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Why the 5th House and 9th House is Powerful in Vedic Astrology

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When a planet rules one of these Trikona Houses, even if the planet

also rules one of the Trik Houses, the planet is still considered

beneficial. Why?


Houses' stregths can be assessed from two dimensions.


The Vedic literature always talk about angular, succedent and cadent

houses with decreasing powerfulness. In addition, the edge of an

angular house is very powerful because sidereal astrology in Vedic

places much emphasis on visibility in the heavenly skies and the

angles are visible from the naked eyes (we know the directions of

North, South, East, West generally by pointing our finger in the

appropriate direction without the need to use telescopes). Also each

categry of Houses like the Trikona Houses (1st, 5th and 9th), are

increasing powerful as we go round the Houses from the 1st to the

12th. Same with the Uppachaya Houses (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th).


(But notice the 10th is the most powerful Uppachaya House because of

its angular nature. So we have to break ties sometimes to determine

the power of the House).


But the other dimension from what I observe is based on hierarchy.

Thus because the 11th House is the 6th of the 6th and the 12th of the

12th, it is at a higher hierarchy than the 6th or 12th House. But

the 9th is the 11th of the 11th and 5th of the 5th so it is at the top

of the hierarchy!


Similarly the 3rd is the 2nd of the 2nd and 8th of the 8th so it is

more powerful. But the 5th is the 3rd of the 3rd and 9th of the 9th

so again it is at the top of the hierarchy!


So the 5th and 9th shares the throne at the top of the hierachy and

one is twiddle-dee and the other is twiddle-dum. They are two facets

of the manifestation of the effects of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of

wealth (5th is the 9th of the 9th and 9th is the 5th of the 5th).


The 1st House is also at the top of the hierachy but it shares the

throne with no one and it overlords the 7th, 4th and 10th Houses

through the same reasoning. (You can work this out for yourself).


So planets ruling the trikona houses are powerful even if they are

ruling a Trik House at the same time. A planet which rules a Trikona

5th or 9th House together with an angular House is therefor all

powerful in the two dimensions that I menionted in the beggining of my

blog. They exude external manifestation with inner guidance and

protection from the Goddess Lakshmi.

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