Guest guest Posted May 29, 2006 Report Share Posted May 29, 2006 I hope the native will provide the exact date from which such problems cropped up Madhu N Nair sreeram srinivas <sreeram64 wrote: (Venkata R G, DOB : 29/4/1979, Place of birth: Palakollu, A.P. India, Time of Birth : 5:56 PM ) Query : I have been placed under a false allegation of academic misconduct. I have worked really hard for my exams and I don't know why theseallegations have been levelled. If found guilty my career would come to an end. I want to know how my life is going to turn out if theworst comes true.Analysis :Lagna - Libra 5H - Ketu 6H - Exalted Venus , Mars, Debilitated Mercury 7H - Exalted Sun 8H - Exalted Moon 10H - Exalted Jupiter 11H - Rahu, Saturn ® Generally one is often gets excited including the native should they find the planets are in exaltation. This is true when you have not one but four planets !! Time to party !! One moment, let us see where we are first. LL Venus in 6H - negative point 8HL Venus in 6H - Vipereet Rajayoga agreed - people are happy to say about Vipereet Raj Yoga & start getting excited. But what does this yoga do ? It gives a rise after a hardwork & perserverance, it can also give rise & fall ( note the heirerachy - first rise & then deep fall/drop dead.. ). Is it desirable ?? 11HL Sun in 7H - exalted, ok - gains after marriage 7HL Mars in 6H - negative result 7HL Mars in 6H with exalted Venus - distinguished wife, yet in its ownership of 8H in 6H & also being Lagna Lord - need to say any thing in terms of the havoc it can cause ?? 9HL Mercury - debilitated in 6H - generally people run to say - neechabhanga - yet, personally, I am of the opinion that it is also Ouchabanga i.e. Venus & Mars also afflicted. Exalted Venus attributes are drastically reduced for Mercury is also 12HL. 3HL & 6HL Jupiter exalted in 10H - negative point 3H is friends + 6H litigation, problems + 10H karma = association with highly placed bad company and effects are now felt. To say that he does not know why he is being "framed" would be hard to digest. see the LL in 6H i.e. Jupiter sign. 10HL Moon in 8H - activity kept away from public or secret - did he or others steal or plagarise or copy others research work?? Jupiter in 10H gives him a benefit of doubt - yet Jupiter in 10H often gives more problems in profession than one could digest for. 5HL Saturn in Leo Sign in 11H - not properly placed. Conclusion : 5HL is badly placed ( Past Karma ) & is vargottam. 5H is in Rahu/Ketu Axis , LL is badly placed ( Own self ) , 9HL is badly placed ( bhagya ), 10HL is badly placed ( karma ) - comeon - do you expect to that this person would be successful in material world ??? Absolute NO. Jupiter in 10H would ensure him turn to spiritual inclination. Vital conclusion : Remeber for all Taurus Lagnas - Venus is also 6HL hence, women always create problem or hinder their progress in some way or the other. Similarly for all Libra Lagna - Venus always creates hinderances & hidden obstacles being 8HL. The things may be diluted or escalated depending upon its placement in the horoscope. This is my experience of having seen or analyzed many "horor"scopes All members are invited to post their comments on this - purely on practical experience !! Repeat the analysis with Moon chart - things are quite apparent & transparent. Jupiter is playing his part and is no surprise. The advent of Jupiter Mahadasha has brought the problems. The issue was waiting to happen. The person would do good to present his case, in more details with trail of events ( exactly as they happened in his view point ) - to say that "he does not why it happened to him.......".is all past & difficult to believe in these days of materialism & falsehood. with regards, sreeram srinivas sreeram64 Vedic Astrology-Hyderabad [Vedic Astrology-Hyderabad ] On Behalf Of kishore mohanSunday, May 28, 2006 1:33 PMVedic Astrology-hyderabad Subject: [Vedic Astrology-Hyderabad] Problem faced by a native - posted in another group Dear friends, i am giving the problem faced by a member which has been posted in another group and the two replies received. The case is very interesting because there are 4 grahas in exaltation, with another being in mool trikon and even one planet-Mercury which is in debilitation has got neecha bhanga. The problem has occured during Jupiter- Jupiter dasa, even as Jupiter being the sixth lord in exaltation. I invite the comments from group members. Kishore patnaik The message given below: Respected Gurus,I have been placed under a false allegation of academic misconduct. Ihave worked really hard for my exams and I don't know why theseallegations have been levelled. If found guilty my career would cometo an end. I want to know how my life is going to turn out if theworst comes true.Venkata R GDOB : 29/4/1979Place of birth: Palakollu, A.P. IndiaTime of Birth : 5:56 PMThanks,VenkataReplies: 1. The presence of functional benefic Mercury,Venus in the 6th house and the 6thlord Jupiter in the 10th house aspecting the 6th house have become the breedingground for enimies and exhibits your connections with people who matter much inthe socoety.You are presently under Guru AD in GuruMD,it is a functional maleficadded to it Gochara Jupiter in the 6th house from the Moon Rasi which furtherseem to kindle the issue.Follow the principles of the adage,Mounam kalaganasthi( sailence is golden) which would avoid further perculations.Prayers and Gurugraga santhi may ease the situation.Guru's shastyamsa is good it would not spoilyour future.2. while the problem occured is totally remote-if you have asked me topredict this before happening, I dont think any body could have seenit- but it is not impossible to happen.Jupiter is your sixth Lord and in exaltation. The sixth Lordindicates both upachaya (growth) as well as problems and attacks.From this, I feel the problem has taken place in a competitiveexamination.Your enemies can be seen from A6 and since A6 is being aspected bymalefics, it is likely to be strong whereas your reactions can beseen from 6th house from A1. Since this is being aspected byJupiter, a benefic, your reaction is likely to be soft. Morever, A6is a cruel sign whereas 6th house from A1 is feminine. Hence, I amsorry to see that you are likely to lose in this probelmBut you should not lose heart because you are likely to comeup againin life due to the strong VRY you are enjoying. Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail Beta. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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