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Discussion of Chandramouli Dasu's Case-Next Opinion for your satisfaction(Not by

wordsworth),nor from Lala Ki Kitab-


                         As this is a postmortem, first

of all we must look at the sack of Poorvapunya to see the breathing period of

the native in this world, brought by him from the previous birth as results of

his good deeds done. It is Longevity.



Lagna Sub Lord is Sa L/o 11,12 in 5 (Lord of 5th Mo. is in the 12(End of Life) a

house owned by Sa. It is in the Star of Me. L/o 4(Grave, End of everything) &

7(Maraka & Badhaka) in 6 and in the Sub of Ra in 7(Maraka & Badhaka). Sa aspects

Ra in 7 (M & B), 2 (Maraka) and 11 & 12 (End of Life)

Here Me the Star Lord of Sa has acquired the ruling power for 6th Cusp and

planet Ke (1) and Mo (12)as Star Lord.

Ra the Sub of Sa, is in his own Star is the Star Lord of 8th and in addition to

Sa, Su (12), & Ke (6,1,4,7) are in the Sub of Ra.

Hence the Sub Lord of Lagna, Sa is a significator for 2,6,5,4,7,11,12 and

connected to 8th Cusp, resulting short life to the native up to 33 years. Ra by

being a strong significator for the longevity of this native have to play a

vital role in this chart.


In addition to the Lagna Sub, we must scrutinize the cusp 3 and 8 too for a

final judgment of the longevity.


3rd Sub is Ve L/o 3 & 8 in 3 in her own Sub and in the Star of Ma L/o 2 (Maraka)

& 9 (Past deeds) in 6 (Disease) and Ve aspects 10th (Doctors, medicine &

Retirement from the life). Further as in Western method Ve is Square to Lagna

and 7 (M), Trine(Separating) to 12 & conjoined to 4th house @ 4 D.59 M and Ju

the Lagna Lord.

So 3rd Sub Ve is a significator for 2(M), 3, 6, 10, 7(M & B), 4, 1, 12. As per the

House Grouping of Shri TW ji, If the sub lord of the 3rd  is a significator for

8, 12 and Maraka & Badhaka and it danger to the life.


8th Cusp Sub is Ju L/o 1 (Aathma) & 10 (Paraloka) in 3, in the star of Ma L/o

2(M) & 9 in 3 in a house and Sub division of Ve  as discussed above. As per

Vedic Ju aspects 8 and 10.  In Western Ju is Sq. to Lagna Bhawa & 7(M),

Conjunction to 4, Opposition to 10, Trine to 12. In addition Ju is a co-ruler

for  6, 7 & 12 as Sub Sub Lord.

Any of these significations or connections are not beneficial for the longevity

of this natrive.


The above three scrutinizing clearly shows the short life span for the native.


Liquor Addiction


**The uncontrollable desire for intoxicating and Spirituous Liquors is called

Dipsomania. This is a disease of a Watery sign. if the Asc. is Cancer or Scorpio

or Pisces and afflicted, the native will be a victim of this disease. Here the

Lagna is Pisces and it is afflicted by Ve the lord of 3 & 8 and Ju both are Sq.

to the 1st cusp (Western). Ju is not only the lagna and 10th Lord. It is the Sub

Lord for 8 and Sub Sub for 6 & 7 too.  It is in the house of Me the lord of 4 &

7 and in the Star of Ma Lord of 2 (M) and in the sub and sub sub of Ve Lord of

8. So the Lagna Bhawa is afflicted and the native was under Dipsomania.


**The tendency to drink in excessive is due to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces when

strong and predominating the map of birth and the Sun, Moon, Asc, or many

planets in the watery signs at birth and afflicted tend to strong drink and

dissipation there from.


**Death by Intoxication - Ur or Sa in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and afflict Mo.

Pisces on the Asc.

** Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by H.L.Cornell


In this chart Saturn is posited in Cancer and it is opposite to Moon and  Sa

is  in the star of Me L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B) posited in 6th

(Diseases)  and in the Sub of Ra in 7 (M & B) This Sa is also opposite to 12th

house and hence both Sa(Cancer) and Mo(Aquarius) are afflicted and supported for

death by Intoxication of Drugs. Further more the native should have had

Cirrhosis as a result of excessive drink, which clearly shown by Sa, as

Cirrhosis is a disease of Sa.




Native Passed away on 23.01.2010 at 2:41PM after long treatment at Houston ,

Texas , U.S.A.


This native was born in India and died in USA.

“If the sub Lord of the 8th, is a significator for 9th cusp, the native may

die in a place faraway from the place of birth. The 8th sub is Ju is a

significator for 9th through its star Lord Ma and at the same time Ma is the

Lord of 2 (Marakasthanadhipathi). Hence the rule for the place of death is




DBAS on Death

In Birth Maha Dasa of Mars was running with a balance of 2 Years, 11 Months and

8 Days. On the date of death it was JU-MO-RA-RA as DBAS.


Dasa Nath Ju is the Sub of 8th and posited in 3rd with conjunction of Ve. Both

Ju and Ve are in the Star of Ma (L/o 2 Maraka) and it is a Karaka for unnatural

death. On the date of the death Ju have transited on the Sign of Sa (6,4,7,12) &

SSub and Star & Sub of Ra (3,7,2)

Ju is karak for Blood disorders, Blood Poisioning, Enlargement of bodily

organs(Here it may be Liver or/and Kidney) Glandular System of the Body, Liver

Troubles etc. Hence the native should have had any or more of these defects at

the time the death.


Bukthi Nath Moon is also under the star sway of Ma and in the sub of Me the L/o

4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B). On the other hand Ma is in Mo’s star and 

have interchanged their Stars as well as Signs. So both Mo and Ma are strong

significators for 12 (Life ending place). On the particular day Mo was

transiting on Ma’s sign, Ke’s star, Me sub and Sa SSub. Here Ke is posited

in Lagna Bhawa in the Star of Me(1,6,4,7) and in the sub of Ra in 7. and Ke is

an agent for Ju( Dasa Nath & CSL 8) and Me(4,7). Me and Ke have interchanged

their stars and signify 1,6,4,7. Mo’s transiting SSub is Sa as discussed.


Ra is the Anthar and shookshma. By being an agent for Me, Ma & Sa, node Ra is

the worst and strongest planet for the demise  of this native. Ra was looking

at the matters of  8th   (Death) with his power of  Star, by placing in the

7th Maraka and Badhaka. Ra was transiting on Ju’s sign, Ve Star,Ke sub and

Sa’s SSub.

The most remarkable feature of these planetary transiting is all the DBAS were

transiting in the Sub Sub of Saturn (6-Disease, 4- End of every thing, 7- Maraka

& Badhaka, 12- Moksha) on this day. The Day was also Saturday.!


So all the DBAS have contributed their rations, in deciding the date and the

reason for the death of this native.

With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra







Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag


Thu, March 25, 2010 2:02:38 AM

Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &




Dear All


Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.


Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning


I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial year

ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not that

there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth I could

not find any.


Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the stars.


World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any cost.

Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with them is

genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers†are no different. They talk a

lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make others also fall

into the same league while the true astrologer is not confused at all, no matter

if he fails.


In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of confusion.

The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about Saints, their

charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th house. Sad is the

status of Astrology when the so called educated & intelligent don’t even know

the fundamental principles and call themselves modern Astrolgers with fancy

degrees attached to them.


Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer to

outwit others incorporating lot of “features†and theories and claiming the

researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.


There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and every

thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick look at

these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed of

Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.


I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But one

thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must be

thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically these

people do not have.


We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one was

how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn became the

Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, without

whom we may not even know such a person existed. Narendra was intelligent and

had great knowledge but realized the truth, the right path, only through

Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several such Narendras now who are

groping in the dark, even after buying and reading all the classicals one could

lay their hands on. In fact, the number has grown exponentially due to the easy

availability of Astrology works, mostly story tellers, rather than genuine

works. The funny thing is these narendras either do not make enough effort to

find their Ramakrishnas or it simply is not in them to become those

Viveka-anandas. They simple end up being “Andas†and pull others also in

their “Andakaraâ€.


Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no wonder

how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of Jupiter. Why

should “I†learn from a teacher / others. “I†am intelligent myself and

do not consider any one as “my†teacher. Why should “I†take initiation

of Mantra sasdhana? While “I†could consider lord Shiva as my teacher and do

it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I†person know him?


Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically explaining

every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take refuge in the

standard “divinityâ€, nor could they ignore it.


Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem- (A)

the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category A. So

how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with conflicting theories

and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very external level but

claimed to be perfect?.


I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most times

it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if astrology

was that simple we could write a software program to predict every thing.


Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of accident,

the indications.


The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a given

date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what might happen?

In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every day, not on the

Internet, but on face to face encounters.


Why is it difficult to predict?


If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,


He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.


Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in the

5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and Mars in

the 11th.


4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.


Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th lord

also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd house also

indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical works.


Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the 5th

house of children.


Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always a

benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer lots of

good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it need not

turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not mean benefic

planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will always be malefic or

at all times.


So basically there are four possibilities here


A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in the

5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if the

native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all times,

provided the native’s mother is still living.


An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct indication.

This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a native visits an

astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the time. Such factors help

the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict accurately. This is grossly

lacking on the Internet queries.


But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point from

the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that easy.

The time required to verify various factors would be much more.


If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and vahana

rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man – again

indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is two –

two wheeler.


So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu & Mars.


Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets and

Saturn aspecting them.


Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.


It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.


Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus + Mercury.


Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates spouse ,

being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel (gamana-agamana) .


Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house –

Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could

again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when we

look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas standing

there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think that something

might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation being the aspect of

Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another dwiswabhava rasi also

indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the native could be having two

vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc. (don’t misunderstand me

about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth and the other who loves him

like a mother & taken care of him when he was a child).


So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes into

play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.


Transit & day of accident.


On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu, again

indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.


However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I thought of

his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother. Vehicles /

accidents was only the last thought.


How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra dasa

& Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who cared is

ample proof.


Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from those

bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs, the native

shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.


To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona rasis

(B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from that

bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall experience

difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits, the native

shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute but a fair



In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on Thula

sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also the

dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).


There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt to

answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did not

affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the analysis.

Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct analysis.


Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why quizzes

end up in failures on the Internet.


Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature. Once

a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear to him. It

is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start speaking to him.


A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy









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Dear Misra ji;

Do you know how Mharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jamani met there end?.

Find out about it then we shall deliberate if death could be predicted and

escaped or not.

shall wait for your answer.


Kulbir Bains.


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <

dhirendranathmisra wrote:





> Discussion of Chandramouli Dasu's Case-Next Opinion for your

> satisfaction(Not by wordsworth),nor from Lala Ki Kitab-

> As this is

> a postmortem, first of all we must look at the sack of Poorvapunya to see

> the breathing period of the native in this world, brought by him from the

> previous birth as results of his good deeds done. It is Longevity.

> Longevity


> Lagna Sub Lord is Sa L/o 11,12 in 5 (Lord of 5th Mo. is in the 12(End of

> Life) a house owned by Sa. It is in the Star of Me. L/o 4(Grave, End of

> everything) & 7(Maraka & Badhaka) in 6 and in the Sub of Ra in 7(Maraka &

> Badhaka). Sa aspects Ra in 7 (M & B), 2 (Maraka) and 11 & 12 (End of Life)

> Here Me the Star Lord of Sa has acquired the ruling power for 6th Cusp and

> planet Ke (1) and Mo (12)as Star Lord.

> Ra the Sub of Sa, is in his own Star is the Star Lord of 8th and in

> addition to Sa, Su (12), & Ke (6,1,4,7) are in the Sub of Ra.

> Hence the Sub Lord of Lagna, Sa is a significator for 2,6,5,4,7,11,12 and

> connected to 8th Cusp, resulting short life to the native up to 33 years. Ra

> by being a strong significator for the longevity of this native have to play

> a vital role in this chart.


> In addition to the Lagna Sub, we must scrutinize the cusp 3 and 8 too for a

> final judgment of the longevity.


> 3rd Sub is Ve L/o 3 & 8 in 3 in her own Sub and in the Star of Ma L/o 2

> (Maraka) & 9 (Past deeds) in 6 (Disease) and Ve aspects 10th (Doctors,

> medicine & Retirement from the life). Further as in Western method Ve is

> Square to Lagna and 7 (M), Trine(Separating) to 12 & conjoined to 4th house

> @ 4 D.59 M and Ju the Lagna Lord.

> So 3rd Sub Ve is a significator for 2(M), 3, 6, 10, 7(M & B), 4, 1, 12. As

> per the House Grouping of Shri TW ji, If the sub lord of the 3rd is a

> significator for 8, 12 and Maraka & Badhaka and it danger to the life.


> 8th Cusp Sub is Ju L/o 1 (Aathma) & 10 (Paraloka) in 3, in the star of Ma

> L/o 2(M) & 9 in 3 in a house and Sub division of Ve as discussed above. As

> per Vedic Ju aspects 8 and 10. In Western Ju is Sq. to Lagna Bhawa & 7(M),

> Conjunction to 4, Opposition to 10, Trine to 12. In addition Ju is a

> co-ruler for 6, 7 & 12 as Sub Sub Lord.

> Any of these significations or connections are not beneficial for the

> longevity of this natrive.


> The above three scrutinizing clearly shows the short life span for the

> native.


> Liquor Addiction


> **The uncontrollable desire for intoxicating and Spirituous Liquors is

> called Dipsomania. This is a disease of a Watery sign. if the Asc. is Cancer

> or Scorpio or Pisces and afflicted, the native will be a victim of this

> disease. Here the Lagna is Pisces and it is afflicted by Ve the lord of 3 &

> 8 and Ju both are Sq. to the 1st cusp (Western). Ju is not only the lagna

> and 10th Lord. It is the Sub Lord for 8 and Sub Sub for 6 & 7 too. It is in

> the house of Me the lord of 4 & 7 and in the Star of Ma Lord of 2 (M) and in

> the sub and sub sub of Ve Lord of 8. So the Lagna Bhawa is afflicted and the

> native was under Dipsomania.


> **The tendency to drink in excessive is due to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces when

> strong and predominating the map of birth and the Sun, Moon, Asc, or many

> planets in the watery signs at birth and afflicted tend to strong drink and

> dissipation there from.


> **Death by Intoxication - Ur or Sa in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and afflict

> Mo. Pisces on the Asc.

> ** Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by H.L.Cornell


> In this chart Saturn is posited in Cancer and it is opposite to Moon and

> Sa is in the star of Me L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B) posited in 6th

> (Diseases) and in the Sub of Ra in 7 (M & B) This Sa is also opposite to 12th

> house and hence both Sa(Cancer) and Mo(Aquarius) are afflicted and supported

> for death by Intoxication of Drugs. Further more the native should have had

> Cirrhosis as a result of excessive drink, which clearly shown by Sa, as

> Cirrhosis is a disease of Sa.



> Death

> Native Passed away on 23.01.2010 at 2:41PM after long treatment at Houston

> , Texas , U.S.A.


> This native was born in India and died in USA.

> “If the sub Lord of the 8th, is a significator for 9th cusp, the native may

> die in a place faraway from the place of birth. The 8th sub is Ju is a

> significator for 9th through its star Lord Ma and at the same time Ma is the

> Lord of 2 (Marakasthanadhipathi). Hence the rule for the place of death is

> completed.



> DBAS on Death

> In Birth Maha Dasa of Mars was running with a balance of 2 Years, 11 Months

> and 8 Days. On the date of death it was JU-MO-RA-RA as DBAS.


> Dasa Nath Ju is the Sub of 8th and posited in 3rd with conjunction of Ve.

> Both Ju and Ve are in the Star of Ma (L/o 2 Maraka) and it is a Karaka for

> unnatural death. On the date of the death Ju have transited on the Sign of

> Sa (6,4,7,12) & SSub and Star & Sub of Ra (3,7,2)

> Ju is karak for Blood disorders, Blood Poisioning, Enlargement of bodily

> organs(Here it may be Liver or/and Kidney) Glandular System of the Body,

> Liver Troubles etc. Hence the native should have had any or more of these

> defects at the time the death.


> Bukthi Nath Moon is also under the star sway of Ma and in the sub of Me the

> L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B). On the other hand Ma is in Mo’s star

> and have interchanged their Stars as well as Signs. So both Mo and Ma are

> strong significators for 12 (Life ending place). On the particular day Mo

> was transiting on Ma’s sign, Ke’s star, Me sub and Sa SSub. Here Ke is

> posited in Lagna Bhawa in the Star of Me(1,6,4,7) and in the sub of Ra in 7.

> and Ke is an agent for Ju( Dasa Nath & CSL 8) and Me(4,7). Me and Ke have

> interchanged their stars and signify 1,6,4,7. Mo’s transiting SSub is Sa as

> discussed.


> Ra is the Anthar and shookshma. By being an agent for Me, Ma & Sa, node Ra

> is the worst and strongest planet for the demise of this native. Ra was

> looking at the matters of 8th (Death) with his power of Star, by placing

> in the 7th Maraka and Badhaka. Ra was transiting on Ju’s sign, Ve Star,Ke

> sub and Sa’s SSub.

> The most remarkable feature of these planetary transiting is all the DBAS

> were transiting in the Sub Sub of Saturn (6-Disease, 4- End of every thing,

> 7- Maraka & Badhaka, 12- Moksha) on this day. The Day was also Saturday.!


> So all the DBAS have contributed their rations, in deciding the date and

> the reason for the death of this native.

> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra



> ________________________________

> Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag%40>>

> <%40>

> Thu, March 25, 2010 2:02:38 AM

> Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &

> research



> Dear All


> Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.


> Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning


> I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial

> year ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not

> that there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth

> I could not find any.


> Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the

> stars.


> World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

> beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any

> cost. Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with

> them is genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers” are no different.

> They talk a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make

> others also fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not

> confused at all, no matter if he fails.


> In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of

> confusion. The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about

> Saints, their charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th

> house. Sad is the status of Astrology when the so called educated &

> intelligent don’t even know the fundamental principles and call themselves

> modern Astrolgers with fancy degrees attached to them.


> Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer

> to outwit others incorporating lot of “features” and theories and claiming

> the researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.


> There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and

> every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick

> look at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed

> of Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.


> I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But

> one thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must

> be thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically

> these people do not have.


> We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one

> was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn

> became the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna

> Paramahamsa, without whom we may not even know such a person existed.

> Narendra was intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the truth, the

> right path, only through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several

> such Narendras now who are groping in the dark, even after buying and

> reading all the classicals one could lay their hands on. In fact, the number

> has grown exponentially due to the easy availability of Astrology works,

> mostly story tellers, rather than genuine works. The funny thing is these

> narendras either do not make enough effort to find their Ramakrishnas or it

> simply is not in them to become those Viveka-anandas. They simple end up

> being “Andas” and pull others also in their “Andakara”.


> Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no

> wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of

> Jupiter. Why should “I” learn from a teacher / others. “I” am intelligent

> myself and do not consider any one as “my” teacher. Why should “I” take

> initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While “I” could consider lord Shiva as my

> teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I” person know

> him?


> Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically

> explaining every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take

> refuge in the standard “divinity”, nor could they ignore it.


> Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem-

> (A) the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category

> A. So how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with

> conflicting theories and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very

> external level but claimed to be perfect?.


> I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most

> times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if

> astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict every

> thing.


> Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of accident,

> the indications.


> The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a

> given date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what

> might happen? In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every

> day, not on the Internet, but on face to face encounters.


> Why is it difficult to predict?


> If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,


> He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.


> Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in

> the 5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and

> Mars in the 11th.


> 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

> friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.


> Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th

> lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd

> house also indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical

> works.


> Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the

> 5th house of children.


> Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always

> a benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer

> lots of good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it

> need not turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not

> mean benefic planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will

> always be malefic or at all times.


> So basically there are four possibilities here


> A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in

> the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if

> the native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all

> times, provided the native’s mother is still living.


> An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct

> indication. This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a

> native visits an astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the

> time. Such factors help the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict

> accurately. This is grossly lacking on the Internet queries.


> But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point from

> the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that

> easy. The time required to verify various factors would be much more.


> If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and

> vahana rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man – again

> indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is two

> – two wheeler.


> So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu &

> Mars.


> Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets

> and Saturn aspecting them.


> Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.


> It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.


> Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus +

> Mercury.


> Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates

> spouse , being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel

> (gamana-agamana) .


> Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house –

> Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could

> again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when we

> look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas

> standing there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think

> that something might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation

> being the aspect of Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another

> dwiswabhava rasi also indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the

> native could be having two vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc.

> (don’t misunderstand me about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth

> and the other who loves him like a mother & taken care of him when he was a

> child).


> So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes

> into play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.


> Transit & day of accident.


> On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu,

> again indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.


> However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I

> thought of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother.

> Vehicles / accidents was only the last thought.


> How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

> predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra

> dasa & Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who

> cared is ample proof.


> Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from

> those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs,

> the native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.


> To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona

> rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from

> that bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall

> experience difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits,

> the native shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute

> but a fair indication.


> In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

> indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on

> Thula sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also

> the dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).


> There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt

> to answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did

> not affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the

> analysis. Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct

> analysis.


> Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why

> quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.


> Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature.

> Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear

> to him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start

> speaking to him.


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



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Guest guest

Dear Kulbir Bainsji,

Do you know how Maharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jaimani met there

end?.--------NO.I am simply learning Jyotish rules.Even today I don't have

command over Marak and Badhak.You may enlighten me as to how these Maharishis

met their end.

If death could be predicted ---LalKitab does not permit to predict death,gender

of unborn child etc--Other wise astrologer will suffer from

Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy etc.

With thanks & regards, 

Dhirendra Nath Misra







Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb


Thu, March 25, 2010 9:43:56 PM

Re: Astrology - Reasearch, predictions, post mortems & research


Dear Misra ji;

Do you know how Mharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jamani met there end?.

Find out about it then we shall deliberate if death could be predicted and

escaped or not.

shall wait for your answer.


Kulbir Bains.


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <

dhirendranathmisra wrote:





> Discussion of Chandramouli Dasu's Case-Next Opinion for your

> satisfaction(Not by wordsworth),nor from Lala Ki Kitab-


              As this is

> a postmortem, first of all we must look at the sack of Poorvapunya to see

> the breathing period of the native in this world, brought by him from the

> previous birth as results of his good deeds done. It is Longevity.

> Longevity


> Lagna Sub Lord is Sa L/o 11,12 in 5 (Lord of 5th Mo. is in the 12(End of

> Life) a house owned by Sa. It is in the Star of Me. L/o 4(Grave, End of

> everything) & 7(Maraka & Badhaka) in 6 and in the Sub of Ra in 7(Maraka &

> Badhaka). Sa aspects Ra in 7 (M & B), 2 (Maraka) and 11 & 12 (End of Life)

> Here Me the Star Lord of Sa has acquired the ruling power for 6th Cusp and

> planet Ke (1) and Mo (12)as Star Lord.

> Ra the Sub of Sa, is in his own Star is the Star Lord of 8th and in

> addition to Sa, Su (12), & Ke (6,1,4,7) are in the Sub of Ra.

> Hence the Sub Lord of Lagna, Sa is a significator for 2,6,5,4,7,11,12 and

> connected to 8th Cusp, resulting short life to the native up to 33 years. Ra

> by being a strong significator for the longevity of this native have to play

> a vital role in this chart.


> In addition to the Lagna Sub, we must scrutinize the cusp 3 and 8 too for a

> final judgment of the longevity.


> 3rd Sub is Ve L/o 3 & 8 in 3 in her own Sub and in the Star of Ma L/o 2

> (Maraka) & 9 (Past deeds) in 6 (Disease) and Ve aspects 10th (Doctors,

> medicine & Retirement from the life). Further as in Western method Ve is

> Square to Lagna and 7 (M), Trine(Separating) to 12 & conjoined to 4th house

> @ 4 D.59 M and Ju the Lagna Lord.

> So 3rd Sub Ve is a significator for 2(M), 3, 6, 10, 7(M & B), 4, 1, 12. As

> per the House Grouping of Shri TW ji, If the sub lord of the 3rd  is a

> significator for 8, 12 and Maraka & Badhaka and it danger to the life.


> 8th Cusp Sub is Ju L/o 1 (Aathma) & 10 (Paraloka) in 3, in the star of Ma

> L/o 2(M) & 9 in 3 in a house and Sub division of Ve  as discussed above. As

> per Vedic Ju aspects 8 and 10.  In Western Ju is Sq. to Lagna Bhawa & 7(M),

> Conjunction to 4, Opposition to 10, Trine to 12. In addition Ju is a

> co-ruler for  6, 7 & 12 as Sub Sub Lord.

> Any of these significations or connections are not beneficial for the

> longevity of this natrive.


> The above three scrutinizing clearly shows the short life span for the

> native.


> Liquor Addiction


> **The uncontrollable desire for intoxicating and Spirituous Liquors is

> called Dipsomania. This is a disease of a Watery sign. if the Asc. is Cancer

> or Scorpio or Pisces and afflicted, the native will be a victim of this

> disease. Here the Lagna is Pisces and it is afflicted by Ve the lord of 3 &

> 8 and Ju both are Sq. to the 1st cusp (Western). Ju is not only the lagna

> and 10th Lord. It is the Sub Lord for 8 and Sub Sub for 6 & 7 too.  It is in

> the house of Me the lord of 4 & 7 and in the Star of Ma Lord of 2 (M) and in

> the sub and sub sub of Ve Lord of 8. So the Lagna Bhawa is afflicted and the

> native was under Dipsomania.


> **The tendency to drink in excessive is due to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces when

> strong and predominating the map of birth and the Sun, Moon, Asc, or many

> planets in the watery signs at birth and afflicted tend to strong drink and

> dissipation there from.


> **Death by Intoxication - Ur or Sa in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and afflict

> Mo. Pisces on the Asc.

> ** Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by H.L.Cornell


> In this chart Saturn is posited in Cancer and it is opposite to Moon and

> Sa is  in the star of Me L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B) posited in 6th

> (Diseases)  and in the Sub of Ra in 7 (M & B) This Sa is also opposite to 12th

> house and hence both Sa(Cancer) and Mo(Aquarius) are afflicted and supported

> for death by Intoxication of Drugs. Further more the native should have had

> Cirrhosis as a result of excessive drink, which clearly shown by Sa, as

> Cirrhosis is a disease of Sa.



> Death

> Native Passed away on 23.01.2010 at 2:41PM after long treatment at Houston

> , Texas , U.S.A.


> This native was born in India and died in USA.

> “If the sub Lord of the 8th, is a significator for 9th cusp, the native may

> die in a place faraway from the place of birth. The 8th sub is Ju is a

> significator for 9th through its star Lord Ma and at the same time Ma is the

> Lord of 2 (Marakasthanadhipathi). Hence the rule for the place of death is

> completed.



> DBAS on Death

> In Birth Maha Dasa of Mars was running with a balance of 2 Years, 11 Months

> and 8 Days. On the date of death it was JU-MO-RA-RA as DBAS.


> Dasa Nath Ju is the Sub of 8th and posited in 3rd with conjunction of Ve.

> Both Ju and Ve are in the Star of Ma (L/o 2 Maraka) and it is a Karaka for

> unnatural death. On the date of the death Ju have transited on the Sign of

> Sa (6,4,7,12) & SSub and Star & Sub of Ra (3,7,2)

> Ju is karak for Blood disorders, Blood Poisioning, Enlargement of bodily

> organs(Here it may be Liver or/and Kidney) Glandular System of the Body,

> Liver Troubles etc. Hence the native should have had any or more of these

> defects at the time the death.


> Bukthi Nath Moon is also under the star sway of Ma and in the sub of Me the

> L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B). On the other hand Ma is in Mo’s star

> and  have interchanged their Stars as well as Signs. So both Mo and Ma are

> strong significators for 12 (Life ending place). On the particular day Mo

> was transiting on Ma’s sign, Ke’s star, Me sub and Sa SSub. Here Ke is

> posited in Lagna Bhawa in the Star of Me(1,6,4,7) and in the sub of Ra in 7.

> and Ke is an agent for Ju( Dasa Nath & CSL 8) and Me(4,7). Me and Ke have

> interchanged their stars and signify 1,6,4,7. Mo’s transiting SSub is Sa as

> discussed.


> Ra is the Anthar and shookshma. By being an agent for Me, Ma & Sa, node Ra

> is the worst and strongest planet for the demise  of this native. Ra was

> looking at the matters of  8th  (Death) with his power of  Star, by placing

> in the 7th Maraka and Badhaka. Ra was transiting on Ju’s sign, Ve Star,Ke

> sub and Sa’s SSub.

> The most remarkable feature of these planetary transiting is all the DBAS

> were transiting in the Sub Sub of Saturn (6-Disease, 4- End of every thing,

> 7- Maraka & Badhaka, 12- Moksha) on this day. The Day was also Saturday.!


> So all the DBAS have contributed their rations, in deciding the date and

> the reason for the death of this native.

> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra



> ________________________________

> Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag%40>>

> <%40>

> Thu, March 25, 2010 2:02:38 AM

> Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &

> research



> Dear All


> Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.


> Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning


> I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial

> year ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not

> that there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth

> I could not find any.


> Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the

> stars.


> World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

> beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any

> cost. Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with

> them is genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers†are no different.

> They talk a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make

> others also fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not

> confused at all, no matter if he fails.


> In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of

> confusion. The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about

> Saints, their charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th

> house. Sad is the status of Astrology when the so called educated &

> intelligent don’t even know the fundamental principles and call themselves

> modern Astrolgers with fancy degrees attached to them.


> Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer

> to outwit others incorporating lot of “features†and theories and claiming

> the researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.


> There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and

> every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick

> look at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed

> of Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.


> I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But

> one thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must

> be thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically

> these people do not have.


> We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one

> was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn

> became the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna

> Paramahamsa, without whom we may not even know such a person existed.

> Narendra was intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the truth, the

> right path, only through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several

> such Narendras now who are groping in the dark, even after buying and

> reading all the classicals one could lay their hands on. In fact, the number

> has grown exponentially due to the easy availability of Astrology works,

> mostly story tellers, rather than genuine works. The funny thing is these

> narendras either do not make enough effort to find their Ramakrishnas or it

> simply is not in them to become those Viveka-anandas. They simple end up

> being “Andas†and pull others also in their “Andakaraâ€.


> Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no

> wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of

> Jupiter. Why should “I†learn from a teacher / others. “I†am


> myself and do not consider any one as “my†teacher. Why should “Iâ€


> initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While “I†could consider lord Shiva as my

> teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I†person know

> him?


> Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically

> explaining every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take

> refuge in the standard “divinityâ€, nor could they ignore it.


> Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem-

> (A) the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category

> A. So how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with

> conflicting theories and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very

> external level but claimed to be perfect?.


> I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most

> times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if

> astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict every

> thing.


> Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of accident,

> the indications.


> The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a

> given date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what

> might happen? In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every

> day, not on the Internet, but on face to face encounters.


> Why is it difficult to predict?


> If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,


> He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.


> Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in

> the 5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and

> Mars in the 11th.


> 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

> friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.


> Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th

> lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd

> house also indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical

> works.


> Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the

> 5th house of children.


> Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always

> a benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer

> lots of good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it

> need not turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not

> mean benefic planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will

> always be malefic or at all times.


> So basically there are four possibilities here


> A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in

> the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if

> the native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all

> times, provided the native’s mother is still living.


> An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct

> indication. This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a

> native visits an astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the

> time. Such factors help the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict

> accurately. This is grossly lacking on the Internet queries.


> But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point from

> the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that

> easy. The time required to verify various factors would be much more.


> If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and

> vahana rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man – again

> indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is two

> – two wheeler.


> So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu &

> Mars.


> Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets

> and Saturn aspecting them.


> Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.


> It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.


> Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus +

> Mercury.


> Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates

> spouse , being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel

> (gamana-agamana) .


> Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house –

> Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could

> again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when we

> look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas

> standing there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think

> that something might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation

> being the aspect of Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another

> dwiswabhava rasi also indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the

> native could be having two vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc.

> (don’t misunderstand me about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth

> and the other who loves him like a mother & taken care of him when he was a

> child).


> So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes

> into play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.


> Transit & day of accident.


> On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu,

> again indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.


> However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I

> thought of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother.

> Vehicles / accidents was only the last thought.


> How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

> predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra

> dasa & Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who

> cared is ample proof.


> Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from

> those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs,

> the native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.


> To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona

> rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from

> that bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall

> experience difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits,

> the native shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute

> but a fair indication.


> In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

> indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on

> Thula sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also

> the dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).


> There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt

> to answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did

> not affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the

> analysis. Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct

> analysis.


> Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why

> quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.


> Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature.

> Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear

> to him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start

> speaking to him.


> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



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Guest guest

Dear mishra ji,

First of all, my apologies; On 2nd thoughts it occurred to me that Lalkitab

is very much like Lala ki Kitab = Red Coloured accounts ledger of a Lala.

Only difference is that the Lala is different and accounts are of our



About end= One was devoured by a lion on his path through a forest. one was

eaten by a crocodile while taking his early morning bath and one couldn't

predict the death of his own son. sorry i can't recall the exact sanskrit

shalok at this moment.


//-Other wise astrologer will suffer from Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy etc.//




This doesn't mean astrologer will suffer from Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy etc

as commonly percieved.


The Exact meaning is YOUR (astrologers's) BLOODLINE WILL BE CURSED.




Kulbir Bains.







On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 10:29 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <

dhirendranathmisra wrote:




> Dear Kulbir Bainsji,

> Do you know how Maharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jaimani met there

> end?.--------NO.I am simply learning Jyotish rules.Even today I don't have

> command over Marak and Badhak.You may enlighten me as to how these

> Maharishis met their end.

> If death could be predicted ---LalKitab does not permit to predict

> death,gender of unborn child etc--Other wise astrologer will suffer from

> Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy etc.


> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra



> ________________________________

> Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com>>


> <%40>

> Thu, March 25, 2010 9:43:56 PM

> Re: Astrology - Reasearch, predictions, post mortems &

> research



> Dear Misra ji;

> Do you know how Mharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jamani met there end?.

> Find out about it then we shall deliberate if death could be predicted and

> escaped or not.

> shall wait for your answer.

> Regards

> Kulbir Bains.


> On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <

> dhirendranathmisra <dhirendranathmisra%40ymail.com>> wrote:


> >

> >

> >

> > Discussion of Chandramouli Dasu's Case-Next Opinion for your

> > satisfaction(Not by wordsworth),nor from Lala Ki Kitab-

> > As this

> is

> > a postmortem, first of all we must look at the sack of Poorvapunya to see

> > the breathing period of the native in this world, brought by him from the

> > previous birth as results of his good deeds done. It is Longevity.

> > Longevity

> >

> > Lagna Sub Lord is Sa L/o 11,12 in 5 (Lord of 5th Mo. is in the 12(End of

> > Life) a house owned by Sa. It is in the Star of Me. L/o 4(Grave, End of

> > everything) & 7(Maraka & Badhaka) in 6 and in the Sub of Ra in 7(Maraka &

> > Badhaka). Sa aspects Ra in 7 (M & B), 2 (Maraka) and 11 & 12 (End of Life)

> > Here Me the Star Lord of Sa has acquired the ruling power for 6th Cusp

> and

> > planet Ke (1) and Mo (12)as Star Lord.

> > Ra the Sub of Sa, is in his own Star is the Star Lord of 8th and in

> > addition to Sa, Su (12), & Ke (6,1,4,7) are in the Sub of Ra.

> > Hence the Sub Lord of Lagna, Sa is a significator for 2,6,5,4,7,11,12 and

> > connected to 8th Cusp, resulting short life to the native up to 33 years.

> Ra

> > by being a strong significator for the longevity of this native have to

> play

> > a vital role in this chart.

> >

> > In addition to the Lagna Sub, we must scrutinize the cusp 3 and 8 too for

> a

> > final judgment of the longevity.

> >

> > 3rd Sub is Ve L/o 3 & 8 in 3 in her own Sub and in the Star of Ma L/o 2

> > (Maraka) & 9 (Past deeds) in 6 (Disease) and Ve aspects 10th (Doctors,

> > medicine & Retirement from the life). Further as in Western method Ve is

> > Square to Lagna and 7 (M), Trine(Separating) to 12 & conjoined to 4th

> house

> > @ 4 D.59 M and Ju the Lagna Lord.

> > So 3rd Sub Ve is a significator for 2(M), 3, 6, 10, 7(M & B), 4, 1, 12. As

> > per the House Grouping of Shri TW ji, If the sub lord of the 3rd is a

> > significator for 8, 12 and Maraka & Badhaka and it danger to the life.

> >

> > 8th Cusp Sub is Ju L/o 1 (Aathma) & 10 (Paraloka) in 3, in the star of Ma

> > L/o 2(M) & 9 in 3 in a house and Sub division of Ve as discussed above.

> As

> > per Vedic Ju aspects 8 and 10. In Western Ju is Sq. to Lagna Bhawa &

> 7(M),

> > Conjunction to 4, Opposition to 10, Trine to 12. In addition Ju is a

> > co-ruler for 6, 7 & 12 as Sub Sub Lord.

> > Any of these significations or connections are not beneficial for the

> > longevity of this natrive.

> >

> > The above three scrutinizing clearly shows the short life span for the

> > native.

> >

> > Liquor Addiction

> >

> > **The uncontrollable desire for intoxicating and Spirituous Liquors is

> > called Dipsomania. This is a disease of a Watery sign. if the Asc. is

> Cancer

> > or Scorpio or Pisces and afflicted, the native will be a victim of this

> > disease. Here the Lagna is Pisces and it is afflicted by Ve the lord of 3

> &

> > 8 and Ju both are Sq. to the 1st cusp (Western). Ju is not only the lagna

> > and 10th Lord. It is the Sub Lord for 8 and Sub Sub for 6 & 7 too. It is

> in

> > the house of Me the lord of 4 & 7 and in the Star of Ma Lord of 2 (M) and

> in

> > the sub and sub sub of Ve Lord of 8. So the Lagna Bhawa is afflicted and

> the

> > native was under Dipsomania.

> >

> > **The tendency to drink in excessive is due to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

> when

> > strong and predominating the map of birth and the Sun, Moon, Asc, or many

> > planets in the watery signs at birth and afflicted tend to strong drink

> and

> > dissipation there from.

> >

> > **Death by Intoxication - Ur or Sa in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and

> afflict

> > Mo. Pisces on the Asc.

> > ** Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by H.L.Cornell

> >

> > In this chart Saturn is posited in Cancer and it is opposite to Moon and

> > Sa is in the star of Me L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B) posited in

> 6th

> > (Diseases) and in the Sub of Ra in 7 (M & B) This Sa is also opposite to

> 12th

> > house and hence both Sa(Cancer) and Mo(Aquarius) are afflicted and

> supported

> > for death by Intoxication of Drugs. Further more the native should have

> had

> > Cirrhosis as a result of excessive drink, which clearly shown by Sa, as

> > Cirrhosis is a disease of Sa.

> >

> >

> > Death

> > Native Passed away on 23.01.2010 at 2:41PM after long treatment at

> Houston

> > , Texas , U.S.A.

> >

> > This native was born in India and died in USA.

> > “If the sub Lord of the 8th, is a significator for 9th cusp, the native

> may

> > die in a place faraway from the place of birth. The 8th sub is Ju is a

> > significator for 9th through its star Lord Ma and at the same time Ma is

> the

> > Lord of 2 (Marakasthanadhipathi). Hence the rule for the place of death

> is

> > completed.

> >

> >

> > DBAS on Death

> > In Birth Maha Dasa of Mars was running with a balance of 2 Years, 11

> Months

> > and 8 Days. On the date of death it was JU-MO-RA-RA as DBAS.

> >

> > Dasa Nath Ju is the Sub of 8th and posited in 3rd with conjunction of Ve.

> > Both Ju and Ve are in the Star of Ma (L/o 2 Maraka) and it is a Karaka

> for

> > unnatural death. On the date of the death Ju have transited on the Sign

> of

> > Sa (6,4,7,12) & SSub and Star & Sub of Ra (3,7,2)

> > Ju is karak for Blood disorders, Blood Poisioning, Enlargement of bodily

> > organs(Here it may be Liver or/and Kidney) Glandular System of the Body,

> > Liver Troubles etc. Hence the native should have had any or more of these

> > defects at the time the death.

> >

> > Bukthi Nath Moon is also under the star sway of Ma and in the sub of Me

> the

> > L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B). On the other hand Ma is in Mo’s star

> > and have interchanged their Stars as well as Signs. So both Mo and Ma

> are

> > strong significators for 12 (Life ending place). On the particular day Mo

> > was transiting on Ma’s sign, Ke’s star, Me sub and Sa SSub. Here Ke is

> > posited in Lagna Bhawa in the Star of Me(1,6,4,7) and in the sub of Ra in

> 7.

> > and Ke is an agent for Ju( Dasa Nath & CSL 8) and Me(4,7). Me and Ke have

> > interchanged their stars and signify 1,6,4,7. Mo’s transiting SSub is Sa

> as

> > discussed.

> >

> > Ra is the Anthar and shookshma. By being an agent for Me, Ma & Sa, node

> Ra

> > is the worst and strongest planet for the demise of this native. Ra was

> > looking at the matters of 8th (Death) with his power of Star, by

> placing

> > in the 7th Maraka and Badhaka. Ra was transiting on Ju’s sign, Ve Star,Ke

> > sub and Sa’s SSub.

> > The most remarkable feature of these planetary transiting is all the DBAS

> > were transiting in the Sub Sub of Saturn (6-Disease, 4- End of every

> thing,

> > 7- Maraka & Badhaka, 12- Moksha) on this day. The Day was also Saturday.!

> >

> > So all the DBAS have contributed their rations, in deciding the date and

> > the reason for the death of this native.

> > With thanks & regards,

> > Dhirendra Nath Misra

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag


> 40>>

> > To:



> 40>


> > Thu, March 25, 2010 2:02:38 AM

> > Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &

> > research

> >

> >

> > Dear All

> >

> > Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.

> >

> > Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning

> >

> > I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial

> > year ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum,

> not

> > that there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple

> truth

> > I could not find any.

> >

> > Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the

> > stars.

> >

> > World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they

> know,

> > beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any

> > cost. Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring

> with

> > them is genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers” are no different.

> > They talk a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and

> make

> > others also fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not

> > confused at all, no matter if he fails.

> >

> > In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of

> > confusion. The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written

> about

> > Saints, their charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th

> > house. Sad is the status of Astrology when the so called educated &

> > intelligent don’t even know the fundamental principles and call

> themselves

> > modern Astrolgers with fancy degrees attached to them.

> >

> > Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every

> designer

> > to outwit others incorporating lot of “features” and theories and

> claiming

> > the researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of

> Astrology.

> >

> > There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and

> > every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a

> quick

> > look at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new

> breed

> > of Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.

> >

> > I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But

> > one thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one

> must

> > be thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically

> > these people do not have.

> >

> > We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every

> one

> > was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn

> > became the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna

> > Paramahamsa, without whom we may not even know such a person existed.

> > Narendra was intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the truth,

> the

> > right path, only through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several

> > such Narendras now who are groping in the dark, even after buying and

> > reading all the classicals one could lay their hands on. In fact, the

> number

> > has grown exponentially due to the easy availability of Astrology works,

> > mostly story tellers, rather than genuine works. The funny thing is these

> > narendras either do not make enough effort to find their Ramakrishnas or

> it

> > simply is not in them to become those Viveka-anandas. They simple end up

> > being “Andas” and pull others also in their “Andakara”.

> >

> > Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no

> > wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of

> > Jupiter. Why should “I” learn from a teacher / others. “I” am intelligent

> > myself and do not consider any one as “my” teacher. Why should “I” take

> > initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While “I” could consider lord Shiva as my

> > teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I” person know

> > him?

> >

> > Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically

> > explaining every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should

> take

> > refuge in the standard “divinity”, nor could they ignore it.

> >

> > Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in

> tandem-

> > (A) the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the

> category

> > A. So how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with

> > conflicting theories and systems? And some very inadequate except on a

> very

> > external level but claimed to be perfect?.

> >

> > I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most

> > times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that

> if

> > astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict

> every

> > thing.

> >

> > Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of

> accident,

> > the indications.

> >

> > The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a

> > given date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what

> > might happen? In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face

> every

> > day, not on the Internet, but on face to face encounters.

> >

> > Why is it difficult to predict?

> >

> > If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,

> >

> > He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.

> >

> > Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted

> in

> > the 5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon

> and

> > Mars in the 11th.

> >

> > 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

> > friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.

> >

> > Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd &

> 9th

> > lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd

> > house also indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical

> > works.

> >

> > Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in

> the

> > 5th house of children.

> >

> > Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is

> always

> > a benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted

> confer

> > lots of good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects

> (it

> > need not turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not

> > mean benefic planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will

> > always be malefic or at all times.

> >

> > So basically there are four possibilities here

> >

> > A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in

> > the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only

> if

> > the native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all

> > times, provided the native’s mother is still living.

> >

> > An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct

> > indication. This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a

> > native visits an astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the

> > time. Such factors help the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict

> > accurately. This is grossly lacking on the Internet queries.

> >

> > But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point

> from

> > the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that

> > easy. The time required to verify various factors would be much more.

> >

> > If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and

> > vahana rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man –

> again

> > indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is

> two

> > – two wheeler.

> >

> > So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu &

> > Mars.

> >

> > Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets

> > and Saturn aspecting them.

> >

> > Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.

> >

> > It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.

> >

> > Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus +

> > Mercury.

> >

> > Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates

> > spouse , being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel

> > (gamana-agamana) .

> >

> > Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house

> –

> > Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It

> could

> > again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when

> we

> > look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas

> > standing there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think

> > that something might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation

> > being the aspect of Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika

> another

> > dwiswabhava rasi also indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the

> > native could be having two vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income

> etc.

> > (don’t misunderstand me about mothers- one could be the lady who gave

> birth

> > and the other who loves him like a mother & taken care of him when he was

> a

> > child).

> >

> > So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes

> > into play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be

> troublesome.

> >

> > Transit & day of accident.

> >

> > On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu,

> > again indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.

> >

> > However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I

> > thought of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother.

> > Vehicles / accidents was only the last thought.

> >

> > How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

> > predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how

> Kalachakra

> > dasa & Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few

> who

> > cared is ample proof.

> >

> > Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords

> from

> > those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs,

> > the native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.

> >

> > To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona

> > rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord

> from

> > that bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native

> shall

> > experience difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic

> transits,

> > the native shall experience good effects also. This theory is not

> absolute

> > but a fair indication.

> >

> > In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

> > indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on

> > Thula sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also

> > the dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).

> >

> > There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An

> attempt

> > to answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it

> did

> > not affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in

> the

> > analysis. Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the

> correct

> > analysis.

> >

> > Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why

> > quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.

> >

> > Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with

> nature.

> > Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become

> clear

> > to him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start

> > speaking to him.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> >

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Dear Kulbir Bainsji,



//-Other wise astrologer will suffer from Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy




doesn't mean astrologer will suffer from Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy etc as

commonly percieved. 


Exact meaning is YOUR (astrologers's) BLOODLINE WILL BE CURSED. //


used to predict gender of unborn child and most of the time it was found

correct.But it is banned now since the day I knew the message written



Lalkitab.Death prediction is not quite impossible but difficult and banned due

to above reason.


thanks & regards, 


irendra Nath Misra







Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb


Thu, March 25, 2010 11:36:26 PM

Re: Astrology - Reasearch, predictions, post mortems & research


Dear mishra ji,

First of all, my apologies; On 2nd thoughts it occurred to me that Lalkitab

is very much like Lala ki Kitab = Red Coloured accounts ledger of a Lala. Only

difference is that the Lala is different and accounts are of our Karmas;


About end= One was devoured by a lion on his path through a forest. one was

eaten by a crocodile while taking his early morning bath and one couldn't

predict the death of his own son. sorry i can't recall the exact sanskrit shalok

at this moment.

//-Other wise astrologer will suffer from Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy etc.//


This doesn't mean astrologer will suffer from Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy etc as

commonly percieved. 

The Exact meaning is YOUR (astrologers's) BLOODLINE WILL BE CURSED. 


Kulbir Bains.


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 10:29 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra

<dhirendranathmisra wrote:



>Dear Kulbir Bainsji,

>Do you know how Maharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jaimani met there

end?.--------NO.I am simply learning Jyotish rules.Even today I don't have

command over Marak and Badhak.You may enlighten me as to how these Maharishis

met their end.

>If death could be predicted ---LalKitab does not permit to predict

death,gender of unborn child etc--Other wise astrologer will suffer from

Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy etc.


>With thanks & regards, 

>Dhirendra Nath Misra




>Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb



>Thu, March 25, 2010 9:43:56 PM

>Re: Astrology - Reasearch, predictions, post mortems & research



>Dear Misra ji;

>Do you know how Mharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jamani met there end?.

>Find out about it then we shall deliberate if death could be predicted and

>escaped or not.

>shall wait for your answer.


>Kulbir Bains.


>On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <

>dhirendranathmisra wrote:





>> Discussion of Chandramouli Dasu's Case-Next Opinion for your

>> satisfaction(Not by wordsworth),nor from Lala Ki Kitab-


              As this is

>> a postmortem, first of all we must look at the sack of Poorvapunya to see

>> the breathing period of the native in this world, brought by him from the

>> previous birth as results of his good deeds done. It is Longevity.

>> Longevity


>> Lagna Sub Lord is Sa L/o 11,12 in 5 (Lord of 5th Mo. is in the 12(End of

>> Life) a house owned by Sa. It is in the Star of Me. L/o 4(Grave, End of

>> everything) & 7(Maraka & Badhaka) in 6 and in the Sub of Ra in 7(Maraka &

>> Badhaka). Sa aspects Ra in 7 (M & B), 2 (Maraka) and 11 & 12 (End of Life)

>> Here Me the Star Lord of Sa has acquired the ruling power for 6th Cusp and

>> planet Ke (1) and Mo (12)as Star Lord.

>> Ra the Sub of Sa, is in his own Star is the Star Lord of 8th and in

>> addition to Sa, Su (12), & Ke (6,1,4,7) are in the Sub of Ra.

>> Hence the Sub Lord of Lagna, Sa is a significator for 2,6,5,4,7,11,12 and

>> connected to 8th Cusp, resulting short life to the native up to 33 years. Ra

>> by being a strong significator for the longevity of this native have to play

>> a vital role in this chart.


>> In addition to the Lagna Sub, we must scrutinize the cusp 3 and 8 too for a

>> final judgment of the longevity.


>> 3rd Sub is Ve L/o 3 & 8 in 3 in her own Sub and in the Star of Ma L/o 2

>> (Maraka) & 9 (Past deeds) in 6 (Disease) and Ve aspects 10th (Doctors,

>> medicine & Retirement from the life). Further as in Western method Ve is

>> Square to Lagna and 7 (M), Trine(Separating) to 12 & conjoined to 4th house

>> @ 4 D.59 M and Ju the Lagna Lord.

>> So 3rd Sub Ve is a significator for 2(M), 3, 6, 10, 7(M & B), 4, 1, 12. As

>> per the House Grouping of Shri TW ji, If the sub lord of the 3rd  is a

>> significator for 8, 12 and Maraka & Badhaka and it danger to the life.


>> 8th Cusp Sub is Ju L/o 1 (Aathma) & 10 (Paraloka) in 3, in the star of Ma

>> L/o 2(M) & 9 in 3 in a house and Sub division of Ve  as discussed above. As

>> per Vedic Ju aspects 8 and 10.  In Western Ju is Sq. to Lagna Bhawa & 7(M),

>> Conjunction to 4, Opposition to 10, Trine to 12. In addition Ju is a

>> co-ruler for  6, 7 & 12 as Sub Sub Lord.

>> Any of these significations or connections are not beneficial for the

>> longevity of this natrive.


>> The above three scrutinizing clearly shows the short life span for the

>> native.


>> Liquor Addiction


>> **The uncontrollable desire for intoxicating and Spirituous Liquors is

>> called Dipsomania. This is a disease of a Watery sign. if the Asc. is Cancer

>> or Scorpio or Pisces and afflicted, the native will be a victim of this

>> disease. Here the Lagna is Pisces and it is afflicted by Ve the lord of 3 &

>> 8 and Ju both are Sq. to the 1st cusp (Western). Ju is not only the lagna

>> and 10th Lord. It is the Sub Lord for 8 and Sub Sub for 6 & 7 too.  It is in

>> the house of Me the lord of 4 & 7 and in the Star of Ma Lord of 2 (M) and in

>> the sub and sub sub of Ve Lord of 8. So the Lagna Bhawa is afflicted and the

>> native was under Dipsomania.


>> **The tendency to drink in excessive is due to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces when

>> strong and predominating the map of birth and the Sun, Moon, Asc, or many

>> planets in the watery signs at birth and afflicted tend to strong drink and

>> dissipation there from.


>> **Death by Intoxication - Ur or Sa in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and afflict

>> Mo. Pisces on the Asc.

>> ** Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by H.L.Cornell


>> In this chart Saturn is posited in Cancer and it is opposite to Moon and

>> Sa is  in the star of Me L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B) posited in 6th

>> (Diseases)  and in the Sub of Ra in 7 (M & B) This Sa is also opposite to 12th

>> house and hence both Sa(Cancer) and Mo(Aquarius) are afflicted and supported

>> for death by Intoxication of Drugs. Further more the native should have had

>> Cirrhosis as a result of excessive drink, which clearly shown by Sa, as

>> Cirrhosis is a disease of Sa.



>> Death

>> Native Passed away on 23.01.2010 at 2:41PM after long treatment at Houston

>> , Texas , U.S.A.


>> This native was born in India and died in USA.

>> “If the sub Lord of the 8th, is a significator for 9th cusp, the native may

>> die in a place faraway from the place of birth. The 8th sub is Ju is a

>> significator for 9th through its star Lord Ma and at the same time Ma is the

>> Lord of 2 (Marakasthanadhipathi). Hence the rule for the place of death is

>> completed.



>> DBAS on Death

>> In Birth Maha Dasa of Mars was running with a balance of 2 Years, 11 Months

>> and 8 Days. On the date of death it was JU-MO-RA-RA as DBAS.


>> Dasa Nath Ju is the Sub of 8th and posited in 3rd with conjunction of Ve.

>> Both Ju and Ve are in the Star of Ma (L/o 2 Maraka) and it is a Karaka for

>> unnatural death. On the date of the death Ju have transited on the Sign of

>> Sa (6,4,7,12) & SSub and Star & Sub of Ra (3,7,2)

>> Ju is karak for Blood disorders, Blood Poisioning, Enlargement of bodily

>> organs(Here it may be Liver or/and Kidney) Glandular System of the Body,

>> Liver Troubles etc. Hence the native should have had any or more of these

>> defects at the time the death.


>> Bukthi Nath Moon is also under the star sway of Ma and in the sub of Me the

>> L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B). On the other hand Ma is in Mo’s star

>> and  have interchanged their Stars as well as Signs. So both Mo and Ma are

>> strong significators for 12 (Life ending place). On the particular day Mo

>> was transiting on Ma’s sign, Ke’s star, Me sub and Sa SSub. Here Ke is

>> posited in Lagna Bhawa in the Star of Me(1,6,4,7) and in the sub of Ra in 7.

>> and Ke is an agent for Ju( Dasa Nath & CSL 8) and Me(4,7). Me and Ke have

>> interchanged their stars and signify 1,6,4,7. Mo’s transiting SSub is Sa as

>> discussed.


>> Ra is the Anthar and shookshma. By being an agent for Me, Ma & Sa, node Ra

>> is the worst and strongest planet for the demise  of this native. Ra was

>> looking at the matters of  8th  (Death) with his power of  Star, by


>> in the 7th Maraka and Badhaka. Ra was transiting on Ju’s sign, Ve Star,Ke

>> sub and Sa’s SSub.

>> The most remarkable feature of these planetary transiting is all the DBAS

>> were transiting in the Sub Sub of Saturn (6-Disease, 4- End of every thing,

>> 7- Maraka & Badhaka, 12- Moksha) on this day. The Day was also Saturday.!


>> So all the DBAS have contributed their rations, in deciding the date and

>> the reason for the death of this native.

>> With thanks & regards,

>> Dhirendra Nath Misra



>> ________________________________

>> Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag%40>>

>> <%40>


>> Thu, March 25, 2010 2:02:38 AM

>> Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &

>> research



>> Dear All


>> Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.


>> Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning


>> I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial

>> year ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not

>> that there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth

>> I could not find any.


>> Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the

>> stars.


>> World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

>> beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any

>> cost. Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with

>> them is genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers†are no different.

>> They talk a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make

>> others also fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not

>> confused at all, no matter if he fails.


>> In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of

>> confusion. The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about

>> Saints, their charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th

>> house. Sad is the status of Astrology when the so called educated &

>> intelligent don’t even know the fundamental principles and call themselves

>> modern Astrolgers with fancy degrees attached to them.


>> Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer

>> to outwit others incorporating lot of “features†and theories and


>> the researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.


>> There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and

>> every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick

>> look at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed

>> of Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.


>> I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But

>> one thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must

>> be thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically

>> these people do not have.


>> We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one

>> was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn

>> became the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna

>> Paramahamsa, without whom we may not even know such a person existed.

>> Narendra was intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the truth, the

>> right path, only through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several

>> such Narendras now who are groping in the dark, even after buying and

>> reading all the classicals one could lay their hands on. In fact, the number

>> has grown exponentially due to the easy availability of Astrology works,

>> mostly story tellers, rather than genuine works. The funny thing is these

>> narendras either do not make enough effort to find their Ramakrishnas or it

>> simply is not in them to become those Viveka-anandas. They simple end up

>> being “Andas†and pull others also in their “Andakaraâ€.


>> Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no

>> wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of

>> Jupiter. Why should “I†learn from a teacher / others. “I†am


>> myself and do not consider any one as “my†teacher. Why should “Iâ€


>> initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While “I†could consider lord Shiva as my

>> teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I†person know

>> him?


>> Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically

>> explaining every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take

>> refuge in the standard “divinityâ€, nor could they ignore it.


>> Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem-

>> (A) the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category

>> A. So how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with

>> conflicting theories and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very

>> external level but claimed to be perfect?.


>> I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most

>> times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if

>> astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict every

>> thing.


>> Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of accident,

>> the indications.


>> The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a

>> given date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what

>> might happen? In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every

>> day, not on the Internet, but on face to face encounters.


>> Why is it difficult to predict?


>> If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,


>> He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.


>> Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in

>> the 5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and

>> Mars in the 11th.


>> 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

>> friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.


>> Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th

>> lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd

>> house also indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical

>> works.


>> Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the

>> 5th house of children.


>> Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always

>> a benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer

>> lots of good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it

>> need not turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not

>> mean benefic planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will

>> always be malefic or at all times.


>> So basically there are four possibilities here


>> A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in

>> the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if

>> the native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all

>> times, provided the native’s mother is still living.


>> An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct

>> indication. This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a

>> native visits an astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the

>> time. Such factors help the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict

>> accurately. This is grossly lacking on the Internet queries.


>> But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point from

>> the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that

>> easy. The time required to verify various factors would be much more.


>> If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and

>> vahana rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man –


>> indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is two

>> – two wheeler.


>> So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu &

>> Mars.


>> Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets

>> and Saturn aspecting them.


>> Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.


>> It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.


>> Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus +

>> Mercury.


>> Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates

>> spouse , being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel

>> (gamana-agamana) .


>> Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house –

>> Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could

>> again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when


>> look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas

>> standing there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think

>> that something might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation

>> being the aspect of Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another

>> dwiswabhava rasi also indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the

>> native could be having two vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc.

>> (don’t misunderstand me about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth

>> and the other who loves him like a mother & taken care of him when he was a

>> child).


>> So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes

>> into play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.


>> Transit & day of accident.


>> On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu,

>> again indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.


>> However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I

>> thought of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother.

>> Vehicles / accidents was only the last thought.


>> How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

>> predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra

>> dasa & Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who

>> cared is ample proof.


>> Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from

>> those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs,

>> the native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.


>> To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona

>> rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from

>> that bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall

>> experience difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits,

>> the native shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute

>> but a fair indication.


>> In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

>> indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on

>> Thula sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also

>> the dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).


>> There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt

>> to answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did

>> not affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the

>> analysis. Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct

>> analysis.


>> Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why

>> quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.


>> Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature.

>> Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear

>> to him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start

>> speaking to him.


>> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy



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Dear Kulbir,


It is true that DEATH has a special meaning for all human beings. As they say,

there is ONE certainty in our lives.


" LIFE is a terminal Illness "


'From this carnival, no one escapes alive!'


And yet, at each encounter, most, if not all human beings appear shocked,

surprised, as if death was unexpected! I realize that when someone falls young,

the shock and pain is understandably severe and if such an experience were to

occur to a parent or children or to any loved one, the moment could be so

devastating and transforming.


In my personal reality death arrived in a rather bizarre manner. My mother died

which was sad but not unexpected, she being 90 years old and suffering from

several diseases and having lost her eyesight during her last year of life,

personal life for her was simply stated miserable. She was living with my

brother then and after I arrived upon hearing about the death and as other

relatives arrived and well-wishers and so forth -- despite the usual chaos that

ensues during such events and the way different people react to the inevitable,

namely, death and dying -- I had a unique opportunity to observe and study

people, related and otherwise and all the usual human politics and dramas that

do not leave human experience even during such a sombre moment as



But I also took the time to spend a lot of time with my eldest brother. He was

the closest to Ma and while deeply affected, as I could clearly see, had to put

on a brave face and a practical one. Anyway, so as not to bore you with details,

on the day of Ma's funeral, he was going to deliver a 'memorial address' as is

the custom in order to remember the soul that passed on and to celebrate their

LIFETIME, despite the sorrow of parting.


Guess what? Dada died on the morning of Ma's funeral. I had to step in, to

deliver the memorial address for Ma and a few days later for Dada!


One learns as one goes and grows! That is life!


Learn more about LIFE and do not worry about DEATH!


Death is a certainty but a momentary one! No matter WHO you ARE!


Remember and LIVE LIFE fully and if possible LOVE LIFE and all others who cross

your path during the much longer life than the moment of DEATH!


Anyway, I chose to accept that as the lesson from my experience of double-death

in family that took away TWO of the most loved ones in my life, just like that,

within days of one another!






, Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb wrote:


> Dear Misra ji;

> Do you know how Mharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jamani met there end?.

> Find out about it then we shall deliberate if death could be predicted and

> escaped or not.

> shall wait for your answer.

> Regards

> Kulbir Bains.


> On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <

> dhirendranathmisra wrote:


> >

> >

> >

> > Discussion of Chandramouli Dasu's Case-Next Opinion for your

> > satisfaction(Not by wordsworth),nor from Lala Ki Kitab-

> > As this is

> > a postmortem, first of all we must look at the sack of Poorvapunya to see

> > the breathing period of the native in this world, brought by him from the

> > previous birth as results of his good deeds done. It is Longevity.

> > Longevity

> >

> > Lagna Sub Lord is Sa L/o 11,12 in 5 (Lord of 5th Mo. is in the 12(End of

> > Life) a house owned by Sa. It is in the Star of Me. L/o 4(Grave, End of

> > everything) & 7(Maraka & Badhaka) in 6 and in the Sub of Ra in 7(Maraka &

> > Badhaka). Sa aspects Ra in 7 (M & B), 2 (Maraka) and 11 & 12 (End of Life)

> > Here Me the Star Lord of Sa has acquired the ruling power for 6th Cusp and

> > planet Ke (1) and Mo (12)as Star Lord.

> > Ra the Sub of Sa, is in his own Star is the Star Lord of 8th and in

> > addition to Sa, Su (12), & Ke (6,1,4,7) are in the Sub of Ra.

> > Hence the Sub Lord of Lagna, Sa is a significator for 2,6,5,4,7,11,12 and

> > connected to 8th Cusp, resulting short life to the native up to 33 years. Ra

> > by being a strong significator for the longevity of this native have to play

> > a vital role in this chart.

> >

> > In addition to the Lagna Sub, we must scrutinize the cusp 3 and 8 too for a

> > final judgment of the longevity.

> >

> > 3rd Sub is Ve L/o 3 & 8 in 3 in her own Sub and in the Star of Ma L/o 2

> > (Maraka) & 9 (Past deeds) in 6 (Disease) and Ve aspects 10th (Doctors,

> > medicine & Retirement from the life). Further as in Western method Ve is

> > Square to Lagna and 7 (M), Trine(Separating) to 12 & conjoined to 4th house

> > @ 4 D.59 M and Ju the Lagna Lord.

> > So 3rd Sub Ve is a significator for 2(M), 3, 6, 10, 7(M & B), 4, 1, 12. As

> > per the House Grouping of Shri TW ji, If the sub lord of the 3rd is a

> > significator for 8, 12 and Maraka & Badhaka and it danger to the life.

> >

> > 8th Cusp Sub is Ju L/o 1 (Aathma) & 10 (Paraloka) in 3, in the star of Ma

> > L/o 2(M) & 9 in 3 in a house and Sub division of Ve as discussed above. As

> > per Vedic Ju aspects 8 and 10. In Western Ju is Sq. to Lagna Bhawa & 7(M),

> > Conjunction to 4, Opposition to 10, Trine to 12. In addition Ju is a

> > co-ruler for 6, 7 & 12 as Sub Sub Lord.

> > Any of these significations or connections are not beneficial for the

> > longevity of this natrive.

> >

> > The above three scrutinizing clearly shows the short life span for the

> > native.

> >

> > Liquor Addiction

> >

> > **The uncontrollable desire for intoxicating and Spirituous Liquors is

> > called Dipsomania. This is a disease of a Watery sign. if the Asc. is Cancer

> > or Scorpio or Pisces and afflicted, the native will be a victim of this

> > disease. Here the Lagna is Pisces and it is afflicted by Ve the lord of 3 &

> > 8 and Ju both are Sq. to the 1st cusp (Western). Ju is not only the lagna

> > and 10th Lord. It is the Sub Lord for 8 and Sub Sub for 6 & 7 too. It is in

> > the house of Me the lord of 4 & 7 and in the Star of Ma Lord of 2 (M) and in

> > the sub and sub sub of Ve Lord of 8. So the Lagna Bhawa is afflicted and the

> > native was under Dipsomania.

> >

> > **The tendency to drink in excessive is due to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces when

> > strong and predominating the map of birth and the Sun, Moon, Asc, or many

> > planets in the watery signs at birth and afflicted tend to strong drink and

> > dissipation there from.

> >

> > **Death by Intoxication - Ur or Sa in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and afflict

> > Mo. Pisces on the Asc.

> > ** Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by H.L.Cornell

> >

> > In this chart Saturn is posited in Cancer and it is opposite to Moon and

> > Sa is in the star of Me L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B) posited in 6th

> > (Diseases) and in the Sub of Ra in 7 (M & B) This Sa is also opposite to 12th

> > house and hence both Sa(Cancer) and Mo(Aquarius) are afflicted and supported

> > for death by Intoxication of Drugs. Further more the native should have had

> > Cirrhosis as a result of excessive drink, which clearly shown by Sa, as

> > Cirrhosis is a disease of Sa.

> >

> >

> > Death

> > Native Passed away on 23.01.2010 at 2:41PM after long treatment at Houston

> > , Texas , U.S.A.

> >

> > This native was born in India and died in USA.

> > " If the sub Lord of the 8th, is a significator for 9th cusp, the native may

> > die in a place faraway from the place of birth. The 8th sub is Ju is a

> > significator for 9th through its star Lord Ma and at the same time Ma is the

> > Lord of 2 (Marakasthanadhipathi). Hence the rule for the place of death is

> > completed.

> >

> >

> > DBAS on Death

> > In Birth Maha Dasa of Mars was running with a balance of 2 Years, 11 Months

> > and 8 Days. On the date of death it was JU-MO-RA-RA as DBAS.

> >

> > Dasa Nath Ju is the Sub of 8th and posited in 3rd with conjunction of Ve.

> > Both Ju and Ve are in the Star of Ma (L/o 2 Maraka) and it is a Karaka for

> > unnatural death. On the date of the death Ju have transited on the Sign of

> > Sa (6,4,7,12) & SSub and Star & Sub of Ra (3,7,2)

> > Ju is karak for Blood disorders, Blood Poisioning, Enlargement of bodily

> > organs(Here it may be Liver or/and Kidney) Glandular System of the Body,

> > Liver Troubles etc. Hence the native should have had any or more of these

> > defects at the time the death.

> >

> > Bukthi Nath Moon is also under the star sway of Ma and in the sub of Me the

> > L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B). On the other hand Ma is in Mo's star

> > and have interchanged their Stars as well as Signs. So both Mo and Ma are

> > strong significators for 12 (Life ending place). On the particular day Mo

> > was transiting on Ma's sign, Ke's star, Me sub and Sa SSub. Here Ke is

> > posited in Lagna Bhawa in the Star of Me(1,6,4,7) and in the sub of Ra in 7.

> > and Ke is an agent for Ju( Dasa Nath & CSL 8) and Me(4,7). Me and Ke have

> > interchanged their stars and signify 1,6,4,7. Mo's transiting SSub is Sa as

> > discussed.

> >

> > Ra is the Anthar and shookshma. By being an agent for Me, Ma & Sa, node Ra

> > is the worst and strongest planet for the demise of this native. Ra was

> > looking at the matters of 8th (Death) with his power of Star, by placing

> > in the 7th Maraka and Badhaka. Ra was transiting on Ju's sign, Ve Star,Ke

> > sub and Sa's SSub.

> > The most remarkable feature of these planetary transiting is all the DBAS

> > were transiting in the Sub Sub of Saturn (6-Disease, 4- End of every thing,

> > 7- Maraka & Badhaka, 12- Moksha) on this day. The Day was also Saturday.!

> >

> > So all the DBAS have contributed their rations, in deciding the date and

> > the reason for the death of this native.

> > With thanks & regards,

> > Dhirendra Nath Misra

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag%40>>

> > <%40>

> > Thu, March 25, 2010 2:02:38 AM

> > Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &

> > research

> >

> >

> > Dear All

> >

> > Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.

> >

> > Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning

> >

> > I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial

> > year ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not

> > that there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth

> > I could not find any.

> >

> > Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the

> > stars.

> >

> > World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

> > beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any

> > cost. Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with

> > them is genuine. The " Society of Internet Astrologers " are no different.

> > They talk a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make

> > others also fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not

> > confused at all, no matter if he fails.

> >

> > In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of

> > confusion. The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about

> > Saints, their charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th

> > house. Sad is the status of Astrology when the so called educated &

> > intelligent don't even know the fundamental principles and call themselves

> > modern Astrolgers with fancy degrees attached to them.

> >

> > Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer

> > to outwit others incorporating lot of " features " and theories and claiming

> > the researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.

> >

> > There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and

> > every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick

> > look at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed

> > of Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.

> >

> > I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But

> > one thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must

> > be thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically

> > these people do not have.

> >

> > We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one

> > was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn

> > became the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna

> > Paramahamsa, without whom we may not even know such a person existed.

> > Narendra was intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the truth, the

> > right path, only through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several

> > such Narendras now who are groping in the dark, even after buying and

> > reading all the classicals one could lay their hands on. In fact, the number

> > has grown exponentially due to the easy availability of Astrology works,

> > mostly story tellers, rather than genuine works. The funny thing is these

> > narendras either do not make enough effort to find their Ramakrishnas or it

> > simply is not in them to become those Viveka-anandas. They simple end up

> > being " Andas " and pull others also in their " Andakara " .

> >

> > Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no

> > wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of

> > Jupiter. Why should " I " learn from a teacher / others. " I " am intelligent

> > myself and do not consider any one as " my " teacher. Why should " I " take

> > initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While " I " could consider lord Shiva as my

> > teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do " I " person know

> > him?

> >

> > Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically

> > explaining every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take

> > refuge in the standard " divinity " , nor could they ignore it.

> >

> > Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem-

> > (A) the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category

> > A. So how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with

> > conflicting theories and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very

> > external level but claimed to be perfect?.

> >

> > I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most

> > times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if

> > astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict every

> > thing.

> >

> > Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir's data and date of accident,

> > the indications.

> >

> > The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a

> > given date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what

> > might happen? In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every

> > day, not on the Internet, but on face to face encounters.

> >

> > Why is it difficult to predict?

> >

> > If we look at Tanvi's chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,

> >

> > He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.

> >

> > Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in

> > the 5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and

> > Mars in the 11th.

> >

> > 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother's relatives and

> > friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.

> >

> > Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th

> > lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd

> > house also indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical

> > works.

> >

> > Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the

> > 5th house of children.

> >

> > Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always

> > a benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer

> > lots of good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it

> > need not turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not

> > mean benefic planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will

> > always be malefic or at all times.

> >

> > So basically there are four possibilities here

> >

> > A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in

> > the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if

> > the native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all

> > times, provided the native's mother is still living.

> >

> > An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct

> > indication. This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a

> > native visits an astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the

> > time. Such factors help the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict

> > accurately. This is grossly lacking on the Internet queries.

> >

> > But a natural question that arises is why can't we select or pin point from

> > the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that

> > easy. The time required to verify various factors would be much more.

> >

> > If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and

> > vahana rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man – again

> > indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is two

> > – two wheeler.

> >

> > So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu &

> > Mars.

> >

> > Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets

> > and Saturn aspecting them.

> >

> > Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.

> >

> > It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.

> >

> > Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus +

> > Mercury.

> >

> > Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates

> > spouse , being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel

> > (gamana-agamana) .

> >

> > Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house –

> > Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could

> > again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when we

> > look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas

> > standing there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think

> > that something might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation

> > being the aspect of Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another

> > dwiswabhava rasi also indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the

> > native could be having two vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc.

> > (don't misunderstand me about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth

> > and the other who loves him like a mother & taken care of him when he was a

> > child).

> >

> > So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes

> > into play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.

> >

> > Transit & day of accident.

> >

> > On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu,

> > again indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.

> >

> > However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I

> > thought of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother.

> > Vehicles / accidents was only the last thought.

> >

> > How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

> > predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra

> > dasa & Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who

> > cared is ample proof.

> >

> > Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from

> > those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs,

> > the native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.

> >

> > To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona

> > rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from

> > that bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall

> > experience difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits,

> > the native shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute

> > but a fair indication.

> >

> > In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

> > indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on

> > Thula sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also

> > the dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).

> >

> > There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt

> > to answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did

> > not affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the

> > analysis. Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct

> > analysis.

> >

> > Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why

> > quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.

> >

> > Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature.

> > Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear

> > to him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start

> > speaking to him.

> >

> > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >

> >

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Dear Mishra ji,

I think one more Maharishi may be Panani was also included in the list, one

of the them was trampled under the feet of an elephant while feeding it with



The reason Lalkitab restricts the 2 things - foretelling gender of unborn

child and death is because.



Room for error is accepted " as this a craft of mundane affairs not any

divine ordinance "


Female foeticide is a matter of concern and Lalkitab reveres and fears

Mercury the most.

Error in foretelling death has grave consequences, who knows next hour which

one of us may leave but if told that you will die after so and so time e.g.


the time available should be utilised and Pt. ji was an optimistic person

and the book has a positive attitude.


So even 1 percent error can play havoc and be devastating and when life of

someone suffers due to act of an astrologer; he has to suffer. This is Sure.

Hence warning is on the first page of lalkitab itself. Death and gender both

have been described in lalkitab with sufficient detail but the RIDER



Kulbir Bains.



On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 12:18 AM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <

dhirendranathmisra wrote:




> Dear Kulbir Bainsji,


> //-Other wise astrologer will suffer

> from Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy etc.//


> This doesn't mean astrologer will

> suffer from Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy etc as commonly percieved.

> The Exact meaning is YOUR

> (astrologers's) BLOODLINE WILL BE CURSED. //

> I used to predict gender of unborn

> child and most of the time it was found correct.But it is banned now since

> the day I knew the message written in

> Lalkitab.Death prediction is not

> quite impossible but difficult and banned due to above reason.


> With thanks & regards,

> Dhirendra Nath Misra



> ________________________________

> Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com>>

> dhirendranathmisra <dhirendranathmisra%40ymail.com>

> Thu, March 25, 2010 11:36:26 PM


> Re: Astrology - Reasearch, predictions, post mortems &

> research


> Dear mishra ji,

> First of all, my apologies; On 2nd thoughts it occurred to me that Lalkitab

> is very much like Lala ki Kitab = Red Coloured accounts ledger of a Lala.

> Only difference is that the Lala is different and accounts are of our

> Karmas;


> About end= One was devoured by a lion on his path through a forest. one was

> eaten by a crocodile while taking his early morning bath and one couldn't

> predict the death of his own son. sorry i can't recall the exact sanskrit

> shalok at this moment.

> //-Other wise astrologer will suffer from Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy etc.//


> This doesn't mean astrologer will suffer from Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy

> etc as commonly percieved.

> The Exact meaning is YOUR (astrologers's) BLOODLINE WILL BE CURSED.

> Regards

> Kulbir Bains.


> On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 10:29 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <

> dhirendranathmisra <dhirendranathmisra%40ymail.com>> wrote:



> >Dear Kulbir Bainsji,

> >Do you know how Maharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jaimani met there

> end?.--------NO.I am simply learning Jyotish rules.Even today I don't have

> command over Marak and Badhak.You may enlighten me as to how these

> Maharishis met their end.

> >If death could be predicted ---LalKitab does not permit to predict

> death,gender of unborn child etc--Other wise astrologer will suffer from

> Vitilig/Leucoderma/Leprocy etc.

> >

> >With thanks & regards,

> >Dhirendra Nath Misra

> >

> >

> >________________________________

> >Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb <lalkitabkb%40gmail.com>>

> >

> > <%40>

> >Thu, March 25, 2010 9:43:56 PM

> >Re: Astrology - Reasearch, predictions, post mortems &

> research

> >

> >

> >Dear Misra ji;

> >Do you know how Mharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jamani met there end?.

> >Find out about it then we shall deliberate if death could be predicted and

> >escaped or not.

> >shall wait for your answer.

> >Regards

> >Kulbir Bains.

> >

> >On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <

> >dhirendranathmisra <dhirendranathmisra%40ymail.com>> wrote:

> >

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Discussion of Chandramouli Dasu's Case-Next Opinion for your

> >> satisfaction(Not by wordsworth),nor from Lala Ki Kitab-

> >> As this

> is

> >> a postmortem, first of all we must look at the sack of Poorvapunya to

> see

> >> the breathing period of the native in this world, brought by him from

> the

> >> previous birth as results of his good deeds done. It is Longevity.

> >> Longevity

> >>

> >> Lagna Sub Lord is Sa L/o 11,12 in 5 (Lord of 5th Mo. is in the 12(End of

> >> Life) a house owned by Sa. It is in the Star of Me. L/o 4(Grave, End of

> >> everything) & 7(Maraka & Badhaka) in 6 and in the Sub of Ra in 7(Maraka

> &

> >> Badhaka). Sa aspects Ra in 7 (M & B), 2 (Maraka) and 11 & 12 (End of Life)

> >> Here Me the Star Lord of Sa has acquired the ruling power for 6th Cusp

> and

> >> planet Ke (1) and Mo (12)as Star Lord.

> >> Ra the Sub of Sa, is in his own Star is the Star Lord of 8th and in

> >> addition to Sa, Su (12), & Ke (6,1,4,7) are in the Sub of Ra.

> >> Hence the Sub Lord of Lagna, Sa is a significator for 2,6,5,4,7,11,12

> and

> >> connected to 8th Cusp, resulting short life to the native up to 33

> years. Ra

> >> by being a strong significator for the longevity of this native have to

> play

> >> a vital role in this chart.

> >>

> >> In addition to the Lagna Sub, we must scrutinize the cusp 3 and 8 too

> for a

> >> final judgment of the longevity.

> >>

> >> 3rd Sub is Ve L/o 3 & 8 in 3 in her own Sub and in the Star of Ma L/o 2

> >> (Maraka) & 9 (Past deeds) in 6 (Disease) and Ve aspects 10th (Doctors,

> >> medicine & Retirement from the life). Further as in Western method Ve is

> >> Square to Lagna and 7 (M), Trine(Separating) to 12 & conjoined to 4th

> house

> >> @ 4 D.59 M and Ju the Lagna Lord.

> >> So 3rd Sub Ve is a significator for 2(M), 3, 6, 10, 7(M & B), 4, 1, 12. As

> >> per the House Grouping of Shri TW ji, If the sub lord of the 3rd is a

> >> significator for 8, 12 and Maraka & Badhaka and it danger to the life.

> >>

> >> 8th Cusp Sub is Ju L/o 1 (Aathma) & 10 (Paraloka) in 3, in the star of

> Ma

> >> L/o 2(M) & 9 in 3 in a house and Sub division of Ve as discussed above.

> As

> >> per Vedic Ju aspects 8 and 10. In Western Ju is Sq. to Lagna Bhawa &

> 7(M),

> >> Conjunction to 4, Opposition to 10, Trine to 12. In addition Ju is a

> >> co-ruler for 6, 7 & 12 as Sub Sub Lord.

> >> Any of these significations or connections are not beneficial for the

> >> longevity of this natrive.

> >>

> >> The above three scrutinizing clearly shows the short life span for the

> >> native.

> >>

> >> Liquor Addiction

> >>

> >> **The uncontrollable desire for intoxicating and Spirituous Liquors is

> >> called Dipsomania. This is a disease of a Watery sign. if the Asc. is

> Cancer

> >> or Scorpio or Pisces and afflicted, the native will be a victim of this

> >> disease. Here the Lagna is Pisces and it is afflicted by Ve the lord of

> 3 &

> >> 8 and Ju both are Sq. to the 1st cusp (Western). Ju is not only the

> lagna

> >> and 10th Lord. It is the Sub Lord for 8 and Sub Sub for 6 & 7 too. It

> is in

> >> the house of Me the lord of 4 & 7 and in the Star of Ma Lord of 2 (M)

> and in

> >> the sub and sub sub of Ve Lord of 8. So the Lagna Bhawa is afflicted and

> the

> >> native was under Dipsomania.

> >>

> >> **The tendency to drink in excessive is due to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

> when

> >> strong and predominating the map of birth and the Sun, Moon, Asc, or

> many

> >> planets in the watery signs at birth and afflicted tend to strong drink

> and

> >> dissipation there from.

> >>

> >> **Death by Intoxication - Ur or Sa in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and

> afflict

> >> Mo. Pisces on the Asc.

> >> ** Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by H.L.Cornell

> >>

> >> In this chart Saturn is posited in Cancer and it is opposite to Moon and

> >> Sa is in the star of Me L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B) posited in

> 6th

> >> (Diseases) and in the Sub of Ra in 7 (M & B) This Sa is also opposite to

> 12th

> >> house and hence both Sa(Cancer) and Mo(Aquarius) are afflicted and

> supported

> >> for death by Intoxication of Drugs. Further more the native should have

> had

> >> Cirrhosis as a result of excessive drink, which clearly shown by Sa, as

> >> Cirrhosis is a disease of Sa.

> >>

> >>

> >> Death

> >> Native Passed away on 23.01.2010 at 2:41PM after long treatment at

> Houston

> >> , Texas , U.S.A.

> >>

> >> This native was born in India and died in USA.

> >> “If the sub Lord of the 8th, is a significator for 9th cusp, the native

> may

> >> die in a place faraway from the place of birth. The 8th sub is Ju is a

> >> significator for 9th through its star Lord Ma and at the same time Ma is

> the

> >> Lord of 2 (Marakasthanadhipathi). Hence the rule for the place of death

> is

> >> completed.

> >>

> >>

> >> DBAS on Death

> >> In Birth Maha Dasa of Mars was running with a balance of 2 Years, 11

> Months

> >> and 8 Days. On the date of death it was JU-MO-RA-RA as DBAS.

> >>

> >> Dasa Nath Ju is the Sub of 8th and posited in 3rd with conjunction of

> Ve.

> >> Both Ju and Ve are in the Star of Ma (L/o 2 Maraka) and it is a Karaka

> for

> >> unnatural death. On the date of the death Ju have transited on the Sign

> of

> >> Sa (6,4,7,12) & SSub and Star & Sub of Ra (3,7,2)

> >> Ju is karak for Blood disorders, Blood Poisioning, Enlargement of bodily

> >> organs(Here it may be Liver or/and Kidney) Glandular System of the Body,

> >> Liver Troubles etc. Hence the native should have had any or more of

> these

> >> defects at the time the death.

> >>

> >> Bukthi Nath Moon is also under the star sway of Ma and in the sub of Me

> the

> >> L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B). On the other hand Ma is in Mo’s star

> >> and have interchanged their Stars as well as Signs. So both Mo and Ma

> are

> >> strong significators for 12 (Life ending place). On the particular day

> Mo

> >> was transiting on Ma’s sign, Ke’s star, Me sub and Sa SSub. Here Ke is

> >> posited in Lagna Bhawa in the Star of Me(1,6,4,7) and in the sub of Ra

> in 7.

> >> and Ke is an agent for Ju( Dasa Nath & CSL 8) and Me(4,7). Me and Ke

> have

> >> interchanged their stars and signify 1,6,4,7. Mo’s transiting SSub is Sa

> as

> >> discussed.

> >>

> >> Ra is the Anthar and shookshma. By being an agent for Me, Ma & Sa, node

> Ra

> >> is the worst and strongest planet for the demise of this native. Ra was

> >> looking at the matters of 8th (Death) with his power of Star, by

> placing

> >> in the 7th Maraka and Badhaka. Ra was transiting on Ju’s sign, Ve

> Star,Ke

> >> sub and Sa’s SSub.

> >> The most remarkable feature of these planetary transiting is all the


> >> were transiting in the Sub Sub of Saturn (6-Disease, 4- End of every

> thing,

> >> 7- Maraka & Badhaka, 12- Moksha) on this day. The Day was also

> Saturday.!

> >>

> >> So all the DBAS have contributed their rations, in deciding the date and

> >> the reason for the death of this native.

> >> With thanks & regards,

> >> Dhirendra Nath Misra

> >>

> >>

> >> ________________________________

> >> Suresh Babu.A.G


> 40>>

> >> To:



> 40>

> >

> >> Thu, March 25, 2010 2:02:38 AM

> >> Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &

> >> research

> >>

> >>

> >> Dear All

> >>

> >> Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.

> >>

> >> Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning

> >>

> >> I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to

> financial

> >> year ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum,

> not

> >> that there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple

> truth

> >> I could not find any.

> >>

> >> Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the

> >> stars.

> >>

> >> World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they

> know,

> >> beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at

> any

> >> cost. Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring

> with

> >> them is genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers” are no different.

> >> They talk a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and

> make

> >> others also fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not

> >> confused at all, no matter if he fails.

> >>

> >> In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of

> >> confusion. The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written

> about

> >> Saints, their charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th

> >> house. Sad is the status of Astrology when the so called educated &

> >> intelligent don’t even know the fundamental principles and call

> themselves

> >> modern Astrolgers with fancy degrees attached to them.

> >>

> >> Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every

> designer

> >> to outwit others incorporating lot of “features” and theories and

> claiming

> >> the researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of

> Astrology.

> >>

> >> There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics

> and

> >> every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a

> quick

> >> look at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new

> breed

> >> of Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.

> >>

> >> I have been also reading about the need for research in this science.

> But

> >> one thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one

> must

> >> be thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically

> >> these people do not have.

> >>

> >> We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every

> one

> >> was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn

> >> became the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna

> >> Paramahamsa, without whom we may not even know such a person existed.

> >> Narendra was intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the truth,

> the

> >> right path, only through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are

> several

> >> such Narendras now who are groping in the dark, even after buying and

> >> reading all the classicals one could lay their hands on. In fact, the

> number

> >> has grown exponentially due to the easy availability of Astrology works,

> >> mostly story tellers, rather than genuine works. The funny thing is

> these

> >> narendras either do not make enough effort to find their Ramakrishnas or

> it

> >> simply is not in them to become those Viveka-anandas. They simple end up

> >> being “Andas” and pull others also in their “Andakara”.

> >>

> >> Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no

> >> wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of

> >> Jupiter. Why should “I” learn from a teacher / others. “I” am

> intelligent

> >> myself and do not consider any one as “my” teacher. Why should “I” take

> >> initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While “I” could consider lord Shiva as my

> >> teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I” person

> know

> >> him?

> >>

> >> Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically

> >> explaining every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should

> take

> >> refuge in the standard “divinity”, nor could they ignore it.

> >>

> >> Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in

> tandem-

> >> (A) the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the

> category

> >> A. So how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with

> >> conflicting theories and systems? And some very inadequate except on a

> very

> >> external level but claimed to be perfect?.

> >>

> >> I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and

> most

> >> times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain

> that if

> >> astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict

> every

> >> thing.

> >>

> >> Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of

> accident,

> >> the indications.

> >>

> >> The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a

> >> given date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what

> >> might happen? In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face

> every

> >> day, not on the Internet, but on face to face encounters.

> >>

> >> Why is it difficult to predict?

> >>

> >> If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,

> >>

> >> He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.

> >>

> >> Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted

> in

> >> the 5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon

> and

> >> Mars in the 11th.

> >>

> >> 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and

> >> friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.

> >>

> >> Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd &

> 9th

> >> lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd

> >> house also indicates the family of the spouse according to some

> classical

> >> works.

> >>

> >> Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in

> the

> >> 5th house of children.

> >>

> >> Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is

> always

> >> a benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted

> confer

> >> lots of good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects

> (it

> >> need not turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does

> not

> >> mean benefic planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will

> >> always be malefic or at all times.

> >>

> >> So basically there are four possibilities here

> >>

> >> A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars

> in

> >> the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only

> if

> >> the native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all

> >> times, provided the native’s mother is still living.

> >>

> >> An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct

> >> indication. This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a

> >> native visits an astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at

> the

> >> time. Such factors help the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict

> >> accurately. This is grossly lacking on the Internet queries.

> >>

> >> But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point

> from

> >> the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that

> >> easy. The time required to verify various factors would be much more.

> >>

> >> If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and

> >> vahana rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man –

> again

> >> indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is

> two

> >> – two wheeler.

> >>

> >> So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu &

> >> Mars.

> >>

> >> Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these

> planets

> >> and Saturn aspecting them.

> >>

> >> Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.

> >>

> >> It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.

> >>

> >> Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus +

> >> Mercury.

> >>

> >> Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates

> >> spouse , being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel

> >> (gamana-agamana) .

> >>

> >> Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th

> house –

> >> Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It

> could

> >> again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And

> when we

> >> look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas

> >> standing there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to

> think

> >> that something might happened to the natives spouse. The only

> consolation

> >> being the aspect of Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika

> another

> >> dwiswabhava rasi also indicate two numbers. This also could mean that

> the

> >> native could be having two vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income

> etc.

> >> (don’t misunderstand me about mothers- one could be the lady who gave

> birth

> >> and the other who loves him like a mother & taken care of him when he

> was a

> >> child).

> >>

> >> So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus

> comes

> >> into play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be

> troublesome.

> >>

> >> Transit & day of accident.

> >>

> >> On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu,

> >> again indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.

> >>

> >> However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I

> >> thought of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother.

> >> Vehicles / accidents was only the last thought.

> >>

> >> How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

> >> predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how

> Kalachakra

> >> dasa & Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few

> who

> >> cared is ample proof.

> >>

> >> Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords

> from

> >> those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those

> signs,

> >> the native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.

> >>

> >> To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its

> trinona

> >> rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord

> from

> >> that bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native

> shall

> >> experience difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic

> transits,

> >> the native shall experience good effects also. This theory is not

> absolute

> >> but a fair indication.

> >>

> >> In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

> >> indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on

> >> Thula sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is

> also

> >> the dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).

> >>

> >> There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An

> attempt

> >> to answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it

> did

> >> not affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in

> the

> >> analysis. Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the

> correct

> >> analysis.

> >>

> >> Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why

> >> quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.

> >>

> >> Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with

> nature.

> >> Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become

> clear

> >> to him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start

> >> speaking to him.

> >>

> >> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> >>

> >>

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My dear Rohini,


Yes...I am getting it clearly. I am feelings more closer with two Deepaks ; and

understanding more clearly the legacy they both left behind ! With my love and



Raj Bhardwaj


Raj Bhardwaj


, " rohinicrystal " <jyotish_vani



> Dear Kulbir,


> It is true that DEATH has a special meaning for all human beings. As they say,

there is ONE certainty in our lives.


> " LIFE is a terminal Illness "


> 'From this carnival, no one escapes alive!'


> And yet, at each encounter, most, if not all human beings appear shocked,

surprised, as if death was unexpected! I realize that when someone falls young,

the shock and pain is understandably severe and if such an experience were to

occur to a parent or children or to any loved one, the moment could be so

devastating and transforming.


> In my personal reality death arrived in a rather bizarre manner. My mother

died which was sad but not unexpected, she being 90 years old and suffering from

several diseases and having lost her eyesight during her last year of life,

personal life for her was simply stated miserable. She was living with my

brother then and after I arrived upon hearing about the death and as other

relatives arrived and well-wishers and so forth -- despite the usual chaos that

ensues during such events and the way different people react to the inevitable,

namely, death and dying -- I had a unique opportunity to observe and study

people, related and otherwise and all the usual human politics and dramas that

do not leave human experience even during such a sombre moment as



> But I also took the time to spend a lot of time with my eldest brother. He was

the closest to Ma and while deeply affected, as I could clearly see, had to put

on a brave face and a practical one. Anyway, so as not to bore you with details,

on the day of Ma's funeral, he was going to deliver a 'memorial address' as is

the custom in order to remember the soul that passed on and to celebrate their

LIFETIME, despite the sorrow of parting.


> Guess what? Dada died on the morning of Ma's funeral. I had to step in, to

deliver the memorial address for Ma and a few days later for Dada!


> One learns as one goes and grows! That is life!


> Learn more about LIFE and do not worry about DEATH!


> Death is a certainty but a momentary one! No matter WHO you ARE!


> Remember and LIVE LIFE fully and if possible LOVE LIFE and all others who

cross your path during the much longer life than the moment of DEATH!


> Anyway, I chose to accept that as the lesson from my experience of

double-death in family that took away TWO of the most loved ones in my life,

just like that, within days of one another!


> Love,


> Rohiniranjan


> , Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Misra ji;

> > Do you know how Mharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jamani met there end?.

> > Find out about it then we shall deliberate if death could be predicted and

> > escaped or not.

> > shall wait for your answer.

> > Regards

> > Kulbir Bains.

> >

> > On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <

> > dhirendranathmisra@> wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Discussion of Chandramouli Dasu's Case-Next Opinion for your

> > > satisfaction(Not by wordsworth),nor from Lala Ki Kitab-

> > > As this


> > > a postmortem, first of all we must look at the sack of Poorvapunya to see

> > > the breathing period of the native in this world, brought by him from the

> > > previous birth as results of his good deeds done. It is Longevity.

> > > Longevity

> > >

> > > Lagna Sub Lord is Sa L/o 11,12 in 5 (Lord of 5th Mo. is in the 12(End of

> > > Life) a house owned by Sa. It is in the Star of Me. L/o 4(Grave, End of

> > > everything) & 7(Maraka & Badhaka) in 6 and in the Sub of Ra in 7(Maraka &

> > > Badhaka). Sa aspects Ra in 7 (M & B), 2 (Maraka) and 11 & 12 (End of Life)

> > > Here Me the Star Lord of Sa has acquired the ruling power for 6th Cusp and

> > > planet Ke (1) and Mo (12)as Star Lord.

> > > Ra the Sub of Sa, is in his own Star is the Star Lord of 8th and in

> > > addition to Sa, Su (12), & Ke (6,1,4,7) are in the Sub of Ra.

> > > Hence the Sub Lord of Lagna, Sa is a significator for 2,6,5,4,7,11,12 and

> > > connected to 8th Cusp, resulting short life to the native up to 33 years.


> > > by being a strong significator for the longevity of this native have to


> > > a vital role in this chart.

> > >

> > > In addition to the Lagna Sub, we must scrutinize the cusp 3 and 8 too for


> > > final judgment of the longevity.

> > >

> > > 3rd Sub is Ve L/o 3 & 8 in 3 in her own Sub and in the Star of Ma L/o 2

> > > (Maraka) & 9 (Past deeds) in 6 (Disease) and Ve aspects 10th (Doctors,

> > > medicine & Retirement from the life). Further as in Western method Ve is

> > > Square to Lagna and 7 (M), Trine(Separating) to 12 & conjoined to 4th


> > > @ 4 D.59 M and Ju the Lagna Lord.

> > > So 3rd Sub Ve is a significator for 2(M), 3, 6, 10, 7(M & B), 4, 1, 12. As

> > > per the House Grouping of Shri TW ji, If the sub lord of the 3rd is a

> > > significator for 8, 12 and Maraka & Badhaka and it danger to the life.

> > >

> > > 8th Cusp Sub is Ju L/o 1 (Aathma) & 10 (Paraloka) in 3, in the star of Ma

> > > L/o 2(M) & 9 in 3 in a house and Sub division of Ve as discussed above.


> > > per Vedic Ju aspects 8 and 10. In Western Ju is Sq. to Lagna Bhawa &


> > > Conjunction to 4, Opposition to 10, Trine to 12. In addition Ju is a

> > > co-ruler for 6, 7 & 12 as Sub Sub Lord.

> > > Any of these significations or connections are not beneficial for the

> > > longevity of this natrive.

> > >

> > > The above three scrutinizing clearly shows the short life span for the

> > > native.

> > >

> > > Liquor Addiction

> > >

> > > **The uncontrollable desire for intoxicating and Spirituous Liquors is

> > > called Dipsomania. This is a disease of a Watery sign. if the Asc. is


> > > or Scorpio or Pisces and afflicted, the native will be a victim of this

> > > disease. Here the Lagna is Pisces and it is afflicted by Ve the lord of 3


> > > 8 and Ju both are Sq. to the 1st cusp (Western). Ju is not only the lagna

> > > and 10th Lord. It is the Sub Lord for 8 and Sub Sub for 6 & 7 too. It is


> > > the house of Me the lord of 4 & 7 and in the Star of Ma Lord of 2 (M) and


> > > the sub and sub sub of Ve Lord of 8. So the Lagna Bhawa is afflicted and


> > > native was under Dipsomania.

> > >

> > > **The tendency to drink in excessive is due to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces


> > > strong and predominating the map of birth and the Sun, Moon, Asc, or many

> > > planets in the watery signs at birth and afflicted tend to strong drink


> > > dissipation there from.

> > >

> > > **Death by Intoxication - Ur or Sa in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and


> > > Mo. Pisces on the Asc.

> > > ** Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by H.L.Cornell

> > >

> > > In this chart Saturn is posited in Cancer and it is opposite to Moon and

> > > Sa is in the star of Me L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B) posited in 6th

> > > (Diseases) and in the Sub of Ra in 7 (M & B) This Sa is also opposite to


> > > house and hence both Sa(Cancer) and Mo(Aquarius) are afflicted and


> > > for death by Intoxication of Drugs. Further more the native should have


> > > Cirrhosis as a result of excessive drink, which clearly shown by Sa, as

> > > Cirrhosis is a disease of Sa.

> > >

> > >

> > > Death

> > > Native Passed away on 23.01.2010 at 2:41PM after long treatment at Houston

> > > , Texas , U.S.A.

> > >

> > > This native was born in India and died in USA.

> > > " If the sub Lord of the 8th, is a significator for 9th cusp, the native


> > > die in a place faraway from the place of birth. The 8th sub is Ju is a

> > > significator for 9th through its star Lord Ma and at the same time Ma is


> > > Lord of 2 (Marakasthanadhipathi). Hence the rule for the place of death is

> > > completed.

> > >

> > >

> > > DBAS on Death

> > > In Birth Maha Dasa of Mars was running with a balance of 2 Years, 11


> > > and 8 Days. On the date of death it was JU-MO-RA-RA as DBAS.

> > >

> > > Dasa Nath Ju is the Sub of 8th and posited in 3rd with conjunction of Ve.

> > > Both Ju and Ve are in the Star of Ma (L/o 2 Maraka) and it is a Karaka for

> > > unnatural death. On the date of the death Ju have transited on the Sign of

> > > Sa (6,4,7,12) & SSub and Star & Sub of Ra (3,7,2)

> > > Ju is karak for Blood disorders, Blood Poisioning, Enlargement of bodily

> > > organs(Here it may be Liver or/and Kidney) Glandular System of the Body,

> > > Liver Troubles etc. Hence the native should have had any or more of these

> > > defects at the time the death.

> > >

> > > Bukthi Nath Moon is also under the star sway of Ma and in the sub of Me


> > > L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B). On the other hand Ma is in Mo's star

> > > and have interchanged their Stars as well as Signs. So both Mo and Ma are

> > > strong significators for 12 (Life ending place). On the particular day Mo

> > > was transiting on Ma's sign, Ke's star, Me sub and Sa SSub. Here Ke is

> > > posited in Lagna Bhawa in the Star of Me(1,6,4,7) and in the sub of Ra in


> > > and Ke is an agent for Ju( Dasa Nath & CSL 8) and Me(4,7). Me and Ke have

> > > interchanged their stars and signify 1,6,4,7. Mo's transiting SSub is Sa


> > > discussed.

> > >

> > > Ra is the Anthar and shookshma. By being an agent for Me, Ma & Sa, node Ra

> > > is the worst and strongest planet for the demise of this native. Ra was

> > > looking at the matters of 8th (Death) with his power of Star, by


> > > in the 7th Maraka and Badhaka. Ra was transiting on Ju's sign, Ve Star,Ke

> > > sub and Sa's SSub.

> > > The most remarkable feature of these planetary transiting is all the DBAS

> > > were transiting in the Sub Sub of Saturn (6-Disease, 4- End of every


> > > 7- Maraka & Badhaka, 12- Moksha) on this day. The Day was also Saturday.!

> > >

> > > So all the DBAS have contributed their rations, in deciding the date and

> > > the reason for the death of this native.

> > > With thanks & regards,

> > > Dhirendra Nath Misra

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ <sureshbabuag%40>>

> > > <%40>

> > > Thu, March 25, 2010 2:02:38 AM

> > > Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &

> > > research

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear All

> > >

> > > Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.

> > >

> > > Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning

> > >

> > > I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial

> > > year ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum,


> > > that there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple


> > > I could not find any.

> > >

> > > Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the

> > > stars.

> > >

> > > World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,

> > > beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any

> > > cost. Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with

> > > them is genuine. The " Society of Internet Astrologers " are no different.

> > > They talk a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and


> > > others also fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not

> > > confused at all, no matter if he fails.

> > >

> > > In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of

> > > confusion. The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written


> > > Saints, their charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th

> > > house. Sad is the status of Astrology when the so called educated &

> > > intelligent don't even know the fundamental principles and call themselves

> > > modern Astrolgers with fancy degrees attached to them.

> > >

> > > Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer

> > > to outwit others incorporating lot of " features " and theories and claiming

> > > the researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of


> > >

> > > There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and

> > > every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick

> > > look at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new


> > > of Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.

> > >

> > > I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But

> > > one thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one


> > > be thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically

> > > these people do not have.

> > >

> > > We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every


> > > was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn

> > > became the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna

> > > Paramahamsa, without whom we may not even know such a person existed.

> > > Narendra was intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the truth,


> > > right path, only through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several

> > > such Narendras now who are groping in the dark, even after buying and

> > > reading all the classicals one could lay their hands on. In fact, the


> > > has grown exponentially due to the easy availability of Astrology works,

> > > mostly story tellers, rather than genuine works. The funny thing is these

> > > narendras either do not make enough effort to find their Ramakrishnas or


> > > simply is not in them to become those Viveka-anandas. They simple end up

> > > being " Andas " and pull others also in their " Andakara " .

> > >

> > > Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no

> > > wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of

> > > Jupiter. Why should " I " learn from a teacher / others. " I " am intelligent

> > > myself and do not consider any one as " my " teacher. Why should " I " take

> > > initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While " I " could consider lord Shiva as my

> > > teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do " I " person know

> > > him?

> > >

> > > Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically

> > > explaining every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should


> > > refuge in the standard " divinity " , nor could they ignore it.

> > >

> > > Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem-

> > > (A) the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the


> > > A. So how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with

> > > conflicting theories and systems? And some very inadequate except on a


> > > external level but claimed to be perfect?.

> > >

> > > I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most

> > > times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that


> > > astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict


> > > thing.

> > >

> > > Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir's data and date of


> > > the indications.

> > >

> > > The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a

> > > given date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what

> > > might happen? In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face


> > > day, not on the Internet, but on face to face encounters.

> > >

> > > Why is it difficult to predict?

> > >

> > > If we look at Tanvi's chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,

> > >

> > > He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.

> > >

> > > Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in

> > > the 5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon


> > > Mars in the 11th.

> > >

> > > 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother's relatives and

> > > friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.

> > >

> > > Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd &


> > > lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd

> > > house also indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical

> > > works.

> > >

> > > Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in


> > > 5th house of children.

> > >

> > > Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always

> > > a benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer

> > > lots of good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects


> > > need not turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not

> > > mean benefic planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will

> > > always be malefic or at all times.

> > >

> > > So basically there are four possibilities here

> > >

> > > A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in

> > > the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if

> > > the native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all

> > > times, provided the native's mother is still living.

> > >

> > > An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct

> > > indication. This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a

> > > native visits an astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the

> > > time. Such factors help the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict

> > > accurately. This is grossly lacking on the Internet queries.

> > >

> > > But a natural question that arises is why can't we select or pin point


> > > the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that

> > > easy. The time required to verify various factors would be much more.

> > >

> > > If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and

> > > vahana rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man –


> > > indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is


> > > – two wheeler.

> > >

> > > So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu &

> > > Mars.

> > >

> > > Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets

> > > and Saturn aspecting them.

> > >

> > > Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.

> > >

> > > It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.

> > >

> > > Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus +

> > > Mercury.

> > >

> > > Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates

> > > spouse , being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel

> > > (gamana-agamana) .

> > >

> > > Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house

> > > Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It


> > > again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when


> > > look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas

> > > standing there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think

> > > that something might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation

> > > being the aspect of Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika


> > > dwiswabhava rasi also indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the

> > > native could be having two vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income


> > > (don't misunderstand me about mothers- one could be the lady who gave


> > > and the other who loves him like a mother & taken care of him when he was


> > > child).

> > >

> > > So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes

> > > into play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be


> > >

> > > Transit & day of accident.

> > >

> > > On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu,

> > > again indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.

> > >

> > > However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I

> > > thought of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother.

> > > Vehicles / accidents was only the last thought.

> > >

> > > How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

> > > predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra

> > > dasa & Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few


> > > cared is ample proof.

> > >

> > > Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from

> > > those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs,

> > > the native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.

> > >

> > > To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona

> > > rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord


> > > that bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall

> > > experience difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic


> > > the native shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute

> > > but a fair indication.

> > >

> > > In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

> > > indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on

> > > Thula sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also

> > > the dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).

> > >

> > > There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt

> > > to answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did

> > > not affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the

> > > analysis. Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the


> > > analysis.

> > >

> > > Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why

> > > quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.

> > >

> > > Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with


> > > Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear

> > > to him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start

> > > speaking to him.

> > >

> > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> > >

> > >

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Needs Sadhana but no research://if possible LOVE LIFE and all others who cross

your path//

Harmony in every thing that comes of LOVE LIFE.A positive factor. " Radhe Kishan. "


Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Fri, 3/26/10, Raj <rajbhardwaj1949 wrote:


Raj <rajbhardwaj1949

Re: Astrology - Reasearch, predictions, post mortems & research


Friday, March 26, 2010, 1:29 AM


















My dear Rohini,




Yes...I am getting it clearly. I am feelings more closer with two Deepaks ; and

understanding more clearly the legacy they both left behind ! With my love and





Raj Bhardwaj




Raj Bhardwaj




, " rohinicrystal " <jyotish_vani@ ...>





> Dear Kulbir,




> It is true that DEATH has a special meaning for all human beings. As they say,

there is ONE certainty in our lives.




> " LIFE is a terminal Illness "




> 'From this carnival, no one escapes alive!'




> And yet, at each encounter, most, if not all human beings appear shocked,

surprised, as if death was unexpected! I realize that when someone falls young,

the shock and pain is understandably severe and if such an experience were to

occur to a parent or children or to any loved one, the moment could be so

devastating and transforming.




> In my personal reality death arrived in a rather bizarre manner. My mother

died which was sad but not unexpected, she being 90 years old and suffering from

several diseases and having lost her eyesight during her last year of life,

personal life for her was simply stated miserable. She was living with my

brother then and after I arrived upon hearing about the death and as other

relatives arrived and well-wishers and so forth -- despite the usual chaos that

ensues during such events and the way different people react to the inevitable,

namely, death and dying -- I had a unique opportunity to observe and study

people, related and otherwise and all the usual human politics and dramas that

do not leave human experience even during such a sombre moment as

death-the-inevitabl e!




> But I also took the time to spend a lot of time with my eldest brother. He was

the closest to Ma and while deeply affected, as I could clearly see, had to put

on a brave face and a practical one. Anyway, so as not to bore you with details,

on the day of Ma's funeral, he was going to deliver a 'memorial address' as is

the custom in order to remember the soul that passed on and to celebrate their

LIFETIME, despite the sorrow of parting.




> Guess what? Dada died on the morning of Ma's funeral. I had to step in, to

deliver the memorial address for Ma and a few days later for Dada!




> One learns as one goes and grows! That is life!




> Learn more about LIFE and do not worry about DEATH!




> Death is a certainty but a momentary one! No matter WHO you ARE!




> Remember and LIVE LIFE fully and if possible LOVE LIFE and all others who

cross your path during the much longer life than the moment of DEATH!




> Anyway, I chose to accept that as the lesson from my experience of

double-death in family that took away TWO of the most loved ones in my life,

just like that, within days of one another!




> Love,




> Rohiniranjan




> , Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@ > wrote:


> >


> > Dear Misra ji;


> > Do you know how Mharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jamani met there end?.


> > Find out about it then we shall deliberate if death could be predicted and


> > escaped or not.


> > shall wait for your answer.


> > Regards


> > Kulbir Bains.


> >


> > On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <


> > dhirendranathmisra@ > wrote:


> >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > > Discussion of Chandramouli Dasu's Case-Next Opinion for your


> > > satisfaction( Not by wordsworth), nor from Lala Ki Kitab-


> > > As this



> > > a postmortem, first of all we must look at the sack of Poorvapunya to see


> > > the breathing period of the native in this world, brought by him from the


> > > previous birth as results of his good deeds done. It is Longevity.


> > > Longevity


> > >


> > > Lagna Sub Lord is Sa L/o 11,12 in 5 (Lord of 5th Mo. is in the 12(End of


> > > Life) a house owned by Sa. It is in the Star of Me. L/o 4(Grave, End of


> > > everything) & 7(Maraka & Badhaka) in 6 and in the Sub of Ra in 7(Maraka &


> > > Badhaka). Sa aspects Ra in 7 (M & B), 2 (Maraka) and 11 & 12 (End of Life)


> > > Here Me the Star Lord of Sa has acquired the ruling power for 6th Cusp and


> > > planet Ke (1) and Mo (12)as Star Lord.


> > > Ra the Sub of Sa, is in his own Star is the Star Lord of 8th and in


> > > addition to Sa, Su (12), & Ke (6,1,4,7) are in the Sub of Ra.


> > > Hence the Sub Lord of Lagna, Sa is a significator for 2,6,5,4,7,11, 12 and


> > > connected to 8th Cusp, resulting short life to the native up to 33 years.



> > > by being a strong significator for the longevity of this native have to



> > > a vital role in this chart.


> > >


> > > In addition to the Lagna Sub, we must scrutinize the cusp 3 and 8 too for



> > > final judgment of the longevity.


> > >


> > > 3rd Sub is Ve L/o 3 & 8 in 3 in her own Sub and in the Star of Ma L/o 2


> > > (Maraka) & 9 (Past deeds) in 6 (Disease) and Ve aspects 10th (Doctors,


> > > medicine & Retirement from the life). Further as in Western method Ve is


> > > Square to Lagna and 7 (M), Trine(Separating) to 12 & conjoined to 4th



> > > @ 4 D.59 M and Ju the Lagna Lord.


> > > So 3rd Sub Ve is a significator for 2(M), 3, 6, 10, 7(M & B), 4, 1, 12. As


> > > per the House Grouping of Shri TW ji, If the sub lord of the 3rd is a


> > > significator for 8, 12 and Maraka & Badhaka and it danger to the life.


> > >


> > > 8th Cusp Sub is Ju L/o 1 (Aathma) & 10 (Paraloka) in 3, in the star of Ma


> > > L/o 2(M) & 9 in 3 in a house and Sub division of Ve as discussed above.



> > > per Vedic Ju aspects 8 and 10. In Western Ju is Sq. to Lagna Bhawa &



> > > Conjunction to 4, Opposition to 10, Trine to 12. In addition Ju is a


> > > co-ruler for 6, 7 & 12 as Sub Sub Lord.


> > > Any of these significations or connections are not beneficial for the


> > > longevity of this natrive.


> > >


> > > The above three scrutinizing clearly shows the short life span for the


> > > native.


> > >


> > > Liquor Addiction


> > >


> > > **The uncontrollable desire for intoxicating and Spirituous Liquors is


> > > called Dipsomania. This is a disease of a Watery sign. if the Asc. is



> > > or Scorpio or Pisces and afflicted, the native will be a victim of this


> > > disease. Here the Lagna is Pisces and it is afflicted by Ve the lord of 3



> > > 8 and Ju both are Sq. to the 1st cusp (Western). Ju is not only the lagna


> > > and 10th Lord. It is the Sub Lord for 8 and Sub Sub for 6 & 7 too. It is



> > > the house of Me the lord of 4 & 7 and in the Star of Ma Lord of 2 (M) and



> > > the sub and sub sub of Ve Lord of 8. So the Lagna Bhawa is afflicted and



> > > native was under Dipsomania.


> > >


> > > **The tendency to drink in excessive is due to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces



> > > strong and predominating the map of birth and the Sun, Moon, Asc, or many


> > > planets in the watery signs at birth and afflicted tend to strong drink



> > > dissipation there from.


> > >


> > > **Death by Intoxication - Ur or Sa in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and



> > > Mo. Pisces on the Asc.


> > > ** Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by H.L.Cornell


> > >


> > > In this chart Saturn is posited in Cancer and it is opposite to Moon and


> > > Sa is in the star of Me L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B) posited in 6th


> > > (Diseases) and in the Sub of Ra in 7 (M & B) This Sa is also opposite to



> > > house and hence both Sa(Cancer) and Mo(Aquarius) are afflicted and



> > > for death by Intoxication of Drugs. Further more the native should have



> > > Cirrhosis as a result of excessive drink, which clearly shown by Sa, as


> > > Cirrhosis is a disease of Sa.


> > >


> > >


> > > Death


> > > Native Passed away on 23.01.2010 at 2:41PM after long treatment at Houston


> > > , Texas , U.S.A.


> > >


> > > This native was born in India and died in USA.


> > > " If the sub Lord of the 8th, is a significator for 9th cusp, the native



> > > die in a place faraway from the place of birth. The 8th sub is Ju is a


> > > significator for 9th through its star Lord Ma and at the same time Ma is



> > > Lord of 2 (Marakasthanadhipat hi). Hence the rule for the place of death



> > > completed.


> > >


> > >


> > > DBAS on Death


> > > In Birth Maha Dasa of Mars was running with a balance of 2 Years, 11



> > > and 8 Days. On the date of death it was JU-MO-RA-RA as DBAS.


> > >


> > > Dasa Nath Ju is the Sub of 8th and posited in 3rd with conjunction of Ve.


> > > Both Ju and Ve are in the Star of Ma (L/o 2 Maraka) and it is a Karaka for


> > > unnatural death. On the date of the death Ju have transited on the Sign of


> > > Sa (6,4,7,12) & SSub and Star & Sub of Ra (3,7,2)


> > > Ju is karak for Blood disorders, Blood Poisioning, Enlargement of bodily


> > > organs(Here it may be Liver or/and Kidney) Glandular System of the Body,


> > > Liver Troubles etc. Hence the native should have had any or more of these


> > > defects at the time the death.


> > >


> > > Bukthi Nath Moon is also under the star sway of Ma and in the sub of Me



> > > L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B). On the other hand Ma is in Mo's star


> > > and have interchanged their Stars as well as Signs. So both Mo and Ma are


> > > strong significators for 12 (Life ending place). On the particular day Mo


> > > was transiting on Ma's sign, Ke's star, Me sub and Sa SSub. Here Ke is


> > > posited in Lagna Bhawa in the Star of Me(1,6,4,7) and in the sub of Ra in



> > > and Ke is an agent for Ju( Dasa Nath & CSL 8) and Me(4,7). Me and Ke have


> > > interchanged their stars and signify 1,6,4,7. Mo's transiting SSub is Sa



> > > discussed.


> > >


> > > Ra is the Anthar and shookshma. By being an agent for Me, Ma & Sa, node Ra


> > > is the worst and strongest planet for the demise of this native. Ra was


> > > looking at the matters of 8th (Death) with his power of Star, by



> > > in the 7th Maraka and Badhaka. Ra was transiting on Ju's sign, Ve Star,Ke


> > > sub and Sa's SSub.


> > > The most remarkable feature of these planetary transiting is all the DBAS


> > > were transiting in the Sub Sub of Saturn (6-Disease, 4- End of every



> > > 7- Maraka & Badhaka, 12- Moksha) on this day. The Day was also Saturday.!


> > >


> > > So all the DBAS have contributed their rations, in deciding the date and


> > > the reason for the death of this native.


> > > With thanks & regards,


> > > Dhirendra Nath Misra


> > >


> > >


> > > ____________ _________ _________ __


> > > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ <sureshbabuag% 40> >


> > > <% 40.



> > > Thu, March 25, 2010 2:02:38 AM


> > > Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &


> > > research


> > >


> > >


> > > Dear All


> > >


> > > Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.


> > >


> > > Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning


> > >


> > > I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial


> > > year ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum,



> > > that there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple



> > > I could not find any.


> > >


> > > Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the


> > > stars.


> > >


> > > World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,


> > > beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any


> > > cost. Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with


> > > them is genuine. The " Society of Internet Astrologers " are no different.


> > > They talk a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and



> > > others also fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not


> > > confused at all, no matter if he fails.


> > >


> > > In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of


> > > confusion. The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written



> > > Saints, their charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th


> > > house. Sad is the status of Astrology when the so called educated &


> > > intelligent don't even know the fundamental principles and call themselves


> > > modern Astrolgers with fancy degrees attached to them.


> > >


> > > Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer


> > > to outwit others incorporating lot of " features " and theories and claiming


> > > the researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of



> > >


> > > There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and


> > > every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick


> > > look at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new



> > > of Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.


> > >


> > > I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But


> > > one thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one



> > > be thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically


> > > these people do not have.


> > >


> > > We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every



> > > was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn


> > > became the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna


> > > Paramahamsa, without whom we may not even know such a person existed.


> > > Narendra was intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the truth,



> > > right path, only through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several


> > > such Narendras now who are groping in the dark, even after buying and


> > > reading all the classicals one could lay their hands on. In fact, the



> > > has grown exponentially due to the easy availability of Astrology works,


> > > mostly story tellers, rather than genuine works. The funny thing is these


> > > narendras either do not make enough effort to find their Ramakrishnas or



> > > simply is not in them to become those Viveka-anandas. They simple end up


> > > being " Andas " and pull others also in their " Andakara " .


> > >


> > > Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no


> > > wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of


> > > Jupiter. Why should " I " learn from a teacher / others. " I " am intelligent


> > > myself and do not consider any one as " my " teacher. Why should " I " take


> > > initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While " I " could consider lord Shiva as my


> > > teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do " I " person know


> > > him?


> > >


> > > Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically


> > > explaining every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should



> > > refuge in the standard " divinity " , nor could they ignore it.


> > >


> > > Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem-


> > > (A) the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the



> > > A. So how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with


> > > conflicting theories and systems? And some very inadequate except on a



> > > external level but claimed to be perfect?.


> > >


> > > I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most


> > > times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that



> > > astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict



> > > thing.


> > >


> > > Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir's data and date of



> > > the indications.


> > >


> > > The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a


> > > given date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what


> > > might happen? In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face



> > > day, not on the Internet, but on face to face encounters.


> > >


> > > Why is it difficult to predict?


> > >


> > > If we look at Tanvi's chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,


> > >


> > > He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.


> > >


> > > Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in


> > > the 5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon



> > > Mars in the 11th.


> > >


> > > 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother's relatives and


> > > friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.


> > >


> > > Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd &



> > > lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd


> > > house also indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical


> > > works.


> > >


> > > Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in



> > > 5th house of children.


> > >


> > > Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always


> > > a benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer


> > > lots of good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects



> > > need not turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does



> > > mean benefic planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will


> > > always be malefic or at all times.


> > >


> > > So basically there are four possibilities here


> > >


> > > A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in


> > > the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if


> > > the native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all


> > > times, provided the native's mother is still living.


> > >


> > > An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct


> > > indication. This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a


> > > native visits an astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the


> > > time. Such factors help the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict


> > > accurately. This is grossly lacking on the Internet queries.


> > >


> > > But a natural question that arises is why can't we select or pin point



> > > the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that


> > > easy. The time required to verify various factors would be much more.


> > >


> > > If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and


> > > vahana rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man –



> > > indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is



> > > – two wheeler.


> > >


> > > So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu &


> > > Mars.


> > >


> > > Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these



> > > and Saturn aspecting them.


> > >


> > > Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.


> > >


> > > It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.


> > >


> > > Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus +


> > > Mercury.


> > >


> > > Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates


> > > spouse , being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel


> > > (gamana-agamana) .


> > >


> > > Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house



> > > Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It



> > > again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And

when we


> > > look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas


> > > standing there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think


> > > that something might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation


> > > being the aspect of Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika



> > > dwiswabhava rasi also indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the


> > > native could be having two vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income



> > > (don't misunderstand me about mothers- one could be the lady who gave



> > > and the other who loves him like a mother & taken care of him when he was



> > > child).


> > >


> > > So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes


> > > into play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be



> > >


> > > Transit & day of accident.


> > >


> > > On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu,


> > > again indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.


> > >


> > > However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I


> > > thought of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother.


> > > Vehicles / accidents was only the last thought.


> > >


> > > How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even


> > > predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra


> > > dasa & Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few



> > > cared is ample proof.


> > >


> > > Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from


> > > those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs,


> > > the native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.


> > >


> > > To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona


> > > rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord



> > > that bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall


> > > experience difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic



> > > the native shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute


> > > but a fair indication.


> > >


> > > In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct


> > > indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on


> > > Thula sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also


> > > the dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).


> > >


> > > There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt


> > > to answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did


> > > not affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the


> > > analysis. Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the



> > > analysis.


> > >


> > > Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why


> > > quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.


> > >


> > > Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with



> > > Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear


> > > to him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start


> > > speaking to him.


> > >


> > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy


> > >


> > >

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Even if some body could predict how does death,a final jouney out of the going

to help?As our senior members opined let's not be eager about such inevitable

things.meantime what meaningful we can do to help other will be a better



Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While  Wisemen Can Control

Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma 


--- On Thu, 3/25/10, Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra wrote:


Dhirendra Nath Misra <dhirendranathmisra

Re: Astrology - Reasearch, predictions, post mortems & research


Thursday, March 25, 2010, 12:59 PM


















Dear Kulbir Bainsji,


Do you know how Maharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jaimani met there

end?.------- -NO.I am simply learning Jyotish rules.Even today I don't have

command over Marak and Badhak.You may enlighten me as to how these Maharishis

met their end.


If death could be predicted --- LalKitab does not permit to predict

death,gender of unborn child etc--Other wise astrologer will suffer from

Vitilig/Leucoderma/ Leprocy etc.


With thanks & regards, 


Dhirendra Nath Misra






____________ _________ _________ __


Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb (AT) gmail (DOT) com>




Thu, March 25, 2010 9:43:56 PM


Re: Astrology - Reasearch, predictions, post mortems & research




Dear Misra ji;


Do you know how Mharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jamani met there end?.


Find out about it then we shall deliberate if death could be predicted and


escaped or not.


shall wait for your answer.




Kulbir Bains.




On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <


dhirendranathmisra@ ymail.com> wrote:










> Discussion of Chandramouli Dasu's Case-Next Opinion for your


> satisfaction( Not by wordsworth), nor from Lala Ki Kitab-



              As this is


> a postmortem, first of all we must look at the sack of Poorvapunya to see


> the breathing period of the native in this world, brought by him from the


> previous birth as results of his good deeds done. It is Longevity.


> Longevity




> Lagna Sub Lord is Sa L/o 11,12 in 5 (Lord of 5th Mo. is in the 12(End of


> Life) a house owned by Sa. It is in the Star of Me. L/o 4(Grave, End of


> everything) & 7(Maraka & Badhaka) in 6 and in the Sub of Ra in 7(Maraka &


> Badhaka). Sa aspects Ra in 7 (M & B), 2 (Maraka) and 11 & 12 (End of Life)


> Here Me the Star Lord of Sa has acquired the ruling power for 6th Cusp and


> planet Ke (1) and Mo (12)as Star Lord.


> Ra the Sub of Sa, is in his own Star is the Star Lord of 8th and in


> addition to Sa, Su (12), & Ke (6,1,4,7) are in the Sub of Ra.


> Hence the Sub Lord of Lagna, Sa is a significator for 2,6,5,4,7,11, 12 and


> connected to 8th Cusp, resulting short life to the native up to 33 years. Ra


> by being a strong significator for the longevity of this native have to play


> a vital role in this chart.




> In addition to the Lagna Sub, we must scrutinize the cusp 3 and 8 too for a


> final judgment of the longevity.




> 3rd Sub is Ve L/o 3 & 8 in 3 in her own Sub and in the Star of Ma L/o 2


> (Maraka) & 9 (Past deeds) in 6 (Disease) and Ve aspects 10th (Doctors,


> medicine & Retirement from the life). Further as in Western method Ve is


> Square to Lagna and 7 (M), Trine(Separating) to 12 & conjoined to 4th house


> @ 4 D.59 M and Ju the Lagna Lord.


> So 3rd Sub Ve is a significator for 2(M), 3, 6, 10, 7(M & B), 4, 1, 12. As


> per the House Grouping of Shri TW ji, If the sub lord of the 3rd  is a


> significator for 8, 12 and Maraka & Badhaka and it danger to the life.




> 8th Cusp Sub is Ju L/o 1 (Aathma) & 10 (Paraloka) in 3, in the star of Ma


> L/o 2(M) & 9 in 3 in a house and Sub division of Ve  as discussed above. As


> per Vedic Ju aspects 8 and 10.  In Western Ju is Sq. to Lagna Bhawa & 7(M),


> Conjunction to 4, Opposition to 10, Trine to 12. In addition Ju is a


> co-ruler for  6, 7 & 12 as Sub Sub Lord.


> Any of these significations or connections are not beneficial for the


> longevity of this natrive.




> The above three scrutinizing clearly shows the short life span for the


> native.




> Liquor Addiction




> **The uncontrollable desire for intoxicating and Spirituous Liquors is


> called Dipsomania. This is a disease of a Watery sign. if the Asc. is Cancer


> or Scorpio or Pisces and afflicted, the native will be a victim of this


> disease. Here the Lagna is Pisces and it is afflicted by Ve the lord of 3 &


> 8 and Ju both are Sq. to the 1st cusp (Western). Ju is not only the lagna


> and 10th Lord. It is the Sub Lord for 8 and Sub Sub for 6 & 7 too.  It is in


> the house of Me the lord of 4 & 7 and in the Star of Ma Lord of 2 (M) and in


> the sub and sub sub of Ve Lord of 8. So the Lagna Bhawa is afflicted and the


> native was under Dipsomania.




> **The tendency to drink in excessive is due to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces when


> strong and predominating the map of birth and the Sun, Moon, Asc, or many


> planets in the watery signs at birth and afflicted tend to strong drink and


> dissipation there from.




> **Death by Intoxication - Ur or Sa in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and afflict


> Mo. Pisces on the Asc.


> ** Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by H.L.Cornell




> In this chart Saturn is posited in Cancer and it is opposite to Moon and


> Sa is  in the star of Me L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B) posited in 6th


> (Diseases)  and in the Sub of Ra in 7 (M & B) This Sa is also opposite to 12th


> house and hence both Sa(Cancer) and Mo(Aquarius) are afflicted and supported


> for death by Intoxication of Drugs. Further more the native should have had


> Cirrhosis as a result of excessive drink, which clearly shown by Sa, as


> Cirrhosis is a disease of Sa.






> Death


> Native Passed away on 23.01.2010 at 2:41PM after long treatment at Houston


> , Texas , U.S.A.




> This native was born in India and died in USA.


> “If the sub Lord of the 8th, is a significator for 9th cusp, the native may


> die in a place faraway from the place of birth. The 8th sub is Ju is a


> significator for 9th through its star Lord Ma and at the same time Ma is the


> Lord of 2 (Marakasthanadhipat hi). Hence the rule for the place of death is


> completed.






> DBAS on Death


> In Birth Maha Dasa of Mars was running with a balance of 2 Years, 11 Months


> and 8 Days. On the date of death it was JU-MO-RA-RA as DBAS.




> Dasa Nath Ju is the Sub of 8th and posited in 3rd with conjunction of Ve.


> Both Ju and Ve are in the Star of Ma (L/o 2 Maraka) and it is a Karaka for


> unnatural death. On the date of the death Ju have transited on the Sign of


> Sa (6,4,7,12) & SSub and Star & Sub of Ra (3,7,2)


> Ju is karak for Blood disorders, Blood Poisioning, Enlargement of bodily


> organs(Here it may be Liver or/and Kidney) Glandular System of the Body,


> Liver Troubles etc. Hence the native should have had any or more of these


> defects at the time the death.




> Bukthi Nath Moon is also under the star sway of Ma and in the sub of Me the


> L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B). On the other hand Ma is in Mo’s star


> and  have interchanged their Stars as well as Signs. So both Mo and Ma are


> strong significators for 12 (Life ending place). On the particular day Mo


> was transiting on Ma’s sign, Ke’s star, Me sub and Sa SSub. Here Ke is


> posited in Lagna Bhawa in the Star of Me(1,6,4,7) and in the sub of Ra in 7.


> and Ke is an agent for Ju( Dasa Nath & CSL 8) and Me(4,7). Me and Ke have


> interchanged their stars and signify 1,6,4,7. Mo’s transiting SSub is Sa as


> discussed.




> Ra is the Anthar and shookshma. By being an agent for Me, Ma & Sa, node Ra


> is the worst and strongest planet for the demise  of this native. Ra was


> looking at the matters of  8th  (Death) with his power of  Star, by placing


> in the 7th Maraka and Badhaka. Ra was transiting on Ju’s sign, Ve Star,Ke


> sub and Sa’s SSub.


> The most remarkable feature of these planetary transiting is all the DBAS


> were transiting in the Sub Sub of Saturn (6-Disease, 4- End of every thing,


> 7- Maraka & Badhaka, 12- Moksha) on this day. The Day was also Saturday.!




> So all the DBAS have contributed their rations, in deciding the date and


> the reason for the death of this native.


> With thanks & regards,


> Dhirendra Nath Misra






> ____________ _________ _________ __


> Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ <sureshbabuag% 40> >


> <% 40. com>


> Thu, March 25, 2010 2:02:38 AM


> Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &


> research






> Dear All




> Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.




> Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning




> I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to financial


> year ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum, not


> that there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple truth


> I could not find any.




> Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the


> stars.




> World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they know,


> beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at any


> cost. Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring with


> them is genuine. The “Society of Internet Astrologers†are no different.


> They talk a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and make


> others also fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not


> confused at all, no matter if he fails.




> In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of


> confusion. The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written about


> Saints, their charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th


> house. Sad is the status of Astrology when the so called educated &


> intelligent don’t even know the fundamental principles and call themselves


> modern Astrolgers with fancy degrees attached to them.




> Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every designer


> to outwit others incorporating lot of “features†and theories and claiming


> the researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of Astrology.




> There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics and


> every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a quick


> look at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new breed


> of Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.




> I have been also reading about the need for research in this science. But


> one thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one must


> be thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically


> these people do not have.




> We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every one


> was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn


> became the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna


> Paramahamsa, without whom we may not even know such a person existed.


> Narendra was intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the truth, the


> right path, only through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are several


> such Narendras now who are groping in the dark, even after buying and


> reading all the classicals one could lay their hands on. In fact, the number


> has grown exponentially due to the easy availability of Astrology works,


> mostly story tellers, rather than genuine works. The funny thing is these


> narendras either do not make enough effort to find their Ramakrishnas or it


> simply is not in them to become those Viveka-anandas. They simple end up


> being “Andas†and pull others also in their “Andakaraâ€.




> Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no


> wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of


> Jupiter. Why should “I†learn from a teacher / others. “I†am



> myself and do not consider any one as “my†teacher. Why should “Iâ€



> initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While “I†could consider lord Shiva as my


> teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do “I†person know


> him?




> Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically


> explaining every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should take


> refuge in the standard “divinityâ€, nor could they ignore it.




> Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in tandem-


> (A) the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the category


> A. So how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with


> conflicting theories and systems? And some very inadequate except on a very


> external level but claimed to be perfect?.




> I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and most


> times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain that if


> astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict every


> thing.




> Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir’s data and date of accident,


> the indications.




> The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a


> given date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what


> might happen? In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face every


> day, not on the Internet, but on face to face encounters.




> Why is it difficult to predict?




> If we look at Tanvi’s chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,




> He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.




> Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted in


> the 5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon and


> Mars in the 11th.




> 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother’s relatives and


> friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.




> Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd & 9th


> lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd


> house also indicates the family of the spouse according to some classical


> works.




> Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in the


> 5th house of children.




> Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is always


> a benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted confer


> lots of good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects (it


> need not turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does not


> mean benefic planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will


> always be malefic or at all times.




> So basically there are four possibilities here




> A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars in


> the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only if


> the native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all


> times, provided the native’s mother is still living.




> An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct


> indication. This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a


> native visits an astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at the


> time. Such factors help the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict


> accurately. This is grossly lacking on the Internet queries.




> But a natural question that arises is why can’t we select or pin point from


> the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that


> easy. The time required to verify various factors would be much more.




> If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and


> vahana rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man – again


> indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is two


> – two wheeler.




> So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu &


> Mars.




> Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these planets


> and Saturn aspecting them.




> Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.




> It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.




> Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus +


> Mercury.




> Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates


> spouse , being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel


> (gamana-agamana) .




> Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th house –


> Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It could


> again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And when we


> look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas


> standing there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to think


> that something might happened to the natives spouse. The only consolation


> being the aspect of Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika another


> dwiswabhava rasi also indicate two numbers. This also could mean that the


> native could be having two vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income etc.


> (don’t misunderstand me about mothers- one could be the lady who gave birth


> and the other who loves him like a mother & taken care of him when he was a


> child).




> So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus comes


> into play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be troublesome.




> Transit & day of accident.




> On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu,


> again indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.




> However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I


> thought of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother.


> Vehicles / accidents was only the last thought.




> How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even


> predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how Kalachakra


> dasa & Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few who


> cared is ample proof.




> Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords from


> those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those signs,


> the native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.




> To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its trinona


> rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord from


> that bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native shall


> experience difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic transits,


> the native shall experience good effects also. This theory is not absolute


> but a fair indication.




> In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct


> indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on


> Thula sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is also


> the dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).




> There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An attempt


> to answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it did


> not affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in the


> analysis. Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the correct


> analysis.




> Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why


> quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.




> Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with nature.


> Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become clear


> to him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start


> speaking to him.




> A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy





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SiRR Ji;

Thanks for your observations,

I shall always remember them.


" What cannot be cured should be endured "


Beete hue lamhon ki Kasak saath to *hogi; khabon hi mein ho chaahe mulaqat

to hogi*




*Kulbir Bains.*


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 6:39 AM, rohinicrystal <jyotish_vaniwrote:




> Dear Kulbir,


> It is true that DEATH has a special meaning for all human beings. As they

> say, there is ONE certainty in our lives.


> " LIFE is a terminal Illness "


> 'From this carnival, no one escapes alive!'


> And yet, at each encounter, most, if not all human beings appear shocked,

> surprised, as if death was unexpected! I realize that when someone falls

> young, the shock and pain is understandably severe and if such an experience

> were to occur to a parent or children or to any loved one, the moment could

> be so devastating and transforming.


> In my personal reality death arrived in a rather bizarre manner. My mother

> died which was sad but not unexpected, she being 90 years old and suffering

> from several diseases and having lost her eyesight during her last year of

> life, personal life for her was simply stated miserable. She was living with

> my brother then and after I arrived upon hearing about the death and as

> other relatives arrived and well-wishers and so forth -- despite the usual

> chaos that ensues during such events and the way different people react to

> the inevitable, namely, death and dying -- I had a unique opportunity to

> observe and study people, related and otherwise and all the usual human

> politics and dramas that do not leave human experience even during such a

> sombre moment as death-the-inevitable!


> But I also took the time to spend a lot of time with my eldest brother. He

> was the closest to Ma and while deeply affected, as I could clearly see, had

> to put on a brave face and a practical one. Anyway, so as not to bore you

> with details, on the day of Ma's funeral, he was going to deliver a

> 'memorial address' as is the custom in order to remember the soul that

> passed on and to celebrate their LIFETIME, despite the sorrow of parting.


> Guess what? Dada died on the morning of Ma's funeral. I had to step in, to

> deliver the memorial address for Ma and a few days later for Dada!


> One learns as one goes and grows! That is life!


> Learn more about LIFE and do not worry about DEATH!


> Death is a certainty but a momentary one! No matter WHO you ARE!


> Remember and LIVE LIFE fully and if possible LOVE LIFE and all others who

> cross your path during the much longer life than the moment of DEATH!


> Anyway, I chose to accept that as the lesson from my experience of

> double-death in family that took away TWO of the most loved ones in my life,

> just like that, within days of one another!


> Love,


> Rohiniranjan



> <%40>,

> Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb wrote:

> >

> > Dear Misra ji;

> > Do you know how Mharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jamani met there

> end?.

> > Find out about it then we shall deliberate if death could be predicted

> and

> > escaped or not.

> > shall wait for your answer.

> > Regards

> > Kulbir Bains.

> >

> > On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <

> > dhirendranathmisra wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Discussion of Chandramouli Dasu's Case-Next Opinion for your

> > > satisfaction(Not by wordsworth),nor from Lala Ki Kitab-

> > > As this is

> > > a postmortem, first of all we must look at the sack of Poorvapunya to

> see

> > > the breathing period of the native in this world, brought by him from

> the

> > > previous birth as results of his good deeds done. It is Longevity.

> > > Longevity

> > >

> > > Lagna Sub Lord is Sa L/o 11,12 in 5 (Lord of 5th Mo. is in the 12(End

> of

> > > Life) a house owned by Sa. It is in the Star of Me. L/o 4(Grave, End of

> > > everything) & 7(Maraka & Badhaka) in 6 and in the Sub of Ra in 7(Maraka

> &

> > > Badhaka). Sa aspects Ra in 7 (M & B), 2 (Maraka) and 11 & 12 (End of

> Life)

> > > Here Me the Star Lord of Sa has acquired the ruling power for 6th Cusp

> and

> > > planet Ke (1) and Mo (12)as Star Lord.

> > > Ra the Sub of Sa, is in his own Star is the Star Lord of 8th and in

> > > addition to Sa, Su (12), & Ke (6,1,4,7) are in the Sub of Ra.

> > > Hence the Sub Lord of Lagna, Sa is a significator for 2,6,5,4,7,11,12

> and

> > > connected to 8th Cusp, resulting short life to the native up to 33

> years. Ra

> > > by being a strong significator for the longevity of this native have to

> play

> > > a vital role in this chart.

> > >

> > > In addition to the Lagna Sub, we must scrutinize the cusp 3 and 8 too

> for a

> > > final judgment of the longevity.

> > >

> > > 3rd Sub is Ve L/o 3 & 8 in 3 in her own Sub and in the Star of Ma L/o 2

> > > (Maraka) & 9 (Past deeds) in 6 (Disease) and Ve aspects 10th (Doctors,

> > > medicine & Retirement from the life). Further as in Western method Ve

> is

> > > Square to Lagna and 7 (M), Trine(Separating) to 12 & conjoined to 4th

> house

> > > @ 4 D.59 M and Ju the Lagna Lord.

> > > So 3rd Sub Ve is a significator for 2(M), 3, 6, 10, 7(M & B), 4, 1, 12.

> As

> > > per the House Grouping of Shri TW ji, If the sub lord of the 3rd is a

> > > significator for 8, 12 and Maraka & Badhaka and it danger to the life.

> > >

> > > 8th Cusp Sub is Ju L/o 1 (Aathma) & 10 (Paraloka) in 3, in the star of

> Ma

> > > L/o 2(M) & 9 in 3 in a house and Sub division of Ve as discussed above.

> As

> > > per Vedic Ju aspects 8 and 10. In Western Ju is Sq. to Lagna Bhawa &

> 7(M),

> > > Conjunction to 4, Opposition to 10, Trine to 12. In addition Ju is a

> > > co-ruler for 6, 7 & 12 as Sub Sub Lord.

> > > Any of these significations or connections are not beneficial for the

> > > longevity of this natrive.

> > >

> > > The above three scrutinizing clearly shows the short life span for the

> > > native.

> > >

> > > Liquor Addiction

> > >

> > > **The uncontrollable desire for intoxicating and Spirituous Liquors is

> > > called Dipsomania. This is a disease of a Watery sign. if the Asc. is

> Cancer

> > > or Scorpio or Pisces and afflicted, the native will be a victim of this

> > > disease. Here the Lagna is Pisces and it is afflicted by Ve the lord of

> 3 &

> > > 8 and Ju both are Sq. to the 1st cusp (Western). Ju is not only the

> lagna

> > > and 10th Lord. It is the Sub Lord for 8 and Sub Sub for 6 & 7 too. It

> is in

> > > the house of Me the lord of 4 & 7 and in the Star of Ma Lord of 2 (M)

> and in

> > > the sub and sub sub of Ve Lord of 8. So the Lagna Bhawa is afflicted

> and the

> > > native was under Dipsomania.

> > >

> > > **The tendency to drink in excessive is due to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

> when

> > > strong and predominating the map of birth and the Sun, Moon, Asc, or

> many

> > > planets in the watery signs at birth and afflicted tend to strong drink

> and

> > > dissipation there from.

> > >

> > > **Death by Intoxication - Ur or Sa in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and

> afflict

> > > Mo. Pisces on the Asc.

> > > ** Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by H.L.Cornell

> > >

> > > In this chart Saturn is posited in Cancer and it is opposite to Moon

> and

> > > Sa is in the star of Me L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B) posited in

> 6th

> > > (Diseases) and in the Sub of Ra in 7 (M & B) This Sa is also opposite to

> 12th

> > > house and hence both Sa(Cancer) and Mo(Aquarius) are afflicted and

> supported

> > > for death by Intoxication of Drugs. Further more the native should have

> had

> > > Cirrhosis as a result of excessive drink, which clearly shown by Sa, as

> > > Cirrhosis is a disease of Sa.

> > >

> > >

> > > Death

> > > Native Passed away on 23.01.2010 at 2:41PM after long treatment at

> Houston

> > > , Texas , U.S.A.

> > >

> > > This native was born in India and died in USA.

> > > " If the sub Lord of the 8th, is a significator for 9th cusp, the native

> may

> > > die in a place faraway from the place of birth. The 8th sub is Ju is a

> > > significator for 9th through its star Lord Ma and at the same time Ma

> is the

> > > Lord of 2 (Marakasthanadhipathi). Hence the rule for the place of death

> is

> > > completed.

> > >

> > >

> > > DBAS on Death

> > > In Birth Maha Dasa of Mars was running with a balance of 2 Years, 11

> Months

> > > and 8 Days. On the date of death it was JU-MO-RA-RA as DBAS.

> > >

> > > Dasa Nath Ju is the Sub of 8th and posited in 3rd with conjunction of

> Ve.

> > > Both Ju and Ve are in the Star of Ma (L/o 2 Maraka) and it is a Karaka

> for

> > > unnatural death. On the date of the death Ju have transited on the Sign

> of

> > > Sa (6,4,7,12) & SSub and Star & Sub of Ra (3,7,2)

> > > Ju is karak for Blood disorders, Blood Poisioning, Enlargement of

> bodily

> > > organs(Here it may be Liver or/and Kidney) Glandular System of the

> Body,

> > > Liver Troubles etc. Hence the native should have had any or more of

> these

> > > defects at the time the death.

> > >

> > > Bukthi Nath Moon is also under the star sway of Ma and in the sub of Me

> the

> > > L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B). On the other hand Ma is in Mo's

> star

> > > and have interchanged their Stars as well as Signs. So both Mo and Ma

> are

> > > strong significators for 12 (Life ending place). On the particular day

> Mo

> > > was transiting on Ma's sign, Ke's star, Me sub and Sa SSub. Here Ke is

> > > posited in Lagna Bhawa in the Star of Me(1,6,4,7) and in the sub of Ra

> in 7.

> > > and Ke is an agent for Ju( Dasa Nath & CSL 8) and Me(4,7). Me and Ke

> have

> > > interchanged their stars and signify 1,6,4,7. Mo's transiting SSub is

> Sa as

> > > discussed.

> > >

> > > Ra is the Anthar and shookshma. By being an agent for Me, Ma & Sa, node

> Ra

> > > is the worst and strongest planet for the demise of this native. Ra was

> > > looking at the matters of 8th (Death) with his power of Star, by

> placing

> > > in the 7th Maraka and Badhaka. Ra was transiting on Ju's sign, Ve

> Star,Ke

> > > sub and Sa's SSub.

> > > The most remarkable feature of these planetary transiting is all the


> > > were transiting in the Sub Sub of Saturn (6-Disease, 4- End of every

> thing,

> > > 7- Maraka & Badhaka, 12- Moksha) on this day. The Day was also

> Saturday.!

> > >

> > > So all the DBAS have contributed their rations, in deciding the date

> and

> > > the reason for the death of this native.

> > > With thanks & regards,

> > > Dhirendra Nath Misra

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag%40>>

> > > To:



> 40>


> > > Thu, March 25, 2010 2:02:38 AM

> > > Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems

> &

> > > research

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear All

> > >

> > > Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.

> > >

> > > Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning

> > >

> > > I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to

> financial

> > > year ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the

> forum, not

> > > that there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple

> truth

> > > I could not find any.

> > >

> > > Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about

> the

> > > stars.

> > >

> > > World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they

> know,

> > > beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at

> any

> > > cost. Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring

> with

> > > them is genuine. The " Society of Internet Astrologers " are no

> different.

> > > They talk a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and

> make

> > > others also fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not

> > > confused at all, no matter if he fails.

> > >

> > > In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of

> > > confusion. The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written

> about

> > > Saints, their charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th

> > > house. Sad is the status of Astrology when the so called educated &

> > > intelligent don't even know the fundamental principles and call

> themselves

> > > modern Astrolgers with fancy degrees attached to them.

> > >

> > > Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every

> designer

> > > to outwit others incorporating lot of " features " and theories and

> claiming

> > > the researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of

> Astrology.

> > >

> > > There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics

> and

> > > every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a

> quick

> > > look at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new

> breed

> > > of Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.

> > >

> > > I have been also reading about the need for research in this science.

> But

> > > one thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one

> must

> > > be thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically

> > > these people do not have.

> > >

> > > We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every

> one

> > > was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn

> > > became the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna

> > > Paramahamsa, without whom we may not even know such a person existed.

> > > Narendra was intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the

> truth, the

> > > right path, only through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are

> several

> > > such Narendras now who are groping in the dark, even after buying and

> > > reading all the classicals one could lay their hands on. In fact, the

> number

> > > has grown exponentially due to the easy availability of Astrology

> works,

> > > mostly story tellers, rather than genuine works. The funny thing is

> these

> > > narendras either do not make enough effort to find their Ramakrishnas

> or it

> > > simply is not in them to become those Viveka-anandas. They simple end

> up

> > > being " Andas " and pull others also in their " Andakara " .

> > >

> > > Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor,

> no

> > > wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of

> > > Jupiter. Why should " I " learn from a teacher / others. " I " am

> intelligent

> > > myself and do not consider any one as " my " teacher. Why should " I " take

> > > initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While " I " could consider lord Shiva as

> my

> > > teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do " I " person

> know

> > > him?

> > >

> > > Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically

> > > explaining every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should

> take

> > > refuge in the standard " divinity " , nor could they ignore it.

> > >

> > > Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in

> tandem-

> > > (A) the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the

> category

> > > A. So how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with

> > > conflicting theories and systems? And some very inadequate except on a

> very

> > > external level but claimed to be perfect?.

> > >

> > > I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and

> most

> > > times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain

> that if

> > > astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict

> every

> > > thing.

> > >

> > > Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir's data and date of

> accident,

> > > the indications.

> > >

> > > The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a

> > > given date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what

> > > might happen? In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face

> every

> > > day, not on the Internet, but on face to face encounters.

> > >

> > > Why is it difficult to predict?

> > >

> > > If we look at Tanvi's chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,

> > >

> > > He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.

> > >

> > > Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted

> in

> > > the 5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of

> Moon and

> > > Mars in the 11th.

> > >

> > > 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother's relatives

> and

> > > friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.

> > >

> > > Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd &

> 9th

> > > lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd

> > > house also indicates the family of the spouse according to some

> classical

> > > works.

> > >

> > > Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in

> the

> > > 5th house of children.

> > >

> > > Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is

> always

> > > a benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted

> confer

> > > lots of good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects

> (it

> > > need not turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does

> not

> > > mean benefic planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets

> will

> > > always be malefic or at all times.

> > >

> > > So basically there are four possibilities here

> > >

> > > A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars

> in

> > > the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only

> if

> > > the native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all

> > > times, provided the native's mother is still living.

> > >

> > > An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct

> > > indication. This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a

> > > native visits an astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at

> the

> > > time. Such factors help the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict

> > > accurately. This is grossly lacking on the Internet queries.

> > >

> > > But a natural question that arises is why can't we select or pin point

> from

> > > the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that

> > > easy. The time required to verify various factors would be much more.

> > >

> > > If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and

> > > vahana rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man –

> again

> > > indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number

> is two

> > > – two wheeler.

> > >

> > > So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu

> &

> > > Mars.

> > >

> > > Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these

> planets

> > > and Saturn aspecting them.

> > >

> > > Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.

> > >

> > > It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.

> > >

> > > Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus +

> > > Mercury.

> > >

> > > Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates

> > > spouse , being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel

> > > (gamana-agamana) .

> > >

> > > Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th

> house –

> > > Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It

> could

> > > again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And

> when we

> > > look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas

> > > standing there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to

> think

> > > that something might happened to the natives spouse. The only

> consolation

> > > being the aspect of Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika

> another

> > > dwiswabhava rasi also indicate two numbers. This also could mean that

> the

> > > native could be having two vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income

> etc.

> > > (don't misunderstand me about mothers- one could be the lady who gave

> birth

> > > and the other who loves him like a mother & taken care of him when he

> was a

> > > child).

> > >

> > > So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus

> comes

> > > into play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be

> troublesome.

> > >

> > > Transit & day of accident.

> > >

> > > On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu,

> > > again indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.

> > >

> > > However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I

> > > thought of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother.

> > > Vehicles / accidents was only the last thought.

> > >

> > > How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or

> even

> > > predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how

> Kalachakra

> > > dasa & Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a

> few who

> > > cared is ample proof.

> > >

> > > Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords

> from

> > > those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those

> signs,

> > > the native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.

> > >

> > > To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its

> trinona

> > > rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord

> from

> > > that bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native

> shall

> > > experience difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic

> transits,

> > > the native shall experience good effects also. This theory is not

> absolute

> > > but a fair indication.

> > >

> > > In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

> > > indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on

> > > Thula sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is

> also

> > > the dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).

> > >

> > > There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An

> attempt

> > > to answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it

> did

> > > not affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in

> the

> > > analysis. Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the

> correct

> > > analysis.

> > >

> > > Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and

> why

> > > quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.

> > >

> > > Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with

> nature.

> > > Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become

> clear

> > > to him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start

> > > speaking to him.

> > >

> > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> > >

> > >

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A Punjabi quartet by the Punjabi poet Prof. Mohan Singh


*Rabb ik gunjhaldar ibbarat, rabb ik gorakhdhandha,

Pech aes de kholde, kholde kaafir ho jaye banda,

Kaafir honon dareen na bandaya, khojon mool na khunjeen,

Lai lag mom’in de naalon, khoji kaafir changa.*


*Nature (GOD) is a complicated phenomenon; many times attempting to

understanding it makes the seeker atheist; But one shouldn't be afraid of

consequences if one seeks the TRUTH; Anyways a researcher-atheist is far

better than a blind faith person.*







Kulbir Bains.


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Vattem Krishnan <bursar_99wrote:




> Needs Sadhana but no research://if possible LOVE LIFE and all others who

> cross your path//

> Harmony in every thing that comes of LOVE LIFE.A positive factor. " Radhe

> Kishan. "


> Vattem Krishnan Cyber Jyotish Services(For all counseling

> services)Dr.B.V.Raman " Fools Obey Planets While Wisemen Can Control

> Them " Planets are neutral Controllers of Mans Karma






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one is true light, while the other is just a reflection with perhaps a dimmer

but gentler 'light'! Sometimes the reduced 'glare' helps in disseminating the

message and information ;-)




, " Raj " <rajbhardwaj1949 wrote:


> My dear Rohini,


> Yes...I am getting it clearly. I am feelings more closer with two Deepaks ;

and understanding more clearly the legacy they both left behind ! With my love

and blessings.


> Raj Bhardwaj


> Raj Bhardwaj


> , " rohinicrystal " <jyotish_vani@>


> >

> > Dear Kulbir,

> >

> > It is true that DEATH has a special meaning for all human beings. As they

say, there is ONE certainty in our lives.

> >

> > " LIFE is a terminal Illness "

> >

> > 'From this carnival, no one escapes alive!'

> >

> > And yet, at each encounter, most, if not all human beings appear shocked,

surprised, as if death was unexpected! I realize that when someone falls young,

the shock and pain is understandably severe and if such an experience were to

occur to a parent or children or to any loved one, the moment could be so

devastating and transforming.

> >

> > In my personal reality death arrived in a rather bizarre manner. My mother

died which was sad but not unexpected, she being 90 years old and suffering from

several diseases and having lost her eyesight during her last year of life,

personal life for her was simply stated miserable. She was living with my

brother then and after I arrived upon hearing about the death and as other

relatives arrived and well-wishers and so forth -- despite the usual chaos that

ensues during such events and the way different people react to the inevitable,

namely, death and dying -- I had a unique opportunity to observe and study

people, related and otherwise and all the usual human politics and dramas that

do not leave human experience even during such a sombre moment as


> >

> > But I also took the time to spend a lot of time with my eldest brother. He

was the closest to Ma and while deeply affected, as I could clearly see, had to

put on a brave face and a practical one. Anyway, so as not to bore you with

details, on the day of Ma's funeral, he was going to deliver a 'memorial

address' as is the custom in order to remember the soul that passed on and to

celebrate their LIFETIME, despite the sorrow of parting.

> >

> > Guess what? Dada died on the morning of Ma's funeral. I had to step in, to

deliver the memorial address for Ma and a few days later for Dada!

> >

> > One learns as one goes and grows! That is life!

> >

> > Learn more about LIFE and do not worry about DEATH!

> >

> > Death is a certainty but a momentary one! No matter WHO you ARE!

> >

> > Remember and LIVE LIFE fully and if possible LOVE LIFE and all others who

cross your path during the much longer life than the moment of DEATH!

> >

> > Anyway, I chose to accept that as the lesson from my experience of

double-death in family that took away TWO of the most loved ones in my life,

just like that, within days of one another!

> >

> > Love,

> >

> > Rohiniranjan

> >

> > , Kulbir Bains <lalkitabkb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Misra ji;

> > > Do you know how Mharaishi Patanjali, Varahmihir and Jamani met there end?.

> > > Find out about it then we shall deliberate if death could be predicted and

> > > escaped or not.

> > > shall wait for your answer.

> > > Regards

> > > Kulbir Bains.

> > >

> > > On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Dhirendra Nath Misra <

> > > dhirendranathmisra@> wrote:

> > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Discussion of Chandramouli Dasu's Case-Next Opinion for your

> > > > satisfaction(Not by wordsworth),nor from Lala Ki Kitab-

> > > > As this


> > > > a postmortem, first of all we must look at the sack of Poorvapunya to


> > > > the breathing period of the native in this world, brought by him from


> > > > previous birth as results of his good deeds done. It is Longevity.

> > > > Longevity

> > > >

> > > > Lagna Sub Lord is Sa L/o 11,12 in 5 (Lord of 5th Mo. is in the 12(End of

> > > > Life) a house owned by Sa. It is in the Star of Me. L/o 4(Grave, End of

> > > > everything) & 7(Maraka & Badhaka) in 6 and in the Sub of Ra in 7(Maraka


> > > > Badhaka). Sa aspects Ra in 7 (M & B), 2 (Maraka) and 11 & 12 (End of Life)

> > > > Here Me the Star Lord of Sa has acquired the ruling power for 6th Cusp


> > > > planet Ke (1) and Mo (12)as Star Lord.

> > > > Ra the Sub of Sa, is in his own Star is the Star Lord of 8th and in

> > > > addition to Sa, Su (12), & Ke (6,1,4,7) are in the Sub of Ra.

> > > > Hence the Sub Lord of Lagna, Sa is a significator for 2,6,5,4,7,11,12


> > > > connected to 8th Cusp, resulting short life to the native up to 33

years. Ra

> > > > by being a strong significator for the longevity of this native have to


> > > > a vital role in this chart.

> > > >

> > > > In addition to the Lagna Sub, we must scrutinize the cusp 3 and 8 too

for a

> > > > final judgment of the longevity.

> > > >

> > > > 3rd Sub is Ve L/o 3 & 8 in 3 in her own Sub and in the Star of Ma L/o 2

> > > > (Maraka) & 9 (Past deeds) in 6 (Disease) and Ve aspects 10th (Doctors,

> > > > medicine & Retirement from the life). Further as in Western method Ve is

> > > > Square to Lagna and 7 (M), Trine(Separating) to 12 & conjoined to 4th


> > > > @ 4 D.59 M and Ju the Lagna Lord.

> > > > So 3rd Sub Ve is a significator for 2(M), 3, 6, 10, 7(M & B), 4, 1, 12. As

> > > > per the House Grouping of Shri TW ji, If the sub lord of the 3rd is a

> > > > significator for 8, 12 and Maraka & Badhaka and it danger to the life.

> > > >

> > > > 8th Cusp Sub is Ju L/o 1 (Aathma) & 10 (Paraloka) in 3, in the star of


> > > > L/o 2(M) & 9 in 3 in a house and Sub division of Ve as discussed above.


> > > > per Vedic Ju aspects 8 and 10. In Western Ju is Sq. to Lagna Bhawa &


> > > > Conjunction to 4, Opposition to 10, Trine to 12. In addition Ju is a

> > > > co-ruler for 6, 7 & 12 as Sub Sub Lord.

> > > > Any of these significations or connections are not beneficial for the

> > > > longevity of this natrive.

> > > >

> > > > The above three scrutinizing clearly shows the short life span for the

> > > > native.

> > > >

> > > > Liquor Addiction

> > > >

> > > > **The uncontrollable desire for intoxicating and Spirituous Liquors is

> > > > called Dipsomania. This is a disease of a Watery sign. if the Asc. is


> > > > or Scorpio or Pisces and afflicted, the native will be a victim of this

> > > > disease. Here the Lagna is Pisces and it is afflicted by Ve the lord of

3 &

> > > > 8 and Ju both are Sq. to the 1st cusp (Western). Ju is not only the


> > > > and 10th Lord. It is the Sub Lord for 8 and Sub Sub for 6 & 7 too. It

is in

> > > > the house of Me the lord of 4 & 7 and in the Star of Ma Lord of 2 (M)

and in

> > > > the sub and sub sub of Ve Lord of 8. So the Lagna Bhawa is afflicted and


> > > > native was under Dipsomania.

> > > >

> > > > **The tendency to drink in excessive is due to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces


> > > > strong and predominating the map of birth and the Sun, Moon, Asc, or


> > > > planets in the watery signs at birth and afflicted tend to strong drink


> > > > dissipation there from.

> > > >

> > > > **Death by Intoxication - Ur or Sa in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and


> > > > Mo. Pisces on the Asc.

> > > > ** Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by H.L.Cornell

> > > >

> > > > In this chart Saturn is posited in Cancer and it is opposite to Moon and

> > > > Sa is in the star of Me L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B) posited in


> > > > (Diseases) and in the Sub of Ra in 7 (M & B) This Sa is also opposite to


> > > > house and hence both Sa(Cancer) and Mo(Aquarius) are afflicted and


> > > > for death by Intoxication of Drugs. Further more the native should have


> > > > Cirrhosis as a result of excessive drink, which clearly shown by Sa, as

> > > > Cirrhosis is a disease of Sa.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Death

> > > > Native Passed away on 23.01.2010 at 2:41PM after long treatment at


> > > > , Texas , U.S.A.

> > > >

> > > > This native was born in India and died in USA.

> > > > " If the sub Lord of the 8th, is a significator for 9th cusp, the native


> > > > die in a place faraway from the place of birth. The 8th sub is Ju is a

> > > > significator for 9th through its star Lord Ma and at the same time Ma is


> > > > Lord of 2 (Marakasthanadhipathi). Hence the rule for the place of death


> > > > completed.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > DBAS on Death

> > > > In Birth Maha Dasa of Mars was running with a balance of 2 Years, 11


> > > > and 8 Days. On the date of death it was JU-MO-RA-RA as DBAS.

> > > >

> > > > Dasa Nath Ju is the Sub of 8th and posited in 3rd with conjunction of


> > > > Both Ju and Ve are in the Star of Ma (L/o 2 Maraka) and it is a Karaka


> > > > unnatural death. On the date of the death Ju have transited on the Sign


> > > > Sa (6,4,7,12) & SSub and Star & Sub of Ra (3,7,2)

> > > > Ju is karak for Blood disorders, Blood Poisioning, Enlargement of bodily

> > > > organs(Here it may be Liver or/and Kidney) Glandular System of the Body,

> > > > Liver Troubles etc. Hence the native should have had any or more of


> > > > defects at the time the death.

> > > >

> > > > Bukthi Nath Moon is also under the star sway of Ma and in the sub of Me


> > > > L/o 4(End of everything) & 7 (M & B). On the other hand Ma is in Mo's star

> > > > and have interchanged their Stars as well as Signs. So both Mo and Ma


> > > > strong significators for 12 (Life ending place). On the particular day


> > > > was transiting on Ma's sign, Ke's star, Me sub and Sa SSub. Here Ke is

> > > > posited in Lagna Bhawa in the Star of Me(1,6,4,7) and in the sub of Ra

in 7.

> > > > and Ke is an agent for Ju( Dasa Nath & CSL 8) and Me(4,7). Me and Ke


> > > > interchanged their stars and signify 1,6,4,7. Mo's transiting SSub is Sa


> > > > discussed.

> > > >

> > > > Ra is the Anthar and shookshma. By being an agent for Me, Ma & Sa, node


> > > > is the worst and strongest planet for the demise of this native. Ra was

> > > > looking at the matters of 8th (Death) with his power of Star, by


> > > > in the 7th Maraka and Badhaka. Ra was transiting on Ju's sign, Ve


> > > > sub and Sa's SSub.

> > > > The most remarkable feature of these planetary transiting is all the


> > > > were transiting in the Sub Sub of Saturn (6-Disease, 4- End of every


> > > > 7- Maraka & Badhaka, 12- Moksha) on this day. The Day was also


> > > >

> > > > So all the DBAS have contributed their rations, in deciding the date and

> > > > the reason for the death of this native.

> > > > With thanks & regards,

> > > > Dhirendra Nath Misra

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ________________________________

> > > > Suresh Babu.A.G <sureshbabuag@ <sureshbabuag%40>>

> > > >


> > > > Thu, March 25, 2010 2:02:38 AM

> > > > Astrology - Reasearch, quizes, predictions, post mortems &

> > > > research

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear All

> > > >

> > > > Astrology, quizes, predictions & post postmortems and research.

> > > >

> > > > Tanvir & his accident on 24-Feb-2010 morning

> > > >

> > > > I was very busy with personal work for the last few days due to


> > > > year ending this March 31st and could not devote much time to the forum,


> > > > that there was much interesting going on to devote my time. The simple


> > > > I could not find any.

> > > >

> > > > Most of the messages were of typical nature the blind rambling about the

> > > > stars.

> > > >

> > > > World over, societies are created with a closed outlook on what they


> > > > beliefs, characteristics and rules. They endeavor to protect these at


> > > > cost. Most of them do not entertain outsiders even if what they bring


> > > > them is genuine. The " Society of Internet Astrologers " are no different.

> > > > They talk a lot about confusions in astrology, confused themselves and


> > > > others also fall into the same league while the true astrologer is not

> > > > confused at all, no matter if he fails.

> > > >

> > > > In fact Astrology is all about self confidence rather than that of

> > > > confusion. The classic example is that of a gentleman who had written


> > > > Saints, their charts, Upasana / Mantra sadhana & and 3rd, 6th and 11th

> > > > house. Sad is the status of Astrology when the so called educated &

> > > > intelligent don't even know the fundamental principles and call


> > > > modern Astrolgers with fancy degrees attached to them.

> > > >

> > > > Modern India had an explotion in Astrological Softwares and every


> > > > to outwit others incorporating lot of " features " and theories and


> > > > the researched finding that serve no use in the real practice of


> > > >

> > > > There has been a growing myth that Astrology is all about mathematics


> > > > every thing in life could be computed mathematically. If one takes a


> > > > look at these persons, it is easy to understand that these are the new


> > > > of Intelligentia, who lacks the simple humbleness.

> > > >

> > > > I have been also reading about the need for research in this science.


> > > > one thing these persons conveniently forget is that to do research, one


> > > > be thorough about the knowledge that already exists, which pathetically

> > > > these people do not have.

> > > >

> > > > We saw a lot of discussion on Swamy Vivekananda. But what skipped every


> > > > was how Narendra, an ordinary boy with extraordinary capacity to learn

> > > > became the Swamy as the world now knows him. He met Shree Ramakrishna

> > > > Paramahamsa, without whom we may not even know such a person existed.

> > > > Narendra was intelligent and had great knowledge but realized the truth,


> > > > right path, only through Ramakrishna. In Astrology also there are


> > > > such Narendras now who are groping in the dark, even after buying and

> > > > reading all the classicals one could lay their hands on. In fact, the


> > > > has grown exponentially due to the easy availability of Astrology works,

> > > > mostly story tellers, rather than genuine works. The funny thing is


> > > > narendras either do not make enough effort to find their Ramakrishnas or


> > > > simply is not in them to become those Viveka-anandas. They simple end up

> > > > being " Andas " and pull others also in their " Andakara " .

> > > >

> > > > Funny though, the Intelligentia resents the thought of Guru / mentor, no

> > > > wonder how the sages with foresight stated that mercury is an enemy of

> > > > Jupiter. Why should " I " learn from a teacher / others. " I " am


> > > > myself and do not consider any one as " my " teacher. Why should " I " take

> > > > initiation of Mantra sasdhana? While " I " could consider lord Shiva as my

> > > > teacher and do it? By the way who is this great Shiva? Do " I " person


> > > > him?

> > > >

> > > > Astrology is not about predicting correctly or the mathematically

> > > > explaining every thing. This does not mean that the astrologers should


> > > > refuge in the standard " divinity " , nor could they ignore it.

> > > >

> > > > Unlike other material sciences, Astrology has two parts working in


> > > > (A) the JaTaa / Stoola and (B) Jeeva. Research could be done in the


> > > > A. So how far it could help by standardizing the classicals, with

> > > > conflicting theories and systems? And some very inadequate except on a


> > > > external level but claimed to be perfect?.

> > > >

> > > > I had several times explained that answering quizzes is not easy and


> > > > times it may end up in failure. Why ? Rohini ji had tried to explain

that if

> > > > astrology was that simple we could write a software program to predict


> > > > thing.

> > > >

> > > > Let me try to clarify this further with Tanvir's data and date of


> > > > the indications.

> > > >

> > > > The task is of two kinds. (A) To predict what might have happened on a

> > > > given date (B) to predict in advance that on such a date / period, what

> > > > might happen? In most cases, it is the second one, we astrologers face


> > > > day, not on the Internet, but on face to face encounters.

> > > >

> > > > Why is it difficult to predict?

> > > >

> > > > If we look at Tanvi's chart and Dasa on 24-Feb-2010,

> > > >

> > > > He was going through, Ketu-Venus-Mars period of Vimshottari.

> > > >

> > > > Now Ketu & Venus are both placed in the 4th house while Mars is exalted


> > > > the 5th. Here is the confusion. Ketu + Venus is also in the 10th of Moon


> > > > Mars in the 11th.

> > > >

> > > > 4th as we know signifies, vehicles, Mother, home, mother's relatives and

> > > > friends. So Ketu dasa as a whole could signify any of the above.

> > > >

> > > > Venus on the other hand signifies, Vehicles, Spouse and being the 2nd &


> > > > lord also indicate finance, father and forefathers. If married, the 2nd

> > > > house also indicates the family of the spouse according to some


> > > > works.

> > > >

> > > > Mars is the 3rd and 8th lord, an all time malefic and placed exalted in


> > > > 5th house of children.

> > > >

> > > > Now here is the trap. It is easy to think that an exalted planet is


> > > > a benefic. Classicals are very clear on this. Benefics when exalted


> > > > lots of good results. But malefics when exalted reduces the bad effects


> > > > need not turn benefic) – with the exception of Saturn. This also does


> > > > mean benefic planets will be always benefic or that malefic planets will

> > > > always be malefic or at all times.

> > > >

> > > > So basically there are four possibilities here

> > > >

> > > > A) Vehicle (b) Mother © spouce. Any of these could be affected. Mars


> > > > the 5th also could related to (D) children. The C & d could happen only


> > > > the native is married or have a relationship. (a) & (b) could be at all

> > > > times, provided the native's mother is still living.

> > > >

> > > > An Astrologer will naturally be in dilemma to choose the correct

> > > > indication. This is where other tools of Astrology comes to help when a

> > > > native visits an astrologer, by way of nimithas, Udaya lagna chart at


> > > > time. Such factors help the Astrologers to narrow down or even predict

> > > > accurately. This is grossly lacking on the Internet queries.

> > > >

> > > > But a natural question that arises is why can't we select or pin point


> > > > the above about the correct indication. In fact, we could, but not that

> > > > easy. The time required to verify various factors would be much more.

> > > >

> > > > If we think a little harder, The 4th house is a agneya, chatushpad and

> > > > vahana rasi, Dhanu indicates a person who is half horse and half man –


> > > > indicting the Vehicle, thus basically a dwiswabhava rasi whose number is


> > > > – two wheeler.

> > > >

> > > > So it is easy to understand how the venus got trapped between the Ketu &

> > > > Mars.

> > > >

> > > > Also look at how lord of Lagna – Mercury is associated with these


> > > > and Saturn aspecting them.

> > > >

> > > > Now let us examine Kalachakra dasa.

> > > >

> > > > It is Dhanu- Kanya – Dhanus.

> > > >

> > > > Dhanu rasi as already know is the 4th house with Sun + Ketu + Venus +

> > > > Mercury.

> > > >

> > > > Kanya is the lagna rasi & 7th from moon. Being 7th , it again indicates

> > > > spouse , being lagna indicates self, it also indicates travel

> > > > (gamana-agamana) .

> > > >

> > > > Dhanu is also the 10th for Moon (Karma sthana) and thula is the 8th

house –

> > > > Arishta sthana. so it is evident that ones activities is affected. It


> > > > again be due to many reaons – Change of career, loss of job etc. And

when we

> > > > look at thula rasi, it is even more scary to see those Mrithyu grihas

> > > > standing there. Moon & Lagna being in sapthama, again it is easy to


> > > > that something might happened to the natives spouse. The only


> > > > being the aspect of Jupiter to the moon. Ha ha. Jupiter in Vrischika


> > > > dwiswabhava rasi also indicate two numbers. This also could mean that


> > > > native could be having two vehicles, two mothers, two sources of Income


> > > > (don't misunderstand me about mothers- one could be the lady who gave


> > > > and the other who loves him like a mother & taken care of him when he

was a

> > > > child).

> > > >

> > > > So you can see again as per Kalachakra also the 4th house and Venus


> > > > into play. The Dasa of signs that have malefics shall mostly be


> > > >

> > > > Transit & day of accident.

> > > >

> > > > On the day, Moon was in the 4th house from Native moon along with Ketu,

> > > > again indicting Vehicles or Mother. Saturn is transiting through Kanya.

> > > >

> > > > However, I must confess, when I first took a look at the dasa etc, I

> > > > thought of his wife / children only and secondary thought about mother.

> > > > Vehicles / accidents was only the last thought.

> > > >

> > > > How can we shorten the list of possibilities, whether in quizzes or even

> > > > predicting the future. I had in several posts, demonstrated how


> > > > dasa & Transit of planets could be utilized and the feedbacks from a few


> > > > cared is ample proof.

> > > >

> > > > Look at the navamsa / dwadasamsa signs of Bhava lords & the 8th lords


> > > > those bhava. Whenever a malefic planet is transiting through those


> > > > the native shall experience difficulties related to that bhava.

> > > >

> > > > To be explicit, the (A) Navamsa rasi of the Bhavadhipathy and its


> > > > rasis (B) Dekana rasi, Navamsa rasi or Dwadasamsa rasi of the 8th lord


> > > > that bhava. Whenever Malefics transit though these signs, the native


> > > > experience difficulties related to that bhava and whenever benefic


> > > > the native shall experience good effects also. This theory is not


> > > > but a fair indication.

> > > >

> > > > In this case, Mars was transiting through the 8th of 4th house (direct

> > > > indication) while dasa of 4th house is going on (note aspect of Mars on

> > > > Thula sign also) & 4th house in focus in Vimsottari also; Karkata is


> > > > the dwadasamsa sign of Moon (8th house /lord from the 4th house).

> > > >

> > > > There are many other factors to be considered and working here. An


> > > > to answer why the accident did not lead to more serious state?, why it


> > > > not affect the mother? Is the native married at this time? All help in


> > > > analysis. Many a times eliminations of possible factors lead to the


> > > > analysis.

> > > >

> > > > Hope this helps in better understanding of the principles (Some) and why

> > > > quizzes end up in failures on the Internet.

> > > >

> > > > Astrology is not about mathematical computations but being one with


> > > > Once a person reaches that level, the science of numbers also become


> > > > to him. It is then that these numbers, planets, stars and signs start

> > > > speaking to him.

> > > >

> > > > A.G.Suresh Babu Shenoy

> > > >

> > > >

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