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Supplementing to Mr. Dharma Vyaadha, astrology is not a subject followed by weak minds or ....etc.. It is for the people who have strength of character and will. Astrology gives you a picture of what is in store for you in terms of future. A good indication does not mean that one can happily engage in bad vices, similarly vice-versa. It is by doing good karma only, one can navigate the troubled future !!! The good karma = allevation can come in any of the five identified and extensively documented divine paths to salvation i.e. Hatha, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana & Raj Yoga paths or methods.


What Swami Vivekananda is saying while he is praying or invoking to Goddess Durga or Kali, for her divine intervention to achieve the goals set by his guru Sri Paramahansa Ramakrishna in spreading the divine message !!! Divine intervention would only come to deserving few ( read "rare few" ). Invoking God or Goddess is a secret technique known to advanced spiritually awakened persons... atleast NOT by those persons seeking "selfish" allevation arising from materialistic desires like money, promotion, disease, escape from misery...etc.. ( often seen through many request mails of members!!! ).


We often here in families of yester years where the family size used to be atleast THREE CHILDREN, that birth of a PARTICUALAR child has brough happiness or misery to the parents. If one analyses the parents horoscope for the period between the births of two children ( i.e. between child bringing happiness into family and the one who brough misery ), it is often seen the karma of father or mother of the said children were not good. i.e. either they did not do good karma or actions which has resulted in birth of "misery childbirth"...etc..


Well, we have often long debates on the issues of longevity, has anyone done proper research or study........My confidence says absolute NO. Reason people are interested in "grabbing" information or collecting information without contributing any original ideas. The God has designed a calculated number of "human breaths" for every person which is equivalent to 120 years ( refer the vimshottari dasha ). The human body normally breathes 18 times a minute. A person during his life time undergoes various physical & mental states, wherein the breathing increases or decreases i.e. he is overdrawing or "under"drawing from his predefined & calculated ( for people interested in mathematics 18 x 60 min x 24 hrs x 365 days x 120 years = god given or designed total number of breathes possible ). The planets in a horoscope has their own Tamasic, rajaswic....etc. qualities - More tamaswic quality - early death,.....one can draw their own conclusions thereon based on the dictums defined in the astro_classics. We often hear people ( in newspaper columns ) persons living healthily even after 100 years of life. Did you notice that number of people crossing 120 years of life - an extremely rare event or news... Even should you have read such news did you make effort to know about his lifestyle and practises, beliefs.....etc.. which can be later mapped to astro_analysis ?? Did any one collect information on that ?? Absolute NO, No, NO. For we are today interested to "read the mails in the forum" just to see if anyone has responded to his submitted astro_query, so selfish, cannot think beyond themselves...


We talk of combinations of "Twins"....etc.. Did anyone know it is Sweden which has extensive documented birth data on "Twins" for over six centuries( 600years ) till now ??? Did anyone make an effort to get or access that database ??? No, No, No. We are all happy to earn $$$ and get free advises in the forum.


I recently came across a person staying in USA of Indian origin ( messenger online), who requested some analysis on his 19years of married life which is in "rocks", when took pity on him, did some quick analysis ( online - at late midnight ), when shared him the analysis, he was asking for a GURANTEE or WARRANTY for the analysis - which made me "boil instantly" and tell him, free things do not carry gurantee or warranty card and I being in India, where the consumer courts do not exists or function !!! and switched him off politely & instantly. With this approach of "astro_customers" the days are not far away wherein people stop practising astrology even as a hobby !!


Our ancient seers have understood the great link between the life & death being = "breath" and hence designed or discovered the Pranayama techniques ( many many combinations are there - let member bodly confess - how many of you really know about this yet practise astrology ??? ). In the samadhi state the bodly does NOT breath and hence a state of "LONG LIFE" i.e. remember the story of boy " Markandeya" in the Shiv Puran ??? Oh ! now I remember it.....We all read but do not correlate or understand the divine creation or the logics behind it neither make effort of delineating it. Yet we run after GEMS or GEMNOLOGY.


There are some members in , who write regularly, their e-mails have NOT 0.1% of astrology or spirituality, ( simply meaningless messages ) yet regarded & respected. I am surprised - why such non-sense emails are published in first place !! I can write about those identified few - can share them privately to interested members. I am sure tracking those members mails would definitely invoke similar reactions like mine !!


See the quality of response of Smt. Mahalaxmi Iyer or Smt Sulochana or Smt Satya Sai KolachinaMr Chandrasekhar or.......


When Sri K.N. Rao talks or speaks about the Jyotisha nadi, we are all elated - for we do not understand a "byte" of his crypted saying. Many call him as "Old Man". but do anyone document horoscope analysis like or him ??? He has such an extensive documentation either on events or horoscopes types or combinations......mind blogling...collection... That extensive research case studies gives him the "authority to speak" and motivates us to listen or read to his every spoken or written word.


We often hear the debate of applicability of a horoscope after death of the native. Do we know where to start and end this debate ?? Never tried so hard ?? for astrology is a Hobby to be practised in mundane surroundings ??? !! Take the horoscopes of the popular persons say - Mahatma Gandhi, Lenin, Jawarharlal Nehru ( the great hypocrite),.....etc.. They all were popular in their times - in real terms. Assuming they are still alive, analyse their dasha...... If you have the data of now popular Indian musician R.D. Burman who was not popular during his lifetime, now eulogised every day.....


We often read in this forum extensive explanations or pointless discussions without any authentic genuine research. I invite or challenge members if they are true to astrology, let me know any research done on the above mentioned logics. There is more of plagarism or copying of ideas without any genuine original contribution by members.


One thing we should remember for the scriptures have said this again and again - Karma has to be ENDURED. There are no short cuts!!!


With regards,

sreeram srinivas


cell : 98682-31817




vedic astrology [vedic astrology ] On Behalf Of dharmavyaadhaFriday, June 23, 2006 4:47 PMvedic astrology Subject: [vedic astrology] Swami Vivekanandas Views on Astrology



Hello allI was reading about Swami Vivekanandas views on Astrology, here is a linkhttp://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_8/notes_of_class_talks\_and_lectures/man_the_maker.htmI especially love the following lines:"And to be tricked by twinkling stars! It is a shameful condition. Youare divinities; the twinkling stars owe their existence to you."And also the ending:"The highest things are under your feet, because you are Divine Stars;all these things are under your feet. You can swallow the stars by thehandful if you want, such is your real nature. Be strong, get beyondall superstitions, and be free."In the scheme of Swamiji's man-making religion, astrology was a weaksuperstition to be followed by those who lack confidence on theirdivine strength. I think though Swamiji did not believe astrology wasentirely false, he certainly found too much emphasis on itdegenerating. In Yoga Vasishtha too, the emphasis is on "Swadhyaya" -self effort - above everything else. Would like members view on Swamijis ViewsLove and regardsDharma Vyaadha

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dear sreeram ji


while appreciating your insights on linking spirituality and

astrology, i wish to not only agree but endorse the view that a

human being's life is FIXED for a particular number of breathes.

those REALISED few control their breath by pranayama with which one

can live on less number of breathes thereby increasing their

longevity. also higher elevated realised people go into samadhi

state thereby further increasing their longevity. i have also

written several times in the groups that astrology is meant only for

unrealised persons and for a realised person, the planets are

meaningless. in gita lord krishna says that for a realised person,

even vedas are meaningless, for he has REALISED the truth. also god

is nowhere on a hill or in a cave. the very atma of each human

being is god. if you keep bahar yatra in search of god, you would

never find him. if you do antar yatra i.e. march within you would

not only see god but would get an opportunity to align yourself with

that god to become god.


however, i have written earlier in various groups that a doctor

cures physical ailments and an astrologer cures mental ailments.

you can not find fault with an astrologer saying why the astrologer

is not educating his customers to realise the god and forget about

the maya of job, wife, children, wealth, health etc. in nivritti

and pravritti, even realised people lay themselves at the services

of the self(god) or others (serving the god in others).''


to reach the soul, you have to first cross the BODY, then MIND and

then only you reach the SOUL. if we, as astrologers, serve the

customers in getting what they want or suggesting remedies for

getting relief from their suffering, it shall be seen in a positive

perspective that we are serving the god in others. hence i differ

to your concluding remark that there are no short cuts. however, if

you do good karma, you can preclude the negative results due to the

past bad karma. hence an astrologer suggest the suffering natives

to do good karma (annadaan, vastradaan, feeding animals and birds)

and also other self-discipline acts like recital of mantras, fasting

etc. so i conclude by saying that we asrologers are helping the

customers and suffering natives do more good karma or help them

start doing good karma.


with best wishes

pandit arjun


, " sreeram srinivas "

<sreeram64 wrote:


> Supplementing to Mr. Dharma Vyaadha, astrology is not a subject

followed by

> weak minds or ....etc.. It is for the people who have strength of

> character and will. Astrology gives you a picture of what is in

store for

> you in terms of future. A good indication does not mean that one


> happily engage in bad vices, similarly vice-versa. It is by

doing good

> karma only, one can navigate the troubled future !!! The good

karma =

> allevation can come in any of the five identified and extensively


> divine paths to salvation i.e. Hatha, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana & Raj

Yoga paths

> or methods.


> What Swami Vivekananda is saying while he is praying or invoking

to Goddess

> Durga or Kali, for her divine intervention to achieve the goals

set by his

> guru Sri Paramahansa Ramakrishna in spreading the divine

message !!! Divine

> intervention would only come to deserving few ( read " rare few " ).

> Invoking God or Goddess is a secret technique known to advanced


> awakened persons... atleast NOT by those persons seeking " selfish "

> allevation arising from materialistic desires like money,


> disease, escape from misery...etc.. ( often seen through many

request mails

> of members!!! ).


> We often here in families of yester years where the family size

used to be

> atleast THREE CHILDREN, that birth of a PARTICUALAR child has


> happiness or misery to the parents. If one analyses the parents


> for the period between the births of two children ( i.e. between


> bringing happiness into family and the one who brough misery ),

it is often

> seen the karma of father or mother of the said children were not

good. i.e.

> either they did not do good karma or actions which has resulted

in birth of

> " misery childbirth " ...etc..


> Well, we have often long debates on the issues of longevity, has

anyone done

> proper research or study........My confidence says absolute NO.


> people are interested in " grabbing " information or collecting


> without contributing any original ideas. The God has designed a

> calculated number of " human breaths " for every person which is

equivalent to

> 120 years ( refer the vimshottari dasha ). The human body

normally breathes

> 18 times a minute. A person during his life time undergoes


> physical & mental states, wherein the breathing increases or

decreases i.e.

> he is overdrawing or " under " drawing from his predefined &

calculated ( for

> people interested in mathematics 18 x 60 min x 24 hrs x 365 days x

120 years

> = god given or designed total number of breathes possible ). The


> in a horoscope has their own Tamasic, rajaswic....etc. qualities -


> tamaswic quality - early death,.....one can draw their own


> thereon based on the dictums defined in the astro_classics. We

often hear

> people ( in newspaper columns ) persons living healthily even

after 100

> years of life. Did you notice that number of people crossing 120

years of

> life - an extremely rare event or news... Even should you have

read such

> news did you make effort to know about his lifestyle and practises,

> beliefs.....etc.. which can be later mapped to astro_analysis ??

Did any

> one collect information on that ?? Absolute NO, No, NO. For we

are today

> interested to " read the mails in the forum " just to see if anyone


> responded to his submitted astro_query, so selfish, cannot think


> themselves...


> We talk of combinations of " Twins " ....etc.. Did anyone know it is


> which has extensive documented birth data on " Twins " for over six


> 600years ) till now ??? Did anyone make an effort to get or

access that

> database ??? No, No, No. We are all happy to earn $$$ and get


> advises in the forum.


> I recently came across a person staying in USA of Indian origin


> messenger online), who requested some analysis on his 19years of


> life which is in " rocks " , when took pity on him, did some quick

analysis (

> online - at late midnight ), when shared him the analysis, he was


> for a GURANTEE or WARRANTY for the analysis - which made me " boil

instantly "

> and tell him, free things do not carry gurantee or warranty card

and I

> being in India, where the consumer courts do not exists or

function !!! and

> switched him off politely & instantly. With this approach of

> " astro_customers " the days are not far away wherein people stop


> astrology even as a hobby !!


> Our ancient seers have understood the great link between the life

& death

> being = " breath " and hence designed or discovered the Pranayama

techniques (

> many many combinations are there - let member bodly confess - how

many of

> you really know about this yet practise astrology ??? ). In the


> state the bodly does NOT breath and hence a state of " LONG LIFE "


> remember the story of boy " Markandeya " in the Shiv Puran ???

Oh ! now I

> remember it.....We all read but do not correlate or understand the


> creation or the logics behind it neither make effort of

delineating it. Yet

> we run after GEMS or GEMNOLOGY.


> There are some members in , who write regularly,

their e-mails

> have NOT 0.1% of astrology or spirituality, ( simply meaningless

messages )

> yet regarded & respected. I am surprised - why such non-sense

emails are

> published in first place !! I can write about those identified

few - can

> share them privately to interested members. I am sure tracking


> members mails would definitely invoke similar reactions like

mine !!


> See the quality of response of Smt. Mahalaxmi Iyer or Smt

Sulochana or Smt

> Satya Sai KolachinaMr Chandrasekhar or.......


> When Sri K.N. Rao talks or speaks about the Jyotisha nadi, we are


> elated - for we do not understand a " byte " of his crypted

saying. Many

> call him as " Old Man " . but do anyone document horoscope analysis

like or

> him ??? He has such an extensive documentation either on events or

> horoscopes types or combinations......mind

blogling...collection... That

> extensive research case studies gives him the " authority to speak "


> motivates us to listen or read to his every spoken or written word.


> We often hear the debate of applicability of a horoscope after

death of the

> native. Do we know where to start and end this debate ?? Never

tried so

> hard ?? for astrology is a Hobby to be practised in mundane

surroundings ???

> !! Take the horoscopes of the popular persons say - Mahatma

Gandhi, Lenin,

> Jawarharlal Nehru ( the great hypocrite),.....etc.. They all were


> in their times - in real terms. Assuming they are still alive,


> their dasha...... If you have the data of now popular Indian

musician R.D.

> Burman who was not popular during his lifetime, now eulogised

every day.....



> We often read in this forum extensive explanations or pointless


> without any authentic genuine research. I invite or challenge

members if

> they are true to astrology, let me know any research done on the


> mentioned logics. There is more of plagarism or copying of ideas


> any genuine original contribution by members.


> One thing we should remember for the scriptures have said this

again and

> again - Karma has to be ENDURED. There are no short cuts!!!


> With regards,

> sreeram srinivas

> sreeram64

> cell : 98682-31817

> _____


> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology ] On Behalf Of dharmavyaadha

> Friday, June 23, 2006 4:47 PM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Swami Vivekanandas Views on Astrology




> Hello all


> I was reading about Swami Vivekanandas views on Astrology, here is

> a link


> http://www.ramakris




> hnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_8/notes_of_

> class_talks\

> _and_lectures/man_the_maker.htm


> I especially love the following lines:


> " And to be tricked by twinkling stars! It is a shameful condition.

> You

> are divinities; the twinkling stars owe their existence to you. "


> And also the ending:


> " The highest things are under your feet, because you are Divine

> Stars;

> all these things are under your feet. You can swallow the stars by

> the

> handful if you want, such is your real nature. Be strong, get


> all superstitions, and be free. "


> In the scheme of Swamiji's man-making religion, astrology was a


> superstition to be followed by those who lack confidence on their

> divine strength. I think though Swamiji did not believe astrology


> entirely false, he certainly found too much emphasis on it

> degenerating. In Yoga Vasishtha too, the emphasis is

on " Swadhyaya " -

> self effort - above everything else.


> Would like members view on Swamijis Views


> Love and regards


> Dharma Vyaadha


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||Jai Ramakrishna||

Dear Learned members,

It may be my audacity to interfere in this high-levelled discussion.

I have been practising astrology (as a hobby of course!!)over the

past 2 years..When i c success, i really become happy...n when i

find that things r occuring just in the opposite way as I am

saying..then i really become dejected, as I feel that I know nothing

of this Science...

Astrology is reading ones stars...we can try to focus a person's

potential...we never solve any person's problems...those who say

that " I will Solve your problems " ...they do nothing but CHEAT PEOPLE.

I remember Swami Vivekananda once said, " You are the maker of your

destiny " ....i can tell a person that u will get a job within next

few days...or u'll outshine in your exams...but if he sits idle

dreaming of Utopia...then sorry....my predictions are not guaranteed

even if i charge the person who comes to me for consultation...

Gems do work...I have seen it in front of my eyes...even i

benefitted after using gems...As an example...i was suffering from

piles for over a fortnite...dint go to any doctor(though my mother

suggested to consult my doctor)...just i had a look to my chart...n

found Saturn's Antar running...who is in 8th n exalted & receives an

aspect of Rahu n Saturn is with ketu...i had a gomedha with me which

i found in my college locker...I just started keeping that Gomedha

in my bag...n the miracle was that from the next day..all my

problems were solved...So i cant negate the healing power of gems..

I never charge any person for consultation....its free for

all....but as you know that when people find free service...people

start asking queries like anything...n they even ask...the initials

of their spouse!!!This often tended me to stay away from Astrology...

There is no direct link between Astrology & Spirituality...but a

link is there as goes the theory of finding one's Ista Devata as the

principles are laid in Jaimini & Parasara Sastra...

Some often say...Astrologers r like Doctors...astrologers will

remain " LIKE " doctors...not doctors.....my question to them will you

find any benevolent astrologer these days...if you come to

bengal....you will find cheaters in the form of Astrologers, who are

all ready for solving problems in exchange of money....gone are

those days...the days in which even a single sin cannot creep into a

place, where a True Astrologer resides, as varahamihira said...

If u read Gita...you will find there are four methods of Salvation--

Jnana, Karma, Bhakti & Yoga (also known as Rajyoga widely)....wut is

Jnana???A quest for " Who I am?, Where from I come? " as in Mundak

Upanishad, u'll find sages asking each other " Who is this Aatman,

whom we worship??? " n one becomes Jnani,,becomes " Brahma "

itself... " Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati " ...or as in one of his stories

Shree Ramakrishna said...A doll made of salt went to ocean to

measure it...but mixed with ocean & dint return...neither there was

any news about that doll...

Then comes Karma...apprently easy to follow...but difficult for a

normal man....we always focus on the result..never on the

work...tats y we never become perfect in our work....

Next is Bhakti..pure devotion to God, the Almighty...even there six

method of Bhakti...

n Finally Yoga...the toughest of all...


We are all parts of the Paramatman... " Mamaivaamso Jivaloke

Jivabhutah SanaatanaH " ...as Shree Krishna said in Gita...

So, we dont need to worry about our fate...wut happens is for our

good only....

Wish u all success,

With Humbleness,



, " panditarjun2004 "

<panditarjun2004 wrote:


> dear sreeram ji


> while appreciating your insights on linking spirituality and

> astrology, i wish to not only agree but endorse the view that a

> human being's life is FIXED for a particular number of breathes.

> those REALISED few control their breath by pranayama with which


> can live on less number of breathes thereby increasing their

> longevity. also higher elevated realised people go into samadhi

> state thereby further increasing their longevity. i have also

> written several times in the groups that astrology is meant only


> unrealised persons and for a realised person, the planets are

> meaningless. in gita lord krishna says that for a realised


> even vedas are meaningless, for he has REALISED the truth. also


> is nowhere on a hill or in a cave. the very atma of each human

> being is god. if you keep bahar yatra in search of god, you would

> never find him. if you do antar yatra i.e. march within you would

> not only see god but would get an opportunity to align yourself


> that god to become god.


> however, i have written earlier in various groups that a doctor

> cures physical ailments and an astrologer cures mental ailments.

> you can not find fault with an astrologer saying why the


> is not educating his customers to realise the god and forget about

> the maya of job, wife, children, wealth, health etc. in nivritti

> and pravritti, even realised people lay themselves at the services

> of the self(god) or others (serving the god in others).''


> to reach the soul, you have to first cross the BODY, then MIND and

> then only you reach the SOUL. if we, as astrologers, serve the

> customers in getting what they want or suggesting remedies for

> getting relief from their suffering, it shall be seen in a


> perspective that we are serving the god in others. hence i differ

> to your concluding remark that there are no short cuts. however,


> you do good karma, you can preclude the negative results due to


> past bad karma. hence an astrologer suggest the suffering natives

> to do good karma (annadaan, vastradaan, feeding animals and birds)

> and also other self-discipline acts like recital of mantras,


> etc. so i conclude by saying that we asrologers are helping the

> customers and suffering natives do more good karma or help them

> start doing good karma.


> with best wishes

> pandit arjun


> , " sreeram

srinivas "

> <sreeram64@> wrote:

> >

> > Supplementing to Mr. Dharma Vyaadha, astrology is not a subject

> followed by

> > weak minds or ....etc.. It is for the people who have strength


> > character and will. Astrology gives you a picture of what is


> store for

> > you in terms of future. A good indication does not mean that


> can

> > happily engage in bad vices, similarly vice-versa. It is by

> doing good

> > karma only, one can navigate the troubled future !!! The good

> karma =

> > allevation can come in any of the five identified and


> documented

> > divine paths to salvation i.e. Hatha, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana & Raj

> Yoga paths

> > or methods.

> >

> > What Swami Vivekananda is saying while he is praying or invoking

> to Goddess

> > Durga or Kali, for her divine intervention to achieve the goals

> set by his

> > guru Sri Paramahansa Ramakrishna in spreading the divine

> message !!! Divine

> > intervention would only come to deserving few ( read " rare

few " ).

> > Invoking God or Goddess is a secret technique known to advanced

> spiritually

> > awakened persons... atleast NOT by those persons

seeking " selfish "

> > allevation arising from materialistic desires like money,

> promotion,

> > disease, escape from misery...etc.. ( often seen through many

> request mails

> > of members!!! ).

> >

> > We often here in families of yester years where the family size

> used to be

> > atleast THREE CHILDREN, that birth of a PARTICUALAR child has

> brough

> > happiness or misery to the parents. If one analyses the


> horoscope

> > for the period between the births of two children ( i.e. between

> child

> > bringing happiness into family and the one who brough misery ),

> it is often

> > seen the karma of father or mother of the said children were not

> good. i.e.

> > either they did not do good karma or actions which has resulted

> in birth of

> > " misery childbirth " ...etc..

> >

> > Well, we have often long debates on the issues of longevity, has

> anyone done

> > proper research or study........My confidence says absolute


> Reason

> > people are interested in " grabbing " information or collecting

> information

> > without contributing any original ideas. The God has designed


> > calculated number of " human breaths " for every person which is

> equivalent to

> > 120 years ( refer the vimshottari dasha ). The human body

> normally breathes

> > 18 times a minute. A person during his life time undergoes

> various

> > physical & mental states, wherein the breathing increases or

> decreases i.e.

> > he is overdrawing or " under " drawing from his predefined &

> calculated ( for

> > people interested in mathematics 18 x 60 min x 24 hrs x 365 days


> 120 years

> > = god given or designed total number of breathes possible ).


> planets

> > in a horoscope has their own Tamasic, rajaswic....etc.

qualities -

> More

> > tamaswic quality - early death,.....one can draw their own

> conclusions

> > thereon based on the dictums defined in the astro_classics. We

> often hear

> > people ( in newspaper columns ) persons living healthily even

> after 100

> > years of life. Did you notice that number of people crossing


> years of

> > life - an extremely rare event or news... Even should you


> read such

> > news did you make effort to know about his lifestyle and


> > beliefs.....etc.. which can be later mapped to

astro_analysis ??

> Did any

> > one collect information on that ?? Absolute NO, No, NO. For


> are today

> > interested to " read the mails in the forum " just to see if


> has

> > responded to his submitted astro_query, so selfish, cannot


> beyond

> > themselves...

> >

> > We talk of combinations of " Twins " ....etc.. Did anyone know it


> Sweden

> > which has extensive documented birth data on " Twins " for over


> centuries(

> > 600years ) till now ??? Did anyone make an effort to get or

> access that

> > database ??? No, No, No. We are all happy to earn $$$ and


> free

> > advises in the forum.

> >

> > I recently came across a person staying in USA of Indian origin

> (

> > messenger online), who requested some analysis on his 19years


> married

> > life which is in " rocks " , when took pity on him, did some quick

> analysis (

> > online - at late midnight ), when shared him the analysis, he


> asking

> > for a GURANTEE or WARRANTY for the analysis - which made

me " boil

> instantly "

> > and tell him, free things do not carry gurantee or warranty


> and I

> > being in India, where the consumer courts do not exists or

> function !!! and

> > switched him off politely & instantly. With this approach of

> > " astro_customers " the days are not far away wherein people stop

> practising

> > astrology even as a hobby !!

> >

> > Our ancient seers have understood the great link between the


> & death

> > being = " breath " and hence designed or discovered the Pranayama

> techniques (

> > many many combinations are there - let member bodly confess -


> many of

> > you really know about this yet practise astrology ??? ). In


> samadhi

> > state the bodly does NOT breath and hence a state of " LONG


> i.e.

> > remember the story of boy " Markandeya " in the Shiv Puran ???

> Oh ! now I

> > remember it.....We all read but do not correlate or understand


> divine

> > creation or the logics behind it neither make effort of

> delineating it. Yet

> > we run after GEMS or GEMNOLOGY.

> >

> > There are some members in , who write regularly,

> their e-mails

> > have NOT 0.1% of astrology or spirituality, ( simply meaningless

> messages )

> > yet regarded & respected. I am surprised - why such non-sense

> emails are

> > published in first place !! I can write about those identified

> few - can

> > share them privately to interested members. I am sure tracking

> those

> > members mails would definitely invoke similar reactions like

> mine !!

> >

> > See the quality of response of Smt. Mahalaxmi Iyer or Smt

> Sulochana or Smt

> > Satya Sai KolachinaMr Chandrasekhar or.......

> >

> > When Sri K.N. Rao talks or speaks about the Jyotisha nadi, we


> all

> > elated - for we do not understand a " byte " of his crypted

> saying. Many

> > call him as " Old Man " . but do anyone document horoscope


> like or

> > him ??? He has such an extensive documentation either on events


> > horoscopes types or combinations......mind

> blogling...collection... That

> > extensive research case studies gives him the " authority to

speak "

> and

> > motivates us to listen or read to his every spoken or written


> >

> > We often hear the debate of applicability of a horoscope after

> death of the

> > native. Do we know where to start and end this debate ??


> tried so

> > hard ?? for astrology is a Hobby to be practised in mundane

> surroundings ???

> > !! Take the horoscopes of the popular persons say - Mahatma

> Gandhi, Lenin,

> > Jawarharlal Nehru ( the great hypocrite),.....etc.. They all


> popular

> > in their times - in real terms. Assuming they are still alive,

> analyse

> > their dasha...... If you have the data of now popular Indian

> musician R.D.

> > Burman who was not popular during his lifetime, now eulogised

> every day.....

> >

> >

> > We often read in this forum extensive explanations or pointless

> discussions

> > without any authentic genuine research. I invite or challenge

> members if

> > they are true to astrology, let me know any research done on the

> above

> > mentioned logics. There is more of plagarism or copying of


> without

> > any genuine original contribution by members.

> >

> > One thing we should remember for the scriptures have said this

> again and

> > again - Karma has to be ENDURED. There are no short cuts!!!

> >

> > With regards,

> > sreeram srinivas

> > sreeram64@

> > cell : 98682-31817

> > _____

> >

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology ] On Behalf Of


> > Friday, June 23, 2006 4:47 PM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] Swami Vivekanandas Views on Astrology

> >

> >

> >

> > Hello all

> >

> > I was reading about Swami Vivekanandas views on Astrology, here


> > a link

> >

> > http://www.ramakris

> >



> _>

> > hnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_8/notes_of_

> > class_talks\

> > _and_lectures/man_the_maker.htm

> >

> > I especially love the following lines:

> >

> > " And to be tricked by twinkling stars! It is a shameful


> > You

> > are divinities; the twinkling stars owe their existence to you. "

> >

> > And also the ending:

> >

> > " The highest things are under your feet, because you are Divine

> > Stars;

> > all these things are under your feet. You can swallow the stars


> > the

> > handful if you want, such is your real nature. Be strong, get

> beyond

> > all superstitions, and be free. "

> >

> > In the scheme of Swamiji's man-making religion, astrology was a

> weak

> > superstition to be followed by those who lack confidence on their

> > divine strength. I think though Swamiji did not believe


> was

> > entirely false, he certainly found too much emphasis on it

> > degenerating. In Yoga Vasishtha too, the emphasis is

> on " Swadhyaya " -

> > self effort - above everything else.

> >

> > Would like members view on Swamijis Views

> >

> > Love and regards

> >

> > Dharma Vyaadha

> >


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Guest guest

Dear srinivas,


Very hard hitting criticism but all deserving and factual. It should

send people thinking, whether they are cramming here for free advise

or replying as astrologers.


To start with, any science, including theology can be studied just

for the heck of it or for academic value. Just a person who has done

lots of research on kama sastra could stay celibate, a person who

study the spiritual sciences also can stay totally detached from the

sentiments preached by these sciences. He could be studying them for

kicks or just for academic value or even, for making the both ends



In Hindu tradition, or the sanatana dhamic sampradaya, every science

is a boon of god- Vedam iti vedah- Veda( or knowledge) is what is

supposed to be known from within-exactly what Vivekananda says on

Education. Every science in this country is spiritual in nature,

including such secular science as Medicine and such violent science

as Archery.


But there are certain sciences which indeed need to be seen in the

spiritual frame alone and I feel Astrology is one. It requires

nishta and vaksuddhi on the part of astrologer and I am sure an

astrologer who does not lead a lifestyle of purity and moral values

will not go a long way in this subject.


Now, coming to the moral responsibility of the astrologer to lead a

person to God, I think I totally differ here. Astrologer is not a

spiritual guru. A native approaches him for the redressal of his

metaphysical and materialistic problems and an astrologer should not

exceed his brief.


If the native is destined to fly onto a spiritual path, he would

certainly meet the Guru at the most opportune time, in the

appropriate way (which in fact can be predicted from one's chart)

and I am sure, an astrologer need not interfere with such hoary



Hope you will agree with me,


Kishore patnaik





, " sreeram srinivas "

<sreeram64 wrote:


> Supplementing to Mr. Dharma Vyaadha, astrology is not a subject

followed by

> weak minds or ....etc.. It is for the people who have strength of

> character and will. Astrology gives you a picture of what is in

store for

> you in terms of future. A good indication does not mean that one


> happily engage in bad vices, similarly vice-versa. It is by

doing good

> karma only, one can navigate the troubled future !!! The good

karma =

> allevation can come in any of the five identified and extensively


> divine paths to salvation i.e. Hatha, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana & Raj

Yoga paths

> or methods.


> What Swami Vivekananda is saying while he is praying or invoking

to Goddess

> Durga or Kali, for her divine intervention to achieve the goals

set by his

> guru Sri Paramahansa Ramakrishna in spreading the divine

message !!! Divine

> intervention would only come to deserving few ( read " rare few " ).

> Invoking God or Goddess is a secret technique known to advanced


> awakened persons... atleast NOT by those persons seeking " selfish "

> allevation arising from materialistic desires like money,


> disease, escape from misery...etc.. ( often seen through many

request mails

> of members!!! ).


> We often here in families of yester years where the family size

used to be

> atleast THREE CHILDREN, that birth of a PARTICUALAR child has


> happiness or misery to the parents. If one analyses the parents


> for the period between the births of two children ( i.e. between


> bringing happiness into family and the one who brough misery ),

it is often

> seen the karma of father or mother of the said children were not

good. i.e.

> either they did not do good karma or actions which has resulted

in birth of

> " misery childbirth " ...etc..


> Well, we have often long debates on the issues of longevity, has

anyone done

> proper research or study........My confidence says absolute NO.


> people are interested in " grabbing " information or collecting


> without contributing any original ideas. The God has designed a

> calculated number of " human breaths " for every person which is

equivalent to

> 120 years ( refer the vimshottari dasha ). The human body

normally breathes

> 18 times a minute. A person during his life time undergoes


> physical & mental states, wherein the breathing increases or

decreases i.e.

> he is overdrawing or " under " drawing from his predefined &

calculated ( for

> people interested in mathematics 18 x 60 min x 24 hrs x 365 days x

120 years

> = god given or designed total number of breathes possible ). The


> in a horoscope has their own Tamasic, rajaswic....etc. qualities -


> tamaswic quality - early death,.....one can draw their own


> thereon based on the dictums defined in the astro_classics. We

often hear

> people ( in newspaper columns ) persons living healthily even

after 100

> years of life. Did you notice that number of people crossing 120

years of

> life - an extremely rare event or news... Even should you have

read such

> news did you make effort to know about his lifestyle and practises,

> beliefs.....etc.. which can be later mapped to astro_analysis ??

Did any

> one collect information on that ?? Absolute NO, No, NO. For we

are today

> interested to " read the mails in the forum " just to see if anyone


> responded to his submitted astro_query, so selfish, cannot think


> themselves...


> We talk of combinations of " Twins " ....etc.. Did anyone know it is


> which has extensive documented birth data on " Twins " for over six


> 600years ) till now ??? Did anyone make an effort to get or

access that

> database ??? No, No, No. We are all happy to earn $$$ and get


> advises in the forum.


> I recently came across a person staying in USA of Indian origin


> messenger online), who requested some analysis on his 19years of


> life which is in " rocks " , when took pity on him, did some quick

analysis (

> online - at late midnight ), when shared him the analysis, he was


> for a GURANTEE or WARRANTY for the analysis - which made me " boil

instantly "

> and tell him, free things do not carry gurantee or warranty card

and I

> being in India, where the consumer courts do not exists or

function !!! and

> switched him off politely & instantly. With this approach of

> " astro_customers " the days are not far away wherein people stop


> astrology even as a hobby !!


> Our ancient seers have understood the great link between the life

& death

> being = " breath " and hence designed or discovered the Pranayama

techniques (

> many many combinations are there - let member bodly confess - how

many of

> you really know about this yet practise astrology ??? ). In the


> state the bodly does NOT breath and hence a state of " LONG LIFE "


> remember the story of boy " Markandeya " in the Shiv Puran ???

Oh ! now I

> remember it.....We all read but do not correlate or understand the


> creation or the logics behind it neither make effort of

delineating it. Yet

> we run after GEMS or GEMNOLOGY.


> There are some members in , who write regularly,

their e-mails

> have NOT 0.1% of astrology or spirituality, ( simply meaningless

messages )

> yet regarded & respected. I am surprised - why such non-sense

emails are

> published in first place !! I can write about those identified

few - can

> share them privately to interested members. I am sure tracking


> members mails would definitely invoke similar reactions like

mine !!


> See the quality of response of Smt. Mahalaxmi Iyer or Smt

Sulochana or Smt

> Satya Sai KolachinaMr Chandrasekhar or.......


> When Sri K.N. Rao talks or speaks about the Jyotisha nadi, we are


> elated - for we do not understand a " byte " of his crypted

saying. Many

> call him as " Old Man " . but do anyone document horoscope analysis

like or

> him ??? He has such an extensive documentation either on events or

> horoscopes types or combinations......mind

blogling...collection... That

> extensive research case studies gives him the " authority to speak "


> motivates us to listen or read to his every spoken or written word.


> We often hear the debate of applicability of a horoscope after

death of the

> native. Do we know where to start and end this debate ?? Never

tried so

> hard ?? for astrology is a Hobby to be practised in mundane

surroundings ???

> !! Take the horoscopes of the popular persons say - Mahatma

Gandhi, Lenin,

> Jawarharlal Nehru ( the great hypocrite),.....etc.. They all were


> in their times - in real terms. Assuming they are still alive,


> their dasha...... If you have the data of now popular Indian

musician R.D.

> Burman who was not popular during his lifetime, now eulogised

every day.....



> We often read in this forum extensive explanations or pointless


> without any authentic genuine research. I invite or challenge

members if

> they are true to astrology, let me know any research done on the


> mentioned logics. There is more of plagarism or copying of ideas


> any genuine original contribution by members.


> One thing we should remember for the scriptures have said this

again and

> again - Karma has to be ENDURED. There are no short cuts!!!


> With regards,

> sreeram srinivas

> sreeram64

> cell : 98682-31817

> _____


> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology ] On Behalf Of dharmavyaadha

> Friday, June 23, 2006 4:47 PM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Swami Vivekanandas Views on Astrology




> Hello all


> I was reading about Swami Vivekanandas views on Astrology, here is

> a link


> http://www.ramakris




> hnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_8/notes_of_

> class_talks\

> _and_lectures/man_the_maker.htm


> I especially love the following lines:


> " And to be tricked by twinkling stars! It is a shameful condition.

> You

> are divinities; the twinkling stars owe their existence to you. "


> And also the ending:


> " The highest things are under your feet, because you are Divine

> Stars;

> all these things are under your feet. You can swallow the stars by

> the

> handful if you want, such is your real nature. Be strong, get


> all superstitions, and be free. "


> In the scheme of Swamiji's man-making religion, astrology was a


> superstition to be followed by those who lack confidence on their

> divine strength. I think though Swamiji did not believe astrology


> entirely false, he certainly found too much emphasis on it

> degenerating. In Yoga Vasishtha too, the emphasis is

on " Swadhyaya " -

> self effort - above everything else.


> Would like members view on Swamijis Views


> Love and regards


> Dharma Vyaadha


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