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My Words to Astrologers !!

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Dear Astrologers,


You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then

the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more

effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of



Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is

required for construction of new and better structure.


India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's

fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country

people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This

heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at



Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and

innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,

Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the

invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of

Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally

respected as Newton.


I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to

work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we

should remain open for further developments.


I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also

respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's

contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I

wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other

shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they

contributed, instead of making them mythological character.


There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can

learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,

medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4

yrs ?


In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR

Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book

didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and

respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar

Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.


I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on

buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places

out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am

wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or

drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.


I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,

particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a

astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty

in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown

things that I w'd certainly share with you all.


I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give

new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.


I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so

perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose

horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares

tell Astrology is not a science ?


My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share

with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow

them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use

their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.


I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of

astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I

validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I

also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on

spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.


You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda's birth chart is

incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to

meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that

these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust

was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school

and articals, It was more projection then reality.


Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming

days he kept posting articals on political affairs.


PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in

between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda's chart to Jyoish Group and

other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior

? I was surprised at this behavior.


Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find

great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.


I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do

astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share

with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.


What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their

own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,

Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in

your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help

you in real life ?


Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that

every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what

comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to

overcome your's doubts.


After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,

New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune

to this.






























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Sir ji, //Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things


your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help

you in real life ?//

Your mail suggests that you have studied astrology extensively.

So my comment would be like showing a DIYA (lamp) to Sun.

But if you note charts of elevated personalities and see the position of

Rahu in their horoscopes, You will notice that this planet's SHUDHIKARAN was

instrumental in their elevation.

A planet with negative tendencies is a blessing in disguise as it holds the

potential for improvement.

A planet with positive tendencies has every possibility of being spoiled by

individuals actions.


//Now that age also ends,New age of micro level real study of vedic

astrology begins, pls attune to this.//

Yes the old order changes-th.

The King Is Dead; Long Live The King.'



Kulbir Bains




On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 8:18 PM, utkal.panigrahi






> Dear Astrologers,


> You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then

> the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more

> effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of

> study.


> Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is

> required for construction of new and better structure.


> India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's

> fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country

> people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This

> heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at

> occasions.


> Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and

> innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,

> Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the

> invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of

> Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally

> respected as Newton.


> I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to

> work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we

> should remain open for further developments.


> I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also

> respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's

> contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I

> wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other

> shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they

> contributed, instead of making them mythological character.


> There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can

> learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,

> medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4

> yrs ?


> In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR

> Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book

> didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and

> respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar

> Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.


> I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on

> buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places

> out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am

> wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or

> drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.


> I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,

> particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a

> astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty

> in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown

> things that I w'd certainly share with you all.


> I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give

> new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.


> I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so

> perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose

> horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares

> tell Astrology is not a science ?


> My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share

> with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow

> them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use

> their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.


> I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of

> astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I

> validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I

> also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on

> spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.


> You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda's birth chart is

> incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to

> meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that

> these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust

> was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school

> and articals, It was more projection then reality.


> Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming

> days he kept posting articals on political affairs.


> PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in

> between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda's chart to Jyoish Group and

> other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior

> ? I was surprised at this behavior.


> Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find

> great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.


> I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do

> astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share

> with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.


> What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their

> own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,

> Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in

> your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help

> you in real life ?


> Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that

> every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what

> comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to

> overcome your's doubts.


> After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,

> New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune

> to this.


> regards,

> Utkal.



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Sir ji, //Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in

your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will helpyou in real life ?//Your mail suggests that you have studied astrology extensively.So my comment would be like showing a DIYA (lamp) to Sun.

But if you note charts of elevated personalities and see the position of Rahu in their horoscopes, You will notice that this planet's SHUDHIKARAN was instrumental in their elevation.A planet with negative tendencies is a blessing in disguise as it holds the potential for improvement.

A planet with positive tendencies has every possibility of being spoiled by individuals actions.//Now that age also ends,New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune to this.//

Yes the old order changes-th.The King Is Dead; Long Live The King.'RegardsKulbir BainsOn Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 8:25 PM, litsol <mishra.lalit wrote:







Dear Astrologers,

You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then the rest, Astrology as a tool offering qualitatively better and much more effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of study.

Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is required for construction of new and better structure.

India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at occasions.

Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics, Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally respected as Newton.

I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we should remain open for further developments.

I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they contributed, instead of making them mythological character.

There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs, medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4 yrs ?

In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.

I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.

I collected more books then those available in BVB's library, particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a astrological query  as to why India became slave and why it got liberty in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown things that I w'd certainly share with you all.

I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.

I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares tell Astrology is not a science ?

My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.

I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.

You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda's birth chart is incorrect, I did write mails to Prof  Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school and articals, It was more projection then reality.

Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming days he kept posting articals on political affairs.

PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda's chart to Jyoish Group and other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior ? I was surprised  at this behavior.

Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.

I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.

What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors, Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help you in real life ?

Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to overcome your's doubts.

After the end of  Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends, New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune to this.













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Lalit Alias Utkal,


well to start with the opening line looks good and that is what i expected and

said SEVERAL TIMES in this group when many were abusing u and PVN ji for writing

on ur case +ly with a rider that if u curb ur martian instincts by Jul 2016 OR

so u canreach a good level of saint hood whatever


I had said to those critics who opposed the reading [from ur past known and

visible actions] that this country has seen many such reforemed people starting

from Valmiki, Pundalik Purandara dasa, Yogi vemmana, etc. goven time and space

and when the karma is extuinguised in the -ve part the +ve can appear but let us

be open to it


BUT what happened u proved the critics right NOT people like me o PVN ji BY


including PVN ji u had also recently accused him of further insult in claiming

credit for Jhora when it is a team effort well most s/w or products r known by

the brain child of X, y, z and also the work can be of some supportive nature

from others, above all the engine used by most astrologers is from some well

known vendor too. the atlas database is also similarly got.


NOW COMING TO ur assu,ption of India, it exists only from East India colony,

British raj and other European invaders. till then it is Bharat varsha, Bharatha

khanda comprising of several small kingdoms some empires did exist in the

borders of some small kingdoms too


the Greek invaders or the European invaders like Columbus named the region past

Indus river as Indians but there was never a union as we have today, though

similar cultural, spiritual, academic, social setups existed even the mughals

the last ruling set up did not rule all of the present India esp regions of

south like TN, Kerala etc.


coming to what u said on respect to some names just released it is good u see it

at least


but most of their work is surely unbeatable not because we Idol worship them,

they lived and practiced the subject they it has to be done none of us esp in

the internet world have done so, we can never lay claim to do anything leave

alone wishful words like INVENTING,


it is height of Megalomania it is ur responsiblity to correct ur image as what u

dish ut to members in public, private will not allow anyone to read any good

work EVEN if it comes I HAVE SAID A FEW TIMES, I had a open mind gave u the full

space, freedom and still do, will pass all meaningful, well meant non abusive

stuff on anyone. PAST or present


one can but the entire library in the world learning Guru Mukha is sacred in

such subjects, people like raman ji, kn rao ji, my guru, his gurus, me have had

some fortune of that me a v small part in todays terms but spent 12 yrs with him

a 4 generation Asthana astrologer of Mysore his fore fathers were adapt in

yantra, tantra, mantra, Jyotishya, ayurvedha too. my guru due to his limitations

to support joint familes due to his fathers wish had to work to support such

large families-studies, health care, marriages etc. so was good in astrology

alone his brothers in other area but he has a name of his own till date whenver

he wants me I am still trying to spend time or help him in anyway possible. with

my parents being sick most times in the past 12 yrs and last 4 yrs have been

even hard on time of the 6 children I am alone with them so can't spend too much

time with my guru, my brothers is expected to relocate to chennai it will give

me some time again to

visit him and share, learn a lot more of his rich wisdom, experience, at 87+ is

still a reservoir of it and has to earn to live, v few pay to read though.

fortunately he has good, caring clientele across the world than his 2 sons. I

had been with him in all his dark times loss of his daughter, wife, surgeries

not his sons.











- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

/database?method=reportRows & tbl=6







utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi


Fri, March 12, 2010 8:18:12 PM

My Words to Astrologers !!




Dear Astrologers,


You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then

the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more

effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of



Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is

required for construction of new and better structure.


India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's

fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country

people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This

heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at



Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and

innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,

Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the

invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of

Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally

respected as Newton.


I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to

work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we

should remain open for further developments.


I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also

respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's

contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I

wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other

shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they

contributed, instead of making them mythological character.


There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can

learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,

medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4

yrs ?


In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR

Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book

didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and

respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar

Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.


I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on

buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places

out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am

wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or

drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.


I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,

particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a

astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty

in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown

things that I w'd certainly share with you all.


I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give

new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.


I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so

perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose

horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares

tell Astrology is not a science ?


My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share

with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow

them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use

their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.


I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of

astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I

validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I

also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on

spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.


You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda' s birth chart is

incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to

meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that

these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust

was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school

and articals, It was more projection then reality.


Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming

days he kept posting articals on political affairs.


PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in

between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda' s chart to Jyoish Group and

other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior

? I was surprised at this behavior.


Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find

great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.


I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do

astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share

with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.


What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their

own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,

Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in

your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help

you in real life ?


Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that

every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what

comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to

overcome your's doubts.


After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,

New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune

to this.






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Kulbir ji,


Me and astrology is no way connected to each other, It became passion

for some time, but, now, I am having other interests in life, I will

goto politics and will aim at become president of the country, I am

unable to see pain and corruption in country.


I will lead this country my way, Hope malifics in 3,6 and 11 gives me

that strength.


Rest is God's play.



Lalit Mishra





Vedic Astrologyandhealing , Kulbir Bains

<lalkitabkb wrote:


> Sir ji, //Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those


> in


> your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will


> you in real life ?//

> Your mail suggests that you have studied astrology extensively.

> So my comment would be like showing a DIYA (lamp) to Sun.

> But if you note charts of elevated personalities and see the position


> Rahu in their horoscopes, You will notice that this planet's


> instrumental in their elevation.

> A planet with negative tendencies is a blessing in disguise as it

holds the

> potential for improvement.

> A planet with positive tendencies has every possibility of being

spoiled by

> individuals actions.


> //Now that age also ends,New age of micro level real study of vedic

> astrology begins, pls attune to this.//

> Yes the old order changes-th.

> The King Is Dead; Long Live The King.'


> Regards

> Kulbir Bains


> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 8:25 PM, litsol mishra.lalit wrote:


> >

> >

> > Dear Astrologers,

> >

> > You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity

then the

> > rest, Astrology as a tool offering qualitatively better and much


> > effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or

school of

> > study.

> >

> > Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction


> > required for construction of new and better structure.

> >

> > India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's

> > fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of


> > people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This


> > is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at occasions.

> >

> > Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth


> > innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like


> > Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the

invention of

> > calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of Leibnitz's great

> > researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally respected as


> >

> > I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect

to work

> > done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we


> > remain open for further developments.

> >

> > I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also


> > contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's

> > contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but,


> > wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other


> > We need to follow them to contribute more then they contributed,


> > of making them mythological character.

> >

> > There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one


> > learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,


> > science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4 yrs ?

> >

> > In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy


> > Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow,


> > didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and


> > that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar Sharma's

book, I

> > got dissatisfied with this also.

> >

> > I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on


> > classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places out

of Delhi

> > in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am wasting so

much on

> > astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or drink or party,


> > on astrology was justified.

> >

> > I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,


> > in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a

astrological query

> > as to why India became slave and why it got liberty in 1947, this


> > became the basis for revelation of several unknown things that I w'd

> > certainly share with you all.

> >

> > I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to

give new

> > thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.

> >

> > I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so

> > perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose


> > is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares tell


> > is not a science ?

> >

> > My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and

share with

> > one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow them


> > following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use their

name for

> > our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.

> >

> > I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of


> > and I believed the content of their articals but when I validated

them I

> > found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I also found

with no

> > spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on spirituaity,

and many

> > times it's incorrect.

> >

> > You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda's birth chart is

> > incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to


> > Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that

these guys

> > are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust was

broken, I

> > found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school and

articals, It

> > was more projection then reality.

> >

> > Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in


> > days he kept posting articals on political affairs.

> >

> > PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in


> > me and them for Swami Vivekannanda's chart to Jyoish Group and other


> > where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior ? I was

> > surprised at this behavior.

> >

> > Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt

find great

> > desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.

> >

> > I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't


> > astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and


> > with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.

> >

> > What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in

their own

> > charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,

Rahu has

> > negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in your

life, how

> > glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help you in

real life ?

> >

> > Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found

that every

> > time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what

comes out,

> > Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to overcome


> > doubts.

> >

> > After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also

ends, New

> > age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune

to this.

> >

> > regards,

> > Utkal.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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" RASHAN (ration) par BHASHAN Hai

Magar BHASHAN par RASHAN (ration) NAHI! "

- Malang




, Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb wrote:


> Sir ji, //Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things

> in

> your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help

> you in real life ?//

> Your mail suggests that you have studied astrology extensively.

> So my comment would be like showing a DIYA (lamp) to Sun.

> But if you note charts of elevated personalities and see the position of

> Rahu in their horoscopes, You will notice that this planet's SHUDHIKARAN was

> instrumental in their elevation.

> A planet with negative tendencies is a blessing in disguise as it holds the

> potential for improvement.

> A planet with positive tendencies has every possibility of being spoiled by

> individuals actions.


> //Now that age also ends,New age of micro level real study of vedic

> astrology begins, pls attune to this.//

> Yes the old order changes-th.

> The King Is Dead; Long Live The King.'


> Regards

> Kulbir Bains




> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 8:18 PM, utkal.panigrahi

> <utkal.panigrahiwrote:


> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Astrologers,

> >

> > You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then

> > the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more

> > effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of

> > study.

> >

> > Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is

> > required for construction of new and better structure.

> >

> > India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's

> > fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country

> > people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This

> > heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at

> > occasions.

> >

> > Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and

> > innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,

> > Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the

> > invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of

> > Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally

> > respected as Newton.

> >

> > I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to

> > work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we

> > should remain open for further developments.

> >

> > I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also

> > respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's

> > contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I

> > wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other

> > shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they

> > contributed, instead of making them mythological character.

> >

> > There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can

> > learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,

> > medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4

> > yrs ?

> >

> > In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR

> > Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book

> > didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and

> > respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar

> > Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.

> >

> > I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on

> > buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places

> > out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am

> > wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or

> > drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.

> >

> > I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,

> > particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a

> > astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty

> > in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown

> > things that I w'd certainly share with you all.

> >

> > I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give

> > new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.

> >

> > I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so

> > perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose

> > horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares

> > tell Astrology is not a science ?

> >

> > My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share

> > with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow

> > them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use

> > their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.

> >

> > I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of

> > astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I

> > validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I

> > also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on

> > spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.

> >

> > You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda's birth chart is

> > incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to

> > meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that

> > these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust

> > was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school

> > and articals, It was more projection then reality.

> >

> > Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming

> > days he kept posting articals on political affairs.

> >

> > PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in

> > between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda's chart to Jyoish Group and

> > other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior

> > ? I was surprised at this behavior.

> >

> > Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find

> > great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.

> >

> > I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do

> > astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share

> > with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.

> >

> > What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their

> > own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,

> > Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in

> > your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help

> > you in real life ?

> >

> > Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that

> > every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what

> > comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to

> > overcome your's doubts.

> >

> > After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,

> > New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune

> > to this.

> >

> > regards,

> > Utkal.

> >

> >

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jab tak dushan nahi chalta hai bhashan va rashan

door door se lagata hai bhashan badhiya,kareeb aaoge

lagega rashna ke bina kuch nahi chalta

chalna phirna hota hai bhashan aur rashan se

kabhie jaan booj ke kissi ko dooshan na kare

Duniya hai pyar bahsahn rashan se



Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Fri, 3/12/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:


rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani

Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


Friday, March 12, 2010, 2:21 PM


















" RASHAN (ration) par BHASHAN Hai


Magar BHASHAN par RASHAN (ration) NAHI! "


- Malang




, Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@ ...> wrote:




> Sir ji, //Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things


> in


> your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help


> you in real life ?//


> Your mail suggests that you have studied astrology extensively.


> So my comment would be like showing a DIYA (lamp) to Sun.


> But if you note charts of elevated personalities and see the position of


> Rahu in their horoscopes, You will notice that this planet's SHUDHIKARAN was


> instrumental in their elevation.


> A planet with negative tendencies is a blessing in disguise as it holds the


> potential for improvement.


> A planet with positive tendencies has every possibility of being spoiled by


> individuals actions.




> //Now that age also ends,New age of micro level real study of vedic


> astrology begins, pls attune to this.//


> Yes the old order changes-th.


> The King Is Dead; Long Live The King.'




> Regards


> Kulbir Bains








> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 8:18 PM, utkal.panigrahi


> <utkal.panigrahi@ ...>wrote:




> >


> >


> >


> > Dear Astrologers,


> >


> > You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then


> > the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more


> > effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of


> > study.


> >


> > Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is


> > required for construction of new and better structure.


> >


> > India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's


> > fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country


> > people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This


> > heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at


> > occasions.


> >


> > Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and


> > innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,


> > Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the


> > invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of


> > Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally


> > respected as Newton.


> >


> > I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to


> > work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we


> > should remain open for further developments.


> >


> > I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also


> > respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's


> > contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I


> > wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other


> > shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they


> > contributed, instead of making them mythological character.


> >


> > There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can


> > learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,


> > medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4


> > yrs ?


> >


> > In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR


> > Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book


> > didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and


> > respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar


> > Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.


> >


> > I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on


> > buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places


> > out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am


> > wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or


> > drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.


> >


> > I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,


> > particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a


> > astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty


> > in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown


> > things that I w'd certainly share with you all.


> >


> > I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give


> > new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.


> >


> > I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so


> > perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose


> > horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares


> > tell Astrology is not a science ?


> >


> > My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share


> > with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow


> > them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use


> > their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.


> >


> > I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of


> > astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I


> > validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I


> > also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on


> > spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.


> >


> > You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda' s birth chart is


> > incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to


> > meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that


> > these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust


> > was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school


> > and articals, It was more projection then reality.


> >


> > Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming


> > days he kept posting articals on political affairs.


> >


> > PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in


> > between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda' s chart to Jyoish Group and


> > other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior


> > ? I was surprised at this behavior.


> >


> > Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find


> > great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.


> >


> > I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do


> > astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share


> > with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.


> >


> > What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their


> > own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,


> > Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in


> > your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help


> > you in real life ?


> >


> > Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that


> > every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what


> > comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to


> > overcome your's doubts.


> >


> > After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,


> > New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune


> > to this.


> >


> > regards,


> > Utkal.


> >


> >

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Dear Members,

Basic renewal process is catbolism and follows metabolism in the

universe.//acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is\required

for construction of new and better structure.//This ofcourse a scienitfic


This is what also Gods too have done n early time.

necessary ot forge ahead and take AStrology to the door step of needy as a

service.what earlier people could do have done what they have thought as

best.with change of time,if we can do better and we need to strive and do



Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Fri, 3/12/10, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar wrote:


Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar

Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


Friday, March 12, 2010, 12:46 PM


















Lalit Alias Utkal,




well to start with the opening line looks good and that is what i expected and

said SEVERAL TIMES in this group when many were abusing u and PVN ji for writing

on ur case +ly with a rider that if u curb ur martian instincts by Jul 2016 OR

so u canreach a good level of saint hood whatever




I had said to those critics who opposed the reading [from ur past known and

visible actions] that this country has seen many such reforemed people starting

from Valmiki, Pundalik Purandara dasa, Yogi vemmana, etc. goven time and space

and when the karma is extuinguised in the -ve part the +ve can appear but let us

be open to it




BUT what happened u proved the critics right NOT people like me o PVN ji BY


including PVN ji u had also recently accused him of further insult in claiming

credit for Jhora when it is a team effort well most s/w or products r known by

the brain child of X, y, z and also the work can be of some supportive nature

from others, above all the engine used by most astrologers is from some well

known vendor too. the atlas database is also similarly got.




NOW COMING TO ur assu,ption of India, it exists only from East India colony,

British raj and other European invaders. till then it is Bharat varsha, Bharatha

khanda comprising of several small kingdoms some empires did exist in the

borders of some small kingdoms too




the Greek invaders or the European invaders like Columbus named the region past

Indus river as Indians but there was never a union as we have today, though

similar cultural, spiritual, academic, social setups existed even the mughals

the last ruling set up did not rule all of the present India esp regions of

south like TN, Kerala etc.




coming to what u said on respect to some names just released it is good u see it

at least




but most of their work is surely unbeatable not because we Idol worship them,

they lived and practiced the subject they it has to be done none of us esp in

the internet world have done so, we can never lay claim to do anything leave

alone wishful words like INVENTING,




it is height of Megalomania it is ur responsiblity to correct ur image as what u

dish ut to members in public, private will not allow anyone to read any good

work EVEN if it comes I HAVE SAID A FEW TIMES, I had a open mind gave u the full

space, freedom and still do, will pass all meaningful, well meant non abusive

stuff on anyone. PAST or present




one can but the entire library in the world learning Guru Mukha is sacred in

such subjects, people like raman ji, kn rao ji, my guru, his gurus, me have had

some fortune of that me a v small part in todays terms but spent 12 yrs with him

a 4 generation Asthana astrologer of Mysore his fore fathers were adapt in

yantra, tantra, mantra, Jyotishya, ayurvedha too. my guru due to his limitations

to support joint familes due to his fathers wish had to work to support such

large families-studies, health care, marriages etc. so was good in astrology

alone his brothers in other area but he has a name of his own till date whenver

he wants me I am still trying to spend time or help him in anyway possible. with

my parents being sick most times in the past 12 yrs and last 4 yrs have been

even hard on time of the 6 children I am alone with them so can't spend too much

time with my guru, my brothers is expected to relocate to chennai it will give

me some time again to


visit him and share, learn a lot more of his rich wisdom, experience, at 87+ is

still a reservoir of it and has to earn to live, v few pay to read though.

fortunately he has good, caring clientele across the world than his 2 sons. I

had been with him in all his dark times loss of his daughter, wife, surgeries

not his sons.




- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.


http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6




____________ _________ _________ __


utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi@ >




Fri, March 12, 2010 8:18:12 PM


My Words to Astrologers !!




Dear Astrologers,




You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then


the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more


effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of






Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is


required for construction of new and better structure.




India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's


fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country


people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This


heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at






Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and


innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,


Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the


invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of


Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally


respected as Newton.




I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to


work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we


should remain open for further developments.




I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also


respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's


contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I


wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other


shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they


contributed, instead of making them mythological character.




There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can


learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,


medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4


yrs ?




In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR


Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book


didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and


respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar


Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.




I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on


buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places


out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am


wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or


drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.




I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,


particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a


astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty


in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown


things that I w'd certainly share with you all.




I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give


new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.




I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so


perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose


horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares


tell Astrology is not a science ?




My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share


with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow


them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use


their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.




I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of


astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I


validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I


also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on


spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.




You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda' s birth chart is


incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to


meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that


these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust


was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school


and articals, It was more projection then reality.




Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming


days he kept posting articals on political affairs.




PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in


between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda' s chart to Jyoish Group and


other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior


? I was surprised at this behavior.




Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find


great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.




I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do


astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share


with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.




What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their


own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,


Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in


your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help


you in real life ?




Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that


every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what


comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to


overcome your's doubts.




After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,


New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune


to this.











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Guest guest

If Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and energy = Mass, you will have to

rethink your approach about metabolism, anabolism and catabolism!


I have no clue what gods did because I am not all that old ;-) but perhaps there

was a time when human beings existed on this planet and did not have any clue

about God!


And yet, they survived for thousands of years without speech or without God!

Because, if they did not and perished, WE modern folks would not be here today

beating our gums! :-)


Makes sense...?






, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> Dear Members,

> Basic renewal process is catbolism and follows metabolism in the

universe.//acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is\required

for construction of new and better structure.//This ofcourse a scienitfic


> This is what also Gods too have done n early time.

> necessary ot forge ahead and take AStrology to the door step of needy as a

service.what earlier people could do have done what they have thought as

best.with change of time,if we can do better and we need to strive and do



> Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


> --- On Fri, 3/12/10, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar wrote:


> Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar

> Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


> Friday, March 12, 2010, 12:46 PM






Lalit Alias Utkal,




> well to start with the opening line looks good and that is what i expected and

said SEVERAL TIMES in this group when many were abusing u and PVN ji for writing

on ur case +ly with a rider that if u curb ur martian instincts by Jul 2016 OR

so u canreach a good level of saint hood whatever




> I had said to those critics who opposed the reading [from ur past known and

visible actions] that this country has seen many such reforemed people starting

from Valmiki, Pundalik Purandara dasa, Yogi vemmana, etc. goven time and space

and when the karma is extuinguised in the -ve part the +ve can appear but let us

be open to it




> BUT what happened u proved the critics right NOT people like me o PVN ji BY


including PVN ji u had also recently accused him of further insult in claiming

credit for Jhora when it is a team effort well most s/w or products r known by

the brain child of X, y, z and also the work can be of some supportive nature

from others, above all the engine used by most astrologers is from some well

known vendor too. the atlas database is also similarly got.




> NOW COMING TO ur assu,ption of India, it exists only from East India colony,

British raj and other European invaders. till then it is Bharat varsha, Bharatha

khanda comprising of several small kingdoms some empires did exist in the

borders of some small kingdoms too




> the Greek invaders or the European invaders like Columbus named the region

past Indus river as Indians but there was never a union as we have today, though

similar cultural, spiritual, academic, social setups existed even the mughals

the last ruling set up did not rule all of the present India esp regions of

south like TN, Kerala etc.




> coming to what u said on respect to some names just released it is good u see

it at least




> but most of their work is surely unbeatable not because we Idol worship them,

they lived and practiced the subject they it has to be done none of us esp in

the internet world have done so, we can never lay claim to do anything leave

alone wishful words like INVENTING,




> it is height of Megalomania it is ur responsiblity to correct ur image as what

u dish ut to members in public, private will not allow anyone to read any good

work EVEN if it comes I HAVE SAID A FEW TIMES, I had a open mind gave u the full

space, freedom and still do, will pass all meaningful, well meant non abusive

stuff on anyone. PAST or present




> one can but the entire library in the world learning Guru Mukha is sacred in

such subjects, people like raman ji, kn rao ji, my guru, his gurus, me have had

some fortune of that me a v small part in todays terms but spent 12 yrs with him

a 4 generation Asthana astrologer of Mysore his fore fathers were adapt in

yantra, tantra, mantra, Jyotishya, ayurvedha too. my guru due to his limitations

to support joint familes due to his fathers wish had to work to support such

large families-studies, health care, marriages etc. so was good in astrology

alone his brothers in other area but he has a name of his own till date whenver

he wants me I am still trying to spend time or help him in anyway possible. with

my parents being sick most times in the past 12 yrs and last 4 yrs have been

even hard on time of the 6 children I am alone with them so can't spend too much

time with my guru, my brothers is expected to relocate to chennai it will give

me some time again to


> visit him and share, learn a lot more of his rich wisdom, experience, at 87+

is still a reservoir of it and has to earn to live, v few pay to read though.

fortunately he has good, caring clientele across the world than his 2 sons. I

had been with him in all his dark times loss of his daughter, wife, surgeries

not his sons.




> - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.


> http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6




> ____________ _________ _________ __


> utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi@ >




> Fri, March 12, 2010 8:18:12 PM


> My Words to Astrologers !!




> Dear Astrologers,




> You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then


> the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more


> effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of


> study.




> Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is


> required for construction of new and better structure.




> India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's


> fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country


> people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This


> heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at


> occasions.




> Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and


> innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,


> Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the


> invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of


> Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally


> respected as Newton.




> I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to


> work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we


> should remain open for further developments.




> I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also


> respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's


> contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I


> wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other


> shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they


> contributed, instead of making them mythological character.




> There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can


> learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,


> medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4


> yrs ?




> In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR


> Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book


> didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and


> respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar


> Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.




> I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on


> buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places


> out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am


> wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or


> drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.




> I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,


> particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a


> astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty


> in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown


> things that I w'd certainly share with you all.




> I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give


> new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.




> I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so


> perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose


> horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares


> tell Astrology is not a science ?




> My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share


> with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow


> them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use


> their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.




> I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of


> astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I


> validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I


> also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on


> spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.




> You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda' s birth chart is


> incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to


> meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that


> these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust


> was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school


> and articals, It was more projection then reality.




> Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming


> days he kept posting articals on political affairs.




> PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in


> between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda' s chart to Jyoish Group and


> other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior


> ? I was surprised at this behavior.




> Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find


> great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.




> I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do


> astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share


> with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.




> What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their


> own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,


> Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in


> your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help


> you in real life ?




> Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that


> every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what


> comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to


> overcome your's doubts.




> After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,


> New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune


> to this.




> regards,


> Utkal.





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Did you mean " shoshan " ?


LIke " working " on a 'chowsaa-aam' with the third house and then making the

liquified and subdued mango to be sucked dry by the 2nd house which is equipped

with the ability for 'shoshan' and thereby POSSESSING?


A quicker and less torturing approach than mauling the mango or any other food

is to simply cut it and use a blender, now that we are in the 21st century!


Or ONE could use the traditional approach and maul the mango with their pious

hands before ONE sucks it dry!






, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> jab tak dushan nahi chalta hai bhashan va rashan

> door door se lagata hai bhashan badhiya,kareeb aaoge

> lagega rashna ke bina kuch nahi chalta

> chalna phirna hota hai bhashan aur rashan se

> kabhie jaan booj ke kissi ko dooshan na kare

> Duniya hai pyar bahsahn rashan se



> Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


> --- On Fri, 3/12/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:


> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani

> Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


> Friday, March 12, 2010, 2:21 PM






" RASHAN (ration) par BHASHAN Hai


> Magar BHASHAN par RASHAN (ration) NAHI! "


> - Malang




> , Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@ ...>



> >


> > Sir ji, //Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things


> > in


> > your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help


> > you in real life ?//


> > Your mail suggests that you have studied astrology extensively.


> > So my comment would be like showing a DIYA (lamp) to Sun.


> > But if you note charts of elevated personalities and see the position of


> > Rahu in their horoscopes, You will notice that this planet's SHUDHIKARAN was


> > instrumental in their elevation.


> > A planet with negative tendencies is a blessing in disguise as it holds the


> > potential for improvement.


> > A planet with positive tendencies has every possibility of being spoiled by


> > individuals actions.


> >


> > //Now that age also ends,New age of micro level real study of vedic


> > astrology begins, pls attune to this.//


> > Yes the old order changes-th.


> > The King Is Dead; Long Live The King.'


> >


> > Regards


> > Kulbir Bains


> >


> >


> >


> > On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 8:18 PM, utkal.panigrahi


> > <utkal.panigrahi@ ...>wrote:


> >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > > Dear Astrologers,


> > >


> > > You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then


> > > the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more


> > > effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of


> > > study.


> > >


> > > Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is


> > > required for construction of new and better structure.


> > >


> > > India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's


> > > fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country


> > > people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This


> > > heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at


> > > occasions.


> > >


> > > Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and


> > > innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,


> > > Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the


> > > invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of


> > > Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally


> > > respected as Newton.


> > >


> > > I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to


> > > work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we


> > > should remain open for further developments.


> > >


> > > I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also


> > > respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's


> > > contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I


> > > wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other


> > > shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they


> > > contributed, instead of making them mythological character.


> > >


> > > There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can


> > > learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,


> > > medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4


> > > yrs ?


> > >


> > > In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR


> > > Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book


> > > didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and


> > > respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar


> > > Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.


> > >


> > > I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on


> > > buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places


> > > out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am


> > > wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or


> > > drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.


> > >


> > > I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,


> > > particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a


> > > astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty


> > > in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown


> > > things that I w'd certainly share with you all.


> > >


> > > I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give


> > > new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.


> > >


> > > I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so


> > > perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose


> > > horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares


> > > tell Astrology is not a science ?


> > >


> > > My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share


> > > with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow


> > > them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use


> > > their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.


> > >


> > > I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of


> > > astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I


> > > validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I


> > > also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on


> > > spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.


> > >


> > > You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda' s birth chart is


> > > incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to


> > > meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that


> > > these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust


> > > was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school


> > > and articals, It was more projection then reality.


> > >


> > > Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming


> > > days he kept posting articals on political affairs.


> > >


> > > PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in


> > > between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda' s chart to Jyoish Group and


> > > other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior


> > > ? I was surprised at this behavior.


> > >


> > > Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find


> > > great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.


> > >


> > > I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do


> > > astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share


> > > with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.


> > >


> > > What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their


> > > own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,


> > > Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in


> > > your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help


> > > you in real life ?


> > >


> > > Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that


> > > every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what


> > > comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to


> > > overcome your's doubts.


> > >


> > > After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,


> > > New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune


> > > to this.


> > >


> > > regards,


> > > Utkal.


> > >


> > >

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Guest guest


True in the past sages lived long and their energy to understand the universe

was a secret and mystical.Atrology too initially was about signs and planets.

when man made his first appearance,he lived by experiences and by

explorations.Started a scientific pursuit.structured his thoughts,formulated and

invented to show the scientific nature of world.

 When Einstein  gave science a new equation of energy ,it was tried and tested

The process of scietific pursuits are continuous and developmental.

Creation of new cells and replacement of old cells part of Nature in living

beings is also evolutionary

what Gods did,we only understand from change of yugas(dwapara to Kaliyuga) as

put in our epics..Success of Good over Evil was always through some war and

destruction.Then new things in place of old

The transformation of thoughts and ideas is a kinetic process and keeps the

universe on march.Is it noT?

Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Sat, 3/13/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:


rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani

Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


Saturday, March 13, 2010, 2:05 AM


















If Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and energy = Mass, you will have

to rethink your approach about metabolism, anabolism and catabolism!




I have no clue what gods did because I am not all that old ;-) but perhaps there

was a time when human beings existed on this planet and did not have any clue

about God!




And yet, they survived for thousands of years without speech or without God!

Because, if they did not and perished, WE modern folks would not be here today

beating our gums! :-)




Makes sense...?








, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>





> Dear Members,


> Basic renewal process is catbolism and follows metabolism in the

universe.//acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is\required

for construction of new and better structure.// This ofcourse a scienitfic



> This is what also Gods too have done n early time.


> necessary ot forge ahead and take AStrology to the door step of needy as a

service.what earlier people could do have done what they have thought as

best.with change of time,if we can do better and we need to strive and do





> Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 




> --- On Fri, 3/12/10, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@. ..> wrote:




> Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@. ..>


> Re: My Words to Astrologers !!




> Friday, March 12, 2010, 12:46 PM




































> Lalit Alias Utkal,








> well to start with the opening line looks good and that is what i expected and

said SEVERAL TIMES in this group when many were abusing u and PVN ji for writing

on ur case +ly with a rider that if u curb ur martian instincts by Jul 2016 OR

so u canreach a good level of saint hood whatever








> I had said to those critics who opposed the reading [from ur past known and

visible actions] that this country has seen many such reforemed people starting

from Valmiki, Pundalik Purandara dasa, Yogi vemmana, etc. goven time and space

and when the karma is extuinguised in the -ve part the +ve can appear but let us

be open to it








> BUT what happened u proved the critics right NOT people like me o PVN ji BY


including PVN ji u had also recently accused him of further insult in claiming

credit for Jhora when it is a team effort well most s/w or products r known by

the brain child of X, y, z and also the work can be of some supportive nature

from others, above all the engine used by most astrologers is from some well

known vendor too. the atlas database is also similarly got.








> NOW COMING TO ur assu,ption of India, it exists only from East India colony,

British raj and other European invaders. till then it is Bharat varsha, Bharatha

khanda comprising of several small kingdoms some empires did exist in the

borders of some small kingdoms too








> the Greek invaders or the European invaders like Columbus named the region

past Indus river as Indians but there was never a union as we have today, though

similar cultural, spiritual, academic, social setups existed even the mughals

the last ruling set up did not rule all of the present India esp regions of

south like TN, Kerala etc.








> coming to what u said on respect to some names just released it is good u see

it at least








> but most of their work is surely unbeatable not because we Idol worship them,

they lived and practiced the subject they it has to be done none of us esp in

the internet world have done so, we can never lay claim to do anything leave

alone wishful words like INVENTING,








> it is height of Megalomania it is ur responsiblity to correct ur image as what

u dish ut to members in public, private will not allow anyone to read any good

work EVEN if it comes I HAVE SAID A FEW TIMES, I had a open mind gave u the full

space, freedom and still do, will pass all meaningful, well meant non abusive

stuff on anyone. PAST or present








> one can but the entire library in the world learning Guru Mukha is sacred in

such subjects, people like raman ji, kn rao ji, my guru, his gurus, me have had

some fortune of that me a v small part in todays terms but spent 12 yrs with him

a 4 generation Asthana astrologer of Mysore his fore fathers were adapt in

yantra, tantra, mantra, Jyotishya, ayurvedha too. my guru due to his limitations

to support joint familes due to his fathers wish had to work to support such

large families-studies, health care, marriages etc. so was good in astrology

alone his brothers in other area but he has a name of his own till date whenver

he wants me I am still trying to spend time or help him in anyway possible. with

my parents being sick most times in the past 12 yrs and last 4 yrs have been

even hard on time of the 6 children I am alone with them so can't spend too much

time with my guru, my brothers is expected to relocate to chennai it will give

me some time again





> visit him and share, learn a lot more of his rich wisdom, experience, at 87+

is still a reservoir of it and has to earn to live, v few pay to read though.

fortunately he has good, caring clientele across the world than his 2 sons. I

had been with him in all his dark times loss of his daughter, wife, surgeries

not his sons.








> - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.




> http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6








> ____________ _________ _________ __




> utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi@ >








> Fri, March 12, 2010 8:18:12 PM




> My Words to Astrologers !!








> Dear Astrologers,








> You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then




> the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more




> effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of




> study.








> Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is




> required for construction of new and better structure.








> India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's




> fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country




> people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This




> heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at




> occasions.








> Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and




> innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,




> Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the




> invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of




> Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally




> respected as Newton.








> I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to




> work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we




> should remain open for further developments.








> I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also




> respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's




> contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I




> wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other




> shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they




> contributed, instead of making them mythological character.








> There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can




> learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,




> medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4




> yrs ?








> In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR




> Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book




> didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and




> respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar




> Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.








> I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on




> buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places




> out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am




> wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or




> drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.








> I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,




> particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a




> astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty




> in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown




> things that I w'd certainly share with you all.








> I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give




> new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.








> I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so




> perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose




> horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares




> tell Astrology is not a science ?








> My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share




> with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow




> them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use




> their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.








> I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of




> astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I




> validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I




> also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on




> spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.








> You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda' s birth chart is




> incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to




> meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that




> these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust




> was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school




> and articals, It was more projection then reality.








> Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming




> days he kept posting articals on political affairs.








> PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in




> between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda' s chart to Jyoish Group and




> other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior




> ? I was surprised at this behavior.








> Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find




> great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.








> I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do




> astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share




> with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.








> What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their




> own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,




> Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in




> your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help




> you in real life ?








> Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that




> every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what




> comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to




> overcome your's doubts.








> After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,




> New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune




> to this.








> regards,




> Utkal.









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Guest guest

Firstly, please allow me the privilege of removing your signature line,

Krishnan_dada! When signature line becomes longer than one's name or

cyber-identity it gets in the way! I generally allow myself four or five

characters, two for the name, the third for liasion and the fourth for

indicating that there remains room to grow -- the virgule or comma (as opposed

to COMA!)


Even when you talk about the ANCIENTS and CLASSICS, you keep introducing the

keywords (Science and scientific) as if these are some kind of validating



They are not! No one and I mean NO ONE is born in this reality to first be

embraced by SCIENCE!


Typically it is either the Mother or the Father or some other loving human



Science arrives (IF?) much later!


Science is like the 3-D goggles you wore when you watched the movie Avatar or

any other 3-D movie!


Once I was watching a 3-D movie in Sudbury and suddenly I did a crazy thing! I

removed the 3-D glasses! And realized that REALITY is different from PERCEPTION!


Does this make sense to you, Dada? I hope it does!


Please do not feel PRESSED to respond. I am not here to put pressure and agony

on you or readers ;-)






, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> Sir,

> True in the past sages lived long and their energy to understand the universe

was a secret and mystical.Atrology too initially was about signs and planets.

> when man made his first appearance,he lived by experiences and by

explorations.Started a scientific pursuit.structured his thoughts,formulated and

invented to show the scientific nature of world.

>  When Einstein  gave science a new equation of energy ,it was tried and

tested The process of scietific pursuits are continuous and developmental.

> Creation of new cells and replacement of old cells part of Nature in living

beings is also evolutionary

> what Gods did,we only understand from change of yugas(dwapara to Kaliyuga) as

put in our epics..Success of Good over Evil was always through some war and

destruction.Then new things in place of old

> The transformation of thoughts and ideas is a kinetic process and keeps the

universe on march.Is it noT?

> Vattem Krishnan ... 


> --- On Sat, 3/13/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:


> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani

> Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


> Saturday, March 13, 2010, 2:05 AM






If Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and energy = Mass, you will

have to rethink your approach about metabolism, anabolism and catabolism!




> I have no clue what gods did because I am not all that old ;-) but perhaps

there was a time when human beings existed on this planet and did not have any

clue about God!




> And yet, they survived for thousands of years without speech or without God!

Because, if they did not and perished, WE modern folks would not be here today

beating our gums! :-)




> Makes sense...?




> Rohiniranjan




> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>



> >


> > Dear Members,


> > Basic renewal process is catbolism and follows metabolism in the

universe.//acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is\required

for construction of new and better structure.// This ofcourse a scienitfic



> > This is what also Gods too have done n early time.


> > necessary ot forge ahead and take AStrology to the door step of needy as a

service.what earlier people could do have done what they have thought as

best.with change of time,if we can do better and we need to strive and do



> >


> > Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


> >


> > --- On Fri, 3/12/10, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:


> >


> > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@ ..>


> > Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


> >


> > Friday, March 12, 2010, 12:46 PM


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >  


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Lalit Alias Utkal,


> >


> >


> >


> > well to start with the opening line looks good and that is what i expected

and said SEVERAL TIMES in this group when many were abusing u and PVN ji for

writing on ur case +ly with a rider that if u curb ur martian instincts by Jul

2016 OR so u canreach a good level of saint hood whatever


> >


> >


> >


> > I had said to those critics who opposed the reading [from ur past known and

visible actions] that this country has seen many such reforemed people starting

from Valmiki, Pundalik Purandara dasa, Yogi vemmana, etc. goven time and space

and when the karma is extuinguised in the -ve part the +ve can appear but let us

be open to it


> >


> >


> >


> > BUT what happened u proved the critics right NOT people like me o PVN ji BY


including PVN ji u had also recently accused him of further insult in claiming

credit for Jhora when it is a team effort well most s/w or products r known by

the brain child of X, y, z and also the work can be of some supportive nature

from others, above all the engine used by most astrologers is from some well

known vendor too. the atlas database is also similarly got.


> >


> >


> >


> > NOW COMING TO ur assu,ption of India, it exists only from East India colony,

British raj and other European invaders. till then it is Bharat varsha, Bharatha

khanda comprising of several small kingdoms some empires did exist in the

borders of some small kingdoms too


> >


> >


> >


> > the Greek invaders or the European invaders like Columbus named the region

past Indus river as Indians but there was never a union as we have today, though

similar cultural, spiritual, academic, social setups existed even the mughals

the last ruling set up did not rule all of the present India esp regions of

south like TN, Kerala etc.


> >


> >


> >


> > coming to what u said on respect to some names just released it is good u

see it at least


> >


> >


> >


> > but most of their work is surely unbeatable not because we Idol worship

them, they lived and practiced the subject they it has to be done none of us esp

in the internet world have done so, we can never lay claim to do anything leave

alone wishful words like INVENTING,


> >


> >


> >


> > it is height of Megalomania it is ur responsiblity to correct ur image as

what u dish ut to members in public, private will not allow anyone to read any

good work EVEN if it comes I HAVE SAID A FEW TIMES, I had a open mind gave u the

full space, freedom and still do, will pass all meaningful, well meant non

abusive stuff on anyone. PAST or present


> >


> >


> >


> > one can but the entire library in the world learning Guru Mukha is sacred in

such subjects, people like raman ji, kn rao ji, my guru, his gurus, me have had

some fortune of that me a v small part in todays terms but spent 12 yrs with him

a 4 generation Asthana astrologer of Mysore his fore fathers were adapt in

yantra, tantra, mantra, Jyotishya, ayurvedha too. my guru due to his limitations

to support joint familes due to his fathers wish had to work to support such

large families-studies, health care, marriages etc. so was good in astrology

alone his brothers in other area but he has a name of his own till date whenver

he wants me I am still trying to spend time or help him in anyway possible. with

my parents being sick most times in the past 12 yrs and last 4 yrs have been

even hard on time of the 6 children I am alone with them so can't spend too much

time with my guru, my brothers is expected to relocate to chennai it will give

me some time again

> to


> >


> > visit him and share, learn a lot more of his rich wisdom, experience, at

87+ is still a reservoir of it and has to earn to live, v few pay to read

though. fortunately he has good, caring clientele across the world than his 2

sons. I had been with him in all his dark times loss of his daughter, wife,

surgeries not his sons.


> >


> >


> >


> > - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.


> >


> > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6


> >


> >


> >


> > ____________ _________ _________ __


> >


> > utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi@ >


> >


> >


> >


> > Fri, March 12, 2010 8:18:12 PM


> >


> > My Words to Astrologers !!


> >


> >


> >


> > Dear Astrologers,


> >


> >


> >


> > You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then


> >


> > the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more


> >


> > effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of


> >


> > study.


> >


> >


> >


> > Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is


> >


> > required for construction of new and better structure.


> >


> >


> >


> > India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's


> >


> > fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country


> >


> > people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This


> >


> > heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at


> >


> > occasions.


> >


> >


> >


> > Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and


> >


> > innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,


> >


> > Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the


> >


> > invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of


> >


> > Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally


> >


> > respected as Newton.


> >


> >


> >


> > I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to


> >


> > work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we


> >


> > should remain open for further developments.


> >


> >


> >


> > I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also


> >


> > respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's


> >


> > contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I


> >


> > wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other


> >


> > shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they


> >


> > contributed, instead of making them mythological character.


> >


> >


> >


> > There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can


> >


> > learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,


> >


> > medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4


> >


> > yrs ?


> >


> >


> >


> > In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR


> >


> > Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book


> >


> > didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and


> >


> > respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar


> >


> > Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.


> >


> >


> >


> > I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on


> >


> > buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places


> >


> > out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am


> >


> > wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or


> >


> > drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.


> >


> >


> >


> > I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,


> >


> > particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a


> >


> > astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty


> >


> > in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown


> >


> > things that I w'd certainly share with you all.


> >


> >


> >


> > I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give


> >


> > new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.


> >


> >


> >


> > I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so


> >


> > perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose


> >


> > horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares


> >


> > tell Astrology is not a science ?


> >


> >


> >


> > My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share


> >


> > with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow


> >


> > them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use


> >


> > their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.


> >


> >


> >


> > I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of


> >


> > astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I


> >


> > validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I


> >


> > also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on


> >


> > spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.


> >


> >


> >


> > You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda' s birth chart is


> >


> > incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to


> >


> > meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that


> >


> > these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust


> >


> > was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school


> >


> > and articals, It was more projection then reality.


> >


> >


> >


> > Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming


> >


> > days he kept posting articals on political affairs.


> >


> >


> >


> > PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in


> >


> > between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda' s chart to Jyoish Group and


> >


> > other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior


> >


> > ? I was surprised at this behavior.


> >


> >


> >


> > Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find


> >


> > great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.


> >


> >


> >


> > I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do


> >


> > astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share


> >


> > with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.


> >


> >


> >


> > What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their


> >


> > own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,


> >


> > Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in


> >


> > your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help


> >


> > you in real life ?


> >


> >


> >


> > Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that


> >


> > every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what


> >


> > comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to


> >


> > overcome your's doubts.


> >


> >


> >


> > After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,


> >


> > New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune


> >


> > to this.


> >


> >


> >


> > regards,


> >


> > Utkal.


> >


> >


> >


> >

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Guest guest

Krishnan Dada,


How do you know 'that' for a certainty as you portray and share -- that ancients

lived long(er) and the rest of what you wrote/claimed?


Including what aStrology was about, or supposed/intended to be about initially

or now...?


Why this PRESSURE to pretend?


Hopefully not too much pressure? I do not mean to cause any PAIN, obviously!




, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> Sir,

> True in the past sages lived long and their energy to understand the universe

was a secret and mystical.Atrology too initially was about signs and planets...

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Krishna ji


true most of the vedic wisdom came from people who had been in union wit

nature, and the supreme through their simple living and yogic ways which a satvi

life stule, spiritual and meditative mind can link or align to other elements or

natural pointers in the world and have seen what modern equipment saw much later

through the telescopes and inter planetary missions, to claim the past

contributions r dead and decaying and the new inventor with much little to show

claims in terms of of their life style and above all we r in a materialistic

world they lived in real spiritual world with nature and support of the ruling

elite who granted, protected enclaves for their peaceful growth. which

benefited mankind for ages to come. if we can understand asimilate and make

adjustments to our times it is more than enough as most of them have the

capacity to take the desha, kala paristhiti factor into them all or variables

with some constants the rules i mean.


there is change, growth, new trends of many things good and bad we see, but not

all is use and throw like our current day world, their contribution is nature

friendly and recyclable.



G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

/database?method=reportRows & tbl=6







Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99


Sat, March 13, 2010 1:00:42 PM

Re: My Words to Astrologers !!




True in the past sages lived long and their energy to understand the universe

was a secret and mystical.Atrology too initially was about signs and planets.

when man made his first appearance,he lived by experiences and by explorations.

Started a scientific pursuit.structured his thoughts,formulated and invented to

show the scientific nature of world.

When Einstein gave science a new equation of energy ,it was tried and tested

The process of scietific pursuits are continuous and developmental.

Creation of new cells and replacement of old cells part of Nature in living

beings is also evolutionary

what Gods did,we only understand from change of yugas(dwapara to Kaliyuga) as

put in our epics..Success of Good over Evil was always through some war and

destruction. Then new things in place of old

The transformation of thoughts and ideas is a kinetic process and keeps the

universe on march.Is it noT?

Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma


--- On Sat, 3/13/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ hotmail.com> wrote:


rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ hotmail.com>

Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


Saturday, March 13, 2010, 2:05 AM




If Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and energy = Mass, you will have to

rethink your approach about metabolism, anabolism and catabolism!


I have no clue what gods did because I am not all that old ;-) but perhaps there

was a time when human beings existed on this planet and did not have any clue

about God!


And yet, they survived for thousands of years without speech or without God!

Because, if they did not and perished, WE modern folks would not be here today

beating our gums! :-)


Makes sense...?




, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>





> Dear Members,


> Basic renewal process is catbolism and follows metabolism in the

universe.//acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is\required

for construction of new and better structure.// This ofcourse a scienitfic



> This is what also Gods too have done n early time.


> necessary ot forge ahead and take AStrology to the door step of needy as a

service.what earlier people could do have done what they have thought as

best.with change of time,if we can do better and we need to strive and do





> Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans KarmaÂ




> --- On Fri, 3/12/10, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@. ..> wrote:




> Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@. ..>


> Re: My Words to Astrologers !!




> Friday, March 12, 2010, 12:46 PM
















> Â




















> Lalit Alias Utkal,








> well to start with the opening line looks good and that is what i expected and

said SEVERAL TIMES in this group when many were abusing u and PVN ji for writing

on ur case +ly with a rider that if u curb ur martian instincts by Jul 2016 OR

so u canreach a good level of saint hood whatever








> I had said to those critics who opposed the reading [from ur past known and

visible actions] that this country has seen many such reforemed people starting

from Valmiki, Pundalik Purandara dasa, Yogi vemmana, etc. goven time and space

and when the karma is extuinguised in the -ve part the +ve can appear but let us

be open to it








> BUT what happened u proved the critics right NOT people like me o PVN ji BY


including PVN ji u had also recently accused him of further insult in claiming

credit for Jhora when it is a team effort well most s/w or products r known by

the brain child of X, y, z and also the work can be of some supportive nature

from others, above all the engine used by most astrologers is from some well

known vendor too. the atlas database is also similarly got.








> NOW COMING TO ur assu,ption of India, it exists only from East India colony,

British raj and other European invaders. till then it is Bharat varsha, Bharatha

khanda comprising of several small kingdoms some empires did exist in the

borders of some small kingdoms too








> the Greek invaders or the European invaders like Columbus named the region

past Indus river as Indians but there was never a union as we have today, though

similar cultural, spiritual, academic, social setups existed even the mughals

the last ruling set up did not rule all of the present India esp regions of

south like TN, Kerala etc.








> coming to what u said on respect to some names just released it is good u see

it at least








> but most of their work is surely unbeatable not because we Idol worship them,

they lived and practiced the subject they it has to be done none of us esp in

the internet world have done so, we can never lay claim to do anything leave

alone wishful words like INVENTING,








> it is height of Megalomania it is ur responsiblity to correct ur image as what

u dish ut to members in public, private will not allow anyone to read any good

work EVEN if it comes I HAVE SAID A FEW TIMES, I had a open mind gave u the full

space, freedom and still do, will pass all meaningful, well meant non abusive

stuff on anyone. PAST or present








> one can but the entire library in the world learning Guru Mukha is sacred in

such subjects, people like raman ji, kn rao ji, my guru, his gurus, me have had

some fortune of that me a v small part in todays terms but spent 12 yrs with him

a 4 generation Asthana astrologer of Mysore his fore fathers were adapt in

yantra, tantra, mantra, Jyotishya, ayurvedha too. my guru due to his limitations

to support joint familes due to his fathers wish had to work to support such

large families-studies, health care, marriages etc. so was good in astrology

alone his brothers in other area but he has a name of his own till date whenver

he wants me I am still trying to spend time or help him in anyway possible. with

my parents being sick most times in the past 12 yrs and last 4 yrs have been

even hard on time of the 6 children I am alone with them so can't spend too much

time with my guru, my brothers is expected to relocate to chennai it will give

me some time again





> visit him and share, learn a lot more of his rich wisdom, experience, at 87+

is still a reservoir of it and has to earn to live, v few pay to read though.

fortunately he has good, caring clientele across the world than his 2 sons. I

had been with him in all his dark times loss of his daughter, wife, surgeries

not his sons.








> - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.




> http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6








> ____________ _________ _________ __




> utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi@ >








> Fri, March 12, 2010 8:18:12 PM




> My Words to Astrologers !!








> Dear Astrologers,








> You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then




> the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more




> effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of




> study.








> Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is




> required for construction of new and better structure.








> India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's




> fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country




> people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This




> heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at




> occasions.








> Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and




> innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,




> Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the




> invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of




> Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally




> respected as Newton.








> I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to




> work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we




> should remain open for further developments.








> I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also




> respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's




> contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I




> wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other




> shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they




> contributed, instead of making them mythological character.








> There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can




> learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,




> medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4




> yrs ?








> In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR




> Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book




> didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and




> respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar




> Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.








> I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on




> buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places




> out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am




> wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or




> drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.








> I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,




> particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a




> astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty




> in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown




> things that I w'd certainly share with you all.








> I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give




> new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.








> I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so




> perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose




> horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares




> tell Astrology is not a science ?








> My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share




> with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow




> them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use




> their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.








> I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of




> astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I




> validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I




> also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on




> spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.








> You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda' s birth chart is




> incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to




> meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that




> these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust




> was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school




> and articals, It was more projection then reality.








> Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming




> days he kept posting articals on political affairs.








> PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in




> between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda' s chart to Jyoish Group and




> other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior




> ? I was surprised at this behavior.








> Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find




> great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.








> I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do




> astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share




> with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.








> What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their




> own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,




> Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in




> your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help




> you in real life ?








> Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that




> every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what




> comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to




> overcome your's doubts.








> After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,




> New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune




> to this.








> regards,




> Utkal.









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Guest guest


1.Else where I'm VK and this should lift the weight for pressure to exit

2.when v keep strolling in AStrological grounds lot flashes 'coz our some

initial brought up ,some study and some experience and practical approach.//not

here to put pressure and agony on you or reader/

3.Sure v remove 3D goggles the world is different.Adam and Eve r ancient

parentage.for us to b here to learn,devlop and unfold.

Let us enjoy perceptions of Nature(of course mother of many things) and Reality

(Panchendriya mode)in the mystical planets in zodiac as some  where mentioned

as " linen in thread "

In learning coleectively some times push buttons go into fast mode.Not to put JR

under pressure at no moment.

Pleasure always as v move forward in right direction,


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Sat, 3/13/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:


rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani

Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


Saturday, March 13, 2010, 3:19 AM


















Firstly, please allow me the privilege of removing your signature line,

Krishnan_dada! When signature line becomes longer than one's name or

cyber-identity it gets in the way! I generally allow myself four or five

characters, two for the name, the third for liasion and the fourth for

indicating that there remains room to grow -- the virgule or comma (as opposed

to COMA!)




Even when you talk about the ANCIENTS and CLASSICS, you keep introducing the

keywords (Science and scientific) as if these are some kind of validating





They are not! No one and I mean NO ONE is born in this reality to first be

embraced by SCIENCE!




Typically it is either the Mother or the Father or some other loving human





Science arrives (IF?) much later!




Science is like the 3-D goggles you wore when you watched the movie Avatar or

any other 3-D movie!




Once I was watching a 3-D movie in Sudbury and suddenly I did a crazy thing! I

removed the 3-D glasses! And realized that REALITY is different from PERCEPTION!




Does this make sense to you, Dada? I hope it does!




Please do not feel PRESSED to respond. I am not here to put pressure and agony

on you or readers ;-)








, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@. ..>





> Sir,


> True in the past sages lived long and their energy to understand the universe

was a secret and mystical.Atrology too initially was about signs and planets.


> when man made his first appearance,he lived by experiences and by

explorations. Started a scientific pursuit.structured his thoughts,formulated

and invented to show the scientific nature of world.


>  When Einstein  gave science a new equation of energy ,it was tried and

tested The process of scietific pursuits are continuous and developmental.


> Creation of new cells and replacement of old cells part of Nature in living

beings is also evolutionary


> what Gods did,we only understand from change of yugas(dwapara to Kaliyuga) as

put in our epics..Success of Good over Evil was always through some war and

destruction. Then new things in place of old


> The transformation of thoughts and ideas is a kinetic process and keeps the

universe on march.Is it noT?


> Vattem Krishnan ... 




> --- On Sat, 3/13/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:




> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>


> Re: My Words to Astrologers !!




> Saturday, March 13, 2010, 2:05 AM




































> If Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and energy = Mass, you will

have to rethink your approach about metabolism, anabolism and catabolism!








> I have no clue what gods did because I am not all that old ;-) but perhaps

there was a time when human beings existed on this planet and did not have any

clue about God!








> And yet, they survived for thousands of years without speech or without God!

Because, if they did not and perished, WE modern folks would not be here today

beating our gums! :-)








> Makes sense...?








> Rohiniranjan








> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>





> >




> > Dear Members,




> > Basic renewal process is catbolism and follows metabolism in the

universe.//acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is\required

for construction of new and better structure.// This ofcourse a scienitfic





> > This is what also Gods too have done n early time.




> > necessary ot forge ahead and take AStrology to the door step of needy as a

service.what earlier people could do have done what they have thought as

best.with change of time,if we can do better and we need to strive and do





> >




> > Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 




> >




> > --- On Fri, 3/12/10, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:




> >




> > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@ ..>




> > Re: My Words to Astrologers !!




> >




> > Friday, March 12, 2010, 12:46 PM




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >  




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> > Lalit Alias Utkal,




> >




> >




> >




> > well to start with the opening line looks good and that is what i expected

and said SEVERAL TIMES in this group when many were abusing u and PVN ji for

writing on ur case +ly with a rider that if u curb ur martian instincts by Jul

2016 OR so u canreach a good level of saint hood whatever




> >




> >




> >




> > I had said to those critics who opposed the reading [from ur past known and

visible actions] that this country has seen many such reforemed people starting

from Valmiki, Pundalik Purandara dasa, Yogi vemmana, etc. goven time and space

and when the karma is extuinguised in the -ve part the +ve can appear but let us

be open to it




> >




> >




> >




> > BUT what happened u proved the critics right NOT people like me o PVN ji BY


including PVN ji u had also recently accused him of further insult in claiming

credit for Jhora when it is a team effort well most s/w or products r known by

the brain child of X, y, z and also the work can be of some supportive nature

from others, above all the engine used by most astrologers is from some well

known vendor too. the atlas database is also similarly got.




> >




> >




> >




> > NOW COMING TO ur assu,ption of India, it exists only from East India colony,

British raj and other European invaders. till then it is Bharat varsha, Bharatha

khanda comprising of several small kingdoms some empires did exist in the

borders of some small kingdoms too




> >




> >




> >




> > the Greek invaders or the European invaders like Columbus named the region

past Indus river as Indians but there was never a union as we have today, though

similar cultural, spiritual, academic, social setups existed even the mughals

the last ruling set up did not rule all of the present India esp regions of

south like TN, Kerala etc.




> >




> >




> >




> > coming to what u said on respect to some names just released it is good u

see it at least




> >




> >




> >




> > but most of their work is surely unbeatable not because we Idol worship

them, they lived and practiced the subject they it has to be done none of us esp

in the internet world have done so, we can never lay claim to do anything leave

alone wishful words like INVENTING,




> >




> >




> >




> > it is height of Megalomania it is ur responsiblity to correct ur image as

what u dish ut to members in public, private will not allow anyone to read any

good work EVEN if it comes I HAVE SAID A FEW TIMES, I had a open mind gave u the

full space, freedom and still do, will pass all meaningful, well meant non

abusive stuff on anyone. PAST or present




> >




> >




> >




> > one can but the entire library in the world learning Guru Mukha is sacred in

such subjects, people like raman ji, kn rao ji, my guru, his gurus, me have had

some fortune of that me a v small part in todays terms but spent 12 yrs with him

a 4 generation Asthana astrologer of Mysore his fore fathers were adapt in

yantra, tantra, mantra, Jyotishya, ayurvedha too. my guru due to his limitations

to support joint familes due to his fathers wish had to work to support such

large families-studies, health care, marriages etc. so was good in astrology

alone his brothers in other area but he has a name of his own till date whenver

he wants me I am still trying to spend time or help him in anyway possible. with

my parents being sick most times in the past 12 yrs and last 4 yrs have been

even hard on time of the 6 children I am alone with them so can't spend too much

time with my guru, my brothers is expected to relocate to chennai it will give

me some time



> to




> >




> > visit him and share, learn a lot more of his rich wisdom, experience, at

87+ is still a reservoir of it and has to earn to live, v few pay to read

though. fortunately he has good, caring clientele across the world than his 2

sons. I had been with him in all his dark times loss of his daughter, wife,

surgeries not his sons.




> >




> >




> >




> > - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.




> >




> > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6




> >




> >




> >




> > ____________ _________ _________ __




> >




> > utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi@ >




> >




> >




> >




> > Fri, March 12, 2010 8:18:12 PM




> >




> > My Words to Astrologers !!




> >




> >




> >




> > Dear Astrologers,




> >




> >




> >




> > You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then




> >




> > the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more




> >




> > effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of




> >




> > study.




> >




> >




> >




> > Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is




> >




> > required for construction of new and better structure.




> >




> >




> >




> > India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's




> >




> > fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country




> >




> > people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This




> >




> > heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at




> >




> > occasions.




> >




> >




> >




> > Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and




> >




> > innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,




> >




> > Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the




> >




> > invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of




> >




> > Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally




> >




> > respected as Newton.




> >




> >




> >




> > I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to




> >




> > work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we




> >




> > should remain open for further developments.




> >




> >




> >




> > I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also




> >




> > respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's




> >




> > contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I




> >




> > wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other




> >




> > shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they




> >




> > contributed, instead of making them mythological character.




> >




> >




> >




> > There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can




> >




> > learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,




> >




> > medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4




> >




> > yrs ?




> >




> >




> >




> > In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR




> >




> > Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book




> >




> > didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and




> >




> > respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar




> >




> > Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.




> >




> >




> >




> > I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on




> >




> > buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places




> >




> > out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am




> >




> > wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or




> >




> > drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.




> >




> >




> >




> > I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,




> >




> > particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a




> >




> > astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty




> >




> > in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown




> >




> > things that I w'd certainly share with you all.




> >




> >




> >




> > I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give




> >




> > new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.




> >




> >




> >




> > I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so




> >




> > perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose




> >




> > horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares




> >




> > tell Astrology is not a science ?




> >




> >




> >




> > My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share




> >




> > with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow




> >




> > them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use




> >




> > their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.




> >




> >




> >




> > I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of




> >




> > astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I




> >




> > validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I




> >




> > also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on




> >




> > spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.




> >




> >




> >




> > You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda' s birth chart is




> >




> > incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to




> >




> > meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that




> >




> > these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust




> >




> > was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school




> >




> > and articals, It was more projection then reality.




> >




> >




> >




> > Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming




> >




> > days he kept posting articals on political affairs.




> >




> >




> >




> > PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in




> >




> > between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda' s chart to Jyoish Group and




> >




> > other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior




> >




> > ? I was surprised at this behavior.




> >




> >




> >




> > Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find




> >




> > great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.




> >




> >




> >




> > I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do




> >




> > astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share




> >




> > with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.




> >




> >




> >




> > What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their




> >




> > own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,




> >




> > Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in




> >




> > your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help




> >




> > you in real life ?




> >




> >




> >




> > Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that




> >




> > every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what




> >




> > comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to




> >




> > overcome your's doubts.




> >




> >




> >




> > After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,




> >




> > New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune




> >




> > to this.




> >




> >




> >




> > regards,




> >




> > Utkal.




> >




> >




> >




> >

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Guest guest

Maybe in those times, not just " astrologers " but much of the society lived in a

closer communion with nature and had simpler lifestyles which made them closer

with and in harmony with the dance of the planets and the music of the spheres.




, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar



> Krishna ji


> true most of the vedic wisdom came from people who had been in union wit

nature, and the supreme through their simple living and yogic ways which a satvi

life stule, spiritual and meditative mind can link or align to other elements or

natural pointers in the world and have seen what modern equipment saw much later

through the telescopes and inter planetary missions, to claim the past

contributions r dead and decaying and the new inventor with much little to show

claims in terms of of their life style and above all we r in a materialistic

world they lived in real spiritual world with nature and support of the ruling

elite who granted, protected enclaves for their peaceful growth. which

benefited mankind for ages to come. if we can understand asimilate and make

adjustments to our times it is more than enough as most of them have the

capacity to take the desha, kala paristhiti factor into them all or variables

with some constants the rules i mean.


> there is change, growth, new trends of many things good and bad we see, but

not all is use and throw like our current day world, their contribution is

nature friendly and recyclable.



> G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.


/database?method=reportRows & tbl=6






> ________________________________

> Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99


> Sat, March 13, 2010 1:00:42 PM

> Re: My Words to Astrologers !!



> Sir,

> True in the past sages lived long and their energy to understand the universe

was a secret and mystical.Atrology too initially was about signs and planets.

> when man made his first appearance,he lived by experiences and by

explorations. Started a scientific pursuit.structured his thoughts,formulated

and invented to show the scientific nature of world.

> When Einstein gave science a new equation of energy ,it was tried and tested

The process of scietific pursuits are continuous and developmental.

> Creation of new cells and replacement of old cells part of Nature in living

beings is also evolutionary

> what Gods did,we only understand from change of yugas(dwapara to Kaliyuga) as

put in our epics..Success of Good over Evil was always through some war and

destruction. Then new things in place of old

> The transformation of thoughts and ideas is a kinetic process and keeps the

universe on march.Is it noT?

> Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma


> --- On Sat, 3/13/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ hotmail.com> wrote:


> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ hotmail.com>

> Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


> Saturday, March 13, 2010, 2:05 AM




> If Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and energy = Mass, you will have to

rethink your approach about metabolism, anabolism and catabolism!


> I have no clue what gods did because I am not all that old ;-) but perhaps

there was a time when human beings existed on this planet and did not have any

clue about God!


> And yet, they survived for thousands of years without speech or without God!

Because, if they did not and perished, WE modern folks would not be here today

beating our gums! :-)


> Makes sense...?


> Rohiniranjan


> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>



> >


> > Dear Members,


> > Basic renewal process is catbolism and follows metabolism in the

universe.//acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is\required

for construction of new and better structure.// This ofcourse a scienitfic



> > This is what also Gods too have done n early time.


> > necessary ot forge ahead and take AStrology to the door step of needy as a

service.what earlier people could do have done what they have thought as

best.with change of time,if we can do better and we need to strive and do



> >


> > Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans KarmaÂ


> >


> > --- On Fri, 3/12/10, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:


> >


> > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@ ..>


> > Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


> >


> > Friday, March 12, 2010, 12:46 PM


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Â


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Lalit Alias Utkal,


> >


> >


> >


> > well to start with the opening line looks good and that is what i expected

and said SEVERAL TIMES in this group when many were abusing u and PVN ji for

writing on ur case +ly with a rider that if u curb ur martian instincts by Jul

2016 OR so u canreach a good level of saint hood whatever


> >


> >


> >


> > I had said to those critics who opposed the reading [from ur past known and

visible actions] that this country has seen many such reforemed people starting

from Valmiki, Pundalik Purandara dasa, Yogi vemmana, etc. goven time and space

and when the karma is extuinguised in the -ve part the +ve can appear but let us

be open to it


> >


> >


> >


> > BUT what happened u proved the critics right NOT people like me o PVN ji BY


including PVN ji u had also recently accused him of further insult in claiming

credit for Jhora when it is a team effort well most s/w or products r known by

the brain child of X, y, z and also the work can be of some supportive nature

from others, above all the engine used by most astrologers is from some well

known vendor too. the atlas database is also similarly got.


> >


> >


> >


> > NOW COMING TO ur assu,ption of India, it exists only from East India colony,

British raj and other European invaders. till then it is Bharat varsha, Bharatha

khanda comprising of several small kingdoms some empires did exist in the

borders of some small kingdoms too


> >


> >


> >


> > the Greek invaders or the European invaders like Columbus named the region

past Indus river as Indians but there was never a union as we have today, though

similar cultural, spiritual, academic, social setups existed even the mughals

the last ruling set up did not rule all of the present India esp regions of

south like TN, Kerala etc.


> >


> >


> >


> > coming to what u said on respect to some names just released it is good u

see it at least


> >


> >


> >


> > but most of their work is surely unbeatable not because we Idol worship

them, they lived and practiced the subject they it has to be done none of us esp

in the internet world have done so, we can never lay claim to do anything leave

alone wishful words like INVENTING,


> >


> >


> >


> > it is height of Megalomania it is ur responsiblity to correct ur image as

what u dish ut to members in public, private will not allow anyone to read any

good work EVEN if it comes I HAVE SAID A FEW TIMES, I had a open mind gave u the

full space, freedom and still do, will pass all meaningful, well meant non

abusive stuff on anyone. PAST or present


> >


> >


> >


> > one can but the entire library in the world learning Guru Mukha is sacred in

such subjects, people like raman ji, kn rao ji, my guru, his gurus, me have had

some fortune of that me a v small part in todays terms but spent 12 yrs with him

a 4 generation Asthana astrologer of Mysore his fore fathers were adapt in

yantra, tantra, mantra, Jyotishya, ayurvedha too. my guru due to his limitations

to support joint familes due to his fathers wish had to work to support such

large families-studies, health care, marriages etc. so was good in astrology

alone his brothers in other area but he has a name of his own till date whenver

he wants me I am still trying to spend time or help him in anyway possible. with

my parents being sick most times in the past 12 yrs and last 4 yrs have been

even hard on time of the 6 children I am alone with them so can't spend too much

time with my guru, my brothers is expected to relocate to chennai it will give

me some time again

> to


> >


> > visit him and share, learn a lot more of his rich wisdom, experience, at

87+ is still a reservoir of it and has to earn to live, v few pay to read

though. fortunately he has good, caring clientele across the world than his 2

sons. I had been with him in all his dark times loss of his daughter, wife,

surgeries not his sons.


> >


> >


> >


> > - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.


> >


> > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6


> >


> >


> >


> > ____________ _________ _________ __


> >


> > utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi@ >


> >


> >


> >


> > Fri, March 12, 2010 8:18:12 PM


> >


> > My Words to Astrologers !!


> >


> >


> >


> > Dear Astrologers,


> >


> >


> >


> > You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then


> >


> > the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more


> >


> > effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of


> >


> > study.


> >


> >


> >


> > Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is


> >


> > required for construction of new and better structure.


> >


> >


> >


> > India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's


> >


> > fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country


> >


> > people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This


> >


> > heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at


> >


> > occasions.


> >


> >


> >


> > Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and


> >


> > innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,


> >


> > Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the


> >


> > invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of


> >


> > Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally


> >


> > respected as Newton.


> >


> >


> >


> > I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to


> >


> > work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we


> >


> > should remain open for further developments.


> >


> >


> >


> > I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also


> >


> > respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's


> >


> > contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I


> >


> > wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other


> >


> > shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they


> >


> > contributed, instead of making them mythological character.


> >


> >


> >


> > There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can


> >


> > learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,


> >


> > medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4


> >


> > yrs ?


> >


> >


> >


> > In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR


> >


> > Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book


> >


> > didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and


> >


> > respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar


> >


> > Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.


> >


> >


> >


> > I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on


> >


> > buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places


> >


> > out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am


> >


> > wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or


> >


> > drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.


> >


> >


> >


> > I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,


> >


> > particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a


> >


> > astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty


> >


> > in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown


> >


> > things that I w'd certainly share with you all.


> >


> >


> >


> > I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give


> >


> > new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.


> >


> >


> >


> > I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so


> >


> > perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose


> >


> > horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares


> >


> > tell Astrology is not a science ?


> >


> >


> >


> > My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share


> >


> > with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow


> >


> > them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use


> >


> > their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.


> >


> >


> >


> > I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of


> >


> > astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I


> >


> > validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I


> >


> > also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on


> >


> > spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.


> >


> >


> >


> > You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda' s birth chart is


> >


> > incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to


> >


> > meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that


> >


> > these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust


> >


> > was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school


> >


> > and articals, It was more projection then reality.


> >


> >


> >


> > Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming


> >


> > days he kept posting articals on political affairs.


> >


> >


> >


> > PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in


> >


> > between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda' s chart to Jyoish Group and


> >


> > other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior


> >


> > ? I was surprised at this behavior.


> >


> >


> >


> > Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find


> >


> > great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.


> >


> >


> >


> > I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do


> >


> > astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share


> >


> > with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.


> >


> >


> >


> > What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their


> >


> > own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,


> >


> > Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in


> >


> > your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help


> >


> > you in real life ?


> >


> >


> >


> > Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that


> >


> > every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what


> >


> > comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to


> >


> > overcome your's doubts.


> >


> >


> >


> > After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,


> >


> > New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune


> >


> > to this.


> >


> >


> >


> > regards,


> >


> > Utkal.


> >


> >


> >


> >

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Guest guest

Due to *seriously* believe in the myth of Adam and Eve?






, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> Sir,

> 1.Else where I'm VK and this should lift the weight for pressure to exit

> 2.when v keep strolling in AStrological grounds lot flashes 'coz our some

initial brought up ,some study and some experience and practical approach.//not

here to put pressure and agony on you or reader/

> 3.Sure v remove 3D goggles the world is different.Adam and Eve r ancient

parentage.for us to b here to learn,devlop and unfold.

> Let us enjoy perceptions of Nature(of course mother of many things) and

Reality (Panchendriya mode)in the mystical planets in zodiac as some  where

mentioned as " linen in thread "

> In learning coleectively some times push buttons go into fast mode.Not to put

JR under pressure at no moment.

> Pleasure always as v move forward in right direction,


> Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


> --- On Sat, 3/13/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:


> rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani

> Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


> Saturday, March 13, 2010, 3:19 AM






Firstly, please allow me the privilege of removing your signature line,

Krishnan_dada! When signature line becomes longer than one's name or

cyber-identity it gets in the way! I generally allow myself four or five

characters, two for the name, the third for liasion and the fourth for

indicating that there remains room to grow -- the virgule or comma (as opposed

to COMA!)




> Even when you talk about the ANCIENTS and CLASSICS, you keep introducing the

keywords (Science and scientific) as if these are some kind of validating





> They are not! No one and I mean NO ONE is born in this reality to first be

embraced by SCIENCE!




> Typically it is either the Mother or the Father or some other loving human





> Science arrives (IF?) much later!




> Science is like the 3-D goggles you wore when you watched the movie Avatar or

any other 3-D movie!




> Once I was watching a 3-D movie in Sudbury and suddenly I did a crazy thing! I

removed the 3-D glasses! And realized that REALITY is different from PERCEPTION!




> Does this make sense to you, Dada? I hope it does!




> Please do not feel PRESSED to respond. I am not here to put pressure and agony

on you or readers ;-)




> Rohiniranjan




> , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>



> >


> > Sir,


> > True in the past sages lived long and their energy to understand the

universe was a secret and mystical.Atrology too initially was about signs and



> > when man made his first appearance,he lived by experiences and by

explorations. Started a scientific pursuit.structured his thoughts,formulated

and invented to show the scientific nature of world.


> >  When Einstein  gave science a new equation of energy ,it was tried

and tested The process of scietific pursuits are continuous and developmental.


> > Creation of new cells and replacement of old cells part of Nature in living

beings is also evolutionary


> > what Gods did,we only understand from change of yugas(dwapara to Kaliyuga)

as put in our epics..Success of Good over Evil was always through some war and

destruction. Then new things in place of old


> > The transformation of thoughts and ideas is a kinetic process and keeps the

universe on march.Is it noT?


> > Vattem Krishnan ... 


> >


> > --- On Sat, 3/13/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...> wrote:


> >


> > rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani@ ...>


> > Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


> >


> > Saturday, March 13, 2010, 2:05 AM


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >  


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > If Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and energy = Mass, you will

have to rethink your approach about metabolism, anabolism and catabolism!


> >


> >


> >


> > I have no clue what gods did because I am not all that old ;-) but perhaps

there was a time when human beings existed on this planet and did not have any

clue about God!


> >


> >


> >


> > And yet, they survived for thousands of years without speech or without God!

Because, if they did not and perished, WE modern folks would not be here today

beating our gums! :-)


> >


> >


> >


> > Makes sense...?


> >


> >


> >


> > Rohiniranjan


> >


> >


> >


> > , Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99@ ..>



> >


> > >


> >


> > > Dear Members,


> >


> > > Basic renewal process is catbolism and follows metabolism in the

universe.//acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is\required

for construction of new and better structure.// This ofcourse a scienitfic



> >


> > > This is what also Gods too have done n early time.


> >


> > > necessary ot forge ahead and take AStrology to the door step of needy as a

service.what earlier people could do have done what they have thought as

best.with change of time,if we can do better and we need to strive and do



> >


> > >


> >


> > > Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


> >


> > >


> >


> > > --- On Fri, 3/12/10, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@ ..> wrote:


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@ ..>


> >


> > > Re: My Words to Astrologers !!


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Friday, March 12, 2010, 12:46 PM


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >  


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Lalit Alias Utkal,


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > well to start with the opening line looks good and that is what i expected

and said SEVERAL TIMES in this group when many were abusing u and PVN ji for

writing on ur case +ly with a rider that if u curb ur martian instincts by Jul

2016 OR so u canreach a good level of saint hood whatever


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > I had said to those critics who opposed the reading [from ur past known

and visible actions] that this country has seen many such reforemed people

starting from Valmiki, Pundalik Purandara dasa, Yogi vemmana, etc. goven time

and space and when the karma is extuinguised in the -ve part the +ve can appear

but let us be open to it


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > BUT what happened u proved the critics right NOT people like me o PVN ji


ERAS. including PVN ji u had also recently accused him of further insult in

claiming credit for Jhora when it is a team effort well most s/w or products r

known by the brain child of X, y, z and also the work can be of some supportive

nature from others, above all the engine used by most astrologers is from some

well known vendor too. the atlas database is also similarly got.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > NOW COMING TO ur assu,ption of India, it exists only from East India

colony, British raj and other European invaders. till then it is Bharat varsha,

Bharatha khanda comprising of several small kingdoms some empires did exist in

the borders of some small kingdoms too


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > the Greek invaders or the European invaders like Columbus named the region

past Indus river as Indians but there was never a union as we have today, though

similar cultural, spiritual, academic, social setups existed even the mughals

the last ruling set up did not rule all of the present India esp regions of

south like TN, Kerala etc.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > coming to what u said on respect to some names just released it is good u

see it at least


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > but most of their work is surely unbeatable not because we Idol worship

them, they lived and practiced the subject they it has to be done none of us esp

in the internet world have done so, we can never lay claim to do anything leave

alone wishful words like INVENTING,


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > it is height of Megalomania it is ur responsiblity to correct ur image as

what u dish ut to members in public, private will not allow anyone to read any

good work EVEN if it comes I HAVE SAID A FEW TIMES, I had a open mind gave u the

full space, freedom and still do, will pass all meaningful, well meant non

abusive stuff on anyone. PAST or present


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > one can but the entire library in the world learning Guru Mukha is sacred

in such subjects, people like raman ji, kn rao ji, my guru, his gurus, me have

had some fortune of that me a v small part in todays terms but spent 12 yrs with

him a 4 generation Asthana astrologer of Mysore his fore fathers were adapt in

yantra, tantra, mantra, Jyotishya, ayurvedha too. my guru due to his limitations

to support joint familes due to his fathers wish had to work to support such

large families-studies, health care, marriages etc. so was good in astrology

alone his brothers in other area but he has a name of his own till date whenver

he wants me I am still trying to spend time or help him in anyway possible. with

my parents being sick most times in the past 12 yrs and last 4 yrs have been

even hard on time of the 6 children I am alone with them so can't spend too much

time with my guru, my brothers is expected to relocate to chennai it will give

me some time

> again


> > to


> >


> > >


> >


> > > visit him and share, learn a lot more of his rich wisdom, experience, at

87+ is still a reservoir of it and has to earn to live, v few pay to read

though. fortunately he has good, caring clientele across the world than his 2

sons. I had been with him in all his dark times loss of his daughter, wife,

surgeries not his sons.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.


> >


> > >


> >


> > > http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database?

method=reportRow s & tbl=6


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > ____________ _________ _________ __


> >


> > >


> >


> > > utkal.panigrahi <utkal.panigrahi@ >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Fri, March 12, 2010 8:18:12 PM


> >


> > >


> >


> > > My Words to Astrologers !!


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Dear Astrologers,


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > You are required in the society and expected to have more dignity then


> >


> > >


> >


> > > the rest, Astrology as a tool, offers qualitatively better and much more


> >


> > >


> >


> > > effective help to humanity then any other branch of science or school of


> >


> > >


> >


> > > study.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Recently, I acted as a terrible iconoclast, sometimes, destruction is


> >


> > >


> >


> > > required for construction of new and better structure.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > India as a country is a classic example of sufferings due to it's


> >


> > >


> >


> > > fascination with individualistic heroism, In severals parts of country


> >


> > >


> >


> > > people make temples for their political leaders, Film artists, This


> >


> > >


> >


> > > heriosm is deeply rooted in the astrology as well and reflects at


> >


> > >


> >


> > > occasions.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Over the period, such a heroism turns a reason to suppress growth and


> >


> > >


> >


> > > innovation in almost every branch of study, Subjects like Mathematics,


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Physics have also suffered a lot from excessive heroism, In the


> >


> > >


> >


> > > invention of calculus Newton's fame didn't allow recognition of


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Leibnitz's great researches on Calculus, today, Leibnitz is equally


> >


> > >


> >


> > > respected as Newton.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > I wanted you to open up your heart and mind, we should have respect to


> >


> > >


> >


> > > work done by astrologers of previous generations but at the same time we


> >


> > >


> >


> > > should remain open for further developments.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > I respect BV Raman and family's contribution to astrology, I also


> >


> > >


> >


> > > respect contribution of Prof KN Rao and team, I recognize PVR Narsimha's


> >


> > >


> >


> > > contribution in Ganit (Mathematics) portion of vedic astrology, but, I


> >


> > >


> >


> > > wanted to let everybody know that everybody has some or other


> >


> > >


> >


> > > shortcomings, We need to follow them to contribute more then they


> >


> > >


> >


> > > contributed, instead of making them mythological character.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > There has been a myth in astrology community that in one life no one can


> >


> > >


> >


> > > learn astrology, My question is why ?We learn engineering in 4 yrs,


> >


> > >


> >


> > > medical science in 5 yrs then why we can not learn astrology in 3 - 4


> >


> > >


> >


> > > yrs ?


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > In 2006 July - August, I started learning astrology and went to buy PVR


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Narsimha's book - " Vedic Astrology an Interated Approach " , somehow, book


> >


> > >


> >


> > > didn't appeal to me but I mailed to PVR Narsimha with pleasure and


> >


> > >


> >


> > > respect that I wanted to buy his book, Then I bought Chandrashekhar


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Sharma's book, I got dissatisfied with this also.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > I have not gone to any school of astrology though I spent heavily on


> >


> > >


> >


> > > buying classics and other books of astrology, I went to several places


> >


> > >


> >


> > > out of Delhi in search of classics, I was asked in family why I am


> >


> > >


> >


> > > wasting so much on astrology, I could justify that as I don't smoke or


> >


> > >


> >


> > > drink or party, spending on astrology was justified.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > I collected more books then those available in BVB's library,


> >


> > >


> >


> > > particularly in mundane astrology, Since, I started learning, I had a


> >


> > >


> >


> > > astrological query as to why India became slave and why it got liberty


> >


> > >


> >


> > > in 1947, this query became the basis for revelation of several unknown


> >


> > >


> >


> > > things that I w'd certainly share with you all.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > I am not into astrology in any manner, only aim that I had is to give


> >


> > >


> >


> > > new thoughts and light to astrologers and astrology.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > I invented the factors behind naming of individuals, Astrology is so


> >


> > >


> >


> > > perfect that It can help letting know the name of the person whose


> >


> > >


> >


> > > horoscope is before you and it happens with Lahiri Ayanamsa, who dares


> >


> > >


> >


> > > tell Astrology is not a science ?


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > My appeal to you is to work togather to discover new things and share


> >


> > >


> >


> > > with one and all, this is the way to respect our sages, let's follow


> >


> > >


> >


> > > them by following the way they worked, It's wrong to worship and use


> >


> > >


> >


> > > their name for our benefits for letting down other's significant wrong.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > I had trust and high level of respect for almost every school of


> >


> > >


> >


> > > astrology and I believed the content of their articals but when I


> >


> > >


> >


> > > validated them I found they lack the greatness that they talk about, I


> >


> > >


> >


> > > also found with no spiritual expereince some astrologer's are writing on


> >


> > >


> >


> > > spirituaity, and many times it's incorrect.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > You are not aware, when I found SwamiVivekananda' s birth chart is


> >


> > >


> >


> > > incorrect, I did write mails to Prof Rao, Narsimha etc, even went to


> >


> > >


> >


> > > meet Mr Deepak Besaria two times requesting a review, I had trust that


> >


> > >


> >


> > > these guys are elevated people and they will review but soon my trust


> >


> > >


> >


> > > was broken, I found greatness is limited to boundaries of their school


> >


> > >


> >


> > > and articals, It was more projection then reality.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Prof Rao did write that He is not well and same day as well as in coming


> >


> > >


> >


> > > days he kept posting articals on political affairs.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > PVR Narsimha, posted personal communication that was happening in


> >


> > >


> >


> > > between me and them for Swami Vivekannanda' s chart to Jyoish Group and


> >


> > >


> >


> > > other groups where I am not a member, Why such an opportunistic behavior


> >


> > >


> >


> > > ? I was surprised at this behavior.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Then I decided to challange them all, I am sorry to say, I didnt find


> >


> > >


> >


> > > great desha bhakti or anything, I revolted.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > I need all of you to do good and remain open in astrology, I don't do


> >


> > >


> >


> > > astrology, I dont do consultation, my effort is to invent more and share


> >


> > >


> >


> > > with you all so that you can serve people in better ways.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > What has been worst in astrology, people don't accept faults in their


> >


> > >


> >


> > > own charts, they try to present negatve factors as positive factors,


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Rahu has negative karakawa, pls accept it and improve those things in


> >


> > >


> >


> > > your life, how glorifying Rahu or any planet out of proportion will help


> >


> > >


> >


> > > you in real life ?


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Mouji gave some dates when Jup-Venus conjoined, and It was found that


> >


> > >


> >


> > > every time their conjunction unearthed some or other scandals, so, what


> >


> > >


> >


> > > comes out, Planet's dont leave their karakatwa, pls study it more to


> >


> > >


> >


> > > overcome your's doubts.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > After the end of Raman's age, Rao's age came, Now that age also ends,


> >


> > >


> >


> > > New age of micro level real study of vedic astrology begins, pls attune


> >


> > >


> >


> > > to this.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > > regards,


> >


> > >


> >


> > > Utkal.


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >


> >


> > >

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