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Life after death

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dear members,

yesterday i happen to listen in DD(tamil TV channel) a

short explanation rendered by a Vedic shcolar abt body

and atma(soul).

He was telling that atma is almost like an atom not

visible to the naked eye and it gets lodged in the

heart of the fetus(unborn child)which also makes the

heart pump. When atma decides to leave out of the body

the heart stops funtioning. Even in cases of brain

death the heart keeps functioning because of the

presence of atma.

Body is composed of PanchaBhuthas ie air, water, agni,

earth(minerals) and ether(space). when these five

elements join together we find changes in our body at

every stage whereas if air is alone or water is alone

or heat is alone none of them change. He gave an

example of how Rava a bye product of wheat when it

remains alone it doesnt change, when it is mixed with

water,salt, spices and made to hot uppuma( south

indian delicacy) it remains stable only for a day and

the next day it changes or it starts smelling. whereas

atma doesnt change because it isnt a combination of

various materials. So a body of a living creature has

to undergo the change from the time of conception till



good wishes,








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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Gopu,


Thanks for the narration.


Please see my response below.





On Dec 1, 2007 1:05 PM, K Gopu <kgopu_24 wrote:


> dear members,

> yesterday i happen to listen in DD(tamil TV channel) a

> short explanation rendered by a Vedic shcolar abt body

> and atma(soul).

> He was telling that atma is almost like an atom not

> visible to the naked eye and it gets lodged in the

> heart of the fetus(unborn child)which also makes the

> heart pump. When atma decides to leave out of the body

> the heart stops funtioning. Even in cases of brain

> death the heart keeps functioning because of the

> presence of atma.


[sarajit] If brain can die without the body dying, does it mean brain

has its own atma, which is different from the body... that it lived at

somepoint and died at some other point, which is not the same with the

death of the heart or body. Does each organ of us have different atma.

However each cell of our body. We all know that they are living and

each of them have their own identity. Each of them can be separated

into a single living cell and kept it living outside the body. For

example the blood collected from the body has numerous such living

cells... Does each one of them has one atma each or they share the

same atma as the body!


> Body is composed of PanchaBhuthas ie air, water, agni,

> earth(minerals) and ether(space). when these five

> elements join together we find changes in our body at

> every stage whereas if air is alone or water is alone

> or heat is alone none of them change. He gave an

> example of how Rava a bye product of wheat when it

> remains alone it doesnt change, when it is mixed with

> water,salt, spices and made to hot uppuma( south

> indian delicacy) it remains stable only for a day and

> the next day it changes or it starts smelling.


[sarajit] Its only a matter of time, something like uppama can

decompose faster than something else like Rava! Anything which is

created will be destroyed! They will also undergo the change from

birth-sustenance-death (destruction/ annihilation).



> atma doesnt change because it isnt a combination of

> various materials. So a body of a living creature has

> to undergo the change from the time of conception till

> death.


[sarajit] Well said! Atma does not die because it does not have a

distinct existence, it has no beginning and hence no end... It is just

a state of being like the param-atma. Only our consciousness makes us

feel to have a different atma compared to others!



> good wishes,

> k.gopu


> ________

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Best Wishes

Sarajit Poddar

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dear Mr. Sarajit,

I think u havent understood the msg conveyed by the

vedic scholar. I am not sure whether u have seen a

person admitted in the hospital in the ICU for cardiac

failure. the doctors try their best to save the

patient. But once multi organ failure sets in, the

chances of the patient living is bleak. And in this

multi organ failure, the last organ to stop is the

heart and only in that context the vedic scholar has

said that the atma is seated in the heart and not as

per ur interpretation that each organ in the body be

it a cell, has an atma. As a matter of fact in our

body every second a cell dies and a new cell forms.

this cell death is called apoptosis which is

essential. so there is no atma or soul in the

individual cell or other organs.


good wishes,








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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Gopu,


I understood what the vedic scholar said. I was thinking on the

philosophical angle of the statements. Please see my comments below.





On Dec 1, 2007 9:43 PM, K Gopu <kgopu_24 wrote:






> dear Mr. Sarajit,

> I think u havent understood the msg conveyed by the

> vedic scholar. I am not sure whether u have seen a

> person admitted in the hospital in the ICU for cardiac

> failure. the doctors try their best to save the

> patient. But once multi organ failure sets in, the

> chances of the patient living is bleak. And in this

> multi organ failure, the last organ to stop is the

> heart and only in that context the vedic scholar has

> said that the atma is seated in the heart


The most accepted notion of death is the brain death. After the heart

stops, the brain still functions and hence the dying person can still

be brought to life using various means such as cardiopulmonary

resuscitation (CPR). However when the brain stops, it cannot be

reversed. About the multi organ failure, the organ starts failing only

when the blood flow to them stops, hence they set in after the heart

stops. I am not an medical expert and hence I my statements are based

on general understanding. May be some medical experts can confirm or




and not as

> per ur interpretation that each organ in the body be

> it a cell, has an atma. As a matter of fact in our

> body every second a cell dies and a new cell forms.

> this cell death is called apoptosis which is

> essential. so there is no atma or soul in the

> individual cell or other organs.


If cells are born, they live and die. In many ways they behave the

same way, we do, however in a microscopic scale. They also have their

own organs, they eat, they rest etc...Are you suggesting that the

cells are able to do this without having atma? Then whats the

difference between their state of living and death!



> good wishes,

> k.gopu


> ________

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Best Wishes

Sarajit Poddar

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