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study of upagrahas

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Hare rama krishna

dear Narendra Kumar ji ,


Thanks for the valid query .


I will write one of this days abt upagrahas tho i also rarely use it except Gulika .each upagraha is son of one planet .so Yama kantaka is JUpiters son .Even tho the name is fierce ,we dont need to worry abt it as the name suggest .(its what i feel sir ) even i feel as name suggest Yama ( mean god of mrityu ) kandak means (torn or pricking ) ,so it shud be beneficial .Also indian independence was timed by consulting gr8 astrologers of those period like hardeo sharma trivedi ji (viswa vijay panchanga ) by satri ji under the secret direction of Pt .nehru ji .( But we hav given only 24 Hrs time frame )


Any way i will dig more deep into it and we can study jointly once i got time .


Also we hav got so many learned memebrs in forum may be some of them can come forward if they know the subjuct .



thank u once again ,keep posting and contributing


regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah .



, "narendra kumar dixit" <arthateet_shiv wrote:>> Friends,> There is vast resource in astrology which is unexplored properly.This is> upagrahas such as mandi,yamkantak etc.There are some muhurtas which> are inauspicious such as yamghant.I request that if somebody has> delved deeply regarding this he may pl share his information with the> group members.> I calculated and found that Indian independence came when Yamghant was> in force.This may be the reason why Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated> after few months.Two prime ministers were also murdered.> In a nativity Gulik is in ascendent almost degreewise.The female> native suffers from headache.The ascendent is virgo.Hence it is> reasonable to relate her headache with gulik in virgo.> N K DIXIT>

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Hare rama krishna

dear grp ,


Here the soft copy of 25th ahdyaya of phaladeepika on aprakasita grhas ( non luminories ).This also Known as kala Velas ( sun s interaction in zodiac and its results )


pls go tru it and nadika or ghatika is ( nazihika meantioned is 24 minits approximately ) and we hav to take according to sun rise to sun set proportionately depending on Dina man and sun set to sun rise depending ratri man ( average 30 nadika day and 30 nadika in nite )totaling 60 nadika


These r generaly kala lords r suns interaction with zodiac (means 360degrees)


PhaladeepikaBy Mantreswara

ADHYAYA – XXVSloka 1 : I how to all the Upagrahas, viz., (1) Mandi, (2) Yamakantaka, (3) Ardhaprahara, (4) Kala, (5) Dhuma, (6) Patha or Vyatipata, (7) Paridhi, (8) Indra Dhanus or Kodanda and (9) Ketu or Upaketu.Sloka 2 : When the length of day is 30 Ghatikas, the position of Mandi on the week days counting from Sunday onwards is at the end of 26, 22, 18, 14, 10, 6 and 2 Ghatikas during day time These figures have to be proportionately increased: or diminished according as the length of day chosen is greater or less than 30 ghatikas. In the night time, the lords of the first seven Muhurtas are counted, not from the lord of the week day chosen, but from that of the 5th; the position of Mandi at night time will be different on the week days, viz., at the end of Ghatikas 10, 6, 2, 26, 22, 18 and 14 respectively.Sloka 3 : The position of Yamakantaka during day time on week days is at the end of Ghatikas 18, 14, 10, 6, 2, 26 and 22; of Ardhaprahara at the end of Ghatikas 14, 10, 6, 2, 26, 22 and 18.Sloka 4 : The position of Kala on the weekdays counting from Sunday onwards is at the end of Ghatikas 2, 26, 22, 18, 14, 10 and 6 respectively during day time. These figures have, as already stated for Mandi, to be proportionately altered and their exact positions detemined as in the case of the Lagna.Sloka 5 : The position of Dhuma is found by adding 4 signs, 13° 20' to the figures for the Sun. If you subtract Dhuma from 12 signs, the result will indicate the figures for Vyatipata. This increased by six signs becomes Parivesha or Paridbi. When Parivesha again is subtracted from 12 signs, we get Indra chapa. Add to this 16° 40'; Kethu is obtained. Ketu increased by one sign will give the figures for the Sun.Sloka 6 : In the Adhyaya on 'Bhavas' the effects of these have already been described in a collective manner. It is only the effects on the Bhavas of those, that have been left out there, which are to be described here definitely in detail.Sloka 7 : Nevertheless, some special effect or Gulika and other Upagrahas which have been declared by ancient authors are here enumerated by me in a condensed form.Sloka 8 : If Gulika be posited in the Lagna, the person concerned will be a thief, cruel, devoid of modesty, ignorant of Vedas and Sastras, will not be very stout; will have a deformed eye, wm not be very intelligent, nor will have many children. Me will eat much, will be devoid of happiness, will be lustful and depraved, will not be long lived, will not be brave, will be stupid and of an irritable nature.Sloka 9 : If Gulika be in the 2nd Bhava, the person born will not talk in a pleasing manner, will be quarrelsome, will posses no wealth or corn and will live abroad. He will not be true to his word, nor will he be able to intelligently take part in any discussion.Sloka 10 : When Gulika is in the 3rd house, the person born will be distinguished by aloofness, pride, drunkenness and such other qualities, will display an abundance of ill-temper and ostentation in the acquisition of wealth, will be exempt from distress and fear and will be without brothers or sisters.Sloka 11 : When Gulika is in the 4th Bhava, the person born will be devoid of relations, vehicles and wealth; when Gulika is in the 5th Bhava the person born will be tickle-minded and badly disposed. He will be short-lived. When Gulika is in the 6th house, the person born will destroy hosts of foes, will dabble in demonology, will possess a very good son and will be brave.Sloka I2 : When Gulika occupies the 7th Bhava, the person born will be quarrelsome, will be the husband of many wives, will prove a public enemy, win be ungrateful, will know only a little and will be a little bit angry.Sloka I3 : When Gulika is in the 8th Bhava, the person born will be deformed in his face with weak and impaired eyes and will have a dwarfish body (will be short in stature). When Gulika is in the 9th Bhava, he will be deserted by his elders and his children: When Gulika is in the 10th Bhava, the person will abandon all religious duties and observances producing good effects, and will not be disposed to give anything to others. When Gulika is in the 11th Bhava, the person born will have happiness, children, intelligence, power and beauty.Sloka 14 : When Gulika is in the 12th Bhava the person concerned will not have any liking for sexual pleasures, will be poor, and will have a heavy expenditure. The Janmalagna or Rasi of the native will be a sign that is triangular to that occupied by Gulika or the Navamsa identical with the one occupied by Mandi.Sloka 15 : If Gulika be associated with the Sun, the person born will kill his father; if with the Moon, the person born will cause distress to his mother; if with Mars, he will lose his brother; and if with Mercury, he will be insane.Sloka 16 : If Gulika be associated with Jupiter, he will be a blasphemous heretic; if with Venus, the person born will be in the company of low and base women; and if with Saturn, he will be afflicted with leprosy, and will be short-lived.Sloka 17 : When Gulika is associated with Rahu, the person concerned will suffer from a poisonous disease; if with Ketu, he will encounter fire accident If GuIika's time on any weekday be synchronous with the Tyajyakala on that day, the person born then, though a king will become a beggar.Sloka 18 : Wherever Gulika is in conjunction, in all those, evil has to be predicted. Wherever Yamakantaka is associated, good has to be expected.Sloka 19 : While Gulika is very powerful in causing evil, Yamakantaka is powerful in causing good, All the other Upagrahas possess only half the power that Mandi has in causing evil.Sloka 20 : In producing effects, Gulika is similar to Saturn; Yamakantaka is like Jupiter; Ardhaprahara is like Mercury and Kala is like Rahu.Sloka 21 : Kala's effects will be similar to those of Rahu, while Gulika's will bring on death. The effects of Yamakantaka will be of an enlivening nature that is will produce good results. Ardhaprahara will cause good effects if posited in a house with many benefic dots and bad, if in an untoward Bhava.Sloka 22 : If the Lagna and other houses along with their lords be associated with Dhuma and other Upagrahas these houses attain their destruction; so says Parasara.Sloka 23 : When there is Dhuma, there will always be trouble from heat and danger from fire and mental anguish. When Vyatipata is thus situated, there is danger from horned animals or death through quadrupeds.Sloka 24 : When there is Parvesha or Paridhi, the native will feel afraid of water, will suffer from watery diseases and also have to endore imprisonment. When there is lndra Chapa or Kodanda, the native will be hit by a stone, will be wounded by weapons or will suffer degradation.Sloka 25 : When there is Ketu (or Upaketu), the native will have a hit, a fall, etc., suffer loss in his business, and there will be peril from thunder. The above effects win occur during the Dasa period of the planet owning the house wherein the Upagraha is posited.Sloka 26 : If Upaketu should occupy any of the 12 houses from Lagna onwards, the effects will respectively be (1) short life, (2) ugly face, (3) courage, (4) misery, (5) loss of children, (6) perturbation of the mind through enemies, (7) decay of vital power, (8) ending one's life by following bad ways, (9) holding views quite antagonistic to virtuous conduct, (10) inclination towards wandering, (11) gain and (12) committing faults.Sloka 27 : The five Upagrahas, Dhuma, etc., traverse the sky without being seen. If at any time they are visible any where, they foreshadow something evil to the world.Sloka 28 : Some say that Dhuma is of the shape of fume clouds, while others opine that it is a star with a tail (comet). Vyatipata is like the fall of a met or; and Parvesha is a halo or disk round the Sun or the Moon.Sloka 29 : Indra Ch pa or lndra Dhanus or Kodanda is the famous rainbow that is generally seen in the sky during the ad vent of rain. Ketu is Dhumaketu and causes calamity to the world.Sloka 30 : If the lord of the house occupied by Gulika be possessed of strength and be posited in a Kendra, a Trikona, his own, his exaltation or a friendly house, the person born will own chariots, elephants and horses, will be as beautiful as Cupid; will be highly respected and widely renowned; and he will rule the entire world.Thus ends the 25th Adhyaya on "Upagrahas" in the work Phaladeepika, composed by Mantreswara


Now interested parties can apply on known charts


I was searching for prashna maarga for more direction .But to write in whole in grp will take lot of space and time ,but it has deal with more details .I will come up with more details in future .


regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah


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Deaer Sunil ji,


" If Gulika be posited in the Lagna, the person concerned will be a

thief, cruel, devoid of modesty, ignorant of Vedas and Sastras, will

not be very stout; will have a deformed eye, wm not be very

intelligent, nor will have many children. Me will eat much, will be

devoid of happiness, will be lustful and depraved, will not be long

lived, will not be brave, will be stupid and of an irritable nature. "



The above indications are not shown in the chart of a female native,

known to me. Neither can I comment on the number of children as she

is not married yet nor can I comment on her longevity as she is

still young. But none of the other indications are her

characterisitics etc.



Also since all the other planets give their results during the

major/sub periods of that particular planet, when would Upa Grahas

give their results as they are not given any dasa period in a

native's life?










, " sunil nair "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:





> Hare rama krishna


> dear grp ,




> Here the soft copy of 25th ahdyaya of phaladeepika on

aprakasita grhas

> ( non luminories ).This also Known as kala Velas ( sun s

interaction in

> zodiac and its results )




> pls go tru it and nadika or ghatika is ( nazihika meantioned is 24

> minits approximately ) and we hav to take according to sun rise to


> set proportionately depending on Dina man and sun set to sun rise

> depending ratri man ( average 30 nadika day and 30 nadika in nite

> )totaling 60 nadika




> These r generaly kala lords r suns interaction with zodiac (means

> 360degrees)




> Phaladeepika

> By Mantreswara





> Sloka 1 : I how to all the Upagrahas, viz., (1) Mandi, (2)


> (3) Ardhaprahara, (4) Kala, (5) Dhuma, (6) Patha or Vyatipata, (7)

> Paridhi, (8) Indra Dhanus or Kodanda and (9) Ketu or Upaketu.


> Sloka 2 : When the length of day is 30 Ghatikas, the position of


> on the week days counting from Sunday onwards is at the end of 26,


> 18, 14, 10, 6 and 2 Ghatikas during day time These figures have to


> proportionately increased: or diminished according as the length

of day

> chosen is greater or less than 30 ghatikas. In the night time, the


> of the first seven Muhurtas are counted, not from the lord of the


> day chosen, but from that of the 5th; the position of Mandi at


> time will be different on the week days, viz., at the end of


> 10, 6, 2, 26, 22, 18 and 14 respectively.


> Sloka 3 : The position of Yamakantaka during day time on week days

is at

> the end of Ghatikas 18, 14, 10, 6, 2, 26 and 22; of Ardhaprahara

at the

> end of Ghatikas 14, 10, 6, 2, 26, 22 and 18.


> Sloka 4 : The position of Kala on the weekdays counting from Sunday

> onwards is at the end of Ghatikas 2, 26, 22, 18, 14, 10 and 6

> respectively during day time. These figures have, as already

stated for

> Mandi, to be proportionately altered and their exact positions


> as in the case of the Lagna.


> Sloka 5 : The position of Dhuma is found by adding 4 signs, 13° 20'

> to the figures for the Sun. If you subtract Dhuma from 12 signs,


> result will indicate the figures for Vyatipata. This increased by


> signs becomes Parivesha or Paridbi. When Parivesha again is


> from 12 signs, we get Indra chapa. Add to this 16° 40'; Kethu is

> obtained. Ketu increased by one sign will give the figures for the



> Sloka 6 : In the Adhyaya on 'Bhavas' the effects of these have


> been described in a collective manner. It is only the effects on


> Bhavas of those, that have been left out there, which are to be

> described here definitely in detail.


> Sloka 7 : Nevertheless, some special effect or Gulika and other

> Upagrahas which have been declared by ancient authors are here

> enumerated by me in a condensed form.


> Sloka 8 : If Gulika be posited in the Lagna, the person concerned


> be a thief, cruel, devoid of modesty, ignorant of Vedas and


> will not be very stout; will have a deformed eye, wm not be very

> intelligent, nor will have many children. Me will eat much, will be

> devoid of happiness, will be lustful and depraved, will not be long

> lived, will not be brave, will be stupid and of an irritable



> Sloka 9 : If Gulika be in the 2nd Bhava, the person born will not


> in a pleasing manner, will be quarrelsome, will posses no wealth

or corn

> and will live abroad. He will not be true to his word, nor will he


> able to intelligently take part in any discussion.


> Sloka 10 : When Gulika is in the 3rd house, the person born will be

> distinguished by aloofness, pride, drunkenness and such other


> will display an abundance of ill-temper and ostentation in the

> acquisition of wealth, will be exempt from distress and fear and

will be

> without brothers or sisters.


> Sloka 11 : When Gulika is in the 4th Bhava, the person born will be

> devoid of relations, vehicles and wealth; when Gulika is in the 5th

> Bhava the person born will be tickle-minded and badly disposed. He


> be short-lived. When Gulika is in the 6th house, the person born


> destroy hosts of foes, will dabble in demonology, will possess a


> good son and will be brave.


> Sloka I2 : When Gulika occupies the 7th Bhava, the person born

will be

> quarrelsome, will be the husband of many wives, will prove a public

> enemy, win be ungrateful, will know only a little and will be a


> bit angry.


> Sloka I3 : When Gulika is in the 8th Bhava, the person born will be

> deformed in his face with weak and impaired eyes and will have a

> dwarfish body (will be short in stature). When Gulika is in the 9th

> Bhava, he will be deserted by his elders and his children: When


> is in the 10th Bhava, the person will abandon all religious duties


> observances producing good effects, and will not be disposed to


> anything to others. When Gulika is in the 11th Bhava, the person


> will have happiness, children, intelligence, power and beauty.


> Sloka 14 : When Gulika is in the 12th Bhava the person concerned


> not have any liking for sexual pleasures, will be poor, and will

have a

> heavy expenditure. The Janmalagna or Rasi of the native will be a


> that is triangular to that occupied by Gulika or the Navamsa


> with the one occupied by Mandi.


> Sloka 15 : If Gulika be associated with the Sun, the person born


> kill his father; if with the Moon, the person born will cause


> to his mother; if with Mars, he will lose his brother; and if with

> Mercury, he will be insane.


> Sloka 16 : If Gulika be associated with Jupiter, he will be a

> blasphemous heretic; if with Venus, the person born will be in the

> company of low and base women; and if with Saturn, he will be


> with leprosy, and will be short-lived.


> Sloka 17 : When Gulika is associated with Rahu, the person


> will suffer from a poisonous disease; if with Ketu, he will


> fire accident If GuIika's time on any weekday be synchronous with


> Tyajyakala on that day, the person born then, though a king will


> a beggar.


> Sloka 18 : Wherever Gulika is in conjunction, in all those, evil

has to

> be predicted. Wherever Yamakantaka is associated, good has to be

> expected.


> Sloka 19 : While Gulika is very powerful in causing evil,

Yamakantaka is

> powerful in causing good, All the other Upagrahas possess only

half the

> power that Mandi has in causing evil.


> Sloka 20 : In producing effects, Gulika is similar to Saturn;

> Yamakantaka is like Jupiter; Ardhaprahara is like Mercury and Kala


> like Rahu.


> Sloka 21 : Kala's effects will be similar to those of Rahu, while

> Gulika's will bring on death. The effects of Yamakantaka will be

of an

> enlivening nature that is will produce good results. Ardhaprahara


> cause good effects if posited in a house with many benefic dots

and bad,

> if in an untoward Bhava.


> Sloka 22 : If the Lagna and other houses along with their lords be

> associated with Dhuma and other Upagrahas these houses attain their

> destruction; so says Parasara.


> Sloka 23 : When there is Dhuma, there will always be trouble from


> and danger from fire and mental anguish. When Vyatipata is thus

> situated, there is danger from horned animals or death through

> quadrupeds.


> Sloka 24 : When there is Parvesha or Paridhi, the native will feel

> afraid of water, will suffer from watery diseases and also have to

> endore imprisonment. When there is lndra Chapa or Kodanda, the


> will be hit by a stone, will be wounded by weapons or will suffer

> degradation.


> Sloka 25 : When there is Ketu (or Upaketu), the native will have a


> a fall, etc., suffer loss in his business, and there will be peril


> thunder. The above effects win occur during the Dasa period of the

> planet owning the house wherein the Upagraha is posited.


> Sloka 26 : If Upaketu should occupy any of the 12 houses from Lagna

> onwards, the effects will respectively be (1) short life, (2) ugly


> (3) courage, (4) misery, (5) loss of children, (6) perturbation of


> mind through enemies, (7) decay of vital power, (8) ending one's

life by

> following bad ways, (9) holding views quite antagonistic to


> conduct, (10) inclination towards wandering, (11) gain and (12)

> committing faults.


> Sloka 27 : The five Upagrahas, Dhuma, etc., traverse the sky


> being seen. If at any time they are visible any where, they


> something evil to the world.


> Sloka 28 : Some say that Dhuma is of the shape of fume clouds,


> others opine that it is a star with a tail (comet). Vyatipata is


> the fall of a met or; and Parvesha is a halo or disk round the Sun


> the Moon.


> Sloka 29 : Indra Ch pa or lndra Dhanus or Kodanda is the famous


> that is generally seen in the sky during the ad vent of rain. Ketu


> Dhumaketu and causes calamity to the world.


> Sloka 30 : If the lord of the house occupied by Gulika be

possessed of

> strength and be posited in a Kendra, a Trikona, his own, his


> or a friendly house, the person born will own chariots, elephants


> horses, will be as beautiful as Cupid; will be highly respected and

> widely renowned; and he will rule the entire world.


> Thus ends the 25th Adhyaya on " Upagrahas " in the work

> Phaladeepika, composed by Mantreswara




> Now interested parties can apply on known charts




> I was searching for prashna maarga for more direction .But to

write in

> whole in grp will take lot of space and time ,but it has deal with


> details .I will come up with more details in future .




> regrds sunil nair


> om shreem mahalaxmai namah


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Hare rama krishna

dear renu ji ,

The kala vela lord generaly givs permanent effects .


other wise there shud be beneficial aspects .In kerala astrology ( i dont know u calculate gulik with kerala way Jhora is always not correct ,rarely it givs calculation according to kerala system ) we use mainly gulika during the dasas .


Only escpe is jupiterian rasi and drishti


so see which nakshtra gulika falled and see that lord dasa .that is what is gulika dasa .Also planets assossiated with gulik also loosing its karka effect to gr8 extent .


Gulik in lagna can giv min headaches or diseases in head .


gulik in malefic rasis with no benefical aspect and aspected by malefics may giv the effect what mantrewara says .


U can post the data in grp or to my mail depending on the secrecy u wanted maintain .


regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah .

, "renunw" <renunw wrote:>> Deaer Sunil ji,> > "If Gulika be posited in the Lagna, the person concerned will be a > thief, cruel, devoid of modesty, ignorant of Vedas and Sastras, will > not be very stout; will have a deformed eye, wm not be very > intelligent, nor will have many children. Me will eat much, will be > devoid of happiness, will be lustful and depraved, will not be long > lived, will not be brave, will be stupid and of an irritable nature."> > > The above indications are not shown in the chart of a female native, > known to me. Neither can I comment on the number of children as she > is not married yet nor can I comment on her longevity as she is > still young. But none of the other indications are her > characterisitics etc.> > > Also since all the other planets give their results during the > major/sub periods of that particular planet, when would Upa Grahas > give their results as they are not given any dasa period in a > native's life?> > blessings> > Renu

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Dear members: If you read the book titled, " Freedom at midnight", you can get some insight at why the timing was selected at 12.00 midnight. It is said that Lord Mountbatten unilaterally decided that the independence to India will be given on August 15, 1947. All the astrologers clamored that it was not an auspicious day- Friday, pusyami star makes it marana yoga until 20.07. He kicked his foot and wished he had consulted but the King's representative cannot go back on his word. Some suggested that we make it midnight 0.0 hrs on Aug 15 and as per Hindu calendar it is Thursday, Aug 14 (Friday starts only from sunrise on the 15th), which means it is sidh yoga and everything is fine and dandy. As far as the King of "Great Britain" is concerned, it is Aug 15 and Mountbatten need

not break is word. So it was .. freedom bells tolled at the strike of midnight of Krishna Chaturdasi. Some say, though sarcastically, we are still in complete darkness, surrounded by casteism, regional and religious prejudices, waiting for the daybreak.....Best wishesanantha krishnan vasdev kripalani udharam <binnumero wrote: please throw some lighy on it?????????? sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala (AT) (DOT) co.in>

wrote: Hare rama krishna dear Narendra Kumar ji , Thanks for the valid query . I will write one of this days abt upagrahas tho i also rarely use it except Gulika .each upagraha is son of one planet .so Yama kantaka is JUpiters son .Even tho the name is fierce ,we dont need

to worry abt it as the name suggest .(its what i feel sir ) even i feel as name suggest Yama ( mean god of mrityu ) kandak means (torn or pricking ) ,so it shud be beneficial .Also indian independence was timed by consulting gr8 astrologers of those period like hardeo sharma trivedi ji (viswa vijay panchanga ) by satri ji under the secret direction of Pt .nehru ji .( But we hav given only 24 Hrs time frame ) Any way i will dig more deep into it and we can study jointly once i got time . Also we hav got so many learned memebrs in forum may be some of them can come forward if they know the subjuct . thank u once again ,keep posting and contributing regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah . , "narendra kumar dixit" <arthateet_shiv wrote:>> Friends,> There is vast resource in astrology which is unexplored properly.This is> upagrahas such as mandi,yamkantak etc.There are some muhurtas which> are inauspicious such as yamghant.I request that if somebody

has> delved deeply regarding this he may pl share his information with the> group members.> I calculated and found that Indian independence came when Yamghant was> in force.This may be the reason why Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated> after few months.Two prime ministers were also murdered.> In a nativity Gulik is in ascendent almost degreewise.The female> native suffers from headache.The ascendent is virgo.Hence it is> reasonable to relate her headache with gulik in virgo.> N K DIXIT> binode kripalani numerologist 9831664581(Kolkata) binodeuk (AT) hotmail (DOT) com binode_kripalani Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away.

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Hare rama krishna ,

dear reni ji

A top up information on aprakasitha ( non luminouries ) grhas .


As we discussed the interaction of sun and zodiac ( natal chart ) creates this effects >actualy its mathematical points frm sun .


Dhooma ( smoke after the thing get burned out ) ,its created by sun when interacting with chart ,so that area gets burned <if dhooma is in lagna ,sun must be in 9th house ,so u can see its almost mid day and its negetiv and poisonous burning power of sun .All work done during this time gets destoryed .


Vyathi patha --its connected with dhooma and dhooma increases in degree s vyahi patha also increases ( means depending on sun progressing ) so its perfect reflection and vyathi path is havoc ,where evr he placed it shows havoc



Parivesha ( environment or influnces ) u can see its always directly oppo to vyathi path--so it destroyes environ ment and circumstances


generaly i find parivesha in 7th frm lagna or moon creates problems in married life even it can deny marriage .


Indra chapa ( indra s bow ) ,it shows bows as well as arrow that can be peirced,so its good in upachayas and very bad in 4th


all upagrahas generaly goodin Upachayas and only bad if they afflict any planets .


Upaketu --or 2nd ketu --ketu means flag /flame /banner .so it will reverse what evr it showing .


generaly all these planets r representativ of suns interaction with chart


sun is atma karaka ,so it denotes pap karma we done .It also denotes our sin or ignorence of atma .


Only upay is make atma more strong by mantras and pancha bhootha shudhi kriyas and other technics like meditation ( various types --even budhist visulisation meditations )



also see affliction by this planets to lord of sun .lagnesh or rahseesh ( moon sign lord ) these r 3 tripods in chart


with sun s lord --it can affect kula ( or procreativ ability )

with moons lord --it can affect self

with lagnesh --it can affect wisdom and head and brain


also see this affliction is same rasi ( it can show adritha karma --easy to chnage )

same nakshtra ( means 13 degree 20 mints ) -dritha adritha karama ( with difficulty we can change )


same pada in navamsa --dritha karma ( fixed one ) only god or ur guru ( highly evolved one can help u ) it affects ur bhagya too depending on which lord its afflicting .



with other planets i will write later

may be some mistakes may happen as i am not using all this later days



regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah .








, "sunil nair" <astro_tellerkerala wrote:>> > > > Hare rama krishna> > dear renu ji ,> > The kala vela lord generaly givs permanent effects .> > > > other wise there shud be beneficial aspects .In kerala astrology ( i> dont know u calculate gulik with kerala way Jhora is always not correct> ,rarely it givs calculation according to kerala system ) we use mainly> gulika during the dasas .> > > > Only escpe is jupiterian rasi and drishti> > > > so see which nakshtra gulika falled and see that lord dasa .that is what> is gulika dasa .Also planets assossiated with gulik also loosing its> karka effect to gr8 extent .> > > > Gulik in lagna can giv min headaches or diseases in head .> > > > gulik in malefic rasis with no benefical aspect and aspected by malefics> may giv the effect what mantrewara says .> > > > U can post the data in grp or to my mail depending on the secrecy u> wanted maintain .> > > > regrds sunil nair> > om shreem mahalaxmai namah .> > > > > , "renunw" renunw@> wrote:> >> > Deaer Sunil ji,> >> > "If Gulika be posited in the Lagna, the person concerned will be a> > thief, cruel, devoid of modesty, ignorant of Vedas and Sastras, will> > not be very stout; will have a deformed eye, wm not be very> > intelligent, nor will have many children. Me will eat much, will be> > devoid of happiness, will be lustful and depraved, will not be long> > lived, will not be brave, will be stupid and of an irritable nature."> >> >> > The above indications are not shown in the chart of a female native,> > known to me. Neither can I comment on the number of children as she> > is not married yet nor can I comment on her longevity as she is> > still young. But none of the other indications are her> > characterisitics etc.> >> >> > Also since all the other planets give their results during the> > major/sub periods of that particular planet, when would Upa Grahas> > give their results as they are not given any dasa period in a> > native's life?> >> > blessings> >> > Renu>

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hare rama krishna

Dear anantha krishnan ji


thanks for the post ,it was realy informativ


so many thing either we dont know or we r yet to know abt it ,any way the jyothishis helped india other wse with all evil tendencies and still we r concidered a next option after china ,eben i was reading many reports recently ,I wonder how we become one with so careless politics ,ignorent ppl and stupid burocracy who knows only to delay growth and take bribe .


some where we r blessed ,may be the blessing of rishis


regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah

, Anantha Krishnan <anantha_krishnan_98 wrote:>> Dear members:> If you read the book titled, " Freedom at midnight", you can get some insight at why the timing was selected at 12.00 midnight.> It is said that Lord Mountbatten unilaterally decided that the independence to India will be given on August 15, 1947. All the astrologers clamored that it was not an auspicious day- Friday, pusyami star makes it marana yoga until 20.07. He kicked his foot and wished he had consulted but the King's representative cannot go back on his word. Some suggested that we make it midnight 0.0 hrs on Aug 15 and as per Hindu calendar it is Thursday, Aug 14 (Friday starts only from sunrise on the 15th), which means it is sidh yoga and everything is fine and dandy. As far as the King of "Great Britain" is concerned, it is Aug 15 and Mountbatten need not break is word. So it was .. freedom bells tolled at the strike of midnight of Krishna Chaturdasi. Some say, though sarcastically, we are still in complete darkness, surrounded by casteism, regional and religious prejudices, waiting for the daybreak.....> Best wishes> anantha krishnan>

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Dear Renuji,


First of all I would like to thank sunil ji to have written a wonderful note on



Renuji, have you checked for the exception, i.e., lagna lord in kona, kendra,

exaltation, own house, etc. Also, I doesnt necessarily mean that all the

characteristics mentioned for gulika in lagna should come true. Depending on the

other planetary influences only some may be true. For example, the native maybe

just ignorant of vedas and shastras and not very intelligent, but may be having

many children if 5th lord is good. Also, Sarajit Poddar of SJC claims that BHPS

says that there is 100% effect of upagrahas in the dasa and antar of the planet

it joins, 50 % in the period of the house lord that it occupies and 75 % during

the period of the planet which is opposite to the upagraha. He has written a

very detailed article including the relevant verses, detailed calculations,

effects of all upagrahas, and some interesting examples too.





renunw <renunw wrote: Deaer Sunil ji,


" If Gulika be posited in the Lagna, the person concerned will be a

thief, cruel, devoid of modesty, ignorant of Vedas and Sastras, will

not be very stout; will have a deformed eye, wm not be very

intelligent, nor will have many children. Me will eat much, will be

devoid of happiness, will be lustful and depraved, will not be long

lived, will not be brave, will be stupid and of an irritable nature. "


The above indications are not shown in the chart of a female native,

known to me. Neither can I comment on the number of children as she

is not married yet nor can I comment on her longevity as she is

still young. But none of the other indications are her

characterisitics etc.


Also since all the other planets give their results during the

major/sub periods of that particular planet, when would Upa Grahas

give their results as they are not given any dasa period in a

native's life?






, " sunil nair "

<astro_tellerkerala wrote:





> Hare rama krishna


> dear grp ,




> Here the soft copy of 25th ahdyaya of phaladeepika on

aprakasita grhas

> ( non luminories ).This also Known as kala Velas ( sun s

interaction in

> zodiac and its results )




> pls go tru it and nadika or ghatika is ( nazihika meantioned is 24

> minits approximately ) and we hav to take according to sun rise to


> set proportionately depending on Dina man and sun set to sun rise

> depending ratri man ( average 30 nadika day and 30 nadika in nite

> )totaling 60 nadika




> These r generaly kala lords r suns interaction with zodiac (means

> 360degrees)




> Phaladeepika

> By Mantreswara





> Sloka 1 : I how to all the Upagrahas, viz., (1) Mandi, (2)


> (3) Ardhaprahara, (4) Kala, (5) Dhuma, (6) Patha or Vyatipata, (7)

> Paridhi, (8) Indra Dhanus or Kodanda and (9) Ketu or Upaketu.


> Sloka 2 : When the length of day is 30 Ghatikas, the position of


> on the week days counting from Sunday onwards is at the end of 26,


> 18, 14, 10, 6 and 2 Ghatikas during day time These figures have to


> proportionately increased: or diminished according as the length

of day

> chosen is greater or less than 30 ghatikas. In the night time, the


> of the first seven Muhurtas are counted, not from the lord of the


> day chosen, but from that of the 5th; the position of Mandi at


> time will be different on the week days, viz., at the end of


> 10, 6, 2, 26, 22, 18 and 14 respectively.


> Sloka 3 : The position of Yamakantaka during day time on week days

is at

> the end of Ghatikas 18, 14, 10, 6, 2, 26 and 22; of Ardhaprahara

at the

> end of Ghatikas 14, 10, 6, 2, 26, 22 and 18.


> Sloka 4 : The position of Kala on the weekdays counting from Sunday

> onwards is at the end of Ghatikas 2, 26, 22, 18, 14, 10 and 6

> respectively during day time. These figures have, as already

stated for

> Mandi, to be proportionately altered and their exact positions


> as in the case of the Lagna.


> Sloka 5 : The position of Dhuma is found by adding 4 signs, 13° 20'

> to the figures for the Sun. If you subtract Dhuma from 12 signs,


> result will indicate the figures for Vyatipata. This increased by


> signs becomes Parivesha or Paridbi. When Parivesha again is


> from 12 signs, we get Indra chapa. Add to this 16° 40'; Kethu is

> obtained. Ketu increased by one sign will give the figures for the



> Sloka 6 : In the Adhyaya on 'Bhavas' the effects of these have


> been described in a collective manner. It is only the effects on


> Bhavas of those, that have been left out there, which are to be

> described here definitely in detail.


> Sloka 7 : Nevertheless, some special effect or Gulika and other

> Upagrahas which have been declared by ancient authors are here

> enumerated by me in a condensed form.


> Sloka 8 : If Gulika be posited in the Lagna, the person concerned


> be a thief, cruel, devoid of modesty, ignorant of Vedas and


> will not be very stout; will have a deformed eye, wm not be very

> intelligent, nor will have many children. Me will eat much, will be

> devoid of happiness, will be lustful and depraved, will not be long

> lived, will not be brave, will be stupid and of an irritable



> Sloka 9 : If Gulika be in the 2nd Bhava, the person born will not


> in a pleasing manner, will be quarrelsome, will posses no wealth

or corn

> and will live abroad. He will not be true to his word, nor will he


> able to intelligently take part in any discussion.


> Sloka 10 : When Gulika is in the 3rd house, the person born will be

> distinguished by aloofness, pride, drunkenness and such other


> will display an abundance of ill-temper and ostentation in the

> acquisition of wealth, will be exempt from distress and fear and

will be

> without brothers or sisters.


> Sloka 11 : When Gulika is in the 4th Bhava, the person born will be

> devoid of relations, vehicles and wealth; when Gulika is in the 5th

> Bhava the person born will be tickle-minded and badly disposed. He


> be short-lived. When Gulika is in the 6th house, the person born


> destroy hosts of foes, will dabble in demonology, will possess a


> good son and will be brave.


> Sloka I2 : When Gulika occupies the 7th Bhava, the person born

will be

> quarrelsome, will be the husband of many wives, will prove a public

> enemy, win be ungrateful, will know only a little and will be a


> bit angry.


> Sloka I3 : When Gulika is in the 8th Bhava, the person born will be

> deformed in his face with weak and impaired eyes and will have a

> dwarfish body (will be short in stature). When Gulika is in the 9th

> Bhava, he will be deserted by his elders and his children: When


> is in the 10th Bhava, the person will abandon all religious duties


> observances producing good effects, and will not be disposed to


> anything to others. When Gulika is in the 11th Bhava, the person


> will have happiness, children, intelligence, power and beauty.


> Sloka 14 : When Gulika is in the 12th Bhava the person concerned


> not have any liking for sexual pleasures, will be poor, and will

have a

> heavy expenditure. The Janmalagna or Rasi of the native will be a


> that is triangular to that occupied by Gulika or the Navamsa


> with the one occupied by Mandi.


> Sloka 15 : If Gulika be associated with the Sun, the person born


> kill his father; if with the Moon, the person born will cause


> to his mother; if with Mars, he will lose his brother; and if with

> Mercury, he will be insane.


> Sloka 16 : If Gulika be associated with Jupiter, he will be a

> blasphemous heretic; if with Venus, the person born will be in the

> company of low and base women; and if with Saturn, he will be


> with leprosy, and will be short-lived.


> Sloka 17 : When Gulika is associated with Rahu, the person


> will suffer from a poisonous disease; if with Ketu, he will


> fire accident If GuIika's time on any weekday be synchronous with


> Tyajyakala on that day, the person born then, though a king will


> a beggar.


> Sloka 18 : Wherever Gulika is in conjunction, in all those, evil

has to

> be predicted. Wherever Yamakantaka is associated, good has to be

> expected.


> Sloka 19 : While Gulika is very powerful in causing evil,

Yamakantaka is

> powerful in causing good, All the other Upagrahas possess only

half the

> power that Mandi has in causing evil.


> Sloka 20 : In producing effects, Gulika is similar to Saturn;

> Yamakantaka is like Jupiter; Ardhaprahara is like Mercury and Kala


> like Rahu.


> Sloka 21 : Kala's effects will be similar to those of Rahu, while

> Gulika's will bring on death. The effects of Yamakantaka will be

of an

> enlivening nature that is will produce good results. Ardhaprahara


> cause good effects if posited in a house with many benefic dots

and bad,

> if in an untoward Bhava.


> Sloka 22 : If the Lagna and other houses along with their lords be

> associated with Dhuma and other Upagrahas these houses attain their

> destruction; so says Parasara.


> Sloka 23 : When there is Dhuma, there will always be trouble from


> and danger from fire and mental anguish. When Vyatipata is thus

> situated, there is danger from horned animals or death through

> quadrupeds.


> Sloka 24 : When there is Parvesha or Paridhi, the native will feel

> afraid of water, will suffer from watery diseases and also have to

> endore imprisonment. When there is lndra Chapa or Kodanda, the


> will be hit by a stone, will be wounded by weapons or will suffer

> degradation.


> Sloka 25 : When there is Ketu (or Upaketu), the native will have a


> a fall, etc., suffer loss in his business, and there will be peril


> thunder. The above effects win occur during the Dasa period of the

> planet owning the house wherein the Upagraha is posited.


> Sloka 26 : If Upaketu should occupy any of the 12 houses from Lagna

> onwards, the effects will respectively be (1) short life, (2) ugly


> (3) courage, (4) misery, (5) loss of children, (6) perturbation of


> mind through enemies, (7) decay of vital power, (8) ending one's

life by

> following bad ways, (9) holding views quite antagonistic to


> conduct, (10) inclination towards wandering, (11) gain and (12)

> committing faults.


> Sloka 27 : The five Upagrahas, Dhuma, etc., traverse the sky


> being seen. If at any time they are visible any where, they


> something evil to the world.


> Sloka 28 : Some say that Dhuma is of the shape of fume clouds,


> others opine that it is a star with a tail (comet). Vyatipata is


> the fall of a met or; and Parvesha is a halo or disk round the Sun


> the Moon.


> Sloka 29 : Indra Ch pa or lndra Dhanus or Kodanda is the famous


> that is generally seen in the sky during the ad vent of rain. Ketu


> Dhumaketu and causes calamity to the world.


> Sloka 30 : If the lord of the house occupied by Gulika be

possessed of

> strength and be posited in a Kendra, a Trikona, his own, his


> or a friendly house, the person born will own chariots, elephants


> horses, will be as beautiful as Cupid; will be highly respected and

> widely renowned; and he will rule the entire world.


> Thus ends the 25th Adhyaya on " Upagrahas " in the work

> Phaladeepika, composed by Mantreswara




> Now interested parties can apply on known charts




> I was searching for prashna maarga for more direction .But to

write in

> whole in grp will take lot of space and time ,but it has deal with


> details .I will come up with more details in future .




> regrds sunil nair


> om shreem mahalaxmai namah









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Hare rama krishna

dear vijay ji


Thnks for the mail and also pointers mentioned in sarajits site and he is also memebr of our forum and i dont know he may be busy .


thanks u once again


regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah


, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha wrote:>> Dear Renuji,> > First of all I would like to thank sunil ji to have written a wonderful note on upagrahas.> > Renuji, have you checked for the exception, i.e., lagna lord in kona, kendra, exaltation, own house, etc. Also, I doesnt necessarily mean that all the characteristics mentioned for gulika in lagna should come true. Depending on the other planetary influences only some may be true. For example, the native maybe just ignorant of vedas and shastras and not very intelligent, but may be having many children if 5th lord is good. Also, Sarajit Poddar of SJC claims that BHPS says that there is 100% effect of upagrahas in the dasa and antar of the planet it joins, 50 % in the period of the house lord that it occupies and 75 % during the period of the planet which is opposite to the upagraha. He has written a very detailed article including the relevant verses, detailed calculations, effects of all upagrahas, and some interesting examples too. > > Regards,> Vijay.> > renunw renunw wrote: Deaer Sunil ji,> > "If Gulika be posited in the Lagna, the person concerned will be a > thief, cruel, devoid of modesty, ignorant of Vedas and Sastras, will > not be very stout; will have a deformed eye, wm not be very > intelligent, nor will have many children. Me will eat much, will be > devoid of happiness, will be lustful and depraved, will not be long > lived, will not be brave, will be stupid and of an irritable nature."> > The above indications are not shown in the chart of a female native, > known to me. Neither can I comment on the number of children as she > is not married yet nor can I comment on her longevity as she is > still young. But none of the other indications are her > characterisitics etc.> > Also since all the other planets give their results during the > major/sub periods of that particular planet, when would Upa Grahas > give their results as they are not given any dasa period in a > native's life?> > blessings> > Renu>

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Dear Vijay ji,


Thanks for you response. Yes, I have checked for the exceptions and

that too does not give a bright picture. Her LL, [Gemini Lagna]

Mercury is in 12H. But Gulika is in Jupiter's nakshastra. This may

act as an exception to the general rule.


Of course the native is not familiar with Veda since she is a

Buddhist. But she is a good Buddhist and has average intelligence

with a reasonably good education. What I mean here is, that religion

cannot be an obstacle in applying these dictums to horoscopes since

irrespective of the religion one observes, each and everyone will be

governed by one common universal law :)


Anyway I do not know what lies ahead for her....certain things may

come true or may not...


" Also, Sarajit Poddar of SJC claims that BHPS says that there is

100% effect of upagrahas in the dasa and antar of the planet it

joins, 50 % in the period of the house lord that it occupies and 75

% during the period of the planet which is opposite to the upagraha. "


Accordingly if no planet joins upagrahas 100% effect will not

activate. If no planet is opposite it, 75% effect will not activate.

The only thing one can be sure of is 50% effect during the period of

the house lord occupied by upagraha. If so am I to conclude that it

is better if upagraha is placed alone and not aspected by another

planet, if the effect of Upagraha is supposed to give negative











, Vijayanarasimha H

Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha wrote:


> Dear Renuji,


> First of all I would like to thank sunil ji to have written a

wonderful note on upagrahas.


> Renuji, have you checked for the exception, i.e., lagna lord in

kona, kendra, exaltation, own house, etc. Also, I doesnt necessarily

mean that all the characteristics mentioned for gulika in lagna

should come true. Depending on the other planetary influences only

some may be true. For example, the native maybe just ignorant of

vedas and shastras and not very intelligent, but may be having many

children if 5th lord is good. Also, Sarajit Poddar of SJC claims

that BHPS says that there is 100% effect of upagrahas in the dasa

and antar of the planet it joins, 50 % in the period of the house

lord that it occupies and 75 % during the period of the planet which

is opposite to the upagraha. He has written a very detailed article

including the relevant verses, detailed calculations, effects of all

upagrahas, and some interesting examples too.


> Regards,

> Vijay.

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Dear Sunil ji,


1.Are Gulika and Mandi same are different.

2. What is the Kerla method to calculate Gulika and Mandi.

I shall be grateful for your reply.




Ph: 09350311433


NEW DELHI-110 076


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Hare rama krishna

dear goel ji

I am re producing my old post in some other grp

Astrology is a branch of study of space and time withindiviadual or national charts or purticular events based on movment ofcelestial bodies at a given point of time.This moving planets cause someeffect individualy and collectively and some times influencing somepoints in chart.,and its derived by rishis or savants of yore and theyhav calculated some points of influence which can be calculatedmathematicaly and called each sons of nava grahas,If u can remember thechaya grahas like rahu and ketu also doesnot hav physical body and itsmathematical points.The following r the 9 major sensitive points.The following r grahas and their upagrahas (or called sons of thisgrahas)1)sun-kaala 2)moon--paridhi 3)mars--dhooma 4)mercury-ardhaprahara5)jupiter-yamakanda 6)venus-kodanta(chapa) 7)rahu---patha8)ketu-upaketu 9)sani---gulikathere r other sensitive points also dhooma,vyathipatha,parivesha,indrachapa,and ketu (differrent from other ketu)known as tertiary planets or aprakashita grhas.so gulika is considered like son of sani like mandi(son of manda) alsoand most of the gr8 authors like parasara ,varahmihira,kaalidasa,mandawya has discussed it ,though many of the translations rnot available in details or in hiding with parampara.(gupt)gulika is mostly used in kerala astrology for jataka ,prashna ,devaprashna or muhurta.and also used in various calculations .for deciding death or badhakaorblack magik or even pisacha badhasome equated with 8th house significations like 64th navamsa lord or22nd drekkana lord or 8th lord itself if gulika is sitting without anysaving grace.even some employ special dasa called gulika dasa.also in ashtamangala prashna(very comprehensiv and elaborate prashnadone in joint families and royal families where they r 200 0r moremembers) and deva prashna (temple prashna --for seeing wish of god,normaly conducted every 12th years or wenever find any un happyincidents).They arrive thrishputa,chatursphuta,panchasputa,deha sputa,mrityusphuta,sookshma trisputa,mrityu chakra etc to delinate results.Some acharyas of the opinion that this gulika and mandi r same .Generaly gulika (actualy meaning is - a small tablet in malayalamlaungauge-remeber homeo medicinal tablet) is considered very bad andsometimes equal to death to the signifiactions to the lords he sit withor he influence tru various ways,if sitting badly.Even in rectifications of birth charts ,the old pandits in kerala useit as they say without knowledge of gulika a delivery cannot happen .Itrises 2 times in a day ,one at day time and one at nite time .hope these information helps u.


And 2nd part


respested xxxxxYes total is 4 ghatikas (nadika in malyalm --equalto 24 minits).It will increase or decrease according to dinamana (dat time ) or ratrimana (nite time ) and take proportaionate time .Since mathematical part ,now a days i am not using as ,i referearleir .customers wants as if answers from a vending machine and nowlot of progrmmes and panchangas availble .Only those who take appt andcomes at proper time some times i use it and almost loosing itsapplications.And also they dont hav time even if we r ready to spend .yes ending part is 1/4 ghatikas will not be the influence as nextkaala lord comes into actions .There is 2 kind of calculations one for gulikodaya and another for gulikkaala like our familiar rahu kaalahope it clears .


3rd POst


> >> > respected ranjan da,> >> > namaskars and pranams,> >> > My gurupadesam is last part of sani which will be correspond to> 1/4> > ghatikas earlier,has a span of almost 96 minitsand depending on dina> > mana or ratri mana, and take gulika and mandi as one ,and its> followed> > by most of the traditions of kerala astrology.> >> > Though parasara,muhurtha chintha mani and all is said that> the> > 8th division is nireesa (no lord) prashna marga attributes it to> rahu.so> > end portion of sani is taken and sannyamso gulika: smrita:And> seperate> > calculation is for day and nite.Now a days no customers are> allowing to> > go for details and softwares r available and subtle calculations are> > ignored like other deriving sphutas and applications and chakras .> >> > Even though 2 seperate calculations for mandi and gulika is> > available,when ennumerating results these differrence disappears .> >> > sri sanjayji has a differrent opinion and he use each seperately> and> > derive results of karma phala or from satru dosh (from others> > )depending on gulika or maandi.--------------------------


I will write more on kerala gulika methods


this is just some info ,in kerala we use gulika and mandi as same ( also in andra and most of south indian states ) the calculation in done in nadikas and u must know gulika rising periods and its fixed as cerian nadika in day and nite according day of week ,so

if u take corressponding appropriate nadika u can see gulika in which rasi even without doing much maths --for degree and all that u hav to advance with rasi man from gulika man and see which degree it falls


i will write more later


regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah







, Gopal Goel <gkgoel1937 wrote:>> Dear Sunil ji,> I HAVE TWO QUERIES ON UPGRAHAS:> 1.Are Gulika and Mandi same are different.> 2. What is the Kerla method to calculate Gulika and Mandi.> I shall be grateful for your reply.> Regards,> > G.K.GOEL> Ph: 09350311433> Add: L-409, SARITA VIHAR> NEW DELHI-110 076> INDIA>

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Dear Members,Here is the chart of a person who got a job in Rahu MD and Moon antardasha. Rahu, Moon are in 10th along with Mandi and Gulika. The good effect of these upagarahas are clearly seen in the dasha and antardasha of the planets cojoining them. DOB: 12-july-1978TOB:17.14POB: Gorakhpur, India (83E22, 26N45).Regards,Vijay.renunw <renunw wrote: Dear Vijay ji, Thanks for you response. Yes, I have checked for the exceptions and that too does not give a bright picture. Her LL, [Gemini

Lagna] Mercury is in 12H. But Gulika is in Jupiter's nakshastra. This may act as an exception to the general rule. Of course the native is not familiar with Veda since she is a Buddhist. But she is a good Buddhist and has average intelligence with a reasonably good education. What I mean here is, that religion cannot be an obstacle in applying these dictums to horoscopes since irrespective of the religion one observes, each and everyone will be governed by one common universal law :) Anyway I do not know what lies ahead for her....certain things may come true or may not... "Also, Sarajit Poddar of SJC claims that BHPS says that there is 100% effect of upagrahas in the dasa and antar of the planet it joins, 50 % in the period of the house lord that it occupies and 75 % during the period of the planet which is opposite to the upagraha." Accordingly if no planet joins upagrahas 100%

effect will not activate. If no planet is opposite it, 75% effect will not activate. The only thing one can be sure of is 50% effect during the period of the house lord occupied by upagraha. If so am I to conclude that it is better if upagraha is placed alone and not aspected by another planet, if the effect of Upagraha is supposed to give negative results? blessings Renu , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha wrote: > > Dear Renuji, > > First of all I would like to thank sunil ji to have written a wonderful note on upagrahas. > > Renuji, have you checked for the exception, i.e., lagna lord in kona, kendra, exaltation, own house, etc. Also, I doesnt necessarily mean that all the characteristics mentioned for

gulika in lagna should come true. Depending on the other planetary influences only some may be true. For example, the native maybe just ignorant of vedas and shastras and not very intelligent, but may be having many children if 5th lord is good. Also, Sarajit Poddar of SJC claims that BHPS says that there is 100% effect of upagrahas in the dasa and antar of the planet it joins, 50 % in the period of the house lord that it occupies and 75 % during the period of the planet which is opposite to the upagraha. He has written a very detailed article including the relevant verses, detailed calculations, effects of all upagrahas, and some interesting examples too. > > Regards, > Vijay.

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Hare rama krishna


dear vijay ji .




Thanks for the chart . His gulik is in 10th house with rahu and moon

>we hav to see moon is in parivartan with merc in 8th .Otherwise also

Moon is 8th lord .




so this may be the reason .{Moon in 14 degree 47 and gulika in 19

degrees 16 ( not as per j hora ),since he born on wednesday gulika rises

at 18 gatika s )]



Also both moon and rahu is in pushkar amsa .




Now to finsh his moon period will b finshed in 23rd Nov 2008 ( so we hav

to watch till this period ovr)




Moon also 64th navamsa and 22nd drekkana Lord from lagna also he born

in Moon dasa ,How was his moon period which end after almost 4 yrs ,tho

he was so small .Can we get any feed back on it .




How was his sani trnsit period while transiting in 8th frm lagna




regrds sunil nair


om shreem mahalaxmai namah





, Vijayanarasimha H Pakka

<hpvijaynarasimha wrote:


> Dear Members,


> Here is the chart of a person who got a job in Rahu MD and Moon

antardasha. Rahu, Moon are in 10th along with Mandi and Gulika. The good

effect of these upagarahas are clearly seen in the dasha and antardasha

of the planets cojoining them.


> DOB: 12-july-1978

> TOB:17.14

> POB: Gorakhpur, India (83E22, 26N45).


> Regards,

> Vijay.


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Dear Suniji,With regard to the chart I had provided to you for study of effect of upagrahas, the native has kindly agreed to share his personal information for our use. Below I am posting the same: "Moon dasa was in childhood and health wise i had only very normal problems for few times not more than this. In Mars dasa i was doing very good in education and achieving distinctions in highly reputed schools. Health wise no problem. Starting of Rahu Dasa gave me mixed results. In Rahu/ Jupiter i did my 10th and 12th with very high marks and 1st and 2nd rank in district colleges. Rahu/Saturn was a bad period for me with respect to education. Rahu/ Mercury again i excelled in education. Rahu/Ketu was okay. Rahu/Venus I completed my Masters in Electronics and got first job but it was very low paying. July 2005 i left this job and joined new job in Jan 2006 but i was not satisfied with this job too and left this job in May 2006. After that i had to struggle a lot for job. I did some training and in July 2007 i got very good job but on contract basis and in Dec 2007 i got permanent job in Software Industry. Ashtama Shani was vey bad job wise, love affair wise but no health issue. Even Rahu/Sun i could not get job while Sun is involved in multiple Rajya Yoga."Basically, the native, even though having good education suffered to get jobs. I believe he has mental tensions with respect to job because of Moon involved with

rahu. Rahu signifying change has resulted in him changing jobs/places during the rahu dasha. Also, as 10th lord and moon are involved in parivartana, moon being in 8th now signifies him having mental tensions, also mercury in 10th in exaltation seems good for the native. After Dec 2007, though Jupiter is in 4th house in transit, jupiter in own house has given him some respite and has provided him with good job. But, I believe he got job (not other good things like marriage, etc) during this Rahu-Moon period because of these upagrahas mandi and gulika in 10th along with moon. Its obvious to note that he has suffered when Jupiter was in 3rd house in transit (between mid 2006 to mid 2007).Regards,Vijay.sunil nair <astro_tellerkerala wrote: Hare rama krishna dear vijay ji . Thanks for the chart . His gulik is in 10th house with rahu and moon >we hav to see moon is in parivartan with merc in 8th .Otherwise also Moon is 8th lord . so this may be the reason .{Moon in 14 degree 47 and gulika in 19 degrees 16 ( not as per j hora ),since he born on wednesday gulika rises at 18 gatika s )] Also both moon and rahu is in pushkar amsa . Now to finsh his moon period will b finshed in 23rd Nov 2008 ( so we hav to watch till this period ovr) Moon also 64th navamsa and 22nd drekkana Lord from lagna also he born in Moon dasa ,How was his moon period which end after almost 4 yrs ,tho he was

so small .Can we get any feed back on it . How was his sani trnsit period while transiting in 8th frm lagna regrds sunil nair om shreem mahalaxmai namah , Vijayanarasimha H Pakka <hpvijaynarasimha wrote: > > Dear Members, > > Here is the chart of a person who got a job in Rahu MD and Moon antardasha. Rahu, Moon are in 10th along with Mandi and Gulika. The good effect of these upagarahas are clearly seen in the dasha and antardasha of the planets cojoining them. > > DOB: 12-july-1978 > TOB:17.14 > POB: Gorakhpur, India (83E22, 26N45). > > Regards, > Vijay. >

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