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WAVES-Vedic , " Avtar Krishen Kaul "

<jyotirved wrote:


Dear friends,


It has been said

< If we shift our attention to the Cosmic plane, we discover that

the Earth has a central axis based upon the Solstices and Equinoxes

upon which our planet is balanced as she voyages around the cosmic

ocean in her elliptical orbit around the Sun.>

The fact of the matter is:

It appears that these scholars do not know Newton's Law of

Gravitation since the earth is neither balanced by Equinoxes nor by

Solstices but by Newton's Third Law of Motion/Law of Gravitation!

For that matter, every other planet/body in the universe

is " balanced " by dint of those very Laws! Solstices and Equinoxes

are just the four points through which the earth passes through ---

like thousands of other points---during its revolution around the

sun! The " shortet " or the " longest " day etc. are not due to

revolution alone but rotation as well! They are just the four days

in a year like any other day! Primary school level geography tells

us that the earth's axis is tilted towards the ecliptic by about

23.5 degrees. That is the case with other planets as well!

Their " axis " also are tilted towards the ecliptic and they also

rotate on the same and revolve around the sun! They have their

own " equinoxes " and " solstices " and the duration of " day " at the

rest of the planets is much larger or smaller than that of the

earth! They too have their own apehelia and perihelia.

It neeeds neither Tapasya nor yoga to understand such ABC of



It has been said futher

<On its annual passage, the Earth reaches its closest proximity to

the Sun or 'perihelion' in the month of January and the zodiacal

sign CAPRICORN. This also coincides with India's most sacred Makar

Sankranti and also the Uttarayana as the Earth moves increasingly

into the light. >


It is surprising that on the one hand we are told by the

same " cosmological scholars " that the Uttarayana takes place on

December 21 /22 every year and it is that very Uttarayana according

to the same scholars that is known as Vedic Makara/Capricorn

Sankranti but in the ame breath we are informed that " in the month

of January the Earth reaches the zodiacal sign Capricorn " . My God!

What a U-Turn! According to the same scholars, it is actually

Lahiri and Raman etc. nirayana Makar Sankranti that takes place in

January whereas the Makar Sankranti of these " cosmological scholars "

takes place on December 21/22 itself! Are these scholars

enlightening or confuing us? Or have they now ganeged up with

nirayanawallas, by " burying their hatchet of nirayana sayana

controversy " to settle scores with someone who dares to take up

cudgels against their anti-Vedic " Vedic astrology " ?


Then again, it is really annoying to note that these scholars do not

know even ABC of geography as otherwise they would not have

said " the earth reaches Capricorn in January " . The earth reaches

actually the contellation Cancer and not Capricorn in January! It

is the sun that is supposed to reach Capricorn sign in January ----

in spite of it being stationary ---and not the earth! Will

these " cosmological scholars " read a couple of good books on

geography and astronomy first and only after doing so enter intoc

discussions on such topics as otherwise it is sheer wastage of time

to have to correct them on every step like a school master

admonishing a dull student!


The issue has been fruther complication by these " cosmoligical

scholars " with the wrods:

<The scholar and historian Subhash Kak has provided extensive

evidence in his article - Babylonian and Indian Astronomy: Early

Connections: that the zodiacal symbols found in the Sumerian

Babylonian civilization were predated by the INDIAN and therefore

long before the Greeks as Kaul would have us believe.>


Time and again these " scholars " have been saying that the real Vedic

Makar Sankranti has nothing to do with constellations Capricorn as

it is just the " Vedic (Sic) " name of Uttarayana that is nown as

Makar Sankranti but now they quote some scholar who says that it is

the Capricorn constellation that has been proved to be Makar

Sankranti! Will these " scholars " decide among themselves first as

to whether it is Uttarayana that is to be known as Makar Sankranti

or the Greek constellation Capricorn and then get back to us so that

we can decide as to whom to believe and not to believe after

subjecting those views to a peer review. Right now, they are just

taking reacourse to their abacadabra and trying to impress us with

their half-baked theories, just to propagate their brand of " Vedic

astrology " ---whether nirayana or sayana. (For further discussion on

this topic, please see Rashi5.doc)


It has been said further

<Through these cosmo-geographical correspondences we discover that

INDIA IS THE SIGN CAPRICORN. In fact, one can readily " See " that the

ancient hieroglyph forms an exact overlay of the Indian

subcontinent. Its perfect alignment with this cardinal point

identifies India as the " Soul of the Earth " and thus the point of

the clearest spiritual vision.>


Now that " these cosmologists " thesmelves say that it is the

constellation Capricorn that has been proved to have been " exported "

from India, obviously, it is not the so called Sayana Makar Rashis

that these scholars are talking about since according to these

very " scholars " the " constelllation Capricorn " has nothing to do

with " Vedic Capricorn " ? I am really confused --- and naturally

everybody else must be --- with such self-contradicting statements

of the " Scholars " that " Constellation Capricorn itself is the Vedic

Caprcorn " and then in the same breath " Vedic Capricorn has nothing

to do with constellation Capricorn " . What do they want to prove and

what do they want to disprove? Will someone kindly enlighten me

about it!

The again, they have yet to quote any Vedic mantra whereain Makar

Sankanti ---whether the so called Sayana or the so called nirayana---

has been referred to! They have again yet to take us into

confidence as to which Vedic mantra tells us that " India is

Capricorn " . Unless and until they quote the exact mantras,

obviously, they are taking us for a ride with their English language

which is their mother tongue through which they want to pontificate

and prosyletyse about the real Vedic knowlege, when they do not know

even ABC of Sankrit language.

Avtar Krishen Kaul


Avtar Krishen Kaul

WAVES-Vedic , " Robert E. Wilkinson "

<robtw@> wrote:





> The Veda, India, and the Sacred Map Symbol - Capricorn




> All of us on WAVES share a common interest in the Vedas and the

incomparable knowledge they contain. Yet few are aware of the

importance of our mutual endeavor and the critical need in the world

for the restoration of these Vedic Truths. To arrive at a more

enlightened understanding of this fact, it is necessary to explore

the origins of this knowledge and why it appeared in INDIA and

nowhere else on earth.




> As a Westerner raised as a Christian, I had no idea of the depth

of Indian thought believing that all spiritual truths were

relatively the same. It was not until much later in my life that I

began to understand the profound truth behind Sri Aurobindo's





> " Veda, the Knowledge, is the received name for the highest

spiritual truth of which the human mind is capable. "






> In my pursuit of this truth I was led to the writings of the Seer

Cosmologist, Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, and came to understand that

the KNOWLEDGE and INDIA, the place of its origin, were inextricably

linked. Recent historical revelations have corroborated her position

and proven that India's spiritual heritage is entirely its own and

not simply an import of some occupying power as the Aryan Invasion

theory led many to believe. This 'highest spiritual truth of which

the human mind is capable' is thus indigenous to India and was

formulated by the Vedic Rishis in her ancient past.




> Ms. Norelli-Bachelet, or THEA as she is called, is the only

authority that I know of who has explored the hidden connection

between INDIA and the VEDA and given us objective evidence as to why

India and no other country should be the source of this eternal

wisdom. Her discoveries in this area have given rise to an APPLIED

COSMOLOGY based upon the eternal law of correspondence and





> " As Above, So Below " proclaims the Rishi; the principles of order

and harmony which exist in the Macrocosm are also to be found in the

microcosm. Starting from any level, one can establish an awareness

of these patterns and symmetries and follow them to other levels

through the laws of correspondence. They manifest first as Cosmic

and Planetary harmonies because, said Thea, 'the Absolute created

the universe in such a way that its very structure and movement

become the common matrix for the organization of all human





> If we shift our attention to the Cosmic plane, we discover that

the Earth has a central axis based upon the Solstices and Equinoxes

upon which our planet is balanced as she voyages around the cosmic

ocean in her elliptical orbit around the Sun. On its annual passage,

the Earth reaches its closest proximity to the Sun or 'perihelion'

in the month of January and the zodiacal sign CAPRICORN. This also

coincides with India's most sacred Makar Sankranti and also the

Uttarayana as the Earth moves increasingly into the light.






> As we pursue these cosmic harmonies to the planetary level we find

that we are able to discover additional correspondences simply by

overlaying the " map " of the heavens upon the earth. With the 360

degree Zodiac thus laid on the globe at the zero point of the

Greenwich meridian, we observe that the sign Capricorn starts

exactly where the Indian landmass begins. The sign's 30 degrees

begin at 60/61 degrees East and continue to the mouth of the Ganges

in the Bay of Bengal. The " tail " of the sign is carried over to

encompass Burma, and from there swings back toward the central body.




> Through these cosmo-geographical correspondences we discover that

INDIA IS THE SIGN CAPRICORN. In fact, one can readily " See " that the

ancient hieroglyph forms an exact overlay of the Indian

subcontinent. Its perfect alignment with this cardinal point

identifies India as the " Soul of the Earth " and thus the point of

the clearest spiritual vision.




*(if the Sacred Symbol Map - Capricorn does not show up in this

posting, it may be seen at: http://www.aeongroup.com/capglyp.jpg )




> Given this irrefutable objective evidence of INDIA'S unique

destiny as " Soul of the Earth " , perhaps you may appreciate why THEA

calls her work an INDOCENTRIC COSMOLOGY. It also helps explain the

deeper meaning behind some of the extraordinary statements made by

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in India's regard.






> " The Soul of India is one and indivisible.


> India is conscious of her mission in the world.


> She is waiting for the exterior means of manifestation. "


> The Mother --







> " INDIA " , said the Mother " is a divinely chosen country with a

unique spiritual heritage. She is not the earth, rivers and

mountains, nor simply the collective name for the inhabitants of

this land. India is a living being, conscious of her mission in the

world and waiting for the exterior means of its manifestation. India

alone can lead the earth to peace and a new world order. " The

Mother: " On the Destiny of India "


" It would be a tragic irony of fate if India were to throw away her


> spiritual heritage at the very moment when in the rest of the world


> there is more and more a turning towards her for spiritual help


> and a saving Light. This must not and will surely not happen,


> but it cannot be said that the danger is not there. "


> Sri Aurobindo -- 26:p.412


Given the deteriorating condition of our modern secular world and

its pathological relativisism, I think we can all appreciate why

Sri Aurobindo would be concerned for India's fate and write the





> " ...the demands of truth and the spiritual needs of mankind in

THIS AGE call for a restoration of the VEDIC truths. "




> This means that those of us on WAVES, and other Vedic sites, who

espouse these highest truths have a solemn responsibility to work

for their restoration. When the likes of Krishen Kaul writes the

following nonsense in denial of these sacred truths we must not

stand idly by and let his ridiculous claims go unchallenged.






> " There are no glyphs of astrological rashis available even in the


> called Hindu Vedic Jyotish right from the time of Varahamhira the

> charlatan to the " greatest Vedic astrologer of the twentieth

century " .

> It is actually only a Greek symbol of Capricornus constellation


> is being thrust down the throat of " Akhanda Bharatam " just to

> propagate one's Sayana brand of " Vedic astrology " by firing the gun

> from the shoulders of the Greek symbol of Capricornus

constellation. "







> As you will see from the above, Kaul does not deal at all with the

fact that the Capricorn symbol can measured through longitude and

latitude 'rulers' so that you can fit the sign Capricorn of 30

degrees perfectly into the area that would be Capricorn of the

zodiac if you laid that circle across the globe. Moreover, who among

you could possibly believe that India could give birth to the

sublime truths of the Veda and not at the same time express these

eternal truths in the form of a complete COSMOLOGY? Kaul's denials

to the contrary are simply ridiculous. The scholar and historian

Subhash Kak has provided extensive evidence in his article -

Babylonian and Indian Astronomy: Early Connections: that the

zodiacal symbols found in the Sumerian Babylonian civilization were

predated by the INDIAN and therefore long before the Greeks as Kaul

would have us believe. The points of Kak's thesis are amply proven

in his scholarly article moreover, they are entirely consistent with

the Indo-Centric Cosmology that THEA has carefully articulated in

her numerous books and essays. In fact, it has always been her

contention consistent with everything she has formulated in her

cosmology: that the actual ORIGIN of the Zodiacal symbols was India,

and that from India, like Sanskrit, it migrated in a westerly

direction and was taken into many cultures beyond its borders only

to return much later on appearing to be an import.




> The information I have given here is only a part of a COMPLETE AND

INTEGRAL COSMOLOGY which applies equally to the Individual, India

and the World. It is my fondest hope that we can continue to

discuss these sacred mysteries without any further interruptions. I

hope all of you will agree.




> R.E. Wilkinson



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