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General Predictions about person:* 3H Lord is in 11H and this can predict many younger siblings. Further benefic jupiter in 3H further strengthens possibility of many co-borns, help from everywhere* Lagna has malefic Ketu in it and Lagna lord Mercury is in the 10H. He is in enemy house and debilitated. This is not good for things signified by lagna and it is likely that person has weak physical body with diseases related to head, health problems, birth into poor family and bad complexion* Next coming to intelligence, 5HL is in the 10H exalted and this will mean a very intelligent person.* Coming to mother, 4HL is in dustana and this indicate health problems to mother/relatives.* 8HL Saturn is in his own house (a dustana) and during Saturn mahadasa there could be danger to life of native.First native had Mars mahadasa till 1999 (I am using Vimsottari Dasa from moon using True Ayanamsa of Chandrahari)* Mars is the lord of 6H and 11H sitting in

9H in friend's house in sustana. 6HL in Sustana means defeating enemies easily but here for the young boy what is relevant is that 6H also means health and mental affliction - and 6HL in a strong position strengthens possibility of health problem and mental affliction. This possibility is strong in Saturn AD between May 93 and Jul 94He is currently running Rahu Md.Saturn AD between 2003 Feb and 2005 Dec poses chance of a major health problem.Currently he is running Mercury AD (Me is debilitated in enemy house). I predict health problems to mother during this period and also chance of health problem to nativeRegardsKiranlion_draco1983 <lion_draco1983 wrote: dear kiran ji , I am posting a chart of a boy just for u to try . dont hesitate to try it and dont worry abt mistakes ,u r just learning . also i request others to wait for till he finishes with his reading. 26th april 1992, 10.24 AM trivandrum ,kerala .Please come out with what ever u can find from the chart . Try it and we will guide u . regrds Vijaya raghavan guruvayur . , "Sreenadh" <sreesog wrote:>> Dear Kiran ji,> Actually that file is for you. :) It was prepared by keeping your > interest in mind, and I request you to start reading charts based on > those minimum number of quotes - even copy-pasting will do, with > minor intuitive imagination for filling up gaps:) - in further chart > reading requests and blind chart experiments. Just experience how > even the basic understanding and application of limited number of > slokas can bring us much near truth (in deriving the actual > experience of the native). > Go through those quotes and if possible memorize them. :) It is > just the beginning.... > Love and regards,> Sreenadh> > --- In

, "kiran.rama" > kiran.rama@ wrote:> >> > Dear Sreenadhji,> > > > Thanks a lot for the great upload.> > > > The group is blessed by your presence> > > > Regards> > Kiran> > > > > > ,> > wrote:> > >> > > > > > Hello,> > > > > > This email message is a notification to let you know that> > > a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the> > > > > group.> > > > > > File : /Biginner Lessons/Biginner lessons -1.pdf > > > Uploaded by : sreesog <sreesog@> > > > Description : Biginner

lessons -1 > > > > > > You can access this file at the URL:> > >> > > Biginner%> 20Lessons/Biginner%20lessons%20-1.pdf> > > > > > > > To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:> > >> > > http://help./l/us//groups/original/members/web/index.htm> lfiles> > > > > > Regards,> > > > > > sreesog <sreesog@>> > >> >>

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Dear Sreenadhji,Before I attempt the reading again, I would like to get a few doubts clarified:I have a few doubts based on the document uploaded:i) Does a planet in exaltation always give good results for the native as is mentioned?ii) Should we modify this as planet in exaltation gives good results for things signified by the house of which it is the lord and to things signified by the planet itself?iii) Does a planet in exaltation also increase significance of things signified by the house which it is in and the houses that it aspects?Can we summarize in general as follows:i) Malefics in any house will result in bad things for the native of all those things that are signified by the house. Can we extend this to aspect as well?ii) Benefics in any house will result in good things for the native of all those things that are signified by the house. Can we extend this to aspect as well?So in general, benefic and

malefic mean benefic and malefic to the native - of the things signified by the house that they are iniii) Lord of any house in dustana will result in bad for things signified by the house that it owns.Vice versa for lord of any house in sustana?I look forward to your guidance on these doubts.ThanksKiran

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Dear Sreenadhji,Thanks for the lucid reply. I am paraphrasing to confirm understanding:So typically significations of a house amplify (in amount) by way of i) house lord strength in terms of staana bala, ORii) In terms of house lord aspecting houseiii) aspect by beneficsiv) house lord in upachaya houseBut whether the native will experience it or not is determined by way of i) House lord in sustanaii) Presence of benefics Above are the two of the most common ways that determine if the native will experience itin the houseAm I correct?RegardsKiranSreenadh <sreesog wrote: Dear Kiran ji, Let me answer your doubts one by one. But before that remember the truth - "As we generalize more and more we are destined to move that much away from truth!" :) Jocking but still it is truth - so remember. :) Now to your doubts - ==> > i) Does a planet in exaltation always give good results for the native as is mentioned? <== No planet gives 100% good results or 100% bad results - or planets don't give any results at all in a philosophical perspective. It is we who are 'deriving' some results 'caused by time/destiny' based on the position of planets is chart - the projected picture of the instance of birth. I know that it is not the answer to your question - so let me make it straight and answer to reflect meaning you want. :) A planet in exaltation 'mainly' gives good results - or in

other words 'most of the' results indicated by the planet in exaltation would be good. But of course experienced astrologers can 'derive' many bad results also based on the same exalted planet. To give and example (which once I mentioned to earlier as well), and exalted Mars in 5th house for Virgo lagna can cause death of first child, due to its ownership of 8th house, and also because Mars is a malefic and Karaka for son (as per some sages). Thus it is NOT necessary that an exalted planet should always give good results - it is upto the astrologer and his understanding of astrological principles that determines - what all truthful results (both good and bad) he can 'derive' based on the said position. ==> > ii) Should we modify this as planet in exaltation gives good results for things signified by the house of which it is the lord and to things signified by the planet itself? <== Exaltation simply means the significance of the planet amplified. The things signified by the planet will be available in ample amount. But there is a knot - What ever is available in Sign and House ONLY can shine through the lens of the planet! Imagine it like this - Sign is the ground (thousands of things are present there), there is a slightly colored lens above it (a bit small in size, but which to shows the image of a 500 things), and the planet is another colored lens above it (a bit more small in size). Thus in essence what gets reflected through all these lenses and actualize at the end springs essentially from the Sign - goes through the house - but ultimately has the mark of (related to the significance of) the planet! If you want another symbolism, think it like this - Sign, House, Planet are three circles covering equal area - but the area of super imposition (termed as 'intersection' in maths) becomes small

when the planet is in a particular Sign and House. Which ever example you like choose that. :) Thus the net result would be that (the answer to your question is that) - A planet exalted means - * the things signified by the planet amplifies (but got some connection with the Sign, House it is in) * The significance of the house in which that planet is in, Shines through that planet, in the way allowed by that planets significance. (So the stating whether it gets amplified or not will be equally false - know that a half truth is always a lie) * The significance of the Sign in which that planet is in, shines through that planet, in the way allowed by that house significance and the planets significance. (So the stating whether it gets amplified or not will be equally false) Hope this explanation helps. ==> > iii) Does a planet in exaltation also increase significance of things signified

by the house which it is in and the houses that it aspects? <== The first part of this question is already answered. As of the second part - The significance of the sign/house amplifies ONLY WHEN - * The house lord aspects the house * The house lord is in Upachaya house from that house * Benefics (especially Ju and Me) aspects the house. Another point to keep in mind is the relation between amplified significance (of sign/house) and good and bad effects to it due to benefic/malefic aspect. To state an example if a house is strong (3 conditions mentioned above), but if malefics aspects are there, then he would be like an vehicle owner with large amount of vehicles (sign/house significance amplified) but none running (but useless). But if if the house is comparatively weak (absence of the above 3 conditions), but if (other) benefics aspects there - he would be like a person with a single

vehicle (sign/house significance not amplified and stayed minimum) but in good condition (but useful). Any way this example may not suffice, but hope you got the idea. ==> > Can we summarize in general as follows: > i) Malefics in any house will result in bad things for the native of all those things that are signified by the house. Can we extend this to aspect as well? > ii) Benefics in any house will result in good things for the native of all those things that are signified by the house. Can we extend this to aspect as well? > So in general, benefic and malefic mean benefic and malefic to the native - of the things signified by the house that they are in <== As for now these rules are acceptable - but later (as the study progresses) you will have to drop this - due to the presence of corollaries and exceptions. Extending these rule to aspect also is acceptable as of now - but

later you would have to drop this too. ==> > iii) Lord of any house in dustana will result in bad for things signified by the house that it owns. > Vice versa for lord of any house in sustana? <== True - OK. :) Again with the caution - you may have to drop it later. :) Actually one exception you have already met, For 8th lord in 8th, 6th lord in 6th, 12th lord in 12th you cannot apply that rule. :) Love, Sreenadh , Kiran R <kiran.rama wrote: > > Dear Sreenadhji, > > Before I attempt the reading again, I would like to get a few doubts clarified: > > I have a few doubts based on the document uploaded: > i) Does a planet in exaltation always give good results for the native as is mentioned? > >

ii) Should we modify this as planet in exaltation gives good results for things signified by the house of which it is the lord and to things signified by the planet itself? > > iii) Does a planet in exaltation also increase significance of things signified by the house which it is in and the houses that it aspects? > > Can we summarize in general as follows: > i) Malefics in any house will result in bad things for the native of all those things that are signified by the house. Can we extend this to aspect as well? > > ii) Benefics in any house will result in good things for the native of all those things that are signified by the house. Can we extend this to aspect as well? > > So in general, benefic and malefic mean benefic and malefic to the native - of the things signified by the house that they are in > > iii) Lord of any house in dustana will result in

bad for things signified by the house that it owns. > Vice versa for lord of any house in sustana? > > I look forward to your guidance on these doubts. > > Thanks > Kiran > > > > > Chat on a cool, new interface. No download required. >

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