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In my original analysis in the Quiz, I have concluded denial of marriage

& the native showing NO inclination i.e. natural inclination towards



For my own understanding would like to know from Sreenadh if the short

lived marriage was anything on family pressures or...etc..., for I

often find it problematic to predict on the hororscopes of

foreigners......like some of the recent hollywood actresses, whose

marriages with so much of fanfare ended the next day....{ may be Britney

Spears,......forget those names....}....I would like to do my own bit in

its understanding further..... ...


The western lifestyle....there will be many marriages, NO marriage but

LIVE_INs, or casual affairs...need to study more..... from astro

perspective....ofcourse, one could simply conclude cautiously by

limiting to periods of short / long affairs......and NOT to mention

marriage at all !!!! :) :) :)


Secondly, the point made by Durga of the native praying to Goddess ,

very good point for strong Venus + Moon, does indicate it .....the point

that I want to know is if the native engages into the puja...regularly,

daily........{see every one does pray in general....but doing it

religiously....daily...something we are NOT generally used to......}.

the position of four key planets - Moon, Jupiter {Strong gajkesari yoga,

referred in my analysis}, Saturn, Venus strongly showing his sincere

prayers...with HEART.....


Third, if the advent of Moon mahadasha..his prayers, spirituality,

name, popularity, fame..etc... must surely increased...{ a short

understatement...now....for I did not comment much for I strongly

believed that the native would not be surving beyond his Venus

dasha...} .... -


a) want to know if his prayers or spiritualism increase after the event



b) In the Moon Mahadasha......


I basically wanted the difference ...the puja activity intensity in the

periods before and after the event.....


On the humor side, to be a bachelor....even Sri Sankaracharya find it

difficult to convince his mother....till a divine intervention made

things easier for him.......did the native think like that while he was

getting married....?? .....we are ordinary mortals....surely need to

follow or abide mother's wishes....{ i am stressing again....mother

only....here....keeping aside fathers...}!!!


with regards,


sreeram srinivas

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