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This is with reference to the recent posting by a member “Jolly Anupam” a self proclaimed Tarot Card, trying to promote her art of crystal gazing. Such members are reminded to go through the introductory notes on this group’s home page, which clearly mentions – Ancient_Indian_Astrology and it is earnest zeal of this group to confine within the ambit of Indian Astrology. It is unethical to post emails of commercial interest, particularly when the TOPIC is NOT related to this group and the same is detested.


The member could have earned few "banana" points, if he/she had written the history of Tarot Cards, which again has its deep roots in India. This may sound "audacious", yet it is real. There has been many scientific experiments carried out in this regard by some hobbyists from Andhra University {former Principal & his technical teams in perfecting the technique} and also used to an extent by NASA in its scientific activities and is still prevalent. The correct Indian name for this is "Parrot Reading" which is now extinct, but experienced by many a enthusiasts in good old days, one would often come across the person carrying the caged parrot at least once in a week, would charge 25 -50 paise. Why only Parrots were chosen is a question & subject Ornithologists would be better to explain scientifically. However, being a avid bird watcher and lived with nature during my childhood days – it is sufficient to summarize here that the Parrots have special reception to Ultra & Short wave reception and can perceive the thoughts of a person. However, the original Parrot Card system had NO work for the man / woman other than reading, interpreting and communicating the stated words to the querists.

The modern scientific name often used in slang is "Pendulum Technique" in this essence is same, the parrot is replaced by a special alloy steel pendulum and its oscillations are calibrated to cards.


If one goes through Indian History, there are instances or evidences or cases, where the parrots were "maintained" in the "selected" corridors of palace, to raise alert sounds of any "treacherous" plotting that are common i.e. in the continuing fight between perceived good and bad!! A specific person is assigned to service the parrot according to the needs. The other common phenomenon practiced even today by discerning Hindus is to serve food to the birds every day. This is an age old custom of Hindu religion as mentioned in various scriptures { probably called Daridra Naryana practice in lighter veins – Daridra = Poverty, generally, mankind & womankind takes good events for granted and is often worried over bad events, however, every bad event has inherent good in it provided the mankind or woman kind are open to learn from them} Every bird has certain levels of perceiving the "danger" of which Parrots have been rated the best. I have learnt the behavior and understanding of the birds and interpreting its "chirping sounds" from my parents, who have been fairly accurate in its predicting the forthcoming of events {Cannot rate myself to be expert on all fronts, yet evolving as I learn every day}.


Similarly, household planets like Tulsi is also gifted with such powers and Hindus require NO further education / lessons on its merits.




My sincere request to "Jolly Anupam", either to explain the tarot techniques with reference to Hindu or Ancient Indian Astrology or simply stop posting those commercial messages in this group. If you think that 3-5 days of basic course is going to cost Rs. 5,500/= then be informed that the knowledge freely shared by members contributing to this forum have innate much more value in comparison to unrealistic methods used by your system.





It is common practice by many to be obsessed with their horoscopes and they keep approaching every known astrologer on earth on some pretext or the other. This is often seen & observed various forums and the recent continued energetic exchange by "Chandu2Chill". Any serious discussion {when differences are digged into} should be concluded in max 2 or 3 explanations, beyond that it is an aimless argument. Every being gentlemen, kindly exercise control or conclude yourself to a acceptable logic. People dig too much into the words and twist them…for they know for sure that the Case Study HORORscopes belongs to themselves or their own close relatives. The most difficult part is – voluntary admission.



"Chandu2Chill" is advised to stop that thread started by him. Unless a astrological combination validating something the scriptures have said, beyond that NO "analytical" thread should go beyond 2 stages. My great Nair friends { Madhu & Sunil } have already did their bit and now tired of it. Further, it is disgusting to know that you have already posted & got replies from various {if it is true case}. Keep the discussion centered on the topic of astrology in its general sense, rather than being specific to a horoscope. Take the general essence of a horoscope and debate.





It is good to rejoice any event including the recent T20 World Cup finals. But my dear "Javed Khaanzada", this suits a sports forum NOT an astrology forum even to make a mention of, UNLESS you have something to predict the outcome of such sporting events through use of Astrology. There was a member in i.e. KNRao Astrology group by the name – Mr. Srivastava who keeps experimenting the outcome of a match through astrology and has been continuously experimenting the techniques and sharing it…..off course, he was a lone member doing that…but his spirit is appreciated.


Similarly talking of politicians and comments….etc…are all IRRELEVANT to astrology. Though myself a student of Sri K.N. Rao, yet admire him for his apolitical views, he has done immense study on such historical events using astrology as the base. His articles on Indian Independence and Indian Republic declaration are something to note for and emulate. Our constitution has been amended not less than 90+ times in this 57 years { request Mr. Arkaydash to correct me on this numerics },….similarly the sudden "India Outburst" in last one decade …have all the reasons and lessons in astrology.



Keep astrology as the base subject of discussion and do NOT deviate from it in any of your emails. Your purpose of joining or reading mails in this group is to learn and know astrology. Hence, maintain your focus.




From the various email postings of Mr. Arkay Dash, known for his "dashing" use of vocabulary, I am making some wild guess – such power of words can only come from someone who is specially trained in that subject of mass communication or journalism. Surely, spoken and written English have their attributes, here we are talking of written, hence, 3H & 5H should be connected. His writings are on the subject of ancient hindu science or astrology, hence, Saturn should be active in his horoscope and its connection to above mentioned H or HL cannot be ruled out. Another reasoning is that he has understood the context of my postings while explaining in much better manner. Such a power can only come from a well placed Saturn. His choice or rhythm of words or terse sentences, i.e. NOT descriptive in nature, hence, some malefic planetary influence on 3H, 5H to an extent include Lagna also. {Here I connect Lagna or Moon}. I choose Moon for his expressions are coming out of mind hence, Moon. { The way I have perceived his postings}


I have taken the example of Mr. Arkay Dash to illustrate how one can be little person, yet talk astrology as the base. Request Mr. Arkay Dash to comment to what extent my assessment of his horoscope guessing is correct.




I think after a long time we have some woman member with radical views and good articulation. We welcome and honor probably the only female voice in this group to my knowledge voicing her astro_view point. We welcome – Renu Prematillake. She seems to have a strong "pen" !! Keep posting to the group.



With Regards


Sreeram Srinivas


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