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Dear Respected members


Please find my views on Dig Bala.


Digbala has to be understood w.r to Lagna of the Jataka is my view.


Lagna feels happy about the influence of Venus and Moon on the 4th

(Mind-Home). Hence they have digbala on the 4th.


For material growth the atma or essence of a jataka should be ideally

on karma mandala and thus Surya(karaka for lagna) has digbala in the

10th. Same is the case with the energy of Mars.


Guru is the Karaka for wisdom and Budha for Budhi.These needs to

close to the Jataka for full benefit.Thus they have digbala in Lagna.


We would not love to see some one dominating us from the 7th.Thus as

far as lagna is concerned Sani has dig bala on the 7th. Sani is

karaka for mass or followers or servants and not boss.


These are my personal views and can be wrong. Kindly give your views.




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Dear Mr. Vijayas_Pradeep ji,


Good to see your email after a long time..... hope everything is going

good in Switzerland.... and your black_ " berries " are working.......,

trust you recovered from trauma of your favorite Uncle's sudden



Would expect some interesting emails from you...... do share any birth

data that you chance upon on the upcoming Super Tennis Stars...in

Europe.....for Roger Federer dasha has changed for good...now since Jan

2008..... based on the data that you have given long back in other



With regards,



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Dear Pradeep ji, One of the uses of Digbala is in locating the direction in which the native will shift his residance (residing place), or go in search of new job and income during that dasa. Digbala is useful in locating the direction in which the missing person will go in Prashna related to the same as well. In both the above situations it is the planet which is more important than lagna or otherthings. But it is good to see your logical inputs and arguments explaining how and why planets have digbala in specific houses (of course from Lagna). I completly agree to your view that "(houses should be calculated from Lagna, and evidently) Digbala should be calculated related to houses from Lagna". It was very interesting and informative to read your lines such as - ==>> Lagna feels happy about the influence of Venus and Moon on the 4th> (Mind-Home). Hence they have digbala on the 4th.> > For material growth the atma or essence of a jataka should be ideally > on karma mandala and thus Surya(karaka for lagna) has digbala in the > 10th. Same is the case with the energy of Mars.> > Guru is the Karaka for wisdom and Budha for Budhi.These needs to > close to the Jataka for full benefit.Thus they have digbala in Lagna.> > We would not love to see some one dominating us from the 7th.Thus as > far as lagna is concerned Sani has dig bala on the 7th. Sani is > karaka for mass or followers or servants and not boss.<== Thanks for sharing the views.Love and regards,Sreenadh

Love and regards,Sreenadh , "vijayadas_pradeep" <vijayadas_pradeep wrote:>> Dear Respected members> > Please find my views on Dig Bala.> > Digbala has to be understood w.r to Lagna of the Jataka is my view.> > Lagna feels happy about the influence of Venus and Moon on the 4th> (Mind-Home). Hence they have digbala on the 4th.> > For material growth the atma or essence of a jataka should be ideally > on karma mandala and thus Surya(karaka for lagna) has digbala in the > 10th. Same is the case with the energy of Mars.> > Guru is the Karaka for wisdom and Budha for Budhi.These needs to > close to the Jataka for full benefit.Thus they have digbala in Lagna.> > We would not love to see some one dominating us from the 7th.Thus as > far as lagna is concerned Sani has dig bala on the 7th. Sani is > karaka for mass or followers or servants and not boss.> > These are my personal views and can be wrong. Kindly give your views. > > Regds> Pradeep>

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Dear Srinivas ji


Thank you for your email.I am unable to contribute and learn from the

discussions,on a regular basis,due to other priorities.





, " sreeram srinivas "

<sreeram64 wrote:



> Dear Mr. Vijayas_Pradeep ji,


> Good to see your email after a long time..... hope everything is


> good in Switzerland.... and your black_ " berries " are working.......,

> trust you recovered from trauma of your favorite Uncle's sudden

> demise....


> Would expect some interesting emails from you...... do share any


> data that you chance upon on the upcoming Super Tennis Stars...in

> Europe.....for Roger Federer dasha has changed for good...now since


> 2008..... based on the data that you have given long back in other


> group.....


> With regards,


> Sreeram_Srinivas


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