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Last month I got an Offer for a job...

Everyone was a bit hesitant for me to take it, I felt it was good (I was in mumbai then) they were bothered because it required me to travel to Israel, currently I'm in Israel..

I generally travel in First Class Western railway trian...

Everyone felt Israel was unsafe, but look at this if I was in Mumbai at this time I would be not safe...

But i beleive God, One more way he showed his grace...But with this I ask a question why he wants me to be on this earth ??? What does he want me to do for him ???

Is it Destiny ??

take care




From: shankar_mamtaDate: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 01:11:57 +0000 Matsya Avatar, the Deluge and all that




Matsya Avatar The VEDAS, with the aid of which, BRAHMA, the creator God, performs his role, happened to slip out of his possession at a moment of his respite. An ASURA (Enemy of God) who was alert observed it and instantly devoured them. But, Vishnu, the preserver-God, was watching this. Since PRALAYA - Dissolution - was to follow soon, the VEDAS would be lost for the next spell of Creation, unless they were retrieved. As God was wondering what was to be done, he noticed Sage Satyavrata, who was doing penance subsisting on water alone, making the ritual offering of water of God. God immediately assumed the form of a Fish. As satyavrata scooped water from the flowing river, he espied a tiny fish in the water he had scooped. When he tried to put it back into the river, the Fish entered the sage not to do so as it would be eaten up by the big fishes in the river. Satyavrata took pity and took it into his KAMANDALU and went back to his hermitage. Overnight, the Fish grew too big to be in the Kamandalu. The next morning when the sage looked it up, the Fish requested him to remove him to a larger vessel. Satyavarta did so but soon the fish became too big for the larger vessel also. Addressing the Sage, the Fish said that he should protect him and find a suitable living space for it. Satyavarta then emptied the vessel into a large pond near the hermitage along with the Fish. But, in no time the Fish grew as large as the pond and filled it. Then the Fish exhorted the Sage to take it to a large and deep lake. Although Satyavarta took it to several lakes, one larger than the other, the Fish kept growing and bigger and bigger. It went on asking for larger and larger living space. Sathyavarata got vexed and decided to put it into the ocean. While he reached the ocean, the Fish addressed him thus: "oh Sage, do not put me into the ocean, I am sure to be swallowed by the gigantic creature there." Satyavarta became suspicious now. He was despairing to know how a fish could in a day grow so big as the largest lake and still find it not big enough for it to live there. In a flash, he realised that it was Lord Vishnu in the form of Fish. Satyavrata immediately prostrated before the Fish and prayed to be told why God had appeared in the form of Fish. The Lord told his devotee, "Just a week from now, the ocean will rise and inundate the entire Universe for the dissolution of creation. At that time you will see a spacious boat approaching you. Do collect all the seeds, plants and animals required for the next spell of creation and get into the boat and await me. Take VASUKI, the kind of Serpents, also with you. The SAPTHA RISHIS (seven Sages) will also be with you". The Fish left for fulfilling its mission. Hayagriva saw the gigantic fish approaching him and was overtaken by fear. He held the VEDAS tightly in his mouth. But soon the Divine Fish slew him and recovered the VEDAS and restored them to BRAHMA for him to resume the function of CREATION at the appropriate time. As foretold by the DIVINE FISH, PRALAYA (deluge) set in and on the turbulent waters, a boat appeared. Sage Satyavrata, the Saptha Rishis and all the living creatures found haven in the boat. The Fish in the colour of gold and now with a horn came by and ordered that the boat be tied to its horn using VASUKI as a rope. While the boat floated safely on the rising and enveloping waters, VISHNU taught the Rishis the highest form of Truth. This collection of truth has come to us in the form of MATSYA PURANA. Lord VISHNU in this manner saved his True Devotees from dissolution so as to hand down divine knowledge and saved the VEDAS from destruction so as ensure CREATION after the DISSOLUTION. Extracts from the Fingerprints of the Gods – the quest continues – by Graham HancockMore than 500 deluge legends are known around the world and , in a survey of 86 of these (20 Asiatic, 3 European, 7 African, 46 American and 10 from Australia and the Pacific), the specialist researacher Dr Richard Andree concluded that 62 were entirely independent of the Mesopotomian and Hebrew accounts.Story of Utnapishtim – Ancient SumerNoah and the Deluge – BibleCoxcoxtli and Xochiquetzal – Aztec mythologyTezpi and the wrath of Tezcatilpoca – Central American traditionYamana legend Tierra del Feugan tribeInuit tradition of AlaskaMany deluge and catastrophe myths contain references contain references to not only to the onset of a great darkness but to other changes in the appearance of the heavens….the sun and moon fell from the sky…the planets altered their courses. The sun, moon and stars changed their motions….Fire often follows or precedes the flood….volcanism and earthquakes are also mentioned frequently in association with the flood, particularly in the Americas….Phaeton, child of Sun, harnessed his father's chariot but was unable to guide it along his father's course….a monster chased the sun….the face of the world was darkened and a black rain began to fall.One pair each of the male and female of various species survived to re-populate the world after the great deluge.Suppose that a tremendous cataclysm were to overtake the earth today, obliterating the achievements of our civilization and wiping out almost all of us. Suppose, to paraphrase Plato, that we were forced by this cataclysm 'to begin again like children, in complete ignorance of what had happened in early times'. Under such circumstances, ten or twelve thousand years from now (with all written records and film archives long since destroyed) what testimony might our descendants still preserve concerning the events at the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 of the Christian era?It is easy to imagine how they might speak in mystical terms of explosions that gave off a 'terrible glare of light' and 'immense heat'. Nor would we be too surprised to find that they might have formulated a 'mythical' account something like this:The flames of the Brahmastra-charged missiles mingled with each other and surrounded by fiery arrows they covered the earth, heaven and space between and increased the conflagration like the fire and the Sun at the end of the world ... All beings who were scorched by the Brahmastras, and saw the terrible fire of their missiles, felt that it was the fire of Pralaya [the cataclysm] that burns down the world.And what of the Enola Gay which carried the Hiroshima bomb? How might our descendants remember that strange aircraft and the squadrons of others like it that swarmed through the skies of planet earth during the twentieth century of the Christian era? Isn't it possible, probable even, that they might preserve traditions of 'celestial cars' and 'heavenly chariots' and 'spacious flying machines', and even of 'aerial cities'. If they did, would they perhaps speak of such wonders in mythical terms a little like these:• 'Oh you, Uparicara Vasu, the spacious aerial flying machine will come to you - and you alone, of all the mortals, seated on that vehicle will look like a deity.' • 'Visvakarma, the architect among the Gods, built aerial vehicles for the Gods.' • 'Oh you descendant of the Kurus, that wicked fellow came on that all-traversing automatic flying vehicle known as Saubhapura and pierced me with weapons.' • 'He entered into the favourite divine palace of Indra and saw thousands of flying vehicles intended for the Gods lying at rest.' • 'The Gods came in their respective flying vehicles to witness the battle between Kripacarya and Arjuna. Even Indra, the Lord of Heaven, came with a special type of flying vehicle which could accommodate 33 divine beings.' All these quotations have been taken from the Bhagavata Puranu and from the Mahabaratha, two drops in the ocean of the ancient wisdom literature of the Indian subcontinent. And such images are replicated in many other archaic traditions.Some questions based on the above:WILL SIGNIFICANT HAPPENINGS OF TODAY BECOME MYTHOLOGIES OF TOMORROW (IF TIME IS COMPRESSED)?IS THERE A COMMON THREAD IN SOME OF THE MYTHOLOGIES ACROSS THE WORLD? i.e., these mythologies are not unique to India?TO WHAT EXTENT DO THE DASAVATARS REFLECT EVOLUTION AFTER THE FIFTH AVATAR?VISHNU TOOK BIRTH AS OTHER AVATARS SUCH AS WELL SUCH AS DATTATREYA AND DHANVANTARI WHO ARE NOT INCLUDED AMONG THE FAMOUS 10 – IS THERE A CLASSICAL REFERENCE TO THE 10 AVATARS OF VISHNU OR IS THIS A LATER INVENTION? Express yourself instantly with

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Dear Vinita ji,

Let me express some of my answers to the questions you put forward:





Yes, for sure, I think. If we look back to history, almost always it

is the significant happenings of today (read that ancient day) that

becomes mythologies of tomorrow (with added fantasy).



WORLD? i.e., these mythologies are not unique to India?


There seems to be (Again looking back at the mythologies that exit in

the different countries and societies, that are far away from each

other). But " the common psychological content and aspirations of human

beings " could be another reason for this.






Nop, I have no idea - that is not my subject. :)








There seems to be a turbulent actual history hiding behind. The Siva

and Tantric tradition almost got destroyed, and re-vedised

(re-vishnavised? similar to the the wording re-christened) at least

the literature is concerned, and several ancient gurus like Siva,

Nakuleesa, Dattareya, Vamadeva etc got forgotten. Some of the

knowledge they propogated came with new name as ascribed to new gurus

and new gods. It is a subject for real research. :) Probably vishu

itself could be a later invention, and Narayana the ancient god. :)

Getting confused? Read more of the available ancient literature.





, " mangeshr ramnathkar "

<mangeshrr wrote:


> Last month I got an Offer for a job...

> Everyone was a bit hesitant for me to take it, I felt it was good (I

was in mumbai then) they were bothered because it required me to

travel to Israel, currently I'm in Israel..

> I generally travel in First Class Western railway trian...

> Everyone felt Israel was unsafe, but look at this if I was in Mumbai

at this time I would be not safe...

> But i beleive God, One more way he showed his grace...But with this

I ask a question why he wants me to be on this earth ??? What does he

want me to do for him ???

> Is it Destiny ??

> take care

> Mangeshr



> : shankar_mamta: Wed, 5 Jul 2006

01:11:57 +0000 Matsya Avatar, the

Deluge and all that





> Matsya Avatar The VEDAS, with the aid of which, BRAHMA, the creator

God, performs his role, happened to slip out of his possession at a

moment of his respite. An ASURA (Enemy of God) who was alert observed

it and instantly devoured them. But, Vishnu, the preserver-God, was

watching this. Since PRALAYA - Dissolution - was to follow soon, the

VEDAS would be lost for the next spell of Creation, unless they were

retrieved. As God was wondering what was to be done, he noticed Sage

Satyavrata, who was doing penance subsisting on water alone, making

the ritual offering of water of God. God immediately assumed the form

of a Fish. As satyavrata scooped water from the flowing river, he

espied a tiny fish in the water he had scooped. When he tried to put

it back into the river, the Fish entered the sage not to do so as it

would be eaten up by the big fishes in the river. Satyavrata took pity

and took it into his KAMANDALU and went back to his hermitage.

Overnight, the Fish grew too big to be in the Kamandalu. The next

morning when the sage looked it up, the Fish requested him to remove

him to a larger vessel. Satyavarta did so but soon the fish became too

big for the larger vessel also. Addressing the Sage, the Fish said

that he should protect him and find a suitable living space for it.

Satyavarta then emptied the vessel into a large pond near the

hermitage along with the Fish. But, in no time the Fish grew as large

as the pond and filled it. Then the Fish exhorted the Sage to take it

to a large and deep lake. Although Satyavarta took it to several

lakes, one larger than the other, the Fish kept growing and bigger and

bigger. It went on asking for larger and larger living space.

Sathyavarata got vexed and decided to put it into the ocean. While he

reached the ocean, the Fish addressed him thus: " oh Sage, do not put

me into the ocean, I am sure to be swallowed by the gigantic creature

there. " Satyavarta became suspicious now. He was despairing to know

how a fish could in a day grow so big as the largest lake and still

find it not big enough for it to live there. In a flash, he realised

that it was Lord Vishnu in the form of Fish. Satyavrata immediately

prostrated before the Fish and prayed to be told why God had appeared

in the form of Fish. The Lord told his devotee, " Just a week from now,

the ocean will rise and inundate the entire Universe for the

dissolution of creation. At that time you will see a spacious boat

approaching you. Do collect all the seeds, plants and animals required

for the next spell of creation and get into the boat and await me.

Take VASUKI, the kind of Serpents, also with you. The SAPTHA RISHIS

(seven Sages) will also be with you " . The Fish left for fulfilling its

mission. Hayagriva saw the gigantic fish approaching him and was

overtaken by fear. He held the VEDAS tightly in his mouth. But soon

the Divine Fish slew him and recovered the VEDAS and restored them to

BRAHMA for him to resume the function of CREATION at the appropriate

time. As foretold by the DIVINE FISH, PRALAYA (deluge) set in and on

the turbulent waters, a boat appeared. Sage Satyavrata, the Saptha

Rishis and all the living creatures found haven in the boat. The Fish

in the colour of gold and now with a horn came by and ordered that the

boat be tied to its horn using VASUKI as a rope. While the boat

floated safely on the rising and enveloping waters, VISHNU taught the

Rishis the highest form of Truth. This collection of truth has come to

us in the form of MATSYA PURANA. Lord VISHNU in this manner saved his

True Devotees from dissolution so as to hand down divine knowledge and

saved the VEDAS from destruction so as ensure CREATION after the

DISSOLUTION. Extracts from the Fingerprints of the Gods – the quest

continues – by Graham HancockMore than 500 deluge legends are known

around the world and , in a survey of 86 of these (20 Asiatic, 3

European, 7 African, 46 American and 10 from Australia and the

Pacific), the specialist researacher Dr Richard Andree concluded that

62 were entirely independent of the Mesopotomian and Hebrew

accounts.Story of Utnapishtim – Ancient SumerNoah and the Deluge –

BibleCoxcoxtli and Xochiquetzal – Aztec mythologyTezpi and the wrath

of Tezcatilpoca – Central American traditionYamana legend Tierra del

Feugan tribeInuit tradition of AlaskaMany deluge and catastrophe myths

contain references contain references to not only to the onset of a

great darkness but to other changes in the appearance of the

heavens….the sun and moon fell from the sky…the planets altered their

courses. The sun, moon and stars changed their motions….Fire often

follows or precedes the flood….volcanism and earthquakes are also

mentioned frequently in association with the flood, particularly in

the Americas….Phaeton, child of Sun, harnessed his father's chariot

but was unable to guide it along his father's course….a monster chased

the sun….the face of the world was darkened and a black rain began to

fall.One pair each of the male and female of various species survived

to re-populate the world after the great deluge.Suppose that a

tremendous cataclysm were to overtake the earth today, obliterating

the achievements of our civilization and wiping out almost all of us.

Suppose, to paraphrase Plato, that we were forced by this cataclysm

'to begin again like children, in complete ignorance of what had

happened in early times'. Under such circumstances, ten or twelve

thousand years from now (with all written records and film archives

long since destroyed) what testimony might our descendants still

preserve concerning the events at the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and

Nagasaki in August 1945 of the Christian era?It is easy to imagine how

they might speak in mystical terms of explosions that gave off a

'terrible glare of light' and 'immense heat'. Nor would we be too

surprised to find that they might have formulated a 'mythical' account

something like this:The flames of the Brahmastra-charged missiles

mingled with each other and surrounded by fiery arrows they covered

the earth, heaven and space between and increased the conflagration

like the fire and the Sun at the end of the world ... All beings who

were scorched by the Brahmastras, and saw the terrible fire of their

missiles, felt that it was the fire of Pralaya [the cataclysm] that

burns down the world.And what of the Enola Gay which carried the

Hiroshima bomb? How might our descendants remember that strange

aircraft and the squadrons of others like it that swarmed through the

skies of planet earth during the twentieth century of the Christian

era? Isn't it possible, probable even, that they might preserve

traditions of 'celestial cars' and 'heavenly chariots' and 'spacious

flying machines', and even of 'aerial cities'. If they did, would they

perhaps speak of such wonders in mythical terms a little like these:•

'Oh you, Uparicara Vasu, the spacious aerial flying machine will come

to you - and you alone, of all the mortals, seated on that vehicle

will look like a deity.' • 'Visvakarma, the architect among the Gods,

built aerial vehicles for the Gods.' • 'Oh you descendant of the

Kurus, that wicked fellow came on that all-traversing automatic flying

vehicle known as Saubhapura and pierced me with weapons.' • 'He

entered into the favourite divine palace of Indra and saw thousands of

flying vehicles intended for the Gods lying at rest.' • 'The Gods came

in their respective flying vehicles to witness the battle between

Kripacarya and Arjuna. Even Indra, the Lord of Heaven, came with a

special type of flying vehicle which could accommodate 33 divine

beings.' All these quotations have been taken from the Bhagavata

Puranu and from the Mahabaratha, two drops in the ocean of the ancient

wisdom literature of the Indian subcontinent. And such images are

replicated in many other archaic traditions.Some questions based on



THE MYTHOLOGIES ACROSS THE WORLD? i.e., these mythologies are not








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