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Bird Flu outbreak, Rahu & Sun connection.

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As I had mentioned before in response to the many naysayers who have doubts on astrology, it can predict lots of things that science is unable to detect on time.

Case in point being the recent outbreak of bird-flu in west bengal.

To the best of my knowledge diseases break out when Sun is weak or powerless and there is a "nexus" between Saturn/Rahu/Ketu.

It is said that when Sun(king) transits thru house of Jupiter ( respected teacher) he forsakes his duties in service of the guru.

That happened in the last month ending on Makara Sankranti day when Sun passed thru Sag. The important thing is that that this may last through transit of Sun in Aquarius.

It is something on which Sreeramji, Sunil Nairji, Goelji, Sreenadji can/should shed light on.

Thanks & Regards.

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Dear Chiranjivji,


Any outbreak of disease or a calamity like earth quake or floods or

cyclones..etc.. are all result of higher octaves of collective karma and

it is a nature's way of retribution. The research of BVB under Sri K.N.

Rao guidance was that Transit Saturn in Cancer causes diseases. The

current bird flu disease is NOT new one, but a carry forward of

previously reported cases......


Ofcourse, the current transit planetary conditions are also conducive to

situations. My study of events has been limited to few states of India

and countries in this aspect for various astro reasons. Ex.: Andhra

Pradesh had the first & most destructive cyclone in Year 1977, thereon

it has become a regular yearly {till date} event with lesser intensity.


Rivers overflowing during monsoon was accepted..but happening more so

now in terms of floods ...an yearly event...now. This is quite odd that

NONE of the rivers in India are having any water in it.. {save for the

patches...} ...they are almost dry.......during monsoon, they should be

soaking up the water....due to inherent dryness in soil.


It is difficult to find " crows " in West Bengal now.....due to missing

greenery....reason - Crows are supposed to be the last bird species to

be effected due to greenery.... {ignore Sparrows..}


The astro_expertise in Mundane or Weather predictions is getting lost or

already lost, save for those one finds it in Panchang, for the reason,

individuals are more interested in their own readings, atleast some

professionals still survive for they have some customers,.....but in

Mundane astros.......they have NONE free or paid customers......so they

die young....!!


There are many slokas and collections available...lack of application

......is resulting in techniques lost in time space.....


With regards,



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Dear Srinivas and other Friends,

According Mr. Srinivas , transit of Saturn in Cancer induce diseases. Saturn is presently transiting in Leo and in Retrograde motion till May3, 2008.

According to Bhirgu principle , Saturn is having influence on Cancer.This may be the reason for out-break of diseases.

In the days Varha Mihra , both Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs were coinciding. It is not clear to me ,how weather can be predicted ignoring Tropical





G.K.GOELPh: 09350311433Add: L-409, SARITA VIHARNEW DELHI-110 076INDIA

sreeram srinivas <sreeram64 Sent: Thursday, 17 January, 2008 4:06:14 PM Re: Bird Flu outbreak, Rahu & Sun connection.


Dear Chiranjivji,Any outbreak of disease or a calamity like earth quake or floods orcyclones..etc. . are all result of higher octaves of collective karma andit is a nature's way of retribution. The research of BVB under Sri K.N.Rao guidance was that Transit Saturn in Cancer causes diseases. Thecurrent bird flu disease is NOT new one, but a carry forward ofpreviously reported cases......Ofcourse, the current transit planetary conditions are also conducive tosituations. My study of events has been limited to few states of Indiaand countries in this aspect for various astro reasons. Ex.: AndhraPradesh had the first & most destructive cyclone in Year 1977, thereonit has become a regular yearly {till date} event with lesser intensity.Rivers overflowing during monsoon was accepted..but happening more sonow in terms of floods ...an yearly event...now. This is quite odd thatNONE of

the rivers in India are having any water in it.. {save for thepatches...} ...they are almost dry.......during monsoon, they should besoaking up the water....due to inherent dryness in soil.It is difficult to find "crows" in West Bengal now.....due to missinggreenery.... reason - Crows are supposed to be the last bird species tobe effected due to greenery.... {ignore Sparrows..}The astro_expertise in Mundane or Weather predictions is getting lost oralready lost, save for those one finds it in Panchang, for the reason, individuals are more interested in their own readings, atleast someprofessionals still survive for they have some customers,.. ...but inMundane astros...... .they have NONE free or paid customers... ...so theydie young....!!There are many slokas and collections available... lack of application.....is resulting in techniques lost in time space.....With


Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it.

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Dear Gopal,

I think Srinivas quoted what KNR wrote. Personally I would wonder why

Saturn in Cancer would cause disease. I can understand it giving a

negative attitude or feeling of helplessness and so on at the mental

level more than at physical level. Moon who owns Cancer is after all

the Karaka for mind and not body.




Gopal Goel wrote:




Dear Srinivas and other Friends,

According Mr. Srinivas , transit  of Saturn in Cancer induce

diseases. Saturn is presently transiting in Leo and in Retrograde

motion till May3, 2008.

According to Bhirgu principle , Saturn is having influence on

Cancer.This may be the reason for out-break of diseases.

In the days Varha Mihra , both Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs

were coinciding. It is not clear to me ,how weather can be predicted

ignoring Tropical








Ph: 09350311433


NEW DELHI-110 076





Original Message ----

sreeram srinivas <sreeram64 (AT) sify (DOT) com>


Thursday, 17 January, 2008 4:06:14 PM

Re: Bird Flu outbreak, Rahu

& Sun connection.




Dear Chiranjivji,


Any outbreak of disease or a calamity like earth quake or floods or

cyclones..etc. . are all result of higher octaves of collective karma


it is a nature's way of retribution. The research of BVB under Sri K.N.

Rao guidance was that Transit Saturn in Cancer causes diseases. The

current bird flu disease is NOT new one, but a carry forward of

previously reported cases......


Ofcourse, the current transit planetary conditions are also conducive to

situations. My study of events has been limited to few states of India

and countries in this aspect for various astro reasons. Ex.: Andhra

Pradesh had the first & most destructive cyclone in Year 1977,


it has become a regular yearly {till date} event with lesser intensity.


Rivers overflowing during monsoon was accepted..but happening more so

now in terms of floods ...an yearly event...now. This is quite odd that

NONE of the rivers in India are having any water in it.. {save for the

patches...} ...they are almost dry.......during monsoon, they should be

soaking up the water....due to inherent dryness in soil.


It is difficult to find "crows" in West Bengal now.....due to missing

greenery.... reason - Crows are supposed to be the last bird species to

be effected due to greenery.... {ignore Sparrows..}


The astro_expertise in Mundane or Weather predictions is getting lost or

already lost, save for those one finds it in Panchang, for the reason,

individuals are more interested in their own readings, atleast some

professionals still survive for they have some customers,.. ...but in

Mundane astros...... .they have NONE free or paid customers... ...so


die young....!!


There are many slokas and collections available... lack of application

......is resulting in techniques lost in time space.....


With regards,












Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name


we have it.

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dear members,

I am reproducing a portion of the paper. It highlights

the comets as rendered by Parasara. Probably these

comets as a role in the recent fire at kolkatta

followed by outbreak of bird flu.


with good wishes,



ON 14-12-2007)


A Profile of Indian Astronomy before the Siddhantic


Prof. Dr. R. N. Iyengar

Raja Ramanna Fellow

Dept. of Civil Engineering

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012





Comets of Parasara


Ketu-adbhuta (Comet-wonder) is the 8th chapter in AS.

Parasara classifies comets into

eleven groups making a total of 101 comets.



There are 101 comets. Among them 16 are born out of

mr.tyu (Death), 12 are from aditya

(Sun), 10 (11?) are due to anger of Rudra, 6 are out

of Pitamaha (Brahma or Creator),

15 are children of angry Uddalaka, 5 are from the

laughter of Prajapati, 17 are from the

forehead of Marici and Kasyapa (stars of U. Major), 3

are from Vibhavasu, 14 are

coeval with Moon when the ocean was churned. One is

born of Dhuma (smoke or dust)

and one is from the anger of Brahma. From the rising

of twenty-six of these effects are

expressed. We shall describe them by name, form,

effect and their time.



Therein arise three related to Death namely, Vasaketu,

Asthiketu and Sastraketu one

after another. Elapsing 130 years in the Floods,

Vasaketu, big and sharp, with its crown

bent towards north having risen in the west, causes

immediate destruction. Harsh

Asthiketu appears in the same period causing famine.

Sastraketu rising sharply in the

east results in destruction of weapon handling kings.


The alternate reading for samplaves.u is samplave

yuge. This would mean in the era of the

Floods. Asthiketu (Bone-comet) and Vasaketu

(Marrow-comet) are said to have the same

transit period. The two may be identical, seen first

in the west and later in the east. The

text of Utpala is almost similar, with bhargavah in

place of martyavah. Varaha-mihira

writes about the same comets, perhaps borrowed from

the same source, but never refers

to the year number and the Floods. The word denoting

the year number needs attention in

its interpretation. The year number of Vasaketu is

stated as trimsat-vars.Ina-satam.

contemporary Sanskrit use, this would be taken to mean

3000. This is how Bhat3 has

translated the above word. However, ancient evidence

indicates the meaning to be

different. This is seen in the explanation offered for

a similar compound word. Garga is

quoted by Utpala and Ballala-sena about Visvarupa,

which are celestial objects causing

fire. Garga describes them as,



The count is here given as vimsat-graha-satam..


Ballala-sena explains this as:


vimsatyadhikham satam ityarthah.


| Varaha-mihira in BS (11.23) and Utpala in his

commentary on the same verse give the number of

Visvarupa as 120 without ambiguity.

Thus, in ancient India, twenty-above-hundred (not

twenty-times-hundred) was the

accepted meaning of the above number word. Hence

trimsat-vars.a-satam should be taken

to mean 130 years. With this in the background the

further comet sequence is given

following AS.




There Kumudaketu is seen in the west at the end of the

transit of Vasa and other comets.

It is seen for one night like a bright spray of cow’s

milk, with its head bent eastwards.

This does good to people for a period of ten years. In

the west it causes various diseases

to the citizens. Kapalaketu among the offspring of

Adityas, rises in the east. It is seen on a

new moon evening with a smoky flaming crown, moving in

the center of the sky. Seen 125

years and three fortnights after Kumudaketu, it

induces drought and famine upon

appearance. For years equal to the months of

visibility, it reduces the autumn grain yield

by half and also uses away (destroys) half the




At the end of Kapalaketu’s transit, Man.iketu is seen

in the west for a night, subtle like the

star Arundhati (Alcor in U.Major), with its milky

white sharp and stationary crown bent

towards east. Starting from its rise, for a period of

two-and-half months it produces

health and abundant food for people. If seen for a

longer period it increases generation

of inferior life forms (insects and worms). Kaliketu,

born out of Rudra’s anger during the

sacrifice of Daks.a, rises after 300 years and 9

months. From the east, along the ecliptic,

with a harsh copper-red colour head like the tip of a

trident, it travels one-third (three

parts?) of the sky to be seen at the horizon. For

years, equal to the number of months

seen, the comet having reduced the population to

one-third, leaves eight measures of the

grain yield.




Then (appears) Calaketu related to Pitamaha. Having

risen 115 years after Kaliketu in

the west, with a crown of the size of a finger joint,

bent southwards, following one-third

of the sky, as it travels north exhibiting a head like

the tip of a trident, it moves close to

the star of Brahma (Abhijit), touches Brahmarasi,

Sapta..rsi (U.Major), Dhruva (Pole

Star) and returns half the sky to set in the south. It

does horrible deeds in the sky, shakes

the universe and the earth for a period ten months and

destroys a populous province in

madhya-desa. It troubles other places also for 18

months by occasional fear of enemies,

drought, disease and death.


Kaliketu and Calaketu are described as producing ill

effects on earth. The word Kali may

imply difficulty or evil, as in the word Kali-yuga.

Calaketu means Moving-comet and

aptly its movement to north and then sudden turn

southwards before setting is described.

This is one among the few cases where our ancients

have noted the transit of the comet

with respect to stars. The extent of both the comets

is described by the word nabhas-tribhaga.

This would mean one-third of the visible sky,

approximately 600 in extent. The

comet trail should have been spectacularly long.

Calaketu is said to have risen in the

west, that is after sun set. We may speculate that

this could have been so because of the

nearness of the comet to Sun and consequent

invisibility in daylight. This may imply that

Calaketu could have traversed between Sun and Earth.

Among the background stars

mentioned, Saptarsi refers to U.Major, without much

confusion. Dhruva can not be taken

as a- U.Minor, since before c1500 B.C. the pole star

was a-Draconis (Thuban). After this

period till about 500 B.C. there was no recognizable

pole star. Mention of both Brahmanakshatram

and Brhama-rasi brings in difficulties in

interpretation. From the context,

these should be indicating two different stations of

the comet. Following Varaha-mihira

(BS 11.33-36) if we take one of this to be star

Abhijit, the other may refer to the region

around star Rohin.i (Aldebaran), since this has

Prajapati or creator as its deity. Presently,

following medieval Indian astronomy, Abhijit is

identified with star Vega14, which is far

north of the ecliptic. But, in more ancient times,

Abhijit was well recognized to have been

along the ecliptic, between stars Utaaras.adha and

Sravana15. Mahabharata

metaphorically records the vanishing of Abhijit from

the sky16. Madhyadesa, literally

means middle country and its boundaries have changed

over long periods of time. As per

Varaha-mihira this includes Prayaga, Avanti, Ujjayini

and Pushkara forest in present day

Rajasthan. In the north this region was up to River

Devika. What constituted the middle-

land before Varaha’s time? Bharadwaj17 identifies the

madhyadesa of Vedic times to

have been between Rivers Sarasvati and Drishadvati,

including Kurukshetra. This



matches with the description of madhyadesa as per PS,

given in a later chapter on astrogeography18.

Not all comets brought in misery, some of them were

benevolent like





Jalaketu (Water-comet) having appeared when nine

months of work of Calaketu is still

remaining initiates Kr.ta. Rising in the west with its

head bent to the west, with a well-

formed star it gives within nine months health and

plenty of food to the people. It

compensates for the bad effects of other celestial

objects. Comets Urmi and others

ending with Sita appear at intervals of 13, 14 and 18

years. If they are sharp they

produce good effects, otherwise the opposite (effects

are indicated). They destroy inferior

life forms. After the work of eight of these,

Bhavaketu is seen in the east for a night. It is

of the size of the north star of the Kr.ttika cluster

(Pleiades) with the crown bent

clockwise, like the tail of a lion. It produces plenty

of food for months equal to the

muhurtas it is seen. If it is harsh (to look at) it

produces fatal diseases.


Ten out of the twenty-six comets of Parasara are

covered in the above paragraph. The

word Kr.ta, here means good-period in contrast with

the word Kali. Utpala also quotes PS

giving the names of comets between Urmi and Sita. No

year number is given for Jalaketu

and Bhavaketu. But indirectly the eight comets

starting with Urmi account for an interval

of nearly 120 years between the above two comets.




Then, Svetaketu offspring of Uddalaka is seen, 110

years after Bhavaketu’s transit, in the

east at midnight, with its crown bent southwards.

Along with it is seen in the west a comet

named Ka, second offspring of Prajapati, staying like

a yoke. Both, visible for seven

nights, trouble people for ten years. If Ka is seen

for twice the duration (14 nights) it will



cause horrible effects of weapon on people. The two

turning to oily colour give good

health and plentiful food.


Svetaketu or White-comet is the nineteenth member in

this list. It is said that along with

this was seen another comet denoted by the single

syllable Ka. Utpala’s text is similar

except for some grammatical peculiarities. PS

describes Ka as yupa-sansthayi. Yupa is a

technical word, in Vedic parlance, indicating a column

in the sacrificial altar. Varahamihira

describes the comet Ka as yugakr.ti. The intended

meaning appears to be that Ka

looked straight like a yoke or a column. It is

qualified as being both a graha (planet or

seizer) and a ketu (comet). Astronomers may like to

comment on the possibility of two

comets such as the above being simultaneously

observed. The names of the two comets

are equally intriguing. Svetaketu the son of Uddalaka

is a famous name in Vedic

literature, particularly the Upanishads19. His name

appears in Mahabharata also as a

social reformer living before the time of Pandavas20.

His relation with his eponymous

comet is not known. The word Ka is usually used as a

pronoun meaning Who. However

in the Vedas Ka has been used as the name of a deity

also21. This raises the important

question about the possibility of some of PS comets

being linked with Vedic deities.



At the end of the effects of Svetaketu (after 10

years) Padmaketu rises in the west with its

crown coloured like a lotus stalk. Moving one night,

it brings immense happiness for a

period of seven years. Kasyapa Svadhiketu is seen, 115

years after the transit of

Padmaketu, with star Jyest.h.a (Antares). It is dark

and harsh occupying one-third of the

sky recedes anti-clockwise, with a crown rotating

clockwise above, like a lock of hairs.

For years equal to the number of months seen, it

reduces the population of the Aryan

groups in the middle region and north to one-third.




Avartaketu rises in the latter half of the night,

after the work of Svadhiketu with a head

like the trunk of a conch, bent clockwise, portending

happiness to the world. For months

equal to the muhurtas seen, it produces happiness and

daily celebration in the world.

Rasmiketu born of Vibhavasu, 100 years after

Avartaketu, appears in the star cluster

Kr.ttika (Pleiades) with a smoky head. Its effects are

similar to that of Svetaketu.

Samvartaka is seen, after a lapse of 108 years, in the

evening after the sun has set in the

west. It occupies one-third of the sky, with a thin

dreadful copper coloured spear-like

head, ejecting a jet of smoke. For years equal to the

muhurtas of its stay, kings fight

among themselves. Whichever star it covers with its

smoke, the countries associated with

those stars are troubled.




The precursors of Dhumaketu are, earthquake, dullness

of fire, dust veils, exchange of

heat and cold (seasons), and very harsh wind.

Dhumaketu having no fixed colour, shape,

location and time, appears on the trees, towns,

mountains, houses, flags, chariots,

elephants, camels, men, bedstead and vessels of the

loosing countries and their kings. It

portends good when it is clear, sharp, with a

clockwise shaped crown leaving the Go,

Gaja and Naga paths to its north.


Dhumaketu or the smoky-comet is the last in the list

of Parasara. Varaha-mihira calls this

Dhruvaketu. Utpala’s text of Parasara also gives the

same name. However, considering

the popularity of the word Dhumaketu in the sense of a

comet, the text of AS appears

more acceptable. Vr.Garga, to be discussed later, also

names the last in the sequence as

Dhumaketu. The paths called Go, Gaja and Naga are

specific regions in the night sky

defined with respect to the stars22. For example the

region to the north of stars Krttika,

Rohini, Magha and Visakha is called Naga-vithi. The

above celestial objects described

by Parasara are unambiguously comets. Varaha-mihira in

BS, has only repeated in verse

form whatever Parasara had already said about comets.

Since he explicitly held the view

that comets were beyond mathematics (BS 11.1), he

appears to have omitted the year

numbers, even if he knew them. Utpala some four

hundred years later commenting on

BS quotes PS at length including the chronology

starting with the Flood, pin pointing the

original source of Varaha. However, since Varaha wrote

about comets in an arbitrary

order, Utpala’s PS text does not read in the correct

sequence. For example, Utpala

mentions Kapalaketu, which is supposed to be seen

after Kumudaketu at verse 11.31 of

BS. But BS presents Kumuda after several other comets

in verse 11.43. Fortunately

Ballala-sena has preserved PS in the correct

sequential order. Thus one has to note that

while Parasara’s comet list in AS is internally

consistent, Varaha’s list in BS is not

consistent. The mentioned year numbers are perhaps

approximate time intervals between

two sightings, expressed as elapsed time. How Parasara

was able to obtain this list is not

apparent. It should have been only a tradition, which

interestingly started its initial point

with the Flood.







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