Guest guest Posted January 16, 2008 Report Share Posted January 16, 2008 Dear Sreenadh ji, That was really great and refreshing! Thanks for sharing. Regards, KrishnaSreenadh <sreesog wrote: a_quest_beyond_astrology , "OM" <explore_vulcan wrote:Friends,Had a great discussion with Guruji on another forum.Here's an extract on this:-------------------------Dear Souvik12th house is fifth house for 8th house. That means the 12th house shows the purva punya(past inherited good karma) for the 8th house of transformation.There is no real loss in this world. What we percieve as loss, is the purification of the bodie(s). I have described the five different bodies in another message.The seed for d-20 is 8th house house(20/12, remainder=8).And hence, Vimsamsa(D-20), is used to understand the spiritual index of a person. How will he attain metaphysical consciousness, what are the means(Martial arts, meditation, books , astrology etc),THere is a lot more to it. You should be willing to wishesparthaDear friends,We can't seem to escape from this bussiness of occult / spirituality, can we? Some may think why can't we have a clean scientific dicussion on astrology without getting into this numbo jumbo.Parthaji, could you explain what you mean by "higher astrology" and what should one look for in "Moksha Trikona"?VinitaDear VinitaI thought i had posted a farily decent description of the divisional charts. Where is the Mumbo-jumbo in it?All the divisional charts relate the the conscious and subconscious as well as supra conscious planes. I have also mentioned that the first set of divisional charts that is d-1 to d-12 talk about the physical planes, and hence all matters of physical fortune and health can be deciphered from here.Trikona is a term, tri-three, kona-corners.Thus 1,5,9-dharma trikona, self, power, and guru2,6,10-Artha Trikona-wealth, service, career3,7,11-kama trikona-4,8,12-moksha trikonaWhere is the mumbo here, i did not even touch metaphysical part of astrology. If i start doing that half of the people will fall to wishesparthaSJC-HyderabadSrijagannath.orgpartvinu.tripod.comDear Parthaji,I have a few questions:1. I have a very basic question to your Trikon concept of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv...When so say 'Brhama', 'Vishnu' and 'Shiv'...what exactly do u u mean mythological figures or attribute abstraction?2. Do we really have to bring in religion to decipher the secrets of astrology?Regards,SouvikDear SouvikLet us say that there are no words in this world, no words absolutely, how will i talk to you.Brahma Visnhu And Shiva are not related to religion, when the names were invented . They were related to the phenomena that people observed.Religion was born after man was born, not before him.Religion is the practice of certain rituals and worshipping God.Now if the nature is called God what is wrong with that.The only mistake probably made was that God Is angry, and hence we should please him.GOD is SAT_CHIT_ANANDAHe is all in all, he is the creator and createdHe is the truth, he is the knowledge, he is BlissHe is the entire universe, all the atoms, and the space between AtomsWhen he is all in all, what does he NEED??He doesnot need anything, neither does he want anythingThese things were invented to make people worship him and bow to himThere is no need to bow to him, we all have to love him, because loving him, is loving yourself and everybody around you. He doesnot require this, but then if you love, your energies are directed in a smoother way.Okay, i was divertingBrahma is the seed or the creator. Brahma is just a name , you can also call it an IDEAVishnu is the sustainer, or the WORD. Hence Mercury is refered to as VishnuShiva is the completion(Not destroyer), but the actual action part of the whole thingYou may have an idea about TV, but how do you materialise it, ask Graham BellYou may have an Idea about Internet, but how do you materialise it?YOu have to put down your ideas on PAPER(mercury again), this should be articulated(mercury again).ANd then you should act on it, creat a pilot project, and then test run it. This is action. These are the Pancha Tatwas(Or the five elements)There is a lot more to it.DOnt get trapped in words and Symbols, they are only to convey a message. They do not mean you have to worship someonebest wishesparthaDear Parthaji,Excellent!! I am a very difficult student and donot get easily satisfied...but yes, this answer has cleared a lot of doubts I had about Gurus!! I also think the same....Is Sanjayji's Jamini Upadesas Book good to start with..for studing Jamini?? I anticipate an unbiased answer...Regards,SouvikDear SouvikEven though I am his student, still i am an individual and have my own views on things.The reason is that i learnt traditional astrology from the books of my grandfather, then Late B.V.Raman.I came to Sanjayji much later, that was in 2002. I learnt spiritual astrology from his articles.But all the esoteric astrology, about ideas etc are my own terminologies.I recommend mantras after i tell the people about the science of mantras. I dont tell them that some god has to be pleased. I tell them the following if i give Lakshmi mantraVenus Represents Lakshmi, and Venus is the female energy the liquid energy in the Human Body. When a person is facing difficulties with Finances, he is adviced to worship Lakshmi because Lakshmi has to be pleased or she is angry etc. I never Subscribed to such views!!Lakshmi represents the inherent dormant liquid energy.The entire world is Energy and MassIn the words of ancients it is Prakriti and Purushaor Lakshmi and VishnuOr Parvati and ShivaSo to harness the energy, the ancients invented certain words which repeated again and again become potent and give effect.WHY?Words are SOUNDSSOUND is ENERGYENERGY DIRECTED AT ONE PLACE AGAIN AND AGAIN BECOMES MASSWHen you repeat sounds of a mantra again and again, they become concentratedMass is nothing but concentration of energy. E=MC2If you call energy Lakshmi, Liquidity laksmi it does not matterIt matters when you think that the Gods and Godesses are very needy and need our worship, then there is a huge problemUNFORTUNATELY no one, not even Sanjayji have actually talked in a very scientific way. But if you can be free from Biases, then please read either B.Suryanaraian Rao's translation of Jaimini Sutras, or the Translation of Sanjay Rath.If you are patient, and want the scientific explanation of astrology then wait for some years for the book i would writeThat would prove that astrology is purely a science.Science of existence, science of understanding higher truthsbest wishesparthaFirst Time I hearing such things from a SJC Guru..My best wishes for your book....I feel just the same about astrology...I am glad I came across you....Thanks for your suggestions on the books...I will get hold of one soon....If u do get time, please do pulnge into a very small of group of is a . I would love it if u would join in.Anyway, I am compiling a work on the death. I require some test cases forthe same:1. Some eminent ppl's Data: Birth Details and Death Details2. Some case studies: Data of ppl who have died and whose detailsare avaliable with you.Please do help me in compiling this work..Regards,SouvikDear SouvikI had actually taken a break from astrology and thus i had left many groups. I am not discussing any charts also. But some people are asking me for readings, which i am unable to decline.I have come to this group as an anonymous member. But I had to reveal my identity when Siva asked me to get in touch with Sanjay Rath.I can join your group, but i will discuss only conceptsI am in small groups now, merely observing, and adding the knowledge if necessary.I dont know where i kept the Punya Chakra document, where i have death data of some eminent people . I will try to locate it and give it wishesparthaDear Parthaji,It is really strange that we share so much in common......I also donot like to read charts myself but discuss concepts...u r more than welcome to discuss such valuable concepts in my small group....If this doc. is the doc u had uploaded in vedic astrology or jyotish remedies..then I think I have a copy...I have been one of the old members of these groups and as far as I remember u had answered my Gopuramsa query wrt Trikalagya Yog in vedic!! good memory I have !! will check my docs library and get back to you...It was a pleasure to interact with you!! Regards,SouvikWhat a great discussion! Parthaji must be thanked a million times for clearing up so many doubts. The explanation of sounds and mantras E=MC2 was especially great. Parthaji, my question to you is to if we wish to straighten a graha, is direct worship of the afflicted planet beneficial or worshipping the planet's ruling deity?Kalyana,That was a most wonderful explanation of lower and higher astrology. There is a lesson here for all of us. Perhaps we should consider shifting to the higher form before any loss makes us realize that.Dear Sanjitji, was a great is our luck to have parthaji in this group...Yes, it was his theory of planets and mantras that actually made me realise his depth of knowledge...Well, Parthaji would surely answer your query but here are my humble views on the topic..Planets just play the roles they are assigned to play in our lives...if we need to appease anyone it is neither the planets nor the deities but our weak-instincts..this method was assigned names and thus evolved the is actually a process of strengthening our starts and ends with the Self...Regards,SouvikDear SouvikHere is the Death data that you wanted, i was searching it for you.PoliticiansChart 1: Mahatma Gandhi Punya (death) chartJanuary 30, 1948Time: 17:00:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 77 E 12' 00", 28 N 36' 00"Chart 2: Indira Gandhi Punya (death) chartOctober 31, 1984Time: 11:00:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 77 E 13' 00", 28 N 40' 00"Delhi, IndiaChart 3: Rajiv Gandhi PunyaMay 21, 1991Time: 20:00:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 79 E 58' 00", 12 N 58' 00"Sriperumbudur, IndiaSpiritualistsChart 4: Suicide case ?Punya (death) chartJune 29, 2002Time: 19:50:00Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)Place: 77 W 12' 32", 39 N 01' 05"Potomac, Maryland, USAChart 5: Sridhar Goswami Maharaj PunyaAugust 12, 1988Time: 18:45:39Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 88 E 22' 00", 23 N 25' 00"Navadwip, IndiaFilmstarsChart 6: Gregory Peck Punya (death)June 12, 2003Time: 9:00:00Time Zone: 7:00:00 (West of GMT)Place: 118 W 14' 34", 34 N 03' 08"Los Angeles, California, USAGeneralChart 7: C.B. Willis Mother PunyaMay 9, 1998Time: 7:34:00 pmTime Zone: 7:00:00 (West of GMT)Place: 121 W 53' 38", 37 N 20' 22"San Jose, California, USAChart 8: Quinn, Bill PunyaAugust 20, 1997Time: 8:00:00 amTime Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)Place: 73 W 18' 24", 40 N 42' 22"West Islip, New York, USAMass deathsChart 9: World Trade Center bombingSeptember 11, 2001Time: 8:25:00 amTime Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)Place: 74 W 00' 23", 40 N 42' 51"New York, New York, USAChart 10: Columbia ShuttleFebruary 1, 2003Time: 9:00:00 amTime Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)Place: 80 W 36' 18", 28 N 24' 20"Cape Canaveral, Florida, USAbest wishesparthaEVER GRATEFULThanks a ton, Parthaji...these are invaluable data to me....Regards,SouvikSouvikji,Planets just play the roles they are assigned to play in our livesPlanets are the medium through which each and every thing is controlled in this world. Parasara says the 9 planets are none other than Lord Vishnu Himself who adminsters and rules the universe through His 9 forms. Any life that comes to this planet, even Lord Vishnu himself, will be controlled by the planets. That is the system. In the form of Rama, He had to suffer on Earth because of Saturn though that planet is His own form. Nothing can escape this system.if we need to appease anyone it is neither the planets nor the deities but our weak-instincts..this method was assigned names and thus evolved the is actually a process of strengthening our starts and ends with the Self...The Sanskrit meaning of the word Graha is grip. This grip has to be removed or loosened first which cannot come solely from strengthening our weakenesses but appeasement. Souvikji, could you please email the doc you were talking about to me? Thanks in advance.SanjitDear SanjitHere is a scientific Explanation of the whole process of worship.There are three levels of knowing or awarenesa) Hope b) Beliefc) FaithIn hope you are just hoping that God will answer your prayersIn Belief you somehow believe that God will answer your prayers, because of some past actionsIn Faith, you know that whether you are good, bad, ugly, deformed, criminal, saint, all your prayers will be answered, because you and HE are one and The same. He has created all the souls with the same powers that he Has. he has Given all the souls Complete free will.The Universe is a gigantic ALL A DIN lamp, it is a great Machine which answers all our prayers, because we have to just ask for it.So when we worship we actually are either bringing in certain energies to US, or expelling certain energiesALL the universe is made up of PANCHA BHUTAS, or the Five elementsIn Essence everything is same. Only the configuration is different.Every person has 6+1 Chakras in his anatomy that control and regulate life.The higher chakras are used to percieve the world(Ajna chakra-eyes), Throat Chakra(hearing and breathing), etcThe lower chakras are used to digest food and excrete them,.All this is pretty scientific if one understands the Human Body.ASTROLOGY helps us to correct our chakras, our system, the physical and mental Body.When Mars is too strong, then the person is of fiery temperament. It brings out lot of anger.The worship or Prayer, or uttering of certain sounds, creates certain vibrations that COOL the System called body, so that the Body reacts to anger in a cool manner.ALL WE THINK, TALK, and DO IS NOTHING BUT PRAYER>When we think something positive, the Universe makes sure that you are going to get that.When you think negative, you get nothing but negative.But if You say I WANT MONEY, you will NOT get, as the universe is very innocent, and it will respond by creating the FEELING OF WANT. See you should not think I WANT, you should either think I HAVE, and if your mind is not ready to accept it, then think, I WILL,. When you say I will or I am recieving Money, you shall definitely get it.I have done this experiment with myself and i have got it,.I read it, but then i TRIED IT.SO never think something rubbish over and over again. Whenever you get thoughts of accident, or bad events of some close ones, just change it to Om Namah Shivaya, or if you are not beleiving in Hindu mantras, then think something good.The universe i am repeating is very innocent. It will only do as you Wish. If you keep on thinking about negative things, even though you are not willing it to happen to you, but still such things would happen, as you are "THINKING ABOUT IT". Thought is creative. Thought is energy. SO energy put in a place again and again will become mass.So the next time you get small cold, or scratch, dont think it was an ACCIDENT>THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS, COINCIDENCES IN UNVIERSE. There are no Miracles, Miracles we call, if we cant understand the Universe.THus mantras, or words, or sounds, or thoughts are all one and the same. You are a great Body attracting MILLIONS of impulses all the time. If you are regularly alone for atleast 10 minutes a day, you can think about what is happening around you. So all the mantras are nothing but self correcting TOOLS. These tools Should be used with caution, as you dont really know your constitution,whether you are PITTA(Fire), VATA(Air) and Kapha(Water).Some mantras can have adverse effect on you, if you dont understand.Thus dont give mantras, or recieve mantras from The IGNORANT>best wishesparthaSanjitji,Yes, the grip needs to be loosened..but who is holding the grip tight...none other than u urself....We see that pollution level is increasing, ozone holes are being house effect increasing...yes, ofcourse these are the wrath of the palnets...but are they physically doing it?? Or is it us humans who r digging the grave...If pujas, mantras and spirituality would have done everything...astrologers would not have taken dakshinas and ppl like u n me need not have worked the whole day for food, clothing and shelter...we get what we do and that is exactly what we deserve....So, if planets r badly placed, they will change ur instincts to suit the results is ultimately u who is to praised or blamed for ur one more no one mantras help u control ur instincts...The doc details are laready posted by Parthaji...Regards,SouvikSouvikji,Now you are becoming philosophical with discussions on roti, kapda and makan! Parthaji,You have just presented a simply mind blowing theory! You mean to say that we reap what we think! Amazing! Okay I will practise it and I will post the results. How about everyone adopting this 'you should not think I WANT, you should either think I HAVE, and if your mind is not ready to accept it, then think, I WILL'Whoa! What a great attitude. Lets focus on I WILL get that something we desire badly over the next week or so, a job, money, or whatever and enjoy the fruits.Regards SanjitDear SanjitWhen you think "I WILL GET A JOB", but at the same time "wishing for it, wanting it badly" you will not get it.The reason is simple. You are still wanting it. Want is the actual thought. Want is the Sponsoring thought. Desire is what you are requesting from Universe, and desire is what you will get, more desire, and more disappointmentDont WANT, Just BeRemember when you fell in love, were you in love, or were you wanting to love.You are either BEING HAPPY, or BEING sadYou are never THINKING HAPPY, or THINKING sadThus all you need to do is not to be desparate, or hopeful, or needy.You have to Simply KNOW, KNOW that whatever you ask, without attatchment you shall get it.When krishna said, dont aspire for results, he DID NOT MEAN TO FORGET THE RESULTS>He meant, just do your work(work includes thinking, acting, and willing), your work shall bear fruits automatically.You need not worry about the results, as the results are already there, that is what Krishna Meant.If You WORRY, you are stopping the energies reaching you.Because worry is a doubt, it is a hope, it is uncertain.When you KNOW fully the power of universe, the time between thinking and it happening will be within secondsbe carefulbest wishesparthaI agree 100% with Parthaji.."Don't think you can, know you can"- Morpheous, MartixRegards,SouvikDear Parthaji,Just to add to it...If u r not the ONE...u can never understand this theory...."Being the One is like being in Love, you can never be taught to be the One"- The Oracle, MatrixSo, if it is ur destiny to think u r, instead of wanting to be...u surely will....Regards,SouvikDear SouvikYes, that is a good one.Matrix is my favorite movie, and i Use it many times to explain things to friendsI have analysed the movie very deeply, and understood that there is lot to learn from it.People Dismiss the movies as metaphysical mumbo jumbo, when there are many beautiful practical things to learnThe problem with movies is that things cannot be explained in detail. That one can do in Novel or a book.I liked the Humor also. In the first one Morpheus asks Neo, "Do you think you are breathing?"best wishesparthaDear Parthaji,Guess how many times I have seen the Matrix (part one)-14 times...I ditto ur feelings on the movie...It would be my honor if u joined my group:navlakshya/U r partha sarathi...he too had pledged not to use any weapon in Kurukshetra and Arjun agreed to here to I humbly promise u that u donot have to see any individual chart...just shower on us your divine knowledge....that is my only request!!Regards,SouvikDear SouvikI have joined your group. Shall enjoy myself therebest wishespartha-----------------------Regards,Souvik--- End forwarded message --- Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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