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Dear Kishore ji,


Lagna is Leo.






, " kishore patnaik "

<kishorepatnaik09 wrote:


> *the lagna seems to be cancerian. Please confirm.

> *

> kishore patnaik


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Here Sat and Sun are aspecting each other. This will give some good results also, since Sat is 2nd lord being in 9th aspected by 9th Lord and 5th Lord. That 9th Lord being aspected by 3rd lord and being with 12th lord can give anxious moments, especially in Sun's antardasas. That Jupiter is aspecting your arudha will make you respectable and perhaps, popular. Watch out for your mercury unless he is in 4th. hope this helps, Kishore patnaik

On Jan 14, 2008 5:09 PM, rajendra_bhatt <rajendra_bhatt wrote:





Dear Kishore Ji,


I have Dhanu lagna. In my chart there is a parivartana between retro

Sa and Sun. Sun is with Mars and Ju is in Lagna. The advent of Sa MD

give me a good job abroad. I was not interested in leaving India but

matters moved fast. Within 1 year of the start of Sa MD I was

settled in new job. After this initial lift balance part of the dasa

maintained status quo.

Hope you may find this info useful.




, " kishore patnaik "

<kishorepatnaik09 wrote:


> Dear Renuji,


> It will be interesting if you kindly post the birth details.


> Remember that Saturn and Sun are enemies- both being very strong



> The particular position of Moon in which house, rasi and lunar

asterism will

> help in this case.


> regards,


> Kishore patnaik


> On Jan 14, 2008 3:28 PM, renunw <renunw wrote:


> > Dear Sreeram ji,

> >

> > " Let us get back to our core subject i.e. astrology. Let us

leave those

> > endless discussions & debates on relevance or authencity of

astrology. "

> >

> > Thanks....was patiently awaiting for this :)

> >

> > A girl born in 1978, Leo Lagna has an exchange of her LL Sun &


> > Saturn. Her Saturn dasha commenced in the year 2000, step by

step raising

> > her to the position of a CEO of a well recognized company at a

very young

> > age. There is one problem. She is anti-marriage which is a

huge headache

> > to her mom. She thinks she should look after her parents in

their old

> > age...although the parents do not need such help right now.

> >

> > blessings

> >

> > Renu

> >

> >

> >

> > , " sreeram

srinivas "

> > <sreeram64@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Members,

> > >

> > > Let us get back to our core subject i.e. astrology. Let us

leave those

> > > endless discussions & debates on relevance or authencity of


> > >

> > > The one common which is often observed in the hororscopes is


> > > Yogas i.e. exchange of places.....between planets. Generally


> > > Dainya Yoga or Khala Yoga....

> > >

> > > Broadly exchange of planets between all houses on one side {

Maha Yogas}

> > > & special importance given to exchange involving 3H { Khala


> > >

> > > If one were to closely look at our scriptures, there are more


> > > in that than positive predictions. My request is to look more


> > > positive in this discussion.

> > >

> > > Members who have seen or observed such combination + where the

dasa of

> > > the Yoga forming planet is also experienced then it would be

of much

> > > value.

> > >

> > > With regards,

> > >

> > > Sreeram_Srinivas

> > >

> >

> >


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this rule is for other planets also. However since rahu/ketu are not given ownership ( and you asked about them ) This is the way sthanparivartan takes place. Yes there are views about which rasi's these two can be alloted - swarasi's. pl confer with the rest on that.

Thanks & Regards. --- On Mon, 14/1/08, renunw <renunw wrote:

renunw <renunw Re: Parivartan_Yogas Date: Monday, 14 January, 2008, 5:44 PM



Dear Chiranjiv ji,"So when Ketu is siting in a house and its depositor is in its house of exalation then a parivartan yoga takes place."OK. But why a special rule for Rahu & Ketu? Why aren't their ownership not considered for parivarthana?"Ketu in Leo and its depositor Sun is in its house of exalation - Pisces, then a parvartanyoga has happened.... "I thought Scorpio is the house of exaltation of Ketu. Kindly correct me if I am wrong.blessingsRenu

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No. Irrespective of who is stronger degree wise, and other balas these two usually have a show down. Sun by itself in the 1st house can make the opposite nos/member wilt with its ferocity ( Tej). Saturn meanwhile works slowly and surely and engulfs the sthan where it aspects, almost like a bear hug ( vs. Suns bull run to use a stock exchange analogy ). And these two planets hate each other.

Does this person complain of headaches, and slow remmission of fever? How are the eyes, especially right eye. How is her father as a person?

The mere presence of Saturn delays marriage, gives an older/looking partner but does not stop marriage from taking place by it self. Unless there is some other combination.

Thanks & Regards.--- On Mon, 14/1/08, renunw <renunw wrote:

renunw <renunw Re: Parivartan_Yogas Date: Monday, 14 January, 2008, 5:39 PM



Dear Chiranjiv ji,So you mean since Saturn, in this case acting as LL due to exchange with LL is more powerful than LL Sun placed in 7H....acting as 7HL and thereby Saturn who is allergic to marriage is moulding this girl's mind to remain unmarried? blessingsRenu

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Renuji Namaste,


Rahu & Ketu has not been assigned any ownership and hence, there is no

question of any parivartan yoga involving them.


with regards,





, " renunw " <renunw



Dear Sreeram ji,


Do Rahu & Ketu get involved in Parivartana yoga by exchanging places

with other house owners and if so how?





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Ayobowan Sreeram ji,


Thanks...This is what I wanted to do know. I hope Chiranjiv ji will

get the message too.






, " sreeram srinivas "

<sreeram64 wrote:



> Renuji Namaste,


> Rahu & Ketu has not been assigned any ownership and hence, there

is no

> question of any parivartan yoga involving them.


> with regards,


> Sreeram_Srinivas



> , " renunw " <renunw@>

> wrote:


> Dear Sreeram ji,


> Do Rahu & Ketu get involved in Parivartana yoga by exchanging


> with other house owners and if so how?


> blessings


> Renu


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They have not been given ownership { thought I mentioned that clearly }. But they have been given exalation signs. So when the depositor of ketu is sitting in house of exalation of ketu, ( and it goes without saying that ketu is sitting in the house of that planet which is in its sign of exalation ) a parivartan is said to take...

Forget Rahu/Ketu.

If Saturn is in Cancer and Jupiter is in Libra parivartan takes place.

If mars is in Cancer and Jup in Capricon parivartan....

If Jupiter is in Aries and Sun Is in Jupiters house - Sagitarius then also parivartan betwwen Sun and Jupiter has taken place.

Using the last example - The place where ketu is exalated if occupied by its depositor leads to parivartan.

EXALATED not OWNED SWARASHI. --- On Mon, 14/1/08, renunw <renunw wrote:

renunw <renunw Re: Parivartan_Yogas Date: Monday, 14 January, 2008, 6:39 PM



Ayobowan Sreeram ji,Thanks...This is what I wanted to do know. I hope Chiranjiv ji will get the message too.blessingsRenuancient_indian_ astrology, "sreeram srinivas" <sreeram64@. ..> wrote:>> > Renuji Namaste,> > Rahu & Ketu has not been assigned any ownership and hence, there is no> question of any parivartan yoga involving them.> > with regards,> > Sreeram_Srinivas> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "renunw" <renunw@>> wrote:> > Dear Sreeram ji,> > Do Rahu & Ketu get involved in Parivartana yoga by exchanging places> with

other house owners and if so how?> > blessings> > Renu>

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Dear Sreeram ji,


Talking about Parivartan Yogas....there is an exchange between 4HL

Me and 11HL Sa in the Nepal Coranation Chart given in Journal of

Astrology articles.


Since you have read the article, and also since Sri K. N. Rao has

given a warning over the advent of Mithuna....Jaimini's Chara

Dasha, I presume that an exchange involving 3HL is not going to

give one a bed of roses. Interestingly here the exchange is between

AK & AmK.


Please...explain the effects of this exchange between 3HL & 11HL in

Coronation horoscope of Nepal.








, " sreeram srinivas "

<sreeram64 wrote:



> Dear Members,


> Let us get back to our core subject i.e. astrology. Let us leave


> endless discussions & debates on relevance or authencity of



> The one common which is often observed in the hororscopes is


> Yogas i.e. exchange of places.....between planets. Generally


> Dainya Yoga or Khala Yoga....


> Broadly exchange of planets between all houses on one side { Maha


> & special importance given to exchange involving 3H { Khala Yoga}.


> If one were to closely look at our scriptures, there are more


> in that than positive predictions. My request is to look more


> positive in this discussion.


> Members who have seen or observed such combination + where the

dasa of

> the Yoga forming planet is also experienced then it would be of


> value.


> With regards,


> Sreeram_Srinivas


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I am assuming that the chart has the following planetary combsLagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and 8th. The sixth has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the seventh. The Moon , Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra star. I assumed the lagna is Leo, since what you makes sense once you take this lagna, with Venus being in passive Aquarius. That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate it is very difficult to find a bride groom for the girl. There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are some chances this year for her to get married before november 08, it is confirmed that she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if marriage before this nov fails) hope this helps, Kishore patnaik

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Can you please post the chart here? it is not correct mix jataka paddhati with muhurtha. kishore patnaik On Jan 14, 2008 7:02 PM, renunw <renunw

> wrote:





Dear Sreeram ji,


Talking about Parivartan Yogas....there is an exchange between 4HL

Me and 11HL Sa in the Nepal Coranation Chart given in Journal of

Astrology articles.


Since you have read the article, and also since Sri K. N. Rao has

given a warning over the advent of Mithuna....Jaimini's Chara

Dasha, I presume that an exchange involving 3HL is not going to

give one a bed of roses. Interestingly here the exchange is between

AK & AmK.


Please...explain the effects of this exchange between 3HL & 11HL in

Coronation horoscope of Nepal.








, " sreeram srinivas "

<sreeram64 wrote:



> Dear Members,


> Let us get back to our core subject i.e. astrology. Let us leave


> endless discussions & debates on relevance or authencity of



> The one common which is often observed in the hororscopes is


> Yogas i.e. exchange of places.....between planets. Generally


> Dainya Yoga or Khala Yoga....


> Broadly exchange of planets between all houses on one side { Maha


> & special importance given to exchange involving 3H { Khala Yoga}.


> If one were to closely look at our scriptures, there are more


> in that than positive predictions. My request is to look more


> positive in this discussion.


> Members who have seen or observed such combination + where the

dasa of

> the Yoga forming planet is also experienced then it would be of


> value.


> With regards,


> Sreeram_Srinivas


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Dear Renu ji,

There is no yoga called 'Parivartan yoga', but only 'Parivartan'

(exchange). It is not any special named yoga, simply the sanskrit word

for 'mutual exchange' is 'Parivartan'. For any 'mutual exchange' , the

results differ - based on the planets and houses involved.

Love and regards,



, " renunw " <renunw



> Dear Chiranjiv ji,


> " So when Ketu is siting in a house and its depositor is in its house

> of exalation then a parivartan yoga takes place. "


> OK. But why a special rule for Rahu & Ketu? Why aren't their ownership

> not considered for parivarthana?


> " Ketu in Leo and its depositor Sun is in its house of exalation -

> Pisces, then a parvartanyoga has happened.... "


> I thought Scorpio is the house of exaltation of Ketu.


> Kindly correct me if I am wrong.


> blessings


> Renu


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Renu ji,

Why don't we learn about signs, houses, and planets well

(and thus about 7-fold system) and then move on to Nakshatras? :) Prediction

based on Nakshatras in itself is a seperate system - involving several new


If we want to know the difference, here is

a sample, as per ancient stellar astrology 'Lagna' means 'Nakshatra Lagna' and

aspect means 'mutual aspect from Nakshatras' and similar to houses the

system considered is 'Janmadi' division of Nakshatras; results are predicted

for planets and planetary combination 'in Nakshatras' based on planetary and

Nakshatra significance. I hope you see the difference. So let us not jump into uncertain domains as of now. :)

Love and regards,


, "renunw" <renunw wrote:>> Dear Sreeram ji, Sreenadh ji and other learned members...> > What about exchange of nakshastras of planets? What will be the > effect then? For example if in an Aries lagna native, Venus is in > Saturn's nakshastra in Cancer and Saturn is in Venus's nakshastra > in ...say...Aries, how would the interpretations be, if there is any > effect at all as per exchange of nakshastras?> > Here Venus owns the 2nd & 7th houses and Saturn owns the 10th & 11th > houses. So between which houses are we to consider the exchange of > Venus & Saturn to attribute relevant results as per exchange of > nakshastras?> > Hope ..I am clear..If so kindly explain with an analogy...Thanks.> > blessings> > Renu> > > , "sreeram srinivas" > sreeram64@ wrote:> >> > > > Dear Members,> > > > Let us get back to our core subject i.e. astrology. Let us leave > those> > endless discussions & debates on relevance or authencity of > astrology.> > > > The one common which is often observed in the hororscopes is > Parivartan> > Yogas i.e. exchange of places.....between planets. Generally > called> > Dainya Yoga or Khala Yoga....> > > > Broadly exchange of planets between all houses on one side { Maha > Yogas}> > & special importance given to exchange involving 3H { Khala Yoga}.> > > > If one were to closely look at our scriptures, there are more > negatives> > in that than positive predictions. My request is to look more > towards> > positive in this discussion.> > > > Members who have seen or observed such combination + where the > dasa of> > the Yoga forming planet is also experienced then it would be of > much> > value.> > > > With regards,> > > > Sreeram_Srinivas> >>

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Dear Kishore ji and Renu ji,

Muhurta is the birth of an event. So it is absolutely right to

apply the Jataka principles in Muhurta. But Muhurta considrs several temporary parameters

of its own - so it is not write to apply Muhurta principles on Jataka. The same

is true about Prashna as well - it is perfectly OK to apply Jataka principles

in Prashna, but it is totally wrong to apply the temporary parameters

considered by Prashna on Jataka; a usual mistake by SJC gurus who learned

Prashnamarga by reading the book alone and not from the proper tradition.

Love and regards,


, "kishore patnaik" <kishorepatnaik09 wrote:>> Can you please post the chart here? it is not correct mix jataka paddhati> with muhurtha.> > kishore patnaik> On Jan 14, 2008 7:02 PM, renunw renunw wrote:> > > Dear Sreeram ji,> >> > Talking about Parivartan Yogas....there is an exchange between 4HL> > Me and 11HL Sa in the Nepal Coranation Chart given in Journal of> > Astrology articles.> >> > Since you have read the article, and also since Sri K. N. Rao has> > given a warning over the advent of Mithuna....Jaimini's Chara> > Dasha, I presume that an exchange involving 3HL is not going to> > give one a bed of roses. Interestingly here the exchange is between> > AK & AmK.> >> > Please...explain the effects of this exchange between 3HL & 11HL in> > Coronation horoscope of Nepal.> >> > Thanks> >> >> > blessings> >> > Renu> >> > <%40>,> > "sreeram srinivas"> > sreeram64@ wrote:> > >> > >> > > Dear Members,> > >> > > Let us get back to our core subject i.e. astrology. Let us leave> > those> > > endless discussions & debates on relevance or authencity of> > astrology.> > >> > > The one common which is often observed in the hororscopes is> > Parivartan> > > Yogas i.e. exchange of places.....between planets. Generally> > called> > > Dainya Yoga or Khala Yoga....> > >> > > Broadly exchange of planets between all houses on one side { Maha> > Yogas}> > > & special importance given to exchange involving 3H { Khala Yoga}.> > >> > > If one were to closely look at our scriptures, there are more> > negatives> > > in that than positive predictions. My request is to look more> > towards> > > positive in this discussion.> > >> > > Members who have seen or observed such combination + where the> > dasa of> > > the Yoga forming planet is also experienced then it would be of> > much> > > value.> > >> > > With regards,> > >> > > Sreeram_Srinivas> > >> >> > > >>

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Dear Kishore ji,"Lagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and 8th. The sixth has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the seventh. The Moon , Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra star. "

Yes...that is what's given in her horoscope."That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate it is very difficult to find a bride groom for the girl. "

May be. It's not her looks. She is pretty fair and cute. Very sweet too. A vegetarian and avoids using leather products as well since those are also manufactured from animal skin. But she sounds dominating."There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are some chances this year for her to get married before november 08, it is confirmed that she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if marriage before this nov fails) '

Thanks..that will be good news at least for her parents, if not for her. Even I thought she would have chances of getting married while double transit of Sa & Ju activates her 1/7 axis as well as her 7HL placed in lagna. Also it is Sa/Ve vimshottari dasha for her. Venus is placed in 7H. Transit Sa, placed on natal Sa, aspects her 7H, and karaka for marriage Ve, both being current dasha lords."That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate it is very difficult to find a bride groom for the girl. "

Thanks so much ..this is learning stuff as far as I am concerned. I confirmed from her .. she has started her career in 2000, with the commencement of her Saturn major period. In 2004 - Sa/Mercury...she was promoted as the GM of the company. Around 2007 May promoted as a director of a subsidiary too.

I feel that Leo lagna is correct.



, "kishore patnaik" <kishorepatnaik09 wrote:>> I am assuming that the chart has the following planetary combs> > Lagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and 8th. The sixth> has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the seventh. The Moon ,> Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra star.> > I assumed the lagna is Leo, since what you makes sense once you take this> lagna, with Venus being in passive Aquarius.> > I am assuming that the chart has the following planetary combsLagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and 8th. The sixth has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the seventh. The Moon , Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra star. I assumed the lagna is Leo, since what you makes sense once you take this lagna, with Venus being in passive Aquarius. That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate it is very difficult to find a bride groom for the girl. There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are some chances this year for her to get married before november 08, it is confirmed that she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if marriage before this nov fails) .> > There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are some chances> this year for her to get married before november 08, it is confirmed that> she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if marriage before this> nov fails)> > > hope this helps,> > Kishore patnaik>

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Dear Kishore ji,


The coronation horoscope of Nepal according to Journal of Astrology



24th Feb 1975 8.37 AM @ Kathmandu, Nepal.






, " kishore patnaik "

<kishorepatnaik09 wrote:


> Can you please post the chart here? it is not correct mix jataka


> with muhurtha.


> kishore patnaik

> On Jan 14, 2008 7:02 PM, renunw <renunw wrote:


> > Dear Sreeram ji,

> >

> > Talking about Parivartan Yogas....there is an exchange between


> > Me and 11HL Sa in the Nepal Coranation Chart given in Journal of

> > Astrology articles.

> >

> > Since you have read the article, and also since Sri K. N. Rao has

> > given a warning over the advent of Mithuna....Jaimini's Chara

> > Dasha, I presume that an exchange involving 3HL is not going to

> > give one a bed of roses. Interestingly here the exchange is


> > AK & AmK.

> >

> > Please...explain the effects of this exchange between 3HL & 11HL


> > Coronation horoscope of Nepal.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> >

> > blessings

> >

> > Renu

> >

> > --- In



> > " sreeram srinivas "

> > <sreeram64@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Members,

> > >

> > > Let us get back to our core subject i.e. astrology. Let us


> > those

> > > endless discussions & debates on relevance or authencity of

> > astrology.

> > >

> > > The one common which is often observed in the hororscopes is

> > Parivartan

> > > Yogas i.e. exchange of places.....between planets. Generally

> > called

> > > Dainya Yoga or Khala Yoga....

> > >

> > > Broadly exchange of planets between all houses on one side {


> > Yogas}

> > > & special importance given to exchange involving 3H { Khala


> > >

> > > If one were to closely look at our scriptures, there are more

> > negatives

> > > in that than positive predictions. My request is to look more

> > towards

> > > positive in this discussion.

> > >

> > > Members who have seen or observed such combination + where the

> > dasa of

> > > the Yoga forming planet is also experienced then it would be of

> > much

> > > value.

> > >

> > > With regards,

> > >

> > > Sreeram_Srinivas

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Sreenadh ji,


OK. No problem. I can wait....After all... " slow and steady wins the

race " .






, " Sreenadh "

<sreesog wrote:



> Dear Renu ji,

> Why don't we learn about signs, houses, and planets well (and


> about 7-fold system) and then move on to Nakshatras? :) Prediction


> on Nakshatras in itself is a seperate system - involving several


> parameters.

> If we want to know the difference, here is a sample, as per

> ancient stellar astrology 'Lagna' means 'Nakshatra Lagna' and


> means 'mutual aspect from Nakshatras' and similar to houses the


> considered is 'Janmadi' division of Nakshatras; results are


> for planets and planetary combination 'in Nakshatras' based on


> and Nakshatra significance. I hope you see the difference. So let


> not jump into uncertain domains as of now. :)

> Love and regards,

> Sreenadh

> , " renunw " <renunw@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sreeram ji, Sreenadh ji and other learned members...

> >

> > What about exchange of nakshastras of planets? What will be the

> > effect then? For example if in an Aries lagna native, Venus is in

> > Saturn's nakshastra in Cancer and Saturn is in Venus's nakshastra

> > in ...say...Aries, how would the interpretations be, if there is


> > effect at all as per exchange of nakshastras?

> >

> > Here Venus owns the 2nd & 7th houses and Saturn owns the 10th &


> > houses. So between which houses are we to consider the exchange


> > Venus & Saturn to attribute relevant results as per exchange of

> > nakshastras?

> >

> > Hope ..I am clear..If so kindly explain with an analogy...Thanks.

> >

> > blessings

> >

> > Renu

> >

> >

> > , " sreeram

srinivas "

> > sreeram64@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Members,

> > >

> > > Let us get back to our core subject i.e. astrology. Let us


> > those

> > > endless discussions & debates on relevance or authencity of

> > astrology.

> > >

> > > The one common which is often observed in the hororscopes is

> > Parivartan

> > > Yogas i.e. exchange of places.....between planets. Generally

> > called

> > > Dainya Yoga or Khala Yoga....

> > >

> > > Broadly exchange of planets between all houses on one side {


> > Yogas}

> > > & special importance given to exchange involving 3H { Khala


> > >

> > > If one were to closely look at our scriptures, there are more

> > negatives

> > > in that than positive predictions. My request is to look more

> > towards

> > > positive in this discussion.

> > >

> > > Members who have seen or observed such combination + where the

> > dasa of

> > > the Yoga forming planet is also experienced then it would be of

> > much

> > > value.

> > >

> > > With regards,

> > >

> > > Sreeram_Srinivas

> > >

> >


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Dear Sreenadh ji,

"There is no yoga called 'Parivartan yoga', but only 'Parivartan'"

Thank you so much for pointing out my misconception. I adopted the phrase 'parivartan yoga' from the forum.




, "Sreenadh" <sreesog wrote:>> Dear Renu ji,> There is no yoga called 'Parivartan yoga', but only 'Parivartan'> (exchange). It is not any special named yoga, simply the sanskrit word> for 'mutual exchange' is 'Parivartan'. For any 'mutual exchange' , the> results differ - based on the planets and houses involved.> Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > , "renunw" renunw@> wrote:> >> > Dear Chiranjiv ji,> >> > "So when Ketu is siting in a house and its depositor is in its house> > of exalation then a parivartan yoga takes place."> >> > OK. But why a special rule for Rahu & Ketu? Why aren't their ownership> > not considered for parivarthana?> >> > "Ketu in Leo and its depositor Sun is in its house of exalation -> > Pisces, then a parvartanyoga has happened...."> >> > I thought Scorpio is the house of exaltation of Ketu.> >> > Kindly correct me if I am wrong.> >> > blessings> >> > Renu> >>

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Dear Sreeram ji,


" Please...explain the effects of this exchange between 3HL & 11HL in

Coronation horoscope of Nepal. "


Another error by me. It should be the exchange between 4HL and 11HL

and not 3HL & 11HL.


'A slip of the tongue is not the fault of the brain " ...pardon me and

kindly explain this as per Coronation horoscope of Nepal.









, " renunw "

<renunw wrote:


> Dear Sreeram ji,


> Talking about Parivartan Yogas....there is an exchange between 4HL

> Me and 11HL Sa in the Nepal Coranation Chart given in Journal of

> Astrology articles.


> Since you have read the article, and also since Sri K. N. Rao has

> given a warning over the advent of Mithuna....Jaimini's Chara

> Dasha, I presume that an exchange involving 3HL is not going to

> give one a bed of roses. Interestingly here the exchange is


> AK & AmK.


> Please...explain the effects of this exchange between 3HL & 11HL


> Coronation horoscope of Nepal.


> Thanks


> blessings


> Renu


> , " sreeram

srinivas "

> <sreeram64@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Members,

> >

> > Let us get back to our core subject i.e. astrology. Let us


> those

> > endless discussions & debates on relevance or authencity of

> astrology.

> >

> > The one common which is often observed in the hororscopes is

> Parivartan

> > Yogas i.e. exchange of places.....between planets. Generally

> called

> > Dainya Yoga or Khala Yoga....

> >

> > Broadly exchange of planets between all houses on one side {


> Yogas}

> > & special importance given to exchange involving 3H { Khala


> >

> > If one were to closely look at our scriptures, there are more

> negatives

> > in that than positive predictions. My request is to look more

> towards

> > positive in this discussion.

> >

> > Members who have seen or observed such combination + where the

> dasa of

> > the Yoga forming planet is also experienced then it would be of

> much

> > value.

> >

> > With regards,

> >

> > Sreeram_Srinivas

> >


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Dear All,Parivartan normally strengthens the participating planets. If they are malefics - possibly increases their evil capacity, but always dignifies them. There is a free flow of planetary energies from one to another, as if playing in a loop. (the resultant dynamics will depend upon the karkatwas, lordships & placements etc.)

We may recall the famous parivartans of Mrs Gandhi's chart.This is in contrast to mutual aspect which does not augment the dignity of the two planets. If the aspecting planets are friendly, the mutual aspect may be a good thing, but then they should both rule favorable houses and occupy good signs in order to really help each other.The mutual aspect of Saturn and Mars which can occur when these two are 1/7 or 4/10 to each other, is normally not desirable, as the learned members know very well. Whereas parivartan of saturn & mars, may cause a repression, but at the same time will give full benefits of both the planets like discipline from Shani and energy from mars. The native in this case will definitely accomplish something in life despite taking the longer and more difficult route.

love & regardsNeelamOn 14/01/2008, Sreenadh <sreesog

> wrote:





Dear Renu ji,

There is no yoga called 'Parivartan yoga', but only 'Parivartan'

(exchange). It is not any special named yoga, simply the sanskrit word

for 'mutual exchange' is 'Parivartan'. For any 'mutual exchange' , the

results differ - based on the planets and houses involved.

Love and regards,



, " renunw " <renunw




> Dear Chiranjiv ji,


> " So when Ketu is siting in a house and its depositor is in its house

> of exalation then a parivartan yoga takes place. "


> OK. But why a special rule for Rahu & Ketu? Why aren't their ownership

> not considered for parivarthana?


> " Ketu in Leo and its depositor Sun is in its house of exalation -

> Pisces, then a parvartanyoga has happened.... "


> I thought Scorpio is the house of exaltation of Ketu.


> Kindly correct me if I am wrong.


> blessings


> Renu


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That AL and UL fall in the same Rasi has got nothing to do with looks or " image " . It only means there is not much of Rna sesha (balance of karmic debt) between the (prospective) couple and with her children. This will make it difficult, since if there is a karmic balance, the flow of events themselves can help, even if there is no human endeavor, for the couple to get united, at appropriate time. Hope I am clear.Kishore patnaik On Jan 14, 2008 6:59 PM, renunw <renunw wrote:





Dear Kishore ji, " Lagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and 8th. The sixth has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the seventh. The Moon , Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra star. "


Yes...that is what's given in her horoscope. " That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate it is very difficult to find a bride groom for the girl. "


May be. It's not her looks. She is pretty fair and cute. Very sweet too. A vegetarian and avoids using leather products as well since those are also manufactured from animal skin. But she sounds dominating.

" There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are some chances this year for her to get married before november 08, it is confirmed that she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if marriage before this nov fails) '


Thanks..that will be good news at least for her parents, if not for her. Even I thought she would have chances of getting married while double transit of Sa & Ju activates her 1/7 axis as well as her 7HL placed in lagna. Also it is Sa/Ve vimshottari dasha for her. Venus is placed in 7H. Transit Sa, placed on natal Sa, aspects her 7H, and karaka for marriage Ve, both being current dasha lords.

" That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate it is very difficult to find a bride groom for the girl. "

Thanks so much ..this is learning stuff as far as I am concerned. I confirmed from her .. she has started her career in 2000, with the commencement of her Saturn major period. In 2004 - Sa/Mercury...she was promoted as the GM of the company. Around 2007 May promoted as a director of a subsidiary too.


I feel that Leo lagna is correct.




, " kishore patnaik " <kishorepatnaik09 wrote:>> I am assuming that the chart has the following planetary combs> > Lagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and 8th. The sixth

> has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the seventh. The Moon ,> Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra star.> > I assumed the lagna is Leo, since what you makes sense once you take this

> lagna, with Venus being in passive Aquarius.> > I am assuming that the chart has the following planetary combsLagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and 8th. The sixth has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the seventh. The Moon , Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra star. I assumed the lagna is Leo, since what you makes sense once you take this lagna, with Venus being in passive Aquarius. That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate it is very difficult to find a bride groom for the girl. There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are some chances this year for her to get married before november 08, it is confirmed that she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if marriage before this nov fails) .> > There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are some chances> this year for her to get married before november 08, it is confirmed that> she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if marriage before this

> nov fails)> > > hope this helps,> > Kishore patnaik>

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Oops! Sorry. Iwas in a hurry before logging off. The below given combi. makes Ketu ( i do not know the exact english equivalent but here goes... ) deemed exalated. Therefore there is a deemed parivartan. --- On Mon, 14/1/08, chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv wrote:

chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv Re: Parivartan_Yogas Date: Monday, 14 January, 2008, 7:01 PM








They have not been given ownership { thought I mentioned that clearly }. But they have been given exalation signs. So when the depositor of ketu is sitting in house of exalation of ketu, ( and it goes without saying that ketu is sitting in the house of that planet which is in its sign of exalation ) a parivartan is said to take...

Forget Rahu/Ketu.

If Saturn is in Cancer and Jupiter is in Libra parivartan takes place.

If mars is in Cancer and Jup in Capricon parivartan.. ..

If Jupiter is in Aries and Sun Is in Jupiters house - Sagitarius then also parivartan betwwen Sun and Jupiter has taken place.

Using the last example - The place where ketu is exalated if occupied by its depositor leads to parivartan.

EXALATED not OWNED SWARASHI. --- On Mon, 14/1/08, renunw <renunw (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

renunw <renunw (AT) (DOT) co.uk>[ancient_indian_ astrology] Re: Parivartan_Yogasancient_indian_ astrologyMonday, 14 January, 2008, 6:39 PM



Ayobowan Sreeram ji,Thanks...This is what I wanted to do know. I hope Chiranjiv ji will get the message too.blessingsRenuancient_indian_ astrology, "sreeram srinivas" <sreeram64@. ..> wrote:>> > Renuji Namaste,> > Rahu & Ketu has not been assigned any ownership and hence, there is no> question of any parivartan yoga involving them.> > with regards,> > Sreeram_Srinivas> > > ancient_indian_ astrology, "renunw" <renunw@>> wrote:> > Dear Sreeram ji,> > Do Rahu & Ketu get involved in Parivartana yoga by exchanging places> with

other house owners and if so how?> > blessings> > Renu>


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Dear Kishore ji,


" That AL and UL fall in the same Rasi...... It only means there is

not much of Rna sesha (balance of karmic debt) between the

(prospective) couple and with her children. "


Got it....and I think it is fantastic to live with less karmic debt.

One would be closer to 'nirvana'. After all marriage is only another

bond or a hindrance which prevents one going in the right path.












, " kishore patnaik "

<kishorepatnaik09 wrote:


> That AL and UL fall in the same Rasi has got nothing to do with

looks or "

> image " . It only means there is not much of Rna sesha (balance of


> debt) between the (prospective) couple and with her children. This

will make

> it difficult, since if there is a karmic balance, the flow of


> themselves can help, even if there is no human endeavor, for the

couple to

> get united, at appropriate time.


> Hope I am clear.


> Kishore patnaik

> On Jan 14, 2008 6:59 PM, renunw <renunw wrote:


> > Dear Kishore ji,

> >

> >

> > " Lagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and

8th. The

> > sixth has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the

seventh. The Moon

> > , Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra

star. "

> >

> > Yes...that is what's given in her horoscope.

> >

> >

> > " That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate it

is very

> > difficult to find a bride groom for the girl. "

> >

> > May be. It's not her looks. She is pretty fair and cute. Very

sweet too. A

> > vegetarian and avoids using leather products as well since those

are also

> > manufactured from animal skin. But she sounds dominating.

> >

> > " There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are


> > chances this year for her to get married before november 08, it


> > confirmed that she would certainly marry around 2010 November.

(if marriage

> > before this nov fails) '

> >

> > Thanks..that will be good news at least for her parents, if not

for her.

> > Even I thought she would have chances of getting married while


> > transit of Sa & Ju activates her 1/7 axis as well as her 7HL

placed in

> > lagna. Also it is Sa/Ve vimshottari dasha for her. Venus is

placed in 7H.

> > Transit Sa, placed on natal Sa, aspects her 7H, and karaka for

marriage Ve,

> > both being current dasha lords.

> >

> >

> > " That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate it

is very

> > difficult to find a bride groom for the girl. "

> >

> > Thanks so much ..this is learning stuff as far as I am concerned.

> >

> > I confirmed from her .. she has started her career in 2000,

with the

> > commencement of her Saturn major period. In 2004 -

Sa/Mercury...she was

> > promoted as the GM of the company. Around 2007 May promoted as a

director of

> > a subsidiary too.

> >

> > I feel that Leo lagna is correct.

> >

> > blessings

> >

> > Renu

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " kishore

patnaik "

> > <kishorepatnaik09@> wrote:

> > >

> > > I am assuming that the chart has the following planetary combs

> > >

> > > Lagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and

8th. The

> > sixth

> > > has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the seventh.

The Moon ,

> > > Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra


> > >

> > > I assumed the lagna is Leo, since what you makes sense once

you take

> > this

> > > lagna, with Venus being in passive Aquarius.

> > >

> > > I am assuming that the chart has the following planetary combs

> >

> > Lagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and

8th. The

> > sixth has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the

seventh. The Moon

> > , Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra


> >

> > I assumed the lagna is Leo, since what you makes sense once you

take this

> > lagna, with Venus being in passive Aquarius.

> >

> > That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate it is


> > difficult to find a bride groom for the girl.

> >

> > There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are

some chances

> > this year for her to get married before november 08, it is

confirmed that

> > she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if marriage

before this

> > nov fails)

> >

> > .

> > >

> > > There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are


> > chances

> > > this year for her to get married before november 08, it is


> > that

> > > she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if marriage

before this

> > > nov fails)

> > >

> > >

> > > hope this helps,

> > >

> > > Kishore patnaik

> > >

> >

> >


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Unfortunately, AL+ UL in the same house does not mean less karma. It only means one has less karmic debts towards others.


On the other hand, the karmic balance might be read from 9th house I think ( i never tried doing that)


hope this clears.,


Kishore mohan

On 1/16/08, renunw <renunw wrote:






Dear Kishore ji, " That AL and UL fall in the same Rasi...... It only means there is not much of Rna sesha (balance of karmic debt) between the (prospective) couple and with her children. "

Got it....and I think it is fantastic to live with less karmic debt. One would be closer to 'nirvana'. After all marriage is only another bond or a hindrance which prevents one going in the right path.


, " kishore patnaik " <kishorepatnaik09 wrote:>> That AL and UL fall in the same Rasi has got nothing to do with looks or " > image " . It only means there is not much of Rna sesha (balance of karmic> debt) between the (prospective) couple and with her children. This will make> it difficult, since if there is a karmic balance, the flow of events> themselves can help, even if there is no human endeavor, for the couple to> get united, at appropriate time.> > Hope I am clear.> > Kishore patnaik

> On Jan 14, 2008 6:59 PM, renunw <renunw wrote:> > > Dear Kishore ji,> >> >> > " Lagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and 8th. The> > sixth has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the seventh. The Moon> > , Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra star. " > >> > Yes...that is what's given in her horoscope.

> >> >> > " That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate it is very> > difficult to find a bride groom for the girl. " > >> > May be. It's not her looks. She is pretty fair and cute. Very sweet too. A> > vegetarian and avoids using leather products as well since those are also> > manufactured from animal skin. But she sounds dominating.> >> > " There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are some> > chances this year for her to get married before november 08, it is> > confirmed that she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if marriage> > before this nov fails) '

> >> > Thanks..that will be good news at least for her parents, if not for her.> > Even I thought she would have chances of getting married while double> > transit of Sa & Ju activates her 1/7 axis as well as her 7HL placed in> > lagna. Also it is Sa/Ve vimshottari dasha for her. Venus is placed in 7H.> > Transit Sa, placed on natal Sa, aspects her 7H, and karaka for marriage Ve,> > both being current dasha lords.

> >> >> > " That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate it is very> > difficult to find a bride groom for the girl. " > >> > Thanks so much ..this is learning stuff as far as I am concerned.

> >> > I confirmed from her .. she has started her career in 2000, with the> > commencement of her Saturn major period. In 2004 - Sa/Mercury...she was> > promoted as the GM of the company. Around 2007 May promoted as a director of> > a subsidiary too.> >> > I feel that Leo lagna is correct.> >> > blessings> >> > Renu> >> >> >> >

> > , " kishore patnaik "

> > <kishorepatnaik09@> wrote:> > >> > > I am assuming that the chart has the following planetary combs> > >> > > Lagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and 8th. The> > sixth> > > has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the seventh. The Moon ,> > > Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra star.> > >

> > > I assumed the lagna is Leo, since what you makes sense once you take> > this> > > lagna, with Venus being in passive Aquarius.> > >> > > I am assuming that the chart has the following planetary combs

> >> > Lagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and 8th. The> > sixth has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the seventh. The Moon> > , Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra star.> >> > I assumed the lagna is Leo, since what you makes sense once you take this> > lagna, with Venus being in passive Aquarius.> >> > That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate it is very> > difficult to find a bride groom for the girl.> >> > There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are some chances> > this year for her to get married before november 08, it is confirmed that> > she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if marriage before this> > nov fails)> >> > .> > >> > > There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are some> > chances> > > this year for her to get married before november 08, it is confirmed> > that> > > she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if marriage

before this> > > nov fails)> > >> > >> > > hope this helps,> > >> > > Kishore patnaik> > >> > > >>

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Dear Kishore ji,


If one has less karmic debts towards others, one should indeed be

very fortunate. Karmic debts towards others.....got to be a bond

with others. Such bonds are the hindrances to find the 'ultimate








, " kishore patnaik "

<kishorepatnaik09 wrote:


> Renuji,


> Unfortunately, AL+ UL in the same house does not mean less karma.

It only

> means one has less karmic debts towards others.


> On the other hand, the karmic balance might be read from 9th

house I think

> ( i never tried doing that)


> hope this clears.,


> Kishore mohan



> On 1/16/08, renunw <renunw wrote:

> >

> > Dear Kishore ji,

> >

> > " That AL and UL fall in the same Rasi...... It only means there


> > not much of Rna sesha (balance of karmic debt) between the

> > (prospective) couple and with her children. "

> >

> > Got it....and I think it is fantastic to live with less karmic


> > One would be closer to 'nirvana'. After all marriage is only


> > bond or a hindrance which prevents one going in the right path.

> >

> > blessings

> >

> > Renu

> >

> > --- In



> > " kishore patnaik "

> > <kishorepatnaik09@> wrote:

> > >

> > > That AL and UL fall in the same Rasi has got nothing to do with

> > looks or "

> > > image " . It only means there is not much of Rna sesha (balance


> > karmic

> > > debt) between the (prospective) couple and with her children.


> > will make

> > > it difficult, since if there is a karmic balance, the flow of

> > events

> > > themselves can help, even if there is no human endeavor, for


> > couple to

> > > get united, at appropriate time.

> > >

> > > Hope I am clear.

> > >

> > > Kishore patnaik

> > > On Jan 14, 2008 6:59 PM, renunw <renunw@> wrote:

> > >

> > > > Dear Kishore ji,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > " Lagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and

> > 8th. The

> > > > sixth has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the

> > seventh. The Moon

> > > > , Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra

> > star. "

> > > >

> > > > Yes...that is what's given in her horoscope.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > " That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate


> > is very

> > > > difficult to find a bride groom for the girl. "

> > > >

> > > > May be. It's not her looks. She is pretty fair and cute. Very

> > sweet too. A

> > > > vegetarian and avoids using leather products as well since


> > are also

> > > > manufactured from animal skin. But she sounds dominating.

> > > >

> > > > " There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there


> > some

> > > > chances this year for her to get married before november 08,


> > is

> > > > confirmed that she would certainly marry around 2010


> > (if marriage

> > > > before this nov fails) '

> > > >

> > > > Thanks..that will be good news at least for her parents, if


> > for her.

> > > > Even I thought she would have chances of getting married


> > double

> > > > transit of Sa & Ju activates her 1/7 axis as well as her 7HL

> > placed in

> > > > lagna. Also it is Sa/Ve vimshottari dasha for her. Venus is

> > placed in 7H.

> > > > Transit Sa, placed on natal Sa, aspects her 7H, and karaka


> > marriage Ve,

> > > > both being current dasha lords.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > " That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate


> > is very

> > > > difficult to find a bride groom for the girl. "

> > > >

> > > > Thanks so much ..this is learning stuff as far as I am


> > > >

> > > > I confirmed from her .. she has started her career in 2000,

> > with the

> > > > commencement of her Saturn major period. In 2004 -

> > Sa/Mercury...she was

> > > > promoted as the GM of the company. Around 2007 May promoted

as a

> > director of

> > > > a subsidiary too.

> > > >

> > > > I feel that Leo lagna is correct.

> > > >

> > > > blessings

> > > >

> > > > Renu

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- In



> > " kishore

> > patnaik "

> > > > <kishorepatnaik09@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > I am assuming that the chart has the following planetary


> > > > >

> > > > > Lagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd


> > 8th. The

> > > > sixth

> > > > > has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the seventh.

> > The Moon ,

> > > > > Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra

> > star.

> > > > >

> > > > > I assumed the lagna is Leo, since what you makes sense once

> > you take

> > > > this

> > > > > lagna, with Venus being in passive Aquarius.

> > > > >

> > > > > I am assuming that the chart has the following planetary


> > > >

> > > > Lagna is Leo with Saturn in it. The nodes occupy the 2nd and

> > 8th. The

> > > > sixth has Mercury, while Sun and Venus are in aqua , the

> > seventh. The Moon

> > > > , Jupiter and Mars are in 11th house. the native is of Ardra

> > star.

> > > >

> > > > I assumed the lagna is Leo, since what you makes sense once


> > take this

> > > > lagna, with Venus being in passive Aquarius.

> > > >

> > > > That both the AL and Ul fall in the same rasi may indicate

it is

> > very

> > > > difficult to find a bride groom for the girl.

> > > >

> > > > There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there are

> > some chances

> > > > this year for her to get married before november 08, it is

> > confirmed that

> > > > she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if marriage

> > before this

> > > > nov fails)

> > > >

> > > > .

> > > > >

> > > > > There must have been good efforts in 2006 and while there


> > some

> > > > chances

> > > > > this year for her to get married before november 08, it is

> > confirmed

> > > > that

> > > > > she would certainly marry around 2010 November. (if


> > before this

> > > > > nov fails)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > hope this helps,

> > > > >

> > > > > Kishore patnaik

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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