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Re:chandra-rahu in kundali

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Krishnan ji,


Ya  my daughter is 1.5yr and having a helth problem most of the time.specially


regarding my husband after 8 yrs. of expriance he doesn't get the good


so my concern is moon-rahu affecting for that.his lagn rasi is dhanu .





Tejaswini C.

Throughout life people will make you mad,

 disrespect you and treat you bad.

 Let God deal with the things they do,

cause hate in your heart will consume you too.


--- On Wed, 10/3/10,




Digest Number 5022


Wednesday, 10 March, 2010, 12:13 PM









Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) and Remedies


Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)




Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods Vattem Krishnan


Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods Chandrashekhar


Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods Chandrashekhar


Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods Chandrashekhar



Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA " Kulbir Bains


Re: Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA " rohinicrystal


Re: Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA " Kulbir Bains



Fw: Health Problems Bill Gill


Re: Fw: Health Problems Suresh Babu.A.G



Please Help mitali mishra



chandra-rahu in kundali Tejaswini Choudhari


Re: chandra-rahu in kundali Vattem Krishnan



Job and marraige GAURAV PANDEY



Re: Dear Amir Patel Ji Amir Patel



Study Of Transt : Loss of Opportunity @ Parampara Activists !!



Re: Study Of Transt : Loss of Opportunity @ Parampara Activists !!

Prashant Kumar G B



Q? ved prakash



kindly help...when will i get confirmed in my job?? prakash baskaran


Re: kindly help...when will i get confirmed in my job?? Suresh Babu.A.G



Re: profession Lalkitab Kb



Sade-Sati or SADay Sathi or Saadaa Sathi? rohinicrystal


Re: Sade-Sati or SADay Sathi or Saadaa Sathi? Kulbir Bains



QUIZ-3 ... rohinicrystal


Re: QUIZ-3 ... Vattem Krishnan



Re: Quiz 2 (5th march 2010 event) Vattem Krishnan

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Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods

Posted by: " Vattem Krishnan " bursar_99   bursar_99

Tue Mar 9, 2010 6:50 am (PST)




The discussions at length and clarifications are really most approapriate. In

fact time for detailed study of original texts during active employment is

problem.But late Shri Sanatanams mostly adopted from original versions has been

brought well.

BVR too through his books has not taken up exhaustively but his Astrological

Magzine made as separate topics and clarified very significantly. Except for

academic purposes,KCD may not be very handy for proper analysis. 

KCD application has been refrianed except for very limited purposes,to the

reasons cited by you.No doubt KCD has a very good classical base but the

consistency of the results matter very much.

KCD suggests for exhaustive approach by Nakshtra pada wise and gives Main

dasa.when however it comes to antardasa seems to loose track

//KCD are not figment of imagination however interpretation of slokas or

reconstruction could be at variation.//


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Mon, 3/8/10, Swami_rcs <swami.rcs (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:


Swami_rcs <swami.rcs (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods


Monday, March 8, 2010, 3:27 PM




Dear VJ,




I must have avoided writing this mail.


I do not post mails here but read only for getting insights in some serious

topics because, this list has some real scholars like you and few others.


Your posting that initiated thread on KCD had no previous reference to

background that you now have disclosed / proposed concerning debate between PVR

and Rath. For your information there is no debate but yes there is monologue on

part of PVR in response to one mail on KCD. Perhaps they have not met for years



Any way your answer is arrogant to my questions but that's fine and displays

attitude you have learned, it is your choice.


Now let us see few statements you have made.


1. The method of AD has already been described with example.


I revisited your webpage and found none, Please check if article is published

with some part missing.


2. I am surprised with your statement " BPHS has 56 Stanza describing results of

AD alone "


.. Late Santhanam has considered slokas of Seetaram jha reliable, He also

maintained that Version of Dev chand Jha was equally reliable, but for minor

variation in concepts although both the texts originally are reconstructed.


Various people have fancy about authencity of BPHS but Concepts of KCD are not

figment of imagination however interpretation of slokas or reconstruction could

be at variation.


I do not know why you have chosen to go in tangent instead of answering simple

question posed by me and later doubts raised to be cleared By Mr Chandrasekhar.


Evidently you have not understood the questions that were asked, asking question

showed your postings are cared by people. The next possibility is you know KCD

like a pundit but does not know how it is derived and thus has evaded answers

like pundits do.


3. The very idea of AD in KCD is a conjecture which may be right of wrong.


I am not a Sanskrit scholar, But I read first time KCD from version of Ganesh

Dutt Pathak around 27 years back along with description in Phaldeepika and Jatak

parijaat with commentary by Pt Gopesh kumar Oza. Having no jyotish guru and

being busy in government job as an executive I had little time to devote and KCD

was beyond correct grasp. Around 1990 TOA carried article from Late Sri

Santhanam and also Article BY Sh K.N.Rao With Some Viveki, That roused my

interest but I found Methods advocated by Them did not work. Then came Book Of

Dr B.V.Ramn. I shall not make any comments.


What I have quoted Is from English versions made available In name Of Santhanam

( as Vol II has been not been completed by him before his demise except for

rough draft) and OF GC Sharma .About AD slokas There is a difference of Two

sloka . Mr Chandra shekhar has quoted reference from Reliable early published

BPHS ,but no one can force to change once opinion, Of what one likes to hold

right or wrong. You have your own theory and you are entitled to hold to it.


4. Their method of computation has been explained in my article which you have

not read properly.


I did not ask computation it is mentally calculable. My question was how you

work out AD?


Say in case of sub- periodization do you teach AD remain within the same cycle

for the dasa in KCD throughout. and its related issues.


5. Without reading my article in which I described the method of working out MD,

AD, PD, etc of KCD besides elucidating the correct method of making sequences,

RCS was asking questions I had already answered.


No comments needed. Teacher/ scribe have to be clear about subject before

teaching/ writing the subject.


6. is not a part of verses written by Sage Parashara but the handiwork of editor

who rightly felt that the topic was on AD. I was sure RCS would have failed to

pick up this point,


Did you check in which chand these verses are, type of Sanskrit used therein.

Age of Sanskrit if constructed is post parasar or preparshar. If you are expert

in both these areas your observations may carry weight, not otherwise. Failing

on my part does not arise for I have not learnt above but have idea of secret

behind these limited verses on AD .They are linked to Navamsa- lords. What I am

unsure is their correct calculation pattern hece my respose and query Was made.


7. . This scheme has already been worked out in Kundalee Software.


Once upon a time I installed This Software and found clumsy. Before I could work

out and check My hard disc collapsed,


Many SW has KCD scheme implemented, I am not sure None appears to have same



Please understand I do not enter into controversies. Look what K.N.Rao has Said.


http://www.journalo fastrology. com/article. php?article_ id=274


there are many astro-viruses circulating who do not discuss technically and

academically but attack each other gracelessly showing their ***********


Hope You do not fulfill such a disrespectable definition.


Plaese forgive me if my this mail contents do evoke unpleasant emotions.


With respects to all participants to this thread.




***********summary of correspondance ************ ***8


To All :


See the following webpage for elucidation of KCD :


http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Kalachakra- dashaa






Dear VJ,


Excellent summary OF KCD for those who have studied it . Please educate how you

work out AD and How you move to next Sequence of dasa once native has reached to

end of ABC OR D IN a Pada.


Apart from Gati, Deha and Jeeva and KCD NAVAMSA BPHS has 56 Stanza describing

results of AD alone. Therefore correct working of AD is very important.


With regards.




• To RCS :


The very purpose of writing this article was elucidation of those very topics

which you are asking : " how you work out AD and How you move to next Sequence " .


It seems you have not read this article fully. The method of AD has already been

described with example. Those who know how to deduce Vimshottari AD or PD will

find no difficulty in understanding my comments. Some modern astrologers are

spreading confusion about Shashthaashta- gati motion (6 to 11, 3 to 10 and vice

versa) which is seen in Savya sequences (A, B) of pada-2.


I am surprised with your statement " Apart from Gati, Deha and Jeeva and KCD


NAVAMSA BPHS has 56 Stanza describing results of AD alone. "


Can you show me where BPHS has mentioned even the existence of AD in KCD ? The


very idea of AD in KCD is a conjecture which may be right of wrong. BPHS has a


separate chapter on KCD-phalaadhyaaya containing 37 verse, besides 55 verses


about Phala in initial chapter on KCD. These results are about MD. Since BPHS


has clearly mentioned MD in KCD, we may assume the existence of AD, PD, SD and


PrD as well. Their method of computation has been explained in my article which


you have not read properly.




• Dear Vinay,


I would not interject but for your statement that BPHS does not mention

antardashas in KCD. You have said " Can you show me where BPHS has mentioned even

the existence of AD in KCD ? "


Please read page number 358 which has an adhyaaya called alachakraantardasha

aphalaadhyaaya, in Sitaram Jha edition. I am sure you will find the results of

KCD antardasha phalas there. So RC ji is right. Regards, Chandrashekhar.


• Mr Chandrashekhar,


Without reading my article in which I described the method of working out MD,

AD, PD, etc of KCD besides elucidating the correct method of making sequences,

RCS was asking questions I had already answered.


RCS said he read my article, yet he asked two wrong question s : " Please educate

how you work out AD and How you move to next Sequence of dasa once native has

reached to end of ABC OR D IN a Pada. " To it, I replied : " The very purpose of

writing this article was elucidation of


those very topics which you are asking " . Yet you failed to see the point and

intruded, like RCS, without reading the thread and my article properly.


BPHS mentions " mahaadashaa " but does not mention the word " antardashaa " . The

title " kalachakraantardas haaphalaadhyaaya " is not a part of verses written by

Sage Parashara but the handiwork of editor who rightly felt that the topic was

on AD. I was sure RCS would have failed to pick up this point, but you helped

him out.


Now-a-days there are various innovations being introduced into KCD. PVR

Narasimha Rao recently described this state of confusion, after which I provided

the link to my article in two fora. I tried to bring out the original scheme of

Sage Parashara which no member has cared to notice, including you and RCS. This

scheme has already been worked out in Kundalee Software.




• Dear Vinay_jee,


The refrain sounds familiar. Earlier too you have consistently voiced your

disappointment, chagrin, frustration that people (in general) do not read your

articles, do not try out your software, do not listen to the truth about how

astrology must be done or calculated. Now please understand that I am not

quoting you but paraphrasing based on the sense I get and I hope others who are

observing and experiencing you on internet might have made similar observations




It is pretty depressing to see such collective resistance towards one person



You are a wise person, a professor, a yogi and astrologer. In other words

someone well-equipped to figure out why this dissonant chords between your work

and the internet consumers/users! Once again, I am not telling you what you must

do (I know you are a big boy!) -- but was just wondering why this is happening

or rather occurring to you! And you have never been abusive or unreasonable in

your expressions either!


Wonder what is going on! Very intriguing.. .! Best regards, Rohiniranjan


• Rohiniranjan Ji,


Your recent comments are simply misplaced and insulting ( " you have consistently

voiced your disappointment, chagrin, frustration that people (in general) do not

read your articles, do not try out your software, do not listen to the truth " ).


You do not know me, mainly because I am not interested in making myself known.

Majority of my articles have been published by others, with my consent. None of

the nine panchangas made by me carries my name in editor boards, and none of

those editors do anything in my panchangas. I


have guided four PhDs in four subjects, but refused to get mine. My consistent

refusal to get recognition is miscontrued by you as a sign of " disappointment,

chagrin, frustration " for failing to get recognized. Recently I tore away (not

in anger) certificates of recognition awarded


to me at astrological conferences at Patna and Allahabad. Lust for Fame is

poison to me.


I consistently refused to upload my software on internet for long years, because

I knew the idiosyncracy of a majority of internet astrologers. But this

prejudiced majority should not prevent the open minded minority from using what

I know is correct. It is not my belief, but the result


of long years of tests.


You know many things but one : the world will cease to function properly if

Kundalee Software becomes widely popular. The world must function properly.




• I feel saddned that you choose to take my words as insulting. I was

basing my statements on what I had been observing based on what you were writing

publicle and privately through internet.


Obviously, all I can know of you is what I see on the internet. What I wrote,

therefore, should not reasonably be taken as indicative of your many wonderful,

and unique qualities and motivations etc such as your academic achievements,

panchaangs etc that you have told us about quite a few times., etc.


As to the popularity of your software resulting in detriment of the world

– we all can only humbly thank you for working towards the preservation

of this world which is already suffering and probably as we move towards the

date which many are apocalypticly warning (21-12-2012) , we will be facing

increasing challenges and warnings against the well-being of the earth and its

dwellers. One worry less is one sigh of relief gained, I suppose.






• <<<


As to the popularity of your software resulting in detriment of the world -- we

all can only humbly thank you for working towards the preservation of this world

which is already suffering.>> >


It is not what I said. My words were " the world will cease to function properly

if Kundalee Software becomes widely popular. "


Any revolutionary change in fundamental beliefs results in temporary upheavals

and obstacles in proper functioning. This is what I meant.


Besides, I have no power to remove materialism from the minds of those who

believe physical planets are deities and therefore any alternative software must

not be tested. Men cannot be changed unless they are ready to change themselves.

Persons with strong Saturn are more difficult to change, perhaps due to slow

motion of Saturn. But if Saturn is exalted, it results in positive change in the

long run, after initial pitfalls.


You are wrongly thanking me for preservation of this world. I decided in 1971

not to become a baby-boomer, while you have added this adjective to your name in

this message ( " Rohiniranjan Baby-boomer " ). After a century ot two, no one will

remember me, but you will be remembered, at least by your babies & c. It is for

the benefit of babies of persons like you that I worked so hard. If my work is

wasted and destroyed and forgotten, it will not harm me in any respect.


The only difference you have with me is due to the fact that I found, much later

in my life, that physical astronomy gives worse astrological results than

Suryasiddhanta. Before this finding, I had equal or perhaps more faith in the

astrological validity of physical planetary motions. Had I retained my earlier

opinion, you would have found no difference.


You sincerely used words like " disappointment, chagrin, frustration " for me. But

such traits are results of expectations. I had no expectation. Hence, there was

no question of disappointment. The whole world is taught physical astronomy,

formally as well as informally. Even many of


those who have to study Suryasiddhanta do not comprehend it properly.


Hence, a software based on a misunderstood text could not become popular.

Moreover, I am using outdated Visual Basic version which is not allowing many

users to install Kundalee on their machines. You also know these issues well.

Then, why you guessed I am " disappointed " ? I knew the outcome beforehand, and

that is why I refrained from launching Kundalee on web for years ; Kundalee is

still not fit for web (it contains outdated DLL files).


You have question thrice why I am treated so. Here is the answer :


Presently, the planets of MD, AD and PD in my horoscope have bitter enmical

aspects on 10th house. In my birthchart too, I have lord of 11th Sun sitting in

4th (house of Suhrid), which makes my " friends " often unfriendly towards me.

Hence, I must not get recognition or honour for


my work. Due to my way of life, bonds of horoscope are not hard on me, and I get

recognition wherever I go. But I try to keep away from honours & c because I know

if I stick to this World I will have to pay a heavy price by being engulfed by

it in the form of next birth/births.


I have no grudge against you. I can even tolerate abuses from those who have

contributed something worthwhile to others. I do not mean you have ever abused

anyone, including me, I only mean that you have really contributed something

good to society at large, and that is your real worth to me. It does not matter

to me what is your opinion about me or about my work. Not even 1% on my work is

on internet, hence you do not know my work. Bulk of my written works are not in

astrology but in comparative linguistics of Indo-European languages (mainly

concerning the dating of Rgveda through linguistic means), which I never

published in book form but gave parts of it in lectures and some articles and

emails only. Sincerely,




• Thank you very much Vinay_jee for opening your heart on this forum where

I know you are indeed respected and where the moderator has publicly assured you

several times that you will always be listened too, and from my lowly ant's

perspective you have been! I use the metaphor of 'ant' from time to time, not to

portray veiled arrogance or sham-humility but to me, ants represent the

'grihasta' and worldly reality of the very same DIVINITY that also produces


monks and sadhus and sages and awatars! The same MA and BABA who create all this


magic and whose BABIES we all are: Grihasta and Brahmachari!


It is for the BABIES of those CELESTIAL PARENTS that we all must work towards &

that includes the grihasta and the brahmachari and the rest of the fauna and

flora! I KNOW that the YUGAS will bring pralayas and we all shall return to

where we started and ACTUALLY never left!


That is what to me personally has always meant SATURN's message and SATURN'S

BLESSINGS! STAMBHAN (of any planet) perhaps in transit or even in natal

represents SATURN, while atichara represents some other astrological- factor...



Saturn is that KHOONTI (hindi Khoonti and not bangla khoonti!) to which the goat

(astrological reality starting with aries/mesha) is tied to with the illusive

rope of free-will, as Thakur Paramahansa' s allegory reminds us.


I have always wondered as to why RamKrishna used the goat as the animal in the

metaphor! Goats are known to have an innate GIFT for chewing incessantly! What

if they decide to chew on the rope that tie them fatalistically to SATURN?

Emancipation can come to GOATS too, can it not?


I hope the GOATs are listening? I mean CHEWING!! Regards, Rohiniranjan


• [Rohini Da,


Grihasthas are not ants. All other ashramas depend on them. While sanyaasis, fed

by grihasthas, look after moksha, Dharma in this world is maintained by

Grihasthas. Unfortunately, most of the grihasthas in kaliyuga have become

grihastas (grih-asta : combust in the home).




• Vinay_jee,


As far as combustion is concerned, often touched upon earlier -- a new question

since the earliers remained unanswered:


Does the Sun becomes combust when each evening he goes ASTA in the west?


I had heard another version too!


Griha -- Sthaa


When the griha comes to stay (comes back HOME) griha-sthaa!


SATURN again! Chores and hard repetitive work, day in and day out! Like the

lowly ants (grihasthas! ) need to finish before they get access to their

computers ;-)


Count your blessings... !




• Sir,


The ongoing discussion and the initiative taken to elaborate Kalachakra dasa

needs to be complemented. AS most of us show eagerness to apply mostly the Chara

Dasa or Vimshottari though KCD application seems to work better in some

cases(b4 and after war times) found to be more precise.Few people actually

make effort to apply KCD and in this context Shri Vinay Ji efforts are laudible.


His software too should enhance the enthusiasm as the development was made after

thorough study of classsiclas, though it is mainly oriented towards surya

siddhantic principles.Unfortun ately my efforts to load and use on window Vista

never gave me the personal satisfaction to understand the efficacy of

software.Some of our JT members,however endorsed compliments.


The criticism for and against these initiative of Shri VJ need not be be taken

with grin as they r not meant towards personal efforts nor to take with

grin.Certainly his contribution to educate and develop astrology in the present

times shall definetely help those worried about apocalypse relating to 21st Dec.


and remove all doubts that the order of the Nature is very much stable and

nothing to apprehend catastophy. The recent unexpected events in chile,Japan and

impending tectonic movements it is evident the world is under transformation.

(but disintegration? )This feeling emerges more when people's hard earned money

does not also seems to be secure. Be the Mars in Cancer,Ketu in Gemini aspect ed

by Saturn in Virgo,with exalted venus in Pisces.Religious sentiments certainly

getting brow beaten.and the soothsayer known as Devaguru seems to be feeble

though he is out from debilitation but shadowed with Guru Chandal Yoga in rahu's

Stabhisha. The worried worls need some sigh of relief and is certainly a hope

that can come through with the efforts being made by our members and encouraging

members from time to time.The benifit out of these crtical discussions Iam sure

members will take them in right earnes and laud all those with penchant to do

write some

thing different from routine and explore all the past base and make the

knowledge reachable to common man.


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling


services)Dr. B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans KarmaÂ


• Krishnan Ji,


I am trying to update my software making platforms. I live in a remote place and

I get pirated things at company prices. Hence, it is taking too much time.


Earlier, I had worked with physical astronomy, which was my first love since I

was 11 years old. I gave it up in astrology nearly 12 years ago when I got

irrefutable proofs of " astrological " fitness of




The world is certainly heading towards a major sea change (first khanda-kalpa of

present Kaliyuga), but it is not a Doomsday. I think the worst is over and we

are heading towards better days. World population will decrease henceforth and

Kaalachakra is moving backwards : from


Japan to Korea, then to China and finally to India's rise in the raashi of

Vrish, and from USA-Canada to Western Europe, then to south-east Europe (Rome,

Greece) and then to Egypt and Sudan in the Simha raashi. This Drikpakshiya

theory has not fully survived.


• I ask this, because some of the things you wrote, Vinay_jee, struck a



So is it the COUNTRIES (China, Korea, India, Congo, Iraq, Afghanistan and their

political situations and economies etc...) that are going to progress or will

the human-individuals who may be Indian today but may be born in Japan or Iraq,

in their very next lifetime! Or perhaps insects shall rule the universe, yet



Something tells me that there is going to be a next lifetime -- several perhaps

because KALIYUGA is not fully done yet!


What do you think?




• Human beings will fare according to theor own individual karmas, while

countries will fare according to fixed laws of mundane jyotisha. During my

school days, I wondered why most of the rich persons are born in rich countries



It is only the beginning of Kaliyuga. Only 5110 years have elapsed. 426890 years

are yet to come, during which there will be nine more socalled Doomsdays. -VJ


• Dear Vinay_jee,


Yes humanity still has a fair amount of time! Even by Sri Yukteshwar Giri's

reckoning which baffles many -- as does the ayanamsha that 'astronomical books'

were following, as also the 54 " annual rate of progression that he shared with

us all in The Holy Science -- primarily written for a specific purpose in 1894


-- as clearly stated by Yogananda's Gurujee.


In fact, even if we all who are chattering away wisely here and elsewhere were

to be suddenly decimated into our 'elements' C, N, O, S and a bunch of other

pieces that belong to the periodic table, would that put CREATION to an end? Or



Sometimes the Puppeteer (whose performance it really is -- and not of the

puppet!) is so skilled, like some parents are -- that the puppet really carries

the show, and never manages to figure out who was pulling the strings and who

was really in control!


Either way, the PARENT/PUPPETEER wins because after all whose show it is, after






• Dear Sir,


It is only micro organisms that will have a longer life over arthropods or


milli/centipeds. The fast changing climate and emissions make humans with

shields looking like scietific Avatasrs.


Insects,I mean UFO's ruling of course a scientific version.Like Man with a Calti

Ka Naam gadi is also Chatushpada. The over take or scientific explosion put man

behind .so the waning of the homosapiens is the question of time,say distant end

of Kaliyuga.


Having to be a japanee or Iraquee in the next birth will be a major wish,as in

India it is develop..... . " ing "


other nations like Korea(except congo) including Iraq,japan and the lattest

Afganisthan are having less of history and Nations in making will no doubt

emerge further will have a major say in Global matters.


China and Congo may still be there what the histories of these countries

convey.Of course not even century hold has hopes but yet in baking stage.The

cake before it is made is target for many to cut and celebrate.yet the land of

Ganga,Jamna may boast of very 5th and 9th house.But drikdrishti theory may

further fail these hopes.


Exception seems to be the Vikruti Nanam samvatsaram where orderliness is

predicted for this nation to progress and bring reforms.Not Certainly women's

Reservation Bill nor the debated Nuclear bill of the past.


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets

are neutral Controllers of Mans KarmaÂ


• Krishnan dada,


Please tell us more about the *drikdrishti* theory you mentioned about towards

the end of your message (quoted below).


Very early on in my pursuance of astrology, SAMBANDHA in the horoscope became a


crucial point of attention for me and that is where SYNTHESIS became such an

important point-of-focus. Drishti (when eyes meet) is very synthetic, of course.




• sir,


As all of us Surya Siddhanta has a unque system oc classificcation. like India

Meru .........Dakshna dhk bhage....... ...etc.For mundane purpose this is


followed by some jyotishis.


2.Basically in Munadane Astrology,others more or less of the Parasara the

location /situation of regions ,countries was thought to be based on drik

pakshiya drishti.(Disa. /direction) .


This resulted in cluster and was lacking clarity to find the correctness of

astrological progress vis a vis their destiny/fate/ .So this too has become



3..Also people hold the view the independence/ liberation day chart too are not



The analysis for mundane purpose as of now based on conventional model has been

revised.Now based the disatnce from equator,and georphical data,a chkra has been


drwan and it's traditional as well as scientific importance is yet to be



Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(Dear Sir ji; Pt. Chandra Munni Pathak has

an interesting


note in his commentary on


lalkitab; i don't know how to translate it into English so i am putting it as

such in Romanised Hindi;


" " 1. Bharat mein grahon ka jyotishiye jyan saurmandal ke grahon se




nahin hai, apitu ek aisa sidhanth hai, jisme yeh bataya gaya hai ki kissi bhi


prakrtik - aprakritik ikkayion me balrekhaon se bane oorja uttsarjan bindu kaun


kaun hain. Saurmandal ke grahon ki pehchan bhi isi sidhant ke tahat ki gayi,


isliye inme samanta pratit hoti hai " .




Kulbir Bains


• Dear Vinay,


I generally do not like to get into an argument match, especially on lists. Yet,

I do not understand how you presumed that I have not read out what you wrote. I

merely said that antardashas of Kalchakradasha are mentioned in BPHS and gave

you the page number since you specifically said that BPHS does not have them.


You are saying that the adhyaaya on antardashas is assumed to be of antardasha

by the editors and claim that Parashara did not write any verses that can lead

the editors to it. You may like to read the verse at page 380 of the same

edition where " MeshaMshe svaantare bhaume---- " is written and the mention of

antardasha is there beyond any doubt.


Parashara has given the method of calculating Aantardashas pretty unambiguously

and anyone who reads the BPHS properly can make out what he is saying. I too

think that un necessary complications are sought to be brought in about drawing

of antardashas especially in the KCD scheme. But then I see you have given

something called Karka mahadasha of KCD'S Antardasha order as 4,5,3,10,11,



Your statement is the article is- " Antardashaas (AD) should be deduced likewise

according to Vimshottari scheme, ie Karka mahadasha will have Karka AD as the

first AD producing following sequence of AD in Karka : 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6.

Pratyantara & c may be deduced likewise. "


May I ask you whether this is the order of antardashas if the dasha order begins

from BharaNi 4th pada where the order of KCD is 4,5,3,2,1,12, 11,10 and 9, that

is it begins with Karka? If it follows the order given by you , how does it fit

in with the manner Parashara told to look at the Antardasha in Vimshottari

scheme? Regards, Chandrashekhar.


• Chandrashekhar Sharma Ji,


You are deliberately distorting my words to invert my meanings. I wrote




BPHS mentions " mahaadashaa " but does not mention the word " antardashaa " . The

title " kalachakraantardas haaphalaadhyaaya " is not a part of verses written by

Sage Parashara but the handiwork of editor who rightly felt that the topic was

on AD.




I said BPHS does not mention the word " antardasha " but the editor rightly felt

that the topic was on AD. You overlooked the word " rightly " and tried to distort

my statement.


Another mistake by you is that you read " editors " instead of " editor " . Pt

Sitaram Jha wrongly labeled that chapter as AD, but Chowkhamba edition by Pt

Devachandra Jha correctly labels it as " Kaalachakra- dashaa-phalaadhy aaya " . Why

you assume all editors are unanimous ? Pt Sitaram Jha was a good pandit but too

enthusiastic at many places. The first verse in that chapter says it is on

" Kaalachakra- dashaaphalam " . Hence, this chapter was wrongly labeled as


AD by Pt Sitaram Jha, because it is actually about AD, PD, SD and PrD. In a

previous chapter, Sage Parashara says KCD's MD should be deduced according to

Vimshottari. There too, the mention of MD implies there must be lower periods.

In the chapter " Kaalachakra- dashaa-phalaadhy aaya " which Pt Sitaram Jha wrongly

labeled as


" Kaalachakra- antardashaa- phalaadhyaaya " , nine sub-periods of all twelve

raashis are mentioned, which you construe as only for AD while I take it for

nine ADs for raashis of MD, nine PDs for raashis of AD, nine SDs for raashis of

PD, and nine PranDs for raashis of SD. Had it not been so, the text would have

mentioned AD instead of KCD in general at the beginning of this chapter.


My reply to RCS was merely to induce him to read my article before discussing. I

still repeat AD is nowhere " mentioed " in BPHS, but Pt Sitaram Jha " rightly "

guessed AD was implied. You misunderstood my message because you brought my

statements out of context and changed


some words to distort my meanings. This type of dialogue is used when you want

to vanquish an opponent and understanding others is not one's aim.


Discussion on KCD was going on in another forum (vedic astrology) between other

members and PVR Narasimha Rao. Concerning that thread, I had some

correspondences with PVR Narasimha Rao Ji at my private email ID (I had

complained about defects in default KCD in JHORA). He clarified that JHORA has

many defaults according to Sanjay Rath's scheme which PVR does not deem fit, and

PVR's own method is given under the option " Raghavacharya Method " . After this

correspondence, I copied parts of my message to him and posted it at my own

website. Then, I informed this forum about that webpage. I had no intention to

start any


discussion thread in this forum. Since my article was merely a part of my

message to PVR, the AD mentioned in my article was merely an elucidation of that

case which PVR had mentioned in his thread in vedic astrology (about which he

has very heated differences with his Guru Pt Sanjay Rath). Mr Rath gives a wrong

sequence of second pada of Ashwinyaadi while PVR gave a correct sequence which I

supported. BPHS gives 15 sequences out of 16, and this Ashwinyaadi- 2 was

missing in


BPHS. In my article, I elaborated how this missing sequence should be

reconstructed along the scheme of BPHS. It is not my discovery. Since the

discussion was on Ashwinyaadi- 2 (10,11,12,8, 7,6,4,5,3) , I gave an example of

Karka MD's nine ADs from this sequence as


4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6. This is not the only type of Karka MD in LCD. Karka

navamsha is present in 12 out of 16 sequences, hence there will be twelve types

of Karka MD. I am giving the whole list at my webpage to


clear the confusion. I have too many tasks and I hardly find time to write

articles now-a-days. My article on KCD is not even a summary of all important

aspects of KCD and much is wanting in it. Only the basic scheme was outlined in

it, and the sole purpose of this article was to prove the validity of A-2

sequence (Ashwinyaadi- 2 : 10,11,12,8,7, 6,4,5,3) which PVR is holding against

Pt Sanjay Rath and against Sri Jyoti Star. -VJ


• Dear Sir,


1Since nakshtra r basically savya(15) and apasavya(12) based and also on DEHA

and Jeeva accordingly some ambiguity is KCD is there.Further nakshtra pada also

decides commencement of Dasa .For ex bharani 4th,the order is as mentioned by

Shri Chandrsekhar Ji.where as antar dasa also floows same order working out

paramyu as 86yrs.


2.Parasara certainly has also taken dasa visleshan based Kalchakradasa. But some

how the working out of dasa of KCD has three methods as explained by BVR in his



It appears,some problem in interpretation lead to differences. Like wise

application of KCD for anlysis also there were different views.Some opine if

venus is strong in natal chart or based on Moon if strong etc.


In KCD dasaa basically proceed by three distinct steps.1.Mandooka2. Markata and

3.Simhavalokana, keeping basically svaya and apasavya clasification of

Nakshtras. 3.//4,5,3,2, 1,12, 11,10 and 9, that is it begins with Karka?//As per

KCD scheme this is Correct.


4. //But then I see you have given something called...//There seems to be

typographical mistake.


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling 7 March 2010


• I have explained the main problem of KCD in


http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Kalachakra- dashaa -VJ


• Vinayji,


I have read your voluminous response. Actually that is the very reason I usually

do not like to enter into arguments on the lists.


I am sad that you think I am distorting your statement. There is no need to do

so. I pasted what you said in the mail, while attributing quotes to you. That

you choose to change your stand from mail to mail makes it difficult to continue

this argument. But for the record in the mail to RC you also said


" Can you show me where BPHS has mentioned even the existence of AD in KCD ? The

very idea of AD in KCD is a conjecture which may be right of wrong. BPHS has a

separate chapter on KCD-phalaadhyaaya containing 37 verse, besides 55 verses

about Phala in initial chapter on KCD. These results are about MD. "


So you yourself said that BPHS does not mention antardashas. When I give you

shloka to show that antar dasha is mentioned in BPHS, you want to go off on a

tangent about PD,SD, and so on. Even now you insist on your stand and say " I

still repeat AD is nowhere " mentioed " in BPHS, but Pt Sitaram Jha " rightly "

guessed AD was implied. " Why not explain what is meant by MeshaaMshe svaantare

bhaume... " if the word antar is not mentioning antardasha, what does is it

mentioning and where is the guess work on part of Sitaram Jha?


Now you are saying Parashara said that Kalachakra Mahadashas should follow

Vimshottari pattern. Your sentence is " In a previous chapter, Sage Parashara

says KCD's MD should be deduced according to Vimshottari. " Why not give the

shloka and chapter number and verse number to support your argument? That would

support what you are saying.


I do not think what arguments are going on other forum are of any relevance



You have still not answered my original question of variation of antardasha

order for Karka. You say there more karka Mahadashas, with different order, that

I agree. So why not give a few with whom the order of antardasha given by you

matches and also indicate why it would not match the Karka Mahadasha order for

the nakshatra given and also what Mahadasha order with Karka Mahadasha cycle

follows the order that you suggest where with antardasha following the same


order would be " 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6. " as claimed by you. That may allow all

of us to learn more than accusing me of deliberately distorting what you are



I do not think merely saying people are not understanding you or that they are

quoting out of context or they are deliberately distorting what you say and they

do not read your article does not prove your point at all. I do not create any

sort of astro software so I do not have any reason to distort anyone's

statements. Regards, Chandrashekhar.


• Chandrashekhar Sharma Ji,


You wrote : <<<


Now you are saying Parashara said that Kalachakra Mahadashas should follow

Vimshottari pattern. Your sentence is " In a previous chapter,


Sage Parashara says KCD's MD should be deduced according to Vimshottari. " Why

not give the shloka and chapter number and verse number to support your

argument? That would support what you are saying. >>>


You have not read the Chowkhamba edition by Pt Devachandra Jha which says :

" Vimshottariva raasheenaam navaanaam syaat-mahaadashaa " (verse 88 in the chapter

Dashaabhedaadhyaaya ). Please read it.


Your citation of the words " MeshaaMshe svaantare bhaume... " has again convinced

me that you are perhaps ignorant of differences in various editions of BHPS. In

many fora (mostly in another forum) including this, I had started some discussed

threads on various editions of BPHS,


and had announced my plan to collect all published editions and available

manuscripts of BPHS for publishing a critical edition of BPHS.


No internet user has helped in this plan so far, but I have not given up this

plan. In those threads, I said the Chowkhamba edition edited by Pt Devachandra

Jha is based on largest number on manuscripts and is therefore most authentic,

although it contains only 98 chapters and two


chapters and many verses in other chapters are missing or less than

satisfactory. Some other editions were also discussed in those threads.


Your verse " MeshaaMshe svaantare bhaume... " does not occur anywhere in the

edition I found to be most authentic. Pt Sitaram Jha was (ill-) famous for

inventing new meanings on unsound foundations. Some pandit has rewritten many

verses of BPHS during modern age and I am still at a loss to identify that



I do not believe that Chowkhamba edition by Pt Devachandra Jha is 100% accurate.

I want a critical edition taking help from all available sources. Edition or

translating is a small part, the main problem is collection of various variants

of BPHS.


I had said that the article on KCD was not an independent article but merely

copied from my answer to PVR in another forum. I have not written any

comprehensive article or even a full summary of KCD. As for AD, I did not give

my own opinion on computing ADs because PVR also did not explain his own ; he

simply said his method is based on a Telugu book of 1930 and he does not know

the source of that book. Either PVR has not read Phaladeepikaa or does not

respect it and values a dubious Telugu book more than traditionally respected

texts. If you have not read Phaladeepikaa, please read it , you will find it to

be in harmony with BPHS and it elaborates the missing points of BPHS as far as

KCD AD is concerned. I am not going to write any article on this point, even if

you repeat your charges of dishonesty on me.


Asd far as " 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6 " is concerned, it was the sequence of PVR

against the wrong sequence given by Pt Sanjay Rath. I found PVR's sequence to be

in harmony with BPHS. If you are really interested in knowing the sequences of

KCD MD/Ad, read Phaladeepikaa. If not, you are free to find additional sins in



You said : " I do not create any sort of astro software so I do not have any

reason to distort anyone's statements. " No software maker has ever tried to

distort my statements. Now I believe you are not deliberately distorting my

statements. The fault lies in your belief in certain edition and ignorance of

other editions of BPHS. It is not my fault for which you are accusing me of

falsehood and dishonesty. As for RCS, I was not merely provoking him to study

properly, because he was citing BPHS's 56 non-existent verses on AD's phala !!!


All your doubts will be answered in Phaladeepikaa.




============ ==== ===


• Dear Krishnan,


I think there is more confusion about Kalchakra dasha than any other dasha

simply because though it is called as one of the important dashas, people tend

to find more than what is there in it. You are right there are basically three

Gatis, but now it seems people are inventing more gatis or giving the old ones

new names. That is good to see in print but I doubt if it helps.


People tend to argue more about what is right than taking pains to read that

which is clearly stated. The use of the dasha is simple if one understands it



As a matter of fact I began penning a book on it, and it is half complete but

since I am at present translating one of my own books under direction from

Mahamandaleshwar of a respected Akhada, that has taken a back seat.






• <<<


You are right there are basically three Gatis, but now it seems people are

inventing more gatis or giving the old ones new names.




This sentence is clearly against me, because I wrote that only the negative

Gatis are mentioned in BPHS and positive Gatis are not named. It is not my

invention, as Mr Chandrashekhar Sharma falsely charges.


He says " I began penning a book on it (KCD) " but seems to be ignorant of the

fact that all three gatis mentined in BPHS are bad, but many people have good

phases in their lives too. Secondly, BPHS gives many sequences such as

1,2,3,.... which do not come under either of mandooki, markati or

simhaavalokana. Hence, there must be more than three gatis and any additional

gati must be benefic. Only malefic Durgatis are mentioned in PHS (as gatis).


Mr Chandrashekhar Sharma claims to an expert on KCD but is ignorant of this fact

as well as of other facts. Recently he refused to accept that KCD's MD should be

deduced according to Vimshottari and asked me to show the verse. The verse is

" ...Vimshottariva raasheenaam navaanaam syaat-mahaadashaa " (verse 88 in the

chapter Dashaabhedaadhyaaya ). "


I never wrote any independent article of KCD. Recently, I saw a debate between

Mr Sanjay Rath and PVR Narasimha Rao. I found PVR to correct on one point. I

wrote something to PVR on that point, and pasted my answer on my website too. It

was not a comprehensive article on KCD not. On AD, I did give any detailed

analysis, but only some brief comments on the topic which PVR and Mr Rath were

discussing. I think there is no need of any new article on KCD because

Phaladeepikaa has elaborated it beautifully. Some astrologers are creating

unncessary controversies about KCD. Phaladeepikaa is based on BPHS and

Chandrashekhar Ji has not read some important editions of BPHS (cf.

" ...Vimshottariva raasheenaam navaanaam syaat-mahaadashaa " ). -VJ


, " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashek

har wrote:




> Dear Vinayji,




> You seem to change the goal post every time some one comes near the goal. Was

it not you who first said that there is no reference to Antardasha when I had

given the title of Sitaram Jha or rather Kheladilal edition? So now why the

sudden quote from the Devachandra Jha edition? Any way the shloka you are

quoting does not say that Kalachakra dasha should be deduced in accordance with

Vimshottari dashas. At least the shloka you quote does not say so.




> I have many more editions of BPHS with me including even the Ganeshdatta

Pathaka one, and one with all the 1000 chapters. So please do not assume that

everybody other than you is unaware of the different editions of BPHS in





> You are again referring to the other threads on which you have written,

whereas I have made it amply clear that my response was restricted to the

original thread where you wrote that antar dashas of KCD are not mentioned but

Sitaram Jha only deduced so.




> I can sense that you do not want to respond to direct question and are now

attributing the dasha sequence to Narasimha where as it was in your mail. It is

apparent you do not believe in answering a direct question and skirting it by

writing voluminous mails. On the one hand you quote Devchandra Jha commentary in

your support and then again say it is not complete. If that is so, why the

insistence that one should only interpret the KCD on the basis of what is said





> I have read PhaladIpika and it is not the only text, besides BPHS, that gives

Kalchakra dasha There are many more. But now that you have brought up that

subject, do you draw KCD according to the Vakya system, as indicated by

Mantreshvar and if so how? Why not give examples of why and how Vakya differs

from normal panchanga calculations, since you seem to imply that you are the

only authority on KCD and imply that others have not read any texts. That may

help jyotish fraternity more than this jumping from one text to other.




> Regards,


> Chandrashekhar




> -


> VJha




> Monday, March 08, 2010 3:59 PM


> Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods








> Chandrashekhar Sharma Ji,




> You wrote :




> <<<


> Now you are saying Parashara said that Kalachakra Mahadashas should


> follow Vimshottari pattern. Your sentence is " In a previous chapter,


> Sage Parashara says KCD's MD should be deduced according to Vimshottari.


> " Why not give the shloka and chapter number and verse number to support


> your argument? That would support what you are saying.


> >>>




> You have not read the Chowkhamba edition by Pt Devachandra Jha which


> says : " Vimshottariva raasheenaam navaanaam syaat-mahaadashaa " (verse 88


> in the chapter Dashaabhedaadhyaaya ). Please read it.




> Your citation of the words " MeshaaMshe svaantare bhaume... " has again


> convinced me that you are perhaps ignorant of differences in various


> editions of BHPS. In many fora (mostly in another forum) including


> this, I had started some discussed threads on various editions of BPHS,


> and had announced my plan to collect all published editions and


> available manuscripts of BPHS for publishing a critical edition of BPHS.


> No internet user has helped in this plan so far, but I have not given up


> this plan. In those threads, I said the Chowkhamba edition edited by Pt


> Devachandra Jha is based on largest number on manuscripts and is


> therefore most authentic, although it contains only 98 chapters and two


> chapters and many verses in other chapters are missing or less than


> satisfactory. Some other editions were also discussed in those threads.


> Your verse " MeshaaMshe svaantare bhaume... " does not occur anywhere in


> the edition I found to be most authentic. Pt Sitaram Jha was (ill-)


> famous for inventing new meanings on unsound foundations. Some pandit


> has rewritten many verses of BPHS during modern age and I am still at a


> loss to identify that pandit/pandits.




> I do not believe that Chowkhamba edition by Pt Devachandra Jha is 100%


> accurate. I want a critical edition taking help from all available


> sources. Edition or translating is a small part, the main problem is


> collection of various variants of BPHS.




> I had said that the article on KCD was not an independent article but


> merely copied from my answer to PVR in another forum. I have not written


> any comprehensive article or even a full summary of KCD. As for AD, I


> did not give my own opinion on computing ADs because PVR also did not


> explain his own ; he simply said his method is based on a Telugu book of


> 1930 and he does not know the source of that book. Either PVR has not


> read Phaladeepikaa or does not respect it and values a dubious Telugu


> book more than traditionally respected texts. If you have not read


> Phaladeepikaa, please read it , you will find it to be in harmony with


> BPHS and it elaborates the missing points of BPHS as far as KCD AD is


> concerned. I am not going to write any article on this point, even if


> you repeat your charges of dishonesty on me.




> Asd far as " 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6 " is concerned, it was the sequence of


> PVR against the wrong sequence given by Pt Sanjay Rath. I found PVR's


> sequence to be in harmony with BPHS. If you are really interested in


> knowing the sequences of KCD MD/Ad, read Phaladeepikaa. If not, you are


> free to find additional sins in me.




> You said : " I do not create any sort of astro software so I do not


> have any reason to distort anyone's statements. " No software maker has


> ever tried to distort my statements. Now I believe you are not


> deliberately distorting my statements. The fault lies in your belief in


> certain edition and ignorance of other editions of BPHS. It is not my


> fault for which you are accusing me of falsehood and dishonesty. As for


> RCS, I was not merely provoking him to study properly, because he was


> citing BPHS's 56 non-existent verses on AD's phala !!!




> All your doubts will be answered in Phaladeepikaa.




> -VJ


> ============ ==== ===


> , " Chandrashekhar "


> <sharma.chandrashek har@> wrote:


> >


> > Vinayji,


> >


> > I have read your voluminous response. Actually that is the very reason


> I usually do not like to enter into arguments on the lists.


> >


> > I am sad that you think I am distorting your statement. There is no


> need to do so. I pasted what you said in the mail, while attributing


> quotes to you. That you choose to change your stand from mail to mail


> makes it difficult to continue this argument. But for the record in the


> mail to RC you also said


> > " Can you show me where BPHS has mentioned even the existence of AD in


> KCD ? The very idea of AD in KCD is a conjecture which may be right of


> wrong. BPHS has a separate chapter on KCD-phalaadhyaaya containing 37


> verse, besides 55 verses about Phala in initial chapter on KCD. These


> results are about MD. "


> >


> > So you yourself said that BPHS does not mention antardashas. When I


> give you shloka to show that antar dasha is mentioned in BPHS, you want


> to go off on a tangent about PD,SD, and so on. Even now you insist on


> your stand and say " I still repeat AD is nowhere " mentioed " in BPHS, but


> Pt Sitaram Jha " rightly " guessed AD was implied. " Why not explain what


> is meant by " MeshaaMshe svaantare bhaume... " if the word antar is not


> mentioning antardasha, what does is it mentioning and where is the guess


> work on part of Sitaram Jha?


> >


> > Now you are saying Parashara said that Kalachakra Mahadashas should


> follow Vimshottari pattern. Your sentence is " In a previous chapter,


> Sage Parashara says KCD's MD should be deduced according to Vimshottari.


> " Why not give the shloka and chapter number and verse number to support


> your argument? That would support what you are saying.


> >


> > I do not think what arguments are going on other forum are of any


> relevance here.


> >


> > You have still not answered my original question of variation of


> antardasha order for Karka. You say there more karka Mahadashas, with


> different order, that I agree. So why not give a few with whom the order


> of antardasha given by you matches and also indicate why it would not


> match the Karka Mahadasha order for the nakshatra given and also what


> Mahadasha order with Karka Mahadasha cycle follows the order that you


> suggest where with antardasha following the same order would be


> " 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6. " as claimed by you. That may allow all of us to


> learn more than accusing me of deliberately distorting what you are


> saying?


> >


> > I do not think merely saying people are not understanding you or that


> they are quoting out of context or they are deliberately distorting


> what you say and they do not read your article does not prove your point


> at all. I do not create any sort of astro software so I do not have any


> reason to distort anyone's statements.


> >


> > Regards,


> > Chandrashekhar.


> >


> >


> >


> > -


> > VJha


> >


> > Sunday, March 07, 2010 9:42 AM


> > Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods


> >


> >


> >


> > Chandrashekhar Sharma Ji,


> >


> > You are deliberately distorting my words to invert my meanings. I


> wrote


> > :


> >


> > <<<


> > BPHS mentions " mahaadashaa " but does not mention the word


> " antardashaa " .


> > The title " kalachakraantardas haaphalaadhyaaya " is not a part of


> verses


> > written by Sage Parashara but the handiwork of editor who rightly


> felt


> > that the topic was on AD.


> > >>>


> >


> > I said BPHS does not mention the word " antardasha " but the editor


> > rightly felt that the topic was on AD. You overlooked the word


> " rightly "


> > and tried to distort my statement.


> >


> > Another mistake by you is that you read " editors " instead of


> " editor " .


> > Pt Sitaram Jha wrongly labeled that chapter as AD, but Chowkhamba


> > edition by Pt Devachandra Jha correctly labels it as


> > " Kaalachakra- dashaa-phalaadhy aaya " . Why you assume all editors are


> > unanimous ? Pt Sitaram Jha was a good pandit but too enthusiastic at


> > many places. The first verse in that chapter says it is on


> > " Kaalachakra- dashaaphalam " . Hence, this chapter was wrongly labeled


> as


> > AD by Pt Sitaram Jha, because it is actually about AD, PD, SD and


> PrD.


> > In a previous chapter, Sage Parashara says KCD's MD should be


> deduced


> > according to Vimshottari. There too, the mention of MD implies there


> > must be lower periods. In the chapter


> " Kaalachakra- dashaa-phalaadhy aaya "


> > which Pt Sitaram Jha wrongly labeled as


> > " Kaalachakra- antardashaa- phalaadhyaaya " , nine sub-periods of all


> twelve


> > raashis are mentioned, which you construe as only for AD while I


> take it


> > for nine ADs for raashis of MD, nine PDs for raashis of AD, nine SDs


> for


> > raashis of PD, and nine PranDs for raashis of SD. Had it not been


> so,


> > the text would have mentioned AD instead of KCD in general at the


> > beginning of this chapter.


> >


> > My reply to RCS was merely to induce him to read my article before


> > discussing. I still repeat AD is nowhere " mentioed " in BPHS, but Pt


> > Sitaram Jha " rightly " guessed AD was implied. You misunderstood my


> > message because you brought my statements out of context and changed


> > some words to distort my meanings. This type of dialogue is used


> when


> > you want to vanquish an opponent and understanding others is not


> one's


> > aim.


> >


> > Discussion on KCD was going on in another forum (vedic astrology)


> > between other members and PVR Narasimha Rao. Concerning that thread,


> I


> > had some correspondences with PVR Narasimha Rao Ji at my private


> email


> > ID (I had complained about defects in default KCD in JHORA). He


> > clarified that JHORA has many defaults according to Sanjay Rath's


> > scheme which PVR does not deem fit, and PVR's own method is given


> under


> > the option " Raghavacharya Method " . After this correspondence, I


> copied


> > parts of my message to him and posted it at my own website. Then, I


> > informed this forum about that webpage. I had no intention to start


> any


> > discussion thread in this forum. Since my article was merely a part


> of


> > my message to PVR, the AD mentioned in my article was merely an


> > elucidation of that case which PVR had mentioned in his thread in


> > vedic astrology (about which he has very heated differences with his


> > Guru Pt Sanjay Rath). Mr Rath gives a wrong sequence of second pada


> of


> > Ashwinyaadi while PVR gave a correct sequence which I supported.




> > gives 15 sequences out of 16, and this Ashwinyaadi- 2 was missing in


> > BPHS. In my article, I elaborated how this missing sequence should


> be


> > reconstructed along the scheme of BPHS. It is not my discovery.


> Since


> > the discussion was on Ashwinyaadi- 2 (10,11,12,8, 7,6,4,5,3) , I gave


> an


> > example of Karka MD's nine ADs from this sequence as


> > 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6. This is not the only type of Karka MD in LCD.


> > Karka navamsha is present in 12 out of 16 sequences, hence there


> will be


> > twelve types of Karka MD. I am giving the whole list at my webpage


> to


> > clear the confusion. I have too many tasks and I hardly find time to


> > write articles now-a-days. My article on KCD is not even a summary


> of


> > all important aspects of KCD and much is wanting in it. Only the


> basic


> > scheme was outlined in it, and the sole purpose of this article was


> to


> > prove the validity of A-2 sequence (Ashwinyaadi- 2 :


> > 10,11,12,8,7, 6,4,5,3) which PVR is holding against Pt Sanjay Rath


> and


> > against Sri Jyoti Star.


> >


> > -VJ


> > ============ ===== ====


> > , " Chandrashekhar "


> > sharma.chandrashekh ar@ wrote:


> > >


> > > Dear Vinay,


> > >


> > > I generally do not like to get into an argument match, especially


> on


> > lists. Yet, I do not understand how you presumed that I have not


> read


> > out what you wrote. I merely said that antardashas of Kalchakradasha


> are


> > mentioned in BPHS and gave you the page number since you


> specifically


> > said that BPHS does not have them.


> > >


> > > You are saying that the adhyaaya on antardashas is assumed to be


> of


> > antardasha by the editors and claim that Parashara did not write any


> > verses that can lead the editors to it. You may like to read the


> verse


> > at page 380 of the same edition where " MeshaMshe svaantare


> bhaume---- "


> > is written and the mention of antardasha is there beyond any doubt.


> > >


> > > Parashara has given the method of calculating Aantardashas pretty


> > unambiguously and anyone who reads the BPHS properly can make out


> what


> > he is saying. I too think that un necessary complications are sought


> to


> > be brought in about drawing of antardashas especially in the KCD


> scheme.


> > But then I see you have given something called Karka mahadasha of




> > Antardasha order as 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6.


> > >


> > > Your statement is the article is- " Antardashaas (AD) should be


> deduced


> > likewise according to Vimshottari scheme, ie Karka mahadasha will


> have


> > Karka AD as the first AD producing following sequence of AD in Karka


> :


> > 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6. Pratyantara & c may be deduced likewise. "


> > >


> > > May I ask you whether this is the order of antardashas if the


> dasha


> > order begins from BharaNi 4th pada where the order of KCD is


> > 4,5,3,2,1,12, 11,10 and 9, that is it begins with Karka? If it


> follows


> > the order given by you , how does it fit in with the manner


> Parashara


> > told to look at the Antardasha in Vimshottari scheme?


> > >


> > > Regards,


> > > Chandrashekhar.


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > > -


> > > VJha


> > >


> > > Saturday, March 06, 2010 11:39 PM


> > > Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > > Mr Chandrashekhar,


> > >


> > > Without reading my article in which I described the method of


> > working


> > > out MD, AD, PD, etc of KCD besides elucidating the correct method


> of


> > > making sequences, RCS was asking questions I had already answered.


> > >


> > > RCS said he read my article, yet he asked two wrong question s :


> > " Please


> > > educate how you work out AD and How you move to next Sequence of


> > dasa


> > > once native has reached to end of ABC OR D IN a Pada. " To it, I


> > > replied : " The very purpose of writing this article was


> elucidation


> > of


> > > those very topics which you are asking " . Yet you failed to see the


> > > point and intruded, like RCS, without reading the thread and my


> > article


> > > properly.


> > >


> > > BPHS mentions " mahaadashaa " but does not mention the word


> > " antardashaa " .


> > > The title " kalachakraantardas haaphalaadhyaaya " is not a part of


> > verses


> > > written by Sage Parashara but the handiwork of editor who rightly


> > felt


> > > that the topic was on AD. I was sure RCS would have failed to pick


> > up


> > > this point, but you helped him out.


> > >


> > > Now-a-days there are various innovations being introduced into


> KCD.


> > PVR


> > > Narasimha Rao recently described this state of confusion, after


> > which I


> > > provided the link to my article in two fora. I tried to bring out


> > the


> > > original scheme of Sage Parashara which no member has cared to


> > notice,


> > > including you and RCS. This scheme has already been worked out in


> > > Kundalee Software.


> > >


> > > -VJ


> > > ============ ==== ===


> > > , " Chandrashekhar "


> > > sharma.chandrashekh ar@ wrote:


> > > >


> > > > Dear Vinay,


> > > >


> > > > I would not interject but for your statement that BPHS does not


> > > mention antardashas in KCD. You have said " Can you show me where


> > BPHS


> > > has mentioned even the existence of AD in KCD ? "


> > > >


> > > > Please read page number 358 which has an adhyaaya called


> > > kalachakraantardash aaphalaadhyaaya, in Sitaram Jha edition. I am


> > sure


> > > you will find the results of KCD antardasha phalas there.


> > > >


> > > > So RC ji is right.


> > > >


> > > > Regards,


> > > > Chandrashekhar.


> > > > -


> > > > VJha


> > > >


> > > > Saturday, March 06, 2010 8:28 PM


> > > > Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > > To RCS :


> > > >


> > > > The very purpose of writing this article was elucidation of


> those


> > > very topics which you are asking : " how you work out AD and How


> you


> > move


> > > to next Sequence " .


> > > >


> > > > It seems you have not read this article fully. The method of AD


> > has


> > > already been described with example. Those who know how to deduce


> > > Vimshottari AD or PD will find no difficulty in understanding my


> > > comments. Some modern astrologers are spreading confusion about


> > > Shashthaashta- gati motion (6 to 11, 3 to 10 and vice versa) which


> is


> > > seen in Savya sequences (A, B) of pada-2.


> > > >


> > > > I am surprised with your statement " Apart from Gati, Deha and


> > Jeeva


> > > and KCD NAVAMSA BPHS has 56 Stanza describing results of AD


> alone. "


> > > >


> > > > Can you show me where BPHS has mentioned even the existence of


> AD


> > in


> > > KCD ? The very idea of AD in KCD is a conjecture which may be


> right


> > of


> > > wrong. BPHS has a separate chapter on KCD-phalaadhyaaya containing


> > 37


> > > verse, besides 55 verses about Phala in initial chapter on KCD.


> > These


> > > results are about MD. Since BPHS has clearly mentioned MD in KCD,


> we


> > may


> > > assume the existence of AD, PD, SD and PrD as well. Their method


> of


> > > computation has been explained in my article which you have not


> read


> > > properly.


> > > >


> > > > -VJ


> > > > ============ ========= ===


> > > > > of dasa once native has reached to end of ABC OR D IN a Pada.


> > > >


> > > > , " R C Srivastava "


> > swami.rcs@


> > > wrote:


> > > > >


> > > > >


> > > > > Dear VJ,


> > > > > Excellent summary OF KCD for those who have studied it .


> > > > > Please educate how you work out AD and How you move to next


> > > Sequence


> > > > > of dasa once native has reached to end of ABC OR D IN a Pada.


> > > > > Apart from Gati, Deha and Jeeva and KCD NAVAMSA BPHS has 56


> > Stanza


> > > > > describing results of AD alone. Therefore correct working of


> AD


> > is


> > > very important.


> > > > > With regards.


> > > > > RCS


> > > > >


> > > > >


> > > > >


> > > > >


> > > > > . Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods


> > > > > Posted by: " VJha " vinayjhaa16@ vinayjhaa16


> > > > > Fri Mar 5, 2010 10:16 pm ((PST))


> > > > >


> > > > > To All :


> > > > >


> > > > > See the following webpage for elucidation of KCD :


> > > > >


> > > > > http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Kalachakra- dashaa


> > > > >


> > > > > -VJ


> > > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >


> > > >

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Guest guest

Tejaswini Ji,

Lagna rasi Dhanur.Moon in kanya with Rahu.earthy sgin and a biped.Sign venus

gets debilitated.May have many self doubts/esteem..Also 7th is also of mercury's

gemini..So both of must be known through working environment..Good times

too..Moon in uttara nakshtra makes him egoistic and in hasta lacks

seriousness/application.problems in jobs.

moon in chitta,ruled by mars brings affinity to spouse.

Proper degrees for your details makes some more understandable picture.Sun as

Yoga karak for your husband need to be pacified.


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Wed, 3/10/10, Tejaswini Choudhari <tejaswini1384 wrote:


Tejaswini Choudhari <tejaswini1384

Re:chandra-rahu in kundali

" jo "

Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 1:59 AM


















Krishnan ji,




Ya  my daughter is 1.5yr and having a helth problem most of the time.specially



regarding my husband after 8 yrs. of expriance he doesn't get the good



so my concern is moon-rahu affecting for that.his lagn rasi is dhanu .








Tejaswini C.


Throughout life people will make you mad,


 disrespect you and treat you bad.


 Let God deal with the things they do,


cause hate in your heart will consume you too.




--- On Wed, 10/3/10, <@

. com> wrote:






Digest Number 5022




Wednesday, 10 March, 2010, 12:13 PM




Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) and Remedies




Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)






Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods Vattem Krishnan




Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods Chandrashekhar




Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods Chandrashekhar




Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods Chandrashekhar






Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA " Kulbir Bains




Re: Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA " rohinicrystal




Re: Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA " Kulbir Bains






Fw: Health Problems Bill Gill




Re: Fw: Health Problems Suresh Babu.A.G






Please Help mitali mishra






chandra-rahu in kundali Tejaswini Choudhari




Re: chandra-rahu in kundali Vattem Krishnan






Job and marraige GAURAV PANDEY






Re: Dear Amir Patel Ji Amir Patel






Study Of Transt : Loss of Opportunity @ Parampara Activists !!





Re: Study Of Transt : Loss of Opportunity @ Parampara Activists !!

Prashant Kumar G B






Q? ved prakash






kindly help...when will i get confirmed in my job?? prakash baskaran




Re: kindly help...when will i get confirmed in my job?? Suresh Babu.A.G






Re: profession Lalkitab Kb






Sade-Sati or SADay Sathi or Saadaa Sathi? rohinicrystal




Re: Sade-Sati or SADay Sathi or Saadaa Sathi? Kulbir Bains






QUIZ-3 ... rohinicrystal




Re: QUIZ-3 ... Vattem Krishnan






Re: Quiz 2 (5th march 2010 event) Vattem Krishnan


View All Topics | Create New Topic










Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods


Posted by: " Vattem Krishnan " bursar_99   bursar_99


Tue Mar 9, 2010 6:50 am (PST)






The discussions at length and clarifications are really most approapriate. In

fact time for detailed study of original texts during active employment is

problem.But late Shri Sanatanams mostly adopted from original versions has been

brought well.


BVR too through his books has not taken up exhaustively but his Astrological

Magzine made as separate topics and clarified very significantly. Except for

academic purposes,KCD may not be very handy for proper analysis. 


KCD application has been refrianed except for very limited purposes,to the

reasons cited by you.No doubt KCD has a very good classical base but the

consistency of the results matter very much.


KCD suggests for exhaustive approach by Nakshtra pada wise and gives Main

dasa.when however it comes to antardasa seems to loose track


//KCD are not figment of imagination however interpretation of slokas or


reconstruction could be at variation.//




Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 




--- On Mon, 3/8/10, Swami_rcs <swami.rcs (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:




Swami_rcs <swami.rcs (AT) gmail (DOT) com>


Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods




Monday, March 8, 2010, 3:27 PM








Dear VJ,








I must have avoided writing this mail.




I do not post mails here but read only for getting insights in some serious

topics because, this list has some real scholars like you and few others.




Your posting that initiated thread on KCD had no previous reference to

background that you now have disclosed / proposed concerning debate between PVR

and Rath. For your information there is no debate but yes there is monologue on

part of PVR in response to one mail on KCD. Perhaps they have not met for years





Any way your answer is arrogant to my questions but that's fine and displays

attitude you have learned, it is your choice.




Now let us see few statements you have made.




1. The method of AD has already been described with example.




I revisited your webpage and found none, Please check if article is published

with some part missing.




2. I am surprised with your statement " BPHS has 56 Stanza describing results of

AD alone "




.. Late Santhanam has considered slokas of Seetaram jha reliable, He also

maintained that Version of Dev chand Jha was equally reliable, but for minor

variation in concepts although both the texts originally are reconstructed.




Various people have fancy about authencity of BPHS but Concepts of KCD are not

figment of imagination however interpretation of slokas or reconstruction could

be at variation.




I do not know why you have chosen to go in tangent instead of answering simple

question posed by me and later doubts raised to be cleared By Mr Chandrasekhar.




Evidently you have not understood the questions that were asked, asking question

showed your postings are cared by people. The next possibility is you know KCD

like a pundit but does not know how it is derived and thus has evaded answers

like pundits do.




3. The very idea of AD in KCD is a conjecture which may be right of wrong.




I am not a Sanskrit scholar, But I read first time KCD from version of Ganesh

Dutt Pathak around 27 years back along with description in Phaldeepika and Jatak

parijaat with commentary by Pt Gopesh kumar Oza. Having no jyotish guru and

being busy in government job as an executive I had little time to devote and KCD

was beyond correct grasp. Around 1990 TOA carried article from Late Sri

Santhanam and also Article BY Sh K.N.Rao With Some Viveki, That roused my

interest but I found Methods advocated by Them did not work. Then came Book Of

Dr B.V.Ramn. I shall not make any comments.




What I have quoted Is from English versions made available In name Of Santhanam

( as Vol II has been not been completed by him before his demise except for

rough draft) and OF GC Sharma .About AD slokas There is a difference of Two

sloka . Mr Chandra shekhar has quoted reference from Reliable early published

BPHS ,but no one can force to change once opinion, Of what one likes to hold

right or wrong. You have your own theory and you are entitled to hold to it.




4. Their method of computation has been explained in my article which you have

not read properly.




I did not ask computation it is mentally calculable. My question was how you

work out AD?




Say in case of sub- periodization do you teach AD remain within the same cycle

for the dasa in KCD throughout. and its related issues.




5. Without reading my article in which I described the method of working out MD,

AD, PD, etc of KCD besides elucidating the correct method of making sequences,

RCS was asking questions I had already answered.




No comments needed. Teacher/ scribe have to be clear about subject before

teaching/ writing the subject.




6. is not a part of verses written by Sage Parashara but the handiwork of editor

who rightly felt that the topic was on AD. I was sure RCS would have failed to

pick up this point,




Did you check in which chand these verses are, type of Sanskrit used therein.

Age of Sanskrit if constructed is post parasar or preparshar. If you are expert

in both these areas your observations may carry weight, not otherwise. Failing

on my part does not arise for I have not learnt above but have idea of secret

behind these limited verses on AD .They are linked to Navamsa- lords. What I am

unsure is their correct calculation pattern hece my respose and query Was made.




7. . This scheme has already been worked out in Kundalee Software.




Once upon a time I installed This Software and found clumsy. Before I could work

out and check My hard disc collapsed,




Many SW has KCD scheme implemented, I am not sure None appears to have same





Please understand I do not enter into controversies. Look what K.N.Rao has Said.




http://www.journalo fastrology. com/article. php?article_ id=274




there are many astro-viruses circulating who do not discuss technically and

academically but attack each other gracelessly showing their ***********




Hope You do not fulfill such a disrespectable definition.




Plaese forgive me if my this mail contents do evoke unpleasant emotions.




With respects to all participants to this thread.








***********summary of correspondance ************ ***8




To All :




See the following webpage for elucidation of KCD :




http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Kalachakra- dashaa












Dear VJ,




Excellent summary OF KCD for those who have studied it . Please educate how you

work out AD and How you move to next Sequence of dasa once native has reached to

end of ABC OR D IN a Pada.




Apart from Gati, Deha and Jeeva and KCD NAVAMSA BPHS has 56 Stanza describing

results of AD alone. Therefore correct working of AD is very important.




With regards.








• To RCS :




The very purpose of writing this article was elucidation of those very topics

which you are asking : " how you work out AD and How you move to next Sequence " .




It seems you have not read this article fully. The method of AD has already been

described with example. Those who know how to deduce Vimshottari AD or PD will

find no difficulty in understanding my comments. Some modern astrologers are

spreading confusion about Shashthaashta- gati motion (6 to 11, 3 to 10 and vice

versa) which is seen in Savya sequences (A, B) of pada-2.




I am surprised with your statement " Apart from Gati, Deha and Jeeva and KCD




NAVAMSA BPHS has 56 Stanza describing results of AD alone. "




Can you show me where BPHS has mentioned even the existence of AD in KCD ? The




very idea of AD in KCD is a conjecture which may be right of wrong. BPHS has a




separate chapter on KCD-phalaadhyaaya containing 37 verse, besides 55 verses




about Phala in initial chapter on KCD. These results are about MD. Since BPHS




has clearly mentioned MD in KCD, we may assume the existence of AD, PD, SD and




PrD as well. Their method of computation has been explained in my article which




you have not read properly.








• Dear Vinay,




I would not interject but for your statement that BPHS does not mention

antardashas in KCD. You have said " Can you show me where BPHS has mentioned even

the existence of AD in KCD ? "




Please read page number 358 which has an adhyaaya called alachakraantardasha

aphalaadhyaaya, in Sitaram Jha edition. I am sure you will find the results of

KCD antardasha phalas there. So RC ji is right. Regards, Chandrashekhar.




• Mr Chandrashekhar,




Without reading my article in which I described the method of working out MD,

AD, PD, etc of KCD besides elucidating the correct method of making sequences,

RCS was asking questions I had already answered.




RCS said he read my article, yet he asked two wrong question s : " Please educate

how you work out AD and How you move to next Sequence of dasa once native has

reached to end of ABC OR D IN a Pada. " To it, I replied : " The very purpose of

writing this article was elucidation of




those very topics which you are asking " . Yet you failed to see the point and

intruded, like RCS, without reading the thread and my article properly.




BPHS mentions " mahaadashaa " but does not mention the word " antardashaa " . The

title " kalachakraantardas haaphalaadhyaaya " is not a part of verses written by

Sage Parashara but the handiwork of editor who rightly felt that the topic was

on AD. I was sure RCS would have failed to pick up this point, but you helped

him out.




Now-a-days there are various innovations being introduced into KCD. PVR

Narasimha Rao recently described this state of confusion, after which I provided

the link to my article in two fora. I tried to bring out the original scheme of

Sage Parashara which no member has cared to notice, including you and RCS. This

scheme has already been worked out in Kundalee Software.








• Dear Vinay_jee,




The refrain sounds familiar. Earlier too you have consistently voiced your

disappointment, chagrin, frustration that people (in general) do not read your

articles, do not try out your software, do not listen to the truth about how

astrology must be done or calculated. Now please understand that I am not

quoting you but paraphrasing based on the sense I get and I hope others who are

observing and experiencing you on internet might have made similar observations








It is pretty depressing to see such collective resistance towards one person





You are a wise person, a professor, a yogi and astrologer. In other words

someone well-equipped to figure out why this dissonant chords between your work

and the internet consumers/users! Once again, I am not telling you what you must

do (I know you are a big boy!) -- but was just wondering why this is happening

or rather occurring to you! And you have never been abusive or unreasonable in

your expressions either!




Wonder what is going on! Very intriguing.. .! Best regards, Rohiniranjan




• Rohiniranjan Ji,




Your recent comments are simply misplaced and insulting ( " you have consistently

voiced your disappointment, chagrin, frustration that people (in general) do not

read your articles, do not try out your software, do not listen to the truth " ).




You do not know me, mainly because I am not interested in making myself known.

Majority of my articles have been published by others, with my consent. None of

the nine panchangas made by me carries my name in editor boards, and none of

those editors do anything in my panchangas. I




have guided four PhDs in four subjects, but refused to get mine. My consistent

refusal to get recognition is miscontrued by you as a sign of " disappointment,

chagrin, frustration " for failing to get recognized. Recently I tore away (not

in anger) certificates of recognition awarded




to me at astrological conferences at Patna and Allahabad. Lust for Fame is

poison to me.




I consistently refused to upload my software on internet for long years, because

I knew the idiosyncracy of a majority of internet astrologers. But this

prejudiced majority should not prevent the open minded minority from using what

I know is correct. It is not my belief, but the result




of long years of tests.




You know many things but one : the world will cease to function properly if

Kundalee Software becomes widely popular. The world must function properly.








• I feel saddned that you choose to take my words as insulting. I was

basing my statements on what I had been observing based on what you were writing

publicle and privately through internet.




Obviously, all I can know of you is what I see on the internet. What I wrote,

therefore, should not reasonably be taken as indicative of your many wonderful,

and unique qualities and motivations etc such as your academic achievements,

panchaangs etc that you have told us about quite a few times., etc.




As to the popularity of your software resulting in detriment of the world

– we all can only humbly thank you for working towards the preservation

of this world which is already suffering and probably as we move towards the

date which many are apocalypticly warning (21-12-2012) , we will be facing

increasing challenges and warnings against the well-being of the earth and its

dwellers. One worry less is one sigh of relief gained, I suppose.












• <<<




As to the popularity of your software resulting in detriment of the world -- we

all can only humbly thank you for working towards the preservation of this world

which is already suffering.>> >




It is not what I said. My words were " the world will cease to function properly

if Kundalee Software becomes widely popular. "




Any revolutionary change in fundamental beliefs results in temporary upheavals

and obstacles in proper functioning. This is what I meant.




Besides, I have no power to remove materialism from the minds of those who

believe physical planets are deities and therefore any alternative software must

not be tested. Men cannot be changed unless they are ready to change themselves.

Persons with strong Saturn are more difficult to change, perhaps due to slow

motion of Saturn. But if Saturn is exalted, it results in positive change in the

long run, after initial pitfalls.




You are wrongly thanking me for preservation of this world. I decided in 1971

not to become a baby-boomer, while you have added this adjective to your name in

this message ( " Rohiniranjan Baby-boomer " ). After a century ot two, no one will

remember me, but you will be remembered, at least by your babies & c. It is for

the benefit of babies of persons like you that I worked so hard. If my work is

wasted and destroyed and forgotten, it will not harm me in any respect.




The only difference you have with me is due to the fact that I found, much later

in my life, that physical astronomy gives worse astrological results than

Suryasiddhanta. Before this finding, I had equal or perhaps more faith in the

astrological validity of physical planetary motions. Had I retained my earlier

opinion, you would have found no difference.




You sincerely used words like " disappointment, chagrin, frustration " for me. But

such traits are results of expectations. I had no expectation. Hence, there was

no question of disappointment. The whole world is taught physical astronomy,

formally as well as informally. Even many of




those who have to study Suryasiddhanta do not comprehend it properly.




Hence, a software based on a misunderstood text could not become popular.

Moreover, I am using outdated Visual Basic version which is not allowing many

users to install Kundalee on their machines. You also know these issues well.

Then, why you guessed I am " disappointed " ? I knew the outcome beforehand, and

that is why I refrained from launching Kundalee on web for years ; Kundalee is

still not fit for web (it contains outdated DLL files).




You have question thrice why I am treated so. Here is the answer :




Presently, the planets of MD, AD and PD in my horoscope have bitter enmical

aspects on 10th house. In my birthchart too, I have lord of 11th Sun sitting in

4th (house of Suhrid), which makes my " friends " often unfriendly towards me.

Hence, I must not get recognition or honour for




my work. Due to my way of life, bonds of horoscope are not hard on me, and I get

recognition wherever I go. But I try to keep away from honours & c because I know

if I stick to this World I will have to pay a heavy price by being engulfed by

it in the form of next birth/births.




I have no grudge against you. I can even tolerate abuses from those who have

contributed something worthwhile to others. I do not mean you have ever abused

anyone, including me, I only mean that you have really contributed something

good to society at large, and that is your real worth to me. It does not matter

to me what is your opinion about me or about my work. Not even 1% on my work is

on internet, hence you do not know my work. Bulk of my written works are not in

astrology but in comparative linguistics of Indo-European languages (mainly

concerning the dating of Rgveda through linguistic means), which I never

published in book form but gave parts of it in lectures and some articles and

emails only. Sincerely,








• Thank you very much Vinay_jee for opening your heart on this forum where

I know you are indeed respected and where the moderator has publicly assured you

several times that you will always be listened too, and from my lowly ant's

perspective you have been! I use the metaphor of 'ant' from time to time, not to

portray veiled arrogance or sham-humility but to me, ants represent the

'grihasta' and worldly reality of the very same DIVINITY that also produces




monks and sadhus and sages and awatars! The same MA and BABA who create all this




magic and whose BABIES we all are: Grihasta and Brahmachari!




It is for the BABIES of those CELESTIAL PARENTS that we all must work towards &

that includes the grihasta and the brahmachari and the rest of the fauna and

flora! I KNOW that the YUGAS will bring pralayas and we all shall return to

where we started and ACTUALLY never left!




That is what to me personally has always meant SATURN's message and SATURN'S

BLESSINGS! STAMBHAN (of any planet) perhaps in transit or even in natal

represents SATURN, while atichara represents some other astrological- factor...





Saturn is that KHOONTI (hindi Khoonti and not bangla khoonti!) to which the goat

(astrological reality starting with aries/mesha) is tied to with the illusive

rope of free-will, as Thakur Paramahansa' s allegory reminds us.




I have always wondered as to why RamKrishna used the goat as the animal in the

metaphor! Goats are known to have an innate GIFT for chewing incessantly! What

if they decide to chew on the rope that tie them fatalistically to SATURN?

Emancipation can come to GOATS too, can it not?




I hope the GOATs are listening? I mean CHEWING!! Regards, Rohiniranjan




• [Rohini Da,




Grihasthas are not ants. All other ashramas depend on them. While sanyaasis, fed

by grihasthas, look after moksha, Dharma in this world is maintained by

Grihasthas. Unfortunately, most of the grihasthas in kaliyuga have become

grihastas (grih-asta : combust in the home).








• Vinay_jee,




As far as combustion is concerned, often touched upon earlier -- a new question

since the earliers remained unanswered:




Does the Sun becomes combust when each evening he goes ASTA in the west?




I had heard another version too!




Griha -- Sthaa




When the griha comes to stay (comes back HOME) griha-sthaa!




SATURN again! Chores and hard repetitive work, day in and day out! Like the

lowly ants (grihasthas! ) need to finish before they get access to their

computers ;-)




Count your blessings... !








• Sir,




The ongoing discussion and the initiative taken to elaborate Kalachakra dasa

needs to be complemented. AS most of us show eagerness to apply mostly the Chara

Dasa or Vimshottari though KCD application seems to work better in some

cases(b4 and after war times) found to be more precise.Few people actually

make effort to apply KCD and in this context Shri Vinay Ji efforts are laudible.




His software too should enhance the enthusiasm as the development was made after

thorough study of classsiclas, though it is mainly oriented towards surya

siddhantic principles.Unfortun ately my efforts to load and use on window Vista

never gave me the personal satisfaction to understand the efficacy of

software.Some of our JT members,however endorsed compliments.




The criticism for and against these initiative of Shri VJ need not be be taken

with grin as they r not meant towards personal efforts nor to take with

grin.Certainly his contribution to educate and develop astrology in the present

times shall definetely help those worried about apocalypse relating to 21st Dec.




and remove all doubts that the order of the Nature is very much stable and

nothing to apprehend catastophy. The recent unexpected events in chile,Japan and

impending tectonic movements it is evident the world is under transformation.

(but disintegration? )This feeling emerges more when people's hard earned money

does not also seems to be secure. Be the Mars in Cancer,Ketu in Gemini aspect ed

by Saturn in Virgo,with exalted venus in Pisces.Religious sentiments certainly

getting brow beaten.and the soothsayer known as Devaguru seems to be feeble

though he is out from debilitation but shadowed with Guru Chandal Yoga in rahu's

Stabhisha. The worried worls need some sigh of relief and is certainly a hope

that can come through with the efforts being made by our members and encouraging

members from time to time.The benifit out of these crtical discussions Iam sure

members will take them in right earnes and laud all those with penchant to do

write some


thing different from routine and explore all the past base and make the

knowledge reachable to common man.




Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling




services)Dr. B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans KarmaÂ




• Krishnan Ji,




I am trying to update my software making platforms. I live in a remote place and

I get pirated things at company prices. Hence, it is taking too much time.




Earlier, I had worked with physical astronomy, which was my first love since I

was 11 years old. I gave it up in astrology nearly 12 years ago when I got

irrefutable proofs of " astrological " fitness of








The world is certainly heading towards a major sea change (first khanda-kalpa of

present Kaliyuga), but it is not a Doomsday. I think the worst is over and we

are heading towards better days. World population will decrease henceforth and

Kaalachakra is moving backwards : from




Japan to Korea, then to China and finally to India's rise in the raashi of

Vrish, and from USA-Canada to Western Europe, then to south-east Europe (Rome,

Greece) and then to Egypt and Sudan in the Simha raashi. This Drikpakshiya

theory has not fully survived.




• I ask this, because some of the things you wrote, Vinay_jee, struck a





So is it the COUNTRIES (China, Korea, India, Congo, Iraq, Afghanistan and their

political situations and economies etc...) that are going to progress or will

the human-individuals who may be Indian today but may be born in Japan or Iraq,

in their very next lifetime! Or perhaps insects shall rule the universe, yet





Something tells me that there is going to be a next lifetime -- several perhaps

because KALIYUGA is not fully done yet!




What do you think?








• Human beings will fare according to theor own individual karmas, while

countries will fare according to fixed laws of mundane jyotisha. During my

school days, I wondered why most of the rich persons are born in rich countries





It is only the beginning of Kaliyuga. Only 5110 years have elapsed. 426890 years

are yet to come, during which there will be nine more socalled Doomsdays. -VJ




• Dear Vinay_jee,




Yes humanity still has a fair amount of time! Even by Sri Yukteshwar Giri's

reckoning which baffles many -- as does the ayanamsha that 'astronomical books'

were following, as also the 54 " annual rate of progression that he shared with

us all in The Holy Science -- primarily written for a specific purpose in 1894




-- as clearly stated by Yogananda's Gurujee.




In fact, even if we all who are chattering away wisely here and elsewhere were

to be suddenly decimated into our 'elements' C, N, O, S and a bunch of other

pieces that belong to the periodic table, would that put CREATION to an end? Or





Sometimes the Puppeteer (whose performance it really is -- and not of the

puppet!) is so skilled, like some parents are -- that the puppet really carries

the show, and never manages to figure out who was pulling the strings and who

was really in control!




Either way, the PARENT/PUPPETEER wins because after all whose show it is, after












• Dear Sir,




It is only micro organisms that will have a longer life over arthropods or




milli/centipeds. The fast changing climate and emissions make humans with

shields looking like scietific Avatasrs.




Insects,I mean UFO's ruling of course a scientific version.Like Man with a Calti

Ka Naam gadi is also Chatushpada. The over take or scientific explosion put man

behind .so the waning of the homosapiens is the question of time,say distant end

of Kaliyuga.




Having to be a japanee or Iraquee in the next birth will be a major wish,as in

India it is develop..... . " ing "




other nations like Korea(except congo) including Iraq,japan and the lattest

Afganisthan are having less of history and Nations in making will no doubt

emerge further will have a major say in Global matters.




China and Congo may still be there what the histories of these countries

convey.Of course not even century hold has hopes but yet in baking stage.The

cake before it is made is target for many to cut and celebrate.yet the land of

Ganga,Jamna may boast of very 5th and 9th house.But drikdrishti theory may

further fail these hopes.




Exception seems to be the Vikruti Nanam samvatsaram where orderliness is

predicted for this nation to progress and bring reforms.Not Certainly women's

Reservation Bill nor the debated Nuclear bill of the past.




Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets

are neutral Controllers of Mans KarmaÂ




• Krishnan dada,




Please tell us more about the *drikdrishti* theory you mentioned about towards

the end of your message (quoted below).




Very early on in my pursuance of astrology, SAMBANDHA in the horoscope became a




crucial point of attention for me and that is where SYNTHESIS became such an

important point-of-focus. Drishti (when eyes meet) is very synthetic, of course.








• sir,




As all of us Surya Siddhanta has a unque system oc classificcation. like India

Meru .........Dakshna dhk bhage....... ...etc.For mundane purpose this is




followed by some jyotishis.




2.Basically in Munadane Astrology,others more or less of the Parasara the

location /situation of regions ,countries was thought to be based on drik

pakshiya drishti.(Disa. /direction) .




This resulted in cluster and was lacking clarity to find the correctness of

astrological progress vis a vis their destiny/fate/ .So this too has become





3..Also people hold the view the independence/ liberation day chart too are not





The analysis for mundane purpose as of now based on conventional model has been

revised.Now based the disatnce from equator,and georphical data,a chkra has been




drwan and it's traditional as well as scientific importance is yet to be





Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(Dear Sir ji; Pt. Chandra Munni Pathak has

an interesting




note in his commentary on




lalkitab; i don't know how to translate it into English so i am putting it as

such in Romanised Hindi;




" " 1. Bharat mein grahon ka jyotishiye jyan saurmandal ke grahon se








nahin hai, apitu ek aisa sidhanth hai, jisme yeh bataya gaya hai ki kissi bhi




prakrtik - aprakritik ikkayion me balrekhaon se bane oorja uttsarjan bindu kaun




kaun hain. Saurmandal ke grahon ki pehchan bhi isi sidhant ke tahat ki gayi,




isliye inme samanta pratit hoti hai " .








Kulbir Bains




• Dear Vinay,




I generally do not like to get into an argument match, especially on lists. Yet,

I do not understand how you presumed that I have not read out what you wrote. I

merely said that antardashas of Kalchakradasha are mentioned in BPHS and gave

you the page number since you specifically said that BPHS does not have them.




You are saying that the adhyaaya on antardashas is assumed to be of antardasha

by the editors and claim that Parashara did not write any verses that can lead

the editors to it. You may like to read the verse at page 380 of the same

edition where " MeshaMshe svaantare bhaume---- " is written and the mention of

antardasha is there beyond any doubt.




Parashara has given the method of calculating Aantardashas pretty unambiguously

and anyone who reads the BPHS properly can make out what he is saying. I too

think that un necessary complications are sought to be brought in about drawing

of antardashas especially in the KCD scheme. But then I see you have given

something called Karka mahadasha of KCD'S Antardasha order as 4,5,3,10,11,





Your statement is the article is- " Antardashaas (AD) should be deduced likewise

according to Vimshottari scheme, ie Karka mahadasha will have Karka AD as the

first AD producing following sequence of AD in Karka : 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6.

Pratyantara & c may be deduced likewise. "




May I ask you whether this is the order of antardashas if the dasha order begins

from BharaNi 4th pada where the order of KCD is 4,5,3,2,1,12, 11,10 and 9, that

is it begins with Karka? If it follows the order given by you , how does it fit

in with the manner Parashara told to look at the Antardasha in Vimshottari

scheme? Regards, Chandrashekhar.




• Chandrashekhar Sharma Ji,




You are deliberately distorting my words to invert my meanings. I wrote








BPHS mentions " mahaadashaa " but does not mention the word " antardashaa " . The

title " kalachakraantardas haaphalaadhyaaya " is not a part of verses written by

Sage Parashara but the handiwork of editor who rightly felt that the topic was

on AD.








I said BPHS does not mention the word " antardasha " but the editor rightly felt

that the topic was on AD. You overlooked the word " rightly " and tried to distort

my statement.




Another mistake by you is that you read " editors " instead of " editor " . Pt

Sitaram Jha wrongly labeled that chapter as AD, but Chowkhamba edition by Pt

Devachandra Jha correctly labels it as " Kaalachakra- dashaa-phalaadhy aaya " . Why

you assume all editors are unanimous ? Pt Sitaram Jha was a good pandit but too

enthusiastic at many places. The first verse in that chapter says it is on

" Kaalachakra- dashaaphalam " . Hence, this chapter was wrongly labeled as




AD by Pt Sitaram Jha, because it is actually about AD, PD, SD and PrD. In a

previous chapter, Sage Parashara says KCD's MD should be deduced according to

Vimshottari. There too, the mention of MD implies there must be lower periods.

In the chapter " Kaalachakra- dashaa-phalaadhy aaya " which Pt Sitaram Jha wrongly

labeled as




" Kaalachakra- antardashaa- phalaadhyaaya " , nine sub-periods of all twelve

raashis are mentioned, which you construe as only for AD while I take it for

nine ADs for raashis of MD, nine PDs for raashis of AD, nine SDs for raashis of

PD, and nine PranDs for raashis of SD. Had it not been so, the text would have

mentioned AD instead of KCD in general at the beginning of this chapter.




My reply to RCS was merely to induce him to read my article before discussing. I

still repeat AD is nowhere " mentioed " in BPHS, but Pt Sitaram Jha " rightly "

guessed AD was implied. You misunderstood my message because you brought my

statements out of context and changed




some words to distort my meanings. This type of dialogue is used when you want

to vanquish an opponent and understanding others is not one's aim.




Discussion on KCD was going on in another forum (vedic astrology) between other

members and PVR Narasimha Rao. Concerning that thread, I had some

correspondences with PVR Narasimha Rao Ji at my private email ID (I had

complained about defects in default KCD in JHORA). He clarified that JHORA has

many defaults according to Sanjay Rath's scheme which PVR does not deem fit, and

PVR's own method is given under the option " Raghavacharya Method " . After this

correspondence, I copied parts of my message to him and posted it at my own

website. Then, I informed this forum about that webpage. I had no intention to

start any




discussion thread in this forum. Since my article was merely a part of my

message to PVR, the AD mentioned in my article was merely an elucidation of that

case which PVR had mentioned in his thread in vedic astrology (about which he

has very heated differences with his Guru Pt Sanjay Rath). Mr Rath gives a wrong

sequence of second pada of Ashwinyaadi while PVR gave a correct sequence which I

supported. BPHS gives 15 sequences out of 16, and this Ashwinyaadi- 2 was

missing in




BPHS. In my article, I elaborated how this missing sequence should be

reconstructed along the scheme of BPHS. It is not my discovery. Since the

discussion was on Ashwinyaadi- 2 (10,11,12,8, 7,6,4,5,3) , I gave an example of

Karka MD's nine ADs from this sequence as




4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6. This is not the only type of Karka MD in LCD. Karka

navamsha is present in 12 out of 16 sequences, hence there will be twelve types

of Karka MD. I am giving the whole list at my webpage to




clear the confusion. I have too many tasks and I hardly find time to write

articles now-a-days. My article on KCD is not even a summary of all important

aspects of KCD and much is wanting in it. Only the basic scheme was outlined in

it, and the sole purpose of this article was to prove the validity of A-2

sequence (Ashwinyaadi- 2 : 10,11,12,8,7, 6,4,5,3) which PVR is holding against

Pt Sanjay Rath and against Sri Jyoti Star. -VJ




• Dear Sir,




1Since nakshtra r basically savya(15) and apasavya(12) based and also on DEHA

and Jeeva accordingly some ambiguity is KCD is there.Further nakshtra pada also

decides commencement of Dasa .For ex bharani 4th,the order is as mentioned by

Shri Chandrsekhar Ji.where as antar dasa also floows same order working out

paramyu as 86yrs.




2.Parasara certainly has also taken dasa visleshan based Kalchakradasa. But some

how the working out of dasa of KCD has three methods as explained by BVR in his





It appears,some problem in interpretation lead to differences. Like wise

application of KCD for anlysis also there were different views.Some opine if

venus is strong in natal chart or based on Moon if strong etc.




In KCD dasaa basically proceed by three distinct steps.1.Mandooka2. Markata and

3.Simhavalokana, keeping basically svaya and apasavya clasification of

Nakshtras. 3.//4,5,3,2, 1,12, 11,10 and 9, that is it begins with Karka?//As per

KCD scheme this is Correct.




4. //But then I see you have given something called...//There seems to be

typographical mistake.




Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling 7 March 2010




• I have explained the main problem of KCD in




http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Kalachakra- dashaa -VJ




• Vinayji,




I have read your voluminous response. Actually that is the very reason I usually

do not like to enter into arguments on the lists.




I am sad that you think I am distorting your statement. There is no need to do

so. I pasted what you said in the mail, while attributing quotes to you. That

you choose to change your stand from mail to mail makes it difficult to continue

this argument. But for the record in the mail to RC you also said




" Can you show me where BPHS has mentioned even the existence of AD in KCD ? The

very idea of AD in KCD is a conjecture which may be right of wrong. BPHS has a

separate chapter on KCD-phalaadhyaaya containing 37 verse, besides 55 verses

about Phala in initial chapter on KCD. These results are about MD. "




So you yourself said that BPHS does not mention antardashas. When I give you

shloka to show that antar dasha is mentioned in BPHS, you want to go off on a

tangent about PD,SD, and so on. Even now you insist on your stand and say " I

still repeat AD is nowhere " mentioed " in BPHS, but Pt Sitaram Jha " rightly "

guessed AD was implied. " Why not explain what is meant by MeshaaMshe svaantare

bhaume... " if the word antar is not mentioning antardasha, what does is it

mentioning and where is the guess work on part of Sitaram Jha?




Now you are saying Parashara said that Kalachakra Mahadashas should follow

Vimshottari pattern. Your sentence is " In a previous chapter, Sage Parashara

says KCD's MD should be deduced according to Vimshottari. " Why not give the

shloka and chapter number and verse number to support your argument? That would

support what you are saying.




I do not think what arguments are going on other forum are of any relevance





You have still not answered my original question of variation of antardasha

order for Karka. You say there more karka Mahadashas, with different order, that

I agree. So why not give a few with whom the order of antardasha given by you

matches and also indicate why it would not match the Karka Mahadasha order for

the nakshatra given and also what Mahadasha order with Karka Mahadasha cycle

follows the order that you suggest where with antardasha following the same




order would be " 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6. " as claimed by you. That may allow all

of us to learn more than accusing me of deliberately distorting what you are





I do not think merely saying people are not understanding you or that they are

quoting out of context or they are deliberately distorting what you say and they

do not read your article does not prove your point at all. I do not create any

sort of astro software so I do not have any reason to distort anyone's

statements. Regards, Chandrashekhar.




• Chandrashekhar Sharma Ji,




You wrote : <<<




Now you are saying Parashara said that Kalachakra Mahadashas should follow

Vimshottari pattern. Your sentence is " In a previous chapter,




Sage Parashara says KCD's MD should be deduced according to Vimshottari. " Why

not give the shloka and chapter number and verse number to support your

argument? That would support what you are saying. >>>




You have not read the Chowkhamba edition by Pt Devachandra Jha which says :

" Vimshottariva raasheenaam navaanaam syaat-mahaadashaa " (verse 88 in the chapter

Dashaabhedaadhyaaya ). Please read it.




Your citation of the words " MeshaaMshe svaantare bhaume... " has again convinced

me that you are perhaps ignorant of differences in various editions of BHPS. In

many fora (mostly in another forum) including this, I had started some discussed

threads on various editions of BPHS,




and had announced my plan to collect all published editions and available

manuscripts of BPHS for publishing a critical edition of BPHS.




No internet user has helped in this plan so far, but I have not given up this

plan. In those threads, I said the Chowkhamba edition edited by Pt Devachandra

Jha is based on largest number on manuscripts and is therefore most authentic,

although it contains only 98 chapters and two




chapters and many verses in other chapters are missing or less than

satisfactory. Some other editions were also discussed in those threads.




Your verse " MeshaaMshe svaantare bhaume... " does not occur anywhere in the

edition I found to be most authentic. Pt Sitaram Jha was (ill-) famous for

inventing new meanings on unsound foundations. Some pandit has rewritten many

verses of BPHS during modern age and I am still at a loss to identify that





I do not believe that Chowkhamba edition by Pt Devachandra Jha is 100% accurate.

I want a critical edition taking help from all available sources. Edition or

translating is a small part, the main problem is collection of various variants

of BPHS.




I had said that the article on KCD was not an independent article but merely

copied from my answer to PVR in another forum. I have not written any

comprehensive article or even a full summary of KCD. As for AD, I did not give

my own opinion on computing ADs because PVR also did not explain his own ; he

simply said his method is based on a Telugu book of 1930 and he does not know

the source of that book. Either PVR has not read Phaladeepikaa or does not

respect it and values a dubious Telugu book more than traditionally respected

texts. If you have not read Phaladeepikaa, please read it , you will find it to

be in harmony with BPHS and it elaborates the missing points of BPHS as far as

KCD AD is concerned. I am not going to write any article on this point, even if

you repeat your charges of dishonesty on me.




Asd far as " 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6 " is concerned, it was the sequence of PVR

against the wrong sequence given by Pt Sanjay Rath. I found PVR's sequence to be

in harmony with BPHS. If you are really interested in knowing the sequences of

KCD MD/Ad, read Phaladeepikaa. If not, you are free to find additional sins in





You said : " I do not create any sort of astro software so I do not have any

reason to distort anyone's statements. " No software maker has ever tried to

distort my statements. Now I believe you are not deliberately distorting my

statements. The fault lies in your belief in certain edition and ignorance of

other editions of BPHS. It is not my fault for which you are accusing me of

falsehood and dishonesty. As for RCS, I was not merely provoking him to study

properly, because he was citing BPHS's 56 non-existent verses on AD's phala !!!




All your doubts will be answered in Phaladeepikaa.








============ ==== ===




• Dear Krishnan,




I think there is more confusion about Kalchakra dasha than any other dasha

simply because though it is called as one of the important dashas, people tend

to find more than what is there in it. You are right there are basically three

Gatis, but now it seems people are inventing more gatis or giving the old ones

new names. That is good to see in print but I doubt if it helps.




People tend to argue more about what is right than taking pains to read that

which is clearly stated. The use of the dasha is simple if one understands it





As a matter of fact I began penning a book on it, and it is half complete but

since I am at present translating one of my own books under direction from

Mahamandaleshwar of a respected Akhada, that has taken a back seat.












• <<<




You are right there are basically three Gatis, but now it seems people are

inventing more gatis or giving the old ones new names.








This sentence is clearly against me, because I wrote that only the negative

Gatis are mentioned in BPHS and positive Gatis are not named. It is not my

invention, as Mr Chandrashekhar Sharma falsely charges.




He says " I began penning a book on it (KCD) " but seems to be ignorant of the

fact that all three gatis mentined in BPHS are bad, but many people have good

phases in their lives too. Secondly, BPHS gives many sequences such as

1,2,3,.... which do not come under either of mandooki, markati or

simhaavalokana. Hence, there must be more than three gatis and any additional

gati must be benefic. Only malefic Durgatis are mentioned in PHS (as gatis).




Mr Chandrashekhar Sharma claims to an expert on KCD but is ignorant of this fact

as well as of other facts. Recently he refused to accept that KCD's MD should be

deduced according to Vimshottari and asked me to show the verse. The verse is

" ...Vimshottariva raasheenaam navaanaam syaat-mahaadashaa " (verse 88 in the

chapter Dashaabhedaadhyaaya ). "




I never wrote any independent article of KCD. Recently, I saw a debate between

Mr Sanjay Rath and PVR Narasimha Rao. I found PVR to correct on one point. I

wrote something to PVR on that point, and pasted my answer on my website too. It

was not a comprehensive article on KCD not. On AD, I did give any detailed

analysis, but only some brief comments on the topic which PVR and Mr Rath were

discussing. I think there is no need of any new article on KCD because

Phaladeepikaa has elaborated it beautifully. Some astrologers are creating

unncessary controversies about KCD. Phaladeepikaa is based on BPHS and

Chandrashekhar Ji has not read some important editions of BPHS (cf.

" ...Vimshottariva raasheenaam navaanaam syaat-mahaadashaa " ). -VJ




, " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashek

har wrote:








> Dear Vinayji,








> You seem to change the goal post every time some one comes near the goal. Was

it not you who first said that there is no reference to Antardasha when I had

given the title of Sitaram Jha or rather Kheladilal edition? So now why the

sudden quote from the Devachandra Jha edition? Any way the shloka you are

quoting does not say that Kalachakra dasha should be deduced in accordance with

Vimshottari dashas. At least the shloka you quote does not say so.








> I have many more editions of BPHS with me including even the Ganeshdatta

Pathaka one, and one with all the 1000 chapters. So please do not assume that

everybody other than you is unaware of the different editions of BPHS in









> You are again referring to the other threads on which you have written,

whereas I have made it amply clear that my response was restricted to the

original thread where you wrote that antar dashas of KCD are not mentioned but

Sitaram Jha only deduced so.








> I can sense that you do not want to respond to direct question and are now

attributing the dasha sequence to Narasimha where as it was in your mail. It is

apparent you do not believe in answering a direct question and skirting it by

writing voluminous mails. On the one hand you quote Devchandra Jha commentary in

your support and then again say it is not complete. If that is so, why the

insistence that one should only interpret the KCD on the basis of what is said









> I have read PhaladIpika and it is not the only text, besides BPHS, that gives

Kalchakra dasha There are many more. But now that you have brought up that

subject, do you draw KCD according to the Vakya system, as indicated by

Mantreshvar and if so how? Why not give examples of why and how Vakya differs

from normal panchanga calculations, since you seem to imply that you are the

only authority on KCD and imply that others have not read any texts. That may

help jyotish fraternity more than this jumping from one text to other.








> Regards,




> Chandrashekhar








> -




> VJha








> Monday, March 08, 2010 3:59 PM




> Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods
















> Chandrashekhar Sharma Ji,








> You wrote :








> <<<




> Now you are saying Parashara said that Kalachakra Mahadashas should




> follow Vimshottari pattern. Your sentence is " In a previous chapter,




> Sage Parashara says KCD's MD should be deduced according to Vimshottari.




> " Why not give the shloka and chapter number and verse number to support




> your argument? That would support what you are saying.




> >>>








> You have not read the Chowkhamba edition by Pt Devachandra Jha which




> says : " Vimshottariva raasheenaam navaanaam syaat-mahaadashaa " (verse 88




> in the chapter Dashaabhedaadhyaaya ). Please read it.








> Your citation of the words " MeshaaMshe svaantare bhaume... " has again




> convinced me that you are perhaps ignorant of differences in various




> editions of BHPS. In many fora (mostly in another forum) including




> this, I had started some discussed threads on various editions of BPHS,




> and had announced my plan to collect all published editions and




> available manuscripts of BPHS for publishing a critical edition of BPHS.




> No internet user has helped in this plan so far, but I have not given up




> this plan. In those threads, I said the Chowkhamba edition edited by Pt




> Devachandra Jha is based on largest number on manuscripts and is




> therefore most authentic, although it contains only 98 chapters and two




> chapters and many verses in other chapters are missing or less than




> satisfactory. Some other editions were also discussed in those threads.




> Your verse " MeshaaMshe svaantare bhaume... " does not occur anywhere in




> the edition I found to be most authentic. Pt Sitaram Jha was (ill-)




> famous for inventing new meanings on unsound foundations. Some pandit




> has rewritten many verses of BPHS during modern age and I am still at a




> loss to identify that pandit/pandits.








> I do not believe that Chowkhamba edition by Pt Devachandra Jha is 100%




> accurate. I want a critical edition taking help from all available




> sources. Edition or translating is a small part, the main problem is




> collection of various variants of BPHS.








> I had said that the article on KCD was not an independent article but




> merely copied from my answer to PVR in another forum. I have not written




> any comprehensive article or even a full summary of KCD. As for AD, I




> did not give my own opinion on computing ADs because PVR also did not




> explain his own ; he simply said his method is based on a Telugu book of




> 1930 and he does not know the source of that book. Either PVR has not




> read Phaladeepikaa or does not respect it and values a dubious Telugu




> book more than traditionally respected texts. If you have not read




> Phaladeepikaa, please read it , you will find it to be in harmony with




> BPHS and it elaborates the missing points of BPHS as far as KCD AD is




> concerned. I am not going to write any article on this point, even if




> you repeat your charges of dishonesty on me.








> Asd far as " 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6 " is concerned, it was the sequence of




> PVR against the wrong sequence given by Pt Sanjay Rath. I found PVR's




> sequence to be in harmony with BPHS. If you are really interested in




> knowing the sequences of KCD MD/Ad, read Phaladeepikaa. If not, you are




> free to find additional sins in me.








> You said : " I do not create any sort of astro software so I do not




> have any reason to distort anyone's statements. " No software maker has




> ever tried to distort my statements. Now I believe you are not




> deliberately distorting my statements. The fault lies in your belief in




> certain edition and ignorance of other editions of BPHS. It is not my




> fault for which you are accusing me of falsehood and dishonesty. As for




> RCS, I was not merely provoking him to study properly, because he was




> citing BPHS's 56 non-existent verses on AD's phala !!!








> All your doubts will be answered in Phaladeepikaa.








> -VJ




> ============ ==== ===




> , " Chandrashekhar "




> <sharma.chandrashek har@> wrote:




> >




> > Vinayji,




> >




> > I have read your voluminous response. Actually that is the very reason




> I usually do not like to enter into arguments on the lists.




> >




> > I am sad that you think I am distorting your statement. There is no




> need to do so. I pasted what you said in the mail, while attributing




> quotes to you. That you choose to change your stand from mail to mail




> makes it difficult to continue this argument. But for the record in the




> mail to RC you also said




> > " Can you show me where BPHS has mentioned even the existence of AD in




> KCD ? The very idea of AD in KCD is a conjecture which may be right of




> wrong. BPHS has a separate chapter on KCD-phalaadhyaaya containing 37




> verse, besides 55 verses about Phala in initial chapter on KCD. These




> results are about MD. "




> >




> > So you yourself said that BPHS does not mention antardashas. When I




> give you shloka to show that antar dasha is mentioned in BPHS, you want




> to go off on a tangent about PD,SD, and so on. Even now you insist on




> your stand and say " I still repeat AD is nowhere " mentioed " in BPHS, but




> Pt Sitaram Jha " rightly " guessed AD was implied. " Why not explain what




> is meant by " MeshaaMshe svaantare bhaume... " if the word antar is not




> mentioning antardasha, what does is it mentioning and where is the guess




> work on part of Sitaram Jha?




> >




> > Now you are saying Parashara said that Kalachakra Mahadashas should




> follow Vimshottari pattern. Your sentence is " In a previous chapter,




> Sage Parashara says KCD's MD should be deduced according to Vimshottari.




> " Why not give the shloka and chapter number and verse number to support




> your argument? That would support what you are saying.




> >




> > I do not think what arguments are going on other forum are of any




> relevance here.




> >




> > You have still not answered my original question of variation of




> antardasha order for Karka. You say there more karka Mahadashas, with




> different order, that I agree. So why not give a few with whom the order




> of antardasha given by you matches and also indicate why it would not




> match the Karka Mahadasha order for the nakshatra given and also what




> Mahadasha order with Karka Mahadasha cycle follows the order that you




> suggest where with antardasha following the same order would be




> " 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6. " as claimed by you. That may allow all of us to




> learn more than accusing me of deliberately distorting what you are




> saying?




> >




> > I do not think merely saying people are not understanding you or that




> they are quoting out of context or they are deliberately distorting




> what you say and they do not read your article does not prove your point




> at all. I do not create any sort of astro software so I do not have any




> reason to distort anyone's statements.




> >




> > Regards,




> > Chandrashekhar.




> >




> >




> >




> > -




> > VJha




> >




> > Sunday, March 07, 2010 9:42 AM




> > Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods




> >




> >




> >




> > Chandrashekhar Sharma Ji,




> >




> > You are deliberately distorting my words to invert my meanings. I




> wrote




> > :




> >




> > <<<




> > BPHS mentions " mahaadashaa " but does not mention the word




> " antardashaa " .




> > The title " kalachakraantardas haaphalaadhyaaya " is not a part of




> verses




> > written by Sage Parashara but the handiwork of editor who rightly




> felt




> > that the topic was on AD.




> > >>>




> >




> > I said BPHS does not mention the word " antardasha " but the editor




> > rightly felt that the topic was on AD. You overlooked the word




> " rightly "




> > and tried to distort my statement.




> >




> > Another mistake by you is that you read " editors " instead of




> " editor " .




> > Pt Sitaram Jha wrongly labeled that chapter as AD, but Chowkhamba




> > edition by Pt Devachandra Jha correctly labels it as




> > " Kaalachakra- dashaa-phalaadhy aaya " . Why you assume all editors are




> > unanimous ? Pt Sitaram Jha was a good pandit but too enthusiastic at




> > many places. The first verse in that chapter says it is on




> > " Kaalachakra- dashaaphalam " . Hence, this chapter was wrongly labeled




> as




> > AD by Pt Sitaram Jha, because it is actually about AD, PD, SD and




> PrD.




> > In a previous chapter, Sage Parashara says KCD's MD should be




> deduced




> > according to Vimshottari. There too, the mention of MD implies there




> > must be lower periods. In the chapter




> " Kaalachakra- dashaa-phalaadhy aaya "




> > which Pt Sitaram Jha wrongly labeled as




> > " Kaalachakra- antardashaa- phalaadhyaaya " , nine sub-periods of all




> twelve




> > raashis are mentioned, which you construe as only for AD while I




> take it




> > for nine ADs for raashis of MD, nine PDs for raashis of AD, nine SDs




> for




> > raashis of PD, and nine PranDs for raashis of SD. Had it not been




> so,




> > the text would have mentioned AD instead of KCD in general at the




> > beginning of this chapter.




> >




> > My reply to RCS was merely to induce him to read my article before




> > discussing. I still repeat AD is nowhere " mentioed " in BPHS, but Pt




> > Sitaram Jha " rightly " guessed AD was implied. You misunderstood my




> > message because you brought my statements out of context and changed




> > some words to distort my meanings. This type of dialogue is used




> when




> > you want to vanquish an opponent and understanding others is not




> one's




> > aim.




> >




> > Discussion on KCD was going on in another forum (vedic astrology)




> > between other members and PVR Narasimha Rao. Concerning that thread,




> I




> > had some correspondences with PVR Narasimha Rao Ji at my private




> email




> > ID (I had complained about defects in default KCD in JHORA). He




> > clarified that JHORA has many defaults according to Sanjay Rath's




> > scheme which PVR does not deem fit, and PVR's own method is given




> under




> > the option " Raghavacharya Method " . After this correspondence, I




> copied




> > parts of my message to him and posted it at my own website. Then, I




> > informed this forum about that webpage. I had no intention to start




> any




> > discussion thread in this forum. Since my article was merely a part




> of




> > my message to PVR, the AD mentioned in my article was merely an




> > elucidation of that case which PVR had mentioned in his thread in




> > vedic astrology (about which he has very heated differences with his




> > Guru Pt Sanjay Rath). Mr Rath gives a wrong sequence of second pada




> of




> > Ashwinyaadi while PVR gave a correct sequence which I supported.








> > gives 15 sequences out of 16, and this Ashwinyaadi- 2 was missing in




> > BPHS. In my article, I elaborated how this missing sequence should




> be




> > reconstructed along the scheme of BPHS. It is not my discovery.




> Since




> > the discussion was on Ashwinyaadi- 2 (10,11,12,8, 7,6,4,5,3) , I gave




> an




> > example of Karka MD's nine ADs from this sequence as




> > 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6. This is not the only type of Karka MD in LCD.




> > Karka navamsha is present in 12 out of 16 sequences, hence there




> will be




> > twelve types of Karka MD. I am giving the whole list at my webpage




> to




> > clear the confusion. I have too many tasks and I hardly find time to




> > write articles now-a-days. My article on KCD is not even a summary




> of




> > all important aspects of KCD and much is wanting in it. Only the




> basic




> > scheme was outlined in it, and the sole purpose of this article was




> to




> > prove the validity of A-2 sequence (Ashwinyaadi- 2 :




> > 10,11,12,8,7, 6,4,5,3) which PVR is holding against Pt Sanjay Rath




> and




> > against Sri Jyoti Star.




> >




> > -VJ




> > ============ ===== ====




> > , " Chandrashekhar "




> > sharma.chandrashekh ar@ wrote:




> > >




> > > Dear Vinay,




> > >




> > > I generally do not like to get into an argument match, especially




> on




> > lists. Yet, I do not understand how you presumed that I have not




> read




> > out what you wrote. I merely said that antardashas of Kalchakradasha




> are




> > mentioned in BPHS and gave you the page number since you




> specifically




> > said that BPHS does not have them.




> > >




> > > You are saying that the adhyaaya on antardashas is assumed to be




> of




> > antardasha by the editors and claim that Parashara did not write any




> > verses that can lead the editors to it. You may like to read the




> verse




> > at page 380 of the same edition where " MeshaMshe svaantare




> bhaume---- "




> > is written and the mention of antardasha is there beyond any doubt.




> > >




> > > Parashara has given the method of calculating Aantardashas pretty




> > unambiguously and anyone who reads the BPHS properly can make out




> what




> > he is saying. I too think that un necessary complications are sought




> to




> > be brought in about drawing of antardashas especially in the KCD




> scheme.




> > But then I see you have given something called Karka mahadasha of








> > Antardasha order as 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6.




> > >




> > > Your statement is the article is- " Antardashaas (AD) should be




> deduced




> > likewise according to Vimshottari scheme, ie Karka mahadasha will




> have




> > Karka AD as the first AD producing following sequence of AD in Karka




> :




> > 4,5,3,10,11, 12,8,7,6. Pratyantara & c may be deduced likewise. "




> > >




> > > May I ask you whether this is the order of antardashas if the




> dasha




> > order begins from BharaNi 4th pada where the order of KCD is




> > 4,5,3,2,1,12, 11,10 and 9, that is it begins with Karka? If it




> follows




> > the order given by you , how does it fit in with the manner




> Parashara




> > told to look at the Antardasha in Vimshottari scheme?




> > >




> > > Regards,




> > > Chandrashekhar.




> > >




> > >




> > >




> > >




> > > -




> > > VJha




> > >




> > > Saturday, March 06, 2010 11:39 PM




> > > Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods




> > >




> > >




> > >




> > > Mr Chandrashekhar,




> > >




> > > Without reading my article in which I described the method of




> > working




> > > out MD, AD, PD, etc of KCD besides elucidating the correct method




> of




> > > making sequences, RCS was asking questions I had already answered.




> > >




> > > RCS said he read my article, yet he asked two wrong question s :




> > " Please




> > > educate how you work out AD and How you move to next Sequence of




> > dasa




> > > once native has reached to end of ABC OR D IN a Pada. " To it, I




> > > replied : " The very purpose of writing this article was




> elucidation




> > of




> > > those very topics which you are asking " . Yet you failed to see the




> > > point and intruded, like RCS, without reading the thread and my




> > article




> > > properly.




> > >




> > > BPHS mentions " mahaadashaa " but does not mention the word




> > " antardashaa " .




> > > The title " kalachakraantardas haaphalaadhyaaya " is not a part of




> > verses




> > > written by Sage Parashara but the handiwork of editor who rightly




> > felt




> > > that the topic was on AD. I was sure RCS would have failed to pick




> > up




> > > this point, but you helped him out.




> > >




> > > Now-a-days there are various innovations being introduced into




> KCD.




> > PVR




> > > Narasimha Rao recently described this state of confusion, after




> > which I




> > > provided the link to my article in two fora. I tried to bring out




> > the




> > > original scheme of Sage Parashara which no member has cared to




> > notice,




> > > including you and RCS. This scheme has already been worked out in




> > > Kundalee Software.




> > >




> > > -VJ




> > > ============ ==== ===




> > > , " Chandrashekhar "




> > > sharma.chandrashekh ar@ wrote:




> > > >




> > > > Dear Vinay,




> > > >




> > > > I would not interject but for your statement that BPHS does not




> > > mention antardashas in KCD. You have said " Can you show me where




> > BPHS




> > > has mentioned even the existence of AD in KCD ? "




> > > >




> > > > Please read page number 358 which has an adhyaaya called




> > > kalachakraantardash aaphalaadhyaaya, in Sitaram Jha edition. I am




> > sure




> > > you will find the results of KCD antardasha phalas there.




> > > >




> > > > So RC ji is right.




> > > >




> > > > Regards,




> > > > Chandrashekhar.




> > > > -




> > > > VJha




> > > >




> > > > Saturday, March 06, 2010 8:28 PM




> > > > Re: Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods




> > > >




> > > >




> > > >




> > > > To RCS :




> > > >




> > > > The very purpose of writing this article was elucidation of




> those




> > > very topics which you are asking : " how you work out AD and How




> you




> > move




> > > to next Sequence " .




> > > >




> > > > It seems you have not read this article fully. The method of AD




> > has




> > > already been described with example. Those who know how to deduce




> > > Vimshottari AD or PD will find no difficulty in understanding my




> > > comments. Some modern astrologers are spreading confusion about




> > > Shashthaashta- gati motion (6 to 11, 3 to 10 and vice versa) which




> is




> > > seen in Savya sequences (A, B) of pada-2.




> > > >




> > > > I am surprised with your statement " Apart from Gati, Deha and




> > Jeeva




> > > and KCD NAVAMSA BPHS has 56 Stanza describing results of AD




> alone. "




> > > >




> > > > Can you show me where BPHS has mentioned even the existence of




> AD




> > in




> > > KCD ? The very idea of AD in KCD is a conjecture which may be




> right




> > of




> > > wrong. BPHS has a separate chapter on KCD-phalaadhyaaya containing




> > 37




> > > verse, besides 55 verses about Phala in initial chapter on KCD.




> > These




> > > results are about MD. Since BPHS has clearly mentioned MD in KCD,




> we




> > may




> > > assume the existence of AD, PD, SD and PrD as well. Their method




> of




> > > computation has been explained in my article which you have not




> read




> > > properly.




> > > >




> > > > -VJ




> > > > ============ ========= ===




> > > > > of dasa once native has reached to end of ABC OR D IN a Pada.




> > > >




> > > > , " R C Srivastava "




> > swami.rcs@




> > > wrote:




> > > > >




> > > > >




> > > > > Dear VJ,




> > > > > Excellent summary OF KCD for those who have studied it .




> > > > > Please educate how you work out AD and How you move to next




> > > Sequence




> > > > > of dasa once native has reached to end of ABC OR D IN a Pada.




> > > > > Apart from Gati, Deha and Jeeva and KCD NAVAMSA BPHS has 56




> > Stanza




> > > > > describing results of AD alone. Therefore correct working of




> AD




> > is




> > > very important.




> > > > > With regards.




> > > > > RCS




> > > > >




> > > > >




> > > > >




> > > > >




> > > > > . Kaala-chakra Dashaa : Scheme and Sub-periods




> > > > > Posted by: " VJha " vinayjhaa16@ vinayjhaa16




> > > > > Fri Mar 5, 2010 10:16 pm ((PST))




> > > > >




> > > > > To All :




> > > > >




> > > > > See the following webpage for elucidation of KCD :




> > > > >




> > > > > http://jyotirvidya. wetpaint. com/page/ Kalachakra- dashaa




> > > > >




> > > > > -VJ




> > > > >




> > > >




> > > >




> > > >




> > > >




> > > >




> > > >

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