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Kuja Dosha (?!)

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Dear All,

The following is some thoughts on Kuja Dosha when I read the

article by Gourav Ghosh on the same.


Kuja Dosha


Gourav Ghosh quotes the following sloka for Kuja Dosha-


The classic says,

lagne byaye ca pätäle yämitre cäñöame kuje|

kanyä harati bhartäram bhartä bhäryäm haniñyati||

It means that presence of Mars in Lagna, 4th house, 7th house, 12th

house or in 8th house results into Kuja Dosha. If the bride has this

kind of placement of Mars in her chart, then she becomes the reason

for her husband's death, while if the groom has this kind of

placement, then he becomes the reason for his wife's death.

Some often includes 2nd house for no reason, others consider it with

respect to other planets, which should not be done & reasonless.


He does not say in which classic, this sloka is present. Why? Because

this is a sloka with no father! ;) This is a sloka that appear in

the Prarisishta (extra slokas included) in the stri Jataka (horoscope

of women) portion of a non-authentic book called Jataka chandrika

(This book is different from Laghu parasari which is also known as

Jataka chandrika).

If Ma placed in 1, 2,4,7,12 (total 5 signs) can produce Kuja Dosha

then 5/12 = 41.66..% of the horoscope will have Kuja Dosah! If we

consider Mo as well, then 83.33... % of horoscopes will have Kuja

Dosha!!! It is absurd!


What is the real predictions that are given for Ma in 2nd, 4th, 7th

and 12th from Lagna? How it differs from this absurd sloka? Let us

have a look at the married life related actual predictions given in

texts like Brigu sutra, Varaha hora, Jataka Tatwa etc to have a clear

picture :-

Ma in Lagna -

May have wounds/diseases, will not have long life, less

children, too much interest in ladies. If Ma is strong, or benefics

aspects Ma all these wouldn't happen, but if at least one malefic

aspects Ma such effects can be predicted.

Ma in 2nd –

Too much interest in worldly pleasures, 2 wives etc. Here

also a malefic should aspect Ma for these predictions to fructify.

Ma in 4th –

Quarrels in home, living in rented house, forsaken by

relatives and quarrels with them. Here too a malefic aspect on Ma is


Ma in 7th –

Diseases to wife, Loss (death?) of Wife, late marriage, life

abroad away from wife, interest in prostitution, interest in

perverted sex etc. Here the aspect of malefic is not a must for many

of these results to fructify. Therefore this is Kuja dosha for sure.

In women's horoscope if Ma-Ve combination is present in 7th

she will be too much interested in indulging in sexual activities

with persons other than husband. If Ma-Ve-Mo combination is present

in 7th she will indulge in sex with other persons with the permission

of her husband! If Ma is in 7th and a benefic is there in 9th then

she would be much interested in spirituality, and won't give much

importance to married life.

Ma in 8th -

Diseases related to penis or sexual organs, Loss (death) of

wife, less children, etc. Here also a malefic should aspect Ma for

these predictions to fructify.

In women's horoscope if Ma is in 8th, she will cause bad name for the

family in which she is born. If the Dasa of Navamsa lord of 8th lord

occurs then at that period her husband will die. If Ma-Ve-Ju

combination is present in 8th she will have many abortions, or some

children may die at birth.

Therefore Ma in 8th can cause very bad results at times and so it

could be considered as Kuja dosha.

Ma in 12th –

Life away from home and wife (i.e. going abroad).


All these indicates that except the placement of Ma in 7th or

8th the other combinations are not that dreaded. Normally they can

not cause death of Husband/Wife.

Then what was the logic behind frightening all with the wrong

prediction of Death (!) related to the placement of Ma in 1-2-4-7-8 ?

I will clarify –

Ma in Lagna – Aspects 7th house which is related to marriage.

Ma in 2nd - Aspects 8th house which is related to life after


Ma in 4th – Aspects 7th house which its special Drishti in 4th house.

Ma in 7th –7th house is related to marriage.

Ma in 8th - 8th house is related to life after marriage.

Ma in 12th – Aspects 7th with its special Drishti in 8th house.


So essentially the concept is related to 7th and 8th house only. But

the fool who created this sloka never considered that the predictions

given for Ma in 1-2-4-12 house are not as strong as Death, even

though all these have some special relation to marriage and married


Even for the placement of Ma in 7th and 8th house, there are

many rules of exceptions, which makes this dreaded dosha almost non-

existent! The ancient classics never uses the term Kuja Dosha. If we

start using the word Kuja dosha, then why can't we start using the

words Sani Dosha, Surya Dosha, Rahu Dosha, Ju Dosha (yap, Ju in Cp in

7th can cause death of wife), Me dosha (Yap, Me in Ta in 7th can

cuase loss of first wife), Ve Dosha (yap, Ve in Sc can cause death of

wife), etc as well?! We are not using it, and so let us get rid of

the word Kuja Dosha as well.

If you go for remedies, go for all these and many more or otherwise

reject the costly remedies suggested for this dosha (which only help

to strengthen the pocket of the astrologers or his helpers). It is

better to reject that astrologer as well, since probably he is not a

true astrologer, who follows the classics and thinks for the native.

He is probably just using a frightening technique he got from a

fatherless sloka for some purpose! It could be just to safe guard his

respect as an astrologer (when all other will say that it is Kuja

Dosha, how can be stay back!), or may be to reap money, or may be…

there could be many other reasons as well. :)

Ma is just like any other planet, the special predictions given for

its particular placement is important and not the dreaded names life

Kuja Dosha, which makes people fearful and makes their life miserable

for no reason! But still if you are reluctant to reject the word,

then use it only related to the placement of Ma in 7th and 8th from

Lagna or Moon (which ever is strong).


Expecting more inputs on the same, and looking forward to an

elaborate discussion of placement of grahas in 7th and 8th house, and

their influence on married life-



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