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2-Planet Combinations (Sun-Moon Combination)

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Sun-Moon Combination ResultsIf there is Su-Mo combination in a chart the following results canbe predicted in general.* When Sun is with Moon, the mind becomes weak - so if onlythe soul (Sun) is strong then only that individual can shine in somefield. This is a combination that could make the native the most blessedone (no-mind, the enlightened) or weak mind that may mislead by allthe worldly pleasures or superstitions. The combination itself is a doubleedged sword - with diametrically opposite possibilities.* If Sun and Moon are together, then the native would be ad-dicted to women, will not be humble, will do secret things. He wouldbe wealthy and would be much efficient in doing things. He may evenbecome a liquor seller.* The native with this combination, would be much interested insecret disciplines and dark forces, he might become interested in magic,tantric worship and idol worship.* If the Sun is with Moon, the native would be much interested increating geometrical shapes drawn in gold, silver or copper plates toworship the gods and goddesses. As an individual with much cre-ative, constructive, systematizing, organizing abilities he will try to createpersistent structures which could withstand the turbulent flow of time* The possible positive effects of this combination are - successover the enemies, gain of wealth, meeting the relatives, lack of dis-eases and healthy body, good social status, money, grains (amplefood), birth of children, success over the enemies, good intellect, helpand happiness from relatives etc. There is a better chance for theseresults if there is enough distance between sun and moon. (The own-ership of trika houses, i.e. 6-8-12 to Sun or Moon can have a specialimportance in deciding the trend of results here)* The possible negative effects of this combination are - distressto wife and children, failures in ventures, disputes with others, loss of servants, antagonism with the king (government) and destructions ofwealth and grains etc. These results become an important possibilityespecially if Sun and Moon are very close. (The ownership of trikahouses, 6-8-12, to Sun or Moon can have a special importance indeciding the trend of results here) * If Sun and Moon are together then life-endangering diseases ininfancy and childhood is a sure possibility.The discussion of Su-Mo combination helped us in identifying somerules that should be considered while trying to derive results based onany 2-planet combination. As you may have noted some of theserules are important and some are not that important. Try to applythese rules in other 2-planet combinations as well.

I request readers to debate these results and comeup with supporting or opposing data. Note that our prime condition in all such result derivation effort is - All the derived results should apply to all charts with the same combination at least to 80% correctness. Is this true in this case?Love and regards,Sreenadh

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