Guest guest Posted June 6, 2007 Report Share Posted June 6, 2007 Hi, According to JaiminiFor Lagna or For a planet 2-12, 3-11,4-10,5-9,6-12,3-8 places are called Argalas. In these with Subhasaamyam it will be Subhargalam if it is a Papagraha Saamyam it will be Papargalam.Subhargale Dhana Samvruddhih:Paschadripu Bhagayo graha Samye bandhah: Konayo ripujayayoh keetayugmayohrdhararihphayoschaah:Thank you Narasimha Sreenadh <sreesog wrote: , "Sreenadh" <sreesog wrote: Dear Chandra Shekhar ji, Thanks for description. ==> > Argal means a wooden bolt or pin fastening a door. It also means > a check or obstruction. So Argalas are like obstructions or influences. <== Yes, the better popular word is 'Anargala' which means 'continuous' or 'without obstruction'. Argala is opposite of this word and thus Argala means 'obstruction' or 'bondage'. It could also mean chain or lock or wooden bolt or pin for fastening a door as told by you. These meanings too in essence point to original meaning 'obstruction' or 'bondage'. Literal word meaning: Argala = Obstruction; Aanrgala = Without obstruction Argala Yoga =========== Rule -1: If there are any planets in 4-2-11 house (from Lagna) Argala Yoga results. Any number of planets (1, 2, 3 or more) can cause Argala. (As per BPHS it is not necessary that 2 or more planets should be there to cause Argala). There could be 3 types of Argala- 1) Caused by benefics (Subhargala) 2) Caused by malefics (Papargala) 3) Caused by the placement of benefics and malefics together (Ubhayargala) i.e. If there is any (one or more) benefic in 4th it is Argala Yoga (Subhargala). If there is any (one or more) malefic in 4th it is Argala Yoga (Papargala). If there is one or more benefic and malefic together placed in 4th it is Argala Yoga (Ubhayargala). The same is true for 2nd and 11th. Now the question is- How a benefic placed in 4th can cause 'Obstruction' or 'Bondage'?!! (Argala) The Answer is - Even wealth can become bondage, if search is for true happiness. Note that 4-2-11 are houses that indicate wealth. As per BPHS, if benefics are present in 4-2-11 (Subhargala) the native will be rich. If malefics are present in 4-2-11 (Papargala) the native will be poor. If benefics and malefics are together placed in 4-2-11 at times the native will be rich and at some other point of time he will be searching for money suffering economic down falls. Rule -2 There is another kind of Argala known as Triconargala or Yogargala. It is stated below- If there are any planets in 5th house (from Lagna) Argala Yoga results. In the same way if there is Ketu in 9th then also Argala Yoga results. As told earlier Argala due to the placement of planets in 5th can be of 3 types - Subhargala, Papargala and Ubhayargala. As you can see, Argala caused by Ke in 9th is a Papargala (causing poverty). There is no concept of Subhargala, or Ubhayargala related to 9th house. Why this type of Argala is stated separately? Parasara could have easily stated, "Placement of any Planet in 2-4-5-11 will cause Argala". But he separated 5th from the 4-2-11, why? The reason for this is the 4-2-11 are related to wealth, while 5th is related to knowledge. Here the item that caused 'obstruction' or 'bondage' is knowledge or the lack of it. (rather than wealth or the lack of it) If there is a benefic in 5th, the native will suffer 'obstruction' or 'bondage' caused by too much knowledge or dependence on intelligence. He will be denied of true happiness, that a free man enjoys. This is Trikonargala and is a Subhargala. If there is a malefic in 5th, the native will suffer 'obstruction' or 'bondage' caused by lack of knowledge or lack of intelligence. He too will be denied of true happiness, that a free man enjoys. This is Trikonargala and is a Papargala. If there is one or more malefic and benefic together placed in 5th, the native will suffer 'obstruction' or 'bondage' caused by lack of knowledge or lack of intelligence at times in some subjects and surplus of it at other instances in other subjects. He too will be denied of true happiness, that a free man enjoys. This is Trikonargala and is an Ubhayargala. Virodhargala: ============= There are several combination that can oppose (destroy or cancel) such Argala Yogas. For example if there is any planet in 11th (8th from 4th) it can cause opposition to (destroy or cancel) the Argala caused by a planet in 4th (from Lagna). Similarly if there is any planet in 9th (8th from 2nd) it can cause opposition to (destroy or cancel) the Argala caused by a planet in 2th (from Lagna). Similarly if there is any planet in 6th (8th from 11th) it can cause opposition to (destroy or cancel) the Argala caused by a planet in 11th (from Lagna). There are several other combinations as well that cause Virodhargala. (Remember that if there is no Argala, there is no importance to the concept of Virodhargala as well) ==> > I do not think there is any divergence of opinion between > Jaimini and Parashara, on argala only they might highlight > different aspects of the concept. <== Some combinations that causes Virodhargala, Jaimini mentions but not Parasara. This is unusual, because Jaimini sutra is an effort by an Acharya (Jaimini) to teach Parasara's concepts to his students. For example Jaimini says that 2 or more malefics in 3rd house can cause Virodhargala, and not even mention to which Argala! (i.e. Argala caused by the placement of planet in which house). Where as Parasara does not even mention such a thing. Detailed discussion of combinations that cause Virodhargala will make this mail very long. So I am stopping here. The whole purpose of my initial mail was to have a better understanding of the concepts, use, difference of opinion between Parasara and Jaimini, logics related to the same etc. In short I was seeking expert opinion about this concept of Argala from the astrologers who use it in their daily predictions and horoscope readings. (The beginners knowledge of 'What is Argala' anybody can have by referring BPHS on some online article once. That was not the purpose) Love, Sreenadh , Chandrashekhar <chandrashekhar46@> wrote: > > Dear Sreenadh, > > Argal means a wooden bolt or pin fastening a door. It also means a check > or obstruction. So Argalas are like obstructions or influences. When it > is shubha grahas casting argala good influence is received and if > ashubha grahas do that the influence is not good so a sort of > obstruction. Malefic argala from 3rd is however good. One may equate > argalas to the door bolt and whether its operation will open the door of > opportunity or close it will depend on whether the argala is shubha or > ashubha. I do not think there is any divergence of opinion between > Jaimini and Parashara, on argala only they might highlight different > aspects of the concept. Most of the difference in concept is amongst > astrologers as to whether the number of grahas giving argalas need to be > three or more or not and so on. Of course other could hold a different > view on this. > > Chandrashekhar. > > Sreenadh wrote: > > > > Dear All, > > What is Argala? What is the popular opinion about the same? In what > > situations it is applicable? Are there any contradictions between the > > definition of Argala by Parasara and Jaimini? What is your opinion? > > Please clarify. > > Regards, > > Sreenadh > > > > > > ------------------------- ------ > > > > > > > > Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 269.8.9/832 - Release 6/4/2007 6:43 PM > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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