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Puranic Astrology -BPHS-Rama/Krishna comparison etc

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Dear Mr.Wandahl and respected members


It is great to see the valauable participation and mails with


I feel there is a misunderstanding among many which results in

consideration of your views as blashphemy.I have been observing this

during your previous discussions as well.


I feel individuals are somehow having a misconception that you are

against the ''revelative(one manifesting out of revelation- shruti -

the heard one) origin of Jyotisha. If i understand you correctly,you

are only disputing the completeness and originality of the current

version.This can be true.


I assume that you do acknowledge that,Jyotisha is a revealed shastra

with divinity and it manifested out from the minds of inquisitive-



Eventhough i have observed many historic discussions relating to

Jyotisha,i always had a lack of confidence to attempt those.This is

prehaps because of the cyclic nature of Time.The Yugas etc are

repetitive in nature,and i feel it is not wise enough to date

mythical events and charactres vis-a-vis historical order.This is my

personal opinion.


On the other hand one can date the period of vedic-civilization etc

which can point to a certain ''specific'' time period within

calendar domain.


Even the mythological Yagyas(symbolical) and characters mentioned in

Ramayana and Bharatha etc needs to be studied and scrutinised under

the light of sookshma budhi is my personal opinion.I will express my

opinion regarding Oshos views quoted by Sreenadh ji when time

permits.Osho is well learned and may have his own reasons.But i

feel comparing Rama and Krishna on a relative scale is not wise.Rama

is representing the Soul while Krishna demonstrates the

manifestation of the desire from the soul.By reviewing the mental

situation of Arjuna,Krishna is taking Arjuna back to his root - the

soul.Krishna is aware of his desires and looks upon them as a

Sakshi,while Jeevatmas are only able to see their own reflection and


Thus weighing Rama and Krishna amy not be wise.It is possible that

some ''intelligent'' souls might have tried to alter the

mythological representations to suit their case.But i am incompetent

to comment on those and is of secondary importance for me.


Also there is no need for anyone to cry or worryor shout or take

actions.Brihadaranyakopanishad is conveying a mythical

representation through the symbolic horse.It is a puzzle for our

inner pursuits is my humble undersdtanding.


If i have inadvertently hurt the views of any ,kindly pardon.Wishing

all propserity.




, " Finn Wandahl "

<finn.wandahl wrote:


> Dear Mr. Gopal Goel,


> Gopal Goel wrote:


> >>Vishnu Purana and Brihat Hora Shastra was narrated by sage


> to his disciple Matrayee about in 2000B.C. Kindly refer chapter 8


> second Ansh of Vishnu purana. this chapter will give information on

> Sidreal and tropical Zodiac.Kindly particularly refer Sloka's 74 to

> 81. these sloka clearly indicate that V.E.POINT was in 1st Charn of

> star Kritika.<<


> Not having my books with me I am not able to verify, but I seem to

> remember when researching Vishnu Puranas and reading this, I


> that I had seen it somewhere before. If I remember correctly I


> out that Vishnu Purana was simply quoting Vedanga Jyotisha of


> in ch. 8 sl. 74-81.


> Lagadha gives the Nakshatra positions of the vernal equinox and the

> solstice point in his Vedanga Jyotisha and from this I was able to

> interpolate the aproximate time-period of Lagadha as being


> around 1300 BC.


> Gopal Goel wrote:


> >>The language of Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra matches with Vishnu

> Puran.<<


> This is very correct and they are also both framed with the same


> of conversation between Sage Parasara and his disciple Maitriya.


> could in my opinion indicate they were written, collected or

> re-written by the same people, probably someone some Brahmins

> belonging to Parasara Gotra.


> It is a fact that Vishnu Purana has been changed many times, this


> probably why it is so perfect in its Puranic style like no other

> Purana. I believe it is possible that BPHS was once a part of


> Purana, just like Narada Samhita is part of the Narada Purana. Then

> perhaps later on someone removed it.


> Also you can find small hints in BPHS about Brahma Vidya (Nature of

> Brahma) reflecting exactly the same Brahma Vidya as in Vishnu


> which can again be found in Maitriya Upanishad and in Atharva-Veda


> well.


> Gopal Goel wrote:


> >>The famous commentator of Varha Mihri works -BHATOTPAL had

> acknowledged in his works that he could not lay hand on BPHS.This

> shows that Bphs was known and eamous even 1500 years back in



> Please, your deduction is not correct. The fact that Bhatophala


> saw BPHS is more likely because it was not yet written. He could


> be talking about the earlier version of Parasara Hora (also know as

> Saktiputra Hora) which has been lost for a very long time. Even


> earlier version was not written by the Vedic sage Parasara and it


> not written in the Vedic period.


> By the way, Al Biruni also never saw BPHS when he came to India in

> year 1000 AD, but he mentioned all the other old textbook like

> Saravali, Varaha Mihira etc. in his book " India " . I think this


> indicate that the old version of Parasara Hora was lost at that


> and the new one that we know today was not yet written.


> Very friendly,

> Finn Wandahl


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