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a_quest_beyond_astrology , " Souvik Dutta "

<explore_vulcan wrote:


Dear members,


I would like to put forth a conversation in another forum:


|| Jaya Jagannatha ||



Dear Kalyana ,


You Said " I don't believe that the future is fixed "


Albert Einstein said " Incidents are already exist , they come on

time machine "


I hope Einstein is right .








Recommend Message 34 of 41 in Discussion


sarasalai_siva 11/7/2005 9:55 PM



|| Jaya Jagannatha ||





Albert Einstein.


Dear List Einstein saying has deep meaning - related with Hinduism

astrology ....






Recommend Message 35 of 41 in Discussion


Dakini_Kalyana 11/12/2005 9:06 PM

Steel Helen -

you are welcome & please forgive my saturnian tone...


i hope the best for you & your friend...


there is always hope & i never meant for it to sound like a death



even though she is muslim & is not open to mantras-etc.. like you

said in a previous message, Prayer-Faith are inherent in all

religions & are the strongest remedies...


be well :)




Sarasalai Siva -

If the future is fixed, then God is dead....


& there is no Grace or Kripa....


why bother creating a remedial system to go along with Jyotish

(i.e. mantras, gemstones, etc...)

to help ward off the bad & enhance the positive if the future is

written in granite.....



all the Sages say that our true Self is beyond time & space...

our true Self is beyond astrology....

our true Self is the creator of all the worlds...


tapping into our true Self can empower us to change the future for

the better...


Einstein is just a man just like you & me...

he was not a Rishi or a Seer....

he was not omniscient & neither are we.


many scientists in the past have said many many things that do match


many scientists still do not believe in the existence of aliens or

extraterrestrial life-forms....

many scientists still do not believe in chi or prana....

many scientists still do not believe in astrology....

newtonian mechanics use to be quite acceptable but is quickly being


by the physics of the upcoming Aquarian age (quantum




in my consciousness -

i perceive that some events are fixed (like you said) & are destined

to happen

(especially if one is still young & /or if a soul chooses to live

there lives in ignorance of spiritual-karmic-astrological laws)...


but i also perceive that most of our future is not fixed

if we are given enough time + a method of altering it for the




















Recommend Message 36 of 41 in Discussion


Vinita_kum1 11/12/2005 10:37 PM

Dear Kaly,


As always, I like your posts, Saturnian or otherwise!


There is an analogy that I find quite interesting. We may be faced

with a huge shadow right in front of us in terms of what we

experience in life. Maybe events that are to happen will happen.

That's really not the point. The point is that if we just turn

around (180*), the shadow will be behind us. We just have to face

the light for the shadow to be behind us.


I used to be rather fearful of my Mars and Rahu dasha which is yet

to come like a cherry on top of the cake. (Its still a few years

away, I know.) My little prayer thrown up to the skies is let

whatever has to happen happen - just give me the strength within to

face it - with grace.


That makes me look forward to the cherry on the cake! The final test?


Love to all,






Recommend Message 37 of 41 in Discussion


sarasalai_siva 11/12/2005 11:32 PM



|| Jaya Jagannatha ||


Dear Kalyana,


A small example : You might have heard about Nadi Radings/readers

This Nadis were written thousand of years back by the sages.


Bhirugu nadi - Agasthiya nadi . etc. . Tamil Nadu is little famous

for Agasthiya Nadi . It is near Vaitheeswaran Temple.


These Nadi readers visited to Toronto too with their plam leaves. My

wife went and gave her finger print. The reader exactly said my

name. My mother in law's and father in law's names.


More than 10 people brought to me their tape recorded nadi readings.

In all cases the names of their spuses and family members are 100

percent correct.


Predictions ?? purposely these Rishis hided many matters.


BTW how these Rishis knew so and so will born to so and so and so

and so will marry so and so . Also before many hundred years before.










Recommend Message 38 of 41 in Discussion


Dakini_Kalyana 11/12/2005 11:56 PM



only for you & those people then...

not enough leaves for everyone...weren't alot of them " lost " ?


like i said, some of it is fixed depending on the grade of the



karmas can change alot depending on the promotion or demotion

of the indwelling soul....


why would the sages say,

" a wise man or woman rules his planets & is not ruled by them. " ?


even if the future was fixed,

the attitude that it is not would still be more important...


btw -

no human is 100% correct - there are no absolutes in a world of


there are no absolute sciences here in samsara-maya....


i know some professional vedic astrologers here in california

who have met with some Bhrigu nadi readers in India...


they told me their predictions were more accurate relating to their


& not their future....


the light of the Nadi predictions altered the karmas to come...


i respect your opinion & i have no problems with it personally.



















Recommend Message 39 of 41 in Discussion


Dakini_Kalyana 11/12/2005 11:59 PM

gr8 attitude Vinitaji


our free will is in how we choose to resond to a happy or sad



may your attitude rub off on me.. & everyone else too.







Recommend Message 40 of 41 in Discussion


Lyudmila 11/13/2005 4:22 AM

If the future is fixed, then God is dead....



I see and feel the future events ( as in my dreams and also only

looking on the people)


The God is alive....


To know the name is not so strange if you have the developed


You can see (or feel) it with your 6th sense





My reply:



Recommend Message 41 of 41 in Discussion


Souvik_Learner 11/13/2005 10:09 AM

Hello ladies and gentlemen,


This is a discussion going on in a highly spiritual plane and my

honest confession is that I donot consider myself a spiritually

elevated person (Kalyana, this is my choice ). However, I do

consider myself a factual person. Facts excite me, so I would like

to punch in a few lines with my limited knowledge.


While doing some research on my blog

(http://satyamshivamsundaram.blogspot.com/) , I came across Nadi

astrology. Very interesting indeed, however this is what the Nadi

astrologers have to say. They inscribed the destiny of humans ,

rather ONLY those humans who wanted to get their destiny

inscribed/written. Yes, this is the point I would like to make here,

although honestly this point is not mine. There is a very respected

individual on this group who had made this point to me a year

earlier- the point is about choice.


If Siva's soul chooses his destiny to be fixed, so be it.

If Kaly's soul does not chose his destiny to be fixed, so be it.

If some members do not wish to write on this topic, so be it.

If some nosy members wants to write (like me ) uninvited, so be it.


It has always been choice.


Ah! Einstien..ofcourse, Siva you quote him but again as I had

pointed out to you earlier, you donot explain his theories in

full..Didn't he say about parallel universes? Haven't you heard

about the grandfather paradox? Haven't you heard about string

theory? Well, isn't it all about choice?


Sorry, couldn't help but to indulge...again a choice I made!


Student Always,



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