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venus in chart ,diffrnt rasi' s and tatwas

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hare rama krishna

dear grp and respected members .


I would like to discuss abt venus in diffrnt rasi signs and we can see how its influenving the sexual behavior of a person .I just wanted to concetrate on that aspect of life and pls consider it as an addition to my marriage matchting article .


In naisargika dasa venus rules 12 to 32 yrs ,So all most 20 yrs and it says this is the main period as far as marriage ,lov and making a family is concerned ( let us forget the western ppl and marrying at the age of 80 or so )


Here i am taking the venus singly in one rasi ,if there is conjunctions and aspects and other yogas like pravrajya or sanyasa or even if venus is combust ,it may help or modify the behaviour and character of a person .


I am writing this in context of 2 things one is there was a query on how a planet behaves in diffrnt rasis .


2nd there was a discussion going on sanyas yogas and planets in another grp .Tho i am not mentioning abt those yogas in this write up but it may giv some idea abt those yogas and connections with venus .


Venus is karaka for married life ,partner in general ,karak for sex organs ,sexual fluids in body ,also controls reproducing system and karaka for semen .Also venus has netra (eye ) karakatwa ,karaka for face ,also karaka for money ( as natural 2nd lord ) tho jup controls finances general .In male chart the condition of venus will decide the beauty and character of his wife ,also his sexual beahviour and happiness from marriage .In ladies chart the venus shows the qulaity of married life and her happiness tru marriage .


So venus has given water karaka twa too also venus rules 2 signs taurus an earthy sign and libra an airy sign ,


Now let us see a chart having venus in aries a agni rasi ,being a watery planet in agneya rasi <it can giv more movement to sexual fluids in one's body and situaltion may be out of control as mars is also a pitta planet and agneya graha and aries in his sign .so naturaly will be having more sexual drive ,it can be reduced or more when venus has aspect of sun ( more ) or other planets like rahu ,and a jupiterian drishti may bring a disciplined character too .


But when in scorpio sign its also a jala rasi so venus will be more tamed here ,and rest may depends on whole chart ,


venus in watery rasis is more comfortable as watery planet excpet in cancer sign .cancer is natural 4th house and venus getting a stana bala in 4th house and also being a watery sign of moon ( moon is good and bad according to its paksha bala and planets influencing it even tru kendra ,trikona axis as far as married life is concerned ) also u can see jupiter gets exlated here .Again venus exalts in a jupiterian rasi and natural 12th house ,such persons to may go for more relations tho some hidden natureor controlled secret behavour in relation ships may be there as the rasi also a satwik sign .But conjn with moon and merc can increase the water nature ( water can enter any where )


venus in mercurian signs --One is airy (gemini ) and other is earthy sign (virgo )Both are natural dual signs .airy rasis generaly gives more imagination and merc is a planet which is nutral or child ,so this placement is not that harmful tho venus dont like child like attitude But its natural 3rd house and a kama trikon .But in virgo tho bhoomi tatwa sign with water content .so this duality in nature of the rasi is difficult for venus ,also virgo is showing a rasi of virgin which is against the nature of venus .Also natural 6th house ,a roga rasi and also its 12th to venus s favrite libra sign .so venus debilates here .6th house is other wise house of hard work too .But venus as natural karaka for comforts venus cant be comfortable here .


Now let us take venus in leo ,a agni tatwa ,pitta rasi of sun ,sun is a dharmik planet and also satwik in nature ,so this satwa rajo guna is better than tamo guna of mars .


Now venus in jupiterian rasis .one is sagitarius and other is pisces .

one is agni tatwa rasi and other is a water sign .Also jupiter is a satwik planet .


Jupiter represents the traditions ,discipline in darmik sense and also who rules 9th house house of dharma and 12th house house of moksha (tho it also shows sayya sukha ) in natural chart .


But the explanations given by vishanava branch of astrology in kala purusha is equating venus with laxmi and 12th house feet of naryana and they explains venus is happy here like laxmii sitting near lotus feet of lord narayana and laxmi also came frm ocean ( shkeer sagar ) what ever it is .this position of venus is taming venus to a gr8 extent and venus qualities will be ther with more decent and neat beahviour,also venus if without much afflictions the agni karaka natural dharma bhava rasi of sagitarious also venus is very much controlled here .


it also says venus is moving reverse .prathiloma gathi which shows some reverse in attitude who is having venus in trouble that may be one of the reason in planetary war even when venus fails actialy not fails .The planet behind in war is considered looser in planetary war except venus .


venus in saturn signs --sat has 2 signs .one is capricon a jala rasi and bhoomi rasi

venus must be comfortable here ,but sani is a cold planet showing a contraction also tamo graha and vata karaka and shows olderness ,too much discipline and hard working -all this is against venusian happy and joyful nature ,so it can reduce the movable and jovial nature of venus and even it can cuase a sort of jadatwa ( so sort of frigidity ) and it may cause problems in natural course of venusian traits and it may lead to other kind of sexual habbits even .


And in aquarian sign --its airy rasi venus should be comfortable here .But natural 11th house .which can make may be the desireus more active and giv more trouble .also saturnian traits .so its more problematic than capriconian sign .So this is a volatile situation .


Also we should consider the other aspects in chart for complete judge ment


If venus is in good sign and is comfortable ,the nature of a person in married or lov life will be more caring ,giving respect to partner ,will hav mercy .lov and sacrificial attitude towards partner .If this is absent then the fights and oppositions and selfishness will be there and it can cause problems in married life and then it can giv other relation ship and their by many problems including loses and mental problems and extra ordinary and unexpected jolts in life of a person may resulting to the extent of down falls in life .


By the by the venus too much afflicted along with 2nd house and lord afflicted charts i find there is problems in earning money and if the dasa is unfavrable it may result in damage to ones face by accidents or other events .More so in ladies charts .


This i am scribbling down because a got a challenge to prove and show atleast one planet and its karaka and rasis and how we can mix all this in phaladesha .Depending on nature of query and wheter we seeing natal chart or prashna depending on the karakatwa according to the karyesha we can add or edit many things to venus

for example a query abt Garbha prashna (pregnancy ) venus rules first month ,so if venus is afflicted in the prashna chart too much ( now in horizon ) the first month of pregnancy can be trouble some .Venus rules khatta tastes ,so lady may be given that kind of food ( or fond of that kind food during first month of pregnancy ) ,venus rules mahamritynja mantra ,so reciting it will be help ful .venus also rules similar ayurvedic herbs which is khatta taste ( means tamarind type taste )


so depending on nature of query and condition of progression of delination of results we hav to add karakatwa and other characteristics .


But generaly in a chart too much afflicted venus is laibility and it may giv obstructions and blocks and problems in natural happiness in married life and life in general .


hope this may be some what correct to truth and nearest to waht rishis has proclaimed .I invite corrections from learned memebrs


regrds sunil nair


om shreem mahalaxmai namah



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Venus in Aries or scorpio is not very good . It increase the passion and for venus in the scorpio, the native is likely to have (but not necessarily) extra marital affairs.


Venus in her own house will delay marriage but once married, the native will be happy.


Venus in mercury's house will make the native balanced but if the venus is weak, he may become very passive type of person, possibily weak in sexual activity.


Venus in cancer may cause eye problems


Venus in Leo will make one somewhat softly aggressive, especially if the sun is Virgo and mercury is well placed.


Venus in virgo can give rise to wild orgies, non dharmic marriage and problems in marriage.


Venus in juptier's house is something best that can happen to any native though a weak venus with a malefic jupiter can spoil the life entirely.


Venus in aqua will make one passive with regard to sexual life and venus in capricorn may be dynamic in life.


hope this helps,


Kishore patnaik



On 3/9/08, sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote:








hare rama krishna

dear grp and respected members .


I would like to discuss abt venus in diffrnt rasi signs and we can see how its influenving the sexual behavior of a person .I just wanted to concetrate on that aspect of life and pls consider it as an addition to my marriage matchting article .


In naisargika dasa venus rules 12 to 32 yrs ,So all most 20 yrs and it says this is the main period as far as marriage ,lov and making a family is concerned ( let us forget the western ppl and marrying at the age of 80 or so )


Here i am taking the venus singly in one rasi ,if there is conjunctions and aspects and other yogas like pravrajya or sanyasa or even if venus is combust ,it may help or modify the behaviour and character of a person .


I am writing this in context of 2 things one is there was a query on how a planet behaves in diffrnt rasis .


2nd there was a discussion going on sanyas yogas and planets in another grp .Tho i am not mentioning abt those yogas in this write up but it may giv some idea abt those yogas and connections with venus .


Venus is karaka for married life ,partner in general ,karak for sex organs ,sexual fluids in body ,also controls reproducing system and karaka for semen .Also venus has netra (eye ) karakatwa ,karaka for face ,also karaka for money ( as natural 2nd lord ) tho jup controls finances general .In male chart the condition of venus will decide the beauty and character of his wife ,also his sexual beahviour and happiness from marriage .In ladies chart the venus shows the qulaity of married life and her happiness tru marriage .


So venus has given water karaka twa too also venus rules 2 signs taurus an earthy sign and libra an airy sign ,


Now let us see a chart having venus in aries a agni rasi ,being a watery planet in agneya rasi <it can giv more movement to sexual fluids in one's body and situaltion may be out of control as mars is also a pitta planet and agneya graha and aries in his sign .so naturaly will be having more sexual drive ,it can be reduced or more when venus has aspect of sun ( more ) or other planets like rahu ,and a jupiterian drishti may bring a disciplined character too .


But when in scorpio sign its also a jala rasi so venus will be more tamed here ,and rest may depends on whole chart ,


venus in watery rasis is more comfortable as watery planet excpet in cancer sign .cancer is natural 4th house and venus getting a stana bala in 4th house and also being a watery sign of moon ( moon is good and bad according to its paksha bala and planets influencing it even tru kendra ,trikona axis as far as married life is concerned ) also u can see jupiter gets exlated here .Again venus exalts in a jupiterian rasi and natural 12th house ,such persons to may go for more relations tho some hidden natureor controlled secret behavour in relation ships may be there as the rasi also a satwik sign .But conjn with moon and merc can increase the water nature ( water can enter any where )


venus in mercurian signs --One is airy (gemini ) and other is earthy sign (virgo )Both are natural dual signs .airy rasis generaly gives more imagination and merc is a planet which is nutral or child ,so this placement is not that harmful tho venus dont like child like attitude But its natural 3rd house and a kama trikon .But in virgo tho bhoomi tatwa sign with water content .so this duality in nature of the rasi is difficult for venus ,also virgo is showing a rasi of virgin which is against the nature of venus .Also natural 6th house ,a roga rasi and also its 12th to venus s favrite libra sign .so venus debilates here .6th house is other wise house of hard work too .But venus as natural karaka for comforts venus cant be comfortable here .


Now let us take venus in leo ,a agni tatwa ,pitta rasi of sun ,sun is a dharmik planet and also satwik in nature ,so this satwa rajo guna is better than tamo guna of mars .


Now venus in jupiterian rasis .one is sagitarius and other is pisces .

one is agni tatwa rasi and other is a water sign .Also jupiter is a satwik planet .


Jupiter represents the traditions ,discipline in darmik sense and also who rules 9th house house of dharma and 12th house house of moksha (tho it also shows sayya sukha ) in natural chart .


But the explanations given by vishanava branch of astrology in kala purusha is equating venus with laxmi and 12th house feet of naryana and they explains venus is happy here like laxmii sitting near lotus feet of lord narayana and laxmi also came frm ocean ( shkeer sagar ) what ever it is .this position of venus is taming venus to a gr8 extent and venus qualities will be ther with more decent and neat beahviour,also venus if without much afflictions the agni karaka natural dharma bhava rasi of sagitarious also venus is very much controlled here .


it also says venus is moving reverse .prathiloma gathi which shows some reverse in attitude who is having venus in trouble that may be one of the reason in planetary war even when venus fails actialy not fails .The planet behind in war is considered looser in planetary war except venus .


venus in saturn signs --sat has 2 signs .one is capricon a jala rasi and bhoomi rasi

venus must be comfortable here ,but sani is a cold planet showing a contraction also tamo graha and vata karaka and shows olderness ,too much discipline and hard working -all this is against venusian happy and joyful nature ,so it can reduce the movable and jovial nature of venus and even it can cuase a sort of jadatwa ( so sort of frigidity ) and it may cause problems in natural course of venusian traits and it may lead to other kind of sexual habbits even .


And in aquarian sign --its airy rasi venus should be comfortable here .But natural 11th house .which can make may be the desireus more active and giv more trouble .also saturnian traits .so its more problematic than capriconian sign .So this is a volatile situation .


Also we should consider the other aspects in chart for complete judge ment


If venus is in good sign and is comfortable ,the nature of a person in married or lov life will be more caring ,giving respect to partner ,will hav mercy .lov and sacrificial attitude towards partner .If this is absent then the fights and oppositions and selfishness will be there and it can cause problems in married life and then it can giv other relation ship and their by many problems including loses and mental problems and extra ordinary and unexpected jolts in life of a person may resulting to the extent of down falls in life .


By the by the venus too much afflicted along with 2nd house and lord afflicted charts i find there is problems in earning money and if the dasa is unfavrable it may result in damage to ones face by accidents or other events .More so in ladies charts .


This i am scribbling down because a got a challenge to prove and show atleast one planet and its karaka and rasis and how we can mix all this in phaladesha .Depending on nature of query and wheter we seeing natal chart or prashna depending on the karakatwa according to the karyesha we can add or edit many things to venus

for example a query abt Garbha prashna (pregnancy ) venus rules first month ,so if venus is afflicted in the prashna chart too much ( now in horizon ) the first month of pregnancy can be trouble some .Venus rules khatta tastes ,so lady may be given that kind of food ( or fond of that kind food during first month of pregnancy ) ,venus rules mahamritynja mantra ,so reciting it will be help ful .venus also rules similar ayurvedic herbs which is khatta taste ( means tamarind type taste )


so depending on nature of query and condition of progression of delination of results we hav to add karakatwa and other characteristics .


But generaly in a chart too much afflicted venus is laibility and it may giv obstructions and blocks and problems in natural happiness in married life and life in general .


hope this may be some what correct to truth and nearest to waht rishis has proclaimed .I invite corrections from learned memebrs


regrds sunil nair


om shreem mahalaxmai namah



-- Love is a fruit in season at all times,

and within the reach of every hand.~:~ Mother Theresa ~:~

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Hare rama krishna

dear kishor ji


thanks for the mail .May be some memebrs may hav interesting charts and feed backs were we can discuss it in lite of actual happenings


regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmainamah


, "kishore patnaik" <kishorepatnaik09 wrote:>> Venus in Aries or scorpio is not very good . It increase the passion and> for venus in the scorpio, the native is likely to have (but not necessarily)> extra marital affairs.> > Venus in her own house will delay marriage but once married, the native will> be happy.> > Venus in mercury's house will make the native balanced but if the venus is> weak, he may become very passive type of person, possibily weak in sexual> activity.> > Venus in cancer may cause eye problems> > Venus in Leo will make one somewhat softly aggressive, especially if the sun> is Virgo and mercury is well placed.> > Venus in virgo can give rise to wild orgies, non dharmic marriage and> problems in marriage.> > Venus in juptier's house is something best that can happen to any native> though a weak venus with a malefic jupiter can spoil the life entirely.> > Venus in aqua will make one passive with regard to sexual life and venus in> capricorn may be dynamic in life.> > hope this helps,> > Kishore patnaik

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Dear Sunil-ji,


Many many thanks for the great write-up. It is invaluable to learners

like us.



Just a point.... you wrote


"In male chart, condition of Venus will decide the beauty and character of

his wife"... this point looks debatable. I could not draw the same correlation

in very few charts I have seen so far.


In my chart, (Taurus lagna), Ve is in 2nd house, (Gemini) along

with Ma, Me and Sun. Mars and Venus is combust. It also gets aspect from

Saturn from 12H. In D-9, Venus is in Gemini (vargottama) and in parivartana

with Mercury in libra.


A combust Venus with such malefic company and afflicted......


My face is ugly. But my wife is beautiful.







sunil nair [astro_tellerkerala]Sunday, March 09, 2008 8:31 PM Subject: venus in chart ,diffrnt rasi' s and tatwas




hare rama krishna

dear grp and respected members ..


I would like to discuss abt venus in diffrnt rasi signs and we can see how its influenving the sexual behavior of a person .I just wanted to concetrate on that aspect of life and pls consider it as an addition to my marriage matchting article .


In naisargika dasa venus rules 12 to 32 yrs ,So all most 20 yrs and it says this is the main period as far as marriage ,lov and making a family is concerned ( let us forget the western ppl and marrying at the age of 80 or so )


Here i am taking the venus singly in one rasi ,if there is conjunctions and aspects and other yogas like pravrajya or sanyasa or even if venus is combust ,it may help or modify the behaviour and character of a person .


I am writing this in context of 2 things one is there was a query on how a planet behaves in diffrnt rasis ..


2nd there was a discussion going on sanyas yogas and planets in another grp .Tho i am not mentioning abt those yogas in this write up but it may giv some idea abt those yogas and connections with venus .


Venus is karaka for married life ,partner in general ,karak for sex organs ,sexual fluids in body ,also controls reproducing system and karaka for semen .Also venus has netra (eye ) karakatwa ,karaka for face ,also karaka for money ( as natural 2nd lord ) tho jup controls finances general .In male chart the condition of venus will decide the beauty and character of his wife ,also his sexual beahviour and happiness from marriage .In ladies chart the venus shows the qulaity of married life and her happiness tru marriage .


So venus has given water karaka twa too also venus rules 2 signs taurus an earthy sign and libra an airy sign ,


Now let us see a chart having venus in aries a agni rasi ,being a watery planet in agneya rasi <it can giv more movement to sexual fluids in one's body and situaltion may be out of control as mars is also a pitta planet and agneya graha and aries in his sign .so naturaly will be having more sexual drive ,it can be reduced or more when venus has aspect of sun ( more ) or other planets like rahu ,and a jupiterian drishti may bring a disciplined character too .


But when in scorpio sign its also a jala rasi so venus will be more tamed here ,and rest may depends on whole chart ,


venus in watery rasis is more comfortable as watery planet excpet in cancer sign .cancer is natural 4th house and venus getting a stana bala in 4th house and also being a watery sign of moon ( moon is good and bad according to its paksha bala and planets influencing it even tru kendra ,trikona axis as far as married life is concerned ) also u can see jupiter gets exlated here .Again venus exalts in a jupiterian rasi and natural 12th house ,such persons to may go for more relations tho some hidden natureor controlled secret behavour in relation ships may be there as the rasi also a satwik sign .But conjn with moon and merc can increase the water nature ( water can enter any where )


venus in mercurian signs --One is airy (gemini ) and other is earthy sign (virgo )Both are natural dual signs ..airy rasis generaly gives more imagination and merc is a planet which is nutral or child ,so this placement is not that harmful tho venus dont like child like attitude But its natural 3rd house and a kama trikon .But in virgo tho bhoomi tatwa sign with water content .so this duality in nature of the rasi is difficult for venus ,also virgo is showing a rasi of virgin which is against the nature of venus .Also natural 6th house ,a roga rasi and also its 12th to venus s favrite libra sign .so venus debilates here .6th house is other wise house of hard work too .But venus as natural karaka for comforts venus cant be comfortable here .


Now let us take venus in leo ,a agni tatwa ,pitta rasi of sun ,sun is a dharmik planet and also satwik in nature ,so this satwa rajo guna is better than tamo guna of mars .


Now venus in jupiterian rasis .one is sagitarius and other is pisces .

one is agni tatwa rasi and other is a water sign .Also jupiter is a satwik planet .


Jupiter represents the traditions ,discipline in darmik sense and also who rules 9th house house of dharma and 12th house house of moksha (tho it also shows sayya sukha ) in natural chart ..


But the explanations given by vishanava branch of astrology in kala purusha is equating venus with laxmi and 12th house feet of naryana and they explains venus is happy here like laxmii sitting near lotus feet of lord narayana and laxmi also came frm ocean ( shkeer sagar ) what ever it is .this position of venus is taming venus to a gr8 extent and venus qualities will be ther with more decent and neat beahviour,also venus if without much afflictions the agni karaka natural dharma bhava rasi of sagitarious also venus is very much controlled here .


it also says venus is moving reverse ..prathiloma gathi which shows some reverse in attitude who is having venus in trouble that may be one of the reason in planetary war even when venus fails actialy not fails .The planet behind in war is considered looser in planetary war except venus .


venus in saturn signs --sat has 2 signs .one is capricon a jala rasi and bhoomi rasi

venus must be comfortable here ,but sani is a cold planet showing a contraction also tamo graha and vata karaka and shows olderness ,too much discipline and hard working -all this is against venusian happy and joyful nature ,so it can reduce the movable and jovial nature of venus and even it can cuase a sort of jadatwa ( so sort of frigidity ) and it may cause problems in natural course of venusian traits and it may lead to other kind of sexual habbits even .


And in aquarian sign --its airy rasi venus should be comfortable here .But natural 11th house .which can make may be the desireus more active and giv more trouble .also saturnian traits .so its more problematic than capriconian sign .So this is a volatile situation ..


Also we should consider the other aspects in chart for complete judge ment


If venus is in good sign and is comfortable ,the nature of a person in married or lov life will be more caring ,giving respect to partner ,will hav mercy .lov and sacrificial attitude towards partner .If this is absent then the fights and oppositions and selfishness will be there and it can cause problems in married life and then it can giv other relation ship and their by many problems including loses and mental problems and extra ordinary and unexpected jolts in life of a person may resulting to the extent of down falls in life .


By the by the venus too much afflicted along with 2nd house and lord afflicted charts i find there is problems in earning money and if the dasa is unfavrable it may result in damage to ones face by accidents or other events .More so in ladies charts ..


This i am scribbling down because a got a challenge to prove and show atleast one planet and its karaka and rasis and how we can mix all this in phaladesha .Depending on nature of query and wheter we seeing natal chart or prashna depending on the karakatwa according to the karyesha we can add or edit many things to venus

for example a query abt Garbha prashna (pregnancy ) venus rules first month ,so if venus is afflicted in the prashna chart too much ( now in horizon ) the first month of pregnancy can be trouble some .Venus rules khatta tastes ,so lady may be given that kind of food ( or fond of that kind food during first month of pregnancy ) ,venus rules mahamritynja mantra ,so reciting it will be help ful .venus also rules similar ayurvedic herbs which is khatta taste ( means tamarind type taste )


so depending on nature of query and condition of progression of delination of results we hav to add karakatwa and other characteristics .


But generaly in a chart too much afflicted venus is laibility and it may giv obstructions and blocks and problems in natural happiness in married life and life in general .


hope this may be some what correct to truth and nearest to waht rishis has proclaimed .I invite corrections from learned memebrs


regrds sunil nair


om shreem mahalaxmai namah



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Hare rama krishna

dear chakraborty ji


thanks for the mail .


we were discussing venus in rasi s and tatwas it s getting influenced .


so ucan see venus first in parivartan in navamsa,then non of the planets ,mars ,mer or sun is against beauty ,

where as sani is seeing only than influencing the tatwa ,so it can denote a delay or some contractions in results which might hav fruitified earlier .esp as its seeing both lagna lord and karaka for marriage and 7th Lord togehter .


also take always desha ,kaala ,patra principle ( for exmaple ladies of south many time heroines in bolly wood where as man never or hardly u can say )


also i can say u r lagna is in papakartary .


same time 2nd house and Lord merc is afflicted .rest depending on fine tuning of chart with correct details .


hope its clear

regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah


, "Chakraborty, PL" <CHAKRABORTYP2 wrote:>> Dear Sunil-ji,> > Many many thanks for the great write-up. It is invaluable to learners> like us.> > > Just a point.... you wrote > > "In male chart, condition of Venus will decide the beauty and character of> his wife"... this point looks debatable. I could not draw the same> correlation> in very few charts I have seen so far.> > In my chart, (Taurus lagna), Ve is in 2nd house, (Gemini) along> with Ma, Me and Sun. Mars and Venus is combust. It also gets aspect from> Saturn from 12H. In D-9, Venus is in Gemini (vargottama) and in parivartana> with Mercury in libra.> > A combust Venus with such malefic company and afflicted......> > My face is ugly. But my wife is beautiful. > > Regards> > Chakraborty

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Hare rama krishna

dear gopu ji


Thanks for the mail and wishes ,its nice to hear frm an astrologer of ur kind ,i always find u with very mature and knowledgeable in observations .


Tho i dont know r u doing astrology as a profession ,but many times had the luck to read ur predictions in various grps .


So i request u to be more activ and participate in discussions



thanks and regrds

sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah

, K Gopu <kgopu_24 wrote:>> dear sri sunil nair,> thanks for providing the qualities of venus in> different rasis. > good wishes,> k.gopu>

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Hare rama krishna

dear sudhir ji


thanks and u r welcome .Pls do more acitive in discussions ,and u can contribute many charts in line with discussions and in will be gr8 help for us in testing the dictums and it will a gr8 learning and trying exercise for others



thanks and regrds

sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah.



, Sudhir Menon <sudhirmenon wrote:>> Namaste Sunil Ji,> > Thanks a lot for sharing this.> > Namashivaya..

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Dear Sunil ji,


Thanks for taking pains to describe the venusian impacts in different signs.

This was very informative.


While watching a news item on film star Sanjay Dutt, I thought of checking

his chart for the placement of venus. His birthdate is 29.7.1959. I don't

know the time...but its better since we wish to concentrate only on venus in

a sign.


I quote you..

If venus is in good sign and is comfortable, the nature of a person in

married or love life will be more caring, giving respect to partner, will

have mercy, love and sacrificial attitude towards partner. If this is absent

then the fights and oppositions and selfishness will be there and it can

cause problems in married life and then it can give other relationship and

thereby many problems including loses and mental problems and extra ordinary

and unexpected jolts in life of a person may resulting to the extent of down

falls in life.



His venus is in leo with mars. Looks like your description is tailor-made

for him...



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Hare rama krishna

dear neelam ji


Thanks for the mail .

The venus is influenced by 3 planets with same tatwa (moon ,sat and mars ) also in PKy


if his birth is b4 11.15 am on that day we can use moon in aries or later moon will be in taurus


his dasa is jupiter in 7th from moon if moon is in aries ( also beautiful GK yoga as moon is 4th Lord and jup ( mooltrikona ) is 9th Lord .


Now u see sani and ketu (in transit ) moving over this venus too much afflicted and a very controversial marriage and even after there is lot of problems


till recently mars retro was also influening here with drishti


Just some add ons with ur line of thinking


thanks and regrds

sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah


, "neelam gupta" <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> Dear Sunil ji,> > Thanks for taking pains to describe the venusian impacts in different signs.> This was very informative.> > While watching a news item on film star Sanjay Dutt, I thought of checking> his chart for the placement of venus. His birthdate is 29.7.1959. I don't> know the time...but its better since we wish to concentrate only on venus in> a sign.> > I quote you..> If venus is in good sign and is comfortable, the nature of a person in> married or love life will be more caring, giving respect to partner, will> have mercy, love and sacrificial attitude towards partner. If this is absent> then the fights and oppositions and selfishness will be there and it can> cause problems in married life and then it can give other relationship and> thereby many problems including loses and mental problems and extra ordinary> and unexpected jolts in life of a person may resulting to the extent of down> falls in life.> unquote> > His venus is in leo with mars. Looks like your description is tailor-made> for him...> > neelam>

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Hello All,Below I am sharing two interesting cases for study of venus in different rashis:1. Debilitated Venus:DOB: 27-08-1925TOB: 1.00 amPOB: Panaji, Goa.Venus is debilitated in virgo. The native is well-known to me since my childhood. He is a social worker and keeps travelling all-over India and used to stay in our house for some days once in six months. He is a bachelor and totally uninterested in sensual things but deeply respects the opposite sex. He is a very soft person and good in reading but totally lacking artistic nature. Since lagnadhipati is debilitated, he has a meagre lifestyle. He is like a gandhian in lifestyle, totally simple. Not many major events in life.2. Exalted Venus:DOB: 4-May-1990TOB: 12.00 noonPOB: Hubli, karnataka.This girl is our neighbour. She is extraordinarily beautiful. Without any makeup she looks like a hollywood actress. You cant stop looking at her. She is very good at

dancing. I cant comment on her character, but she definitely looks sensuous. She is very well-behaved and dignified. She wears gorgeous dresses and has good dressing sense. She has a sweet and soft voice too.(Though I proud myself at my self-control, I had to summon all my strength to control my mind when I first met her - The power of exalted venus definitely seemed too much but finally my atmakaraka or rather my amavasya moon won, LOL).Regards,Vijay.

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Hare rama krishna

dear vijay ji


first let thank u for 2 entirely diffrnt charts


1st case --


Venus debilated and papakarthary and only ketu in equal tatwas ,ketu is gr8 obstractor and can mute the behaviour of planet in gr8 way esp for man, venus is karka for wife too


also he has a debilated planet in 7th


also rahu and mars affecting there by aspect also in navamsa moon with mars and aspected by sani ( says so as pravrajya yoga )


Then we need to work dasas and other transits for more results


2nd case ----------

Venus exalted and also in papa karthary


but she has moon the lagna lord in 2nd house also born in shuka aksha ( so moon is more stronger ) and 2nd lord sun is exalted and karaka for face venus exlated .


venus aspecting to 3rd may be the reason she she is good in dancing as i think 3 rd house rules arts and hobbies ,and 2nd also rules voice along with merc the karaka for speak


regrds sunil nair


om shreem mahalaxmai namah.


, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha wrote:>> Hello All,> > Below I am sharing two interesting cases for study of venus in different rashis:> > 1. Debilitated Venus:> DOB: 27-08-1925> TOB: 1.00 am> POB: Panaji, Goa.> > Venus is debilitated in virgo. The native is well-known to me since my childhood. He is a social worker and keeps travelling all-over India and used to stay in our house for some days once in six months. He is a bachelor and totally uninterested in sensual things but deeply respects the opposite sex. He is a very soft person and good in reading but totally lacking artistic nature. Since lagnadhipati is debilitated, he has a meagre lifestyle. He is like a gandhian in lifestyle, totally simple. Not many major events in life.> > 2. Exalted Venus:> DOB: 4-May-1990> TOB: 12.00 noon> POB: Hubli, karnataka.> > This girl is our neighbour. She is extraordinarily beautiful. Without any makeup she looks like a hollywood actress. You cant stop looking at her. She is very good at dancing. I cant comment on her character, but she definitely looks sensuous. She is very well-behaved and dignified. She wears gorgeous dresses and has good dressing sense. She has a sweet and soft voice too.> (Though I proud myself at my self-control, I had to summon all my strength to control my mind when I first met her - The power of exalted venus definitely seemed too much but finally my atmakaraka or rather my amavasya moon won, LOL).> > Regards,> Vijay.

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Namaste Mr. Vijayanarasimha H Pakka ji,


1) Debilitated Venus & dis-interest in opposite gender is acceptable

statement. Further if aspecting 12H or placed in 6H, possible the native

be a frequent visitor to night clubs / discostheques, may have some

defined taste modern day " spirits " { pun intended} and irregular eating

habits. Food taste is average or pathetic


2) Exalted Venus, dress sense is excellent, if found in females,

specific about " color " matching, good eating habits, food taste is

excellent or say royal ?!!


Likes to work as per their moods & willingness.


With regards,





, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka

<hpvijaynarasimha wrote:


> Hello All,


> Below I am sharing two interesting cases for study of venus in

different rashis:


> 1. Debilitated Venus:

> DOB: 27-08-1925

> TOB: 1.00 am

> POB: Panaji, Goa.


> Venus is debilitated in virgo. The native is well-known to me since my

childhood. He is a social worker and keeps travelling all-over India and

used to stay in our house for some days once in six months. He is a

bachelor and totally uninterested in sensual things but deeply respects

the opposite sex. He is a very soft person and good in reading but

totally lacking artistic nature. Since lagnadhipati is debilitated, he

has a meagre lifestyle. He is like a gandhian in lifestyle, totally

simple. Not many major events in life.


> 2. Exalted Venus:

> DOB: 4-May-1990

> TOB: 12.00 noon

> POB: Hubli, karnataka.


> This girl is our neighbour. She is extraordinarily beautiful. Without

any makeup she looks like a hollywood actress. You cant stop looking at

her. She is very good at dancing. I cant comment on her character, but

she definitely looks sensuous. She is very well-behaved and dignified.

She wears gorgeous dresses and has good dressing sense. She has a sweet

and soft voice too.

> (Though I proud myself at my self-control, I had to summon all my

strength to control my mind when I first met her - The power of exalted

venus definitely seemed too much but finally my atmakaraka or rather my

amavasya moon won, LOL).


> Regards,

> Vijay.




> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.


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dear shri sunil nair,

I am not a professional astrologer. I have retired

from a pharma company abt a year and half back. After

retirement I have taken up astrology though earlier I

had some basic knowledge abt the subject. Even now I

can say that i have scratched only a bit of this

subject yet it is a long journey to go to know the

various aspects and application of this subject. I

have to thank u for reading my response in other

groups. I learn a lot being in the midst of stalwarts

like urself, sriram sreenivas, sreenadh and others.


good wishes,


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Dear Sreeram ji,

I am having another chart of a boy of Thula Lagna lagna lord (Venus) debilited in Virgo(Kanya) not yet married though aged 36 years. He dresses like the lady mentioned in this msg. v.fair. He likes music like any thing. I advised him to learn Music, because the debilited venus is in Chittha star lord of 2nd and 7th house but in lagna can anybody give further readings about his marriage and or partners choice. According to anicient sloka a planet being 6,8, 12 th lord and positied in any of these houses gives RAJA YOGA. How far this is possible in this chart is it the result for delay in Marriage?


Thanks and Regards,

Chandramouliswer Ghatti --- On Tue, 11/3/08, sreeram srinivas <sreeram64 wrote:

sreeram srinivas <sreeram64 Re:venus in chart ,diffrnt rasi' s and tatwas Date: Tuesday, 11 March, 2008, 6:45 AM



Namaste Mr. Vijayanarasimha H Pakka ji,1) Debilitated Venus & dis-interest in opposite gender is acceptablestatement. Further if aspecting 12H or placed in 6H, possible the nativebe a frequent visitor to night clubs / discostheques, may have somedefined taste modern day "spirits" { pun intended} and irregular eatinghabits. Food taste is average or pathetic2) Exalted Venus, dress sense is excellent, if found in females,specific about "color" matching, good eating habits, food taste isexcellent or say royal ?!!Likes to work as per their moods & willingness.With regards,Sreeram_Srinivasancient_indian_ astrology, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka<hpvijaynarasimha@ ...> wrote:>> Hello All,>> Below I am sharing two interesting cases

for study of venus indifferent rashis:>> 1. Debilitated Venus:> DOB: 27-08-1925> TOB: 1.00 am> POB: Panaji, Goa.>> Venus is debilitated in virgo. The native is well-known to me since mychildhood. He is a social worker and keeps travelling all-over India andused to stay in our house for some days once in six months. He is abachelor and totally uninterested in sensual things but deeply respectsthe opposite sex. He is a very soft person and good in reading buttotally lacking artistic nature. Since lagnadhipati is debilitated, hehas a meagre lifestyle. He is like a gandhian in lifestyle, totallysimple. Not many major events in life.>> 2. Exalted Venus:> DOB: 4-May-1990> TOB: 12.00 noon> POB: Hubli, karnataka.>> This girl is our neighbour. She is extraordinarily beautiful. Withoutany makeup she looks like a hollywood actress.

You cant stop looking ather. She is very good at dancing. I cant comment on her character, butshe definitely looks sensuous. She is very well-behaved and dignified.She wears gorgeous dresses and has good dressing sense. She has a sweetand soft voice too.> (Though I proud myself at my self-control, I had to summon all mystrength to control my mind when I first met her - The power of exaltedvenus definitely seemed too much but finally my atmakaraka or rather myamavasya moon won, LOL).>> Regards,> Vijay.>>> ------------ --------- --------- ---> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.>Send free SMS to your Friends on Mobile from your Messenger. Download Now! http://messenger./download.php

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Namaste Mr. Chandramouliswer Ghatti ji,


According to anicient sloka a planet being 6,8, 12 th lord and positied in any of these houses gives RAJA YOGA. How far this is possible in this chart is it the result for delay in Marriage?


Raja Yogas effect in Marriage is unheard !! also hope to remain - unheard on this in near future !!

{ Late Mukesh Aggarwal getting married to Actress Rekha is a marriage Raja Yoga ?? - One day phenomenon ?? - I have NO answer to this......incase somebody is expecting this to be One such case...... Similarly some hollywood actress applying for divorce on first day after marriage recently....do not recall the name..... }

Raja Yogas indicate elevation of the person in certain aspects in public. Not necessary that Raja Yogas manifest in good people chart only, even well known criminals, drug lords, mafia dons, ....apart from corrupt policitians.....can also have it......and hence find them in newspaper headlines almost every day !!

Raja Yogas are often the obsession of astros, kindly take it in proper perspective. LL, Sun & Moon has to be strong. Recall a poor girl was shown in some popular MNC advt. with water...etc.. {may be Pepsi or Coke}.... the photo was hit....{ i.e. Photographer became a hit}...while Ad & Media agencies, made the girl popular....after 3 months of hype,...the girl is still in her normal typical Indian village level poverty...nothing changed.....and she is now forgotten......Case - type of Raja Yoga in action for a small or little time.....

Telling a person that he has raja yogas may boost his spirits and outlook, later he would come back and curse the astrologer for mis-leading him...for nothing happened.....beyond the word Raja Yoga...i.e. Raja Yoga has NOT manifested.....!!! { People are elated to hear word Raja Yoga, they do not know the actual astro_meaning of it.....Be cautious in use of words.}

I do not have chart of this person, but remember probably you have shared this data under some other subject for "marriage delay".....to which I have sent an offline message to you also....that you have NOT shared particulars of the individual..... Broadly I recall, the thing you are mentioning in this email- is pertaining to that person only ??

If so, post the complete details again....for that chart had some interesting combinations ...... likely it is a denial case...when I initially casted & glanced at his chart.

With regards,


Dear Sreeram ji,

I am having another chart of a boy of Thula Lagna lagna lord (Venus) debilited in Virgo(Kanya) not yet married though aged 36 years. He dresses like the lady mentioned in this msg. v.fair. He likes music like any thing. I advised him to learn Music, because the debilited venus is in Chittha star lord of 2nd and 7th house but in lagna can anybody give further readings about his marriage and or partners choice. According to anicient sloka a planet being 6,8, 12 th lord and positied in any of these houses gives RAJA YOGA. How far this is possible in this chart is it the result for delay in Marriage?


Thanks and Regards,

Chandramouliswer Ghatti


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Dear Sreeram Ji,

Thank U very much for immediate response. The boys date of birth is 18-Nov-1972 time 5.20 AM place Vijayawada. Revathi star, Thula lagna.


Chandramouliswer Ghatti--- On Tue, 11/3/08, sreeram srinivas <sreeram64 wrote:

sreeram srinivas <sreeram64 Re:venus in chart ,diffrnt rasi' s and tatwas Date: Tuesday, 11 March, 2008, 8:57 AM




Namaste Mr. Chandramouliswer Ghatti ji,


According to anicient sloka a planet being 6,8, 12 th lord and positied in any of these houses gives RAJA YOGA. How far this is possible in this chart is it the result for delay in Marriage?


Raja Yogas effect in Marriage is unheard !! also hope to remain - unheard on this in near future !!

{ Late Mukesh Aggarwal getting married to Actress Rekha is a marriage Raja Yoga ?? - One day phenomenon ?? - I have NO answer to this......incase somebody is expecting this to be One such case...... Similarly some hollywood actress applying for divorce on first day after marriage recently.... do not recall the name..... }

Raja Yogas indicate elevation of the person in certain aspects in public. Not necessary that Raja Yogas manifest in good people chart only, even well known criminals, drug lords, mafia dons, ....apart from corrupt policitians. ....can also have it......and hence find them in newspaper headlines almost every day !!

Raja Yogas are often the obsession of astros, kindly take it in proper perspective. LL, Sun & Moon has to be strong. Recall a poor girl was shown in some popular MNC advt. with water...etc. . {may be Pepsi or Coke}.... the photo was hit....{ i.e. Photographer became a hit}...while Ad & Media agencies, made the girl popular....after 3 months of hype,...the girl is still in her normal typical Indian village level poverty...nothing changed..... and she is now forgotten... ...Case - type of Raja Yoga in action for a small or little time.....

Telling a person that he has raja yogas may boost his spirits and outlook, later he would come back and curse the astrologer for mis-leading him...for nothing happened.... .beyond the word Raja Yoga...i.e. Raja Yoga has NOT manifested.. ...!!! { People are elated to hear word Raja Yoga, they do not know the actual astro_meaning of it.....Be cautious in use of words.}

I do not have chart of this person, but remember probably you have shared this data under some other subject for "marriage delay".....to which I have sent an offline message to you also....that you have NOT shared particulars of the individual.. ... Broadly I recall, the thing you are mentioning in this email- is pertaining to that person only ??

If so, post the complete details again....for that chart had some interesting combinations ...... likely it is a denial case...when I initially casted & glanced at his chart.

With regards,


Dear Sreeram ji,

I am having another chart of a boy of Thula Lagna lagna lord (Venus) debilited in Virgo(Kanya) not yet married though aged 36 years. He dresses like the lady mentioned in this msg. v.fair. He likes music like any thing. I advised him to learn Music, because the debilited venus is in Chittha star lord of 2nd and 7th house but in lagna can anybody give further readings about his marriage and or partners choice. According to anicient sloka a planet being 6,8, 12 th lord and positied in any of these houses gives RAJA YOGA. How far this is possible in this chart is it the result for delay in Marriage?


Thanks and Regards,

Chandramouliswer Ghatti

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hare rama krishna

dear gopuji ,


Thanks for the response ,I think its u who guided me to see DST on various countries i think its 2 yrs back and u provided a link too ,those days i was getting lot of new charts frm various countires .


thanks u once again


regds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah


, K Gopu <kgopu_24 wrote:>> dear shri sunil nair,> I am not a professional astrologer. I have retired> from a pharma company abt a year and half back. After> retirement I have taken up astrology though earlier I> had some basic knowledge abt the subject. Even now I> can say that i have scratched only a bit of this> subject yet it is a long journey to go to know the> various aspects and application of this subject. I> have to thank u for reading my response in other> groups. I learn a lot being in the midst of stalwarts> like urself, sriram sreenivas, sreenadh and others.> > good wishes,> k.gopu>

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Dear Sreeramji,

// Exalted Venus, dress sense is excellent, if found in females,

specific about " color " matching, good eating habits, food taste is

excellent or say royal ?!!//Be careful...One sentence can make or break many (mis)conceptions...people tend to take good things in isolation and try to get excuses for not-so-good things. No-one will say I have a deb-venus and I am like that...

Nice that it has manifested as SU-yog for some, but I can show you some examples where it is quite the contrary. Exalted venus can manisfest in other ways apart from beauty, dress sense etc., specially if it is not related to lagna factors from lagna and moon and navamsh.

I have a friend and batch-mate, she has an exalted venus in 4th house and she is quite contrary to the above though she is a high-rank diplomat (an IFS). best regardsneelam

On 11/03/2008, vreality_au <reality_v wrote:





Dear Sreeramji


// Exalted Venus, dress sense is excellent, if found in females,

specific about " color " matching, good eating habits, food taste is

excellent or say royal ?!!//


certainly describes me.. I have exalted Ve in 2nd. Im said to

hve 'exquisite tastes'...but being more of a non-materialistic person

I think Im more about 'refinement of spirit' [no pun intended]. I am

rarely a picture of sartorial elegance but am always colour co-

ordinated; I tend to feel uncomfy if colours are jarring or

mismatched, not just in attire but in hse decor as well. Hve good

eating habits ie healthy. While my food in general is simple when I

do cook, esp for others, I like 'perfection' in result.


//Likes to work as per their moods & willingness.//


lol yes, mostly, I do work or do anything at all, only as my moods

dictate!! Interesting - whats the reasoning for this?





, " sreeram srinivas "


<sreeram64 wrote:



> Namaste Mr. Vijayanarasimha H Pakka ji,


> 1) Debilitated Venus & dis-interest in opposite gender is acceptable

> statement. Further if aspecting 12H or placed in 6H, possible the


> be a frequent visitor to night clubs / discostheques, may have some

> defined taste modern day " spirits " { pun intended} and irregular


> habits. Food taste is average or pathetic


> 2) Exalted Venus, dress sense is excellent, if found in females,

> specific about " color " matching, good eating habits, food taste is

> excellent or say royal ?!!


> Likes to work as per their moods & willingness.


> With regards,


> Sreeram_Srinivas



> , Vijayanarasimha H


> <hpvijaynarasimha@> wrote:

> >

> > Hello All,

> >

> > Below I am sharing two interesting cases for study of venus in

> different rashis:

> >

> > 1. Debilitated Venus:

> > DOB: 27-08-1925

> > TOB: 1.00 am

> > POB: Panaji, Goa.

> >

> > Venus is debilitated in virgo. The native is well-known to me

since my

> childhood. He is a social worker and keeps travelling all-over

India and

> used to stay in our house for some days once in six months. He is a

> bachelor and totally uninterested in sensual things but deeply


> the opposite sex. He is a very soft person and good in reading but

> totally lacking artistic nature. Since lagnadhipati is debilitated,


> has a meagre lifestyle. He is like a gandhian in lifestyle, totally

> simple. Not many major events in life.

> >

> > 2. Exalted Venus:

> > DOB: 4-May-1990

> > TOB: 12.00 noon

> > POB: Hubli, karnataka.

> >

> > This girl is our neighbour. She is extraordinarily beautiful.


> any makeup she looks like a hollywood actress. You cant stop

looking at

> her. She is very good at dancing. I cant comment on her character,


> she definitely looks sensuous. She is very well-behaved and


> She wears gorgeous dresses and has good dressing sense. She has a


> and soft voice too.

> > (Though I proud myself at my self-control, I had to summon all my

> strength to control my mind when I first met her - The power of


> venus definitely seemed too much but finally my atmakaraka or

rather my

> amavasya moon won, LOL).

> >

> > Regards,

> > Vijay.

> >

> >

> >

> > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> >


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Namaste Madamji,


1) Agree, no one ever himself shares any negative combinations in his



2) Everything said is in pure isolation with all risks of going wrong

for in astrology the entire horoscope needs to be considered, astro can

ignore it only at his own risk, needless this goes without saying.


3) Venus in 4H makes her most homely person & one can with certain

confidence, some one with a good heart


4) Primary focus is to have Out-of-box thinking of planetary attributes,

on which one can easily write a small book, for we often end up with

limited offbeat attributes of planetary qualities. If one sees any

astro_classics there is so much negative statements or combinations /

attributes in many cases, one often is lost in it, may also feel like

being away from the subject.


To look from positive perspective is the need of the hour and that is

where astro_innovation is waiting to be lead.


5) With due respect accept all your comments


I have once written in this group of a astro_case of a exceptionally

good professional astrologer going " little " wrong in his predictions,

when a person was undergoing dasha malefic planet related to 6H ....when

the person was at 50+ yrs age.....gave him bad health/period

predictions......only to be returned after a month...to hear things are

going excellent.....for he cleared some departmental exam and getting a

promotion { govt. service } this astro stunned for he never knew about

the departmental exams....etc... ofcourse, the health prediction came



Dasha of 6H related planets is good for competetive exams or sports is a

well known fact.


With regards,







, " neelam gupta "

<neelamgupta07 wrote:


Dear Sreeramji,


// Exalted Venus, dress sense is excellent, if found in females,

specific about " color " matching, good eating habits, food taste is

excellent or say royal ?!!//


Be careful ... One sentence can make or break many

(mis)conceptions...people tend to take good things in isolation and

try to get excuses for not-so-good things. No-one will say I have a

deb-venus and I am like that...


Nice that it has manifested as SU-yog for some, but I can show you some

examples where it is quite the contrary. Exalted venus can manisfest in

other ways apart from beauty, dress sense etc., specially if it is not

related to lagna factors from lagna and moon and navamsh.


I have a friend and batch-mate, she has an exalted venus in 4th house

and she is quite contrary to the above though she is a high-rank

diplomat (an IFS).


> best regards


> neelam





> On 11/03/2008, vreality_au reality_v wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sreeramji

> >

> > // Exalted Venus, dress sense is excellent, if found in females,

> > specific about " color " matching, good eating habits, food taste is

> > excellent or say royal ?!!//

> >

> > certainly describes me.. I have exalted Ve in 2nd. Im said to

> > hve 'exquisite tastes'...but being more of a non-materialistic


> > I think Im more about 'refinement of spirit' [no pun intended]. I am

> > rarely a picture of sartorial elegance but am always colour co-

> > ordinated; I tend to feel uncomfy if colours are jarring or

> > mismatched, not just in attire but in hse decor as well. Hve good

> > eating habits ie healthy. While my food in general is simple when I

> > do cook, esp for others, I like 'perfection' in result.

> >

> > //Likes to work as per their moods & willingness.//

> >

> > lol yes, mostly, I do work or do anything at all, only as my moods

> > dictate!! Interesting - whats the reasoning for this?

> >

> > rgds

> > Su

> >

> > --- In



> > " sreeram srinivas "

> > sreeram64@ wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Namaste Mr. Vijayanarasimha H Pakka ji,

> > >

> > > 1) Debilitated Venus & dis-interest in opposite gender is


> > > statement. Further if aspecting 12H or placed in 6H, possible the

> > native

> > > be a frequent visitor to night clubs / discostheques, may have


> > > defined taste modern day " spirits " { pun intended} and irregular

> > eating

> > > habits. Food taste is average or pathetic

> > >

> > > 2) Exalted Venus, dress sense is excellent, if found in females,

> > > specific about " color " matching, good eating habits, food taste is

> > > excellent or say royal ?!!

> > >

> > > Likes to work as per their moods & willingness.

> > >

> > > With regards,

> > >

> > > Sreeram_Srinivas

> > >

> > >

> > > --- In



> > Vijayanarasimha H

> > Pakka

> > > <hpvijaynarasimha@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hello All,

> > > >

> > > > Below I am sharing two interesting cases for study of venus in

> > > different rashis:

> > > >

> > > > 1. Debilitated Venus:

> > > > DOB: 27-08-1925

> > > > TOB: 1.00 am

> > > > POB: Panaji, Goa.

> > > >

> > > > Venus is debilitated in virgo. The native is well-known to me

> > since my

> > > childhood. He is a social worker and keeps travelling all-over

> > India and

> > > used to stay in our house for some days once in six months. He is


> > > bachelor and totally uninterested in sensual things but deeply

> > respects

> > > the opposite sex. He is a very soft person and good in reading but

> > > totally lacking artistic nature. Since lagnadhipati is


> > he

> > > has a meagre lifestyle. He is like a gandhian in lifestyle,


> > > simple. Not many major events in life.

> > > >

> > > > 2. Exalted Venus:

> > > > DOB: 4-May-1990

> > > > TOB: 12.00 noon

> > > > POB: Hubli, karnataka.

> > > >

> > > > This girl is our neighbour. She is extraordinarily beautiful.

> > Without

> > > any makeup she looks like a hollywood actress. You cant stop

> > looking at

> > > her. She is very good at dancing. I cant comment on her character,

> > but

> > > she definitely looks sensuous. She is very well-behaved and

> > dignified.

> > > She wears gorgeous dresses and has good dressing sense. She has a

> > sweet

> > > and soft voice too.

> > > > (Though I proud myself at my self-control, I had to summon all


> > > strength to control my mind when I first met her - The power of

> > exalted

> > > venus definitely seemed too much but finally my atmakaraka or

> > rather my

> > > amavasya moon won, LOL).

> > > >

> > > > Regards,

> > > > Vijay.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Neelam-ji,


I do agree with you.


One of my junior is having exalted Venus in 4H. (He has also an exalted

Mars in 2nd house).


What I noticed is....


He is very comfortable (at home) in Cities ....

Likes shopping.

Likes to eat and enjoy, partying etc.. (no smoking / drinking)

His dress sense is not so good, rather carefree (old jeans, T-shirts etc)

Informal dress etc.

Does not like to study (although was good, did BE, MBA)

Fond of movies, TV, good looking females. His computer screen saver

is always have photographs of new actresses which keeps on changing.

He also carries photographs of new actresses in his purse. His wife

(love marraige, inter-lingusitic) is aware of that and accepted it as it is.

A very good human being.


His DOB is

07 March, 1977, 01:30 (plus minus 5 min), kolkata






neelam gupta [neelamgupta07]

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 5:09 PM


Re: venus in chart ,diffrnt rasi' s and





Dear Sreeramji,


// Exalted Venus, dress sense is excellent, if found in females,

specific about " color " matching, good eating habits, food taste is

excellent or say royal ?!!//


Be careful...One sentence can make or break many (mis)conceptions...people

tend to take good things in isolation and try to get excuses for not-so-good

things. No-one will say I have a deb-venus and I am like that...


Nice that it has manifested as SU-yog for some, but I can show you some

examples where it is quite the contrary. Exalted venus can manisfest in

other ways apart from beauty, dress sense etc., specially if it is not

related to lagna factors from lagna and moon and navamsh.


I have a friend and batch-mate, she has an exalted venus in 4th house and

she is quite contrary to the above though she is a high-rank diplomat (an



best regards



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Hare rama krishna


dear chakraborty ji




i had a quick look on the chart u supplied




venus exalted and in exchange with jupiter ,also sag lagna ,so

jupiterian traits also controlling his venus traits


i think the time u provided is 1.30 am


any idea abt mars dasa tho it happened when he was young ,also giv mea breif

account on rahu dasa who is vargottam in 11th house ,just curious




regrds sunil nair



, " Chakraborty, PL "



> Dear Neelam-ji,


> I do agree with you.


> One of my junior is having exalted Venus in 4H. (He has also an


> Mars in 2nd house).


> What I noticed is....


> He is very comfortable (at home) in Cities ....

> Likes shopping.

> Likes to eat and enjoy, partying etc.. (no smoking / drinking)

> His dress sense is not so good, rather carefree (old jeans, T-shirts


> Informal dress etc.

> Does not like to study (although was good, did BE, MBA)

> Fond of movies, TV, good looking females. His computer screen saver

> is always have photographs of new actresses which keeps on changing.

> He also carries photographs of new actresses in his purse. His wife

> (love marraige, inter-lingusitic) is aware of that and accepted it as

it is.

> A very good human being.


> His DOB is

> 07 March, 1977, 01:30 (plus minus 5 min), kolkata


> Regards


> Chakraborty


> neelam gupta [neelamgupta07]

> Tuesday, March 11, 2008 5:09 PM


> Re: venus in chart ,diffrnt rasi'

s and

> tatwas




> Dear Sreeramji,


> // Exalted Venus, dress sense is excellent, if found in females,

> specific about " color " matching, good eating habits, food taste is

> excellent or say royal ?!!//


> Be careful...One sentence can make or break many


> tend to take good things in isolation and try to get excuses for


> things. No-one will say I have a deb-venus and I am like that...


> Nice that it has manifested as SU-yog for some, but I can show you


> examples where it is quite the contrary. Exalted venus can manisfest


> other ways apart from beauty, dress sense etc., specially if it is not

> related to lagna factors from lagna and moon and navamsh.


> I have a friend and batch-mate, she has an exalted venus in 4th house


> she is quite contrary to the above though she is a high-rank diplomat


> IFS).


> best regards


> neelam


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Namaste Mr. Vijayanarasimha H Pakka ji,


You are hitting the bulls_eye....your examples (1) & (2) both are

excellent. In the second case, the point change of dasha changing the

life style pattern is a point to be noted. Very important in



A very similar case of exceptionally good at dancing " kuchipudi style " -

Female, 17-Jan-1971, 09:50 hrs, Vijayawada. She in two years won

almost 197 awards including at state level, represented at national

level at Khajurhao dance festival to my knowledge ..... know this lady

very closely.


With regards,





, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka

<hpvijaynarasimha wrote:


Dear Neelamji,

Truly said, but I fell both of you are right, because here we are

looking at venus in isolation. Lagna is also important, as is the

influence of other planets on the native. For example, My father has

exalted venus, but in 6th. He has mars exalted in 4th and has ruchaka

yoga, and he truly shows those characteristics, i.e., is very masculine

and short tempered, and has military characteristics, i.e, involved in

physical fights, is very brave and is almost not afraid of anyone. But

venus doesnt show up much in his behaviour, i.e., he is totally

unbothered about what he wears and not at all fussy about good food.

Venus has manisfested in his very good looks and he used to sing in his

younger days, but other venus characteristics are subdued very much. Now

he is running venus dasha and is giving above average results. i.e, he

is enjoying some comforts.


My sister has venus exalted in 2nd house. She is very beautiful, and is

excellent in dancing. When she had venus dasha she won Ms. India

superpersonality contest and 2 other similar contests. She won numerous

prizes in dancing. She was a top choreographer/fashion designer among

bangalore universities during that time. But immediately after venus

dasha she completely stopped all this and now practices surgery. She put

on weight and doesnt dance at all.


Hence, I would say that while venus dasha is very fruitful for such

persons, the characteristics vary to certain extent depending on lagna

and other planets. But dahs and antardasha definitely give good food,

jewellery, fine clothes, fame to certain extent, etc.




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dear Sreenivas ji,Sorry, this dear friend of mine is cancer lagna and has exalted venus with ketu in 9th house, not 4h. Her moon is in gemini in 12H, saturn aspecting moon from 6H, Jupiter in scorpio in 5H, Mercury and sun in aquarius in 8H. She's not likely to get her venus dasha before 2020.

Very peculiar case:A little eccentric, all her subordinates hate her. Average looks, shabby dressing, shoddy tastes and everything undesirable. Intelligent, obviously. A Ph.D in biochem and an IFS now.

Never got married...nor interested...so no kids...has differences and frequent brawls with parents...one sister and no brother...Interestingly got through civil services in sat-ven.

regardsneelamOn 11/03/2008, sreeram srinivas <sreeram64 wrote:






Namaste Mr. Vijayanarasimha H Pakka ji,


You are hitting the bulls_eye....your examples (1) & (2) both are

excellent. In the second case, the point change of dasha changing the

life style pattern is a point to be noted. Very important in



A very similar case of exceptionally good at dancing " kuchipudi style " -

Female, 17-Jan-1971, 09:50 hrs, Vijayawada. She in two years won

almost 197 awards including at state level, represented at national

level at Khajurhao dance festival to my knowledge ..... know this lady

very closely.


With regards,




, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka

<hpvijaynarasimha wrote:


Dear Neelamji,

Truly said, but I fell both of you are right, because here we are

looking at venus in isolation. Lagna is also important, as is the

influence of other planets on the native. For example, My father has

exalted venus, but in 6th. He has mars exalted in 4th and has ruchaka

yoga, and he truly shows those characteristics, i.e., is very masculine

and short tempered, and has military characteristics, i.e, involved in

physical fights, is very brave and is almost not afraid of anyone. But

venus doesnt show up much in his behaviour, i.e., he is totally

unbothered about what he wears and not at all fussy about good food.

Venus has manisfested in his very good looks and he used to sing in his

younger days, but other venus characteristics are subdued very much. Now

he is running venus dasha and is giving above average results. i.e, he

is enjoying some comforts.


My sister has venus exalted in 2nd house. She is very beautiful, and is

excellent in dancing. When she had venus dasha she won Ms. India

superpersonality contest and 2 other similar contests. She won numerous

prizes in dancing. She was a top choreographer/fashion designer among

bangalore universities during that time. But immediately after venus

dasha she completely stopped all this and now practices surgery. She put

on weight and doesnt dance at all.


Hence, I would say that while venus dasha is very fruitful for such

persons, the characteristics vary to certain extent depending on lagna

and other planets. But dahs and antardasha definitely give good food,

jewellery, fine clothes, fame to certain extent, etc.




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