Guest guest Posted January 19, 2008 Report Share Posted January 19, 2008 Dear friends, Sani, Rahu and Guru have always fascinated me. I did some work on Rahu and that quest also led me to some thinking on Karakatwa. I am reposting about Jupiter from my old files for the benefit of new members. Please view and test the adage with an open mind with your data base. IS GURU A BENIGN/DIVINE PLANET ?? Brum Bruhaspataye Namah: Some time back I had stated that we need to take a fresh look at Karakatwa of planets. I did some startling work on Rahu and my quest for Karaktwa is continuing. I had mentioned that I will be working on Rahu, Guru and Shani. So keeping up the tempo of my investigation in Karakatwa of Guru, I am writing the first instalment of work on Guru. I have taken the following from my article on Rahu which speaks about need to have a rethink on Karakatwa of Rahu, Guru and Shani. " It is but human nature to paint any shade in to darker and darker shade . A small time thief becomes a demonic murderer, cheat etc. once the story is told and retold over a period of time. A mole hill is converted into a mountain. Everything Fair in colour is seen as Fair, beautiful, good and benign in nature and everything black is associated with worst things you can imagine. Thus black people are termed as cheats, crooks, dumb, fools, low in caste, of low character , menials, diseased etc. This obsession with dark and black has been well adopted by astrologers of yore. Thus Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have become mlechheas, sudras, thieves, labourers,crooks, and whatever bad you can think of. So when it came to allotting Karakatwa , venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Sun took the best of the portfolios. Rules of astrology were formed to fit their brightness . Sometimes square pegs were put in round holes. Jupiter, the planet shares the same name Guru , meaning Large as Guru meaning Teacher. At some point of time, Guru the planet, Guru , the teacher and Brihaspati, the Teacher of immortal Devas became one . Brihaspati, the Deva Guru , supposed to be of most benign nature, pious, intelligent, Brahmin, was given many portfolios. Out of that, portfolios of 2nd house and 5th house were also given to him. But Guru, even though was made karaka for house of wealth, whenever he was in 2nd bhava, the man turned into a pauper lost wealth or suffered financially. He was given karakatva of 5th house , Santana Bhava.But when he sits in Santana Bhava, he is found to bring the lineage to the end.The person becomes childless. How can a minister of finance occupying his own office in the place ruled by him destroy the finances of the country ? How can the Putra Karaka deny a son to the person if in 5th bhava ? They also found that BAD Sani , increased wealth when in 2nd bhava. It is like a Menial low caste servant occupying the seat of finance in the ministry increase the wealth of the country. !!! How paradoxical !!!! So the old Astrologers made a byrule to explain. BHAVA NASH KARO JEEVA, BHAVA VRIDDHHI KARAU SHANI: Meaning, Jupiter destroys the bhava he occupies and saturn increases the bhava he occupies. I remember the story of olden times when a child wants Moon, the mother brings a plate of water and asks the child to take the reflection of Moon. " And since the child believes in Mother, he accepts that moon and stops crying. People accepted all the so called Exceptions to the rule without questioning. In respect to Brihaspati, I found that he is a misfit in most of the places he sits. According to my thinking, Guru acts as a Parasite , and draws strength from the house he occupies and distributes its goodness in form of aspectual fruits. In my original research on Planets and Element's Periodic table, Jupiter becomes the lord of 6th Group. JUPITER AS LORD OF 6th GROUP Jupiter means JEEVA, meaning LIFE. He is the savior of Life on earth. Oxygen means Life. No Oxygen means no life. You find oxygen in 6th group. In astrology, Guru's aspect removes all problems and prevents Balarishta (Infant Mortality). Jupiter is Yellow in colour , he adores yellow clothes. His stone is Yellow sapphire. He resides in a ASTHAKONA HOUSE. You will find Yellow Sulphur listed in this group. Outermost shell has 8 electrons. So he resides in ASHTKONA house. Chromium salts are yellow. Oxygen in moderation gives life.But same oxygen kills at higher doses.Water is disinfected using over dose of oxygen .!! Excess amount of oxygen in form of FREE RADICALS has been found to be extremely harmful to human/all living things. Free Radicals have been found to lower immunity and accelerate ageing process. And this is the handiwork of Planet known as JEEVA. I am posting on effects of Guru in 2nd,5th 9th and 10th houses today to illustrate that he destroys the houses which he occupies. EFFECT OF GURU IN 5TH HOUSE. Male DOB: 28.9.1954 TOB: 18.30 Hrs POB: Madras Asc: Pisces Ketu: Gemini Jupiter: Cancer Moon,Sun: Virgo Sat/Merc/Ven: Libra Rahu/Mars: Saggitarius Mark Guru in cancer a Female sign in 5th where Guru is in exaltation. He has malefics in 10th house which denotes no progeny to light funeral pyre. This person is childless . CASE # II Male DOB: 6TH July 1935 Tob : 5.34 AM POB: Teng-t'a 101 E 12 36 N 32 Gemini: Asc Gemini: Sun/Merc/Ketu Leo: Moon/venus Virgo : Mars Libra : Jupiter Saggi: Rahu Aquarius: Saturn This person has Guru in 5th house.He is unmarried and has no children due to religious abstinence. This horoscope belongs to His Holiness Dalai Lama. CASE # III GURU IN 2ND HOUSE DHANA BHAVA MALE Born ...10th Nov 1955 Janma Lagna Kataka Vrishabha...........ketu Simha ..............Guru Kanya...............Moon, Mars Tula................Saturn, Mercury, Sun Vrischik............Rahu , Shukra VIMSHOTTARI DASAS EXPERIENCED SO FAR, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Guru (Presently). This person has Guru in 2nd house in Leo. RESULT: The jataka , except for a very brief period in Guru dasa, has failed in everything he has done. Extremely bad with money. Owes people huge sums, no property , no permenet jobs, avoided by world and also his own family.poverty does not leave him and presently looked after by father inlaw. GURU IN 8TH , AYUSHYA BHAVA. Guru is termed as Jeeva, Ayushya karaka, remover of illness, when comes and occupies 8th bhava, destroys the Ayushya or Life of a person. I will give two examples of such people who were killed by Guru. CASE #1 Male: DOB: 27.3.1972 TOB: 9.07 AM POB: Udaipur Rajasthan Taurus: Asc Taurus: Mars/Sat Cancer: Ketu Leo: Moon Saggi: Jupiter Capri: Rahu Pisces: Sun/Merc Mark presence of Guru in the 8th bhava. The person died in a tragic road accident in year 2001. CASE # 2 Male DOB: 9.11.1915 TOB: 12.15 am POB: Porbandar India Cancer : Asc Cancer: Mars/ketu Libra: Merc/Sun Scorpio: Moon/Venus Capri: Rahu Aquarius: Jupiter Gemini: Saturn Mark Jupiter in 8th bhava. The person in question died of TB at the age of 24 years. To Be Continued. BRUM BRUHASPATAYE NAMAH: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 19, 2008 Report Share Posted January 19, 2008 True. Nobody denies the fact that we paint the planets in extreme colours. Jupiter is also harmfull and the Bhava nasha capabilities are well known. However the mere aspect of Jupiter can.... to use a correct word extract a person from his predicament when he { a certain house } is full of malefics upto no good. Also I know a person who has Guru in the 8th house who is still alive and older to the unfortunate person in your example. I have said it a few times in this group that rarely have I seen a person as crooked , with a twisted mind as a Debilitated Jupiter. Also your take on Jupiter belonging to the 6th house would be interesting to explore as it is said to be powerless in that sthan. We also forget a scientific fact of the size ( largest), gravitational pull (gurutvakarshan), and normal chaal/motion of Jupiter ( forward, retrogade retracing a majority of first forward move and then forward covering the zodiac in approx 4 months very fast- atichari). It is, to use a similie, like an elephant - wise, satvik, big, powerfull yet mostly gentle except when it becomes angry or is a rogue ! --- On Sat, 19/1/08, nameisego <nameisego wrote: nameisego <nameisego Bhava Nash Karo Jeeva...Bhava Vriddhhi Karau Shani... Date: Saturday, 19 January, 2008, 5:30 PM Dear friends,Sani, Rahu and Guru have always fascinated me.I did some work on Rahu and that quest also led me to some thinking on Karakatwa.I am reposting about Jupiter from my old files for the benefit of new members.Please view and test the adage with an open mind with your data base.IS GURU A BENIGN/DIVINE PLANET ??Brum Bruhaspataye Namah:Some time back I had stated that we need to take a fresh look atKarakatwa of planets. I did some startling work on Rahu and my questfor Karaktwa is continuing.I had mentioned that I will be working on Rahu, Guru and Shani.So keeping up the tempo of my investigation in Karakatwa of Guru, Iam writing the first instalment of work on Guru.I have taken the following from my article on Rahu which speaksabout need to have a rethink on Karakatwa of Rahu, Guru and Shani."It is but human nature to paint any shade in to darker and darkershade . A small time thief becomes a demonic murderer, cheat etc.once the story is told and retold over a period of time. A mole hillis converted into a mountain.Everything Fair in colour is seen as Fair, beautiful, good andbenign in nature and everything black is associated with worstthings you can imagine. Thus black people are termed as cheats,crooks, dumb, fools, low in caste, of low character , menials,diseased etc.This obsession with dark and black has been well adopted byastrologers of yore.Thus Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have become mlechheas, sudras, thieves,labourers,crooks, and whatever bad you can think of.So when it came to allotting Karakatwa , venus, Jupiter, Mercury andSun took the best of the portfolios. Rules of astrology were formedto fit their brightness . Sometimes square pegs were put in roundholes.Jupiter, the planet shares the same name Guru , meaning Large asGuru meaning Teacher. At some point of time, Guru the planet,Guru , the teacher and Brihaspati, the Teacher of immortal Devasbecame one .Brihaspati, the Deva Guru , supposed to be of most benign nature,pious, intelligent, Brahmin, was given many portfolios. Out of that,portfolios of 2nd house and 5th house were also given to him. ButGuru, even though was made karaka for house of wealth, whenever hewas in 2nd bhava, the man turned into a pauper lost wealth orsuffered financially. He was given karakatva of 5th house , SantanaBhava.But when he sits in Santana Bhava, he is found to bring thelineage to the end.The person becomes childless.How can a minister of finance occupying his own office in the placeruled by him destroy the finances of the country ? How can the PutraKaraka deny a son to the person if in 5th bhava ?They also found that BAD Sani , increased wealth when in 2nd bhava.It is like a Menial low caste servant occupying the seat of financein the ministry increase the wealth of the country. !!!How paradoxical !!!!So the old Astrologers made a byruleto explain.BHAVA NASH KARO JEEVA,BHAVA VRIDDHHI KARAU SHANI:Meaning, Jupiter destroys the bhava he occupies and saturn increasesthe bhava he occupies.I remember the story of olden times when a child wants Moon, themother brings a plate of water and asks the child to take thereflection of Moon."And since the child believes in Mother, he accepts that moon andstops crying. People accepted all the so called Exceptions to therule without questioning. In respect to Brihaspati, I found that heis a misfit in most of the places he sits.According to my thinking, Guru acts as a Parasite , and drawsstrength from the house he occupies and distributes its goodness inform of aspectual fruits.In my original research on Planets and Element's Periodic table,Jupiter becomes the lord of 6th Group.JUPITER AS LORD OF 6th GROUPJupiter means JEEVA, meaning LIFE. He is the savior of Life onearth. Oxygen means Life. No Oxygen means no life. You find oxygenin 6th group. In astrology, Guru's aspect removes all problems andprevents Balarishta (Infant Mortality).Jupiter is Yellow in colour , he adores yellow clothes. His stone isYellow sapphire. He resides in a ASTHAKONA HOUSE.You will find Yellow Sulphur listed in this group. Outermost shellhas 8 electrons. So he resides in ASHTKONA house. Chromium salts areyellow.Oxygen in moderation gives life.But same oxygen kills at higherdoses.Water is disinfected using over dose of oxygen .!!Excess amount of oxygen in form of FREE RADICALS has been found tobe extremely harmful to human/all living things. Free Radicals havebeen found to lower immunity and accelerate ageing process.And this is the handiwork of Planet known as JEEVA.I am posting on effects of Guru in 2nd,5th 9th and 10th houses todayto illustrate that he destroys the houses which he occupies.EFFECT OF GURU IN 5TH HOUSE.MaleDOB: 28.9.1954TOB: 18.30 HrsPOB: MadrasAsc: PiscesKetu: GeminiJupiter: CancerMoon,Sun: VirgoSat/Merc/Ven: LibraRahu/Mars: SaggitariusMark Guru in cancer a Female sign in 5th where Guru is in exaltation.He has malefics in 10th house which denotes no progeny to lightfuneral pyre.This person is childless .CASE # IIMaleDOB: 6TH July 1935Tob : 5.34 AMPOB: Teng-t'a101 E 1236 N 32Gemini: AscGemini: Sun/Merc/KetuLeo: Moon/venusVirgo : MarsLibra : JupiterSaggi: RahuAquarius: SaturnThis person has Guru in 5th house.He is unmarried and has nochildren due to religious abstinence.This horoscope belongs to His Holiness Dalai Lama.CASE # IIIGURU IN 2ND HOUSE DHANA BHAVAMALEBorn ...10th Nov 1955Janma Lagna KatakaVrishabha... ........ketuSimha ............ ..GuruKanya....... ........Moon, MarsTula........ ........Saturn, Mercury, SunVrischik.... ........Rahu , ShukraVIMSHOTTARI DASAS EXPERIENCED SO FAR,Moon, Mars, Rahu, Guru (Presently).This person has Guru in 2nd house in Leo.RESULT:The jataka , except for a very brief period in Guru dasa, has failedin everything he has done. Extremely bad with money. Owes peoplehuge sums, no property , no permenet jobs, avoided by world and alsohis own family.poverty does not leave him and presently looked afterby father inlaw.GURU IN 8TH , AYUSHYA BHAVA.Guru is termed as Jeeva, Ayushya karaka, remover of illness, whencomes and occupies 8th bhava, destroys the Ayushya or Life of aperson.I will give two examples of such people who were killed by Guru.CASE #1Male:DOB: 27.3.1972TOB: 9.07 AMPOB: Udaipur RajasthanTaurus: AscTaurus: Mars/SatCancer: KetuLeo: MoonSaggi: JupiterCapri: RahuPisces: Sun/MercMark presence of Guru in the 8th bhava. The person died in a tragicroad accident in year 2001.CASE # 2MaleDOB: 9.11.1915TOB: 12.15 amPOB: Porbandar IndiaCancer : AscCancer: Mars/ketuLibra: Merc/SunScorpio: Moon/VenusCapri: RahuAquarius: JupiterGemini: SaturnMark Jupiter in 8th bhava.The person in question died of TB at the age of 24 years.To Be Continued.BRUM BRUHASPATAYE NAMAH: Chat on a cool, new interface. No download required. 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Guest guest Posted January 19, 2008 Report Share Posted January 19, 2008 Dear Nameisego ji, I am enthused by your observations and providing a contrasting set of birth details, for your reference & any comments if any. Focus is on Jupiter only. Male Male Male Date of birth 31-Dec-1915 7-Aug-1975 Time of birth 19:44 hrs 15:30hrs Place of birth Ahmedabad New Delhi Ascendant Cancer Scorpio Aquarius 1H Ketu Rahu 2H Mars 3H 4H Moon Saturn® 5H 6H Mercury, Sun Jupiter Jupiter 7H Rahu, Venus Ketu, Mars Rahu 8H Jupiter Sun, Venus, Mars, Mercury® 9H Sa, Me, Su, Moon Moon 10H Venus ® 11H 12H Saturn 80+yrs life Earning a fair amount settled abroad Fairly good money Female Male Male Male 06-Sept-1967 12-Dec-1975 28-May 8-Aug-1912 17:00hrs 19:35 Ahmedabad Gudivada Capricon Leo Libra Aquarius Moon, Jupiter Rahu Sat® Venus, Rahu Rahu Sun Saturn, Moon Mercury Ketu Sun Jupiter Venus Venus, Mercury, Mars Sun, Ven® Moon, Jup Sun, Mercury Ketu Moon, Mercury Ketu Mars Mars Jupiter Mars® Rahu Sa ® Saturn With husband doing well & happy family Rich person Enjoyed money, position & popularity Enjoyed money, position & popularity With regards, Sreeram_Srinivas Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 19, 2008 Report Share Posted January 19, 2008 dear friends similar debate happened in other groups earlier, where i demonstrated my positive bias towards jupiter to prove that this myth of bhava nasha does not hold water. there are thousands of horoscopes in database of my customers and can provide dozens of birth details where people are wealthy with jupiter in their second house, people had two or three children with jupiter in thier fifth house, to supplement sreeramji; but then astrologers will come up with other rules of exceptions and overriding principles which precluded jupiter from destroying that bhava. this exercise of for and against birth charts is of little use unless we are flexible in not IMPOSING a rule as a thumbrule there is a byerule that has been taught by the traditional astrologers of the past that says mercury in kendra can negate 500 doshas, venus in kendra can negate 5000 doshas and jupiter in kendra can negate one lakh doshas. hence i submit that these rules of bhava vriddhi and bhava nasha are as applicable as the neecha bhanga rajayoga and uchha bhanga daridra yoga rules are. with best wishes and blessings pandit arjun , " sreeram srinivas " <sreeram64 wrote: > > > Dear Nameisego ji, > > I am enthused by your observations and providing a contrasting set of > birth details, for your reference & any comments if any. Focus is on > Jupiter only. > > > > > Male > > Male > > Male > > Date of birth > > 31-Dec-1915 > > 7-Aug-1975 > > > > Time of birth > > 19:44 hrs > > 15:30hrs > > > > Place of birth > > Ahmedabad > > New Delhi > > > > Ascendant > > Cancer > > Scorpio > > Aquarius > > 1H > > Ketu > > Rahu > > > > 2H > > Mars > > > > > > 3H > 4H > > Moon > > > > Saturn® > > 5H > 6H > > Mercury, Sun > > Jupiter > > Jupiter > > 7H > > Rahu, Venus > > Ketu, Mars > > Rahu > > 8H > > Jupiter > > > > Sun, Venus, Mars, Mercury® > > 9H > > > > Sa, Me, Su, Moon > > Moon > > 10H > > > > Venus ® > > > > 11H > 12H > > Saturn > 80+yrs life > > Earning a fair amount settled abroad > > Fairly good money > > > > Female > > Male > > Male > > Male > > 06-Sept-1967 > > 12-Dec-1975 > > 28-May > > 8-Aug-1912 > > 17:00hrs > > > > > > 19:35 > > Ahmedabad > > > > Gudivada > > > > Capricon > > Leo > > Libra > > Aquarius > > > > > > Moon, Jupiter > > > Rahu > > Sat® > > Venus, Rahu > > > > > > Rahu > > Sun > > > > Saturn, Moon > > > > Mercury > > Ketu > > > Sun > > Jupiter > > > > Venus > > Venus, Mercury, Mars > > Sun, Ven® > > Moon, Jup > > Sun, Mercury > > Ketu > > Moon, Mercury > > Ketu > > Mars > > > > Mars > > > > > > Jupiter > > > > Mars® > > Rahu > > > > > > Sa ® > > Saturn > > > > With husband doing well & happy family > > Rich person > > Enjoyed money, position & popularity > > Enjoyed money, position & popularity > > > With regards, > > Sreeram_Srinivas > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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