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Lagna lord in 7th House

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Dear All,


Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.



lord in 7th House


If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant

individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, beautiful and

good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th house, his wife will not

live long, he may become uninterested in family life, wander to many places.

These results will come true for any one irrespective of his financial status -

even if he is a beggar or king all these results will fructify to him for sure.

If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long,

he may become uninterested in family life or wander in many places (attachment

for wife and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king all the results

will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial status could be either

that of a poor man or that of a king or in between - it is irrelevant).

- Parasara Hora

This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord is in

7th why the result `his wife will not live long' should be derived? Since lagna

lord in any house bestows good results to that house, the expected derivation

would be `his wife will live long' and also that `he will have a good,

beautiful, righteous wife'. Actually it is exactly the result the other texts

propose. Then why Parasara differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue

while dealing with 5th house as well.

The point is - Parasara at times does not mention `if the lagna lord is

malefic and placed in x house', but the same should be assumed as the case may

be - it is a precondition; something related to his presentation style. Thus

the actual meaning would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in

7th house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a malefic in 7th is

sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look from 7th as per `Bhavat

Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka stana) from 7th placed in 7th

can cause bad results such as loss of interest or death. It becomes clear that

it is the same result extended in the next derivation as well. That is `if the

lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become uninterested

in family life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and family is

lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and family life,

journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th with maraka lordship

from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results such as - loss of interest in

wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife, interest in traveling to various

places - possibly in an effort to be away from wife and family and so on. A

double importance to derived results occurs due to the involvement of 7th and

7th from 7th in the possible result derivation.

We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact `these

results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic'; but it is evident

even to a beginner with clear logic, and so the sage would be saved from such

blames. If we mention that `you must have mentioned this' then the question in

retort by the sage would be - `if you don't know even these basics, and

understand the sloka in its unique context, if your logic is not even that much

strong enough, how are you supposed to learn and derive complex results?'. Yes,

he is absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the sage quotes let

the context become clear to us - wherever it is not clearly mentioned.

There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad results

- notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned by an enemy planet.

Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad results expected from the

same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad result for a planet in enemy house

are -

If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause -

dirty life, dependence even for food on others, living in rented house, poverty,

always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become his enemy!


May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara tells us

that - `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will fructify to him for

sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the native is irrelevant. Who

ever he is, these results will follow for sure, `if a malefic lagna lord is

placed in 7th'! Look at the confidence with which Parasara states that result!

We should learn something from that confidence it seems - due to lack of

understanding astrologers usually lack the confidence, while trying to derive

results. Parasara is advising us - be confidant, be logical, and be bold! You

are in the correct path - and the results you derive based on the path taught

by us will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence from his

ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let follow the same

path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and statements made by him.

Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since he is

bringing `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e. House-Planet Base

results) into picture. Since he was discussing House Base results, this

approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I would request learners to stick to the

pure House Base derivation given by Meenaraja, and learn about the

modifications Parasara suggested later while dealing with `House-Planet Base'

result derivation.

Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity, Meenaraja

provides the general results that should be attributed to lagna lord in 7th


If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous,

radiant individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, beautiful

and good-natured.

- Meenaraja Hora

Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka with

only a slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau' (lord of lagna),

the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is used. Of course this does not

change the meaning of the sloka in any way. Possibly they knew well that the

approach of Meeraja is more apt to the context.

Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune with

the rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good results for that

house. Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will have a righteous,

radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna lord aspects lagna, lagna becomes

strong and thus the same would be true for the native as well. This is the

clear-cut path of derivation. Possibly because of this many texts such as Hora

Pradeepam, Horaratnam, Jataka saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the

same instead of Prarasara's words. But Parasara's words also should be

respected, since he is pointing to some special possibilities.

Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in

7th and malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th. This is of

special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna lord in 7th

house. In a generalized way this rule is

applicable in all the other cases as well.

Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much

importance to this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-Planet

Base results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause us to consider

the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this write-up, we are more

interested in learning `House Base' result derivation system alone.

The 7th house signifies

things such as - love, wife, sex, sexual intercourse, lost items, life loving

nature, small love quarrels, death (being maraka stana; 12th from house of

longevity), travel, interest or lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus

the placement of lagna lord in 7th generates special importance to the

derivations related to the same.





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Respected Sreenadh,


Here Rishi Parashar has also mentioned the special dasa " Dwisaptati

Dasa " on this house placement 'lagna in seventh house or vice versa'

Period of dasa is decrease to 72 years from 120 years of vimsottari dasa.

Does it means that age of the person decreases due to placement of

lagna lord in marak house.


This placement could be of has more importance than other house

placement of lagna lord.


We must also look from this angle and find logic\support why it was

necessary to have a different dasa for this placement.


Thanks and regard


Vijay Goel



, " Sreenadh "

<sreesog wrote:



> Dear All,



> Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.


> ==========================================

> Lagna lord in 7th House

> =================


> If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant

> individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, beautiful

> and good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th house, his

> wife will not live long, he may become uninterested in family life,

> wander to many places. These results will come true for any one

> irrespective of his financial status - even if he is a beggar or king

> all these results will fructify to him for sure.


> If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long, he may

> become uninterested in family life or wander in many places (attachment

> for wife and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king all the

> results will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial status

> could be either that of a poor man or that of a king or in between - it

> is irrelevant).


> - Parasara Hora


> This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord is in 7th

> why the result `his wife will not live long' should be derived?

> Since lagna lord in any house bestows good results to that house, the

> expected derivation would be `his wife will live long' and also

> that `he will have a good, beautiful, righteous wife'. Actually

> it is exactly the result the other texts propose. Then why Parasara

> differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue while dealing with

> 5th house as well. The point is - Parasara at times does not mention

> `if the lagna lord is malefic and placed in x house', but the

> same should be assumed as the case may be - it is a precondition;

> something related to his presentation style. Thus the actual meaning

> would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in 7th

> house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a malefic in

> 7th is sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look from 7th as

> per `Bhavat Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka

> stana) from 7th placed in 7th can cause bad results such as loss of

> interest or death. It becomes clear that it is the same result extended

> in the next derivation as well. That is `if the lagna lord is a

> malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become uninterested in family

> life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and family is

> lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and family

> life, journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th with maraka

> lordship from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results such as - loss

> of interest in wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife, interest in

> traveling to various places - possibly in an effort to be away from wife

> and family and so on. A double importance to derived results occurs due

> to the involvement of 7th and 7th from 7th in the possible result

> derivation.


> We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact `these

> results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic'; but it

> is evident even to a beginner with clear logic, and so the sage would be

> saved from such blames. If we mention that `you must have mentioned

> this' then the question in retort by the sage would be - `if you

> don't know even these basics, and understand the sloka in its unique

> context, if your logic is not even that much strong enough, how are you

> supposed to learn and derive complex results?'. Yes, he is

> absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the sage quotes

> let the context become clear to us - wherever it is not clearly

> mentioned.


> There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad results -

> notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned by an enemy

> planet. Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad results

> expected from the same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad result for

> a planet in enemy house are -


> If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause - dirty life,

> dependence even for food on others, living in rented house, poverty,

> always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become his enemy!


> -Phaladeepika


> May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara tells us that -

> `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will fructify to him

> for sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the native is

> irrelevant. Who ever he is, these results will follow for sure, `if

> a malefic lagna lord is placed in 7th'! Look at the confidence with

> which Parasara states that result! We should learn something from that

> confidence it seems - due to lack of understanding astrologers usually

> lack the confidence, while trying to derive results. Parasara is

> advising us - be confidant, be logical, and be bold! You are in the

> correct path - and the results you derive based on the path taught by us

> will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence from his

> ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let follow the

> same path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and statements

> made by him.


> Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since he is bringing

> `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e.

> House-Planet Base results) into picture. Since he was discussing House

> Base results, this approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I would

> request learners to stick to the pure House Base derivation given by

> Meenaraja, and learn about the modifications Parasara suggested later

> while dealing with `House-Planet Base' result derivation.


> Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity, Meenaraja

> provides the general results that should be attributed to lagna lord in

> 7th house.


> If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant

> individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, beautiful

> and good-natured.


> - Meenaraja Hora


> Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka with only a

> slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau' (lord of

> lagna), the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is used.

> Of course this does not change the meaning of the sloka in any way.

> Possibly they knew well that the approach of Meeraja is more apt to the

> context.


> Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune with the

> rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good results for that

> house. Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will have a

> righteous, radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna lord aspects

> lagna, lagna becomes strong and thus the same would be true for the

> native as well. This is the clear-cut path of derivation. Possibly

> because of this many texts such as Hora Pradeepam, Horaratnam, Jataka

> saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the same instead of

> Prarasara's words. But Parasara's words also should be

> respected, since he is pointing to some special possibilities.


> Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in 7th and

> malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th. This is of

> special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna lord in 7th

> house. In a generalized way this rule is applicable in all the other

> cases as well.


> Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much importance

> to this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-Planet Base

> results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause us to

> consider the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this write-up, we

> are more interested in learning `House Base' result derivation

> system alone.


> The 7th house signifies things such as - love, wife, sex, sexual

> intercourse, lost items, life loving nature, small love quarrels, death

> (being maraka stana; 12th from house of longevity), travel, interest or

> lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus the placement of lagna lord

> in 7th generates special importance to the derivations related to the

> same.



> ==========================================

> Love,

> Sreenadh


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Effort is good but what is missed is a very basic fact, in whatever

house the lagna lord is placed, such a placement makes the native

(referred to by lagna) to excercise to exploit most significance of

concerned house for his interest only thus not leaving space or scope

for what a house is signifying.


Like if lagna lord in 5'th, native may exert his views to his

children or will not give space to them or will show disregard his

responsibility towards chlidren, so children's upringing is affected

and they are not getting enough care or attentions to grow and

develop their personality. this is seen in the cases of renowned

father's children, children dont do good, dont rise to the level of



Same way, if lagna lord is in 7'th, native will overpower his spouse,

will neglect the spouse etc.., in the return, the native himself is

neglected, generally, such minimum results are seen, thus marital

happiness is hardly there.


remember - " expoitation of the house's natural significations by

native " , which is further modified by other parameters like aspect,

karaka etc.


This is my experience and what i understood by reading BPHS and

thinking over it. Group has more learned members than me, they will

give their opinion to correct me. Sorry, i didnt limit myself to

lexical meaning of words in shlokas.











, " Sreenadh "

<sreesog wrote:



> Dear All,



> Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.


> ==========================================

> Lagna lord in 7th House

> =================


> If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant

> individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,


> and good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th house,


> wife will not live long, he may become uninterested in family life,

> wander to many places. These results will come true for any one

> irrespective of his financial status - even if he is a beggar or


> all these results will fructify to him for sure.


> If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long, he may

> become uninterested in family life or wander in many places


> for wife and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king all the

> results will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial status

> could be either that of a poor man or that of a king or in between -


> is irrelevant).


> - Parasara Hora


> This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord is in


> why the result `his wife will not live long' should be derived?

> Since lagna lord in any house bestows good results to that house,


> expected derivation would be `his wife will live long' and also

> that `he will have a good, beautiful, righteous wife'. Actually

> it is exactly the result the other texts propose. Then why Parasara

> differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue while dealing


> 5th house as well. The point is - Parasara at times does not


> `if the lagna lord is malefic and placed in x house', but the

> same should be assumed as the case may be - it is a precondition;

> something related to his presentation style. Thus the actual meaning

> would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in 7th

> house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a malefic in

> 7th is sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look from

7th as

> per `Bhavat Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka

> stana) from 7th placed in 7th can cause bad results such as loss of

> interest or death. It becomes clear that it is the same result


> in the next derivation as well. That is `if the lagna lord is a

> malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become uninterested in


> life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and family is

> lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and family

> life, journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th with


> lordship from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results such as -


> of interest in wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife,

interest in

> traveling to various places - possibly in an effort to be away from


> and family and so on. A double importance to derived results occurs


> to the involvement of 7th and 7th from 7th in the possible result

> derivation.


> We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact `these

> results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic'; but it

> is evident even to a beginner with clear logic, and so the sage

would be

> saved from such blames. If we mention that `you must have mentioned

> this' then the question in retort by the sage would be - `if you

> don't know even these basics, and understand the sloka in its unique

> context, if your logic is not even that much strong enough, how are


> supposed to learn and derive complex results?'. Yes, he is

> absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the sage


> let the context become clear to us - wherever it is not clearly

> mentioned.


> There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad results -

> notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned by an


> planet. Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad results

> expected from the same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad result


> a planet in enemy house are -


> If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause - dirty


> dependence even for food on others, living in rented house, poverty,

> always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become his enemy!


> -Phaladeepika


> May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara tells us

that -

> `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will fructify to him

> for sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the native is

> irrelevant. Who ever he is, these results will follow for sure, `if

> a malefic lagna lord is placed in 7th'! Look at the confidence with

> which Parasara states that result! We should learn something from


> confidence it seems - due to lack of understanding astrologers


> lack the confidence, while trying to derive results. Parasara is

> advising us - be confidant, be logical, and be bold! You are in the

> correct path - and the results you derive based on the path taught

by us

> will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence from his

> ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let follow


> same path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and statements

> made by him.


> Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since he is


> `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e.

> House-Planet Base results) into picture. Since he was discussing


> Base results, this approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I would

> request learners to stick to the pure House Base derivation given by

> Meenaraja, and learn about the modifications Parasara suggested


> while dealing with `House-Planet Base' result derivation.


> Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity,


> provides the general results that should be attributed to lagna

lord in

> 7th house.


> If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant

> individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,


> and good-natured.


> - Meenaraja Hora


> Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka with

only a

> slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau' (lord of

> lagna), the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is used.

> Of course this does not change the meaning of the sloka in any way.

> Possibly they knew well that the approach of Meeraja is more apt to


> context.


> Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune with the

> rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good results for


> house. Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will have a

> righteous, radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna lord


> lagna, lagna becomes strong and thus the same would be true for the

> native as well. This is the clear-cut path of derivation. Possibly

> because of this many texts such as Hora Pradeepam, Horaratnam,


> saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the same instead of

> Prarasara's words. But Parasara's words also should be

> respected, since he is pointing to some special possibilities.


> Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in 7th and

> malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th. This is of

> special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna lord in


> house. In a generalized way this rule is applicable in all the


> cases as well.


> Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much


> to this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-Planet


> results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause us to

> consider the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this write-

up, we

> are more interested in learning `House Base' result derivation

> system alone.


> The 7th house signifies things such as - love, wife, sex, sexual

> intercourse, lost items, life loving nature, small love quarrels,


> (being maraka stana; 12th from house of longevity), travel,

interest or

> lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus the placement of lagna


> in 7th generates special importance to the derivations related to


> same.



> ==========================================

> Love,

> Sreenadh


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Dear Lalit Ji Beautiful... A very different approach... Best Regards Jagdishlitsol <mlalit wrote: Effort is good but what is missed is a very basic fact, in whatever house the lagna lord is placed, such a placement makes the native (referred to by lagna) to excercise to exploit most significance of concerned house for his interest only thus not leaving space or scope for what a house is

signifying.Like if lagna lord in 5'th, native may exert his views to his children or will not give space to them or will show disregard his responsibility towards chlidren, so children's upringing is affected and they are not getting enough care or attentions to grow and develop their personality. this is seen in the cases of renowned father's children, children dont do good, dont rise to the level of father.Same way, if lagna lord is in 7'th, native will overpower his spouse, will neglect the spouse etc.., in the return, the native himself is neglected, generally, such minimum results are seen, thus marital happiness is hardly there.remember - "expoitation of the house's natural significations by native", which is further modified by other parameters like aspect, karaka etc.This is my experience and what i understood by reading BPHS and thinking over it. Group has more learned members than me,

they will give their opinion to correct me. Sorry, i didnt limit myself to lexical meaning of words in shlokas.regards,Lalit , "Sreenadh" <sreesog wrote:>> > Dear All,> > > Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.> > ==========================================> Lagna lord in 7th House> =================> > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant> individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, beautiful> and good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th house, his> wife will not live long, he may become uninterested in family life,> wander to many places. These results will come true for any

one> irrespective of his financial status - even if he is a beggar or king> all these results will fructify to him for sure.> > If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long, he may> become uninterested in family life or wander in many places (attachment> for wife and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king all the> results will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial status> could be either that of a poor man or that of a king or in between -it> is irrelevant).> > - Parasara Hora> > This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord is in 7th> why the result `his wife will not live long' should be derived?> Since lagna lord in any house bestows good results to that house, the> expected derivation would be `his wife will live long' and also> that `he will have a good, beautiful, righteous wife'.

Actually> it is exactly the result the other texts propose. Then why Parasara> differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue while dealing with> 5th house as well. The point is - Parasara at times does not mention> `if the lagna lord is malefic and placed in x house', but the> same should be assumed as the case may be - it is a precondition;> something related to his presentation style. Thus the actual meaning> would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in 7th> house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a malefic in> 7th is sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look from 7th as> per `Bhavat Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka> stana) from 7th placed in 7th can cause bad results such as loss of> interest or death. It becomes clear that it is the same result extended> in the next derivation as well. That is `if the

lagna lord is a> malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become uninterested in family> life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and family is> lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and family> life, journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th with maraka> lordship from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results such as - loss> of interest in wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife, interest in> traveling to various places - possibly in an effort to be away from wife> and family and so on. A double importance to derived results occurs due> to the involvement of 7th and 7th from 7th in the possible result> derivation.> > We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact `these> results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic'; but it> is evident even to a beginner with clear logic, and so

the sage would be> saved from such blames. If we mention that `you must have mentioned> this' then the question in retort by the sage would be - `if you> don't know even these basics, and understand the sloka in its unique> context, if your logic is not even that much strong enough, how are you> supposed to learn and derive complex results?'. Yes, he is> absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the sage quotes> let the context become clear to us - wherever it is not clearly> mentioned.> > There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad results -> notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned by an enemy> planet. Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad results> expected from the same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad result for> a planet in enemy house are -> > If the planet is in his enemy

house the same would cause - dirty life,> dependence even for food on others, living in rented house, poverty,> always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become his enemy!> > -Phaladeepika> > May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara tells us that -> `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will fructify to him> for sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the native is> irrelevant. Who ever he is, these results will follow for sure, `if> a malefic lagna lord is placed in 7th'! Look at the confidence with> which Parasara states that result! We should learn something from that> confidence it seems - due to lack of understanding astrologers usually> lack the confidence, while trying to derive results. Parasara is> advising us - be confidant, be logical, and be bold! You are in the> correct path - and the results you

derive based on the path taught by us> will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence from his> ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let follow the> same path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and statements> made by him.> > Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since he is bringing> `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e.> House-Planet Base results) into picture. Since he was discussing House> Base results, this approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I would> request learners to stick to the pure House Base derivation given by> Meenaraja, and learn about the modifications Parasara suggested later> while dealing with `House-Planet Base' result derivation.> > Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity, Meenaraja> provides the general results that should be

attributed to lagna lord in> 7th house.> > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant> individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, beautiful> and good-natured.> > - Meenaraja Hora> > Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka with only a> slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau' (lord of> lagna), the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is used.> Of course this does not change the meaning of the sloka in any way.> Possibly they knew well that the approach of Meeraja is more apt to the> context.> > Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune with the> rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good results for that> house. Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will have a> righteous, radiant, beautiful wife. Since from

7th lagna lord aspects> lagna, lagna becomes strong and thus the same would be true for the> native as well. This is the clear-cut path of derivation. Possibly> because of this many texts such as Hora Pradeepam, Horaratnam, Jataka> saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the same instead of> Prarasara's words. But Parasara's words also should be> respected, since he is pointing to some special possibilities.> > Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in 7th and> malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th. This is of> special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna lord in 7th> house. In a generalized way this rule is applicable in all the other> cases as well.> > Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much importance> to this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-Planet

Base> results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause us to> consider the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this write-up, we> are more interested in learning `House Base' result derivation> system alone.> > The 7th house signifies things such as - love, wife, sex, sexual> intercourse, lost items, life loving nature, small love quarrels, death> (being maraka stana; 12th from house of longevity), travel, interest or> lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus the placement of lagna lord> in 7th generates special importance to the derivations related to the> same.> > > ==========================================> Love,> Sreenadh>

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Dear Srinath,Lagna Lord being a malefic planet can bring about bad results for the 7th house and also to the lagna because of the 7th aspect. But lagna lord should bring about some good results too. But that does not appearing to be getting any consideration. How do you explain that? Regards,udupaOn 9/30/07, Sreenadh <sreesog wrote:






Dear All,


Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.



lord in 7th House


If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant

individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, beautiful and

good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th house, his wife will not

live long, he may become uninterested in family life, wander to many places.

These results will come true for any one irrespective of his financial status -

even if he is a beggar or king all these results will fructify to him for sure.

If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long,

he may become uninterested in family life or wander in many places (attachment

for wife and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king all the results

will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial status could be either

that of a poor man or that of a king or in between - it is irrelevant).

- Parasara Hora

This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord is in

7th why the result `his wife will not live long' should be derived? Since lagna

lord in any house bestows good results to that house, the expected derivation

would be `his wife will live long' and also that `he will have a good,

beautiful, righteous wife'. Actually it is exactly the result the other texts

propose. Then why Parasara differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue

while dealing with 5th house as well.

The point is - Parasara at times does not mention `if the lagna lord is

malefic and placed in x house', but the same should be assumed as the case may

be - it is a precondition; something related to his presentation style. Thus

the actual meaning would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in

7th house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a malefic in 7th is

sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look from 7th as per `Bhavat

Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka stana) from 7th placed in 7th

can cause bad results such as loss of interest or death. It becomes clear that

it is the same result extended in the next derivation as well. That is `if the

lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become uninterested

in family life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and family is

lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and family life,

journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th with maraka lordship

from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results such as - loss of interest in

wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife, interest in traveling to various

places - possibly in an effort to be away from wife and family and so on. A

double importance to derived results occurs due to the involvement of 7th and

7th from 7th in the possible result derivation.

We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact `these

results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic'; but it is evident

even to a beginner with clear logic, and so the sage would be saved from such

blames. If we mention that `you must have mentioned this' then the question in

retort by the sage would be - `if you don't know even these basics, and

understand the sloka in its unique context, if your logic is not even that much

strong enough, how are you supposed to learn and derive complex results?'. Yes,

he is absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the sage quotes let

the context become clear to us - wherever it is not clearly mentioned.

There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad results

- notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned by an enemy planet.

Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad results expected from the

same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad result for a planet in enemy house

are -

If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause -

dirty life, dependence even for food on others, living in rented house, poverty,

always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become his enemy!


May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara tells us

that - `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will fructify to him for

sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the native is irrelevant. Who

ever he is, these results will follow for sure, `if a malefic lagna lord is

placed in 7th'! Look at the confidence with which Parasara states that result!

We should learn something from that confidence it seems - due to lack of

understanding astrologers usually lack the confidence, while trying to derive

results. Parasara is advising us - be confidant, be logical, and be bold! You

are in the correct path - and the results you derive based on the path taught

by us will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence from his

ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let follow the same

path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and statements made by him.

Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since he is

bringing `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e. House-Planet Base

results) into picture. Since he was discussing House Base results, this

approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I would request learners to stick to the

pure House Base derivation given by Meenaraja, and learn about the

modifications Parasara suggested later while dealing with `House-Planet Base'

result derivation.

Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity, Meenaraja

provides the general results that should be attributed to lagna lord in 7th


If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous,

radiant individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, beautiful

and good-natured.

- Meenaraja Hora

Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka with

only a slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau' (lord of lagna),

the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is used. Of course this does not

change the meaning of the sloka in any way. Possibly they knew well that the

approach of Meeraja is more apt to the context.

Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune with

the rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good results for that

house. Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will have a righteous,

radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna lord aspects lagna, lagna becomes

strong and thus the same would be true for the native as well. This is the

clear-cut path of derivation. Possibly because of this many texts such as Hora

Pradeepam, Horaratnam, Jataka saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the

same instead of Prarasara's words. But Parasara's words also should be

respected, since he is pointing to some special possibilities.

Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in

7th and malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th. This is of

special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna lord in 7th

house. In a generalized way this rule is

applicable in all the other cases as well.

Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much

importance to this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-Planet

Base results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause us to consider

the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this write-up, we are more

interested in learning `House Base' result derivation system alone.

The 7th house signifies

things such as - love, wife, sex, sexual intercourse, lost items, life loving

nature, small love quarrels, death (being maraka stana; 12th from house of

longevity), travel, interest or lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus

the placement of lagna lord in 7th generates special importance to the

derivations related to the same.





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In the west, people with 7th house LL seem to be married many times over and never successfully. But they seem to crave marriage, family, etc.Sreenadh <sreesog wrote: Dear All, Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house. ========================================== Lagna lord in 7th House

================= If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, beautiful and good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th house, his wife will not live long, he may become uninterested in family life, wander to many places. These results will come true for any one irrespective of his financial status - even if he is a beggar or king all these results will fructify to him for sure. If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long, he may become uninterested in family life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial status could be either that of a poor man or that of a king or in between - it is irrelevant). - Parasara Hora This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord is in 7th why the result `his wife will not live long' should be derived? Since lagna lord in any house bestows good results to that house, the expected derivation would be `his wife will live long' and also that `he will have a good, beautiful, righteous wife'. Actually it is exactly the result the other texts propose. Then why Parasara differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue while dealing with 5th house as well. The point is - Parasara at times does not mention `if the lagna lord is malefic and placed in x house', but the same should be assumed as the case may be - it is a precondition; something related to his presentation style. Thus the actual meaning would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in 7th house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a malefic in 7th is sure to cause problem

for 7th house. Even if we look from 7th as per `Bhavat Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka stana) from 7th placed in 7th can cause bad results such as loss of interest or death. It becomes clear that it is the same result extended in the next derivation as well. That is `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become uninterested in family life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and family is lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and family life, journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th with maraka lordship from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results such as - loss of interest in wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife, interest in traveling to various places - possibly in an effort to be away from wife and family and so on. A double importance to derived results occurs due to the involvement of 7th and 7th from 7th in the possible result derivation. We may

blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact `these results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic'; but it is evident even to a beginner with clear logic, and so the sage would be saved from such blames. If we mention that `you must have mentioned this' then the question in retort by the sage would be - `if you don't know even these basics, and understand the sloka in its unique context, if your logic is not even that much strong enough, how are you supposed to learn and derive complex results?'. Yes, he is absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the sage quotes let the context become clear to us - wherever it is not clearly mentioned. There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad results - notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned by an enemy planet. Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad results expected from the same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad result for a

planet in enemy house are - If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause - dirty life, dependence even for food on others, living in rented house, poverty, always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become his enemy! -Phaladeepika May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara tells us that - `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will fructify to him for sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the native is irrelevant. Who ever he is, these results will follow for sure, `if a malefic lagna lord is placed in 7th'! Look at the confidence with which Parasara states that result! We should learn something from that confidence it seems - due to lack of understanding astrologers usually lack the confidence, while trying to derive results. Parasara is advising us - be confidant, be logical,

and be bold! You are in the correct path - and the results you derive based on the path taught by us will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence from his ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let follow the same path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and statements made by him. Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since he is bringing `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e. House-Planet Base results) into picture. Since he was discussing House Base results, this approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I would request learners to stick to the pure House Base derivation given by Meenaraja, and learn about the modifications Parasara suggested later while dealing with `House-Planet Base' result derivation. Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity, Meenaraja

provides the general results that should be attributed to lagna lord in 7th house. If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, beautiful and good-natured. - Meenaraja Hora Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka with only a slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau' (lord of lagna), the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is used. Of course this does not change the meaning of the sloka in any way. Possibly they knew well that the approach of Meeraja is more apt to the context. Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune with the rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good results for that house. Naturally if lagna lord is in

7th, the native will have a righteous, radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna lord aspects lagna, lagna becomes strong and thus the same would be true for the native as well. This is the clear-cut path of derivation. Possibly because of this many texts such as Hora Pradeepam, Horaratnam, Jataka saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the same instead of Prarasara's words. But Parasara's words also should be respected, since he is pointing to some special possibilities. Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in 7th and malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th. This is of special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna lord in 7th house. In a generalized way this rule is applicable in all the other cases as well. Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much importance to this connecting rule (that connects House Base &

House-Planet Base results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause us to consider the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this write-up, we are more interested in learning `House Base' result derivation system alone. The 7th house signifies things such as - love, wife, sex, sexual intercourse, lost items, life loving nature, small love quarrels, death (being maraka stana; 12th from house of longevity), travel, interest or lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus the placement of lagna lord in 7th generates special importance to the derivations related to the same. ========================================== Love, Sreenadh

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Dear Goel ji,

I am using (and is interested in) only Vimsottari dasa as of now.

The current discussion is about " Houses alone " . I think there are too

many interpolations in the current BPHS evidently visible from the

numerous versions as well. I am NOT a follower of BPHS system -

But " House Base " prediction happen to be dealt with in BPHS as well -

and that is why the same is being discussed here. Hope you see the


Since the question is out of context (from the subject discussed in

the thread) - i won't address it.




, " Vijay Goel "

<goyalvj wrote:


> Respected Sreenadh,


> Here Rishi Parashar has also mentioned the special dasa " Dwisaptati

> Dasa " on this house placement 'lagna in seventh house or vice versa'

> Period of dasa is decrease to 72 years from 120 years of vimsottari


> Does it means that age of the person decreases due to placement of

> lagna lord in marak house.


> This placement could be of has more importance than other house

> placement of lagna lord.


> We must also look from this angle and find logic\support why it was

> necessary to have a different dasa for this placement.


> Thanks and regard

> Love,

> Vijay Goel

> Jaipur


> , " Sreenadh "

> <sreesog@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> >

> > Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.

> >

> > ==========================================

> > Lagna lord in 7th House

> > =================

> >

> > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant

> > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,


> > and good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th house,


> > wife will not live long, he may become uninterested in family


> > wander to many places. These results will come true for any one

> > irrespective of his financial status - even if he is a beggar or


> > all these results will fructify to him for sure.

> >

> > If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long, he may

> > become uninterested in family life or wander in many places


> > for wife and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king all


> > results will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial


> > could be either that of a poor man or that of a king or in

between - it

> > is irrelevant).

> >

> > - Parasara Hora

> >

> > This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord is in


> > why the result `his wife will not live long' should be derived?

> > Since lagna lord in any house bestows good results to that house,


> > expected derivation would be `his wife will live long' and also

> > that `he will have a good, beautiful, righteous wife'. Actually

> > it is exactly the result the other texts propose. Then why


> > differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue while dealing


> > 5th house as well. The point is - Parasara at times does not


> > `if the lagna lord is malefic and placed in x house', but the

> > same should be assumed as the case may be - it is a precondition;

> > something related to his presentation style. Thus the actual


> > would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in 7th

> > house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a malefic


> > 7th is sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look from

7th as

> > per `Bhavat Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka

> > stana) from 7th placed in 7th can cause bad results such as loss


> > interest or death. It becomes clear that it is the same result


> > in the next derivation as well. That is `if the lagna lord is a

> > malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become uninterested in


> > life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and family is

> > lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and family

> > life, journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th with


> > lordship from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results such as -


> > of interest in wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife,

interest in

> > traveling to various places - possibly in an effort to be away

from wife

> > and family and so on. A double importance to derived results

occurs due

> > to the involvement of 7th and 7th from 7th in the possible result

> > derivation.

> >

> > We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact `these

> > results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic'; but it

> > is evident even to a beginner with clear logic, and so the sage

would be

> > saved from such blames. If we mention that `you must have


> > this' then the question in retort by the sage would be - `if you

> > don't know even these basics, and understand the sloka in its


> > context, if your logic is not even that much strong enough, how

are you

> > supposed to learn and derive complex results?'. Yes, he is

> > absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the sage


> > let the context become clear to us - wherever it is not clearly

> > mentioned.

> >

> > There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad

results -

> > notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned by an


> > planet. Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad


> > expected from the same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad

result for

> > a planet in enemy house are -

> >

> > If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause - dirty


> > dependence even for food on others, living in rented house,


> > always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become his


> >

> > -Phaladeepika

> >

> > May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara tells us

that -

> > `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will fructify to


> > for sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the native is

> > irrelevant. Who ever he is, these results will follow for sure,


> > a malefic lagna lord is placed in 7th'! Look at the confidence


> > which Parasara states that result! We should learn something from


> > confidence it seems - due to lack of understanding astrologers


> > lack the confidence, while trying to derive results. Parasara is

> > advising us - be confidant, be logical, and be bold! You are in


> > correct path - and the results you derive based on the path

taught by us

> > will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence from


> > ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let

follow the

> > same path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and


> > made by him.

> >

> > Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since he is


> > `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e.

> > House-Planet Base results) into picture. Since he was discussing


> > Base results, this approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I would

> > request learners to stick to the pure House Base derivation given


> > Meenaraja, and learn about the modifications Parasara suggested


> > while dealing with `House-Planet Base' result derivation.

> >

> > Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity,


> > provides the general results that should be attributed to lagna

lord in

> > 7th house.

> >

> > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant

> > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,


> > and good-natured.

> >

> > - Meenaraja Hora

> >

> > Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka with

only a

> > slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau' (lord of

> > lagna), the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is used.

> > Of course this does not change the meaning of the sloka in any


> > Possibly they knew well that the approach of Meeraja is more apt

to the

> > context.

> >

> > Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune with


> > rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good results

for that

> > house. Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will have a

> > righteous, radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna lord


> > lagna, lagna becomes strong and thus the same would be true for


> > native as well. This is the clear-cut path of derivation. Possibly

> > because of this many texts such as Hora Pradeepam, Horaratnam,


> > saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the same instead of

> > Prarasara's words. But Parasara's words also should be

> > respected, since he is pointing to some special possibilities.

> >

> > Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in 7th and

> > malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th. This is of

> > special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna lord

in 7th

> > house. In a generalized way this rule is applicable in all the


> > cases as well.

> >

> > Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much


> > to this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-Planet


> > results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause us to

> > consider the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this write-

up, we

> > are more interested in learning `House Base' result derivation

> > system alone.

> >

> > The 7th house signifies things such as - love, wife, sex, sexual

> > intercourse, lost items, life loving nature, small love quarrels,


> > (being maraka stana; 12th from house of longevity), travel,

interest or

> > lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus the placement of

lagna lord

> > in 7th generates special importance to the derivations related to


> > same.

> >

> >

> > ==========================================

> > Love,

> > Sreenadh

> >


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Dear Lalit,

Please lean while learning - instead of pouring in 'imagination'. As

mentioned earlier you are still a baby in astrology with only 5

months of age (you started learning it 5 months ago only). Remember

this and so instead of acting out a matured master like 'effort is

good but what is missed is a very basic fact..' as so on. There might

be learned members who know better to express their opinion based on

either experience or logic. Simply try to learn form them - if you

want to learn.




, " litsol "

<mlalit wrote:



> Effort is good but what is missed is a very basic fact, in whatever

> house the lagna lord is placed, such a placement makes the native

> (referred to by lagna) to excercise to exploit most significance of

> concerned house for his interest only thus not leaving space or


> for what a house is signifying.


> Like if lagna lord in 5'th, native may exert his views to his

> children or will not give space to them or will show disregard his

> responsibility towards chlidren, so children's upringing is


> and they are not getting enough care or attentions to grow and

> develop their personality. this is seen in the cases of renowned

> father's children, children dont do good, dont rise to the level of

> father.


> Same way, if lagna lord is in 7'th, native will overpower his


> will neglect the spouse etc.., in the return, the native himself is

> neglected, generally, such minimum results are seen, thus marital

> happiness is hardly there.


> remember - " expoitation of the house's natural significations by

> native " , which is further modified by other parameters like aspect,

> karaka etc.


> This is my experience and what i understood by reading BPHS and

> thinking over it. Group has more learned members than me, they will

> give their opinion to correct me. Sorry, i didnt limit myself to

> lexical meaning of words in shlokas.


> regards,

> Lalit


, " Sreenadh "

> <sreesog@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> >

> > Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.

> >

> > ==========================================

> > Lagna lord in 7th House

> > =================

> >

> > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant

> > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,

> beautiful

> > and good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th house,

> his

> > wife will not live long, he may become uninterested in family


> > wander to many places. These results will come true for any one

> > irrespective of his financial status - even if he is a beggar or

> king

> > all these results will fructify to him for sure.

> >

> > If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long, he may

> > become uninterested in family life or wander in many places

> (attachment

> > for wife and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king all


> > results will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial


> > could be either that of a poor man or that of a king or in

between -

> it

> > is irrelevant).

> >

> > - Parasara Hora

> >

> > This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord is in

> 7th

> > why the result `his wife will not live long' should be derived?

> > Since lagna lord in any house bestows good results to that house,

> the

> > expected derivation would be `his wife will live long' and also

> > that `he will have a good, beautiful, righteous wife'. Actually

> > it is exactly the result the other texts propose. Then why


> > differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue while dealing

> with

> > 5th house as well. The point is - Parasara at times does not

> mention

> > `if the lagna lord is malefic and placed in x house', but the

> > same should be assumed as the case may be - it is a precondition;

> > something related to his presentation style. Thus the actual


> > would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in 7th

> > house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a malefic


> > 7th is sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look from

> 7th as

> > per `Bhavat Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka

> > stana) from 7th placed in 7th can cause bad results such as loss


> > interest or death. It becomes clear that it is the same result

> extended

> > in the next derivation as well. That is `if the lagna lord is a

> > malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become uninterested in

> family

> > life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and family is

> > lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and family

> > life, journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th with

> maraka

> > lordship from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results such as -


> loss

> > of interest in wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife,

> interest in

> > traveling to various places - possibly in an effort to be away


> wife

> > and family and so on. A double importance to derived results


> due

> > to the involvement of 7th and 7th from 7th in the possible result

> > derivation.

> >

> > We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact `these

> > results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic'; but it

> > is evident even to a beginner with clear logic, and so the sage

> would be

> > saved from such blames. If we mention that `you must have


> > this' then the question in retort by the sage would be - `if you

> > don't know even these basics, and understand the sloka in its


> > context, if your logic is not even that much strong enough, how


> you

> > supposed to learn and derive complex results?'. Yes, he is

> > absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the sage

> quotes

> > let the context become clear to us - wherever it is not clearly

> > mentioned.

> >

> > There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad

results -

> > notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned by an

> enemy

> > planet. Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad


> > expected from the same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad


> for

> > a planet in enemy house are -

> >

> > If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause - dirty

> life,

> > dependence even for food on others, living in rented house,


> > always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become his


> >

> > -Phaladeepika

> >

> > May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara tells us

> that -

> > `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will fructify to


> > for sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the native is

> > irrelevant. Who ever he is, these results will follow for sure,


> > a malefic lagna lord is placed in 7th'! Look at the confidence


> > which Parasara states that result! We should learn something from

> that

> > confidence it seems - due to lack of understanding astrologers

> usually

> > lack the confidence, while trying to derive results. Parasara is

> > advising us - be confidant, be logical, and be bold! You are in


> > correct path - and the results you derive based on the path


> by us

> > will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence from


> > ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let


> the

> > same path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and


> > made by him.

> >

> > Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since he is

> bringing

> > `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e.

> > House-Planet Base results) into picture. Since he was discussing

> House

> > Base results, this approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I would

> > request learners to stick to the pure House Base derivation given


> > Meenaraja, and learn about the modifications Parasara suggested

> later

> > while dealing with `House-Planet Base' result derivation.

> >

> > Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity,

> Meenaraja

> > provides the general results that should be attributed to lagna

> lord in

> > 7th house.

> >

> > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant

> > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,

> beautiful

> > and good-natured.

> >

> > - Meenaraja Hora

> >

> > Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka with

> only a

> > slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau' (lord of

> > lagna), the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is used.

> > Of course this does not change the meaning of the sloka in any


> > Possibly they knew well that the approach of Meeraja is more apt


> the

> > context.

> >

> > Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune with


> > rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good results


> that

> > house. Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will have a

> > righteous, radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna lord

> aspects

> > lagna, lagna becomes strong and thus the same would be true for


> > native as well. This is the clear-cut path of derivation. Possibly

> > because of this many texts such as Hora Pradeepam, Horaratnam,

> Jataka

> > saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the same instead of

> > Prarasara's words. But Parasara's words also should be

> > respected, since he is pointing to some special possibilities.

> >

> > Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in 7th and

> > malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th. This is of

> > special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna lord


> 7th

> > house. In a generalized way this rule is applicable in all the

> other

> > cases as well.

> >

> > Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much

> importance

> > to this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-Planet

> Base

> > results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause us to

> > consider the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this write-

> up, we

> > are more interested in learning `House Base' result derivation

> > system alone.

> >

> > The 7th house signifies things such as - love, wife, sex, sexual

> > intercourse, lost items, life loving nature, small love quarrels,

> death

> > (being maraka stana; 12th from house of longevity), travel,

> interest or

> > lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus the placement of


> lord

> > in 7th generates special importance to the derivations related to

> the

> > same.

> >

> >

> > ==========================================

> > Love,

> > Sreenadh

> >


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Dear Haridas ji,

Did you really read the post?!! Meenaraja says -

" If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant

individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,

beautiful and good-natured "

- Meenaraja Hora

I expressed my opinion that I agree with it as far as 'House Base'

derivation is concerned. Don't you think that those are " Beneficial

Results " caused by LL going to 7th and giving beneficial results to


Whether LL be benefic or malefic, irrespective of this -

* The wife of the native would be beautiful and good natured.

* The native would be a radiant, righteous individual with good



Hope this helps.




, " Haridas Udupa "

<ahudupa wrote:


> Dear Srinath,

> Lagna Lord being a malefic planet can bring about bad results for

the 7th

> house and also to the lagna because of the 7th aspect. But lagna

lord should

> bring about some good results too. But that does not appearing to

be getting

> any consideration. How do you explain that?

> Regards,

> udupa


> On 9/30/07, Sreenadh <sreesog wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.

> >

> > ==========================================

> > Lagna lord in 7th House

> > =================

> >

> > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant

> > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,

beautiful and

> > good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th house, his

wife will

> > not live long, he may become uninterested in family life, wander

to many

> > places. These results will come true for any one irrespective of


> > financial status - even if he is a beggar or king all these

results will

> > fructify to him for sure.

> >

> > *If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long, he

may become

> > uninterested in family life or wander in many places (attachment

for wife

> > and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king all the

results will

> > fructify to him for sure (The natives financial status could be

either that

> > of a poor man or that of a king or in between - it is


> >

> > *- Parasara Hora*

> >

> > This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord is in

7th why

> > the result `his wife will not live long' should be derived? Since

lagna lord

> > in any house bestows good results to that house, the expected


> > would be `his wife will live long' and also that `he will have a


> > beautiful, righteous wife'. Actually it is exactly the result the


> > texts propose. Then why Parasara differ? Notice that we

encountered a

> > similar issue while dealing with 5th house as well. The point

is -

> > Parasara at times does not mention `if the lagna lord is malefic

and placed

> > in x house', but the same should be assumed as the case may be -

it is a

> > precondition; something related to his presentation style. Thus

the actual

> > meaning would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed

in 7th

> > house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a malefic

in 7th is

> > sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look from 7th as

per `Bhavat

> > Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka stana) from 7th

placed in

> > 7th can cause bad results such as loss of interest or death. It


> > clear that it is the same result extended in the next derivation

as well.

> > That is `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in 7th

house, he may

> > become uninterested in family life or wander in many places

(attachment for

> > wife and family is lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife,

interest in sex

> > and family life, journey to various places etc. A malefic placed

in 7th with

> > maraka lordship from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results

such as -

> > loss of interest in wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife,

interest in

> > traveling to various places - possibly in an effort to be away

from wife and

> > family and so on. A double importance to derived results occurs

due to the

> > involvement of 7th and 7th from 7th in the possible result


> >

> > We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact `these


> > should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic'; but it is

evident even

> > to a beginner with clear logic, and so the sage would be saved

from such

> > blames. If we mention that `you must have mentioned this' then

the question

> > in retort by the sage would be - `if you don't know even these

basics, and

> > understand the sloka in its unique context, if your logic is not

even that

> > much strong enough, how are you supposed to learn and derive


> > results?'. Yes, he is absolutely right, and in all our efforts to


> > the sage quotes let the context become clear to us - wherever it

is not

> > clearly mentioned.

> >

> > There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad

results - notice

> > that for all signs 7th house would be always owned by an enemy

planet. Lagna

> > lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad results expected

from the

> > same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad result for a planet in


> > house are -

> >

> > *If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause - dirty


> > dependence even for food on others, living in rented house,

poverty, always

> > trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become his enemy!*

> >

> > *-Phaladeepika*

> >

> > May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara tells us

that -

> > `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will fructify to

him for

> > sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the native is


> > Who ever he is, these results will follow for sure, `if a malefic

lagna lord

> > is placed in 7th'! Look at the confidence with which Parasara

states that

> > result! We should learn something from that confidence it seems -

due to

> > lack of understanding astrologers usually lack the confidence,

while trying

> > to derive results. Parasara is advising us - be confidant, be

logical, and

> > be bold! You are in the correct path - and the results you derive

based on

> > the path taught by us will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he

derives his

> > confidence from his ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and

Vasishta -

> > let follow the same path and gain confidence from such bold

guidance and

> > statements made by him.

> >

> > Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since he is


> > `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e. House-Planet


> > results) into picture. Since he was discussing House Base

results, this

> > approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I would request learners

to stick to

> > the pure House Base derivation given by Meenaraja, and learn

about the

> > modifications Parasara suggested later while dealing with `House-


> > Base' result derivation.

> >

> > Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity,


> > provides the general results that should be attributed to lagna

lord in 7th

> > house.

> >

> > *If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant

> > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,

beautiful and

> > good-natured.*

> >

> > *- Meenaraja Hora*

> >

> > Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka with

only a

> > slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau' (lord of

lagna), the

> > word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is used. Of course

this does not

> > change the meaning of the sloka in any way. Possibly they knew

well that the

> > approach of Meeraja is more apt to the context.

> >

> > Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune with

the rule

> > we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good results for

that house.

> > Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will have a


> > radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna lord aspects lagna,


> > becomes strong and thus the same would be true for the native as

well. This

> > is the clear-cut path of derivation. Possibly because of this

many texts

> > such as Hora Pradeepam, Horaratnam, Jataka saradeepa etc quotes


> > slokas on the same instead of Prarasara's words. But Parasara's

words also

> > should be respected, since he is pointing to some special


> >

> > *Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in 7th


> > malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th. This is

of special

> > contextual importance in deriving results for lagna lord in 7th

house. In

> > a generalized way this rule is applicable in all the other cases

as well.

> > *

> >

> > Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much

importance to

> > this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-Planet

Base results)

> > in this whole write-up, since the same will cause us to consider

the Planet

> > as well. As mentioned earlier, in this write-up, we are more

interested in

> > learning `House Base' result derivation system alone.

> >

> > The 7th house signifies things such as - love, wife, sex, sexual

> > intercourse, lost items, life loving nature, small love quarrels,


> > (being maraka stana; 12th from house of longevity), travel,

interest or lose

> > of interest in things, desire etc. Thus the placement of lagna

lord in 7th

> > generates special importance to the derivations related to the


> >

> > ==========================================

> > Love,

> > Sreenadh

> >

> >

> >


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Lalit, I intervene, the effort at formulation though is fine. Let me take the following. Same way, if lagna lord is in 7'th, native will overpower his spouse, will neglect the spouse etc.., in the return, the native himself is neglected, generally, such minimum results are seen, thus marital happiness is hardly there.Could it not be like this -- the native will be overpowered by his/her spouse? I have no problem going the way of your logic, honestly. Fact is, there are many musty (and untested) logic(s) going around. And I cannot help invoking this one which runs counter. Frankly, I have not tested it enough. These two contrary reasonings need proving. RK litsol <mlalit wrote: Effort is good but what is missed is a very basic fact, in whatever house the lagna lord is placed, such a placement makes the native (referred to by lagna) to excercise to exploit most significance of concerned house for his interest only thus not leaving space or scope for what a house is signifying.Like if lagna lord in 5'th, native may exert his views to his children or will not give space to them or will show disregard his responsibility towards chlidren, so children's upringing is affected and they are not getting enough care or attentions to grow and develop their personality. this is seen in the cases of renowned

father's children, children dont do good, dont rise to the level of father.Same way, if lagna lord is in 7'th, native will overpower his spouse, will neglect the spouse etc.., in the return, the native himself is neglected, generally, such minimum results are seen, thus marital happiness is hardly there.remember - "expoitation of the house's natural significations by native", which is further modified by other parameters like aspect, karaka etc.This is my experience and what i understood by reading BPHS and thinking over it. Group has more learned members than me, they will give their opinion to correct me. Sorry, i didnt limit myself to lexical meaning of words in shlokas.regards,Lalit , "Sreenadh" <sreesog wrote:>> > Dear

All,> > > Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.> > ==========================================> Lagna lord in 7th House> =================> > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant> individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, beautiful> and good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th house, his> wife will not live long, he may become uninterested in family life,> wander to many places. These results will come true for any one> irrespective of his financial status - even if he is a beggar or king> all these results will fructify to him for sure.> > If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long, he may> become uninterested in family life or wander in many places (attachment> for wife and family is lost). Even if he

is a beggar or king all the> results will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial status> could be either that of a poor man or that of a king or in between -it> is irrelevant).> > - Parasara Hora> > This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord is in 7th> why the result `his wife will not live long' should be derived?> Since lagna lord in any house bestows good results to that house, the> expected derivation would be `his wife will live long' and also> that `he will have a good, beautiful, righteous wife'. Actually> it is exactly the result the other texts propose. Then why Parasara> differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue while dealing with> 5th house as well. The point is - Parasara at times does not mention> `if the lagna lord is malefic and placed in x house', but the> same should be assumed as the case

may be - it is a precondition;> something related to his presentation style. Thus the actual meaning> would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in 7th> house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a malefic in> 7th is sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look from 7th as> per `Bhavat Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka> stana) from 7th placed in 7th can cause bad results such as loss of> interest or death. It becomes clear that it is the same result extended> in the next derivation as well. That is `if the lagna lord is a> malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become uninterested in family> life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and family is> lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and family> life, journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th with maraka> lordship from 7th is

sure to cause all these bad results such as - loss> of interest in wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife, interest in> traveling to various places - possibly in an effort to be away from wife> and family and so on. A double importance to derived results occurs due> to the involvement of 7th and 7th from 7th in the possible result> derivation.> > We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact `these> results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic'; but it> is evident even to a beginner with clear logic, and so the sage would be> saved from such blames. If we mention that `you must have mentioned> this' then the question in retort by the sage would be - `if you> don't know even these basics, and understand the sloka in its unique> context, if your logic is not even that much strong enough, how are you> supposed to learn and

derive complex results?'. Yes, he is> absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the sage quotes> let the context become clear to us - wherever it is not clearly> mentioned.> > There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad results -> notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned by an enemy> planet. Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad results> expected from the same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad result for> a planet in enemy house are -> > If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause - dirty life,> dependence even for food on others, living in rented house, poverty,> always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become his enemy!> > -Phaladeepika> > May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara tells us that -> `Even if he is a beggar or king

all the results will fructify to him> for sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the native is> irrelevant. Who ever he is, these results will follow for sure, `if> a malefic lagna lord is placed in 7th'! Look at the confidence with> which Parasara states that result! We should learn something from that> confidence it seems - due to lack of understanding astrologers usually> lack the confidence, while trying to derive results. Parasara is> advising us - be confidant, be logical, and be bold! You are in the> correct path - and the results you derive based on the path taught by us> will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence from his> ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let follow the> same path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and statements> made by him.> > Here to we cannot pardon the approach of

Parasara - since he is bringing> `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e.> House-Planet Base results) into picture. Since he was discussing House> Base results, this approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I would> request learners to stick to the pure House Base derivation given by> Meenaraja, and learn about the modifications Parasara suggested later> while dealing with `House-Planet Base' result derivation.> > Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity, Meenaraja> provides the general results that should be attributed to lagna lord in> 7th house.> > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant> individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, beautiful> and good-natured.> > - Meenaraja Hora> > Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka with only

a> slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau' (lord of> lagna), the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is used.> Of course this does not change the meaning of the sloka in any way.> Possibly they knew well that the approach of Meeraja is more apt to the> context.> > Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune with the> rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good results for that> house. Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will have a> righteous, radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna lord aspects> lagna, lagna becomes strong and thus the same would be true for the> native as well. This is the clear-cut path of derivation. Possibly> because of this many texts such as Hora Pradeepam, Horaratnam, Jataka> saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the same instead of> Prarasara's words. But

Parasara's words also should be> respected, since he is pointing to some special possibilities.> > Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in 7th and> malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th. This is of> special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna lord in 7th> house. In a generalized way this rule is applicable in all the other> cases as well.> > Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much importance> to this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-Planet Base> results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause us to> consider the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this write-up, we> are more interested in learning `House Base' result derivation> system alone.> > The 7th house signifies things such as - love, wife, sex, sexual> intercourse, lost

items, life loving nature, small love quarrels, death> (being maraka stana; 12th from house of longevity), travel, interest or> lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus the placement of lagna lord> in 7th generates special importance to the derivations related to the> same.> > > ==========================================> Love,> Sreenadh>

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(Lalit and) Sreenadh, My pablum for the day -- imagianry guruism, mature master! Between two masterjees, one gets to see cute sparring. Keep it up, guys. To me, who am bemused, I have something to learn, or I would have had something to learn. Learn, had I not told myself and communicated to one of you: "I don't take myself seriously w.r.t astrology." That was in the context of an offer to get almost guru-ized. Lalit's perspective is worth our while. RK litsol <mlalit wrote: Dont go after 5 months or 6 months, what is the value of ur's 5 yrs if u dont understand a small bit of logic or message hidden in shlokas despite of ur's good and praisewirthy effort, and unable to think beyond cramming shlokas, why u do comment on a person or individual, doesn't it show ur's weakness or fear. I m taking ur writing like a student is doing a group discussion, what u lack is insight.do u know, what's other problem with u is, while still being in a study period, u started teaching and behaving like a great guru, this kind of complex and frustration is seen in various people. see, be admissive, you are only 34 - 35, a long life is ahead of u to live and do good in astrology, provided u r a good student and u r open to accept weakness in ur's approach.This is rubbish to hear from u like this, u should know

that i m a person obtaining my PHD in computer science in next couple of months with many researches in software industry, so, how we go deep while understanding and what approach we have, perhapse u r not able to understand, may be, u r caught up in a imaginary guruism, thinking that is ur's w'd be identity, so u get afraid of any criticism done to ur posts and start commenting on a person. why u do comment on a person or individual ? doesnt it show ur's weakness ?You should also know that i m not in profession of astrolgy, it's just a hobby, so dont feel any heat from me, what i m telling to u is, only in ur favor coz u may get a directions to study and thoughts.and i never address u, do u remember, i said i m not interacting with u any more. , "Sreenadh" <sreesog

wrote:>> Dear Lalit,> Please lean while learning - instead of pouring in 'imagination'. As > mentioned earlier you are still a baby in astrology with only 5 > months of age (you started learning it 5 months ago only). Remember > this and so instead of acting out a matured master like 'effort is > good but what is missed is a very basic fact..' as so on. There might > be learned members who know better to express their opinion based on > either experience or logic. Simply try to learn form them - if you > want to learn.> Regards,> Sreenadh> > , "litsol" > <mlalit@> wrote:> >> > > > Effort is good but what is missed is a very basic fact, in whatever > > house the lagna lord is

placed, such a placement makes the native > > (referred to by lagna) to excercise to exploit most significance of > > concerned house for his interest only thus not leaving space or > scope > > for what a house is signifying.> > > > Like if lagna lord in 5'th, native may exert his views to his > > children or will not give space to them or will show disregard his > > responsibility towards chlidren, so children's upringing is > affected > > and they are not getting enough care or attentions to grow and > > develop their personality. this is seen in the cases of renowned > > father's children, children dont do good, dont rise to the level of > > father.> > > > Same way, if lagna lord is in 7'th, native will overpower his > spouse, > > will neglect the spouse etc.., in the return, the native himself

is > > neglected, generally, such minimum results are seen, thus marital > > happiness is hardly there.> > > > remember - "expoitation of the house's natural significations by > > native", which is further modified by other parameters like aspect, > > karaka etc.> > > > This is my experience and what i understood by reading BPHS and > > thinking over it. Group has more learned members than me, they will > > give their opinion to correct me. Sorry, i didnt limit myself to > > lexical meaning of words in shlokas.> > > > regards,> > Lalit> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > , "Sreenadh" > > <sreesog@>

wrote:> > >> > > > > > Dear All,> > > > > > > > > Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.> > > > > > ==========================================> > > Lagna lord in 7th House> > > =================> > > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant> > > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, > > beautiful> > > and good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th house, > > his> > > wife will not live long, he may become uninterested in family > life,> > > wander to many places. These results will come true for any one> > > irrespective of his financial status - even if he is a beggar or > > king> > >

all these results will fructify to him for sure.> > > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long, he may> > > become uninterested in family life or wander in many places > > (attachment> > > for wife and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king all > the> > > results will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial > status> > > could be either that of a poor man or that of a king or in > between -> > it> > > is irrelevant).> > > > > > - Parasara Hora> > > > > > This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord is in > > 7th> > > why the result `his wife will not live long' should be derived?> > > Since lagna lord in any house bestows good results to that house, > > the> > >

expected derivation would be `his wife will live long' and also> > > that `he will have a good, beautiful, righteous wife'. Actually> > > it is exactly the result the other texts propose. Then why > Parasara> > > differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue while dealing > > with> > > 5th house as well. The point is - Parasara at times does not > > mention> > > `if the lagna lord is malefic and placed in x house', but the> > > same should be assumed as the case may be - it is a precondition;> > > something related to his presentation style. Thus the actual > meaning> > > would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in 7th> > > house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a malefic > in> > > 7th is sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look from

> > 7th as> > > per `Bhavat Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka> > > stana) from 7th placed in 7th can cause bad results such as loss > of> > > interest or death. It becomes clear that it is the same result > > extended> > > in the next derivation as well. That is `if the lagna lord is a> > > malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become uninterested in > > family> > > life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and family is> > > lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and family> > > life, journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th with > > maraka> > > lordship from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results such as -> > > loss> > > of interest in wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife, > >

interest in> > > traveling to various places - possibly in an effort to be away > from > > wife> > > and family and so on. A double importance to derived results > occurs > > due> > > to the involvement of 7th and 7th from 7th in the possible result> > > derivation.> > > > > > We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact `these> > > results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic'; but it> > > is evident even to a beginner with clear logic, and so the sage > > would be> > > saved from such blames. If we mention that `you must have > mentioned> > > this' then the question in retort by the sage would be - `if you> > > don't know even these basics, and understand the sloka in its > unique> > > context, if your logic is not even that

much strong enough, how > are > > you> > > supposed to learn and derive complex results?'. Yes, he is> > > absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the sage > > quotes> > > let the context become clear to us - wherever it is not clearly> > > mentioned.> > > > > > There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad > results -> > > notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned by an > > enemy> > > planet. Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad > results> > > expected from the same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad > result > > for> > > a planet in enemy house are -> > > > > > If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause - dirty > > life,> > > dependence even for food

on others, living in rented house, > poverty,> > > always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become his > enemy!> > > > > > -Phaladeepika> > > > > > May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara tells us > > that -> > > `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will fructify to > him> > > for sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the native is> > > irrelevant. Who ever he is, these results will follow for sure, > `if> > > a malefic lagna lord is placed in 7th'! Look at the confidence > with> > > which Parasara states that result! We should learn something from > > that> > > confidence it seems - due to lack of understanding astrologers > > usually> > > lack the confidence, while trying to derive results.

Parasara is> > > advising us - be confidant, be logical, and be bold! You are in > the> > > correct path - and the results you derive based on the path > taught > > by us> > > will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence from > his> > > ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let > follow > > the> > > same path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and > statements> > > made by him.> > > > > > Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since he is > > bringing> > > `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e.> > > House-Planet Base results) into picture. Since he was discussing > > House> > > Base results, this approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I would> > > request learners to

stick to the pure House Base derivation given > by> > > Meenaraja, and learn about the modifications Parasara suggested > > later> > > while dealing with `House-Planet Base' result derivation.> > > > > > Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity, > > Meenaraja> > > provides the general results that should be attributed to lagna > > lord in> > > 7th house.> > > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant> > > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, > > beautiful> > > and good-natured.> > > > > > - Meenaraja Hora> > > > > > Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka with > > only a> > > slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau'

(lord of> > > lagna), the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is used.> > > Of course this does not change the meaning of the sloka in any > way.> > > Possibly they knew well that the approach of Meeraja is more apt > to > > the> > > context.> > > > > > Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune with > the> > > rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good results > for > > that> > > house. Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will have a> > > righteous, radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna lord > > aspects> > > lagna, lagna becomes strong and thus the same would be true for > the> > > native as well. This is the clear-cut path of derivation. Possibly> > > because of this many texts such as

Hora Pradeepam, Horaratnam, > > Jataka> > > saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the same instead of> > > Prarasara's words. But Parasara's words also should be> > > respected, since he is pointing to some special possibilities.> > > > > > Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in 7th and> > > malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th. This is of> > > special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna lord > in > > 7th> > > house. In a generalized way this rule is applicable in all the > > other> > > cases as well.> > > > > > Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much > > importance> > > to this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-Planet > > Base> > >

results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause us to> > > consider the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this write-> > up, we> > > are more interested in learning `House Base' result derivation> > > system alone.> > > > > > The 7th house signifies things such as - love, wife, sex, sexual> > > intercourse, lost items, life loving nature, small love quarrels, > > death> > > (being maraka stana; 12th from house of longevity), travel, > > interest or> > > lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus the placement of > lagna > > lord> > > in 7th generates special importance to the derivations related to > > the> > > same.> > > > > > > > > ==========================================> > >

Love,> > > Sreenadh> > >> >>

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Om gurave namah Dear lalit,

i second your thoughts. there is something missing in the great papers of Sreenadhji, although its a great effort. for many students. i need a great assurance to read the whole thousand pages, but rishis wrote shlokas to make things precise and more thought-provoking rather than ranting them. the lessons of Sreenadhji may be good for those who indeed have ability to cram and be discriminative (the martian nature) ! indeed there is a different class of students who will do study with finding the underneath latent patterns and processes which may not that be as empirical as it seems.

For my comprehensive understanding , which is not mine but learnt from Great Scholars i think the first lord when goes to any house carries two aspects with it . the

first its internal consciousness(Sun being karak ) which does not know boundaries and considered shubh yet kroor. When it goes to any house , its whole intelligence is to work together with that bhava ,accepting and giving its resources, but this may not be acceptable to other bhava and thus arises some internal conflict. This internal conflict comes in

form of external representation (kalpurusha lord mars) and thus resulting into an appearance of being kroor and ashubh for that bhava. So lagna lord in 5th can give trouble to children , lagna lord in 7th - problem in relationships, lagna lord in 9th-trouble to father.

A lot can change with finally the lordship of lagna and aspects influencing it. i hope i elucidated the point well, which can only be beholded by an eye which looks for complexity via the hidden connections communications and cooperations everything around is working through!

nirvanika om tat sat . On 10/1/07, rk dash <arkaydash wrote:






(Lalit and) Sreenadh, My pablum for the day -- imagianry guruism, mature master! Between two masterjees, one gets to see cute sparring. Keep it up, guys. To me, who am bemused, I have something to learn, or I would have had something to learn. Learn, had I not told myself and communicated to one of you: " I don't take myself seriously w.r.t astrology. " That was in the context of an offer to get almost guru-ized. Lalit's perspective is worth our while. RK

litsol <mlalit wrote:

Dont go after 5 months or 6 months, what is the value of ur's 5 yrs if u dont understand a small bit of logic or message hidden in shlokas despite of ur's good and praisewirthy effort, and unable to think beyond cramming shlokas, why u do comment on a person or individual, doesn't it show ur's weakness or fear. I m taking ur writing like a student is doing a group discussion, what u lack is insight.

do u know, what's other problem with u is, while still being in a study period, u started teaching and behaving like a great guru, this kind of complex and frustration is seen in various people. see, be admissive, you are only 34 - 35, a long life is ahead of u to live and do good in astrology, provided u r a good student and u r open to accept weakness in ur's approach.This is rubbish to hear from u like this, u should know

that i m a person obtaining my PHD in computer science in next couple of months with many researches in software industry, so, how we go deep while understanding and what approach we have, perhapse u r not able to understand, may be, u r caught up in a imaginary guruism, thinking that is ur's w'd be identity, so u get afraid of any criticism done to ur posts and start commenting on a person. why u do comment on a person or individual ? doesnt it show ur's weakness ?You should also know that i m not in profession of astrolgy, it's just a hobby, so dont feel any heat from me, what i m telling to u is, only in ur favor coz u may get a directions to study and thoughts.

and i never address u, do u remember, i said i m not interacting with u any more.

, " Sreenadh " <sreesog

wrote:>> Dear Lalit,> Please lean while learning - instead of pouring in 'imagination'. As > mentioned earlier you are still a baby in astrology with only 5 > months of age (you started learning it 5 months ago only). Remember > this and so instead of acting out a matured master like 'effort is > good but what is missed is a very basic fact..' as so on. There might > be learned members who know better to express their opinion based on > either experience or logic. Simply try to learn form them - if you > want to learn.> Regards,> Sreenadh> >

, " litsol " > <mlalit@> wrote:> >> > > > Effort is good but what is missed is a very basic fact, in whatever > > house the lagna lord is

placed, such a placement makes the native > > (referred to by lagna) to excercise to exploit most significance of > > concerned house for his interest only thus not leaving space or > scope > > for what a house is signifying.> > > > Like if lagna lord in 5'th, native may exert his views to his > > children or will not give space to them or will show disregard his > > responsibility towards chlidren, so children's upringing is > affected > > and they are not getting enough care or attentions to grow and > > develop their personality. this is seen in the cases of renowned > > father's children, children dont do good, dont rise to the level of > > father.> > > > Same way, if lagna lord is in 7'th, native will overpower his > spouse, > > will neglect the spouse etc.., in the return, the native himself

is > > neglected, generally, such minimum results are seen, thus marital > > happiness is hardly there.> > > > remember - " expoitation of the house's natural significations by > > native " , which is further modified by other parameters like aspect, > > karaka etc.> > > > This is my experience and what i understood by reading BPHS and > > thinking over it. Group has more learned members than me, they will > > give their opinion to correct me. Sorry, i didnt limit myself to > > lexical meaning of words in shlokas.> > > > regards,> > Lalit> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

, " Sreenadh " > > <sreesog@>

wrote:> > >> > > > > > Dear All,> > > > > > > > > Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.> > > > > > ==========================================

> > > Lagna lord in 7th House> > > =================> > > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant> > > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, > > beautiful> > > and good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th house, > > his> > > wife will not live long, he may become uninterested in family > life,

> > > wander to many places. These results will come true for any one> > > irrespective of his financial status - even if he is a beggar or > > king> > >

all these results will fructify to him for sure.> > > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long, he may> > > become uninterested in family life or wander in many places > > (attachment> > > for wife and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king all > the> > > results will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial > status

> > > could be either that of a poor man or that of a king or in > between -> > it> > > is irrelevant).> > > > > > - Parasara Hora> > > > > > This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord is in > > 7th> > > why the result `his wife will not live long' should be derived?> > > Since lagna lord in any house bestows good results to that house, > > the> > >

expected derivation would be `his wife will live long' and also> > > that `he will have a good, beautiful, righteous wife'. Actually> > > it is exactly the result the other texts propose. Then why > Parasara> > > differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue while dealing > > with> > > 5th house as well. The point is - Parasara at times does not > > mention

> > > `if the lagna lord is malefic and placed in x house', but the> > > same should be assumed as the case may be - it is a precondition;> > > something related to his presentation style. Thus the actual > meaning> > > would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in 7th> > > house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a malefic > in> > > 7th is sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look from

> > 7th as> > > per `Bhavat Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka> > > stana) from 7th placed in 7th can cause bad results such as loss > of> > > interest or death. It becomes clear that it is the same result > > extended> > > in the next derivation as well. That is `if the lagna lord is a> > > malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become uninterested in > > family> > > life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and family is

> > > lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and family> > > life, journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th with > > maraka> > > lordship from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results such as -> > > loss> > > of interest in wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife, > >

interest in> > > traveling to various places - possibly in an effort to be away > from > > wife> > > and family and so on. A double importance to derived results > occurs > > due> > > to the involvement of 7th and 7th from 7th in the possible result> > > derivation.> > > > > > We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact `these

> > > results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic'; but it> > > is evident even to a beginner with clear logic, and so the sage > > would be> > > saved from such blames. If we mention that `you must have > mentioned> > > this' then the question in retort by the sage would be - `if you> > > don't know even these basics, and understand the sloka in its > unique> > > context, if your logic is not even that

much strong enough, how > are > > you> > > supposed to learn and derive complex results?'. Yes, he is> > > absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the sage

> > quotes> > > let the context become clear to us - wherever it is not clearly> > > mentioned.> > > > > > There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad > results -> > > notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned by an > > enemy> > > planet. Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad > results> > > expected from the same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad > result > > for> > > a planet in enemy house are -> > > > > > If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause - dirty > > life,> > > dependence even for food

on others, living in rented house, > poverty,> > > always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become his > enemy!> > > > > > -Phaladeepika> > >

> > > May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara tells us > > that -> > > `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will fructify to > him> > > for sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the native is> > > irrelevant. Who ever he is, these results will follow for sure, > `if> > > a malefic lagna lord is placed in 7th'! Look at the confidence > with> > > which Parasara states that result! We should learn something from > > that> > > confidence it seems - due to lack of understanding astrologers > > usually> > > lack the confidence, while trying to derive results.

Parasara is> > > advising us - be confidant, be logical, and be bold! You are in > the> > > correct path - and the results you derive based on the path > taught > > by us

> > > will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence from > his> > > ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let > follow > > the> > > same path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and > statements> > > made by him.> > > > > > Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since he is > > bringing> > > `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (

i.e.> > > House-Planet Base results) into picture. Since he was discussing > > House> > > Base results, this approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I would> > > request learners to

stick to the pure House Base derivation given > by> > > Meenaraja, and learn about the modifications Parasara suggested > > later> > > while dealing with `House-Planet Base' result derivation.

> > > > > > Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity, > > Meenaraja> > > provides the general results that should be attributed to lagna > > lord in

> > > 7th house.> > > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous, radiant> > > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant, > > beautiful

> > > and good-natured.> > > > > > - Meenaraja Hora> > > > > > Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka with > > only a> > > slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau'

(lord of> > > lagna), the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is used.> > > Of course this does not change the meaning of the sloka in any > way.> > > Possibly they knew well that the approach of Meeraja is more apt > to > > the> > > context.> > > > > > Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune with > the> > > rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good results > for > > that> > > house. Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will have a> > > righteous, radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna lord > > aspects> > > lagna, lagna becomes strong and thus the same would be true for > the> > > native as well. This is the clear-cut path of derivation. Possibly> > > because of this many texts such as

Hora Pradeepam, Horaratnam, > > Jataka> > > saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the same instead of> > > Prarasara's words. But Parasara's words also should be> > > respected, since he is pointing to some special possibilities.

> > > > > > Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in 7th and> > > malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th. This is of> > > special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna lord > in > > 7th> > > house. In a generalized way this rule is applicable in all the > > other> > > cases as well.> > > > > > Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much > > importance> > > to this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-Planet > > Base> > >

results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause us to> > > consider the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this write-> > up, we> > > are more interested in learning `House Base' result derivation

> > > system alone.> > > > > > The 7th house signifies things such as - love, wife, sex, sexual> > > intercourse, lost items, life loving nature, small love quarrels, > > death> > > (being maraka stana; 12th from house of longevity), travel, > > interest or> > > lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus the placement of > lagna

> > lord> > > in 7th generates special importance to the derivations related to > > the> > > same.> > > > > > > > > ==========================================

> > >

Love,> > > Sreenadh> > >> >> Download prohibited? No problem.

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Dear Swati ji,


> the lessons of Sreenadhji may be good


First, not that they are not lessons at all! They are just what

they are - articles, or parts of a book; That is all to it. No body

is teaching here; and none is going to come out of this group, with a

certificate saying the " You are an astrologer " . That is not the

purpose of the group. It is just a platform for interaction between

some people sitting in different parts of the world, with a common

interest in 'ancient indian astrology'. Thus any discussion on the

same, i.e. on 'ancient indian astrology' based on ancient astrology

classics, is appreciated. Simply that is what the group is for!


> indeed there is a different class of students who will do study ..


Forget the students! Who is bothered about the students - it is NOT

a class room! The teacher like restrictions (I know it is there) is

just to keep the quolity of the group, and to keep the subject

centered on 'ancient indian astrology' itself - that is my duty. If

not me, some else in the group will do the same - then it

becomes 'his duty'. It all becomes necessary because this group does

not want to be like the hundred groups on astrology we may find on

the net, but rather a unique one - Some one may blame it, some one

appreciate. As far as the group could fulfill its purpose - the blame

is irrelevant.


Now to your inputs on LL in various houses



> Lagna lord in 5th can give trouble to children , lagna lord in 7th -

> problem in relationships, lagna lord in 9th-trouble to father.


I couldn't understand what you said above these statements; but

this is seems to be a simple and statement. Trouble to children for

LL in 5th and Trouble in relationships for LL in 7th is ok - since

Parasara too derives the same.

But LL in 9th giving trouble to Father?!! I wonder how can it be!

And still to see any book that tells the same, or my experience

reflecting the same. Did you know, Parasara considers 10th house as

signifying father and not 9th? Don't you think LL since LL in any

house should give good results to that house - LL in 9th should give

beneficial results to father (if considered that 9th signify father)?


> i hope i elucidated the point well, which can only be beholded by

> an eye which looks for complexity via the hidden connections

> communications and cooperations everything around is working

> through!


Good to hear all these! But Swati ji don't you think here we should

look for (and is looking for) " Simplicity " rather than " Complexity " ?

Complexity via what? - Hidden connections, communications,

cooperations....(and then what).. everything around is working


I should say I am not good enough to go through all such

complexities - a mist of too many words flied above my head; Possibly

I may not be having the " eye which looks for complexity of x, y,z

misty terms " to 'behold' (a good word - is it not suffering here?) it

(the point mentioned above). Really swati, I am tiered trying to

understand all these complexity.. :) But I should appreciate - good


Note: I know that since I haven't answered one of your mails

earlier, you are bit unhappy with me. :) May be same increased with

the 'Sunil John' interactions and now with this 'Lalit' incident. :)

Be confident to express your unhappiness, it is ok. :) I appreciate

rebels and has a special respect for them when ever they are

sincere. :) Have a good day and wish you a great future.




, " healing spaces "

<healingspaces wrote:


> Om gurave namah

> Dear lalit,

> i second your thoughts. there is something missing in the great

papers of

> Sreenadhji, although its a great effort. for many students. i need

a great

> assurance to read the whole thousand pages, but rishis wrote

shlokas to make

> things precise and more thought-provoking rather than ranting them.

> the lessons of Sreenadhji may be good for those who indeed have

ability to

> cram and be discriminative (the martian nature) ! indeed there is a

> different class of students who will do study with finding the


> latent patterns and processes which may not that be as empirical as


> seems.


> For my comprehensive understanding , which is not mine but learnt

from Great

> Scholars


> i think the first lord when goes to any house carries two aspects

with it .

> the first its internal consciousness(Sun being karak ) which does

not know

> boundaries and considered shubh yet kroor. When it goes to any

house , its

> whole intelligence is to work together with that bhava ,accepting

and giving

> its resources, but this may not be acceptable to other bhava and

thus arises

> some internal conflict. This internal conflict comes in form of


> representation (kalpurusha lord mars) and thus resulting into an


> of being kroor and ashubh for that bhava.

> So lagna lord in 5th can give trouble to children , lagna lord in

7th -

> problem in relationships, lagna lord in 9th-trouble to father.


> A lot can change with finally the lordship of lagna and aspects


> it. i hope i elucidated the point well, which can only be beholded

by an eye

> which looks for complexity via the hidden connections

communications and

> cooperations everything around is working through!

> nirvanika

> om tat sat

> .




> On 10/1/07, rk dash <arkaydash wrote:

> >

> > (Lalit and) Sreenadh,

> >

> > My pablum for the day -- imagianry guruism, mature master!

> >

> > Between two masterjees, one gets to see cute sparring. Keep it

up, guys.

> > To me, who am bemused, I have something to learn, or I would have


> > something to learn. Learn, had I not told myself and communicated

to one of

> > you: " I don't take myself seriously w.r.t astrology. " That was in


> > context of an offer to get almost guru-ized.

> >

> > Lalit's perspective is worth our while.

> >

> > RK

> >

> >

> > *litsol <mlalit* wrote:

> >

> > Dont go after 5 months or 6 months, what is the value of ur's 5


> > if u dont understand a small bit of logic or message hidden in

> > shlokas despite of ur's good and praisewirthy effort, and unable


> > think beyond cramming shlokas, why u do comment on a person or

> > individual, doesn't it show ur's weakness or fear. I m taking ur

> > writing like a student is doing a group discussion, what u lack is

> > insight.

> >

> > do u know, what's other problem with u is, while still being in a

> > study period, u started teaching and behaving like a great guru,


> > kind of complex and frustration is seen in various people. see, be

> > admissive, you are only 34 - 35, a long life is ahead of u to live

> > and do good in astrology, provided u r a good student and u r

open to

> > accept weakness in ur's approach.

> >

> > This is rubbish to hear from u like this, u should know that i m a

> > person obtaining my PHD in computer science in next couple of


> > with many researches in software industry, so, how we go deep


> > understanding and what approach we have, perhapse u r not able to

> > understand, may be, u r caught up in a imaginary guruism, thinking

> > that is ur's w'd be identity, so u get afraid of any criticism


> > to ur posts and start commenting on a person. why u do comment on


> > person or individual ? doesnt it show ur's weakness ?

> >

> > You should also know that i m not in profession of astrolgy, it's

> > just a hobby, so dont feel any heat from me, what i m telling to u

> > is, only in ur favor coz u may get a directions to study and


> >

> > and i never address u, do u remember, i said i m not interacting


> > u any more.

> >

> > --- In



> > " Sreenadh "

> > <sreesog@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Lalit,

> > > Please lean while learning - instead of pouring

in 'imagination'.

> > As

> > > mentioned earlier you are still a baby in astrology with only 5

> > > months of age (you started learning it 5 months ago only).


> > > this and so instead of acting out a matured master like 'effort


> > > good but what is missed is a very basic fact..' as so on. There

> > might

> > > be learned members who know better to express their opinion


> > on

> > > either experience or logic. Simply try to learn form them - if


> > > want to learn.

> > > Regards,

> > > Sreenadh

> > >

> > > --- In



> > " litsol "

> > > <mlalit@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Effort is good but what is missed is a very basic fact, in

> > whatever

> > > > house the lagna lord is placed, such a placement makes the


> > > > (referred to by lagna) to excercise to exploit most


> > of

> > > > concerned house for his interest only thus not leaving space


> > > scope

> > > > for what a house is signifying.

> > > >

> > > > Like if lagna lord in 5'th, native may exert his views to his

> > > > children or will not give space to them or will show disregard

> > his

> > > > responsibility towards chlidren, so children's upringing is

> > > affected

> > > > and they are not getting enough care or attentions to grow and

> > > > develop their personality. this is seen in the cases of


> > > > father's children, children dont do good, dont rise to the


> > of

> > > > father.

> > > >

> > > > Same way, if lagna lord is in 7'th, native will overpower his

> > > spouse,

> > > > will neglect the spouse etc.., in the return, the native


> > is

> > > > neglected, generally, such minimum results are seen, thus


> > > > happiness is hardly there.

> > > >

> > > > remember - " expoitation of the house's natural significations


> > > > native " , which is further modified by other parameters like

> > aspect,

> > > > karaka etc.

> > > >

> > > > This is my experience and what i understood by reading BPHS


> > > > thinking over it. Group has more learned members than me, they

> > will

> > > > give their opinion to correct me. Sorry, i didnt limit myself


> > > > lexical meaning of words in shlokas.

> > > >

> > > > regards,

> > > > Lalit

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- In



> > " Sreenadh "

> > > > <sreesog@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear All,

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.

> > > > >

> > > > > ==========================================

> > > > > Lagna lord in 7th House

> > > > > =================

> > > > >

> > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous,

> > radiant

> > > > > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,

> > > > beautiful

> > > > > and good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th

> > house,

> > > > his

> > > > > wife will not live long, he may become uninterested in


> > > life,

> > > > > wander to many places. These results will come true for any


> > > > > irrespective of his financial status - even if he is a


> > or

> > > > king

> > > > > all these results will fructify to him for sure.

> > > > >

> > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long,


> > may

> > > > > become uninterested in family life or wander in many places

> > > > (attachment

> > > > > for wife and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king

> > all

> > > the

> > > > > results will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial

> > > status

> > > > > could be either that of a poor man or that of a king or in

> > > between -

> > > > it

> > > > > is irrelevant).

> > > > >

> > > > > - Parasara Hora

> > > > >

> > > > > This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord


> > in

> > > > 7th

> > > > > why the result `his wife will not live long' should be


> > > > > Since lagna lord in any house bestows good results to that

> > house,

> > > > the

> > > > > expected derivation would be `his wife will live long' and


> > > > > that `he will have a good, beautiful, righteous wife'.


> > > > > it is exactly the result the other texts propose. Then why

> > > Parasara

> > > > > differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue while

> > dealing

> > > > with

> > > > > 5th house as well. The point is - Parasara at times does not

> > > > mention

> > > > > `if the lagna lord is malefic and placed in x house', but


> > > > > same should be assumed as the case may be - it is a

> > precondition;

> > > > > something related to his presentation style. Thus the actual

> > > meaning

> > > > > would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in


> > > > > house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a

> > malefic

> > > in

> > > > > 7th is sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look

> > from

> > > > 7th as

> > > > > per `Bhavat Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka

> > > > > stana) from 7th placed in 7th can cause bad results such as

> > loss

> > > of

> > > > > interest or death. It becomes clear that it is the same


> > > > extended

> > > > > in the next derivation as well. That is `if the lagna lord

is a

> > > > > malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become


> > in

> > > > family

> > > > > life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and

family is

> > > > > lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and

> > family

> > > > > life, journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th

> > with

> > > > maraka

> > > > > lordship from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results


> > as -

> > >

> > > > loss

> > > > > of interest in wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife,

> > > > interest in

> > > > > traveling to various places - possibly in an effort to be


> > > from

> > > > wife

> > > > > and family and so on. A double importance to derived results

> > > occurs

> > > > due

> > > > > to the involvement of 7th and 7th from 7th in the possible

> > result

> > > > > derivation.

> > > > >

> > > > > We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact


> > > > > results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic';


> > it

> > > > > is evident even to a beginner with clear logic, and so the


> > > > would be

> > > > > saved from such blames. If we mention that `you must have

> > > mentioned

> > > > > this' then the question in retort by the sage would be -

`if you

> > > > > don't know even these basics, and understand the sloka in


> > > unique

> > > > > context, if your logic is not even that much strong enough,


> > > are

> > > > you

> > > > > supposed to learn and derive complex results?'. Yes, he is

> > > > > absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the


> > > > quotes

> > > > > let the context become clear to us - wherever it is not


> > > > > mentioned.

> > > > >

> > > > > There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad

> > > results -

> > > > > notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned

by an

> > > > enemy

> > > > > planet. Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad

> > > results

> > > > > expected from the same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad

> > > result

> > > > for

> > > > > a planet in enemy house are -

> > > > >

> > > > > If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause -

> > dirty

> > > > life,

> > > > > dependence even for food on others, living in rented house,

> > > poverty,

> > > > > always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become


> > > enemy!

> > > > >

> > > > > -Phaladeepika

> > > > >

> > > > > May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara


> > us

> > > > that -

> > > > > `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will


> > to

> > > him

> > > > > for sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the


> > is

> > > > > irrelevant. Who ever he is, these results will follow for


> > > `if

> > > > > a malefic lagna lord is placed in 7th'! Look at the


> > > with

> > > > > which Parasara states that result! We should learn something

> > from

> > > > that

> > > > > confidence it seems - due to lack of understanding


> > > > usually

> > > > > lack the confidence, while trying to derive results.

Parasara is

> > > > > advising us - be confidant, be logical, and be bold! You

are in

> > > the

> > > > > correct path - and the results you derive based on the path

> > > taught

> > > > by us

> > > > > will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence

> > from

> > > his

> > > > > ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let

> > > follow

> > > > the

> > > > > same path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and

> > > statements

> > > > > made by him.

> > > > >

> > > > > Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since

he is

> > > > bringing

> > > > > `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e.

> > > > > House-Planet Base results) into picture. Since he was

> > discussing

> > > > House

> > > > > Base results, this approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I

> > would

> > > > > request learners to stick to the pure House Base derivation

> > given

> > > by

> > > > > Meenaraja, and learn about the modifications Parasara


> > > > later

> > > > > while dealing with `House-Planet Base' result derivation.

> > > > >

> > > > > Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity,

> > > > Meenaraja

> > > > > provides the general results that should be attributed to


> > > > lord in

> > > > > 7th house.

> > > > >

> > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous,

> > radiant

> > > > > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,

> > > > beautiful

> > > > > and good-natured.

> > > > >

> > > > > - Meenaraja Hora

> > > > >

> > > > > Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka


> > > > only a

> > > > > slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau' (lord


> > > > > lagna), the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is


> > > > > Of course this does not change the meaning of the sloka in


> > > way.

> > > > > Possibly they knew well that the approach of Meeraja is more

> > apt

> > > to

> > > > the

> > > > > context.

> > > > >

> > > > > Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune

> > with

> > > the

> > > > > rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good


> > > for

> > > > that

> > > > > house. Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will

have a

> > > > > righteous, radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna


> > > > aspects

> > > > > lagna, lagna becomes strong and thus the same would be true


> > > the

> > > > > native as well. This is the clear-cut path of derivation.

> > Possibly

> > > > > because of this many texts such as Hora Pradeepam,


> > > > Jataka

> > > > > saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the same instead


> > > > > Prarasara's words. But Parasara's words also should be

> > > > > respected, since he is pointing to some special


> > > > >

> > > > > Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in


> > and

> > > > > malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th.

This is

> > of

> > > > > special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna

> > lord

> > > in

> > > > 7th

> > > > > house. In a generalized way this rule is applicable in all


> > > > other

> > > > > cases as well.

> > > > >

> > > > > Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much

> > > > importance

> > > > > to this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-

> > Planet

> > > > Base

> > > > > results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause

us to

> > > > > consider the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this

> > write-

> > > > up, we

> > > > > are more interested in learning `House Base' result


> > > > > system alone.

> > > > >

> > > > > The 7th house signifies things such as - love, wife, sex,


> > > > > intercourse, lost items, life loving nature, small love

> > quarrels,

> > > > death

> > > > > (being maraka stana; 12th from house of longevity), travel,

> > > > interest or

> > > > > lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus the placement


> > > lagna

> > > > lord

> > > > > in 7th generates special importance to the derivations


> > to

> > > > the

> > > > > same.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ==========================================

> > > > > Love,

> > > > > Sreenadh

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------

> > Download prohibited? No problem.


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> >

> >

> >


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Dear Sreenadhiji, Between i don't remember you have not replied to me, and if you have not also ,i dont take it as a reason to make judgements about you. i am not here for the same and i value your inputs to this great Jyotish Vidya, as i do for all. The Efforts put by anyone cant be rejected on basis on it being correct or incorrect. Who knows what is correct and incorrect . What we can do is only give feedback , do healthy criticism do get the most out of each discussion and thread we take. The wave will always propogate information, not any content , while other waves will feed this information in their data bank and self-organize to form content and expressions!. i am still part of the group and a listener, coz i want to absorb all that comes. Finally the filtering process lies with Me.i dont know about episodes with lalitji and Sunilji , and if i knew also they would not be the reason to make any notes on you. Neither i intend to make criticism at you in your very own group !. what will i get of it? i just wanted to further the cause of learning and may be show a neo-light! Nirvanika swati

om tat sat > the lessons of Sreenadhji may be good



First, not that they are not lessons at all! They are just what

they are - articles, or parts of a book; That is all to it. No body

is teaching here; and none is going to come out of this group, with a

certificate saying the " You are an astrologer " . That is not the

purpose of the group. It is just a platform for interaction between

some people sitting in different parts of the world, with a common

interest in 'ancient indian astrology'. Thus any discussion on the

same, i.e. on 'ancient indian astrology' based on ancient astrology

classics, is appreciated. Simply that is what the group is for!



> indeed there is a different class of students who will do study ..


Forget the students! Who is bothered about the students - it is NOT

a class room! The teacher like restrictions (I know it is there) is

just to keep the quolity of the group, and to keep the subject

centered on 'ancient indian astrology' itself - that is my duty. If

not me, some else in the group will do the same - then it

becomes 'his duty'. It all becomes necessary because this group does

not want to be like the hundred groups on astrology we may find on

the net, but rather a unique one - Some one may blame it, some one

appreciate. As far as the group could fulfill its purpose - the blame

is irrelevant.


Now to your inputs on LL in various houses



> Lagna lord in 5th can give trouble to children , lagna lord in 7th -

> problem in relationships, lagna lord in 9th-trouble to father.


I couldn't understand what you said above these statements; but

this is seems to be a simple and statement. Trouble to children for

LL in 5th and Trouble in relationships for LL in 7th is ok - since

Parasara too derives the same.

But LL in 9th giving trouble to Father?!! I wonder how can it be!

And still to see any book that tells the same, or my experience

reflecting the same. Did you know, Parasara considers 10th house as

signifying father and not 9th? Don't you think LL since LL in any

house should give good results to that house - LL in 9th should give

beneficial results to father (if considered that 9th signify father)?


> i hope i elucidated the point well, which can only be beholded by

> an eye which looks for complexity via the hidden connections

> communications and cooperations everything around is working

> through!


Good to hear all these! But Swati ji don't you think here we should

look for (and is looking for) " Simplicity " rather than " Complexity " ?

Complexity via what? - Hidden connections, communications,

cooperations....(and then what).. everything around is working


I should say I am not good enough to go through all such

complexities - a mist of too many words flied above my head; Possibly

I may not be having the " eye which looks for complexity of x, y,z

misty terms " to 'behold' (a good word - is it not suffering here?) it

(the point mentioned above). Really swati, I am tiered trying to

understand all these complexity.. :) But I should appreciate - good


Note: I know that since I haven't answered one of your mails

earlier, you are bit unhappy with me. :) May be same increased with

the 'Sunil John' interactions and now with this 'Lalit' incident. :)

Be confident to express your unhappiness, it is ok. :) I appreciate

rebels and has a special respect for them when ever they are

sincere. :) Have a good day and wish you a great future.




, " healing spaces "


<healingspaces wrote:


> Om gurave namah

> Dear lalit,

> i second your thoughts. there is something missing in the great

papers of

> Sreenadhji, although its a great effort. for many students. i need

a great

> assurance to read the whole thousand pages, but rishis wrote

shlokas to make

> things precise and more thought-provoking rather than ranting them.

> the lessons of Sreenadhji may be good for those who indeed have

ability to

> cram and be discriminative (the martian nature) ! indeed there is a

> different class of students who will do study with finding the


> latent patterns and processes which may not that be as empirical as


> seems.


> For my comprehensive understanding , which is not mine but learnt

from Great

> Scholars


> i think the first lord when goes to any house carries two aspects

with it .

> the first its internal consciousness(Sun being karak ) which does

not know

> boundaries and considered shubh yet kroor. When it goes to any

house , its

> whole intelligence is to work together with that bhava ,accepting

and giving

> its resources, but this may not be acceptable to other bhava and

thus arises

> some internal conflict. This internal conflict comes in form of


> representation (kalpurusha lord mars) and thus resulting into an


> of being kroor and ashubh for that bhava.

> So lagna lord in 5th can give trouble to children , lagna lord in

7th -

> problem in relationships, lagna lord in 9th-trouble to father.


> A lot can change with finally the lordship of lagna and aspects


> it. i hope i elucidated the point well, which can only be beholded

by an eye

> which looks for complexity via the hidden connections

communications and

> cooperations everything around is working through!

> nirvanika

> om tat sat

> .




> On 10/1/07, rk dash <arkaydash wrote:

> >

> > (Lalit and) Sreenadh,

> >

> > My pablum for the day -- imagianry guruism, mature master!

> >

> > Between two masterjees, one gets to see cute sparring. Keep it

up, guys.

> > To me, who am bemused, I have something to learn, or I would have


> > something to learn. Learn, had I not told myself and communicated

to one of

> > you: " I don't take myself seriously w.r.t astrology. " That was in


> > context of an offer to get almost guru-ized.

> >

> > Lalit's perspective is worth our while.

> >

> > RK

> >

> >

> > *litsol <mlalit* wrote:

> >

> > Dont go after 5 months or 6 months, what is the value of ur's 5


> > if u dont understand a small bit of logic or message hidden in

> > shlokas despite of ur's good and praisewirthy effort, and unable


> > think beyond cramming shlokas, why u do comment on a person or

> > individual, doesn't it show ur's weakness or fear. I m taking ur

> > writing like a student is doing a group discussion, what u lack is

> > insight.

> >

> > do u know, what's other problem with u is, while still being in a

> > study period, u started teaching and behaving like a great guru,


> > kind of complex and frustration is seen in various people. see, be

> > admissive, you are only 34 - 35, a long life is ahead of u to live

> > and do good in astrology, provided u r a good student and u r

open to

> > accept weakness in ur's approach.

> >

> > This is rubbish to hear from u like this, u should know that i m a

> > person obtaining my PHD in computer science in next couple of


> > with many researches in software industry, so, how we go deep


> > understanding and what approach we have, perhapse u r not able to

> > understand, may be, u r caught up in a imaginary guruism, thinking

> > that is ur's w'd be identity, so u get afraid of any criticism


> > to ur posts and start commenting on a person. why u do comment on


> > person or individual ? doesnt it show ur's weakness ?

> >

> > You should also know that i m not in profession of astrolgy, it's

> > just a hobby, so dont feel any heat from me, what i m telling to u

> > is, only in ur favor coz u may get a directions to study and


> >

> > and i never address u, do u remember, i said i m not interacting


> > u any more.

> >

> >



> > " Sreenadh "

> > <sreesog@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Lalit,

> > > Please lean while learning - instead of pouring

in 'imagination'.

> > As

> > > mentioned earlier you are still a baby in astrology with only 5

> > > months of age (you started learning it 5 months ago only).


> > > this and so instead of acting out a matured master like 'effort


> > > good but what is missed is a very basic fact..' as so on. There

> > might

> > > be learned members who know better to express their opinion


> > on

> > > either experience or logic. Simply try to learn form them - if


> > > want to learn.

> > > Regards,

> > > Sreenadh

> > >

> > >



> > " litsol "

> > > <mlalit@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Effort is good but what is missed is a very basic fact, in

> > whatever

> > > > house the lagna lord is placed, such a placement makes the


> > > > (referred to by lagna) to excercise to exploit most


> > of

> > > > concerned house for his interest only thus not leaving space


> > > scope

> > > > for what a house is signifying.

> > > >

> > > > Like if lagna lord in 5'th, native may exert his views to his

> > > > children or will not give space to them or will show disregard

> > his

> > > > responsibility towards chlidren, so children's upringing is

> > > affected

> > > > and they are not getting enough care or attentions to grow and

> > > > develop their personality. this is seen in the cases of


> > > > father's children, children dont do good, dont rise to the


> > of

> > > > father.

> > > >

> > > > Same way, if lagna lord is in 7'th, native will overpower his

> > > spouse,

> > > > will neglect the spouse etc.., in the return, the native


> > is

> > > > neglected, generally, such minimum results are seen, thus


> > > > happiness is hardly there.

> > > >

> > > > remember - " expoitation of the house's natural significations


> > > > native " , which is further modified by other parameters like

> > aspect,

> > > > karaka etc.

> > > >

> > > > This is my experience and what i understood by reading BPHS


> > > > thinking over it. Group has more learned members than me, they

> > will

> > > > give their opinion to correct me. Sorry, i didnt limit myself


> > > > lexical meaning of words in shlokas.

> > > >

> > > > regards,

> > > > Lalit

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >



> > " Sreenadh "

> > > > <sreesog@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear All,

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.

> > > > >

> > > > > ==========================================

> > > > > Lagna lord in 7th House

> > > > > =================

> > > > >

> > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous,

> > radiant

> > > > > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,

> > > > beautiful

> > > > > and good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th

> > house,

> > > > his

> > > > > wife will not live long, he may become uninterested in


> > > life,

> > > > > wander to many places. These results will come true for any


> > > > > irrespective of his financial status - even if he is a


> > or

> > > > king

> > > > > all these results will fructify to him for sure.

> > > > >

> > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long,


> > may

> > > > > become uninterested in family life or wander in many places

> > > > (attachment

> > > > > for wife and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king

> > all

> > > the

> > > > > results will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial

> > > status

> > > > > could be either that of a poor man or that of a king or in

> > > between -

> > > > it

> > > > > is irrelevant).

> > > > >

> > > > > - Parasara Hora

> > > > >

> > > > > This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord


> > in

> > > > 7th

> > > > > why the result `his wife will not live long' should be


> > > > > Since lagna lord in any house bestows good results to that

> > house,

> > > > the

> > > > > expected derivation would be `his wife will live long' and


> > > > > that `he will have a good, beautiful, righteous wife'.


> > > > > it is exactly the result the other texts propose. Then why

> > > Parasara

> > > > > differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue while

> > dealing

> > > > with

> > > > > 5th house as well. The point is - Parasara at times does not

> > > > mention

> > > > > `if the lagna lord is malefic and placed in x house', but


> > > > > same should be assumed as the case may be - it is a

> > precondition;

> > > > > something related to his presentation style. Thus the actual

> > > meaning

> > > > > would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in


> > > > > house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a

> > malefic

> > > in

> > > > > 7th is sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look

> > from

> > > > 7th as

> > > > > per `Bhavat Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka

> > > > > stana) from 7th placed in 7th can cause bad results such as

> > loss

> > > of

> > > > > interest or death. It becomes clear that it is the same


> > > > extended

> > > > > in the next derivation as well. That is `if the lagna lord

is a

> > > > > malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become


> > in

> > > > family

> > > > > life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and

family is

> > > > > lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and

> > family

> > > > > life, journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th

> > with

> > > > maraka

> > > > > lordship from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results


> > as -

> > >

> > > > loss

> > > > > of interest in wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife,

> > > > interest in

> > > > > traveling to various places - possibly in an effort to be


> > > from

> > > > wife

> > > > > and family and so on. A double importance to derived results

> > > occurs

> > > > due

> > > > > to the involvement of 7th and 7th from 7th in the possible

> > result

> > > > > derivation.

> > > > >

> > > > > We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact


> > > > > results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic';


> > it

> > > > > is evident even to a beginner with clear logic, and so the


> > > > would be

> > > > > saved from such blames. If we mention that `you must have

> > > mentioned

> > > > > this' then the question in retort by the sage would be -

`if you

> > > > > don't know even these basics, and understand the sloka in


> > > unique

> > > > > context, if your logic is not even that much strong enough,


> > > are

> > > > you

> > > > > supposed to learn and derive complex results?'. Yes, he is

> > > > > absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the


> > > > quotes

> > > > > let the context become clear to us - wherever it is not


> > > > > mentioned.

> > > > >

> > > > > There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad

> > > results -

> > > > > notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned

by an

> > > > enemy

> > > > > planet. Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad

> > > results

> > > > > expected from the same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad

> > > result

> > > > for

> > > > > a planet in enemy house are -

> > > > >

> > > > > If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause -

> > dirty

> > > > life,

> > > > > dependence even for food on others, living in rented house,

> > > poverty,

> > > > > always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become


> > > enemy!

> > > > >

> > > > > -Phaladeepika

> > > > >

> > > > > May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara


> > us

> > > > that -

> > > > > `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will


> > to

> > > him

> > > > > for sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the


> > is

> > > > > irrelevant. Who ever he is, these results will follow for


> > > `if

> > > > > a malefic lagna lord is placed in 7th'! Look at the


> > > with

> > > > > which Parasara states that result! We should learn something

> > from

> > > > that

> > > > > confidence it seems - due to lack of understanding


> > > > usually

> > > > > lack the confidence, while trying to derive results.

Parasara is

> > > > > advising us - be confidant, be logical, and be bold! You

are in

> > > the

> > > > > correct path - and the results you derive based on the path

> > > taught

> > > > by us

> > > > > will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence

> > from

> > > his

> > > > > ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let

> > > follow

> > > > the

> > > > > same path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and

> > > statements

> > > > > made by him.

> > > > >

> > > > > Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since

he is

> > > > bringing

> > > > > `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e.

> > > > > House-Planet Base results) into picture. Since he was

> > discussing

> > > > House

> > > > > Base results, this approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I

> > would

> > > > > request learners to stick to the pure House Base derivation

> > given

> > > by

> > > > > Meenaraja, and learn about the modifications Parasara


> > > > later

> > > > > while dealing with `House-Planet Base' result derivation.

> > > > >

> > > > > Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity,

> > > > Meenaraja

> > > > > provides the general results that should be attributed to


> > > > lord in

> > > > > 7th house.

> > > > >

> > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous,

> > radiant

> > > > > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,

> > > > beautiful

> > > > > and good-natured.

> > > > >

> > > > > - Meenaraja Hora

> > > > >

> > > > > Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka


> > > > only a

> > > > > slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau' (lord


> > > > > lagna), the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is


> > > > > Of course this does not change the meaning of the sloka in


> > > way.

> > > > > Possibly they knew well that the approach of Meeraja is more

> > apt

> > > to

> > > > the

> > > > > context.

> > > > >

> > > > > Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune

> > with

> > > the

> > > > > rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good


> > > for

> > > > that

> > > > > house. Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will

have a

> > > > > righteous, radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna


> > > > aspects

> > > > > lagna, lagna becomes strong and thus the same would be true


> > > the

> > > > > native as well. This is the clear-cut path of derivation.

> > Possibly

> > > > > because of this many texts such as Hora Pradeepam,


> > > > Jataka

> > > > > saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the same instead


> > > > > Prarasara's words. But Parasara's words also should be

> > > > > respected, since he is pointing to some special


> > > > >

> > > > > Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in


> > and

> > > > > malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th.

This is

> > of

> > > > > special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna

> > lord

> > > in

> > > > 7th

> > > > > house. In a generalized way this rule is applicable in all


> > > > other

> > > > > cases as well.

> > > > >

> > > > > Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much

> > > > importance

> > > > > to this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-

> > Planet

> > > > Base

> > > > > results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause

us to

> > > > > consider the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this

> > write-

> > > > up, we

> > > > > are more interested in learning `House Base' result


> > > > > system alone.

> > > > >

> > > > > The 7th house signifies things such as - love, wife, sex,


> > > > > intercourse, lost items, life loving nature, small love

> > quarrels,

> > > > death

> > > > > (being maraka stana; 12th from house of longevity), travel,

> > > > interest or

> > > > > lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus the placement


> > > lagna

> > > > lord

> > > > > in 7th generates special importance to the derivations


> > to

> > > > the

> > > > > same.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ==========================================

> > > > > Love,

> > > > > Sreenadh

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------

> > Download prohibited? No problem.



r./webmessengerpromo.php>from any browser, without download.

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Swati ji,

You said:


Point -1


What we can do is only give feedback , do healthy criticism do get

the most out of each discussion and thread we take.

Point -2


The wave will always propagate information, not any content , while

other waves will feed this information in their data bank and

self-organize to form content and expressions!. i am still part of the

group and a listener, coz i want to absorb all that comes.


Beautiful!! I appreciate those insights and thankful to you for

sharing it.

Love and Hugs,



, " healing spaces "

<healingspaces wrote:


> Dear Sreenadhiji,

> Between i don't remember you have not replied to me, and if you have not

> also ,i dont take it as a reason to make judgements about you. i am

not here

> for the same and i value your inputs to this great Jyotish Vidya, as

i do

> for all. The Efforts put by anyone cant be rejected on basis on it being

> correct or incorrect. Who knows what is correct and incorrect . What

we can

> do is only give feedback , do healthy criticism do get the most out

of each

> discussion and thread we take. The wave will always propogate


> not any content , while other waves will feed this information in

their data

> bank and self-organize to form content and expressions!.

> i am still part of the group and a listener, coz i want to absorb

all that

> comes. Finally the filtering process lies with Me.i dont know about


> with lalitji and Sunilji , and if i knew also they would not be the


> to make any notes on you. Neither i intend to make criticism at you

in your

> very own group !. what will i get of it? i just wanted to further

the cause

> of learning and may be show a neo-light!


> Nirvanika swati

> om tat sat



> > the lessons of Sreenadhji may be good


> > <==

> > First, not that they are not lessons at all! They are just what

> > they are - articles, or parts of a book; That is all to it. No body

> > is teaching here; and none is going to come out of this group, with a

> > certificate saying the " You are an astrologer " . That is not the

> > purpose of the group. It is just a platform for interaction between

> > some people sitting in different parts of the world, with a common

> > interest in 'ancient indian astrology'. Thus any discussion on the

> > same, i.e. on 'ancient indian astrology' based on ancient astrology

> > classics, is appreciated. Simply that is what the group is for!

> >




> ==>

> > > indeed there is a different class of students who will do study ..

> > <==

> > Forget the students! Who is bothered about the students - it is NOT

> > a class room! The teacher like restrictions (I know it is there) is

> > just to keep the quolity of the group, and to keep the subject

> > centered on 'ancient indian astrology' itself - that is my duty. If

> > not me, some else in the group will do the same - then it

> > becomes 'his duty'. It all becomes necessary because this group does

> > not want to be like the hundred groups on astrology we may find on

> > the net, but rather a unique one - Some one may blame it, some one

> > appreciate. As far as the group could fulfill its purpose - the blame

> > is irrelevant.

> >

> > Now to your inputs on LL in various houses

> > ---------

> > ==>

> > > Lagna lord in 5th can give trouble to children , lagna lord in 7th -

> > > problem in relationships, lagna lord in 9th-trouble to father.

> > <==

> > I couldn't understand what you said above these statements; but

> > this is seems to be a simple and statement. Trouble to children for

> > LL in 5th and Trouble in relationships for LL in 7th is ok - since

> > Parasara too derives the same.

> > But LL in 9th giving trouble to Father?!! I wonder how can it be!

> > And still to see any book that tells the same, or my experience

> > reflecting the same. Did you know, Parasara considers 10th house as

> > signifying father and not 9th? Don't you think LL since LL in any

> > house should give good results to that house - LL in 9th should give

> > beneficial results to father (if considered that 9th signify father)?

> > ==>

> > > i hope i elucidated the point well, which can only be beholded by

> > > an eye which looks for complexity via the hidden connections

> > > communications and cooperations everything around is working

> > > through!

> > <==

> > Good to hear all these! But Swati ji don't you think here we should

> > look for (and is looking for) " Simplicity " rather than " Complexity " ?

> > Complexity via what? - Hidden connections, communications,

> > cooperations....(and then what).. everything around is working

> > through!!

> > I should say I am not good enough to go through all such

> > complexities - a mist of too many words flied above my head; Possibly

> > I may not be having the " eye which looks for complexity of x, y,z

> > misty terms " to 'behold' (a good word - is it not suffering here?) it

> > (the point mentioned above). Really swati, I am tiered trying to

> > understand all these complexity.. :) But I should appreciate - good

> > literature!

> > Note: I know that since I haven't answered one of your mails

> > earlier, you are bit unhappy with me. :) May be same increased with

> > the 'Sunil John' interactions and now with this 'Lalit' incident. :)

> > Be confident to express your unhappiness, it is ok. :) I appreciate

> > rebels and has a special respect for them when ever they are

> > sincere. :) Have a good day and wish you a great future.

> > Love,

> > Sreenadh

> >

> > --- In



> > " healing spaces "

> >

> > <healingspaces@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Om gurave namah

> > > Dear lalit,

> > > i second your thoughts. there is something missing in the great

> > papers of

> > > Sreenadhji, although its a great effort. for many students. i need

> > a great

> > > assurance to read the whole thousand pages, but rishis wrote

> > shlokas to make

> > > things precise and more thought-provoking rather than ranting them.

> > > the lessons of Sreenadhji may be good for those who indeed have

> > ability to

> > > cram and be discriminative (the martian nature) ! indeed there is a

> > > different class of students who will do study with finding the

> > underneath

> > > latent patterns and processes which may not that be as empirical as

> > it

> > > seems.

> > >

> > > For my comprehensive understanding , which is not mine but learnt

> > from Great

> > > Scholars

> > >

> > > i think the first lord when goes to any house carries two aspects

> > with it .

> > > the first its internal consciousness(Sun being karak ) which does

> > not know

> > > boundaries and considered shubh yet kroor. When it goes to any

> > house , its

> > > whole intelligence is to work together with that bhava ,accepting

> > and giving

> > > its resources, but this may not be acceptable to other bhava and

> > thus arises

> > > some internal conflict. This internal conflict comes in form of

> > external

> > > representation (kalpurusha lord mars) and thus resulting into an

> > appearance

> > > of being kroor and ashubh for that bhava.

> > > So lagna lord in 5th can give trouble to children , lagna lord in

> > 7th -

> > > problem in relationships, lagna lord in 9th-trouble to father.

> > >

> > > A lot can change with finally the lordship of lagna and aspects

> > influencing

> > > it. i hope i elucidated the point well, which can only be beholded

> > by an eye

> > > which looks for complexity via the hidden connections

> > communications and

> > > cooperations everything around is working through!

> > > nirvanika

> > > om tat sat

> > > .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > On 10/1/07, rk dash <arkaydash@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > (Lalit and) Sreenadh,

> > > >

> > > > My pablum for the day -- imagianry guruism, mature master!

> > > >

> > > > Between two masterjees, one gets to see cute sparring. Keep it

> > up, guys.

> > > > To me, who am bemused, I have something to learn, or I would have

> > had

> > > > something to learn. Learn, had I not told myself and communicated

> > to one of

> > > > you: " I don't take myself seriously w.r.t astrology. " That was in

> > the

> > > > context of an offer to get almost guru-ized.

> > > >

> > > > Lalit's perspective is worth our while.

> > > >

> > > > RK

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > *litsol <mlalit@>* wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dont go after 5 months or 6 months, what is the value of ur's 5

> > yrs

> > > > if u dont understand a small bit of logic or message hidden in

> > > > shlokas despite of ur's good and praisewirthy effort, and unable

> > to

> > > > think beyond cramming shlokas, why u do comment on a person or

> > > > individual, doesn't it show ur's weakness or fear. I m taking ur

> > > > writing like a student is doing a group discussion, what u lack is

> > > > insight.

> > > >

> > > > do u know, what's other problem with u is, while still being in a

> > > > study period, u started teaching and behaving like a great guru,

> > this

> > > > kind of complex and frustration is seen in various people. see, be

> > > > admissive, you are only 34 - 35, a long life is ahead of u to live

> > > > and do good in astrology, provided u r a good student and u r

> > open to

> > > > accept weakness in ur's approach.

> > > >

> > > > This is rubbish to hear from u like this, u should know that i m a

> > > > person obtaining my PHD in computer science in next couple of

> > months

> > > > with many researches in software industry, so, how we go deep

> > while

> > > > understanding and what approach we have, perhapse u r not able to

> > > > understand, may be, u r caught up in a imaginary guruism, thinking

> > > > that is ur's w'd be identity, so u get afraid of any criticism

> > done

> > > > to ur posts and start commenting on a person. why u do comment on

> > a

> > > > person or individual ? doesnt it show ur's weakness ?

> > > >

> > > > You should also know that i m not in profession of astrolgy, it's

> > > > just a hobby, so dont feel any heat from me, what i m telling to u

> > > > is, only in ur favor coz u may get a directions to study and

> > thoughts.

> > > >

> > > > and i never address u, do u remember, i said i m not interacting

> > with

> > > > u any more.

> > > >

> > > > --- In

> >



> > <%

> > 40>,

> > > > " Sreenadh "

> > > > <sreesog@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Lalit,

> > > > > Please lean while learning - instead of pouring

> > in 'imagination'.

> > > > As

> > > > > mentioned earlier you are still a baby in astrology with only 5

> > > > > months of age (you started learning it 5 months ago only).

> > Remember

> > > > > this and so instead of acting out a matured master like 'effort

> > is

> > > > > good but what is missed is a very basic fact..' as so on. There

> > > > might

> > > > > be learned members who know better to express their opinion

> > based

> > > > on

> > > > > either experience or logic. Simply try to learn form them - if

> > you

> > > > > want to learn.

> > > > > Regards,

> > > > > Sreenadh

> > > > >

> > > > > --- In

> >



> > <%

> > 40>,

> > > > " litsol "

> > > > > <mlalit@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Effort is good but what is missed is a very basic fact, in

> > > > whatever

> > > > > > house the lagna lord is placed, such a placement makes the

> > native

> > > > > > (referred to by lagna) to excercise to exploit most

> > significance

> > > > of

> > > > > > concerned house for his interest only thus not leaving space

> > or

> > > > > scope

> > > > > > for what a house is signifying.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Like if lagna lord in 5'th, native may exert his views to his

> > > > > > children or will not give space to them or will show disregard

> > > > his

> > > > > > responsibility towards chlidren, so children's upringing is

> > > > > affected

> > > > > > and they are not getting enough care or attentions to grow and

> > > > > > develop their personality. this is seen in the cases of

> > renowned

> > > > > > father's children, children dont do good, dont rise to the

> > level

> > > > of

> > > > > > father.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Same way, if lagna lord is in 7'th, native will overpower his

> > > > > spouse,

> > > > > > will neglect the spouse etc.., in the return, the native

> > himself

> > > > is

> > > > > > neglected, generally, such minimum results are seen, thus

> > marital

> > > > > > happiness is hardly there.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > remember - " expoitation of the house's natural significations

> > by

> > > > > > native " , which is further modified by other parameters like

> > > > aspect,

> > > > > > karaka etc.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This is my experience and what i understood by reading BPHS

> > and

> > > > > > thinking over it. Group has more learned members than me, they

> > > > will

> > > > > > give their opinion to correct me. Sorry, i didnt limit myself

> > to

> > > > > > lexical meaning of words in shlokas.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > regards,

> > > > > > Lalit

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > --- In

> >



> > <%

> > 40>,

> > > > " Sreenadh "

> > > > > > <sreesog@> wrote:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Dear All,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Let us discuss the derivations for Lagna lord in 7th house.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ==========================================

> > > > > > > Lagna lord in 7th House

> > > > > > > =================

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous,

> > > > radiant

> > > > > > > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,

> > > > > > beautiful

> > > > > > > and good-natured. If lagna lord is a malefic and is in 7th

> > > > house,

> > > > > > his

> > > > > > > wife will not live long, he may become uninterested in

> > family

> > > > > life,

> > > > > > > wander to many places. These results will come true for any

> > one

> > > > > > > irrespective of his financial status - even if he is a

> > beggar

> > > > or

> > > > > > king

> > > > > > > all these results will fructify to him for sure.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th house, his wife will not live long,

> > he

> > > > may

> > > > > > > become uninterested in family life or wander in many places

> > > > > > (attachment

> > > > > > > for wife and family is lost). Even if he is a beggar or king

> > > > all

> > > > > the

> > > > > > > results will fructify to him for sure (The natives financial

> > > > > status

> > > > > > > could be either that of a poor man or that of a king or in

> > > > > between -

> > > > > > it

> > > > > > > is irrelevant).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > - Parasara Hora

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This is a difficult to understand derivation! If lagna lord

> > is

> > > > in

> > > > > > 7th

> > > > > > > why the result `his wife will not live long' should be

> > derived?

> > > > > > > Since lagna lord in any house bestows good results to that

> > > > house,

> > > > > > the

> > > > > > > expected derivation would be `his wife will live long' and

> > also

> > > > > > > that `he will have a good, beautiful, righteous wife'.

> > Actually

> > > > > > > it is exactly the result the other texts propose. Then why

> > > > > Parasara

> > > > > > > differ? Notice that we encountered a similar issue while

> > > > dealing

> > > > > > with

> > > > > > > 5th house as well. The point is - Parasara at times does not

> > > > > > mention

> > > > > > > `if the lagna lord is malefic and placed in x house', but

> > the

> > > > > > > same should be assumed as the case may be - it is a

> > > > precondition;

> > > > > > > something related to his presentation style. Thus the actual

> > > > > meaning

> > > > > > > would be - `if the lagna lord is a malefic and is placed in

> > 7th

> > > > > > > house, his wife will not live long'. This is logical - a

> > > > malefic

> > > > > in

> > > > > > > 7th is sure to cause problem for 7th house. Even if we look

> > > > from

> > > > > > 7th as

> > > > > > > per `Bhavat Bhavam' then too, the maraka lord (7th is maraka

> > > > > > > stana) from 7th placed in 7th can cause bad results such as

> > > > loss

> > > > > of

> > > > > > > interest or death. It becomes clear that it is the same

> > result

> > > > > > extended

> > > > > > > in the next derivation as well. That is `if the lagna lord

> > is a

> > > > > > > malefic and is placed in 7th house, he may become

> > uninterested

> > > > in

> > > > > > family

> > > > > > > life or wander in many places (attachment for wife and

> > family is

> > > > > > > lost)'. Notice that 7th signifies wife, interest in sex and

> > > > family

> > > > > > > life, journey to various places etc. A malefic placed in 7th

> > > > with

> > > > > > maraka

> > > > > > > lordship from 7th is sure to cause all these bad results

> > such

> > > > as -

> > > > >

> > > > > > loss

> > > > > > > of interest in wife and sex and thus possibly loss of wife,

> > > > > > interest in

> > > > > > > traveling to various places - possibly in an effort to be

> > away

> > > > > from

> > > > > > wife

> > > > > > > and family and so on. A double importance to derived results

> > > > > occurs

> > > > > > due

> > > > > > > to the involvement of 7th and 7th from 7th in the possible

> > > > result

> > > > > > > derivation.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > We may blame Parasara for not mentioning the central fact

> > `these

> > > > > > > results should be derived only if lagna lord is a malefic';

> > but

> > > > it

> > > > > > > is evident even to a beginner with clear logic, and so the

> > sage

> > > > > > would be

> > > > > > > saved from such blames. If we mention that `you must have

> > > > > mentioned

> > > > > > > this' then the question in retort by the sage would be -

> > `if you

> > > > > > > don't know even these basics, and understand the sloka in

> > its

> > > > > unique

> > > > > > > context, if your logic is not even that much strong enough,

> > how

> > > > > are

> > > > > > you

> > > > > > > supposed to learn and derive complex results?'. Yes, he is

> > > > > > > absolutely right, and in all our efforts to understand the

> > sage

> > > > > > quotes

> > > > > > > let the context become clear to us - wherever it is not

> > clearly

> > > > > > > mentioned.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > There is one more reason for lagna lord in 7th giving bad

> > > > > results -

> > > > > > > notice that for all signs 7th house would be always owned

> > by an

> > > > > > enemy

> > > > > > > planet. Lagna lord placed in enemy house is sure to give bad

> > > > > results

> > > > > > > expected from the same. As per Phaladeepika the expected bad

> > > > > result

> > > > > > for

> > > > > > > a planet in enemy house are -

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If the planet is in his enemy house the same would cause -

> > > > dirty

> > > > > > life,

> > > > > > > dependence even for food on others, living in rented house,

> > > > > poverty,

> > > > > > > always trouble from enemies, even his well wishers become

> > his

> > > > > enemy!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > -Phaladeepika

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > May be it is due to this deeper understanding, Parasara

> > tells

> > > > us

> > > > > > that -

> > > > > > > `Even if he is a beggar or king all the results will

> > fructify

> > > > to

> > > > > him

> > > > > > > for sure'. Or in other words, the economic status of the

> > native

> > > > is

> > > > > > > irrelevant. Who ever he is, these results will follow for

> > sure,

> > > > > `if

> > > > > > > a malefic lagna lord is placed in 7th'! Look at the

> > confidence

> > > > > with

> > > > > > > which Parasara states that result! We should learn something

> > > > from

> > > > > > that

> > > > > > > confidence it seems - due to lack of understanding

> > astrologers

> > > > > > usually

> > > > > > > lack the confidence, while trying to derive results.

> > Parasara is

> > > > > > > advising us - be confidant, be logical, and be bold! You

> > are in

> > > > > the

> > > > > > > correct path - and the results you derive based on the path

> > > > > taught

> > > > > > by us

> > > > > > > will reflect truth for sure! Yes, he derives his confidence

> > > > from

> > > > > his

> > > > > > > ancestors - the sages like Skanda, Daksha and Vasishta - let

> > > > > follow

> > > > > > the

> > > > > > > same path and gain confidence from such bold guidance and

> > > > > statements

> > > > > > > made by him.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Here to we cannot pardon the approach of Parasara - since

> > he is

> > > > > > bringing

> > > > > > > `planets' and `nature of 7th sign from lagna' (i.e.

> > > > > > > House-Planet Base results) into picture. Since he was

> > > > discussing

> > > > > > House

> > > > > > > Base results, this approach cannot be accepted. Therefore I

> > > > would

> > > > > > > request learners to stick to the pure House Base derivation

> > > > given

> > > > > by

> > > > > > > Meenaraja, and learn about the modifications Parasara

> > suggested

> > > > > > later

> > > > > > > while dealing with `House-Planet Base' result derivation.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Without causing any such unmentioned contextual complexity,

> > > > > > Meenaraja

> > > > > > > provides the general results that should be attributed to

> > lagna

> > > > > > lord in

> > > > > > > 7th house.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If lagna lord is in 7th, the native would be a righteous,

> > > > radiant

> > > > > > > individual with good habits. His wife also would be radiant,

> > > > > > beautiful

> > > > > > > and good-natured.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > - Meenaraja Hora

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Hora pradeepam, and Jataka Saradeepa quotes the same sloka

> > with

> > > > > > only a

> > > > > > > slight difference - Instead of the word `Lagnapatau' (lord

> > of

> > > > > > > lagna), the word `Pradhamapatau' (lord of first house) is

> > used.

> > > > > > > Of course this does not change the meaning of the sloka in

> > any

> > > > > way.

> > > > > > > Possibly they knew well that the approach of Meeraja is more

> > > > apt

> > > > > to

> > > > > > the

> > > > > > > context.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Note that the results provided by the Meenaraja are in tune

> > > > with

> > > > > the

> > > > > > > rule we derived - Lagna lord in any house bestows good

> > results

> > > > > for

> > > > > > that

> > > > > > > house. Naturally if lagna lord is in 7th, the native will

> > have a

> > > > > > > righteous, radiant, beautiful wife. Since from 7th lagna

> > lord

> > > > > > aspects

> > > > > > > lagna, lagna becomes strong and thus the same would be true

> > for

> > > > > the

> > > > > > > native as well. This is the clear-cut path of derivation.

> > > > Possibly

> > > > > > > because of this many texts such as Hora Pradeepam,

> > Horaratnam,

> > > > > > Jataka

> > > > > > > saradeepa etc quotes Meenaraja's slokas on the same instead

> > of

> > > > > > > Prarasara's words. But Parasara's words also should be

> > > > > > > respected, since he is pointing to some special

> > possibilities.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Rule 7: Benefic lagna lord providing benefic results if in

> > 7th

> > > > and

> > > > > > > malefic lagna lord providing malefic results if in 7th.

> > This is

> > > > of

> > > > > > > special contextual importance in deriving results for lagna

> > > > lord

> > > > > in

> > > > > > 7th

> > > > > > > house. In a generalized way this rule is applicable in all

> > the

> > > > > > other

> > > > > > > cases as well.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Even though this rule is note worthy, we will not give much

> > > > > > importance

> > > > > > > to this connecting rule (that connects House Base & House-

> > > > Planet

> > > > > > Base

> > > > > > > results) in this whole write-up, since the same will cause

> > us to

> > > > > > > consider the Planet as well. As mentioned earlier, in this

> > > > write-

> > > > > > up, we

> > > > > > > are more interested in learning `House Base' result

> > derivation

> > > > > > > system alone.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The 7th house signifies things such as - love, wife, sex,

> > sexual

> > > > > > > intercourse, lost items, life loving nature, small love

> > > > quarrels,

> > > > > > death

> > > > > > > (being maraka stana; 12th from house of longevity), travel,

> > > > > > interest or

> > > > > > > lose of interest in things, desire etc. Thus the placement

> > of

> > > > > lagna

> > > > > > lord

> > > > > > > in 7th generates special importance to the derivations

> > related

> > > > to

> > > > > > the

> > > > > > > same.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ==========================================

> > > > > > > Love,

> > > > > > > Sreenadh

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ------------------------------

> > > > Download prohibited? No problem.

> > CHAT<http://in.rd./tagline_webmessenger_1/*http://in.messenge

> > r./webmessengerpromo.php>from any browser, without download.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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