a female

for match making as I had never even heard of that before..



, K Gopu <kgopu_24@.. .> wrote:


> Dear Lilly,

> Ur mail reflects the procedure as to how to match the charts of a prospective

> girl and boy.

> Reg Mars it is being considered from Venus, moon and lagna. and it is seen

> in natal chart and navamsa. It is not seen in Trimsamsa chart.

> Trimsamsa is more focussed towards the female and why it is so  I am unable

> to explain.Trimsamsa is seen for both lagna and chandra lagna in relation to

> natal lagna and natal rasi.

> Eg. If the native's Janma lagna or chandra rasi is in the house of mars( aires

or scorpio)

> in the natal chart and in the D-30 chart (trimsamsa chart) if it happens to be


> same aries or scorpio then they say that the native will be of a bad


> Like wise it is seen for all the houses and seen for the following planets

only ie

> Mars, saturn, Jupiter, mercury and Venus. Nodes are not included.


> regards,

> k.gopu




> --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...> wrote:



> Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...>

> Strii Diirgha


> Thursday, January 21, 2010, 9:55 AM








> Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I am

hoping some members might find it useful!


> Strii Diirgha

> The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to respect

each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s asterism) of

the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it is not at

least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away, but only

nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If the total

Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced to an

acceptable level.


> When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.


> Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well being

of the bride, and long marital bliss.

> Wavelength / Ashta Kutas


> The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as

Ashta Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between

your Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana

Kuta, Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which

are each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.


> Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor to

consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and

> & #65533;right. & #65533;


> Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay and

not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.

> Excess / Nadi Kuta


> The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of Kapha,

Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or vein,

through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.

> Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The important

Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your Moons are in

are highlighted below:


> Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada,

Sravana and Revati.


> Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,


> Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada


> Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.


> If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and you

earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will be

an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta.

> Constructivism / Bha Kuta


> The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.


> The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each other,

the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one of the

couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in Virgo,

their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would not be

compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their Moon in

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have favorable Bha



> Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable positions:


> If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the giver

of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.


> In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.


> In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.


> If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple.


> The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the

total points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.

> Temperament / Gana Kuta


> The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.


> Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and



> Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.


> Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.


> The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:


> If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.


> Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.


> Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.


> Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.


> Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.


> If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no

points, and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and

marriage will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or

Manushya Nakshatra is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is able to fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa



> According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young, happy

and increasing in love for one another.


> Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta


> The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as Graha

Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are friendly,

neutral or inimical towards each other:


> The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral and

Venus and Saturn as enemies.


> The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn

as neutrals.


> Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as neutrals

and Mercury as an enemy.


> Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as neutrals

and the Moon as an enemy.


> Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus and

Mercury as enemies.


> Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and the

Sun and Moon as enemies.


> Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun,

Moon and Mars as enemies.


> The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in respect

to their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:


> Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.


> One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.


> Both neutral: 3 points.


> One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.


> One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.


> Both inimical: 0 points.


> If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.


> Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta


> The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as Yoni

Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ from

which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal, which

symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:


> Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep, Rohini

- male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu - female

cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat, Purvaphalguni

- female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo, Chitra - female

tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha - female hare,

Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey, Uttaraashada -

male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion, Shatabishak -

female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada - female cow, Revati

- female elephant.


> Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to each:


> Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog, hare,

monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical with



> Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog,

elephant, horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with



> Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger.


> Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with lion,

mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.


> Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare, horse,

mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.


> Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly with

horse, lion and tiger.


> Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep;

unfriendly with lion and tiger.


> Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat, sheep

and tiger.


> Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly with

tiger; inimical with sheep.


> Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.


> Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.


> Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.


> Snake is neutral with tiger.


> The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.


> Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.


> Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.


> Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.


> Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.


> The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During

intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive nature as

symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they

can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis.

> Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the animals



> Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.


> Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.


> Cow- utility, overrunning.


> Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.


> Elephant - understanding, immobility.


> Hare - fear, comfort.


> Horse - power, panic.


> Lion - pride, leadership, respect.


> Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.


> Mongoose - viciousness, speed.


> Rat - trickiness or treachery.


> Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.


> Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.


> Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.


> Comfort / Tara Kuta


> The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be felt

as more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara

means & #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called

this because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the

man & #65533;s Moon to the woman & #65533; s.


> The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the

woman & #65533; s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8,

in which case three points are earned.


> The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said to

grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra falls

in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s, thereby insuring

that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good that the

male has to offer.



> Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta


> The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each other

is known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;


> The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or Insect.


> Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15 degrees

of Capricorn are Quadruped signs


> Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are

Human signs.


> Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.


> Leo is the one wild sign.


> Scorpio is the one Insect sign.


> Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to the

wild sign, Leo.


> Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to the

Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the food

of the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half Capricorn)

are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).


> The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya

signs find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya.

The signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to,

but don & #65533;t do so as happily.


> If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good and 2

points are gained.


> If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is



> If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is itself

the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.


> If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no

points are gained.


> Mutation / Varna Kuta


> The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards

positive improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste,

& #65533; as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain

caste, which are listed in order of highest to lowest:


> Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.


> Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


> Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.


> Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.


> One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are the

same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s Moon

does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a symbol

used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.


> It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of a

lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than masculine

energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a higher

caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up

more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to pick up

more of her higher qualities.


> Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra


> The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense of

purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533; and

thus reveals unity of soul purpose.


> The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th,

16th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.


> According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being; and

grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be




> Obstructions / Vedha Dosha


> The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.


> Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are



> Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.


> Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.


> Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.


> Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.


> Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.


> Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.


> Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.


> Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.


> Rohini & Svati are obstructive.


> Magha & Revati are obstructive.


> Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.


> Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.


> Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.


> Misfortune / Rajju Dosha


> The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.


> Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:


> Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.


> Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara Bhadra



> Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.


> Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.


> Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta


> The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide

happiness and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from

widowhood. & # 65533; According to the ancient texts, the following are the

results of the Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body

part, though these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:


> If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.

> If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.

> If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.

> If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.

> If they both fall in the head the husband will die.


> There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full Graha

Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of purpose) are

present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these

are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still be a source of



> Magnetic Attraction / Vasya


> The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction. Certain

Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:


> For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.


> This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the

other to do almost anything for the relationship.


> It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn towards

the woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it helps

the man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more strongly than

men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding attraction are not

as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards the man.


> This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of the

compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest of

the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the person

being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.


> Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha


> The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple is

known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly feared

in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause the

death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each



> Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd, 4th,

7th, 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check should be

made in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important harmonic

chart) and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on

relationships) . Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates

the possibility of Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is

important that Mars is in these positions the same amount of times in each

person & #65533; s chart. If Mars is in these positions one more time in one of

the charts it is also acceptable. If Mars is in these positions two or more

times in one of the charts, the problems begin to emerge. The more the

difference between the charts, the more severe the problems will become.


> Lilly







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Yes Papa, I know quite a few families like that where the roles have been

reversed, and in most cases it has worked out beautifully with careful art of

negotiation..As long as there is mutual understanding and love between the

couples it all works out fine in the end.




, " rohinicrystal " <jyotish_vani



> Modern reality allows for such an experiement, Lilly! Examine the Trishamsha

in one of the many males who have chosen to look after home (Mr. Mom!) while MA

brings home the bacon (or roti daal!). It should work because astrology should

be karma specific and not gender specific!


> Aren't you glad that Kali Yuga is finally here?


> RR


> , " Lilly " <tigresslilly2005@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Thanks Guppu Ji!! It's interesting that you bring trimsamsa chart of a

female for match making as I had never even heard of that before..

> >

> > Lilly

> > , K Gopu <kgopu_24@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Lilly,

> > > Ur mail reflects the procedure as to how to match the charts of a


> > > girl and boy.

> > > Reg Mars it is being considered from Venus, moon and lagna. and it is seen

> > > in natal chart and navamsa. It is not seen in Trimsamsa chart.

> > > Trimsamsa is more focussed towards the female and why it is so  I am


> > > to explain.Trimsamsa is seen for both lagna and chandra lagna in relation


> > > natal lagna and natal rasi.

> > > Eg. If the native's Janma lagna or chandra rasi is in the house of mars(

aires or scorpio)

> > > in the natal chart and in the D-30 chart (trimsamsa chart) if it happens

to be the

> > > same aries or scorpio then they say that the native will be of a bad


> > > Like wise it is seen for all the houses and seen for the following planets

only ie

> > > Mars, saturn, Jupiter, mercury and Venus. Nodes are not included.

> > >  

> > > regards,

> > > k.gopu

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Lilly <tigresslilly2005@>

> > > Strii Diirgha

> > >

> > > Thursday, January 21, 2010, 9:55 AM

> > >

> > >

> > >  

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I

am hoping some members might find it useful!

> > >

> > > Strii Diirgha

> > > The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to

respect each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s

asterism) of the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it

is not at least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away,

but only nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If

the total Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced

to an acceptable level.

> > >

> > > When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.

> > >

> > > Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well

being of the bride, and long marital bliss.

> > > Wavelength / Ashta Kutas

> > >

> > > The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as

Ashta Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between

your Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana

Kuta, Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which

are each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.

> > >

> > > Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor

to consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and

> > > & #65533;right. & #65533;

> > >

> > > Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay

and not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.

> > > Excess / Nadi Kuta

> > >

> > > The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of

Kapha, Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or

vein, through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.

> > > Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The

important Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your

Moons are in are highlighted below:

> > >

> > > Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada,

Sravana and Revati.

> > >

> > > Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,

> > >

> > > Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada

> > >

> > > Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.

> > >

> > > If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and

you earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will

be an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta.

> > > Constructivism / Bha Kuta

> > >

> > > The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.

> > >

> > > The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each

other, the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one

of the couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in

Virgo, their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would

not be compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their

Moon in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have

favorable Bha Kuta.

> > >

> > > Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable


> > >

> > > If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the

giver of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.

> > >

> > > In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.

> > >

> > > In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.

> > >

> > > If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple.

> > >

> > > The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the

total points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.

> > > Temperament / Gana Kuta

> > >

> > > The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.

> > >

> > > Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and


> > >

> > > Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.

> > >

> > > Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.

> > >

> > > The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:

> > >

> > > If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.

> > >

> > > Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.

> > >

> > > Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.

> > >

> > > Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.

> > >

> > > Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.

> > >

> > > If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no

points, and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and

marriage will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or

Manushya Nakshatra is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is able to fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa


> > >

> > > According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young,

happy and increasing in love for one another.

> > >

> > > Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta

> > >

> > > The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as

Graha Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are

friendly, neutral or inimical towards each other:

> > >

> > > The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral

and Venus and Saturn as enemies.

> > >

> > > The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and

Saturn as neutrals.

> > >

> > > Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as

neutrals and Mercury as an enemy.

> > >

> > > Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as

neutrals and the Moon as an enemy.

> > >

> > > Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus

and Mercury as enemies.

> > >

> > > Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and

the Sun and Moon as enemies.

> > >

> > > Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun,

Moon and Mars as enemies.

> > >

> > > The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in

respect to their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:

> > >

> > > Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.

> > >

> > > One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.

> > >

> > > Both neutral: 3 points.

> > >

> > > One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.

> > >

> > > One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.

> > >

> > > Both inimical: 0 points.

> > >

> > > If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.

> > >

> > > Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta

> > >

> > > The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as

Yoni Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ

from which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal,

which symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:

> > >

> > > Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep,

Rohini - male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu -

female cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat,

Purvaphalguni - female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo,

Chitra - female tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha -

female hare, Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey,

Uttaraashada - male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion,

Shatabishak - female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada -

female cow, Revati - female elephant.

> > >

> > > Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to


> > >

> > > Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog,

hare, monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical

with horse.

> > >

> > > Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog,

elephant, horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with


> > >

> > > Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger.

> > >

> > > Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with

lion, mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.

> > >

> > > Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare,

horse, mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.

> > >

> > > Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly

with horse, lion and tiger.

> > >

> > > Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep;

unfriendly with lion and tiger.

> > >

> > > Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat,

sheep and tiger.

> > >

> > > Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly

with tiger; inimical with sheep.

> > >

> > > Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.

> > >

> > > Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.

> > >

> > > Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.

> > >

> > > Snake is neutral with tiger.

> > >

> > > The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.

> > >

> > > Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.

> > >

> > > Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.

> > >

> > > Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.

> > >

> > > Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.

> > >

> > > The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual.

During intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive

nature as symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the

better they can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis.

> > > Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the

animals symbolize:

> > >

> > > Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.

> > >

> > > Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.

> > >

> > > Cow- utility, overrunning.

> > >

> > > Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.

> > >

> > > Elephant - understanding, immobility.

> > >

> > > Hare - fear, comfort.

> > >

> > > Horse - power, panic.

> > >

> > > Lion - pride, leadership, respect.

> > >

> > > Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.

> > >

> > > Mongoose - viciousness, speed.

> > >

> > > Rat - trickiness or treachery.

> > >

> > > Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.

> > >

> > > Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.

> > >

> > > Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.

> > >

> > > Comfort / Tara Kuta

> > >

> > > The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be

felt as more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara

means & #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called

this because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the

man & #65533;s Moon to the woman & #65533; s.

> > >

> > > The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the

woman & #65533; s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8,

in which case three points are earned.

> > >

> > > The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said

to grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra

falls in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s, thereby

insuring that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good

that the male has to offer.

> > >

> > >

> > > Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta

> > >

> > > The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each

other is known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;

> > >

> > > The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or


> > >

> > > Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15

degrees of Capricorn are Quadruped signs

> > >

> > > Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are

Human signs.

> > >

> > > Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.

> > >

> > > Leo is the one wild sign.

> > >

> > > Scorpio is the one Insect sign.

> > >

> > > Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to

the wild sign, Leo.

> > >

> > > Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to

the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).

> > >

> > > Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the

food of the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).

> > >

> > > Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half

Capricorn) are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).

> > >

> > > The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya

signs find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya.

The signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to,

but don & #65533;t do so as happily.

> > >

> > > If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good

and 2 points are gained.

> > >

> > > If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is


> > >

> > > If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is

itself the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.

> > >

> > > If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no

points are gained.

> > >

> > > Mutation / Varna Kuta

> > >

> > > The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards

positive improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste,

& #65533; as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain

caste, which are listed in order of highest to lowest:

> > >

> > > Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

> > >

> > > Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

> > >

> > > Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.

> > >

> > > Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

> > >

> > > One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are

the same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s

Moon does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a

symbol used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.

> > >

> > > It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of

a lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than

masculine energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a

higher caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to

pick up more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to

pick up more of her higher qualities.

> > >

> > > Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra

> > >

> > > The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense

of purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533;

and thus reveals unity of soul purpose.

> > >

> > > The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th,

16th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.

> > >

> > > According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being;

and grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be


> > >

> > >

> > > Obstructions / Vedha Dosha

> > >

> > > The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.

> > >

> > > Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are


> > >

> > > Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.

> > >

> > > Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.

> > >

> > > Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.

> > >

> > > Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.

> > >

> > > Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.

> > >

> > > Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.

> > >

> > > Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.

> > >

> > > Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.

> > >

> > > Rohini & Svati are obstructive.

> > >

> > > Magha & Revati are obstructive.

> > >

> > > Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.

> > >

> > > Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.

> > >

> > > Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.

> > >

> > > Misfortune / Rajju Dosha

> > >

> > > The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.

> > >

> > > Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:

> > >

> > > Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.

> > >

> > > Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara

Bhadra Pada.

> > >

> > > Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.

> > >

> > > Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.

> > >

> > > Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

> > >

> > > The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide

happiness and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from

widowhood. & # 65533; According to the ancient texts, the following are the

results of the Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body

part, though these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:

> > >

> > > If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.

> > > If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.

> > > If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.

> > > If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.

> > > If they both fall in the head the husband will die.

> > >

> > > There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full

Graha Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of

purpose) are present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or

three of these are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still

be a source of trouble.

> > >

> > > Magnetic Attraction / Vasya

> > >

> > > The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction.

Certain Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:

> > >

> > > For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.

> > >

> > > For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.

> > >

> > > For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.

> > >

> > > For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted.

> > >

> > > For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.

> > >

> > > For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.

> > >

> > > For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.

> > >

> > > For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.

> > >

> > > For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.

> > >

> > > For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.

> > >

> > > For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.

> > >

> > > For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.

> > >

> > > This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the

other to do almost anything for the relationship.

> > >

> > > It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn

towards the woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it

helps the man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more

strongly than men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding

attraction are not as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards

the man.

> > >

> > > This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of

the compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest

of the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the

person being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.

> > >

> > > Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha

> > >

> > > The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple

is known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly

feared in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause

the death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each


> > >

> > > Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd,

4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check

should be made in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important

harmonic chart) and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on

relationships) . Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates

the possibility of Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is

important that Mars is in these positions the same amount of times in each

person & #65533; s chart. If Mars is in these positions one more time in one of

the charts it is also acceptable. If Mars is in these positions two or more

times in one of the charts, the problems begin to emerge. The more the

difference between the charts, the more severe the problems will become.

> > >

> > > Lilly

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Yes Gopu ji,I have heard of Stri Jataka but never had a chance to read it..Now

that you brought it up it's certainly worth looking at to learn about these





, K Gopu <kgopu_24 wrote:


> Dear Lilly,

> There is a book called Stree Jataka which deals with Trimsamsa chart and

> also  visha yogas, good yogas in a female. This book is written by

> a female astrologer. THe author is Kadalankudi Saraswathy. this book

> focusses primarily on female charts and used for matching purposes.

> this is for ur information.


> good wishes,

> k.gopu





> --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005 wrote:



> Lilly <tigresslilly2005

> Re: Strii Diirgha


> Thursday, January 21, 2010, 11:18 AM








> Thanks Guppu Ji!! It's interesting that you bring trimsamsa chart of a female

for match making as I had never even heard of that before..


> Lilly

> , K Gopu <kgopu_24@ .> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Lilly,

> > Ur mail reflects the procedure as to how to match the charts of a


> > girl and boy.

> > Reg Mars it is being considered from Venus, moon and lagna. and it is seen

> > in natal chart and navamsa. It is not seen in Trimsamsa chart.

> > Trimsamsa is more focussed towards the female and why it is so  I am


> > to explain.Trimsamsa is seen for both lagna and chandra lagna in relation to

> > natal lagna and natal rasi.

> > Eg. If the native's Janma lagna or chandra rasi is in the house of mars(

aires or scorpio)

> > in the natal chart and in the D-30 chart (trimsamsa chart) if it happens to

be the

> > same aries or scorpio then they say that the native will be of a bad


> > Like wise it is seen for all the houses and seen for the following planets

only ie

> > Mars, saturn, Jupiter, mercury and Venus. Nodes are not included.

> >  

> > regards,

> > k.gopu

> >

> >

> >

> > --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...>

> > Strii Diirgha

> >

> > Thursday, January 21, 2010, 9:55 AM

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I

am hoping some members might find it useful!

> >

> > Strii Diirgha

> > The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to respect

each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s asterism) of

the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it is not at

least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away, but only

nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If the total

Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced to an

acceptable level.

> >

> > When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.

> >

> > Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well

being of the bride, and long marital bliss.

> > Wavelength / Ashta Kutas

> >

> > The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as

Ashta Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between

your Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana

Kuta, Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which

are each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.

> >

> > Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor to

consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and

> > & #65533;right. & #65533;

> >

> > Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay

and not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.

> > Excess / Nadi Kuta

> >

> > The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of Kapha,

Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or vein,

through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.

> > Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The important

Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your Moons are in

are highlighted below:

> >

> > Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada,

Sravana and Revati.

> >

> > Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,

> >

> > Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada

> >

> > Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.

> >

> > If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and

you earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will

be an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta.

> > Constructivism / Bha Kuta

> >

> > The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.

> >

> > The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each

other, the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one

of the couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in

Virgo, their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would

not be compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their

Moon in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have

favorable Bha Kuta.

> >

> > Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable


> >

> > If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the

giver of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.

> >

> > In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.

> >

> > In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.

> >

> > If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple.

> >

> > The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the

total points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.

> > Temperament / Gana Kuta

> >

> > The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.

> >

> > Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and


> >

> > Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.

> >

> > Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.

> >

> > The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:

> >

> > If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.

> >

> > Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.

> >

> > Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.

> >

> > Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.

> >

> > Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.

> >

> > If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no

points, and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and

marriage will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or

Manushya Nakshatra is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is able to fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa


> >

> > According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young,

happy and increasing in love for one another.

> >

> > Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta

> >

> > The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as

Graha Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are

friendly, neutral or inimical towards each other:

> >

> > The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral and

Venus and Saturn as enemies.

> >

> > The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and

Saturn as neutrals.

> >

> > Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as neutrals

and Mercury as an enemy.

> >

> > Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as

neutrals and the Moon as an enemy.

> >

> > Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus

and Mercury as enemies.

> >

> > Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and

the Sun and Moon as enemies.

> >

> > Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun,

Moon and Mars as enemies.

> >

> > The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in respect

to their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:

> >

> > Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.

> >

> > One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.

> >

> > Both neutral: 3 points.

> >

> > One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.

> >

> > One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.

> >

> > Both inimical: 0 points.

> >

> > If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.

> >

> > Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta

> >

> > The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as

Yoni Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ

from which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal,

which symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:

> >

> > Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep,

Rohini - male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu -

female cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat,

Purvaphalguni - female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo,

Chitra - female tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha -

female hare, Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey,

Uttaraashada - male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion,

Shatabishak - female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada -

female cow, Revati - female elephant.

> >

> > Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to


> >

> > Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog,

hare, monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical

with horse.

> >

> > Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog,

elephant, horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with


> >

> > Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger.

> >

> > Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with lion,

mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.

> >

> > Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare, horse,

mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.

> >

> > Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly

with horse, lion and tiger.

> >

> > Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep;

unfriendly with lion and tiger.

> >

> > Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat, sheep

and tiger.

> >

> > Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly

with tiger; inimical with sheep.

> >

> > Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.

> >

> > Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.

> >

> > Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.

> >

> > Snake is neutral with tiger.

> >

> > The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.

> >

> > Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.

> >

> > Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.

> >

> > Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.

> >

> > Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.

> >

> > The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During

intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive nature as

symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they

can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis.

> > Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the animals


> >

> > Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.

> >

> > Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.

> >

> > Cow- utility, overrunning.

> >

> > Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.

> >

> > Elephant - understanding, immobility.

> >

> > Hare - fear, comfort.

> >

> > Horse - power, panic.

> >

> > Lion - pride, leadership, respect.

> >

> > Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.

> >

> > Mongoose - viciousness, speed.

> >

> > Rat - trickiness or treachery.

> >

> > Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.

> >

> > Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.

> >

> > Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.

> >

> > Comfort / Tara Kuta

> >

> > The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be felt

as more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara

means & #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called

this because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the

man & #65533;s Moon to the woman & #65533; s.

> >

> > The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the

woman & #65533; s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8,

in which case three points are earned.

> >

> > The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said to

grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra falls

in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s, thereby insuring

that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good that the

male has to offer.

> >

> >

> > Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta

> >

> > The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each other

is known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;

> >

> > The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or


> >

> > Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15 degrees

of Capricorn are Quadruped signs

> >

> > Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are

Human signs.

> >

> > Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.

> >

> > Leo is the one wild sign.

> >

> > Scorpio is the one Insect sign.

> >

> > Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to

the wild sign, Leo.

> >

> > Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to the

Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).

> >

> > Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the

food of the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).

> >

> > Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half

Capricorn) are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).

> >

> > The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya

signs find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya.

The signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to,

but don & #65533;t do so as happily.

> >

> > If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good and

2 points are gained.

> >

> > If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is


> >

> > If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is

itself the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.

> >

> > If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no

points are gained.

> >

> > Mutation / Varna Kuta

> >

> > The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards

positive improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste,

& #65533; as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain

caste, which are listed in order of highest to lowest:

> >

> > Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

> >

> > Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

> >

> > Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.

> >

> > Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

> >

> > One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are the

same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s Moon

does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a symbol

used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.

> >

> > It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of a

lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than masculine

energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a higher

caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up

more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to pick up

more of her higher qualities.

> >

> > Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra

> >

> > The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense

of purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533;

and thus reveals unity of soul purpose.

> >

> > The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th,

16th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.

> >

> > According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being;

and grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be


> >

> >

> > Obstructions / Vedha Dosha

> >

> > The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.

> >

> > Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are


> >

> > Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.

> >

> > Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.

> >

> > Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.

> >

> > Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.

> >

> > Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.

> >

> > Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.

> >

> > Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.

> >

> > Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.

> >

> > Rohini & Svati are obstructive.

> >

> > Magha & Revati are obstructive.

> >

> > Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.

> >

> > Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.

> >

> > Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.

> >

> > Misfortune / Rajju Dosha

> >

> > The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.

> >

> > Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:

> >

> > Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.

> >

> > Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara

Bhadra Pada.

> >

> > Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.

> >

> > Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.

> >

> > Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

> >

> > The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide

happiness and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from

widowhood. & # 65533; According to the ancient texts, the following are the

results of the Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body

part, though these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:

> >

> > If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.

> > If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.

> > If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.

> > If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.

> > If they both fall in the head the husband will die.

> >

> > There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full Graha

Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of purpose) are

present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these

are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still be a source of


> >

> > Magnetic Attraction / Vasya

> >

> > The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction.

Certain Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:

> >

> > For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.

> >

> > For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.

> >

> > This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the

other to do almost anything for the relationship.

> >

> > It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn towards

the woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it helps

the man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more strongly than

men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding attraction are not

as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards the man.

> >

> > This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of the

compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest of

the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the person

being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.

> >

> > Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha

> >

> > The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple is

known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly feared

in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause the

death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each


> >

> > Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd, 4th,

7th, 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check should be

made in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important harmonic

chart) and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on

relationships) . Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates

the possibility of Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is

important that Mars is in these positions the same amount of times in each

person & #65533; s chart. If Mars is in these positions one more time in one of

the charts it is also acceptable. If Mars is in these positions two or more

times in one of the charts, the problems begin to emerge. The more the

difference between the charts, the more severe the problems will become.

> >

> > Lilly

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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There is a very simple karmic explanation behind that!


Some communities and cultures may not accept it, yet ... :-)


" What goes around comes around! "






, " Lilly " <tigresslilly2005 wrote:


> Yes Papa, I know quite a few families like that where the roles have been

reversed, and in most cases it has worked out beautifully with careful art of

negotiation..As long as there is mutual understanding and love between the

couples it all works out fine in the end.


> Lilly


> , " rohinicrystal " <jyotish_vani@>


> >

> > Modern reality allows for such an experiement, Lilly! Examine the Trishamsha

in one of the many males who have chosen to look after home (Mr. Mom!) while MA

brings home the bacon (or roti daal!). It should work because astrology should

be karma specific and not gender specific!

> >

> > Aren't you glad that Kali Yuga is finally here?

> >

> > RR

> >

> > , " Lilly " <tigresslilly2005@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Thanks Guppu Ji!! It's interesting that you bring trimsamsa chart of a

female for match making as I had never even heard of that before..

> > >

> > > Lilly

> > > , K Gopu <kgopu_24@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Lilly,

> > > > Ur mail reflects the procedure as to how to match the charts of a


> > > > girl and boy.

> > > > Reg Mars it is being considered from Venus, moon and lagna. and it is


> > > > in natal chart and navamsa. It is not seen in Trimsamsa chart.

> > > > Trimsamsa is more focussed towards the female and why it is so  I am


> > > > to explain.Trimsamsa is seen for both lagna and chandra lagna in

relation to

> > > > natal lagna and natal rasi.

> > > > Eg. If the native's Janma lagna or chandra rasi is in the house of mars(

aires or scorpio)

> > > > in the natal chart and in the D-30 chart (trimsamsa chart) if it happens

to be the

> > > > same aries or scorpio then they say that the native will be of a bad


> > > > Like wise it is seen for all the houses and seen for the following

planets only ie

> > > > Mars, saturn, Jupiter, mercury and Venus. Nodes are not included.

> > > >  

> > > > regards,

> > > > k.gopu

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Lilly <tigresslilly2005@>

> > > > Strii Diirgha

> > > >

> > > > Thursday, January 21, 2010, 9:55 AM

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >  

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and

I am hoping some members might find it useful!

> > > >

> > > > Strii Diirgha

> > > > The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to

respect each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s

asterism) of the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it

is not at least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away,

but only nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If

the total Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced

to an acceptable level.

> > > >

> > > > When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.

> > > >

> > > > Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well

being of the bride, and long marital bliss.

> > > > Wavelength / Ashta Kutas

> > > >

> > > > The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known

as Ashta Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken

between your Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta,

Gana Kuta, Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta,

which are each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.

> > > >

> > > > Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor

to consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and

> > > > & #65533;right. & #65533;

> > > >

> > > > Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are

okay and not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to

cause problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take

their toll over the long haul.

> > > > Excess / Nadi Kuta

> > > >

> > > > The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of

Kapha, Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or

vein, through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.

> > > > Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The

important Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your

Moons are in are highlighted below:

> > > >

> > > > Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada,

Sravana and Revati.

> > > >

> > > > Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,

> > > >

> > > > Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada

> > > >

> > > > Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.

> > > >

> > > > If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well

and you earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there

will be an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in

Pitta Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both

of your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta.

> > > > Constructivism / Bha Kuta

> > > >

> > > > The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.

> > > >

> > > > The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each

other, the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one

of the couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in

Virgo, their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would

not be compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their

Moon in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have

favorable Bha Kuta.

> > > >

> > > > Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable


> > > >

> > > > If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the

giver of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.

> > > >

> > > > In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.

> > > >

> > > > In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.

> > > >

> > > > If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will

be prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically

and not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of

children, but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple.

> > > >

> > > > The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if

the total points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less.

The positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.

> > > > Temperament / Gana Kuta

> > > >

> > > > The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.

> > > >

> > > > Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami,

Hasta, Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and


> > > >

> > > > Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.

> > > >

> > > > Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.

> > > >

> > > > The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:

> > > >

> > > > If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.

> > > >

> > > > Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.

> > > >

> > > > Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.

> > > >

> > > > Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.

> > > >

> > > > Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.

> > > >

> > > > If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no

points, and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and

marriage will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or

Manushya Nakshatra is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is able to fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa


> > > >

> > > > According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young,

happy and increasing in love for one another.

> > > >

> > > > Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta

> > > >

> > > > The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as

Graha Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are

friendly, neutral or inimical towards each other:

> > > >

> > > > The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral

and Venus and Saturn as enemies.

> > > >

> > > > The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and

Saturn as neutrals.

> > > >

> > > > Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as

neutrals and Mercury as an enemy.

> > > >

> > > > Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as

neutrals and the Moon as an enemy.

> > > >

> > > > Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and

Venus and Mercury as enemies.

> > > >

> > > > Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals

and the Sun and Moon as enemies.

> > > >

> > > > Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the

Sun, Moon and Mars as enemies.

> > > >

> > > > The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in

respect to their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:

> > > >

> > > > Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.

> > > >

> > > > One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.

> > > >

> > > > Both neutral: 3 points.

> > > >

> > > > One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.

> > > >

> > > > One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.

> > > >

> > > > Both inimical: 0 points.

> > > >

> > > > If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.

> > > >

> > > > Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta

> > > >

> > > > The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known

as Yoni Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual

organ from which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an

animal, which symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:

> > > >

> > > > Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep,

Rohini - male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu -

female cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat,

Purvaphalguni - female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo,

Chitra - female tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha -

female hare, Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey,

Uttaraashada - male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion,

Shatabishak - female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada -

female cow, Revati - female elephant.

> > > >

> > > > Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to


> > > >

> > > > Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog,

hare, monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical

with horse.

> > > >

> > > > Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog,

elephant, horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with


> > > >

> > > > Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger.

> > > >

> > > > Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with

lion, mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.

> > > >

> > > > Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare,

horse, mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.

> > > >

> > > > Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly

with horse, lion and tiger.

> > > >

> > > > Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep;

unfriendly with lion and tiger.

> > > >

> > > > Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat,

sheep and tiger.

> > > >

> > > > Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly

with tiger; inimical with sheep.

> > > >

> > > > Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with

rat; inimical with snake.

> > > >

> > > > Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.

> > > >

> > > > Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.

> > > >

> > > > Snake is neutral with tiger.

> > > >

> > > > The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.

> > > >

> > > > Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.

> > > >

> > > > Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.

> > > >

> > > > Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.

> > > >

> > > > Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.

> > > >

> > > > The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual.

During intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive

nature as symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the

better they can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis.

> > > > Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the

animals symbolize:

> > > >

> > > > Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.

> > > >

> > > > Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.

> > > >

> > > > Cow- utility, overrunning.

> > > >

> > > > Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.

> > > >

> > > > Elephant - understanding, immobility.

> > > >

> > > > Hare - fear, comfort.

> > > >

> > > > Horse - power, panic.

> > > >

> > > > Lion - pride, leadership, respect.

> > > >

> > > > Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.

> > > >

> > > > Mongoose - viciousness, speed.

> > > >

> > > > Rat - trickiness or treachery.

> > > >

> > > > Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.

> > > >

> > > > Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.

> > > >

> > > > Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.

> > > >

> > > > Comfort / Tara Kuta

> > > >

> > > > The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be

felt as more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara

means & #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called

this because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the

man & #65533;s Moon to the woman & #65533; s.

> > > >

> > > > The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the

woman & #65533; s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8,

in which case three points are earned.

> > > >

> > > > The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is

said to grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s

Nakshatra falls in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s,

thereby insuring that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any

good that the male has to offer.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta

> > > >

> > > > The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each

other is known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;

> > > >

> > > > The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or


> > > >

> > > > Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15

degrees of Capricorn are Quadruped signs

> > > >

> > > > Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius

are Human signs.

> > > >

> > > > Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.

> > > >

> > > > Leo is the one wild sign.

> > > >

> > > > Scorpio is the one Insect sign.

> > > >

> > > > Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya

to the wild sign, Leo.

> > > >

> > > > Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to

the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).

> > > >

> > > > Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the

food of the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).

> > > >

> > > > Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half

Capricorn) are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).

> > > >

> > > > The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The

Vasya signs find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is

Vasya. The signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are

food to, but don & #65533;t do so as happily.

> > > >

> > > > If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good

and 2 points are gained.

> > > >

> > > > If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point

is gained.

> > > >

> > > > If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is

itself the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.

> > > >

> > > > If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no

points are gained.

> > > >

> > > > Mutation / Varna Kuta

> > > >

> > > > The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards

positive improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste,

& #65533; as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain

caste, which are listed in order of highest to lowest:

> > > >

> > > > Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

> > > >

> > > > Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

> > > >

> > > > Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.

> > > >

> > > > Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

> > > >

> > > > One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are

the same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s

Moon does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a

symbol used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.

> > > >

> > > > It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man

of a lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than

masculine energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a

higher caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to

pick up more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to

pick up more of her higher qualities.

> > > >

> > > > Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra

> > > >

> > > > The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate

sense of purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great

spirit, & #65533; and thus reveals unity of soul purpose.

> > > >

> > > > The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th,

13th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.

> > > >

> > > > According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well

being; and grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a

special affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Obstructions / Vedha Dosha

> > > >

> > > > The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.

> > > >

> > > > Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are


> > > >

> > > > Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.

> > > >

> > > > Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.

> > > >

> > > > Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.

> > > >

> > > > Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.

> > > >

> > > > Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.

> > > >

> > > > Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.

> > > >

> > > > Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.

> > > >

> > > > Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.

> > > >

> > > > Rohini & Svati are obstructive.

> > > >

> > > > Magha & Revati are obstructive.

> > > >

> > > > Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.

> > > >

> > > > Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.

> > > >

> > > > Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.

> > > >

> > > > Misfortune / Rajju Dosha

> > > >

> > > > The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.

> > > >

> > > > Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body


> > > >

> > > > Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.

> > > >

> > > > Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara

Bhadra Pada.

> > > >

> > > > Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.

> > > >

> > > > Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada,

Purva Bhadra Pada.

> > > >

> > > > Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

> > > >

> > > > The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide

happiness and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from

widowhood. & # 65533; According to the ancient texts, the following are the

results of the Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body

part, though these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:

> > > >

> > > > If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.

> > > > If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.

> > > > If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.

> > > > If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.

> > > > If they both fall in the head the husband will die.

> > > >

> > > > There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full

Graha Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of

purpose) are present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or

three of these are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still

be a source of trouble.

> > > >

> > > > Magnetic Attraction / Vasya

> > > >

> > > > The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction.

Certain Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:

> > > >

> > > > For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.

> > > >

> > > > For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.

> > > >

> > > > For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.

> > > >

> > > > For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically


> > > >

> > > > For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.

> > > >

> > > > For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.

> > > >

> > > > For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.

> > > >

> > > > For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.

> > > >

> > > > For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.

> > > >

> > > > For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.

> > > >

> > > > For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.

> > > >

> > > > For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.

> > > >

> > > > This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to

the other to do almost anything for the relationship.

> > > >

> > > > It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn

towards the woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it

helps the man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more

strongly than men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding

attraction are not as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards

the man.

> > > >

> > > > This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of

the compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest

of the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the

person being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.

> > > >

> > > > Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha

> > > >

> > > > The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the

couple is known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is

greatly feared in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will

cause the death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to

this & #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja

Dosha is an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony

with each other.

> > > >

> > > > Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd,

4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check

should be made in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important

harmonic chart) and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on

relationships) . Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates

the possibility of Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is

important that Mars is in these positions the same amount of times in each

person & #65533; s chart. If Mars is in these positions one more time in one of

the charts it is also acceptable. If Mars is in these positions two or more

times in one of the charts, the problems begin to emerge. The more the

difference between the charts, the more severe the problems will become.

> > > >

> > > > Lilly

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I do not like this cut and paste as it might serve  clientelle to keep floating

the thread.

Academically the 'Dasavidha Poruttam " disgned by the Sastrygal/Siddhanti people

for creating interest in jyotish.

These ofcourse help to weigh consequences and pave way for taking decisions for

Individuals.Otherwise not



Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them "

Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma



--- On Thu, 1/21/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:



rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani

Re: Strii Diirgha


Thursday, January 21, 2010, 1:02 AM









Is this something that has traditionally been given heavier weighting in South

India (just like Rahu Kalam and punarphoo etc.?).


Things I had never heard until I read in Raman['s astro magazine, way back when!




, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>



> Friends,

> Stree Deergha is part of DasaVidha Poruttam carrying a vlue of more than 36

points.Important of them is Nadi having score of 8(of 36).The restof

Mahendra,stree Deergha and vedha etc are extensions.

> Gyatri Vasudev in her book " the art of matching horoscopes deals ths issues in

a perspective differently. This is worth considering in the present context of

societal influnces in marraiges.



> Vattem Krishnan

> Cyber Jyotish Services

> (For all counseling services)

> Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them "

> Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma



> --- On Wed, 1/20/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...> wrote:



> Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...>

> Strii Diirgha


> Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 11:25 PM








> Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I am

hoping some members might find it useful!


> Strii Diirgha

> The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to respect

each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s asterism) of

the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it is not at

least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away, but only

nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If the total

Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced to an

acceptable level.


> When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.


> Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well being

of the bride, and long marital bliss.

> Wavelength / Ashta Kutas


> The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as

Ashta Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between

your Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana

Kuta, Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which

are each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.


> Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor to

consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and

> & #65533;right. & #65533;


> Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay and

not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.

> Excess / Nadi Kuta


> The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of Kapha,

Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or vein,

through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.

> Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The important

Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your Moons are in

are highlighted below:


> Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada,

Sravana and Revati.


> Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,


> Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada


> Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.


> If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and you

earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will be

an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta..

> Constructivism / Bha Kuta


> The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.


> The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each other,

the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one of the

couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in Virgo,

their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would not be

compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their Moon in

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have favorable Bha



> Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable positions:


> If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the giver

of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.


> In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.


> In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.


> If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple..


> The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the

total points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.

> Temperament / Gana Kuta


> The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.


> Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and



> Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.


> Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.


> The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:


> If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.


> Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.


> Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.


> Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.


> Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.


> If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no

points, and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and

marriage will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or

Manushya Nakshatra is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is able to fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa



> According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young, happy

and increasing in love for one another.


> Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta


> The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as Graha

Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are friendly,

neutral or inimical towards each other:


> The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral and

Venus and Saturn as enemies.


> The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn

as neutrals.


> Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as neutrals

and Mercury as an enemy.


> Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as neutrals

and the Moon as an enemy.


> Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus and

Mercury as enemies.


> Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and the

Sun and Moon as enemies.


> Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun,

Moon and Mars as enemies.


> The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in respect

to their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:


> Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.


> One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.


> Both neutral: 3 points.


> One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.


> One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.


> Both inimical: 0 points.


> If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.


> Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta


> The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as Yoni

Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ from

which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal, which

symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:


> Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep, Rohini

- male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu - female

cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat, Purvaphalguni

- female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo, Chitra - female

tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha - female hare,

Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey, Uttaraashada -

male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion, Shatabishak -

female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada - female cow, Revati

- female elephant.


> Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to each:


> Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog, hare,

monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical with



> Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog,

elephant, horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with



> Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger..


> Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with lion,

mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.


> Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare, horse,

mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.


> Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly with

horse, lion and tiger.


> Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep;

unfriendly with lion and tiger.


> Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat, sheep

and tiger.


> Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly with

tiger; inimical with sheep.


> Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.


> Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.


> Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.


> Snake is neutral with tiger.


> The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.


> Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.


> Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.


> Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.


> Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.


> The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During

intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive nature as

symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they

can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis..

> Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the animals



> Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.


> Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.


> Cow- utility, overrunning.


> Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.


> Elephant - understanding, immobility.


> Hare - fear, comfort.


> Horse - power, panic.


> Lion - pride, leadership, respect.


> Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.


> Mongoose - viciousness, speed.


> Rat - trickiness or treachery.


> Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.


> Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.


> Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.


> Comfort / Tara Kuta


> The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be felt

as more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara

means & #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called

this because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the

man & #65533;s Moon to the woman & #65533; s.


> The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the

woman & #65533; s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8,

in which case three points are earned.


> The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said to

grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra falls

in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s, thereby insuring

that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good that the

male has to offer.



> Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta


> The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each other

is known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;


> The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or Insect.


> Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15 degrees

of Capricorn are Quadruped signs


> Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are

Human signs.


> Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.


> Leo is the one wild sign.


> Scorpio is the one Insect sign.


> Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to the

wild sign, Leo.


> Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to the

Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the food

of the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half Capricorn)

are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).


> The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya

signs find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya.

The signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to,

but don & #65533;t do so as happily.


> If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good and 2

points are gained.


> If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is



> If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is itself

the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.


> If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no

points are gained.


> Mutation / Varna Kuta


> The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards

positive improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste,

& #65533; as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain

caste, which are listed in order of highest to lowest:


> Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.


> Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


> Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.


> Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.


> One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are the

same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s Moon

does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a symbol

used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.


> It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of a

lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than masculine

energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a higher

caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up

more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to pick up

more of her higher qualities.


> Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra


> The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense of

purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533; and

thus reveals unity of soul purpose.


> The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th,

16th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.


> According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being; and

grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be




> Obstructions / Vedha Dosha


> The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.


> Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are



> Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.


> Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.


> Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.


> Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.


> Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.


> Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.


> Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.


> Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.


> Rohini & Svati are obstructive.


> Magha & Revati are obstructive.


> Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.


> Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.


> Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.


> Misfortune / Rajju Dosha


> The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.


> Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:


> Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.


> Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara Bhadra



> Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.


> Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.


> Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta


> The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide

happiness and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from

widowhood.. & # 65533; According to the ancient texts, the following are the

results of the Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body

part, though these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:


> If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.

> If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.

> If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.

> If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.

> If they both fall in the head the husband will die.


> There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full Graha

Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of purpose) are

present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these

are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still be a source of



> Magnetic Attraction / Vasya


> The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction. Certain

Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:


> For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted..


> For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.


> This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the

other to do almost anything for the relationship.


> It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn towards

the woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it helps

the man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more strongly than

men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding attraction are not

as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards the man.


> This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of the

compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest of

the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the person

being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.


> Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha


> The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple is

known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly feared

in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause the

death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each



> Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd, 4th,

7th, 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check should be

made in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important harmonic

chart) and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on

relationships) . Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates

the possibility of Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is

important that Mars is in these positions the same amount of times in each

person & #65533; s chart. If Mars is in these positions one more time in one of

the charts it is also acceptable. If Mars is in these positions two or more

times in one of the charts, the problems begin to emerge. The more the

difference between the charts, the more severe the problems will become..


> Lilly







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Dear Gopu Ji

Regards.A good reference for those wish to enhance learning of Jyotish and

understand various concepts.

Prof Rao says " Astrology is huge Chemical Science and Dharma Satras that give

'rules " are also completely in chemical nature to safeguard society and to give

a noble mind and a noble heart 

The Original Text of Stree jataka of Prod S.Rao was republishes by UBSPD as

" Female Horoscopy "

In the Introduction chapter further,it was mentioned Seeta Mai wife of Lord

Raman distributed finest Vedantic works after Lanka was conquered to all

Monkeys'vanaras "

This is how the culture is reverred and promoted



Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them "

Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma



--- On Thu, 1/21/10, K Gopu <kgopu_24 wrote:



K Gopu <kgopu_24

Re: Strii Diirgha


Thursday, January 21, 2010, 1:07 AM







Dear Lilly,

There is a book called Stree Jataka which deals with Trimsamsa chart and

also  visha yogas, good yogas in a female. This book is written by

a female astrologer. THe author is Kadalankudi Saraswathy. this book

focusses primarily on female charts and used for matching purposes.

this is for ur information.


good wishes,



--- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ > wrote:


Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ >

Re: Strii Diirgha


Thursday, January 21, 2010, 11:18 AM




Thanks Guppu Ji!! It's interesting that you bring trimsamsa chart of a female

for match making as I had never even heard of that before..



, K Gopu <kgopu_24@.. .> wrote:


> Dear Lilly,

> Ur mail reflects the procedure as to how to match the charts of a prospective

> girl and boy.

> Reg Mars it is being considered from Venus, moon and lagna. and it is seen

> in natal chart and navamsa. It is not seen in Trimsamsa chart.

> Trimsamsa is more focussed towards the female and why it is so  I am unable

> to explain.Trimsamsa is seen for both lagna and chandra lagna in relation to

> natal lagna and natal rasi.

> Eg. If the native's Janma lagna or chandra rasi is in the house of mars( aires

or scorpio)

> in the natal chart and in the D-30 chart (trimsamsa chart) if it happens to be


> same aries or scorpio then they say that the native will be of a bad


> Like wise it is seen for all the houses and seen for the following planets

only ie

> Mars, saturn, Jupiter, mercury and Venus. Nodes are not included.


> regards,

> k.gopu




> --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...> wrote:



> Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...>

> Strii Diirgha


> Thursday, January 21, 2010, 9:55 AM








> Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I am

hoping some members might find it useful!


> Strii Diirgha

> The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to respect

each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s asterism) of

the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it is not at

least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away, but only

nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If the total

Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced to an

acceptable level.


> When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.


> Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well being

of the bride, and long marital bliss.

> Wavelength / Ashta Kutas


> The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as

Ashta Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between

your Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana

Kuta, Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which

are each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.


> Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor to

consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and

> & #65533;right. & #65533;


> Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay and

not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.

> Excess / Nadi Kuta


> The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of Kapha,

Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or vein,

through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.

> Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The important

Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your Moons are in

are highlighted below:


> Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada,

Sravana and Revati.


> Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,


> Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada


> Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.


> If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and you

earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will be

an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta.

> Constructivism / Bha Kuta


> The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.


> The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each other,

the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one of the

couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in Virgo,

their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would not be

compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their Moon in

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have favorable Bha



> Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable positions:


> If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the giver

of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.


> In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.


> In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.


> If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple.


> The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the

total points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.

> Temperament / Gana Kuta


> The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.


> Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and



> Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.


> Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.


> The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:


> If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.


> Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.


> Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.


> Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.


> Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.


> If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no

points, and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and

marriage will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or

Manushya Nakshatra is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is able to fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa



> According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young, happy

and increasing in love for one another.


> Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta


> The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as Graha

Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are friendly,

neutral or inimical towards each other:


> The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral and

Venus and Saturn as enemies.


> The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn

as neutrals.


> Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as neutrals

and Mercury as an enemy.


> Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as neutrals

and the Moon as an enemy.


> Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus and

Mercury as enemies.


> Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and the

Sun and Moon as enemies.


> Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun,

Moon and Mars as enemies.


> The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in respect

to their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:


> Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.


> One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.


> Both neutral: 3 points.


> One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.


> One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.


> Both inimical: 0 points.


> If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.


> Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta


> The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as Yoni

Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ from

which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal, which

symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:


> Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep, Rohini

- male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu - female

cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat, Purvaphalguni

- female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo, Chitra - female

tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha - female hare,

Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey, Uttaraashada -

male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion, Shatabishak -

female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada - female cow, Revati

- female elephant.


> Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to each:


> Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog, hare,

monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical with



> Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog,

elephant, horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with



> Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger.


> Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with lion,

mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.


> Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare, horse,

mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.


> Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly with

horse, lion and tiger.


> Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep;

unfriendly with lion and tiger.


> Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat, sheep

and tiger.


> Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly with

tiger; inimical with sheep.


> Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.


> Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.


> Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.


> Snake is neutral with tiger.


> The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.


> Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.


> Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.


> Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.


> Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.


> The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During

intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive nature as

symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they

can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis.

> Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the animals



> Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.


> Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.


> Cow- utility, overrunning.


> Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.


> Elephant - understanding, immobility.


> Hare - fear, comfort.


> Horse - power, panic.


> Lion - pride, leadership, respect.


> Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.


> Mongoose - viciousness, speed.


> Rat - trickiness or treachery.


> Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.


> Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.


> Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.


> Comfort / Tara Kuta


> The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be felt

as more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara

means & #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called

this because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the

man & #65533;s Moon to the woman & #65533; s.


> The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the

woman & #65533; s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8,

in which case three points are earned.


> The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said to

grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra falls

in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s, thereby insuring

that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good that the

male has to offer.



> Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta


> The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each other

is known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;


> The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or Insect.


> Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15 degrees

of Capricorn are Quadruped signs


> Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are

Human signs.


> Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.


> Leo is the one wild sign.


> Scorpio is the one Insect sign.


> Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to the

wild sign, Leo.


> Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to the

Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the food

of the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half Capricorn)

are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).


> The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya

signs find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya.

The signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to,

but don & #65533;t do so as happily.


> If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good and 2

points are gained.


> If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is



> If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is itself

the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.


> If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no

points are gained.


> Mutation / Varna Kuta


> The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards

positive improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste,

& #65533; as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain

caste, which are listed in order of highest to lowest:


> Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.


> Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


> Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.


> Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.


> One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are the

same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s Moon

does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a symbol

used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.


> It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of a

lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than masculine

energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a higher

caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up

more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to pick up

more of her higher qualities.


> Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra


> The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense of

purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533; and

thus reveals unity of soul purpose.


> The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th,

16th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.


> According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being; and

grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be




> Obstructions / Vedha Dosha


> The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.


> Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are



> Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.


> Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.


> Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.


> Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.


> Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.


> Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.


> Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.


> Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.


> Rohini & Svati are obstructive.


> Magha & Revati are obstructive.


> Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.


> Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.


> Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.


> Misfortune / Rajju Dosha


> The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.


> Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:


> Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.


> Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara Bhadra



> Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.


> Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.


> Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta


> The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide

happiness and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from

widowhood. & # 65533; According to the ancient texts, the following are the

results of the Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body

part, though these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:


> If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.

> If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.

> If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.

> If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.

> If they both fall in the head the husband will die.


> There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full Graha

Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of purpose) are

present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these

are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still be a source of



> Magnetic Attraction / Vasya


> The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction. Certain

Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:


> For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted..


> For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.


> This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the

other to do almost anything for the relationship.


> It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn towards

the woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it helps

the man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more strongly than

men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding attraction are not

as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards the man.


> This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of the

compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest of

the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the person

being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.


> Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha


> The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple is

known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly feared

in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause the

death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each



> Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd, 4th,

7th, 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check should be

made in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important harmonic

chart) and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on

relationships) . Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates

the possibility of Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is

important that Mars is in these positions the same amount of times in each

person & #65533; s chart. If Mars is in these positions one more time in one of

the charts it is also acceptable. If Mars is in these positions two or more

times in one of the charts, the problems begin to emerge. The more the

difference between the charts, the more severe the problems will become.


> Lilly







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Dear Shri krishnanji,

thanks for the addl inputs.







--- On Thu, 1/21/10, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:



Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99

Re: Strii Diirgha


Thursday, January 21, 2010, 1:11 PM







Dear Gopu Ji

Regards.A good reference for those wish to enhance learning of Jyotish and

understand various concepts.

Prof Rao says " Astrology is huge Chemical Science and Dharma Satras that give

'rules " are also completely in chemical nature to safeguard society and to give

a noble mind and a noble heart 

The Original Text of Stree jataka of Prod S.Rao was republishes by UBSPD as

" Female Horoscopy "

In the Introduction chapter further,it was mentioned Seeta Mai wife of Lord

Raman distributed finest Vedantic works after Lanka was conquered to all

Monkeys'vanaras "

This is how the culture is reverred and promoted


Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services

(For all counseling services)

Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them "

Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma



--- On Thu, 1/21/10, K Gopu <kgopu_24 (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:


K Gopu <kgopu_24 (AT) (DOT) co.uk>

Re: Strii Diirgha


Thursday, January 21, 2010, 1:07 AM




Dear Lilly,

There is a book called Stree Jataka which deals with Trimsamsa chart and

also  visha yogas, good yogas in a female. This book is written by

a female astrologer. THe author is Kadalankudi Saraswathy. this book

focusses primarily on female charts and used for matching purposes.

this is for ur information.


good wishes,



--- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ > wrote:


Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ >

Re: Strii Diirgha


Thursday, January 21, 2010, 11:18 AM




Thanks Guppu Ji!! It's interesting that you bring trimsamsa chart of a female

for match making as I had never even heard of that before..



, K Gopu <kgopu_24@.. .> wrote:


> Dear Lilly,

> Ur mail reflects the procedure as to how to match the charts of a prospective

> girl and boy.

> Reg Mars it is being considered from Venus, moon and lagna. and it is seen

> in natal chart and navamsa. It is not seen in Trimsamsa chart.

> Trimsamsa is more focussed towards the female and why it is so  I am unable

> to explain.Trimsamsa is seen for both lagna and chandra lagna in relation to

> natal lagna and natal rasi.

> Eg. If the native's Janma lagna or chandra rasi is in the house of mars( aires

or scorpio)

> in the natal chart and in the D-30 chart (trimsamsa chart) if it happens to be


> same aries or scorpio then they say that the native will be of a bad


> Like wise it is seen for all the houses and seen for the following planets

only ie

> Mars, saturn, Jupiter, mercury and Venus. Nodes are not included.


> regards,

> k.gopu




> --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...> wrote:



> Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...>

> Strii Diirgha


> Thursday, January 21, 2010, 9:55 AM








> Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I am

hoping some members might find it useful!


> Strii Diirgha

> The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to respect

each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s asterism) of

the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it is not at

least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away, but only

nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If the total

Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced to an

acceptable level.


> When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.


> Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well being

of the bride, and long marital bliss.

> Wavelength / Ashta Kutas


> The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as

Ashta Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between

your Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana

Kuta, Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which

are each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.


> Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor to

consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and

> & #65533;right. & #65533;


> Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay and

not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.

> Excess / Nadi Kuta


> The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of Kapha,

Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or vein,

through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.

> Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The important

Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your Moons are in

are highlighted below:


> Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada,

Sravana and Revati.


> Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,


> Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada


> Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.


> If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and you

earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will be

an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta.

> Constructivism / Bha Kuta


> The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.


> The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each other,

the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one of the

couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in Virgo,

their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would not be

compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their Moon in

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have favorable Bha



> Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable positions:


> If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the giver

of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.


> In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.


> In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.


> If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple.


> The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the

total points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.

> Temperament / Gana Kuta


> The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.


> Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and



> Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.


> Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.


> The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:


> If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.


> Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.


> Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.


> Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.


> Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.


> If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no

points, and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and

marriage will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or

Manushya Nakshatra is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is able to fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa



> According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young, happy

and increasing in love for one another.


> Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta


> The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as Graha

Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are friendly,

neutral or inimical towards each other:


> The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral and

Venus and Saturn as enemies.


> The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn

as neutrals.


> Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as neutrals

and Mercury as an enemy.


> Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as neutrals

and the Moon as an enemy.


> Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus and

Mercury as enemies.


> Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and the

Sun and Moon as enemies.


> Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun,

Moon and Mars as enemies.


> The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in respect

to their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:


> Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.


> One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.


> Both neutral: 3 points.


> One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.


> One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.


> Both inimical: 0 points.


> If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.


> Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta


> The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as Yoni

Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ from

which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal, which

symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:


> Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep, Rohini

- male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu - female

cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat, Purvaphalguni

- female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo, Chitra - female

tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha - female hare,

Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey, Uttaraashada -

male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion, Shatabishak -

female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada - female cow, Revati

- female elephant.


> Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to each:


> Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog, hare,

monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical with



> Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog,

elephant, horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with



> Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger.


> Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with lion,

mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.


> Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare, horse,

mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.


> Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly with

horse, lion and tiger.


> Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep;

unfriendly with lion and tiger.


> Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat, sheep

and tiger.


> Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly with

tiger; inimical with sheep.


> Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.


> Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.


> Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.


> Snake is neutral with tiger.


> The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.


> Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.


> Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.


> Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.


> Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.


> The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During

intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive nature as

symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they

can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis.

> Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the animals



> Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.


> Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.


> Cow- utility, overrunning.


> Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.


> Elephant - understanding, immobility.


> Hare - fear, comfort.


> Horse - power, panic.


> Lion - pride, leadership, respect.


> Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.


> Mongoose - viciousness, speed.


> Rat - trickiness or treachery.


> Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.


> Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.


> Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.


> Comfort / Tara Kuta


> The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be felt

as more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara

means & #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called

this because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the

man & #65533;s Moon to the woman & #65533; s.


> The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the

woman & #65533; s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8,

in which case three points are earned.


> The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said to

grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra falls

in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s, thereby insuring

that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good that the

male has to offer.



> Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta


> The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each other

is known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;


> The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or Insect.


> Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15 degrees

of Capricorn are Quadruped signs


> Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are

Human signs.


> Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.


> Leo is the one wild sign.


> Scorpio is the one Insect sign.


> Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to the

wild sign, Leo.


> Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to the

Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the food

of the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half Capricorn)

are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).


> The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya

signs find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya.

The signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to,

but don & #65533;t do so as happily.


> If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good and 2

points are gained.


> If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is



> If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is itself

the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.


> If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no

points are gained.


> Mutation / Varna Kuta


> The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards

positive improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste,

& #65533; as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain

caste, which are listed in order of highest to lowest:


> Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.


> Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


> Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.


> Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.


> One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are the

same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s Moon

does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a symbol

used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.


> It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of a

lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than masculine

energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a higher

caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up

more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to pick up

more of her higher qualities.


> Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra


> The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense of

purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533; and

thus reveals unity of soul purpose.


> The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th,

16th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.


> According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being; and

grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be




> Obstructions / Vedha Dosha


> The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.


> Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are



> Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.


> Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.


> Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.


> Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.


> Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.


> Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.


> Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.


> Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.


> Rohini & Svati are obstructive.


> Magha & Revati are obstructive.


> Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.


> Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.


> Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.


> Misfortune / Rajju Dosha


> The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.


> Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:


> Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.


> Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara Bhadra



> Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.


> Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.


> Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta


> The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide

happiness and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from

widowhood. & # 65533; According to the ancient texts, the following are the

results of the Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body

part, though these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:


> If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.

> If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.

> If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.

> If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.

> If they both fall in the head the husband will die.


> There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full Graha

Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of purpose) are

present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these

are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still be a source of



> Magnetic Attraction / Vasya


> The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction. Certain

Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:


> For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted..


> For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


> For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.


> For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.


> This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the

other to do almost anything for the relationship.


> It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn towards

the woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it helps

the man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more strongly than

men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding attraction are not

as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards the man.


> This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of the

compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest of

the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the person

being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.


> Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha


> The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple is

known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly feared

in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause the

death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each



> Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd, 4th,

7th, 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check should be

made in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important harmonic

chart) and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on

relationships) . Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates

the possibility of Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is

important that Mars is in these positions the same amount of times in each

person & #65533; s chart. If Mars is in these positions one more time in one of

the charts it is also acceptable. If Mars is in these positions two or more

times in one of the charts, the problems begin to emerge. The more the

difference between the charts, the more severe the problems will become.


> Lilly







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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Shri Gopu Sir,


There is a scanned document viz. " Stri Jataka " (Female Horoscopy) in File

Section of JYOTHISH GANGA , which deals with the female horoscopy. 

The members of the Group can access to  the same.


with kind regards


c nagarajan




--- On Thu, 21/1/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005 wrote:


Lilly <tigresslilly2005

Re: Strii Diirgha


Thursday, 21 January, 2010, 11:49 AM




















Yes Gopu ji,I have heard of Stri Jataka but never had a chance to read it..Now

that you brought it up it's certainly worth looking at to learn about these









, K Gopu <kgopu_24@.. .> wrote:




> Dear Lilly,


> There is a book called Stree Jataka which deals with Trimsamsa chart and


> also  visha yogas, good yogas in a female. This book is written by


> a female astrologer. THe author is Kadalankudi Saraswathy. this book


> focusses primarily on female charts and used for matching purposes.


> this is for ur information.




> good wishes,


> k.gopu










> --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...> wrote:






> Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...>


> Re: Strii Diirgha




> Thursday, January 21, 2010, 11:18 AM
















> Thanks Guppu Ji!! It's interesting that you bring trimsamsa chart of a female

for match making as I had never even heard of that before..




> Lilly


> , K Gopu <kgopu_24@ .> wrote:


> >


> > Dear Lilly,


> > Ur mail reflects the procedure as to how to match the charts of a



> > girl and boy.


> > Reg Mars it is being considered from Venus, moon and lagna. and it is seen


> > in natal chart and navamsa. It is not seen in Trimsamsa chart.


> > Trimsamsa is more focussed towards the female and why it is so  I am



> > to explain.Trimsamsa is seen for both lagna and chandra lagna in relation to


> > natal lagna and natal rasi.


> > Eg. If the native's Janma lagna or chandra rasi is in the house of mars(

aires or scorpio)


> > in the natal chart and in the D-30 chart (trimsamsa chart) if it happens to

be the


> > same aries or scorpio then they say that the native will be of a bad



> > Like wise it is seen for all the houses and seen for the following planets

only ie


> > Mars, saturn, Jupiter, mercury and Venus. Nodes are not included.


> >  


> > regards,


> > k.gopu


> >


> >


> >


> > --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...> wrote:


> >


> >


> > Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...>


> > Strii Diirgha


> >


> > Thursday, January 21, 2010, 9:55 AM


> >


> >


> >  


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I

am hoping some members might find it useful!


> >


> > Strii Diirgha


> > The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to respect

each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s asterism) of

the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it is not at

least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away, but only

nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If the total

Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced to an

acceptable level.


> >


> > When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.


> >


> > Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well

being of the bride, and long marital bliss.


> > Wavelength / Ashta Kutas


> >


> > The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as

Ashta Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between

your Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana

Kuta, Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which

are each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.


> >


> > Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor to

consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and


> > & #65533;right. & #65533;


> >


> > Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay

and not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.


> > Excess / Nadi Kuta


> >


> > The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of Kapha,

Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or vein,

through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.


> > Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The important

Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your Moons are in

are highlighted below:


> >


> > Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada,

Sravana and Revati.


> >


> > Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,


> >


> > Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada


> >


> > Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.


> >


> > If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and

you earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will

be an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta.


> > Constructivism / Bha Kuta


> >


> > The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.


> >


> > The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each

other, the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one

of the couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in

Virgo, their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would

not be compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their

Moon in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have

favorable Bha Kuta.


> >


> > Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable



> >


> > If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the

giver of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.


> >


> > In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.


> >


> > In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.


> >


> > If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple.


> >


> > The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the

total points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.


> > Temperament / Gana Kuta


> >


> > The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.


> >


> > Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and



> >


> > Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.


> >


> > Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.


> >


> > The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:


> >


> > If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.


> >


> > Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.


> >


> > Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.


> >


> > Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.


> >


> > Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.


> >


> > If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no

points, and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and

marriage will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or

Manushya Nakshatra is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is able to fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa



> >


> > According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young,

happy and increasing in love for one another.


> >


> > Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta


> >


> > The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as

Graha Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are

friendly, neutral or inimical towards each other:


> >


> > The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral and

Venus and Saturn as enemies.


> >


> > The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and

Saturn as neutrals.


> >


> > Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as neutrals

and Mercury as an enemy.


> >


> > Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as

neutrals and the Moon as an enemy.


> >


> > Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus

and Mercury as enemies.


> >


> > Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and

the Sun and Moon as enemies.


> >


> > Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun,

Moon and Mars as enemies.


> >


> > The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in respect

to their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:


> >


> > Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.


> >


> > One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.


> >


> > Both neutral: 3 points.


> >


> > One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.


> >


> > One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.


> >


> > Both inimical: 0 points.


> >


> > If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.


> >


> > Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta


> >


> > The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as

Yoni Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ

from which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal,

which symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:


> >


> > Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep,

Rohini - male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu -

female cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat,

Purvaphalguni - female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo,

Chitra - female tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha -

female hare, Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey,

Uttaraashada - male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion,

Shatabishak - female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada -

female cow, Revati - female elephant.


> >


> > Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to



> >


> > Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog,

hare, monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical

with horse.


> >


> > Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog,

elephant, horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with



> >


> > Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger.


> >


> > Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with lion,

mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.


> >


> > Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare, horse,

mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.


> >


> > Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly

with horse, lion and tiger.


> >


> > Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep;

unfriendly with lion and tiger.


> >


> > Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat, sheep

and tiger.


> >


> > Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly

with tiger; inimical with sheep.


> >


> > Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.


> >


> > Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.


> >


> > Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.


> >


> > Snake is neutral with tiger.


> >


> > The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.


> >


> > Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.


> >


> > Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.


> >


> > Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.


> >


> > Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.


> >


> > The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During

intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive nature as

symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they

can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis.


> > Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the animals



> >


> > Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.


> >


> > Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.


> >


> > Cow- utility, overrunning.


> >


> > Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.


> >


> > Elephant - understanding, immobility.


> >


> > Hare - fear, comfort.


> >


> > Horse - power, panic.


> >


> > Lion - pride, leadership, respect.


> >


> > Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.


> >


> > Mongoose - viciousness, speed.


> >


> > Rat - trickiness or treachery.


> >


> > Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.


> >


> > Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.


> >


> > Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.


> >


> > Comfort / Tara Kuta


> >


> > The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be felt

as more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara

means & #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called

this because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the

man & #65533;s Moon to the woman & #65533; s.


> >


> > The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the

woman & #65533; s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8,

in which case three points are earned.


> >


> > The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said to

grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra falls

in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s, thereby insuring

that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good that the

male has to offer.


> >


> >


> > Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta


> >


> > The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each other

is known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;


> >


> > The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or



> >


> > Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15 degrees

of Capricorn are Quadruped signs


> >


> > Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are

Human signs.


> >


> > Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.


> >


> > Leo is the one wild sign.


> >


> > Scorpio is the one Insect sign.


> >


> > Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to

the wild sign, Leo.


> >


> > Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to the

Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> >


> > Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the

food of the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> >


> > Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half

Capricorn) are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).


> >


> > The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya

signs find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya.

The signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to,

but don & #65533;t do so as happily.


> >


> > If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good and

2 points are gained.


> >


> > If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is



> >


> > If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is

itself the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.


> >


> > If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no

points are gained.


> >


> > Mutation / Varna Kuta


> >


> > The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards

positive improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste,

& #65533; as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain

caste, which are listed in order of highest to lowest:


> >


> > Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.


> >


> > Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


> >


> > Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.


> >


> > Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.


> >


> > One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are the

same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s Moon

does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a symbol

used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.


> >


> > It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of a

lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than masculine

energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a higher

caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up

more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to pick up

more of her higher qualities.


> >


> > Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra


> >


> > The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense

of purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533;

and thus reveals unity of soul purpose.


> >


> > The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th,

16th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.


> >


> > According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being;

and grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be



> >


> >


> > Obstructions / Vedha Dosha


> >


> > The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.


> >


> > Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are



> >


> > Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.


> >


> > Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.


> >


> > Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.


> >


> > Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.


> >


> > Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.


> >


> > Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.


> >


> > Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.


> >


> > Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.


> >


> > Rohini & Svati are obstructive.


> >


> > Magha & Revati are obstructive.


> >


> > Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.


> >


> > Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.


> >


> > Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.


> >


> > Misfortune / Rajju Dosha


> >


> > The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.


> >


> > Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:


> >


> > Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.


> >


> > Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara

Bhadra Pada.


> >


> > Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.


> >


> > Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.


> >


> > Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta


> >


> > The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide

happiness and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from

widowhood. & # 65533; According to the ancient texts, the following are the

results of the Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body

part, though these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:


> >


> > If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.


> > If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.


> > If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.


> > If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.


> > If they both fall in the head the husband will die.


> >


> > There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full Graha

Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of purpose) are

present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these

are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still be a source of



> >


> > Magnetic Attraction / Vasya


> >


> > The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction.

Certain Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:


> >


> > For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.


> >


> > This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the

other to do almost anything for the relationship.


> >


> > It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn towards

the woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it helps

the man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more strongly than

men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding attraction are not

as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards the man.


> >


> > This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of the

compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest of

the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the person

being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.


> >


> > Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha


> >


> > The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple is

known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly feared

in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause the

death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each



> >


> > Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd, 4th,

7th, 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check should be

made in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important harmonic

chart) and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on

relationships) . Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates

the possibility of Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is

important that Mars is in these positions the same amount of times in each

person & #65533; s chart. If Mars is in these positions one more time in one of

the charts it is also acceptable. If Mars is in these positions two or more

times in one of the charts, the problems begin to emerge. The more the

difference between the charts, the more severe the problems will become.


> >


> > Lilly


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >

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dear shri nagarajan,

thank u. I will chek with Jyotish ganga and go thro the same.

I have the book written by  Smt.Kadalangudi saraswathi.







--- On Mon, 2/1/10, chidambaram nagarajan <c_nagarajan wrote:



chidambaram nagarajan <c_nagarajan

Re: Strii Diirgha


Cc: " Lilly " <tigresslilly2005

Monday, February 1, 2010, 4:41 PM







Dear Shri Gopu Sir,


There is a scanned document viz. " Stri Jataka " (Female Horoscopy) in File

Section of JYOTHISH GANGA , which deals with the female horoscopy. 

The members of the Group can access to  the same.


with kind regards


c nagarajan


--- On Thu, 21/1/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ > wrote:


Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ >

Re: Strii Diirgha


Thursday, 21 January, 2010, 11:49 AM




Yes Gopu ji,I have heard of Stri Jataka but never had a chance to read it..Now

that you brought it up it's certainly worth looking at to learn about these





, K Gopu <kgopu_24@.. .> wrote:




> Dear Lilly,


> There is a book called Stree Jataka which deals with Trimsamsa chart and


> also  visha yogas, good yogas in a female. This book is written by


> a female astrologer. THe author is Kadalankudi Saraswathy. this book


> focusses primarily on female charts and used for matching purposes.


> this is for ur information.




> good wishes,


> k.gopu










> --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...> wrote:






> Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...>


> Re: Strii Diirgha




> Thursday, January 21, 2010, 11:18 AM
















> Thanks Guppu Ji!! It's interesting that you bring trimsamsa chart of a female

for match making as I had never even heard of that before..




> Lilly


> , K Gopu <kgopu_24@ .> wrote:


> >


> > Dear Lilly,


> > Ur mail reflects the procedure as to how to match the charts of a



> > girl and boy.


> > Reg Mars it is being considered from Venus, moon and lagna. and it is seen


> > in natal chart and navamsa. It is not seen in Trimsamsa chart.


> > Trimsamsa is more focussed towards the female and why it is so  I am



> > to explain.Trimsamsa is seen for both lagna and chandra lagna in relation to


> > natal lagna and natal rasi.


> > Eg. If the native's Janma lagna or chandra rasi is in the house of mars(

aires or scorpio)


> > in the natal chart and in the D-30 chart (trimsamsa chart) if it happens to

be the


> > same aries or scorpio then they say that the native will be of a bad



> > Like wise it is seen for all the houses and seen for the following planets

only ie


> > Mars, saturn, Jupiter, mercury and Venus. Nodes are not included.


> >  


> > regards,


> > k.gopu


> >


> >


> >


> > --- On Thu, 1/21/10, Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...> wrote:


> >


> >


> > Lilly <tigresslilly2005@ ...>


> > Strii Diirgha


> >


> > Thursday, January 21, 2010, 9:55 AM


> >


> >


> >  


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Someone had sent this to me a while back in regards to match making, and I

am hoping some members might find it useful!


> >


> > Strii Diirgha


> > The technique used to determine whether a couple will be inclined to respect

each other is known as Strii Diirgha. The Nakshatra (Moon & #65533; s asterism) of

the man should be at least 14 away from the woman & #65533; s. If it is not at

least 14 away, problems will be likely. If it is not at least 14 away, but only

nine to thirteen away, then the problems will be somewhat reduced. If the total

Wavelength points are 20 or higher, then the problems become reduced to an

acceptable level.


> >


> > When there are at least 14 Nakshatras from the woman & #65533; s from the

man & #65533;s the shortest flow of energy is from the man to the woman, allowing

him to naturally play the masculine role and her to play the feminine. When

there is less than 14 the shortest flow of energy is from her to him. This

creates a flow of energy that forces her to play the masculine role and him the

feminine. The result is a short circuit in their relationship. When there is

less then 9 Nakshatras separating them this manifests at it & #65533;s worse.


> >


> > Classical texts consider Strii Diirgha to indicate general welfare, well

being of the bride, and long marital bliss.


> > Wavelength / Ashta Kutas


> >


> > The technique that is used to determine your Wavelength points is known as

Ashta Kuta, & #65533;heap of eight. & #65533; Eight measurements are taken between

your Moons. These eight measurements are known as Nadi Kuta, Bha Kuta, Gana

Kuta, Graha Maitram Kuta, Yoni Kuta, Tara Kuta, Vasya Kuta and Varna Kuta, which

are each respectively worth 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point.


> >


> > Following Vedha, Rajju and Strii-Diirgha, the next most important factor to

consider in compatibility is the Ashta Kuta points. The Moon represents

nourishment and what you need to feel nourished, not just in the sense of food,

but anything that you take in, through any of your senses, which all serve to

stimulate your life force one way or another, and which have a subtle influence

on your mental and physical well-being. The total points between your Moons

indicate the similarity of your needs and your ability to both feel fulfilled

and happy with continued exposure to each other. The higher the points, the more

you will feel like the same thing at the same time. You will be on a more

similar & #65533;wavelength & #65533; and have more similar & #65533;taste-

buds. & #65533; This makes it easy and natural for both of you to be fulfilled. If

the points are low, you will have different needs and require different things

in order to feel comfortable and


> > & #65533;right. & #65533;


> >


> > Twenty or more points are preferred, though 16 & #65533; 19 points are okay

and not damaging to the relationship. Less than sixteen points begins to cause

problems that may not seem too problematic at first, but which will take their

toll over the long haul.


> > Excess / Nadi Kuta


> >


> > The technique that is used to determine whether there is an excess of Kapha,

Pitta or Vata is known as Nadi Kuta. Nadi being the energetic passage, or vein,

through which the energies of Kapha, Pitta and Vata flow.


> > Each Nakshatra (starry constellation) is Kapha, Pitta or Vata. The important

Nakshatra is the one that your Moon is in. The Nakshatras that your Moons are in

are highlighted below:


> >


> > Kapha: Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Vishakha, Uttara Ashada,

Sravana and Revati.


> >


> > Pitta: Bharani, Mrigashira, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Chitra,


> >


> > Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Dhanishta and Uttara Bhadra Pada


> >


> > Vata: Asvinni, Ardra, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Mula,

Shatabishak and Purva Bhadra Pada.


> >


> > If your Moons fall in different types of Nakshatras, then all is well and

you earn eight points. If both of your Moons are in Kapha Nakshatras, there will

be an excess of Kapha in the relationship. If both of your Moons are in Pitta

Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Pitta in the relationship. If both of

your Moons are in Vata Nakshatras, there will be an excess of Vata in the

relationship. The woman will tend to suffer more if the excess is Kapha or Vata

while the man will tend to suffer more if the excess is Pitta.


> > Constructivism / Bha Kuta


> >


> > The technique that is used to determine whether a couple can create well

together and be constructive together is known as Bha Kuta. Bha is a name for

the signs of the zodiac and this Kuta is based on the sign positions of the

Moons of the couple. The Moon signs of the couple should be the same, in the 7th

from each other, in the 3rd and 11th from each other, or the 4th and 10th from

each other, in which case seven points are earned.


> >


> > The Moon signs of the couple should not be in the 6th and 8th from each

other, the 5th and 9th, or the 2nd and 12th from each other. For example, if one

of the couple has his Moon in Aries, while the other person & #65533; s Moon is in

Virgo, their Moons will be in the 6th and 8th from each other, and this would

not be compatible. For the person with their Moon in Aries, a person with their

Moon in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces would also not have

favorable Bha Kuta.


> >


> > Classical texts give specific effects to the different unfavorable



> >


> > If the Moons are in the 6th and 8th from each other it is said to be the

giver of loss, ruin, quarreling and separation.


> >


> > In the 5th and 9th, it is said to cause loss of progeny.


> >


> > In the 2nd and 12th, it is said to cause poverty.


> >


> > If the Moons are in the favorable positions, it is said that there will be

prosperity and happiness. All of these results should be taken symbolically and

not literally, thus loss of progeny does not necessarily mean loss of children,

but the disruption of some of the creative ventures of the couple.


> >


> > The negative effects of unfavorable Bha Kuta will only be realized if the

total points for all eight Kutas (the Wavelength score) are fifteen or less. The

positive effects of favorable Bha Kuta will only be realized in full if the

total points are twenty or more.


> > Temperament / Gana Kuta


> >


> > The technique used to determine the affinity of two people & #65533; s

temperaments is known as Gana Kuta. Gana means race and determines a

person & #65533; s temperament based on the symbolism of three mythological races:

Deva (divine), Manushya (human) and Rakshasa (demon) race.


> >


> > Deva (divine) Nakshatras: Asvinni, Mrigashira, Punurvasu, Pushyami, Hasta,

Svati, Anuradha, Sravana and Revati. Devas are faithful, open, loyal and



> >


> > Manushya (human) Nakshatras: Bharani, Rohini, Ardra, Purvaphalguni,

Uttaraphalguni, Purvaashada, Uttaraashada, Purvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada.

Manushyas are practical and progressive.


> >


> > Rakshasa (demon) Nakshatras: Krittika, Aslesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha,

Jyeshtha, Mula, Dhanishta and Shatabisha. Rakshasas are independent, eccentric

and capable of breaking attachments and conventions.


> >


> > The Nakshatra that the Moons of the couple are compared:


> >


> > If both the Ganas (races) are the same then 6 points are given.


> >


> > Woman Deva and the man Manushya = 3 points.


> >


> > Woman Deva and the man Rakshasa = 1 point.


> >


> > Woman Manushya and the man Deva = 5 points.


> >


> > Woman Manushya and the man Rakshasa = 3 points.


> >


> > If the woman is Rakshasa Gana and the man Deva or Manushya Gana then no

points, and according to classical texts, & #65533;quarreling will prevail and

marriage will be unhappy. & #65533; Only a man with his Moon in a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is considered compatible; pairing up with a man with a Deva or

Manushya Nakshatra is considered to bring troubles. Only a man with a Rakshasa

Nakshatra is able to fully appreciate a woman with her Moon in a Rakshasa



> >


> > According to the classical texts, Gana Kuta keeps the couple ever young,

happy and increasing in love for one another.


> >


> > Friendship / Graha Maitram Kuta


> >


> > The technique used to determine the affinity for friendship is known as

Graha Maitram Kuta. Graha Maitram means planetary friendship. Planets are

friendly, neutral or inimical towards each other:


> >


> > The Sun has the Moon, Mars and Jupiter as friends, Mercury as a neutral and

Venus and Saturn as enemies.


> >


> > The Moon has the Sun and Mercury as friends, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and

Saturn as neutrals.


> >


> > Mars has the Sun, Moon and Jupiter as friends, Venus and Saturn as neutrals

and Mercury as an enemy.


> >


> > Mercury has the Sun and Venus as friends, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as

neutrals and the Moon as an enemy.


> >


> > Jupiter has the Sun, Moon and Mars as friends, Saturn as neutral and Venus

and Mercury as enemies.


> >


> > Venus has Mercury and Saturn as friends, Jupiter and Mars as neutrals and

the Sun and Moon as enemies.


> >


> > Saturn has Venus and Mercury as friends, Jupiter as a neutral and the Sun,

Moon and Mars as enemies.


> >


> > The planets that rule the Moon signs of the couple are considered in respect

to their friendship, neutrality or enmity with each other. If they are:


> >


> > Mutually friends or the same planet: 5 points.


> >


> > One friendly and the other neutral: 4 points.


> >


> > Both neutral: 3 points.


> >


> > One inimical and the other friendly: 1 point.


> >


> > One inimical and the other neutral: & #65533; point.


> >


> > Both inimical: 0 points.


> >


> > If the signs of the Moons are 7th from each other, Graha Maitram is

automatically considered good regardless of the relationship of the lords and

the 5 full points are earned.


> >


> > Instinctive Compatibility / Yoni Kuta


> >


> > The technique used to determine the instinctive compatibility is known as

Yoni Kuta. Yoni means, & #65533;source, & #65533; and refers to the sexual organ

from which we are created. The Nakshatra of the Moon is related to an animal,

which symbolizes the primal/instinctive nature of a person:


> >


> > Asvinni - male horse, Bharani - male elephant, Krittika - female sheep,

Rohini - male snake, Mrigashira - female snake, Ardra - female dog, Punurvasu -

female cat, Pushyami - male sheep, Aslesha - male cat, Magha - male rat,

Purvaphalguni - female rat, Uttaraphalguni - male cow, Hasta - female buffalo,

Chitra - female tiger, Svati - male buffalo, Vishakha - male tiger, Anuradha -

female hare, Jyeshtha - male hare, Mula - male dog, Purvaashada - male monkey,

Uttaraashada - male mongoose, Sravana - female monkey, Dhanishta - female lion,

Shatabishak - female horse, Purvabhadrapada - male lion, Uttarabhadrapada -

female cow, Revati - female elephant.


> >


> > Yonis are either the same, friendly, neutral, unfriendly, or inimical to



> >


> > Buffalo is friendly with cow, elephant and sheep; neutral with cat, dog,

hare, monkey, mongoose, rat and tiger; unfriendly with lion and snake; inimical

with horse.


> >


> > Cat is friendly with hare, monkey and mongoose; neutral with cow, dog,

elephant, horse and sheep; unfriendly with horse, snake and tiger; inimical with



> >


> > Cow is friendly with hare and sheep; neutral with dog, elephant, monkey,

mongoose and rat; ; unfriendly with horse, lion and snake inimical with tiger.


> >


> > Dog is neutral with elephant, horse, monkey and snake; unfriendly with lion,

mongoose, rate, sheep and tiger; inimical with hare.


> >


> > Elephant is friendly with monkey, sheep and snake; neutral with hare, horse,

mongoose and rat; unfriendly with tiger; inimical with lion.


> >


> > Hare is neutral with monkey, mongoose, rate, sheep and snake; unfriendly

with horse, lion and tiger.


> >


> > Horse is friendly with monkey and snake; neutral with rat and sheep;

unfriendly with lion and tiger.


> >


> > Lion is neutral with monkey, mongoose and snake; unfriendly with rat, sheep

and tiger.


> >


> > Monkey is friendly with mongoose; neutral with rat and snake; unfriendly

with tiger; inimical with sheep.


> >


> > Mongoose is friendly with sheep; neutral with tiger; unfriendly with rat;

inimical with snake.


> >


> > Rat is neutral with tiger; unfriendly with sheep and snake.


> >


> > Sheep is neutral with snake; unfriendly with tiger.


> >


> > Snake is neutral with tiger.


> >


> > The couple having the same Yoni is best and gives 4 points.


> >


> > Friendly Yonis gives 3 points.


> >


> > Neutral Yonis gives 2 points.


> >


> > Unfriendly Yonis gives 1 point.


> >


> > Inimical Yonis gives 0 points.


> >


> > The Yonis symbolize the primal, instinctive nature of the individual. During

intense experiences, including sex, people turn to their instinctive nature as

symbolized by the Yonis. The better the Yonis between the couple the better they

can act together and bond through intense situations and crisis.


> > Following are some keywords describing the characteristics that the animals



> >


> > Buffalo - strength, patience, overrunning.


> >


> > Cat - cleanliness, finicky, detached, indifferent.


> >


> > Cow- utility, overrunning.


> >


> > Dog- loyalty, friendship, slinking, holing up.


> >


> > Elephant - understanding, immobility.


> >


> > Hare - fear, comfort.


> >


> > Horse - power, panic.


> >


> > Lion - pride, leadership, respect.


> >


> > Monkey - playfulness, lack of seriousness.


> >


> > Mongoose - viciousness, speed.


> >


> > Rat - trickiness or treachery.


> >


> > Sheep - gentleness, retreat, bareness.


> >


> > Snake - transmutation, hibernation, sneakiness.


> >


> > Tiger - aggression, ruthlessness.


> >


> > Comfort / Tara Kuta


> >


> > The technique used to determine whether a man & #65533;s presence will be felt

as more comfortable or threatening to the woman is known as Tara Kuta. Tara

means & #65533;star, & #65533; and refers to a Nakshatra. The technique is called

this because it simply measures the relationship of the Nakshatra of the

man & #65533;s Moon to the woman & #65533; s.


> >


> > The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon is counted from that of the

woman & #65533; s and divided by nine. The remainder should be 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8,

in which case three points are earned.


> >


> > The Tara Kuta is also known as Dina & #65533;Day & #65533; Kuta and is said to

grant luck and long life. When Tara Kuta is met the man & #65533;s Nakshatra falls

in an auspicious Nakshatra in respect to the woman & #65533; s, thereby insuring

that the woman is feels comfortable and good with receiving any good that the

male has to offer.


> >


> >


> > Innate Giving / Vasya Kuta


> >


> > The technique used to determine if a couple will innately give to each other

is known as Vaysa Kuta. Vasya means & #65533;dutiful. & #65533;


> >


> > The signs of the Zodiac are either Quadrupeds, Human, Water, Wild, or



> >


> > Aries, Taurus, the second 15 degrees of Sagittarius and the first 15 degrees

of Capricorn are Quadruped signs


> >


> > Gemini, Virgo, Libra, the first 15 degrees of Sagittarius and Aquarius are

Human signs.


> >


> > Cancer, the second 15 degrees of Capricorn and Pisces are Water signs.


> >


> > Leo is the one wild sign.


> >


> > Scorpio is the one Insect sign.


> >


> > Quadruped, Human, and Water signs (all signs, except Scorpio) are Vasya to

the wild sign, Leo.


> >


> > Quadruped, Water, and Insect signs (all signs, except Leo) are Vasya to the

Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> >


> > Water signs (Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) are the

food of the Human signs (Gemini, Virgo, 1st half of Sagittarius, and Aquarius).


> >


> > Quadruped signs (Aries, Taurus, 2nd half Sagittarius, and 1st half

Capricorn) are the food of the Wild sign (Leo).


> >


> > The Vasya sign happily benefits the signs to which it is Vasya. The Vasya

signs find meaning and happiness in being of benefit to the signs it is Vasya.

The signs that are food to a sign, do benefit the signs which they are food to,

but don & #65533;t do so as happily.


> >


> > If the couple & #65533; s Moon signs fall in the same group, Vasya is good and

2 points are gained.


> >


> > If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other 1 point is



> >


> > If one of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs is Vasya to the other, but is

itself the food of the other, & #65533; point are gained.


> >


> > If neither of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are Vasya to the other, no

points are gained.


> >


> > Mutation / Varna Kuta


> >


> > The technique used to determine whether a couple will gravitate towards

positive improvement or not is known as Varna Kuta. Varna means, & #65533;caste,

& #65533; as per the four-caste system. Each sign of the zodiac has a certain

caste, which are listed in order of highest to lowest:


> >


> > Brahmins (Priests): Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.


> >


> > Kshatriyas (Warriors): Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


> >


> > Vaisyas (Merchants): Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.


> >


> > Sudras (Laborers): Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.


> >


> > One point is gained if the castes of the couple & #65533; s Moon signs are the

same, or if the man is of a higher caste. The caste of a person & #65533; s Moon

does not mean that the person is actually of that caste, it is just a symbol

used to make the comparison between the two people & #65533; s Moons.


> >


> > It is not considered best for a woman of a higher caste to marry a man of a

lower caste. Since feminine energy is more adaptable and mutable than masculine

energy which is more fixed, if the woman & #65533; s Moon sign is of a higher

caste than the man & #65533;s, then the tendency will be for the woman to pick up

more of the man & #65533;s lower qualities, rather than for the man to pick up

more of her higher qualities.


> >


> > Innate Sense of Purpose / Mahendra


> >


> > The technique used to determine whether a couple will have an innate sense

of purpose is known as Mahendra. Mahendra means & #65533;great spirit, & #65533;

and thus reveals unity of soul purpose.


> >


> > The Nakshatra of the man & #65533;s Moon should be the 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th,

16th, 19th, 22nd, or 25th from the woman & #65533; s.


> >


> > According to classical texts Mahendra indicates longevity and well being;

and grants children, grandchildren and prosperity. Mahendra indicates a special

affinity and friendship that provides for a sense of meaning and purpose

throughout life. If Mahendra is present, and if the rest of the compatibility is

solid, even if the couple gets together for the worst of reasons, or immaturely,

they will have a great chance of feeling like they should still be together

years down the road. If Mahendra is not present the couple should make sure they

know the reasons for getting together and that they will be lasting or, years

later, they may likely find that they don & #65533;t have that much reason to be



> >


> >


> > Obstructions / Vedha Dosha


> >


> > The technique that is used to determine whether there will be excessive

obstructions that prevent your lives from completely coming together is called

Vedha, which means obstruction. Vedha is one of the two Maha Doshas,

& #65533;Great Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship. Vedha is

determined by the Nakshatras (starry constellations) that your Moons are in.

Each Nakshatra has one, or in a few cases two Nakshatras that are obstructive

with it.


> >


> > Below are the Nakshatras that are Vedha to each other and which indicate

obstacles to being together. The Nakshatras that your Moons are falling in are



> >


> > Asvinni & Jyeshtha are obstructive.


> >


> > Punurvasu & Uttarashada are obstructive.


> >


> > Uttaraphalguni & Purvabhadrapada are obstructive.


> >


> > Bharani & Anuradha are obstructive.


> >


> > Pushyami & Purvashada are obstructive.


> >


> > Hasta & Shatabishak are obstructive.


> >


> > Krittika & Vishakha are obstructive.


> >


> > Aslesha & Moola are obstructive.


> >


> > Rohini & Svati are obstructive.


> >


> > Magha & Revati are obstructive.


> >


> > Ardra & Sravana are obstructive.


> >


> > Purvaphalguni & Uttarabhadrapada are obstructive.


> >


> > Mrigashira, Chitra & Dhanishta are obstructive.


> >


> > Misfortune / Rajju Dosha


> >


> > The technique that is used to determine whether the couple will attract

misfortune or not and whether unexpected troubles may arise between them is

known as Rajju, which means rope, symbolizing the rope that ties them to

misfortune. Rajju is the second of the two Maha Doshas, & #65533;Great

Blemishes, & # 65533; that can affect a relationship.


> >


> > Nakshatras are considered to fall into the following different body parts:


> >


> > Feet: Asvini, Aslesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Revati.


> >


> > Hip: Bharani, Pushyami, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, Purva Ashada, Uttara

Bhadra Pada.


> >


> > Neck: Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Svati, Sravana, Shatabishak.


> >


> > Navel: Krittika, Punurvasu, Uttara Phalguni, Vishaka, Uttara Ashada, Purva

Bhadra Pada.


> >


> > Head: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta


> >


> > The Nakshatras should fall in different divisions in order to provide

happiness and, according to the ancient texts, & #65533;protection from

widowhood. & # 65533; According to the ancient texts, the following are the

results of the Moon & #65533; s falling in Nakshatras that are of the same body

part, though these results are meant to be taken symbolically and not literally:


> >


> > If they both fall in the feet there will always be wandering.


> > If the both fall in the hip there will be poverty.


> > If they both fall in the navel there will be loss of children.


> > If they both fall in the neck the wife will die.


> > If they both fall in the head the husband will die.


> >


> > There is an exception to this blemish: If Stri Diirgha (respect), full Graha

Maitra (friendship) , Tara (comfort) and Mahendra (innate sense of purpose) are

present then Rajju need not be considered. If only one, two or three of these

are present then Rajju will only be partially cancelled and still be a source of



> >


> > Magnetic Attraction / Vasya


> >


> > The Moon signs of the couple determine this extra magnetic attraction.

Certain Moon signs are particularly drawn towards others:


> >


> > For Aries Moon - Leo and Scorpio Moon are magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Taurus Moon - Cancer and Libra Moon are magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Gemini Moon & #65533; Virgo Moon is magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Cancer Moon - Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Leo Moon - Libra Moon is magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Virgo Moon - Pisces and Gemini Moon are magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Libra Moon - Capricorn and Virgo Moon are magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Scorpio Moon - Cancer Moon is magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Sagittarius Moon - Pisces Moon is magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Capricorn Moon - Aries and Aquarius Moon are magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Aquarius Moon - Aries Moon is magnetically attracted.


> >


> > For Pisces Moon - Capricorn Moon is magnetically attracted.


> >


> > This magnetic attraction or draw can cause the person who is drawn to the

other to do almost anything for the relationship.


> >


> > It is of greater benefit to the relationship for the man to be drawn towards

the woman than it is for the woman to be drawn towards the man since it helps

the man bond more strongly to the woman. Women generally bond more strongly than

men, especially sexually, so the extra benefits of a bonding attraction are not

as strongly felt when it is the woman who is drawn towards the man.


> >


> > This can indicate a powerful magnetic attraction, which, if the rest of the

compatibility is solid, can really add to the relationship, but if the rest of

the compatibility is problematic, this can make it very difficult for the person

being drawn towards the other to let go if things do not work out.


> >


> > Assertive Pressure / Kuja Dosha


> >


> > The technique used to determine the assertive pressure between the couple is

known as Kuja Dosha, & #65533;Mars Blemish. & #65533; Kuja Dosha is greatly feared

in India where those ignorant of astrology believe that Mars will cause the

death of the spouse and many good women have remained unmarried due to this

& #65533;curse & #65533; in their horoscope. Used properly, however, Kuja Dosha is

an important consideration in respect to the couple living in harmony with each



> >


> > Kuja Dosha is simply determined by checking to see if Mars in the 2nd, 4th,

7th, 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, Moon and Venus. This check should be

made in the natal chart, the Trimsamsa chart (which is an important harmonic

chart) and the Navamsa chart (which is the harmonic chart bearing on

relationships) . Checking Mars from these three points in three charts creates

the possibility of Mars being in a Kuja Dosha position nine times. It is

important that Mars is in these positions the same amount of times in each

person & #65533; s chart. If Mars is in these positions one more time in one of

the charts it is also acceptable. If Mars is in these positions two or more

times in one of the charts, the problems begin to emerge. The more the

difference between the charts, the more severe the problems will become.


> >


> > Lilly


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >

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