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Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems & research

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Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.


Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning


I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial year

ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not that

there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth I could

not find any.


Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the stars.


World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any cost.

Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with them is

genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers†are no different. They talk

a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make others also

fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not confused at all, no

matter if he fails.


In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of confusion.

The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about Saints, their

charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th house. Sad is the

status of Astrology when the so called educated & intelligent don’t even know

the fundamental principles and call themselves modern Astrolgers with fancy

degrees attached to them.


Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer to

outwit others incorporating lot of “features†and theories and claiming the

researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.


There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and every

thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick look at

these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed of

Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.


I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But one

thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must be

thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically these

people do not have.


We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one was

how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn became the

Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, without

whom we may not even know such a person existed. Narendra was intelligent and

had great knowledge but realized the truth, the right path, only through

Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several such Narendras now who are

groping in the dark, even after buying and reading all the classicals one could

lay their hands on. In fact, the number has grown exponentially due to the easy

availability of Astrology works, mostly story tellers, rather than genuine

works. The funny thing is these narendras either do not make enough effort to

find their Ramakrishnas or it simply is not in them to become those

Viveka-anandas. They simple end up being “Andas†and pull others also in

their “Andakaraâ€.


Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no wonder

how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of Jupiter. Why

should “I†learn from a teacher / others. “I†am intelligent myself and

do not consider any one as “my†teacher. Why should “I†take initiation

of Mantra sasdhana? While “I†could consider lord Shiva as my teacher and do

it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I†person know him?


Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically explaining

every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take refuge in the

standard “divinityâ€, nor could they ignore it.


Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem- (A)

the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category A. So

how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with conflicting theories

and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very external level but

claimed to be perfect?.


I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most times

it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if astrology

was that simple we could write a software program to predict every thing.


Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of accident,

the indications.


The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a given

date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what might happen?

In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every day, not on the

Internet, but on face to face encounters.


Why is it difficult to predict?


If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,


He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.


Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in the

5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and Mars in

the 11th.



4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.


Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th lord

also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd house also

indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical works.


Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the 5th

house of children.


Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always a

benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer lots of

good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it need not

turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not mean benefic

planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will always be malefic or

at all times.


So basically there are four possibilities here


A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in the

5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if the

native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all times,

provided the native’s mother is still living.


An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct indication.

This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a native visits an

astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the time. Such factors help

the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict accurately. This is grossly

lacking on the Internet queries.


But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point from

the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that easy.

The time required to verify various factors would be much more.


If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and vahana

rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man – again

indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is two –

two wheeler.


So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu & Mars.


Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets and

Saturn aspecting them.


Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.


It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.


Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus + Mercury.


Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates spouse ,

being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel (gamana-agamana).


Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house –

Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could

again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when we

look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas standing

there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think that something

might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation being the aspect of

Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another dwiswabhava rasi also

indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the native could be having two

vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc. (don’t misunderstand me

about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth and the other who loves him

like a mother & taken care of him when he was a child).


So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes into

play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.


Transit & day of accident.


On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu, again

indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.


However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I thought of

his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother. Vehicles /

accidents was only the last thought.


How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra dasa

& Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who cared is

ample proof.


Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from those

bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs, the native

shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.


To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona rasis

(B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from that

bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall experience

difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits, the native

shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute but a fair



In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on Thula

sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also the

dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).


There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt to

answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did not

affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the analysis.

Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct analysis.


Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why quizzes

end up in failures on the Internet.


Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature. Once

a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear to him. It

is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to him.



A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

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{{RR:Welcome back Shenoy_Dada from the unreal world of fiscal year-ending INTO

the real world that you pined for ;-)}}



> I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial year

ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not that

there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth I could

not find any.



{{RR: We were waiting with baited breath for you to return and spike life back

into us and post some interesting stuff! We are all turning blue like Aadarniya

Shivjee in the meantime, waiting for a fresh breath from you!}}


> Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the



{{RR: Now that you are back from the unreal world, that curse will be lifted, I

am sure ;-)}}



> Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically explaining

every thing.

> Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature.

Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear to

him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to



{{RR: Pray tell and share with us more, won't you...?}}


Best Regards,







, " Suresh Babu.A.G " <sureshbabuag



> Dear All



> Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.


> Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning


> I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial year

ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not that

there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth I could

not find any.


> Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the



> World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any cost.

Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with them is

genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers†are no different. They talk

a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make others also

fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not confused at all, no

matter if he fails.


> In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of confusion.

The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about Saints, their

charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th house. Sad is the

status of Astrology when the so called educated & intelligent don’t even know

the fundamental principles and call themselves modern Astrolgers with fancy

degrees attached to them.


> Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer to

outwit others incorporating lot of “features†and theories and claiming the

researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.


> There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and

every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick look

at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed of

Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.


> I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But one

thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must be

thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically these

people do not have.


> We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one

was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn became

the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,

without whom we may not even know such a person existed. Narendra was

intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the truth, the right path, only

through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several such Narendras now who

are groping in the dark, even after buying and reading all the classicals one

could lay their hands on. In fact, the number has grown exponentially due to the

easy availability of Astrology works, mostly story tellers, rather than genuine

works. The funny thing is these narendras either do not make enough effort to

find their Ramakrishnas or it simply is not in them to become those

Viveka-anandas. They simple end up being “Andas†and pull others also in

their “Andakaraâ€.


> Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no

wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of Jupiter.

Why should “I†learn from a teacher / others. “I†am intelligent myself

and do not consider any one as “my†teacher. Why should “I†take

initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While “I†could consider lord Shiva as my

teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I†person know



> Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically explaining

every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take refuge in the

standard “divinityâ€, nor could they ignore it.


> Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem- (A)

the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category A. So

how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with conflicting theories

and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very external level but

claimed to be perfect?.


> I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most

times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if

astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict every



> Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of accident,

the indications.


> The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a given

date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what might happen?

In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every day, not on the

Internet, but on face to face encounters.


> Why is it difficult to predict?


> If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,


> He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.


> Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in the

5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and Mars in

the 11th.



> 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.


> Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th

lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd house

also indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical works.


> Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the

5th house of children.


> Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always a

benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer lots of

good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it need not

turn benefic) †" with the exception of Saturn. This also does not mean benefic

planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will always be malefic or

at all times.


> So basically there are four possibilities here


> A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in

the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if the

native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all times,

provided the native’s mother is still living.


> An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct indication.

This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a native visits an

astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the time. Such factors help

the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict accurately. This is grossly

lacking on the Internet queries.


> But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point from

the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that easy.

The time required to verify various factors would be much more.


> If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and vahana

rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man †" again

indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is two †"

two wheeler.


> So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu & Mars.


> Also look at how lord of Lagna †" Mercury is associated with these planets

and Saturn aspecting them.


> Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.


> It is Dhanu- Kanya †" Dhanus.


> Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus + Mercury.


> Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates spouse

, being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel (gamana-agamana).


> Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house †"

Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could

again be due to many reaons †" Change of career, loss of job etc. And when we

look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas standing

there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think that something

might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation being the aspect of

Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another dwiswabhava rasi also

indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the native could be having two

vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc. (don’t misunderstand me

about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth and the other who loves him

like a mother & taken care of him when he was a child).


> So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes into

play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.


> Transit & day of accident.


> On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu, again

indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.


> However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I thought

of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother. Vehicles /

accidents was only the last thought.


> How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra dasa

& Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who cared is

ample proof.


> Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from

those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs, the

native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.


> To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona

rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from that

bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall experience

difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits, the native

shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute but a fair



> In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on Thula

sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also the

dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).


> There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt to

answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did not

affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the analysis.

Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct analysis.


> Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why

quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.


> Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature.

Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear to

him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to




> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


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"Suresh Babu.A.G" <sureshbabuag



> Dear All



> Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.


> Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning


> I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial year

ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not that

there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth I


not find any.


> Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the



> World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any cost.

Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with them is

genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers†are no different. They talk

a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make others


fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not confused at all, no

matter if he fails.


> In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of confusion.

The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about Saints,


charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th house. Sad is the

status of Astrology when the so called educated & intelligent don’t even know

the fundamental principles and call themselves modern Astrolgers with fancy

degrees attached to them.


> Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer to

outwit others incorporating lot of “features†and theories and claiming the

researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.


> There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and

every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick look

at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed of

Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.


> I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But one

thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must


thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically these

people do not have.


> We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one

was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn became

the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,

without whom we may not even know such a person existed. Narendra was

intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the truth, the right path, only

through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several such Narendras now who

are groping in the dark, even after buying and reading all the classicals one

could lay their hands on. In fact, the number has grown exponentially due to the

easy availability of Astrology works, mostly story tellers, rather than genuine

works. The funny thing is these narendras either do not make enough effort to

find their Ramakrishnas or it simply is not in them to become those

Viveka-anandas. They simple end up being “Andas†and pull others also in

their “Andakaraâ€.


> Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no

wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of Jupiter.

Why should “I†learn from a teacher / others. “I†am intelligent


and do not consider any one as “my†teacher. Why should “I†take

initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While “I†could consider lord Shiva as my

teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I†person




> Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically explaining

every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take refuge in the

standard “divinityâ€, nor could they ignore it.


> Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem- (A)

the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category

A. So

how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with conflicting theories

and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very external level but

claimed to be perfect?.


> I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most

times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if

astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict every



> Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of


the indications.


> The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a given

date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what might happen?

In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every day, not on the

Internet, but on face to face encounters.


> Why is it difficult to predict?


> If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,


> He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.


> Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is

exalted in the

5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and

Mars in

the 11th.



> 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.


> Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th

lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd house

also indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical works.


> Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the

5th house of children.


> Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is

always a

benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer

lots of

good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it need


turn benefic) â€" with the exception of Saturn. This also does not mean benefic

planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will always be malefic or

at all times.


> So basically there are four possibilities here


> A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in

the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if the

native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all times,

provided the native’s mother is still living.


> An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct indication.

This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a native visits an

astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the time. Such factors help

the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict accurately. This is grossly

lacking on the Internet queries.


> But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point from

the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that easy.

The time required to verify various factors would be much more.


> If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and vahana

rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man â€" again

indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is

two â€"

two wheeler.


> So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu & Mars.


> Also look at how lord of Lagna â€" Mercury is associated with these


and Saturn aspecting them.


> Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.


> It is Dhanu- Kanya â€" Dhanus.


> Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus

+ Mercury.


> Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates spouse

, being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel (gamana-agamana).


> Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th

house â€"

Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could

again be due to many reaons â€" Change of career, loss of job etc. And when we

look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas standing

there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think that something

might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation being the aspect of

Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another dwiswabhava rasi also

indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the native could be having two

vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc. (don’t misunderstand


about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth and the other who loves him

like a mother & taken care of him when he was a child).


> So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus

comes into

play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.


> Transit & day of accident.


> On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu, again

indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.


> However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I


of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother. Vehicles


accidents was only the last thought.


> How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or


predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra dasa

& Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who cared is

ample proof.


> Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th

lords from

those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs, the

native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.


> To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona

rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from that

bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall experience

difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits, the native

shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute but a fair



> In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on Thula

sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also the

dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).


> There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt to

answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did not

affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the analysis.

Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct analysis.


> Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why

quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.


> Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with


Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear to

him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to




> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy===================here is data of person


Tanvir Chowdhury

24-Dec-1982, 00:34 Hrs

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Date of event:



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Guest guest

Dear Shri Suresh ji,Long time to have seen such an elaborate message dealing

with various issues concerning jyotish .This has certainly added a thought

provoking dimenstion to know of the various issues.It is time and

again emphasized that " Jyotish is not ganit " to say 2+2 makes 4.Since the one

with every living system is related through cosmic influence,it;s parameters no

doubt never remain consistent.Even meteorolgy some consistency by way of high

tide and low tide based on moon phase could be inferred but not with

jyotish.certainly universaliastion of jyotish and and to deal with the fate of

human kind is certainly a matter of no fun.It has large base as originated

through and as transmitted from several thousands of years,it has underwent

several mutilations.This it is not proper for me to make judgement as I never

had such kind of back ground to read the original texts in sanskrit though we

had a chance to read through devanagari lipi of Hindi

.Also jyotish development too was different by way of Prashna Satra,Brihat

Jatka and Nadi etc.what ultimately having universal nod is through

 SageParasara.here too controversies r no less.yet the jyotish as such is

getting along either for discontentment or contentment that there is some thing

of karmas.The popularity of Karma has now been got convinced.Yet the human

effort to change for good and fulfil ambitions.desires and reach objectives

/goals continue to take place.Anxiety is such that every one in his efforts for

his survival adopted muhurta too and wants to en quire best time for his/her

efforts to click.In the process Internet jyotish ahs come to the aid of many

computer savy persons besides Y2K success.yet the ambition to get most

appropriate soft ware to make it as science of prediction has not evolved.Thanks

to Planets rotation and their uncanny behaviour to allude human beings more

particularly. So we heaves heaves on account of date

with destiny remaining away from human efforts.Also unexpected events bringing

glory making the man to reach moon and other planets can not be ignored that

contributes the spirit of achievement.This certainly that makes one to think in

terms of divinity and a belief that there is something that guides human

destiny.In any case Sagelore were very consistent and truthful to their honesty

to have credited all their efforts to the super human being putting jyotish in

concise terms of Dharma,Ardha,kama and Moksha.This when taken up through

individual studies one finds how these components influence every human being

life.It is therfore true that one which part of Nature can never be mathematical

summation.1.//Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one

with nature.//Jyotish on the other hand in an uncanny manner tries to define and

works hard to give scope of jyotish by way of significations of bhavas and the

role of planets.Also some

order was tried to enable it as a " tool for prediction " leaving doubts to find

out it's efficacy as well as dependability along with reliability'Also this "

biggest craft is in the hands of few wise men " who can talk and make believe

that they can unfold these secrets kept under wrap and guide the future

life.probably such proclamations we find to inflict the faith and belief in

jyotish.when jyotish objective was to help the mankind and guide destinies by

way of very arduous efforts and calculations,numbers,the sages were readily

having their well defined senses to combine with the wisdom and speak in a

profound manner the behaviour of planets and the results there of.when the order

of the nature itself has been undergoing revolutionary changes the tiny

man's hypocrisy is only coming to the fore of one and all.Man vs nature

remains always remains a mystery.To take control of the language of planets,the

wise men too need some basics enshrined classics

for predictive purposes.It is yet an effort to strive for:

2.//the science of numbers also become clear to him. It is then that these

numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to him.//3.undoubtedly all

these issues have lot of substance for any one to pursue and lead to research

but as you mentioned such scales involve too many thing to prepare let alone

acquisition.Finally the questioning of one self by way of quizzes as if

to capsulize cause and effects thro'  jyotish. of course some brain

teasing.crossword puzzles and sudokos to attend and pass time.we finally are

made to agree that jyotish requires those skills which not every one reach to

predict 'centum' and unravel destinies.yet a media is now b4 all of us to

provide scope to learn further on various issues but not about destinies.Let's

only remain hopeful the knowledge in the nature has no seam and for

one inquisitive there is lot of scope.


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Wed, 3/24/10, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag

Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &



Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 4:32 PM



























Dear All




Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.




Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning




I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial year

ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not that

there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth I could

not find any.




Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the stars.




World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any cost.

Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with them is

genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers†are no different. They talk

a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make others also

fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not confused at all, no

matter if he fails.




In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of confusion.

The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about Saints, their

charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th house. Sad is the

status of Astrology when the so called educated & intelligent don’t even know

the fundamental principles and call themselves modern Astrolgers with fancy

degrees attached to them.




Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer to

outwit others incorporating lot of “features†and theories and claiming the

researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.




There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and every

thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick look at

these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed of

Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.




I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But one

thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must be

thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically these

people do not have.




We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one was

how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn became the

Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, without

whom we may not even know such a person existed. Narendra was intelligent and

had great knowledge but realized the truth, the right path, only through

Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several such Narendras now who are

groping in the dark, even after buying and reading all the classicals one could

lay their hands on. In fact, the number has grown exponentially due to the easy

availability of Astrology works, mostly story tellers, rather than genuine

works. The funny thing is these narendras either do not make enough effort to

find their Ramakrishnas or it simply is not in them to become those

Viveka-anandas. They simple end up being “Andas†and pull others also in

their “Andakaraâ€.




Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no wonder

how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of Jupiter. Why

should “I†learn from a teacher / others. “I†am intelligent myself and

do not consider any one as “my†teacher. Why should “I†take initiation

of Mantra sasdhana? While “I†could consider lord Shiva as my teacher and do

it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I†person know him?




Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically explaining

every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take refuge in the

standard “divinityâ€, nor could they ignore it.




Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem- (A)

the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category A. So

how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with conflicting theories

and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very external level but

claimed to be perfect?.




I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most times

it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if astrology

was that simple we could write a software program to predict every thing.




Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of accident,

the indications.




The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a given

date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what might happen?

In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every day, not on the

Internet, but on face to face encounters.




Why is it difficult to predict?




If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,




He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.




Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in the

5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and Mars in

the 11th.




4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.




Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th lord

also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd house also

indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical works.




Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the 5th

house of children.




Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always a

benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer lots of

good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it need not

turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not mean benefic

planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will always be malefic or

at all times.




So basically there are four possibilities here




A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in the

5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if the

native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all times,

provided the native’s mother is still living.




An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct indication.

This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a native visits an

astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the time. Such factors help

the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict accurately. This is grossly

lacking on the Internet queries.




But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point from

the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that easy.

The time required to verify various factors would be much more.




If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and vahana

rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man – again

indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is two –

two wheeler.




So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu & Mars.




Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets and

Saturn aspecting them.




Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.




It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.




Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus + Mercury.




Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates spouse ,

being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel (gamana-agamana) .




Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house –

Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could

again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when we

look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas standing

there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think that something

might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation being the aspect of

Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another dwiswabhava rasi also

indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the native could be having two

vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc. (don’t misunderstand me

about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth and the other who loves him

like a mother & taken care of him when he was a child).




So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes into

play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.




Transit & day of accident.




On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu, again

indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.




However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I thought of

his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother. Vehicles /

accidents was only the last thought.




How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra dasa

& Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who cared is

ample proof.




Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from those

bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs, the native

shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.




To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona rasis

(B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from that

bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall experience

difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits, the native

shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute but a fair





In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on Thula

sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also the

dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).




There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt to

answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did not

affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the analysis.

Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct analysis.




Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why quizzes

end up in failures on the Internet.




Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature. Once

a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear to him. It

is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to him.




A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy
































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Guest guest

Dear Krishna ji,


Though many would like to

believe that Internet forums are doing great service to the cause of Astrology,

my personal observation is contrary. It has created a community of confused

persons and they in turn create more confusion in the true seekers of

solutions. The development of knowledge or the learning is only one sided. It

is never wholesome without the jeeva and that is something that could be taught

or understood over internet.


Pls note that I am not

talking about divinity or intuition as anyone reading my message would have

misunderstood. In fact, Intuition is hardly divine if you critically examine

this entity. Once I took my father-in-law to see a doctor at around 9PM at his

residence. He had fever which was not curing easily with pains in the leg.

Nothing serious on the outwards. The doctor who was also a friend of mine took

one look at the happy and beaming F-In-L and called me outside and advised me


admit him immediately at the nearby hospital where he is also the

superintendent doctor. His suspicion of blood cancer was proved to be correct


day. One could argue that it was intuition but actually, it was only

experience, his knowledge and dedication that projected externally as



Regarding the mathematical

part or the lack of it, here is an example.


“meenaamshe navame suurye

svapitaa bhraatriheenavaan




This is regarding the Libra

Ascendant. If Sun is placed in the ninth (Gemini) house with navamsa in meena

(6th navamsa), his

father will not have brothers and in due course shall be distressed due to

brothers (loss) and shall have limited younger brothers (even if he had).


What is the mathematics

behind the logic in this verse? In fact nothing. The logic is different. It

cannot be

calculated mathematically, though navamsa (X x 9) factor is mentioned.


Sun is pitra karaka and is the

pisces navamsa – which is the Andya rasi / moksha rashi – last rasi of the

zodiac. It is a symbolic representation of the condition of the father and his

elder & younger brothers.


Hope this example amply explains

the logic that is outside the mathematical computation of stars, vargas,

sub-sub lords etc.


What I wrote about planets,

rasis etc talking to the astrologer is not a joke. How many really feel his

surroundings every moment of his life. It is when he learn to see those tiny

things that he becomes one with nature. Planets, rasi’s, stars all combine to

form a vast amount of information that lies encrypted in the surroundings.


Take a look at a quickly put together example

of a script.


I have an savings account

with Standard Charted Bank. As I am a customer, I can make credit car payments

anytime, anywhere and from any bank in a secure and convenient manner. For


you may visit The www.standardcharted.co.in > credit cards> card payments

website. Relationship with this bank existed even during the Son of Damodar who

was the manger at the

local branch. He came from a remote kerala village, which is was full of

coconut trees. The land is scenic with green lush paddy fields and a temple

dedicated to gopal standing with a flute in his hand. The land once belonged to

ancient Brahmin families from Goa, even

mentioned in Ramayana, whose surname was Shenoy.


Adding the three vyahritees

six times starting from the first step one reaches the sannidhana of

Sabarinatha. //


When you read the above, it

will look like a piece of junk. But there is a message encrypted in it. Can you

decipher it and reveal that message? Try it. Tease your brains. (this is not a

challenge but only to explain what I wrote about).


I wrote about a few concepts

in the earlier message. How many of the members thought about discussing about

it? Or even contradicting? None so far. Someone even turned blue. Hope shree

Parvathy timely intervened before the sarcaskoota fully spreads the whole body.




A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy






Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99


Thu, March 25, 2010 8:09:04 PM

Re: Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &




Dear Shri Suresh ji,Long time to have seen such an elaborate message dealing

with various issues concerning jyotish .This has certainly added a thought

provoking dimenstion to know of the various issues.It is time and again

emphasized that " Jyotish is not ganit " to say 2+2 makes 4.Since the one with

every living system is related through cosmic influence,it; s parameters no

doubt never remain consistent.Even meteorolgy some consistency by way of high

tide and low tide based on moon phase could be inferred but not with

jyotish.certainly universaliastion of jyotish and and to deal with the fate of

human kind is certainly a matter of no fun.It has large base as originated

through and as transmitted from several thousands of years,it has underwent

several mutilations. This it is not proper for me to make judgement as I never

had such kind of back ground to read the original texts in sanskrit though we

had a chance to read through devanagari lipi of Hindi

..Also jyotish development too was different by way of Prashna Satra,Brihat Jatka

and Nadi etc.what ultimately having universal nod is through SageParasara. here

too controversies r no less.yet the jyotish as such is getting along either for

discontentment or contentment that there is some thing of karmas.The popularity

of Karma has now been got convinced.Yet the human effort to change for good and

fulfil ambitions.desires and reach objectives /goals continue to take

place.Anxiety is such that every one in his efforts for his survival adopted

muhurta too and wants to en quire best time for his/her efforts to click.In the

process Internet jyotish ahs come to the aid of many computer savy persons

besides Y2K success.yet the ambition to get most appropriate soft ware to make

it as science of prediction has not evolved.Thanks to Planets rotation and their

uncanny behaviour to allude human beings more particularly. So we heaves heaves

on account of date

with destiny remaining away from human efforts.Also unexpected events bringing

glory making the man to reach moon and other planets can not be ignored that

contributes the spirit of achievement. This certainly that makes one to think in

terms of divinity and a belief that there is something that guides human

destiny.In any case Sagelore were very consistent and truthful to their honesty

to have credited all their efforts to the super human being putting jyotish in

concise terms of Dharma,Ardha, kama and Moksha.This when taken up through

individual studies one finds how these components influence every human being

life.It is therfore true that one which part of Nature can never be mathematical

summation.1. //Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one

with nature.//Jyotish on the other hand in an uncanny manner tries to define and

works hard to give scope of jyotish by way of significations of bhavas and the

role of planets.Also some

order was tried to enable it as a " tool for prediction " leaving doubts to find

out it's efficacy as well as dependability along with reliability' Also this "

biggest craft is in the hands of few wise men " who can talk and make believe

that they can unfold these secrets kept under wrap and guide the future

life.probably such proclamations we find to inflict the faith and belief in

jyotish.when jyotish objective was to help the mankind and guide destinies by

way of very arduous efforts and calculations, numbers,the sages were readily

having their well defined senses to combine with the wisdom and speak in a

profound manner the behaviour of planets and the results there of.when the order

of the nature itself has been undergoing revolutionary changes the tiny man's

hypocrisy is only coming to the fore of one and all.Man vs nature remains

always remains a mystery.To take control of the language of planets,the wise men

too need some basics enshrined classics

for predictive purposes.It is yet an effort to strive for:

2.//the science of numbers also become clear to him. It is then that these

numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to him.//3.undoubtedly all

these issues have lot of substance for any one to pursue and lead to research

but as you mentioned such scales involve too many thing to prepare let alone

acquisition. Finally the questioning of one self by way of quizzes as if to

capsulize cause and effects thro' jyotish. of course some brain

teasing.crossword puzzles and sudokos to attend and pass time.we finally are

made to agree that jyotish requires those skills which not every one reach to

predict 'centum' and unravel destinies.yet a media is now b4 all of us to

provide scope to learn further on various issues but not about destinies.Let' s

only remain hopeful the knowledge in the nature has no seam and for one

inquisitive there is lot of scope.


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma


--- On Wed, 3/24/10, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &



Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 4:32 PM




Dear All


Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.


Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning


I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial year

ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not that

there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth I could

not find any.


Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the stars.


World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any cost.

Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with them is

genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers†are no different. They talk

a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make others also

fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not confused at all, no

matter if he fails.


In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of confusion.

The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about Saints, their

charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th house. Sad is the

status of Astrology when the so called educated & intelligent don’t even know

the fundamental principles and call themselves modern Astrolgers with fancy

degrees attached to them.


Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer to

outwit others incorporating lot of “features†and theories and claiming the

researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.


There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and every

thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick look at

these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed of

Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.


I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But one

thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must be

thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically these

people do not have.


We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one was

how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn became the

Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, without

whom we may not even know such a person existed. Narendra was intelligent and

had great knowledge but realized the truth, the right path, only through

Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several such Narendras now who are

groping in the dark, even after buying and reading all the classicals one could

lay their hands on. In fact, the number has grown exponentially due to the easy

availability of Astrology works, mostly story tellers, rather than genuine

works. The funny thing is these narendras either do not make enough effort to

find their Ramakrishnas or it simply is not in them to become those

Viveka-anandas. They simple end up being “Andas†and pull others also in

their “Andakaraâ€.


Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no wonder

how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of Jupiter. Why

should “I†learn from a teacher / others. “I†am intelligent myself and

do not consider any one as “my†teacher. Why should “I†take initiation

of Mantra sasdhana? While “I†could consider lord Shiva as my teacher and do

it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I†person know him?


Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically explaining

every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take refuge in the

standard “divinityâ€, nor could they ignore it.


Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem- (A)

the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category A. So

how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with conflicting theories

and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very external level but

claimed to be perfect?.


I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most times

it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if astrology

was that simple we could write a software program to predict every thing.


Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of accident,

the indications.


The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a given

date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what might happen?

In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every day, not on the

Internet, but on face to face encounters.


Why is it difficult to predict?


If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,


He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.


Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in the

5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and Mars in

the 11th.


4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.


Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th lord

also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd house also

indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical works.


Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the 5th

house of children.


Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always a

benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer lots of

good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it need not

turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not mean benefic

planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will always be malefic or

at all times.


So basically there are four possibilities here


A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in the

5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if the

native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all times,

provided the native’s mother is still living.


An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct indication.

This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a native visits an

astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the time. Such factors help

the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict accurately. This is grossly

lacking on the Internet queries.


But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point from

the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that easy.

The time required to verify various factors would be much more.


If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and vahana

rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man – again

indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is two –

two wheeler.


So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu & Mars.


Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets and

Saturn aspecting them.


Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.


It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.


Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus + Mercury.


Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates spouse ,

being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel (gamana-agamana) .


Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house –

Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could

again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when we

look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas standing

there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think that something

might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation being the aspect of

Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another dwiswabhava rasi also

indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the native could be having two

vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc. (don’t misunderstand me

about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth and the other who loves him

like a mother & taken care of him when he was a child).


So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes into

play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.


Transit & day of accident.


On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu, again

indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.


However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I thought of

his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother. Vehicles /

accidents was only the last thought.


How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra dasa

& Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who cared is

ample proof.


Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from those

bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs, the native

shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.


To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona rasis

(B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from that

bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall experience

difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits, the native

shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute but a fair



In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on Thula

sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also the

dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).


There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt to

answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did not

affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the analysis.

Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct analysis.


Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why quizzes

end up in failures on the Internet.


Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature. Once

a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear to him. It

is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to him.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



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I concur!


It is like a public swimming pool. People jump in at the shallow-end, begin to

paddle helter-skelter, think they are jyotishis and end up in the deep-end. The

deep end is where protective side-railings do not exist in the swimming pool of

Jyotish! ;-)





, " Suresh Babu.A.G " <sureshbabuag



> Dear Krishna ji,


> Though many would like to

> believe that Internet forums are doing great service to the cause of


> my personal observation is contrary...

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Some kind of effort to tone up the physical aspects and fine tune thinking

process and to temporary cool off.Necessary to have a life jacket too in case

they of mishaps


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Thu, 3/25/10, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani wrote:


rohinicrystal <jyotish_vani

Re: Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &



Thursday, March 25, 2010, 5:41 PM


















I concur!




It is like a public swimming pool. People jump in at the shallow-end, begin to

paddle helter-skelter, think they are jyotishis and end up in the deep-end. The

deep end is where protective side-railings do not exist in the swimming pool of

Jyotish! ;-)








, " Suresh Babu.A.G " <sureshbabuag@ ...>





> Dear Krishna ji,




> Though many would like to


> believe that Internet forums are doing great service to the cause of



> my personal observation is contrary...



























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Sunil ji thanks for the data.

My attempt -

1) Using BCP and analysing the probable challenging years of the accident and

operation, we see that the year-houses indicated by the 3,5,9,12 are most

crucial for the native as they are aspected by Mars from the 5th house.

2) Date of accident Feb 25, 2010. On February 11th., 2010 Saturn (retro) entered

the Lagna Abhishekha nakshtra of UPhal. Anytime during this time [saturn in

UPhal] would have been a bad time for the native wrt feeling contrained. An

accident will happen, specially involving stiches and blood loss, when Mars,

Moon and the nodes also get involved. On 25th. Feb, Moon was in Punarvasu

conjoined Ketu, having Vedha from Moon and conjoined retro debilitated Mars.

3) Body part is the leg since Saturn was in the 27th. nakshtra from the Lagna



This analysis is based on Transits and BCP Theory only.



, " Sunil "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:




> <../../../..//post?postID=nK_RYFRLzGmnTef5X3fXRYXjD2X4yF\

> gCTkij3aJTHrESErgWPEcZj2-nEQmKePQItrlxY939bL_ruO_AQ_SRc_jThHDC4asRnA> ,

> " Suresh Babu.A.G " <sureshbabuag@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All

> >

> >

> > Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.

> >

> > Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning

> >

> > I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to

> financial year

> ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not

> that

> there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth

> I could

> not find any.

> >

> > Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about

> the

> stars.

> >

> > World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they

> know,

> beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at

> any cost.

> Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with

> them is

> genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers†are no

> different. They talk

> a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make others

> also

> fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not confused at

> all, no

> matter if he fails.

> >

> > In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of

> confusion.

> The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about Saints,

> their

> charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th house. Sad is

> the

> status of Astrology when the so called educated & intelligent

> don’t even know

> the fundamental principles and call themselves modern Astrolgers with

> fancy

> degrees attached to them.

> >

> > Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every

> designer to

> outwit others incorporating lot of “features†and theories

> and claiming the

> researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.

> >

> > There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics

> and

> every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a

> quick look

> at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed

> of

> Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.

> >

> > I have been also reading about the need for research in this science.

> But one

> thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must

> be

> thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically

> these

> people do not have.

> >

> > We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped

> every one

> was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn

> became

> the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna

> Paramahamsa,

> without whom we may not even know such a person existed. Narendra was

> intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the truth, the right

> path, only

> through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several such Narendras

> now who

> are groping in the dark, even after buying and reading all the

> classicals one

> could lay their hands on. In fact, the number has grown exponentially

> due to the

> easy availability of Astrology works, mostly story tellers, rather than

> genuine

> works. The funny thing is these narendras either do not make enough

> effort to

> find their Ramakrishnas or it simply is not in them to become those

> Viveka-anandas. They simple end up being “Andas†and pull

> others also in

> their “Andakaraâ€.

> >

> > Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor,

> no

> wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of

> Jupiter.

> Why should “I†learn from a teacher / others.

> “I†am intelligent myself

> and do not consider any one as “my†teacher. Why should

> “I†take

> initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While “I†could consider

> lord Shiva as my

> teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do

> “I†person know

> him?

> >

> > Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically

> explaining

> every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take refuge

> in the

> standard “divinityâ€, nor could they ignore it.

> >

> > Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in

> tandem- (A)

> the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category

> A. So

> how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with conflicting

> theories

> and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very external level

> but

> claimed to be perfect?.

> >

> > I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and

> most

> times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain

> that if

> astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict

> every

> thing.

> >

> > Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date

> of accident,

> the indications.

> >

> > The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on

> a given

> date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what might

> happen?

> In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every day, not

> on the

> Internet, but on face to face encounters.

> >

> > Why is it difficult to predict?

> >

> > If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,

> >

> > He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.

> >

> > Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is

> exalted in the

> 5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and

> Mars in

> the 11th.

> >

> >

> > 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s

> relatives and

> friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.

> >

> > Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd

> & 9th

> lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd

> house

> also indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical

> works.

> >

> > Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted

> in the

> 5th house of children.

> >

> > Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is

> always a

> benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer

> lots of

> good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it need

> not

> turn benefic) †" with the exception of Saturn. This also does not

> mean benefic

> planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will always be

> malefic or

> at all times.

> >

> > So basically there are four possibilities here

> >

> > A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected.

> Mars in

> the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only

> if the

> native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all

> times,

> provided the native’s mother is still living.

> >

> > An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct

> indication.

> This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a native

> visits an

> astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the time. Such

> factors help

> the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict accurately. This is

> grossly

> lacking on the Internet queries.

> >

> > But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or

> pin point from

> the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that

> easy.

> The time required to verify various factors would be much more.

> >

> > If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad

> and vahana

> rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man †"

> again

> indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is

> two †"

> two wheeler.

> >

> > So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the

> Ketu & Mars.

> >

> > Also look at how lord of Lagna †" Mercury is associated with

> these planets

> and Saturn aspecting them.

> >

> > Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.

> >

> > It is Dhanu- Kanya †" Dhanus.

> >

> > Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus +

> Mercury.

> >

> > Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again

> indicates spouse

> , being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel (gamana-agamana).

> >

> > Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th

> house †"

> Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It

> could

> again be due to many reaons †" Change of career, loss of job etc.

> And when we

> look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas

> standing

> there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think that

> something

> might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation being the

> aspect of

> Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another dwiswabhava

> rasi also

> indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the native could be

> having two

> vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc. (don’t

> misunderstand me

> about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth and the other who

> loves him

> like a mother & taken care of him when he was a child).

> >

> > So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus

> comes into

> play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.

> >

> > Transit & day of accident.

> >

> > On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with

> Ketu, again

> indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.

> >

> > However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I

> thought

> of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother. Vehicles

> /

> accidents was only the last thought.

> >

> > How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or

> even

> predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how

> Kalachakra dasa

> & Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who

> cared is

> ample proof.

> >

> > Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords

> from

> those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those

> signs, the

> native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.

> >

> > To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its

> trinona

> rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord

> from that

> bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall

> experience

> difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits, the

> native

> shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute but a

> fair

> indication.

> >

> > In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house

> (direct

> indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on

> Thula

> sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also the

> dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).

> >

> > There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An

> attempt to

> answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did

> not

> affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the

> analysis.

> Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct

> analysis.

> >

> > Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and

> why

> quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.

> >

> > Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with

> nature.

> Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become

> clear to

> him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start

> speaking to

> him.

> >

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


> ===================



> here is data of person


> Person

> Tanvir Chowdhury

> 24-Dec-1982, 00:34 Hrs

> Dhaka, Bangladesh


> Date of event:

> 25-Feb-2010

> Dhaka


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Dear Shri Suresh ji,

After going through brainstorming message I could finally feel Jyotish and study

of planets though has some base it is finally our ability to analyse many

factors and the cues that comes out of our thinking or otherwise guides us to

understand problems.

As far as Astrology being talked internet forms may not be in right

direction.Again instead

of learning by convincing method of human experiences,people find this abstract

approach a short cut and utilise it mindlessly than belabouring to learn through

an Institutional set up.No doubt here we show our haste to opine without

applying our mind on several things

Iam happy that you have cited instsnces for my own understanding whether Iam

right in my application or not.

May be I need  to read this message again and again and question myself the

logic behing various issues to confirm myslef.This looked to be more a

psychological perspective of right or wrong.The information aroud if we take

closely helps us to gain confidence and solve all kind of riddles in life.

“meenaamshe navame suurye


svapitaa bhraatriheenavaan




bhraatrishokamalpaa nujayutah.

The logic of this lies in application of what is mentioned as a rule that is

Meena rasi being the last represent  a moksha and suns' placement(Gemini,3rd in

zodiac) is indicative of free from encumberences. Loss of sibblings. This

inference is made by way of 3rd lord from Gemini is also in enemy sign of

Mercury signifying for younger brother.An extended understanding too.

2.I know that personal contacts and experiencing the conditions and feelings can

never be substituted by other means however simple they might be.

Even the technology development though simplified it can not replace the factor

of credibility which exists between personalities.be it Doctor,a bank employee

and even for that  matter the Ultimate.

3.By our feelings and experiences we gain faith in human relationship.when we go

and pray to our kula devata or the temple in the near vicinity of the village,we

trust that he is the one who takes care of our happiness and difficulties.when

by effort we climb all eighteen steps and reach Him,we feel these things and

experiences relieve us from anxiety

4.For a person knowledgeable in  jyotish the environment by several means give

indications of good and bad//Planets, rasi’s, stars all combine to form a vast

amount of information that lies encrypted in the


whether it is intution or sixth sense that leads us in a direction which always

guides many of us.

5.when I was in post graduation course,I was dwelling with the matter relating

to Intution.when we think in a proper direction we experience as if we are very

near to problem solving.This problem solving or able to find solution comes out

of our mind based on some logical perspective.whether it is divine or other

God's endowment to human beings is a different issue.//In fact, Intuition is

hardly divine if you critically examine this entity//

In several cases of difficulties solution comes through our mind's working in

avery logical manner and this takes us in right perspectives.

The points you have made gives an occassion to think outside the Internet

environment and get convinced of various facts.

with regards.

Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Thu, 3/25/10, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag

Re: Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &



Thursday, March 25, 2010, 2:31 PM


















Dear Krishna ji,




Though many would like to


believe that Internet forums are doing great service to the cause of Astrology,


my personal observation is contrary. It has created a community of confused


persons and they in turn create more confusion in the true seekers of


solutions. The development of knowledge or the learning is only one sided. It


is never wholesome without the jeeva and that is something that could be taught


or understood over internet.




Pls note that I am not


talking about divinity or intuition as anyone reading my message would have


misunderstood. In fact, Intuition is hardly divine if you critically examine


this entity. Once I took my father-in-law to see a doctor at around 9PM at his


residence. He had fever which was not curing easily with pains in the leg.


Nothing serious on the outwards. The doctor who was also a friend of mine took


one look at the happy and beaming F-In-L and called me outside and advised me



admit him immediately at the nearby hospital where he is also the


superintendent doctor. His suspicion of blood cancer was proved to be correct



day. One could argue that it was intuition but actually, it was only


experience, his knowledge and dedication that projected externally as






Regarding the mathematical


part or the lack of it, here is an example.




“meenaamshe navame suurye


svapitaa bhraatriheenavaan




bhraatrishokamalpaa nujayutah. .




This is regarding the Libra


Ascendant. If Sun is placed in the ninth (Gemini) house with navamsa in meena

(6th navamsa), his


father will not have brothers and in due course shall be distressed due to


brothers (loss) and shall have limited younger brothers (even if he had).




What is the mathematics


behind the logic in this verse? In fact nothing. The logic is different. It

cannot be


calculated mathematically, though navamsa (X x 9) factor is mentioned.




Sun is pitra karaka and is the


pisces navamsa – which is the Andya rasi / moksha rashi – last rasi of the


zodiac. It is a symbolic representation of the condition of the father and his


elder & younger brothers.




Hope this example amply explains


the logic that is outside the mathematical computation of stars, vargas,


sub-sub lords etc.




What I wrote about planets,


rasis etc talking to the astrologer is not a joke. How many really feel his


surroundings every moment of his life. It is when he learn to see those tiny


things that he becomes one with nature. Planets, rasi’s, stars all combine to


form a vast amount of information that lies encrypted in the surroundings.




Take a look at a quickly put together example


of a script.




I have an savings account


with Standard Charted Bank. As I am a customer, I can make credit car payments


anytime, anywhere and from any bank in a secure and convenient manner. For



you may visit The www.standardcharted .co.in > credit cards> card payments


website. Relationship with this bank existed even during the Son of Damodar who

was the manger at the


local branch. He came from a remote kerala village, which is was full of


coconut trees. The land is scenic with green lush paddy fields and a temple


dedicated to gopal standing with a flute in his hand. The land once belonged to


ancient Brahmin families from Goa, even


mentioned in Ramayana, whose surname was Shenoy.




Adding the three vyahritees


six times starting from the first step one reaches the sannidhana of


Sabarinatha. //




When you read the above, it


will look like a piece of junk. But there is a message encrypted in it. Can you


decipher it and reveal that message? Try it. Tease your brains. (this is not a

challenge but only to explain what I wrote about).




I wrote about a few concepts


in the earlier message. How many of the members thought about discussing about


it? Or even contradicting? None so far. Someone even turned blue. Hope shree


Parvathy timely intervened before the sarcaskoota fully spreads the whole body.




A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy




____________ _________ _________ __


Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >




Thu, March 25, 2010 8:09:04 PM


Re: Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &





Dear Shri Suresh ji,Long time to have seen such an elaborate message dealing

with various issues concerning jyotish .This has certainly added a thought

provoking dimenstion to know of the various issues.It is time and again

emphasized that " Jyotish is not ganit " to say 2+2 makes 4.Since the one with

every living system is related through cosmic influence,it; s parameters no

doubt never remain consistent.Even meteorolgy some consistency by way of high

tide and low tide based on moon phase could be inferred but not with

jyotish.certainly universaliastion of jyotish and and to deal with the fate of

human kind is certainly a matter of no fun.It has large base as originated

through and as transmitted from several thousands of years,it has underwent

several mutilations. This it is not proper for me to make judgement as I never

had such kind of back ground to read the original texts in sanskrit though we

had a chance to read through devanagari lipi of Hindi


..Also jyotish development too was different by way of Prashna Satra,Brihat Jatka

and Nadi etc.what ultimately having universal nod is through SageParasara. here

too controversies r no less.yet the jyotish as such is getting along either for

discontentment or contentment that there is some thing of karmas.The popularity

of Karma has now been got convinced.Yet the human effort to change for good and

fulfil ambitions.desires and reach objectives /goals continue to take

place.Anxiety is such that every one in his efforts for his survival adopted

muhurta too and wants to en quire best time for his/her efforts to click.In the

process Internet jyotish ahs come to the aid of many computer savy persons

besides Y2K success.yet the ambition to get most appropriate soft ware to make

it as science of prediction has not evolved.Thanks to Planets rotation and their

uncanny behaviour to allude human beings more particularly. So we heaves heaves

on account of date


with destiny remaining away from human efforts.Also unexpected events bringing

glory making the man to reach moon and other planets can not be ignored that

contributes the spirit of achievement. This certainly that makes one to think in

terms of divinity and a belief that there is something that guides human

destiny.In any case Sagelore were very consistent and truthful to their honesty

to have credited all their efforts to the super human being putting jyotish in

concise terms of Dharma,Ardha, kama and Moksha.This when taken up through

individual studies one finds how these components influence every human being

life.It is therfore true that one which part of Nature can never be mathematical

summation.1. //Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one

with nature.//Jyotish on the other hand in an uncanny manner tries to define and

works hard to give scope of jyotish by way of significations of bhavas and the

role of planets.Also some


order was tried to enable it as a " tool for prediction " leaving doubts to find

out it's efficacy as well as dependability along with reliability' Also this "

biggest craft is in the hands of few wise men " who can talk and make believe

that they can unfold these secrets kept under wrap and guide the future

life.probably such proclamations we find to inflict the faith and belief in

jyotish.when jyotish objective was to help the mankind and guide destinies by

way of very arduous efforts and calculations, numbers,the sages were readily

having their well defined senses to combine with the wisdom and speak in a

profound manner the behaviour of planets and the results there of.when the order

of the nature itself has been undergoing revolutionary changes the tiny man's

hypocrisy is only coming to the fore of one and all.Man vs nature remains

always remains a mystery.To take control of the language of planets,the wise men

too need some basics enshrined classics


for predictive purposes.It is yet an effort to strive for:


2.//the science of numbers also become clear to him. It is then that these

numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to him.//3.undoubtedly all

these issues have lot of substance for any one to pursue and lead to research

but as you mentioned such scales involve too many thing to prepare let alone

acquisition. Finally the questioning of one self by way of quizzes as if to

capsulize cause and effects thro' jyotish. of course some brain

teasing.crossword puzzles and sudokos to attend and pass time.we finally are

made to agree that jyotish requires those skills which not every one reach to

predict 'centum' and unravel destinies.yet a media is now b4 all of us to

provide scope to learn further on various issues but not about destinies.Let' s

only remain hopeful the knowledge in the nature has no seam and for one

inquisitive there is lot of scope.




Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma




--- On Wed, 3/24/10, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:




Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >


Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &





Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 4:32 PM




Dear All




Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.




Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning




I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial year

ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not that

there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth I could

not find any.




Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the stars.




World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any cost.

Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with them is

genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers†are no different. They talk

a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make others also

fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not confused at all, no

matter if he fails.




In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of confusion.

The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about Saints, their

charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th house. Sad is the

status of Astrology when the so called educated & intelligent don’t even know

the fundamental principles and call themselves modern Astrolgers with fancy

degrees attached to them.




Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer to

outwit others incorporating lot of “features†and theories and claiming the

researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.




There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and every

thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick look at

these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed of

Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.




I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But one

thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must be

thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically these

people do not have.




We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one was

how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn became the

Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, without

whom we may not even know such a person existed. Narendra was intelligent and

had great knowledge but realized the truth, the right path, only through

Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several such Narendras now who are

groping in the dark, even after buying and reading all the classicals one could

lay their hands on. In fact, the number has grown exponentially due to the easy

availability of Astrology works, mostly story tellers, rather than genuine

works. The funny thing is these narendras either do not make enough effort to

find their Ramakrishnas or it simply is not in them to become those

Viveka-anandas. They simple end up being “Andas†and pull others also in

their “Andakaraâ€.




Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no wonder

how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of Jupiter. Why

should “I†learn from a teacher / others. “I†am intelligent myself and

do not consider any one as “my†teacher. Why should “I†take initiation

of Mantra sasdhana? While “I†could consider lord Shiva as my teacher and do

it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I†person know him?




Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically explaining

every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take refuge in the

standard “divinityâ€, nor could they ignore it.




Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem- (A)

the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category A. So

how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with conflicting theories

and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very external level but

claimed to be perfect?.




I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most times

it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if astrology

was that simple we could write a software program to predict every thing.




Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of accident,

the indications.




The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a given

date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what might happen?

In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every day, not on the

Internet, but on face to face encounters.




Why is it difficult to predict?




If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,




He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.




Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in the

5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and Mars in

the 11th.




4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.




Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th lord

also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd house also

indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical works.




Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the 5th

house of children.




Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always a

benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer lots of

good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it need not

turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not mean benefic

planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will always be malefic or

at all times.




So basically there are four possibilities here




A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in the

5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if the

native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all times,

provided the native’s mother is still living.




An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct indication.

This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a native visits an

astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the time. Such factors help

the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict accurately. This is grossly

lacking on the Internet queries.




But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point from

the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that easy.

The time required to verify various factors would be much more.




If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and vahana

rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man – again

indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is two –

two wheeler.




So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu & Mars.




Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets and

Saturn aspecting them.




Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.




It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.




Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus + Mercury.




Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates spouse ,

being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel (gamana-agamana) .




Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house –

Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could

again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when we

look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas standing

there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think that something

might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation being the aspect of

Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another dwiswabhava rasi also

indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the native could be having two

vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc. (don’t misunderstand me

about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth and the other who loves him

like a mother & taken care of him when he was a child).




So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes into

play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.




Transit & day of accident.




On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu, again

indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.




However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I thought of

his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother. Vehicles /

accidents was only the last thought.




How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra dasa

& Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who cared is

ample proof.




Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from those

bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs, the native

shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.




To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona rasis

(B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from that

bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall experience

difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits, the native

shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute but a fair





In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on Thula

sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also the

dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).




There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt to

answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did not

affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the analysis.

Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct analysis.




Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why quizzes

end up in failures on the Internet.




Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature. Once

a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear to him. It

is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to him.




A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





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Dear Krishna Ji,


In reality, it doesn't matter if the verse holds true in every or most

horoscopes. The purpose is mainly to provide the Key(s) to de-crypt the messages

that might encrypted in the charts. The said example is only one such key. It is

only when we critically examine such verses mentioned in classicals that we

truly understand. Unfortunately what most do is to think that these are yogas

and when they find that they do not work in known horoscopes, they tend to write

them off, without knowing what they have done away with.


Since you tried to analyse the logic with the position of sun being the 3rd lord

from the 9th, try to get an answer why only the meenamsa was mentioned leaving

out all other 5 navamsa and the later 3 navamsa also? A planet in Gemini could

have any of the navamsa starting from Libra to Gemini. Why only Meena Rasi? Why

not Libra ? - the very first navamsa & its debilation sign? yet the Acharya

excluded Libra. Why? Or the keeta rasi or makara, kumbha, its enemy's sign?


There is a specific reason also? to be in meena navamsa, Sun should be between

76.40 and 80.00 degrees in the nakshatra Ardra - 4th pada, An agneya nakshatra

and ruled by Rahu, The only entity that can cause eclipse to sun.


Further, the navamsa sputa nakshatra are Poorva Badra, Uttara Badra & Revati the

last three of the 5 Andya nakshatras starting from Dhanishta. But why again

leave out the first two - dhanishta (Mars) & satabhishek (Rahu)?


It is when we eliminate the possible(illogical) reasons that we truly understand

what the acharyas are trying to convey. The same Logic that we eliminated in

this process could be the key in another scheme.


What I wrote about intuition is understanding it reasonably well. but that is

another subject outside the preview of pure astrology.



A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy






Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99


Fri, March 26, 2010 10:43:14 PM

Re: Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &




Dear Shri Suresh ji,

After going through brainstorming message I could finally feel Jyotish and study

of planets though has some base it is finally our ability to analyse many

factors and the cues that comes out of our thinking or otherwise guides us to

understand problems.

As far as Astrology being talked internet forms may not be in right

direction.Again instead

of learning by convincing method of human experiences, people find this abstract

approach a short cut and utilise it mindlessly than belabouring to learn through

an Institutional set up.No doubt here we show our haste to opine without

applying our mind on several things

Iam happy that you have cited instsnces for my own understanding whether Iam

right in my application or not.

May be I need to read this message again and again and question myself the

logic behing various issues to confirm myslef.This looked to be more a

psychological perspective of right or wrong.The information aroud if we take

closely helps us to gain confidence and solve all kind of riddles in life.

“meenaamshe navame suurye


svapitaa bhraatriheenavaan




bhraatrishokamalpaa nujayutah.

The logic of this lies in application of what is mentioned as a rule that is

Meena rasi being the last represent a moksha and suns' placement(Gemini, 3rd in

zodiac) is indicative of free from encumberences. Loss of sibblings. This

inference is made by way of 3rd lord from Gemini is also in enemy sign of

Mercury signifying for younger brother.An extended understanding too.

2.I know that personal contacts and experiencing the conditions and feelings can

never be substituted by other means however simple they might be.

Even the technology development though simplified it can not replace the factor

of credibility which exists between personalities. be it Doctor,a bank employee

and even for that matter the Ultimate.

3.By our feelings and experiences we gain faith in human relationship. when we

go and pray to our kula devata or the temple in the near vicinity of the

village,we trust that he is the one who takes care of our happiness and

difficulties. when by effort we climb all eighteen steps and reach Him,we feel

these things and experiences relieve us from anxiety

4.For a person knowledgeable in jyotish the environment by several means give

indications of good and bad//Planets, rasi’s, stars all combine to form a vast

amount of information that lies encrypted in the

surroundings/ /.

whether it is intution or sixth sense that leads us in a direction which always

guides many of us.

5.when I was in post graduation course,I was dwelling with the matter relating

to Intution.when we think in a proper direction we experience as if we are very

near to problem solving.This problem solving or able to find solution comes out

of our mind based on some logical perspective. whether it is divine or other

God's endowment to human beings is a different issue.//In fact, Intuition is

hardly divine if you critically examine this entity//

In several cases of difficulties solution comes through our mind's working in

avery logical manner and this takes us in right perspectives.

The points you have made gives an occassion to think outside the Internet

environment and get convinced of various facts.

with regards.

Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma


--- On Thu, 3/25/10, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &



Thursday, March 25, 2010, 2:31 PM




Dear Krishna ji,


Though many would like to


believe that Internet forums are doing great service to the cause of Astrology,


my personal observation is contrary. It has created a community of confused


persons and they in turn create more confusion in the true seekers of


solutions. The development of knowledge or the learning is only one sided. It


is never wholesome without the jeeva and that is something that could be taught


or understood over internet.


Pls note that I am not


talking about divinity or intuition as anyone reading my message would have


misunderstood. In fact, Intuition is hardly divine if you critically examine


this entity. Once I took my father-in-law to see a doctor at around 9PM at his


residence. He had fever which was not curing easily with pains in the leg.


Nothing serious on the outwards. The doctor who was also a friend of mine took


one look at the happy and beaming F-In-L and called me outside and advised me



admit him immediately at the nearby hospital where he is also the


superintendent doctor. His suspicion of blood cancer was proved to be correct



day. One could argue that it was intuition but actually, it was only


experience, his knowledge and dedication that projected externally as




Regarding the mathematical


part or the lack of it, here is an example.


“meenaamshe navame suurye


svapitaa bhraatriheenavaan




bhraatrishokamalpaa nujayutah. .


This is regarding the Libra


Ascendant. If Sun is placed in the ninth (Gemini) house with navamsa in meena

(6th navamsa), his


father will not have brothers and in due course shall be distressed due to


brothers (loss) and shall have limited younger brothers (even if he had).


What is the mathematics


behind the logic in this verse? In fact nothing. The logic is different. It

cannot be


calculated mathematically, though navamsa (X x 9) factor is mentioned.


Sun is pitra karaka and is the


pisces navamsa – which is the Andya rasi / moksha rashi – last rasi of the


zodiac. It is a symbolic representation of the condition of the father and his


elder & younger brothers.


Hope this example amply explains


the logic that is outside the mathematical computation of stars, vargas,


sub-sub lords etc.


What I wrote about planets,


rasis etc talking to the astrologer is not a joke. How many really feel his


surroundings every moment of his life. It is when he learn to see those tiny


things that he becomes one with nature. Planets, rasi’s, stars all combine to


form a vast amount of information that lies encrypted in the surroundings.


Take a look at a quickly put together example


of a script.




I have an savings account


with Standard Charted Bank. As I am a customer, I can make credit car payments


anytime, anywhere and from any bank in a secure and convenient manner. For



you may visit The www.standardcharted .co.in > credit cards> card payments


website. Relationship with this bank existed even during the Son of Damodar who

was the manger at the


local branch. He came from a remote kerala village, which is was full of


coconut trees. The land is scenic with green lush paddy fields and a temple


dedicated to gopal standing with a flute in his hand. The land once belonged to


ancient Brahmin families from Goa, even


mentioned in Ramayana, whose surname was Shenoy.


Adding the three vyahritees


six times starting from the first step one reaches the sannidhana of


Sabarinatha. //


When you read the above, it


will look like a piece of junk. But there is a message encrypted in it. Can you


decipher it and reveal that message? Try it. Tease your brains. (this is not a

challenge but only to explain what I wrote about).


I wrote about a few concepts


in the earlier message. How many of the members thought about discussing about


it? Or even contradicting? None so far. Someone even turned blue. Hope shree


Parvathy timely intervened before the sarcaskoota fully spreads the whole body.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


____________ _________ _________ __


Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >




Thu, March 25, 2010 8:09:04 PM


Re: Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &



Dear Shri Suresh ji,Long time to have seen such an elaborate message dealing

with various issues concerning jyotish .This has certainly added a thought

provoking dimenstion to know of the various issues.It is time and again

emphasized that " Jyotish is not ganit " to say 2+2 makes 4.Since the one with

every living system is related through cosmic influence,it; s parameters no

doubt never remain consistent.Even meteorolgy some consistency by way of high

tide and low tide based on moon phase could be inferred but not with

jyotish.certainly universaliastion of jyotish and and to deal with the fate of

human kind is certainly a matter of no fun.It has large base as originated

through and as transmitted from several thousands of years,it has underwent

several mutilations. This it is not proper for me to make judgement as I never

had such kind of back ground to read the original texts in sanskrit though we

had a chance to read through devanagari lipi of Hindi


..Also jyotish development too was different by way of Prashna Satra,Brihat Jatka

and Nadi etc.what ultimately having universal nod is through SageParasara. here

too controversies r no less.yet the jyotish as such is getting along either for

discontentment or contentment that there is some thing of karmas.The popularity

of Karma has now been got convinced.Yet the human effort to change for good and

fulfil ambitions.desires and reach objectives /goals continue to take

place.Anxiety is such that every one in his efforts for his survival adopted

muhurta too and wants to en quire best time for his/her efforts to click.In the

process Internet jyotish ahs come to the aid of many computer savy persons

besides Y2K success.yet the ambition to get most appropriate soft ware to make

it as science of prediction has not evolved.Thanks to Planets rotation and their

uncanny behaviour to allude human beings more particularly. So we heaves heaves

on account of date


with destiny remaining away from human efforts.Also unexpected events bringing

glory making the man to reach moon and other planets can not be ignored that

contributes the spirit of achievement. This certainly that makes one to think in

terms of divinity and a belief that there is something that guides human

destiny.In any case Sagelore were very consistent and truthful to their honesty

to have credited all their efforts to the super human being putting jyotish in

concise terms of Dharma,Ardha, kama and Moksha.This when taken up through

individual studies one finds how these components influence every human being

life.It is therfore true that one which part of Nature can never be mathematical

summation.1. //Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one

with nature.//Jyotish on the other hand in an uncanny manner tries to define and

works hard to give scope of jyotish by way of significations of bhavas and the

role of planets.Also some


order was tried to enable it as a " tool for prediction " leaving doubts to find

out it's efficacy as well as dependability along with reliability' Also this "

biggest craft is in the hands of few wise men " who can talk and make believe

that they can unfold these secrets kept under wrap and guide the future

life.probably such proclamations we find to inflict the faith and belief in

jyotish.when jyotish objective was to help the mankind and guide destinies by

way of very arduous efforts and calculations, numbers,the sages were readily

having their well defined senses to combine with the wisdom and speak in a

profound manner the behaviour of planets and the results there of.when the order

of the nature itself has been undergoing revolutionary changes the tiny man's

hypocrisy is only coming to the fore of one and all.Man vs nature remains

always remains a mystery.To take control of the language of planets,the wise men

too need some basics enshrined classics


for predictive purposes.It is yet an effort to strive for:


2.//the science of numbers also become clear to him. It is then that these

numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to him.//3.undoubtedly all

these issues have lot of substance for any one to pursue and lead to research

but as you mentioned such scales involve too many thing to prepare let alone

acquisition. Finally the questioning of one self by way of quizzes as if to

capsulize cause and effects thro' jyotish. of course some brain

teasing.crossword puzzles and sudokos to attend and pass time.we finally are

made to agree that jyotish requires those skills which not every one reach to

predict 'centum' and unravel destinies.yet a media is now b4 all of us to

provide scope to learn further on various issues but not about destinies.Let' s

only remain hopeful the knowledge in the nature has no seam and for one

inquisitive there is lot of scope.


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma


--- On Wed, 3/24/10, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >


Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &





Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 4:32 PM


Dear All


Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.


Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning


I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial year

ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not that

there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth I could

not find any.


Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the stars.


World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any cost.

Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with them is

genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers†are no different. They talk

a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make others also

fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not confused at all, no

matter if he fails.


In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of confusion.

The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about Saints, their

charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th house. Sad is the

status of Astrology when the so called educated & intelligent don’t even know

the fundamental principles and call themselves modern Astrolgers with fancy

degrees attached to them.


Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer to

outwit others incorporating lot of “features†and theories and claiming the

researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.


There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and every

thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick look at

these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed of

Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.


I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But one

thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must be

thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically these

people do not have.


We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one was

how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn became the

Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, without

whom we may not even know such a person existed. Narendra was intelligent and

had great knowledge but realized the truth, the right path, only through

Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several such Narendras now who are

groping in the dark, even after buying and reading all the classicals one could

lay their hands on. In fact, the number has grown exponentially due to the easy

availability of Astrology works, mostly story tellers, rather than genuine

works. The funny thing is these narendras either do not make enough effort to

find their Ramakrishnas or it simply is not in them to become those

Viveka-anandas. They simple end up being “Andas†and pull others also in

their “Andakaraâ€.


Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no wonder

how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of Jupiter. Why

should “I†learn from a teacher / others. “I†am intelligent myself and

do not consider any one as “my†teacher. Why should “I†take initiation

of Mantra sasdhana? While “I†could consider lord Shiva as my teacher and do

it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I†person know him?


Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically explaining

every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take refuge in the

standard “divinityâ€, nor could they ignore it.


Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem- (A)

the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category A. So

how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with conflicting theories

and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very external level but

claimed to be perfect?.


I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most times

it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if astrology

was that simple we could write a software program to predict every thing.


Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of accident,

the indications.


The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a given

date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what might happen?

In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every day, not on the

Internet, but on face to face encounters.


Why is it difficult to predict?


If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,


He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.


Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in the

5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and Mars in

the 11th.


4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.


Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th lord

also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd house also

indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical works.


Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the 5th

house of children.


Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always a

benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer lots of

good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it need not

turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not mean benefic

planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will always be malefic or

at all times.


So basically there are four possibilities here


A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in the

5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if the

native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all times,

provided the native’s mother is still living.


An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct indication.

This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a native visits an

astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the time. Such factors help

the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict accurately. This is grossly

lacking on the Internet queries.


But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point from

the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that easy.

The time required to verify various factors would be much more.


If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and vahana

rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man – again

indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is two –

two wheeler.


So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu & Mars.


Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets and

Saturn aspecting them.


Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.


It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.


Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus + Mercury.


Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates spouse ,

being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel (gamana-agamana) .


Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house –

Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could

again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when we

look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas standing

there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think that something

might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation being the aspect of

Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another dwiswabhava rasi also

indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the native could be having two

vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc. (don’t misunderstand me

about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth and the other who loves him

like a mother & taken care of him when he was a child).


So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes into

play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.


Transit & day of accident.


On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu, again

indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.


However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I thought of

his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother. Vehicles /

accidents was only the last thought.


How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra dasa

& Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who cared is

ample proof.


Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from those

bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs, the native

shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.


To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona rasis

(B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from that

bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall experience

difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits, the native

shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute but a fair



In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on Thula

sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also the

dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).


There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt to

answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did not

affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the analysis.

Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct analysis.


Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why quizzes

end up in failures on the Internet.


Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature. Once

a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear to him. It

is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to him.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



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krishna ji, by the way those eighteen carry the key to the puzzle.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy






Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99


Fri, March 26, 2010 10:43:14 PM

Re: Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &




Dear Shri Suresh ji,

After going through brainstorming message I could finally feel Jyotish and study

of planets though has some base it is finally our ability to analyse many

factors and the cues that comes out of our thinking or otherwise guides us to

understand problems.

As far as Astrology being talked internet forms may not be in right

direction.Again instead

of learning by convincing method of human experiences, people find this abstract

approach a short cut and utilise it mindlessly than belabouring to learn through

an Institutional set up.No doubt here we show our haste to opine without

applying our mind on several things

Iam happy that you have cited instsnces for my own understanding whether Iam

right in my application or not.

May be I need to read this message again and again and question myself the

logic behing various issues to confirm myslef.This looked to be more a

psychological perspective of right or wrong.The information aroud if we take

closely helps us to gain confidence and solve all kind of riddles in life.

“meenaamshe navame suurye


svapitaa bhraatriheenavaan




bhraatrishokamalpaa nujayutah.

The logic of this lies in application of what is mentioned as a rule that is

Meena rasi being the last represent a moksha and suns' placement(Gemini, 3rd in

zodiac) is indicative of free from encumberences. Loss of sibblings. This

inference is made by way of 3rd lord from Gemini is also in enemy sign of

Mercury signifying for younger brother.An extended understanding too.

2.I know that personal contacts and experiencing the conditions and feelings can

never be substituted by other means however simple they might be.

Even the technology development though simplified it can not replace the factor

of credibility which exists between personalities. be it Doctor,a bank employee

and even for that matter the Ultimate.

3.By our feelings and experiences we gain faith in human relationship. when we

go and pray to our kula devata or the temple in the near vicinity of the

village,we trust that he is the one who takes care of our happiness and

difficulties. when by effort we climb all eighteen steps and reach Him,we feel

these things and experiences relieve us from anxiety

4.For a person knowledgeable in jyotish the environment by several means give

indications of good and bad//Planets, rasi’s, stars all combine to form a vast

amount of information that lies encrypted in the

surroundings/ /.

whether it is intution or sixth sense that leads us in a direction which always

guides many of us.

5.when I was in post graduation course,I was dwelling with the matter relating

to Intution.when we think in a proper direction we experience as if we are very

near to problem solving.This problem solving or able to find solution comes out

of our mind based on some logical perspective. whether it is divine or other

God's endowment to human beings is a different issue.//In fact, Intuition is

hardly divine if you critically examine this entity//

In several cases of difficulties solution comes through our mind's working in

avery logical manner and this takes us in right perspectives.

The points you have made gives an occassion to think outside the Internet

environment and get convinced of various facts.

with regards.

Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma


--- On Thu, 3/25/10, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >

Re: Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &



Thursday, March 25, 2010, 2:31 PM




Dear Krishna ji,


Though many would like to


believe that Internet forums are doing great service to the cause of Astrology,


my personal observation is contrary. It has created a community of confused


persons and they in turn create more confusion in the true seekers of


solutions. The development of knowledge or the learning is only one sided. It


is never wholesome without the jeeva and that is something that could be taught


or understood over internet.


Pls note that I am not


talking about divinity or intuition as anyone reading my message would have


misunderstood. In fact, Intuition is hardly divine if you critically examine


this entity. Once I took my father-in-law to see a doctor at around 9PM at his


residence. He had fever which was not curing easily with pains in the leg.


Nothing serious on the outwards. The doctor who was also a friend of mine took


one look at the happy and beaming F-In-L and called me outside and advised me



admit him immediately at the nearby hospital where he is also the


superintendent doctor. His suspicion of blood cancer was proved to be correct



day. One could argue that it was intuition but actually, it was only


experience, his knowledge and dedication that projected externally as




Regarding the mathematical


part or the lack of it, here is an example.


“meenaamshe navame suurye


svapitaa bhraatriheenavaan




bhraatrishokamalpaa nujayutah. .


This is regarding the Libra


Ascendant. If Sun is placed in the ninth (Gemini) house with navamsa in meena

(6th navamsa), his


father will not have brothers and in due course shall be distressed due to


brothers (loss) and shall have limited younger brothers (even if he had).


What is the mathematics


behind the logic in this verse? In fact nothing. The logic is different. It

cannot be


calculated mathematically, though navamsa (X x 9) factor is mentioned.


Sun is pitra karaka and is the


pisces navamsa – which is the Andya rasi / moksha rashi – last rasi of the


zodiac. It is a symbolic representation of the condition of the father and his


elder & younger brothers.


Hope this example amply explains


the logic that is outside the mathematical computation of stars, vargas,


sub-sub lords etc.


What I wrote about planets,


rasis etc talking to the astrologer is not a joke. How many really feel his


surroundings every moment of his life. It is when he learn to see those tiny


things that he becomes one with nature. Planets, rasi’s, stars all combine to


form a vast amount of information that lies encrypted in the surroundings.


Take a look at a quickly put together example


of a script.




I have an savings account


with Standard Charted Bank. As I am a customer, I can make credit car payments


anytime, anywhere and from any bank in a secure and convenient manner. For



you may visit The www.standardcharted .co.in > credit cards> card payments


website. Relationship with this bank existed even during the Son of Damodar who

was the manger at the


local branch. He came from a remote kerala village, which is was full of


coconut trees. The land is scenic with green lush paddy fields and a temple


dedicated to gopal standing with a flute in his hand. The land once belonged to


ancient Brahmin families from Goa, even


mentioned in Ramayana, whose surname was Shenoy.


Adding the three vyahritees


six times starting from the first step one reaches the sannidhana of


Sabarinatha. //


When you read the above, it


will look like a piece of junk. But there is a message encrypted in it. Can you


decipher it and reveal that message? Try it. Tease your brains. (this is not a

challenge but only to explain what I wrote about).


I wrote about a few concepts


in the earlier message. How many of the members thought about discussing about


it? Or even contradicting? None so far. Someone even turned blue. Hope shree


Parvathy timely intervened before the sarcaskoota fully spreads the whole body.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


____________ _________ _________ __


Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99 >




Thu, March 25, 2010 8:09:04 PM


Re: Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &



Dear Shri Suresh ji,Long time to have seen such an elaborate message dealing

with various issues concerning jyotish .This has certainly added a thought

provoking dimenstion to know of the various issues.It is time and again

emphasized that " Jyotish is not ganit " to say 2+2 makes 4.Since the one with

every living system is related through cosmic influence,it; s parameters no

doubt never remain consistent.Even meteorolgy some consistency by way of high

tide and low tide based on moon phase could be inferred but not with

jyotish.certainly universaliastion of jyotish and and to deal with the fate of

human kind is certainly a matter of no fun.It has large base as originated

through and as transmitted from several thousands of years,it has underwent

several mutilations. This it is not proper for me to make judgement as I never

had such kind of back ground to read the original texts in sanskrit though we

had a chance to read through devanagari lipi of Hindi


..Also jyotish development too was different by way of Prashna Satra,Brihat Jatka

and Nadi etc.what ultimately having universal nod is through SageParasara. here

too controversies r no less.yet the jyotish as such is getting along either for

discontentment or contentment that there is some thing of karmas.The popularity

of Karma has now been got convinced.Yet the human effort to change for good and

fulfil ambitions.desires and reach objectives /goals continue to take

place.Anxiety is such that every one in his efforts for his survival adopted

muhurta too and wants to en quire best time for his/her efforts to click.In the

process Internet jyotish ahs come to the aid of many computer savy persons

besides Y2K success.yet the ambition to get most appropriate soft ware to make

it as science of prediction has not evolved.Thanks to Planets rotation and their

uncanny behaviour to allude human beings more particularly. So we heaves heaves

on account of date


with destiny remaining away from human efforts.Also unexpected events bringing

glory making the man to reach moon and other planets can not be ignored that

contributes the spirit of achievement. This certainly that makes one to think in

terms of divinity and a belief that there is something that guides human

destiny.In any case Sagelore were very consistent and truthful to their honesty

to have credited all their efforts to the super human being putting jyotish in

concise terms of Dharma,Ardha, kama and Moksha.This when taken up through

individual studies one finds how these components influence every human being

life.It is therfore true that one which part of Nature can never be mathematical

summation.1. //Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one

with nature.//Jyotish on the other hand in an uncanny manner tries to define and

works hard to give scope of jyotish by way of significations of bhavas and the

role of planets.Also some


order was tried to enable it as a " tool for prediction " leaving doubts to find

out it's efficacy as well as dependability along with reliability' Also this "

biggest craft is in the hands of few wise men " who can talk and make believe

that they can unfold these secrets kept under wrap and guide the future

life.probably such proclamations we find to inflict the faith and belief in

jyotish.when jyotish objective was to help the mankind and guide destinies by

way of very arduous efforts and calculations, numbers,the sages were readily

having their well defined senses to combine with the wisdom and speak in a

profound manner the behaviour of planets and the results there of.when the order

of the nature itself has been undergoing revolutionary changes the tiny man's

hypocrisy is only coming to the fore of one and all.Man vs nature remains

always remains a mystery.To take control of the language of planets,the wise men

too need some basics enshrined classics


for predictive purposes.It is yet an effort to strive for:


2.//the science of numbers also become clear to him. It is then that these

numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to him.//3.undoubtedly all

these issues have lot of substance for any one to pursue and lead to research

but as you mentioned such scales involve too many thing to prepare let alone

acquisition. Finally the questioning of one self by way of quizzes as if to

capsulize cause and effects thro' jyotish. of course some brain

teasing.crossword puzzles and sudokos to attend and pass time.we finally are

made to agree that jyotish requires those skills which not every one reach to

predict 'centum' and unravel destinies.yet a media is now b4 all of us to

provide scope to learn further on various issues but not about destinies.Let' s

only remain hopeful the knowledge in the nature has no seam and for one

inquisitive there is lot of scope.


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling services)Dr.

B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control Them " Planets are

neutral Controllers of Mans Karma


--- On Wed, 3/24/10, Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ > wrote:


Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ >


Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &





Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 4:32 PM


Dear All


Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.


Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning


I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial year

ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not that

there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth I could

not find any.


Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the stars.


World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any cost.

Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with them is

genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers†are no different. They talk

a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make others also

fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not confused at all, no

matter if he fails.


In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of confusion.

The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about Saints, their

charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th house. Sad is the

status of Astrology when the so called educated & intelligent don’t even know

the fundamental principles and call themselves modern Astrolgers with fancy

degrees attached to them.


Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer to

outwit others incorporating lot of “features†and theories and claiming the

researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.


There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and every

thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick look at

these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed of

Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.


I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But one

thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must be

thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically these

people do not have.


We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one was

how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn became the

Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, without

whom we may not even know such a person existed. Narendra was intelligent and

had great knowledge but realized the truth, the right path, only through

Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several such Narendras now who are

groping in the dark, even after buying and reading all the classicals one could

lay their hands on. In fact, the number has grown exponentially due to the easy

availability of Astrology works, mostly story tellers, rather than genuine

works. The funny thing is these narendras either do not make enough effort to

find their Ramakrishnas or it simply is not in them to become those

Viveka-anandas. They simple end up being “Andas†and pull others also in

their “Andakaraâ€.


Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no wonder

how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of Jupiter. Why

should “I†learn from a teacher / others. “I†am intelligent myself and

do not consider any one as “my†teacher. Why should “I†take initiation

of Mantra sasdhana? While “I†could consider lord Shiva as my teacher and do

it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I†person know him?


Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically explaining

every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take refuge in the

standard “divinityâ€, nor could they ignore it.


Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem- (A)

the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category A. So

how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with conflicting theories

and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very external level but

claimed to be perfect?.


I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most times

it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if astrology

was that simple we could write a software program to predict every thing.


Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of accident,

the indications.


The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a given

date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what might happen?

In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every day, not on the

Internet, but on face to face encounters.


Why is it difficult to predict?


If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,


He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.


Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in the

5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and Mars in

the 11th.


4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.


Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th lord

also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd house also

indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical works.


Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the 5th

house of children.


Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always a

benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer lots of

good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it need not

turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not mean benefic

planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will always be malefic or

at all times.


So basically there are four possibilities here


A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in the

5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if the

native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all times,

provided the native’s mother is still living.


An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct indication.

This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a native visits an

astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the time. Such factors help

the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict accurately. This is grossly

lacking on the Internet queries.


But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point from

the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that easy.

The time required to verify various factors would be much more.


If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and vahana

rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man – again

indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is two –

two wheeler.


So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu & Mars.


Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets and

Saturn aspecting them.


Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.


It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.


Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus + Mercury.


Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates spouse ,

being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel (gamana-agamana) .


Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house –

Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could

again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when we

look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas standing

there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think that something

might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation being the aspect of

Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another dwiswabhava rasi also

indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the native could be having two

vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc. (don’t misunderstand me

about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth and the other who loves him

like a mother & taken care of him when he was a child).


So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes into

play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.


Transit & day of accident.


On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu, again

indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.


However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I thought of

his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother. Vehicles /

accidents was only the last thought.


How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra dasa

& Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who cared is

ample proof.


Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from those

bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs, the native

shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.


To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona rasis

(B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from that

bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall experience

difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits, the native

shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute but a fair



In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on Thula

sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also the

dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).


There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt to

answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did not

affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the analysis.

Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct analysis.


Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why quizzes

end up in failures on the Internet.


Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature. Once

a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear to him. It

is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to him.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



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