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Patanjali Yog Sutras AJA...BHAsKSITA

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Kulbir jee,


A very interesting and practical reality is hidden in this allegory that you



Ultimately, who is more important: Guru or Mother Nature?


Whose CALL should reign supreme...?







, Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb wrote:


> Sir ji,


> When the mind unites with the soul, when the body unites with the

> breath, and when the soul unites with the paramatma, yoga happens.

> There is this story on Maharshi Patanjili. There were thousands of

> disciples of Maharshi Ptanjali. One day they were all at the session

> with Maharshi. Maharshi had a rule that there will be a curtain in

> between Maharshi and the student. No one was supposed to see the

> Maharshi. This continued. The students were taking knowledge from the

> preceptor and the preceptor showering the knowledge to the disciples.

> One day something happened! One of the students wanted to go to the

> toilet. He thought why disturb the Guru anyway the Master will not

> able to see (since there was a curtain in between them)!! He silently

> slipped off the class and went to the toilet. On the other hand, among

> the rest of the students, one felt the terrible urge to see the

> Maharshi. He whispered to the other fellow disciples that they should

> see their teacher, and the teacher being all compassionate will

> definitely forgive them and will not be upset on then.

> So suddenly one of the disciples got up and removed the curtain. And

> as he removed the curtain off, there happened a terrible disaster!!

> Everyone who were present there turned into ashes!! All the disciples

> who were present infront of the Maharshi Patanjali just turned into

> ashes!! In the meantime the only disciple who had gone out to the

> toilet returned. Maharshi told the student that he had done a great

> mistake by going out of the class without the preceptor's permission!!

> And now the boy has to undergo a curse!! Maharshi cursed him to be a

> Demon(Brahmadaitya) and that he should sit on a tree and write down

> all that he learned from Patanjali. The boy immediately turned to a

> demon and went up the tree and started writing that entire he learnt

> from the Maharshi. He was writing on the leaves of the tree. It is

> said that there was a goat sitting at the base of the tree. The

> disciple who turned a demon kept writing on the leaf and throwing each

> leaf on the ground and the goat started eating all the leaves one by

> one!!

> Now who are those disciples who turn to ashes? Why did they turn to

> ashes? Why was that only disciple saved? Why did he become a demon?

> Why was he asked to write all that he learned? Why the goat did eat

> away all the leaves? These are the questions that you should think and

> ponder.

> There are two kinds of disciplines.



> We will begin with a story, the greatest and most effective way of

> conveying knowledge. Once upon a time, long ago, all the munis and

> rishis approached Lord Vishnu to tell him that even though He

> (incarnated as Lord Dhanvanthari) had given them the means to cure

> illnesses through Ayurveda, people still fell ill. They also wanted to

> know what to do when people got sick. Sometimes it is not just

> physical illness, but mental and emotional illness too that needs to

> be dealt with. Anger, lust, greed, jealousy etc. How does one get rid

> of all these impurities? What is the formula? Vishnu was lying on the

> bed of snakes the serpent Adishesha with a 1,000 heads. When the

> Rishis approached Him, he gave them Adishesha, the symbol of

> awareness, who took birth in the world as Maharishi Patanjali. So

> Patanjali came to this earth to give this knowledge of yoga which came

> to be known as the yogasutras. Patanjali said he was not going to

> discuss the yogasutras unless 1,000 people got together. So 1,000

> people gathered south of Vindhya Mountains to listen to him. Patanjali

> had another condition he would put a screen between him and his

> students and told them that nobody was to lift the screen or leave.

> Everybody had to stay in the hall till he finished. So Patanjali

> stayed behind the curtain and he transmitted his knowledge to the

> 1,000 gathered. Each of them absorbed this knowledge. It was an

> amazing phenomenon and even amongst the students, they could not

> believe how they were getting this knowledge, how the master was

> making each of them understand without uttering words from behind the

> curtain. Everybody was amazed. Each one of them experienced such a

> blast of energy, such a blast of enthusiasm, that they could not even

> contain it. But they still had to maintain the discipline. But one

> little boy had to go out to attend natures call. So he left the room.

> He thought to himself that he would go quietly and return quietly.

> Another person became curious. What is the Master doing behind the

> curtain? I want to see. He got so curious that he lifted the curtain

> to see the Master. But just as he did so, all 999 disciples were burnt

> to ashes. Now, Patanjali became very sad. There he was, ready to

> impart knowledge to the whole world and all of his disciples were

> burnt. At this moment, that one little boy returned. Patanjali asked

> him where he had gone. The boy explained and asked his forgiveness.

> Patanjali was compassionate and felt that at least one of his

> disciples was saved. So he gave him the rest of the sutras, the rest

> of the knowledge. But the student had violated the law and Patanjali

> was not willing to forget that. So he said, Since you have violated

> the law, you will become a Brahmarakshasa, a ghost and hang on the

> tree. And the only way he could liberate himself from the curse is to

> teach one student. Saying this Patanjali disappeared. Now

> Brahmarakshasa, hanging on a tree, would ask everyone who passed by

> one question and when they could not answer he would eat them. He had

> no choice and for a few thousand years this was the story. He could

> not find a single person to whom he could teach the yogasutras. So he

> remained in the tree as a Brahmarakshasa (the lesson here being that

> for the one who has great knowledge, and who does something wrong, the

> state of Brahmarakshasa will come. An intelligent person becoming a

> criminal becomes more dangerous than an innocent person becoming a

> criminal. If a person, who knows all knowledge and then turns a

> criminal, it is much more dangerous). So the Brahmarakshasa was

> hanging there and waiting for relief. Then out of compassion,

> Patanjali himself becomes a disciple and comes as a student to

> Brahmarakshasa who told him all the sutras, which Patanjali wrote on

> the palm leaf. The story goes that to redeem one disciple, the Master

> became the disciple of a disciple. Patanjali wrote the sutras sitting

> on the top of the tree as that was where the Brahmarakshasa sat. Also,

> Brahmarakshasa worked only in the night. So he dictated the sutras at

> night and Patanjali wrote them on the leaves. He plucked all the

> leaves and made a small scratch, drew blood and wrote. This went on

> for seven days. At the end of it, Patanjali was tired and put

> everything he had written on a piece pf cloth and set it down and went

> to bathe. But when Patanjali returned, he found that a goat had eaten

> most of the leaves. Patanjali then took the cloth bag and the rest of

> the leaves and walked away. In this story, there is a lot of depth.

> The puranas do not give any explanation. They just give a story and it

> is for us to unlock the meaning. So what is that you all have to find

> out? (1) How did the master convey the knowledge to everybody without

> uttering a word? (2) What was the significance of the veil and when it

> was lifted why did everybody burn down? (3) Why was the one boy

> forgiven? (4) What is the significance of the goat? (4) What is the

> significance of this story?


> Regards

> Kulbir Bains


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Dear Kulbir Ji,

Thanks for writing this nice story.It is simply beautiful.

Thanks a lot to bring it to our attention.

With regards




, Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb wrote:


> Sir ji,


> When the mind unites with the soul, when the body unites with the

> breath, and when the soul unites with the paramatma, yoga happens.

> There is this story on Maharshi Patanjili. There were thousands of

> disciples of Maharshi Ptanjali. One day they were all at the session

> with Maharshi. Maharshi had a rule that there will be a curtain in

> between Maharshi and the student. No one was supposed to see the

> Maharshi. This continued. The students were taking knowledge from the

> preceptor and the preceptor showering the knowledge to the disciples.

> One day something happened! One of the students wanted to go to the

> toilet. He thought why disturb the Guru anyway the Master will not

> able to see (since there was a curtain in between them)!! He silently

> slipped off the class and went to the toilet. On the other hand, among

> the rest of the students, one felt the terrible urge to see the

> Maharshi. He whispered to the other fellow disciples that they should

> see their teacher, and the teacher being all compassionate will

> definitely forgive them and will not be upset on then.

> So suddenly one of the disciples got up and removed the curtain. And

> as he removed the curtain off, there happened a terrible disaster!!

> Everyone who were present there turned into ashes!! All the disciples

> who were present infront of the Maharshi Patanjali just turned into

> ashes!! In the meantime the only disciple who had gone out to the

> toilet returned. Maharshi told the student that he had done a great

> mistake by going out of the class without the preceptor's permission!!

> And now the boy has to undergo a curse!! Maharshi cursed him to be a

> Demon(Brahmadaitya) and that he should sit on a tree and write down

> all that he learned from Patanjali. The boy immediately turned to a

> demon and went up the tree and started writing that entire he learnt

> from the Maharshi. He was writing on the leaves of the tree. It is

> said that there was a goat sitting at the base of the tree. The

> disciple who turned a demon kept writing on the leaf and throwing each

> leaf on the ground and the goat started eating all the leaves one by

> one!!

> Now who are those disciples who turn to ashes? Why did they turn to

> ashes? Why was that only disciple saved? Why did he become a demon?

> Why was he asked to write all that he learned? Why the goat did eat

> away all the leaves? These are the questions that you should think and

> ponder.

> There are two kinds of disciplines.



> We will begin with a story, the greatest and most effective way of

> conveying knowledge. Once upon a time, long ago, all the munis and

> rishis approached Lord Vishnu to tell him that even though He

> (incarnated as Lord Dhanvanthari) had given them the means to cure

> illnesses through Ayurveda, people still fell ill. They also wanted to

> know what to do when people got sick. Sometimes it is not just

> physical illness, but mental and emotional illness too that needs to

> be dealt with. Anger, lust, greed, jealousy etc. How does one get rid

> of all these impurities? What is the formula? Vishnu was lying on the

> bed of snakes the serpent Adishesha with a 1,000 heads. When the

> Rishis approached Him, he gave them Adishesha, the symbol of

> awareness, who took birth in the world as Maharishi Patanjali. So

> Patanjali came to this earth to give this knowledge of yoga which came

> to be known as the yogasutras. Patanjali said he was not going to

> discuss the yogasutras unless 1,000 people got together. So 1,000

> people gathered south of Vindhya Mountains to listen to him. Patanjali

> had another condition he would put a screen between him and his

> students and told them that nobody was to lift the screen or leave.

> Everybody had to stay in the hall till he finished. So Patanjali

> stayed behind the curtain and he transmitted his knowledge to the

> 1,000 gathered. Each of them absorbed this knowledge. It was an

> amazing phenomenon and even amongst the students, they could not

> believe how they were getting this knowledge, how the master was

> making each of them understand without uttering words from behind the

> curtain. Everybody was amazed. Each one of them experienced such a

> blast of energy, such a blast of enthusiasm, that they could not even

> contain it. But they still had to maintain the discipline. But one

> little boy had to go out to attend natures call. So he left the room.

> He thought to himself that he would go quietly and return quietly.

> Another person became curious. What is the Master doing behind the

> curtain? I want to see. He got so curious that he lifted the curtain

> to see the Master. But just as he did so, all 999 disciples were burnt

> to ashes. Now, Patanjali became very sad. There he was, ready to

> impart knowledge to the whole world and all of his disciples were

> burnt. At this moment, that one little boy returned. Patanjali asked

> him where he had gone. The boy explained and asked his forgiveness.

> Patanjali was compassionate and felt that at least one of his

> disciples was saved. So he gave him the rest of the sutras, the rest

> of the knowledge. But the student had violated the law and Patanjali

> was not willing to forget that. So he said, Since you have violated

> the law, you will become a Brahmarakshasa, a ghost and hang on the

> tree. And the only way he could liberate himself from the curse is to

> teach one student. Saying this Patanjali disappeared. Now

> Brahmarakshasa, hanging on a tree, would ask everyone who passed by

> one question and when they could not answer he would eat them. He had

> no choice and for a few thousand years this was the story. He could

> not find a single person to whom he could teach the yogasutras. So he

> remained in the tree as a Brahmarakshasa (the lesson here being that

> for the one who has great knowledge, and who does something wrong, the

> state of Brahmarakshasa will come. An intelligent person becoming a

> criminal becomes more dangerous than an innocent person becoming a

> criminal. If a person, who knows all knowledge and then turns a

> criminal, it is much more dangerous). So the Brahmarakshasa was

> hanging there and waiting for relief. Then out of compassion,

> Patanjali himself becomes a disciple and comes as a student to

> Brahmarakshasa who told him all the sutras, which Patanjali wrote on

> the palm leaf. The story goes that to redeem one disciple, the Master

> became the disciple of a disciple. Patanjali wrote the sutras sitting

> on the top of the tree as that was where the Brahmarakshasa sat. Also,

> Brahmarakshasa worked only in the night. So he dictated the sutras at

> night and Patanjali wrote them on the leaves. He plucked all the

> leaves and made a small scratch, drew blood and wrote. This went on

> for seven days. At the end of it, Patanjali was tired and put

> everything he had written on a piece pf cloth and set it down and went

> to bathe. But when Patanjali returned, he found that a goat had eaten

> most of the leaves. Patanjali then took the cloth bag and the rest of

> the leaves and walked away. In this story, there is a lot of depth.

> The puranas do not give any explanation. They just give a story and it

> is for us to unlock the meaning. So what is that you all have to find

> out? (1) How did the master convey the knowledge to everybody without

> uttering a word? (2) What was the significance of the veil and when it

> was lifted why did everybody burn down? (3) Why was the one boy

> forgiven? (4) What is the significance of the goat? (4) What is the

> significance of this story?


> Regards

> Kulbir Bains


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And just to extend your line of thinking, currently what is happening is that

many traditional minds, but trained through education and profession in the

western manner are looking at jyotish and exploring it. Some think that that is

bad and could add distortions or mal-interpretations and muddy up the waters,

while others disagree.


I think as long as we keep an open mind, and do not let go of a modicum of

healthy scepticism (which is different from cynicism!), such a fresh second (or

third) look can not hurt. Jyotish was never meant, in my perspective, to simply

be a religion or belief system.


I do not expect all to agree, of course!




, Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb wrote:


> SiRR ji,

> page 198 THE GREATNESS OF SATURN by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda " The Seers of

> Vedas, who relied more on intutive precision than on mathematical precision

> in their observations of the sky, expressed what they SAW of the nine

> planets in terms which were incomprehensible to anyone who approaches them

> without the internal keys to interpretation that were handed down from Guru

> to Disciple. Deprived of these keys, most modern researchers conclude that

> Jyotish has progressed from simplistic Vedic conceptions to

> better-structured classical speculations, and that because these later

> theories are more complex they are more advanced. The view from within

> Jyotish suggests instead that profundity is a function of simplicity, and

> that real evolutionary advancement in Jyotish occurred on those occasions

> when the multiplicity of manifested myths has found new ways, though a

> process of attribution inspired by the Jyotir vidya, to coalesce around



> Buitenen, qoted in Coburn, p. 17] India's genius continually shows its

> savants how to locate the ONE in the midst of all.

> Regards

> Kulbir Bains

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There is a story, a young fellow wanted to catch bagulas that visit

irrigated fields. He wanted to catch one. He made some queries about the

method and was told to visit a person whom the village considered really

wise and clever. The " learned' person readily explained the formula. Wrap

yourself in a blanket, visit the fields early morning, Sit motionless, light

a candle in your wrapped blanket. Let the stork come near you. When it is in

reach pour the hot wax of the candle on its head. It will get confused and

you can catch it easily.

The fellow questioned " what is the need of candle and pouring of hot wax, I

can catch it without this method by the blanket only? "

The Learned person answered, This much you know but when you approach me, I

am expected to display some KALAKAARI.

The root of the problem is such KALAKAARI.


Kulbir Bains.


On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:22 PM, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vaniwrote:




> And just to extend your line of thinking, currently what is happening is

> that many traditional minds, but trained through education and profession in

> the western manner are looking at jyotish and exploring it. Some think that

> that is bad and could add distortions or mal-interpretations and muddy up

> the waters, while others disagree.


> I think as long as we keep an open mind, and do not let go of a modicum of

> healthy scepticism (which is different from cynicism!), such a fresh second

> (or third) look can not hurt. Jyotish was never meant, in my perspective, to

> simply be a religion or belief system.


> I do not expect all to agree, of course!


> RR_,


> <%40>,

> Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb wrote:

> >

> > SiRR ji,

> > page 198 THE GREATNESS OF SATURN by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda " The Seers of

> > Vedas, who relied more on intutive precision than on mathematical

> precision

> > in their observations of the sky, expressed what they SAW of the nine

> > planets in terms which were incomprehensible to anyone who approaches

> them

> > without the internal keys to interpretation that were handed down from

> Guru

> > to Disciple. Deprived of these keys, most modern researchers conclude

> that

> > Jyotish has progressed from simplistic Vedic conceptions to

> > better-structured classical speculations, and that because these later

> > theories are more complex they are more advanced. The view from within

> > Jyotish suggests instead that profundity is a function of simplicity, and

> > that real evolutionary advancement in Jyotish occurred on those occasions

> > when the multiplicity of manifested myths has found new ways, though a

> > process of attribution inspired by the Jyotir vidya, to coalesce around



> > Buitenen, qoted in Coburn, p. 17] India's genius continually shows its

> > savants how to locate the ONE in the midst of all.

> > Regards

> > Kulbir Bains







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HAHA! Well-said!


I have a more modern story for you :-)

Once there was an honest doctor. The hypochondriac came to him. The doctor

examined him and said, " There is nothing wrong with you! Just do some exercise

daily " . The hypochondriac insisted on getting some remedy. The doctor asked him

to leave. The hypochondriac went around the town bad-mouthing the doctor. " He

knows nothing! I am so ill and this doctor did not even give me an injection or

a pill or vitamin or something " . This went on and the doctor had to go back to

teaching medicine in a government hospital rather than serving his dream of

serving rural india.




, Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb wrote:


> Sir,

> There is a story, a young fellow wanted to catch bagulas that visit

> irrigated fields. He wanted to catch one. He made some queries about the

> method and was told to visit a person whom the village considered really

> wise and clever. The " learned' person readily explained the formula. Wrap

> yourself in a blanket, visit the fields early morning, Sit motionless, light

> a candle in your wrapped blanket. Let the stork come near you. When it is in

> reach pour the hot wax of the candle on its head. It will get confused and

> you can catch it easily.

> The fellow questioned " what is the need of candle and pouring of hot wax, I

> can catch it without this method by the blanket only? "

> The Learned person answered, This much you know but when you approach me, I

> am expected to display some KALAKAARI.

> The root of the problem is such KALAKAARI.

> Regards

> Kulbir Bains.


> On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:22 PM, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vaniwrote:


> >

> >

> > And just to extend your line of thinking, currently what is happening is

> > that many traditional minds, but trained through education and profession in

> > the western manner are looking at jyotish and exploring it. Some think that

> > that is bad and could add distortions or mal-interpretations and muddy up

> > the waters, while others disagree.

> >

> > I think as long as we keep an open mind, and do not let go of a modicum of

> > healthy scepticism (which is different from cynicism!), such a fresh second

> > (or third) look can not hurt. Jyotish was never meant, in my perspective, to

> > simply be a religion or belief system.

> >

> > I do not expect all to agree, of course!

> >

> > RR_,

> >

> > <%40>,

> > Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > SiRR ji,

> > > page 198 THE GREATNESS OF SATURN by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda " The Seers of

> > > Vedas, who relied more on intutive precision than on mathematical

> > precision

> > > in their observations of the sky, expressed what they SAW of the nine

> > > planets in terms which were incomprehensible to anyone who approaches

> > them

> > > without the internal keys to interpretation that were handed down from

> > Guru

> > > to Disciple. Deprived of these keys, most modern researchers conclude

> > that

> > > Jyotish has progressed from simplistic Vedic conceptions to

> > > better-structured classical speculations, and that because these later

> > > theories are more complex they are more advanced. The view from within

> > > Jyotish suggests instead that profundity is a function of simplicity, and

> > > that real evolutionary advancement in Jyotish occurred on those occasions

> > > when the multiplicity of manifested myths has found new ways, though a

> > > process of attribution inspired by the Jyotir vidya, to coalesce around



> > > Buitenen, qoted in Coburn, p. 17] India's genius continually shows its

> > > savants how to locate the ONE in the midst of all.

> > > Regards

> > > Kulbir Bains

> >

> >

> >




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Dear Sir,

Innovation is the way to try and and endeavour.kalakaari brings that unique

nature.The old wisdom and the gospel take a roll and undergo mutation.Search for

platinum begins.we shed the good words " old is Gold "

In fact in rural background what matters for " them is then and there " and not

sermons.Most powerful gift for them is word of mouth.

Good, the Doctor is simple and chose his profession to preach and teach than to

practise.Most arduous thing is to " practise. " (what one says/professes).other

wise sadhana.This if one is successful one can have win.......win.......other

wise v r melocholous.......hypochondriacs....................

Once medical profession gets influenced by " consumerism " Doctor has to keep his

Pharmacology in the cellar and entertain patients knowing their wish and



Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Wed, 3/10/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:


rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani

Re: Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA "


Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 6:38 PM


















HAHA! Well-said!




I have a more modern story for you :-)


Once there was an honest doctor. The hypochondriac came to him. The doctor

examined him and said, " There is nothing wrong with you! Just do some exercise

daily " . The hypochondriac insisted on getting some remedy. The doctor asked him

to leave. The hypochondriac went around the town bad-mouthing the doctor. " He

knows nothing! I am so ill and this doctor did not even give me an injection or

a pill or vitamin or something " . This went on and the doctor had to go back to

teaching medicine in a government hospital rather than serving his dream of

serving rural india.








, Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@ ...> wrote:




> Sir,


> There is a story, a young fellow wanted to catch bagulas that visit


> irrigated fields. He wanted to catch one. He made some queries about the


> method and was told to visit a person whom the village considered really


> wise and clever. The " learned' person readily explained the formula. Wrap


> yourself in a blanket, visit the fields early morning, Sit motionless, light


> a candle in your wrapped blanket. Let the stork come near you. When it is in


> reach pour the hot wax of the candle on its head. It will get confused and


> you can catch it easily.


> The fellow questioned " what is the need of candle and pouring of hot wax, I


> can catch it without this method by the blanket only? "


> The Learned person answered, This much you know but when you approach me, I


> am expected to display some KALAKAARI.


> The root of the problem is such KALAKAARI.


> Regards


> Kulbir Bains.




> On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:22 PM, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>wrote:




> >


> >


> > And just to extend your line of thinking, currently what is happening is


> > that many traditional minds, but trained through education and profession in


> > the western manner are looking at jyotish and exploring it. Some think that


> > that is bad and could add distortions or mal-interpretations and muddy up


> > the waters, while others disagree.


> >


> > I think as long as we keep an open mind, and do not let go of a modicum of


> > healthy scepticism (which is different from cynicism!), such a fresh second


> > (or third) look can not hurt. Jyotish was never meant, in my perspective, to


> > simply be a religion or belief system.


> >


> > I do not expect all to agree, of course!


> >


> > RR_,


> >


> > <% 40.



> > Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@ > wrote:


> > >


> > > SiRR ji,


> > > page 198 THE GREATNESS OF SATURN by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda " The Seers of


> > > Vedas, who relied more on intutive precision than on mathematical


> > precision


> > > in their observations of the sky, expressed what they SAW of the nine


> > > planets in terms which were incomprehensible to anyone who approaches


> > them


> > > without the internal keys to interpretation that were handed down from


> > Guru


> > > to Disciple. Deprived of these keys, most modern researchers conclude


> > that


> > > Jyotish has progressed from simplistic Vedic conceptions to


> > > better-structured classical speculations, and that because these later


> > > theories are more complex they are more advanced. The view from within


> > > Jyotish suggests instead that profundity is a function of simplicity, and


> > > that real evolutionary advancement in Jyotish occurred on those occasions


> > > when the multiplicity of manifested myths has found new ways, though a


> > > process of attribution inspired by the Jyotir vidya, to coalesce around






> > > Buitenen, qoted in Coburn, p. 17] India's genius continually shows its


> > > savants how to locate the ONE in the midst of all.


> > > Regards


> > > Kulbir Bains


> >


> >


> >







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Krishnan dada,


You missed the punch-line and essence :(


Like Medicine (and other APPLIED subjects = Practical), astrology (and

engineering, I suppose...!) can ONLY be taught through examples (= practice).









, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> Dear Sir,

> Innovation is the way to try and and endeavour.kalakaari brings that unique

nature.The old wisdom and the gospel take a roll and undergo mutation.Search for

platinum begins.we shed the good words " old is Gold "

> In fact in rural background what matters for " them is then and there " and not

sermons.Most powerful gift for them is word of mouth.

> Good, the Doctor is simple and chose his profession to preach and teach than

to practise.Most arduous thing is to " practise. " (what one says/professes).other

wise sadhana.This if one is successful one can have win.......win.......other

wise v r melocholous.......hypochondriacs....................

> Once medical profession gets influenced by " consumerism " Doctor has to keep his

Pharmacology in the cellar and entertain patients knowing their wish and



> Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


> --- On Wed, 3/10/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:


> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani

> Re: Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA "


> Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 6:38 PM






HAHA! Well-said!




> I have a more modern story for you :-)


> Once there was an honest doctor. The hypochondriac came to him. The doctor

examined him and said, " There is nothing wrong with you! Just do some exercise

daily " . The hypochondriac insisted on getting some remedy. The doctor asked him

to leave. The hypochondriac went around the town bad-mouthing the doctor. " He

knows nothing! I am so ill and this doctor did not even give me an injection or

a pill or vitamin or something " . This went on and the doctor had to go back to

teaching medicine in a government hospital rather than serving his dream of

serving rural india.




> RR_,




> , Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@ ...>



> >


> > Sir,


> > There is a story, a young fellow wanted to catch bagulas that visit


> > irrigated fields. He wanted to catch one. He made some queries about the


> > method and was told to visit a person whom the village considered really


> > wise and clever. The " learned' person readily explained the formula. Wrap


> > yourself in a blanket, visit the fields early morning, Sit motionless, light


> > a candle in your wrapped blanket. Let the stork come near you. When it is in


> > reach pour the hot wax of the candle on its head. It will get confused and


> > you can catch it easily.


> > The fellow questioned " what is the need of candle and pouring of hot wax, I


> > can catch it without this method by the blanket only? "


> > The Learned person answered, This much you know but when you approach me, I


> > am expected to display some KALAKAARI.


> > The root of the problem is such KALAKAARI.


> > Regards


> > Kulbir Bains.


> >


> > On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:22 PM, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>wrote:


> >


> > >


> > >


> > > And just to extend your line of thinking, currently what is happening is


> > > that many traditional minds, but trained through education and profession



> > > the western manner are looking at jyotish and exploring it. Some think



> > > that is bad and could add distortions or mal-interpretations and muddy up


> > > the waters, while others disagree.


> > >


> > > I think as long as we keep an open mind, and do not let go of a modicum of


> > > healthy scepticism (which is different from cynicism!), such a fresh



> > > (or third) look can not hurt. Jyotish was never meant, in my perspective,



> > > simply be a religion or belief system.


> > >


> > > I do not expect all to agree, of course!


> > >


> > > RR_,


> > >


> > > <% 40.



> > > Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@ > wrote:


> > > >


> > > > SiRR ji,


> > > > page 198 THE GREATNESS OF SATURN by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda " The Seers of


> > > > Vedas, who relied more on intutive precision than on mathematical


> > > precision


> > > > in their observations of the sky, expressed what they SAW of the nine


> > > > planets in terms which were incomprehensible to anyone who approaches


> > > them


> > > > without the internal keys to interpretation that were handed down from


> > > Guru


> > > > to Disciple. Deprived of these keys, most modern researchers conclude


> > > that


> > > > Jyotish has progressed from simplistic Vedic conceptions to


> > > > better-structured classical speculations, and that because these later


> > > > theories are more complex they are more advanced. The view from within


> > > > Jyotish suggests instead that profundity is a function of simplicity,



> > > > that real evolutionary advancement in Jyotish occurred on those



> > > > when the multiplicity of manifested myths has found new ways, though a


> > > > process of attribution inspired by the Jyotir vidya, to coalesce around







> > > > Buitenen, qoted in Coburn, p. 17] India's genius continually shows its


> > > > savants how to locate the ONE in the midst of all.


> > > > Regards


> > > > Kulbir Bains


> > >


> > >


> > >


> >


> >


> >

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Share on other sites

Guest guest


Patanjali has come out great elobaration of through his sutra about negative and

positive energy relating to human body.To put them into practice depends on

one's own choice.

True I missed as I find astrologers in Print meida /TV quote many examples and

give direction to Man's fate

Jyotishi(.we) have to certainly convince a client.Examples no doubt helps.yet if

v can make him sail in the manner he wishes,then word goes around as  good

doctor/engineer/astrologer.Mobiless keep ringing.............

Essence of life still the same thing as we see the planets engineered in 12

signs and moderate through dasa.To higlight example during problem we refer sade

sati and yet time kendradhipati dosha or otherwise kuja dosha.

The thread that way is inspiration as it amkes me to toy with the

idea:Contact.......for engineering Bhagya....Guarantee results.....


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Wed, 3/10/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:


rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani

Re: Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA "


Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 10:43 PM


















Krishnan dada,




You missed the punch-line and essence :(




Like Medicine (and other APPLIED subjects = Practical), astrology (and

engineering, I suppose...!) can ONLY be taught through examples (= practice).













, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>





> Dear Sir,


> Innovation is the way to try and and endeavour.kalakaari brings that unique

nature.The old wisdom and the gospel take a roll and undergo mutation.Search for

platinum begins.we shed the good words " old is Gold "


> In fact in rural background what matters for " them is then and there " and not

sermons.Most powerful gift for them is word of mouth.


> Good, the Doctor is simple and chose his profession to preach and teach than

to practise.Most arduous thing is to " practise. " ( what one says/professes)

..other wise sadhana.This if one is successful one can have win.......win.

.......other wise v r melocholous. ......hypochondr iacs..... ......... ......


> Once medical profession gets influenced by " consumerism " Doctor has to keep

his Pharmacology in the cellar and entertain patients knowing their wish and





> Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 




> --- On Wed, 3/10/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:




> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>


> Re: Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA "




> Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 6:38 PM




































> HAHA! Well-said!








> I have a more modern story for you :-)




> Once there was an honest doctor. The hypochondriac came to him. The doctor

examined him and said, " There is nothing wrong with you! Just do some exercise

daily " . The hypochondriac insisted on getting some remedy. The doctor asked him

to leave. The hypochondriac went around the town bad-mouthing the doctor. " He

knows nothing! I am so ill and this doctor did not even give me an injection or

a pill or vitamin or something " . This went on and the doctor had to go back to

teaching medicine in a government hospital rather than serving his dream of

serving rural india.








> RR_,








> , Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@ ...>





> >




> > Sir,




> > There is a story, a young fellow wanted to catch bagulas that visit




> > irrigated fields. He wanted to catch one. He made some queries about the




> > method and was told to visit a person whom the village considered really




> > wise and clever. The " learned' person readily explained the formula. Wrap




> > yourself in a blanket, visit the fields early morning, Sit motionless, light




> > a candle in your wrapped blanket. Let the stork come near you. When it is in




> > reach pour the hot wax of the candle on its head. It will get confused and




> > you can catch it easily.




> > The fellow questioned " what is the need of candle and pouring of hot wax, I




> > can catch it without this method by the blanket only? "




> > The Learned person answered, This much you know but when you approach me, I




> > am expected to display some KALAKAARI.




> > The root of the problem is such KALAKAARI.




> > Regards




> > Kulbir Bains.




> >




> > On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:22 PM, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>wrote:




> >




> > >




> > >




> > > And just to extend your line of thinking, currently what is happening is




> > > that many traditional minds, but trained through education and profession





> > > the western manner are looking at jyotish and exploring it. Some think





> > > that is bad and could add distortions or mal-interpretations and muddy up




> > > the waters, while others disagree.




> > >




> > > I think as long as we keep an open mind, and do not let go of a modicum of




> > > healthy scepticism (which is different from cynicism!), such a fresh





> > > (or third) look can not hurt. Jyotish was never meant, in my perspective,





> > > simply be a religion or belief system.




> > >




> > > I do not expect all to agree, of course!




> > >




> > > RR_,




> > >




> > > <Jyotish_ Remedies%

40. com>,




> > > Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@ > wrote:




> > > >




> > > > SiRR ji,




> > > > page 198 THE GREATNESS OF SATURN by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda " The Seers of




> > > > Vedas, who relied more on intutive precision than on mathematical




> > > precision




> > > > in their observations of the sky, expressed what they SAW of the nine




> > > > planets in terms which were incomprehensible to anyone who approaches




> > > them




> > > > without the internal keys to interpretation that were handed down from




> > > Guru




> > > > to Disciple. Deprived of these keys, most modern researchers conclude




> > > that




> > > > Jyotish has progressed from simplistic Vedic conceptions to




> > > > better-structured classical speculations, and that because these later




> > > > theories are more complex they are more advanced. The view from within




> > > > Jyotish suggests instead that profundity is a function of simplicity,





> > > > that real evolutionary advancement in Jyotish occurred on those





> > > > when the multiplicity of manifested myths has found new ways, though a




> > > > process of attribution inspired by the Jyotir vidya, to coalesce around













> > > > Buitenen, qoted in Coburn, p. 17] India's genius continually shows its




> > > > savants how to locate the ONE in the midst of all.




> > > > Regards




> > > > Kulbir Bains




> > >




> > >




> > >




> >




> >




> >

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Guest guest

I wrote something recently on one of the astrology forums about **Chi-squared

Divination!** in the context of " Divinity "


Please read it when you manage to find time, or interest.


I hope your observation meets your expectation(s)!




, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> Sir,

> Patanjali has come out great elobaration of through his sutra about negative

and positive energy relating to human body.To put them into practice depends on

one's own choice.

> True I missed as I find astrologers in Print meida /TV quote many examples and

give direction to Man's fate

> Jyotishi(.we) have to certainly convince a client.Examples no doubt helps.yet

if v can make him sail in the manner he wishes,then word goes around as  good

doctor/engineer/astrologer.Mobiless keep ringing.............

> Essence of life still the same thing as we see the planets engineered in 12

signs and moderate through dasa.To higlight example during problem we refer sade

sati and yet time kendradhipati dosha or otherwise kuja dosha.

> The thread that way is inspiration as it amkes me to toy with the

idea:Contact.......for engineering Bhagya....Guarantee results.....


> Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


> --- On Wed, 3/10/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:


> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani

> Re: Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA "


> Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 10:43 PM






Krishnan dada,




> You missed the punch-line and essence :(




> Like Medicine (and other APPLIED subjects = Practical), astrology (and

engineering, I suppose...!) can ONLY be taught through examples (= practice).





> Regards,




> Rohiniranjan




> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>



> >


> > Dear Sir,


> > Innovation is the way to try and and endeavour.kalakaari brings that unique

nature.The old wisdom and the gospel take a roll and undergo mutation.Search for

platinum begins.we shed the good words " old is Gold "


> > In fact in rural background what matters for " them is then and there " and

not sermons.Most powerful gift for them is word of mouth.


> > Good, the Doctor is simple and chose his profession to preach and teach than

to practise.Most arduous thing is to " practise. " ( what one says/professes)

..other wise sadhana.This if one is successful one can have win.......win.

.......other wise v r melocholous. ......hypochondr iacs..... ......... ......


> > Once medical profession gets influenced by " consumerism " Doctor has to keep

his Pharmacology in the cellar and entertain patients knowing their wish and



> >


> > Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


> >


> > --- On Wed, 3/10/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:


> >


> > rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>


> > Re: Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA "


> >


> > Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 6:38 PM


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >  


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > HAHA! Well-said!


> >


> >


> >


> > I have a more modern story for you :-)


> >


> > Once there was an honest doctor. The hypochondriac came to him. The doctor

examined him and said, " There is nothing wrong with you! Just do some exercise

daily " . The hypochondriac insisted on getting some remedy. The doctor asked him

to leave. The hypochondriac went around the town bad-mouthing the doctor. " He

knows nothing! I am so ill and this doctor did not even give me an injection or

a pill or vitamin or something " . This went on and the doctor had to go back to

teaching medicine in a government hospital rather than serving his dream of

serving rural india.


> >


> >


> >


> > RR_,


> >


> >


> >


> > , Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@ ...>



> >


> > >


> >


> > > Sir,


> >


> > > There is a story, a young fellow wanted to catch bagulas that visit


> >


> > > irrigated fields. He wanted to catch one. He made some queries about the


> >


> > > method and was told to visit a person whom the village considered really


> >


> > > wise and clever. The " learned' person readily explained the formula. Wrap


> >


> > > yourself in a blanket, visit the fields early morning, Sit motionless,



> >


> > > a candle in your wrapped blanket. Let the stork come near you. When it is



> >


> > > reach pour the hot wax of the candle on its head. It will get confused and


> >


> > > you can catch it easily.


> >


> > > The fellow questioned " what is the need of candle and pouring of hot wax,



> >


> > > can catch it without this method by the blanket only? "


> >


> > > The Learned person answered, This much you know but when you approach me,



> >


> > > am expected to display some KALAKAARI.


> >


> > > The root of the problem is such KALAKAARI.


> >


> > > Regards


> >


> > > Kulbir Bains.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:22 PM, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>wrote:


> >


> > >


> >


> > > >


> >


> > > >


> >


> > > > And just to extend your line of thinking, currently what is happening is


> >


> > > > that many traditional minds, but trained through education and

profession in


> >


> > > > the western manner are looking at jyotish and exploring it. Some think



> >


> > > > that is bad and could add distortions or mal-interpretations and muddy



> >


> > > > the waters, while others disagree.


> >


> > > >


> >


> > > > I think as long as we keep an open mind, and do not let go of a modicum



> >


> > > > healthy scepticism (which is different from cynicism!), such a fresh



> >


> > > > (or third) look can not hurt. Jyotish was never meant, in my

perspective, to


> >


> > > > simply be a religion or belief system.


> >


> > > >


> >


> > > > I do not expect all to agree, of course!


> >


> > > >


> >


> > > > RR_,


> >


> > > >


> >


> > > > <Jyotish_ Remedies%

40. com>,


> >


> > > > Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@ > wrote:


> >


> > > > >


> >


> > > > > SiRR ji,


> >


> > > > > page 198 THE GREATNESS OF SATURN by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda " The Seers



> >


> > > > > Vedas, who relied more on intutive precision than on mathematical


> >


> > > > precision


> >


> > > > > in their observations of the sky, expressed what they SAW of the nine


> >


> > > > > planets in terms which were incomprehensible to anyone who approaches


> >


> > > > them


> >


> > > > > without the internal keys to interpretation that were handed down from


> >


> > > > Guru


> >


> > > > > to Disciple. Deprived of these keys, most modern researchers conclude


> >


> > > > that


> >


> > > > > Jyotish has progressed from simplistic Vedic conceptions to


> >


> > > > > better-structured classical speculations, and that because these later


> >


> > > > > theories are more complex they are more advanced. The view from within


> >


> > > > > Jyotish suggests instead that profundity is a function of simplicity,



> >


> > > > > that real evolutionary advancement in Jyotish occurred on those



> >


> > > > > when the multiplicity of manifested myths has found new ways, though a


> >


> > > > > process of attribution inspired by the Jyotir vidya, to coalesce



> >





> >




> >


> > > > > Buitenen, qoted in Coburn, p. 17] India's genius continually shows its


> >


> > > > > savants how to locate the ONE in the midst of all.


> >


> > > > > Regards


> >


> > > > > Kulbir Bains


> >


> > > >


> >


> > > >


> >


> > > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >

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Guest guest

Than You Sir,Let me google first to find more details.Time n interest plenty.Let

me be LUCKY too get hold



Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Thu, 3/11/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:


rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani

Re: Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA "


Thursday, March 11, 2010, 12:18 AM


















I wrote something recently on one of the astrology forums about

**Chi-squared Divination!* * in the context of " Divinity "




Please read it when you manage to find time, or interest.




I hope your observation meets your expectation( s)!








, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>





> Sir,


> Patanjali has come out great elobaration of through his sutra about negative

and positive energy relating to human body.To put them into practice depends on

one's own choice.


> True I missed as I find astrologers in Print meida /TV quote many examples and

give direction to Man's fate


> Jyotishi(.we) have to certainly convince a client.Examples no doubt helps.yet

if v can make him sail in the manner he wishes,then word goes around as  good

doctor/engineer/ astrologer. Mobiless keep ringing..... ........


> Essence of life still the same thing as we see the planets engineered in 12

signs and moderate through dasa.To higlight example during problem we refer sade

sati and yet time kendradhipati dosha or otherwise kuja dosha.


> The thread that way is inspiration as it amkes me to toy with the

idea:Contact. ......for engineering Bhagya....Guarantee results.....




> Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 




> --- On Wed, 3/10/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:




> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>


> Re: Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA "




> Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 10:43 PM




































> Krishnan dada,








> You missed the punch-line and essence :(








> Like Medicine (and other APPLIED subjects = Practical), astrology (and

engineering, I suppose...!) can ONLY be taught through examples (= practice).









> Regards,








> Rohiniranjan








> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>





> >




> > Dear Sir,




> > Innovation is the way to try and and endeavour.kalakaari brings that unique

nature.The old wisdom and the gospel take a roll and undergo mutation.Search for

platinum begins.we shed the good words " old is Gold "




> > In fact in rural background what matters for " them is then and there " and

not sermons.Most powerful gift for them is word of mouth.




> > Good, the Doctor is simple and chose his profession to preach and teach than

to practise.Most arduous thing is to " practise. " ( what one says/professes)

..other wise sadhana.This if one is successful one can have win.......win.

.......other wise v r melocholous. ......hypochondr iacs..... ......... ......




> > Once medical profession gets influenced by " consumerism " Doctor has to keep

his Pharmacology in the cellar and entertain patients knowing their wish and





> >




> > Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 




> >




> > --- On Wed, 3/10/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:




> >




> > rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>




> > Re: Patanjali Yog Sutras " AJA...BHAsKSITA "




> >




> > Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 6:38 PM




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >  




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> > HAHA! Well-said!




> >




> >




> >




> > I have a more modern story for you :-)




> >




> > Once there was an honest doctor. The hypochondriac came to him. The doctor

examined him and said, " There is nothing wrong with you! Just do some exercise

daily " . The hypochondriac insisted on getting some remedy. The doctor asked him

to leave. The hypochondriac went around the town bad-mouthing the doctor. " He

knows nothing! I am so ill and this doctor did not even give me an injection or

a pill or vitamin or something " . This went on and the doctor had to go back to

teaching medicine in a government hospital rather than serving his dream of

serving rural india.




> >




> >




> >




> > RR_,




> >




> >




> >




> > , Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@ ...>





> >




> > >




> >




> > > Sir,




> >




> > > There is a story, a young fellow wanted to catch bagulas that visit




> >




> > > irrigated fields. He wanted to catch one. He made some queries about the




> >




> > > method and was told to visit a person whom the village considered really




> >




> > > wise and clever. The " learned' person readily explained the formula. Wrap




> >




> > > yourself in a blanket, visit the fields early morning, Sit motionless,





> >




> > > a candle in your wrapped blanket. Let the stork come near you. When it is





> >




> > > reach pour the hot wax of the candle on its head. It will get confused and




> >




> > > you can catch it easily.




> >




> > > The fellow questioned " what is the need of candle and pouring of hot wax,





> >




> > > can catch it without this method by the blanket only? "




> >




> > > The Learned person answered, This much you know but when you approach me,





> >




> > > am expected to display some KALAKAARI.




> >




> > > The root of the problem is such KALAKAARI.




> >




> > > Regards




> >




> > > Kulbir Bains.




> >




> > >




> >




> > > On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:22 PM, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>wrote:




> >




> > >




> >




> > > >




> >




> > > >




> >




> > > > And just to extend your line of thinking, currently what is happening is




> >




> > > > that many traditional minds, but trained through education and

profession in




> >




> > > > the western manner are looking at jyotish and exploring it. Some think





> >




> > > > that is bad and could add distortions or mal-interpretations and muddy





> >




> > > > the waters, while others disagree.




> >




> > > >




> >




> > > > I think as long as we keep an open mind, and do not let go of a modicum





> >




> > > > healthy scepticism (which is different from cynicism!), such a fresh





> >




> > > > (or third) look can not hurt. Jyotish was never meant, in my

perspective, to




> >




> > > > simply be a religion or belief system.




> >




> > > >




> >




> > > > I do not expect all to agree, of course!




> >




> > > >




> >




> > > > RR_,




> >




> > > >




> >




> > > > <Jyotish_ Remedies%

40. com>,




> >




> > > > Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@ > wrote:




> >




> > > > >




> >




> > > > > SiRR ji,




> >




> > > > > page 198 THE GREATNESS OF SATURN by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda " The Seers





> >




> > > > > Vedas, who relied more on intutive precision than on mathematical




> >




> > > > precision




> >




> > > > > in their observations of the sky, expressed what they SAW of the nine




> >




> > > > > planets in terms which were incomprehensible to anyone who approaches




> >




> > > > them




> >




> > > > > without the internal keys to interpretation that were handed down from




> >




> > > > Guru




> >




> > > > > to Disciple. Deprived of these keys, most modern researchers conclude




> >




> > > > that




> >




> > > > > Jyotish has progressed from simplistic Vedic conceptions to




> >




> > > > > better-structured classical speculations, and that because these later




> >




> > > > > theories are more complex they are more advanced. The view from within




> >




> > > > > Jyotish suggests instead that profundity is a function of simplicity,





> >




> > > > > that real evolutionary advancement in Jyotish occurred on those





> >




> > > > > when the multiplicity of manifested myths has found new ways, though a




> >




> > > > > process of attribution inspired by the Jyotir vidya, to coalesce





> >









> >








> >




> > > > > Buitenen, qoted in Coburn, p. 17] India's genius continually shows its




> >




> > > > > savants how to locate the ONE in the midst of all.




> >




> > > > > Regards




> >




> > > > > Kulbir Bains




> >




> > > >




> >




> > > >




> >




> > > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > >




> >




> > >

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