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AHU and KETU in isolation

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Dear Sirs,

There is posting in a I have just joined wherin a learned person is explaining the effects of Ketu in various houses and has given 1st to 3rd house transit. Very informative.

Rahu and Ketu have sthanbala. Therefore prediction is to be made accordingly.

Also Ketu is least described amongst the 9 planets.The group is shaneeswara and the posting is in digest no 904 or 903 I think. --- On Fri, 14/12/07, sreeram srinivas <sreeram64 wrote:

sreeram srinivas <sreeram64 Re: AHU and KETU in isolation Date: Friday, 14 December, 2007, 7:16 PM



In astrology, initially we study planets in isolation for simplicity,then combine it with other planets to know the effect. Same method isfollowed even in the classics. So we are not falling in any of thoseexception lines.Why surf the or google the internet, when classics are clear withdetails on details of every planet in each sign and house.. Refer anyversion of BPHS or Jatak Parijat...e. tc... References are in plenty.The point of isolation study is for the transit effects of Rahu, for iton its own can make or break things. Kindly refer the Chandrakala Nadiof Late Sri Santanam in three Volumes each running into 600 odd pages{to my memory}.The problems in our searching for shortcuts.with regards,sreeram srinivasancient_indian_ astrology,

"Chandu2chill"<nanna_id2006@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Ancient_indian_ astrology Team and Members,>> While reading on comments of Effects of Rahu in various> houses...below thoughts came to me. Hence posting them here for> Experts/learned member's inputs for my further understanding. .>> Like the same (Effects of Rahu in various House Post) most of the> time i found isolated readings/writings on the net about these two> shadow planets.>> With my little understaning what i learnt is Rahu and Ketu are> Karmic Planets, always move/transit together, and postion 7 Houses> apart (Pls correct me if i am wrong)>> Now my question(s)>> Is it appropriate to study these TWO planets in isolation for> deriving the effects and results?>> But i was rather thinking i should study these two planets together> for any

results since both are housed respectively in a perticular> House(s)? it this is a proper approach?>> for Eg: If Ketu in 2nd Rahu will be in 8th in the chart(s)when the> Native is borne.>> And i found this below article which analysis based on both Rahu and> Ketu's position.>> I quote;>> "KETU IN TAURUS RAHU IN SCORPIO: Ketu in Taurus indicates that the> native in the recent past lives has ATTEMPTED to create security by> being secure in Material world, this usually means through wealth> and practical resourcefulness. Identifying with these has provided> security and stability in a world that is not entirly so. In THIS> LIFE time Ketu indicates growing discontentment with materiality, as> well as a tendency to disrupt any material structures of security,> and so in doing the evolutionary goal of Ketu to free the native>

from material attachments is accomplished. Ketu in Taurus also> indicates that the native is also completing their karmas with> respect to those material things that have provided security. Those> things being indicated by the house position of Ketu as well as> planets influenced by Ketu.>> Rahu in Scorpio indicates incredibly strong needs, needs that are> not fullfilled by any security that the physical world has to offer.> This may cause the native to compulssively feed of something that> appears to fullfill a need, but when it is seen that it is not> fullfilled, another is sought. As long as the native is attempting> to fullfill their needs through any physical manifestation, they> will find themselves empty and unfullfilled. As they are able to> gain more inner security, they become capable of greater happiness.>> Ketu in Taurus also indicates

strong material attachments formed in> the recent past lives, while Rahu in Scorpio indicates transmutation> of these attachments as a result of experiencing lack of security">> Unquote>> Appreciate your comments>> Chann>

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