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Vimshottarry dasa analysis

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Hare ramakrishna,

Dear jyothishas and lovers of astrology,

dasa analysis:-

This is realy a puzzling question even among the well established astrologers and skill is tested as u hav to say within one hour window max u r giving to ur customers ,People like K N rao ji they know s 40 kinds of differrent dasas and they collects datas and questions and answerring it tru applying atleast 4 popular dasas applicable to the chart and so they r very safe .


In delinating the effects of a dasha we must see which is more stronger and lagna or moon and see the results accordingly .for this we must see who is more stronger ,if lagna lord is lagna ,jupiter ,mer ,venus aspecting or situated in lagna are making lagna very strong ,if moon is more strong by above situations we must give importance to moon.And take moon sign as lagna.


some says till 30 years lagna then upto 60 moon and later years sun shud also be treated as lagna and shud say the results ,but i am not favring that as lagna is smallest unit and happening within max 2 hours anywhere u born in india ,so lagna should giv max good results in seeing the effect of dasa unless previous conditions ful filled .


It says sun and mars gives results in begining of a dasa ,jupiter and venus in middle and sani and moon in end of the dasa and mercury tru out the dasa ,which ever results signified it by it will be giving but this is only a general statement.


Depending on the positions and bhavas the palnets will giv various results .

fro eg - we can take some one has jupiter in 2nd house ,in one chart its in dhanu rasi and in another chart its in makar rasi ,so in both charts jupiter is in 2nd house .but if see by logic the dasa ,apahara(sub periods) will differ in a big way .As in one chart its 2nd lord and 5th lord staying in moola trikon and in another chart the lagna lord and 4th lord situated in neecha rasi ,if no cancellation s of neechatwa the effect will be bad also .Even though its dasa of lagna lord .


so i am trying to formulate some of the principles which can be useful in seeing a dasa and results



1) see the arohana veerya ( means in which rasi palnet is placed and see its movement from neecha to ucha position) ,Bhava madhya stiti ( normal parasari bhava -not sreepathy) ,more points in ashta varga for this planet ,positioned in favrable places like 10th ,11th,or lagna ,also ucha ,swashetra in rasi or vargas this r generaly considered good.


2)gulika lord ship (dispositor of gulika --according to kerala sampradaya) ,assossiation with gulika ,less points in ashta varga ,sastru khsetra stithi ,neecha stithi ,combust ,yoga with malefics,rasi santhi,and bhava santhi these dasas will be trouble some .


3)if positioned in upachaya houses (3,6.10.11) those dasas supposed to be good ,not the lords of upachayas.

4)even if planet is benefic and well placed ,but weak the expectation of result will be fulfilled only in dreams --means not in actual life.


5)even if malefics or benefics if they r placed in kendra ,trikona positions with ucha ,swakshtra ,mitra kshetra stithi and if aspected by benefics or palced also in benefic vargas the planets will giv good results


6)If dasa lord is strong and and frnd of lagna lord good and favrable results can be expected .


7)but if enmy of lagna lord and placed in dustana and weak then dasa will be highly trouble some


8)Any planet who is assossiated with a benefic will giv good results and assossiated with malefics will giv bad results.If mixed then mixed results .


9)If dasa lord is benefic or functional benefic if well placed with strenght will giv good results and mafefic or functional malefics ill placed and weak will giv bad results .


10) if the planet is placed in sheershodaya sign it may giv results in begining .and prishtodaya sign it will giv results in end and if in ubhayogaya it will giv tru out the dasa its good or bad results .


leo ,kanya,libra ,scorpio ,aquarius,gemini are sheershodaya(rising with head signs) and aries ,taurus,cancer,sagitarius ,capricon are prishtodaya signs (rising with tail part) and pisces is ubhayodaya sign ( rising with both parts)


11)lord of the 6th house is bad and if he is powerful in some other way the bad effects will be reduced for higher extent .and he will giv more benefic results

for eg --mercury is 6th and 9th lord fro capricone lagna if placed in virgo ,ucha rasi he will be the best among dasas.


12)It says 2nd ,6th,8th nakshatra lords from janma nakshatra adhi pathy order will be supposed to be best dasas


13) if 3rd house or 12th house and any weak planets are situated his dasa apahara ,chidra will be bad and if he is also with benefics then it will modify the results.


14)If a planet is rasi santhi (begining or end of a sign) the dasa will be trouble some ,sorrows ,pains ,deseases and various mishappes may be possible and if the planets is in 30 th degree its very dangerous may be it can cause death also.


15) The planet positioned with rahu and and dispositor of sign were rahu paositioned cannot deliver good results of them and rahu will deliver that results.


16) planets positioned in purticular nashatra will aslo give the results of that nakshatra lord and if benefics from lagna more better results.


17)During the period of malefics ,the sub period of another malefics or enmy to that palnet or lagna lord or who is poitioned in dustana from dasa lord or who is placed in weak position in rasi of malefic planets or houses such period will be also trouble some.



18) where ever malefic planets are positioned they give results according to its bhava in frst 1/3 rd of dasa and then rasi phala next 1/3 and then according to planets assossiated or amsa kathi pathi of those palnets.


19) if any planet has got any malefics from 4th house its position during his dasa some problems regding property is possible.


20)Benefic planet will give in first 1/3 rd part of its dasa its rasi phala then next 1/3 its bhava phala and the rest of the results will be given to aspects and conjns of various planets.


21)If benefic and malefic is sitting together the dasa of benefic will be bad and malefic will be good .


22) any planet if staying in ucha rasi and amsaka in neecha he cannot giv good results and if everse it will giv best results .


a)if sun neecha in amsaka --bad name ,loss of money ,problems to father even death,also various losses.


if ucha in amsaka same sun gives raja preethi (benefit from boss or govt ) pleasures and happyness ,income tru royal assossaitions may be bad in end of the dasa


b)Moon also same results mentioned above but welfare of mother shud be seen .


c)mars -if neechamsaka --bad for brothers and kids and property

uchamsaka mars --bhoomi labham ,dhana labham along with happyness from brothers .


d)budha is neechamsaka can giv poverty ,loss of intelligence ,and also our actions will be judged very badly .


uchamsaka can giv first bad then good positions and experiences


e) jup in neechamsaka --problems from govt and theifs ,enmty with every body ,even our mantras and poojas may not giv good effect

in uchamsaka --raja preethi ,comforts,fame,gain money ,and increse in education and knowledge.


f) shukra in neechamsaka -problem to spouse and problems tru spouse or wemen.loss of comfort,loss of luck ,less money ,and change is position to fall from position.

in uchamsaka - very good comforting experiences ,good experince regrds spouse and kids,fame ,luck and wealth .


g) sani in neechamsa-- first good then worst like expericing the hell in this earth

uchamsaka first problems tru enmies ,theifs and then foreign journey ,comforts and wealth ,sani gives stable wealth may be survive tru generations.


23) rahu and ketu gives best results if joined in kendra with trikona lords or trikona with kendra lords and if alone they giv the results of rasi lord and also nakshatra lord

generaly rahu in first half of zodiac gives best results and other half is good for ketu

It says aries ,taurus ,cancer if rahu situated in good bhavas good results like gain of money ,knowledge ,raja preethi ,happiness in pisces and dhanus fame ,vehicles and authority and capricon and virgo higher positions ,wealth ,and happiness from spouse and kids.


24) if planets assossiated with maraka lords like 7th and 2nd lords such periods may be dangerous

esp those who assossiated with 7th lords.


25) gulik bhavanathi pathi ,gulika navamsa lord in their dasa s r bad esp if they r also malefics but if that planets has drishti pf good planets and also placed well in chart the bad results are nullified .

same is the case of gulika degree lords dasa again if good planets are aspecting or guru aspecting ,or gulika in guru kshetra this results cancelles a great extent.


26) if sani dasa happenes 4th in series and guru dasa 6th and kuja or rahu dasa is 5th it says very bad.


27) the last part of rahu dasa and the planets conjoined with rahu also says bad .


28)rahu -guru dasa for men and sukra -surya for ladies kuja -rahu for both is generelay find bad .


29)Dasa of ashtama lord is bad whether its dasa or sub dasa.


30)3/6/11 th lords if they are benefics their dasa is supposed to be bad.


31)moon and sun and lagna lord has no ashtamadhi pathy dosha.


32)see in which house from dasa lord the apahara lord is placed and results also will be according to the place ment.


33) End of the dasa known as dasa chidra and its sowing the deed of other dasa and this periods shud handle with care.


While seeing any dasa see the relation between dasa lord and lagna lord and dasa lord and sub dasa lord

it will giv a clue to the results of dasa

also transit also plays a good role is making a better or slow results And delinating tru various vargas is not mentioned here .




regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah.






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