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jyothi_b_lakshmi <jyothi_b_lakshmi Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2007 7:41:37 AM Re: Time - an illusion


Dear Sir,I totally agree with you. Truth needs no "ism" for its existence. Be it Shavism or Vaishnavism or any other ism. Absolute reality is the same in all religions, be it Islam, Hinduism or Christianity. This is a fact everybody knows. One need not be a pandit in history or scriptures to know all these. If anybody says their "ism" is the only one way to realise GOD, then they havent understood their "ism" properly. Experiencing the absolute is not a monopoly of any specific sect. If it was, we wouldnt have had so many enlightened ones in this world that too from different religions and sects. St.Tresa of Avila, Budha, Sufi saints are all examples. Trying to confine the absolute power and the eligibility to experience it to one particular darshanam is absolute ignorance. It is really sad to know that people whom we assume to be spiritual and look towards for guidance themselves

think in such a narrow minded way. Regards,Jyothiancient_indian_ astrology, Venkataraman Hari <venkataraman_ hari wrote:>> Dear Sri Chandra Hari, > > Namaskaram. The Advaita Siddhantha is not mere concept; but it is experiance. The people opposing Sankara says he is Maya Vadi and Prachchanna Boludha. Shri Sankara never contradicted the experiances of Bhagwan Buddha. But he proceeds further and proves the ultimate truth. Advaita is most scientific.Highest intellectuals. great scientists, thinkers have accepted it. Shri Sadasiva Brahmendra, Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi are the examples to prove that the Advita Anubhava is possible and practicable. Advaita is a concept which is not against

any other Siddanta. It is only an advaitin who can accept all the modes of worship, all the forms of worship and go beyond that and reach ultimate Para brhmam. Along with the concept of Maya Shri Sankara also explains the Vyavahara Sathya. That is why he established Shanmatha i.e. the Six paths of woshipping deities. Advaita is not mere negation; it is positive perfection and ultimate realisation. Shri> Ramkrishna Paramahamsa was initiated in to Nirvikalpa Samadhi but yet he was a great Upasaka of Bhavatharini. Shri Madhusudana Saraswati was also a great Advaitin but a great Krishna Bhakta. All the forms and names of different Devatas, Deities are many but ultimately they are all of the same Para Brahman. Sri Paramahamsa even practised the Western Religions and revealed all these paths leads to ultimate, all-pervading, Supreme ParaBrahman. Bhakti, Gnana, Vairagya,Tapas, Upasana ,Atma Vichara

are the paths to elevate ourselves. The ultimate truth i.e.Para Brahman- The veda says "Sa Shiva: Sa Hari: Sa Indra: Sa: Akshara: Paramaswarat" --He is Shiva, He is Hari, He is Indra, He is Akshara and He is the ultimate Power. Any amount of logic discussions, reading, may not help us to realise the truth but an ounce of practice is better than thousand discussions. Bhagwan says in Geetha that Mama Maya Duratyaya/-It is dificult to conquer my Maya. Maya is a word not invented by> Sankara but it is the Illusory exhibition of the ParaBrahman which is nothing but this Virat. Once again I wish to insist that who ever persue a partcular path with stead fast belief and guidance of his Achrya or Guru let them continujethe same. That need not be a discussion lin this platform. I may be a practioner of Vedanta. Some may be of Devotional Path. Some may follow Yoga. Our Body, Mind and intellect are

limited. All may not know everything. Before critisising the other path we must fully know abot it. That is not possible. But Going through a particular path and after reaching the ultimate we may realise that all are same and being the goal is the same-Veda says Ekam Sat Vipra Bhahuda Vadanthi. The same is told in the Geeta also "Yo Yo Yam Yam Tanum Bhakta: Sraddharchitum Ichchati ....."Who ever worships me in what ever form he chooses with devotion and with steadfast determination I Bless them in the same form I worship. > Our subject isAstrology. The religion and Vedanta are very very deepl like ocean and a subject to be practiced and not to be discussed. Let is stick to ours. I hope that I am not mistaken. > With regards, > Hari Venkataraman.> > > > > > > > > chandra_hari18 <chandra_hari18@ ...> wrote:>

> Dear Sir,> > Lot of dialogue has takes place on Sankara's mayavadadvaitam in India.> Sankara reduced Darsana to philosophy in India by borrowing the Saiva> concept of Maya and linking it up with Buddhist notions. His effort was> to defeat the Buddhas in Tarkkam. Sankara's brahmam cannot be> experienced by anyone. It is like a cow of the books that cannot eat> grass.> > Experience of the absolute, the only one, from which the creation arose> is possible only in Saiva darsanam. That is why in India from Kailasam> to Kanyakumari only Siva and his family is worshipped. Few isolated> Vaishnava centres are copying of Saiva with the names changed from Siva> to Krishna etc. arose in later times.> > Saiva darsana had its prevalence in India without any such gigantic> Acharyas like Sankaracharya of comparatively recent

times. And that> shows its antiquity.> > The best way to realize the Unity of all existence is to chant 'namah> sivaya' .> > chandra hari> > ancient_indian_ astrology, r_vani ramakrishnan> <r_vani61@> wrote:> >> > Dear Chandra Hariji,> > Namaskar.> > I am blessed to have a contact with you.> > Yes, i don't disagree with you. We are two at present, myself and my> wife, since children are at different places on their jobs.> > In this old age, I am trying to find Advaitam from Dwaitam since all> the scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads etc guide us to Advaitam.> > Regards,> > D.Ramakrishnan.> >>

> chandra_hari18 chandra_hari18@ wrote:> > Dear Ramkrishanji,> > "You and the rest of your family" - if I have to say so at least 2> members must be there in your home. I hope you won't disagree. In the> same way, when you say P_Brahmam and the rest at least two entities must> be there. So that will be called Dvaitam.> > Further, Isavasyam says: Isavasyamidam sarvam = what does it mean? Is> it advaitam? Aurobindo said: Isa had a heartiest laugh when> Sankaracharya wrote advatic commentary on this Upanishad.> > BU's Santi vakyam says: Poornamadah poornamidam: What are those adah> and idam? Are they not two?> > chandra hari> >> > ancient_indian_ astrology@ .

com, r_vani ramakrishnan> r_vani61@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Chandra Hariji,> > > Namaskar.> > > Parabrahmam is only one that exists. Rest all is Maya or Illusion.> > > This is Advaitam.> > > Regards,> > > D.Ramakrishnan.> > >> > > chandra_hari18 chandra_hari18@ wrote:> > > Parabrahmam + Maya = 1+1 = 2 or 1? Is it Advaitam or Dvaitam?> > >> > > chandra hari> > >> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, r_vani ramakrishnan> > > r_vani61@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Jyothi,> > > As per Advaitha Vedanta, there is only one that exists, that

is> > > Parabrahman.> > > And others that we see or hear is Maya, i.e., Illusion. Even though> > > they appear to exist, but they are not. They are impermanent and> perish in some time. Thats why it is said,> > > Brahma satyam - Jaganmithya.> > > Regards,> > > D.Ramakrishnan.> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > ------------ --------- --------- ---> > Chat on a cool, new interface. No download required. > >> > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---> Sent from & #45; a smarter inbox.>


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Dear Sir,


It is a part of Bengali myths and interpretation where Saraswati and Laxmi are considered daughters of Durga.


Please note that in Bengal, Maa Durga is considered a member of family... a daughter .. married to Shiva. The Durga Puja is welcome celebration for the annual visit of the daughter. The local tales / songs are also revolving that assumption.


Now the myth part.....


In earlier Durga Puja-s, the Maa Durga used to come alone along with vahana Lion / tiger and hapless Asura (Mahisasura). But Maa Durga is embodiment of Dasha (10) Shakti and so... the remaining Nava Shakti was depicted by a bundle contaning nine types of 'Shaak' (saag)..the prominent being..a Banana plant ....+ . some specified green vegetable+roots. The bundle used to be decorated in a Sari (to put the Female touch..)


Later, with advent of time... in keeping with the family sizes and local prosperity.. the Nava-shakti part was divided..and some part was replaced by Ganesha / Karthikeya (Kartik in local language), Saraswati and Laxmi (again Laxmi is a household deity..quite close to Bengali culture whereas Saraswati is not so.). Obviously, without grandson and g'daughters... homecoming of a daughter can not be a fu-filled affair !!! The remaining part of Nava-shakti is still wrapped in Sari and put on the left side of Ganesha. And the best / worst part of it is ..... this Sari-wrapped bundle is known as Kala (Banana) - bou (Bahu). And same is considered as "Wife of Ganesha" by local folks.


So, the depiction etc... depends on which shastra you follow and the local interpretation part. Like.. I used to know that Saraswati is daughter of Brahma.



Saturday, December 08, 2007 7:27 PM Subject: Re: Re: MOTHERS NAME OF LAXMIJI???










jyothi_b_lakshmi <jyothi_b_lakshmi (AT) (DOT) co.in> Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2007 7:41:37 AM Re: Time - an illusion


Dear Sir,I totally agree with you. Truth needs no "ism" for its existence. Be it Shavism or Vaishnavism or any other ism. Absolute reality is the same in all religions, be it Islam, Hinduism or Christianity. This is a fact everybody knows. One need not be a pandit in history or scriptures to know all these. If anybody says their "ism" is the only one way to realise GOD, then they havent understood their "ism" properly. Experiencing the absolute is not a monopoly of any specific sect. If it was, we wouldnt have had so many enlightened ones in this world that too from different religions and sects. St.Tresa of Avila, Budha, Sufi saints are all examples. Trying to confine the absolute power and the eligibility to experience it to one particular darshanam is absolute ignorance. It is really sad to know that people whom we assume to be spiritual and look towards for guidance themselves think in such a narrow minded way. Regards,Jyothiancient_indian_ astrology, Venkataraman Hari <venkataraman_ hari wrote:>> Dear Sri Chandra Hari, > > Namaskaram. The Advaita Siddhantha is not mere concept; but it is experiance. The people opposing Sankara says he is Maya Vadi and Prachchanna Boludha. Shri Sankara never contradicted the experiances of Bhagwan Buddha. But he proceeds further and proves the ultimate truth. Advaita is most scientific.Highest intellectuals. great scientists, thinkers have accepted it. Shri Sadasiva Brahmendra, Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi are the examples to prove that the Advita Anubhava is possible and practicable. Advaita is a concept which is not against any other Siddanta. It is only an advaitin who can accept all the modes of worship, all the forms of worship and go beyond that and reach ultimate Para brhmam. Along with the concept of Maya Shri Sankara also explains the Vyavahara Sathya. That is why he established Shanmatha i.e. the Six paths of woshipping deities. Advaita is not mere negation; it is positive perfection and ultimate realisation. Shri> Ramkrishna Paramahamsa was initiated in to Nirvikalpa Samadhi but yet he was a great Upasaka of Bhavatharini. Shri Madhusudana Saraswati was also a great Advaitin but a great Krishna Bhakta. All the forms and names of different Devatas, Deities are many but ultimately they are all of the same Para Brahman. Sri Paramahamsa even practised the Western Religions and revealed all these paths leads to ultimate, all-pervading, Supreme ParaBrahman. Bhakti, Gnana, Vairagya,Tapas, Upasana ,Atma Vichara are the paths to elevate ourselves. The ultimate truth i.e.Para Brahman- The veda says "Sa Shiva: Sa Hari: Sa Indra: Sa: Akshara: Paramaswarat" --He is Shiva, He is Hari, He is Indra, He is Akshara and He is the ultimate Power. Any amount of logic discussions, reading, may not help us to realise the truth but an ounce of practice is better than thousand discussions. Bhagwan says in Geetha that Mama Maya Duratyaya/-It is dificult to conquer my Maya. Maya is a word not invented by> Sankara but it is the Illusory exhibition of the ParaBrahman which is nothing but this Virat. Once again I wish to insist that who ever persue a partcular path with stead fast belief and guidance of his Achrya or Guru let them continujethe same. That need not be a discussion lin this platform. I may be a practioner of Vedanta. Some may be of Devotional Path. Some may follow Yoga. Our Body, Mind and intellect are limited. All may not know everything. Before critisising the other path we must fully know abot it. That is not possible. But Going through a particular path and after reaching the ultimate we may realise that all are same and being the goal is the same-Veda says Ekam Sat Vipra Bhahuda Vadanthi. The same is told in the Geeta also "Yo Yo Yam Yam Tanum Bhakta: Sraddharchitum Ichchati ....."Who ever worships me in what ever form he chooses with devotion and with steadfast determination I Bless them in the same form I worship. > Our subject isAstrology. The religion and Vedanta are very very deepl like ocean and a subject to be practiced and not to be discussed. Let is stick to ours. I hope that I am not mistaken. > With regards, > Hari Venkataraman.> > > > > > > > > chandra_hari18 <chandra_hari18@ ...> wrote:> > Dear Sir,> > Lot of dialogue has takes place on Sankara's mayavadadvaitam in India.> Sankara reduced Darsana to philosophy in India by borrowing the Saiva> concept of Maya and linking it up with Buddhist notions. His effort was> to defeat the Buddhas in Tarkkam. Sankara's brahmam cannot be> experienced by anyone. It is like a cow of the books that cannot eat> grass.> > Experience of the absolute, the only one, from which the creation arose> is possible only in Saiva darsanam. That is why in India from Kailasam> to Kanyakumari only Siva and his family is worshipped. Few isolated> Vaishnava centres are copying of Saiva with the names changed from Siva> to Krishna etc. arose in later times.> > Saiva darsana had its prevalence in India without any such gigantic> Acharyas like Sankaracharya of comparatively recent times. And that> shows its antiquity.> > The best way to realize the Unity of all existence is to chant 'namah> sivaya' .> > chandra hari> > ancient_indian_ astrology, r_vani ramakrishnan> <r_vani61@> wrote:> >> > Dear Chandra Hariji,> > Namaskar.> > I am blessed to have a contact with you.> > Yes, i don't disagree with you. We are two at present, myself and my> wife, since children are at different places on their jobs.> > In this old age, I am trying to find Advaitam from Dwaitam since all> the scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads etc guide us to Advaitam.> > Regards,> > D.Ramakrishnan.> >> > chandra_hari18 chandra_hari18@ wrote:> > Dear Ramkrishanji,> > "You and the rest of your family" - if I have to say so at least 2> members must be there in your home. I hope you won't disagree. In the> same way, when you say P_Brahmam and the rest at least two entities must> be there. So that will be called Dvaitam.> > Further, Isavasyam says: Isavasyamidam sarvam = what does it mean? Is> it advaitam? Aurobindo said: Isa had a heartiest laugh when> Sankaracharya wrote advatic commentary on this Upanishad.> > BU's Santi vakyam says: Poornamadah poornamidam: What are those adah> and idam? Are they not two?> > chandra hari> >> > ancient_indian_ astrology, r_vani ramakrishnan> r_vani61@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Chandra Hariji,> > > Namaskar.> > > Parabrahmam is only one that exists. Rest all is Maya or Illusion.> > > This is Advaitam.> > > Regards,> > > D.Ramakrishnan.> > >> > > chandra_hari18 chandra_hari18@ wrote:> > > Parabrahmam + Maya = 1+1 = 2 or 1? Is it Advaitam or Dvaitam?> > >> > > chandra hari> > >> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, r_vani ramakrishnan> > > r_vani61@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear Jyothi,> > > As per Advaitha Vedanta, there is only one that exists, that is> > > Parabrahman.> > > And others that we see or hear is Maya, i.e., Illusion. Even though> > > they appear to exist, but they are not. They are impermanent and> perish in some time. Thats why it is said,> > > Brahma satyam - Jaganmithya.> > > Regards,> > > D.Ramakrishnan.> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > ------------ --------- --------- ---> > Chat on a cool, new interface. No download required. > >> > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---> Sent from & #45; a smarter inbox.>



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