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days of the week

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Dear Finn,


I just chanced thru this archive mail and thought of sharing the info which I had on the subject.


I think the week days are so named as per the descending order of the orbital period of the 7 celestial reference objects ( am not calling them planets ).


Sani - Saturn - - 30 years - saturday


Brihaspathi - Jupiter - 12 years - Thursday.


Chovva - Mars - 2 years apprx - Tuesday.


Sun ( or earth ) - 1 year - Sunday.


Shukra - Venus - 7 months apprx - Friday


Buddha - Mercury - 3 months apprx - Wednesday


Thingal - Soma - Moon - 1 month apprx - Monday.


As there are 24 hours in a day, pick Saturn as the one presiding over the first hour of the day ...


so every 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd hour - Saturn presides ...and so Saturday


23rd - Jupiter presides and 24th Mars presides -


25th hour or the 1st hour of next day ... Sun must preside as per the descending order of orbital period -- and so Sunday


So every 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd hour - Sun presides ...


23rd - Venus presides and 24th Mercury -


and so 1st hour of next day ... Moon must preside - So Moon Day of Monday ..


and the circuit goes on ....


Why it has to be sequenced as per the descending order of orbital period, I have no clue.
















--- On Thu, 11/1/07, Finn Wandahl <finn.wandahl wrote:

Finn Wandahl <finn.wandahl Re: days of the week Date: Thursday, November 1, 2007, 5:17 AM



Dear Ravindran Nair,You are right in your understanding of the concept of the 24 Horas andtheir relation to the weekdays by counting the 6th planet etc. Thank you for explaining it.:-)Finnancient_indian_ astrology, "A. Ravindran Nair"<rain13 wrote:>> > Dear Finn,> > Sorry to intrude !!!> > The concept as I understand is:> > There are 24 horas (hrs) in a day. The horas started from Sun as HEis the supreme energy giver and creator of universe, so to identifythis day it has been named as Sun's day (Sunday). The 2nd hora onSunday is of the 6th planet (i.e., from Sun the 6th planet in theorder is Venus), and the next hora is again the 6th planet from iti.e., Mercury, the next 6th planet will be Moon etc. In

this orderthe last 24th hora on Sunday will be of Mercury and the day is deemedto be completed as the earth completed one 360 deg turn and thestarting point again appeared in front of Sun signifying start ofanother day. Automatically the first hora of the next day will be ofthe 6th planet from the last hora of Mercury i.e., Moon and it isMoon's day (Monday). The subsequent order of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday, Friday and Saturday exactly clicks in this format.> > In this order on Saturday the last hora will be of Tuesday andautomatically the hora of the 6th planet from it will be of Sun, henceit is Sun's day (Sunday) and again the next week start from Sunday andin order to avoid identity duplication, the concept of WEEK came intoexistence to differenciate between different repetition days. So isthe concept of Months, Year, yuga etc. So from the 7th day instead ofjumping to

the 8th day it repeated from 1 again from Sun and thesubsequent cycle followed.> > The names of the days earlier clearly represented the 7 planetsdifferent names in Sanskrit which got evolutionalised to todays modernnames Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturdayetc. The names of months Medam, Edavam etc. earlier seems to be aclear representation of the climatic condition prevailing thenthroughout the year. > > Hope this helps.> > Regards> > Ravi Nair> > > > > > > > > > ancient_indian_ astrology@ ...: finn.wandahl@ ...: Wed, 31 Oct 200720:21:48 +0000[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: days of the week> > > > > Dear Todd Caldecott,>> ...anyway, i digress - if anyone does know thetrue origin andreckoning of the days of the week i

would still beinterested<< Well, we already know that there are 7 weekdays and thatthey areruled by the 7 planets. What we still need to find out is whythe weekhas 7 days and not say 5, 6 or 9 days.We may never know thetruth about this, but we may still make our owndeductions. So whoknows? The Equinox/vernal- point moves at a mean rate of 50.25 secondsof archper year. Earlier other values like 52 seconds per year werebelievedto be more correct. The tropical year is of 365.24 days. If wedivide 365.24 by 52 we get7.02 which may perhaps explain why the weekhas 7 days. Very friendly,Finn Wandahl > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> News, entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. Getit now!> http://www.live.

com/getstarted. aspx>

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