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where went wrong -scientific community ???

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Hare rama krishna

Dear group ,


Just discussing some News and astrology and so called government spending on weather forecast .


Recently there was heavy down pour of unexpected summer rain and it was attributed to some pressure in climate at sea ,what ever it is the wrong prediction or lack of correct scientific decoding of datas resulted to damage harvest in kerala and the rain has destroyed all rice crops in some down lying areas and there is an estimated cost of 150 crores of ruppees lost ,other wise also farming community in india is sufferring due to bad governemnt policies .if u got market all commoditties are highly priced and where as farmers are in continous debt and under the cloud of killing them selves .


But in kerala majority of the farmers are doing cash intensiv crops like rubber ,tea ,coffee ,spices etc .where as very few are into food crops ,and state is depending on food frm neighboring states ,


so Now in the lite of unexpected Rain fall and apparent fail of met office in delhi or kerala who cannot pre warn it and if it was an astrologers prediction gone wrong ,imagine what will be the scenario ,where as Governemnt is spending 1000s of crores of rupees on this deptment and no promotion or support to astrology wher as old kingdoms very successfully used their palce astrologers to meet in case of any calamity .

even just introducing some astrological cource in university level is also seen as some spreading of blind blf and religious fanatism .How we can call some one scientific without testing a result on 100s of cases judiciously


In this context we should also think abt last Tsunami and now goveremnt after 100s of crores of rupees tsunami warning signals .Which can pre warn u Tsunami may be 2 hrs before ,and what is the use .can we evacuvate the ppl or warn those who r in sea ??or do any thing ? no one interested as commissions involved in such purchases is very attractiv >and media will promote who will giv them money as atleast good advtsments .


just a recent thought ,which i could able to write now only as i was busy .

No one to promote the mundane astrology and now personal chart reading also going to b in hands of few enthusiasts who may strt their learning frm 30s 0r 40s ( and many those who came has some personal disaster to turn into astro --so i would jokingly say india s future of astrology is based on some personal disaster ) .where as this like any discipline we need to train future astrologers from childhood itself .But lack of recognition and support and future prospects who will send their kids or do we think any kid will hav any ambition to become astrologer .

so many of the this late entrants ( i am not against any one and also welcomes every body ) will run here and their and fianly either leaves astro or end up in some camps .

Other wise we will end up floating lot of neo theorys and justifying each others and forming grps and blaming each schools .


regrds sunil nair

om shreem mahalaxmai namah .

ps--i hope i convey the idea .pls bear with my language .


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Dear Sreeramji, Sunilji and other members,

In the past you have mentioned your lack of interest/ experience in mundane astrology as the reason for not discussing it in this group. Sreeramji had, while commenting on the various gyrations of the Indian stock market had said that there is going to be change in MD of the country from Sukra to Surya.

Since few in this phorum "claim" to know the panchang variety of Mundane astrology, we can probably discuss the individual charts of a collective like countries.


Thanks & Regards.


Chiranjiv Mehta. ---

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