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2-Planet combinations-Amavasya yoga.

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Dear sreenadh ,

First let me congratulate u for a nice write up .

Sun and moon combination ,the amavasya yoga,the yogis and Tantrics of india select this occassion for special rituals as siva is with sakti and its a union of atma and mind >This combination always fascinated me as i find greate personalities and commoners took birth in this combination.

So our duty is to arrive at a safe conclusion and effective ness of the results - like raja jyothishis of yore ,who are more good in arriving at the results .Now we are still in darkness as to how to say certain results than saying its double edged weapon .How we can delinate results .Experinced persons in the groups can show some lite in this direction .How moon behind sun or ahead of sun affects the results ?

This combination was enigmatic for me like moon -rahu (grahan yogas) and sun -ketu combo s .Or some even says pitru dosha or matru dosha in the chart.And its connection with mental make up of a person .

I read some where ,i dont know is it in nadi s literature that this combination may giv rise to another mother-step mother-yes,u also said mother wont be ideal figure for the person.This combiantion seems to be working in many charts .Its may be true when karakas with life (jeeva karaka like sun-father.moon-mother etc) got affected .

But we know that sun being prana karka and moon being deha karaka this combination can make or break a chart .How can we see it ,without asking any back ground information from the consulter .

We can see may be exceptions working in chart when this combination in 4th -here moon is having dig bala .In 10th this combination -sun is having dig bala .

And sun or moon in own house or exaltations .Should we consider hora and muhurtha s like Abhijit ,or in own drekkana,uttamamsa,uchamsa for seeing the combo whether is constructiv or destructive .

Now sun is strong in uttharayan and day time ,moon is strong in dakhsinayana and nite time ,so how can we combine these results to a chart by seeing all positive and negetiv traits .

And kerala jyothishis are of opinion that moon is seed of all yogas in chart .So how we can say when some one born in this yoga attains high offices in country like karunanidhi cheif minister of Tamil Nadu and chief of D M k political party and also a person with literary skills .I am searching his chart .


I think we shud hone our skills in addressing this minor basics --then only we can say we r realy equipped to see a chart .Then only we can answer challenegs posed by people like sri avatar kishen kaul .


Good attempt ,mr.sreenadh and i realy appreciate u .

There are other astrologers in forum ,pls come forward and present ur observations and knowledge and pls contribute the discussion .


regrds vijayaraghavan guruvayur .



, "Sreenadh" <sreesog wrote:>> Dear All,> The following is a write up that starts a discussion on 2-planet> combinations.> ====================================================> Two planet combinations> -----> The first thing to know in this section is that these results are part> of "results that should be derived considering planets alone".> i.e. It is part of "Planet based result derivation" which is> part of 7-fold prediction system. Therefore questions such as `what> if the combination is in so and so houses?', `What if if the> combination is in so and so houses?' etc won't be addressed> here, if not the same is mentioned in the sloka itself. With this> understanding let us proceed with our study of planet based prediction.> > The ancient authentic texts like Skanda hora, Brihat prajaptya, Saunaka> hora etc addressed this question in detail - but unluckily we don't> have those texts available now. But some slokas from those texts that> deals with the same is available here and there in various texts - but> ofcourse the same is not enough to discuss the subject in detail. The> oldest text available to us today that deals with 2-planet combinations> in detail is Meenaraja hora. Later Saravali and Jataka Saradeepa too> quoted the same - while discussing this subject, which provides total> authentic nature to these slokas. Considering the various versions of> the same slokas given by these 3 texts (i.e. Meenaraja hora, Saravali,> Jataka Saradeepa) we can discuss these slokas in detail. Another good> resource is Brihajjataka of Varahamihira, which devotes a whole chapter> for discussing 2 planet combinations. Two good commentaries of> Brihajjataka vis, Hridyapadha and Vivarana can also help us much in> arriving at the meaning and possibilities of these combinations. As we> have clearly identified our resources to study and discuss the subject> of 2-planet combinations, let us proceed with the same.> > Possibly the ancient texts such as Skanda hora was not even available to> king Kalyana varma who wrote Saravali in 10th century AD. Possibly it is> because of this that he had to refer to many slokas from Yavaneswara> hora, Sphujidwaja hora, Meenaraja hora etc. But still he was of the> opinion that these texts contain too much unnecessary information or> unwanted phony quotes. That is why when he wrote Saravali he stated that> -> > "Many great horas are written by the ancient sages. Mihira condensed> its essence into a small book called Brihajjataka (I value that book and> effort very much). But Brihajjataka alone is not enough to derive result> regarding many results related to Yoga, Dasa, Divisions etc. Therefore I> am writing this book - i.e. Saravali - brewing the essence of books in> Yavana school of astrology and leaving the non-essential"> > It is considering this high opinion of Kalyanavarma about Brihajjataka,> the text Saravali is given secondary importance only compared to> Brihajjataka. Then the same is true for Kalyanavarma regarding Arsha> school of astrology and Yavana school of astrology as well. He must have> weighted the Arsha school high (based on which Brihajjataka originated)> and Yavana school below it (based on which Saravali originated). But in> any case these two books and these two schools are mutually> complementing. If one school lost some knowledge, the other always> helped us to locate the same some how. Therefore without competition,> with due respect to proponents of Yavana school we should go through the> quotes provided by Meenaraja, accepting the lesson taught by Saravali.> It states -> > The results that should be attributed to 2-planet combinations is given> also by Vridha Yavanacharya, i.e. Meenaraja. Collecting those slokas> without any competition (i.e. not considering the results are told by> Arsha school of astrology - which I trust most - or by Yavana school of> astrology followed by Meenaraja) I am presenting the 2-planet> combination results here, giving special importance to the views of> Meenaraja> > - Meenaraja Hora> > Note that Saravali is written by king Kalyanavarma to complement> Brihajjataka. Brihajjataka follow the path of Arsha school even though> mentions the views of Yavanacharya here and there. Considering this even> Saravali should be considered as a text that abides by the path shown> by Arsha school itself. Even though Kalyanavarma collects many quotes> from Yavanacharyas, if something told by the Yavana school is not in> tune with the approach of Arsha school, Kalyanavarma will drop it for> sure. This is fact to be remembered throughout while studying the quotes> from the authentic book of astrology called Saravali. It is due to this> very reason and systematic approach that the text medieval classic> Saravali gained the utmost respect showered on it. Saravali is the most> authentic and reliable text of astrology available to us after the> period of Mihira and prior to the period of Acharya Balabhadra who wrote> Horaratna.> > Thus our focal point to study the 2-planet combination is fixed - it is> Meenaraja hora as suggested by Saravali and Jataka Saradeepa. Note that> even though these quotes are from Meenaraja hora, the approach is part> of the fundamental 7-fold result derivation system. Now let us go> through the quotes given for various 2-planet combinations in all these> texts mentioned above.> > Su-Mo> > When Sun is with Moon it is Amavasi, the new moon day. Moon or mind> becomes weak - so if only the soul (Sun) is strong then only that> individual can shine in some field. This is a combination that could> make the native the most blessed one (no-mind, the enlightened) or weak> mind that may mislead by all the worldly pleasures or superstitions. The> combination itself is a double edged sword - with diametrically opposite> possibilities. Let us see what Meenaraja has to say -> > If Sun and Moon are together, then the native would be addicted to> women, will not be humble, will do secret things. He would be wealthy> and would be much efficient in doing things. He may even become a liquor> seller.> > - Meenaraja Hora> > Let us look for the logic behind these derivations - Addicted to,> surrendered to, or working under women - caused by the weak and> uncontrolled mind. Not humble - because it is Moon that signify> simplicity and humbleness. Moon is weak means humbleness is lost.> Amavasi is darkness, secretive nature, belief in the secret powers> gained by black magic or devotion - yes it is Amavasi (the dark side of> mind) - unconscious side - becomes the ruling force. If that is clean> and consciousness is present there as well - then well and good, if not> with a weak mind the dark side taking control over him he is prone to> all kinds of superstitions and false beliefs. Here the planet involved> is Moon signifying water, and moonlight combined with the illusion> creating addictive forces signified by Amavasi. That is why the interest> in liquor - a liquid that creates illusions and hallucinations, the> addictive liquid. Moon signifies water pots, bottles - filled with> acidic liquids, chemical liquids or medicine. So the Su-Mo combination> can signify any such bottled items, its production or sale. It can also> indicate addiction to such liquids or medicines - consumption of such> liquids. He is `Koodakrit', i.e. efficient in creating Yantras.> The prime meaning of the word Yantra is machine. If so the indicated> result is that he would be a mechanic creating, organizing or arranging> machine parts. But this word Yantra means the geometrical shapes drawn> in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and goddesses as> well. When analyzed in combination with the mind after secret and dark> forces - this meaning seems to be more appropriate. What however weak> his mind would be - his soul and mind are together - Sun and Moon are> together. He is not experiencing the split personality - where ever his> mind is the soul, the consciousness too is there. His inner voice and> mind are together - they are not separate. This is positive - a quality> that helps him to excel in any work he indulges. Too many thoughts never> disturb him - sleep is like death, and enjoyments acidic. That is why> the derivation - he will excel in work. Because he is not much disturbed> by the thoughts of past and future, or of the plans. He is don't> think much - but usually like the animal which forgot to think, and> because of an alert consciousness.> > Rule 1: While considering the 2-planet combinations, the results are> derived by mixing the significance of both the planets under> consideration. No other factors should be considered.> > Now let us see what Mihira has to say about this combination.> > If the Sun is with Moon, the native would a person constructs> `Yantra' and `black stone structures'.> > - Brihat Jataka> > The prime meaning of the word `Yantra' is `machine'. > There could be hundreds of people who took birth in Amavasi (Sun and> Moon together) with this combination in their chart. All of them neither> become a mechanic nor does they all have to work with stone or gravel.> In my many years of experience as an astrologer I never saw this> happening. Also note that Sun and Moon does not have anything to do with> stones or machine. Actually Saturn is the significator of stones, stone> structures. The significator of machines could be Saturn or Mars. Thus> the question arises what is the actual or intended meaning of this sloka> - for sure it is not about Machine and stone structures. Let us go a bit> more deep into this sloka bit.> > As per the commentary of Brihat Jataka called `Vivarana' by> Uzhutra Varyar, the meaning of these words are as follows -> > `Yantra' or Instruments means - Instruments or equipments used> for operation or treatment i.e. medical equipments or instruments used> measuring time such as watch etc, or various instruments or machines> that are used to pump water etc. In general `Yantra' means> instruments, equipments or machines that are used for various purposes.> > - Vivarana> > Here too the commentator is taking `Yantra' primarily to mean> `machine' in various circumstances. But I am not satisfied with> it - due to the reasons stated above.> > Earlier as per Meenaraja's words we already noted that the native> with this combination, would be much interested in secret disciplines> and dark forces, he might become interested in magic, tantric worship > and idol worship. The word Yantra also means the geometrical shapes> drawn in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and goddesses> etc. If would be more apt if we take the sloka of Mihira as re-stating> the results told by Meenaraja - i.e. The native would be much interested> in creating geometrical shapes drawn in gold, silver or copper plates to> worship the gods and goddesses and the study of the same.> > Now coming to the word stone structures - stone is imperishable and of> course the combination points to the constructive nature of the native.> He is constructive and makes things more organized and systematic. His> creations will with stand the tides of time - he is after making> permanent monuments with his creative force which could defy time. Note> that both Sun and Moon indicate time - and are the prime planets> considered for Calendar calculations. The statement `he would be> interested in creating sculptures' - does not mean that he would be> doing a low paid low caste job - but instead points to his creative> abilities in systematizing and organizing persistent structures. Thus I> would translate the Mihira's words as - "If the Sun is with> Moon, the native would be much interested in creating geometrical shapes> drawn in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and> goddesses. As an individual with much creative, constructive,> systematizing, organizing abilities he will try to create persistent> structures which could withstand the turbulent flow of time". I> think this meaning is more in tune with the words of Meenaraja and> reflect the reality in a better way.> > Earlier we have seen that the 2-planet combination derives its results> by mixing the significance assigned to both the planets under> consideration. This helps us to formulate the next rule.> > Rule 2: The various results ascribed to 2-planet combinations in various> books should be taken only as examples which shows us how to do the> same.> > This is important - this means that out of the hundreds of results we> can derive from a 2-planet combination, the books or available quotes> just provide us one or two possible results - just to show how to do the> same! What about the rest of the possibilities and significance? Yes, we> have to combine them and arrive at sensible results that fits in well> with reality observed. Can we show some more examples that achieves the> same for this Sun-Moon combination itself? Let us try -> > * Sun signifies father and Moon mother. In the presents of Sun, Moon> loses its power. Thus in the native's family and life, the Father> would be the major influence and role model than the mother.> > * Sun signify Siva and Moon Sakti. Thus the combination can signify the> Siva-Sakti, the male-female combination, the Yin-Yang. While considering> gods or devatas this combination indicate `Ardha Nareeswara'> (Half Siva half Parvati idol).> > * Sun is Siva and Moon is the sea shell. Thus the combination signify> the presence of sea shell used to worship Siva for pouring water into> the head of Siva idol in hindu temples.> > * Sun is fire and Moon is water. Thus the combination can signify any> watery chemical with a burning nature - for example bottled acids.> > * Sun signify square and Moon circle. Thus the combination can signify> the interest in various geometrical shapes like the octagon or the like.> > I hope you will come out with more such derivations - which reflect the> truth and will show the actual results which are true in experience as> well when applied to horoscopes.> > We will continue this discussion on two planet combinations in the> coming days and explore more into the possibilities and compare the> derivations with actual observed results.> - Sreenadh> ============================================================> I sincerely hope that following the above line of thinking a detailed> analysis of 2-planet combinations would be done in the forum.> Love,> Sreenadh>

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Dear sreenadh ji ,


I forget to point out this yoga in the charts from kala purush point of view in the last post .


Moon is natural 4th lord and sun is natural 5th lord ,so this combo giv rise to a sort of raja yoga called kendra trikona yoga --Any body can see this aspect and pls illuminate us .


Also i request sri ASHJI of KAS to let us know ur and your master jis views on same .


rgds Vijayaraghavan guruvayur .


, "lion_draco1983" <lion_draco1983 wrote:>> > Dear sreenadh ,> > First let me congratulate u for a nice write up .> > Sun and moon combination ,the amavasya yoga,the yogis and Tantrics of> india select this occassion for special rituals as siva is with sakti> and its a union of atma and mind >This combination always fascinated me> as i find greate personalities and commoners took birth in this> combination.> > So our duty is to arrive at a safe conclusion and effective ness of> the results - like raja jyothishis of yore ,who are more good in> arriving at the results .Now we are still in darkness as to how to say> certain results than saying its double edged weapon .How we can delinate> results .Experinced persons in the groups can show some lite in this> direction .How moon behind sun or ahead of sun affects the results ?> > This combination was enigmatic for me like moon -rahu (grahan yogas) and> sun -ketu combo s .Or some even says pitru dosha or matru dosha in the > chart.And its connection with mental make up of a person .> > I read some where ,i dont know is it in nadi s literature that this> combination may giv rise to another mother-step mother-yes,u also said> mother wont be ideal figure for the person.This combiantion seems to be> working in many charts .Its may be true when karakas with life (jeeva> karaka like sun-father.moon-mother etc) got affected .> > But we know that sun being prana karka and moon being deha karaka this> combination can make or break a chart .How can we see it ,without asking> any back ground information from the consulter .> > We can see may be exceptions working in chart when this combination in> 4th -here moon is having dig bala .In 10th this combination -sun is> having dig bala .> > And sun or moon in own house or exaltations .Should we consider hora and> muhurtha s like Abhijit ,or in own drekkana,uttamamsa,uchamsa for> seeing the combo whether is constructiv or destructive .> > Now sun is strong in uttharayan and day time ,moon is strong in> dakhsinayana and nite time ,so how can we combine these results to a> chart by seeing all positive and negetiv traits .> > And kerala jyothishis are of opinion that moon is seed of all yogas in> chart .So how we can say when some one born in this yoga attains high> offices in country like karunanidhi cheif minister of Tamil Nadu and> chief of D M k political party and also a person with literary skills .I> am searching his chart .> > > > I think we shud hone our skills in addressing this minor basics --then> only we can say we r realy equipped to see a chart .Then only we can> answer challenegs posed by people like sri avatar kishen kaul .> > > > Good attempt ,mr.sreenadh and i realy appreciate u .> > There are other astrologers in forum ,pls come forward and present ur> observations and knowledge and pls contribute the discussion .> > > > regrds vijayaraghavan guruvayur .> > > > > > > , "Sreenadh"> sreesog@ wrote:> >> > Dear All,> > The following is a write up that starts a discussion on 2-planet> > combinations.> > ====================================================> > Two planet combinations> > -----> > The first thing to know in this section is that these results are part> > of "results that should be derived considering planets alone".> > i.e. It is part of "Planet based result derivation" which is> > part of 7-fold prediction system. Therefore questions such as `what> > if the combination is in so and so houses?', `What if if the> > combination is in so and so houses?' etc won't be addressed> > here, if not the same is mentioned in the sloka itself. With this> > understanding let us proceed with our study of planet based> prediction.> >> > The ancient authentic texts like Skanda hora, Brihat prajaptya,> Saunaka> > hora etc addressed this question in detail - but unluckily we don't> > have those texts available now. But some slokas from those texts that> > deals with the same is available here and there in various texts - but> > ofcourse the same is not enough to discuss the subject in detail. The> > oldest text available to us today that deals with 2-planet> combinations> > in detail is Meenaraja hora. Later Saravali and Jataka Saradeepa too> > quoted the same - while discussing this subject, which provides total> > authentic nature to these slokas. Considering the various versions of> > the same slokas given by these 3 texts (i.e. Meenaraja hora, Saravali,> > Jataka Saradeepa) we can discuss these slokas in detail. Another good> > resource is Brihajjataka of Varahamihira, which devotes a whole> chapter> > for discussing 2 planet combinations. Two good commentaries of> > Brihajjataka vis, Hridyapadha and Vivarana can also help us much in> > arriving at the meaning and possibilities of these combinations. As we> > have clearly identified our resources to study and discuss the subject> > of 2-planet combinations, let us proceed with the same.> >> > Possibly the ancient texts such as Skanda hora was not even available> to> > king Kalyana varma who wrote Saravali in 10th century AD. Possibly it> is> > because of this that he had to refer to many slokas from Yavaneswara> > hora, Sphujidwaja hora, Meenaraja hora etc. But still he was of the> > opinion that these texts contain too much unnecessary information or> > unwanted phony quotes. That is why when he wrote Saravali he stated> that> > -> >> > "Many great horas are written by the ancient sages. Mihira condensed> > its essence into a small book called Brihajjataka (I value that book> and> > effort very much). But Brihajjataka alone is not enough to derive> result> > regarding many results related to Yoga, Dasa, Divisions etc. Therefore> I> > am writing this book - i.e. Saravali - brewing the essence of books in> > Yavana school of astrology and leaving the non-essential"> >> > It is considering this high opinion of Kalyanavarma about> Brihajjataka,> > the text Saravali is given secondary importance only compared to> > Brihajjataka. Then the same is true for Kalyanavarma regarding Arsha> > school of astrology and Yavana school of astrology as well. He must> have> > weighted the Arsha school high (based on which Brihajjataka> originated)> > and Yavana school below it (based on which Saravali originated). But> in> > any case these two books and these two schools are mutually> > complementing. If one school lost some knowledge, the other always> > helped us to locate the same some how. Therefore without competition,> > with due respect to proponents of Yavana school we should go through> the> > quotes provided by Meenaraja, accepting the lesson taught by Saravali.> > It states -> >> > The results that should be attributed to 2-planet combinations is> given> > also by Vridha Yavanacharya, i.e. Meenaraja. Collecting those slokas> > without any competition (i.e. not considering the results are told by> > Arsha school of astrology - which I trust most - or by Yavana school> of> > astrology followed by Meenaraja) I am presenting the 2-planet> > combination results here, giving special importance to the views of> > Meenaraja> >> > - Meenaraja Hora> >> > Note that Saravali is written by king Kalyanavarma to complement> > Brihajjataka. Brihajjataka follow the path of Arsha school even though> > mentions the views of Yavanacharya here and there. Considering this> even> > Saravali should be considered as a text that abides by the path shown> > by Arsha school itself. Even though Kalyanavarma collects many quotes> > from Yavanacharyas, if something told by the Yavana school is not in> > tune with the approach of Arsha school, Kalyanavarma will drop it for> > sure. This is fact to be remembered throughout while studying the> quotes> > from the authentic book of astrology called Saravali. It is due to> this> > very reason and systematic approach that the text medieval classic> > Saravali gained the utmost respect showered on it. Saravali is the> most> > authentic and reliable text of astrology available to us after the> > period of Mihira and prior to the period of Acharya Balabhadra who> wrote> > Horaratna.> >> > Thus our focal point to study the 2-planet combination is fixed - it> is> > Meenaraja hora as suggested by Saravali and Jataka Saradeepa. Note> that> > even though these quotes are from Meenaraja hora, the approach is part> > of the fundamental 7-fold result derivation system. Now let us go> > through the quotes given for various 2-planet combinations in all> these> > texts mentioned above.> >> > Su-Mo> >> > When Sun is with Moon it is Amavasi, the new moon day. Moon or mind> > becomes weak - so if only the soul (Sun) is strong then only that> > individual can shine in some field. This is a combination that could> > make the native the most blessed one (no-mind, the enlightened) or> weak> > mind that may mislead by all the worldly pleasures or superstitions.> The> > combination itself is a double edged sword - with diametrically> opposite> > possibilities. Let us see what Meenaraja has to say -> >> > If Sun and Moon are together, then the native would be addicted to> > women, will not be humble, will do secret things. He would be wealthy> > and would be much efficient in doing things. He may even become a> liquor> > seller.> >> > - Meenaraja Hora> >> > Let us look for the logic behind these derivations - Addicted to,> > surrendered to, or working under women - caused by the weak and> > uncontrolled mind. Not humble - because it is Moon that signify> > simplicity and humbleness. Moon is weak means humbleness is lost.> > Amavasi is darkness, secretive nature, belief in the secret powers> > gained by black magic or devotion - yes it is Amavasi (the dark side> of> > mind) - unconscious side - becomes the ruling force. If that is clean> > and consciousness is present there as well - then well and good, if> not> > with a weak mind the dark side taking control over him he is prone to> > all kinds of superstitions and false beliefs. Here the planet involved> > is Moon signifying water, and moonlight combined with the illusion> > creating addictive forces signified by Amavasi. That is why the> interest> > in liquor - a liquid that creates illusions and hallucinations, the> > addictive liquid. Moon signifies water pots, bottles - filled with> > acidic liquids, chemical liquids or medicine. So the Su-Mo combination> > can signify any such bottled items, its production or sale. It can> also> > indicate addiction to such liquids or medicines - consumption of such> > liquids. He is `Koodakrit', i.e. efficient in creating Yantras.> > The prime meaning of the word Yantra is machine. If so the indicated> > result is that he would be a mechanic creating, organizing or> arranging> > machine parts. But this word Yantra means the geometrical shapes drawn> > in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and goddesses as> > well. When analyzed in combination with the mind after secret and dark> > forces - this meaning seems to be more appropriate. What however weak> > his mind would be - his soul and mind are together - Sun and Moon are> > together. He is not experiencing the split personality - where ever> his> > mind is the soul, the consciousness too is there. His inner voice and> > mind are together - they are not separate. This is positive - a> quality> > that helps him to excel in any work he indulges. Too many thoughts> never> > disturb him - sleep is like death, and enjoyments acidic. That is why> > the derivation - he will excel in work. Because he is not much> disturbed> > by the thoughts of past and future, or of the plans. He is don't> > think much - but usually like the animal which forgot to think, and> > because of an alert consciousness.> >> > Rule 1: While considering the 2-planet combinations, the results are> > derived by mixing the significance of both the planets under> > consideration. No other factors should be considered.> >> > Now let us see what Mihira has to say about this combination.> >> > If the Sun is with Moon, the native would a person constructs> > `Yantra' and `black stone structures'.> >> > - Brihat Jataka> >> > The prime meaning of the word `Yantra' is `machine'.> > There could be hundreds of people who took birth in Amavasi (Sun and> > Moon together) with this combination in their chart. All of them> neither> > become a mechanic nor does they all have to work with stone or gravel.> > In my many years of experience as an astrologer I never saw this> > happening. Also note that Sun and Moon does not have anything to do> with> > stones or machine. Actually Saturn is the significator of stones,> stone> > structures. The significator of machines could be Saturn or Mars. Thus> > the question arises what is the actual or intended meaning of this> sloka> > - for sure it is not about Machine and stone structures. Let us go a> bit> > more deep into this sloka bit.> >> > As per the commentary of Brihat Jataka called `Vivarana' by> > Uzhutra Varyar, the meaning of these words are as follows -> >> > `Yantra' or Instruments means - Instruments or equipments used> > for operation or treatment i.e. medical equipments or instruments used> > measuring time such as watch etc, or various instruments or machines> > that are used to pump water etc. In general `Yantra' means> > instruments, equipments or machines that are used for various> purposes.> >> > - Vivarana> >> > Here too the commentator is taking `Yantra' primarily to mean> > `machine' in various circumstances. But I am not satisfied with> > it - due to the reasons stated above.> >> > Earlier as per Meenaraja's words we already noted that the native> > with this combination, would be much interested in secret disciplines> > and dark forces, he might become interested in magic, tantric worship> > and idol worship. The word Yantra also means the geometrical shapes> > drawn in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and> goddesses> > etc. If would be more apt if we take the sloka of Mihira as re-stating> > the results told by Meenaraja - i.e. The native would be much> interested> > in creating geometrical shapes drawn in gold, silver or copper plates> to> > worship the gods and goddesses and the study of the same.> >> > Now coming to the word stone structures - stone is imperishable and of> > course the combination points to the constructive nature of the> native.> > He is constructive and makes things more organized and systematic. His> > creations will with stand the tides of time - he is after making> > permanent monuments with his creative force which could defy time.> Note> > that both Sun and Moon indicate time - and are the prime planets> > considered for Calendar calculations. The statement `he would be> > interested in creating sculptures' - does not mean that he would be> > doing a low paid low caste job - but instead points to his creative> > abilities in systematizing and organizing persistent structures. Thus> I> > would translate the Mihira's words as - "If the Sun is with> > Moon, the native would be much interested in creating geometrical> shapes> > drawn in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and> > goddesses. As an individual with much creative, constructive,> > systematizing, organizing abilities he will try to create persistent> > structures which could withstand the turbulent flow of time". I> > think this meaning is more in tune with the words of Meenaraja and> > reflect the reality in a better way.> >> > Earlier we have seen that the 2-planet combination derives its results> > by mixing the significance assigned to both the planets under> > consideration. This helps us to formulate the next rule.> >> > Rule 2: The various results ascribed to 2-planet combinations in> various> > books should be taken only as examples which shows us how to do the> > same.> >> > This is important - this means that out of the hundreds of results we> > can derive from a 2-planet combination, the books or available quotes> > just provide us one or two possible results - just to show how to do> the> > same! What about the rest of the possibilities and significance? Yes,> we> > have to combine them and arrive at sensible results that fits in well> > with reality observed. Can we show some more examples that achieves> the> > same for this Sun-Moon combination itself? Let us try -> >> > * Sun signifies father and Moon mother. In the presents of Sun, Moon> > loses its power. Thus in the native's family and life, the Father> > would be the major influence and role model than the mother.> >> > * Sun signify Siva and Moon Sakti. Thus the combination can signify> the> > Siva-Sakti, the male-female combination, the Yin-Yang. While> considering> > gods or devatas this combination indicate `Ardha Nareeswara'> > (Half Siva half Parvati idol).> >> > * Sun is Siva and Moon is the sea shell. Thus the combination signify> > the presence of sea shell used to worship Siva for pouring water into> > the head of Siva idol in hindu temples.> >> > * Sun is fire and Moon is water. Thus the combination can signify any> > watery chemical with a burning nature - for example bottled acids.> >> > * Sun signify square and Moon circle. Thus the combination can signify> > the interest in various geometrical shapes like the octagon or the> like.> >> > I hope you will come out with more such derivations - which reflect> the> > truth and will show the actual results which are true in experience as> > well when applied to horoscopes.> >> > We will continue this discussion on two planet combinations in the> > coming days and explore more into the possibilities and compare the> > derivations with actual observed results.> > - Sreenadh> > ============================================================> > I sincerely hope that following the above line of thinking a detailed> > analysis of 2-planet combinations would be done in the forum.> > Love,> > Sreenadh> >>

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Dear Vijayraghavan,


refer to me as Ash and remove the Ji.

I want

to take part in these discussions which are very interesting, but I am on a

short sabbatical now. I am unable to focus with 100% concentration.

I want some time to go by.

Yes, I

quickly glanced the 2 planet yog given by Sreenadh,



thing is that as per KAS when 2 planets conjoin then they become samdharmi,

which means that they can step in for the other for timing of event. That

is just one part of it. This will depend on the power i.e Ashtakavarga

power of Sun and Moon.

Now also

mars becomes important as Sun and Mo come before Mars in Vimshottari dasha

scheme except for in Sun MD and Mo MD so the degree of moon is important to

judge that for timing.


Now if u

talk of Profession then 10th lords from lagna, sun and moon are

found and its position in navamsa i.e. the navamsa depositer is taken.

This is also given in Brihut jataka. Now if Su and Mo are together in 1

house then 10th lords from them become 1 planet.

Now the

bindus of Sun and Moon become important and that cannot be found without

knowing where the other planets are because we use Ashtakavarga and for that we

need to know where the other 7 planets are and their degree’s and also

from lagna where this combination of Sun and Moon is placed.

The sign

its placed also becomes important as well and that is not given so the sign

backing is not clear.

If there

is any planet in 4th from Sun with more than 4 bindus and Sun say is

with less than 4 bindus with Moon then such a sun becomes very powerful.

So that would make Moon powerful too as its samdharmi.


exact degree of Su and Mo is important i.e. the nadi of Sun and Moon as our

seers have asked us to study charts from lagna, sun and moon. So all 3

become important. The house where Su and Mo is placed the SAV of that

house also becomes important.


Now if say Aries is lagna (here I am

coinciding it with kal purush) then Sun becomes karak for authority i.e. 8th

from 10th house and Moon becomes karak for fortunes. So in MD

of Su and Mo similar results can be felt, if any of the planets aspect 10th,

5th or 2nd house.


Now say if Sun is in 7th house

with Moon then Sun in 7th house will spoil maritial happiness

(General law), if Moon is also there then again 4th lord is in 7th

house so Moon will be better but it will be krishna pax so more malefic. Again

now 4 combinations are there, sun and moon with less than 4 bindus or more than

4 bindus.


If say Su and Mo are together for Aries or

Scorpio lagna then they become lords of Kendra and kona so Yoga karak so again

that will have different meaning.


So all in all, my inputs can only be

of general nature.


That being said the exact degree (nadi) of

Sun and Moon and lagna has big bearing on the chart of a native.



Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca






On Behalf Of lion_draco1983

Wednesday October 24, 2007

9:17 PM



Re: 2-Planet combinations-Amavasya yoga.







sreenadh ji ,



forget to point out this yoga in the charts from kala purush point of

view in the last post .



is natural 4th lord and sun is natural 5th lord ,so this combo giv rise to a

sort of raja yoga called kendra trikona yoga --Any body can see this aspect and

pls illuminate us .


Also i

request sri ASHJI of KAS to let us know ur

and your master jis views on same .



Vijayaraghavan guruvayur .




" lion_draco1983 " <lion_draco1983 wrote:



> Dear sreenadh ,


> First let me congratulate u for a nice write up .


> Sun and moon combination ,the amavasya yoga,the yogis and Tantrics of

> india

select this occassion for special rituals as siva is with sakti

> and its a union of atma and mind >This combination always fascinated me

> as i find greate personalities and commoners took birth in this

> combination.


> So our duty is to arrive at a safe conclusion and effective ness of

> the results - like raja jyothishis of yore ,who are more good in

> arriving at the results .Now we are still in darkness as to how to say

> certain results than saying its double edged weapon .How we can delinate

> results .Experinced persons in the groups can show some lite in this

> direction .How moon behind sun or ahead of sun affects the results ?


> This combination was enigmatic for me like moon -rahu (grahan yogas) and

> sun -ketu combo s .Or some even says pitru dosha or matru dosha in the

> chart.And its connection with mental make up of a person .


> I read some where ,i dont know is it in nadi s literature that this

> combination may giv rise to another mother-step mother-yes,u also said

> mother wont be ideal figure for the person.This combiantion seems to be

> working in many charts .Its may be true when karakas with life (jeeva

> karaka like sun-father.moon-mother etc) got affected .


> But we know that sun being prana karka and moon being deha karaka this

> combination can make or break a chart .How can we see it ,without asking

> any back ground information from the consulter .


> We can see may be exceptions working in chart when this combination in

> 4th -here moon is having dig bala .In 10th this combination -sun is

> having dig bala .


> And sun or moon in own house or exaltations .Should we consider hora and

> muhurtha s like Abhijit ,or in own drekkana,uttamamsa,uchamsa for

> seeing the combo whether is constructiv or destructive .


> Now sun is strong in uttharayan and day time ,moon is strong in

> dakhsinayana and nite time ,so how can we combine these results to a

> chart by seeing all positive and negetiv traits .


> And kerala jyothishis are of opinion that moon is seed of all yogas in

> chart .So how we can say when some one born in this yoga attains high

> offices in country like karunanidhi cheif minister of Tamil Nadu and

> chief of D M k political party and also a person with literary skills .I

> am searching his chart .




> I think we shud hone our skills in addressing this minor basics --then

> only we can say we r realy equipped to see a chart .Then only we can

> answer challenegs posed by people like sri avatar kishen kaul .




> Good attempt ,mr.sreenadh and i realy appreciate u .


> There are other astrologers in forum ,pls come forward and present ur

> observations and knowledge and pls contribute the discussion .




> regrds vijayaraghavan guruvayur .







> ,

" Sreenadh "

> sreesog@ wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> > The following is a write up that starts a discussion on 2-planet

> > combinations.

> > ====================================================

> > Two planet combinations

> > -----

> > The first thing to know in this section is that these results are


> > of " results that should be derived considering planets

alone " .

> > i.e. It is part of " Planet based result derivation " which


> > part of 7-fold prediction system. Therefore questions such as `what

> > if the combination is in so and so houses?', `What if if the

> > combination is in so and so houses?' etc won't be addressed

> > here, if not the same is mentioned in the sloka itself. With this

> > understanding let us proceed with our study of planet based

> prediction.

> >

> > The ancient authentic texts like Skanda hora, Brihat prajaptya,

> Saunaka

> > hora etc addressed this question in detail - but unluckily we don't

> > have those texts available now. But some slokas from those texts that

> > deals with the same is available here and there in various texts -


> > ofcourse the same is not enough to discuss the subject in detail. The

> > oldest text available to us today that deals with 2-planet

> combinations

> > in detail is Meenaraja hora. Later Saravali and Jataka Saradeepa too

> > quoted the same - while discussing this subject, which provides total

> > authentic nature to these slokas. Considering the various versions of

> > the same slokas given by these 3 texts (i.e. Meenaraja hora,


> > Jataka Saradeepa) we can discuss these slokas in detail. Another good

> > resource is Brihajjataka of Varahamihira, which devotes a whole

> chapter

> > for discussing 2 planet combinations. Two good commentaries of

> > Brihajjataka vis, Hridyapadha and Vivarana can also help us much in

> > arriving at the meaning and possibilities of these combinations. As


> > have clearly identified our resources to study and discuss the


> > of 2-planet combinations, let us proceed with the same.

> >

> > Possibly the ancient texts such as Skanda hora was not even available

> to

> > king Kalyana varma who wrote Saravali in 10th century AD. Possibly it

> is

> > because of this that he had to refer to many slokas from Yavaneswara

> > hora, Sphujidwaja hora, Meenaraja hora etc. But still he was of the

> > opinion that these texts contain too much unnecessary information or

> > unwanted phony quotes. That is why when he wrote Saravali he stated

> that

> > -

> >

> > " Many great horas are written by the ancient sages. Mihira


> > its essence into a small book called Brihajjataka (I value that book

> and

> > effort very much). But Brihajjataka alone is not enough to derive

> result

> > regarding many results related to Yoga, Dasa, Divisions etc.


> I

> > am writing this book - i.e. Saravali - brewing the essence of books


> > Yavana school of astrology and leaving the non-essential "

> >

> > It is considering this high opinion of Kalyanavarma about

> Brihajjataka,

> > the text Saravali is given secondary importance only compared to

> > Brihajjataka. Then the same is true for Kalyanavarma regarding Arsha

> > school of astrology and Yavana school of astrology as well. He must

> have

> > weighted the Arsha school high (based on which Brihajjataka

> originated)

> > and Yavana school below it (based on which Saravali originated). But

> in

> > any case these two books and these two schools are mutually

> > complementing. If one school lost some knowledge, the other always

> > helped us to locate the same some how. Therefore without competition,

> > with due respect to proponents of Yavana school we should go through

> the

> > quotes provided by Meenaraja, accepting the lesson taught by


> > It states -

> >

> > The results that should be attributed to 2-planet combinations is

> given

> > also by Vridha Yavanacharya, i.e. Meenaraja. Collecting those slokas

> > without any competition (i.e. not considering the results are told by

> > Arsha school of astrology - which I trust most - or by Yavana school

> of

> > astrology followed by Meenaraja) I am presenting the 2-planet

> > combination results here, giving special importance to the views of

> > Meenaraja

> >

> > - Meenaraja Hora

> >

> > Note that Saravali is written by king Kalyanavarma to complement

> > Brihajjataka. Brihajjataka follow the path of Arsha school even


> > mentions the views of Yavanacharya here and there. Considering this

> even

> > Saravali should be considered as a text that abides by the path shown

> > by Arsha school itself. Even though Kalyanavarma collects many quotes

> > from Yavanacharyas, if something told by the Yavana school is not in

> > tune with the approach of Arsha school, Kalyanavarma will drop it for

> > sure. This is fact to be remembered throughout while studying the

> quotes

> > from the authentic book of astrology called Saravali. It is due to

> this

> > very reason and systematic approach that the text medieval classic

> > Saravali gained the utmost respect showered on it. Saravali is the

> most

> > authentic and reliable text of astrology available to us after the

> > period of Mihira and prior to the period of Acharya Balabhadra who

> wrote

> > Horaratna.

> >

> > Thus our focal point to study the 2-planet combination is fixed - it

> is

> > Meenaraja hora as suggested by Saravali and Jataka Saradeepa. Note

> that

> > even though these quotes are from Meenaraja hora, the approach is


> > of the fundamental 7-fold result derivation system. Now let us go

> > through the quotes given for various 2-planet combinations in all

> these

> > texts mentioned above.

> >

> > Su-Mo

> >

> > When Sun is with Moon it is Amavasi, the new moon day. Moon or mind

> > becomes weak - so if only the soul (Sun) is strong then only that

> > individual can shine in some field. This is a combination that could

> > make the native the most blessed one (no-mind, the enlightened) or

> weak

> > mind that may mislead by all the worldly pleasures or superstitions.

> The

> > combination itself is a double edged sword - with diametrically

> opposite

> > possibilities. Let us see what Meenaraja has to say -

> >

> > If Sun and Moon are together, then the native would be addicted to

> > women, will not be humble, will do secret things. He would be wealthy

> > and would be much efficient in doing things. He may even become a

> liquor

> > seller.

> >

> > - Meenaraja Hora

> >

> > Let us look for the logic behind these derivations - Addicted to,

> > surrendered to, or working under women - caused by the weak and

> > uncontrolled mind. Not humble - because it is Moon that signify

> > simplicity and humbleness. Moon is weak means humbleness is lost.

> > Amavasi is darkness, secretive nature, belief in the secret powers

> > gained by black magic or devotion - yes it is Amavasi (the dark side

> of

> > mind) - unconscious side - becomes the ruling force. If that is clean

> > and consciousness is present there as well - then well and good, if

> not

> > with a weak mind the dark side taking control over him he is prone to

> > all kinds of superstitions and false beliefs. Here the planet


> > is Moon signifying water, and moonlight combined with the illusion

> > creating addictive forces signified by Amavasi. That is why the

> interest

> > in liquor - a liquid that creates illusions and hallucinations, the

> > addictive liquid. Moon signifies water pots, bottles - filled with

> > acidic liquids, chemical liquids or medicine. So the Su-Mo


> > can signify any such bottled items, its production or sale. It can

> also

> > indicate addiction to such liquids or medicines - consumption of such

> > liquids. He is `Koodakrit', i.e. efficient in creating Yantras.

> > The prime meaning of the word Yantra is machine. If so the indicated

> > result is that he would be a mechanic creating, organizing or

> arranging

> > machine parts. But this word Yantra means the geometrical shapes


> > in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and goddesses as

> > well. When analyzed in combination with the mind after secret and


> > forces - this meaning seems to be more appropriate. What however weak

> > his mind would be - his soul and mind are together - Sun and Moon are

> > together. He is not experiencing the split personality - where ever

> his

> > mind is the soul, the consciousness too is there. His inner voice and

> > mind are together - they are not separate. This is positive - a

> quality

> > that helps him to excel in any work he indulges. Too many thoughts

> never

> > disturb him - sleep is like death, and enjoyments acidic. That is why

> > the derivation - he will excel in work. Because he is not much

> disturbed

> > by the thoughts of past and future, or of the plans. He is don't

> > think much - but usually like the animal which forgot to think, and

> > because of an alert consciousness.

> >

> > Rule 1: While considering the 2-planet combinations, the results are

> > derived by mixing the significance of both the planets under

> > consideration. No other factors should be considered.

> >

> > Now let us see what Mihira has to say about this combination.

> >

> > If the Sun is with Moon, the native would a person constructs

> > `Yantra' and `black stone structures'.

> >

> > - Brihat Jataka

> >

> > The prime meaning of the word `Yantra' is `machine'.

> > There could be hundreds of people who took birth in Amavasi (Sun and

> > Moon together) with this combination in their chart. All of them

> neither

> > become a mechanic nor does they all have to work with stone or


> > In my many years of experience as an astrologer I never saw this

> > happening. Also note that Sun and Moon does not have anything to do

> with

> > stones or machine. Actually Saturn is the significator of stones,

> stone

> > structures. The significator of machines could be Saturn or Mars.


> > the question arises what is the actual or intended meaning of this

> sloka

> > - for sure it is not about Machine and stone structures. Let us go a

> bit

> > more deep into this sloka bit.

> >

> > As per the commentary of Brihat Jataka called `Vivarana' by

> > Uzhutra Varyar, the meaning of these words are as follows -

> >

> > `Yantra' or Instruments means - Instruments or equipments used

> > for operation or treatment i.e. medical equipments or instruments


> > measuring time such as watch etc, or various instruments or machines

> > that are used to pump water etc. In general `Yantra' means

> > instruments, equipments or machines that are used for various

> purposes.

> >

> > - Vivarana

> >

> > Here too the commentator is taking `Yantra' primarily to mean

> > `machine' in various circumstances. But I am not satisfied with

> > it - due to the reasons stated above.

> >

> > Earlier as per Meenaraja's words we already noted that the native

> > with this combination, would be much interested in secret disciplines

> > and dark forces, he might become interested in magic, tantric worship

> > and idol worship. The word Yantra also means the geometrical shapes

> > drawn in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and

> goddesses

> > etc. If would be more apt if we take the sloka of Mihira as


> > the results told by Meenaraja - i.e. The native would be much

> interested

> > in creating geometrical shapes drawn in gold, silver or copper plates

> to

> > worship the gods and goddesses and the study of the same.

> >

> > Now coming to the word stone structures - stone is imperishable and


> > course the combination points to the constructive nature of the

> native.

> > He is constructive and makes things more organized and systematic.


> > creations will with stand the tides of time - he is after making

> > permanent monuments with his creative force which could defy time.

> Note

> > that both Sun and Moon indicate time - and are the prime planets

> > considered for Calendar calculations. The statement `he would be

> > interested in creating sculptures' - does not mean that he would be

> > doing a low paid low caste job - but instead points to his creative

> > abilities in systematizing and organizing persistent structures. Thus

> I

> > would translate the Mihira's words as - " If the Sun is with

> > Moon, the native would be much interested in creating geometrical

> shapes

> > drawn in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and

> > goddesses. As an individual with much creative, constructive,

> > systematizing, organizing abilities he will try to create persistent

> > structures which could withstand the turbulent flow of time " . I

> > think this meaning is more in tune with the words of Meenaraja and

> > reflect the reality in a better way.

> >

> > Earlier we have seen that the 2-planet combination derives its


> > by mixing the significance assigned to both the planets under

> > consideration. This helps us to formulate the next rule.

> >

> > Rule 2: The various results ascribed to 2-planet combinations in

> various

> > books should be taken only as examples which shows us how to do the

> > same.

> >

> > This is important - this means that out of the hundreds of results we

> > can derive from a 2-planet combination, the books or available quotes

> > just provide us one or two possible results - just to show how to do

> the

> > same! What about the rest of the possibilities and significance? Yes,

> we

> > have to combine them and arrive at sensible results that fits in well

> > with reality observed. Can we show some more examples that achieves

> the

> > same for this Sun-Moon combination itself? Let us try -

> >

> > * Sun signifies father and Moon mother. In the presents of Sun, Moon

> > loses its power. Thus in the native's family and life, the Father

> > would be the major influence and role model than the mother.

> >

> > * Sun signify Siva and Moon Sakti. Thus the combination can signify

> the

> > Siva-Sakti, the male-female combination, the Yin-Yang. While

> considering

> > gods or devatas this combination indicate `Ardha Nareeswara'

> > (Half Siva half Parvati idol).

> >

> > * Sun is Siva and Moon is the sea shell. Thus the combination signify

> > the presence of sea shell used to worship Siva for pouring water into

> > the head of Siva idol in hindu temples.

> >

> > * Sun is fire and Moon is water. Thus the combination can signify any

> > watery chemical with a burning nature - for example bottled acids.

> >

> > * Sun signify square and Moon circle. Thus the combination can


> > the interest in various geometrical shapes like the octagon or the

> like.

> >

> > I hope you will come out with more such derivations - which reflect

> the

> > truth and will show the actual results which are true in experience


> > well when applied to horoscopes.

> >

> > We will continue this discussion on two planet combinations in the

> > coming days and explore more into the possibilities and compare the

> > derivations with actual observed results.

> > - Sreenadh

> > ============================================================

> > I sincerely hope that following the above line of thinking a detailed

> > analysis of 2-planet combinations would be done in the forum.

> > Love,

> > Sreenadh

> >


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Dear Ash ,


Many thanks for the very informativ mail and even though u say u hav less time ,but within a post itself u removed many of my doubts .


I will seriously go tru ur post again and again as K AS is a totaly differrent concept to me .But defenitly i will study ur lessons when and ever i get time .


Once again many thanks to u for the time and effort .convey my regrds to your great guru ji .



regrds Vijayaraghavan Guruvayur.



, "Ash" <kas wrote:>> Dear Vijayraghavan,> > Just refer to me as Ash and remove the Ji. > > I want to take part in these discussions which are very interesting, but I> am on a short sabbatical now. I am unable to focus with 100% concentration.> I want some time to go by.> > Yes, I quickly glanced the 2 planet yog given by Sreenadh, > > > > First thing is that as per KAS when 2 planets conjoin then they become> samdharmi, which means that they can step in for the other for timing of> event. That is just one part of it. This will depend on the power i.e> Ashtakavarga power of Sun and Moon. > > Now also mars becomes important as Sun and Mo come before Mars in> Vimshottari dasha scheme except for in Sun MD and Mo MD so the degree of> moon is important to judge that for timing. > > > > Now if u talk of Profession then 10th lords from lagna, sun and moon are> found and its position in navamsa i.e. the navamsa depositer is taken. This> is also given in Brihut jataka. Now if Su and Mo are together in 1 house> then 10th lords from them become 1 planet. > > Now the bindus of Sun and Moon become important and that cannot be found> without knowing where the other planets are because we use Ashtakavarga and> for that we need to know where the other 7 planets are and their degree's> and also from lagna where this combination of Sun and Moon is placed.> > The sign its placed also becomes important as well and that is not given so> the sign backing is not clear. > > If there is any planet in 4th from Sun with more than 4 bindus and Sun say> is with less than 4 bindus with Moon then such a sun becomes very powerful.> So that would make Moon powerful too as its samdharmi. > > The exact degree of Su and Mo is important i.e. the nadi of Sun and Moon as> our seers have asked us to study charts from lagna, sun and moon. So all 3> become important. The house where Su and Mo is placed the SAV of that house> also becomes important.> > > > Now if say Aries is lagna (here I am coinciding it with kal purush) then Sun> becomes karak for authority i.e. 8th from 10th house and Moon becomes karak> for fortunes. So in MD of Su and Mo similar results can be felt, if any of> the planets aspect 10th, 5th or 2nd house. > > > > Now say if Sun is in 7th house with Moon then Sun in 7th house will spoil> maritial happiness (General law), if Moon is also there then again 4th lord> is in 7th house so Moon will be better but it will be krishna pax so more> malefic. Again now 4 combinations are there, sun and moon with less than 4> bindus or more than 4 bindus.> > > > If say Su and Mo are together for Aries or Scorpio lagna then they become> lords of Kendra and kona so Yoga karak so again that will have different> meaning.> > > > So all in all, my inputs can only be of general nature. > > > > That being said the exact degree (nadi) of Sun and Moon and lagna has big> bearing on the chart of a native. > > > > Cheers !!!> > Ash -> <http://www.ashtro.ca> http://www.ashtro.ca> > _____ > > > On Behalf Of> lion_draco1983> Wednesday October 24, 2007 9:17 PM> > Re: 2-Planet combinations-Amavasya yoga.> > > > Dear sreenadh ji ,> > > > I forget to point out this yoga in the charts from kala purush point of> view in the last post .> > > > Moon is natural 4th lord and sun is natural 5th lord ,so this combo giv> rise to a sort of raja yoga called kendra trikona yoga --Any body can see> this aspect and pls illuminate us .> > > > Also i request sri ASHJI of KAS to let us know ur and your master jis views> on same .> > > > rgds Vijayaraghavan guruvayur .> > > > > , "lion_draco1983"> lion_draco1983@ wrote:> >> > > > Dear sreenadh ,> > > > First let me congratulate u for a nice write up .> > > > Sun and moon combination ,the amavasya yoga,the yogis and Tantrics of> > india select this occassion for special rituals as siva is with sakti> > and its a union of atma and mind >This combination always fascinated me> > as i find greate personalities and commoners took birth in this> > combination.> > > > So our duty is to arrive at a safe conclusion and effective ness of> > the results - like raja jyothishis of yore ,who are more good in> > arriving at the results .Now we are still in darkness as to how to say> > certain results than saying its double edged weapon .How we can delinate> > results .Experinced persons in the groups can show some lite in this> > direction .How moon behind sun or ahead of sun affects the results ?> > > > This combination was enigmatic for me like moon -rahu (grahan yogas) and> > sun -ketu combo s .Or some even says pitru dosha or matru dosha in the > > chart.And its connection with mental make up of a person .> > > > I read some where ,i dont know is it in nadi s literature that this> > combination may giv rise to another mother-step mother-yes,u also said> > mother wont be ideal figure for the person.This combiantion seems to be> > working in many charts .Its may be true when karakas with life (jeeva> > karaka like sun-father.moon-mother etc) got affected .> > > > But we know that sun being prana karka and moon being deha karaka this> > combination can make or break a chart .How can we see it ,without asking> > any back ground information from the consulter .> > > > We can see may be exceptions working in chart when this combination in> > 4th -here moon is having dig bala .In 10th this combination -sun is> > having dig bala .> > > > And sun or moon in own house or exaltations .Should we consider hora and> > muhurtha s like Abhijit ,or in own drekkana,uttamamsa,uchamsa for> > seeing the combo whether is constructiv or destructive .> > > > Now sun is strong in uttharayan and day time ,moon is strong in> > dakhsinayana and nite time ,so how can we combine these results to a> > chart by seeing all positive and negetiv traits .> > > > And kerala jyothishis are of opinion that moon is seed of all yogas in> > chart .So how we can say when some one born in this yoga attains high> > offices in country like karunanidhi cheif minister of Tamil Nadu and> > chief of D M k political party and also a person with literary skills .I> > am searching his chart .> > > > > > > > I think we shud hone our skills in addressing this minor basics --then> > only we can say we r realy equipped to see a chart .Then only we can> > answer challenegs posed by people like sri avatar kishen kaul .> > > > > > > > Good attempt ,mr.sreenadh and i realy appreciate u .> > > > There are other astrologers in forum ,pls come forward and present ur> > observations and knowledge and pls contribute the discussion .> > > > > > > > regrds vijayaraghavan guruvayur .> > > > > > > > > > > > > > , "Sreenadh"> > sreesog@ wrote:> > >> > > Dear All,> > > The following is a write up that starts a discussion on 2-planet> > > combinations.> > > ====================================================> > > Two planet combinations> > > -----> > > The first thing to know in this section is that these results are part> > > of "results that should be derived considering planets alone".> > > i.e. It is part of "Planet based result derivation" which is> > > part of 7-fold prediction system. Therefore questions such as `what> > > if the combination is in so and so houses?', `What if if the> > > combination is in so and so houses?' etc won't be addressed> > > here, if not the same is mentioned in the sloka itself. With this> > > understanding let us proceed with our study of planet based> > prediction.> > >> > > The ancient authentic texts like Skanda hora, Brihat prajaptya,> > Saunaka> > > hora etc addressed this question in detail - but unluckily we don't> > > have those texts available now. But some slokas from those texts that> > > deals with the same is available here and there in various texts - but> > > ofcourse the same is not enough to discuss the subject in detail. The> > > oldest text available to us today that deals with 2-planet> > combinations> > > in detail is Meenaraja hora. Later Saravali and Jataka Saradeepa too> > > quoted the same - while discussing this subject, which provides total> > > authentic nature to these slokas. Considering the various versions of> > > the same slokas given by these 3 texts (i.e. Meenaraja hora, Saravali,> > > Jataka Saradeepa) we can discuss these slokas in detail. Another good> > > resource is Brihajjataka of Varahamihira, which devotes a whole> > chapter> > > for discussing 2 planet combinations. Two good commentaries of> > > Brihajjataka vis, Hridyapadha and Vivarana can also help us much in> > > arriving at the meaning and possibilities of these combinations. As we> > > have clearly identified our resources to study and discuss the subject> > > of 2-planet combinations, let us proceed with the same.> > >> > > Possibly the ancient texts such as Skanda hora was not even available> > to> > > king Kalyana varma who wrote Saravali in 10th century AD. Possibly it> > is> > > because of this that he had to refer to many slokas from Yavaneswara> > > hora, Sphujidwaja hora, Meenaraja hora etc. But still he was of the> > > opinion that these texts contain too much unnecessary information or> > > unwanted phony quotes. That is why when he wrote Saravali he stated> > that> > > -> > >> > > "Many great horas are written by the ancient sages. Mihira condensed> > > its essence into a small book called Brihajjataka (I value that book> > and> > > effort very much). But Brihajjataka alone is not enough to derive> > result> > > regarding many results related to Yoga, Dasa, Divisions etc. Therefore> > I> > > am writing this book - i.e. Saravali - brewing the essence of books in> > > Yavana school of astrology and leaving the non-essential"> > >> > > It is considering this high opinion of Kalyanavarma about> > Brihajjataka,> > > the text Saravali is given secondary importance only compared to> > > Brihajjataka. Then the same is true for Kalyanavarma regarding Arsha> > > school of astrology and Yavana school of astrology as well. He must> > have> > > weighted the Arsha school high (based on which Brihajjataka> > originated)> > > and Yavana school below it (based on which Saravali originated). But> > in> > > any case these two books and these two schools are mutually> > > complementing. If one school lost some knowledge, the other always> > > helped us to locate the same some how. Therefore without competition,> > > with due respect to proponents of Yavana school we should go through> > the> > > quotes provided by Meenaraja, accepting the lesson taught by Saravali.> > > It states -> > >> > > The results that should be attributed to 2-planet combinations is> > given> > > also by Vridha Yavanacharya, i.e. Meenaraja. Collecting those slokas> > > without any competition (i.e. not considering the results are told by> > > Arsha school of astrology - which I trust most - or by Yavana school> > of> > > astrology followed by Meenaraja) I am presenting the 2-planet> > > combination results here, giving special importance to the views of> > > Meenaraja> > >> > > - Meenaraja Hora> > >> > > Note that Saravali is written by king Kalyanavarma to complement> > > Brihajjataka. Brihajjataka follow the path of Arsha school even though> > > mentions the views of Yavanacharya here and there. Considering this> > even> > > Saravali should be considered as a text that abides by the path shown> > > by Arsha school itself. Even though Kalyanavarma collects many quotes> > > from Yavanacharyas, if something told by the Yavana school is not in> > > tune with the approach of Arsha school, Kalyanavarma will drop it for> > > sure. This is fact to be remembered throughout while studying the> > quotes> > > from the authentic book of astrology called Saravali. It is due to> > this> > > very reason and systematic approach that the text medieval classic> > > Saravali gained the utmost respect showered on it. Saravali is the> > most> > > authentic and reliable text of astrology available to us after the> > > period of Mihira and prior to the period of Acharya Balabhadra who> > wrote> > > Horaratna.> > >> > > Thus our focal point to study the 2-planet combination is fixed - it> > is> > > Meenaraja hora as suggested by Saravali and Jataka Saradeepa. Note> > that> > > even though these quotes are from Meenaraja hora, the approach is part> > > of the fundamental 7-fold result derivation system. Now let us go> > > through the quotes given for various 2-planet combinations in all> > these> > > texts mentioned above.> > >> > > Su-Mo> > >> > > When Sun is with Moon it is Amavasi, the new moon day. Moon or mind> > > becomes weak - so if only the soul (Sun) is strong then only that> > > individual can shine in some field. This is a combination that could> > > make the native the most blessed one (no-mind, the enlightened) or> > weak> > > mind that may mislead by all the worldly pleasures or superstitions.> > The> > > combination itself is a double edged sword - with diametrically> > opposite> > > possibilities. Let us see what Meenaraja has to say -> > >> > > If Sun and Moon are together, then the native would be addicted to> > > women, will not be humble, will do secret things. He would be wealthy> > > and would be much efficient in doing things. He may even become a> > liquor> > > seller.> > >> > > - Meenaraja Hora> > >> > > Let us look for the logic behind these derivations - Addicted to,> > > surrendered to, or working under women - caused by the weak and> > > uncontrolled mind. Not humble - because it is Moon that signify> > > simplicity and humbleness. Moon is weak means humbleness is lost.> > > Amavasi is darkness, secretive nature, belief in the secret powers> > > gained by black magic or devotion - yes it is Amavasi (the dark side> > of> > > mind) - unconscious side - becomes the ruling force. If that is clean> > > and consciousness is present there as well - then well and good, if> > not> > > with a weak mind the dark side taking control over him he is prone to> > > all kinds of superstitions and false beliefs. Here the planet involved> > > is Moon signifying water, and moonlight combined with the illusion> > > creating addictive forces signified by Amavasi. That is why the> > interest> > > in liquor - a liquid that creates illusions and hallucinations, the> > > addictive liquid. Moon signifies water pots, bottles - filled with> > > acidic liquids, chemical liquids or medicine. So the Su-Mo combination> > > can signify any such bottled items, its production or sale. It can> > also> > > indicate addiction to such liquids or medicines - consumption of such> > > liquids. He is `Koodakrit', i.e. efficient in creating Yantras.> > > The prime meaning of the word Yantra is machine. If so the indicated> > > result is that he would be a mechanic creating, organizing or> > arranging> > > machine parts. But this word Yantra means the geometrical shapes drawn> > > in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and goddesses as> > > well. When analyzed in combination with the mind after secret and dark> > > forces - this meaning seems to be more appropriate. What however weak> > > his mind would be - his soul and mind are together - Sun and Moon are> > > together. He is not experiencing the split personality - where ever> > his> > > mind is the soul, the consciousness too is there. His inner voice and> > > mind are together - they are not separate. This is positive - a> > quality> > > that helps him to excel in any work he indulges. Too many thoughts> > never> > > disturb him - sleep is like death, and enjoyments acidic. That is why> > > the derivation - he will excel in work. Because he is not much> > disturbed> > > by the thoughts of past and future, or of the plans. He is don't> > > think much - but usually like the animal which forgot to think, and> > > because of an alert consciousness.> > >> > > Rule 1: While considering the 2-planet combinations, the results are> > > derived by mixing the significance of both the planets under> > > consideration. No other factors should be considered.> > >> > > Now let us see what Mihira has to say about this combination.> > >> > > If the Sun is with Moon, the native would a person constructs> > > `Yantra' and `black stone structures'.> > >> > > - Brihat Jataka> > >> > > The prime meaning of the word `Yantra' is `machine'.> > > There could be hundreds of people who took birth in Amavasi (Sun and> > > Moon together) with this combination in their chart. All of them> > neither> > > become a mechanic nor does they all have to work with stone or gravel.> > > In my many years of experience as an astrologer I never saw this> > > happening. Also note that Sun and Moon does not have anything to do> > with> > > stones or machine. Actually Saturn is the significator of stones,> > stone> > > structures. The significator of machines could be Saturn or Mars. Thus> > > the question arises what is the actual or intended meaning of this> > sloka> > > - for sure it is not about Machine and stone structures. Let us go a> > bit> > > more deep into this sloka bit.> > >> > > As per the commentary of Brihat Jataka called `Vivarana' by> > > Uzhutra Varyar, the meaning of these words are as follows -> > >> > > `Yantra' or Instruments means - Instruments or equipments used> > > for operation or treatment i.e. medical equipments or instruments used> > > measuring time such as watch etc, or various instruments or machines> > > that are used to pump water etc. In general `Yantra' means> > > instruments, equipments or machines that are used for various> > purposes.> > >> > > - Vivarana> > >> > > Here too the commentator is taking `Yantra' primarily to mean> > > `machine' in various circumstances. But I am not satisfied with> > > it - due to the reasons stated above.> > >> > > Earlier as per Meenaraja's words we already noted that the native> > > with this combination, would be much interested in secret disciplines> > > and dark forces, he might become interested in magic, tantric worship> > > and idol worship. The word Yantra also means the geometrical shapes> > > drawn in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and> > goddesses> > > etc. If would be more apt if we take the sloka of Mihira as re-stating> > > the results told by Meenaraja - i.e. The native would be much> > interested> > > in creating geometrical shapes drawn in gold, silver or copper plates> > to> > > worship the gods and goddesses and the study of the same.> > >> > > Now coming to the word stone structures - stone is imperishable and of> > > course the combination points to the constructive nature of the> > native.> > > He is constructive and makes things more organized and systematic. His> > > creations will with stand the tides of time - he is after making> > > permanent monuments with his creative force which could defy time.> > Note> > > that both Sun and Moon indicate time - and are the prime planets> > > considered for Calendar calculations. The statement `he would be> > > interested in creating sculptures' - does not mean that he would be> > > doing a low paid low caste job - but instead points to his creative> > > abilities in systematizing and organizing persistent structures. Thus> > I> > > would translate the Mihira's words as - "If the Sun is with> > > Moon, the native would be much interested in creating geometrical> > shapes> > > drawn in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and> > > goddesses. As an individual with much creative, constructive,> > > systematizing, organizing abilities he will try to create persistent> > > structures which could withstand the turbulent flow of time". I> > > think this meaning is more in tune with the words of Meenaraja and> > > reflect the reality in a better way.> > >> > > Earlier we have seen that the 2-planet combination derives its results> > > by mixing the significance assigned to both the planets under> > > consideration. This helps us to formulate the next rule.> > >> > > Rule 2: The various results ascribed to 2-planet combinations in> > various> > > books should be taken only as examples which shows us how to do the> > > same.> > >> > > This is important - this means that out of the hundreds of results we> > > can derive from a 2-planet combination, the books or available quotes> > > just provide us one or two possible results - just to show how to do> > the> > > same! What about the rest of the possibilities and significance? Yes,> > we> > > have to combine them and arrive at sensible results that fits in well> > > with reality observed. Can we show some more examples that achieves> > the> > > same for this Sun-Moon combination itself? Let us try -> > >> > > * Sun signifies father and Moon mother. In the presents of Sun, Moon> > > loses its power. Thus in the native's family and life, the Father> > > would be the major influence and role model than the mother.> > >> > > * Sun signify Siva and Moon Sakti. Thus the combination can signify> > the> > > Siva-Sakti, the male-female combination, the Yin-Yang. While> > considering> > > gods or devatas this combination indicate `Ardha Nareeswara'> > > (Half Siva half Parvati idol).> > >> > > * Sun is Siva and Moon is the sea shell. Thus the combination signify> > > the presence of sea shell used to worship Siva for pouring water into> > > the head of Siva idol in hindu temples.> > >> > > * Sun is fire and Moon is water. Thus the combination can signify any> > > watery chemical with a burning nature - for example bottled acids.> > >> > > * Sun signify square and Moon circle. Thus the combination can signify> > > the interest in various geometrical shapes like the octagon or the> > like.> > >> > > I hope you will come out with more such derivations - which reflect> > the> > > truth and will show the actual results which are true in experience as> > > well when applied to horoscopes.> > >> > > We will continue this discussion on two planet combinations in the> > > coming days and explore more into the possibilities and compare the> > > derivations with actual observed results.> > > - Sreenadh> > > ============================================================> > > I sincerely hope that following the above line of thinking a detailed> > > analysis of 2-planet combinations would be done in the forum.> > > Love,> > > Sreenadh> > >> >>

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Dear Raghavan ji,

Thanks for the nice and informative mail.


> this combination may giv rise to another mother-step mother


Yes, me too heard that - and there is all possibility that the

same could be true. Let us verify it in known charts.



We can see may be exceptions working in chart when this combination

in 4th -here moon is having dig bala .In 10th this combination -sun

is having dig bala .


And sun or moon in own house or exaltations .Should we consider hora

and muhurtha s like Abhijit ,or in own drekkana,uttamamsa,uchamsa

for seeing the combo whether is constructiv or destructive .


Now sun is strong in uttharayan and day time ,moon is strong in

dakhsinayana and nite time ,so how can we combine these results to a

chart by seeing all positive and negetiv traits .


In my humble opinion, we should not consider all these details (such

as Sign, House, Divisions etc) right now, stick to considering the 2-

plants under consideration alone, i.e. their Karakatwa alone.

Thanks and Regards,



, " lion_draco1983 "

<lion_draco1983 wrote:



> Dear sreenadh ,


> First let me congratulate u for a nice write up .


> Sun and moon combination ,the amavasya yoga,the yogis and Tantrics


> india select this occassion for special rituals as siva is with


> and its a union of atma and mind >This combination always

fascinated me

> as i find greate personalities and commoners took birth in this

> combination.


> So our duty is to arrive at a safe conclusion and effective

ness of

> the results - like raja jyothishis of yore ,who are more good in

> arriving at the results .Now we are still in darkness as to how to


> certain results than saying its double edged weapon .How we can


> results .Experinced persons in the groups can show some lite in this

> direction .How moon behind sun or ahead of sun affects the results ?


> This combination was enigmatic for me like moon -rahu (grahan

yogas) and

> sun -ketu combo s .Or some even says pitru dosha or matru dosha in


> chart.And its connection with mental make up of a person .


> I read some where ,i dont know is it in nadi s literature that


> combination may giv rise to another mother-step mother-yes,u also


> mother wont be ideal figure for the person.This combiantion seems

to be

> working in many charts .Its may be true when karakas with life


> karaka like sun-father.moon-mother etc) got affected .


> But we know that sun being prana karka and moon being deha karaka


> combination can make or break a chart .How can we see it ,without


> any back ground information from the consulter .


> We can see may be exceptions working in chart when this combination


> 4th -here moon is having dig bala .In 10th this combination -sun is

> having dig bala .


> And sun or moon in own house or exaltations .Should we consider

hora and

> muhurtha s like Abhijit ,or in own drekkana,uttamamsa,uchamsa for

> seeing the combo whether is constructiv or destructive .


> Now sun is strong in uttharayan and day time ,moon is strong in

> dakhsinayana and nite time ,so how can we combine these results to a

> chart by seeing all positive and negetiv traits .


> And kerala jyothishis are of opinion that moon is seed of all yogas


> chart .So how we can say when some one born in this yoga attains


> offices in country like karunanidhi cheif minister of Tamil Nadu and

> chief of D M k political party and also a person with literary

skills .I

> am searching his chart .




> I think we shud hone our skills in addressing this minor basics -


> only we can say we r realy equipped to see a chart .Then only we can

> answer challenegs posed by people like sri avatar kishen kaul .




> Good attempt ,mr.sreenadh and i realy appreciate u .


> There are other astrologers in forum ,pls come forward and present


> observations and knowledge and pls contribute the discussion .




> regrds vijayaraghavan guruvayur .

, " Sreenadh "

> <sreesog@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> > The following is a write up that starts a discussion on 2-planet

> > combinations.

> > ====================================================

> > Two planet combinations

> > -----

> > The first thing to know in this section is that these results are


> > of " results that should be derived considering planets alone " .

> > i.e. It is part of " Planet based result derivation " which is

> > part of 7-fold prediction system. Therefore questions such as


> > if the combination is in so and so houses?', `What if if the

> > combination is in so and so houses?' etc won't be addressed

> > here, if not the same is mentioned in the sloka itself. With this

> > understanding let us proceed with our study of planet based

> prediction.

> >

> > The ancient authentic texts like Skanda hora, Brihat prajaptya,

> Saunaka

> > hora etc addressed this question in detail - but unluckily we


> > have those texts available now. But some slokas from those texts


> > deals with the same is available here and there in various texts -


> > ofcourse the same is not enough to discuss the subject in detail.


> > oldest text available to us today that deals with 2-planet

> combinations

> > in detail is Meenaraja hora. Later Saravali and Jataka Saradeepa


> > quoted the same - while discussing this subject, which provides


> > authentic nature to these slokas. Considering the various

versions of

> > the same slokas given by these 3 texts (i.e. Meenaraja hora,


> > Jataka Saradeepa) we can discuss these slokas in detail. Another


> > resource is Brihajjataka of Varahamihira, which devotes a whole

> chapter

> > for discussing 2 planet combinations. Two good commentaries of

> > Brihajjataka vis, Hridyapadha and Vivarana can also help us much


> > arriving at the meaning and possibilities of these combinations.

As we

> > have clearly identified our resources to study and discuss the


> > of 2-planet combinations, let us proceed with the same.

> >

> > Possibly the ancient texts such as Skanda hora was not even


> to

> > king Kalyana varma who wrote Saravali in 10th century AD.

Possibly it

> is

> > because of this that he had to refer to many slokas from


> > hora, Sphujidwaja hora, Meenaraja hora etc. But still he was of


> > opinion that these texts contain too much unnecessary information


> > unwanted phony quotes. That is why when he wrote Saravali he


> that

> > -

> >

> > " Many great horas are written by the ancient sages. Mihira


> > its essence into a small book called Brihajjataka (I value that


> and

> > effort very much). But Brihajjataka alone is not enough to derive

> result

> > regarding many results related to Yoga, Dasa, Divisions etc.


> I

> > am writing this book - i.e. Saravali - brewing the essence of

books in

> > Yavana school of astrology and leaving the non-essential "

> >

> > It is considering this high opinion of Kalyanavarma about

> Brihajjataka,

> > the text Saravali is given secondary importance only compared to

> > Brihajjataka. Then the same is true for Kalyanavarma regarding


> > school of astrology and Yavana school of astrology as well. He


> have

> > weighted the Arsha school high (based on which Brihajjataka

> originated)

> > and Yavana school below it (based on which Saravali originated).


> in

> > any case these two books and these two schools are mutually

> > complementing. If one school lost some knowledge, the other always

> > helped us to locate the same some how. Therefore without


> > with due respect to proponents of Yavana school we should go


> the

> > quotes provided by Meenaraja, accepting the lesson taught by


> > It states -

> >

> > The results that should be attributed to 2-planet combinations is

> given

> > also by Vridha Yavanacharya, i.e. Meenaraja. Collecting those


> > without any competition (i.e. not considering the results are

told by

> > Arsha school of astrology - which I trust most - or by Yavana


> of

> > astrology followed by Meenaraja) I am presenting the 2-planet

> > combination results here, giving special importance to the views


> > Meenaraja

> >

> > - Meenaraja Hora

> >

> > Note that Saravali is written by king Kalyanavarma to complement

> > Brihajjataka. Brihajjataka follow the path of Arsha school even


> > mentions the views of Yavanacharya here and there. Considering


> even

> > Saravali should be considered as a text that abides by the path


> > by Arsha school itself. Even though Kalyanavarma collects many


> > from Yavanacharyas, if something told by the Yavana school is not


> > tune with the approach of Arsha school, Kalyanavarma will drop it


> > sure. This is fact to be remembered throughout while studying the

> quotes

> > from the authentic book of astrology called Saravali. It is due to

> this

> > very reason and systematic approach that the text medieval classic

> > Saravali gained the utmost respect showered on it. Saravali is the

> most

> > authentic and reliable text of astrology available to us after the

> > period of Mihira and prior to the period of Acharya Balabhadra who

> wrote

> > Horaratna.

> >

> > Thus our focal point to study the 2-planet combination is fixed -


> is

> > Meenaraja hora as suggested by Saravali and Jataka Saradeepa. Note

> that

> > even though these quotes are from Meenaraja hora, the approach is


> > of the fundamental 7-fold result derivation system. Now let us go

> > through the quotes given for various 2-planet combinations in all

> these

> > texts mentioned above.

> >

> > Su-Mo

> >

> > When Sun is with Moon it is Amavasi, the new moon day. Moon or


> > becomes weak - so if only the soul (Sun) is strong then only that

> > individual can shine in some field. This is a combination that


> > make the native the most blessed one (no-mind, the enlightened) or

> weak

> > mind that may mislead by all the worldly pleasures or


> The

> > combination itself is a double edged sword - with diametrically

> opposite

> > possibilities. Let us see what Meenaraja has to say -

> >

> > If Sun and Moon are together, then the native would be addicted to

> > women, will not be humble, will do secret things. He would be


> > and would be much efficient in doing things. He may even become a

> liquor

> > seller.

> >

> > - Meenaraja Hora

> >

> > Let us look for the logic behind these derivations - Addicted to,

> > surrendered to, or working under women - caused by the weak and

> > uncontrolled mind. Not humble - because it is Moon that signify

> > simplicity and humbleness. Moon is weak means humbleness is lost.

> > Amavasi is darkness, secretive nature, belief in the secret powers

> > gained by black magic or devotion - yes it is Amavasi (the dark


> of

> > mind) - unconscious side - becomes the ruling force. If that is


> > and consciousness is present there as well - then well and good,


> not

> > with a weak mind the dark side taking control over him he is

prone to

> > all kinds of superstitions and false beliefs. Here the planet


> > is Moon signifying water, and moonlight combined with the illusion

> > creating addictive forces signified by Amavasi. That is why the

> interest

> > in liquor - a liquid that creates illusions and hallucinations,


> > addictive liquid. Moon signifies water pots, bottles - filled with

> > acidic liquids, chemical liquids or medicine. So the Su-Mo


> > can signify any such bottled items, its production or sale. It can

> also

> > indicate addiction to such liquids or medicines - consumption of


> > liquids. He is `Koodakrit', i.e. efficient in creating Yantras.

> > The prime meaning of the word Yantra is machine. If so the


> > result is that he would be a mechanic creating, organizing or

> arranging

> > machine parts. But this word Yantra means the geometrical shapes


> > in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and

goddesses as

> > well. When analyzed in combination with the mind after secret and


> > forces - this meaning seems to be more appropriate. What however


> > his mind would be - his soul and mind are together - Sun and Moon


> > together. He is not experiencing the split personality - where


> his

> > mind is the soul, the consciousness too is there. His inner voice


> > mind are together - they are not separate. This is positive - a

> quality

> > that helps him to excel in any work he indulges. Too many thoughts

> never

> > disturb him - sleep is like death, and enjoyments acidic. That is


> > the derivation - he will excel in work. Because he is not much

> disturbed

> > by the thoughts of past and future, or of the plans. He is don't

> > think much - but usually like the animal which forgot to think,


> > because of an alert consciousness.

> >

> > Rule 1: While considering the 2-planet combinations, the results


> > derived by mixing the significance of both the planets under

> > consideration. No other factors should be considered.

> >

> > Now let us see what Mihira has to say about this combination.

> >

> > If the Sun is with Moon, the native would a person constructs

> > `Yantra' and `black stone structures'.

> >

> > - Brihat Jataka

> >

> > The prime meaning of the word `Yantra' is `machine'.

> > There could be hundreds of people who took birth in Amavasi (Sun


> > Moon together) with this combination in their chart. All of them

> neither

> > become a mechanic nor does they all have to work with stone or


> > In my many years of experience as an astrologer I never saw this

> > happening. Also note that Sun and Moon does not have anything to


> with

> > stones or machine. Actually Saturn is the significator of stones,

> stone

> > structures. The significator of machines could be Saturn or Mars.


> > the question arises what is the actual or intended meaning of this

> sloka

> > - for sure it is not about Machine and stone structures. Let us

go a

> bit

> > more deep into this sloka bit.

> >

> > As per the commentary of Brihat Jataka called `Vivarana' by

> > Uzhutra Varyar, the meaning of these words are as follows -

> >

> > `Yantra' or Instruments means - Instruments or equipments used

> > for operation or treatment i.e. medical equipments or instruments


> > measuring time such as watch etc, or various instruments or


> > that are used to pump water etc. In general `Yantra' means

> > instruments, equipments or machines that are used for various

> purposes.

> >

> > - Vivarana

> >

> > Here too the commentator is taking `Yantra' primarily to mean

> > `machine' in various circumstances. But I am not satisfied with

> > it - due to the reasons stated above.

> >

> > Earlier as per Meenaraja's words we already noted that the native

> > with this combination, would be much interested in secret


> > and dark forces, he might become interested in magic, tantric


> > and idol worship. The word Yantra also means the geometrical


> > drawn in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and

> goddesses

> > etc. If would be more apt if we take the sloka of Mihira as re-


> > the results told by Meenaraja - i.e. The native would be much

> interested

> > in creating geometrical shapes drawn in gold, silver or copper


> to

> > worship the gods and goddesses and the study of the same.

> >

> > Now coming to the word stone structures - stone is imperishable

and of

> > course the combination points to the constructive nature of the

> native.

> > He is constructive and makes things more organized and

systematic. His

> > creations will with stand the tides of time - he is after making

> > permanent monuments with his creative force which could defy time.

> Note

> > that both Sun and Moon indicate time - and are the prime planets

> > considered for Calendar calculations. The statement `he would be

> > interested in creating sculptures' - does not mean that he would


> > doing a low paid low caste job - but instead points to his


> > abilities in systematizing and organizing persistent structures.


> I

> > would translate the Mihira's words as - " If the Sun is with

> > Moon, the native would be much interested in creating geometrical

> shapes

> > drawn in gold, silver or copper plates to worship the gods and

> > goddesses. As an individual with much creative, constructive,

> > systematizing, organizing abilities he will try to create


> > structures which could withstand the turbulent flow of time " . I

> > think this meaning is more in tune with the words of Meenaraja and

> > reflect the reality in a better way.

> >

> > Earlier we have seen that the 2-planet combination derives its


> > by mixing the significance assigned to both the planets under

> > consideration. This helps us to formulate the next rule.

> >

> > Rule 2: The various results ascribed to 2-planet combinations in

> various

> > books should be taken only as examples which shows us how to do


> > same.

> >

> > This is important - this means that out of the hundreds of

results we

> > can derive from a 2-planet combination, the books or available


> > just provide us one or two possible results - just to show how to


> the

> > same! What about the rest of the possibilities and significance?


> we

> > have to combine them and arrive at sensible results that fits in


> > with reality observed. Can we show some more examples that


> the

> > same for this Sun-Moon combination itself? Let us try -

> >

> > * Sun signifies father and Moon mother. In the presents of Sun,


> > loses its power. Thus in the native's family and life, the Father

> > would be the major influence and role model than the mother.

> >

> > * Sun signify Siva and Moon Sakti. Thus the combination can


> the

> > Siva-Sakti, the male-female combination, the Yin-Yang. While

> considering

> > gods or devatas this combination indicate `Ardha Nareeswara'

> > (Half Siva half Parvati idol).

> >

> > * Sun is Siva and Moon is the sea shell. Thus the combination


> > the presence of sea shell used to worship Siva for pouring water


> > the head of Siva idol in hindu temples.

> >

> > * Sun is fire and Moon is water. Thus the combination can signify


> > watery chemical with a burning nature - for example bottled acids.

> >

> > * Sun signify square and Moon circle. Thus the combination can


> > the interest in various geometrical shapes like the octagon or the

> like.

> >

> > I hope you will come out with more such derivations - which


> the

> > truth and will show the actual results which are true in

experience as

> > well when applied to horoscopes.

> >

> > We will continue this discussion on two planet combinations in the

> > coming days and explore more into the possibilities and compare


> > derivations with actual observed results.

> > - Sreenadh

> > ============================================================

> > I sincerely hope that following the above line of thinking a


> > analysis of 2-planet combinations would be done in the forum.

> > Love,

> > Sreenadh

> >


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