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Bhavat_Bhavam & LL Placements

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Dear Srinivas ji,

Beautiful as always! My collection is growing big! - ref. below to

know why ;)




, " sreeram srinivas "

<sreeram64 wrote:


The principle of Bhavat_Bhavam has stood the test of time and is a


tool in an logical & analytical astrologer. Further, continuing the

discussion on the placement of the Lagna Lords in various

houses....this is

in addition to what Sreenadh, Sunil Nair & others have already


The following are the observations of real horoscopes and real

people over a

long time.


LL in Lagna = The native is content and all his decisions are


on his pure likes and dislikes, independent in thinking and actions


LL in 2H = The native is money minded { I have seen well

off people

in their 70's worrying about their properties, inspite of dividing


property during their time, with disciplined cultured sons well


They are so obsessed that their wife's got so annoyed and threaten


divorce proceedings or return to her parent's place !!! -

Traditional Indian

Ultimatum !! even at that age !!! - thanks to Hindu joint family

values &



LL in 3H = The native is close to his brothers, would like

to hang

around with friends or always looking to go for outing, man of

hobbies or

extra-curricular activities


LL in 4H = A very homely person, whose concept of world -

Myself +

Home { An ideal combinations to look in all prospective husband }


LL in 5H = A native self taught, gives importance to


prone to speculation, interested in mystic sciences, can be termed

hardworking, yet lucky !!


LL in 6H = A native worried about everything under the

sky !! Mind

pondering many things at a time


LL in 7H = A native who is inclined to opposite gender.


LL in 8H = Takes a person away from family !!! Too much of


or probing....ignoring the family...!!!


LL in 9H = A religious person


LL in 10H = A good combination a native doing good karma.....


LL in 11H = A person looking for gains and little


would rise in life


LL in 12H = A person of higher morals, lacks in concentration,

can be

a diseased or sex prone or liking PHOREN things or wandering mind or


anything phoren !!


On the subject of Bhavat Bhavam, one also need to consider that when


at 2H, see also 8H. Taking a real case of current life style. 8H

is for

sudden wealth or inheritance. From 9H it is 12H. So once the

father has

expired, the property gets divided or inherited by children !!


comes its own sweet timing - suddenly.


Always look at a house in terms of pairs - i.e. 2H & 8H, 4H & 10H,

6H &

12H..etc.. Sreenadh has looked at quandrants, while I am adding a

different direction - supplementing it. A strong 10H would ensure,


suffers to an extent, A strong LL ensures 7H suffers, A strong 6H


diseased body, cannot enjoy 12H attributes, so a strong 12H ensures


you end up with diseases { taking a totally negative attributes of

12H & 6H



Now adding a small twist. A strong 3H ensures, 9H yield its

results of

Bhagya to the hardworking person or displaying his valor !!

Similarly, a

strong 5H also ensures, gain of wealth i.e. attributes of 11H to an


How is it ??? Explain ?? Live to you all to explore !!!


The ancient seers have written numerous things, about planetary

placements.....etc, which if studied properly, memorized and

applied, the

success of predictions would be high. Most of the amateur astros


get " perplexed " when they see a real horoscope and often end up with


& puzzled face - where to start & what to say ??


Sreeram Srinivas


, " Rup Krishen

Baqaya "

<baqayarup@ wrote:


Hi friends, Am giving below the results of the lord of lagna in

different houses as i perceive them to be.I may mention here that

these notes have been prepared during my last 25 years of


with astrology after looking at more or less all the vedic


classics and summarising/modifying the results to suit present


1.Lord of lagna in lagna:-The native is healthy,that is to say


sickness.He is handsome,long lived and very strong.He makes


in life with his own efforts.He is happy,rich and lives a


life.He is respected in the society and makes a name for his

dynasty.He may receive land from the king.Such a native may marry

twice or have intimate relations with some female other than his


2.Lord of lagna in the second house:-The native gains in various

ways.He is learned,proud and of religious conduct.May have


with many women.If the lord of the first house is in the second


in a shubha yoga the native will accumulate alot of money.If in an

ashubha yoga the native will remain worried about money..The


will be long lived,fat,tall and a prominent officer of his


happiness from his family and eats delicious food.Is good at give


take.May be prominent in his dynasty.

3.Lord of lagna in third house:-The native is courageous like a

lion.He is proud,rich,wise and happy.The native has good brothers


friends and gets happiness from them.If the lord of lagna is in


3rd house in an ashubha yoga the native is dirty.However if


by a benefic the native is good at speech.The native is

religious,charitable,generous,strong and brave.He is also of an

independent disposition,devoted to his duty and of a military

temperament.If the lord of lagna in the third is debilitated,the

native developes contacts with women other than his wife.If the


of lagna is venus the native will marry two women.

To be contd

, " Rup Krishen

Baqaya "

<baqayarup@ wrote:


Lagna lord in the fourth house:-The native will derive happiness


his mother/parents and will be devoted to them.Will have number of

brothers.Will be handsome,happy,virtuous and sexy.The native will


have happiness in respect of vehicles,will get delicious meals of

different varieties,will be respected by the king and society in

general,and will live in luxury.He will have many friends and

will be

long lived.The native will earn substantailly,means to say that he

will earn more than his father.He may be a frugal eater.He will

receive house/lands in inheritance.

Lagna Lord in fifth house:-If the lord of the ascendant is in the

fifth in a shubha yoga the native will have many sons whom the


will love and who are religious,humble and long lived.However if


lord of ascendant is in the fifth house in an ashubha yoga,the


may not have much happiness from children and the first child may


die.The native will take interest in singing and such other


will be an officer and will be of good conduct,famous,long lived


generous.He will do good deeds.Such a native is generally


and learned.

Lagna lord in sixth house:-If the lagna lord is in the sixth

house in

a shubha yoga,the native will be without


and one who does good deeds.Though he may have many enemies he


destroy them.He will also be long lived and will derive happiness


mother,son and maternal uncle.If however the lord of the

ascendant is

in the sixth house in an ashubha yoga,the native will be thin and

sickly,troubled by his enemies,generally unsuccessful and does not

have good servants.Further to add here that good results(except


result pertaining to happiness from maternal uncle)are experienced

when either Sun,Mars or Saturn as lord of ascendant are placed in


sixth house.Other planets give ordinary results.

Lagna lord in the seventh house:-If the lord of the ascendant is


the seventh house in a shubha yoga the native will have an aura


him(Tejaswi),will be of good conduct and will have a beautiful/

virtuous wife who will be clever in many arts.Such a native will


kingly,rich,happy,liking luxury,handsome and humble.However if the

lord of lagna is in the seventh house in an ashubha yoga the


will be poor,of a detached mentality and will have troubles


to his wife who may even die.

Generally such a native is oversexed,travels alot,gets involved in

litigations,is argumentative and indulges in trading.

Good results are experienced if the concerned lord of ascendant is

Sun,moon,mercury or saturn.Bad results are experienced if the

lord of

ascendant is Jupiter or venus.Mars as lord of ascendant in the


gives ordinary results.


, rk dash

<arkaydash@ wrote:



Here is the bhavashraya phala of L1 as found in the compedium.

There is an 'result' for the 5th hse, but I 'll take time to make


what is meant.


In 1st house

Healthy, long-lived, king(ly), strong, gain of land


2nd hse

Wealthy, engaged in right action, head of the locality, life of

plenty, corpulent


3rd hse

Has good friends, religiosity, generosity; brave, strong


4th hse

King's favourite, lives life to the full (could also mean 'very

long-lived,' the expression being prachura-jivita), earns by right

means, devoted to father, voracious


5th hse

Good children, engaged in good deeds, has humility, known his


good qualities


6th hse

Healthy, strong, gain of land, miserly, rich, subdues enemies,


the side of good deeds


7th hse

Brilliant, good manners, cultured wife, spends himself fast


coitus, good-looking


8th hse

Miserly, unreliable in financial matters, very long-lived, harsh

in speech if the planet is a malefic, large physique if a benefic


9th hse

Good people are his friends, good deeds, balanced (without

extremes), cultured, known for his good deeds, brilliant


10th hse

Gains from ruler (state), learned, cultured, reverent towards


and mother, king, famous


11th hse

Long-lived, has progeny, spends himself fast during coitus,



12th hse

Harsh speech, very sharp mind, goes abroad, a free loader



Now, the rationale. Examples will of couse pour in. But we have


see where a particular result is flowing from -- from L1 in a

particular hse, or other planet/lords' configuration. You agree?




Sreenadh <sreesog@ wrote:

Dear All,

The primary derivations for Lagna lord in various houses

as per

BPHS is given below. I invite all to start a discussion on




As per BPHS, for Lagna lord in -

Lagna: healthy body, courageous, uncertain in decisions,

2 wives

2nd house: knowledgeable, good earnings, happiness, good


righteous, many wives, good qualities.

3rd house: valorous like a lion, all kinds of wealth, 2



4th house: love and affection from healthy mother with


longevity, many brothers/sisters, lust, beauty and good


5th house: angry, moderate happiness from children, loss



born (child), admired by government and authorities.

6th house: (especially if aspected by malefics) trouble


enemies, bad health.

7th house: (especially if Lagna lord is a malefic) his



die early (or married life will not go long), he will


uninterested in worldly life and wife, will be detached

towards his

native land and wander/visit many places, It is possible

that he

won't be much wealthy (he would be a poor man) or also that



be a very wealthy person like a king.

8th house: master of some branch of knowledge, troubled


diseases, interested in others wives, will be interested in



of games such as cards, chess, dice, lottery and so on,

very much


9th house: lucky, loved by the public, devotee of Vishnu,

master of

words and oratory, will have good wealth wife and children.

10th house: admired by government and people in power (the


will have a good job), he would be a government servant,




11th house: much income from many sources, good


(popularity due to good deeds, celebrity), good qualities,



12th house: good health, extravagant without reason,


(especially if not benefics are present in 12th and if no


aspects 12th)





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The principle of Bhavat_Bhavam has stood the test of time and is a powerful tool in an logical & analytical astrologer. Further, continuing the discussion on the placement of the Lagna Lords in various houses....this is in addition to what Sreenadh, Sunil Nair & others have already mentioned. The following are the observations of real horoscopes and real people over a long time.


LL in Lagna = The native is content and all his decisions are centered on his pure likes and dislikes, independent in thinking and actions


LL in 2H = The native is money minded { I have seen well off people in their 70's worrying about their properties, inspite of dividing the property during their time, with disciplined cultured sons well settled. They are so obsessed that their wife's got so annoyed and threaten with divorce proceedings or return to her parent's place !!! - Traditional Indian Ultimatum !! even at that age !!! - thanks to Hindu joint family values & systems}


LL in 3H = The native is close to his brothers, would like to hang around with friends or always looking to go for outing, man of hobbies or extra-curricular activities


LL in 4H = A very homely person, whose concept of world - Myself + Home { An ideal combinations to look in all prospective husband }


LL in 5H = A native self taught, gives importance to knowledge, prone to speculation, interested in mystic sciences, can be termed hardworking, yet lucky !!


LL in 6H = A native worried about everything under the sky !! Mind pondering many things at a time


LL in 7H = A native who is inclined to opposite gender.


LL in 8H = Takes a person away from family !!! Too much of research or probing....ignoring the family...!!!


LL in 9H = A religious person


LL in 10H = A good combination a native doing good karma.....


LL in 11H = A person looking for gains and little materialistic....he would rise in life


LL in 12H = A person of higher morals, lacks in concentration, can be a diseased or sex prone or liking PHOREN things or wandering mind or dealing anything phoren !!


On the subject of Bhavat Bhavam, one also need to consider that when looking at 2H, see also 8H. Taking a real case of current life style. 8H is for sudden wealth or inheritance. From 9H it is 12H. So once the father has expired, the property gets divided or inherited by children !! Death comes its own sweet timing - suddenly.


Always look at a house in terms of pairs - i.e. 2H & 8H, 4H & 10H, 6H & 12H..etc.. Sreenadh has looked at quandrants, while I am adding a different direction - supplementing it. A strong 10H would ensure, 4H suffers to an extent, A strong LL ensures 7H suffers, A strong 6H or diseased body, cannot enjoy 12H attributes, so a strong 12H ensures that you end up with diseases { taking a totally negative attributes of 12H & 6H }.


Now adding a small twist. A strong 3H ensures, 9H yield its results of Bhagya to the hardworking person or displaying his valor !! Similarly, a strong 5H also ensures, gain of wealth i.e. attributes of 11H to an extent.- How is it ??? Explain ?? Live to you all to explore !!!


The ancient seers have written numerous things, about planetary placements.....etc, which if studied properly, memorized and applied, the success of predictions would be high. Most of the amateur astros often get "perplexed" when they see a real horoscope and often end up with muscled & puzzled face - where to start & what to say ??



Sreeram Srinivas

Home : +91 11 2785 1519

Cell : +91 98682 31817


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Hare krishna,

dear sreeram srinivas ji,

very good post ,actualy u made a good observations

yes even savants astro also dont ask us to follow rules ditto that is why prashna maarga said a astrologer shud be uha poha padu .astrologer can use his analytical learning and reasoning power .

thanks & regrds

sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah.

, "sreeram srinivas" <sreeram64 wrote:>> The principle of Bhavat_Bhavam has stood the test of time and is a powerful> tool in an logical & analytical astrologer. Further, continuing the> discussion on the placement of the Lagna Lords in various houses....this is> in addition to what Sreenadh, Sunil Nair & others have already mentioned.> The following are the observations of real horoscopes and real people over a> long time.> > LL in Lagna = The native is content and all his decisions are centered> on his pure likes and dislikes, independent in thinking and actions> > LL in 2H = The native is money minded { I have seen well off people> in their 70's worrying about their properties, inspite of dividing the> property during their time, with disciplined cultured sons well settled.> They are so obsessed that their wife's got so annoyed and threaten with> divorce proceedings or return to her parent's place !!! - Traditional Indian> Ultimatum !! even at that age !!! - thanks to Hindu joint family values & > systems}> > LL in 3H = The native is close to his brothers, would like to hang> around with friends or always looking to go for outing, man of hobbies or> extra-curricular activities> > LL in 4H = A very homely person, whose concept of world - Myself +> Home { An ideal combinations to look in all prospective husband }> > LL in 5H = A native self taught, gives importance to knowledge,> prone to speculation, interested in mystic sciences, can be termed> hardworking, yet lucky !!> > LL in 6H = A native worried about everything under the sky !! Mind> pondering many things at a time> > LL in 7H = A native who is inclined to opposite gender.> > LL in 8H = Takes a person away from family !!! Too much of research> or probing....ignoring the family...!!!> > LL in 9H = A religious person> > LL in 10H = A good combination a native doing good karma.....> > LL in 11H = A person looking for gains and little materialistic....he> would rise in life> > LL in 12H = A person of higher morals, lacks in concentration, can be> a diseased or sex prone or liking PHOREN things or wandering mind or dealing> anything phoren !!> > On the subject of Bhavat Bhavam, one also need to consider that when looking> at 2H, see also 8H. Taking a real case of current life style. 8H is for> sudden wealth or inheritance. From 9H it is 12H. So once the father has> expired, the property gets divided or inherited by children !! Death> comes its own sweet timing - suddenly. > > Always look at a house in terms of pairs - i.e. 2H & 8H, 4H & 10H, 6H & > 12H..etc.. Sreenadh has looked at quandrants, while I am adding a> different direction - supplementing it. A strong 10H would ensure, 4H> suffers to an extent, A strong LL ensures 7H suffers, A strong 6H or> diseased body, cannot enjoy 12H attributes, so a strong 12H ensures that> you end up with diseases { taking a totally negative attributes of 12H & 6H> }. > > Now adding a small twist. A strong 3H ensures, 9H yield its results of> Bhagya to the hardworking person or displaying his valor !! Similarly, a> strong 5H also ensures, gain of wealth i.e. attributes of 11H to an extent.-> How is it ??? Explain ?? Live to you all to explore !!!> > The ancient seers have written numerous things, about planetary> placements.....etc, which if studied properly, memorized and applied, the> success of predictions would be high. Most of the amateur astros often> get "perplexed" when they see a real horoscope and often end up with muscled> & puzzled face - where to start & what to say ?? > > > Sreeram Srinivas> Home : +91 11 2785 1519 > Cell : +91 98682 31817 >

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The variation to the prediction based on the LL in various houses, undergo a

change or modifications, based on the planets constituting the Lagna Lord,

ownership of houses, Sign in which it is placed. Will use this example in

the discussions later. Kindly mention the Lagna Signs of the quoted

example. Is it Cancer or Sagattarius or Pisces ??


With regards,

Sreeram srinivas




[-owner ] On Behalf Of renunw

Sunday, September 23, 2007 1:51 AM


Re: Bhavat_Bhavam & LL Placements


Dear Sreeram ji,


Thanks for an interesting posting...especially taking houses in pairs and

sharing your research knowledge with others.


Since your observations are based on real horoscopes and real people ...I

would say that I cannot agree with the following:


" LL in 2H = The native is money minded { I have seen well

off people in their 70's worrying about their properties, inspite of

dividing the property during their time,.... "


In a real life case, husband and wife both have thier LLs in 2H but never

ever keep anything for themselves. Instead everything is distributed not

only among their children but among others too! Can these natives be called

money minded? Sure, other planetary placements may have an explanation to

this exception to your observation. May be you have a better explanation...


But a special feature in this couple is that they are 1st cousins if that

has to do anything with LL placed in 2H.





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lagna signs of the quoted examples:


Husband - Leo

Wife Scorpio






, " sreeram srinivas "

<sreeram64 wrote:


> The variation to the prediction based on the LL in various houses,

undergo a

> change or modifications, based on the planets constituting the

Lagna Lord,

> ownership of houses, Sign in which it is placed. Will use this

example in

> the discussions later. Kindly mention the Lagna Signs of the


> example. Is it Cancer or Sagattarius or Pisces ??


> With regards,

> Sreeram srinivas



> -owner

> [-owner ] On Behalf

Of renunw

> Sunday, September 23, 2007 1:51 AM

> -owner

> Re: Bhavat_Bhavam & LL Placements


> Dear Sreeram ji,


> Thanks for an interesting posting...especially taking houses in

pairs and

> sharing your research knowledge with others.


> Since your observations are based on real horoscopes and real

people ...I

> would say that I cannot agree with the following:


> " LL in 2H = The native is money minded { I have seen well

> off people in their 70's worrying about their properties, inspite


> dividing the property during their time,.... "


> In a real life case, husband and wife both have thier LLs in 2H

but never

> ever keep anything for themselves. Instead everything is

distributed not

> only among their children but among others too! Can these natives

be called

> money minded? Sure, other planetary placements may have an

explanation to

> this exception to your observation. May be you have a better



> But a special feature in this couple is that they are 1st cousins

if that

> has to do anything with LL placed in 2H.


> blessings


> Renu


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