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Some sensible thoughts

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Dear Sreenadh ji,


"If someone want to attain enlightenment by following a group, bribing somegods, or dipping in some water, by touching some stones, or byproviding a weekly prayer for compromise - he is not going to get it;true consciousness is not a commodity that can be bought in themarket, or something we will get in return to some mechanical actions.Spirituality" - Unquote.

I like this....well said.

Quote:"True religion is something that flows from within - and it does not have a name. Actually a truly spiritual individual can never be part any ism or ity, (whether Muslim, Hindu, Christian or Buddhist or theother thousand ones in the world) - he is unique and so be his religion. Every true religion has only one creator, the man who is in the path, and only one follower, he himself. " - Unquote.

Exactly. Wish everybody would realize this...

Thanks Sreenadh ji for such sensible thoughts.





Crowd does not have a> soul to attain salvation, only the individual has. > I bow to all those who know this truth - and grateful to them for> sharing the same feeling. > Knowledge and Information > -------------------------> Knowledge or information is a different thing. To study or to> discuss it spirituality is not essential - even though the same could> be an added advantage. True spirituality helps the consciousness to> evolve and the same could be of much help anywhere - in dealing with> information in a better way as well. > History is not spirituality but knowledge - it is not something into> which weak sensitivity and fanatism should be brought into. It is some> thing to be approached in an objective manner. It is something to be> viewed from all possible directions - both positive and negative - and> arrive at a conclusion (which too cannot be complete). > The same is true about astrology as well. It is a subject that> should be approached objectively and systematically. You evolved> consciousness can definitely help - but it is better not to> contaminate the search after knowledge and information with> non-essential elements like weak sensitivity or fanatism. > To those 3 who where yelling from roof tops from the past 2 days > --------------------------------> If the castle is strong enough - why you fear?! If the structure> withstood the great waves of thousands of years - why do you fools> think that if you don't support it will fall down, like a domestic> fowl who may believe that if he didn't cry the sun will not rise?!!> Every time there is a point at which we should say - enough is> enough! The same here as well. Mere 3 people Lalit, Prabhat and Jaswal> making all these noise - and do you think that all the other 1000+ is> keeping quite because they agree with you?! Shame on you! They don't> want to dirty their hands with the nasty mud you pour and so the> silence; they have much better and worthy things to do - so the> silence. But alas, you don't even have the sensitivity to understand> that! Pumping 10 mails each to a 1000+ members without content and do> you think that you are helping them - do you think that they are> present in this group just to delete the junk mails you sent to them?> Shut up and get out! Make noise anywhere you want but not here! Enough> is enough! > At least try to learn something from Kaul ji, look at his mails,> even though totally against the path this group follow, his mails are> stuffed with valid information - in support of or against. When you> argue, argue with content. We got other jobs as well - no body is> waiting here to answer you 24x7 - don't expect that all these mockery> will help. If some one posted something and if he was unable to check> the mails for 2 days - some one pushing the same mails to a thousand> users 10 times within 5 minutes!! It is not only absurd and madness> but a crime! So the statement - Enough is enough! If you want to pour> out the rain of mails without content create a group and do it there -> exercise, practice, and one day you may learn to cross the world> record by posting a crore message within 5 minutes..> Yes, you won in making this unmoderated group a moderated one -> through your junk posts and spams. But note this - this is the same> you will cause to the great ideas you act as if is your father's> property! It is stupid people like you - who caused the current state> of India and Hindu Religion. In an Upanishad you will see an example> describing some dogs going around sacrificial fire chanting Ohm Ohm> Ohm - without knowing its meaning or essence. Yes, it is not from some> Christian or Muslim book - it is from the revered Upanishads which> share their blissful beuty with us. It is the people like - the sages> might have been describing. No wonder - I agree - your tribe was> present then too!! > Ok. Enough of shit and bull shit - I am tired of talking. I don't> want to waste my time for you three and so I won't be responding to> your mails - other paths and understanding differ. There is more than> a 1000 members in this group - who are more interested in astrology> and mails with informative content. The group and posts are for them -> and not to waste after fanatics without proper understanding. > Christian Plan> --------------> To some stupid ones this group is the result of some Christian plan> and funded by someone. Yes, it is. This group is moderated by 7> Christians such as -> 1) Sreeram Srinivas (now in Indonesia)> 2) Sreenadh (Delhi)> 3) Vinita (Kashmir)> 4) Renu (Srilanka)> 5) Sunil Nair (Delhi)> 6) Madhu (Trivandrum, Kerala)> 7) RK (Delhi)> Of course we may include more good Christians into this moderators> group. By the way there are so many good Christians in this group. For> example good Christians you can see in this group are Ernst ji,> Barbara ji, Pradeep ji, Fin ji, Ash ji and so on are all good> Christians who share their knowledge with us. Oh! I forgot to say one> thing - throughout this section on you can change the word 'Christian'> with Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist or Jew - that does not make a> difference. But don't take too much strain - your diseased fanatic> brains may fail to take such a load may crash down - making you to> land permanently in the asylum.> As you could see the main point is the 'Plan'. So let me state it> clearly with clarity - "This group has a clear Plan - and that is - to> Organize and present ancient indian astrology in a systematic manner".> Yah, I know this is not going to be helpful to you - but of course it> would be for the other members who are here to teach, learn or discuss> with sincerity. > Thanks,> Sreenadh>

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