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Vimshottarry dasa analysis

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Dear Sunil ji,

Thanks for the very good and informative mail. But still I think

the question, " Whether good, moderate or bad results should be

predicted for a particular Dasa? " , which is given much importance in

many texts and many methodologies are described for the same (as well

summarized in your mail), is of less importance compared to the major

question, " What are the results to be predicted for a particular

Dasa? " , which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many

texts that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status

(a higher class subject) is given most importance and the question

with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is given

least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is misled!

They ask questions and try their level best to determine and talk a

lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad - results;

but pitifully fails to determine " What results should be attributed

to that period (Dasa)? " !!! Shouldn't we try to put the record


Shouldn't we try to recast the right perspective of -

First, identifying the results that should be attributed to that

Dasa; and then,

Secondly, to identifying to what extend/amount (large, moderate,

weak) that results to fructify?

Of course for those who don't know the answer to the first

question, the answer to the second question (which you to address

efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to those who know

the answer to the first question, your mail would be a much

beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see this point.

Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive description of the

methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second question





, " sunil nair "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:


> Hare ramakrishna,

> Dear jyothishas and lovers of astrology,


> dasa analysis:-


> This is realy a puzzling question even among the well established

> astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour


> max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji they know s


> kinds of differrent dasas and they collects datas and questions and

> answerring it tru applying atleast 4 popular dasas applicable to the

> chart and so they r very safe .

> In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is more

> stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for

this we

> must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna ,jupiter ,mer

> ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making lagna very

strong ,if

> moon is more strong by above situations we must give importance to

> moon.And take moon sign as lagna. some says till 30 years lagna


> upto 60 moon and later years sun shud also be treated as lagna and


> say the results ,but i am not favring that as lagna is smallest

unit and

> happening within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna


> giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous

> conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in

> begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon

in end

> of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever results


> it by it will be giving but this is only a general statement.

> Depending on the positions and bhavas the palnets will giv various

> results . fro eg - we can take some one has jupiter in 2nd

house ,in one

> chart its in dhanu rasi and in another chart its in makar rasi ,so


> both charts jupiter is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa

> ,apahara(sub periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart

its 2nd

> lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart the


> lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no cancellation s of

> neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even though its dasa of lagna

> lord . so i am trying to formulate some of the principles which


> be useful in seeing a dasa and results

> ------------------------------

1) see

> the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and see


> movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya stiti ( normal

> parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta varga for this

> planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th ,11th,or lagna ,also

> ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r generaly considered


> 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of gulika --according to kerala

> sampradaya) ,assossiation with gulika ,less points in ashta varga

> ,sastru khsetra stithi ,neecha stithi ,combust ,yoga with


> santhi,and bhava santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if

> positioned in upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be

> good ,not the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and


> placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only in

> dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or

benefics if

> they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with

ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra

> kshetra stithi and if aspected by benefics or palced also in benefic

> vargas the planets will giv good results 6)If dasa lord is

strong and

> and frnd of lagna lord good and favrable results can be expected .

> 7)but if enmy of lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa

> will be highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with


> benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will

giv bad

> results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord is benefic or

> functional benefic if well placed with strenght will giv good


> and mafefic or functional malefics ill placed and weak will giv bad

> results . 10) if the planet is placed in sheershodaya sign it may


> results in begining .and prishtodaya sign it will giv results in

end and

> if in ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad

results .

> leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are sheershodaya(rising


> head signs) and aries ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are

> prishtodaya signs (rising with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya


> ( rising with both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if

he is

> powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for


> extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg --mercury is


> and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if placed in virgo ,ucha rasi he


> be the best among dasas. 12)It says 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords


> janma nakshatra adhi pathy order will be supposed to be best


> 13) if 3rd house or 12th house and any weak planets are situated his

> dasa apahara ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics

then it

> will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining


> end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble

some ,sorrows ,pains ,deseases

> and various mishappes may be possible and if the planets is in 30 th

> degree its very dangerous may be it can cause death also. 15) The

> planet positioned with rahu and and dispositor of sign were rahu

> paositioned cannot deliver good results of them and rahu will


> that results. 16) planets positioned in purticular nashatra will


> give the results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna


> better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period


> another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or who is

> poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in weak

position in

> rasi of malefic planets or houses such period will be also trouble


> 18) where ever malefic planets are positioned they give results

> according to its bhava in frst 1/3 rd of dasa and then rasi phala


> 1/3 and then according to planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of

> those palnets. 19) if any planet has got any malefics from 4th


> its position during his dasa some problems regding property is


> 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its


> phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the results

will be

> given to aspects and conjns of various planets. 21)If benefic and

> malefic is sitting together the dasa of benefic will be bad and


> will be good . 22) any planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka


> neecha he cannot giv good results and if everse it will giv best


> . a)if sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to

> father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun

> gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and


> ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of the dasa b)


> also same results mentioned above but welfare of mother shud be

seen .

> c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for brothers and kids and property

> uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham ,dhana labham along with happyness


> brothers . d)budha is neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of

> intelligence ,and also our actions will be judged very badly .

> uchamsaka can giv first bad then good positions and experiences

e) jup

> in neechamsaka --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every


> ,even our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka

> --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in education


> knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse and


> tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of luck ,less money ,and


> is position to fall from position. in uchamsaka - very good


> experiences ,good experince regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and


> . g) sani in neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the

> hell in this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and


> foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth may


> survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best results if

> joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with kendra lords

and if

> alone they giv the results of rasi lord and also nakshatra lord

> generaly rahu in first half of zodiac gives best results and other


> is good for ketu It says aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in


> bhavas good results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi

> ,happiness in pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and

> capricon and virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from


> and kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th


> 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who assossiated


> 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa lord in


> dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if that planets has


> pf good planets and also placed well in chart the bad results are

> nullified . same is the case of gulika degree lords dasa again if


> planets are aspecting or guru aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra


> results cancelles a great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in

> series and guru dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very


> 27) the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu


> says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya for ladies


> -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)Dasa of ashtama lord is


> whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)3/6/11 th lords if they are


> their dasa is supposed to be bad. 31)moon and sun and lagna lord


> no ashtamadhi pathy dosha. 32)see in which house from dasa lord


> apahara lord is placed and results also will be according to the


> ment. 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the


> of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While

seeing any

> dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna lord and dasa

lord and

> sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to the results of dasa also


> also plays a good role is making a better or slow results And


> tru various vargas is not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST





> PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.


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Hare ramakrishna,

dear sreenadh,

yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command over laungage i realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i planned to write it .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys any one chart and describe it based on principles of astrology,which u can do it better than me .

thanks and regrds

sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah.


, "Sreenadh" <sreesog wrote:>> Dear Sunil ji,> Thanks for the very good and informative mail. But still I think > the question, "Whether good, moderate or bad results should be > predicted for a particular Dasa?", which is given much importance in > many texts and many methodologies are described for the same (as well > summarized in your mail), is of less importance compared to the major > question, "What are the results to be predicted for a particular > Dasa?", which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many > texts that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status > (a higher class subject) is given most importance and the question > with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is given > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is misled! > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and talk a > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad - results; > but pitifully fails to determine "What results should be attributed > to that period (Dasa)?"!!! Shouldn't we try to put the record > straight? > Shouldn't we try to recast the right perspective of -> First, identifying the results that should be attributed to that > Dasa; and then,> Secondly, to identifying to what extend/amount (large, moderate, > weak) that results to fructify?> Of course for those who don't know the answer to the first > question, the answer to the second question (which you to address > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to those who know > the answer to the first question, your mail would be a much > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see this point.> Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive description of the > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second question > addressed). > Love,> Sreenadh > > , "sunil nair" > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> >> > Hare ramakrishna,> > Dear jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > > > dasa analysis:-> > > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well established> > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour > window> > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji they know s > 40> > kinds of differrent dasas and they collects datas and questions and> > answerring it tru applying atleast 4 popular dasas applicable to the> > chart and so they r very safe .> > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is more> > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for > this we> > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna ,jupiter ,mer> > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making lagna very > strong ,if> > moon is more strong by above situations we must give importance to> > moon.And take moon sign as lagna. some says till 30 years lagna > then> > upto 60 moon and later years sun shud also be treated as lagna and > shud> > say the results ,but i am not favring that as lagna is smallest > unit and> > happening within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna > should> > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous> > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in> > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon > in end> > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever results > signified> > it by it will be giving but this is only a general statement. > > Depending on the positions and bhavas the palnets will giv various> > results . fro eg - we can take some one has jupiter in 2nd > house ,in one> > chart its in dhanu rasi and in another chart its in makar rasi ,so > in> > both charts jupiter is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > ,apahara(sub periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart > its 2nd> > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart the > lagna> > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no cancellation s of> > neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even though its dasa of lagna> > lord . so i am trying to formulate some of the principles which > can> > be useful in seeing a dasa and results > > ------------------------------ > 1) see> > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and see > its> > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya stiti ( normal> > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta varga for this> > planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th ,11th,or lagna ,also> > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r generaly considered > good. > > 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of gulika --according to kerala> > sampradaya) ,assossiation with gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > ,sastru khsetra stithi ,neecha stithi ,combust ,yoga with > malefics,rasi> > santhi,and bhava santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > positioned in upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > good ,not the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and > well> > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only in> > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or > benefics if> > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > kshetra stithi and if aspected by benefics or palced also in benefic> > vargas the planets will giv good results 6)If dasa lord is > strong and> > and frnd of lagna lord good and favrable results can be expected . > > 7)but if enmy of lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > will be highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with > a> > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will > giv bad> > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord is benefic or> > functional benefic if well placed with strenght will giv good > results> > and mafefic or functional malefics ill placed and weak will giv bad> > results . 10) if the planet is placed in sheershodaya sign it may > giv> > results in begining .and prishtodaya sign it will giv results in > end and> > if in ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad > results .> > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are sheershodaya(rising > with> > head signs) and aries ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > prishtodaya signs (rising with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya > sign> > ( rising with both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if > he is> > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for > higher> > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg --mercury is > 6th> > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if placed in virgo ,ucha rasi he > will> > be the best among dasas. 12)It says 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords > from> > janma nakshatra adhi pathy order will be supposed to be best > dasas > > 13) if 3rd house or 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > dasa apahara ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics > then it> > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining > or> > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble > some ,sorrows ,pains ,deseases> > and various mishappes may be possible and if the planets is in 30 th> > degree its very dangerous may be it can cause death also. 15) The> > planet positioned with rahu and and dispositor of sign were rahu> > paositioned cannot deliver good results of them and rahu will > deliver> > that results. 16) planets positioned in purticular nashatra will > aslo> > give the results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna > more> > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period > of> > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or who is> > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in weak > position in> > rasi of malefic planets or houses such period will be also trouble > some.> > 18) where ever malefic planets are positioned they give results> > according to its bhava in frst 1/3 rd of dasa and then rasi phala > next> > 1/3 and then according to planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > those palnets. 19) if any planet has got any malefics from 4th > house> > its position during his dasa some problems regding property is > possible.> > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its > rasi> > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the results > will be> > given to aspects and conjns of various planets. 21)If benefic and> > malefic is sitting together the dasa of benefic will be bad and > malefic> > will be good . 22) any planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka > in> > neecha he cannot giv good results and if everse it will giv best > results> > . a)if sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun> > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and > happyness> > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of the dasa b)> Moon> > also same results mentioned above but welfare of mother shud be > seen . > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for brothers and kids and property > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham ,dhana labham along with happyness > from> > brothers . d)budha is neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > intelligence ,and also our actions will be judged very badly . > > uchamsaka can giv first bad then good positions and experiences > e) jup> > in neechamsaka --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every > body> > ,even our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in education > and> > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse and > problems> > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of luck ,less money ,and > change> > is position to fall from position. in uchamsaka - very good > comforting> > experiences ,good experince regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and > wealth> > . g) sani in neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > hell in this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and > then> > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth may > be> > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best results if> > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with kendra lords > and if> > alone they giv the results of rasi lord and also nakshatra lord > > generaly rahu in first half of zodiac gives best results and other > half> > is good for ketu It says aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in > good> > bhavas good results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> > ,happiness in pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > capricon and virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from > spouse> > and kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th > and> > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who assossiated > with> > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa lord in > their> > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if that planets has > drishti> > pf good planets and also placed well in chart the bad results are> > nullified . same is the case of gulika degree lords dasa again if > good> > planets are aspecting or guru aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra > this> > results cancelles a great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > series and guru dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very > bad.> > 27) the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu > also> > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya for ladies > kuja> > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)Dasa of ashtama lord is > bad> > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)3/6/11 th lords if they are > benefics> > their dasa is supposed to be bad. 31)moon and sun and lagna lord > has> > no ashtamadhi pathy dosha. 32)see in which house from dasa lord > the> > apahara lord is placed and results also will be according to the > place> > ment. 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the > deed> > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While > seeing any> > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna lord and dasa > lord and> > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to the results of dasa also > transit> > also plays a good role is making a better or slow results And > delinating> > tru various vargas is not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST > SREENADH AND> > OTHERS TO COMMENT AND COME OUT WITH WORKING EXAMPLES SO AS TO > BENEFIT> > GROUP MEMBERS.I AM JUST CHANNELING A DISCUSSION ALL ARE INVITED TO> > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> >>

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Dear Sunil ji!

You said:


> I request u to analys any one chart and describe it based on

> principles of astrology, which u can do it better than me .


Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do that taking some chart -

just for the sake of clarity (are we not doing it already?!; I think

what we do in all chart reading is that itself!).

* Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about which

most of us may know, and provide.

* Take a specific period (Dasa) in that individual's life.

* Let us go through the results that would be predicted and later

compare it with actual results.


This may serve 2 things.

1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating predictions can be


2) The reading would be still prediction rather than a post mortem


I request a third party (Srinivas ji, Panditji, Pradeep, Justin or

some one else) to provide a chart. Remember the chart should be of

some one, about the life of whom, all of us know already.

All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will have a go - on

the result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual. Let us try to

know how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct possibilities.

Thus the preconditions are –

• The predictions should be for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.

• The references and technique used must be clarified in detail in the





, " sunil nair "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:



> Hare ramakrishna,


> dear sreenadh,


> yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command over laungage i

> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i planned to write it

> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys any one chart and

> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u can do it better

> than me .


> thanks and regrds


> sunil nair


> om shreem mahalaxmai namah.





> , " Sreenadh "

> <sreesog@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sunil ji,

> > Thanks for the very good and informative mail. But still I think

> > the question, " Whether good, moderate or bad results should be

> > predicted for a particular Dasa? " , which is given much importance in

> > many texts and many methodologies are described for the same (as well

> > summarized in your mail), is of less importance compared to the major

> > question, " What are the results to be predicted for a particular

> > Dasa? " , which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many

> > texts that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status

> > (a higher class subject) is given most importance and the question

> > with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is given

> > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is misled!

> > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and talk a

> > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad - results;

> > but pitifully fails to determine " What results should be attributed

> > to that period (Dasa)? " !!! Shouldn't we try to put the record

> > straight?

> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right perspective of -

> > First, identifying the results that should be attributed to that

> > Dasa; and then,

> > Secondly, to identifying to what extend/amount (large, moderate,

> > weak) that results to fructify?

> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to the first

> > question, the answer to the second question (which you to address

> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to those who know

> > the answer to the first question, your mail would be a much

> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see this point.

> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive description of the

> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second question

> > addressed).

> > Love,

> > Sreenadh

> >

> > , " sunil nair "

> > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Hare ramakrishna,

> > > Dear jyothishas and lovers of astrology,

> > >

> > > dasa analysis:-

> > >

> > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well established

> > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour

> > window

> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji they know s

> > 40

> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they collects datas and questions and

> > > answerring it tru applying atleast 4 popular dasas applicable to the

> > > chart and so they r very safe .

> > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is more

> > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for

> > this we

> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna ,jupiter ,mer

> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making lagna very

> > strong ,if

> > > moon is more strong by above situations we must give importance to

> > > moon.And take moon sign as lagna. some says till 30 years lagna

> > then

> > > upto 60 moon and later years sun shud also be treated as lagna and

> > shud

> > > say the results ,but i am not favring that as lagna is smallest

> > unit and

> > > happening within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna

> > should

> > > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous

> > > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in

> > > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon

> > in end

> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever results

> > signified

> > > it by it will be giving but this is only a general statement.

> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas the palnets will giv various

> > > results . fro eg - we can take some one has jupiter in 2nd

> > house ,in one

> > > chart its in dhanu rasi and in another chart its in makar rasi ,so

> > in

> > > both charts jupiter is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa

> > > ,apahara(sub periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart

> > its 2nd

> > > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart the

> > lagna

> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no cancellation s of

> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even though its dasa of lagna

> > > lord . so i am trying to formulate some of the principles which

> > can

> > > be useful in seeing a dasa and results

> > > ------------------------------

> > 1) see

> > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and see

> > its

> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya stiti ( normal

> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta varga for this

> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th ,11th,or lagna ,also

> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r generaly considered

> > good.

> > > 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of gulika --according to kerala

> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation with gulika ,less points in ashta varga

> > > ,sastru khsetra stithi ,neecha stithi ,combust ,yoga with

> > malefics,rasi

> > > santhi,and bhava santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if

> > > positioned in upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be

> > > good ,not the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and

> > well

> > > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only in

> > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or

> > benefics if

> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with

> > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra

> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by benefics or palced also in benefic

> > > vargas the planets will giv good results 6)If dasa lord is

> > strong and

> > > and frnd of lagna lord good and favrable results can be expected .

> > > 7)but if enmy of lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa

> > > will be highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with

> > a

> > > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will

> > giv bad

> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord is benefic or

> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght will giv good

> > results

> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill placed and weak will giv bad

> > > results . 10) if the planet is placed in sheershodaya sign it may

> > giv

> > > results in begining .and prishtodaya sign it will giv results in

> > end and

> > > if in ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad

> > results .

> > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are sheershodaya(rising

> > with

> > > head signs) and aries ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are

> > > prishtodaya signs (rising with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya

> > sign

> > > ( rising with both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if

> > he is

> > > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for

> > higher

> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg --mercury is

> > 6th

> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if placed in virgo ,ucha rasi he

> > will

> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It says 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords

> > from

> > > janma nakshatra adhi pathy order will be supposed to be best

> > dasas

> > > 13) if 3rd house or 12th house and any weak planets are situated his

> > > dasa apahara ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics

> > then it

> > > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining

> > or

> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble

> > some ,sorrows ,pains ,deseases

> > > and various mishappes may be possible and if the planets is in 30 th

> > > degree its very dangerous may be it can cause death also. 15) The

> > > planet positioned with rahu and and dispositor of sign were rahu

> > > paositioned cannot deliver good results of them and rahu will

> > deliver

> > > that results. 16) planets positioned in purticular nashatra will

> > aslo

> > > give the results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna

> > more

> > > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period

> > of

> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or who is

> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in weak

> > position in

> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such period will be also trouble

> > some.

> > > 18) where ever malefic planets are positioned they give results

> > > according to its bhava in frst 1/3 rd of dasa and then rasi phala

> > next

> > > 1/3 and then according to planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of

> > > those palnets. 19) if any planet has got any malefics from 4th

> > house

> > > its position during his dasa some problems regding property is

> > possible.

> > > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its

> > rasi

> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the results

> > will be

> > > given to aspects and conjns of various planets. 21)If benefic and

> > > malefic is sitting together the dasa of benefic will be bad and

> > malefic

> > > will be good . 22) any planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka

> > in

> > > neecha he cannot giv good results and if everse it will giv best

> > results

> > > . a)if sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to

> > > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun

> > > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and

> > happyness

> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of the dasa b)

> > Moon

> > > also same results mentioned above but welfare of mother shud be

> > seen .

> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for brothers and kids and property

> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham ,dhana labham along with happyness

> > from

> > > brothers . d)budha is neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of

> > > intelligence ,and also our actions will be judged very badly .

> > > uchamsaka can giv first bad then good positions and experiences

> > e) jup

> > > in neechamsaka --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every

> > body

> > > ,even our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka

> > > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in education

> > and

> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse and

> > problems

> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of luck ,less money ,and

> > change

> > > is position to fall from position. in uchamsaka - very good

> > comforting

> > > experiences ,good experince regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and

> > wealth

> > > . g) sani in neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the

> > > hell in this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and

> > then

> > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth may

> > be

> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best results if

> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with kendra lords

> > and if

> > > alone they giv the results of rasi lord and also nakshatra lord

> > > generaly rahu in first half of zodiac gives best results and other

> > half

> > > is good for ketu It says aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in

> > good

> > > bhavas good results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi

> > > ,happiness in pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and

> > > capricon and virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from

> > spouse

> > > and kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th

> > and

> > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who assossiated

> > with

> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa lord in

> > their

> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if that planets has

> > drishti

> > > pf good planets and also placed well in chart the bad results are

> > > nullified . same is the case of gulika degree lords dasa again if

> > good

> > > planets are aspecting or guru aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra

> > this

> > > results cancelles a great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in

> > > series and guru dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very

> > bad.

> > > 27) the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu

> > also

> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya for ladies

> > kuja

> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)Dasa of ashtama lord is

> > bad

> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)3/6/11 th lords if they are

> > benefics

> > > their dasa is supposed to be bad. 31)moon and sun and lagna lord

> > has

> > > no ashtamadhi pathy dosha. 32)see in which house from dasa lord

> > the

> > > apahara lord is placed and results also will be according to the

> > place

> > > ment. 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the

> > deed

> > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While

> > seeing any

> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna lord and dasa

> > lord and

> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to the results of dasa also

> > transit

> > > also plays a good role is making a better or slow results And

> > delinating

> > > tru various vargas is not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST





> > > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.

> > >

> >


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Hare rama krishna ,

dear sreenadh ji ,

actualy it was not a trap but done with an intention that u r enjoying ur software engineering honey mooning and i am jealous of u (lol)

So thought of bringing out some calibre in u

your astrologicaly

sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah.

, "Sreenadh" <sreesog wrote:>> Dear Sunil ji!> You said:> ==>> > I request u to analys any one chart and describe it based on > > principles of astrology, which u can do it better than me .> <== > Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do that taking some chart -> just for the sake of clarity (are we not doing it already?!; I think> what we do in all chart reading is that itself!). > * Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about which> most of us may know, and provide. > * Take a specific period (Dasa) in that individual's life. > * Let us go through the results that would be predicted and later> compare it with actual results.> > This may serve 2 things. > 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating predictions can be> avoided.> 2) The reading would be still prediction rather than a post mortem> analysis.> I request a third party (Srinivas ji, Panditji, Pradeep, Justin or> some one else) to provide a chart. Remember the chart should be of> some one, about the life of whom, all of us know already.> All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will have a go - on> the result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual. Let us try to> know how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct possibilities.> Thus the preconditions are –> • The predictions should be for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.> • The references and technique used must be clarified in detail in the> post.> Love,> Sreenadh> > , "sunil nair"> astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> >> > > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > > dear sreenadh,> > > > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command over laungage i> > realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i planned to write it> > .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys any one chart and> > describe it based on principles of astrology,which u can do it better> > than me .> > > > thanks and regrds> > > > sunil nair> > > > om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > > > > > > , "Sreenadh"> > <sreesog@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear Sunil ji,> > > Thanks for the very good and informative mail. But still I think> > > the question, "Whether good, moderate or bad results should be> > > predicted for a particular Dasa?", which is given much importance in> > > many texts and many methodologies are described for the same (as well> > > summarized in your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> > > question, "What are the results to be predicted for a particular> > > Dasa?", which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> > > texts that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status> > > (a higher class subject) is given most importance and the question> > > with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is given> > > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is misled!> > > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and talk a> > > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad - results;> > > but pitifully fails to determine "What results should be attributed> > > to that period (Dasa)?"!!! Shouldn't we try to put the record> > > straight?> > > Shouldn't we try to recast the right perspective of -> > > First, identifying the results that should be attributed to that> > > Dasa; and then,> > > Secondly, to identifying to what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > > weak) that results to fructify?> > > Of course for those who don't know the answer to the first> > > question, the answer to the second question (which you to address> > > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to those who know> > > the answer to the first question, your mail would be a much> > > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see this point.> > > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive description of the> > > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second question> > > addressed).> > > Love,> > > Sreenadh> > >> > > , "sunil nair"> > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > > Dear jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > > >> > > > dasa analysis:-> > > >> > > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well established> > > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour> > > window> > > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji they know s> > > 40> > > > kinds of differrent dasas and they collects datas and questions and> > > > answerring it tru applying atleast 4 popular dasas applicable to the> > > > chart and so they r very safe .> > > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is more> > > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for> > > this we> > > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna ,jupiter ,mer> > > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making lagna very> > > strong ,if> > > > moon is more strong by above situations we must give importance to> > > > moon.And take moon sign as lagna. some says till 30 years lagna> > > then> > > > upto 60 moon and later years sun shud also be treated as lagna and> > > shud> > > > say the results ,but i am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > > unit and> > > > happening within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> > > should> > > > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous> > > > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in> > > > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon> > > in end> > > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever results> > > signified> > > > it by it will be giving but this is only a general statement.> > > > Depending on the positions and bhavas the palnets will giv various> > > > results . fro eg - we can take some one has jupiter in 2nd> > > house ,in one> > > > chart its in dhanu rasi and in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > > in> > > > both charts jupiter is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > > ,apahara(sub periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > > its 2nd> > > > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart the> > > lagna> > > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no cancellation s of> > > > neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even though its dasa of lagna> > > > lord . so i am trying to formulate some of the principles which> > > can> > > > be useful in seeing a dasa and results> > > > ------------------------------> > > 1) see> > > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and see> > > its> > > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya stiti ( normal> > > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta varga for this> > > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r generaly considered> > > good.> > > > 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of gulika --according to kerala> > > > sampradaya) ,assossiation with gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > > ,sastru khsetra stithi ,neecha stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > > malefics,rasi> > > > santhi,and bhava santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > > positioned in upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > > > good ,not the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> > > well> > > > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only in> > > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> > > benefics if> > > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with> > > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by benefics or palced also in benefic> > > > vargas the planets will giv good results 6)If dasa lord is> > > strong and> > > > and frnd of lagna lord good and favrable results can be expected .> > > > 7)but if enmy of lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > > will be highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > > a> > > > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will> > > giv bad> > > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord is benefic or> > > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght will giv good> > > results> > > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill placed and weak will giv bad> > > > results . 10) if the planet is placed in sheershodaya sign it may> > > giv> > > > results in begining .and prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > > end and> > > > if in ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> > > results .> > > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are sheershodaya(rising> > > with> > > > head signs) and aries ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > > prishtodaya signs (rising with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > > sign> > > > ( rising with both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > > he is> > > > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for> > > higher> > > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg --mercury is> > > 6th> > > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if placed in virgo ,ucha rasi he> > > will> > > > be the best among dasas. 12)It says 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > > from> > > > janma nakshatra adhi pathy order will be supposed to be best> > > dasas> > > > 13) if 3rd house or 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > > dasa apahara ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > > then it> > > > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining> > > or> > > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> > > some ,sorrows ,pains ,deseases> > > > and various mishappes may be possible and if the planets is in 30 th> > > > degree its very dangerous may be it can cause death also. 15) The> > > > planet positioned with rahu and and dispositor of sign were rahu> > > > paositioned cannot deliver good results of them and rahu will> > > deliver> > > > that results. 16) planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > > aslo> > > > give the results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> > > more> > > > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period> > > of> > > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or who is> > > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in weak> > > position in> > > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such period will be also trouble> > > some.> > > > 18) where ever malefic planets are positioned they give results> > > > according to its bhava in frst 1/3 rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > > next> > > > 1/3 and then according to planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > > those palnets. 19) if any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > > house> > > > its position during his dasa some problems regding property is> > > possible.> > > > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its> > > rasi> > > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the results> > > will be> > > > given to aspects and conjns of various planets. 21)If benefic and> > > > malefic is sitting together the dasa of benefic will be bad and> > > malefic> > > > will be good . 22) any planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > > in> > > > neecha he cannot giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > > results> > > > . a)if sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > > > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun> > > > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and> > > happyness> > > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of the dasa b)> > > Moon> > > > also same results mentioned above but welfare of mother shud be> > > seen .> > > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for brothers and kids and property> > > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham ,dhana labham along with happyness> > > from> > > > brothers . d)budha is neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > > intelligence ,and also our actions will be judged very badly .> > > > uchamsaka can giv first bad then good positions and experiences> > > e) jup> > > > in neechamsaka --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > > body> > > > ,even our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > > > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in education> > > and> > > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse and> > > problems> > > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of luck ,less money ,and> > > change> > > > is position to fall from position. in uchamsaka - very good> > > comforting> > > > experiences ,good experince regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > > wealth> > > > . g) sani in neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > > > hell in this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> > > then> > > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth may> > > be> > > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best results if> > > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with kendra lords> > > and if> > > > alone they giv the results of rasi lord and also nakshatra lord> > > > generaly rahu in first half of zodiac gives best results and other> > > half> > > > is good for ketu It says aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > > good> > > > bhavas good results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> > > > ,happiness in pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > > > capricon and virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > > spouse> > > > and kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> > > and> > > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who assossiated> > > with> > > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa lord in> > > their> > > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if that planets has> > > drishti> > > > pf good planets and also placed well in chart the bad results are> > > > nullified . same is the case of gulika degree lords dasa again if> > > good> > > > planets are aspecting or guru aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > > this> > > > results cancelles a great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > > series and guru dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > > bad.> > > > 27) the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu> > > also> > > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya for ladies> > > kuja> > > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)Dasa of ashtama lord is> > > bad> > > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)3/6/11 th lords if they are> > > benefics> > > > their dasa is supposed to be bad. 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > > has> > > > no ashtamadhi pathy dosha. 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > > the> > > > apahara lord is placed and results also will be according to the> > > place> > > > ment. 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> > > deed> > > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While> > > seeing any> > > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna lord and dasa> > > lord and> > > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to the results of dasa also> > > transit> > > > also plays a good role is making a better or slow results And> > > delinating> > > > tru various vargas is not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > > SREENADH AND> > > > OTHERS TO COMMENT AND COME OUT WITH WORKING EXAMPLES SO AS TO> > > BENEFIT> > > > GROUP MEMBERS.I AM JUST CHANNELING A DISCUSSION ALL ARE INVITED TO> > > > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > > >> > >> >>

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Dear Sreenadhji,


Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can sharpen my skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.


Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy

Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.

Place of birth - Palghat


I rather familiar with all the events in his life.




Ravi Nair






From: sreesogDate: Sat, 1 Sep 2007 09:39:11 +0000 Re: Vimshottarry dasa analysis




Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one chart and describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can do it better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do that taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not doing it already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that itself!). * Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about whichmost of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa) in that individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would be predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may serve 2 things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating predictions can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather than a post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji, Panditji, Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember the chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us know already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will have a go - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual. Let us try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct possibilities.Thus the preconditions are –• The predictions should be for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.• The references and technique used must be clarified in detail in thepost.Love,Sreenadh , "sunil nair"<astro_tellerkerala wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> > dear sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command over laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i planned to write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys any one chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u can do it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > , "Sreenadh"> <sreesog@> wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and informative mail. But still I think> > the question, "Whether good, moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a particular Dasa?", which is given much importance in> > many texts and many methodologies are described for the same (as well> > summarized in your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> > question, "What are the results to be predicted for a particular> > Dasa?", which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> > texts that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status> > (a higher class subject) is given most importance and the question> > with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is given> > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is misled!> > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and talk a> > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad - results;> > but pitifully fails to determine "What results should be attributed> > to that period (Dasa)?"!!! Shouldn't we try to put the record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that should be attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to identifying to what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to the first> > question, the answer to the second question (which you to address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail would be a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive description of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second question> > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > , "sunil nair"> > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > Dear jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:-> > >> > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well established> > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour> > window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they collects datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying atleast 4 popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very safe .> > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is more> > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for> > this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above situations we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as lagna. some says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later years sun shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the results ,but i am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > > happening within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> > should> > > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous> > > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in> > > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon> > in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is only a general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas the palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take some one has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu rasi and in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts jupiter is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara(sub periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its 2nd> > > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart the> > lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to formulate some of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a dasa and results> > > -------------------------> > 1) see> > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and see> > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya stiti ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation with gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra stithi ,neecha stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and bhava santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > positioned in upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > > good ,not the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> > well> > > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only in> > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> > benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with> > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by benefics or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv good results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of lagna lord good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if enmy of lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will be highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > a> > > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will> > giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord is benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght will giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill placed and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is placed in sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> > results .> > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs (rising with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > ( rising with both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is> > > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for> > higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if placed in virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It says 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi pathy order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd house or 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa apahara ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then it> > > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining> > or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> > some ,sorrows ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible and if the planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it can cause death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver good results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results. 16) planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > > give the results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> > more> > > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period> > of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or who is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in weak> > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such period will be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets are positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in frst 1/3 rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then according to planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those palnets. 19) if any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its position during his dasa some problems regding property is> > possible.> > > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its> > rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together the dasa of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22) any planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he cannot giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> > > . a)if sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun> > > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and> > happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but welfare of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)budha is neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and also our actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv first bad then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in neechamsaka --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> > > ,even our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in education> > and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse and> > problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of luck ,less money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position. in uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good experince regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g) sani in neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > > hell in this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> > then> > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth may> > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of rasi lord and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of zodiac gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It says aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas good results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> > > ,happiness in pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > > capricon and virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse> > > and kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> > and> > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who assossiated> > with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa lord in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if that planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed well in chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of gulika degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting or guru aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results cancelles a great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series and guru dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> > > 27) the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu> > also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya for ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)Dasa of ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)3/6/11 th lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to be bad. 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy dosha. 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord is placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > > ment. 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> > deed> > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While> > seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna lord and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to the results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is making a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various vargas is not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > > OTHERS TO COMMENT AND COME OUT WITH WORKING EXAMPLES SO AS TO> > BENEFIT> > > GROUP MEMBERS.I AM JUST CHANNELING A DISCUSSION ALL ARE INVITED TO> > > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > >> >> Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more!

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hare rama krishna

dear ravi ji ,

Why dont u specify a dasa period for analysing as its a learning exercise and not predictions .

Thanks for participating

regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah.

om shreem mahalaxmai namah.



, "A. Ravindran Nair" <rain13 wrote:>> > Dear Sreenadhji,> > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can sharpen my skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.> > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy> Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.> Place of birth - Palghat> > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.> > Regards> > Ravi Nair> > > > > > : sreesog: Sat, 1 Sep 2007 09:39:11 +0000 Re: Vimshottarry dasa analysis> > > > > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one chart and describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can do it better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do that taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not doing it already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that itself!). * Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about whichmost of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa) in that individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would be predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may serve 2 things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating predictions can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather than a post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji, Panditji, Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember the chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us know already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will have a go - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual. Let us try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct possibilities.Thus the preconditions are –• The predictions should be for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.• The references and technique used must be clarified in detail in thepost.Love,Sreenadh , "sunil nair"astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> > dear sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command over laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i planned to write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys any one chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u can do it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > , "Sreenadh"> <sreesog@> wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and informative mail. But still I think> > the question, "Whether good, moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a particular Dasa?", which is given much importance in> > many texts and many methodologies are described for the same (as well> > summarized in your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> > question, "What are the results to be predicted for a particular> > Dasa?", which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> > texts that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status> > (a higher class subject) is given most importance and the question> > with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is given> > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is misled!> > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and talk a> > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad - results;> > but pitifully fails to determine "What results should be attributed> > to that period (Dasa)?"!!! Shouldn't we try to put the record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that should be attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to identifying to what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to the first> > question, the answer to the second question (which you to address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail would be a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive description of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second question> > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > , "sunil nair"> > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > Dear jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:-> > >> > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well established> > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour> > window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they collects datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying atleast 4 popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very safe .> > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is more> > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for> > this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above situations we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as lagna. some says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later years sun shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the results ,but i am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > > happening within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> > should> > > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous> > > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in> > > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon> > in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is only a general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas the palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take some one has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu rasi and in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts jupiter is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara(sub periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its 2nd> > > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart the> > lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to formulate some of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a dasa and results> > > -------------------------> > 1) see> > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and see> > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya stiti ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation with gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra stithi ,neecha stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and bhava santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > positioned in upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > > good ,not the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> > well> > > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only in> > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> > benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with> > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by benefics or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv good results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of lagna lord good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if enmy of lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will be highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > a> > > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will> > giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord is benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght will giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill placed and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is placed in sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> > results .> > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs (rising with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > ( rising with both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is> > > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for> > higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if placed in virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It says 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi pathy order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd house or 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa apahara ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then it> > > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining> > or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> > some ,sorrows ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible and if the planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it can cause death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver good results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results. 16) planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > > give the results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> > more> > > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period> > of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or who is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in weak> > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such period will be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets are positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in frst 1/3 rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then according to planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those palnets. 19) if any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its position during his dasa some problems regding property is> > possible.> > > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its> > rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together the dasa of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22) any planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he cannot giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> > > . a)if sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun> > > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and> > happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but welfare of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)budha is neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and also our actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv first bad then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in neechamsaka --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> > > ,even our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in education> > and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse and> > problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of luck ,less money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position. in uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good experince regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g) sani in neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > > hell in this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> > then> > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth may> > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of rasi lord and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of zodiac gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It says aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas good results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> > > ,happiness in pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > > capricon and virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse> > > and kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> > and> > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who assossiated> > with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa lord in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if that planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed well in chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of gulika degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting or guru aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results cancelles a great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series and guru dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> > > 27) the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu> > also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya for ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)Dasa of ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)3/6/11 th lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to be bad. 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy dosha. 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord is placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > > ment. 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> > deed> > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While> > seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna lord and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to the results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is making a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various vargas is not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > > OTHERS TO COMMENT AND COME OUT WITH WORKING EXAMPLES SO AS TO> > BENEFIT> > > GROUP MEMBERS.I AM JUST CHANNELING A DISCUSSION ALL ARE INVITED TO> > > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > >> >> > > > > > > > _______________> Explore the seven wonders of the world> http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-US & form=QBRE>

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Dear Sunilji,


Yes, that would be a good idea.


The dasa period for analysis is Moon-Venus, from 28-02-2007 to 01-11-2008.




Ravi Nair




From: astro_tellerkeralaDate: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 03:32:11 +0000 Re: Vimshottarry dasa analysis




hare rama krishna

dear ravi ji ,

Why dont u specify a dasa period for analysing as its a learning exercise and not predictions .

Thanks for participating

regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah.

om shreem mahalaxmai namah.



, "A. Ravindran Nair" <rain13 wrote:>> > Dear Sreenadhji,> > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can sharpen my skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.> > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy> Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.> Place of birth - Palghat> > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.> > Regards> > Ravi Nair> > > > > > : sreesog: Sat, 1 Sep 2007 09:39:11 +0000 Re: Vimshottarry dasa analysis> > > > > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one chart and describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can do it better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do that taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not doing it already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that itself!). * Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about whichmost of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa) in that individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would be predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may serve 2 things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating predictions can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather than a post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji, Panditji, Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember the chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us know already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will have a go - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual. Let us try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct possibilities.Thus the preconditions are –• The predictions should be for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.• The references and technique used must be clarified in detail in thepost.Love,Sreenadh , "sunil nair"astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> > dear sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command over laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i planned to write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys any one chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u can do it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > , "Sreenadh"> <sreesog@> wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and informative mail. But still I think> > the question, "Whether good, moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a particular Dasa?", which is given much importance in> > many texts and many methodologies are described for the same (as well> > summarized in your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> > question, "What are the results to be predicted for a particular> > Dasa?", which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> > texts that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status> > (a higher class subject) is given most importance and the question> > with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is given> > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is misled!> > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and talk a> > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad - results;> > but pitifully fails to determine "What results should be attributed> > to that period (Dasa)?"!!! Shouldn't we try to put the record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that should be attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to identifying to what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to the first> > question, the answer to the second question (which you to address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail would be a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive description of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second question> > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > , "sunil nair"> > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > Dear jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:-> > >> > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well established> > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour> > window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they collects datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying atleast 4 popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very safe .> > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is more> > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for> > this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above situations we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as lagna. some says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later years sun shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the results ,but i am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > > happening within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> > should> > > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous> > > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in> > > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon> > in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is only a general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas the palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take some one has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu rasi and in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts jupiter is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara(sub periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its 2nd> > > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart the> > lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to formulate some of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a dasa and results> > > -------------------------> > 1) see> > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and see> > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya stiti ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation with gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra stithi ,neecha stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and bhava santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > positioned in upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > > good ,not the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> > well> > > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only in> > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> > benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with> > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by benefics or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv good results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of lagna lord good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if enmy of lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will be highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > a> > > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will> > giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord is benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght will giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill placed and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is placed in sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> > results .> > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs (rising with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > ( rising with both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is> > > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for> > higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if placed in virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It says 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi pathy order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd house or 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa apahara ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then it> > > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining> > or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> > some ,sorrows ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible and if the planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it can cause death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver good results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results. 16) planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > > give the results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> > more> > > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period> > of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or who is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in weak> > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such period will be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets are positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in frst 1/3 rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then according to planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those palnets. 19) if any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its position during his dasa some problems regding property is> > possible.> > > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its> > rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together the dasa of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22) any planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he cannot giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> > > . a)if sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun> > > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and> > happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but welfare of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)budha is neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and also our actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv first bad then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in neechamsaka --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> > > ,even our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in education> > and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse and> > problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of luck ,less money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position. in uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good experince regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g) sani in neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > > hell in this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> > then> > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth may> > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of rasi lord and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of zodiac gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It says aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas good results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> > > ,happiness in pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > > capricon and virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse> > > and kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> > and> > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who assossiated> > with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa lord in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if that planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed well in chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of gulika degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting or guru aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results cancelles a great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series and guru dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> > > 27) the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu> > also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya for ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)Dasa of ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)3/6/11 th lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to be bad. 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy dosha. 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord is placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > > ment. 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> > deed> > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While> > seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna lord and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to the results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is making a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various vargas is not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > > OTHERS TO COMMENT AND COME OUT WITH WORKING EXAMPLES SO AS TO> > BENEFIT> > > GROUP MEMBERS.I AM JUST CHANNELING A DISCUSSION ALL ARE INVITED TO> > > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > >> >> > > > > > > > _______________> Explore the seven wonders of the world> http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-US & form=QBRE>

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Dear Ravi ji,

That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of this

group would be familiar with the life events of that person. He should

be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed with the

same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said exercise.




, " A. Ravindran Nair "

<rain13 wrote:



> Dear Sreenadhji,


> Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can sharpen my

skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.


> Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy

> Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.

> Place of birth - Palghat


> I rather familiar with all the events in his life.


> Regards


> Ravi Nair






> : sreesog: Sat, 1 Sep 2007

09:39:11 +0000 Re: Vimshottarry

dasa analysis





> Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one chart and

describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can do it

better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do that

taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not doing it

already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that itself!). *

Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about whichmost

of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa) in that

individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would be

predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may serve 2

things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating predictions

can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather than a

post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji, Panditji,

Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember the

chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us know

already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will have a go

- onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual. Let us

try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct

possibilities.Thus the preconditions are –• The predictions should be

for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.• The references and

technique used must be clarified in detail in thepost.Love,Sreenadh---

In , " sunil

nair " <astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> > dear

sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command over

laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i planned to

write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys any one

chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u can do

it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om shreem

mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In

, " Sreenadh " > <sreesog@>

wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and

informative mail. But still I think> > the question, " Whether good,

moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a particular

Dasa? " , which is given much importance in> > many texts and many

methodologies are described for the same (as well> > summarized in

your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> > question,

" What are the results to be predicted for a particular> > Dasa? " ,

which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> > texts

that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status> > (a

higher class subject) is given most importance and the question> >

with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is given>

> least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is misled!>

> They ask questions and try their level best to determine and talk a>

> lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad -

results;> > but pitifully fails to determine " What results should be

attributed> > to that period (Dasa)? " !!! Shouldn't we try to put the

record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right

perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that should be

attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to identifying to

what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to

fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to the

first> > question, the answer to the second question (which you to

address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to

those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail would be

a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see

this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive description

of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second question>

> addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In

, " sunil nair " > >

astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > Dear

jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:-> > >> >

> This is realy a puzzling question even among the well established> >

> astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour> >

window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji

they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they collects

datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying atleast 4

popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very safe .>

> > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is more> >

> stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for> >

this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna

,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making

lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above situations

we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as lagna. some

says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later years sun

shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the results ,but i

am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > > happening

within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> > should> > >

giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous> > >

conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in> > >

begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon> >

in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever

results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is only a

general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas the

palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take some one

has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu rasi and

in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts jupiter

is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara(sub

periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its 2nd> > >

lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart the> >

lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no

cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even

though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to formulate some

of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a dasa and

results> > >

-------------------------> > 1) see>

> > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and see>

> its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya stiti

( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta

varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th

,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r

generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of

gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation with

gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra stithi ,neecha

stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and bhava

santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > positioned in

upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > > good ,not

the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> > well> > >

placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only in>

> > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> >

benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with> >

ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by benefics

or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv good

results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of lagna lord

good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if enmy of

lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will be

highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > a> > >

benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will> >

giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord is

benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght will

giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill placed

and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is placed in

sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and

prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in

ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> > results .>

> > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are

sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries

,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs (rising

with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > ( rising with

both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is> > >

powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for> >

higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg

--mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if placed in

virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It says

2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi pathy

order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd house or

12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa apahara

,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then it> > >

will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining> >

or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> > some ,sorrows

,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible and if the

planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it can cause

death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and

dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver good

results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results. 16)

planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > > give the

results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> > more> > >

better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period> >

of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or who

is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in weak>

> position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such period will

be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets are

positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in frst 1/3

rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then according to

planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those palnets. 19) if

any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its position

during his dasa some problems regding property is> > possible.> > >

20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its> >

rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the

results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various

planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together the dasa

of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22) any

planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he cannot

giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> > > . a)if

sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > >

father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun> > >

gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and> >

happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of

the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but welfare

of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for

brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham

,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)budha is

neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and also our

actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv first bad

then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in neechamsaka

--problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> > > ,even

our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > >

--raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in education> >

and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse and> >

problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of luck ,less

money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position. in

uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good experince

regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g) sani in

neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > > hell in

this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> > then> >

> foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth may>

> be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best

results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with

kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of rasi lord

and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of zodiac

gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It says

aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas good

results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> > > ,happiness in

pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > > capricon and

virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse> > > and

kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> > and> >

> 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who assossiated> >

with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa lord

in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if that

planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed well in

chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of gulika

degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting or guru

aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results cancelles a

great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series and guru

dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> > > 27)

the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu> >

also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya for

ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)Dasa of

ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)3/6/11 th

lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to be bad.

31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy dosha.

32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord is

placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > > ment.

33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> > deed> >

> of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While> >

seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna lord

and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to the

results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is making

a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various vargas is

not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > > OTHERS TO



> PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > >> >>


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Dear Sreenadhji,


Sincerely speaking, I do not think much people would be knowing this



I would leave it to other members to come up with a suitable





Ravi Nair





, " Sreenadh "

<sreesog wrote:


> Dear Ravi ji,

> That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of this

> group would be familiar with the life events of that person. He


> be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed with the

> same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said


> Love,

> Sreenadh


> , " A. Ravindran

Nair "

> <rain13@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Sreenadhji,

> >

> > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can sharpen my

> skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.

> >

> > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy

> > Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.

> > Place of birth - Palghat

> >

> > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Ravi Nair

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > @: sreesog@: Sat, 1 Sep 2007

> 09:39:11 +0000 Re: Vimshottarry

> dasa analysis

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one chart


> describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can do it

> better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do


> taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not doing


> already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that

itself!). *

> Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about


> of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa) in


> individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would be

> predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may serve 2

> things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating


> can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather than


> post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji, Panditji,

> Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember the

> chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us know

> already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will have a


> - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual. Let us

> try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct

> possibilities.Thus the preconditions are –• The predictions should


> for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.• The references and

> technique used must be clarified in detail in


> In , " sunil

> nair " <astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> > dear

> sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command


> laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i

planned to

> write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys any


> chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u

can do

> it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om


> mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In

> , " Sreenadh " > <sreesog@>

> wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and

> informative mail. But still I think> > the question, " Whether good,

> moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a particular

> Dasa? " , which is given much importance in> > many texts and many

> methodologies are described for the same (as well> > summarized in

> your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> >


> " What are the results to be predicted for a particular> > Dasa? " ,

> which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> >


> that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status> >


> higher class subject) is given most importance and the question> >

> with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is


> > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is


> > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and

talk a>

> > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad -

> results;> > but pitifully fails to determine " What results should


> attributed> > to that period (Dasa)? " !!! Shouldn't we try to put


> record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right

> perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that should be

> attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to identifying


> what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to

> fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to the

> first> > question, the answer to the second question (which you to

> address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to

> those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail

would be

> a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see

> this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive


> of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second


> > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In

> , " sunil nair " > >

> astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > Dear

> jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:-> >

>> >

> > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well

established> >

> > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour>


> window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji

> they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they collects

> datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying atleast 4

> popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very

safe .>

> > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is

more> >

> > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for>


> this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna

> ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making

> lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above


> we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as lagna.


> says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later years


> shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the

results ,but i

> am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > > happening

> within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> > should> >


> giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous>

> >

> conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in> > >

> begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon>


> in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever

> results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is only


> general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas the

> palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take some


> has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu rasi


> in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts


> is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara(sub

> periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its 2nd> > >

> lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart

the> >

> lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no

> cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even

> though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to formulate


> of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a dasa and

> results> > >

> -------------------------> > 1)


> > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and


> > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya


> ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta

> varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th

> ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r

> generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of

> gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation with

> gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra

stithi ,neecha

> stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and bhava

> santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > positioned in

> upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > >

good ,not

> the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> > well> >


> placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only


> > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> >

> benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with> >

> ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by


> or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv good

> results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of lagna lord

> good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if enmy of

> lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will be

> highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > a> > >

> benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will> >

> giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord


> benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght


> giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill


> and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is placed in

> sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and

> prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in

> ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> >

results .>

> > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are

> sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries

> ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs


> with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > ( rising with

> both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is> > >

> powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for> >

> higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg

> --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if

placed in

> virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It


> 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi


> order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd house or

> 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa apahara

> ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then it> > >

> will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining> >

> or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> > some ,sorrows

> ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible and if


> planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it can


> death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and

> dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver good

> results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results. 16)

> planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > > give


> results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> > more>

> >

> better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period> >

> of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or


> is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in


> > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such period


> be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets are

> positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in frst


> rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then according


> planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those palnets. 19)


> any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its position

> during his dasa some problems regding property is> > possible.> > >

> 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its> >

> rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the

> results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various

> planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together the


> of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22) any

> planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he


> giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> > > .


> sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > >

> father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun>

> >

> gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and> >

> happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of

> the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but


> of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for

> brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham

> ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)budha


> neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and also


> actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv first


> then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in neechamsaka

> --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> >

> ,even

> our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > >

> --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in

education> >

> and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse

and> >

> problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of

luck ,less

> money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position. in

> uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good


> regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g) sani in

> neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > > hell in

> this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> >

then> >

> > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth


> > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best

> results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with

> kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of rasi lord

> and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of zodiac

> gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It says

> aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas good

> results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> >

> ,happiness in

> pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > > capricon


> virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse> > >


> kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> >

and> >

> > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who

assossiated> >

> with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa


> in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if


> planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed well in

> chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of


> degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting or


> aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results

cancelles a

> great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series and guru

> dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> > > 27)

> the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu> >

> also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya


> ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)Dasa


> ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)

3/6/11 th

> lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to be


> 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy


> 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord is

> placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > >


> 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> >

deed> >

> > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While> >

> seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna


> and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to the

> results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is


> a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various vargas


> not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > > OTHERS TO



TO> >

> > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > >>


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _______________

> > Explore the seven wonders of the world

> > http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-

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> >


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Hi Ravi,

Subject born with 01Sag54 (As per Lahiri's ayanamsa) is currently passing through Mn/Ve

---Both Mn & Ve are female planets. Mn, the major period lord is L8 of marital bond, placed in H5 ,that unites couples.

Ve, the subperiod ruler , is the planet of conjugal bliss and as L11 of new acquaintance , stationed in Taurus , the 2nd of natural zodiac representing family. In D-9, Ve owns H7 of spouse.

As such , the native , if unmarried, will get married in Ve sub period .If already married, this Ve period will give child birth.

Alternatively , the Ve period may see the wedding of co-borns, I mean, siblings, if any

Further ,there will be a change in job/service Reason ---Sat, L3 of change ,aspect Ve , the subperiod ruler in the birth chart . This aspect, is reonforced by the current Saturn Return .

Ve sub period ,runs upto 30Aug,2008, . It is a long way to go .Still out of accademic interest , I am asking you, can you confirm or deny any of my readings , since you know the native very well ?

Anticipating your reply


M Nair







, "rain13club" <rain13 wrote:>> Dear Sreenadhji,> > Sincerely speaking, I do not think much people would be knowing this > personality.> > I would leave it to other members to come up with a suitable > horoscope.> > Regards> > Ravi Nair> > > > > , "Sreenadh" > sreesog@ wrote:> >> > Dear Ravi ji,> > That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of this> > group would be familiar with the life events of that person. He > should> > be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed with the> > same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said > exercise.> > Love,> > Sreenadh> > > > , "A. Ravindran > Nair"> > <rain13@> wrote:> > >> > > > > > Dear Sreenadhji,> > > > > > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can sharpen my> > skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.> > > > > > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy> > > Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.> > > Place of birth - Palghat> > > > > > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.> > > > > > Regards> > > > > > Ravi Nair> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > @: sreesog@: Sat, 1 Sep 2007> > 09:39:11 +0000 Re: Vimshottarry> > dasa analysis> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one chart > and> > describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can do it> > better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do > that> > taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not doing > it> > already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that > itself!). *> > Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about > whichmost> > of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa) in > that> > individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would be> > predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may serve 2> > things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating > predictions> > can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather than > a> > post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji, Panditji,> > Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember the> > chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us know> > already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will have a > go> > - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual. Let us> > try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct> > possibilities.Thus the preconditions are –• The predictions should > be> > for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.• The references and> > technique used must be clarified in detail in > thepost.Love,Sreenadh---> > In , "sunil> > nair"<astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> > dear> > sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command > over> > laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i > planned to> > write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys any > one> > chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u > can do> > it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om > shreem> > mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In> > , "Sreenadh"> <sreesog@>> > wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and> > informative mail. But still I think> > the question, "Whether good,> > moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a particular> > Dasa?", which is given much importance in> > many texts and many> > methodologies are described for the same (as well> > summarized in> > your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> > > question,> > "What are the results to be predicted for a particular> > Dasa?",> > which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> > > texts> > that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status> > > (a> > higher class subject) is given most importance and the question> >> > with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is > given>> > > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is > misled!>> > > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and > talk a>> > > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad -> > results;> > but pitifully fails to determine "What results should > be> > attributed> > to that period (Dasa)?"!!! Shouldn't we try to put > the> > record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right> > perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that should be> > attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to identifying > to> > what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to> > fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to the> > first> > question, the answer to the second question (which you to> > address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to> > those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail > would be> > a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see> > this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive > description> > of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second > question>> > > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In> > , "sunil nair"> >> > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > Dear> > jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:-> > > >> >> > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well > established> >> > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour> > >> > window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji> > they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they collects> > datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying atleast 4> > popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very > safe .>> > > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is > more> >> > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for> > >> > this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna> > ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making> > lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above > situations> > we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as lagna. > some> > says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later years > sun> > shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the > results ,but i> > am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > > happening> > within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> > should> > > >> > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous> > > >> > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in> > >> > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon> > >> > in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever> > results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is only > a> > general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas the> > palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take some > one> > has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu rasi > and> > in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts > jupiter> > is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara(sub> > periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its 2nd> > >> > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart > the> >> > lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no> > cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even> > though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to formulate > some> > of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a dasa and> > results> > >> > -------------------------> > 1) > see>> > > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and > see>> > > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya > stiti> > ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta> > varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th> > ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r> > generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of> > gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation with> > gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra > stithi ,neecha> > stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and bhava> > santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > positioned in> > upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > > > good ,not> > the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> > well> > > >> > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only > in>> > > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> >> > benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with> >> > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by > benefics> > or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv good> > results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of lagna lord> > good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if enmy of> > lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will be> > highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > a> > >> > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will> >> > giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord > is> > benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght > will> > giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill > placed> > and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is placed in> > sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and> > prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in> > ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> > > results .>> > > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are> > sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries> > ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs > (rising> > with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > ( rising with> > both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is> > >> > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for> >> > higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg> > --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if > placed in> > virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It > says> > 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi > pathy> > order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd house or> > 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa apahara> > ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then it> > >> > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining> >> > or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> > some ,sorrows> > ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible and if > the> > planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it can > cause> > death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and> > dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver good> > results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results. 16)> > planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > > give > the> > results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> > more> > > >> > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period> >> > of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or > who> > is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in > weak>> > > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such period > will> > be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets are> > positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in frst > 1/3> > rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then according > to> > planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those palnets. 19) > if> > any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its position> > during his dasa some problems regding property is> > possible.> > >> > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its> >> > rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the> > results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various> > planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together the > dasa> > of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22) any> > planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he > cannot> > giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> > > . > a)if> > sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > >> > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun> > > >> > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and> >> > happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of> > the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but > welfare> > of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for> > brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham> > ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)budha > is> > neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and also > our> > actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv first > bad> > then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in neechamsaka> > --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> > > > ,even> > our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > >> > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in > education> >> > and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse > and> >> > problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of > luck ,less> > money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position. in> > uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good > experince> > regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g) sani in> > neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > > hell in> > this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> > > then> >> > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth > may>> > > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best> > results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with> > kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of rasi lord> > and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of zodiac> > gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It says> > aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas good> > results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> > > > ,happiness in> > pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > > capricon > and> > virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse> > > > and> > kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> > > and> >> > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who > assossiated> >> > with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa > lord> > in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if > that> > planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed well in> > chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of > gulika> > degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting or > guru> > aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results > cancelles a> > great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series and guru> > dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> > > 27)> > the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu> >> > also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya > for> > ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)Dasa > of> > ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)> 3/6/11 th> > lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to be > bad.> > 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy > dosha.> > 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord is> > placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > > > ment.> > 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> > > deed> >> > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While> >> > seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna > lord> > and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to the> > results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is > making> > a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various vargas > is> > not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > > OTHERS TO> > COMMENT AND COME OUT WITH WORKING EXAMPLES SO AS TO> > BENEFIT> > >> > GROUP MEMBERS.I AM JUST CHANNELING A DISCUSSION ALL ARE INVITED > TO> >> > > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > _______________> > > Explore the seven wonders of the world> > > http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-> US & form=QBRE> > >> >>

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Namaste Sreenadhji


May I suggest otherwise? Most people can

give lots of different reasons as to why certain events occur during certain

Dasha periods which can be true as No single cause can always be attributed to

it ie something can occur due to Dasha’s/Transits etc … Note there

is also a “saying” that each Maha Dasha should only be evaluated

after seeing the “Prashna” for the moment of the change in Dasha …..


Wouldn’t it be better to study an “unknown”

chart to test the “reading” ability of Dasha’s etc?


Thanks and hoping comments taken in a

positive sense?


Jai Sita Ram










On Behalf Of Sreenadh

02 September 2007 08:48




Re: Vimshottarry dasa analysis






Dear Ravi ji,

That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of this

group would be familiar with the life events of that person. He should

be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed with the

same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said exercise.





" A. Ravindran Nair "

<rain13 wrote:



> Dear Sreenadhji,


> Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can sharpen my

skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.


> Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy

> Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.

> Place of birth - Palghat


> I rather familiar with all the events in his life.


> Regards


> Ravi Nair






> : sreesog: Sat, 1 Sep 2007

09:39:11 +0000 Re: Vimshottarry

dasa analysis





> Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one chart and

describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can do it

better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do that

taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not doing it

already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that itself!). *

Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about whichmost

of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa) in that

individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would be

predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may serve 2

things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating predictions

can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather than a

post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji, Panditji,

Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember the

chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us know

already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will have a go

- onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual. Let us

try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct

possibilities.Thus the preconditions are –• The predictions

should be

for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.• The references and

technique used must be clarified in detail in thepost.Love,Sreenadh---

In ,

" sunil

nair " <astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare

ramakrishna,> > dear

sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command over

laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i planned to

write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys any one

chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u can do

it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> >

om shreem

mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In


" Sreenadh " > <sreesog@>

wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and

informative mail. But still I think> > the question, " Whether good,

moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a particular

Dasa? " , which is given much importance in> > many texts and many

methodologies are described for the same (as well> > summarized in

your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> > question,

" What are the results to be predicted for a particular> >

Dasa? " ,

which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> > texts

that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status> > (a

higher class subject) is given most importance and the question> >

with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is given>

> least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is misled!>

> They ask questions and try their level best to determine and talk a>

> lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad -

results;> > but pitifully fails to determine " What results should be

attributed> > to that period (Dasa)? " !!! Shouldn't we try to put the

record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right

perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that should be

attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to identifying


what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to

fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to the

first> > question, the answer to the second question (which you to

address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to

those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail would be

a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see

this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive description

of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second question>

> addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In


" sunil nair " > >

astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,>

> > Dear

jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa

analysis:-> > >> >

> This is realy a puzzling question even among the well established> >

> astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour> >

window> > > max u r giving to ur

customers ,People like K N rao ji

they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they


datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying atleast 4

popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very safe


> > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is more>


> stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for> >

this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna

,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making

lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above


we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as lagna. some

says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later

years sun

shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the results

,but i

am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > >


within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> > should>

> >

giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous> > >

conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in> > >

begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon> >

in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever

results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is

only a

general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas the

palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take some one

has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu rasi


in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts


is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara(sub

periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its 2nd> >


lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart the> >

lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no

cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even

though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to formulate some

of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a dasa


results> > >


> 1) see>

> > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and see>

> its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya


( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta

varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th

,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r

generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor


gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation with

gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra stithi ,neecha

stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and


santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > positioned in

upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > > good ,not

the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> > well> >


placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only in>

> > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> >

benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with>


ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by benefics

or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv good

results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of lagna


good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if enmy of

lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will be

highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > a> >


benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will> >

giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord is

benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght will

giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill


and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is placed in

sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and

prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in

ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> > results .>

> > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are

sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries

,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs


with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > ( rising


both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is> > >

powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for> >

higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg

--mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if

placed in

virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It


2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi


order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd house


12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa apahara

,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then it> >


will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining> >

or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> > some ,sorrows

,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible and if the

planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it can cause

death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and

dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver good

results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results. 16)

planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > > give


results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> > more>

> >

better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period> >

of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or who

is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in


> position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such period


be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets are

positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in frst 1/3

rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then

according to

planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those palnets. 19) if

any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its


during his dasa some problems regding property is> > possible.> >


20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its> >

rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the

results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various

planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together the dasa

of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22)


planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he


giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> > >

.. a)if

sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > >

father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun> > >

gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and> >

happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of

the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but


of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad


brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham

,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)budha


neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and also our

actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv first bad

then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in


--problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> > >


our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > >

--raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in education>


and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse

and> >

problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of luck ,less

money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position. in

uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good


regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g) sani


neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > > hell in

this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> > then>


> foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth may>

> be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best

results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with

kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of rasi


and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of zodiac

gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It


aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas


results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> > > ,happiness in

pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > > capricon and

virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse> >

> and

kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> > and>


> 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who assossiated> >

with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa lord

in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if


planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed well


chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of gulika

degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting or


aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results

cancelles a

great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series and guru

dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> > >


the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu> >

also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya for

ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad .

29)Dasa of

ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa.

30)3/6/11 th

lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to be


31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy


32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord is

placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > >


33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> > deed>


> of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While> >

seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna lord

and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to


results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is


a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various

vargas is

not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > > OTHERS





> PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> >

>> >>







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Hi Ram,

I agree with your views of studying unknown charts. Reason is , if we go after celebriety charts, (mostly erroneus) ,they are not going to join this group and tell us whether our analysis is correct or not. On the contrary , if we comment on chart , like the one put forward by Ravi , where the latter knows all life events of the former, we could easily adjudge our own skills and pitfalls .

I hope, Sreenadh will ponder , once again


M Nair



, "Ram Jaswal" <rkjaswal wrote:>> Namaste Sreenadhji> > May I suggest otherwise? Most people can give lots of different reasons as> to why certain events occur during certain Dasha periods which can be true> as No single cause can always be attributed to it ie something can occur due> to Dasha's/Transits etc . Note there is also a "saying" that each Maha Dasha> should only be evaluated after seeing the "Prashna" for the moment of the> change in Dasha ...> > Wouldn't it be better to study an "unknown" chart to test the "reading"> ability of Dasha's etc?> > Thanks and hoping comments taken in a positive sense?> > Jai Sita Ram> > Ram> > _____ > > > On Behalf Of Sreenadh> 02 September 2007 08:48> > Re: Vimshottarry dasa analysis> > Dear Ravi ji,> That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of this> group would be familiar with the life events of that person. He should> be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed with the> same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said exercise.> Love,> Sreenadh> > ancient_indian_ <%40>> astrology , "A. Ravindran Nair"> rain13@ wrote:> >> > > > Dear Sreenadhji,> > > > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can sharpen my> skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.> > > > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy> > Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.> > Place of birth - Palghat> > > > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.> > > > Regards> > > > Ravi Nair> > > > > > > > > > > > @: sreesog@: Sat, 1 Sep 2007> 09:39:11 +0000 Re: Vimshottarry> dasa analysis> > > > > > > > > > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one chart and> describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can do it> better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do that> taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not doing it> already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that itself!). *> Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about whichmost> of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa) in that> individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would be> predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may serve 2> things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating predictions> can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather than a> post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji, Panditji,> Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember the> chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us know> already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will have a go> - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual. Let us> try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct> possibilities.Thus the preconditions are -. The predictions should be> for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.. The references and> technique used must be clarified in detail in thepost.Love,Sreenadh---> In ancient_indian_ <%40>> astrology , "sunil> nair"<astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> > dear> sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command over> laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i planned to> write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys any one> chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u can do> it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om shreem> mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In> ancient_indian_ <%40>> astrology , "Sreenadh"> <sreesog@>> wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and> informative mail. But still I think> > the question, "Whether good,> moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a particular> Dasa?", which is given much importance in> > many texts and many> methodologies are described for the same (as well> > summarized in> your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> > question,> "What are the results to be predicted for a particular> > Dasa?",> which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> > texts> that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status> > (a> higher class subject) is given most importance and the question> >> with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is given>> > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is misled!>> > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and talk a>> > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad -> results;> > but pitifully fails to determine "What results should be> attributed> > to that period (Dasa)?"!!! Shouldn't we try to put the> record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right> perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that should be> attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to identifying to> what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to> fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to the> first> > question, the answer to the second question (which you to> address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to> those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail would be> a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see> this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive description> of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second question>> > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In> ancient_indian_ <%40>> astrology , "sunil nair"> >> astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > Dear> jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:-> > >> >> > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well established> >> > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour> >> window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji> they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they collects> datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying atleast 4> popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very safe .>> > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is more> >> > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for> >> this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna> ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making> lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above situations> we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as lagna. some> says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later years sun> shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the results ,but i> am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > > happening> within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> > should> > >> giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous> > >> conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in> > >> begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon> >> in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever> results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is only a> general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas the> palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take some one> has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu rasi and> in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts jupiter> is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara(sub> periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its 2nd> > >> lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart the> >> lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no> cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even> though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to formulate some> of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a dasa and> results> > >> -------------------------> > 1) see>> > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and see>> > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya stiti> ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta> varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th> ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r> generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of> gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation with> gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra stithi ,neecha> stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and bhava> santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > positioned in> upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > > good ,not> the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> > well> > >> placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only in>> > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> >> benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with> >> ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by benefics> or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv good> results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of lagna lord> good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if enmy of> lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will be> highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > a> > >> benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will> >> giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord is> benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght will> giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill placed> and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is placed in> sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and> prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in> ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> > results .>> > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are> sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries> ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs (rising> with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > ( rising with> both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is> > >> powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for> >> higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg> --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if placed in> virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It says> 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi pathy> order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd house or> 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa apahara> ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then it> > >> will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining> >> or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> > some ,sorrows> ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible and if the> planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it can cause> death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and> dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver good> results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results. 16)> planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > > give the> results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> > more> > >> better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period> >> of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or who> is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in weak>> > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such period will> be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets are> positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in frst 1/3> rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then according to> planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those palnets. 19) if> any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its position> during his dasa some problems regding property is> > possible.> > >> 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its> >> rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the> results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various> planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together the dasa> of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22) any> planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he cannot> giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> > > . a)if> sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > >> father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun> > >> gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and> >> happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of> the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but welfare> of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for> brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham> ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)budha is> neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and also our> actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv first bad> then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in neechamsaka> --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> > > ,even> our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > >> --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in education> >> and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse and> >> problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of luck ,less> money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position. in> uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good experince> regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g) sani in> neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > > hell in> this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> > then> >> > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth may>> > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best> results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with> kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of rasi lord> and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of zodiac> gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It says> aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas good> results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> > > ,happiness in> pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > > capricon and> virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse> > > and> kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> > and> >> > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who assossiated> >> with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa lord> in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if that> planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed well in> chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of gulika> degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting or guru> aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results cancelles a> great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series and guru> dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> > > 27)> the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu> >> also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya for> ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)Dasa of> ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)3/6/11 th> lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to be bad.> 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy dosha.> 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord is> placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > > ment.> 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> > deed> >> > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While> >> seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna lord> and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to the> results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is making> a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various vargas is> not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > > OTHERS TO> COMMENT AND COME OUT WITH WORKING EXAMPLES SO AS TO> > BENEFIT> > >> GROUP MEMBERS.I AM JUST CHANNELING A DISCUSSION ALL ARE INVITED TO> >> > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > >> >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ________> > Explore the seven wonders of the world> > http://search.> <http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-US & form=QBRE>> msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-US & form=QBRE> >>

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Dear M Nair,


Great !!! You are hitting the targets !!


I had a specific reason for giving the data of this person, because

of his achievements.


Extremely sorry, there is a little correction in the timing, it is

6.25 p.m. and not 6.30 p.m.


He is not married. His only younger sister's marriage was done in

Moon-Mercury period, to be precise on 27-10-2005.


He already resigned his job on June 1, 2007, but not for a change of

employer but to continue studies.




Ravi Nair









, " Balagurusurya "

<balagurusurya wrote:





> Hi Ravi,


> Subject born with 01Sag54 (As per Lahiri's ayanamsa) is currently

> passing through Mn/Ve


> ---Both Mn & Ve are female planets. Mn, the major period lord is

L8 of

> marital bond, placed in H5 ,that unites couples.


> Ve, the subperiod ruler , is the planet of conjugal bliss and

as L11

> of new acquaintance , stationed in Taurus , the 2nd of natural


> representing family. In D-9, Ve owns H7 of spouse.


> As such , the native , if unmarried, will get married in Ve sub


> .If already married, this Ve period will give child birth.


> Alternatively , the Ve period may see the wedding of co-borns, I


> siblings, if any


> Further ,there will be a change in job/service Reason ---Sat, L3 of

> change ,aspect Ve , the subperiod ruler in the birth chart . This

> aspect, is reonforced by the current Saturn Return .


> Ve sub period ,runs upto 30Aug,2008, . It is a long way to

go .Still

> out of accademic interest , I am asking you, can you confirm or


> any of my readings , since you know the native very well ?


> Anticipating your reply


> Best


> M Nair









, " rain13club "

> <rain13@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sreenadhji,

> >

> > Sincerely speaking, I do not think much people would be knowing


> > personality.

> >

> > I would leave it to other members to come up with a suitable

> > horoscope.

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Ravi Nair

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " Sreenadh "

> > sreesog@ wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Ravi ji,

> > > That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of this

> > > group would be familiar with the life events of that person. He

> > should

> > > be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed

with the

> > > same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said

> > exercise.

> > > Love,

> > > Sreenadh

> > >

> > > , " A. Ravindran

> > Nair "

> > > <rain13@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sreenadhji,

> > > >

> > > > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can

sharpen my

> > > skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.

> > > >

> > > > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy

> > > > Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.

> > > > Place of birth - Palghat

> > > >

> > > > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > >

> > > > Ravi Nair

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > @: sreesog@: Sat, 1 Sep 2007

> > > 09:39:11 +0000 Re:


> > > dasa analysis

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one


> > and

> > > describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can do


> > > better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do

> > that

> > > taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not


> > it

> > > already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that

> > itself!). *

> > > Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about

> > whichmost

> > > of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa) in

> > that

> > > individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would


> > > predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may

serve 2

> > > things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating

> > predictions

> > > can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather


> > a

> > > post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji,


> > > Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember


> > > chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us


> > > already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will

have a

> > go

> > > - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual.

Let us

> > > try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct

> > > possibilities.Thus the preconditions are –• The predictions

> should

> > be

> > > for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.• The references

> and

> > > technique used must be clarified in detail in

> > thepost.Love,Sreenadh---

> > > In , " sunil

> > > nair " <astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> > dear

> > > sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command

> > over

> > > laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i

> > planned to

> > > write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys


> > one

> > > chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u

> > can do

> > > it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om

> > shreem

> > > mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In

> > > , " Sreenadh " >


> > > wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and

> > > informative mail. But still I think> > the question, " Whether


> > > moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a particular

> > > Dasa? " , which is given much importance in> > many texts and


> > > methodologies are described for the same (as well> >

summarized in

> > > your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> >

> > question,

> > > " What are the results to be predicted for a particular> >

Dasa? " ,

> > > which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> >

> > texts

> > > that discusses the subject. The question with secondary

status> >

> > (a

> > > higher class subject) is given most importance and the

question> >

> > > with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is

> > given>

> > > > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is

> > misled!>

> > > > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and

> > talk a>

> > > > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad -

> > > results;> > but pitifully fails to determine " What results


> > be

> > > attributed> > to that period (Dasa)? " !!! Shouldn't we try to


> > the

> > > record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right

> > > perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that should


> > > attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to


> > to

> > > what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to

> > > fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to


> > > first> > question, the answer to the second question (which

you to

> > > address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But


> > > those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail

> > would be

> > > a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would


> > > this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive

> > description

> > > of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second

> > question>

> > > > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In

> > > , " sunil nair " > >

> > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > >


> > > jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:->


> > >> >

> > > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well

> > established> >

> > > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one


> > >

> > > window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N

rao ji

> > > they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they


> > > datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying

atleast 4

> > > popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very

> > safe .>

> > > > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is

> > more> >

> > > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results

accordingly .for>

> > >

> > > this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is


> > > ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are


> > > lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above

> > situations

> > > we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as


> > some

> > > says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later


> > sun

> > > shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the

> > results ,but i

> > > am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > >


> > > within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> >

should> >

> > >

> > > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless


> > > >

> > > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in>

> >

> > > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and


> > >

> > > in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which


> > > results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is


> > a

> > > general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas


> > > palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take


> > one

> > > has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu


> > and

> > > in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts

> > jupiter

> > > is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara(sub

> > > periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its 2nd>

> >

> > > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart

> > the> >

> > > lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no

> > > cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad

also .Even

> > > though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to


> > some

> > > of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a dasa


> > > results> > >

> > > -------------------------> >


> > see>

> > > > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed


> > see>

> > > > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya

> > stiti

> > > ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in


> > > varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like


> > > ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas

this r

> > > generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship

(dispositor of

> > > gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation


> > > gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra

> > stithi ,neecha

> > > stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and


> > > santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > positioned


> > > upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > >

> > good ,not

> > > the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> >

well> >

> > >

> > > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled


> > in>

> > > > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> >

> > > benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions

with> >

> > > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by

> > benefics

> > > or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv good

> > > results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of lagna


> > > good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if enmy


> > > lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will


> > > highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > a>

> >

> > > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics

will> >

> > > giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa


> > is

> > > benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght

> > will

> > > giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill

> > placed

> > > and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is

placed in

> > > sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and

> > > prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in

> > > ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> >

> > results .>

> > > > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are

> > > sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries

> > > ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs

> > (rising

> > > with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > ( rising


> > > both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is> >


> > > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced

for> >

> > > higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg

> > > --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if

> > placed in

> > > virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It

> > says

> > > 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi

> > pathy

> > > order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd

house or

> > > 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa


> > > ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then

it> > >

> > > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi

(begining> >

> > > or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> >

some ,sorrows

> > > ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible

and if

> > the

> > > planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it


> > cause

> > > death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and

> > > dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver


> > > results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results. 16)

> > > planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > >


> > the

> > > results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> >


> > > >

> > > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub

period> >

> > > of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord


> > who

> > > is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in

> > weak>

> > > > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such


> > will

> > > be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets


> > > positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in


> > 1/3

> > > rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then


> > to

> > > planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those palnets.


> > if

> > > any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its


> > > during his dasa some problems regding property is> >

possible.> > >

> > > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa

its> >

> > > rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of


> > > results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various

> > > planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together the

> > dasa

> > > of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22)


> > > planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he

> > cannot

> > > giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> >

> .

> > a)if

> > > sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> >


> > > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same


> > > >

> > > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and>


> > > happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in

end of

> > > the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but

> > welfare

> > > of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad


> > > brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi


> > > ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)


> > is

> > > neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and


> > our

> > > actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv


> > bad

> > > then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in


> > > --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> >

> > > ,even

> > > our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> >


> > > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in

> > education> >

> > > and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse

> > and> >

> > > problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of

> > luck ,less

> > > money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position. in

> > > uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good

> > experince

> > > regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g) sani


> > > neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > >

hell in

> > > this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> >

> > then> >

> > > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable


> > may>

> > > > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best

> > > results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona


> > > kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of rasi


> > > and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of


> > > gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It


> > > aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas


> > > results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> >

> > > ,happiness in

> > > pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > >


> > and

> > > virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse>

> >

> > and

> > > kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> >

> > and> >

> > > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who

> > assossiated> >

> > > with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa

> > lord

> > > in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but


> > that

> > > planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed

well in

> > > chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of

> > gulika

> > > degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting


> > guru

> > > aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results

> > cancelles a

> > > great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series and


> > > dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> >

> 27)

> > > the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with

rahu> >

> > > also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -


> > for

> > > ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)


> > of

> > > ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)

> > 3/6/11 th

> > > lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to be

> > bad.

> > > 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy

> > dosha.

> > > 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord


> > > placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > >

> > ment.

> > > 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> >

> > deed> >

> > > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While>


> > > seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and


> > lord

> > > and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to


> > > results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is

> > making

> > > a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various


> > is

> > > not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > >





> > TO> >

> > > > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> >


> > >>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >


> > > > Explore the seven wonders of the world

> > > > http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-

> > US & form=QBRE

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Ram ji,

The power and beauty of astrology lies in predicting unknown things

just from the chart. Predictions related to Dasa in not a special

case. If chart readings can reflect truth (Dasa points to the period

at which they will occur), Dasa readings can be independent of prior

knowledge about the native and his circumstances, to an extend. Life

is molded by the past and environment, and so the other influences are

also of value - that is the other side of the coin. But for such

practical exercises aimed at learning astrology, we can ignore such


Prasna is something else - that tells you how much the deviant

result (from the result indicated by the horoscope) the native is

undergoing currently, and why?


> Wouldn't it be better to study an " unknown " chart to test the

> " reading " ability of Dasha's etc?


That is what suggested here - if seems that you failed to read the

previous mails on the same thread. If you had followed The proposed

exercise, what was suggested is " Reading an unknown horoscope, that is

unknown to the astrologers who read it. But the horoscope suggested

should be of an individual famous for some reason, though his name or

other details won't be revealed initially. But later when the

readings are over, revealing the native's name will help others in

contemplating the points at which the reading went right or wrong " .

Hope you got the point. :)

Note: Read the previous mails on the subject, before jumping to

conclusions and comments. ;)




, " Ram Jaswal "

<rkjaswal wrote:


> Namaste Sreenadhji


> May I suggest otherwise? Most people can give lots of different

reasons as

> to why certain events occur during certain Dasha periods which can

be true

> as No single cause can always be attributed to it ie something can

occur due

> to Dasha's/Transits etc . Note there is also a " saying " that each

Maha Dasha

> should only be evaluated after seeing the " Prashna " for the moment

of the

> change in Dasha ...


> Wouldn't it be better to study an " unknown " chart to test the " reading "

> ability of Dasha's etc?


> Thanks and hoping comments taken in a positive sense?


> Jai Sita Ram


> Ram


> _____



> On Behalf Of Sreenadh

> 02 September 2007 08:48


> Re: Vimshottarry dasa analysis


> Dear Ravi ji,

> That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of this

> group would be familiar with the life events of that person. He should

> be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed with the

> same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said exercise.

> Love,

> Sreenadh


> ancient_indian_


> astrology , " A. Ravindran Nair "

> <rain13@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Sreenadhji,

> >

> > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can sharpen my

> skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.

> >

> > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy

> > Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.

> > Place of birth - Palghat

> >

> > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Ravi Nair

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > @: sreesog@: Sat, 1 Sep 2007

> 09:39:11 +0000 Re: Vimshottarry

> dasa analysis

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one chart and

> describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can do it

> better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do that

> taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not doing it

> already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that itself!). *

> Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about whichmost

> of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa) in that

> individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would be

> predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may serve 2

> things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating predictions

> can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather than a

> post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji, Panditji,

> Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember the

> chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us know

> already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will have a go

> - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual. Let us

> try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct

> possibilities.Thus the preconditions are -. The predictions should be

> for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.. The references and

> technique used must be clarified in detail in thepost.Love,Sreenadh---

> In ancient_indian_ <%40>

> astrology , " sunil

> nair " <astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> > dear

> sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command over

> laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i planned to

> write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys any one

> chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u can do

> it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om shreem

> mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In

> ancient_indian_ <%40>

> astrology , " Sreenadh " > <sreesog@>

> wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and

> informative mail. But still I think> > the question, " Whether good,

> moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a particular

> Dasa? " , which is given much importance in> > many texts and many

> methodologies are described for the same (as well> > summarized in

> your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> > question,

> " What are the results to be predicted for a particular> > Dasa? " ,

> which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> > texts

> that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status> > (a

> higher class subject) is given most importance and the question> >

> with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is given>

> > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is misled!>

> > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and talk a>

> > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad -

> results;> > but pitifully fails to determine " What results should be

> attributed> > to that period (Dasa)? " !!! Shouldn't we try to put the

> record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right

> perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that should be

> attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to identifying to

> what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to

> fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to the

> first> > question, the answer to the second question (which you to

> address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to

> those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail would be

> a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see

> this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive description

> of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second question>

> > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In

> ancient_indian_ <%40>

> astrology , " sunil nair " > >

> astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > Dear

> jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:-> > >> >

> > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well established> >

> > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour> >

> window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji

> they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they collects

> datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying atleast 4

> popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very safe .>

> > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is more> >

> > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for> >

> this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna

> ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making

> lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above situations

> we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as lagna. some

> says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later years sun

> shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the results ,but i

> am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > > happening

> within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> > should> > >

> giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous> > >

> conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in> > >

> begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon> >

> in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever

> results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is only a

> general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas the

> palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take some one

> has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu rasi and

> in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts jupiter

> is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara(sub

> periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its 2nd> > >

> lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart the> >

> lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no

> cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even

> though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to formulate some

> of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a dasa and

> results> > >

> -------------------------> > 1) see>

> > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and see>

> > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya stiti

> ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta

> varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th

> ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r

> generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of

> gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation with

> gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra stithi ,neecha

> stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and bhava

> santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > positioned in

> upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > > good ,not

> the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> > well> > >

> placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only in>

> > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> >

> benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with> >

> ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by benefics

> or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv good

> results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of lagna lord

> good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if enmy of

> lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will be

> highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > a> > >

> benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will> >

> giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord is

> benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght will

> giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill placed

> and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is placed in

> sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and

> prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in

> ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> > results .>

> > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are

> sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries

> ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs (rising

> with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > ( rising with

> both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is> > >

> powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for> >

> higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg

> --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if placed in

> virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It says

> 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi pathy

> order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd house or

> 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa apahara

> ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then it> > >

> will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining> >

> or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> > some ,sorrows

> ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible and if the

> planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it can cause

> death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and

> dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver good

> results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results. 16)

> planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > > give the

> results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> > more> > >

> better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period> >

> of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or who

> is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in weak>

> > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such period will

> be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets are

> positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in frst 1/3

> rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then according to

> planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those palnets. 19) if

> any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its position

> during his dasa some problems regding property is> > possible.> > >

> 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its> >

> rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the

> results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various

> planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together the dasa

> of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22) any

> planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he cannot

> giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> > > . a)if

> sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > >

> father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun> > >

> gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and> >

> happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of

> the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but welfare

> of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for

> brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham

> ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)budha is

> neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and also our

> actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv first bad

> then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in neechamsaka

> --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> > > ,even

> our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > >

> --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in education> >

> and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse and> >

> problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of luck ,less

> money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position. in

> uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good experince

> regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g) sani in

> neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > > hell in

> this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> > then> >

> > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth may>

> > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best

> results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with

> kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of rasi lord

> and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of zodiac

> gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It says

> aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas good

> results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> > > ,happiness in

> pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > > capricon and

> virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse> > > and

> kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> > and> >

> > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who assossiated> >

> with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa lord

> in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if that

> planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed well in

> chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of gulika

> degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting or guru

> aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results cancelles a

> great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series and guru

> dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> > > 27)

> the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu> >

> also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya for

> ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)Dasa of

> ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)3/6/11 th

> lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to be bad.

> 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy dosha.

> 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord is

> placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > > ment.

> 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> > deed> >

> > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While> >

> seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna lord

> and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to the

> results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is making

> a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various vargas is

> not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > > OTHERS TO



> > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > >> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________

> > Explore the seven wonders of the world

> > http://search.


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> msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-US & form=QBRE

> >


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Dear Madhu ji,

The problem with charts put forward by a single person, and known to

a single person is that -

* there is only one person to verify the validity of the readings and

* in essence the exercise will not give many the joy of participation


To avoid these pitfalls it is better to read the charts of natives,

whom is well known (due to good or bad reason), but whose chart is not

popular among the astrologers; at least among the group members. The

individual suggesting the chart is not revealing the name of the

native also, which will safe guard the joy and truthfulness of the

exercise. But since the native and his life is well known later the

majority members of the group can analysis and compare the results

predicted against reality.

Hope you will see the essence of the reason for my suggestion.


Note 1: I never mentioned that it should be chart of a celebrity.

Apart from celebrities there are many good and bad people around. As

well many who contributed well in Literature, Administration, Science,

Ancient Arts and so on. We can go for any such chart.


Note 2: Here the proposed exercise is NOT for an individual (that we

usually do by individual chart readings), but FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE

GROUP. The point is " Thus every member should get a chance to evaluate

the reading " . I hope you will agree that, this is possible only when

the chart is of a popular individual.





, " Balagurusurya "

<balagurusurya wrote:



> Hi Ram,


> I agree with your views of studying unknown charts. Reason is , if we go

> after celebriety charts, (mostly erroneus) ,they are not going to join

> this group and tell us whether our analysis is correct or not. On the

> contrary , if we comment on chart , like the one put forward by Ravi ,

> where the latter knows all life events of the former, we could easily

> adjudge our own skills and pitfalls .


> I hope, Sreenadh will ponder , once again


> Best


> M Nair

, " Ram Jaswal "

> <rkjaswal@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Sreenadhji

> >

> > May I suggest otherwise? Most people can give lots of different

> reasons as

> > to why certain events occur during certain Dasha periods which can be

> true

> > as No single cause can always be attributed to it ie something can

> occur due

> > to Dasha's/Transits etc . Note there is also a " saying " that each Maha

> Dasha

> > should only be evaluated after seeing the " Prashna " for the moment of

> the

> > change in Dasha ...

> >

> > Wouldn't it be better to study an " unknown " chart to test the

> " reading "

> > ability of Dasha's etc?

> >

> > Thanks and hoping comments taken in a positive sense?

> >

> > Jai Sita Ram

> >

> > Ram

> >

> > _____

> >

> >

> > On Behalf Of

> Sreenadh

> > 02 September 2007 08:48

> >

> > Re: Vimshottarry dasa analysis

> >

> > Dear Ravi ji,

> > That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of this

> > group would be familiar with the life events of that person. He should

> > be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed with the

> > same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said exercise.

> > Love,

> > Sreenadh

> >

> > ancient_indian_

> <%40>

> > astrology , " A. Ravindran Nair "

> > rain13@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Sreenadhji,

> > >

> > > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can sharpen my

> > skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.

> > >

> > > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy

> > > Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.

> > > Place of birth - Palghat

> > >

> > > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > >

> > > Ravi Nair

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > @: sreesog@: Sat, 1 Sep 2007

> > 09:39:11 +0000 Re: Vimshottarry

> > dasa analysis

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one chart and

> > describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can do it

> > better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do that

> > taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not doing it

> > already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that itself!). *

> > Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about whichmost

> > of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa) in that

> > individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would be

> > predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may serve 2

> > things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating predictions

> > can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather than a

> > post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji, Panditji,

> > Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember the

> > chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us know

> > already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will have a go

> > - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual. Let us

> > try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct

> > possibilities.Thus the preconditions are -. The predictions should be

> > for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.. The references and

> > technique used must be clarified in detail in thepost.Love,Sreenadh---

> > In ancient_indian_ <%40>

> > astrology , " sunil

> > nair " <astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> > dear

> > sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command over

> > laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i planned to

> > write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys any one

> > chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u can do

> > it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om shreem

> > mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In

> > ancient_indian_ <%40>

> > astrology , " Sreenadh " > <sreesog@>

> > wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and

> > informative mail. But still I think> > the question, " Whether good,

> > moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a particular

> > Dasa? " , which is given much importance in> > many texts and many

> > methodologies are described for the same (as well> > summarized in

> > your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> > question,

> > " What are the results to be predicted for a particular> > Dasa? " ,

> > which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> > texts

> > that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status> > (a

> > higher class subject) is given most importance and the question> >

> > with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is given>

> > > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is misled!>

> > > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and talk a>

> > > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad -

> > results;> > but pitifully fails to determine " What results should be

> > attributed> > to that period (Dasa)? " !!! Shouldn't we try to put the

> > record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right

> > perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that should be

> > attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to identifying to

> > what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to

> > fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to the

> > first> > question, the answer to the second question (which you to

> > address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But to

> > those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail would be

> > a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would see

> > this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive description

> > of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second question>

> > > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In

> > ancient_indian_ <%40>

> > astrology , " sunil nair " > >

> > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > Dear

> > jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:-> > >> >

> > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well established> >

> > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour> >

> > window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji

> > they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they collects

> > datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying atleast 4

> > popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very safe .>

> > > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is more> >

> > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for> >

> > this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna

> > ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making

> > lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above situations

> > we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as lagna. some

> > says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later years sun

> > shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the results ,but i

> > am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > > happening

> > within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> > should> > >

> > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous> > >

> > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in> > >

> > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon> >

> > in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever

> > results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is only a

> > general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas the

> > palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take some one

> > has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu rasi and

> > in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts jupiter

> > is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara(sub

> > periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its 2nd> > >

> > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart the> >

> > lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no

> > cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even

> > though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to formulate some

> > of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a dasa and

> > results> > >

> > -------------------------> > 1) see>

> > > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and see>

> > > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya stiti

> > ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta

> > varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th

> > ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r

> > generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of

> > gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation with

> > gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra stithi ,neecha

> > stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and bhava

> > santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > positioned in

> > upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > > good ,not

> > the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> > well> > >

> > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only in>

> > > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> >

> > benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with> >

> > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by benefics

> > or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv good

> > results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of lagna lord

> > good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if enmy of

> > lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will be

> > highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > a> > >

> > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will> >

> > giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa lord is

> > benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght will

> > giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill placed

> > and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is placed in

> > sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and

> > prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in

> > ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> > results .>

> > > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are

> > sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries

> > ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs (rising

> > with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > ( rising with

> > both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is> > >

> > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for> >

> > higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg

> > --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if placed in

> > virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It says

> > 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi pathy

> > order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd house or

> > 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa apahara

> > ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then it> > >

> > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining> >

> > or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> > some ,sorrows

> > ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible and if the

> > planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it can cause

> > death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and

> > dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver good

> > results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results. 16)

> > planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > > give the

> > results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> > more> > >

> > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period> >

> > of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or who

> > is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in weak>

> > > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such period will

> > be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets are

> > positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in frst 1/3

> > rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then according to

> > planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those palnets. 19) if

> > any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its position

> > during his dasa some problems regding property is> > possible.> > >

> > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its> >

> > rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the

> > results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various

> > planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together the dasa

> > of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22) any

> > planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he cannot

> > giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> > > . a)if

> > sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > >

> > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same sun> > >

> > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and> >

> > happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of

> > the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but welfare

> > of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for

> > brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham

> > ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)budha is

> > neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and also our

> > actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv first bad

> > then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in neechamsaka

> > --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> > > ,even

> > our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > >

> > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in education> >

> > and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse and> >

> > problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of luck ,less

> > money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position. in

> > uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good experince

> > regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g) sani in

> > neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > > hell in

> > this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> > then> >

> > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth may>

> > > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best

> > results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with

> > kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of rasi lord

> > and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of zodiac

> > gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It says

> > aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas good

> > results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> > > ,happiness in

> > pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > > capricon and

> > virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse> > > and

> > kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> > and> >

> > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who assossiated> >

> > with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa lord

> > in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if that

> > planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed well in

> > chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of gulika

> > degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting or guru

> > aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results cancelles a

> > great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series and guru

> > dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> > > 27)

> > the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu> >

> > also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya for

> > ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)Dasa of

> > ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)3/6/11 th

> > lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to be bad.

> > 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy dosha.

> > 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord is

> > placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > > ment.

> > 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> > deed> >

> > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While> >

> > seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna lord

> > and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to the

> > results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is making

> > a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various vargas is

> > not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > > OTHERS TO



> > > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > >> >>

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________

> > > Explore the seven wonders of the world

> > > http://search.

> >


<http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-US & form=QBR\

> E>

> > msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-US & form=QBRE

> > >

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Dear Sreenadhji,


Yes, that would be a good idea.


I just suggested one data for the sake of it, then I realised that I

will not be able to take part in the exercise and there is nothing

for me to study.




Ravi Nair


, " Sreenadh "

<sreesog wrote:


> Dear Madhu ji,

> The problem with charts put forward by a single person, and known


> a single person is that -

> * there is only one person to verify the validity of the readings


> * in essence the exercise will not give many the joy of


> experience.

> To avoid these pitfalls it is better to read the charts of natives,

> whom is well known (due to good or bad reason), but whose chart is


> popular among the astrologers; at least among the group members. The

> individual suggesting the chart is not revealing the name of the

> native also, which will safe guard the joy and truthfulness of the

> exercise. But since the native and his life is well known later the

> majority members of the group can analysis and compare the results

> predicted against reality.

> Hope you will see the essence of the reason for my suggestion.


> Note 1: I never mentioned that it should be chart of a celebrity.

> Apart from celebrities there are many good and bad people around. As

> well many who contributed well in Literature, Administration,


> Ancient Arts and so on. We can go for any such chart.


> Note 2: Here the proposed exercise is NOT for an individual (that we

> usually do by individual chart readings), but FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE

> GROUP. The point is " Thus every member should get a chance to


> the reading " . I hope you will agree that, this is possible only when

> the chart is of a popular individual.


> Love,

> Sreenadh


> , " Balagurusurya "

> <balagurusurya@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Hi Ram,

> >

> > I agree with your views of studying unknown charts. Reason is ,

if we go

> > after celebriety charts, (mostly erroneus) ,they are not going to


> > this group and tell us whether our analysis is correct or not. On


> > contrary , if we comment on chart , like the one put forward by

Ravi ,

> > where the latter knows all life events of the former, we could


> > adjudge our own skills and pitfalls .

> >

> > I hope, Sreenadh will ponder , once again

> >

> > Best

> >

> > M Nair

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " Ram Jaswal "

> > <rkjaswal@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Sreenadhji

> > >

> > > May I suggest otherwise? Most people can give lots of different

> > reasons as

> > > to why certain events occur during certain Dasha periods which

can be

> > true

> > > as No single cause can always be attributed to it ie something


> > occur due

> > > to Dasha's/Transits etc . Note there is also a " saying " that

each Maha

> > Dasha

> > > should only be evaluated after seeing the " Prashna " for the

moment of

> > the

> > > change in Dasha ...

> > >

> > > Wouldn't it be better to study an " unknown " chart to test the

> > " reading "

> > > ability of Dasha's etc?

> > >

> > > Thanks and hoping comments taken in a positive sense?

> > >

> > > Jai Sita Ram

> > >

> > > Ram

> > >

> > > _____

> > >

> > >

> > > On Behalf Of

> > Sreenadh

> > > 02 September 2007 08:48

> > >

> > > Re: Vimshottarry dasa


> > >

> > > Dear Ravi ji,

> > > That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of this

> > > group would be familiar with the life events of that person. He


> > > be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed with


> > > same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said


> > > Love,

> > > Sreenadh

> > >

> > > ancient_indian_

> > <%40>

> > > astrology , " A. Ravindran Nair "

> > > rain13@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sreenadhji,

> > > >

> > > > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can sharpen


> > > skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.

> > > >

> > > > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy

> > > > Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.

> > > > Place of birth - Palghat

> > > >

> > > > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > >

> > > > Ravi Nair

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > @: sreesog@: Sat, 1 Sep 2007

> > > 09:39:11 +0000 Re:


> > > dasa analysis

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one

chart and

> > > describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can do


> > > better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do


> > > taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not

doing it

> > > already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that

itself!). *

> > > Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about


> > > of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa) in


> > > individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would be

> > > predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may

serve 2

> > > things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating


> > > can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather

than a

> > > post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji,


> > > Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember


> > > chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us


> > > already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will

have a go

> > > - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual.

Let us

> > > try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct

> > > possibilities.Thus the preconditions are -. The predictions

should be

> > > for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.. The references


> > > technique used must be clarified in detail in


> > > In ancient_indian_ <%


> > > astrology , " sunil

> > > nair " <astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> > dear

> > > sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command


> > > laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i

planned to

> > > write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys

any one

> > > chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u

can do

> > > it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om


> > > mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In

> > > ancient_indian_ <%


> > > astrology , " Sreenadh " > <sreesog@>

> > > wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and

> > > informative mail. But still I think> > the question, " Whether


> > > moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a particular

> > > Dasa? " , which is given much importance in> > many texts and many

> > > methodologies are described for the same (as well> > summarized


> > > your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> >


> > > " What are the results to be predicted for a particular> >

Dasa? " ,

> > > which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> >


> > > that discusses the subject. The question with secondary status>

> (a

> > > higher class subject) is given most importance and the

question> >

> > > with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is


> > > > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is


> > > > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and

talk a>

> > > > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad -

> > > results;> > but pitifully fails to determine " What results

should be

> > > attributed> > to that period (Dasa)? " !!! Shouldn't we try to

put the

> > > record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right

> > > perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that should


> > > attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to

identifying to

> > > what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to

> > > fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to


> > > first> > question, the answer to the second question (which you


> > > address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But


> > > those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail

would be

> > > a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would


> > > this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive


> > > of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second


> > > > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In

> > > ancient_indian_ <%


> > > astrology , " sunil nair " > >

> > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > Dear

> > > jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:->

> >> >

> > > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well

established> >

> > > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one

hour> >

> > > window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao


> > > they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they


> > > datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying atleast


> > > popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very

safe .>

> > > > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is

more> >

> > > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results

accordingly .for> >

> > > this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is


> > > ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are


> > > lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above


> > > we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as

lagna. some

> > > says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later

years sun

> > > shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the

results ,but i

> > > am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > >


> > > within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> >

should> > >

> > > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless

previous> > >

> > > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in>

> >

> > > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and

moon> >

> > > in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever

> > > results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is

only a

> > > general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas


> > > palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take

some one

> > > has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu

rasi and

> > > in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts


> > > is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara(sub

> > > periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its 2nd>

> >

> > > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart

the> >

> > > lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no

> > > cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad

also .Even

> > > though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to

formulate some

> > > of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a dasa


> > > results> > >

> > > -------------------------> >

1) see>

> > > > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed

and see>

> > > > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya


> > > ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in


> > > varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like


> > > ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas

this r

> > > generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship

(dispositor of

> > > gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation with

> > > gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra

stithi ,neecha

> > > stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and


> > > santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > positioned


> > > upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > >

good ,not

> > > the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> >

well> > >

> > > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled

only in>

> > > > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> >

> > > benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions

with> >

> > > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by


> > > or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv good

> > > results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of lagna


> > > good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if enmy


> > > lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will be

> > > highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > a>

> >

> > > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics

will> >

> > > giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa

lord is

> > > benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght


> > > giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill


> > > and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is

placed in

> > > sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and

> > > prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in

> > > ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> >

results .>

> > > > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are

> > > sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries

> > > ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs


> > > with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > ( rising


> > > both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is> > >

> > > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for>


> > > higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg

> > > --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if

placed in

> > > virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It


> > > 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi


> > > order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd

house or

> > > 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa


> > > ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then it>

> >

> > > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi

(begining> >

> > > or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> > some ,sorrows

> > > ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible and

if the

> > > planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it

can cause

> > > death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and

> > > dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver


> > > results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results. 16)

> > > planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > >

give the

> > > results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> >

more> > >

> > > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub

period> >

> > > of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord

or who

> > > is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in


> > > > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such

period will

> > > be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets are

> > > positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in

frst 1/3

> > > rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then

according to

> > > planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those palnets.

19) if

> > > any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its


> > > during his dasa some problems regding property is> > possible.>

> >

> > > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa

its> >

> > > rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of


> > > results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various

> > > planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together the


> > > of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22)


> > > planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he


> > > giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> >

> . a)if

> > > sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > >

> > > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same

sun> > >

> > > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and> >

> > > happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in

end of

> > > the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but


> > > of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad


> > > brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi


> > > ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)

budha is

> > > neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and

also our

> > > actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv

first bad

> > > then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in


> > > --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> >

> ,even

> > > our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > >

> > > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in

education> >

> > > and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse

and> >

> > > problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of

luck ,less

> > > money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position. in

> > > uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good


> > > regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g) sani


> > > neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > > hell


> > > this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> >

then> >

> > > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable

wealth may>

> > > > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best

> > > results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona


> > > kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of rasi


> > > and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of


> > > gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It


> > > aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas


> > > results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> >

> ,happiness in

> > > pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > >

capricon and

> > > virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse> >

> and

> > > kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> >

and> >

> > > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who

assossiated> >

> > > with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa


> > > in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but

if that

> > > planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed

well in

> > > chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of


> > > degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting

or guru

> > > aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results

cancelles a

> > > great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series and


> > > dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> > >


> > > the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu>


> > > also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -

surya for

> > > ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)

Dasa of

> > > ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)

3/6/11 th

> > > lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to be


> > > 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy


> > > 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord is

> > > placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > >


> > > 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> >

deed> >

> > > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While> >

> > > seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and

lagna lord

> > > and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to


> > > results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is


> > > a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various

vargas is

> > > not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > > OTHERS



> >


TO> >

> > > > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> >

>> >>

> > > >

> > > >

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> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ________

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Dear Ravi,

Thanks for the feedback.

As per the revised BT, Asc is 00Sag46(As per Lahiri) ., the cuspal beginning , an indication, that at the time of birth of the native , his family was not financially well off . Native will also be extremely attached to his mother .

Can you comment on these two points ?

After hearing from you , I will again revert to Ve subperiod of Moon dasha




, "rain13club" <rain13 wrote:>> Dear M Nair,> > Great !!! You are hitting the targets !!> > I had a specific reason for giving the data of this person, because > of his achievements.> > Extremely sorry, there is a little correction in the timing, it is > 6.25 p.m. and not 6.30 p.m.> > He is not married. His only younger sister's marriage was done in > Moon-Mercury period, to be precise on 27-10-2005.> > He already resigned his job on June 1, 2007, but not for a change of > employer but to continue studies.> > Regards> > Ravi Nair> > > > > > > > > , "Balagurusurya" > balagurusurya@ wrote:> >> > > > > > > > Hi Ravi,> > > > Subject born with 01Sag54 (As per Lahiri's ayanamsa) is currently> > passing through Mn/Ve> > > > ---Both Mn & Ve are female planets. Mn, the major period lord is > L8 of> > marital bond, placed in H5 ,that unites couples.> > > > Ve, the subperiod ruler , is the planet of conjugal bliss and > as L11> > of new acquaintance , stationed in Taurus , the 2nd of natural > zodiac> > representing family. In D-9, Ve owns H7 of spouse.> > > > As such , the native , if unmarried, will get married in Ve sub > period> > .If already married, this Ve period will give child birth.> > > > Alternatively , the Ve period may see the wedding of co-borns, I > mean,> > siblings, if any> > > > Further ,there will be a change in job/service Reason ---Sat, L3 of> > change ,aspect Ve , the subperiod ruler in the birth chart . This> > aspect, is reonforced by the current Saturn Return .> > > > Ve sub period ,runs upto 30Aug,2008, . It is a long way to > go .Still> > out of accademic interest , I am asking you, can you confirm or > deny> > any of my readings , since you know the native very well ?> > > > Anticipating your reply> > > > Best> > > > M Nair> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > , "rain13club"> > <rain13@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear Sreenadhji,> > >> > > Sincerely speaking, I do not think much people would be knowing > this> > > personality.> > >> > > I would leave it to other members to come up with a suitable> > > horoscope.> > >> > > Regards> > >> > > Ravi Nair> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > , "Sreenadh"> > > sreesog@ wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear Ravi ji,> > > > That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of this> > > > group would be familiar with the life events of that person. He> > > should> > > > be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed > with the> > > > same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said> > > exercise.> > > > Love,> > > > Sreenadh> > > >> > > > , "A. Ravindran> > > Nair"> > > > <rain13@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Dear Sreenadhji,> > > > >> > > > > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can > sharpen my> > > > skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.> > > > >> > > > > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy> > > > > Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.> > > > > Place of birth - Palghat> > > > >> > > > > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.> > > > >> > > > > Regards> > > > >> > > > > Ravi Nair> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > @: sreesog@: Sat, 1 Sep 2007> > > > 09:39:11 +0000 Re: > Vimshottarry> > > > dasa analysis> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one > chart> > > and> > > > describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can do > it> > > > better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will do> > > that> > > > taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not > doing> > > it> > > > already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that> > > itself!). *> > > > Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about> > > whichmost> > > > of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa) in> > > that> > > > individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would > be> > > > predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may > serve 2> > > > things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating> > > predictions> > > > can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather > than> > > a> > > > post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji, > Panditji,> > > > Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember > the> > > > chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us > know> > > > already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will > have a> > > go> > > > - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual. > Let us> > > > try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct> > > > possibilities.Thus the preconditions are –• The predictions> > should> > > be> > > > for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.• The references> > and> > > > technique used must be clarified in detail in> > > thepost.Love,Sreenadh---> > > > In , "sunil> > > > nair"<astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> > dear> > > > sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of command> > > over> > > > laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i> > > planned to> > > > write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys > any> > > one> > > > chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which u> > > can do> > > > it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om> > > shreem> > > > mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In> > > > , "Sreenadh"> > <sreesog@>> > > > wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and> > > > informative mail. But still I think> > the question, "Whether > good,> > > > moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a particular> > > > Dasa?", which is given much importance in> > many texts and > many> > > > methodologies are described for the same (as well> > > summarized in> > > > your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> >> > > question,> > > > "What are the results to be predicted for a particular> > > Dasa?",> > > > which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many> >> > > texts> > > > that discusses the subject. The question with secondary > status> >> > > (a> > > > higher class subject) is given most importance and the > question> >> > > > with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental) is> > > given>> > > > > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is> > > misled!>> > > > > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and> > > talk a>> > > > > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad -> > > > results;> > but pitifully fails to determine "What results > should> > > be> > > > attributed> > to that period (Dasa)?"!!! Shouldn't we try to > put> > > the> > > > record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right> > > > perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that should > be> > > > attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to > identifying> > > to> > > > what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to> > > > fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to > the> > > > first> > question, the answer to the second question (which > you to> > > > address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use. But > to> > > > those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail> > > would be> > > > a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members would > see> > > > this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive> > > description> > > > of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second> > > question>> > > > > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In> > > > , "sunil nair"> >> > > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > > > Dear> > > > jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:-> > >> > > >> >> > > > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well> > > established> >> > > > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one > hour>> > > >> > > > window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N > rao ji> > > > they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they > collects> > > > datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying > atleast 4> > > > popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very> > > safe .>> > > > > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is> > > more> >> > > > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results > accordingly .for>> > > >> > > > this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is > lagna> > > > ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are > making> > > > lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above> > > situations> > > > we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as > lagna.> > > some> > > > says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later > years> > > sun> > > > shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the> > > results ,but i> > > > am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > > > happening> > > > within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> > > should> >> > > >> > > > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless > previous>> > > > >> > > > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results in> > > >> > > > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and > moon>> > > >> > > > in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which > ever> > > > results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is > only> > > a> > > > general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas > the> > > > palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take > some> > > one> > > > has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu > rasi> > > and> > > > in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts> > > jupiter> > > > is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara(sub> > > > periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its 2nd> > > >> > > > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart> > > the> >> > > > lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no> > > > cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad > also .Even> > > > though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to > formulate> > > some> > > > of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a dasa > and> > > > results> > >> > > > -------------------------> > > 1)> > > see>> > > > > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed > and> > > see>> > > > > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya> > > stiti> > > > ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in > ashta> > > > varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places like > 10th> > > > ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas > this r> > > > generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship > (dispositor of> > > > gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation > with> > > > gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra> > > stithi ,neecha> > > > stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and > bhava> > > > santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > > positioned > in> > > > upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > >> > > good ,not> > > > the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> > > well> >> > > >> > > > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled > only> > > in>> > > > > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or> >> > > > benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions > with> >> > > > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by> > > benefics> > > > or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv good> > > > results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of lagna > lord> > > > good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if enmy > of> > > > lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will > be> > > > highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> > a> > > >> > > > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics > will> >> > > > giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa > lord> > > is> > > > benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with strenght> > > will> > > > giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics ill> > > placed> > > > and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is > placed in> > > > sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and> > > > prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in> > > > ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> >> > > results .>> > > > > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are> > > > sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries> > > > ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs> > > (rising> > > > with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > ( rising > with> > > > both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is> > > >> > > > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced > for> >> > > > higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for eg> > > > --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if> > > placed in> > > > virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)It> > > says> > > > 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi> > > pathy> > > > order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd > house or> > > > 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa > apahara> > > > ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then > it> > >> > > > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi > (begining> >> > > > or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> > > some ,sorrows> > > > ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible > and if> > > the> > > > planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it > can> > > cause> > > > death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and> > > > dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver > good> > > > results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results. 16)> > > > planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > > > give> > > the> > > > results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> > > more>> > > > >> > > > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub > period> >> > > > of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord > or> > > who> > > > is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in> > > weak>> > > > > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such > period> > > will> > > > be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets > are> > > > positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in > frst> > > 1/3> > > > rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then > according> > > to> > > > planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those palnets. > 19)> > > if> > > > any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its > position> > > > during his dasa some problems regding property is> > > possible.> > >> > > > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa > its> >> > > > rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of > the> > > > results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various> > > > planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together the> > > dasa> > > > of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22) > any> > > > planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he> > > cannot> > > > giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> > > > .> > > a)if> > > > sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to> > > >> > > > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same > sun>> > > > >> > > > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and> > >> > > > happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in > end of> > > > the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but> > > welfare> > > > of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad > for> > > > brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi > labham> > > > ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)> budha> > > is> > > > neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and > also> > > our> > > > actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv > first> > > bad> > > > then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in > neechamsaka> > > > --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> >> > > > ,even> > > > our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka> > > >> > > > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in> > > education> >> > > > and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse> > > and> >> > > > problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of> > > luck ,less> > > > money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position. in> > > > uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good> > > experince> > > > regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g) sani > in> > > > neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > > > hell in> > > > this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> >> > > then> >> > > > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable > wealth> > > may>> > > > > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives best> > > > results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona > with> > > > kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of rasi > lord> > > > and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of > zodiac> > > > gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It > says> > > > aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas > good> > > > results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> >> > > > ,happiness in> > > > pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > > > capricon> > > and> > > > virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse> > > >> > > and> > > > kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> >> > > and> >> > > > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who> > > assossiated> >> > > > with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa> > > lord> > > > in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but > if> > > that> > > > planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed > well in> > > > chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of> > > gulika> > > > degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting > or> > > guru> > > > aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results> > > cancelles a> > > > great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series and > guru> > > > dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> > > > 27)> > > > the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with > rahu> >> > > > also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -> surya> > > for> > > > ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)> Dasa> > > of> > > > ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)> > > 3/6/11 th> > > > lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to be> > > bad.> > > > 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy> > > dosha.> > > > 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord > is> > > > placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > >> > > ment.> > > > 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> >> > > deed> >> > > > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care. While> > >> > > > seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and > lagna> > > lord> > > > and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to > the> > > > results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is> > > making> > > > a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various > vargas> > > is> > > > not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > > > OTHERS TO> > > > COMMENT AND COME OUT WITH WORKING EXAMPLES SO AS TO> > > BENEFIT> > >> > > > GROUP MEMBERS.I AM JUST CHANNELING A DISCUSSION ALL ARE INVITED> > > TO> >> > > > > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.> > > >>> > > >>> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > > _______________> > > > > Explore the seven wonders of the world> > > > > http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-> > > US & form=QBRE> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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Dear Madhu ji and Ravi ji,

Madhu ji, Congratulations for the good prediction! :) I appreciate

the predictive power of Madhu ji. He is a really a good astrologer. I

appreciate his enthusiasm in the exercise as well.


But I will request you to consider the following points -


1) This exercise we are conducting not to prove astrology, but to

help the beginners to understand the methodology of deriving results

for Dasa (based on planetary combinations).

2) We should follow a well-disciplined academic approach in dealing

with the future charts. And mention the Year Length and Ayanamsa used

for the reading.

3) The individual who presents the chart SHOULD NOT participate in

the discussion and SHOULDN'T reveal the life details of the native

while the exercise is going on.

4) It is just a learning/teaching exercise to help the beginners get

a gist of methodology used; and IT IS NOT an excurses to prove

astrology, to entertain any kind of competition among the

participants, or to test the caliber of astrologers participating in

it. Any astrologer is free to err (usually many will in some or the

other exercises) and the point is mastering the technique and helping

the group members to master it. The point of interest would be " what

is the right methodology to apply in Dasa predictions and how much

successful is it in giving right results " .

5) Let us make this kind of exercises a continuous process in this

group, cultivating a healthy well-disciplined academic approach among

the members.


If we were applying the individual chart reading style to the

proposed exercise, above said purpose of " well disciplined academic

approach with the aim of helping the group members to learn the

method " would be lost. So I request you to propagate this strategy

among the group members in such exercises.





, " rain13club "

<rain13 wrote:


> Dear M Nair,


> Great !!! You are hitting the targets !!


> I had a specific reason for giving the data of this person, because

> of his achievements.


> Extremely sorry, there is a little correction in the timing, it is

> 6.25 p.m. and not 6.30 p.m.


> He is not married. His only younger sister's marriage was done in

> Moon-Mercury period, to be precise on 27-10-2005.


> He already resigned his job on June 1, 2007, but not for a change


> employer but to continue studies.


> Regards


> Ravi Nair



, " Balagurusurya "

> <balagurusurya@> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi Ravi,

> >

> > Subject born with 01Sag54 (As per Lahiri's ayanamsa) is currently

> > passing through Mn/Ve

> >

> > ---Both Mn & Ve are female planets. Mn, the major period lord is

> L8 of

> > marital bond, placed in H5 ,that unites couples.

> >

> > Ve, the subperiod ruler , is the planet of conjugal bliss and

> as L11

> > of new acquaintance , stationed in Taurus , the 2nd of natural

> zodiac

> > representing family. In D-9, Ve owns H7 of spouse.

> >

> > As such , the native , if unmarried, will get married in Ve sub

> period

> > .If already married, this Ve period will give child birth.

> >

> > Alternatively , the Ve period may see the wedding of co-borns, I

> mean,

> > siblings, if any

> >

> > Further ,there will be a change in job/service Reason ---Sat, L3


> > change ,aspect Ve , the subperiod ruler in the birth chart . This

> > aspect, is reonforced by the current Saturn Return .

> >

> > Ve sub period ,runs upto 30Aug,2008, . It is a long way to

> go .Still

> > out of accademic interest , I am asking you, can you confirm or

> deny

> > any of my readings , since you know the native very well ?

> >

> > Anticipating your reply

> >

> > Best

> >

> > M Nair

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " rain13club "

> > <rain13@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Sreenadhji,

> > >

> > > Sincerely speaking, I do not think much people would be knowing

> this

> > > personality.

> > >

> > > I would leave it to other members to come up with a suitable

> > > horoscope.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > >

> > > Ravi Nair

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Sreenadh "

> > > sreesog@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Ravi ji,

> > > > That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of


> > > > group would be familiar with the life events of that person.


> > > should

> > > > be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed

> with the

> > > > same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said

> > > exercise.

> > > > Love,

> > > > Sreenadh

> > > >

> > > > , " A. Ravindran

> > > Nair "

> > > > <rain13@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Sreenadhji,

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can

> sharpen my

> > > > skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.

> > > > >

> > > > > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy

> > > > > Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.

> > > > > Place of birth - Palghat

> > > > >

> > > > > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards

> > > > >

> > > > > Ravi Nair

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > @: sreesog@: Sat, 1 Sep 2007

> > > > 09:39:11 +0000 Re:

> Vimshottarry

> > > > dasa analysis

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one

> chart

> > > and

> > > > describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can


> it

> > > > better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will


> > > that

> > > > taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not

> doing

> > > it

> > > > already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that

> > > itself!). *

> > > > Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about

> > > whichmost

> > > > of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa)


> > > that

> > > > individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would

> be

> > > > predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may

> serve 2

> > > > things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating

> > > predictions

> > > > can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather

> than

> > > a

> > > > post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji,

> Panditji,

> > > > Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember

> the

> > > > chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us

> know

> > > > already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will

> have a

> > > go

> > > > - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual.

> Let us

> > > > try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct

> > > > possibilities.Thus the preconditions are –• The predictions

> > should

> > > be

> > > > for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.• The references

> > and

> > > > technique used must be clarified in detail in

> > > thepost.Love,Sreenadh---

> > > > In , " sunil

> > > > nair " <astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> >


> > > > sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of


> > > over

> > > > laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i

> > > planned to

> > > > write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys

> any

> > > one

> > > > chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which


> > > can do

> > > > it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om

> > > shreem

> > > > mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In

> > > > , " Sreenadh " >

> <sreesog@>

> > > > wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and

> > > > informative mail. But still I think> > the question, " Whether

> good,

> > > > moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a


> > > > Dasa? " , which is given much importance in> > many texts and

> many

> > > > methodologies are described for the same (as well> >

> summarized in

> > > > your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> >

> > > question,

> > > > " What are the results to be predicted for a particular> >

> Dasa? " ,

> > > > which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many>


> > > texts

> > > > that discusses the subject. The question with secondary

> status> >

> > > (a

> > > > higher class subject) is given most importance and the

> question> >

> > > > with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental)


> > > given>

> > > > > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is

> > > misled!>

> > > > > They ask questions and try their level best to determine and

> > > talk a>

> > > > > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad -

> > > > results;> > but pitifully fails to determine " What results

> should

> > > be

> > > > attributed> > to that period (Dasa)? " !!! Shouldn't we try to

> put

> > > the

> > > > record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right

> > > > perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that


> be

> > > > attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to

> identifying

> > > to

> > > > what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to

> > > > fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to

> the

> > > > first> > question, the answer to the second question (which

> you to

> > > > address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use.


> to

> > > > those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail

> > > would be

> > > > a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members


> see

> > > > this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive

> > > description

> > > > of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second

> > > question>

> > > > > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In

> > > > , " sunil nair " > >

> > > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > >

> Dear

> > > > jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:-


> >

> > > >> >

> > > > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well

> > > established> >

> > > > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one

> hour>

> > > >

> > > > window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N

> rao ji

> > > > they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they

> collects

> > > > datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying

> atleast 4

> > > > popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very

> > > safe .>

> > > > > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is

> > > more> >

> > > > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results

> accordingly .for>

> > > >

> > > > this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is

> lagna

> > > > ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are

> making

> > > > lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above

> > > situations

> > > > we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as

> lagna.

> > > some

> > > > says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later

> years

> > > sun

> > > > shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the

> > > results ,but i

> > > > am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > >

> happening

> > > > within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> >

> should> >

> > > >

> > > > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless

> previous>

> > > > >

> > > > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results


> > >

> > > > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and

> moon>

> > > >

> > > > in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which

> ever

> > > > results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is

> only

> > > a

> > > > general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas

> the

> > > > palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take

> some

> > > one

> > > > has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu

> rasi

> > > and

> > > > in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts

> > > jupiter

> > > > is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara


> > > > periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its


> > >

> > > > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart

> > > the> >

> > > > lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no

> > > > cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad

> also .Even

> > > > though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to

> formulate

> > > some

> > > > of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a


> and

> > > > results> > >

> > > > -------------------------> >

> 1)

> > > see>

> > > > > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed

> and

> > > see>

> > > > > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava


> > > stiti

> > > > ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in

> ashta

> > > > varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places


> 10th

> > > > ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas

> this r

> > > > generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship

> (dispositor of

> > > > gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation

> with

> > > > gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra

> > > stithi ,neecha

> > > > stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and

> bhava

> > > > santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > >


> in

> > > > upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > >

> > > good ,not

> > > > the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> >

> well> >

> > > >

> > > > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled

> only

> > > in>

> > > > > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or>


> > > > benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions

> with> >

> > > > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by

> > > benefics

> > > > or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv


> > > > results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of


> lord

> > > > good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if


> of

> > > > lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will

> be

> > > > highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> >


> > >

> > > > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics

> will> >

> > > > giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa

> lord

> > > is

> > > > benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with


> > > will

> > > > giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics


> > > placed

> > > > and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is

> placed in

> > > > sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and

> > > > prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in

> > > > ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> >

> > > results .>

> > > > > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are

> > > > sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries

> > > > ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya signs

> > > (rising

> > > > with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > (


> with

> > > > both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is>


> >

> > > > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced

> for> >

> > > > higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for


> > > > --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if

> > > placed in

> > > > virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)


> > > says

> > > > 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra adhi

> > > pathy

> > > > order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd

> house or

> > > > 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa

> apahara

> > > > ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then

> it> > >

> > > > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi

> (begining> >

> > > > or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> >

> some ,sorrows

> > > > ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible

> and if

> > > the

> > > > planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it

> can

> > > cause

> > > > death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and

> > > > dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver

> good

> > > > results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results.


> > > > planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > >

> give

> > > the

> > > > results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> >

> more>

> > > > >

> > > > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub

> period> >

> > > > of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord

> or

> > > who

> > > > is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed


> > > weak>

> > > > > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such

> period

> > > will

> > > > be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets

> are

> > > > positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in

> frst

> > > 1/3

> > > > rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then

> according

> > > to

> > > > planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those


> 19)

> > > if

> > > > any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its

> position

> > > > during his dasa some problems regding property is> >

> possible.> > >

> > > > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa

> its> >

> > > > rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of

> the

> > > > results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various

> > > > planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together


> > > dasa

> > > > of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22)

> any

> > > > planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha he

> > > cannot

> > > > giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> >

> > .

> > > a)if

> > > > sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to>


> >

> > > > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same

> sun>

> > > > >

> > > > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures


> >

> > > > happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in

> end of

> > > > the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above but

> > > welfare

> > > > of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad

> for

> > > > brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi

> labham

> > > > ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)

> budha

> > > is

> > > > neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and

> also

> > > our

> > > > actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv

> first

> > > bad

> > > > then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in

> neechamsaka

> > > > --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> >

> > > > ,even

> > > > our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka>


> >

> > > > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in

> > > education> >

> > > > and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to


> > > and> >

> > > > problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of

> > > luck ,less

> > > > money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position.


> > > > uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good

> > > experince

> > > > regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g)


> in

> > > > neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > >

> hell in

> > > > this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> >

> > > then> >

> > > > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable

> wealth

> > > may>

> > > > > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives


> > > > results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or


> with

> > > > kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of


> lord

> > > > and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of

> zodiac

> > > > gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It

> says

> > > > aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas

> good

> > > > results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> >

> > > > ,happiness in

> > > > pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > >

> capricon

> > > and

> > > > virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse>

> > >

> > > and

> > > > kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th> >

> > > and> >

> > > > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who

> > > assossiated> >

> > > > with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika


> > > lord

> > > > in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but

> if

> > > that

> > > > planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed

> well in

> > > > chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case of

> > > gulika

> > > > degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting

> or

> > > guru

> > > > aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results

> > > cancelles a

> > > > great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series


> guru

> > > > dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> >

> > 27)

> > > > the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with

> rahu> >

> > > > also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -

> surya

> > > for

> > > > ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)

> Dasa

> > > of

> > > > ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)

> > > 3/6/11 th

> > > > lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to


> > > bad.

> > > > 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi pathy

> > > dosha.

> > > > 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord

> is

> > > > placed and results also will be according to the> > place> > >

> > > ment.

> > > > 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the> >

> > > deed> >

> > > > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care.


> >

> > > > seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and

> lagna

> > > lord

> > > > and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to

> the

> > > > results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role is

> > > making

> > > > a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various

> vargas

> > > is

> > > > not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > >



> BENEFIT> > >



> > > TO> >

> > > > > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.>


> >>

> > > >>

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> _______________

> > > > > Explore the seven wonders of the world

> > > > > http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-

> > > US & form=QBRE

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear M. Nairji,


Yes, you are absolutely right.




Ravi Nair




, " Balagurusurya "

<balagurusurya wrote:



> Dear Ravi,


> Thanks for the feedback.


> As per the revised BT, Asc is 00Sag46(As per Lahiri) ., the cuspal

> beginning , an indication, that at the time of birth of the

native ,

> his family was not financially well off . Native will also be

> extremely attached to his mother .


> Can you comment on these two points ?


> After hearing from you , I will again revert to Ve subperiod of


> dasha


> Best


> MNair





> , " rain13club "

> <rain13@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear M Nair,

> >

> > Great !!! You are hitting the targets !!

> >

> > I had a specific reason for giving the data of this person,


> > of his achievements.

> >

> > Extremely sorry, there is a little correction in the timing, it


> > 6.25 p.m. and not 6.30 p.m.

> >

> > He is not married. His only younger sister's marriage was done in

> > Moon-Mercury period, to be precise on 27-10-2005.

> >

> > He already resigned his job on June 1, 2007, but not for a

change of

> > employer but to continue studies.

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Ravi Nair

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " Balagurusurya "

> > balagurusurya@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi Ravi,

> > >

> > > Subject born with 01Sag54 (As per Lahiri's ayanamsa) is


> > > passing through Mn/Ve

> > >

> > > ---Both Mn & Ve are female planets. Mn, the major period lord


> > L8 of

> > > marital bond, placed in H5 ,that unites couples.

> > >

> > > Ve, the subperiod ruler , is the planet of conjugal bliss and

> > as L11

> > > of new acquaintance , stationed in Taurus , the 2nd of natural

> > zodiac

> > > representing family. In D-9, Ve owns H7 of spouse.

> > >

> > > As such , the native , if unmarried, will get married in Ve sub

> > period

> > > .If already married, this Ve period will give child birth.

> > >

> > > Alternatively , the Ve period may see the wedding of co-borns,


> > mean,

> > > siblings, if any

> > >

> > > Further ,there will be a change in job/service Reason ---Sat,

L3 of

> > > change ,aspect Ve , the subperiod ruler in the birth chart .


> > > aspect, is reonforced by the current Saturn Return .

> > >

> > > Ve sub period ,runs upto 30Aug,2008, . It is a long way to

> > go .Still

> > > out of accademic interest , I am asking you, can you confirm or

> > deny

> > > any of my readings , since you know the native very well ?

> > >

> > > Anticipating your reply

> > >

> > > Best

> > >

> > > M Nair

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " rain13club "

> > > <rain13@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sreenadhji,

> > > >

> > > > Sincerely speaking, I do not think much people would be


> > this

> > > > personality.

> > > >

> > > > I would leave it to other members to come up with a suitable

> > > > horoscope.

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > >

> > > > Ravi Nair

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " Sreenadh "

> > > > sreesog@ wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Ravi ji,

> > > > > That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of


> > > > > group would be familiar with the life events of that

person. He

> > > > should

> > > > > be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed

> > with the

> > > > > same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said

> > > > exercise.

> > > > > Love,

> > > > > Sreenadh

> > > > >

> > > > > , " A.


> > > > Nair "

> > > > > <rain13@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Sreenadhji,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can

> > sharpen my

> > > > > skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy

> > > > > > Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.

> > > > > > Place of birth - Palghat

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regards

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Ravi Nair

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > @: sreesog@: Sat, 1 Sep 2007

> > > > > 09:39:11 +0000 Re:

> > Vimshottarry

> > > > > dasa analysis

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one

> > chart

> > > > and

> > > > > describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u

can do

> > it

> > > > > better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we

will do

> > > > that

> > > > > taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not

> > doing

> > > > it

> > > > > already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that

> > > > itself!). *

> > > > > Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is),


> > > > whichmost

> > > > > of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period

(Dasa) in

> > > > that

> > > > > individual's life. * Let us go through the results that


> > be

> > > > > predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may

> > serve 2

> > > > > things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating

> > > > predictions

> > > > > can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction


> > than

> > > > a

> > > > > post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji,

> > Panditji,

> > > > > Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart.


> > the

> > > > > chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of


> > know

> > > > > already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will

> > have a

> > > > go

> > > > > - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that


> > Let us

> > > > > try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at


> > > > > possibilities.Thus the preconditions are –• The predictions

> > > should

> > > > be

> > > > > for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.• The

> references

> > > and

> > > > > technique used must be clarified in detail in

> > > > thepost.Love,Sreenadh---

> > > > > In , " sunil

> > > > > nair " <astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> >


> > > > > sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of


> > > > over

> > > > > laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i

> > > > planned to

> > > > > write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to


> > any

> > > > one

> > > > > chart and> describe it based on principles of

astrology,which u

> > > > can do

> > > > > it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> >


> > > > shreem

> > > > > mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In

> > > > > , " Sreenadh " >

> > <sreesog@>

> > > > > wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and

> > > > > informative mail. But still I think> > the

question, " Whether

> > good,

> > > > > moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a


> > > > > Dasa? " , which is given much importance in> > many texts and

> > many

> > > > > methodologies are described for the same (as well> >

> > summarized in

> > > > > your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> >

> > > > question,

> > > > > " What are the results to be predicted for a particular> >

> > Dasa? " ,

> > > > > which usually gets ignored or given least importance in

many> >

> > > > texts

> > > > > that discusses the subject. The question with secondary

> > status> >

> > > > (a

> > > > > higher class subject) is given most importance and the

> > question> >

> > > > > with primary status (a lower class subject; the

fundamental) is

> > > > given>

> > > > > > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody


> > > > misled!>

> > > > > > They ask questions and try their level best to determine


> > > > talk a>

> > > > > > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or

bad -

> > > > > results;> > but pitifully fails to determine " What results

> > should

> > > > be

> > > > > attributed> > to that period (Dasa)? " !!! Shouldn't we try


> > put

> > > > the

> > > > > record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right

> > > > > perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that


> > be

> > > > > attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to

> > identifying

> > > > to

> > > > > what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results


> > > > > fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer


> > the

> > > > > first> > question, the answer to the second question (which

> > you to

> > > > > address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use.


> > to

> > > > > those who know> > the answer to the first question, your


> > > > would be

> > > > > a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members


> > see

> > > > > this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive

> > > > description

> > > > > of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis


> > > > question>

> > > > > > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In

> > > > > , " sunil nair " > >

> > > > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > >

> > Dear

> > > > > jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa


> > >

> > > > >> >

> > > > > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well

> > > > established> >

> > > > > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within


> > hour>

> > > > >

> > > > > window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N

> > rao ji

> > > > > they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they

> > collects

> > > > > datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying

> > atleast 4

> > > > > popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r


> > > > safe .>

> > > > > > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which


> > > > more> >

> > > > > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results

> > accordingly .for>

> > > > >

> > > > > this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord


> > lagna

> > > > > ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna


> > making

> > > > > lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above

> > > > situations

> > > > > we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as

> > lagna.

> > > > some

> > > > > says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and


> > years

> > > > sun

> > > > > shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the

> > > > results ,but i

> > > > > am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > >

> > happening

> > > > > within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> >

> > should> >

> > > > >

> > > > > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless

> > previous>

> > > > > >

> > > > > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results


> > > >

> > > > > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani


> > moon>

> > > > >

> > > > > in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which

> > ever

> > > > > results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this


> > only

> > > > a

> > > > > general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and


> > the

> > > > > palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can


> > some

> > > > one

> > > > > has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu

> > rasi

> > > > and

> > > > > in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both


> > > > jupiter

> > > > > is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara


> > > > > periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its


> > > >

> > > > > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another


> > > > the> >

> > > > > lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no

> > > > > cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad

> > also .Even

> > > > > though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to

> > formulate

> > > > some

> > > > > of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a


> > and

> > > > > results> > >

> > > > > -------------------------

> >

> > 1)

> > > > see>

> > > > > > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is


> > and

> > > > see>

> > > > > > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava


> > > > stiti

> > > > > ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points


> > ashta

> > > > > varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places


> > 10th

> > > > > ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas

> > this r

> > > > > generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship

> > (dispositor of

> > > > > gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation

> > with

> > > > > gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra

> > > > stithi ,neecha

> > > > > stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and

> > bhava

> > > > > santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > >


> > in

> > > > > upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > >

> > > > good ,not

> > > > > the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> >

> > well> >

> > > > >

> > > > > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be


> > only

> > > > in>

> > > > > > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics

or> >

> > > > > benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions

> > with> >

> > > > > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected


> > > > benefics

> > > > > or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv


> > > > > results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of


> > lord

> > > > > good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if


> > of

> > > > > lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > >


> > be

> > > > > highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with>

> a>

> > > >

> > > > > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics

> > will> >

> > > > > giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If


> > lord

> > > > is

> > > > > benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with


> > > > will

> > > > > giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional

malefics ill

> > > > placed

> > > > > and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is

> > placed in

> > > > > sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in

begining .and

> > > > > prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if


> > > > > ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> >

> > > > results .>

> > > > > > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are

> > > > > sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries

> > > > > ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya


> > > > (rising

> > > > > with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > (


> > with

> > > > > both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he

is> >

> > >

> > > > > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced

> > for> >

> > > > > higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results

for eg

> > > > > --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna


> > > > placed in

> > > > > virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas.


> > > > says

> > > > > 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra


> > > > pathy

> > > > > order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd

> > house or

> > > > > 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa

> > apahara

> > > > > ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then

> > it> > >

> > > > > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi

> > (begining> >

> > > > > or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> >

> > some ,sorrows

> > > > > ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible

> > and if

> > > > the

> > > > > planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be


> > can

> > > > cause

> > > > > death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and


> > > > > dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot


> > good

> > > > > results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that

results. 16)

> > > > > planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > >

> > give

> > > > the

> > > > > results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna>


> > more>

> > > > > >

> > > > > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub

> > period> >

> > > > > of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna


> > or

> > > > who

> > > > > is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is

placed in

> > > > weak>

> > > > > > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such

> > period

> > > > will

> > > > > be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic


> > are

> > > > > positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in

> > frst

> > > > 1/3

> > > > > rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then

> > according

> > > > to

> > > > > planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those


> > 19)

> > > > if

> > > > > any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its

> > position

> > > > > during his dasa some problems regding property is> >

> > possible.> > >

> > > > > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its


> > its> >

> > > > > rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest


> > the

> > > > > results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of


> > > > > planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting

together the

> > > > dasa

> > > > > of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good .


> > any

> > > > > planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > >

neecha he

> > > > cannot

> > > > > giv good results and if everse it will giv best> >

results> >

> > > .

> > > > a)if

> > > > > sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems

to> >

> > >

> > > > > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka


> > sun>

> > > > > >

> > > > > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures


> > >

> > > > > happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad


> > end of

> > > > > the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above


> > > > welfare

> > > > > of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --


> > for

> > > > > brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi

> > labham

> > > > > ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers .


> > budha

> > > > is

> > > > > neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and

> > also

> > > > our

> > > > > actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv

> > first

> > > > bad

> > > > > then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in

> > neechamsaka

> > > > > --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body>


> > > > > ,even

> > > > > our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in

uchamsaka> >

> > >

> > > > > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in

> > > > education> >

> > > > > and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to


> > > > and> >

> > > > > problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of

> > > > luck ,less

> > > > > money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from

position. in

> > > > > uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good

> > > > experince

> > > > > regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g)


> > in

> > > > > neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > >

> > hell in

> > > > > this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs

and> >

> > > > then> >

> > > > > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable

> > wealth

> > > > may>

> > > > > > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives


> > > > > results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or


> > with

> > > > > kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of


> > lord

> > > > > and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of

> > zodiac

> > > > > gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu


> > says

> > > > > aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > >


> > good

> > > > > results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> >

> > > > > ,happiness in

> > > > > pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > >

> > capricon

> > > > and

> > > > > virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> >


> > > >

> > > > and

> > > > > kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like

7th> >

> > > > and> >

> > > > > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who

> > > > assossiated> >

> > > > > with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika


> > > > lord

> > > > > in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics


> > if

> > > > that

> > > > > planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed

> > well in

> > > > > chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the

case of

> > > > gulika

> > > > > degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are


> > or

> > > > guru

> > > > > aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results

> > > > cancelles a

> > > > > great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series


> > guru

> > > > > dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> >

bad.> >

> > > 27)

> > > > > the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with

> > rahu> >

> > > > > also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -

> > surya

> > > > for

> > > > > ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad .


> > Dasa

> > > > of

> > > > > ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa.


> > > > 3/6/11 th

> > > > > lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed

to be

> > > > bad.

> > > > > 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi


> > > > dosha.

> > > > > 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara


> > is

> > > > > placed and results also will be according to the> > place>

> >

> > > > ment.

> > > > > 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing

the> >

> > > > deed> >

> > > > > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care.


> > >

> > > > > seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and

> > lagna

> > > > lord

> > > > > and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue


> > the

> > > > > results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good

role is

> > > > making

> > > > > a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various

> > vargas

> > > > is

> > > > > not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > >



> > BENEFIT> > >



> > > > TO> >

> > > > > > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai

namah.> >

> > >>

> > > > >>

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > _______________

> > > > > > Explore the seven wonders of the world

> > > > > > http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?

q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-

> > > > US & form=QBRE

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Ravi ji,

The point is -

* Rather than the predictions itself we are interested in

learning/teaching the methodology to be used in deriving dasa


* We want to make it a GROUP EXCERSISE (in which many group members

participate) rather than making it a conversation between 2 members

(which i term as 'individual chart reading style').

Let rephrase this as well as coming exercises (let us make it a

continuous process) taking account of these points.




, " rain13club "

<rain13 wrote:


> Dear Sreenadhji,


> Yes, that would be a good idea.


> I just suggested one data for the sake of it, then I realised that


> will not be able to take part in the exercise and there is nothing

> for me to study.


> Regards


> Ravi Nair


> , " Sreenadh "

> <sreesog@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Madhu ji,

> > The problem with charts put forward by a single person, and


> to

> > a single person is that -

> > * there is only one person to verify the validity of the


> and

> > * in essence the exercise will not give many the joy of

> participation

> > experience.

> > To avoid these pitfalls it is better to read the charts of


> > whom is well known (due to good or bad reason), but whose chart


> not

> > popular among the astrologers; at least among the group members.


> > individual suggesting the chart is not revealing the name of the

> > native also, which will safe guard the joy and truthfulness of the

> > exercise. But since the native and his life is well known later


> > majority members of the group can analysis and compare the results

> > predicted against reality.

> > Hope you will see the essence of the reason for my suggestion.

> >

> > Note 1: I never mentioned that it should be chart of a celebrity.

> > Apart from celebrities there are many good and bad people around.


> > well many who contributed well in Literature, Administration,

> Science,

> > Ancient Arts and so on. We can go for any such chart.

> >

> > Note 2: Here the proposed exercise is NOT for an individual (that


> > usually do by individual chart readings), but FOR THE PURPOSE OF


> > GROUP. The point is " Thus every member should get a chance to

> evaluate

> > the reading " . I hope you will agree that, this is possible only


> > the chart is of a popular individual.

> >

> > Love,

> > Sreenadh

> >

> > , " Balagurusurya "

> > <balagurusurya@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi Ram,

> > >

> > > I agree with your views of studying unknown charts. Reason is ,

> if we go

> > > after celebriety charts, (mostly erroneus) ,they are not going


> join

> > > this group and tell us whether our analysis is correct or not.


> the

> > > contrary , if we comment on chart , like the one put forward by

> Ravi ,

> > > where the latter knows all life events of the former, we could

> easily

> > > adjudge our own skills and pitfalls .

> > >

> > > I hope, Sreenadh will ponder , once again

> > >

> > > Best

> > >

> > > M Nair

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Ram Jaswal "

> > > <rkjaswal@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste Sreenadhji

> > > >

> > > > May I suggest otherwise? Most people can give lots of


> > > reasons as

> > > > to why certain events occur during certain Dasha periods


> can be

> > > true

> > > > as No single cause can always be attributed to it ie


> can

> > > occur due

> > > > to Dasha's/Transits etc . Note there is also a " saying " that

> each Maha

> > > Dasha

> > > > should only be evaluated after seeing the " Prashna " for the

> moment of

> > > the

> > > > change in Dasha ...

> > > >

> > > > Wouldn't it be better to study an " unknown " chart to test the

> > > " reading "

> > > > ability of Dasha's etc?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks and hoping comments taken in a positive sense?

> > > >

> > > > Jai Sita Ram

> > > >

> > > > Ram

> > > >

> > > > _____

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > On Behalf Of

> > > Sreenadh

> > > > 02 September 2007 08:48

> > > >

> > > > Re: Vimshottarry dasa

> analysis

> > > >

> > > > Dear Ravi ji,

> > > > That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of


> > > > group would be familiar with the life events of that person.


> should

> > > > be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed


> the

> > > > same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said

> exercise.

> > > > Love,

> > > > Sreenadh

> > > >

> > > > ancient_indian_

> > > <%40>

> > > > astrology , " A. Ravindran Nair "

> > > > rain13@ wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Sreenadhji,

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can


> my

> > > > skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.

> > > > >

> > > > > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy

> > > > > Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.

> > > > > Place of birth - Palghat

> > > > >

> > > > > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.

> > > > >

> > > > > Regards

> > > > >

> > > > > Ravi Nair

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > @: sreesog@: Sat, 1 Sep 2007

> > > > 09:39:11 +0000 Re:

> Vimshottarry

> > > > dasa analysis

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any one

> chart and

> > > > describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u can


> it

> > > > better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we will


> that

> > > > taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we not

> doing it

> > > > already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that

> itself!). *

> > > > Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is), about

> whichmost

> > > > of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period (Dasa)


> that

> > > > individual's life. * Let us go through the results that would


> > > > predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may

> serve 2

> > > > things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating

> predictions

> > > > can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction rather

> than a

> > > > post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji,

> Panditji,

> > > > Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart. Remember

> the

> > > > chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of us

> know

> > > > already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is', will

> have a go

> > > > - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that individual.

> Let us

> > > > try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at correct

> > > > possibilities.Thus the preconditions are -. The predictions

> should be

> > > > for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.. The references

> and

> > > > technique used must be clarified in detail in

> thepost.Love,Sreenadh---

> > > > In ancient_indian_ <%

> 40>

> > > > astrology , " sunil

> > > > nair " <astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> >


> > > > sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of


> over

> > > > laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy i

> planned to

> > > > write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to analys

> any one

> > > > chart and> describe it based on principles of astrology,which


> can do

> > > > it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> > om

> shreem

> > > > mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In

> > > > ancient_indian_ <%

> 40>

> > > > astrology , " Sreenadh " > <sreesog@>

> > > > wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and

> > > > informative mail. But still I think> > the question, " Whether

> good,

> > > > moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a


> > > > Dasa? " , which is given much importance in> > many texts and


> > > > methodologies are described for the same (as well> >


> in

> > > > your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> >

> question,

> > > > " What are the results to be predicted for a particular> >

> Dasa? " ,

> > > > which usually gets ignored or given least importance in many>


> texts

> > > > that discusses the subject. The question with secondary


> > (a

> > > > higher class subject) is given most importance and the

> question> >

> > > > with primary status (a lower class subject; the fundamental)


> given>

> > > > > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody is

> misled!>

> > > > > They ask questions and try their level best to determine


> talk a>

> > > > > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or bad -

> > > > results;> > but pitifully fails to determine " What results

> should be

> > > > attributed> > to that period (Dasa)? " !!! Shouldn't we try to

> put the

> > > > record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right

> > > > perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that


> be

> > > > attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to

> identifying to

> > > > what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results to

> > > > fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer to

> the

> > > > first> > question, the answer to the second question (which


> to

> > > > address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use.


> to

> > > > those who know> > the answer to the first question, your mail

> would be

> > > > a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members


> see

> > > > this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive

> description

> > > > of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis (second

> question>

> > > > > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In

> > > > ancient_indian_ <%

> 40>

> > > > astrology , " sunil nair " > >

> > > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> > >


> > > > jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa analysis:-


> > >> >

> > > > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well

> established> >

> > > > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one

> hour> >

> > > > window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N


> ji

> > > > they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they

> collects

> > > > datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying


> 4

> > > > popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r very

> safe .>

> > > > > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is

> more> >

> > > > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results

> accordingly .for> >

> > > > this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is

> lagna

> > > > ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are

> making

> > > > lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above

> situations

> > > > we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as

> lagna. some

> > > > says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and later

> years sun

> > > > shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the

> results ,but i

> > > > am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > >

> happening

> > > > within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> >

> should> > >

> > > > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless

> previous> > >

> > > > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results


> > >

> > > > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and

> moon> >

> > > > in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which


> > > > results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this is

> only a

> > > > general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and bhavas

> the

> > > > palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can take

> some one

> > > > has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in dhanu

> rasi and

> > > > in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both charts

> jupiter

> > > > is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara


> > > > periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its


> > >

> > > > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another


> the> >

> > > > lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no

> > > > cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad

> also .Even

> > > > though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to

> formulate some

> > > > of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a


> and

> > > > results> > >

> > > > -------------------------> >

> 1) see>

> > > > > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed

> and see>

> > > > > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava


> stiti

> > > > ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in

> ashta

> > > > varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places


> 10th

> > > > ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas

> this r

> > > > generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship

> (dispositor of

> > > > gulika --according to kerala> > > sampradaya) ,assossiation


> > > > gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra

> stithi ,neecha

> > > > stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > > santhi,and

> bhava

> > > > santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > >


> in

> > > > upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> > >

> good ,not

> > > > the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> >

> well> > >

> > > > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled

> only in>

> > > > > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics or>


> > > > benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions

> with> >

> > > > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected by

> benefics

> > > > or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv


> > > > results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of


> lord

> > > > good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if


> of

> > > > lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > > will


> > > > highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with> >


> > >

> > > > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics

> will> >

> > > > giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If dasa

> lord is

> > > > benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with


> will

> > > > giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional malefics


> placed

> > > > and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is

> placed in

> > > > sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in begining .and

> > > > prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if in

> > > > ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> >

> results .>

> > > > > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are

> > > > sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries

> > > > ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya


> (rising

> > > > with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > (


> with

> > > > both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he is>

> >

> > > > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced


> >

> > > > higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results for


> > > > --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if

> placed in

> > > > virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas. 12)


> says

> > > > 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra


> pathy

> > > > order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd

> house or

> > > > 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa

> apahara

> > > > ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> > then


> > >

> > > > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi

> (begining> >

> > > > or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> >

some ,sorrows

> > > > ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be possible


> if the

> > > > planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be it

> can cause

> > > > death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and and

> > > > dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot deliver

> good

> > > > results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that results.


> > > > planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> > >

> give the

> > > > results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna> >

> more> > >

> > > > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub

> period> >

> > > > of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord

> or who

> > > > is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed


> weak>

> > > > > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such

> period will

> > > > be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic planets


> > > > positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava in

> frst 1/3

> > > > rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then

> according to

> > > > planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those


> 19) if

> > > > any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its

> position

> > > > during his dasa some problems regding property is> >


> > >

> > > > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa

> its> >

> > > > rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of

> the

> > > > results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of various

> > > > planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting together


> dasa

> > > > of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good . 22)

> any

> > > > planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > > neecha


> cannot

> > > > giv good results and if everse it will giv best> > results> >

> > . a)if

> > > > sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to>

> >

> > > > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka same

> sun> > >

> > > > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures

and> >

> > > > happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in

> end of

> > > > the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above


> welfare

> > > > of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad

> for

> > > > brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --bhoomi

> labham

> > > > ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers . d)

> budha is

> > > > neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > > intelligence ,and

> also our

> > > > actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv

> first bad

> > > > then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in

> neechamsaka

> > > > --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body> >

> > ,even

> > > > our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in uchamsaka>

> >

> > > > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in

> education> >

> > > > and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to


> and> >

> > > > problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of

> luck ,less

> > > > money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from position.


> > > > uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good

> experince

> > > > regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g)


> in

> > > > neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > >


> in

> > > > this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and> >

> then> >

> > > > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable

> wealth may>

> > > > > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives


> > > > results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or


> with

> > > > kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of


> lord

> > > > and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half of

> zodiac

> > > > gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu It

> says

> > > > aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > > bhavas

> good

> > > > results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> >

> > ,happiness in

> > > > pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > >

> capricon and

> > > > virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> > spouse>


> > and

> > > > kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th>


> and> >

> > > > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who

> assossiated> >

> > > > with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika


> lord

> > > > in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but

> if that

> > > > planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also placed

> well in

> > > > chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the case


> gulika

> > > > degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are aspecting

> or guru

> > > > aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results

> cancelles a

> > > > great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series


> guru

> > > > dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> > bad.> >


> 27)

> > > > the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with


> >

> > > > also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -

> surya for

> > > > ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad . 29)

> Dasa of

> > > > ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa. 30)

> 3/6/11 th

> > > > lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed to


> bad.

> > > > 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi


> dosha.

> > > > 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara lord


> > > > placed and results also will be according to the> > place> >


> ment.

> > > > 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the>


> deed> >

> > > > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care.

While> >

> > > > seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord and

> lagna lord

> > > > and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue to

> the

> > > > results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good role


> making

> > > > a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru various

> vargas is

> > > > not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > >


> TO



> > >



> TO> >

> > > > > PARTICIPATE regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah.>


> >> >>

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ________

> > > > > Explore the seven wonders of the world

> > > > > http://search.

> > > >

> > >

> > <http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-

> US & form=QBR\

> > > E>

> > > > msn.com/results.aspx?q=7+wonders+world & mkt=en-US & form=QBRE

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Sreenadhji,


Yes, I understood that the way I suggested is not the right

methodology needed to be adopted for such an exercise. The

horoscope needs to be of a common figure as you suggested, each

prediction needed to be supported by astrological

factors/combinations etc. and those datas need to be explained in

astrological terms and understood by all the learners.


That is the reason I started answering to M. Nairji and exposed the



In fact the horoscope is of my son. When he was born, my father had

predicted that he would achieve great career success and will rise

to great heights. My Father was a noted Astrologer in Shoranur in

his heydays and used to go for Ashtamangalya prasnam also. I have

also analysed and analysed his horoscope number of times and have

been watching his growth exactly as per my father's prediction. Now

he is in States for his MBA (with full scholarship and a parttime

job in the same college to assist the faculties in their research.

At this young age of 28, he has been working as Instrumentation

Manager in Reliance at Hazira, Surat. He worked there for 4 years

and resigned now to take up his studies. He was a runner up in the

Young Managers Contest in 2006 and this trophy ws presented at

Bangalore by the great Industrialist Laxmi Mittal.


Hope you will take the lead and organise the methodology for this





Ravi Nair




, " Sreenadh "

<sreesog wrote:


> Dear Ravi ji,

> The point is -

> * Rather than the predictions itself we are interested in

> learning/teaching the methodology to be used in deriving dasa

> prediction.

> * We want to make it a GROUP EXCERSISE (in which many group


> participate) rather than making it a conversation between 2


> (which i term as 'individual chart reading style').

> Let rephrase this as well as coming exercises (let us make it a

> continuous process) taking account of these points.

> Love,

> Sreenadh


> , " rain13club "

> <rain13@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sreenadhji,

> >

> > Yes, that would be a good idea.

> >

> > I just suggested one data for the sake of it, then I realised


> I

> > will not be able to take part in the exercise and there is


> > for me to study.

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Ravi Nair

> >

> > , " Sreenadh "

> > <sreesog@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Madhu ji,

> > > The problem with charts put forward by a single person, and

> known

> > to

> > > a single person is that -

> > > * there is only one person to verify the validity of the

> readings

> > and

> > > * in essence the exercise will not give many the joy of

> > participation

> > > experience.

> > > To avoid these pitfalls it is better to read the charts of

> natives,

> > > whom is well known (due to good or bad reason), but whose


> is

> > not

> > > popular among the astrologers; at least among the group


> The

> > > individual suggesting the chart is not revealing the name of


> > > native also, which will safe guard the joy and truthfulness of


> > > exercise. But since the native and his life is well known


> the

> > > majority members of the group can analysis and compare the


> > > predicted against reality.

> > > Hope you will see the essence of the reason for my


> > >

> > > Note 1: I never mentioned that it should be chart of a


> > > Apart from celebrities there are many good and bad people


> As

> > > well many who contributed well in Literature, Administration,

> > Science,

> > > Ancient Arts and so on. We can go for any such chart.

> > >

> > > Note 2: Here the proposed exercise is NOT for an individual


> we

> > > usually do by individual chart readings), but FOR THE PURPOSE



> > > GROUP. The point is " Thus every member should get a chance to

> > evaluate

> > > the reading " . I hope you will agree that, this is possible


> when

> > > the chart is of a popular individual.

> > >

> > > Love,

> > > Sreenadh

> > >

> > > --- In

, " Balagurusurya "

> > > <balagurusurya@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hi Ram,

> > > >

> > > > I agree with your views of studying unknown charts. Reason

is ,

> > if we go

> > > > after celebriety charts, (mostly erroneus) ,they are not


> to

> > join

> > > > this group and tell us whether our analysis is correct or


> On

> > the

> > > > contrary , if we comment on chart , like the one put forward


> > Ravi ,

> > > > where the latter knows all life events of the former, we


> > easily

> > > > adjudge our own skills and pitfalls .

> > > >

> > > > I hope, Sreenadh will ponder , once again

> > > >

> > > > Best

> > > >

> > > > M Nair

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " Ram Jaswal "

> > > > <rkjaswal@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Namaste Sreenadhji

> > > > >

> > > > > May I suggest otherwise? Most people can give lots of

> different

> > > > reasons as

> > > > > to why certain events occur during certain Dasha periods

> which

> > can be

> > > > true

> > > > > as No single cause can always be attributed to it ie

> something

> > can

> > > > occur due

> > > > > to Dasha's/Transits etc . Note there is also a " saying "


> > each Maha

> > > > Dasha

> > > > > should only be evaluated after seeing the " Prashna " for


> > moment of

> > > > the

> > > > > change in Dasha ...

> > > > >

> > > > > Wouldn't it be better to study an " unknown " chart to test


> > > > " reading "

> > > > > ability of Dasha's etc?

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks and hoping comments taken in a positive sense?

> > > > >

> > > > > Jai Sita Ram

> > > > >

> > > > > Ram

> > > > >

> > > > > _____

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > On

Behalf Of

> > > > Sreenadh

> > > > > 02 September 2007 08:48

> > > > >

> > > > > Re: Vimshottarry dasa

> > analysis

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Ravi ji,

> > > > > That is not enough. :) Confirm that many of the members of

> this

> > > > > group would be familiar with the life events of that


> He

> > should

> > > > > be famous/popular due to some reason. If so we can proceed

> with

> > the

> > > > > same, if not this horoscope won't be selected for the said

> > exercise.

> > > > > Love,

> > > > > Sreenadh

> > > > >

> > > > > ancient_indian_

> > > > <%40>

> > > > > astrology , " A. Ravindran Nair "

> > > > > rain13@ wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Sreenadhji,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Yes, that would be a good idea. A student like me can

> sharpen

> > my

> > > > > skills. I can provide the data of a horoscope for analysis.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Date of birth - 20-06-1979 Boy

> > > > > > Time of birth - 6.30 p.m.

> > > > > > Place of birth - Palghat

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I rather familiar with all the events in his life.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Regards

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Ravi Nair

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > @: sreesog@: Sat, 1 Sep 2007

> > > > > 09:39:11 +0000 Re:

> > Vimshottarry

> > > > > dasa analysis

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Sunil ji!You said:==>> I request u to analys any


> > chart and

> > > > > describe it based on > principles of astrology, which u


> do

> > it

> > > > > better than me .<== Ooops!! That is a trap! But yes, we


> do

> > that

> > > > > taking some chart -just for the sake of clarity (are we


> > doing it

> > > > > already?!; I thinkwhat we do in all chart reading is that

> > itself!). *

> > > > > Let us take any chart (but don't mention whose it is),


> > whichmost

> > > > > of us may know, and provide. * Take a specific period


> in

> > that

> > > > > individual's life. * Let us go through the results that


> be

> > > > > predicted and latercompare it with actual results.This may

> > serve 2

> > > > > things. 1) The weight of previous knowledge contaminating

> > predictions

> > > > > can beavoided.2) The reading would be still prediction


> > than a

> > > > > post mortemanalysis.I request a third party (Srinivas ji,

> > Panditji,

> > > > > Pradeep, Justin orsome one else) to provide a chart.


> > the

> > > > > chart should be ofsome one, about the life of whom, all of


> > know

> > > > > already.All those who do not know `whose chart it is',


> > have a go

> > > > > - onthe result predicted for that Dasa, for that


> > Let us

> > > > > try toknow how much astrology helps us in arriving at


> > > > > possibilities.Thus the preconditions are -. The


> > should be

> > > > > for a particular Vimsottari Dasa period only.. The


> > and

> > > > > technique used must be clarified in detail in

> > thepost.Love,Sreenadh---

> > > > > In ancient_indian_ <%

> > 40>

> > > > > astrology , " sunil

> > > > > nair " <astro_tellerkerala@> wrote:>> > Hare ramakrishna,> >

> dear

> > > > > sreenadh,> > yes ,because of oversight ness and lack of

> command

> > over

> > > > > laungage i> realy missed the point .Even though intitialy


> > planned to

> > > > > write it> .Thanks for pointitng it out .I request u to


> > any one

> > > > > chart and> describe it based on principles of


> u

> > can do

> > > > > it better> than me .> > thanks and regrds> > sunil nair> >


> > shreem

> > > > > mahalaxmai namah.> > > > > --- In

> > > > > ancient_indian_ <%

> > 40>

> > > > > astrology , " Sreenadh " > <sreesog@>

> > > > > wrote:> >> > Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for the very good and

> > > > > informative mail. But still I think> > the

question, " Whether

> > good,

> > > > > moderate or bad results should be> > predicted for a

> particular

> > > > > Dasa? " , which is given much importance in> > many texts


> many

> > > > > methodologies are described for the same (as well> >

> summarized

> > in

> > > > > your mail), is of less importance compared to the major> >

> > question,

> > > > > " What are the results to be predicted for a particular> >

> > Dasa? " ,

> > > > > which usually gets ignored or given least importance in


> >

> > texts

> > > > > that discusses the subject. The question with secondary

> status>

> > > (a

> > > > > higher class subject) is given most importance and the

> > question> >

> > > > > with primary status (a lower class subject; the


> is

> > given>

> > > > > > least importance!! And the essential result - everybody


> > misled!>

> > > > > > They ask questions and try their level best to determine

> and

> > talk a>

> > > > > > lot about whether a Dasa will give - good, moderate or

bad -

> > > > > results;> > but pitifully fails to determine " What results

> > should be

> > > > > attributed> > to that period (Dasa)? " !!! Shouldn't we try


> > put the

> > > > > record> > straight?> > Shouldn't we try to recast the right

> > > > > perspective of -> > First, identifying the results that

> should

> > be

> > > > > attributed to that> > Dasa; and then,> > Secondly, to

> > identifying to

> > > > > what extend/amount (large, moderate,> > weak) that results


> > > > > fructify?> > Of course for those who don't know the answer


> > the

> > > > > first> > question, the answer to the second question


> you

> > to

> > > > > address> > efficiently in your mail) will not be much use.

> But

> > to

> > > > > those who know> > the answer to the first question, your


> > would be

> > > > > a much> > beneficial and inspiring one. Hope the members

> would

> > see

> > > > > this point.> > Thanks for the good, earnest, comprehensive

> > description

> > > > > of the> > methodology to be adapted in Dasa analysis


> > question>

> > > > > > addressed).> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >> > --- In

> > > > > ancient_indian_ <%

> > 40>

> > > > > astrology , " sunil nair " > >

> > > > > astro_tellerkerala@ wrote:> > >> > > Hare ramakrishna,> >


> Dear

> > > > > jyothishas and lovers of astrology,> > >> > > dasa


> >

> > > >> >

> > > > > > This is realy a puzzling question even among the well

> > established> >

> > > > > > astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within


> > hour> >

> > > > > window> > > max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K


> rao

> > ji

> > > > > they know s> > 40> > > kinds of differrent dasas and they

> > collects

> > > > > datas and questions and> > > answerring it tru applying

> atleast

> > 4

> > > > > popular dasas applicable to the> > > chart and so they r


> > safe .>

> > > > > > > In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which


> > more> >

> > > > > > stronger and lagna or moon and see the results

> > accordingly .for> >

> > > > > this we> > > must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord


> > lagna

> > > > > ,jupiter ,mer> > > ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna


> > making

> > > > > lagna very> > strong ,if> > > moon is more strong by above

> > situations

> > > > > we must give importance to> > > moon.And take moon sign as

> > lagna. some

> > > > > says till 30 years lagna> > then> > > upto 60 moon and


> > years sun

> > > > > shud also be treated as lagna and> > shud> > > say the

> > results ,but i

> > > > > am not favring that as lagna is smallest> > unit and> > >

> > happening

> > > > > within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna> >

> > should> > >

> > > > > giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless

> > previous> > >

> > > > > conditions ful filled . It says sun and mars gives results

> in>

> > > >

> > > > > begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani


> > moon> >

> > > > > in end> > > of the dasa and mercury tru out the

dasa ,which

> ever

> > > > > results> > signified> > > it by it will be giving but this


> > only a

> > > > > general statement.> > > Depending on the positions and


> > the

> > > > > palnets will giv various> > > results . fro eg - we can


> > some one

> > > > > has jupiter in 2nd> > house ,in one> > > chart its in


> > rasi and

> > > > > in another chart its in makar rasi ,so> > in> > > both


> > jupiter

> > > > > is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa> > > ,apahara

> (sub

> > > > > periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart> > its

> 2nd>

> > > >

> > > > > lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another

> chart

> > the> >

> > > > > lagna> > > lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no

> > > > > cancellation s of> > > neechatwa the effect will be bad

> > also .Even

> > > > > though its dasa of lagna> > > lord . so i am trying to

> > formulate some

> > > > > of the principles which> > can> > > be useful in seeing a

> dasa

> > and

> > > > > results> > >

> > > > > -------------------------

> >

> > 1) see>

> > > > > > > the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is


> > and see>

> > > > > > its> > > movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava

> madhya

> > stiti

> > > > > ( normal> > > parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points


> > ashta

> > > > > varga for this> > > planet ,positioned in favrable places

> like

> > 10th

> > > > > ,11th,or lagna ,also> > > ucha ,swashetra in rasi or


> > this r

> > > > > generaly considered> > good.> > > 2)gulika lord ship

> > (dispositor of

> > > > > gulika --according to kerala> > >

sampradaya) ,assossiation

> with

> > > > > gulika ,less points in ashta varga> > > ,sastru khsetra

> > stithi ,neecha

> > > > > stithi ,combust ,yoga with> > malefics,rasi> > >


> > bhava

> > > > > santhi these dasas will be trouble some . 3)if> > >

> positioned

> > in

> > > > > upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be> >


> > good ,not

> > > > > the lords of upachayas. 4)even if planet is benefic and> >

> > well> > >

> > > > > placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be


> > only in>

> > > > > > > dreams --means not in actual life. 5)even if malefics


> >

> > > > > benefics if> > > they r placed in kendra ,trikona


> > with> >

> > > > > ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra> > > kshetra stithi and if aspected


> > benefics

> > > > > or palced also in benefic> > > vargas the planets will giv

> good

> > > > > results 6)If dasa lord is> > strong and> > > and frnd of

> lagna

> > lord

> > > > > good and favrable results can be expected .> > > 7)but if

> enmy

> > of

> > > > > lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa> > >


> be

> > > > > highly trouble some 8)Any planet who is assossiated with>


> a>

> > > >

> > > > > benefic will giv good results and assossiated with


> > will> >

> > > > > giv bad> > > results.If mixed then mixed results . 9)If


> > lord is

> > > > > benefic or> > > functional benefic if well placed with

> strenght

> > will

> > > > > giv good> > results> > > and mafefic or functional


> ill

> > placed

> > > > > and weak will giv bad> > > results . 10) if the planet is

> > placed in

> > > > > sheershodaya sign it may> > giv> > > results in

begining .and

> > > > > prishtodaya sign it will giv results in> > end and> > > if


> > > > > ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad> >

> > results .>

> > > > > > > leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are

> > > > > sheershodaya(rising> > with> > > head signs) and aries

> > > > > ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are> > > prishtodaya

> signs

> > (rising

> > > > > with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya> > sign> > > (

> rising

> > with

> > > > > both parts) 11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if> > he


> > >

> > > > > powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced

> for>

> > >

> > > > > higher> > > extent .and he will giv more benefic results


> eg

> > > > > --mercury is> > 6th> > > and 9th lord fro capricone lagna


> > placed in

> > > > > virgo ,ucha rasi he> > will> > > be the best among dasas.


> It

> > says

> > > > > 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords> > from> > > janma nakshatra

> adhi

> > pathy

> > > > > order will be supposed to be best> > dasas> > > 13) if 3rd

> > house or

> > > > > 12th house and any weak planets are situated his> > > dasa

> > apahara

> > > > > ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics> >


> it>

> > > >

> > > > > will modify the results. 14)If a planet is rasi santhi

> > (begining> >

> > > > > or> > > end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble> >

> some ,sorrows

> > > > > ,pains ,deseases> > > and various mishappes may be


> and

> > if the

> > > > > planets is in 30 th> > > degree its very dangerous may be


> > can cause

> > > > > death also. 15) The> > > planet positioned with rahu and


> > > > > dispositor of sign were rahu> > > paositioned cannot


> > good

> > > > > results of them and rahu will> > deliver> > > that


> 16)

> > > > > planets positioned in purticular nashatra will> > aslo> >


> > give the

> > > > > results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna>


> > more> > >

> > > > > better results. 17)During the period of malefics ,the sub

> > period> >

> > > > > of> > > another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna


> > or who

> > > > > is> > > poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is


> in

> > weak>

> > > > > > position in> > > rasi of malefic planets or houses such

> > period will

> > > > > be also trouble> > some.> > > 18) where ever malefic


> are

> > > > > positioned they give results> > > according to its bhava


> > frst 1/3

> > > > > rd of dasa and then rasi phala> > next> > > 1/3 and then

> > according to

> > > > > planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of> > > those

> palnets.

> > 19) if

> > > > > any planet has got any malefics from 4th> > house> > > its

> > position

> > > > > during his dasa some problems regding property is> >

> possible.>

> > > >

> > > > > 20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its


> > its> >

> > > > > rasi> > > phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest


> > the

> > > > > results> > will be> > > given to aspects and conjns of


> > > > > planets. 21)If benefic and> > > malefic is sitting


> the

> > dasa

> > > > > of benefic will be bad and> > malefic> > > will be good .


> > any

> > > > > planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka> > in> > >


> he

> > cannot

> > > > > giv good results and if everse it will giv best> >

results> >

> > > . a)if

> > > > > sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems


> > >

> > > > > father even death,also various losses. if ucha in amsaka


> > sun> > >

> > > > > gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures

> and> >

> > > > > happyness> > > ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad


> > end of

> > > > > the dasa b)> > Moon> > > also same results mentioned above

> but

> > welfare

> > > > > of mother shud be> > seen .> > > c)mars -if neechamsaka --


> > for

> > > > > brothers and kids and property> > > uchamsaka mars --


> > labham

> > > > > ,dhana labham along with happyness> > from> > > brothers .


> > budha is

> > > > > neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of> > >

intelligence ,and

> > also our

> > > > > actions will be judged very badly .> > > uchamsaka can giv

> > first bad

> > > > > then good positions and experiences> > e) jup> > > in

> > neechamsaka

> > > > > --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every> > body>


> > > ,even

> > > > > our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect in


> > >

> > > > > --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in

> > education> >

> > > > > and> > > knowledge. f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to

> spouse

> > and> >

> > > > > problems> > > tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of

> > luck ,less

> > > > > money ,and> > change> > > is position to fall from


> in

> > > > > uchamsaka - very good> > comforting> > > experiences ,good

> > experince

> > > > > regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and> > wealth> > > . g)

> sani

> > in

> > > > > neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the> > >

> hell

> > in

> > > > > this earth uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs

and> >

> > then> >

> > > > > > foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable

> > wealth may>

> > > > > > be> > > survive tru generations. 23) rahu and ketu gives

> best

> > > > > results if> > > joined in kendra with trikona lords or

> trikona

> > with

> > > > > kendra lords> > and if> > > alone they giv the results of

> rasi

> > lord

> > > > > and also nakshatra lord> > > generaly rahu in first half


> > zodiac

> > > > > gives best results and other> > half> > > is good for ketu


> > says

> > > > > aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in> > good> > >


> > good

> > > > > results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi> >

> > > ,happiness in

> > > > > pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and> > >

> > capricon and

> > > > > virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from> >


> >

> > > and

> > > > > kids. 24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like


> >

> > and> >

> > > > > > 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous esp those who

> > assossiated> >

> > > > > with> > > 7th lords. 25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika

> navamsa

> > lord

> > > > > in> > their> > > dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics


> > if that

> > > > > planets has> > drishti> > > pf good planets and also


> > well in

> > > > > chart the bad results are> > > nullified . same is the


> of

> > gulika

> > > > > degree lords dasa again if> > good> > > planets are


> > or guru

> > > > > aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra> > this> > > results

> > cancelles a

> > > > > great extent. 26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in> > > series

> and

> > guru

> > > > > dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very> >

bad.> >

> >

> > 27)

> > > > > the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with

> rahu>

> > >

> > > > > also> > > says bad . 28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -

> > surya for

> > > > > ladies> > kuja> > > -rahu for both is generelay find bad .


> > Dasa of

> > > > > ashtama lord is> > bad> > > whether its dasa or sub dasa.


> > 3/6/11 th

> > > > > lords if they are> > benefics> > > their dasa is supposed


> be

> > bad.

> > > > > 31)moon and sun and lagna lord> > has> > > no ashtamadhi

> pathy

> > dosha.

> > > > > 32)see in which house from dasa lord> > the> > > apahara


> is

> > > > > placed and results also will be according to the> > place>


> >

> > ment.

> > > > > 33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing


> >

> > deed> >

> > > > > > of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care.

> While> >

> > > > > seeing any> > > dasa see the relation between dasa lord


> > lagna lord

> > > > > and dasa> > lord and> > > sub dasa lord it will giv a clue


> > the

> > > > > results of dasa also> > transit> > > also plays a good


> is

> > making

> > > > > a better or slow results And> > delinating> > > tru


> > vargas is

> > > > > not mentioned here . ALSO I REQUEST> > SREENADH AND> > >


> > TO



> > > >



> > TO> >

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