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The study by R. Balasubramaniam of the Indian Institute of Technology,

Kanpur, and reported in the latest issue of Current Science, has for the

first time shown that the unit of length called 'angulam' - mentioned in

Kautilya's treatise on statecraft " Arthasastra " dated 300 BC -- was used

without a break in India for over 3,900 years.


The ancient 'angulam' has been found to be equal to 1.763 modern

centimetres, according to Balasubramaniam, a professor of materials and

metallurgical engineering. He has carried out dimensional analysis of some

of India's historical structures, built during different times, to identify

the measuring units used in their engineering plans.


He says he was surprised that 'angulam' and its multiples 'vitasti' (12

angulams) and 'dhanus' (108 angulams) have been used as the unit of

measurement right from the Harappan times - the highly developed

civilization that thrived for a few centuries on the floodplains of the

Indus river in what is now northwest India and Pakistan - till the

pre-modern era when the Taj was built.


Balasubramaniam, who last year studied the dimensions of the 1,600-year-old

Delhi Iron Pillar at the Qutub Minar complex, found that 'angulam' and its

multiple 'dhanus' were used as the basic units of length in its design.


For example, the total height of the pillar is exactly 4 dhanus,

Balasubramaniam told IANS.


Now in a paper published in Current Science, Balasubramaniam has shown that

the modular plan of the Taj Mahal complex is based on use of grids of sides

measuring 60 and 90 vitasti. He says the study has established that the

design and architecture of the Taj is based on traditional Indian units

codified in " Arthasastra " and that " there is nothing foreign " in its design.


" The fact that the unit of angulam of 1.763 cm could match very well the

dimensions of historical monuments establishes the continuity of India's

engineering tradition through the ages for as long as 3,900 years, " says

Balasubramaniam in his paper.


" With the new knowledge we can analyse all the important ancient structures

in India, " he says, and hopes the findings " will open a new chapter in the

study of metrology (science of measurements) " .


But how did the angulam tradition remain unbroken for so long?


As quoted in the website of Nature India, Balasubramaniam believes the

workers from the Harappan days were perhaps using some kind of scale " that

was handed over through generations " .




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Guest guest

Dear Kulbir,


It would be better if you try to know what were Qutub Minar complex, Taj Mahal



If one understands these truths, there won't be any cause for such surprises.

The only thing we Indians, Our Political leaders and Government needs is the

Guts to say it loud.


While every other country is proud of cultural heritage and does everything to

preserve it, We are probably the only nation on the face of earth that twists

the truth on account of opportunistic Poly-Tricks.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy






" lalkitabkb " <lalkitabkb


Tue, March 16, 2010 9:44:15 PM




The study by R. Balasubramaniam of the Indian Institute of Technology,

Kanpur, and reported in the latest issue of Current Science, has for the

first time shown that the unit of length called 'angulam' - mentioned in

Kautilya's treatise on statecraft " Arthasastra " dated 300 BC -- was used

without a break in India for over 3,900 years.


The ancient 'angulam' has been found to be equal to 1.763 modern

centimetres, according to Balasubramaniam, a professor of materials and

metallurgical engineering. He has carried out dimensional analysis of some

of India's historical structures, built during different times, to identify

the measuring units used in their engineering plans.


He says he was surprised that 'angulam' and its multiples 'vitasti' (12

angulams) and 'dhanus' (108 angulams) have been used as the unit of

measurement right from the Harappan times - the highly developed

civilization that thrived for a few centuries on the floodplains of the

Indus river in what is now northwest India and Pakistan - till the

pre-modern era when the Taj was built.


Balasubramaniam, who last year studied the dimensions of the 1,600-year-old

Delhi Iron Pillar at the Qutub Minar complex, found that 'angulam' and its

multiple 'dhanus' were used as the basic units of length in its design.


For example, the total height of the pillar is exactly 4 dhanus,

Balasubramaniam told IANS.


Now in a paper published in Current Science, Balasubramaniam has shown that

the modular plan of the Taj Mahal complex is based on use of grids of sides

measuring 60 and 90 vitasti. He says the study has established that the

design and architecture of the Taj is based on traditional Indian units

codified in " Arthasastra " and that " there is nothing foreign " in its design.


" The fact that the unit of angulam of 1.763 cm could match very well the

dimensions of historical monuments establishes the continuity of India's

engineering tradition through the ages for as long as 3,900 years, " says

Balasubramaniam in his paper.


" With the new knowledge we can analyse all the important ancient structures

in India, " he says, and hopes the findings " will open a new chapter in the

study of metrology (science of measurements) " .


But how did the angulam tradition remain unbroken for so long?


As quoted in the website of Nature India, Balasubramaniam believes the

workers from the Harappan days were perhaps using some kind of scale " that

was handed over through generations " .



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Guest guest

True suresh ji

it is our politicians esp the leftists who dominate the press, media,

historianspositions and who eugolise all the invaders and damm all traditional

wisdomn, culture, and reduced our culture to nothing allowing their other hated

culture to gain-western


soo we loose from both ends a uncontrolled materialistic, meaningless life and

also culture, religion, valueless system by the leftistswho fell all of our past

is rubbish sadly we will get them imported fromwest in next few yrs like haldi,

neem, yoga, basmati rice...





G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

/database?method=reportRows & tbl=6







Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag


Tue, March 16, 2010 10:00:38 PM




Dear Kulbir,


It would be better if you try to know what were Qutub Minar complex, Taj Mahal



If one understands these truths, there won't be any cause for such surprises.

The only thing we Indians, Our Political leaders and Government needs is the

Guts to say it loud.


While every other country is proud of cultural heritage and does everything to

preserve it, We are probably the only nation on the face of earth that twists

the truth on account of opportunistic Poly-Tricks.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


____________ _________ _________ __

" lalkitabkb (AT) gmail (DOT) com " <lalkitabkb (AT) gmail (DOT) com>


Tue, March 16, 2010 9:44:15 PM



The study by R. Balasubramaniam of the Indian Institute of Technology,

Kanpur, and reported in the latest issue of Current Science, has for the

first time shown that the unit of length called 'angulam' - mentioned in

Kautilya's treatise on statecraft " Arthasastra " dated 300 BC -- was used

without a break in India for over 3,900 years.


The ancient 'angulam' has been found to be equal to 1.763 modern

centimetres, according to Balasubramaniam, a professor of materials and

metallurgical engineering. He has carried out dimensional analysis of some

of India's historical structures, built during different times, to identify

the measuring units used in their engineering plans.


He says he was surprised that 'angulam' and its multiples 'vitasti' (12

angulams) and 'dhanus' (108 angulams) have been used as the unit of

measurement right from the Harappan times - the highly developed

civilization that thrived for a few centuries on the floodplains of the

Indus river in what is now northwest India and Pakistan - till the

pre-modern era when the Taj was built.


Balasubramaniam, who last year studied the dimensions of the 1,600-year-old

Delhi Iron Pillar at the Qutub Minar complex, found that 'angulam' and its

multiple 'dhanus' were used as the basic units of length in its design.


For example, the total height of the pillar is exactly 4 dhanus,

Balasubramaniam told IANS.


Now in a paper published in Current Science, Balasubramaniam has shown that

the modular plan of the Taj Mahal complex is based on use of grids of sides

measuring 60 and 90 vitasti. He says the study has established that the

design and architecture of the Taj is based on traditional Indian units

codified in " Arthasastra " and that " there is nothing foreign " in its design.


" The fact that the unit of angulam of 1.763 cm could match very well the

dimensions of historical monuments establishes the continuity of India's

engineering tradition through the ages for as long as 3,900 years, " says

Balasubramaniam in his paper.


" With the new knowledge we can analyse all the important ancient structures

in India, " he says, and hopes the findings " will open a new chapter in the

study of metrology (science of measurements) " .


But how did the angulam tradition remain unbroken for so long?


As quoted in the website of Nature India, Balasubramaniam believes the

workers from the Harappan days were perhaps using some kind of scale " that

was handed over through generations " .



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Guest guest



don't worry as we have been taught to devalue, disrespect our culture by the

leftists, so caled isecular parties we can surely get them imported from the



and know we were ahead in the world in all areas


the fact is till 200 yrs ago India, china were world super powers


india despite its numerous looting by invaders, british did max damage but also

set up good institutions infrastructure


ssay railways we have added just 10kms to 54k ms they added though they did it

for their army, or subjudicate, the wst asian invaders destroyed all our

academic, cultural power houses like Nalanda, taxisila etc


- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

/database?method=reportRows & tbl=6







" lalkitabkb " <lalkitabkb


Tue, March 16, 2010 9:44:15 PM




The study by R. Balasubramaniam of the Indian Institute of Technology,

Kanpur, and reported in the latest issue of Current Science, has for the

first time shown that the unit of length called 'angulam' - mentioned in

Kautilya's treatise on statecraft " Arthasastra " dated 300 BC -- was used

without a break in India for over 3,900 years.


The ancient 'angulam' has been found to be equal to 1.763 modern

centimetres, according to Balasubramaniam, a professor of materials and

metallurgical engineering. He has carried out dimensional analysis of some

of India's historical structures, built during different times, to identify

the measuring units used in their engineering plans.


He says he was surprised that 'angulam' and its multiples 'vitasti' (12

angulams) and 'dhanus' (108 angulams) have been used as the unit of

measurement right from the Harappan times - the highly developed

civilization that thrived for a few centuries on the floodplains of the

Indus river in what is now northwest India and Pakistan - till the

pre-modern era when the Taj was built.


Balasubramaniam, who last year studied the dimensions of the 1,600-year-old

Delhi Iron Pillar at the Qutub Minar complex, found that 'angulam' and its

multiple 'dhanus' were used as the basic units of length in its design.


For example, the total height of the pillar is exactly 4 dhanus,

Balasubramaniam told IANS.


Now in a paper published in Current Science, Balasubramaniam has shown that

the modular plan of the Taj Mahal complex is based on use of grids of sides

measuring 60 and 90 vitasti. He says the study has established that the

design and architecture of the Taj is based on traditional Indian units

codified in " Arthasastra " and that " there is nothing foreign " in its design.


" The fact that the unit of angulam of 1.763 cm could match very well the

dimensions of historical monuments establishes the continuity of India's

engineering tradition through the ages for as long as 3,900 years, " says

Balasubramaniam in his paper.


" With the new knowledge we can analyse all the important ancient structures

in India, " he says, and hopes the findings " will open a new chapter in the

study of metrology (science of measurements) " .


But how did the angulam tradition remain unbroken for so long?


As quoted in the website of Nature India, Balasubramaniam believes the

workers from the Harappan days were perhaps using some kind of scale " that

was handed over through generations " .



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Guest guest

Dear Members,

Units of measurements depending on the impact of the Vedic sciences both weights

and measures  have been undergoing changes..Cultures dependent on rulers

andkingdoms in the past have been changing.

For archaelogical purposes,some of these findings may link with past .yet as

delhit I have noticed no proper worth to Indian credit has not so far could come

to light how Kutub Minar was constructed and such fine iron or steel could be

manufactured, brough and errected in Delhi.

It is still a structure having relevance on atronomy an dother scientific


Taz Mahal,a 7th wonder too has impact on the ancient studies by vastu and others

incld moghul architecture and  culture


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Tue, 3/16/10, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar wrote:


Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar



Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 1:35 PM






















don't worry as we have been taught to devalue, disrespect our culture by the

leftists, so caled isecular parties we can surely get them imported from the





and know we were ahead in the world in all areas




the fact is till 200 yrs ago India, china were world super powers




india despite its numerous looting by invaders, british did max damage but also

set up good institutions infrastructure




ssay railways we have added just 10kms to 54k ms they added though they did it

for their army, or subjudicate, the wst asian invaders destroyed all our

academic, cultural power houses like Nalanda, taxisila etc




- G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.


http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6




____________ _________ _________ __


" lalkitabkb (AT) gmail (DOT) com " <lalkitabkb (AT) gmail (DOT) com>




Tue, March 16, 2010 9:44:15 PM






The study by R. Balasubramaniam of the Indian Institute of Technology,


Kanpur, and reported in the latest issue of Current Science, has for the


first time shown that the unit of length called 'angulam' - mentioned in


Kautilya's treatise on statecraft " Arthasastra " dated 300 BC -- was used


without a break in India for over 3,900 years.




The ancient 'angulam' has been found to be equal to 1.763 modern


centimetres, according to Balasubramaniam, a professor of materials and


metallurgical engineering. He has carried out dimensional analysis of some


of India's historical structures, built during different times, to identify


the measuring units used in their engineering plans.




He says he was surprised that 'angulam' and its multiples 'vitasti' (12


angulams) and 'dhanus' (108 angulams) have been used as the unit of


measurement right from the Harappan times - the highly developed


civilization that thrived for a few centuries on the floodplains of the


Indus river in what is now northwest India and Pakistan - till the


pre-modern era when the Taj was built.




Balasubramaniam, who last year studied the dimensions of the 1,600-year-old


Delhi Iron Pillar at the Qutub Minar complex, found that 'angulam' and its


multiple 'dhanus' were used as the basic units of length in its design.




For example, the total height of the pillar is exactly 4 dhanus,


Balasubramaniam told IANS.




Now in a paper published in Current Science, Balasubramaniam has shown that


the modular plan of the Taj Mahal complex is based on use of grids of sides


measuring 60 and 90 vitasti. He says the study has established that the


design and architecture of the Taj is based on traditional Indian units


codified in " Arthasastra " and that " there is nothing foreign " in its design.




" The fact that the unit of angulam of 1.763 cm could match very well the


dimensions of historical monuments establishes the continuity of India's


engineering tradition through the ages for as long as 3,900 years, " says


Balasubramaniam in his paper.




" With the new knowledge we can analyse all the important ancient structures


in India, " he says, and hopes the findings " will open a new chapter in the


study of metrology (science of measurements) " .




But how did the angulam tradition remain unbroken for so long?




As quoted in the website of Nature India, Balasubramaniam believes the


workers from the Harappan days were perhaps using some kind of scale " that


was handed over through generations " .





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Babu Suresh ji,

I have the honour of knowing Mr. P.N.Oak of Pune and have read his books (

when baned) referring - Tajmahal was a Shivalaya.

I have studied and discussed it in great deal.



Kulbir Bians.


On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 10:00 PM, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuagwrote:




> Dear Kulbir,


> It would be better if you try to know what were Qutub Minar complex, Taj

> Mahal originally.


> If one understands these truths, there won't be any cause for such

> surprises. The only thing we Indians, Our Political leaders and Government

> needs is the Guts to say it loud.


> While every other country is proud of cultural heritage and does everything

> to preserve it, We are probably the only nation on the face of earth that

> twists the truth on account of opportunistic Poly-Tricks.


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


> ________________________________

> " lalkitabkb <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com> " <

> lalkitabkb <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com>>

> <%40>

> Tue, March 16, 2010 9:44:15 PM




> The study by R. Balasubramaniam of the Indian Institute of Technology,

> Kanpur, and reported in the latest issue of Current Science, has for the

> first time shown that the unit of length called 'angulam' - mentioned in

> Kautilya's treatise on statecraft " Arthasastra " dated 300 BC -- was used

> without a break in India for over 3,900 years.


> The ancient 'angulam' has been found to be equal to 1.763 modern

> centimetres, according to Balasubramaniam, a professor of materials and

> metallurgical engineering. He has carried out dimensional analysis of some

> of India's historical structures, built during different times, to identify


> the measuring units used in their engineering plans.


> He says he was surprised that 'angulam' and its multiples 'vitasti' (12

> angulams) and 'dhanus' (108 angulams) have been used as the unit of

> measurement right from the Harappan times - the highly developed

> civilization that thrived for a few centuries on the floodplains of the

> Indus river in what is now northwest India and Pakistan - till the

> pre-modern era when the Taj was built.


> Balasubramaniam, who last year studied the dimensions of the 1,600-year-old


> Delhi Iron Pillar at the Qutub Minar complex, found that 'angulam' and its

> multiple 'dhanus' were used as the basic units of length in its design.


> For example, the total height of the pillar is exactly 4 dhanus,

> Balasubramaniam told IANS.


> Now in a paper published in Current Science, Balasubramaniam has shown that


> the modular plan of the Taj Mahal complex is based on use of grids of sides


> measuring 60 and 90 vitasti. He says the study has established that the

> design and architecture of the Taj is based on traditional Indian units

> codified in " Arthasastra " and that " there is nothing foreign " in its

> design.


> " The fact that the unit of angulam of 1.763 cm could match very well the

> dimensions of historical monuments establishes the continuity of India's

> engineering tradition through the ages for as long as 3,900 years, " says

> Balasubramaniam in his paper.


> " With the new knowledge we can analyse all the important ancient structures


> in India, " he says, and hopes the findings " will open a new chapter in the

> study of metrology (science of measurements) " .


> But how did the angulam tradition remain unbroken for so long?


> As quoted in the website of Nature India, Balasubramaniam believes the

> workers from the Harappan days were perhaps using some kind of scale " that

> was handed over through generations " .



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Guest guest

Sir ji,

Even after plundering and destruction by Macedonians, Muslim, Moguls, Our

Identity culture, scriptures survived but i doubt if anything of it will

remain after the onslaught of Red Wave.

Bhookhein Bhajan na hoein Gopala.

If we continue exploitation; the writing is very clear on the wall.

What do you expect from a person who is forced to sell his child for a

measly amount.

Who cannot afford 2 times food.

In Punjab pensions are given to old persons- Rs. 250 per month, That don't

have been delivered since August.

What happened to the hue and cry about black money in swiss accounts; once

the general assembly elections where over.

I have a soft corner for naxalbaris. Atleast they stick to their ideology

right or wrong.



Kulbir Bains


On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:05 PM, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumarwrote:




> Member,


> don't worry as we have been taught to devalue, disrespect our culture by

> the leftists, so caled isecular parties we can surely get them imported from

> the west


> and know we were ahead in the world in all areas


> the fact is till 200 yrs ago India, china were world super powers


> india despite its numerous looting by invaders, british did max damage but

> also set up good institutions infrastructure


> ssay railways we have added just 10kms to 54k ms they added though they did

> it for their army, or subjudicate, the wst asian invaders destroyed all our

> academic, cultural power houses like Nalanda, taxisila etc


> - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.



/database?method=reportRows & tbl=6



> ________________________________

> " lalkitabkb <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com> " <

> lalkitabkb <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com>>

> <%40>

> Tue, March 16, 2010 9:44:15 PM



> The study by R. Balasubramaniam of the Indian Institute of Technology,

> Kanpur, and reported in the latest issue of Current Science, has for the

> first time shown that the unit of length called 'angulam' - mentioned in

> Kautilya's treatise on statecraft " Arthasastra " dated 300 BC -- was used

> without a break in India for over 3,900 years.


> The ancient 'angulam' has been found to be equal to 1.763 modern

> centimetres, according to Balasubramaniam, a professor of materials and

> metallurgical engineering. He has carried out dimensional analysis of some

> of India's historical structures, built during different times, to identify


> the measuring units used in their engineering plans.


> He says he was surprised that 'angulam' and its multiples 'vitasti' (12

> angulams) and 'dhanus' (108 angulams) have been used as the unit of

> measurement right from the Harappan times - the highly developed

> civilization that thrived for a few centuries on the floodplains of the

> Indus river in what is now northwest India and Pakistan - till the

> pre-modern era when the Taj was built.


> Balasubramaniam, who last year studied the dimensions of the 1,600-year-old


> Delhi Iron Pillar at the Qutub Minar complex, found that 'angulam' and its

> multiple 'dhanus' were used as the basic units of length in its design.


> For example, the total height of the pillar is exactly 4 dhanus,

> Balasubramaniam told IANS.


> Now in a paper published in Current Science, Balasubramaniam has shown that


> the modular plan of the Taj Mahal complex is based on use of grids of sides


> measuring 60 and 90 vitasti. He says the study has established that the

> design and architecture of the Taj is based on traditional Indian units

> codified in " Arthasastra " and that " there is nothing foreign " in its

> design.


> " The fact that the unit of angulam of 1.763 cm could match very well the

> dimensions of historical monuments establishes the continuity of India's

> engineering tradition through the ages for as long as 3,900 years, " says

> Balasubramaniam in his paper.


> " With the new knowledge we can analyse all the important ancient structures


> in India, " he says, and hopes the findings " will open a new chapter in the

> study of metrology (science of measurements) " .


> But how did the angulam tradition remain unbroken for so long?


> As quoted in the website of Nature India, Balasubramaniam believes the

> workers from the Harappan days were perhaps using some kind of scale " that

> was handed over through generations " .



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Guest guest

Dear Kulbir,


This thread is moving away from Astrology and related fields. So I don't want

write much.


Yet, America was once a colony of British empire just like India. However they

fought their way to Independence, much before Us. So each an every American

knows the value of Independence. They bring up their children with that passion

of being American & independent.


India did not get independence due to someone sitting sathyagraha. India got it

because British did not had any other way. It had already plundered India and

almost got everything it wanted (riches) and was also slowly loosing to freedom

fighters etc. You shall know the truth if you search for letters written by the

British resident governors to the queen and other higher authorities.


But the fact is we, hide the reality willfully Just as we hide the reality

behind the two structures you had mentioned.


Since, you have known the reality underneath these structures, where is the

surprise that it conforms to the same standard of Angulam?


Also try to find the map of the world in ancient times. You will be even more




A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb


Wed, March 17, 2010 11:56:09 PM



Sir ji,

Even after plundering and destruction by Macedonians, Muslim, Moguls, Our

Identity culture, scriptures survived but i doubt if anything of it will

remain after the onslaught of Red Wave.

Bhookhein Bhajan na hoein Gopala.

If we continue exploitation; the writing is very clear on the wall.

What do you expect from a person who is forced to sell his child for a

measly amount.

Who cannot afford 2 times food.

In Punjab pensions are given to old persons- Rs. 250 per month, That don't

have been delivered since August.

What happened to the hue and cry about black money in swiss accounts; once

the general assembly elections where over.

I have a soft corner for naxalbaris. Atleast they stick to their ideology

right or wrong.



Kulbir Bains


On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:05 PM, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumarwrote:




> Member,


> don't worry as we have been taught to devalue, disrespect our culture by

> the leftists, so caled isecular parties we can surely get them imported from

> the west


> and know we were ahead in the world in all areas


> the fact is till 200 yrs ago India, china were world super powers


> india despite its numerous looting by invaders, british did max damage but

> also set up good institutions infrastructure


> ssay railways we have added just 10kms to 54k ms they added though they did

> it for their army, or subjudicate, the wst asian invaders destroyed all our

> academic, cultural power houses like Nalanda, taxisila etc


> - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.



/database?method=reportRows & tbl=6



> ________________________________

> " lalkitabkb <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com> " <

> lalkitabkb <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com>>

> <%40>

> Tue, March 16, 2010 9:44:15 PM



> The study by R. Balasubramaniam of the Indian Institute of Technology,

> Kanpur, and reported in the latest issue of Current Science, has for the

> first time shown that the unit of length called 'angulam' - mentioned in

> Kautilya's treatise on statecraft " Arthasastra " dated 300 BC -- was used

> without a break in India for over 3,900 years.


> The ancient 'angulam' has been found to be equal to 1.763 modern

> centimetres, according to Balasubramaniam, a professor of materials and

> metallurgical engineering. He has carried out dimensional analysis of some

> of India's historical structures, built during different times, to identify


> the measuring units used in their engineering plans.


> He says he was surprised that 'angulam' and its multiples 'vitasti' (12

> angulams) and 'dhanus' (108 angulams) have been used as the unit of

> measurement right from the Harappan times - the highly developed

> civilization that thrived for a few centuries on the floodplains of the

> Indus river in what is now northwest India and Pakistan - till the

> pre-modern era when the Taj was built.


> Balasubramaniam, who last year studied the dimensions of the 1,600-year-old


> Delhi Iron Pillar at the Qutub Minar complex, found that 'angulam' and its

> multiple 'dhanus' were used as the basic units of length in its design.


> For example, the total height of the pillar is exactly 4 dhanus,

> Balasubramaniam told IANS.


> Now in a paper published in Current Science, Balasubramaniam has shown that


> the modular plan of the Taj Mahal complex is based on use of grids of sides


> measuring 60 and 90 vitasti. He says the study has established that the

> design and architecture of the Taj is based on traditional Indian units

> codified in " Arthasastra " and that " there is nothing foreign " in its

> design.


> " The fact that the unit of angulam of 1.763 cm could match very well the

> dimensions of historical monuments establishes the continuity of India's

> engineering tradition through the ages for as long as 3,900 years, " says

> Balasubramaniam in his paper.


> " With the new knowledge we can analyse all the important ancient structures


> in India, " he says, and hopes the findings " will open a new chapter in the

> study of metrology (science of measurements) " .


> But how did the angulam tradition remain unbroken for so long?


> As quoted in the website of Nature India, Balasubramaniam believes the

> workers from the Harappan days were perhaps using some kind of scale " that

> was handed over through generations " .



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Guest guest

Dear Sureshji

  Now I am in INDIA

 after passing away of my son SRIKANTH DASU ( on 23rd  jan.2010 at 2:41 pm)

at  Memorial Herman Hospital ,Houston ,Texas, USA.

(after failing of LIVER,Kidneys,Lungs,...)  who was married on december 8 th

2005 at 11:55 noon at Secunderabad

  Where the fault lies ? in fixing the time of marriage/ sellection / venue/


,,, or  any thing  else... or  ALL HALF KNOWLEDGED  people  in the  FORUM

just for EARNING  and Misguiding  others , and  not following at ALL  THEY


... (just  for earning .... or  yearning...or just for duping others without 

learning the  ALFABETS @ ALL.


MY QUESTION is not answered  by all learned ones , but a few ..

 but all  few learned  answered  without  knowing the details .

 my QUESTION to  the FORUM is  where lies  the defect ?

 is it in the marriage/ Muhurta/ Boy or Girl ?????

 WHY the  BOY  PASSED AWAY AND WHY the girl survived  and where lies the

deffect at all ?




so many LILLYs /Tigers /TIGRESSES/ All  non senses appeared in the forum (

hindime  my bolungaa...

 uska ..... samajha gaya naa....)

is this forum  for  exists only for ... xxxx

 or enhancing knowledge/ elevating the  people and HELPING the PEOPLE... or

ABUSING one another ...

 ALL  this observed while  i was at  USA.  while my SON was in death

bed...   at  that time  also

 i posted my mail to this very forum  ,which was not seen ....

but for the selfish/earningmotto/lienint attittude of the people ... so called



my eyes  are dried......

my heart has stopped..

my body is stalled...

my brain  now stilled..

my existance is no more ...

myselfe is now selfless.....

me? where ? ..........

mind is nowhere....

miniscus things are everywhere...

minute things are any where.......

more not to tell.......

myself  only  wept..

my  tears  rolled and bacame  an OCEAN

my son  slept  forever  as a      BEACON

mischief     GOD  is   called   as  DRAGON

my self is only SPECTATOR called a MAN.

 CHANDRA MOULI DASU  a small man .








Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag


Thu, 18 March, 2010 1:15:50 AM




Dear Kulbir,


This thread is moving away from Astrology and related fields. So I don't want

write much.


Yet, America was once a colony of British empire just like India. However they

fought their way to Independence, much before Us. So each an every American

knows the value of Independence. They bring up their children with that passion

of being American & independent.


India did not get independence due to someone sitting sathyagraha. India got it

because British did not had any other way. It had already plundered India and

almost got everything it wanted (riches) and was also slowly loosing to freedom

fighters etc. You shall know the truth if you search for letters written by the

British resident governors to the queen and other higher authorities.


But the fact is we, hide the reality willfully Just as we hide the reality

behind the two structures you had mentioned.


Since, you have known the reality underneath these structures, where is the

surprise that it conforms to the same standard of Angulam?


Also try to find the map of the world in ancient times. You will be even more



A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb (AT) gmail (DOT) com>


Wed, March 17, 2010 11:56:09 PM



Sir ji,

Even after plundering and destruction by Macedonians, Muslim, Moguls, Our

Identity culture, scriptures survived but i doubt if anything of it will

remain after the onslaught of Red Wave.

Bhookhein Bhajan na hoein Gopala.

If we continue exploitation; the writing is very clear on the wall.

What do you expect from a person who is forced to sell his child for a

measly amount.

Who cannot afford 2 times food.

In Punjab pensions are given to old persons- Rs. 250 per month, That don't

have been delivered since August.

What happened to the hue and cry about black money in swiss accounts; once

the general assembly elections where over.

I have a soft corner for naxalbaris. Atleast they stick to their ideology

right or wrong.



Kulbir Bains


On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:05 PM, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar (AT) (DOT)





> Member,


> don't worry as we have been taught to devalue, disrespect our culture by

> the leftists, so caled isecular parties we can surely get them imported from

> the west


> and know we were ahead in the world in all areas


> the fact is till 200 yrs ago India, china were world super powers


> india despite its numerous looting by invaders, british did max damage but

> also set up good institutions infrastructure


> ssay railways we have added just 10kms to 54k ms they added though they did

> it for their army, or subjudicate, the wst asian invaders destroyed all our

> academic, cultural power houses like Nalanda, taxisila etc


> - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.


> http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6



> ____________ _________ _________ __

> " lalkitabkb (AT) gmail (DOT) com <lalkitabkb% 40gmail.com> " <

> lalkitabkb (AT) gmail (DOT) com <lalkitabkb% 40gmail.com> >

> <% 40. com>

> Tue, March 16, 2010 9:44:15 PM



> The study by R. Balasubramaniam of the Indian Institute of Technology,

> Kanpur, and reported in the latest issue of Current Science, has for the

> first time shown that the unit of length called 'angulam' - mentioned in

> Kautilya's treatise on statecraft " Arthasastra " dated 300 BC -- was used

> without a break in India for over 3,900 years.


> The ancient 'angulam' has been found to be equal to 1.763 modern

> centimetres, according to Balasubramaniam, a professor of materials and

> metallurgical engineering. He has carried out dimensional analysis of some

> of India's historical structures, built during different times, to identify


> the measuring units used in their engineering plans.


> He says he was surprised that 'angulam' and its multiples 'vitasti' (12

> angulams) and 'dhanus' (108 angulams) have been used as the unit of

> measurement right from the Harappan times - the highly developed

> civilization that thrived for a few centuries on the floodplains of the

> Indus river in what is now northwest India and Pakistan - till the

> pre-modern era when the Taj was built.


> Balasubramaniam, who last year studied the dimensions of the 1,600-year-old


> Delhi Iron Pillar at the Qutub Minar complex, found that 'angulam' and its

> multiple 'dhanus' were used as the basic units of length in its design.


> For example, the total height of the pillar is exactly 4 dhanus,

> Balasubramaniam told IANS.


> Now in a paper published in Current Science, Balasubramaniam has shown that


> the modular plan of the Taj Mahal complex is based on use of grids of sides


> measuring 60 and 90 vitasti. He says the study has established that the

> design and architecture of the Taj is based on traditional Indian units

> codified in " Arthasastra " and that " there is nothing foreign " in its

> design.


> " The fact that the unit of angulam of 1.763 cm could match very well the

> dimensions of historical monuments establishes the continuity of India's

> engineering tradition through the ages for as long as 3,900 years, " says

> Balasubramaniam in his paper.


> " With the new knowledge we can analyse all the important ancient structures


> in India, " he says, and hopes the findings " will open a new chapter in the

> study of metrology (science of measurements) " .


> But how did the angulam tradition remain unbroken for so long?


> As quoted in the website of Nature India, Balasubramaniam believes the

> workers from the Harappan days were perhaps using some kind of scale " that

> was handed over through generations " .



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Guest guest

Kulbir praaji!


History (particularly recent one!) if ignored shall surely visit us, the wise



Get wise or get wiped out! You do have a point in this kaliyuga!! Antichrist is

not just a Christian problem or solely a problem for Christians! It is a concept

that has recently been put into practise and the effects came into WORLD-VIEW

just few years after India became Azaad!!


Anyone remembers TIBET?




, Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb wrote:


> Sir ji,

> Even after plundering and destruction by Macedonians, Muslim, Moguls, Our

> Identity culture, scriptures survived but i doubt if anything of it will

> remain after the onslaught of Red Wave.

> Bhookhein Bhajan na hoein Gopala.

> If we continue exploitation; the writing is very clear on the wall.

> What do you expect from a person who is forced to sell his child for a

> measly amount.

> Who cannot afford 2 times food.

> In Punjab pensions are given to old persons- Rs. 250 per month, That don't

> have been delivered since August.

> What happened to the hue and cry about black money in swiss accounts; once

> the general assembly elections where over.

> I have a soft corner for naxalbaris. Atleast they stick to their ideology

> right or wrong.

> --

> Regards

> Kulbir Bains


> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:05 PM, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumarwrote:


> >

> >

> > Member,

> >

> > don't worry as we have been taught to devalue, disrespect our culture by

> > the leftists, so caled isecular parties we can surely get them imported from

> > the west

> >

> > and know we were ahead in the world in all areas

> >

> > the fact is till 200 yrs ago India, china were world super powers

> >

> > india despite its numerous looting by invaders, british did max damage but

> > also set up good institutions infrastructure

> >

> > ssay railways we have added just 10kms to 54k ms they added though they did

> > it for their army, or subjudicate, the wst asian invaders destroyed all our

> > academic, cultural power houses like Nalanda, taxisila etc

> >

> > - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> >

> >

/database?method=reportRows & tbl=6

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > " lalkitabkb <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com> " <

> > lalkitabkb <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com>>

> > <%40>

> > Tue, March 16, 2010 9:44:15 PM


> >

> > The study by R. Balasubramaniam of the Indian Institute of Technology,

> > Kanpur, and reported in the latest issue of Current Science, has for the

> > first time shown that the unit of length called 'angulam' - mentioned in

> > Kautilya's treatise on statecraft " Arthasastra " dated 300 BC -- was used

> > without a break in India for over 3,900 years.

> >

> > The ancient 'angulam' has been found to be equal to 1.763 modern

> > centimetres, according to Balasubramaniam, a professor of materials and

> > metallurgical engineering. He has carried out dimensional analysis of some

> > of India's historical structures, built during different times, to identify

> >

> > the measuring units used in their engineering plans.

> >

> > He says he was surprised that 'angulam' and its multiples 'vitasti' (12

> > angulams) and 'dhanus' (108 angulams) have been used as the unit of

> > measurement right from the Harappan times - the highly developed

> > civilization that thrived for a few centuries on the floodplains of the

> > Indus river in what is now northwest India and Pakistan - till the

> > pre-modern era when the Taj was built.

> >

> > Balasubramaniam, who last year studied the dimensions of the 1,600-year-old

> >

> > Delhi Iron Pillar at the Qutub Minar complex, found that 'angulam' and its

> > multiple 'dhanus' were used as the basic units of length in its design.

> >

> > For example, the total height of the pillar is exactly 4 dhanus,

> > Balasubramaniam told IANS.

> >

> > Now in a paper published in Current Science, Balasubramaniam has shown that

> >

> > the modular plan of the Taj Mahal complex is based on use of grids of sides

> >

> > measuring 60 and 90 vitasti. He says the study has established that the

> > design and architecture of the Taj is based on traditional Indian units

> > codified in " Arthasastra " and that " there is nothing foreign " in its

> > design.

> >

> > " The fact that the unit of angulam of 1.763 cm could match very well the

> > dimensions of historical monuments establishes the continuity of India's

> > engineering tradition through the ages for as long as 3,900 years, " says

> > Balasubramaniam in his paper.

> >

> > " With the new knowledge we can analyse all the important ancient structures

> >

> > in India, " he says, and hopes the findings " will open a new chapter in the

> > study of metrology (science of measurements) " .

> >

> > But how did the angulam tradition remain unbroken for so long?

> >

> > As quoted in the website of Nature India, Balasubramaniam believes the

> > workers from the Harappan days were perhaps using some kind of scale " that

> > was handed over through generations " .

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Dear Shri Suresh Ji,Shri Prashant ji and members,,

we r more cynical in our thoughts .we dig things where we can apply little

ourselves.what ever it is today we feel and experience.Past is evidently picture

of changing society,culture and technology,which no one can stop.

Paunjab is not paying pensions.Miday meals r not going to school children.health

benifits r not reaching r in no way our concern.whether naxals and maoists r

right or not v have nothing to judge here.

we r very much worried of future and can evolve  a pattern by way of past

repetition or other wise bring an element of satisfaction and comfort,that is

what is necessary to expose.

It all started with research on metric system and leading else where.




we, hide the reality willfully Just as we hide the reality behind the

two structures you had mentioned.  Vattem Krishnan

Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey

Planets While  Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of

Mans Karma 


--- On Wed, 3/17/10, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag



Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 3:45 PM


















Dear Kulbir,




This thread is moving away from Astrology and related fields. So I don't want

write much.




Yet, America was once a colony of British empire just like India. However they

fought their way to Independence, much before Us. So each an every American

knows the value of Independence. They bring up their children with that passion

of being American & independent.




India did not get independence due to someone sitting sathyagraha. India got it

because British did not had any other way. It had already plundered India and

almost got everything it wanted (riches) and was also slowly loosing to freedom

fighters etc. You shall know the truth if you search for letters written by the

British resident governors to the queen and other higher authorities.




But the fact is we, hide the reality willfully Just as we hide the reality

behind the two structures you had mentioned.




Since, you have known the reality underneath these structures, where is the

surprise that it conforms to the same standard of Angulam?




Also try to find the map of the world in ancient times. You will be even more





A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy






Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb (AT) gmail (DOT) com>




Wed, March 17, 2010 11:56:09 PM






Sir ji,


Even after plundering and destruction by Macedonians, Muslim, Moguls, Our


Identity culture, scriptures survived but i doubt if anything of it will


remain after the onslaught of Red Wave.


Bhookhein Bhajan na hoein Gopala.


If we continue exploitation; the writing is very clear on the wall.


What do you expect from a person who is forced to sell his child for a


measly amount.


Who cannot afford 2 times food.


In Punjab pensions are given to old persons- Rs. 250 per month, That don't


have been delivered since August.


What happened to the hue and cry about black money in swiss accounts; once


the general assembly elections where over.


I have a soft corner for naxalbaris. Atleast they stick to their ideology


right or wrong.






Kulbir Bains




On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:05 PM, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar (AT) (DOT)









> Member,




> don't worry as we have been taught to devalue, disrespect our culture by


> the leftists, so caled isecular parties we can surely get them imported from


> the west




> and know we were ahead in the world in all areas




> the fact is till 200 yrs ago India, china were world super powers




> india despite its numerous looting by invaders, british did max damage but


> also set up good institutions infrastructure




> ssay railways we have added just 10kms to 54k ms they added though they did


> it for their army, or subjudicate, the wst asian invaders destroyed all our


> academic, cultural power houses like Nalanda, taxisila etc




> - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.




> http://groups. / group/Jyotish_ Remedies/ database? method=reportRow

s & tbl=6






> ____________ _________ _________ __


> " lalkitabkb (AT) gmail (DOT) com <lalkitabkb% 40gmail.com> " <


> lalkitabkb (AT) gmail (DOT) com <lalkitabkb% 40gmail.com> >


> <% 40. com>


> Tue, March 16, 2010 9:44:15 PM






> The study by R. Balasubramaniam of the Indian Institute of Technology,


> Kanpur, and reported in the latest issue of Current Science, has for the


> first time shown that the unit of length called 'angulam' - mentioned in


> Kautilya's treatise on statecraft " Arthasastra " dated 300 BC -- was used


> without a break in India for over 3,900 years.




> The ancient 'angulam' has been found to be equal to 1.763 modern


> centimetres, according to Balasubramaniam, a professor of materials and


> metallurgical engineering. He has carried out dimensional analysis of some


> of India's historical structures, built during different times, to identify




> the measuring units used in their engineering plans.




> He says he was surprised that 'angulam' and its multiples 'vitasti' (12


> angulams) and 'dhanus' (108 angulams) have been used as the unit of


> measurement right from the Harappan times - the highly developed


> civilization that thrived for a few centuries on the floodplains of the


> Indus river in what is now northwest India and Pakistan - till the


> pre-modern era when the Taj was built.




> Balasubramaniam, who last year studied the dimensions of the 1,600-year-old




> Delhi Iron Pillar at the Qutub Minar complex, found that 'angulam' and its


> multiple 'dhanus' were used as the basic units of length in its design.




> For example, the total height of the pillar is exactly 4 dhanus,


> Balasubramaniam told IANS.




> Now in a paper published in Current Science, Balasubramaniam has shown that




> the modular plan of the Taj Mahal complex is based on use of grids of sides




> measuring 60 and 90 vitasti. He says the study has established that the


> design and architecture of the Taj is based on traditional Indian units


> codified in " Arthasastra " and that " there is nothing foreign " in its


> design.




> " The fact that the unit of angulam of 1.763 cm could match very well the


> dimensions of historical monuments establishes the continuity of India's


> engineering tradition through the ages for as long as 3,900 years, " says


> Balasubramaniam in his paper.




> " With the new knowledge we can analyse all the important ancient structures




> in India, " he says, and hopes the findings " will open a new chapter in the


> study of metrology (science of measurements) " .




> But how did the angulam tradition remain unbroken for so long?




> As quoted in the website of Nature India, Balasubramaniam believes the


> workers from the Harappan days were perhaps using some kind of scale " that


> was handed over through generations " .





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Guest guest

SiRR Ji,

It is said that the doom of Nepal dynasty was foretold years ago. Does any

member has any reference for this prophecy.


Kulbir Bains.




On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 5:26 AM, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vaniwrote:




> Kulbir praaji!


> History (particularly recent one!) if ignored shall surely visit us, the

> wise warn!


> Get wise or get wiped out! You do have a point in this kaliyuga!!

> Antichrist is not just a Christian problem or solely a problem for

> Christians! It is a concept that has recently been put into practise and the

> effects came into WORLD-VIEW just few years after India became Azaad!!


> Anyone remembers TIBET?


> RR_,



> <%40>,

> Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb wrote:

> >

> > Sir ji,

> > Even after plundering and destruction by Macedonians, Muslim, Moguls, Our

> > Identity culture, scriptures survived but i doubt if anything of it will

> > remain after the onslaught of Red Wave.

> > Bhookhein Bhajan na hoein Gopala.

> > If we continue exploitation; the writing is very clear on the wall.

> > What do you expect from a person who is forced to sell his child for a

> > measly amount.

> > Who cannot afford 2 times food.

> > In Punjab pensions are given to old persons- Rs. 250 per month, That

> don't

> > have been delivered since August.

> > What happened to the hue and cry about black money in swiss accounts;

> once

> > the general assembly elections where over.

> > I have a soft corner for naxalbaris. Atleast they stick to their ideology

> > right or wrong.

> > --

> > Regards

> > Kulbir Bains

> >

> > On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:05 PM, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumarwrote:



> >

> > >

> > >

> > > Member,

> > >

> > > don't worry as we have been taught to devalue, disrespect our culture

> by

> > > the leftists, so caled isecular parties we can surely get them imported

> from

> > > the west

> > >

> > > and know we were ahead in the world in all areas

> > >

> > > the fact is till 200 yrs ago India, china were world super powers

> > >

> > > india despite its numerous looting by invaders, british did max damage

> but

> > > also set up good institutions infrastructure

> > >

> > > ssay railways we have added just 10kms to 54k ms they added though they

> did

> > > it for their army, or subjudicate, the wst asian invaders destroyed all

> our

> > > academic, cultural power houses like Nalanda, taxisila etc

> > >

> > > - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> > >

> > >


/database?method=reportRows & tbl=6

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > " lalkitabkb <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com> " <

> > > lalkitabkb <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com>>

> > > To:



> 40>


> > > Tue, March 16, 2010 9:44:15 PM


> > >

> > > The study by R. Balasubramaniam of the Indian Institute of Technology,

> > > Kanpur, and reported in the latest issue of Current Science, has for

> the

> > > first time shown that the unit of length called 'angulam' - mentioned

> in

> > > Kautilya's treatise on statecraft " Arthasastra " dated 300 BC -- was

> used

> > > without a break in India for over 3,900 years.

> > >

> > > The ancient 'angulam' has been found to be equal to 1.763 modern

> > > centimetres, according to Balasubramaniam, a professor of materials and

> > > metallurgical engineering. He has carried out dimensional analysis of

> some

> > > of India's historical structures, built during different times, to

> identify

> > >

> > > the measuring units used in their engineering plans.

> > >

> > > He says he was surprised that 'angulam' and its multiples 'vitasti' (12

> > > angulams) and 'dhanus' (108 angulams) have been used as the unit of

> > > measurement right from the Harappan times - the highly developed

> > > civilization that thrived for a few centuries on the floodplains of the

> > > Indus river in what is now northwest India and Pakistan - till the

> > > pre-modern era when the Taj was built.

> > >

> > > Balasubramaniam, who last year studied the dimensions of the

> 1,600-year-old

> > >

> > > Delhi Iron Pillar at the Qutub Minar complex, found that 'angulam' and

> its

> > > multiple 'dhanus' were used as the basic units of length in its design.

> > >

> > > For example, the total height of the pillar is exactly 4 dhanus,

> > > Balasubramaniam told IANS.

> > >

> > > Now in a paper published in Current Science, Balasubramaniam has shown

> that

> > >

> > > the modular plan of the Taj Mahal complex is based on use of grids of

> sides

> > >

> > > measuring 60 and 90 vitasti. He says the study has established that the

> > > design and architecture of the Taj is based on traditional Indian units

> > > codified in " Arthasastra " and that " there is nothing foreign " in its

> > > design.

> > >

> > > " The fact that the unit of angulam of 1.763 cm could match very well

> the

> > > dimensions of historical monuments establishes the continuity of

> India's

> > > engineering tradition through the ages for as long as 3,900 years, "

> says

> > > Balasubramaniam in his paper.

> > >

> > > " With the new knowledge we can analyse all the important ancient

> structures

> > >

> > > in India, " he says, and hopes the findings " will open a new chapter in

> the

> > > study of metrology (science of measurements) " .

> > >

> > > But how did the angulam tradition remain unbroken for so long?

> > >

> > > As quoted in the website of Nature India, Balasubramaniam believes the

> > > workers from the Harappan days were perhaps using some kind of scale

> " that

> > > was handed over through generations " .

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Somebody in Nepal does, I hope and pray :-)


, Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb wrote:


> SiRR Ji,

> It is said that the doom of Nepal dynasty was foretold years ago. Does any

> member has any reference for this prophecy.

> regards

> Kulbir Bains.




> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 5:26 AM, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vaniwrote:


> >

> >

> > Kulbir praaji!

> >

> > History (particularly recent one!) if ignored shall surely visit us, the

> > wise warn!

> >

> > Get wise or get wiped out! You do have a point in this kaliyuga!!

> > Antichrist is not just a Christian problem or solely a problem for

> > Christians! It is a concept that has recently been put into practise and the

> > effects came into WORLD-VIEW just few years after India became Azaad!!

> >

> > Anyone remembers TIBET?

> >

> > RR_,

> >

> >

> > <%40>,

> > Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Sir ji,

> > > Even after plundering and destruction by Macedonians, Muslim, Moguls, Our

> > > Identity culture, scriptures survived but i doubt if anything of it will

> > > remain after the onslaught of Red Wave.

> > > Bhookhein Bhajan na hoein Gopala.

> > > If we continue exploitation; the writing is very clear on the wall.

> > > What do you expect from a person who is forced to sell his child for a

> > > measly amount.

> > > Who cannot afford 2 times food.

> > > In Punjab pensions are given to old persons- Rs. 250 per month, That

> > don't

> > > have been delivered since August.

> > > What happened to the hue and cry about black money in swiss accounts;

> > once

> > > the general assembly elections where over.

> > > I have a soft corner for naxalbaris. Atleast they stick to their ideology

> > > right or wrong.

> > > --

> > > Regards

> > > Kulbir Bains

> > >

> > > On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:05 PM, Prashant Kumar G B <gbp_kumar@>wrote:

> >

> >

> > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Member,

> > > >

> > > > don't worry as we have been taught to devalue, disrespect our culture

> > by

> > > > the leftists, so caled isecular parties we can surely get them imported

> > from

> > > > the west

> > > >

> > > > and know we were ahead in the world in all areas

> > > >

> > > > the fact is till 200 yrs ago India, china were world super powers

> > > >

> > > > india despite its numerous looting by invaders, british did max damage

> > but

> > > > also set up good institutions infrastructure

> > > >

> > > > ssay railways we have added just 10kms to 54k ms they added though they

> > did

> > > > it for their army, or subjudicate, the wst asian invaders destroyed all

> > our

> > > > academic, cultural power houses like Nalanda, taxisila etc

> > > >

> > > > - G B Prashant Kumar Life Member ICAS.

> > > >

> > > >

> >

/database?method=reportRows & tbl=6

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ________________________________

> > > > " lalkitabkb@ <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com> " <

> > > > lalkitabkb@ <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com>>

> > > > To:



> > 40>

> >

> > > > Tue, March 16, 2010 9:44:15 PM

> > > > ANGULAM

> > > >

> > > > The study by R. Balasubramaniam of the Indian Institute of Technology,

> > > > Kanpur, and reported in the latest issue of Current Science, has for

> > the

> > > > first time shown that the unit of length called 'angulam' - mentioned

> > in

> > > > Kautilya's treatise on statecraft " Arthasastra " dated 300 BC -- was

> > used

> > > > without a break in India for over 3,900 years.

> > > >

> > > > The ancient 'angulam' has been found to be equal to 1.763 modern

> > > > centimetres, according to Balasubramaniam, a professor of materials and

> > > > metallurgical engineering. He has carried out dimensional analysis of

> > some

> > > > of India's historical structures, built during different times, to

> > identify

> > > >

> > > > the measuring units used in their engineering plans.

> > > >

> > > > He says he was surprised that 'angulam' and its multiples 'vitasti' (12

> > > > angulams) and 'dhanus' (108 angulams) have been used as the unit of

> > > > measurement right from the Harappan times - the highly developed

> > > > civilization that thrived for a few centuries on the floodplains of the

> > > > Indus river in what is now northwest India and Pakistan - till the

> > > > pre-modern era when the Taj was built.

> > > >

> > > > Balasubramaniam, who last year studied the dimensions of the

> > 1,600-year-old

> > > >

> > > > Delhi Iron Pillar at the Qutub Minar complex, found that 'angulam' and

> > its

> > > > multiple 'dhanus' were used as the basic units of length in its design.

> > > >

> > > > For example, the total height of the pillar is exactly 4 dhanus,

> > > > Balasubramaniam told IANS.

> > > >

> > > > Now in a paper published in Current Science, Balasubramaniam has shown

> > that

> > > >

> > > > the modular plan of the Taj Mahal complex is based on use of grids of

> > sides

> > > >

> > > > measuring 60 and 90 vitasti. He says the study has established that the

> > > > design and architecture of the Taj is based on traditional Indian units

> > > > codified in " Arthasastra " and that " there is nothing foreign " in its

> > > > design.

> > > >

> > > > " The fact that the unit of angulam of 1.763 cm could match very well

> > the

> > > > dimensions of historical monuments establishes the continuity of

> > India's

> > > > engineering tradition through the ages for as long as 3,900 years, "

> > says

> > > > Balasubramaniam in his paper.

> > > >

> > > > " With the new knowledge we can analyse all the important ancient

> > structures

> > > >

> > > > in India, " he says, and hopes the findings " will open a new chapter in

> > the

> > > > study of metrology (science of measurements) " .

> > > >

> > > > But how did the angulam tradition remain unbroken for so long?

> > > >

> > > > As quoted in the website of Nature India, Balasubramaniam believes the

> > > > workers from the Harappan days were perhaps using some kind of scale

> > " that

> > > > was handed over through generations " .

> > > >

> > > >

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